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How Shaklee Improves The Health Of People And Planet One Product – And Tree – At A Time

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How Shaklee Improves the Health of People and Planet One Product – and Tree – at a Time

Many CEOs come to the idea of philanthropy and “giving back” late in their careers, once their work has served them well as the means by which to attain their desired end: achieving financial success. Roger Barnett , however, has always seen financial success as the means, not the end. He chose to go into business, he says, so he could “create some wealth, and then use wealth to make an impact.” Barnett, CEO of health and wellness brand Shaklee , attributes this to the influence of his mother, Helaine M. Barnett, now in her 57th year as a public interest lawyer. His mother who had leadership roles in New York City’s largest legal aid organization and the federal Legal Services Corporation (of which she was the longest-serving president) helped shape his worldview and his desire to bring about positive change in the world.

On a mission

At 35, after working as an investment banker, a global financier, and founder and CEO of, Barnett had achieved a level of success that would enable him to put into motion his plan to buy a company and harness “business as a force for change.” He took his time to find the perfect fit for him, looking at thousands of companies in a variety of industries.

In focusing more narrowly on finding an industry with considerable potential for long-term growth and the ability to make an impact, he settled on health and wellness—health from a preventive, not remedial, standpoint. This made sense to Barnett on two levels. Intuitively, he says, he felt that he’d rather spend his time helping people stay healthy. And “from a macroeconomic standpoint, the whole Western healthcare system is based on ‘Wait till you get sick.’”

Barnett set out on a search for what he calls “the leading prevention wellness company in the world.” It took five years for him to land on the natural nutrition company Shaklee, a pioneer in the model of social commerce that is also at the forefront of businesses working to combat climate change. Shaklee sells natural nutrition, personal care, and eco-friendly home care products via its 2 million distributors in Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, China, and the US. It was also the first company in the world to fully offset its carbon emissions, becoming Climate Neutral Certified in 2000.

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Barnett says he chose Shaklee because it was the first time he’d seen a company “where the very money-making activity of the business is all the things that I would want to do with my philanthropy. It’s inherently a public good, and that was my a-ha moment.” And while the company had long employed a direct sales model in which distributors purchased their own inventory and then re-sold it, when Barnett took over, he changed the structure so that products ship directly from Shaklee. He says he wanted his team to be able to focus on being “wellness advocates” and supporting their customers in their health journey, not keeping track of inventory and shipping packages.

Earth firsts

Shaklee was founded in 1956 by Oakland, California, chiropractor Forrest Shaklee, who invented the first multivitamin in the US. In fact, before Barnett took the helm, the company already had many impressive firsts. It created the world’s first plant-based protein shake. It developed the concept of super concentration for its biodegradable cleaning products and was the first company in the world to take phosphates out of laundry detergent.

When Barnett bought the company in 2004, he sought to strengthen its commitment to sustainability and progress on climate. He joined the EPA Climate Leaders program and in 2007 Shaklee became the first consumer products company to offset 100 percent of its carbon emissions and use 100 percent green power.

Further exciting innovation came in the form of a partnership with Kenyan biologist Wangari Maathai, the first person to win the Nobel Peace Prize for environmental work. Maathai had started a grassroots tree-planting campaign for women that grew into the Green Belt Movement, which planted over 30 million trees across Africa. She challenged the Shaklee workforce to do the same, and the “A Million Trees, A Million Dreams” campaign was born, which led to members of the worldwide Shaklee team physically planting one million trees over two and a half years. This in turn inspired a United Nations campaign in which first one billion and then another five billion trees were planted by member countries.

After this, Barnett told the Shaklee family, “Because you planted one tree, there’s now six billion trees that have been planted around the world.” The lesson, he emphasized, is that “if we all do our little bit, the cumulative impact is great.” And this real impact, he says, equals success.

Uplevelling impact

Another way the company is making an impact is through its nonprofit, Shaklee Cares, which provides direct support to families in need, demonstrating not only the company’s commitment to doing good, but to involving its workforce in that process. “With everything that we do,” says Barnett, “we want to engage the entire Shaklee community. Because that’s where we get the maximum impact.”

Shaklee Cares was started in 1992 to assist its customers who were victims of Hurricane Andrew and has since developed into something of a general emergency relief fund that has made grants of more than $650,000 in support of 150,000 families. Barnett says that it is often a Shaklee ambassador who helps their customers apply for the funds, or who applies on their behalf. “So, if they say they need it to buy an emergency generator,” says Barnett, or “to get food for their family, we give it to them. And we have somebody who knows them, which is like a voucher for them, essentially.”

On the 25th anniversary of Shaklee Cares, Barnett says, he wanted to “rally people around the future,” which to him meant two things: “kids and the planet.” To do this, the nonprofit began partnering with two organizations. Through donations of prenatal and children’s vitamins and other nutrition products to Vitamin Angels , Shaklee Cares works to build healthier futures for children in need. And via its partnership with American Forests to plant one tree for every Get Clean® Starter Kit of sustainable household products that Shaklee sells, it has helped plant approximately 76,000 trees so far.

Purpose means people

The work of Shaklee Cares shows the power of co-creation, community, and collaboration, and why it’s so important to Lead With We . By engaging members of the Shaklee team in work and actions that are meaningful to them, the company builds loyalty. Barnett reports that 84 percent of Shaklee’s product ambassadors have been with the company for more than five years. The types of activities, commitments, and ideals demonstrated by Shaklee, he says, help attract people who want to work for a purpose-driven company. And by showing up to support its community, Shaklee has also built a very loyal customer base. Twenty-five percent of its sales come from customers who have been with the company for more than 30 years. “And the beautiful thing is,” he says, “the more purpose-driven we are, the more successful we are as a business.”

Of course, allowing a powerful purpose driver to stimulate business growth is not the same thing as really doing good for people and the planet. But Shaklee is an example of a business that is truly living and breathing its values.

“Our purpose and mission are to bring true wellness to the world,” Barnett says, “and we define true wellness as physical health, financial health, emotional health, and the health of our planet … you cannot be healthy if you don’t have all of those elements.”

If you’d like to dive deeper with more purpose-led companies like Shaklee, check out the Lead with We podcast here , so that you too can build a company that transforms consumer behavior and our future.

Simon Mainwaring

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What is Shaklee Business Opportunity? (CAN YOU MAKE MONEY?)

Another health and wellness company! But this one’s different. The NASA Commander Mark Kelly on the Endeavour, 2011, consumed Shaklee’s supplements for a year. If you’re wondering what Shaklee’s business opportunity is about, you definitely need to read this.

Just knowing famous people like Mark and some of the world’s best athletes won medals were driven not only by their sheer determination but also from Shaklee products is pretty cool.

Isn’t this convincing enough you too could be successful by joining forces into their business opportunity?

In this review, I’ll reveal whether the products really work or not, whether you can make a sustainable long-term income, their pros and cons, and more.

Just so you know, I am not in any associated with Shaklee. I have done hundreds of product researches and written reviews on them in hopes of helping you make informed decisions.

I am also familiar with MLM having participated in health and wellness, candles, and skincare companies.

Let’s begin…

 Shaklee Review Summary


Founder: (1956) Forrest C Shaklee

Product Type: Health, Wellness and Personal Care MLM Company

Price: Free, and up to $150 on memberships

Best For:  People who enjoy socializing and not afraid to do face to face sales and presentations

Summary:  Shaklee is a legitimate MLM company that does manufacturing and is a distributor of their weight loss, nutritional, and eco-friendly products. People who joined early years ago in the business opportunity are doing well but if you’re just starting, it’s tough to make a sustainable long-term income because there are lots of competitors in their market. 

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

Is Shaklee Recommended?  No

A Better Way - CLICK HERE For My #1 Recommendation. It's FREE to Join!

Table of Contents

What Is Shaklee

Shaklee is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company founded in 1956 by Forrest C. Shaklee.

As a public company (Pleasanton, California) it got its start in manufacturing nutritional supplements and then in 1960, it started promoting its organically biodegradable cleaning products.

Like the MLM business model, the Shaklee does 2 things:

  • They sell their nutritional supplements, weight loss, beauty, and household products.
  • They offer people their MLM business opportunity.

Currently, Shaklee is also located in other countries like:

They had an operation in Mexico (26 years) but they finally closed the doors on November 30, 2018.

Inside Shaklee – The Products

Shaklee products

Can any of Shaklee’s wide range of products help our human issues from weight loss to anti-ageing? Let’s find out…

The Shaklee products consist of 5 categories:

  • Nutrition – multi-vitamins, prenatal, protein shakes, products that target the heart, blood sugar levels, anti-ageing products, bones and join, cleanses and detox and much more.
  • Healthy Weight – weight loss kits, shakes, bars and snacks, tea, and metabolic boosts
  • Beauty – anti-ageing products, moisturizers, makeup, skincare for babies
  • Sports – performance paks, body recovery and muscle repairs, energizers, and electrolyte drinks
  • Green Home – household cleaning products for dishes, laundry, all-purpose cleaning, water filtrations, and commercial, and clean air source products

Do Shaklee Products Work?

I’ll start by saying that Shaklee has 71 patents and patents-pending backed by scientific documents numbering well over 100 and so that’s quite impressive.

I also want to let you know I don’t consume any of their products. I workout 4 days a week at a local Bootcamp (no, not boasting either).

Recently, I went thru bone density and cholesterol tests, my first-time and I’m no “spring chicken”. I have a clean bill of health.  The only thing I take is my B100 Complex, Omega 3 & CoQ10, Calcium with Vitamin D3, protein powder without sucralose. A lot of healthy foods, lots of broccoli, kale, oranges, and blueberries.

Anyway, because I don’t use Shaklee products, I did my research…

To see if Shaklee products really work, let’s take a look at what some consumers are saying about the products:

During my research, I noticed people were also purchasing Shaklee products on Amazon and you can CLICK HERE to see what they’re saying. For example, the Shaklee Vita-Lea Gold w/Vitamin K  has an impressive 4.7 stars out of 5. It has a total of 45 reviews on it with 41 being positive.

More on Amazon:

Shaklee Herb Lax receives 5 stars with 36 reviews

Shaklee Nutriferon receives 5 stars with 4 reviews

Shaklee Gentle Sleep Complex receives 3 stars with 8 reviews

BBB A Plus Rating

Everyone’s body is different in achieving results so if you’re interested in these products then it’s up to you to try them or not.

There are people who can experience side effects on certain Shaklee products. For instance, people who are on heart medications or have diabetic issues should be aware of unusual feelings. Shaklee is very similar to Isagenix weight-loss products that are high in sugar.

The Shaklee 180 has a lot of sugar in their shakes along with their soy protein which by the way does have some potentially harmful effects and so in my opinion, you’re better off eating healthy whole foods.

According to Diets In Review , you can see some of the people who gave reviews after using the Shaklee 180…

Customer opinions of Shaklee 180

The problem with the Shaklee 180 is it has natural cane sugar and so not very many people are losing weight. In fact, some people are putting weight on it. There are 20 grams of sugar per 2 shake serving and that’s a lot of sugar in my opinion.

That’s not even counting anything else that might be in your weight loss program.

If you want to lose weight, I suggest staying away from any type of weight-loss product. The best way to lose weight is to exercise, eat proportioned healthy foods and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Trust me, you’ll feel much better and energized.

By the way, weight-loss products are only a temporary solution.

Making Money With Shaklee – The Business Opportunity

Typical to MLM model, Shaklee offers you 2 ways to make money:

  • You purchase the products at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices. The difference is your retail commission.
  • You join into their business opportunity, recruit people into your downline and earn commissions on their sales of products.

However, Shaklee is different from other MLM companies in that they offer you 4 different membership levels:

The 4 membership levels are:

  • Distributor
  • Qualified Distributor

Level 1 Consumer Membership (Free)

Here you’re a consumer and only interested in purchasing Shaklee products at retail prices for your own use.

This membership is FREE and you are not entitled to any commissions or bonuses.

Level 2 Member Membership ($19.95 One-Time Fee Lifetime)

In this membership, you are still a consumer wanting to use the products for your personal use but interested in Shaklee’s preferred pricing. So for this, you’re entitled to the following:

  • Savings as much as 15% to 25% discounts off their suggested retail price
  • New Member Pak
  • Your personalized assessment of your health
  • Shaklee blogs
  • Your own homepage, so you can place your orders in addition, have access to their health and wellness resource library, promos, offers, etc.

Unfortunately, in order to get those discounts, you must have purchased around $130 of products first and you’re not entitled to commissions and bonuses.

Level 3 Distributor Membership ($49.95)

If you’re interested in this level, you should be interested in using the company’s products for your health and wellness experience and excited about making money from their MLM business opportunity as an independent distributor.

You’re told you’re not obligated to purchase any products but I can assure you that if you want to conduct your business in a professional manner, you’re definitely going to want to purchase their kits/paks for your party demonstrations. 

After all, why would anyone buy from you if they can’t see the products? Sure, it’s not impossible to host parties without products to show but it would be extremely difficult for your guests to trust you, even your friends and family want to see them.

In this membership, you get the following:

  • Participation in the company’s Compensation Plan Bonuses
  • Earn additional bonuses from the points earned on product sales
  • Your own personalized online store website for 3 months free 

Recruit people to the Distributor Membership and earn commissions on their product sales

Level 4 Qualified Distributor Membership (previously GOLD Ambassador) ($150)

In this level, you should be serious in your desire to grow your business even further. You should be purchasing products for your health and wellness in order to share your user experiences and provide your interested prospects with your knowledge of the benefits of using Shaklee products.

Some of the benefits here are:

  • Compensation Plan Bonuses
  • Personal Volume Bonus on your group of 4% to 20%
  • Your own personal website for your online store
  • Management tools to help grow your online business internationally
  • Greater discounts like 30% on your suggested retail prices and on other products like the Success Pak on your first calendar month from the time you join
  • Success Bonuses and FastTRACK (a program that gets you moving faster with an opportunity to earn $89,000 of bonuses)

FastTRACK Qualifiers

Shaklee Compensation Plan 

Shaklee’s Compensation Plan is complex which is typical of MLM companies with their own MLM jargon so I decided to put a video here…

Sadly, I was not able to find a more helpful and current video on the plan. 

NOTE: The video was produced in 2013 and Shaklee recently made changes to their memberships. Their GOLD Ambassador membership was replaced with the Qualified Distributor Membership.

The Plan basically gives you 3 ways to make money:

  • Your customers purchase products at retail prices and you earn retail commissions.
  • You recruit people into your downline. You earn commissions when they purchase a membership and sell products.
  • You earn a variety of bonuses when you and your down lines advance in the ranking.

Here’s a PDF that shows what you need to achieve to receive your good rewards… 

Your commissions depend on your membership level and how much you spend on products.

Keep in mind, you have to have a certain amount of PVs (Personal Volume points on each product) each month to stay eligible so this forces you to not only purchase more products but you will certainly want to recruit on a steady basis.

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What I Like About Shaklee

1. Been Around a Long Time

Shaklee has been around in the MLM world for over 60 years. To be honest with you, if it was a scam or a pyramid scheme, the company would have been long gone.

2. Good Resources and Support

Shaklee is quite committed to helping you grow your business and they want to make sure you are an authority on their products.

For instance, they have a fairly new Shaklee University to ensure your business growth.

They also have their First Step Resource Guide which is a step-by-step guide on how to grow your business and helpful scripts for presentations. It shows what you can expect from the person who sponsored you as well as a guide to help your downline.

If you want more detailed information on this Guide, here’s the PDF.  

Lastly, they have their live events, conference calls, training events and more.

3. Eco-Friendly Products

Shaklee is one of the first companies in the world to be certified “Climate Neutral” with its mission of “net-zero impact on earth”.

Even Jacques Cousteau used Shaklee’s environmentally cleaning products on their vessels.

Dr. Shaklee believed in giving everyone “a healthier life for everybody and a better life for everyone”.

Shaklee and NASA have been working together for over 2 decades on products to help astronauts combat fatigue, gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms for a healthy return to earth.

4. Not Pushed to Recruit

I would say at least, 90% of commissions earned are based on products sold. However, even though I said you’re not pushed to recruit, you still want to endlessly recruit after all the more people you have in your downline, more products are sold and you make more commissions and bonuses.

5. Impressive BBB Rating

Shaklee has an A+ rating from BBB. However, there are some negative reviews in regards to products and services which you’ll see coming up next. 

What I Don’t Like About Shaklee

1. AutoShip

AutoShip is pretty much standard with most MLM companies.

It’s a service that automatically ships products to you every month. It’s not mandatory but you get bigger bonuses.

I have a lot of experience with AutoShips and I don’t like it because it’s so easy to build up inventory. This is because it’s important to maintain your ranking status which affects your commissions but there is a lot of peer pressure from higher ups who count on you.

I see this as just benefiting Shaklee.

2. Competitive Market

Health and wellness is a very popular market.

Some large MLM companies you’re going to run into are:

  • Plexus Slim

3. Forever Face to Face Selling and Lots of Presentations

Anytime you’re involved with MLM companies, you can’t get away from face-to-face selling. You will always be presenting your products.

Take a look at the image from the Shaklee Guide…

The Way You Will Spend Your Time

Are you ready to spend 75% of your business having conversations with new people? You’ll be face to face with them.

If you’re not a very sociable person I hope you think twice before you join their Qualified Distributor Membership.

I’m not afraid of work, in fact, I work very hard in my online business doing affiliate marketing BUT I’m not a socializer and I have no desire to do networking at all.

The only thing I had to do was learn how to do online affiliate marketing from the right training platform . I create my own websites (less than 5 minutes) and have people come to my site 24/7 without chasing people.

If you want this, CLICK HERE and see how I make money!

Is Shaklee a Scam, a Pyramid Scheme?

Shaklee is definitely a legitimate MLM company. It is NOT a scam nor is it a pyramid scheme.

As I mentioned before, the company has been around since 1956, that’s over 60 years. It would be shut down by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) if there were any deceitful business actions.

However, I still do not recommend Shaklee!

Shaklee has a lot of competition in the health and wellness market and so I hope you take that into serious consideration before you pay your Qualified Distributor Membership.

The other consideration is after you’ve talked to your family and friends, what do you do when you run out of leads? You can always go with paid ads on social media but that my friend could cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Having said that, if you work hard, you can definitely make money with Shaklee. To be successful with any type of MLM company, you need to be extremely passionate about networking with people.

Want to see how we are making money?

How We Are Making Money Online

By now, you probably already know I’m an affiliate marketer.

That’s because it’s the BEST way to make money online. The affiliate marketing business model is my #1 recommendation.

  • No recruiting
  • No face to face selling
  • Promote any product(s)/services you desire. You’re not stuck with just promoting products from an MLM company.

Meet RD40… CLICK HERE to read his story.

RD40 Officially 1 Six Figure Business 2018

I’m also a member of Wealthy Affiliate and yes, it’s also my #1 recommendation for your online affiliate marketing training platform that teaches you how to make money and generate FREE traffic.

However, like MLM, affiliate marketing is hard work and perseverance. If you’re up to that, click below!

CLICK HERE - Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Thanks for reading my review of Shaklee. I hope I was able to give you helpful information. If you have any questions or comments it would be awesome to hear from you.

If you are a member of Shaklee or an ex-member I would like to hear your thoughts.

Overall Product

Profit opportunity.

  • Good resources and support
  • Eco-friendly products
  • Not pushed to recruit
  • Competitive market
  • Forever face to face selling

12 thoughts on “What is Shaklee Business Opportunity? (CAN YOU MAKE MONEY?)”

Thanks for the very detailed explanation about how the Shaklee Business opportunity. I have checked out various MLM business opportunities and almost all of them require you to relentlessly recruit people and stock up on inventory in order to maintain the level of commission. It seems like Shaklee is not very different either. Although the company is very legit given that they have been around for so long, with good support and great eco-friendly products, at the end of the day you’d still be required to constantly network with people and perhaps “hard sell” to them. Affiliate marketing seems like a better and more sustainable way of making money.

Thank you for your comment.

Yes, sadly Shaklee is another one of those MLM companies. In order to be successful in the business, it’s just a lot of recruiting and once people run out of friends and family members to turn to, it’s all hard sell after that.

Affiliate marketing is the best and most popular way of making sustainable long-term income when you get the right online training like Wealthy Affiliate.

Not true. Costs are listed. Secondly our product line stands alone. Our products are earth friendly. Never do we share a product that has no proven need for. We do extensive clinical studies. We have over one hundred peer reviewed published papers. We don’t test on animals. Our compensation plan is patented. You are never required to stock inventory, not even for Auto Ship. Auto Ship is for products that you will personally consume your self. I can tell you so much more , but to save time if you are interested ,send questions to [email protected] and I will provide answers. We offer ? percent no question asked refunds. In Shaklee you have access to a wealth of sharing and marketing tools Lots of corporate support When you join Shaklee, you are in business for yourself, but you are never in business by your self. See you at the Top Mel

Thank you for your input on my Shaklee review.

Here is my response:

About the costs not revealed:

So my review was published 2019, September 4 … I can honestly say the prices were not published on Shaklee’s site and I see now and so I have updated my review accordingly. Thank you for letting me know! I removed it from my Con section and increased my rating.

‘Secondly, our product line stands alone. Our products are earth-friendly.’ In my Pros #3 – Eco-Friendly Products. It was always there as a PRO.

‘Never do we share a product that has no proven need for. We do extensive clinical studies. We have over one hundred peer-reviewed published papers. We don’t test on animals.’ The responses are from customers who purchased Shaklee products. It comes from their voice. I have no control over what customers say.

‘You are never required to stock inventory, not even for Auto Ship. Auto Ship is for products that you will personally consume yourself.’ :

That is exactly what all MLM companies will tell you… that you should only be buying products for yourself personally (otherwise, they could be up for investigation with the FTC Federal Trade Commission) BUT if network marketers still want to maintain your ranking status, you are still required to purchase a certain amount of products. I’m quite familiar with Autoships and how they work. I also know a few people who have lost a lot of money and ended up with at least a year’s supply of inventory just so they can make some kind of commission… also they are faced with sheer pressure from their higher-ups. The truth of the matter is, all MLM companies make their biggest chunk of revenues on autoships. I did a slight rewording on it but it’s still in my CON section.

Thank you, Mel, I appreciate your comment!

Kind regards, Monica

This is really nice, there is nothing as cool as a legit company where one can make good money without being forced to bring other people in. I love the fact that these products are good and have been tested by other people. The target body areas where these products can be used is really wonderful as well. And sales price is up to you to fix. I would love to inform my friends who are great salespeople to see this opportunity. Beat regards.   

Thanks for your comment.

Shaklee products have been around for years and some people are making money for sure.

That’s great… thank you for sharing to your friends.

Unlike most other MLM companies, Shaklee’s membership pricing seems very okay and cheap too. Though I must say that they have been in the market for quite long and to me, that is credible and they are not too concentrated on the recruitment process. But then, the success rate of MLM working with them is really down to luck and I don’t want to establish my business based on pure luck. Besides, I’m more of an introverted person and as such, personal selling is not my forte at all and I’m sure I’d be woeful at it. Thanks for the review

Hi Shelley,

You’re welcome and thank you for your comment.

I can totally relate to you. I’m rather an introverted person myself and that’s why I didn’t do well at all on the 3 MLM companies I joined several years ago.

Selling products that have been in the market for a while is a really good thing but there can be two problems. One is the problem of competition and the other is that it’s not about how far the product or the company has come, it’s about how far you can go. This is my story with MLM products. 

I’m happy you did this review on Shaklee as I was already thinking of going in seeing their juicy compensation plans but then it’s going to be a no for me. Thank you for a good review.

There is a lot of competition in health and wellness products in the MLM world. It’s also very challenging to get to the top rank… many don’t even get halfway thru the ranks. I’m pleased to hear Shaklee is a no for you.

This is probably the first time anyone is saying there’s hope for anyone with MLM depending on what they can do. 

I’ve been looking around for a good MLM company. It’s the first I’m hearing of Shaklee though and it seems they have a good product. You noted the product having a large amount of sugar, too much for the body. That’s a good pointer that you did and I can see you did a good amount of research on this. Good review too.

Shaklee isn’t the only weight loss MLM company that has lots of sugar in their shakes. It’s hard for members on weight loss program here to really lose weight and it’s also dangerous for people who are diabetic.

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How to join.

Only RM35 to be a Shaklee Independent Distributor

Purchase a minimum 100UV (approximately RM350) worth of Shaklee products to join for FREE


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  • Enjoy Shaklee products at Distributor Price (Save approximately 20%)
  • Get 5-21% bonus on your purchases

LEARN About Your Health!

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  • Contact information, address, phone number, email address, etc
  • Marital status, family details (children and spouse`s details)
  • Photographs given to Shaklee and/or taken at official company functions, etc
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  • Declaration in accordance to Government regulations, etc

Product Sales

  • You will verify and confirm that the product(s) and order qty(s), payment method, delivery method and delivery address selected by you are correct upon order confirmation.
  • Upon order confirmation,you authorize the company to charge your credit/debit card to pay for the said order, if you select credit card as your payment method.
  • You agree to pay a delivery fee of RM10 if your total purchase is less than RM600. You are aware that delivery fee is waived if your total purchase exceeds RM600 or if your order consists of two (2) Vivix.
  • After your order confirmation, you agree that the order submitted online cannot be amended, deleted or exchange with other products.
  • For local / main city – 4 – 5 working days from the day you placed the order online.
  • For outstation & Sabah & Sarawak – 7 – 10 working days from the day you placed the order online.
  • Upon receiving of your order from courier service, you shall check and ensure the product(s) and qty(s) delivered to you are correct as per your order submitted. You shall contact Shaklee’s Customer Service staff within 48 hours if you found any discrepancies. Any discrepancies reported after that will not be attended.
  • Order submitted online is not returnable or exchangeable unless the product(s) delivered to you are not as per the order submitted, having quality issue or not in consumable condition.
  • All Independent Shaklee Distributors are free to sell to anyone who is not a Shaklee Distributor, even if that customer is being supplied by another Shaklee Distributor. However, a Distributor may not sell Shaklee products to Distributors who are sponsored outside his or her group.
  • A Business Leader who sells to one of his or her downline Distributors must always ensure that the UV and PV associated with the transaction are properly transferred to that Distributor in the same month in which the product purchase was made. All UV/PV transfers must be submitted on the UV/PV Transfer Form to Shaklee or perform the UV/PV transfer in this website by the last business day of the month.

Shaklee Guarantee

  • The Shaklee Guarantee is one of the strongest selling points you have. As an Independent Shaklee Distributor, it is your responsibility to honor the Guarantee among consumers of Shaklee products.
  • The reason for the exchange or refund of the product;
  • Item description, quantity, lot number, and size;
  • Monetary value of product returned/exchanged
  • Name, address and telephone number of consumer, and
  • Date of return.
  • As soon as the consumer has signed the exchange/refund receipt, provide him/her with replacement product or refund of the price paid.
  • In submitting the exchange/refund receipt to Shaklee, please indicate the order number, if available, under which the returned product was originally purchased from Shaklee. Shaklee will provide you with replacement product upon receipt of the returned product and the exchange/refund receipt.
  • Shaklee Guarantee does not apply to multiple unit or case quantity inventory returns, or return of products past its expiry date.

Inventory Return and Resignation

  • Distributors in good standing may terminate the Distributor Agreement in writing and withdraw from the Shaklee Malaysia Sales Plan at any time. Any Distributor who is considering this option should first consult his/her upline Sales Leader and Shaklee Customer Service to be fully advised of his/her current rights and obligations regarding resignation.
  • Upon Shaklee's acceptance of the termination of a Distributor, the Distributor must return all properties belonging to Shaklee including, but not limited to, this P&R handbook, and any pins and certificates issued by Shaklee.
  • After Shaklee's acceptance of a Distributor's resignation, Shaklee will buy back inventory held by you at a price equal to 90% of the original purchase price, but may deduct from it amounts paid to you in connection with such transactions, as well as the amount of any decrease in value of the returned goods.
  • Returned products must be in saleable condition (un-saleable products are not accepted), and must have been purchased from Shaklee or upline and within the past sixty (60) days. Prepaid bonuses, as well as unreturned property belonging to Shaklee, will be charged immediately upon the return of the products.
  • Requests to return products must be made within fourteen (14) days of the Distributor's effective date of resignation. Do not return any inventory for refund before Shaklee advises you to do so; Shaklee may provide you with additional instructions. Unless Shaklee advises you otherwise, you must arrange and pay for shipping charges on returned products.

Product Return Policy – Defect Product

  • Quality issue due to manufacturing defects based on specific description ascertained by the Company, OR
  • Product defect due to the negligence, mishandling or improper storage by the distributor/ customer.
  • Expired product.
  • Product returned must be in original packing with contents not less than 80% of the packing size.
  • The reason for exchange.
  • Item description, quantity, lot number.
  • Monetary value of product returned.
  • Name, address and contact number of the consumer.
  • Date of product returned.
  • NO cash refund is allowed.

Customer Support Thank you for contacting Shaklee Malaysia. Our Customer Service Representative will attend to your enquiry within the next working day.

Customer support.




The Shaklee Business

The income earned from sharing Shaklee products with others can mean more fun, more time with family and friends, more choices about how you spend your day and your money. Ultimately, it can lead to a business that can be passed on from generation to generation. That’s not speculation. That’s our 60+ year track record. The Shaklee Business is…


Extra money to go on that last-minute trip with your friends. Creating the dream house you’ve always wanted. Travel to places you’ve always wanted to see and experience. And not wondering where the money will come from when your son or daughter wants to go to university.

STEP 1 – JOIN Register your business by signing up as a Shaklee Distributor authorised to distribute Shaklee products.

STEP 2 – USE Order products, use and recommend to others. Shaklee is known for our dietary supplements, beauty and organic cleaners.

STEP 3 – LEARN & EARN Learn about the products and the business from your online Resource Centre, your upline Sponsor, Shaklee Nutritionists and Business Development Managers. Reach out for support.

STEP 4 – SHARE You have aspirations. You love the products. Share them with those around you and ask them to join you. Attract others by being passionate, energetic, positive and genuine.

STEP 5 – BUILD Grow your team and build your sales volume. Being focused on these and having goals will take you surely and consistently towards owning a business that gives you an income to last beyond your lifetime. Start Now.

  • Your Shaklee Distributor

Shaklee Corporation

Shaklee Compliance

We are devoted to empowering you, the Shaklee Ambassador, to lead by example. We assist with adherence to the Shaklee Statement of Privileges and Responsibilities and uphold the Direct Selling Association Code of Ethics in the countries in which we operate.

Business Ethics

Learn the basics of business ethics so you can confidently build your Shaklee business. Here you will find a series of informative videos that explain how to compliantly share the Shaklee Compensation Plan, products and incentive programs.

shaklee business plan

An Introduction to Business Ethics

shaklee business plan


shaklee business plan

Ethical Business and Selling Practices

shaklee business plan

Product Claims

shaklee business plan

Income and Lifestyle Claims

Field Compliance is here to support you in building an ethical business.

Whether you have a question, need a review, or want to report a concern, we are here to partner with you..

Get clarity on policy or business tactics.

Have Compliance take a second look at any tools or promotion items you’ve created.

Everyone is responsible for ensuring Shaklee is protected. Report concerning behaviors here.

Shaklee Compliance

Compliance Materials

  • Say This, Not That – Sharing Shaklee Products
  • Say This, Not That – Sharing the Shaklee Opportunity
  • Shaklee Required Disclaimers
  • The Shaklee Business Opportunity
  • Shaklee Improper Claims Training Presentation
  • Shaklee Statement of Privileges and Responsibilities
  • The Shaklee Compensation Plan

Get Connected

Follow us on Facebook for a direct line to Shaklee where we can answer questions and also provide you with the inside scoop on tips and examples that support your business.

Shaklee Compliance

Industry Resources

Direct selling self-regulatory council (dssrc).

The Direct Selling Association (DSA) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) National Programs, Inc. have created a third party, self-regulatory program for the direct selling industry launched in January 2019. The creation of a new, proactive program represents a dramatic step forward to raise the bar for the direct selling industry. This program monitors the entire direct selling channel – including DSA member companies and nonmembers.

View Details

DSA Code of Ethics

The DSA is committed to the highest ethical business standards for the direct selling channel and to the customers our member companies serve every day. Our Code of Ethics is a robust series of policies that every DSA member agrees to follow as a condition of membership.

Our Commitment to You

Shaklee is here to help you channel your passion for wellness and enable you and others to pursue a healthier life. We are with you every step of the way as you build and run an ethical business sharing Shaklee with others.


  • Your Shaklee Distributor
  • Hotline Podcast
  • Naturally Blog

shaklee business plan

  • Current Promos & Incentives
  • Training + Tools and Tech
  • Special Initiatives
  • Community + Success
  • Promotions et incitatifs actuels
  • Formation, outils et technologie
  • Initiatives spéciales
  • Communauté + Succès
  • Promociones e Incentivos Actuales
  • Entrenamiento, herramientas y tecnología
  • Iniciativas especiales
  • Comunidad + Éxito

Elevate Your Opportunity

shaklee business plan

Learn more about the powerful new Shaklee Compensation Plan launching June 1st and find resources to help you and your teams invite new people to become part of Shaklee.

Training resources, how to share and earn video.

Outlines how to earn with the new Shaklee Compensation plan. 

The Napkin Presentation

A simplified overview of how the new plan works.

New Compensation Plan Training Booklet

shaklee business plan

The Shaklee Compensation Plan Details

shaklee business plan

Sharing Resources

Where Will Wellness Take You Join Video – Text-only video that serves as an introduction to the Shaklee Opportunity.

How to Share and Earn with Shaklee Video and PowerPoint with Script – Video that outlines how to earn with the new Shaklee Compensation plan. 

  • Video (Canada)
  • PowerPoint: PPTX | PDF
  • PowerPoint Script: DOCX | PDF

NEW – How to Build a Team and Earn Beyond Director: Video – Video that outlines the team building aspect of the Shaklee Compensation Plan

Sharing Flyers

  • Share and Earn (1-Page Flyer) – Focused on how to earn by sharing the products.
  • Ways to Earn (2-Page Flyer) – Focused on how to earn by sharing the products and building a team.

Opportunity Group Graphics and Guide – Based on the Wellness Community model, these tools provide a framework to invite new people to learn about your Shaklee Business.

My Why Stories – Quick, social ready stories that can be used with the Opportunity Group or as examples for how you can create your own Shaklee Story.

Opportunity Brochure (US) –This is an updated version of the Opportunity Brochure which outlines the benefits of building a wellness business, how to earn with Shaklee, Shaklee incentives, and other rewards, as well as the success stories of real Ambassadors. PowerPoint Version.

Opportunity Brochure (Canada) –This is an updated version of the Canadian Opportunity Brochure which outlines the benefits of building a wellness business, how to earn with Shaklee, Shaklee incentives, and other rewards, as well as the success stories of real Ambassadors.

Reference Documents

  • The Shaklee Compensation Plan Details – Describes the new Shaklee Compensation Plan — includes earnings and bonuses at each level as well as rules and definitions.
  • Earnings Chart – A quick reference chart that outlines earnings at each business rank in the new Shaklee Compensation Plan.

Cómo compartir y ganar con Shaklee Video y PowerPoint con guión: Video que describe cómo ganar con el nuevo plan de compensación Shaklee.

  • Cubierta de PowerPoint: PPTX | PDF
  • Guión de PowerPoint: DOCX | PDF

Volantes para compartir

  • Comparte y obtén ingresos volante de 1 página): – Enfocado en cómo obtener ingresos compartiendo los productos.
  • Maneras de obtener ingresos (volante de 2 páginas): – Enfocado en cómo obtener ingresos compartiendo los productos y construyendo un equipo.

Documentos de referencia

  • Gráfico de ganancias – Un cuadro de referencia rápida que describe las ganancias en cada rango comercial en el nuevo Plan de Compensación Shaklee.
  • Guía del plan de compensación

Comment partager et faire de l’argent avec la Vidéo Shaklee et PowerPoint avec scénario – Vidéo qui explique comment faire de l’argent avec le nouveau Plan de rémunération Shaklee.

  • Scénario PowerPoint: DOCX | PDF

Feuillets de partage

  • Partagez et faites de l’argent (feuillet de 1 page) – Axé sur la façon de faire de l’argent en partageant les produits Shaklee.
  • Les façons de faire de l’argent (feuillet de 2 pages) – Axé sur la façon de faire de l’argent en partageant les produits Shaklee et en formant une équipe.

Brochure Opportunité – Il s’agit d’une version à jour de la Brochure Opportunité qui décrit les avantages de la création d’une entreprise de mieux-être, comment faire de l’argent avec Shaklee, les incitatifs Shaklee et d’autres récompenses, ainsi que les témoignages de réussite de véritables ambassadeurs.

Documents de référence

  • Guide du Plan de rémunération Shaklee – Décrit le nouveau Plan de rémunération Shaklee. Comprend les revenus et les bonis à chaque niveau ainsi que les règlements et les définitions.
  • Tableau des revenus – Tableau de référence rapide qui décrit les revenus à chaque rang d’entreprise avec le nouveau Plan de rémunération de Shaklee.

Nota: Les vidéos et les documents fournis sont destinés à être utilisés en Amérique du Nord. Bien que des efforts aient été déployés pour assurer l’exactitude et la pertinence, certains renseignements, images et prix peuvent être différents ou ne pas s’appliquer au marché canadien.

  • Profile My Orders Order History Payment Options Shipping Addresses Cart 0


  • Best Sellers
  • New Arrivals
  • Ready Set Wellness
  • Best of Bundles
  • FSA & HSA Eligible
  • MultiTaskers

Personalized Vitamins

  • Meology Adult
  • Meology Prenatal
  • Meology Kids

Essential Nutrition

  • Multivitamins

Protein Shakes

  • Nutrition Regimens
  • Vitamins & Minerals

Delivery Format

  • Tablets & Capsules
  • Teas & Lattes

Healthy Weight

  • GLP-1 Support
  • Weight Loss Products
  • Meal In-a-Bar & Snacks

Targeted Solutions

  • Blood Sugar
  • Bone & Joint
  • Cleanse & Detox
  • Digestive Health
  • Heart Health
  • Men's Health
  • Mind, Mood & Stress
  • Prebiotics & Probiotics
  • Women's Health
  • Build & Recover
  • Energize & Hydrate
  • Plant & Vegan
  • Meal Replacement
  • EWG Verified

Shop By Concern

  • Signs of Aging
  • Age Spots & Dullness
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Body Lotion
  • Body Wash & Scrub
  • Cleansers & Exfoliators
  • Eye Treatments
  • Face Serums
  • Men's Grooming
  • Moisturizers
  • Personalized Regimen
  • Skin Care Tools
  • Accessories

Household Cleaning

  • Starter Kits
  • All Purpose
  • Commercial Cleaning
  • Our History
  • The Shaklee Difference
  • Sustainability Pledge
  • Shaklee Cares®
  • Become a Member
  • Become an Ambassador
  • Earn Loyalty Rewards
  • Average Annual Income

Visit our new earnings page at to explore the many ways you can earn supplemental income with Shaklee, learn about our current incentive programs, and view transparent earnings statements for Ambassadors at all levels.


  1. PDF First Step Resource Guide

    The Shaklee business model is about building community and being rewarded for it. Over 60 years ago, our founder, Dr. Shaklee, pioneered a revolutionary ... a complete explanation of the Shaklee compensation plan. It has been especially written to help a new business builder understand how the Dream Plan works. 6 FIRST STEP RESOURCE GUIDE 4

  2. Shaklee

    Shaklee Corporation was a publicly traded company in the late 1970s and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1980, the firm relocated its headquarters from an office complex on the Emeryville marina to a state-of-the-art skyscraper in downtown San Francisco's Financial District. In 1982, Shaklee became a Fortune 500 Company.

  3. Average Annual Income

    To grow a healthy Shaklee business, you need customers (Retail Customers and Members), in addition to Business Builders (Ambassadors and Business Leaders). Each month during your Rank Up qualification, you must have the following in your Personal Group: ... For example, if a Legacy Business Leader transfers 100 PV to a Dream Plan Business ...

  4. How Shaklee Improves The Health Of People And Planet One Product

    How Shaklee Improves The Health Of People And Planet One Product - And Tree - At A Time. On a mission. At 35, after working as an investment banker, a global financier, and founder and CEO of ...

  5. What is Shaklee Business Opportunity? (CAN YOU MAKE MONEY?)

    Shaklee is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company founded in 1956 by Forrest C. Shaklee.. As a public company (Pleasanton, California) it got its start in manufacturing nutritional supplements and then in 1960, it started promoting its organically biodegradable cleaning products.. Like the MLM business model, the Shaklee does 2 things: They sell their nutritional supplements, weight loss ...

  6. PDF Shaklee Dream Plan Rewards and Requirements

    Shaklee Dream Plan Rewards and Requirements US ver 0 eport NEC ank T hes ver eport ve Result ar ˚or T t S Bs T equir 9. ee s ebsit ervices Aft hs s ebsit er $14. S Corpor ant v hiev N Asador S 0 v epres 6 ot Asador inc v †Tw P A Mt Coordinat L equir Requir Dector §Y T ...

  7. Shaklee Business Updates

    Shaklee Business Updates. The content for this page is available to Shaklee Ambassadors only. About Shaklee. About Us. Current Offers. Shaklee Cares. Athletes. DSA Code of Ethics. Careers.

  8. About Us

    The Shaklee Difference ®. Our products undergo a screening process that surpasses even the standards of the United States Pharmacopeia. Our products are backed by 100+ patents and patents pending and 100+ published scientific papers. We stand behind our products with a 100% money-back guarantee—no questions asked.

  9. How a Shaklee business works

    Shaklee has the best compensation plan in the industry, is the #1 nutrition co. in the U.S., and First Climate Neutral Co. in the World! Check out the opport...


    SHAKLEE ® BUSINESS PLAN Advance to Key Coordinator 4 First Level Directors. Director Maintain 2000 Personal Group Volume (PGV) Earn 43.5% to 61.5% on your Personal Group + Retail Profits Coordinator 2 First Level Directors Earn overrides Two Levels Deep 7% and 5% Earn 43.5% to 61.5% on your Personal Group + Retail Profits Senior Coordinator

  11. PDF The Shaklee Compensation Plan

    The Shaklee® Compensation Plan Price Differential The earnings you'll receive on products you sell directly, or from your members ordering directly ... of your personal Shaklee group. This includes everyone who is NOT yet a Business Leader. Your Volume SRP to MP MP to DP Your Earnings* 500 15% - $75 1,000 15% - $150 2,000* 15% 12% $540 3,000 ...

  12. PDF 2024 Shaklee Incentive Booklet (U.S.)

    Monthly Car Bonus: Once registration in the program has been accepted by Shaklee, the Business Leader will earn $225 per month for a non-hybrid car or $250 per month for a hybrid car for up to 36 months (about 3 years), in each month in which the Business Leader has at least 5000 Car Volume.


    AGREEMENT - Shaklee Compensation Plan, Business Guide, P&R and other Shaklee publications shall constitute a part of this agreement. I/We acknowledge receipt of Shaklee Starter Kit and other Shaklee publications which are hearby incorporated by reference and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions in these publications.

  14. Terms and Conditions

    You Can Build a Business Shaklee publishes an authorized Compensation Plan, which outlines the benefits and requirements of a Shaklee Business. Information on how to build a Shaklee Business is available from your Sponsor and/or Business Leader. Independent Contractor Status Shaklee Ambassadors are Independent Contractors. Shaklee Ambassadors ...

  15. 2024 Rank Up Bonus

    A Legacy Business Leader may make a PV Transfer to a Dream Plan Business Leader. ... including equalizing the difference in bonuses and price tiers between the Dream Plan and the Legacy Plan, Shaklee will charge the Legacy Business Leader's account an amount equal to 15% of the PV transferred and the charge will be deducted on the Legacy ...

  16. Shaklee Compliance

    Whether you have a question, need a review, or want to report a concern, we are here to partner with you. Get clarity on policy or business tactics. Have Compliance take a second look at any tools or promotion items you've created. Everyone is responsible for ensuring Shaklee is protected. Report concerning behaviors here.

  17. PDF 2023 Shaklee Incentive Booklet (U.S.)

    An Ambassador is someone who joins with a $49.95 Business Starter Kit and plans to share Shaklee and build a Shaklee B usiness. Ambassadors are eligible to earn an income from their Shaklee Business and enjoy Ambassador benefits like: • Money, daily—Get paid every single day for certain bonuses ,5 plus get paid other earnings monthly.

  18. Member and Ambassador Join Options

    Member and Ambassador Join Options. When someone decides to join our Shaklee Family, they have two options: Become a Member- a customer who wants to receive a 15% discount on products and enjoy other exclusive Member benefits. Become an Ambassador- someone who wants to share Shaklee with others and potentially build a business and earn bonuses.

  19. PDF 2022

    Shaklee Business and enjoy Ambassador benefits like: • Money, daily—Get paid every single day for certain bonuses, 5 plus get paid other earnings monthly. Shaklee Ambassadors are eligible to earn commissions and bonuses from the Dream Plan and additional bonuses like Star Club, Loyalty Bonus, Pace Setter and the 2022 Rank Up Bonus.

  20. Compliance and Business Forms

    Compliance and Business Forms. The content for this page is available to Shaklee Ambassadors only. About Shaklee. About Us. Current Offers. Shaklee Cares. Athletes. DSA Code of Ethics. Careers.

  21. Elevate Your Opportunity

    Opportunity Brochure (Canada) -This is an updated version of the Canadian Opportunity Brochure which outlines the benefits of building a wellness business, how to earn with Shaklee, Shaklee incentives, and other rewards, as well as the success stories of real Ambassadors. Reference Documents. The Shaklee Compensation Plan Details ...

  22. Become a Shaklee Ambassador

    The success or failure of each Shaklee Ambassador, like any other business opportunity, depends on your own skills and personal effort. Shaklee Ambassadors do not earn compensation for the recruitment or sponsorship of other Shaklee Ambassadors. The Shaklee Compensation Plan is new and has limited earnings history.

  23. Average Annual Income

    Visit our new earnings page at to explore the many ways you can earn supplemental income with Shaklee, learn about our current incentive programs ...