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Methodologies for Conducting Education Research by Marisa Cannata LAST REVIEWED: 15 December 2011 LAST MODIFIED: 15 December 2011 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199756810-0061

Education is a diverse field and methodologies used in education research are necessarily diverse. The reasons for the methodological diversity of education research are many, including the fact that the field of education is composed of a multitude of disciplines and tensions between basic and applied research. For example, accepted methods of systemic inquiry in history, sociology, economics, and psychology vary, yet all of these disciplines help answer important questions posed in education. This methodological diversity has led to debates about the quality of education research and the perception of shifting standards of quality research. The citations selected for inclusion in this article provide a broad overview of methodologies and discussions of quality research standards across the different types of questions posed in educational research. The citations represent summaries of ongoing debates, articles or books that have had a significant influence on education research, and guides to those who wish to implement particular methodologies. Most of the sections focus on specific methodologies and provide advice or examples for studies employing these methodologies.

The interdisciplinary nature of education research has implications for education research. There is no single best research design for all questions that guide education research. Even through many often heated debates about methodologies, the common strand is that research designs should follow the research questions. The following works offer an introduction to the debates, divides, and difficulties of education research. Schoenfeld 1999 , Mitchell and Haro 1999 , and Shulman 1988 provide perspectives on diversity within the field of education and the implications of this diversity on the debates about education research and difficulties conducting such research. National Research Council 2002 outlines the principles of scientific inquiry and how they apply to education. Published around the time No Child Left Behind required education policies to be based on scientific research, this book laid the foundation for much of the current emphasis of experimental and quasi-experimental research in education. To read another perspective on defining good education research, readers may turn to Hostetler 2005 . Readers who want a general overview of various methodologies in education research and directions on how to choose between them should read Creswell 2009 and Green, et al. 2006 . The American Educational Research Association (AERA), the main professional association focused on education research, has developed standards for how to report methods and findings in empirical studies. Those wishing to follow those standards should consult American Educational Research Association 2006 .

American Educational Research Association. 2006. Standards for reporting on empirical social science research in AERA publications. Educational Researcher 35.6: 33–40.

DOI: 10.3102/0013189X035006033

The American Educational Research Association is the professional association for researchers in education. Publications by AERA are a well-regarded source of research. This article outlines the requirements for reporting original research in AERA publications.

Creswell, J. W. 2009. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches . 3d ed. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Presents an overview of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods research designs, including how to choose the design based on the research question. This book is particularly helpful for those who want to design mixed-methods studies.

Green, J. L., G. Camilli, and P. B. Elmore. 2006. Handbook of complementary methods for research in education . Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Provides a broad overview of several methods of educational research. The first part provides an overview of issues that cut across specific methodologies, and subsequent chapters delve into particular research approaches.

Hostetler, K. 2005. What is “good” education research? Educational Researcher 34.6: 16–21.

DOI: 10.3102/0013189X034006016

Goes beyond methodological concerns to argue that “good” educational research should also consider the conception of human well-being. By using a philosophical lens on debates about quality education research, this article is useful for moving beyond qualitative-quantitative divides.

Mitchell, T. R., and A. Haro. 1999. Poles apart: Reconciling the dichotomies in education research. In Issues in education research . Edited by E. C. Lagemann and L. S. Shulman, 42–62. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Chapter outlines several dichotomies in education research, including the tension between applied research and basic research and between understanding the purposes of education and the processes of education.

National Research Council. 2002. Scientific research in education . Edited by R. J. Shavelson and L. Towne. Committee on Scientific Principles for Education Research. Center for Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

This book was released around the time the No Child Left Behind law directed that policy decisions should be guided by scientific research. It is credited with starting the current debate about methods in educational research and the preference for experimental studies.

Schoenfeld, A. H. 1999. The core, the canon, and the development of research skills. Issues in the preparation of education researchers. In Issues in education research . Edited by E. C. Lagemann and L. S. Shulman, 166–202. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Describes difficulties in preparing educational researchers due to the lack of a core and a canon in education. While the focus is on preparing researchers, it provides valuable insight into why debates over education research persist.

Shulman, L. S. 1988. Disciplines of inquiry in education: An overview. In Complementary methods for research in education . Edited by R. M. Jaeger, 3–17. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Outlines what distinguishes research from other modes of disciplined inquiry and the relationship between academic disciplines, guiding questions, and methods of inquiry.

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Introduction to Education Research

  • First Online: 29 November 2023

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research on education methods

  • Sharon K. Park 3 ,
  • Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin 4 &
  • Julie Youm 4  

439 Accesses

Educators rely on the discovery of new knowledge of teaching practices and frameworks to improve and evolve education for trainees. An important consideration that should be made when embarking on a career conducting education research is finding a scholarship niche. An education researcher can then develop the conceptual framework that describes the state of knowledge, realize gaps in understanding of the phenomenon or problem, and develop an outline for the methodological underpinnings of the research project. In response to Ernest Boyer’s seminal report, Priorities of the Professoriate , research was conducted about the criteria and decision processes for grants and publications. Six standards known as the Glassick’s criteria provide a tangible measure by which educators can assess the quality and structure of their education research—clear goals, adequate preparation, appropriate methods, significant results, effective presentation, and reflective critique. Ultimately, the promise of education research is to realize advances and innovation for learners that are informed by evidence-based knowledge and practices.

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School of Pharmacy, Notre Dame of Maryland University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Sharon K. Park

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Irvine, CA, USA

Khanh-Van Le-Bucklin & Julie Youm

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Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

April S. Fitzgerald

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA

Gundula Bosch

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Park, S.K., Le-Bucklin, KV., Youm, J. (2023). Introduction to Education Research. In: Fitzgerald, A.S., Bosch, G. (eds) Education Scholarship in Healthcare. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38534-6_2

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-38534-6_2

Published : 29 November 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-38533-9

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-38534-6

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"Research Methods in Education, 8th Edition is an up-to-date, one-stop shop, taking education research students from conceptualization to presentation. With this book on your library shelf, you are good to go.”

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What people are saying about Research Methods in Education , 8th edition:

Very much still the key text for “all” education students and researchers. Cohen et al continue to update Research Methods in Education , with new theoretical, ethical, virtual and mixed methods information. It’s worth noting the impressive web page and links to materials for all chapters which is still the benchmark when looking at the competition for books in this area of social and education research.

Dr Richard Race, Senior Lecturer in Education, Roehampton University, UK

A clear enhancement on the already well established text. The new edition addresses an important need to explain research design and question setting in more detail, helping guide the newcomer through the research process from inception through analysis to reporting.

David Lundie, Associate Professor of Education, University of St Mark & St John, UK

Research Methods in Education is a unique book for everybody who has to undertake educational research projects. The book gives an in depth understanding of quantitative and qualitative research designs and offers a practical guide for data collection and data analysis. It is an essential "friend" for teachers and students from various disciplines who are not familiar with social science research.

Dr Ellen P.W.A. Jansen, Associate Professor Teacher Education, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Research Methods in Education continues to offer an excellent route map, a well-structured and inspiring travel guide, for students engaging in research. It works across levels, and while it provides clarity for the beginning researcher there is plenty here to aid the seasoned researcher with an open mind to new approaches and emerging practices. A superb text that provides guidance for my own research as well as for students and partners in research projects

Peter Shukie, Lecturer in Education Studies and Academic Lead in Digital Innovation, University Centre at Blackburn College, UK

Research Methods in Education is, besides being my personal favorite research methods book, a deep as well as a broad handbook useful both for undergraduate teacher education students as well as researchers and PhD students within educational sciences. In this new edition, new chapters are added emphasizing both quantitative and qualitative methods in combination with thought-through discussions about how to mix them. The book can be used when planning a project and then throughout the whole research process and is therefore a complete methods book.

Karolina Broman, Senior Lecturer in Chemistry Education, Umeå university, Sweden

Comprehensive, well written and relevant: the 8th edition of Research Methods in Education offers the background for methods courses at different levels. The new edition keeps the strong focus on education studies. Excellent extensions will make the book an even more popular basis for classes on both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Felix Weiss, Assistant Professor for Sociology of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark

Research Methods in Education , 8th Edition is an up-to-date, one-stop shop, taking education research students from conceptualization to presentation. With this book on your library shelf, you are good to go.

Dr Fiona McGarry, Lecturer in Research Methods, University of Dundee, UK

The 8th edition of Research Methods in Education contains a wealth of up-to-the-minute information and guidance on educational research which will be of immense value to researchers at all stages of their careers and across the education domain from early years settings to higher education. As research and education move into increasingly fluid and complex dimensions, Research Methods in Education will support students, researchers and practitioners in charting a course through these changing waters as they seek to create new knowledge about effective teaching and deepen our understanding of how learners learn.

Julia Flutter, A Director of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK

As a doctoral supervisor I know that my students routinely return to Research Methods in Education as they develop their own research projects. This text has always been a mainstay on our reading lists but this new edition now features additional research topics and new perspectives on a wider range of research methods. As with previous editions this book is clearly organised and well written and appeals to a wide audience of experienced and novice researchers alike.

Dr Val Poultney, Associate Professor, University of Derby, UK

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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education

The  Oxford  Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education  provides a diverse overview of the wide variety of qualitative approaches to studying education, including ethnography, interviews, narrative, and case studies. These methods facilitate detailed description, interpretation, and critique that, in education, enable an understanding of how different forms of learning take place, how relationships are implicated in learning, and how contexts enhance and/or impede learning. Articles in the Encyclopedia variously discuss the history of qualitative research methodology, the theoretical underpinnings of qualitative methods, and interdisciplinary applications of qualitative methods, as well as emerging topics that are particularly helpful for scholars, students, and practitioners alike. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education .

Editor in Chief

George Noblit , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Associate Editors

Dennis Beach, University of Gothenburg

Belmira Bueno, University of São Paulo

Letitia Fickel, University of Canterbury

Wanda Pillow, University of Utah

Meenakshi Thapan, University of Delhi

Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Education. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).

date: 13 September 2024

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research on education methods

2nd Edition

Research and Education An Introduction to Methods, Approaches and Processes


This core text, now in its second edition, provides an easy-to-read, comprehensive introduction to educational research that will develop your understanding of research strategies, theories and methods, giving you the confidence and enthusiasm to discuss and write about your research effectively.

Specifically written for undergraduate education studies students, the book guides you through the process of planning a research project, the different research methods available and how to carry out your research and write it up successfully. Highlighting the theoretical and methodological debates and discussing important ethical and practical considerations, the book is structured to help you tackle all the different aspects of your project from writing your literature review, designing a questionnaire and analysing your data to the final writing up. This new edition is updated throughout with activities, case studies and further reading lists.

New chapters include:

  • Mixed-methods research
  • Narrative inquiry
  • Creative and visual research methods
  • Extended chapter on research with children and vulnerable groups

Part of the Foundations of Education Studies series, this timely new edition is essential reading for students undertaking a research methods course or a piece of educational research.

Table of Contents


1. Approaches to educational research

Part I: Planning an education research project        

2. Choosing a topic and writing a proposal 

3. Reviewing the literature

4. Sampling

5. Data analysis

6. Writing up your research project  

Part II: Research strategies        

8. Mixed-methods research

9. Case studies

10. Ethnography

11. Action research

12. Narrative inquiry

Part III: Methods of data collection      

13. Questionnaires        

14. Interviews and focus groups

15. Observations

16. Documents   

17. Creative and visual research methods    

Part IV: Theorising research      

18. Using theories and concepts in educational research  

19. Evaluating methods

20. Ethical issues in educational research    

21. Research with children and vulnerable groups

Sam Shields is Senior Lecturer in Education at Newcastle University, UK.

Alina Schartner is Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at Newcastle University, UK.

Will Curtis is Professor and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education, Quality and Standards) at the University of Warwick, UK.

Mark Murphy is Reader in Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Glasgow, UK.

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Research Methods and Methodologies in Education

Research Methods and Methodologies in Education

  • Robert Coe - Durham University, UK
  • Michael Waring - University of Leeds, UK 
  • Larry V Hedges - Northwestern University, USA
  • Laura Day Ashley - University of Birmingham, UK
  • Description

The #1 resource for carrying out educational research as part of postgraduate study.

High-quality educational research requires careful consideration of every aspect of the process. This all-encompassing textbook written by leading international experts gives students and early career researchers a considered overview of principles that underpin research, and key qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods for research design, data collection and analysis.

This third edition includes  four  new chapters:

  • Disseminating your research
  • Data science and computational research methods
  • Observational methods
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Plus a new  Research essentials  feature that highlights key ‘must-haves’ or misconceptions relating to each methodological approach, research design or analytical tool discussed.

This is essential reading for postgraduate students on education courses and early career researchers looking to sharpen their research practice.

Logically structured, clear and informative. This book has significant chapter on Academic ethics which will be essential not only for BA students but for PhD and early research career as well

This book covers a wide range of issues in relation to educational research - there is something in there for all my students. Each chapter is short and to the point.

Research Methods and Methodologies in Education is a book I have used repeatedly since teaching Research on Foundation degree and BA top up

This book is beneficial for doctoral students because it provides clear and concise details on the steps to performing scholarly research designs. I am highly recommending this book for my courses.

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Research Methods in Education

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This is a new edition of one of our best-selling textbooks. The authors have thoroughly updated the fourth edition and included more text on current developments in research practice, action research, developments in ICT, questionnaire design, ethnographic research, conducting needs analysis, constructing and using tests, observational methods, reliability and validity, ethical issues and curriculum research. The entire text has been redesigned to cater for the increasingly sophisticated needs of the educational researcher. The new edition is more comprehensive, up-to-date and user-friendly, with increased accessibility. The authors, who are experienced teachers in the field, have produced a better written book (if that's possible) containing readable and realistic views of research and methodology, and show how to interpret the data.


Part | 2  pages, chapter 1 | 44  pages, the nature of inquiry, chapter 2 | 24  pages, the ethics of educational and social research, chapter 3 | 19  pages, research design issues: planning research, chapter 4 | 13  pages, chapter 5 | 30  pages, validity and reliability, chapter 6 | 21  pages, naturalistic and ethnographic research, chapter 7 | 11  pages, historical research, chapter 8 | 12  pages, surveys, longitudinal, cross-sectional and trend studies, chapter 9 | 10  pages, case studies, chapter 10 | 14  pages, correlational research, chapter 11 | 6  pages, ex post facto research, chapter 12 | 15  pages, experiments, quasi-experiments and single-case research, chapter 13 | 17  pages, action research, chapter 14 | 22  pages, questionnaires, chapter 15 | 26  pages, chapter 16 | 12  pages, chapter 17 | 12  pages, observation, chapter 18 | 20  pages, chapter 19 | 12  pages, personal constructs, chapter 20 | 21  pages, multi-dimensional measurement, chapter 21 | 11  pages, role-playing, chapter 22 | 13  pages, recent developments.

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Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics, M.S.

Fall, Spring

Full-time Part-time

  • September 27, 2024 (Spring 2025)
  • December 3, 2024 (Fall 2025)

June 30, 2025

In-State - $12,540 Out-of-State - $26,490 More Info

This Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics, Master of Science (M.S.) program provides you with advanced training in quantitative research methods and statistical analysis. You will learn to design and conduct research studies, analyze data using sophisticated statistical techniques, and interpret and present research findings effectively. We emphasize both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing you for careers in any industry. Whether pursuing further graduate studies or entering the workforce directly, you will be well-prepared to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your chosen field.

Key Features

  • Balanced Training : Gain comprehensive skills in quantitative methods suitable for various professional settings.
  • Proximity to Washington, D.C. : Access diverse academic and professional opportunities in the nation's capital.
  • Rigorous Core Curriculum : Master key concepts in applied measurement, statistical modeling, and evaluation methods.
  • Flexibility : Choose from a range of elective courses to deepen your expertise in specific areas of interest.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in applied measurement, statistical analysis, and research design.
  • Apply quantitative methods to address complex research questions in diverse contexts.
  • Evaluate and critique research literature and methodologies in the field of quantitative methodology.
  • Communicate quantitative findings effectively to diverse audiences through written reports and presentations.

This program offers a wide range of career pathways, including:

  • Research Associate
  • Data Analyst
  • Policy Analyst 
  • Evaluation Specialist

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Admission Requirements           Guide to Applying

You are required to submit all required documents before submitting the application.

Program Specific Requirements

  • Letters of Recommendation (3)
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
  • Writing Sample (1)

Marieh Arnett, student, Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics

Courses in this program are carefully selected and highly customizable to give you the best possible experience. Your specific program of study will be structured to take into account your background and aspirations. Both thesis and non-thesis options are available. 

QMMS Graduate Student Handbook

There is a common core of courses comprised of:

  • EDMS 623 Applied Measurement: Issues and Practices (3) 
  • EDMS 646 General Linear Models I (3) 
  • EDMS 647 Causal Inference and Evaluation Methods (3)
  • EDMS 651 General Linear Models II (3) 
  • EDMS 655 Introduction to Multilevel Modeling (3) 
  • EDMS 657 Exploratory Latent and Composite Variable Methods (3) 
  • EDMS 724 Modern Measurement Theory (3)

Additional elective coursework completes the program. A written comprehensive examination based on the first four courses of the core is required. The Graduate School allows transfer of up to six credits of appropriate prior graduate work. 


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  • Published: 07 September 2024

Student involvement and innovative teaching methods in a biophilic design education pilot elective course in interior architecture

  • Fulya Özbey   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5902-2165 1 , 2 &
  • Simge Bardak Denerel 1  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1155 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Environmental studies

Biophilic design has gained popularity in interior design areas owing to its numerous advantages. Nevertheless, globally, Interior Architecture/Interior Architecture and Environmental Design departments lack adequate biophilic design courses in their curricula. This research investigates the impact of involving students in syllabus design and applying innovative teaching methods in a pilot elective course focused on biophilic design in interior spaces on student engagement and course sustainability. A new pilot elective course was introduced in the 2022–2023 Spring Semester at the Interior Architecture Department, Faculty of Architecture, Near East University, aiming to establish an enduring and captivating learning environment for students. Initially, a focus group study was conducted to measure students’ awareness of biophilic design and integrate their ideas regarding innovative learning methods into the syllabus for an engaging elective course. Strategies like interactive learning tools, group tasks, and peer assessments were incorporated throughout the course to enhance engagement. Analysis of end-of-course surveys and student observations revealed an augmented awareness of biophilic design among students and a positive influence of innovative learning methods on course sustainability. Thus, the study suggests that an elective course offers the potential to mitigate the deficiency of biophilic design integration in undergraduate programs, augmenting students’ awareness in this field. Moreover, new elective courses could deliver more sustainable and engaging learning experiences for enrolled students when structured through student involvement and innovative learning methods.

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The historical human-nature relationship has been disrupted by industrialization, leading to a growing recognition of the need for a mindful approach in the 21st century. Biophilia, our innate connection with nature, has evolved into Biophilic Design, enriching constructed spaces with natural elements. This design approach has proven advantages, enhancing workplace productivity, stress reduction, education outcomes, and healthcare recovery while aligning with sustainability efforts (Browning et al. 2014 ). Therefore, the incorporation of biophilic design in educational curricula has accumulated significant attention due to its confirmed benefits and to prepare students to meet industry demands because when considering the practice of interior architecture in the 21st century, it is observed that the understanding of biophilic design has been embraced by designers more than ever before in interior spatial design (Demirbaş & Demirbaş, 2019 ). Despite its acknowledged benefits, undergraduate education in biophilic design remains scarce, notably in Interior Architecture (IA) and Environmental Design (IAED). Few universities globally, in Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), offer specific courses in this field. According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022: Art & Design indicates that out of the top 10 universities with IAED or IA departments, five universities do not offer any courses related to biophilic design. While one university includes a course on biomimicry, three lack accessible detailed course content. Only Aalto University offers an explicit course on biophilia, which is called “Biofilia ABC,” and a biophilia lab that emphasizes the integration of biophilic design into research and learning environments through interdisciplinary collaboration. The gap in biophilic design education is no different in Türkiye and the TRNC, where there are 84 universities with IAED or IA departments (41 having IAED departments 41 having IA departments, and 2 universities offering both), biophilic design education is significantly lacking. Out of these institutions, only 1 offers a dedicated “biophilic design” course at the undergraduate level (starting from 2023 to 2024 Fall Semester in İstanbul Galata University), and only 4 universities include the term “biophilia” in any course syllabus. Most universities have courses that focus on sub-topics of biophilic design, such as indoor landscaping, biomimicry, or the nature-human relationship and its representation. Surprisingly, 40 universities do not include any terms or subjects related to “biophilia” in their course names within the curriculum, further highlighting the scarcity of biophilic design education in the region. However, there’s a high demand for this knowledge among interior architects, indicating an educational gap that requires attention also supported by the survey conducted by Doğan ( 2021 ) targeting interior architects and space users, with a sample size of 285 respondents (139 interior architects and 146 general space users). The results indicated that 107 of the participating interior architects had not received formal education in biophilic design, underscoring the absence of biophilic design within many Turkish universities. However, 111 of the participants possessed knowledge of biophilic design, suggesting that they had sought information from external sources. To bridge the gap and promote biophilic design education at the undergraduate level, a dedicated elective course covering theoretical foundations and practical applications of biophilic design principles is crucial. By establishing a comprehensive biophilic design course, universities can equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to create sustainable, nature-inspired interior spaces and foster a deeper connection with the natural world. However, understanding students’ course selection motives, such as interest and perceived benefits, is crucial. Involving students in syllabus design enhances communication and caters to diverse learning styles, making courses more effective. This research investigates the impact of student involvement in creating a pilot elective on biophilic design for interior spaces. It explores how innovative teaching methods and course preparation influence student engagement and course longevity. Also, this research uses qualitative and quantitative methods, while delving into three key questions:

What is the awareness/knowledge level of undergraduate IA and IAED students in Türkiye and the TRNC regarding Biophilic Design?

Does a student-involved course syllabus preparation process enhance the sustainability and student commitment in biophilic design courses?

What challenges do instructors face in elective courses for Generation Z (Gen Z) students in IA and IAED programs? How can these be addressed to establish participatory course structures and enhance learning outcomes?

Literature review

Biophilic design is currently a popular topic, but its full integration into IA and/or IAED curricula is still lacking. In addition, the content and method of teaching the designed course are important for the biophilic design to take its place in education because elective courses in the curriculum offer students the opportunity to explore their interests and develop their individuality. Since this study delves into the effects of students taking part in developing a trial elective focusing on biophilic design for interior spaces, it aims to examine the influence of creative teaching approaches and course planning on student participation and the sustainability of the course this literature review includes two sections. The first one is biophilic design and its applications in interior architecture, and the second one is the role of elective courses in architectural education.

Biophilic design and its applications in interior architecture

Throughout history, humans have coexisted with and drawn valuable insights from the natural world (Turner et al. 2004 ; Wilson, 1996 ). However, the industrial revolution and global urbanization have severed this connection, resulting in significant environmental damage (Çorakçı, 2016 ). The civilizations that once dominated nature in the 18th and 19th centuries faced dire consequences for their environmental exploitation in the 20th century, leading to a growing realization in the 21st century of the need for a more conscientious approach to nature (Çorakçı, 2016 ). Erich Fromm introduced the concept of “biophilia,” signifying a deep love for all living beings (Heerwagen et al. 2012 ). Edward O. Wilson and Stephen R. Kellert expanded on this concept, proposing in “The Biophilia Hypothesis” (1993) that humans possess an innate inclination to connect with nature and other life forms (Kellert and Wilson, 1993 ). Biophilia is not an instinct-like breathing but emerges from biological tendencies shaped by learning and experiences, including emotions such as love, hate, and fear. Sociocultural factors influence its expression, evident in the symbolic use of nature in myths, religious beliefs, and meditations (Kellert and Wilson, 1993 ). Stephen Kellert’s research on biophilia led to its integration into architectural design, exemplified in “Building for Life” (2005). This laid the foundation for “Biophilic Design,” solidified in the initial edition of “Biophilic Design” (2008) with contributions from various researchers, defining it as “an innovative approach emphasizing the essential preservation, enrichment, and restoration of the positive human-nature connection within built environments” (Kellert et al. 2011 ).

Based on various research and perspectives, the principles and applications of biophilic design have been subject to numerous categorizations (Kellert et al. 2011 ; Browning et al. 2014 ). Nonetheless, at the core of all predominant categorizations lies the central theme of seamlessly incorporating elements of nature and natural phenomena into the constructed environment. In their seminal work, “Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life,” Kellert et al. ( 2011 ) delineated six fundamental principles of biophilic design, which encompass “Environmental Features, Natural Shapes and Forms, Natural Patterns and Processes, Light and Space, Place-Based Relationships, and Evolved Human-Nature Relationships.” These principles collectively offer a comprehensive framework for the establishment of harmonious human-built environments.

The application of biophilic design principles within interior spaces involves the deliberate integration of nature-inspired elements to foster a more harmonious and productive milieu. Common manifestations of biophilic applications include the utilization of natural lighting, incorporation of indoor flora, utilization of natural materials, the inclusion of water features, and the provision of vistas that connect with natural settings. The empirical evidence underscores the multifaceted advantages of biophilic design on human well-being and productivity. For instance, a study conducted by Sanchez et al. ( 2018 ) substantiates the notion that biophilic design features enhance workplace performance. In a subsequent study by Aristizabal et al. ( 2021 ), it was established that a multisensory biophilic environment not only improved cognitive performance but also mitigated stress levels while enhancing overall satisfaction with the workplace environment. Furthermore, research conducted by Sayed et al. ( 2021 ) has demonstrated that the incorporation of biophilic principles into educational spaces engenders improved concentration levels, higher attendance rates, and enhanced academic performance among students. Beyond the realms of work and education, the beneficial impact of biophilic design extends to healthcare settings, as underscored by studies conducted by Samir ( 2021 ) and Totaforti ( 2018 ). These studies reveal that biophilic design elements contribute to alleviating patient fatigue and expediting the healing process. Lastly, Newman et al. ( 2012 ) underscore the potential economic advantages associated with the integration of biophilia into design practices. This includes reduced energy consumption, enhanced biodiversity, and, in addition, improvements in well-being and productivity, ultimately aligning with sustainability and ecological preservation efforts.

The role of elective courses in architectural education

Universities offer students various opportunities to pursue their academic goals. Elective courses, in particular, allow students to pursue their aspirations, develop virtual goals, and broaden their educational content (Movchan and Zarishniak, 2017 ). Also, elective courses enable students to study subjects that satisfy their interests, abilities, and career determination while seeking to develop the individuality of each student (Ghonim and Eweda, 2018 ). Architectural education is a multidisciplinary field that imparts both technical knowledge and social responsibility to students. Integrating elective courses into the curriculum can ensure a well-rounded education and exposure to a diverse range of subjects. This is essential for developing a holistic understanding of the role of architecture in society and the importance of ethical principles and values for architects (Ghonim and Eweda, 2018 ). Thus, there arises a compelling need to establish a novel pedagogical framework emphasizing self-directed learning among graduating architects guided by their mentors. Consequently, educational models must emphasize the cultivation of imaginative thinking, keen observation, and active engagement, especially when incorporating innovative instructional resources aligned with these objectives (Fernandez-Antolin et al. 2021 ). The flexible nature of the elective factor allows for dynamic updates to reflect contemporary issues and developments in the field, marketplace, and society. When offering new elective courses, considerations should include program orientation, student interests and needs, and faculty specialization (Ghonim and Eweda, 2018 ).

Additionally, to provide an effective elective course in architectural education, it is crucial to not only consider the students’ interests and needs but also their reasons for selecting an elective course. In the study conducted by Ting and Lee ( 2012 ), an investigation was undertaken to explore the various factors that exert an influence on students’ selection of elective courses. The researchers identified a multitude of determinants, which include the perceived level of interest in the subject matter, the perceived difficulty of the course content, the perceived leniency of the instructor, the potential acquisition of future career skills, the impact of external influences, the instructor’s popularity or personality, the timing of the class in terms of the day of the week and meeting hour, the reputation of the university, the suitability of the subject matter, and the class size. Another aspect of an effective elective course is the level of student involvement in the course. This process is not only limited by the course duration but might start from the syllabus design process. Research conducted by Cook-Sather ( 2014 ) has underscored the significance of involving students in the design of syllabi, highlighting its positive impact on teacher-student communication and collaboration. This proactive approach has enabled educators to gain a deeper understanding of students’ motivations and learning styles, facilitating the tailoring of instructional methods to better suit individual needs. Furthermore, a study conducted by Bovill et al. ( 2011 ) has demonstrated that the inclusion of students in syllabus design has resulted in heightened levels of self-regulation and metacognitive awareness. Students have become more attuned to their learning strategies, fostering an increased propensity for engaging in self-directed learning practices. Practitioner-researchers Zereyalp and Buğra ( 2019 ) have ascertained that the incorporation of students’ voices in syllabus development substantially contributes to the efficacy of the syllabus. This contribution manifests in the form of fostering open and constructive communication with students, thereby better aligning the syllabus with their needs and expectations.


This study adopted a mixed-method research approach, which integrated focus group studies, interviews, case studies, and participant observation methods. Since this research involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data together into a single platform to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the topic from various perspectives, including those of students and instructors, a mixed research approach is considered well-suited for this study (Mulisa, 2022 ). The research methodology consisted of three distinct sequential steps.

In the initial step, the emphasis was on preparing the syllabus of the pilot elective course (case study) and addressing the first two research questions. Data collection was primarily facilitated through focus group studies and interviews, with subsequent qualitative analysis applied.

The second step involved data collection during the course period, treated as a case study for addressing both the second and third research questions. During this phase, participants (comprising students enrolled in the pilot elective course) were subject to observation, alongside the administration of concise questionnaires. Subsequently, the results obtained from these questionnaires, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative data, underwent rigorous analysis.

The third and final step entailed comprehensively analyzing the amassed data to substantiate the study’s hypotheses.

A succinct summary of the research methods and evaluation techniques utilized throughout the study is presented in Fig. 1 , the research methodology flowchart.

figure 1

Methodology flowchart.

Data collection

In the initial phase of data collection for this study, a pilot focus group investigation was undertaken with five sophomore students from Yaşar University’s (YU) Department IAED. These students were selected for their qualifications aligning with the primary focus group participants. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the reliability of the research questions, as outlined by Nagle and Williams ( 2013 ), which had been prepared for the forthcoming focus group studies. The designated questions were sequentially presented to the students, and their responses were meticulously evaluated. The outcomes of this pilot focus group analysis indicated that the formulated questions were sufficiently effective in eliciting the necessary data for the subsequent primary focus group study. The selection of participants for the focus group sessions was carried out through the convenience sampling method to have individuals with characteristics of the overall population (students who enrolled in the elective course), proposed by Nagle and Williams ( 2013 ). The focus group inquiries were methodically administered to the students, and the ensuing responses were subjected to qualitative analysis. These focus group sessions were conducted on November 22nd and 23rd, 2022, involving ten students from Near East University (NEU), and subsequently on December 1st and 2nd, 2022, with the participation of eight students from YU.

The interview phase of the research was executed on November 22nd and December 2nd, 2022, involving three instructors from the Faculty of Architecture, each responsible for teaching various elective courses at YU and NEU. During these interviews, the instructors were probed about their approaches to curriculum development, the selection of assessment methods, strategies employed to foster student engagement, utilization of innovative pedagogical techniques, and their course adaptation procedures based on end-of-semester feedback.

The insights garnered from both the instructor interviews and the focus group sessions constitute the primary data sources for the case study under investigation. The subsequent step in the data collection process for this study was designed to coincide with the case study. During this stage, the students enrolled in the pilot elective course served as subjects of observation, while periodic administration of concise online but with clear, targeted questions that aligned with the learning objectives and teaching effectiveness of the course questionnaires allowed for ongoing data acquisition. The reason for choosing the online survey method for the end-semester feedback is that online surveys are straightforward, anonymous, and time-efficient (Moss & Hendry, 2002 ). Also, emphasizing the anonymity and confidentiality of responses can encourage students to provide honest feedback to have more reliable results even with a small group of sample. Last but not least, the necessary permissions were obtained from the NEU Scientific Research Ethics Committee for all stages requiring data collection.

Data analysis plan

In the initial phase of data collection, a comprehensive data analysis plan was formulated, which encompassed the incorporation of data derived from primary and secondary sources. The data amassed during this first step underwent a rigorous evaluation employing qualitative methodologies. Subsequently, an insightful case study was methodically created, drawing from the analytical findings obtained from the gathered data.

In the subsequent phase, which unfolded within the context of the aforementioned case study, the participants were subjected to systematic observations, and periodic surveys were administered to solicit their responses. Data collection culminated upon the conclusion of the case study. To facilitate a comprehensive analysis of these diverse data sources, a well-structured approach was devised, combining qualitative techniques for the assessment of participant observations and a blend of both qualitative and quantitative methods to scrutinize the results derived from the periodic surveys. In addition, the reliability of the course evaluation results was validated by triangulating the survey findings with other assessment measures, such as students’ academic performance or assignment quality.

Ultimately, the data at hand was subjected to a robust interpretative process, and it was the intent to engage in a thoughtful deliberation of the hypotheses in accordance with the insights gleaned from the case study.

Focus group study and interviews

For this study, pilot elective courses titled “TMF 444 İç Mimarlıkta Biyofilik Tasarım “ and “FAE424 Biophilic Design in Interior Architecture” were offered in both Turkish and English language departments during the 2022–2023 Spring Semester at the Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture, Near East University. However, before opening the courses in line with the stated objectives and methodologies of the research, students were actively involved in the curriculum development processes of these courses, with the aim of creating a more efficient and dynamic elective course. Additionally, the opinions of various faculty members were sought.

Initially, a focus group study with open-ended questions was conducted with a total of 18 students, 10 from NEU’s and 8 from YU’s Faculty of Architecture. The responses from this study were evaluated using the MAXQDA 2022 (VERBI Software, 2021 ) program and subjected to the keyword analysis method. The study sought to ascertain the student’s familiarity with the concept of biophilic design, their expectations for an upcoming elective course on this subject, their preferences for course activities and assessment methods, their views on effective teaching techniques, and their integration into academic courses, as well as the motivating factors driving their active engagement in these courses. The analysis highlights from the focus group study are summarized in Table 1 .

The highlights from the interviews with the instructors indicated that it is important to approach students in a friendlier manner and use innovative teaching techniques to create a more engaging class environment while considering students’ voices to develop the course in general.

Course period

After evaluating the data in Table 1 and the interview outputs, course contents for TMF 444 and FAE 424 were developed following the NEU course content development rules. An overview of the course syllabus is presented in Table 2 .

The 14-week course commenced with an introductory week, determining the student demographic, midterm and final assessments, and administering a survey on students’ perceptions of biophilic design, innovative learning methods, and in-class motivations. Weeks 2–8 predominantly focused on various topics such as the concept of biophilia, patterns and health impact of biophilic design, differences and similarities between biophilic design and sustainable design, the concept of biophilic cities, and some practical ways of incorporating biophilic design principals to the interior spaces as well as the examination of example case studies. Week 9 centered around the midterm presentation, involving the analysis of a chosen structure based on biophilic design criteria. Weeks 10–14 were allocated for the creation of an interior design project emphasizing biophilic design, followed by desk critiques. Ultimately, developed projects were submitted as the final assessment.

In the proposed pilot elective course, 26 students enrolled in the Turkish section, while 11 students registered for the English section. Among these, 20 students attended the Turkish course, and 7 students attended the English course for the whole semester. The overall distribution of students by department and class includes 16 Interior Architecture students (14 undergraduate 3rd year, 2 undergraduate 4th year) and 9 Architecture students (1 undergraduate 1st year, pursuing a double major, 1 undergraduate 2nd year, 4 undergraduate 3rd year, and 3 undergraduate 4th year). Given that a substantial proportion of students enrolled in both FAE 424 and TMF 444 courses are representative of Generation Z, this study also investigates the challenges encountered by instructors in this demographic context. As the course unfolds, the difficulties of being an instructor in a class dominated by Gen Z learners are explored. The paramount question becomes: how can these challenges be effectively addressed, and what methods can be employed to construct a participatory course structure that enhances learning outcomes? Drawing inspiration from contemporary educational research, including works by Orr et al. ( 2021 ), Saxena and Mishra ( 2021 ), Szabó et al. ( 2021 ), Chan and Lee ( 2023 ), Mohr and Mohr ( 2017 ), Marie and Kaur ( 2020 ), and Jaleniauskiene and Juceviciene ( 2015 ) this study consolidates diverse strategies to enhance the student engagement and participation for teaching Gen Z in higher education. As, Orr advocates for an academic coaching model, emphasizing transformational learning. Saxena proposes gamification as a motivational tool, and Szabó underscores the significance of incorporating various information technologies, such as e-learning and gamification, to boost student motivation and skill development Chan’s study delves into Gen Z students’ perceptions of generative AI in higher education, noting their optimism for its benefits—enhanced productivity and personalized learning. However, it emphasizes the concerns raised by Gen X and Gen Y teachers regarding overreliance and ethical implications, highlighting the importance of integrating technology with traditional teaching methods for a more effective learning environment. Mohr’s study emphasizes the significance of understanding generational profiles to improve course assignments and communication approaches. The findings emphasize the need for instructors to adapt teaching methods to align with Gen Z’s preferences for technology-driven and visually engaging educational experiences, and Marie’s research highlights Gen Z’s inclination towards a digitized learning environment, emphasizing the importance of adapting academic opportunities to meet their diverse needs and foster critical 21st-century skills like critical thinking and creativity. Finally, Jaleniauskienė's study focuses on reshaping educational environments to cater to Gen Z’s learning preferences. The recommendations span from redesigning physical and non-classroom spaces to accommodate diverse learning styles, integrating active learning methodologies, fostering collaborative environments (both physical and virtual), and leveraging technology as mindtools to enhance cognitive functions and engage visually oriented learners. In summary, advocation for a multifaceted approach that integrates technology, personalized coaching, gamification, and varied pedagogical strategies to create engaging, transformative, and inclusive learning environments for Gen Z learners.

Therefore, interactive presentations were prepared during the course, leveraging Genially (Genially Web, S.L., 2021 ) and Gamma (Gamma Tech, Inc., 2022 ), as they facilitated engagement, aligning with the 5 students who identified the fluidity of course delivery as a significant motivator for participation. To maintain interactivity and motivation, quizzes at the end of the course were conducted through Quizizz (Gupta and Cheenath, 2015 ), with a 10-point bonus awarded to the student with the highest quiz average throughout the semester. Moreover, practical exercises were conducted utilizing Miro (Khusid and Shardin, 2011 ) to incorporate active learning strategies, thereby cultivating collaborative learning settings. A specific instance of the Miro exercise is illustrated in Fig. 2 .

figure 2

In-class exercise by Miro.

While implementing the assignments, based on the findings from the focus group study, even if the majority of students expressed a preference for being able to choose assignment types, it was acknowledged in interviews that this approach might lead to potential issues, such as providing enough sources for each type of assignment or concerns related to students blaming each other for grades, finding others’ assignments easier, etc. Consequently, for this pilot course, it was decided that the assignment types would be determined by the course instructor, and for midterm and final assessments, students would be consulted at the beginning of the course to reach a decision by majority agreement. Additionally, as 8 of the students expressed the utility of peer evaluations, and recognized their potential to enhance motivation and interest in the course, a 10-point peer evaluation criterion was incorporated into one of the assignments and midterm presentations. The assignment incorporating peer assessment was a brief research task, designed to encourage students to share their findings during class and contribute to each other’s ideas. The assignment brief and grading criteria are outlined in Fig. 3 .

figure 3

Assignment 1 brief and grading criteria.

For the midterm assessment, students were expected to select a structure and analyze it based on the principles of biophilic design, presenting their analysis during class. Peer assessment was incorporated during the midterm too, where students evaluated each other’s presentations. Last but not least, in the final assessment, influenced by both the preference for project submissions by 2 of the students and the suggestion of integration with project or studio courses 2 students were required to choose an area from project courses. They were expected to develop their designs for three weeks based on the desk critics, express them through technical drawings, and provide a written explanation of how they integrated biophilic design principles. The midterm and final briefs, along with grading criteria, are illustrated in Fig. 4 .

figure 4

Midterm and final briefs.

Additionally, although field trips were identified as a factor that could enhance student motivation and contribute to achieving the learning outcomes of the course, they could not be added to the course content due to financial constraints. Nonetheless, an exploration of a diminutive village distinguished by a plethora of biophilic attributes in the TRNC was undertaken in collaboration with two students from the course. The ensuing research findings were subsequently disseminated and made publicly accessible via the webpage hosted by the biophilic cities network (Özbey et al. 2023 ).

This section includes the results of qualitative and quantitative assessment surveys conducted at the beginning and end of the course. The findings in this section are broadly analyzed in the discussion section.

Pre-course expectations and motivations

A brief survey was administered to 27 enrolled students within the initial week of the course to measure their awareness and expectations concerning biophilic design, the course syllabus, and innovative learning methodologies. Furthermore, the delineation of a course syllabus was elucidated to students, and the impact of a student-contributed syllabus on enrolled students was examined. Out of the enrolled students, 25 participated in the survey, and the outcomes, encompassing their knowledge levels and application of biophilic design principles, have been consolidated in Fig. 5 .

figure 5

Summary of pre-course survey (Biophilic design knowledge).

According to the table, participants’ familiarity with biophilic design varied across the terms “biophilia” and “biophilic design,” with a higher level of recognition for the former term than the latter. However, awareness of the “Six Principles of Biophilic Design” was notably lower, indicating a more diverse range of responses across the spectrum from familiarity to unfamiliarity with these principles. There’s a strong consensus among respondents that biophilic design should be integrated into interior design, particularly in emphasizing the importance of designs that amalgamate nature, humanity, and architecture. Participants largely acknowledge that the weakening of connections between nature and humanity can adversely affect human life. There’s substantial agreement on the positive impact of natural light and ventilation on health, success, and work productivity in spaces. The use of “plants” as a design element in interiors garners notable agreement, while the inclusion of a “water element” seems to have a mixed response.

When examining students’ expectations regarding course syllabus and innovative learning methods, a majority of respondents concur that the provided learning outcomes and resources exhibit direct relevance to the course. Furthermore, there is a prevailing consensus indicating that the assessment methods delineated in the syllabus maintain a sense of equilibrium. A significant majority of students express confidence in their ability to extrapolate and apply the course content to other academic subjects. The recognition of abundant opportunities for peer interaction, notably through group discussions and activities, is acknowledged by a substantial number of participants. Regarding familiarity with interactive learning tools such as Sli.do, Padlet, Kahoot, and similar platforms, respondents exhibit varying degrees of awareness and experience with these tools. A comprehensive summary of the distribution of students’ survey responses is outlined in Fig. 6 .

figure 6

Summary of pre-course survey (evaluation, of course, syllabi, and innovative learning methods).

Post-course reflections and feedback

Feedback on the co-design process, learning environment, and their influence on student engagement.

Out of the 27 students attending the course, 23 voluntarily responded to the survey conducted at the end of the semester. When considering the effects of the student-contributed course syllabus and the interactive course format on student obligations, it becomes evident that students derive pleasure from the interactive format and perceive the course as a conducive space for engaging with their peers. Moreover, students found the short quizzes administered at the end of the course both enjoyable and beneficial. The evaluation methods, such as assignments, midterms, and finals determined based on the preferences of students enrolled in the class and who attended focus group sessions, have been deemed sufficient by a significant majority of students for assessing and presenting their knowledge. Additionally, students expressed enjoyment and perceived usefulness from the group activities and peer assessments conducted during the course. The responses of students regarding the co-design process and its impact on their engagement have been summarized in Fig. 7 .

figure 7

The responses of students regarding the co-design process and its impact on their engagement.

Feedback on the biophilic design knowledge, learning outcomes, and course instructor

In the end-of-term evaluation survey responded to by 23 students, in addition to gathering insights on students’ perspectives concerning the course period and assessment methods, inquiries were also posed regarding their understanding of biophilic design concepts, perceptions of the course’s learning outcomes, and the instructor’s behavior during the class.

In the students’ end-of-term survey regarding biophilic design, a notable pattern emerges: the respondents consistently exhibit a significant degree of familiarity and comprehension spanning a wide range of biophilic design concepts. This pattern underscores a robust knowledge improvement within the surveyed group, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of the biophilic design domain. According to the survey results, there is a high level of agreement regarding the awareness of specific terminologies associated with biophilic design. However, there are slight differences in the degree of familiarity with specific aspects of biophilic design. Additionally, a substantial majority expressed confidence in their capability to extrapolate and apply the course content to other academic disciplines. Furthermore, students conveyed a sense of acquiring substantial knowledge and awareness about biophilic design during the course, enabling them to engage in comprehensive discussions on the subject and confidently evaluate the built environment using biophilic design principles by the course’s conclusion. The participants’ responses regarding their knowledge of biophilic design have been summarized in Fig. 8 .

figure 8

The responses of students regarding the biophilic design knowledge.

About the evaluation of learning outcomes and instructor’s performance, there was a notable consensus among respondents. Nineteen students strongly agreed, and four students agreed that the learning outcomes were intricately linked to the course content. Moreover, a significant majority of students strongly agreed or agreed that the course provided pertinent resources aligning with the subject matter. Notably, students exhibited high positivity towards the course instructor, indicating satisfaction and understanding in various aspects. They strongly agreed or agreed that the instructor’s explanations regarding assessment methods were lucid, demonstrating a clear grasp of evaluation criteria. Moreover, students found the instructor’s approach in the course to be fitting and the responses indicate a high level of endorsement for the course. Twenty respondents strongly agreed, while three respondents agreed that they would recommend the course to others. The responses related to students’ perceptions of learning outcomes, the instructor, and the overall quality of the course are presented in Fig. 9 for reference.

figure 9

Evaluation of learning outcomes, instructor’s behavior, and course quality.

Findings from the student co-design process

In the context of IA/IAED teaching, the integration of student co-design processes into elective courses is not a deeply studied area. As mentioned in the introduction part, while there are several courses addressing biophilic design principles, there’s a noticeable gap in the literature regarding specific content and teaching methodologies employed in these courses. Therefore, this study not only delves into students’ perceptions and preferences but also aims to bridge this gap by showcasing how student input can enrich course content and delivery. The findings from the student co-design process provided valuable insights into various aspects of the course, including the students’ familiarity with biophilic design, their expectations for the elective course, their preferences for course activities and assessment methods, their views on effective teaching techniques, and the motivating factors driving their active engagement in the course. The majority preferred a practice-based course, indicating a desire for hands-on learning experiences. Additionally, suggestions for field trips, theory-based learning, online delivery, workshop sessions, multimedia, and flexible design options were also mentioned. These preferences highlight the importance of incorporating a variety of teaching methods and activities to cater to different learning styles and interests. The students’ preferences for course activities and assessment methods were also explored. Field trips, model-making assignments, discussion and debate sessions, and group work were suggested by the students. The majority of students found group work highly beneficial, while some expressed uncertainty. Peer evaluations were perceived as essential by a significant portion of students, although reservations were also expressed. End-of-course quizzes were valued by half of the students, but reservations were also present. These findings indicate the importance of incorporating a mix of individual and collaborative activities, as well as diverse assessment methods, to cater to the preferences and needs of the students. In terms of assessment type and selection preferences, project-based assignments and presentations were favored by the majority of students. Written assignments were also preferred by a significant portion of students, while research assignments were less favored. The students’ preferences for assignment types and their involvement in the selection process were also explored. The majority of students preferred to select their own assignment types, while some preferred a collective decision through group discussion. Only a small percentage believed that course instructors should determine the assignment types. These findings suggest that involving students in the assignment selection process can enhance their engagement and motivation. The students’ preferences for assessment methods were similar to their preferences for assignment types. Project-based assignments, presentations, and written assignments were the most preferred methods. Some students expressed a desire for a diverse array of assignments to be valued equally, while others had no specific preference. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating a variety of assessment methods to cater to the diverse preferences and strengths of the students. Based on the findings from the focus group study, interactive presentations, online quizzes, practical exercises, and peer evaluations were incorporated into the course. These strategies aimed to enhance student engagement, motivation, and collaborative learning. The findings from the student co-design process provided valuable insights into the students’ preferences, needs, and motivations, which were incorporated into the course structure. The incorporation of interactive and innovative teaching methods, diverse assessment methods, and opportunities for peer interaction aimed to enhance overall student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Those preferences of the students including emphasis on interactive and innovative teaching methods, as well as opportunities for peer interaction and feedback, not only enhance student engagement and motivation but also reflect the changing educational environment in IA/IAED. By focusing on collaborative learning, student-centered methods, and incorporating real-world experiences into the curriculum by embracing the student co-design process, educators can create more dynamic and responsive learning environments that prepare students for the complexities and challenges of contemporary design practice.

Findings from student evaluations

Overall student satisfaction and engagement.

The findings from this study highlight the importance of incorporating diverse pedagogical strategies and technology tools to create engaging and inclusive learning environments for Gen Z learners. The recommendations provided for the course implementation, such as redesigning physical and non-classroom spaces, integrating active learning methodologies, fostering collaborative environments, and leveraging technology as mindtools, align with the preferences and motivations expressed by the students in this study. One of the key findings is the positive impact of interactive presentations prepared using Genially and Gamma. These tools facilitated engagement and were particularly appealing to the 5 of the students who identified the fluidity of course delivery as a significant motivator for participation. This suggests that incorporating interactive elements in presentations can enhance student engagement and motivation. To maintain interactivity and motivation throughout the course, quizzes were conducted using Quizizz. The inclusion of a 10-point bonus for the student with the highest quiz average throughout the semester further incentivized participation. The positive response from students indicates that gamification elements can enhance motivation and make the learning experience more enjoyable. Practical exercises conducted using Miro incorporated active learning strategies and fostered collaborative learning settings. This aligns with the recommendations for fostering collaborative environments, as students expressed a preference for group discussions and activities. The use of Miro allowed students to actively participate and contribute to each other’s ideas, further enhancing the collaborative learning experience. The findings also highlight the importance of considering potential issues when implementing certain assignment types. While the majority of students expressed a preference for being able to choose assignment types, concerns were raised about providing enough sources for each type of assignment and potential issues related to grades and comparisons among students. To address these concerns, the assignment types were determined by the course instructor, with student consultation for midterm and final assessments. This approach allowed for a balance between student preferences and practical considerations. The inclusion of peer evaluations in one of the assignments and the midterm presentation was well-received by students. Peer evaluations were identified as a utility by 8 of the students and were seen as a way to enhance motivation and interest in the course. The assignment incorporating peer assessment encouraged students to share their findings and contribute to each other’s ideas, fostering a collaborative learning environment. The positive response from students suggests that peer evaluations can be an effective tool for enhancing motivation and engagement. In the final assessment, students were given the opportunity to choose an area from project courses and develop their designs based on the principles of biophilic design. This aligns with the preferences expressed by 2 of the students for project submissions and integration with project or studio courses. By allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world design project, the final assessment provided a meaningful and relevant learning experience. Although field trips were identified as a factor that could enhance student motivation and contribute to achieving the learning outcomes of the course, financial constraints prevented their inclusion in the course content. However, an exploration of a diminutive village with biophilic attributes was undertaken in collaboration with two students from the course. These research findings were disseminated and made publicly accessible, providing an alternative way for students to engage with real-world examples of biophilic design.

The survey results regarding students’ understanding of biophilic design concepts indicate a high level of familiarity and comprehension. The respondents consistently exhibited a significant degree of knowledge improvement, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of biophilic design. This suggests that the course content and interactive learning methods were effective in enhancing students’ knowledge and awareness of biophilic design. The evaluation of learning outcomes and the instructor’s performance received a notable consensus among respondents. Students strongly agreed that the learning outcomes were intricately linked to the course content and that the course provided pertinent resources aligning with the subject matter. The high positivity towards the course instructor indicates satisfaction and understanding in various aspects, including the clarity of assessment methods and the instructor’s approach to the course. Overall, the findings from this study support the recommendations for a multifaceted approach that integrates technology, personalized coaching, gamification, and varied pedagogical strategies to create engaging, transformative, and inclusive learning environments for Gen Z learners. The incorporation of interactive presentations, quizzes, practical exercises, peer evaluations, and real-world design projects was well-received by students and contributed to their engagement, motivation, and knowledge improvement.

Impact of the course on biophilic design knowledge and skills

The analysis of students’ familiarity with the terms “biophilia” and “biophilic design” at the beginning and end of the term indicates a notable shift in their comprehension. At the start of the term, a majority of respondents were not acquainted with these terms, with a significant number either undecided or expressing disagreement with their familiarity. However, by the term’s conclusion, there was a remarkable increase in familiarity with both concepts. For “biophilia,” the number of respondents familiar with the term rose considerably, from 9 at the beginning to 23 by the term’s end, with no disagreement or uncertainty recorded at the conclusion. Similarly, for “biophilic design,” familiarity surged notably, with 22 respondents indicating acquaintance at the term’s end, compared to 10 at the outset. These shifts underscore a significant improvement in students’ understanding and awareness of these fundamental concepts related to biophilic design throughout the course duration. This finding is supported by the strong consensus among the respondents, with 21 students strongly agreeing and 2 agreeing that they feel confident in their understanding of biophilic design. This indicates that the course has effectively imparted the necessary information and concepts related to biophilic design, enabling students to engage in discussions about it with others. This is an important outcome, as it demonstrates that the students have not only acquired knowledge but also the ability to communicate and share their understanding of biophilic design with their peers and beyond. Furthermore, the majority of respondents also expressed confidence in their ability to assess the built environment using the principles of biophilic design. This finding is significant as it suggests that the course has not only provided theoretical knowledge but has also equipped students with practical skills to apply these principles in real-world scenarios. The high number of students who feel confident in their ability to evaluate environments based on biophilic principles indicates that they have developed a strong understanding of how to analyze and assess the built environment through the lens of biophilic design.

Implications for IA and IAED education

The insights derived from the student co-design process within the interior architecture course present a rich tapestry of students’ perspectives, expectations, and preferences, offering profound implications for the realm of interior design education. Student’s alignment of assessment method preferences with specific assignment types, notably favoring project-based tasks, presentations, and written assignments, underscores the need for a diverse array of evaluation techniques catering to varying student preferences and strengths. These findings emphasize the importance of incorporating multifaceted assessment approaches to accommodate diverse student needs effectively. Leveraging the insights gleaned from focus group studies, the course structure was revamped to integrate interactive presentations, online quizzes, practical exercises, and peer evaluations, aiming to augment student engagement, motivation, and collaborative learning experiences. These adjustments reflect an alignment with students’ identified preferences and requirements, enhancing the overall pedagogical environment. In the realm of interior design education, these findings bear pivotal implications. The involvement of students in shaping course elements not only empowered their engagement but also streamlined the course content to meet their needs and motivations. The integration of interactive teaching methodologies, diverse assessment strategies, and avenues for peer interaction aimed to foster heightened student engagement, motivation, and ultimately, enriched learning outcomes within the IA and IAED curriculum. Moreover, the study’s broader implications resonate beyond the educational sphere. The students’ strong confidence in discussing biophilic design and applying it to varied contexts underscores the significance of interdisciplinary approaches in design education. Equipping students with transferable skills cultivates a comprehensive understanding of design principles, essential in the multifaceted domain of IA and IAED, where considerations encompass human well-being, spatial functionality, and environmental sustainability. The findings also suggest a potential cadre of competent professionals poised to advocate for and implement biophilic design principles within the industry. In conclusion, this study delineates the success of the course in imparting knowledge, nurturing critical thinking abilities, and enabling practical application of learning. Moving forward, it underscores the importance of continuous exploration and development of innovative teaching methodologies, advocating for immersive and experiential learning activities to enhance students’ grasp and application of biophilic design principles within the sphere of IA and education.

The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of an elective course, designed collaboratively with student contributions and integrated with innovative learning methodologies, focused on biophilic design for interior spaces. Addressing specific research questions, this study examined the preparation process of the course, the influence of innovative learning methods on student participation, and the enduring impact of the course.

First, the study assessed the curricula of IA/IAED programs in Turkey and TRNC and found a significant educational gap, which was also supported by literature (Doğan, 2021 ). Only one university offered a dedicated course (Galata University, starting from 2023 to 2024 Fall Semester) and a few as part of sustainability-related courses. Therefore, to improve the improved student awareness and confidence in understanding biophilic design, indicating effective education advancement and real-world application readiness a newly introduced elective course was offered.

Additionally, the study aimed to evaluate how effective a course structure designed by students was in enhancing the long-term retention of biophilic design knowledge in interior spaces. It drew from research advocating for student-driven content to increase engagement and commitment, focusing on creating a more interactive learning environment. The study emphasized collaborative learning methods, group work, presentations, project-based assignments, and peer interactions by involving students in designing the course syllabus and analyzing their expectations through group sessions. The student-influenced course structure received positive feedback from end-of-term surveys, with students expressing satisfaction and active engagement, particularly appreciating group activities, peer assessments, and interactive formats such as quizzes.

Lastly, the research investigated the specific hurdles encountered by instructors teaching elective courses primarily attended by students from Gen Z enrolled in IA or IAED programs. These challenges encompassed addressing short attention spans, tendencies towards multitasking, and the need for technical proficiency. To mitigate these challenges, the study proposed potential solutions, including incorporating frequent breaks, employing interactive teaching methodologies, and providing targeted, concise assignments tailored to accommodate the unique traits of Gen Z learners. The study underscores the importance of utilizing an interactive course format, highlighting the significance of diverse teaching methods and technology in effectively engaging Gen Z students. The recommendations put forward, such as promoting active learning, creating collaborative spaces, and integrating technological tools like Genially and Gamma, are aligned with the preferences of these students. The integration of interactive presentations and quizzes on platforms like Quizizz served to motivate active participation, while the use of Miro for exercises fostered collaborative learning, resonating with students’ preference for group engagement and discussions. These strategic approaches significantly elevated student engagement and contributed to cultivating an inclusive and enriching learning environment.

Lastly and significantly, summarizing the instructor’s observations and dialogs with students during the pilot course, the use of interactive materials and methods significantly contributed to students’ engagement levels. Student feedback reflects a positive reception towards the interactive quiz format, contrary to their anticipation of traditional or system-based exams, finding the interactive format enjoyable and engaging. Personal observations indicate that students, being accustomed to short quizzes at the end of classes, consciously ensure their phones are charged before class and quickly review their notes or discuss potential questions during breaks. Furthermore, the activities conducted on Miro transformed into templates and content used by students in midterms and finals. Students have taken peer evaluations seriously, demonstrating fairness in the assessment process. Notably, there is alignment observed between the instructor’s grading and the grades derived from peer evaluations, even among students who have reported personal issues. Some students have gone above expectations, opening additional subsections for thorough grading in peer evaluations. However, despite these positive aspects, the success achieved in midterms was not replicated in finals due to scheduling conflicts during the final exam period and students’ prioritization of mandatory courses. Despite being informed that desk critics before the final submission influence their final grades, only a minimal group actively participated in all critiques.

Conclusively, this research underscores the vital role of student-inclusive and innovative courses in addressing educational gaps, emphasizing the need for dedicated biophilic design education in IA or IAED programs. By fostering interactive learning and addressing Generation Z’s learning needs, tailored courses can significantly enhance engagement and knowledge acquisition. This study encourages the integration of innovative teaching methods to create inclusive and engaging learning environments in design education.

Limitations of the pilot study

Since the course was offered as a faculty elective course in Near East University for the 2022–23 Spring Semester, only the proposed pilot elective course attracted a total of 26 students in the Turkish section and 11 students in the English section. Out of these, only 20 students attended the Turkish course for the entire semester, while 7 students attended the English course consistently. The relatively small sample size and the imbalance between the two language sections may affect the generalizability of the findings. However, while the numbers do highlight a relatively small sample size and an imbalance between the two language sections, these factors might not entirely undermine the validity of the findings. The consistent attendance of 20 students in the Turkish section and 7 students in the English section throughout the semester might actually provide a focused understanding of how interactive activities impact a committed subset of students. Furthermore, while the sample size could restrict the application of these findings to a wider population, it does not invalidate the insights gained from this specific group. Other research studies, as highlighted by Fernandez-Antolin et al. ( 2021 ), have also utilized similar approaches with smaller student cohorts. These attendance figures could still offer meaningful qualitative data regarding the effectiveness of hands-on activities in engaging students within the context of this pilot elective course. Also, the lack of technological infrastructure in the classrooms constrained the effortless delivery of innovative learning methods by requiring rapid solutions for those issues and another limitation despite high demand for a class trip, logistical constraints, including insufficient public transportation and a lack of support from the university, prevented the planning and execution of the trip. Last but not least, during the final exams, clashes with mandatory courses and students’ prioritization of these compulsory subjects resulted in a lack of success in finals. The limited time and attention dedicated to the elective course due to conflicting schedules may have impacted students’ performance and hindered a comprehensive assessment of their understanding and application of biophilic design concepts.

Recommendations for further course development and research

To pave the way for future course enhancements and comprehensive research there are several recommendations gathered from this study.

First of all, the inclination of 12 students towards selecting their own assignment types, while acknowledged during focus study and surveys, raises concerns about potential issues like sourcing adequacy for diverse assignment types or apprehensions regarding mutual grading accountability and perceived workload disparities among peers. Consequently, for the pilot course, assignment types were structured by the instructor. Moreover, for mid-term and final evaluations, student consultation at the course outset, leading to consensus-based decisions, was adopted. However, a future course iteration might permit students to choose their assignment types, necessitating the formulation of an assessment methodology. Additionally, as a recommendation for future terms, setting clearer final expectations earlier in the semester might allow students more time to prepare for finals. However, integration issues with other courses could arise, and students, due to their workload, might still defer final preparations until the last weeks or, as an alternative solution, reduce the percentage weight of finals and emphasize greater participation and completion of assignments throughout the term is believed to elevate the overall success level of the course.

Secondly, ensuring the successful integration of student-contributed syllabi and innovative pedagogical methods warrants a focused inquiry into teacher training and support mechanisms. Investigating the efficacy of teacher training initiatives and devising strategies to augment educators’ proficiency in fostering student engagement and learning within these frameworks would be pivotal. Moreover, the incorporation of more qualitative research tools such as interviews or focus groups for post-course reflections and feedback might diversify the nuanced perspectives, experiences, and hurdles encountered by students regarding student-contributed syllabi and innovative learning methods and those pedagogical methodologies implemented in this course, could potentially find applicability in other elective courses across the academic spectrum.

Last but not least, based on the instructor’s observation, it is advisable specifically for the biophilic design course to customize this course for upper-year students majoring in Architecture, IA/IAED. This is because students in their 1st and 2nd years may have limited technical knowledge and project development skills. Also, over time, students can cultivate their interest in elective courses with specific content such as this one, thereby the application of the course material in their project courses or their professional lives easier. In addition, if this course is offered during the Semester when the weather conditions are more favorable, it could facilitate more interaction by conducting classes outdoors and organizing field trips more easily.

Data availability

The data is accessible through Dataverse https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/SFEGA5 .

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Department of Interior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Cyprus

Fulya Özbey & Simge Bardak Denerel

Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Architecture, Yaşar University, İzmir, Türkiye

Fulya Özbey

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This article is primarily based on Fulya Özbey’s PhD dissertation, and Simge Bardak Denerel, as the second author, contributed as thesis advisor to the study.

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Correspondence to Fulya Özbey .

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The questionnaire and methodology for this study were approved by the NEU Scientific Research Ethics Committee (Ethics approval numbers: YDÜ/FB/2022/170 and YDÜ/FB/2023/193). All research was performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines of the NEU Scientific Research Ethics Committee.

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To obtain the ethics approvals, an example of informed consent is provided to the NEU Scientific Research Ethics Committee. After the approvals, both the focus group study and interviews were conducted face-to-face, with participants expressing consent through wet signatures. While the original forms are securely stored and can be presented upon request, they are not initially attached individually due to containing personal participant information. For the online course surveys, informed consent was presented at the beginning of the survey; however, given the need to maintain student anonymity, individual consent is not collected during online course surveys.

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Özbey, F., Bardak Denerel, S. Student involvement and innovative teaching methods in a biophilic design education pilot elective course in interior architecture. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1155 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03559-4

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Received : 09 January 2024

Accepted : 31 July 2024

Published : 07 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-03559-4

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24/106 Better Methods, Better Research (BMBR) Programme Researcher-led

research on education methods

11 September 2024

13:00 on 04 December 2024

Supporting Information

In order to apply for this call you will need to carefully review the  Guidance for Applicants .

The Better Methods, Better Research (BMBR) Programme is accepting applications to this funding opportunity.

The BMBR Programme is a collaboration between MRC and NIHR. It aims to ensure that optimal research methods are used to advance biomedical, health and care research, policy and delivery.

This opportunity covers the entire remit of MRC and NIHR, prioritising current rate-limiting methodological challenges for health research. Funding will be provided for projects that improve the methods used by others in biomedical and health research.

Project proposals can be up to a budget of £625,000 (100% full economic cost (FEC)). MRC and NIHR will usually fund up to 80% of your project’s FEC.

In order to apply for this call you will need to carefully review the Guidance for Applicants .

Background information

NIHR recently took on management of the BMBR Programme. You can find out more information about the transition of BMBR.  

More information on the BMBR Programme is also available by visiting the BMBR Programme page .  

Additional guidance

Applications to research funding must include a dissemination plan. This should outline the activities that support uptake, implementation and best use of methods by others beyond the project team.

Research outputs should be designed to maximise:

  • their visibility, accessibility and informative value
  • their benefits to those outside the project team, including other researchers
  • their utility and research impact across broader research communities, sectors or systems

Research outputs may include, as appropriate to the method:

  • code, including open-source code
  • software, including open-source software
  • research standards or checklists

Research outputs should be available and usable to the fullest extent. Open-source software and code are encouraged. Costs to support this are eligible under the NIHR Open Access publications funding guidance .

All projects should ensure their benchmarking and evaluation provides the necessary assurance for others. This means that other researchers, stakeholders and communities can understand and champion improved methods.

Applications may also focus on a specific and evidenced barrier to current use of better methods. For example, they may focus on better methods that are not widely understood or used. These applications must offer a clear pathway to improving uptake of optimal methods by other researchers.

Applications that solely focus on developing research outputs as case studies of potential value of a method or methods will be rejected. For all applications, we encourage you to learn from others where possible. We also welcome multidisciplinary teams or approaches.

A webinar will be held for potential applicants on Monday the 7th of October 2024. To sign up to the webinar please contact [email protected] .


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