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Free thesis defense presentation templates

Bring your research to life and impress the examining committee with a professional Thesis Defense Presentation template. Defend your final year project, Master’s thesis, or PhD dissertation with the help of free slides designed especially for students and academics. 


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What’s a thesis defense presentation?

As you approach the end of grad or postgrad studies, you’ll probably be required to deliver a thesis defense presentation. This takes place during the final semester and involves speaking about your thesis or dissertation in front of a committee of professors. 

The word “defend” might sound intimidating, but it simply means answering questions about your work. Examiners want to see how knowledgeable you are about your field and if you can back up your arguments with solid and original research. Some departments invite students to a pre-defense, which is like a dress rehearsal for the main event. 

If you’re defending your doctoral thesis or dissertation, the event will be more formal than at Master’s level. In some universities, this is called a PhD viva, which comes from the Latin viva voce, meaning “by live voice”. Basically, it’s time to speak about the 80 thousand words you’ve written! As well as your supervisor, the panel will usually include visiting academics from other institutions. If it’s an “open defense” it will be open to other students and members of the public.

The format varies between different universities, but a thesis defense usually starts with the candidate delivering a short presentation accompanied by slides. This is followed by a question and answer session with the panel. 

How do I design slides for my thesis defense?

The secret to a good thesis defense presentation is a well-designed slide deck. This will act as a visual aid and starting point for the conversation. Structuring your points and illustrating them on the screen will help you present more confidently. 

If the prospect of creating a thesis presentation from scratch is daunting, check out Genially’s free thesis defense templates. Each design has been created by professional graphic designers in collaboration with students and academic experts. 

Choose from hundreds of examples with preset color palettes and easy-to-edit slides. In a few minutes you can outline the content of your thesis in an impressive visual format. No artistic skills required!

How should I structure a thesis presentation?

When you create a thesis defense presentation, the first thing to remember is that it should be short and concise. There’s no need to rewrite your thesis on the slides. Members of the committee will already be familiar with your work, having read the document prior to the event. 

A thesis defense is a conversational, person-to-person event. Examiners don’t want to read large blocks of text on the screen. They want to hear you talking about your research with passion and insight.

With this in mind, your presentation should serve as a starting point or prompt for discussion. Think of your slides as cue cards: use short titles and keywords to remind you of what you want to say. 

Make a good first impression by using a professional thesis defense presentation template with a consistent theme and attractive visuals. Go for a calm color palette and neutral style. The aim is to illustrate your points while keeping the committee focused on what you’re saying. 

A thesis defense usually begins with an introductory presentation lasting 15 to 20 minutes, followed by discussion time. For a 20 minute presentation we recommend a series of about 10 slides. 

Make sure to include an introduction slide or title page that lays out what you’re going to talk about. Next, move on to each part of your thesis. Outline the problem, background and literature review, your research question, methodology and objectives, findings, conclusions, and areas for future research. 

A great thesis presentation should provide the panel with a summary of your research. For that reason, try to avoid dumping too much data or information onto your slides. Use Genially’s interactive infographics, diagrams and charts to highlight the most important points in an eye-catching visual format.

When it comes to the big day and defending your thesis, try to keep calm. Take a deep breath, introduce yourself to the committee and let your slides guide you. Your examiners will come armed with a list of questions, so the formal presentation will flow naturally into a Q&A.

How do I make a good final year project presentation?

If you’re an undergrad, you might be required to deliver a final year project presentation or dissertation presentation. It’s less formal than a graduate degree thesis defense, but the format is similar. You will be asked to present your research findings to faculty and peers with the help of slides. Your performance may count towards your final grade when you’re awarded your Bachelor’s degree.

A good presentation for a final year project should start with a title slide. At this point you should introduce your research question and explain why you chose the topic. If it’s a collaborative project, include a slide that introduces your teammates. 

The core part of your presentation should cover your methodology, findings, conclusions, and scope for future research. Wrap things up by thanking your contributors and invite your audience to ask questions.   

If you’re not sure how to make a final year project presentation, check out Genially’s free presentation slides for students. Choose from hundreds of professional templates that can be customized to any undergraduate or graduate project. With animated graphics and beautiful data visualizations, you can make standout slides in a matter of minutes.

If you’re submitting your presentation to your professor, try including interactive elements. Genially’s presentation builder allows you to embed online data, videos, audio, maps, PDFs, and hyperlinks in your slides. This can be a useful way to provide supporting evidence, sources, and additional documentation. 

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Must-Have Thesis Defense Templates with Examples and Samples

Must-Have Thesis Defense Templates with Examples and Samples

Stepping onto the distinguished stage of your thesis defense is akin to performing a symphony of your research after losing many hours of sleep. The more time passes, the more your hands sweat, your heart beats faster, and your thoughts start racing. But what if there was a way to choreograph this terrifying experience into something beautiful?

Recent research by HigherEd Insights found that 90% of students who utilized well-designed thesis defense templates expressed enhanced confidenc e. These best thesis presentation ppt templates, carefully designed to highlight your research process, will save you time while presenting and add visual polish to your message.

Remember, your story has to amaze, educate, and convince the audience. Here is when the power of SlideTeam's Thesis Defense Templates becomes apparent. SlideTeam's templates will turn your study into an exciting narrative . When you use striking images that virtually jump off the screen with eye-catching statistics and bullet points, your presentation will be remembered as an unforgettable adventure.

It's time to transform your thesis defense from a nerve-wracking ordeal into a show that deserves a standing ovation. Here, we'll show you the ropes on thesis defense templates you can't live without. Get started today!

Deck 1: Sample PPT For Thesis Defense Presentation Slides

Template 1: prepare agenda for thesis .

This PPT Slide will serve as a map to help you and your audience navigate the complex terrain of your thesis. This slide serves as your presentation's road map, covering key points and concepts in a way that's both concise and thorough. By laying out your arguments logically, you may both wow your reviewers and avoid getting off track. This PPT Layout is perfect for any presenter since it eliminates any potential for error and sets the tone for a convincing defense of the argument.



Template 2: Thesis Presentation Outline: Guiding Your Narrative with Precision

This slide maps out your journey, from the grand curtain-raiser (Title Slide) to unveiling the behind-the-scenes mechanics (Methods), spotlighting your discoveries (Results), and culminating in a crescendo of insights (Conclusions). By offering a straightforward study design encompassing introduction, purpose, statistical analysis, discussions, and reference slides, this versatile slide empowers presenters of all disciplines to lead their audience through an immersive, well-structured thesis narrative.

Thesis Presentation Outline

Template 3: Title Slide to Fascinate First Impressions

This PPT Template includes your name, the qualifications of your thesis adviser, and your academic accomplishments, and it sums up the substance of your work. This slide is more than a formality; it's an introduction to your study that will captivate your audience. This slide may be used by presenters in any discipline to immediately establish authority, make an indelible impression, and communicate the value of their research. Put your best foot forward academically, and in life, by letting your title slide do the talking.

Title Slide

Template 4: Data-Driven Insights from a Statistical Analysis of the Thesis

This slide displays the results of careful data analysis, procedure processing which shine a light on the significant questions of your research. This PowerPoint Presentation can help anybody understand complicated results, whether scientists, economists, or social scientists. It's a visual representation of your analytical skills that will impress both data enthusiasts and quality assurance specialists.

Check out our blog on top thesis timeline templates to make your thesis more effective.

Statistical Analysis

Template 5: Constraints on Your Research: Find Limitations

The limitations of your study are discussed here, whether they are related to the research's technique, data collecting, or overall scope. This presentation has a dual purpose: to show you understand where you might improve and start conversations about how to do so. This slide is helpful for all speakers, from novice academics to seasoned researchers, since it encourages honesty and demonstrates the speaker's ability to handle the complexity of their topic with modesty and understanding.

Limitations Of Your Study

Deck 2: Thesis Defense Roadmap Individual Researcher Strategy Presentation

Template 6: do's and don’ts to defend content on thesis.

Examine the priceless "Dos and Don'ts to Defend Content" slide, your one-stop-shop for prevailing in the thesis defense. Here you'll learn tactical strategies (Do) to articulate your ideas with assurance, interact with reviewers, and provide considered responses to questions. This slide is a guidepost for students and academics alike; it will help you get through the tough examination of a thesis defense and flourish by giving you the tools you need to make your topic sparkle and persuade your audience at every turn.

Dos and Don'ts to Defend Content of Thesis

Template 7: Five-Year Roadmap for preparing thesis defense report

Use the "Five Year Roadmap" slide as a roadmap to efficiently organize your efforts leading up to the defense of your thesis. This well-crafted schedule covers everything from choosing a subject and completing literature reviews to honing your methods, analyzing your data, and writing up your findings. This slide serves as a map for students on academic adventures, outlining a path they may take to defend their theses successfully.

Five Year Roadmap for preparing Thesis Defense Report

Template 8: Key Preparation Tips for Thesis Defense

Inside you'll discover a treasure trove of helpful tips, including how to dress for success, handle anxiety, delegate effectively, think ahead, and prepare answers to probable inquiries. To ensure a professional, composed, and confident presentation that makes an indelible impression, this slide is not only for students; it is a compass for everyone ready to convey their thoughts convincingly. 

Key Preparation Tips for Thesis Defense

Template 9: Percentage of code-switching used by participants in Thesis Defense

This slide offers a graphical depiction of the Participant demographic's use of code-switching (the fluent mixing of languages) in their defense. This slide is useful for anyone studying language, culture, and education and for teachers looking to better their students' presenting abilities across languages. Get it from the link below.

Read our blogs on top one-pager templates available to prepare a thesis quickly and best. 

Percentage of Code Switching used by Participants in Thesis Defense

Template 10: Thesis Defense Invitation Form with Required Documents

This slide provides a one-stop shop for organizing your thesis defense invitations. Date, time, and location are all included for the benefit of the speakers and the reviewers. This slide is more than just an invitation; it serves as a literature review that details the thesis topic, required materials, the extent of the research, and even a preview of what's to come. This slide is ideal for universities, academics, and presenters since it guarantees a well-prepared and organized defense.

Thesis Defense Invitation Form with Required Documents

Prepare a Thrilling Thesis with Us!

Let SlideTeam be the maestro behind the scenes of your exciting thesis defense symphony. Our essential Thesis Defense Templates will ensure your presentation is symphony in style and design. Raise the bar on your defense and leave your assessors in wonder. Use SlideTeam's potency to your advantage and start directing your future now. This is the station where you may tune in to greatness; each slide is a work of art.

FAQs on Thesis Defense

What is usually asked in thesis defense.

You may find everything you need to organize invitations for your thesis defense on the "Invitation Form with Required Documents" slide. The speakers and reviewers will appreciate the inclusion of the date, time, and venue. This slide is more than an introduction; it's a road map that lays out the thesis's subject, resources needed, research scope, and even a sneak peek at what's coming. Academic institutions, public speakers, and presenters may all benefit from this slide since it ensures a well-prepared and coordinated defense.

How do you prepare for a thesis defense?

Using a preexisting thesis as a starting point has several advantages when preparing for your thesis defense. Using a template is a great way to ensure that the formatting and style of your documents are consistent from beginning to end. They allow you to devote more time to writing and less on formatting. Templates adhere to strict academic guidelines, making them appropriate for use in the classroom and lending an air of professionalism to any assignment. Charts and diagrams may be easily included to enhance reading and comprehension. Also, with a good template, adjusting things is a breeze. As a result of their ability to streamline the writing process, enhance the paper's aesthetic appeal, and contribute to a polished, cohesive final product, thesis templates are an essential tool for effective and successful thesis preparation.

How do you start a thesis defense?

The first part of a thesis defense lays the groundwork for a strong presentation. Start by saying hello and thanking them for the chance. Introduce your topic with an attention-grabbing title slide, then go on to a summary of your study aims. Provide background information and describe your research topic or hypothesis explicitly. Create an outline of your presentation, emphasizing the most critical points. Get people interested by discussing the importance and applicability of your findings. Create a connection with the reviewers via brief, intriguing introductions. To provide an effective and confident defense of your thesis, you need to start well.

Why Use Thesis Templates?

There are several benefits to using a thesis template. Using a template as a starting point, you may maintain uniformity in your document's formatting and style. They help you concentrate on content rather than design, which saves time. Academic standards are followed by templates, making them suitable for use at universities and adding a touch of professionalism to any project. Integrating visual aids like charts and diagrams is simple, which improves readability and understanding. In addition, modifications may be made quickly and easily using a template.

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A Thesis Defense is an oral presentation or discussion of the thesis work. Research students and professors share their research at open platforms or academic communities. The purpose of sharing research work is to show your quality contribution in a field. It is an essential need for the degree completion of Master's or Ph.D. degree students.

For an impressive presentation, you can use thesis defense PowerPoint templates . Such pre-designed templates can guide you with text and image placeholders. This article will explain a few necessary items for a successful thesis defense. Also, you will find the top 10 thesis defense presentation templates in this guide.

In this article

  • What Items Should Be Included in a Theses Defense PowerPoint Presentation
  • 10 Best Thesis Defense Presentations Templates
  • The Most Powerful AI Tool to Create, Customize, Record, or Live Stream Thesis Defense Presentations

Part 1. What Items Should Be Included in a Theses Defense PowerPoint Presentation

Making a thesis is hard, but defending it with facts and figures is a major hurdle. Along with making a thesis, there comes the case of presenting it. The presentation requires prior research and preparation with clear and easy-to-read content.

Do you want an impressive presentation that makes your thesis stand out? Let's go through the following factors that need to be included in a thesis defense presentation sample :

1. Well-Structured Slides

The main slides must have a concise title and a table of contents. Introduce your topic with the objectives and purposes of such conducting study. You can summarize the previous research in the literature review and method section.

Showcase your findings in results and discuss them thoroughly. The conclusion must highlight key ideas, research questions, and future suggestions. Your presentation will get good remarks by following this structure of thesis defense.

2. Identify the Presentation Theme

You might be having difficulties making a presentation on a history thesis. Defining a minimalist theme can help maintain a consistent template design. You can add relevant shapes, headings, elements, pictures, and colors to the template.

Once you have defined the theme, choose elements and graphs that best fit there. Also, use designs that show the history, evolution, chronology, and map description. Add theme-related videos or statistical information to give your slides a professional look.

3. Choose Ideas to Emphasize

In your thesis defense, you have to emphasize certain key findings. For this purpose, you can use different visual aids, like checkboxes, maps, and tables. If your thesis is on climate change, you can show your ideas on pollution using infographics.

The use of infographics will convey a complex term in easier words to your targeted audience. Moreover, you should use different soft colors to differentiate and emphasize concepts.  

4. Visualize Statistical Data

Emphasize your findings by visualizing your statistical data using charts and graphs. In a certain case, you would have collected a bunch of survey responses on a medical condition. Consequently, you can show your result analysis with the help of test-run infographics and pie charts.

Make sure that graphs and shapes are labeled with clear units and instructions. This way, your audience will comprehend the content of your thesis. Plus, using infographics can make the audience remember your study's facts.

5. Consistent Design 

To maintain consistency, you must keep certain things in mind while editing slides. Ensure your font size, graphics, layout design, and colors remain the same. Keep your template layout consistent, as it provides visual harmony in presentations.

Avoid overly detailed slides as they distract your listeners from the research. To achieve it, you should maintain equal white spacing between text and objects in the slides.  

6. Professional Font and Formatting

You should focus on the thesis defense PPT formatting because it carries certain grade points. For example, social science research uses APA style and deducts marks without such formatting. They consider standard font sizes of 12-14 with Times New Roman or Calibri fonts.

Proper formatting makes it more professional and readable to the audience. Thus, consistent alignment and spacing make the text accessible for backbencher participants.

7. Summary Slide or Citation Slide

In the ending slides, it makes a good impression on the audience to include a summary slide. It has been discovered that students struggle in writing down the citations in the ending slides. To make the perfect ending slides, you can highlight the key points of your thesis.

Make sure you write down your references with proper alignment, separate lines, and the same font size. These last slides are the key takeaways of your thesis presentation, which provide clarity.

Part 2. 10 Best Thesis Defense Presentations Templates

Research work in every field is a complex and time-consuming process. The presentation of the research proves boring for most of the listeners. Therefore, making a captivating presentation is demanding in almost all fields. For this purpose, you can access thesis defense PowerPoint templates to save resources. 

1. Professional Thesis PowerPoint Templates

This thesis defense presentation sample is designed to showcase your final research. It offers a comprehensive 22 slides with a creative layout to engage your audience. This PPT template includes elements such as diagrams, charts, and graphics. It covers all aspects of your thesis, from the introduction to the conclusion.

It provides options to customize backgrounds, color themes, icons, and objects. The structure of the template helps present research findings in a logical flow. Plus, find certain infographics that include factual data and evidence. The template is compatible with different presentation software such as PowerPoint. It also follows a modern 16:9 aspect ratio.

professional thesis powerpoint template

2. Master’s Thesis Defense Free PowerPoint Template Design

As the name suggests, this template is used in Master’s dissertation presentations. With 28 slides, it offers guidance on creating concise but impactful presentations. This is a reliable template for performing quantitative research and adding results. You will find customizable slides to insert your content and images.

The sample master's thesis defense presentation PPT includes images and a widescreen layout. You can access unlimited theme colors to match your brand's voice. It features vector objects and icons and offers over 110 pre-made theme colors.

masters thesis defense free powerpoint template

3. Minimalist Thesis Defense

People often prioritize simplicity and focus on concepts when it comes to architecture. With over 30 pre-made slides, you can maintain the layout and customize colors and fonts. The template provides a wide selection of charts, frames, lines, and shapes for the content. Moreover, it offers an image placeholder slide to add a picture of a thousand words.

This template is compatible with Google Slides, PowerPoint, and Canva. By using this template in Canva, you can find resources for graphics, icons, and images. Users can perform brand customization and add animations and emojis to the slides.

minimalist thesis defense template

4. Pestel Analysis Thesis Defense Presentation

Business students can get help from this template to show strategic planning. Through this thesis defense PowerPoint template , you can easily assess all external factors affecting businesses. This creative design features many colorful geometric illustrations on a clean white background. It includes editable elements like graphs, maps, tables, timelines, and mockups.

Moreover, there are bar charts and global maps to highlight important locations. One of the slides offers a colorful table that shows monthly tasks and schedules. Toward the end, users get to over 500 icons in ending slides to extend the template.

pestel analysis thesis defense template

5. Black Doodle Thesis Defense

This template can be used in the textile industry to validate your thesis research. With the help of such a template, textile professionals can share thesis findings. It is customizable, having a black doodle background. You can find it in 10 simple slides, avoiding clutters and grabbing attention to the contents.

The slides have editable features where you can edit photos and change colors. Its graphics let you duplicate, delete, or place them in your desired place. After compiling, this thesis defense PowerPoint template allows you to download it in various formats.

black doodle thesis defense powerpoint template

6. Engineering Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template

This template fulfills the necessity of engineers in making their thesis and research. The template comprises 42 slides in HD quality. Its first slide holds the audience's attention with machine gears and compelling visuals. These slides have editable graphics, mockups, charts, and maps to impress your audience.

It shows a user-friendly interface and compatibility with other software. You can also add a timeline to highlight the differences following the years. Moreover, there are global maps and other infographics to represent statistical data.

engineering thesis defense powerpoint template

7. Economic Thesis Presentation

In business administration, researchers have dealt with numerical data sets. This thesis defense presentation sample proves fruitful in turning their challenging process into a breeze. Its dynamic design, structure, and layout let users justify their findings. These 37 modern illustrations are available in 6 pre-designed optimistic colors.

The elements and graphics are related to economics with an option of adjustment. Also, weekly schedule tables and methodology tables display factual data. Furthermore, it provides users with additional icons to customize the slides further.

economic thesis presentation template

8. Blue and Yellow Colorful Geometric Thesis Defense Presentation

Unlike its name, each slide of this template contains different color combinations. Mathematicians and physicists can use this template to make their complex concepts digestible. These slides are 10 in number with full customization features. The robotics elements in the template give a 3D effect and get viewers absorbed in it.

You can further alter the color, font, and size of this template according to your needs. Moreover, it allows you to perform both qualitative and quantitative research types. Conclusively, you can find these slides to be concise yet effective for explaining important concepts.

colorful geometric thesis defense presentation template

9. Sample PPT For Thesis Defense PowerPoint Presentation Slides

It's very important to impress clients and authorities for marketing thesis defense. This compelling sample master thesis defense presentation PPT free download plays a vital role in boosting the marketing process. The template comprises 34 slides and has well-researched content on important defense topics. It includes all the necessary layouts, icons, and graphs with easy customization.

Moreover, you can show statistical analysis using columns and pie charts. It provides pre-made additional slides for introducing your team in the ending slides. Also, there are tables of different layouts to explain future suggestions and references of the study.

sample ppt for thesis defense template

10. Beige and Brown Scrapbook Thesis Defense Presentation

Fine art students can use this template in the form of a scrapbook. All 10 slides of this presentation are designed creatively to fulfill the needs of artists. Mainly, it combines beige and brown colors with different layouts on each slide. This clutter-free template allows you to insert the main information and draw the viewer’s attention.

Moreover, it allows users to add a picture with a proper description, eliminating confusion. You can add your study objectives by inserting relevant pictures. Afterward, the study implementation can be showcased by navigating arrows and circles.

beige and brown scrapbook thesis defense

Part 3. The Most Powerful AI Tool to Create, Customize, Record, or Live Stream Thesis Defense Presentations

Students and researchers need a thesis defense presentation template to display their findings. The thesis defense presentation is not limited to inputting data in certain templates. Instead, researchers also require visually compelling slides to engage their audience. This leads to a stage where Wondershare Presentory enters as a lifesaver.

It is the most powerful AI presentation tool to help you present your research. People might get confused about understanding difficult concepts without a proper description. Unlike other platforms, it lets you present on streaming forums along with your slides. With this tool, connect on popular platforms and present slides with your video.

thesis defense powerpoint presentory template

Free Download Free Download Try It Online

Highlighting Features of Wondershare Presentory

  • Polished Templates: This tool provides you with high-quality, stunning templates. In addition, you can modify text formatting in slides as per the style for the thesis. Users can also import your thesis defense PowerPoint template and enhance its visual appeal. It offers multiple text styles and allows you to add stickers, characters, and numbers to your PPTs.
  • Recording and Live Streaming: It allows you to record videos for educational and other explanatory purposes. This recording can be shared over the globe via a link that promotes active learning. Plus, you can live stream on popular platforms like Zoom and Google Meet. Also, it can enhance your facial features and remove blemishes during presentations.
  • Teleprompter: You might get confused and forget the statistical results while presenting. This AI tool provides a teleprompter that enables you to display your script in front of you. Presenters can adjust the size of the text and teleprompter’s position on the screen. The opacity settings in that section allow you to adjust the text, color, and alignment.
  • Rich Resources: You can enhance your slides' quality with this AI tool's rich resources. Using animations and transitions will elevate the visual appeal of your presentation. Moreover, users can define the order of animation actions on various objects. Also, it allows you to modify the slide background with classical indoor and gradient colors.

In summary, a well-structured presentation leaves a positive impact on listeners. Thus, you should use templates for consistent themes and visual data representation. It is important to maintain professional font and formatting in thesis defense slides. That's why we have shed light on the top 10 sample master thesis defense presentation PPT .

Apart from using templates, a successful thesis defense also requires good content delivery. For this purpose, you can use Wondershare Presentory, an innovative AI tool. Presenters can confidently explain their research using its teleprompter feature. Moreover, authors can present their findings using its live-streaming option.

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51 Best Thesis-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 51 best thesis templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the thesis-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your thesis-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with thesis - Beautiful slide deck featuring english literature - word thesis with old typwriter backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Slide deck featuring word thesis with old typwriter keys monochrome

 Presentation with thesis - Slide set with family eating ici-cream in front of ocean background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set with male student researching with books in a library

 Presentation with thesis - Cool new PPT layouts with master thesis - postgraduate backdrop and a black colored foreground

PPT layouts with postgraduate

 Presentation with thesis - Theme with one caucasian man angry menacing portrait silhouette in studio isolated white background background and a light gray colored foreground

Theme with doctorates background

 Presentation with thesis - Slide set enhanced with master thesis - young woman with hat doctoral background and a coral colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with young woman with hat doctoral work examines background

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing theme consisting of master thesis - doctorates and the dollar symbol backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Theme consisting of doctorates and the dollar symbol for education costs in america

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of vacuum tubes electronics schematic backdrop and a soft green colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of vacuum tubes electronics schematic

 Presentation with thesis - Amazing presentation theme having thesis management - young woman with mug backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme having young woman with mug of hot drink looking at laptop display in front of her while surfing in the net on couch backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation with thesis - student with a headache background and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation with student with a headache at a computer

 Presentation with thesis - Colorful presentation design enhanced with thesis - people technology and education concept backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with people technology and education concept - happy african american young woman sitting at table with laptop computer and books at home

 Presentation with thesis - Theme featuring vacuum tubes electronics schematic background and a soft green colored foreground

Theme featuring vacuum tubes electronics schematic

 Presentation with thesis - PPT layouts with master thesis - young woman with hat doctor background and a coral colored foreground

PPT layouts with young woman with hat doctor looking for work

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing slides consisting of thesis - people technology and education concept backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Slides consisting of people technology and education concept - happy african american young woman sitting at table with laptop computer and books at home

 Presentation with thesis - Colorful slide set enhanced with english literature - word thesis with old typewriter backdrop and a white colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with word thesis with old typewriter keys monochrome

 Presentation with thesis - Beautiful presentation theme featuring young-woman-in-lab-coat backdrop and a soft green colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring young woman in lab coat using thesis plan on tablet while presenting project at medical convention

 Presentation with thesis - Colorful theme enhanced with mature-man-in-a-medical backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Theme enhanced with mature man in a medical mask with a finger at his mouth coronavirus conspiracy thesis concept

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation theme enhanced with camera while working on thesis background and a sky blue colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with portrait of pretty university students in eyeglasses looking at camera while working on thesis in modern cozy coffeehouse

 Presentation with thesis - PPT layouts enhanced with man-in-a-medical-mask background and a light gray colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with man in a medical mask put a finger to his lips coronavirus conspiracy thesis concept background

 Presentation with thesis - PPT layouts having student thinking over her thesis background and a light blue colored foreground

PPT layouts having waist-up portrait of exhausted red-haired student thinking over her thesis while sitting in front of laptop at cozy coffeehouse blurred background background

 Presentation with thesis - Slide deck consisting of thesis - young female concentrating on network background and a sky blue colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of young female concentrating on network while preparing for report or looking for online data for seminar

 Presentation with thesis - Theme having thesis - young student reading book background and a navy blue colored foreground

Theme having young student reading book in bed

 Presentation with thesis - PPT theme with master thesis - mortarboard and swiss francs symbol background and a dark gray colored foreground

PPT theme with mortarboard and swiss francs symbol for education costs

 Presentation with thesis - Colorful PPT theme enhanced with alien - himalayan balsam - impatiens glandulifera backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with young woman with hat doctoral work examines backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing presentation design consisting of thesis - portrait of a student writing backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of portrait of a student writing on her notebook

 Presentation with thesis - Colorful presentation design enhanced with master thesis - mortar and swiss francs symbol backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with mortar and swiss francs symbol for education costs backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing slides consisting of thesis management - successful student looking at camera backdrop and a sky blue colored foreground

Slides consisting of successful student looking at camera while carrying out task or preparing for seminar

 Presentation with thesis - Beautiful PPT layouts featuring thesis - writer's block backdrop and a cream colored foreground

PPT layouts featuring writer's block backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - PPT layouts enhanced with thesis - people technology and education concept background and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with people technology and education concept - happy african american young woman sitting at table with laptop computer and books at home background

 Presentation with thesis - Amazing slides having thesis management - young woman in plaid backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slides having young woman in plaid and eyeglasses drinking hot tea from mug during work in office

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation design with thesis management - happy manager or blogger background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design with happy manager or blogger with laptop relaxing in cafe by cup of coffee

 Presentation with thesis - Theme consisting of thesis management - young specialist with laptop looking background and a  colored foreground

Theme consisting of young specialist with laptop looking through online vacancies background

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation design with thesis management - hispanic girl with smartphone talking background and a  colored foreground

Presentation design with hispanic girl with smartphone talking in cafe while planning work background

 Presentation with thesis - Slide set featuring thesis management - confident businessman in eyeglasses sitting background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set featuring confident businessman in eyeglasses sitting in front of laptop in cafe and looking at camera

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of thesis management - young businessman in casualwear backdrop and a  colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of young businessman in casualwear and eyeglasses making notes in cafe

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation theme having thesis management - serious manager or economist background and a  colored foreground

Presentation theme having serious manager or economist with papers working in the net while sitting in cafe

 Presentation with thesis - Amazing presentation theme having thesis management - happy modern student with smartphone backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme having happy modern student with smartphone phoning while sitting in cafe by cup of coffee and searching in the net for online data backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - PPT theme having thesis management - happy young female designer background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme having happy young female designer or freelancer with cup of tea or coffee looking through websites for new ideas in the kitchen

 Presentation with thesis - Cool new slide deck with thesis management - young manager with laptop searching backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Slide deck with young manager with laptop searching for online statistics for his business project

 Presentation with thesis - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of thesis management - young female student of online backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of young female student of online course of study making notes while sitting by table in front of laptop at home backdrop

 Presentation with thesis - Presentation theme with thesis management - young entrepreneur with headband typing background and a  colored foreground

Presentation theme with young entrepreneur with headband typing on laptop keypad while searching for online information about making business background

More thesis templates for powerpoint and google slides:.


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Free - Free PPT Templates for Thesis Presentation and Google Slides

Slide design for a thesis presentation with six colored boxes, each numbered and containing sample text.

Free Thesis Presentation Template

Features of the template.

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
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  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva Presentation.
  • It has well-organized graphical elements.
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  • Thesis Statement
  • Thesis Statement Model
  • Thesis Statement Infographics
  • Thesis Statement Examples
  • Thesis Defense
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Thesis PowerPoint Templates And Google Slides Themes

5664  results

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Format: pptx

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Designed by: 原墨硬笔

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Graduation thesis defense PPT template

Designed by: little east

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Designed by: 清净”

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Free PowerPoint Templates

Free Thesis PowerPoint Templates

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Free Science Fair PowerPoint Template

The Free Science Fair PowerPoint Template is a free presentation template for science projects, that comes with a vibrant blue cover slide, acting as an attention-grabbing backdrop to introduce your presentation. It features a high-resolution photograph that encapsulates the beauty of science in a snapshot. You can combine this science fair template with other science …

For making presentations to explain your thesis or other type of academic work, you can download these Free Thesis PowerPoint Templates .

These free PPT slide decks offer formal layouts with attractive, yet minimalist slide designs suitable for making academic presentations to explain your thesis, research work, critical analysis, group assignment, etc.

These PPT templates are compatible with most and the most recent editions of PowerPoint, such as PowerPoint 2010 and PowerPoint 2013.

Free Regency PowerPoint Template

Regency PowerPoint Template

Free Homework PowerPoint Template with Blue and white background slide

Homework PowerPoint Template

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Free Business PowerPoint Template

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Free Monopoly PowerPoint Template

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Bachelor's Thesis

It seems that you like this template, bachelor's thesis presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

You’re about to finish your bachelor’s degree and, in your case, you had to write a dissertation. Is it time for the defense? Then, create a nice presentation by editing our free template, whose design is suitable for any academic discipline.

The design of these slides focuses on two things. The first, a geometric distribution, with green and maroon rectangles where you can arrange your information and your research data. The second, the idea of finding your own way, told by the use of several inspiring pictures. Apart from that, you can tell this template is meant to be formal, as denoted by an elegant slab title font. For body copy, we’ve added a sans font which gives the text maximum clarity, so your audience and the committee is able to understand all the concepts easily.

Features of this template

  • A formal template with pictures and minimalist layouts
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 18 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics and maps
  • Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

How can I use the template?

Am I free to use the templates?

How to attribute?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Register for free and start downloading now

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How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

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Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template

The Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template is an outstanding tool for final project presentations. The students can propose their groundbreaking ideas with the help of amazing graphics. Coming up with a unique idea is hard but to impress the board, professors, and colleagues is even harder. This thesis template of PowerPoint enables the presenter to display a graphically engaging content. The use of data charts also assists in supporting the idea. It is a 9-slide PowerPoint thesis template providing a sequential approach to the presentation. For example, the starter-slide to add name and batch number. The rest of the sequence is followed:

  • Introduction: Context and background of the idea explain what paper is all about.
  • Literature Review: Includes the current knowledge of theory and methodology regarding the topic.
  • Methodology: Part where student describes the methods to use for the dissertation.
  • Results: the ultimate objectives of the research.
  • Discussion: A section to answer all the questions and justify the selected approach.
  • Conclusion: A summarized version of the findings, private opinions, recommendations, and limitations.

The Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template outlines the theories, solutions, and objectives. It can reduce the effort of the presenter and the audience both by a fraction of a time. This way, the dissertation student can save time on creating a presentation from scratch and utilize it more productively. On the other hand, the viewers can make decisions quickly based on the discussion and results of methodology.

The thesis presentation provides innovative PowerPoint templates for your dissertation. It has several layouts, containing high-resolution photos in the background. Moreover, the slides contain animations to demonstrate all the points, segment diagrams, and data charts in an engagement way. The PowerPoint template offers special data-driven charts including multiple bars, pie, and custom combination of trend and stack charts. The users can edit the spreadsheet which updates the chart accordingly. Also, users can replace the photos of presentation with images, gradients, and patterns aligned with their own content.

If you want to understand the techniques required to apply your content to the PowerPoint template, you can check our article about a proper thesis presentation , where our content team researched the appropriate way of presenting your thesis defense.

Impress your audience with professional designs that appeal to global executives.

Educational PowerPoint Thesis Design

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49 votes, average: 3.94 out of 5

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Home > All > Free Powerpoint Templates > Minimalist PhD Dissertation Slides

Minimalist PhD Dissertation Slides

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Minimalist PhD Dissertation Presentation

Free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Simple, clean, and classic, these minimalist PhD dissertation slides are great as a Google Slides template, PowerPoint theme or Canva template. Keep the layout as it is or add, delete, and re-order slides. Choose your own color scheme and font combination. Upload images, photos, and illustrations. Easily add charts, graphs, and other figures. Fill out ready-made slides for your introduction, research methodology, results, discussion, and other core parts of your dissertation. Check out the handy How-To page at the start of the deck for tips on using these slides as a Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, or Canva theme.

Features of this template

  • 25+ ready-made slides to customize as you see fit
  • Hundreds of charts, frames, lines and shapes to choose from
  • Handy animation and transition features for each slide
  • Easy downloading or sharing in a wide range of formats

With Canva, you get even more creative freedom:

  • An easy drag-and-drop tool to help you add graphics
  • Set-and-forget brand color and font combinations
  • Page animation features, emojis, color palettes and font sets
  • Millions of professionally designed images and photos
  • Pre-recorded Talking Presentation tools to help you practice
  • A notes feature for adding talking points to your design
  • Searchable videos, soundtracks and other audio clips
  • Easy collaboration with friends, coworkers and family

People who find this template also visit

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  • Free Google Slides Templates
  • Customizable and Feature-Rich Canva Templates
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Supercharge your slides with Canva.

Add dynamic GIF's, captivating videos, and stylish photo frames directly from Canva's royalty-free asset library effortlessly. Share or export anywhere, be it PPT or Google Slides.

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Magic Write

Go from idea to your first draft *in seconds with Magic Write, our content generation tool powered by OpenAI.

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Image generator

Dream it up, then add it to your design. Watch your words and phrases transform into beautiful images.

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Background remover

Click to remove image backgrounds, perfect for product photos, headshots, or transparent PNGs.

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Export your results to PPT and Google Slides

Canva allows you to export to a perfect PPT or Google Slide when you are done.

Learn how to export from Canva to other formats

Canva to PowerPoint Canva to Google Slides

  • 1. Open the template in Canva .
  • 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More"
  • 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button.
  • 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages.
  • 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  • 1. Click on Canva button to open the design.
  • 2. Once the Canva file is opened, click on "Share" at the top right hand corner, then click on "Download"
  • 3. Once you clicked on "Download" , choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type
  • 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint!

Professional designs for your presentations

SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience.

Plantillas para Powerpoint y Google Presentaciones

Las plantillas de SlidesCarnival tienen todos los elementos que necesitas para comunicar tu mensaje de manera efectiva e impresionar a tu audiencia ¡y son completamente gratis!

Designs profissionais para suas apresentações

Os modelos de SlidesCarnival tem todos os elementos que você precisa para comunicar a sua mensagem de forma eficaz e impressionar o seu público.



Suitable for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits.

Puedes descargar tu presentación como una plantilla de Powerpoint o usarla online como un tema de Google Presentaciones. Y si lo deseas también puedes exportarla a otros formatos: PDF, JPG, PNG, etc.

Templates para PowerPoint e Google Slides

Faça o download de sua apresentação como modelo PowerPoint ou usá-lo on-line como tema do Google Slides. 100% gratuito, sem registro e sem limites de download.


PowerPointファイルとしてプレゼンテーションをダウンロードし、コンピューターで作業を続けることができます。 また、PDF、JPG、PNGなどの他の形式でスライドをエクスポートできます。

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  1. How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense with a PowerPoint Presentation

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  2. Master's Thesis Defense Free PowerPoint Template Design

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  3. Thesis Defense Powerpoint Templates

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  4. Thesis Defense Powerpoint Templates

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  5. Download Thesis PowerPoint Template

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  6. How To Do a Proper Thesis Defense Using the Right PowerPoint

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  1. Column Generation in Machine Learning| Krunal Thesis background

  2. 1 HOUR STUDY WITH ME || Proofreading My PhD Thesis || Background noise, no breaks

  3. Background and Purpose statement

  4. Liverpool Business School LBS Final Thesis Submission

  5. How to write thesis chapter one (Background, Problem statement, Objectives, Research questions)

  6. Sample Thesis Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides


  1. Free Thesis Defense Google Slides and PowerPoint Templates

    Download the "Social Issues Thesis: Violence Against Women" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Congratulations, you have finally finished your research and made it to the end of your thesis! But now comes the big moment: the thesis defense. You want to make sure you showcase your research in the...

  2. Thesis Defense Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for thesis defense presentations. They can be used by students, researchers, or academics who are presenting their research findings and defending their thesis in front of a panel of experts or peers. Download these thesis defense templates to create professional presentations that will wow your committee.

  3. Master's Thesis Google Slides and PowerPoint Template

    Features of this template. Available in five colors: pink, blue, orange, red, and yellow. Includes 1000+ icons divided into 11 different themes for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva and PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits ...

  4. Free thesis defense presentation templates

    Templates for everything under the sun ☀️. Sign up to explore 2000+ interactive, animated designs in the Genially Template Gallery. Sign up for free. Impress your professors with a stunning thesis defense presentation. Choose from 100s of free slide templates for Final Year Projects, Bachelor, Master & Postgrad students.

  5. Elegant Thesis Defense. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Step up your thesis defense with our cutting-edge Powerpoint and Google Slides templates. Specifically designed for education and project research, this tasteful and modern set in hues of green and brown is ideal for high school and college students. Flaunting a clean and simple aesthetic, it enables your history subject matter to truly stand out.

  6. Simple Style Thesis Defense

    Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups. Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of ...

  7. How to Make a Thesis Defense Presentation That Will Impress Your

    12 Free presentation templates for a Thesis Defense; Define your signature idea. Your thesis has a focus. A goal. A core concept. And this should be incorporated into your thesis defense presentation's design in every respect. A strong design will help to engage the committee and reinforce your expert understanding of your research area.

  8. Must-Have Thesis Defense Templates with Examples and Samples

    Deck 1: Sample PPT For Thesis Defense Presentation Slides . Template 1: Prepare Agenda for Thesis ... Provide background information and describe your research topic or hypothesis explicitly. Create an outline of your presentation, emphasizing the most critical points. Get people interested by discussing the importance and applicability of your ...

  9. Free Professional Thesis PowerPoint Templates

    This free template for professional thesis will help engage and guide viewers through your thesis activities. These slides outline thesis and research data using diagrams, charts, and meaningful graphic contents. This presentation is also available as an editable Google Slides Themes. This professional thesis template includes 21 slides to ...

  10. Free Thesis Defense Presentation Templates

    Download our professional Thesis defense powerpoint templates to prepare the coming presentation. Google Slides theme templates are also available for free download. 100% FREE! FULLY EDITABLE! ... Slidesdocs provides a wide selection of office templates, including Powerpoint templates and background, Google Slides themes, Microsoft Word, Excel ...

  11. Top 10 Thesis Defense PowerPoint Templates to Use in 2023

    Sample PPT For Thesis Defense PowerPoint Presentation Slides. It's very important to impress clients and authorities for marketing thesis defense. This compelling sample master thesis defense presentation PPT free download plays a vital role in boosting the marketing process. The template comprises 34 slides and has well-researched content on ...

  12. 51 Best Thesis-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 51 best thesis templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The thesis-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your thesis ...

  13. Elegant Bachelor Thesis

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Present your Bachelor Thesis in style with this elegant presentation template. It's simple, minimalist design makes it perfect for any kind of academic presentation. With an array of features such as section dividers, images, infographics and more, you can easily ...

  14. 49+ Thesis PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides

    Download 100% editable thesis PPT templates and presentation designs for thesis defense and academic thesis projects. Our educational thesis presentation templates can help you to finish your thesis presentation in record time. Thesis presentation templates are compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint & Google Slides.

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    Free Thesis Presentation Template. Embark on a journey of academic discovery and intellectual growth with the pinnacle of scholarly achievement - the thesis! A thesis is the pinnacle of academic achievement, representing years of hard work and dedication. It is typically the final requirement for a degree program and More...

  16. Simple Minimalist Thesis Defense. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Choose a simple, classic theme for your complex topic. These minimalist thesis defense slides are perfect as a Google Slides template, PowerPoint theme or Canva template. Keep the layout as it is, or choose your own background colors and font combination.

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    Are you looking for Thesis powerpoint or google slides templates? Pikbest have found 5664 great Thesis Powerpoint templates for free. More animated ppt about Thesis free Download for commercial usable,Please visit PIKBEST.COM ... Templates Video PowerPoint PNG Images Backgrounds Sound Effects Decors&3D Models Music E-commerce Word Excel. Search ...

  18. Free Thesis PowerPoint Templates

    For making presentations to explain your thesis or other type of academic work, you can download these Free Thesis PowerPoint Templates.. These free PPT slide decks offer formal layouts with attractive, yet minimalist slide designs suitable for making academic presentations to explain your thesis, research work, critical analysis, group assignment, etc.

  19. Bachelor's Thesis Google Slides Theme and PowerPoint Template

    A formal template with pictures and minimalist layouts. Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon's extension for customizing your slides. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens. Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used.

  20. Thesis Presentation PowerPoint Template

    It is a 9-slide PowerPoint thesis template providing a sequential approach to the presentation. For example, the starter-slide to add name and batch number. The rest of the sequence is followed: Introduction: Context and background of the idea explain what paper is all about. Literature Review: Includes the current knowledge of theory and ...

  21. Modern Minimal Thesis Defense. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Canva allows you to export to a perfect PPT or Google Slide when you are done. 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint! Discover a minimal, clean thesis defense presentation using orange, blue and green color blocks. Perfect for high school and college education projects - Fully customizable and 100% free to use.

  22. Minimalist PhD Dissertation. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Click to remove image backgrounds, perfect for product photos, headshots, or transparent PNGs. Canva allows you to export to a perfect PPT or Google Slide when you are done. 4. Your template is now ready for use on Powerpoint! Defend yourself in style with this minimalist PhD dissertation template. This theme is fully editable and 100% free.