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The Enagic Business And Compensation Plan

Published by Suzan Clare Edwards Modified over 6 years ago

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The Enagic Business And Compensation Plan

It’s time for you to earn more Money! It’s time for you to save more money! And It’s Your Opportunity to be Environmentally Responsible!

enagic business plan ppt

Compensation plan Overview. Compensation plan Overview.

enagic business plan ppt

Understanding the Compensation Plan

enagic business plan ppt

“Change Your Water…Change Your Life!”

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The Kangen1 Distributor Team Welcomes You Kangen Project Overview & Product Demonstration This project overview is presented and prepared by Enagic Independent.

enagic business plan ppt

The Kangen1 Distributor Team Welcomes You Kangen™ Project Overview & Product Demonstration This project overview is presented and prepared by Enagic Independent.

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M o n t h O n eM o n t h T w o Week 1 Week 2 Week 3Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Cycle 1 You Enroll 2 New Associates: Jill and Bob CUMULATIVE RESULTS.

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The Kangen1 Distributor Team Welcomes You Kangen Project Overview & Product Demonstration This project overview is presented and prepared by Enagic® Independent.

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The Enagic Business A Sleeping Giant… …Is About To Awaken! “Change Your Water…Change Your Life!”

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Enagic® Patented Compensation Plan. Let’s Start Your Business We Turn Liquid into Liquidity. When you purchase a machine, the business comes with it free!

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Founder and Owner P4S. Scientist in Mathematics and Technology. The creator of RealtyTrac Oversees daily operations, business development opportunities,

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Welcome rest life … to the of your.

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enagic business plan ppt

…bringing hope to your dreams

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enagic business plan ppt

Compensation Plan Welcome To The VNI Career Path That Exemplifies The Opportunity To Achieve Health, Hope And Financial Abundance.

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Affiliate Compensation Plan

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© 2024 Inc. All rights reserved.

Posted in Enagic USA

Enagic compensation plan.

A robust compensation plan is definitely a very good thing, but navigating the intricacies of how it all works can be hard to follow and leave you feeling completely confused.

Well, now you can relax! We’ve put together a clear and easy-to-follow video presentation that breaks down the structure of the compensation plan with a simple, step-by-step walk-through. This is a great video to share with your downline as a motivational tool and an excellent video to share with any potential clients who have questions about the Enagic Compensation Plan.

To check out the video, follow this steps:

  • Head on over to your E2 Website configuration settings.
  • Enable the compensation page.

enagic business plan ppt

  • Open your E2 Website in a new tab and click on the Business Opportunity menu above.
  • Scroll down to watch the new compensation plan.

If you have any questions or have a problem finding it, contact our support staff and we’ll be able to help you.

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Enagic Web System Help Center

Trying to figure out how to get started with your new Enagic business? This article gets you on the right path!

Darryl Prusak avatar

You now have a wonderful Kangen Water machine that delivers so many amazing benefits in your life. Your sponsor (the person who sold you the machine) is your first resource in learning the business. Some people don't have any open channel of communication with their sponsor, but worry not, without a sponsor, your learning curve can take a bit longer, but we can point you in the right directions! ​ Without knowing where your current education / self training lies, I can simply reference all the great start points:

Know your product. Learn about your product by visiting and reading all of the EWS websites. You can start with your own website demo if you are already a member - then look through all the websites EWS has available. These websites you can also choose to have if you upgrade: (especially the ECO website - there's a lot to learn from in there!)

Know your business. Study the compensation plan. You can find a presentation of it on our "E2" website, a demo of which is here

Know your tools! You are speaking with (EWS). We are the official Enagic marketing system for all distributors worldwide. We have a free (basic) plan that gives you a backoffice full of Enagic information, as well as your own free Kangen Demo website. We have upgraded plans that provide more features. ​ ​ Why does it cost to have tools? Enagic, being a 40+ year old company, had to create EWS in 2004. There are of course significant costs to running EWS, and they could've increased prices/reduced commission to budget for it, but instead they chose to let distributors decide to invest into EWS on their own. So thats how EWS operates, funded *only* by distributors who choose to leverage the tools we create.

Get involved with the community! We have a facebook group called EnagicWebSystem Connection . Join it! You'll find a lot of helpful posts and a community of people that can answer your questions. Just try to keep questions specific to get good answers, asking "how do i make money" wouldn't garner much an answer if any.

Self Educate on how to do online marketing. There is a lot of online info on digital marketing. Much of it is free, much of it tries to sell you things. Use us as your vetting board - before you spend on anything, feel free to send us a link and ask us if it seems like a good thing to do. We're happy to review and give our professional opinion. Facebook marketing is of course a natural place to start, so starting your own Facebook Business page is one of your first steps. EWS has tools to help you design and post to it, we call it the Social Campaign system. You can read about it here.

Set your expectations. Understand that you NOW have your own home-based business. You can consult with your accountant on how to claim a portion of your home expenses as business expense and reduce your taxes! Think like a business owner. Dedicate yourself to the mission. Understand progress is entirely relative to your own passion, mission, time invested and effort. Be prepared to build your business and never give up! We have seen so many people freed and living their dreams, some achieve it in a year or two, others I've seen take as much as 5-8 years! Admittedly, those short curve ones put their entire focus into it, while the long curve ones tend to be part time efforts. Thats the good news, you can build your business at your own pace, its not going anywhere without you!

I hope you find all this information useful. EWS looks forward to helping you on your way to your own successes and business goals!​

Noni4all – Learn More Grow More

Enagic Company: Enagic Kangen Water Business Plan (2024)

Enagic Company

Enagic Company Limited is Japan Based MLM Company that sells Kanzen Water machine Products. In this article, I’m gonna show you the complete information about Enagic Company Limited and Enagic Kangen Water .

Here, you will know about,

About Enagic Company

  • Enagic Business Plan
  • Enagic Products
  • and, Lot’s more information

Let’s dive into this topic.

Table of Contents

Enagic Company Limited is a Japanese-based MLM Company that manufactures and sells a type of thi-purifier that converts ordinary water into alkaline water. In the Japanese language, Kangen meaning is the return from the Original ( Note: Probably, that’s why the company decides on this name). Hironari Ohshiro is the Founder and CEO of Enagic Company Limited.

Enagic Company Started its business in India in 2016 and list its name MCA Directory. Now Enagic Company Limited is on the list of Legal Direct Selling Companies of India .

Enagic Company Limited is continuously growing and expanding its business Globally. In the last 3 years, they set up their new office in India, Russia, and Brazil There are plans to build new Enagic centers in 20 more countries in the next few years.

These are some following countries where Enagic company is working;

Enagic Co. Ltd. Company Profile

6 May 2015
Reema Jain, Santinder Kaur, Pooja
Alkaline Water Machine
The Millenia Tower-B, 4th Floor,
Unit-401, No. 1&2, Murphy Road,
Ulsoor, Bangalore- 560008,
Karnataka, India OR,
[email protected]

What is Alkaline Water?

Basically, Here, you need to measure the PH level of the water, How Much Acid, Base, or Neutral is in the water.

  • 0 to 6 Acids – Tamarind
  • Neutral around 7
  • 8 to 14 in base – section

Normally Water was Mild Acid or Neutral . The Alkaline Process of Acidic water is called Electrolysis. Basically, this process is carried out by the Enzymatic Cannabinoid Water Machine.

Benefits of Alkaline Water:

  • Anti-aging or antioxidant properties
  • For a good immune system
  • Detoxifying properties
  • Weight loss
  • Anti-cancer properties

Side Effects of Excessive Alkaline Water:

  • Trembling Hand
  • Tension in the muscles

Enagic India Products

Enagic Kangen company divided its products line into 2 parts.

Kangen Water Machine

Enagic supplies.

Enagic India has 6 types of Kangen Water Machine, the names, and prices of which you can see below.

Here are the 6 types of Kangen Water Machine and their Price Tag.

Kangen Water Machine

By the way, the price of the Machine depends on the capacity of the Water and Plate. Normally, this Machine is long-lasting from 20 to 25 Years. The company Provides a 3 to 5 Year Warranty Period.

Enagic also sells their supply along with water machines, such as machine parts, bottles, filters, Pipes, Adapter, etc.

Enagic Supplies

Enagic India Compensation Plan

The Enagic Compensation Plan is called the 8-Point Business Model. The Downline up to Enazic up to 8 levels, the commission is started.

When Anyone will buy the Water Machine and become a Distributor of the company, it is called 1A . 

Rates are measured in points, with different common denominators according to the product level. If you are at the 1A level, you get 1 point on the downline rate cell, 2 points at the 2A level, and 6 points at the same 6A level.

The Price of the Kangen Water Machine is Different. The More Expensive Products, A Distributer can sell, the more commission you get. Therefore, the income of distributors will be high or low.

You can change the rupee at in point. But how many rupees will match at the rate point, it is being sold which machine, this stage is being accepted. 

Here are the Chart of Rank and Sales of the Water Machine.

Enagic India Compensation Plan

In addition to owning and downline product sales, there is more income from Enagic Kangen Company, which you will earn, which is as follows.

  • Educational allowance
  • 6A Step-Up Award
  • 6A Title Incentive
  • 6A 8 Level Group Motivation (Quarterly)
  • 6th Group Cell Award
  • UKON® DD Commission
  • Filter sales

How to join Enagic Business?

To Join Enagic Business, you need to contact an Existing Distributor of the Company. It is the Easiest Method. Just Provide, the Required Document (Voter Card, PAN Card, Bank Passbook) and purchase any Products of the company. Remember that you should go to the same Upline or team, from where you can learn this business.

Should I join Enagic?

Joining the Enagic Kangen Company depends on you. If you know what MLM is and what Enagic I do? You can decide for yourself. By the way, remember that, According to John M. Taylor, the MLM Succes rate is 0.04%. In My opinion, the products of Enagic are much more expensive which is not right for Indian People. I’m not disappointed you, I say real truth. By the way, there is also other Top Direct direct selling company in India with good products.

How much income will be from Enagic?

There is no fixed income in Enagic Kangen Water Business. The More product sales by you and your Team, the more commission you will earn.

Is there a fee to join Enagic?

As per the Direct Selling Rules and Regulations, there is no Joining Fess. Therefore, to join Enagic India, you will not have to pay any kind of fee, but you may have to buy any Enagic Kangen Water product.

Is it necessary to buy products from Enagic?

Obviously Yes. To join the company as a Distributor of Enagic, first, you have to buy Enagic Kangen Water Machine. Then, you can use it by yourself and sell it to others.

Is Kangen water Approved by FDA?

Enagic’s Kangen machine is known as the only medical device. FDA has Approved Enagic Kangen Water for therapeutic usage.

To Sum up, Enagic Company Limited is an MLM Company that sells Alkaline machines in India and worldwide. I hope you have got the full information about Enagic Kangen Company and Enagic Business Plan from this article.

Now, I’d like to know from you:

Are you Drinks Alkaline Water?

Do you have any Alklain Water Machine?

Let me know in the comment Right Now.

Somraj Mondal

A Blogger, Business Analyst! Somraj Mondal is Extensive experience in SEO and analyzing Different types of Businesses, Companies, and new methods of Marketing. Fountainhead of Noni4all, passionate about Digital Marketing and also Python Programming.

1 thought on “Enagic Company: Enagic Kangen Water Business Plan (2024)”

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In chart which machine? Means cost 18500 gradually reduced from 3A sales on wardards. Full description abt compenasation chart. I joined & sold 2 machines of 277000/- liveluk sd501. How much i get compenation in how many

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What Makes Enagic Different?

For over 5 decades, Enagic International has been the leader in manufacturing water ionization systems that transform regular tap water into pure, healthy, electrolytically-reduced and hydrogen-rich drinking water. This Japan-based company internationally distributes hundreds of thousands of Kangen Water machines to homes all over the globe.

Enagic’s Kangen Water systems enhance nature’s most vital life-source using the latest scientific research and technology, merged with superior Japanese craftsmanship.

Enagic International is the only water filtration and alkaline-ionizer distribution company in the world with its own OEM manufacturing facility in Japan and ISO certified quality control processes. All employees must master high-level technological knowledge and proficiency throughout the entire process, including development, production, supply, and service.

image description

Made in Japan

Our machines are individually assembled by artisans and then inspected, tested, and certified by highly-trained QC engineers.

Get fast and efficient support from our experienced technicians and international service centers when needed. Always ask your water-ionization system provider for the kind of support service and warranty you will get from them.

Global Events & Meetings

Connect and learn from Enagic Independent Distributor leaders at Enagic events in the United States and around the world.

Additionally, there are lots of localized opportunities to engage with Enagic® team members. Look for your nearest distributor sponsored event to get support and training from others that share the True Health spirit.

Company Culture, Personal Growth, & Business Opportunity

The Enagic Corporation believes in empowering people through the direct-sales marketing system. Our independent and passionate distributors love to speak about the benefits of Kangen Water® to other as they build their own personal wealth.

Ours is a family that supports one another to achieve universal success. Our business opportunity has been sometimes referred to as "personal growth with a compensation plan", because we want our team to grow financially and as individuals.

As a result of this philosophy, our global distributors are able to achieve financial freedom and realize their dreams while promoting a product they believe in and truly love.

enagic business plan ppt

Corporate Philosophy & The True Health Principles

We all desire the same things in life. At the end of the day, we wish to be healthy, wealthy, and happy.

Our corporate philosophy is based on these 3 true health principles:

enagic business plan ppt

Our purpose is to spread these truths through healthy drinking water, an exciting business and personal growth.

This unique business opportunity encompasses: Body, Mind, and Finances - the keys to a holistic, healthy, and joyful life!

Thousands of people worldwide had experienced the wellness that this revolutionary product brings.

enagic business plan ppt

Enagic celebrates over 5 decades as a specialized manufacturer of high quality water ionizer generating systems. Today Enagic's pledge to realize a revolution in True Health - in the form of physical health, economic health and mental health - is supported by thousands of people around the world.

The human body is comprised of over 70% water. It is no exaggeration to say that "the basis of vitality and long life is water." Enagic offers safe water that can be used with confidence to benefit health, beauty, sanitation and cuisine.

Enagic is an integrated development, manufacturing, sales and service company of alkaline ionizer technology.

As the evolution of information technology continues we have entered the age of "human technology marketing." Market vitality now depends upon a merging of high technology and the personal relationship between human beings. Enagic is teaming up with an international network of offices and numerous distributors around the world to spread the word "water and health" while building a global company with worldwide operations.

Hironari Ohshiro CEO Enagic International

In 1974 in Okinawa, Japan, Sony’s trading operation, the precursor of Enagic, began operations. Ever since, Enagic commitment to high quality products, innovation and True Health philosophy has made it the leader of water ionizer generating systems, now distributed globally.

New offices continue to open worldwide as the company expands and reaches more and more people providing healthy, alkaline water and a way to improve their finances as well.

Learn About Enagic's Corporate History

Enagic continues to grow and expand its operations. Just in the past three years there have been new offices established in India, Russia and Brazil. Plans are underway to develop new Enagic® centers in about 20 other countries in the next few years. With presence in 40 locations around 23 countries and growing, you can be sure to get all the support you need from this global, well established company.

Find our Global Office Locations & Sales Areas


Enagic International is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 13485 for quality control and environmental management, the Water Quality Association Gold Seal for product certification, and a member in good standing of the prestigious Direct Selling Association.



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