Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program | A program of UC Agriculture & Natural Resources

Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program

  • What is Sustainable Agriculture?

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society’s food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Practitioners of sustainable agriculture seek to integrate three main objectives into their work: a healthy environment, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. Every person involved in the food system—growers, food processors, distributors, retailers, consumers, and waste managers—can play a role in ensuring a sustainable agricultural system.

There are many practices commonly used by people working in sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems. Growers may use methods to promote  soil health , minimize  water use , and lower  pollution levels  on the farm. Consumers and retailers concerned with sustainability can look for “ values-based ” foods that are grown using methods promoting  farmworker wellbeing , that are  environmentally friendly , or that strengthen the local economy. And researchers in sustainable agriculture often cross disciplinary lines with their work: combining biology, economics, engineering, chemistry, community development, and many others. However, sustainable agriculture is more than a collection of practices. It is also process of negotiation: a push and pull between the sometimes competing interests of an individual farmer or of people in a community as they work to solve complex problems about how we grow our food and fiber.

Topics in sustainable agriculture

  • Addressing Food Insecurity
  • Agritourism
  • Agroforestry
  • Conservation Tillage
  • Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA)
  • Cooperatives
  • Cover Crops
  • Dairy Waste Management
  • Direct Marketing
  • Energy Efficiency & Conservation
  • Food and Agricultural Employment
  • Food Labeling/Certifications
  • Food Waste Management
  • Genetically Modified Crops
  • Global Sustainable Sourcing of Commodities
  • Institutional Sustainable Food Procurement
  • Biologically Integrated Farming Systems
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Nutrition & Food Systems Education
  • Organic Farming
  • Precision Agriculture (SSM)
  • Soil Nutrient Management
  • Postharvest Management Practices
  • Technological Innovation in Agriculture
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Value-Based Supply Chains
  • Water Use Efficiency
  • Water Quality Management
  • Zero-Emissions Freight Transport

Directory of UC Programs in Sustainable Agriculture

This directory is a catalog of UC's programmatic activities in sustainable agriculture and food systems. All programs are sorted by activities and topic areas.

Screenshot of Directory Programs

The Philosophy & Practices of Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture has changed dramatically, especially since the end of World War II. Food and fiber productivity soared due to new technologies, mechanization, increased chemical use, specialization and government policies that favored maximizing production. These changes allowed fewer farmers with reduced labor demands to produce the majority of the food and fiber in the U.S.

Although these changes have had many positive effects and reduced many risks in farming, there have also been significant costs. Prominent among these are topsoil depletion, groundwater contamination, the decline of family farms, continued neglect of the living and working conditions for farm laborers, increasing costs of production, and the disintegration of economic and social conditions in rural communities.

Potential Costs of Modern Agricultural Techniques



Degradation of
Rural Communities

Poor Conditions
For Farmworkers 

Increased Production

A growing movement has emerged during the past two decades to question the role of the agricultural establishment in promoting practices that contribute to these social problems. Today this movement for sustainable agriculture is garnering increasing support and acceptance within mainstream agriculture. Not only does sustainable agriculture address many environmental and social concerns, but it offers innovative and economically viable opportunities for growers, laborers, consumers, policymakers and many others in the entire food system.

This page is an effort to identify the ideas, practices and policies that constitute our concept of sustainable agriculture. We do so for two reasons: 1) to clarify the research agenda and priorities of our program, and 2) to suggest to others practical steps that may be appropriate for them in moving toward sustainable agriculture. Because the concept of sustainable agriculture is still evolving, we intend this page not as a definitive or final statement, but as an invitation to continue the dialogue

what is sustainable ag venn diagram

Despite the diversity of people and perspectives, the following themes commonly weave through definitions of sustainable agriculture:

Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Therefore,  stewardship of both natural and human resources  is of prime importance.  Stewardship of human resources  includes consideration of social responsibilities such as working and living conditions of laborers, the needs of rural communities, and consumer health and safety both in the present and the future.  Stewardship of land and natural resources  involves maintaining or enhancing this vital resource base for the long term.

A  systems perspective  is essential to understanding sustainability. The system is envisioned in its broadest sense, from the individual farm, to the local ecosystem,  and  to communities affected by this farming system both locally and globally. An emphasis on the system allows a larger and more thorough view of the consequences of farming practices on both human communities and the environment. A systems approach gives us the tools to explore the interconnections between farming and other aspects of our environment.

Everyone plays a role in creating a sustainable food system.

Ag infographic

Making the transition to sustainable agriculture is a process.   For farmers, the transition to sustainable agriculture normally requires  a series of small ,  realistic   steps . Family economics and personal goals influence how fast or how far participants can go in the transition. It is important to realize that each small decision can make a difference and contribute to advancing the entire system further on the "sustainable agriculture continuum." The key to moving forward is the will to take the next step. Finally, it is important to point out that   reaching toward the goal of sustainable agriculture is the responsibility of all participants in the system ,  including farmers, laborers, policymakers, researchers, retailers, and consumers. Each group has its own part to play, its own unique contribution to make to strengthen the sustainable agriculture community. The remainder of this page considers specific strategies for realizing these broad themes or goals. The strategies are grouped according to three separate though related areas of concern:  Farming and Natural Resources ,  Plant and Animal Production Practices , and the  Economic, Social and Political Context . They represent a range of potential ideas for individuals committed to interpreting the vision of sustainable agriculture within their own circumstances.

  • Farming and Natural Resources

When the production of food and fiber degrades the natural resource base, the ability of future generations to produce and flourish decreases. The decline of ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Mediterranean region, Pre-Columbian southwest U.S. and Central America is believed to have been strongly influenced by natural resource degradation from non-sustainable farming and forestry practices. 

Water is the principal resource that has helped agriculture and society to prosper, and it has been a major limiting factor when mismanaged.

Water supply and use.  In California, an extensive  water storage and transfer system  has been established which has allowed crop production to expand to very arid regions. In drought years, limited surface water supplies have prompted overdraft of groundwater and consequent intrusion of salt water, or permanent collapse of aquifers. Periodic droughts, some lasting up to 50 years, have occurred in California.

Several steps should be taken to develop drought-resistant farming systems even in "normal" years, including both policy and management actions:

1) improving  water conservation  and storage measures,

2) providing incentives for selection of drought-tolerant crop species,

3) using  reduced-volume irrigation  systems,

4) managing crops to reduce water loss, or

5) not planting at all.

Water quality.  The most important issues related to water quality involve salinization and contamination of ground and surface waters by pesticides, nitrates and selenium. Salinity has become a problem wherever water of even relatively low salt content is used on shallow soils in arid regions and/or where the water table is near the root zone of crops. Tile drainage can remove the water and salts, but the disposal of the salts and other contaminants may negatively affect the environment depending upon where they are deposited. Temporary solutions include the use of salt-tolerant crops, low-volume irrigation, and various management techniques to minimize the effects of salts on crops. In the long-term, some farmland may need to be removed from production or converted to other uses. Other uses include conversion of row crop land to production of drought-tolerant forages, the restoration of wildlife habitat or the use of agroforestry to minimize the impacts of salinity and high water tables. Pesticide and nitrate contamination of water can be reduced using many of the practices discussed later in the  Plant Production Practices  and  Animal Production Practices  sections.

Wildlife . Another way in which agriculture affects water resources is through the destruction of riparian habitats within watersheds. The conversion of wild habitat to agricultural land reduces fish and wildlife through erosion and sedimentation, the effects of pesticides, removal of riparian plants, and the diversion of water. The plant diversity in and around both riparian and agricultural areas should be maintained in order to support a diversity of wildlife. This diversity will enhance natural ecosystems and could aid in agricultural pest management.

Modern agriculture is heavily dependent on non-renewable energy sources, especially petroleum. The continued use of these energy sources cannot be sustained indefinitely, yet to abruptly abandon our reliance on them would be economically catastrophic. However, a sudden cutoff in energy supply would be equally disruptive. In sustainable agricultural systems, there is reduced reliance on non-renewable energy sources and a substitution of renewable sources or labor to the extent that is economically feasible.

Many agricultural activities affect air quality. These include smoke from agricultural burning; dust from tillage, traffic and harvest; pesticide drift from spraying; and nitrous oxide emissions from the use of nitrogen fertilizer. Options to improve air quality include:

      - incorporating crop residue into the soil       - using appropriate levels of tillage       - and planting wind breaks, cover crops or strips of native perennial grasses to reduce dust.

Soil erosion continues to be a serious threat to our continued ability to produce adequate food. Numerous practices have been developed to keep soil in place, which include:

      - reducing or eliminating tillage       - managing irrigation to reduce runoff       - and keeping the soil covered with plants or mulch. 

Enhancement of soil quality is discussed in the next section.

  • Plant Production Practices

Sustainable production practices involve a variety of approaches. Specific strategies must take into account topography, soil characteristics, climate, pests, local availability of inputs and the individual grower's goals.  Despite the site-specific and individual nature of sustainable agriculture, several general principles can be applied to help growers select appropriate management practices:

      - Selection of species and varieties that are well suited to the site and to conditions on the farm;       - Diversification of crops (including livestock) and cultural practices to enhance the biological and economic stability of the farm;       - Management of the soil to enhance and protect soil quality;       - Efficient and humane use of inputs; and       - Consideration of farmers' goals and lifestyle choices.

Selection of site, species and variety

Preventive strategies, adopted early, can reduce inputs and help establish a sustainable production system. When possible, pest-resistant crops should be selected which are tolerant of existing soil or site conditions. When site selection is an option, factors such as soil type and depth, previous crop history, and location (e.g. climate, topography) should be taken into account before planting.

Diversified farms are usually more economically and ecologically resilient.  While monoculture farming has advantages in terms of efficiency and ease of management, the loss of the crop in any one year could put a farm out of business and/or seriously disrupt the stability of a community dependent on that crop. By growing a variety of crops, farmers spread economic risk and are less susceptible to the radical price fluctuations associated with changes in supply and demand.

Properly managed, diversity can also buffer a farm in a biological sense. For example, in annual cropping systems,  crop rotation can be used to suppress weeds, pathogens and insect pests. Also, cover crops can have stabilizing effects on the agroecosystem by holding soil and nutrients in place, conserving soil moisture with mowed or standing dead mulches, and by increasing the water infiltration rate and soil water holding capacity.  Cover crops  in orchards and vineyards can buffer the system against pest infestations by increasing beneficial arthropod populations and can therefore reduce the need for chemical inputs. Using a variety of cover crops is also important in order to protect against the failure of a particular species to grow and to attract and sustain a wide range of beneficial arthropods.

Optimum diversity may be obtained by integrating both crops and livestock in the same farming operation. This was the common practice for centuries until the mid-1900s when technology, government policy and economics compelled farms to become more specialized. Mixed crop and livestock operations have several advantages. First, growing row crops only on more level land and pasture or forages on steeper slopes will reduce soil erosion. Second, pasture and forage crops in rotation enhance soil quality and reduce erosion; livestock manure, in turn, contributes to soil fertility. Third, livestock can buffer the negative impacts of low rainfall periods by consuming crop residue that in "plant only" systems would have been considered crop failures. Finally, feeding and marketing are flexible in animal production systems. This can help cushion farmers against trade and price fluctuations and, in conjunction with cropping operations, make more efficient use of farm labor.

Soil management

A common philosophy among sustainable agriculture practitioners is that a "healthy" soil is a key component of sustainability; that is, a healthy soil will produce healthy crop plants that have optimum vigor and are less susceptible to pests. While many crops have key pests that attack even the healthiest of plants, proper soil, water and nutrient management can help prevent some pest problems brought on by crop stress or nutrient imbalance. Furthermore, crop management systems that impair soil quality often result in greater inputs of water, nutrients, pesticides, and/or energy for tillage to maintain yields.

In sustainable systems, the soil is viewed as a fragile and living medium that must be protected and nurtured to ensure its long-term productivity and stability.   Methods to protect and enhance the productivity of the soil include:

      - using cover crops, compost and/or manures       - reducing tillage       - avoiding traffic on wet soils       - maintaining soil cover with plants and/or mulches

Conditions in most California soils (warm, irrigated, and tilled) do not favor the buildup of organic matter. Regular additions of organic matter or the use of cover crops can increase soil aggregate stability, soil tilth, and diversity of soil microbial life.

Efficient use of inputs

Many inputs and practices used by conventional farmers are also used in sustainable agriculture. Sustainable farmers, however, maximize reliance on natural, renewable, and on-farm inputs.  Equally important are the environmental, social, and economic impacts of a particular strategy. Converting to sustainable practices does not mean simple input substitution. Frequently, it substitutes enhanced management and scientific knowledge for conventional inputs, especially chemical inputs that harm the environment on farms and in rural communities. The goal is to develop efficient, biological systems which do not need high levels of material inputs.

Growers frequently ask if synthetic chemicals are appropriate in a sustainable farming system. Sustainable approaches are those that are the least toxic and least energy intensive, and yet maintain productivity and profitability. Preventive strategies and other alternatives should be employed before using chemical inputs from any source. However, there may be situations where the use of synthetic chemicals would be more "sustainable" than a strictly non-chemical approach or an approach using toxic "organic" chemicals. For example, one grape grower switched from tillage to a few applications of a broad spectrum contact herbicide in the vine row. This approach may use less energy and may compact the soil less than numerous passes with a cultivator or mower.

Consideration of farmer goals and lifestyle choices

Management decisions should reflect not only environmental and broad social considerations, but also individual goals and lifestyle choices. For example, adoption of some technologies or practices that promise profitability may also require such intensive management that one's lifestyle actually deteriorates. Management decisions that promote sustainability, nourish the environment, the community and the individual.

  • Animal Production Practices

In the early part of this century, most farms integrated both crop and livestock operations. Indeed, the two were highly complementary both biologically and economically. The current picture has changed quite drastically since then. Crop and animal producers now are still dependent on one another to some degree, but the integration now most commonly takes place at a higher level-- between  farmers, through intermediaries, rather than  within  the farm itself. This is the result of a trend toward separation and specialization of crop and animal production systems. Despite this trend, there are still many farmers, particularly in the Midwest and Northeastern U.S. that integrate crop and animal systems--either on dairy farms, or with range cattle, sheep or hog operations.

Even with the growing specialization of livestock and crop producers, many of the principles outlined in the crop production section apply to both groups. The actual management practices will, of course, be quite different. Some of the specific points that livestock producers need to address are listed below.

Management Planning

Including livestock in the farming system increases the complexity of biological and economic relationships. The mobility of the stock, daily feeding, health concerns, breeding operations, seasonal feed and forage sources, and complex marketing are sources of this complexity. Therefore, a successful ranch plan should include enterprise calendars of operations, stock flows, forage flows, labor needs, herd production records and land use plans to give the manager control and a means of monitoring progress toward goals.

Animal Selection

The animal enterprise must be appropriate for the farm or ranch resources. Farm capabilities and constraints such as feed and forage sources, landscape, climate and skill of the manager must be considered in selecting which animals to produce. For example, ruminant animals can be raised on a variety of feed sources including range and pasture, cultivated forage, cover crops, shrubs, weeds, and crop residues. There is a wide range of breeds available in each of the major ruminant species, i.e., cattle, sheep and goats. Hardier breeds that, in general, have lower growth and milk production potential, are better adapted to less favorable environments with sparse or highly seasonal forage growth.

Animal nutrition

Feed costs are the largest single variable cost in any livestock operation. While most of the feed may come from other enterprises on the ranch, some purchased feed is usually imported from off the farm. Feed costs can be kept to a minimum by monitoring animal condition and performance and understanding seasonal variations in feed and forage quality on the farm. Determining the optimal use of farm-generated by-products is an important challenge of diversified farming.


Use of quality germplasm to improve herd performance is another key to sustainability. In combination with good genetic stock, adapting the reproduction season to fit the climate and sources of feed and forage reduce health problems and feed costs.

Herd Health

Animal health greatly influences reproductive success and weight gains, two key aspects of successful livestock production. Unhealthy stock waste feed and require additional labor. A herd health program is critical to sustainable livestock production.

Grazing Management

Most adverse environmental impacts associated with grazing can be prevented or mitigated with proper grazing management. First, the number of stock per unit area (stocking rate) must be correct for the landscape and the forage sources. There will need to be compromises between the convenience of tilling large, unfenced fields and the fencing needs of livestock operations. Use of modern, temporary fencing may provide one practical solution to this dilemma. Second, the long term carrying capacity and the stocking rate must take into account short and long-term droughts. Especially in Mediterranean climates such as in California, properly managed grazing significantly reduces fire hazards by reducing fuel build-up in grasslands and brushlands. Finally, the manager must achieve sufficient control to reduce overuse in some areas while other areas go unused. Prolonged concentration of stock that results in permanent loss of vegetative cover on uplands or in riparian zones should be avoided. However, small scale loss of vegetative cover around water or feed troughs may be tolerated if surrounding vegetative cover is adequate.

Confined Livestock Production

Animal health and waste management are key issues in confined livestock operations. The moral and ethical debate taking place today regarding animal welfare is particularly intense for confined livestock production systems. The issues raised in this debate need to be addressed.

Confinement livestock production is increasingly a source of surface and ground water pollutants, particularly where there are large numbers of animals per unit area. Expensive waste management facilities are now a necessary cost of confined production systems. Waste is a problem of almost all operations and must be managed with respect to both the environment and the quality of life in nearby communities. Livestock production systems that disperse stock in pastures so the wastes are not concentrated and do not overwhelm natural nutrient cycling processes have become a subject of renewed interest.

  • The Economic, Social & Political Context

In addition to strategies for preserving natural resources and changing production practices, sustainable agriculture requires a commitment to changing public policies, economic institutions, and social values.  Strategies for change must take into account the complex, reciprocal and ever-changing relationship between agricultural production and the broader society.

The "food system" extends far beyond the farm and involves the interaction of individuals and institutions with contrasting and often competing goals including farmers, researchers, input suppliers, farmworkers, unions, farm advisors, processors, retailers, consumers, and policymakers. Relationships among these actors shift over time as new technologies spawn economic, social and political changes.

A wide diversity of strategies and approaches are necessary to create a more sustainable food system. These will range from specific and concentrated efforts to alter specific policies or practices, to the longer-term tasks of reforming key institutions, rethinking economic priorities, and challenging widely-held social values. Areas of concern where change is most needed include the following:

Food and agricultural policy

Existing federal, state and local government policies often impede the goals of sustainable agriculture. New policies are needed to simultaneously promote environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity. For example, commodity and price support programs could be restructured to allow farmers to realize the full benefits of the productivity gains made possible through alternative practices. Tax and credit policies could be modified to encourage a diverse and decentralized system of family farms rather than corporate concentration and absentee ownership. Government and land grant university research policies could be modified to emphasize the development of sustainable alternatives. Marketing orders and cosmetic standards could be amended to encourage reduced pesticide use. Coalitions must be created to address these policy concerns at the local, regional, and national level.

Conversion of agricultural land to urban uses is a particular concern in California, as rapid growth and escalating land values threaten farming on prime soils. Existing farmland conversion patterns often discourage farmers from adopting sustainable practices and a long-term perspective on the value of land. At the same time, the close proximity of newly developed residential areas to farms is increasing the public demand for environmentally safe farming practices. Comprehensive new policies to protect prime soils and regulate development are needed, particularly in California's Central Valley. By helping farmers to adopt practices that reduce chemical use and conserve scarce resources, sustainable agriculture research and education can play a key role in building public support for agricultural land preservation. Educating land use planners and decision-makers about sustainable agriculture is an important priority.

In California, the conditions of agricultural labor are generally far below accepted social standards and legal protections in other forms of employment. Policies and programs are needed to address this problem, working toward socially just and safe employment that provides adequate wages, working conditions, health benefits, and chances for economic stability. The needs of migrant labor for year-around employment and adequate housing are a particularly crucial problem needing immediate attention. To be more sustainable over the long-term, labor must be acknowledged and supported by government policies, recognized as important constituents of land grant universities, and carefully considered when assessing the impacts of new technologies and practices.

Rural Community Development

Rural communities in California are currently characterized by economic and environmental deterioration. Many are among the poorest locations in the nation. The reasons for the decline are complex, but changes in farm structure have played a significant role. Sustainable agriculture presents an opportunity to rethink the importance of family farms and rural communities. Economic development policies are needed that encourage more diversified agricultural production on family farms as a foundation for healthy economies in rural communities. In combination with other strategies, sustainable agriculture practices and policies can help foster community institutions that meet employment, educational, health, cultural and spiritual needs.

Consumers and the Food System

Consumers can play a critical role in creating a sustainable food system. Through their purchases, they send strong messages to producers, retailers and others in the system about what they think is important.  Food cost and nutritional quality have always influenced consumer choices. The challenge now is to find strategies that broaden consumer perspectives, so that environmental quality, resource use, and social equity issues are also considered in shopping decisions. At the same time, new policies and institutions must be created to enable producers using sustainable practices to market their goods to a wider public. Coalitions organized around improving the food system are one specific method of creating a dialogue among consumers, retailers, producers and others. These coalitions or other public forums can be important vehicles for clarifying issues, suggesting new policies, increasing mutual trust, and encouraging a long-term view of food production, distribution and consumption.  

Contributors : Written by  Gail Feenstra , Writer; Chuck Ingels, Perennial Cropping Systems Analyst; and David Campbell, Economic and Public Policy Analyst with contributions from David Chaney, Melvin R. George, Eric Bradford, the staff and advisory committees of the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

How to cite this page UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. 2021. "What is Sustainable Agriculture?" UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. <>

This page was last updated August 3, 2021.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Research
  • Announcements

SAR, Vol. 13, No. 2, November 2024: Call for Papers

Posted on Apr 4, 2024 Sustainable Agriculture Research (sar) is calling for papers for the Vol. 13, No. 2, November 2024 issue (Deadline: October 1, 2024). You are cordially invited to submit manuscripts... Read More

SAR Indexed in ERA

Posted on Jul 5, 2019 Sustainable Agriculture Research (SAR) has been indexed in ERA, Excellence in Research for Australia, Australia’s national research evaluation framework. ERA identifies and promotes excellence across the full spectrum of research activity in Australia’s h Read More

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Posted on Jan 25, 2018 As you are aware, printing and delivery of journals results in causing a significant amount of detrimental impact to the environment. Being a responsible publisher and being considerate for the envi.. Read More

Current: Vol. 13, No. 2 (2024)

  • Impact of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies on Food Security of Farm Households in Rural Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia
  •   Girma Admasu    
  •   Jema Haji    
  •   Chanyalew Siyum    
  •   Eric Ndemo    

research on sustainable agriculture

  • Family Planning, Irrigation, and Agricultural Cooperatives for Sustainable Food Security in Kenya
  •   Rose Ingutia    
  •   John Sumelius    
  • Effect of Biochar Supplementation on Grazing Beef Cow and Calf Performance, Enteric Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Fecal Egg Counts and Fecal Nutrient Composition
  •   Daalkhaijav Damiran    
  •   Kathy Larson    
  •   Herbert Lardner    
  • Nutritional Composition of Value-added Fish Products from Selected Fish Species in Kenya
  •   Cecilia Githukia    
  •   Maureen Cheserek    
  •   Dennis Otieno    
  •   Evans Menach    
  •   Domitila Kyule-Muendo    
  •   Kevin Obiero    
  •   Jonathan Munguti    
  • Assessing Sustainability Performance at Farm Level in the Kingdom of Bahrain
  •   Asma M. Ali    
  •   Qaisar Mahmood    
  •   Abdelhadi A. W.    

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research on sustainable agriculture

  • ISSN(Print): 1927-050X
  • ISSN(Online): 1927-0518
  • Started: 2012
  • Frequency: semiannual

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The agricultural transition: Building a sustainable future

In 2020, we released our report Agriculture and climate change , which identified key actions the agricultural industry could take to support decarbonization. 1 “ Reducing agriculture emissions through improved farming practices ,” McKinsey, May 6, 2020. For this report, our research has focused on how decarbonization measures have evolved, as well as on the key barriers to their adoption and the actions industry players and investors can take to support their uptake. At the same time, conversations about sustainable transitions have increasingly focused on agriculture’s effects on nature and society beyond climate change. For example, agricultural land covers half of all habitable land and is responsible for 70 percent of freshwater withdrawals. 2 Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, “Land use,” Our World in Data, September 2019; “Water in agriculture,” World Bank, October 5, 2022. In addition, food systems are the primary driver of biodiversity loss around the world, and these systems have growing effects on biosphere integrity, human health, and food access. 3 “Our global food system is the primary driver of biodiversity loss,” United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), February 3, 2021. While climate change remains the focus of this report, decarbonization and the actions to achieve it cannot be considered separately from their broader impacts on nature and society. Trade-offs and other benefits associated with decarbonization actions are highlighted throughout the report.

About the authors

Achieving a 1.5° pathway will require actions that extend beyond the farm throughout the value chain. Chief among these actions are reducing food loss and waste, adopting dietary shifts, and adapting how we use arable land, all of which are critical to decarbonization and will help the industry meet global food needs while maintaining the livelihoods of farmers (Exhibit 1).

  • Tackling food waste. Approximately 30 percent of the world’s food is lost or wasted every year. 4 “Food loss” refers to food that is lost at or near the time of harvest, while “food waste” refers to food that is fit for consumption but discarded at the consumption or retail phase. For more, see UNEP food waste index report 2021 , UNEP, March 4, 2021. Food loss and waste not only contribute an estimated 8 to 10 percent of global anthropogenic emissions 5 Climate change and land , Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2019. but also drive food insecurity and overproduction, the latter of which contributes in turn to nature degradation. It is estimated that food waste could be reduced by approximately 23 percent by 2050, which would account for approximately 0.7 metric gigatons (Gt) of CO 2 equivalent (CO 2 e). 6 “IPR Forecast Policy Scenario + Nature,” PRI Association, January 9, 2023. To achieve these reductions, we will need to better connect supply chains, improve preservation, adapt purchasing habits, and make more productive use of food loss or waste, creating opportunities for industrials across the value chain.
  • Shifting what we eat. Dietary shifts are already opening new markets and creating value for farmers and industrials. Producers and consumers can avoid releasing a substantial amount of emissions by turning to alternative protein sources, including plant-based products and precision-fermented and cellular products that are nearly identical to animal protein products. For example, classic plant-based options emit 12 percent of the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by cattle and have a lesser ratio of methane per kilogram of product. 7 “Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM),” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), accessed January 4, 2023. Dietary shifts away from animal proteins could save nearly 640 million hectares of land, which could in turn be reforested or be a locus for other nature-based solutions. 8 Global innovation needs assessments: Protein diversity , ClimateWorks Foundation, November 1, 2021. Of course, in the case of alternative protein sources, trade-offs, including human health, food access, and farmer equity, are especially important and must be adequately considered as part of any transition.
  • Addressing land use with nature-based solutions. Agricultural land covers approximately 4.9 billion hectares, or 38 percent of the world’s terrestrial area, and is estimated to account for approximately 80 percent of global land-use change as land is cleared or converted for cropland, feed production, or grazing land. 9 “Land use in agriculture by the numbers,” FAO, May 7, 2020; Tim G. Benton et al., Food system impacts on biodiversity loss: Three levers for food system transformation in support of nature , Chatham House, February 2021. Given this enormous land-use footprint, nature-based solutions, including conservation and restoration solutions, have the potential to abate 6.7 GtCO 2 e in 2050—approximately 80 percent of the total abatement potential. 10 Based on McKinsey analysis and Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) Nature Scenario; “IPR 2021 Forecast Policy Scenario and 1.5C Required Policy Scenario,” Vivid Economics, accessed January 4, 2023. The largest levers for achieving this potential concern improved forestry practices, especially forest restoration. Notably, adoption of many nature-based solutions will likely require increased land-use intensification to meet global food demand and adequate incentives for farmers to limit future land conversion.

Changing how we farm, the focus of this report, is critical to a successful transition. Building on our previous work, we have defined 28 measures that can support decarbonization on the farm while creating potential value for the industry and farmers (Exhibit 2). Together, these measures have an annual emissions-reduction of approximately 2.2 GtCO 2 . Many of these measures can be implemented at little to no cost to the farmer and have benefits beyond emissions reductions, including yield and biodiversity uplift.

Although a 1.5˚ pathway exists and can create value for farmers and the broader industry, meaningful barriers are preventing adoption of decarbonization solutions at scale. Farmers are central to the sustainability transition, but they do not yet have sufficient incentives to adopt new methods and technologies. Emissions tracing and other actions require new, innovative solutions to facilitate decarbonization. And there is much room to grow in helping farmers overcome challenges in scaling their operations and maintaining profitability.

The findings in this report can guide food and agriculture organizations as they transition to increased sustainability. Each intervention should be tailored to its specific context, but broadly speaking, change requires the following:

  • financial incentives to spur farmer action, whether through carbon markets, green premiums, subsidies, rebates, or other green-financing mechanisms
  • ecosystem collaboration and improved tracking and traceability to bring solutions to market and support monetization of on-farm practice changes and purchaser decision making
  • research and investment to bend the cost curve to reduce adoption costs of existing solutions and support the development and scale-up of new technologies

The food and agriculture value chain has a chance to create a more sustainable ecosystem that feeds a growing planet while maintaining the livelihoods of farmers. With tailored and concentrated action, industry players, policy makers, and investors can accelerate the path to this future while enabling their own growth.

Although the path to achieving 1.5˚C will not be straightforward, it can create real business value for farmers and players throughout the value chain, with additional environmental benefits beyond reducing climate change. Action will be required beyond the farm, but there is a real opportunity to drive on-farm decarbonization while capturing business value. A more sustainable future for agriculture that feeds a growing planet while maintaining the livelihoods of farmers is feasible. And industry players, policy makers, and investors can accelerate the path to the future while enabling their own growth.

Onyx Bengston is a consultant in McKinsey’s Denver office; Sherry Feng is a consultant in the New York office, where Vasanth Ganesan is a partner; Joshua Katz is a partner in the Stamford office; Hannah Kitchel is a consultant in the Boston office; Pradeep Prabhala is a partner in the Washington, DC, office; Peter Mannion is a partner in the Dublin office; Adam Richter is a consultant in the New Jersey office; Wilson Roen is a consultant in the Chicago office; and Jan Vlcek is a consultant in the Vancouver office.

The authors wish to thank the following people for their contributions to this report: Michael Aldridge, Peter Amer, Robert Beach, Stephen Butler, Jude (Judith) Capper, N. Andy Cole, Amelia de Almeida, Albert De Vries, Stefan Frank, Pierre J. Gerber, Mathijs J. H. M. Harmsen, Roger S. Hegarty, Mario Herrero, Ermias Kebreab, Michael MacLeod, Jennie Pryce, Caeli Richardson, Kendall Samuelson, Pete Smith, Philip Thornton, Mark van Nieuwland, Roel Veerkamp, and Xiaoyu (Iris) Feng.

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Sustainable Agriculture and the Management of Natural Resources

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Feenstra, G., Ingels, C., Campbell, D. What is Sustainable Agriculture? University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

References and Recommended Reading

Altieri, M. A. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995.

Gliessman, S. R. Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2000.

Hinrichs, C. C. & Lyson, T. A. Remaking the North American Food System: Strategies for Sustainability. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.

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sustainable agriculture , a system of farming that strives to provide the resources necessary for present human populations while conserving the planet’s ability to sustain future generations. See also organic farming , regenerative agriculture , permaculture , and agroforestry .

In the wake of World War II , the nature of agriculture both intensified, with more product harvested per unit area, and extensified, with farms taking up a larger area. Subsequently, fewer and larger farms were able to meet the food needs of an increasing human population , constituting a dramatic shift from the numerous smaller farms of the past. Despite its efficiency , modern industrial agriculture has a number of drawbacks, including the degradation of ecosystems and the related biodiversity loss , a loss of crop diversity , numerous animal welfare concerns, and human health risks. Sustainable agriculture seeks to address these issues and prioritizes “planetary health,” the idea that the stability of the planet determines human well-being. Its basic tenets include promoting socioeconomic equity , earning profit, and maintaining ecosystem health. Because modern agriculture has played a substantial role in precipitating a mass extinction of plant and animal species on Earth, sustainable agriculture actively endeavours to protect and support biodiversity .

research on sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture emphasizes planting diverse crops, including heirloom plants , which are often suited to a region’s particular climate . Rather than relying on a single crop in industrial monoculture , sustainable agriculture advocates the use of polyculture, in which multiple crops are grown together. Although polyculture is frequently more labour-intensive than industrial monoculture, polyculture can reduce the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers and generally improves soil quality. Similarly, crop rotation can help preserve soil productivity and lessen the need for agricultural chemicals for fertilization and pest control. The use of nitrogen-fixing cover crops , smother crops , and green manures can help restore soils and reduce erosion. Composting crop residues and other agricultural wastes helps recycle nutrients back to the farmland.

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Animal agriculture is a key area that sustainable agriculture seeks to reform. Livestock production is responsible for a large proportion of the greenhouse gases driving anthropogenic global warming . Sustainably managing manure and implementing animal feed additives can reduce the emissions of methane , a potent greenhouse gas.

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Other methods of improving animal agriculture’s sustainability focus on maintaining livestock health. Intensive animal agriculture can spur health crises. For example, diseases including Nipah virus and swine flu have emerged from crowded factory farms. Avian influenza can be transmitted from wild birds to poultry farms and vice versa, and the disease has been responsible for the culling of millions of chickens and other poultry worldwide. Reducing animal crowding and increasing farm hygiene standards are sustainable agriculture measures that reduce the planetary health risks of cultivating livestock. On smaller-scale farms, animal and crop production are often combined to form interconnected systems that reduce waste.

Water conservation is a major facet of sustainable agriculture. Globally, about 70 percent of all available freshwater resources are used for agriculture. Methods of reducing water waste can involve improving water storage practices to prevent evaporation losses and seepage and planting drought-resistant crops or crops that are appropriate for the climate. Many agricultural areas rely on simple flooding, or surface irrigation , as the principle means of irrigation. However, flooding often inundates fields with more water than crops require, and significant amounts of water are lost to evaporation or during transportation from the water source. Some sustainable farmers seek to implement reduced-volume irrigation, which provides slow streams of water to meet the water needs of specific crops while lessening water waste.

Sustainable agriculture also seeks to address the contamination of surface water and groundwater. Large-scale agriculture often produces pollutants, such as agrochemical runoff and pathogen-laden animal waste, that seep into bodies of water and damage the surrounding environment , affecting both wildlife and humans. Soil erosion also degrades water quality, and the loss of productive topsoil reduces crop yields and the total land available for agriculture. To reduce these impacts, farmers can reduce the frequency and intensity of tillage or practice no-till methods. Organic or synthetic fertilizers and pesticides should be applied only sparingly and during dry conditions to minimize runoff; the judicious use of agricultural chemicals can minimize air pollution caused by airborne drift. Some farmers use buffer plants near waterways to absorb polluting nutrients before they can leach into bodies of water.

research on sustainable agriculture

Finally, sustainable agriculture calls for a shift from nonrenewable fossil fuels to clean and renewable modes of energy, which include solar , wind , nuclear , and hydroelectric power. Many sustainable farms rely on on-site wind turbines or solar panels to meet their electricity needs and may utilize electric vehicles for farm work. Innovations such as energy-efficient farm equipment and improved insulation of farm buildings can help reduce agricultural energy use. Fossil fuel consumption is associated with air pollution and acid rain and also releases carbon dioxide , one of the major drivers of global warming.

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  • Farms and Agricultural Production Systems

Sustainable Agriculture

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Sustainable agriculture is farming in such a way to protect the environment, aid and expand natural resources and to make the best use of nonrenewable resources.  On this page, learn the legal definition of sustainable agriculture, find organizations to help with sustainable farming, discover funding resources,  and access articles from our collection on the subject.

The term ''sustainable agriculture'' ( U.S. Code Title 7, Section 3103 ) means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term:

  • Satisfy human food and fiber needs.
  • Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends.
  • Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls.
  • Sustain the economic viability of farm operations.
  • Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.

Organizations and Information Providers

Agmrc: agricultural marketing resource center [].

National resource for producers interested in value-added agriculture.

ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture []

Provides technical information and assistance to sustainable agriculture practitioners and educators. Maintains a sustainable agriculture publication library []; and a Internship Hub [].

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education []

Nationwide research and education grants program. Provides information and outreach. Publishes What is Sustainable Agriculture? [] with snapshots of producers who apply sustainable principles on their farms and ranches. Compiles Sustainable Agriculture Resources and Programs for K-12 [pdf, 40 pages].

What is Sustainable Agriculture? []

Includes information on:  The Philosophy and Practices of Sustainable Agriculture.

Access to Research Articles

Beneficial microorganisms in sustainable agriculture: harnessing microbes’ pote…, soil microbial inoculants for sustainable agriculture: limitations and opportun…, a bibliometric analysis of sustainable agriculture: based on the web of science…, harnessing root-foraging capacity to improve nutrient-use efficiency for sustai…, crop rotation and management tools for every farmer: the current status on cro…, search the nal collection, food for the future : sustainable farms around the world., biofertilizers for sustainable soil management., linking soil health and ecological resilience to achieve agricultural sustainab….

  • Growing Opportunity: A Guide to USDA Sustainable Farming Programs [ National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC). 2022. Provides an overview of key Farm Bill programs offered by USDA that can help sustainable agriculture farmers and ranchers. Updates 2017 USDA/NSAC Guide.  
  • Sustainable Agriculture Programs []. USDA . National Institute of Food and Agriculture.  
  • How does USDA support Organic Farms and Businesses? []  
  • Grass Roots Guide to Federal Farm and Food Programs []. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC). Provides an in-depth look at federal programs and policies important to sustainable agriculture, and details how they can be accessed by farmers, ranchers, and grassroots organizations nationwide.  
  • Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities []. A Guide to Federal Programs for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry, Entrepreneurship, Conservation, Food Systems and Community Development. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.  
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Grants []. SARE grants are available to farmers and ranchers, researchers, Extension agents and other educators, and graduate students.  Search funded  USDA SARE  projects  in the  SARE National Projects Database [].  

Featured Resources

Pioneers in sustainable agriculture.

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Oral history interviews with people who have provided leadership and inspiration in the field of alternative or sustainable agriculture.

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Sustainable agricultural practices are intended to maintain and improve soil fertility.

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The National Agricultural Law Center identifies legal resources and links to information on sustainable agriculture.

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What Is Sustainable Agriculture?

Published Apr 10, 2017 Updated Mar 15, 2022

There’s a transformation taking place on farms across the United States.

For decades, we’ve produced the bulk of our food through industrial agriculture—a system dominated by large farms growing the same crops year after year, using enormous amounts of chemical pesticides and fertilizers that damage our soil, water, air, and climate. This system is not built to last, because it squanders and degrades the resources it depends on. 

But a growing number of innovative farmers and scientists are taking a different path, moving toward a farming system that is more sustainable—environmentally, economically, and socially. This system has room for farms of all sizes, producing a diverse range of foods, fibers, and fuels adapted to local conditions and regional markets. It uses state-of-the-art, science-based practices that maximize productivity and profit while minimizing environmental damage. Sustainability also means the whole system is more resilient to droughts, floods, and other impacts of climate change that farmers are already seeing. Though the move to this type of system often involves some up-front costs, smart public policies can help farmers make the shift.

The best part? A growing body of scientific evidence has shown that a more sustainable model can be just as productive and profitable over time—and can meet our needs for the long haul.

Sustainable agriculture 101

OK, so sustainable agriculture is the wave of the future. But what is it, exactly?

Sustainability has many facets. Environmental sustainability, for example, means good stewardship of the natural systems and resources that farms rely on. This includes:

  • Building healthy soil and preventing erosion
  • Managing water wisely
  • Minimizing air and water pollution
  • Storing carbon on farms
  • Increasing resilience to extreme weather
  • Promoting biodiversity

An economically and socially sustainable agriculture system is one that enables farms of all sizes to be profitable  and contribute to their local economies. Such a system supports the next generation of farmers, deals fairly with its workers , promotes racial equity and justice , creates access to healthy food for all , and prioritizes people and communities over corporate interests.

There’s a whole field of research devoted to achieving these goals: agroecology , the science of managing farms as ecosystems. By working with nature rather than against it, farms can avoid damaging environmental impacts without sacrificing productivity or profitability. And by prioritizing science that addresses the interconnectedness of environmental, economic, and social factors , we can create a truly sustainable system.

Sustainable agriculture practices

Through decades of science and practice, the following farming practices have proven effective in achieving sustainability, especially when used in combination:

Rotating crops and embracing diversity . Planting a variety of crops can have many benefits, including healthier soil and improved pest control. Crop diversity practices include intercropping (growing a mix of crops in the same area) and complex multiyear crop rotations.

Planting cover crops and perennials.  Cover crops such as clover, rye, or hairy vetch are planted during off-season times when soils might otherwise be left bare, while perennial crops keep soil covered and maintain living roots in the ground year-round. These crops protect and build soil health by preventing erosion, replenishing soil nutrients, and keeping weeds in check, reducing the need for fertilizers and herbicides.   

Reducing or eliminating tillage . Traditional plowing (tillage) prepares fields for planting and prevents weed problems but can cause soil loss. No-till or reduced-till methods, which involve inserting seeds directly into undisturbed soil, can reduce erosion and improve soil health.

Applying integrated pest management (IPM). A range of methods, including mechanical and biological controls, can be applied systematically to keep pest populations under control while minimizing use of chemical pesticides.

Integrating livestock and crops. Industrial agriculture tends to keep plant and animal production separate, with animals living far from the areas where their feed is produced, and crops growing far away from abundant manure fertilizers. A growing body of evidence shows that a smart integration of crop and animal production can make farms more efficient and profitable.

Adopting agroforestry practices. By mixing trees or shrubs into their operations, farmers can provide shade and shelter that protect plants, animals, and water resources, while also potentially offering additional income from fruit or nut crops.

Managing whole systems and landscapes. Sustainable farms treat uncultivated or less intensively cultivated areas as integral to the farm. For example, natural vegetation alongside streams, or strips of prairie plants within or around crop fields, can help control erosion, reduce nutrient runoff, and support bees and other pollinators and biodiversity in general.

What many of these practices have in common is their focus on soil. Keeping farm soils protected and teeming with living organisms can solve many of the problems associated with industrial agriculture. Healthy, living soil promotes healthy crops, holds water like a sponge , prevents pollution, and helps ensure that farmers and their communities can thrive.

Another key theme connecting many of these practices is diversification. When it comes to agriculture, the most sustainable and productive systems are more diverse and complex—like nature itself.

A hand holding soil

Sustainable agriculture science

The latest science—much of it coming out of research centers in the nation’s farm states—shows how agroecological practices can support productive, profitable farms. For instance, an ongoing study at Iowa State University’s Marsden Farm research center has shown that complex crop rotation systems can outperform conventional single-crop practices in both yield and profitability.

Crop breeding research is also crucial to the success of a more sustainable agroecological system, providing farmers with access to a broad range of crop varieties that can be readily adapted to farm-specific conditions and practices. Breeding research programs have dwindled in recent years, leaving farmers increasingly reliant on a limited set of varieties tailored to the needs of industrial farms.

To help farmers adopt sustainable practices, it’s vitally important that we continue to support agroecology research , along with outreach and education that can help farmers make effective use of the science. 

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Sustainable agriculture and farm policy

While US farm policy continues to devote the lion’s share of public resources to subsidizing the overproduction of corn and other commodity crops, there have been some encouraging steps toward sustainability. The most recent versions of the farm bill have included provisions to support more organic farming, to help fruit and vegetable farmers qualify for crop insurance , and to help farmers adopt more sustainable practices. In addition, the Agriculture Resilience Act (ARA) would invest in farmers’ ability to promote soil health and thrive in the face of 21st-century challenges such as climate change.

If we want to see sustainable farming become the dominant model in the United States, we need policies like those in the ARA—and we can’t stop there. UCS has published a series of reports and issue briefs offering recommendations for sustainable agriculture policies. Together, these recommendations can help transform our food system into one that provides healthy, affordable, and fairly and sustainably produced food for all Americans. We encourage you to take a look—and then contact your representatives to ask them to support these policies.

Related resources

This is Science with Jess Phoenix Episode 27: Food Fight

How Long Has The Farm Bill Been Expired?

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Research, policy, and the future of sustainable agriculture

How veronika vogel ’21 transformed an interest in people and plants into a career for good.

  • Department of Global Development
  • School of Integrative Plant Science

Veronika Vogel ’21 came to Cornell CALS from Nesselwang, Germany seeking to make a positive impact on the global food system. As an International Agriculture & Rural Development major with minors in Plant Science and Plant Breeding, Veronika explored food systems from multiple perspectives — from international agriculture’s effect on development outcomes to the role of gender in wheat breeding. Her studies took her to intern in Ecuador with the International Potato Center where she worked with Andean communities to understand their challenges, preferences and impact on sustainable agriculture. As an international agriculture specialist, Veronika hopes to translate research into better policy in the field of international agriculture.

What drew you to the field of global development?

Studying agriculture in the context of international development is incredibly challenging and rewarding. Just think of the wide the range of circumstances agriculture is practiced in and the diversity of ways in which it affects people's lives makes it a worthwhile field of study. Studying international agriculture means engaging not only with growing food and raising animals, but constantly reflecting on overarching issues. Food security, poverty, climate change, migration, human rights and political agency are all tied up with international agriculture. The work of developing a just food system that sustainably nourishes everyone is complex, nuanced and full of challenges, but one well worth engaging with whether in rural development or other disciplines.

You interned at the International Potato Center in Ecuador. What was that like and what impact did that experience have on you? 

Working with the International Potato Center, or CIP as it is known, and farmers in the Cotopaxi region of Ecuador was pivotal to my understanding of rural livelihoods, changing socio-economic landscapes and ecological impact. CIP is part of a network of research centers called the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research. The CGIAR centers not only promote research in the crops they specialize in, but often are instrumental in breeding improved varieties and offering extension services. Headquartered in Peru, CIP specializes in potatoes, sweet potatoes and Andean tubers.

Throughout my internship, I had the chance to repeatedly visit a number of farming communities. My engaged internship in global development challenged me to put aside my preconceived notions of issues I was expecting to observe. To understand what it is like to be a farmer in the region and learn about the challenges they face, I had to first listen to the farmers and ask the right questions in order to reflect deeply on my impressions and biases and gain a holistic perspective on farming conditions and farmers’ decisions. While some issues were particular to a specific farming community, such as pest or disease problems or market access, other issues persisted across many communities. We visited and interviewed farmers at different altitudes and sides of the valley about their practices in storing and selecting potato seed. We wanted to know where they get their seed from and what traits they are looking for when selecting potatoes to grow.

From the fieldwork, we were able to document the labor migration of men, which went to work in urban areas, which thereby feminized the agricultural landscape. We found that shifting household dynamics, income streams and labor availability affects communities and transforming the agriculture they practice. Finding ways of ensuring sustainable agriculture in highly erosive areas of the Ecuadorian Andes while serving the shifting priorities and needs of farmers will be a continuous challenge.

Photos from the field

Group of farmers conducts dialogue

Veronika learns from Ecuadorian farming communities in order to better understand their preferences and challenges in sustainable potato farming.

Veronika attends the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative conference of 2018 in Morocco.

Veronika visiting Wilmer Perez’s lab focusing on potato blight at the International Potato Center HQ in Lima, Peru.

Veronika attends a prioritization exercise where farmers rank the most pressing issues in their potato production.

You did your thesis on international plant breeding. Tell us more about your research. 

Being interested in the work of CGIAR, I got the chance to work with Professor Conny Almekinders from Wagenigen University in the Netherlands on an assignment to find 'actionable entry-points for gender-sensitive breeding' at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, known as CIMMYT. Gender has increasingly become recognized as an important factor in crop cultivation and plant breeding due to division of labor and associated trait preferences depending on the farming and processing tasks women are (or are not) involved in. In order to better understand if and how breeders at CIMMYT find gender an actionable variable to work with and what strategies could integrate a more gender-aware approach to their breeding programs, I interviewed a range of breeders and breeding support staff at the center.

In this research, I found an increasing donor interest in integrating gender into wheat breeding. Being limited in staff and covering large wheat growing areas in the developing world, CIMMYT has no easy task in developing varieties that suit a large number of farmers and consumers.

We need to think differently to best serve the needs of farming communities in the developing world. Gender can play a significant role in shaping the metrics we use to breed varieties suited to the demands of particular communities and their farmers. However, gender relations and other forms of social differentiation (such as age, location, land access, etc.) can be very context-specific and vary across different communities and regions. Therefore, it is important to understand to what extent CIMMYT can serve specific demands and where and when national partners and local breeding staff have better capacities to do so.

How has your time at Cornell CALS influenced your career goals?

Being at CALS challenged me in many ways. Coming from Europe, I was exposed to different narratives on different phases of international agriculture — from agricultural technologies to the scale of farming. CALS is a home to many different disciplines, which presents diverse mindsets in terms of how challenges are framed or approached. Global Development really captures CALS’ intellectual excitement and multidisciplinary approach. Learning in Global Development at CALS has enabled me to form a much more nuanced perspective on the future of agriculture and the plethora of ways to address issues in different contexts. I continue to be amazed by the reach of the network I was able to build while I was here and the support I have received from faculty throughout my time at Cornell. Global Development has certainly enabled me to 'dream bigger' and open doors I did not think would open for me this early in my career. Having had that much exposure to different disciplines within agriculture and international development as well as diverse types of research encouraged me to share my passions in a policy context.

Studying at CALS and working with institutions such as the CGIAR and public sector research made me realize the impact policy has on agriculture downstream. I am hoping to help translate research into better agricultural policy and make policy more conducive to support the preservation of crop genetic resources and sustainable agriculture globally.

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USDA Invests Over $46M in Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

WASHINGTON, April 19, 2023 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today an investment of more than $46 million in the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, which has funded farmer-driven grants and grassroots education programs resulting in climate-smart solutions for farms and ranches in every state and island protectorate since 1988.

“This investment in sustainable agriculture underscores USDA’s ongoing commitment to transforming our food and agricultural systems,” said Chavonda Jacobs-Young, USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics (REE). “Through this investment, SARE will continue to provide competitive grants and education programs that foster farmer-driven innovation to promote climate-smart practices, make sustainable producers more profitable, and improve local economies and the quality of life in rural communities.”

These 10-year awards are being made by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) in four regional SARE host institutions and the National Reporting, Coordinating, and Communications Office (NRCCO). Grant recipients are the University of Minnesota (North Central SARE Regional Host Institution); University of Vermont (Northeast SARE Regional Host Institution); University of Georgia (Southern SARE Regional Host Institution); Montana State University (Western SARE Regional Host Institution); and University of Maryland (NRCCO).

Since its authorization in the 1990 Farm Bill, SARE has supported farmers in four regions ( North Central , Northeast , South , and West ), with each regional program hosted by a Land-grant Institution and guided by volunteer Administrative Councils that make grants and set regional priorities. These councils include farmers and ranchers along with representatives from universities, government, agribusiness and nonprofit organizations. Technical reviewers, also volunteers, lend professional and practical experience to help councils evaluate project proposals.

“Sustainable agriculture is a high priority for NIFA across many of our programs as we seek to provide more profitable farm income, promote environmental stewardship and enhance quality of life for farm families and communities,” said Dionne Toombs, acting director of USDA NIFA. “In the last 35 years, with funding from NIFA, SARE has provided $380 million in grant funding for nearly 8,400 projects serving farmers, growers and rural communities.”

These projects cover a wide range of topics, including supporting producers with on-farm renewable energy, pest and weed management, cover crops, high tunnel and session extension, crop rotations, marketing, pollinator health and local and regional food system development.

REE advances agricultural research, education and Extension across the nation to make transformative discoveries that solve societal challenges. NIFA invests in initiatives that ensure the long-term viability of agriculture and applies an integrated approach to ensure that groundbreaking discoveries in agriculture-related sciences and technologies reach the people who can put them into practice. In FY2022, NIFA’s total investment was $2.2 billion. For more information, visit NIFA’s website: .

USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, fairer markets for all producers, ensuring access to safe, healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit .

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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Strategic Vision

The mission of National Program (NP) 216, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, is to deliver scientific solutions that improve the holistic sustainability of U.S. agricultural and food systems and to design new systems that will be sustainable well into the future. Holistic sustainability includes food and nutrition security for all people, profitability for people employed in the agricultural sector, environmental health of agricultural landscapes, and quality of life for rural populations and society.

Program Vision

Diversified agricultural systems that sustain and improve productivity, profitability, ecosystem health, and human well-being.

Projects in this Program. Click on a colored state to view research projects within the state.


What is Sustainable Agriculture?

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What is Sustainable Agriculture report cover

A simple way to think about sustainable agriculture is that it involves producing enough food and fiber to satisfy today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. Farmers and ranchers who value sustainability embrace three common goals while running productive operations:

  • Profit over the long term
  • Stewardship of our nation’s land, air and water
  • Quality of life for farmers, ranchers, farm employees and our communities

To achieve these sustainability goals, a farmer typically views their operation as an integrated system , meaning they recognize how all of its parts are related to one another. For example, we may talk about “farming with nature” or promoting biodiversity in order to take advantage of ecological processes that improve crop and livestock production. Having a systems perspective can also mean thinking beyond the farm gate when making important management decisions. For instance, raising livestock in a pasture-based system has a positive impact on local water quality and can lead to sales opportunities among consumers who value grass-fed products.

Because farms and ranches everywhere are incredibly diverse, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to sustainability—what works on one operation can vary to the next one. However, in this publication we’ll identify some of the most common practices that can enhance sustainability for all farms, and we’ll share examples of how producers around the country are putting them to use.

Sampler of Proven Practices

A young farmer looks back to talk to an older farmer holding a tool in the middle of a garden

It’s impossible to list all the innovative and varied ways that farmers and ranchers improve sustainability, so consider our list below a sampling, not a prescription, of proven practice areas. We dedicate a page of this publication to illustrating each practice area in more detail. Find in-depth information on these topics and others in  Resources and Learning .

Climate Resilience

A woman holding a root vegetable in a high tunnel with crops behind her

Conservation tillage systems, manure management, alternative energy and climate adaptation strategies, such as enterprise diversification

Soil Health

Cover crops, reduced tillage, crop rotation, organic matter additions, management-intensive grazing

Livestock Health and Husbandry  

Preventive health practices, stress reduction, reduced use of antibiotics/hormones, breed selection, animal welfare

Community Vitality

Social justice and equity, food sovereignty, urban agriculture, peer networks, local and regional food systems

Health and Wellbeing of People

Support for mental and physical health, workplace safety, fair compensation, social networking, interpersonal skills

Ecological Pest Management 

Crop rotation, beneficial organisms, integrated pest management (IPM), pest identification and scouting, soil health practices

Biological Diversity

Wildlife and pollinator habitat, agroforestry, riparian buffers, crop/livestock integration, mixed species grazing, heirlooms and heritage breeds

Innovative Technologies and Enterprises

Precision agriculture, alternative energy systems, interseeders, new marketing channels, niche products, value-added processing

Other Related Terms

There are many popular terms used to describe approaches to farming that are similar in both spirit and practice to the concept of “sustainable agriculture.”

Organic agriculture is one of the most common, but it is distinctly different. Unlike sustainable agriculture, organic falls under a certification program of the USDA with clearly defined regulations that largely focus on both the elimination of synthetic inputs and the use of practices that promote soil health, biodiversity and animal health. Farmers who are certified organic will sometimes say they “go beyond organic” when they embrace sustainable practices that are outside the scope of the National Organic Program. Regenerative agriculture is another term that has become popular in recent years, and it doesn’t have a standardized definition the way that organic does. The concept has arisen largely in response to the extreme effects of climate change and the degradation of natural resources that are vital to healthy farming systems. Proponents of regenerative agriculture tend to emphasize practices that increase biodiversity on farms, including the use of perennials and livestock integration, as well as ones that improve soil health, such as cover crops and reduced tillage. The focus tends to be on sequestering atmospheric carbon and improving the conservation of natural resources, such as soil, air, water and wildlife habitat.

Three people - two women and one man - kneeling and talking on a grassy rangeland

Our Emphasis on Farmer-Driven Research

Because no two farms or ranches are exactly alike, it's not always easy to know how principles and practices of sustainability might work from one operation to the next. The expertise of producers is invaluable when coming up with innovative, practical and sustainable solutions to agricultural challenges. This is why SARE's grant programs emphasize applied research that takes place on working farms and ranches, and that engages producers as valued collaborators.

Visit our database of project reports to learn from the experiences of the thousands of SARE grantees since 1988.

In addition, we publish these practical guides for researchers and educators:

Systems Research for Agriculture Book Cover

Systems Research for Agriculture

Practical information for researchers, educators and extension professionals seeking to understand and apply systems research to agriculture.

Technical bulletin page

How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch

This 32-page bulletin outlines how to conduct research at the farm level, offering practical tips for both crop and livestock producers, as well as a comprehensive list of more in-depth resources.

A young woman holding a blade to a metal pot of soil in the woods.

Reading the Farm

Farm educators often  have in-depth knowledge of certain components of agriculture, but have few opportunities to see how these components work together to influence sustainability. Reading the Farm brings together educators and experts who share knowledge in the context of working, real-world farms. 

Woman kneeling in vegetable crop.

National Continuing Education Program

This program is designed for Cooperative Extension and Natural Resource Conservation Service personnel, and is also open to farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural professionals nationwide. It emphasizes core concepts and a basic understanding of sustainable agriculture, its goals and its relevance to every farming and ranching operation—large or small. The core of the national continuing education program is a series of three online courses. Take them now.


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Strengthening akis for sustainable agricultural features: insights and innovations from the european union: a literature review.

research on sustainable agriculture

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. data collection procedure, 2.2. identification criteria, 2.3. screening and selection criteria, 2.4. eligibility and inclusion criteria.

  • The studies that were carried out or considered the 28 countries in the European Union (including the United Kingdom until 2019 and excluding Romania).
  • Studies published in the English Language.
  • Studies that were published within the past 11 years (the review covers the period from 2014 to 2024, a period in which the two previous Programming Periods of the Common Agricultural Policy were implemented).
  • Studies covering the inclusion of a transparent description of the process of data acquisition and interpretation.
  • Studies covering a primary or secondary class investigation on the subject matter.
  • Studies showcasing the effects of AKISs and FASs on agricultural knowledge advancement.
  • Studies published in a non-English language.
  • Studies carried out outside the EU.
  • Studies with unclear methodology of data collection and analysis.
  • Studies lacking author names and affiliation.
  • Studies not covering both the main issues of this review (i.e., AKIS and FAS).

4. Discussion

4.1. akis and fas in the foreground through the new cap, 4.2. improving the effectiveness of an akis, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Article IDCountryFactor(s) InvestigatedKey Results ObtainedSuggested Improvements
[ ] Kiraly et al. (2023).European Union countriesAssessing the behavior of European farmers, foresters and advisors regarding the frequency of searching for information on digital transformation using the EU Farmbook application.
[ ] Ingram and Mills (2019).European countriesAdvisory services regarding sustainable soil management.
[ ] Laurent et al. (2021).Southwestern FranceEvaluation of the processes by which farmers combine different sources of agricultural advice (micro-AKIS) for three types of innovation.
[ ] Madureira et al. (2022).EuropeThe role of farm consultancy in agricultural innovation in relation to the microAKIS.
[ ] Amerani et Michailidis (2023).GreeceEvaluation of the contribution of the Greek AKIS and its adaptation to modern requirements of Greek agriculture
[ ] Kiljunen et Jaakkola (2020).FinlandAKIS and the Farm Advisory System in Finland.
[ ] Charatsari et al. (2023).Greece, ItalyInvestigation of the possibility of AKIS actors to develop dynamic capacities during the supply process of the food chain.
[ ] Masi et al. (2022).ItalyEvaluation of precision agriculture tools as an innovation and the variables that facilitate or hinder their implementation in agricultural practice.
[ ] Nordlund and Norrby (2021).SwedenDetailed description of the Swedish agricultural advisory services.
[ ] Sturel (2021).FranceFrench AKIS and Farm Advisory System combined with the promotion of interactive innovation to support the transition in agriculture and forestry.
[ ] Enfedaque Diaz et al. (2020).SpainAKIS and Advisory Services in Spain.
[ ] Almeida et Viveiros (2020).PortugalReport of the AKIS in Portugal, with an emphasis on agricultural advisory services.
[ ] Birke et al. (2021).GermanyOverview of the AKIS and the Forestry Knowledge and Innovation System (FKIS) in Germany.
[ ] Jelakovic (2021).CroatiaOverview of the Croatian AKIS.
[ ] Stankovic (2020).SerbiaReport of the Serbian AKIS and FAS.
[ ] Hrovatic (2020).SloveniaDescription of the Slovenian AKIS and FAS.
[ ] Bachev (2022).BulgariaAnalyzing Governance, Efficiency and Development of the AKIS.
[ ] Koutsouris et al. (2020).CyprusComprehensive overview of the Cyprus AKIS and the Agricultural Advisory System.
[ ] Knierim et al. (2019).GermanySmart Farming Technologies (SFT) and their degree of perception by farmers.
[ ] Koutsouris et al. (2020)GreeceAKIS and agricultural advisory services in Greece.
[ ] Coquil et al. (2018).FranceThe transformations of farmers and AKIS actors’ work during agroecological transitions.
[ ] Lybaert et Debruyne (2020).BelgiumOverview of the Belgian AKIS, focusing on agricultural advisory services.
[ ] Dortmans et al. (2020).NetherlandsInsight into the Dutch AKIS actors and factors that play
a role in the system.
[ ] Gaborne et al. (2020).HungaryThe general characteristics of the Hungarian agricultural and
forestry sector and AKIS, as well as the historical development of the advisory
[ ] Oliveira et al. (2019).PortugalThe Portuguese irrigation system of the Lis Valley, within the framework of the EIP AGRI Program of the European Union.
[ ] Mirra et al. (2020).Campania region, ItalyAnalysis of the implementation of an experimental AKIS model through the RDP.
[ ] Cristiano et al. (2020).ItalyAn overview of the Italian AKIS and the local Farm
Advisory Services (FASs).
[ ] Todorova (2021).BulgariaA comprehensive description of the Bulgarian AKIS and FAS.
[ ] Dzelme et Zurins (2021).LatviaA description of the AKIS in Latvia and brief outlook of the Forestry AKIS (FKIS).
[ ] Matuseviciute et al. (2021).LithuaniaAKIS and FAS in Lithuania. A detailed report.
[ ] Zimmer et al. (2020).LuxembourgDescription of the AKIS in Luxembourg.
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Kountios, G.; Kanakaris, S.; Moulogianni, C.; Bournaris, T. Strengthening AKIS for Sustainable Agricultural Features: Insights and Innovations from the European Union: A Literature Review. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7068.

Kountios G, Kanakaris S, Moulogianni C, Bournaris T. Strengthening AKIS for Sustainable Agricultural Features: Insights and Innovations from the European Union: A Literature Review. Sustainability . 2024; 16(16):7068.

Kountios, Georgios, Spyridon Kanakaris, Christina Moulogianni, and Thomas Bournaris. 2024. "Strengthening AKIS for Sustainable Agricultural Features: Insights and Innovations from the European Union: A Literature Review" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7068.

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Approaches to sustainable agriculture


The high amount of land used for cultivation and livestock farming has dramatically shaped landscapes in Europe and throughout the rest of the world. Agriculture is a fundamental human activity that intrinsically depends on nature and at the same time poses a threat to it. Thus, sustainability has emerged as a necessity in future agricultural policy and practice. Sustainable agriculture will need first and foremost to consider two inseparable, intertwined societal priorities – preserving the environment and providing safe and healthy food for all. It will be necessary for all sectors and stakeholders involved in the food system and nature conservation to find a common path for the future which embraces these two priorities. This report shows that different approaches to sustainable agriculture exist, that they have a number of important commonalities, but also that their diversity is a strength in itself. The choice of approach depends very much on local contexts and specific priorities. The challenge for policymaking is to enable dialogue and create the (market or regulatory) environment that will help prioritise according to local contexts, helping land managers follow the societally desired path.

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Biopesticides in Sustainable Agriculture for SDG-2

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The escalation of global hunger, exacerbated by several crises (insecurity, climate crises, pervasive hunger, etc.) and the forecasted world population increase underscores the imperative for sustainable solutions to ensure food security. The United Nations advocates for sustainable agriculture as a vital component in achieving SDG 2, which aims to end hunger, ensure food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. The Green Revolution in the late 20th century increased food production through the introduction of high-yielding crop varieties, the use of synthetic pesticides, and better management techniques, boosting agricultural productivity, especially for crops like rice and wheat. However, this chemical-centric approach has led to a host of unintended consequences, including environmental pollution, the emergence of pest resistance, food contamination, and increased incidence of human diseases. In response to these issues, there has been a shift towards biopesticides in the agricultural sector. Biopesticides present an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic pesticides, targeting pests more precisely and mitigating environmental impact. Nevertheless, challenges such as reduced efficacy and increased costs impede their widespread adoption. Addressing these critical gaps through technological innovation, while leveraging recorded successes, is now a focal point of research within pest management science. Biotechnological innovations are actively exploring ways to enhance the effectiveness of biopesticides. Their utilization promotes environmental health and advances social and economic well-being, thereby contributing to healthier lifestyles and poverty reduction. This holistic approach is indispensable for achieving SDG-2 and intersects with other Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the interconnectedness of global objectives. Biopesticides seamlessly integrate into integrated pest management systems, fostering robust crop yields (both qualitatively and quantitatively) that contribute to better nourishment for the global population. Despite these successes, there is a need to enhance biopesticide efficiency. Continued research efforts show promise in improving biopesticides and advancing the goal of a hunger-free world by 2030. Thus, this collection aims to invite cutting-edge research focused on enhancing biopesticides in terms of effectiveness and economic sustainability, especially for small-scale farming. With this aim, this Research Topic welcomes submissions addressing the following themes, but is not limited to: • Documentation of endogenous practices/knowledge of biopesticide production • Biopesticides and their impacts on crop yield and farmer income • The role of biopesticides in promoting sustainable agriculture and stable food productivity • Innovations in biopesticide development, formulation, and application • Economic barriers to biopesticide adoption in commercial farming • Factors that promote the use of biopesticides in sustainable agriculture • Cost-benefit analysis of biopesticides compared to traditional pesticides • Successful case studies of biopesticide use • Encouraging broader adoption among smallholder to large-scale farmers • Policy and regulatory landscape to foster biopesticide adoption

Keywords : Biopesticides, Pest Management, SDG 2, Safer Stale Food, Sustainable Agriculture, Pest Resistance, Cost-Benefits Analysis

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Unravelling surface water dynamics in semi-arid central Indian region for sustainable agricultural practices

  • Published: 20 August 2024
  • Volume 196 , article number  827 , ( 2024 )

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research on sustainable agriculture

  • Asari Sushma Surjibhai 1 ,
  • Roshan Nath 1 ,
  • Shobhit Singh 2 ,
  • Somil Swarnkar 1 &
  • Biswajit Patra 3  

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The distribution and availability of water resources have been greatly impacted by global climate change and unsustainable human activities. This has resulted in increased pressure on surface water supplies, human consumption and socioeconomic growth. Although water management requires monitoring, a substantial amount of water consumption globally, including both groundwater and surface water, remains unmeasured. Madhya Pradesh (MP) has a very varied semi-arid geographical region in Central India. Recent studies have found that 36 out of 51 districts in the state of MP have been facing severe hydrological drought conditions. Despite the challenges in the MP region, there is little understanding of the permanent and seasonal changes in surface water and the overall availability of surface water resources in each district. Field-based monitoring of surface water bodies in large regions such as MP poses considerable difficulties. However, gaining knowledge about changes in the distribution of water on the Earth's surface across time and space can be enhanced by analysing data obtained via remote sensing. To understand the long-term changes in surface water in different districts of Madhya Pradesh, India, over the past 38 years, we analysed a publicly accessible global surface water dataset provided by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) European Commission. This dataset is based on Landsat imagery and covers the period from 1984 to 2021. This research study examines the associations between variations in the permanent surface water level and the extent of land being irrigated, the intensity of agricultural activities and the seasonal oscillations in surface water for several districts in Madhya Pradesh. The findings from this research will be beneficial for assessing several significant MP districts in terms of their water footprint and sustainable management.

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Data availability

The JRC surface water data is freely available on the Google Earth Engine cloud-based platform (can be accessed using this command: ee.Image("JRC/GSW1_4/GlobalSurfaceWater")). For machine learning-based clustering analysis, an open source R-programming based, Jeffreys's Amazing Statistics Program (JASP; ) Version 0.18.1 is used.

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This work was supported by Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India for providing the initiation grant (IISERB/R&D/2022–23/186) to Somil Swarnkar through Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal.

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Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, IISER, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Asari Sushma Surjibhai, Roshan Nath & Somil Swarnkar

Department of Earth Sciences, IIT, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Shobhit Singh

Department of Economic Sciences, IISER, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Biswajit Patra

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Data preprocessing, statistical analysis, and the initial version of the paper were conducted/written by A.S.S. and R.N. Shobhit Singh (S.S.) provided guidance in the analysis of the remote sensing dataset using Google Earth Engine. Somil Swarnkar (S.S.) conceptualized the surface water dynamics analysis, funding acquisition, supervision, and final draft of the article. B.P. conceptualized irrigation area and cropping intensity analysis.

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Surjibhai, A.S., Nath, R., Singh, S. et al. Unravelling surface water dynamics in semi-arid central Indian region for sustainable agricultural practices. Environ Monit Assess 196 , 827 (2024).

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Received : 13 January 2024

Accepted : 01 August 2024

Published : 20 August 2024


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Position: Undergraduate Research Assistants (Two)- Indoor Sustainable Agriculture

  • Publication date August 22, 2024

Join Our Team in Indoor Sustainable Agriculture with Emergent Technologies

Are you passionate about sustainability and technology? We are seeking two dedicated undergraduate assistants to work on an exciting project in indoor sustainable agriculture, supported by NASA and USDA grants. This is a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future of farming.

Location : University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES)

Pay : $15/hour

Hours : 10 hours/week

Responsibilities :

  Assist in the organization and inventory management of research labs under supervision.

  Help set up experiments using Farmbots, Tower Gardens, and Growlights.

  Collect and record data as directed by the supervisor.


Must be a UMES STEM major in good academic standing.

 Hardworking and self-motivated.

Eager to learn and work with plants and emergent technologies.

Why Join Us?

Gain hands-on experience with innovative agricultural technologies.

Contribute to research with real-world implications for sustainable farming on Earth and in space.

 Work closely with experts and enhance your skills in a dynamic research environment.

 Opportunities to publish in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings, and present at conferences.

If you are ready to be part of a forward-thinking research team, please send your resume and a brief statement of interest to Dr. Madhumi Mitra at [email protected].

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