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Creating and updating PowerPoint Presentations in Python using python – pptx

python-pptx is library used to create/edit a PowerPoint (.pptx) files. This won’t work on MS office 2003 and previous versions.  We can add shapes, paragraphs, texts and slides and much more thing using this library.

Installation: Open the command prompt on your system and write given below command:

Let’s see some of its usage:

Example 1: Creating new PowerPoint file with title and subtitle slide.


Adding title and subtitle to the powerpoint

Example 2: Adding Text-Box in PowerPoint.


Adding text box to the powerpoint

Example 3: PowerPoint (.pptx) file to Text (.txt) file conversion.


powerpoint presentation in python

Example 4: Inserting image into the PowerPoint file.


Adding images to the powerpoint

Example 5: Adding Charts to the PowerPoint file.


Adding charts to the powerpoint

Example 6: Adding tables to the PowerPoint file.


Adding table to the powerpoint

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5 Best Ways to Create PowerPoint Files Using Python

💡 Problem Formulation: Automating the creation of PowerPoint presentations is a common task for those who need to generate reports or summaries regularly. For instance, a user may wish to create a presentation summarizing sales data from a CSV file or visualize a project’s progress in a structured format. The desired output is a fully formatted PowerPoint file (.pptx) with various elements like titles, texts, images, and charts, as specified by the input data or customization requirements.

Method 1: Using python-pptx

The python-pptx library provides a comprehensive set of features for creating PowerPoint files (.pptx) in Python. It allows for adding slides, text, images, charts, and more, with a high level of customization. Manipulate slides at a granular level by accessing placeholders, creating bulleted lists, and setting properties like font size or color programmatically.

Here’s an example:

The code snippet above creates a PowerPoint file named python-pptx-presentation.pptx with one slide that includes a title and a subtitle.

In this overview, we create a presentation object, add a new slide with a predefined layout, set text for the title and subtitle placeholders, and then save the presentation. This method gives users the ability to create detailed, professional presentations through code.

Method 2: Using Pandas with python-pptx

This method combines the data manipulation power of Pandas with the presentation capabilities of python-pptx to create PowerPoint files from DataFrame contents. It’s particularly useful for automating the inclusion of tabular data or creating charts based on the DataFrame’s data.

The output is a PowerPoint file named pandas-python-pptx.pptx containing a bar chart representing the quantity of fruits.

This snippet demonstrates using a Pandas DataFrame to generate chart data, which is then used to create a chart in a PowerPoint slide. It showcases the synergy between Pandas for data handling and python-pptx for presentation creation.

Method 3: Using ReportLab with python-pptx

Those seeking to include complex graphics or generate custom visuals can harness the graphic-drawing capabilities of ReportLab with python-pptx. This method leverages ReportLab to create an image, which can then be inserted into a PowerPoint slide.

The output would be a PowerPoint file named reportlab-pptx.pptx containing a slide with a custom bar chart image.

The code above creates a bar chart using ReportLab, saves the chart as an image, and then inserts the image into a PowerPoint slide. This approach is ideal if you need to include bespoke graphics that are not directly supported by python-pptx itself.

Method 4: Using Matplotlib with python-pptx

For those familiar with Matplotlib, this method involves creating a visual plot or chart with Matplotlib, saving it as an image, and then embedding the image into a PowerPoint slide using python-pptx.

The outcome is a PowerPoint file matplotlib-pptx.pptx , with a plot on a slide created by Matplotlib.

In this case, we graph a quadratic function using Matplotlib, save it as an image, and then add that image to a slide in our PowerPoint presentation. This method offers a blend of Matplotlib’s sophisticated plotting tools with the simplicity of python-pptx.

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Using Officegen

The Officegen package allows for rapid PowerPoint creation with simpler syntax, although with less flexibility compared to python-pptx. It provides functions to add slides, titles, and bullet points.

The outcome is a PowerPoint file officegen-presentation.pptx with a single slide containing a large title.

This snippet uses Officegen to initiate a new presentation, adds a text title to a slide, and saves the presentation. While not as detailed as python-pptx, Officegen is quick for simple presentations.


  • Method 1: python-pptx. Full-featured control over presentations. Can be verbose for simple tasks.
  • Method 2: Pandas with python-pptx. Ideal for data-driven presentations. Setup can be complex if unfamiliar with data libraries.
  • Method 3: ReportLab with python-pptx. Powerful combo for custom graphics. Requires separate handling of graphics and presentation stages.
  • Method 4: Matplotlib with python-pptx. Best for users comfortable with Matplotlib. Less direct than using python-pptx alone.
  • Bonus Method 5: Officegen. Quick and easy for simple presentations. Limited customization options.
  • Open Source

How To Create PowerPoint Presentations With Python From Command Line

Automating the process of creating simple powerpoint slides with python-pptx library..

This Step-by-Step guide demonstrates how to use Python and the python-pptx library to create PowerPoint presentations from command line.

The steps and code provided in this guide are not specific to any particular operating system and should work on all major platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Table of Contents

What is Python-pptx, by the way?

The python-pptx library is an open-source Python library that allows you to create, read, and update PowerPoint (.pptx) files.

The python-pptx library is particularly well-suited for generating PowerPoint presentations dynamically from various data sources as listed below:

  • Database Queries : By connecting to a database and executing queries, you can fetch data and use the python-pptx library to generate PowerPoint slides with visualizations, charts, or tables based on the queried data. This approach can be useful for creating data-driven presentations or reports.
  • Analytics Outputs : If you have analytics software or scripts that generate structured data or insights, you can use the python-pptx library to transform that data into visually appealing PowerPoint slides, complete with charts, graphs, and other visual elements.
  • JSON Payloads : With the increasing prevalence of APIs and web services, it's common to receive data in JSON format. The python-pptx library can be used to parse JSON payloads and dynamically create PowerPoint slides based on the structured data contained within them.
  • HTTP Requests : By integrating the python-pptx library into a web application or API, you can generate PowerPoint presentations on-the-fly in response to HTTP requests. This allows for the creation of dynamic, customized presentations tailored to specific user inputs or data sources.

The python-pptx library runs on any Python-capable platform, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Another significant benefit of the python-pptx library is that it does not require the PowerPoint application to be installed on the system where the code is running.

Now let us discuss how to automate the process of creating simple PowerPoint presentations using python-pptx library .

Create PowerPoint Presentations using Python

The process is divided into three straightforward steps: installing the required software, creating the Python script, and running the script to produce the presentation file.

Step 1 - Installing Prerequisites

Before proceeding, ensure that you have Python installed on your system.

Python is pre-installed in most Linux operating systems. If not, you can install it using the following command on Debian-based systems:

On Red-hat based systems, run:

Next, install the python-pptx library, which provides the necessary functionality to create PowerPoint presentations programmatically. You can install it using pip , Python's package installer:

Step 2 - Creating the Python Script

Create a new Python script (e.g., create_ppt.py ):

and copy the following code into it:

Edit the script and update the title, content of the slides and the output file as you wish. Once done, save the file and close it.

Explanation of the Script:

This script creates a new PowerPoint presentation and adds four slides: a title slide , and three content slides covering the importance of Linux security , common security practices , and security tools .

Title Slide :

The script initializes a new Presentation object and adds a title slide with the main title "Linux Security Automation" and the subtitle "An overview of securing Linux systems".

Content Slides :

The script then adds three content slides, each with a title and bullet points covering different aspects of Linux security:

  • Slide 1: Importance of Linux Security (e.g., protecting against unauthorized access, ensuring data integrity, maintaining system availability, and protecting sensitive information).
  • Slide 2: Common Security Practices (e.g., regularly updating and patching the system, using strong passwords, enabling firewalls, using antivirus software, and monitoring system logs).
  • Slide 3: Security Tools (e.g., SELinux/AppArmor for Mandatory Access Control, ClamAV for antivirus protection, Fail2Ban for preventing brute force attacks, and UFW for an uncomplicated firewall).

Saving the Presentation :

Finally, the script saves the PowerPoint presentation as Linux_Security_Presentation.pptx in the current directory.

Step 3 - Generate PowerPoint Slides

Navigate to the directory containing the script in your terminal and run the following command:

This command will execute the script, and generate a new PowerPoint file named " Linux_Security_Presentation.pptx " in the same directory.

Step 4 - Run or Customize PPTs

As I mentioned, this script will only create simple PowerPoint presentations . They are plain with white background.

Here is a sample PPT slide that I created using this script:

A Powerpoint Slide Created with Python

You can open it with any PowerPoint application (For example LibreOffice Impress or MS PowerPoint ) and customize the look of the slides as per your own liking.

Here's how the slide looks like after I changed its background and added our blog's logo on the top of the slide:

A Powerpoint Slide Created with Python-pptx Library

This script serves as a basic example, and you can further enhance it by adding more slides, customizing the content, or incorporating additional features, such as adding images, charts, or formatting options.

You get the idea. Use our script as a starting point. Customize it and be creative. You can make the slides more elegant and professional.

  • https://pypi.org/project/python-pptx/

' data-src=

Senthilkumar Palani (aka SK) is the Founder and Editor in chief of OSTechNix. He is a Linux/Unix enthusiast and FOSS supporter. He lives in Tamilnadu, India.

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Creating Powerpoint Presentations with Python

Posted by Chris Moffitt in articles   


Love it or loathe it, PowerPoint is widely used in most business settings. This article will not debate the merits of PowerPoint but will show you how to use python to remove some of the drudgery of PowerPoint by automating the creation of PowerPoint slides using python.

Fortunately for us, there is an excellent python library for creating and updating PowerPoint files: python-pptx . The API is very well documented so it is pretty easy to use. The only tricky part is understanding the PowerPoint document structure including the various master layouts and elements. Once you understand the basics, it is relatively simple to automate the creation of your own PowerPoint slides. This article will walk through an example of reading in and analyzing some Excel data with pandas, creating tables and building a graph that can be embedded in a PowerPoint file.

PowerPoint File Basics

Python-pptx can create blank PowerPoint files but most people are going to prefer working with a predefined template that you can customize with your own content. Python-pptx’s API supports this process quite simply as long as you know a few things about your template.

Before diving into some code samples, there are two key components you need to understand: Slide Layouts and Placeholders . In the images below you can see an example of two different layouts as well as the template’s placeholders where you can populate your content.

In the image below, you can see that we are using Layout 0 and there is one placeholder on the slide at index 1.

PowerPoint Layout 0

In this image, we use Layout 1 for a completely different look.

PowerPoint Layout 1

In order to make your life easier with your own templates, I created a simple standalone script that takes a template and marks it up with the various elements.

I won’t explain all the code line by line but you can see analyze_ppt.py on github. Here is the function that does the bulk of the work:

The basic flow of this function is to loop through and create an example of every layout included in the source PowerPoint file. Then on each slide, it will populate the title (if it exists). Finally, it will iterate through all of the placeholders included in the template and show the index of the placeholder as well as the type.

If you want to try it yourself:

Refer to the input and output files to see what you get.

Creating your own PowerPoint

For the dataset and analysis, I will be replicating the analysis in Generating Excel Reports from a Pandas Pivot Table . The article explains the pandas data manipulation in more detail so it will be helpful to make sure you are comfortable with it before going too much deeper into the code.

Let’s get things started with the inputs and basic shell of the program:

After we create our command line args, we read the source Excel file into a pandas DataFrame. Next, we use that DataFrame as an input to create the Pivot_table summary of the data:

Consult the Generating Excel Reports from a Pandas Pivot Table if this does not make sense to you.

The next piece of the analysis is creating a simple bar chart of sales performance by account:

Here is a scaled down version of the image:

PowerPoint Graph

We have a chart and a pivot table completed. Now we are going to embed that information into a new PowerPoint file based on a given PowerPoint template file.

Before I go any farther, there are a couple of things to note. You need to know what layout you would like to use as well as where you want to populate your content. In looking at the output of analyze_ppt.py we know that the title slide is layout 0 and that it has a title attribute and a subtitle at placeholder 1.

Here is the start of the function that we use to create our output PowerPoint:

This code creates a new presentation based on our input file, adds a single slide and populates the title and subtitle on the slide. It looks like this:

PowerPoint Title Slide

Pretty cool huh?

The next step is to embed our picture into a slide.

From our previous analysis, we know that the graph slide we want to use is layout index 8, so we create a new slide, add a title then add a picture into placeholder 1. The final step adds a subtitle at placeholder 2.

Here is our masterpiece:

PowerPoint Chart

For the final portion of the presentation, we will create a table for each manager with their sales performance.

Here is an image of what we’re going to achieve:

PowerPoint Table

Creating tables in PowerPoint is a good news / bad news story. The good news is that there is an API to create one. The bad news is that you can’t easily convert a pandas DataFrame to a table using the built in API . However, we are very fortunate that someone has already done all the hard work for us and created PandasToPowerPoint .

This excellent piece of code takes a DataFrame and converts it to a PowerPoint compatible table. I have taken the liberty of including a portion of it in my script. The original has more functionality that I am not using so I encourage you to check out the repo and use it in your own code.

The code takes each manager out of the pivot table and builds a simple DataFrame that contains the summary data. Then uses the df_to_table to convert the DataFrame into a PowerPoint compatible table.

If you want to run this on your own, the full code would look something like this:

All of the relevant files are available in the github repository .

One of the things I really enjoy about using python to solve real world business problems is that I am frequently pleasantly surprised at the rich ecosystem of very well thought out python tools already available to help with my problems. In this specific case, PowerPoint is rarely a joy to use but it is a necessity in many environments.

After reading this article, you should know that there is some hope for you next time you are asked to create a bunch of reports in PowerPoint. Keep this article in mind and see if you can find a way to automate away some of the tedium!

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python-pptx 1.0.2

pip install python-pptx Copy PIP instructions

Released: Aug 7, 2024

Create, read, and update PowerPoint 2007+ (.pptx) files.

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Project links.

  • Documentation
  • License: MIT License (MIT)
  • Author: Steve Canny
  • Tags powerpoint, ppt, pptx, openxml, office
  • Requires: Python >=3.8


  • 5 - Production/Stable
  • OSI Approved :: MIT License
  • OS Independent
  • Python :: 3
  • Python :: 3.8
  • Python :: 3.9
  • Python :: 3.10
  • Python :: 3.11
  • Python :: 3.12
  • Office/Business :: Office Suites
  • Software Development :: Libraries

Project description

python-pptx is a Python library for creating, reading, and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files.

A typical use would be generating a PowerPoint presentation from dynamic content such as a database query, analytics output, or a JSON payload, perhaps in response to an HTTP request and downloading the generated PPTX file in response. It runs on any Python capable platform, including macOS and Linux, and does not require the PowerPoint application to be installed or licensed.

It can also be used to analyze PowerPoint files from a corpus, perhaps to extract search indexing text and images.

In can also be used to simply automate the production of a slide or two that would be tedious to get right by hand, which is how this all got started.

More information is available in the python-pptx documentation .

Browse examples with screenshots to get a quick idea what you can do with python-pptx.

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Uploaded Aug 7, 2024 Python 3

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How to create powerpoint files using Python


We’ve all had to make PowerPoint presentations at some point in our lives. Most often we’ve used Microsoft’s PowerPoint or Google Slides.

But what if you don’t have membership or access to the internet? Or what if you just wanted to do it the “programmers” way?

Well, worry not for Python’s got your back!

In this article you’ll learn how to create a PowerPoint file and add some content to it with the help of Python. So let’s get started!

Getting Started

Throughout this walkthrough, we’ll be using the python-pptx package. This package supports different python versions ranging from 2.6 to 3.6.

So, make sure you have the right version of Python installed on your computer first.

Next, open your terminal and type −

Once the module is successfully installed, you are all set to start coding!

Importing the Modules

Before we get into the main aspects of it, we must first import the right modules to utilise the various features of the package.

So, let’s import the presentation class that contains all the required methods to create a PowerPoint.

Now, we are all set to create a presentation.

Creating a Presentation

Let us now create an object of the Presentation class to access its various methods.

Next, we need to select a layout for the presentation.

powerpoint presentation in python

As you can see, there are nine different layouts. In the pptx module, each layout is numbered from 0 to 8. So, “Title Slide” is 0 and the “Picture with Caption” is 8.

So, let us first add a title slide.

Now, we have created a layout and added a slide to our presentation.

Let us now add some content to the first slide.

In the above lines, we first add a title to the “first slide” and a subtitle using the placeholder.

Now, let us save the presentation. We can do this using the save command.

If you run the program, it will save the PowerPoint presentation in the directory where your program is saved.

powerpoint presentation in python

You have successfully created your PowerPoint presentation.

Creating a second slide and adding some content

Firstly, you’ll need to import additional methods to add content.

Let us first create and add the second slide.

Adding title for the next slide,

Now, we must create a textbox and move its layout to suit our needs.

Let us position it and adjust its margins in inches.

The above line of code will place a textbox 3 Inches from left and 1.5 Inches from the top with a width of 3 Inches and height of 1 Inch.

Once we have the layout and position fixed, time to create a textframe to add content to.

Now to add a paragraph of content,

Finally, save the presentation again using the save method.

powerpoint presentation in python

That’s it! You can now create your own presentation with the help of Python.

And there are a lot more features within the pptx package that allows you to completely customise your presentation from A-Z just the way you do it in GUI.

You can add images, build charts, display statistics and a lot more.

You can go through python-pptx official documentation for more syntaxes and features.

S Vijay Balaji

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  • python-pptx 1.0.0 documentation »

Presentations ¶

A presentation is opened using the Presentation() function, provided directly by the pptx package:

This function returns a Presentation object which is the root of a graph containing the components that constitute a presentation, e.g. slides, shapes, etc. All existing presentation components are referenced by traversing the graph and new objects are added to the graph by calling a method on that object’s container. Consequently, python-pptx objects are generally not constructed directly.

Presentation function ¶

This function is the only reference that must be imported to work with presentation files. Typical use interacts with many other classes, but there is no need to construct them as they are accessed using a property or method of their containing object.

Return a Presentation object loaded from pptx , where pptx can be either a path to a .pptx file (a string) or a file-like object. If pptx is missing or None , the built-in default presentation “template” is loaded.

Presentation objects ¶

PresentationML (PML) presentation.

Not intended to be constructed directly. Use pptx.Presentation() to open or create a presentation.

CoreProperties instance for this presentation.

Provides read/write access to the Dublin Core document properties for the presentation.

Instance of NotesMaster for this presentation.

If the presentation does not have a notes master, one is created from a default template and returned. The same single instance is returned on each call.

Writes this presentation to file .

file can be either a file-path or a file-like object open for writing bytes.

Height of slides in this presentation, in English Metric Units (EMU).

Returns None if no slide width is defined. Read/write.

SlideLayouts collection belonging to the first SlideMaster of this presentation.

A presentation can have more than one slide master and each master will have its own set of layouts. This property is a convenience for the common case where the presentation has only a single slide master.

First SlideMaster object belonging to this presentation. Typically, presentations have only a single slide master. This property provides simpler access in that common case.

SlideMasters collection of slide-masters belonging to this presentation.

Width of slides in this presentation, in English Metric Units (EMU). Returns None if no slide width is defined. Read/write.

Slides object containing the slides in this presentation.

CoreProperties objects ¶

Each Presentation object has a CoreProperties object accessed via its core_properties attribute that provides read/write access to the so-called core properties for the document. The core properties are author, category, comments, content_status, created, identifier, keywords, language, last_modified_by, last_printed, modified, revision, subject, title, and version.

Each property is one of three types, str , datetime.datetime , or int . String properties are limited in length to 255 characters and return an empty string (‘’) if not set. Date properties are assigned and returned as datetime.datetime objects without timezone, i.e. in UTC. Any timezone conversions are the responsibility of the client. Date properties return None if not set.

python-pptx does not automatically set any of the document core properties other than to add a core properties part to a presentation that doesn’t have one (very uncommon). If python-pptx adds a core properties part, it contains default values for the title, last_modified_by, revision, and modified properties. Client code should change properties like revision and last_modified_by explicitly if that behavior is desired.

string – An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.

string – A categorization of the content of this package. Example values might include: Resume, Letter, Financial Forecast, Proposal, or Technical Presentation.

string – An account of the content of the resource.

string – completion status of the document, e.g. ‘draft’

datetime – time of intial creation of the document

string – An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context, e.g. ISBN.

string – descriptive words or short phrases likely to be used as search terms for this document

string – language the document is written in

string – name or other identifier (such as email address) of person who last modified the document

datetime – time the document was last printed

datetime – time the document was last modified

int – number of this revision, incremented by the PowerPoint® client once each time the document is saved. Note however that the revision number is not automatically incremented by python-pptx .

string – The topic of the content of the resource.

string – The name given to the resource.

string – free-form version string

Table of Contents

  • Presentation function
  • Presentation objects
  • CoreProperties objects

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  • python-pptx @ GitHub
  • python-pptx @ PyPI
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    Installation: Open the command prompt on your system and write given below command: pip install python-pptx. Let's see some of its usage: Example 1: Creating new PowerPoint file with title and subtitle slide. Python3. from pptx import Presentation .

  2. 5 Best Ways to Create PowerPoint Files Using Python

    Method 4: Using Matplotlib with python-pptx. For those familiar with Matplotlib, this method involves creating a visual plot or chart with Matplotlib, saving it as an image, and then embedding the image into a PowerPoint slide using python-pptx. Here's an example: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.

  3. How To Create PowerPoint Presentations With Python

    Step 3 - Generate PowerPoint Slides. Navigate to the directory containing the script in your terminal and run the following command: $ python3 create_ppt.py. This command will execute the script, and generate a new PowerPoint file named " Linux_Security_Presentation.pptx " in the same directory.

  4. Spire.Presentation · PyPI

    Spire.Presentation for Python is a comprehensive PowerPoint compatible API designed for developers to efficiently create, modify, read, and convert PowerPoint files within Python programs. It offers a broad spectrum of functions to manipulate PowerPoint documents without any external dependencies. Spire.Presentation for Python supports a wide ...

  5. Create PowerPoint Presentations With Python

    In this tutorial I will be showing you how to create POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS using only Python. This tutorial provides a step-by-step walk-through made to h...

  6. Automate PowerPoint Slides Creation with Python

    II. Process Data and Design Slides with Python. You can find the source code with dummy data here: Github. Let us explore all the steps to generate your final report. Steps to create your operational report on PowerPoint — (Image by Author) 1. Data Extraction. Connect to your WMS and extract shipment records.

  7. Create a PowerPoint Document Using Python: A

    Jan 23, 2024. Creating a PowerPoint document using Python allows you to automate the process of generating professional presentations with ease. By leveraging libraries such as Spire.Presentation ...

  8. Creating Powerpoint Presentations with Python

    Here is the start of the function that we use to create our output PowerPoint: def create_ppt(input, output, report_data, chart): """ Take the input powerpoint file and use it as the template for the output file. """ prs = Presentation(input) # Use the output from analyze_ppt to understand which layouts and placeholders # to use # Create a ...

  9. Creating Presentations with Python

    python-pptx is a Python library for creating and updating PowerPoint files. This article is going to be a basic introduction to this package. If you want to learn much more about it, this is the official documentation page that you should check. Now let's install the package if you don't have. pip install python-pptx.

  10. Spire.Presentation-for-Python · PyPI

    Spire.Presentation for Python is a comprehensive PowerPoint compatible API designed for developers to efficiently create, modify, read, and convert PowerPoint files within Python programs. It offers a broad spectrum of functions to manipulate PowerPoint documents without any external dependencies. Spire.Presentation for Python supports a wide ...

  11. How to use Python with PowerPoint (small demo). Create PP presentations

    A little walk through of the Python-pptx package which enables you to create PowerPoint slides and presentation using Python. In this demo we make 5 slides: ...

  12. python-pptx · PyPI

    python-pptx is a Python library for creating, reading, and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files. A typical use would be generating a PowerPoint presentation from dynamic content such as a database query, analytics output, or a JSON payload, perhaps in response to an HTTP request and downloading the generated PPTX file in response. It runs on any ...

  13. Using 'python-pptx' To Programmatically Create PowerPoint Slides

    Steve Canny's python-pptx is a great library for getting started using Python to create dynamic PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint presentations are often short, sweet, and full of pictures and other ...

  14. python-pptx

    python-pptx¶. Release v1.0.0 (Installation)python-pptx is a Python library for creating, reading, and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files.. A typical use would be generating a PowerPoint presentation from dynamic content such as a database query, analytics output, or a JSON payload, perhaps in response to an HTTP request and downloading the generated PPTX file in response.

  15. Create a PowerPoint Presentation Using Python

    Images from other BI tools, advanced visualizations created in Python, R, or any source can be combined into one presentation. For this example, I created a simple bar chart in Python using a public Airbnb dataset for Asheville, NC. The python-pptx can control almost every element in PowerPoint that is available when working with PowerPoint ...

  16. Working with Presentations

    Working with Presentations¶. python-pptx allows you to create new presentations as well as make changes to existing ones. Actually, it only lets you make changes to existing presentations; it's just that if you start with a presentation that doesn't have any slides, it feels at first like you're creating one from scratch.

  17. Create or Extract Tables in PowerPoint Presentations with Python

    Spire.Presentation for Python is a feature-rich and user-friendly library that enables creating, reading, editing, and converting PowerPoint presentations within Python applications.

  18. How to create powerpoint files using Python

    Throughout this walkthrough, we'll be using the python-pptx package. This package supports different python versions ranging from 2.6 to 3.6. So, make sure you have the right version of Python installed on your computer first. Next, open your terminal and type −. pip install python-pptx.

  19. Presentations

    Presentations. ¶. A presentation is opened using the Presentation() function, provided directly by the pptx package: from pptx import Presentation. This function returns a Presentation object which is the root of a graph containing the components that constitute a presentation, e.g. slides, shapes, etc. All existing presentation components are ...

  20. How can I automate the generation of a powerpoint with python

    6. You can use python-pptx library. It is a Python library for creating and updating PowerPoint (.pptx) files. This includes: Round-trip any Open XML presentation (.pptx file) including all its elements Add slides Populate text placeholders, for example to create a bullet slide Add image to slide at arbitrary position and size Add textbox to a ...

  21. Free PPT Slides for Python Programming

    Python Programming (58 Slides) 97680 Views. Unlock a Vast Repository of Python Programming PPT Slides, Meticulously Curated by Our Expert Tutors and Institutes. Download Free and Enhance Your Learning!