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Accounting Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Through the Looking Glass: Overcoming Algorithm Aversion in Accounting , David E. Watson

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The Rise of Text Analysis: Using Machine Learning to Explain the Variation in Going Concern Accuracy , Yimei Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Influence Auditors' Knowledge-Sharing Behavior , Xu Cheng

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Retail Investors' Perceptions of Financial Disclosures on Social Media: An Experimental Investigation Using Twitter , Neal Michael Snow

Does the Format of Internal Control Disclosures Matter? An Experimental Investigation of Nonprofessional Investor Behavior , Amanuel Fekade Tadesse

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Do Changing Reference Levels affect the Long-Term Effectiveness of Incentive Contracts? , Lee Michael Kersting

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Effects of Directional Audit Guidance and Estimation Uncertainty on Auditor Confirmation Bias and Professional Skepticism When Evaluating Fair Value Estimates , Norma R. Montague

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Mitigating Escalation of Commitment: An Investigation of the Effects of Priming and Decision-Making Setting in Capital Project Continuation Decisions , Ann C. Dzuranin

Understanding and Improving Use-Tax Compliance: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach , Christopher Robert Jones

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: Three Essays on Fraud Predictors, Multi-Classifier Combination and Fraud Detection Using Data Mining , Johan L. Perols

Performance and Perception: An Experimental Investigation of the Impact of Continuous Reporting and Continuous Assurance on Individual Investors , Anita Reed

The Effect of Multidimensional Information Presentation on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of a Spatial Accounting Judgment , John K. Tan

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Home > College of Business Administration > Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting > Accounting Student Scholarship and Creative Works > Accounting Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Accounting Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Two Studies Examining the Effects of Industry Controversy on Accountability and Social and Environmental Accounting , Jacob Lennard

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Three Papers Examining the Impact of Non-financial and Supplier Diversity Disclosures on Investors' Judgments and Decisions. , Andria Hill

Two Studies Examining The Effects of Tax Salience, Informational Justice, and Autonomy on Taxpayer Behaviors , Jason Schwebke

Two Studies Investigating Institutional Theory and Municipalities' Payments in Lieu of Taxes Programs in Nonprofit Organizations , Gregory Stone

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Three Studies on Cybersecurity Disclosure and Assurance , Patricia Navarro Velez

System Justification Theory: Synthesizing and Applying its Theoretical Motivations in Behavioral Accounting Research , Wioleta Olczak

Two Studies Analyzing The Effects of Business Case and Paradoxical Cognitive Framing on Sustainability Decision Making , Nadra Pencle

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Three Studies Examining the Potential for Relational Reasoning to Enhance Expertise in Complex Audit Domains , Matthew Holt

Three Studies Examining Auditors' Use of Data Analytics , Jared Koreff

Three Studies Examining the Effects of Business Analytics on Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting , Bradley Lang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Three Studies Examining The Effects of Informal Management Control Systems and Incentive Compensation Schemes on Employees' Performance , Kazeem Akinyele

Three Studies Examining Accountability in Auditing , Amy Donnelly

The Expansion of Financial Regulation to Include Humanitarian Issues:An Examination of the Development of Conflict Mineral Reporting Requirements Using Actor-Network Theory , Robert Tennant

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Decision Making in Corporate Taxation , Bonnie Brown

Re-Thinking the Intentionality of Fraud: Constructing and Testing the Theory of Unintended Amoral Behavior to Explain Fraudulent Financial Reporting , Andrew Dill

Under-Researched Areas of Audit Quality: Inputs, Firms, and Institutions , Jared Eutsler

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Three Studies Examining Nonprofessional Investors' Decision Making , Anis Triki

Three Studies Examining the Effects of Psychological Distance on Judgment and Decision Making in Accounting , Martin Weisner

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Interactive Data Visualization In Accounting Contexts: Impact On User Attitudes, Information Processing, And Decision Outcomes , Oluwakemi Ajayi

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Impact Of Technology On Management Control: Degradation, Empowerment, Or Technology Dominance? , Joseph Canada

Regulation And The Auditing Profession , Alexey Lyubimov

The Diffusion Of Digital Dashboards: An Examination Of Dashboard Utilization And The Managerial Decision Environment , Jeffrey Reinking

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Three Studies Of Stakeholder Influence In The Formation And Management Of Tax Policies , Jason Chen

An Examination Of Issues Related To Professional Skepticism In Auditing , Erin Burrell Nickell

More Than Money: Corporate Social Performance And Reporting And The Effect On Economic Performance , Kimberly A. Zahller

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Effects Of Risk And Trust On The Achievement Of Sustainable Competitive Advantage From B2b E-commerce Trading Relationships , Clark J. Hampton

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Three Studies Related To The Institutionalization Of International Financial Reporting Standards. , Anna Alon

Three Studies Investigating The Legal Liability Implications Of The Sarbanes-oxley Act Of 2002 , Jillian Phillips

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Understanding The Antecedents And Consequences Of Sales And Use Tax Policy: Evidence From Three Studies , Amy Hageman

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Organizational Legitimacy And The Strategic Use Of Accounting Information: Three Studies Related To Social And Environmental Dis , Charles Cho

Finance And Accounting Outsourcing: Three Studies Related To The Ethical And Economic Dimensions Of Accounting Outsourcing , Renu V. Desai

Change In The Indian Accounting Profession: Three Studies Related To The Entry Of The Big Four Accounting Firms In India , Vikram G. Desai

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Accounting Disclosure At The Organization-society Interface: A Meta-theory And Empirical Evidence , Jennifer Ching-Kuan Chen

Adaptive Self-regulation And Organizational Politics: Investigating The Effects In The Accounting Profession , Sharon Howell

The Public Policy Implications Of Audit Regulation: Three Studies Related To The Passage Of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002 , Steven Thornburg

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

The role of performance plans in mitigating agency problems and improving corporate performance : an empirical examination , Sanjay Gupta

An Investigation of the Interpretation of Uncertainty Information Displays by Decision Makers , Lois S. Mahoney

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

The information content of accounting measures in relation to the cross-section of expected stock returns , Sekhar Anantharaman

Explaining mutual fund performance : the usefulness of corporate financial information , F. Lauren Detzel

An empirical study of user satisfaction with accounting information systems in a healthcare environment , Brian Lyle McGuire

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

Estimating loan losses using markov chains , Luis Betancourt

An investigation of firms choosing early adoption of sfas number 106: employers accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions , Barbara Boyette Clevenger

An empirical comparison of traditional statistical techniques and neural networks in the auditing domain , Thomas John Hofferd

Decision maker weighting and usage of indicators of university service efforts and accomplishments , Barbara B. Ratti

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

Pattern perceptiveness and acquisition of accounting skills , L. Melissa Walters York

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

The effects of graphical distortion of accounting information on financial judgements , Deanna Oxender Burgess

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UKnowledge > Gatton College of Business and Economics > Accountancy > Theses & Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations--Accountancy

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Using Unconscious Thought to Improve Evaluations of Complex Accounting Estimates , Blake Holman




Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


An Experimental Investigation of Auditors' Evidence Evaluation and Work Ownership in a Compartmentalized Test of Details Setting , Christopher Pearson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021



Earnings Conference Calls and Lazy Prices , Chuancai Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020


Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019



Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018


Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Effect of Control Source and Control Framing on Employee Effort , Pinky Rusli

The Usefulness of Climate Change Risk Disclosure: Evidence from SEC FR-82 , Chong Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016


An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Contract Frame and Discretion in Performance Evaluation on Effort , Robert Ewing

How The Prospect of Fault Influences Managers' Compliance , Matthew T. Sooy

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013



Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Closer Look at Firm--Group "Closeness" , Jonathan Ross

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Accounting theses and dissertations.

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  • Human-Interaction-based Information and Managerial Learning from Stock Prices: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic  Park, Seyoung ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-10 ) Despite growing evidence managers learn information from stock prices that guide their investment decisions, the forms of information that underlie this learning mechanism are not well understood. This paper explores whether ...
  • The Effect of SEC Staff Diversity on Investigation Decisions  Gabrielsen, Lance ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) I explore how ethnic and gender diversity at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) affects its investigation decisions. Employing a novel dataset of SEC employees, I find a positive association between SEC office-level ...
  • Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Regulation and the Real effects of Investment: A Cross-Country Analysis  Berry, Erica ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) In this study, I examine whether laws mandating disclosure of ultimate beneficial ownership of entities influence outbound foreign direct investment activities. The secrecy provided by anonymous companies allows the ...
  • Do Private Tax Disclosures Affect the Quality of Public Financial Reporting?  Wu, Juan ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) This study investigates whether increased private tax disclosures have implications for the quality of public financial reporting in the context of Schedule UTP. In terms of the predictive value of tax reserves, I find ...
  • Do Financial Analysts Influence Employee Treatment? Evidence from a Natural Experiment  Abdulsalam, Khaled ( University of Oregon , 2022-02-18 ) I examine the influence of financial analysts on firms’ treatment of employees. I apply a unique setting by implementing a difference-in-differences design around brokerage mergers as an exogenous shock to analyst coverage. ...
  • Taxes and the Use of Subjectivity in Executive Bonus Plans  Fox, Zackery ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) In this study, I examine whether taxes influence the design of executive compensation incentives. Recently, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) removed the requirement that bonus plans be tied to objective and verifiable ...
  • Do Managers Respond to Tax Avoidance Incentives by Investing in the Tax Function? Evidence from Tax Departments  Li, Zhongyang (John) ( University of Oregon , 2021-04-27 ) While prior literature examines the role of incentives in motivating top managers to engage in corporate tax avoidance, there is little evidence on the specific actions that managers take in response to these incentives. ...
  • Are Critics Right About Quarterly Earnings Guidance? An Examination of Quarterly Earnings Guidance and Managerial Myopia  Quinto, Claire ( University of Oregon , 2020-09-24 ) I examine the claim that managers who issue quarterly earnings guidance sacrifice long-term value to enhance short-term performance, i.e., that quarterly earnings guidance encourages myopic behavior. I find that quarterly ...
  • Does the Diversification of Tax Strategies affect Tax Risk?  Krieg, Kimberly ( University of Oregon , 2019-09-18 ) I investigate the effect that the number of different tax strategies employed by a public company has on the relation between measures of corporate tax avoidance and measures of risk. Prior studies have generally failed ...
  • The Interaction of Incentive and Opportunity in Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Financially Constrained Firms  Wu, Kaishu ( University of Oregon , 2018-09-06 ) I hypothesize and find that the variation in corporate tax avoidance is jointly determined by firms’ incentive and opportunities to avoid taxes. Specifically, the positive relation between financial constraints (my proxy ...
  • Individual Executive Characteristics and Firm Performance: Evidence from CEO Narcissism  Perez, Rebeca ( University of Oregon , 2017-09-06 ) Narcissism refers to persistent feelings of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy (American Psychiatric Association 2013). The literature has found narcissism to be associated with individuals making ...
  • How does the stock market respond to R&D cuts used to manage earnings?  Li, Zhaochu ( University of Oregon , 2016-10-27 ) Prior research shows returns are positive when firms meet or beat analysts’ consensus forecasts but negative when firms miss. Past studies also show managers frequently cut R&D expenses in order to meet the ...
  • Financial Accounting Standards, Audit Profession Development, and Firm-Level Tax Evasion  Williams, Brian ( University of Oregon , 2016-02-23 ) In this study I investigate the relation between (1) country-level financial accounting standards and audit profession development and (2) firm-level tax evasion. I investigate this relation using a confidential dataset ...
  • Top Management Team Functional Diversity and Management Forecast Accuracy  Wang, Shan ( University of Oregon , 2015-08-18 ) Prior literature documents that the diversity of top management team (TMT) functional experiences enhances firm performance through its effect on information processing and sharing between team members. In this study, I ...
  • Private Litigation as a Regulator of Accounting Standards  Cutler, Joshua ( University of Oregon , 2015-08-18 ) I examine the impact of the trend of private class actions targeting alleged violations of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). I document the specific allegations in GAAP lawsuits and find that allegations ...
  • Equity Valuation of Modern Master Limited Partnerships  Mandell, Aaron ( University of Oregon , 2015-08-18 ) Using a sample of 57 master limited partnerships (MLPs) formed from corporate assets between 1982 and 2011, I examine the share price effects on parent corporations from forming MLPs. Specifically, I compare announcement ...
  • The Role of Taxes in Foreign Earnings Management: Implications for Pricing of Foreign Earnings  Huang, Jingjing ( University of Oregon , 2014-09-29 ) U.S. multinational corporations are well known for shifting income to low tax foreign subsidiaries to avoid U.S. income tax. Yet little is known about how multinational corporations opportunistically use low tax foreign ...
  • Do Financial Expert Directors Affect the Incidence of Accruals Management to Meet or Beat Analyst Forecasts?  Hsu, Pei Hui ( University of Oregon , 2013-10-03 ) Evidence that firms adjust accruals to just meet or beat analyst forecasts is pervasive. However, the implications for earnings quality are not clear. Managers can use this practice either to mislead investors, resulting ...
  • The Effect of Managerial Reputation on Corporate Tax Avoidance  Kim, Jin Wook ( University of Oregon , 2012 ) Prior literature suggests that tax avoidance is an effective way to enhance firm value. However, there appears to be considerable cross-sectional variation in tax avoidance, and it is not clear why some firms do not take ...
  • Why Do Acquirers Manage Earnings Before Stock-for-Stock Acquisitions?  Tran, Nam D. ( University of Oregon , 2011-06 ) In this dissertation, I examine whether high disclosure costs explain why acquirers manage earnings before stock-for-stock acquisitions. Because stock-for-stock acquirers use their own shares to pay for targets' shares, ...

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Theses and Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

Does a Restatement Damage an Audit Partner's Reputation , Alisha Blush


Dissertations from 2023 2023

Auditor Responses to Audit Clients’ Indirect-Effect Illegal Acts , Hilary Frances Hughes

Auditor’s Consideration of Client Cybersecurity Risk – A Machine Learning-Based Analysis , Wanying Jiang

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Deriving Auditor Quality and Manager Quality from Form 10-K , Lacey Donley

Corporate Website Disclosures and Financial Reporting Quality , Nicholas Mueller

Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Effects of a Client’s Social Media Disclosure and Audience Engagement on Auditor Judgment: A Social Penetration Theory Perspective , Laura Guichard

Do Analysts’ Coverage and Supplementary Gross Margin Forecasts Influence Managers’ Decision to Recognize Inventory Loss? , Nusrat Jahan

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Earnings Management of Leaders and Laggards , Candice Roche Boucree

Does Auditor Tenure Matter? Audit Partner Rotation and Industry Specialization in the U.S. , Danielle Sarah Lazerson

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Effective Tax Rates for Multinational and Domestic Corporations: A Closer Examination , Allen Lee Ryan

The Interplay among Tax Specialists, Corporate Tax Behavior, and Tax Accrual Quality , Pradeep Sapkota

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Unintended Consequences of the Dodd-Frank $10 Billion Asset Size Threshold , Laura Camille Alford

Selling, General, and Administrative Cost Stickiness and GDP Predictions , Russell Barber

Audit Committee Industry Specialization: An Examination of Auditor Choice, Financial Reporting Quality Implications, and Market Perception , Danny Lynn Shaw

The Relationship between Audit Quality and Competition at the Intersection of the Large and Small Audit Firm Markets , Jeanne-Claire Alyse White

Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Economic Costs to Audit Firms of Ethical Violations and the Resulting PCAOB Disciplinary Orders , Stephanie Ann Merrell

The Pricing of IPO Audit Expertise and Subsequent Issuer Underpricing , Jung Eun Park

Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Certifying Triangle of Financial Reports , Dong Li

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Does the PCAOB Inspection have an Effect on Audit Fees and Audit Quality? , Elizabeth Schwartzhoff Johnson

CEO Compensation and Tax Loss Carrybacks , Pei-Yu Sun

Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Effect of Innovation on Corporate Tax Avoidance , Peng Guo

Has the FASB and IASB's Shift toward an Asset/Liability View Enhanced the Predictive Usefulness of ROE? , Regina Cavalier Rosa

Auditor Regional Industry Specialization: Effect on Audit Pricing and Audit Quality , Andrey Alexandrovich Simonov

Dissertations from 2013 2013

Consistency between earnings forecasts and stock recommendations : the effect of political connections , Elio Alfonso

The effect of audit market concentration on audit pricing and audit quality : the role of the size of the audit market , John Daniel Eshleman

The effect on earnings persistence and the market's reaction to the alignment of employee and customer relations with competitive strategy , Robert Stephen Hogan

Income Classification Shifting and Financial Analysts’ Forecasts , Shanshan Pan

Dissertations from 2012 2012

Stock liquidity, price informativeness, and accruals-based earnings management , Jing Fang

High Strain Rate Programming Of Shape Memory Polymers , Anqi Wang

Accounting comparability, audit effort and audit outcomes , Joseph Hongbo Zhang

Experimental Study of Lean Blowout with Hydrogen Addition in a Swirl-stabilized Premixed Combustor , Shengrong Zhu

Dissertations from 2011 2011

Auditor tenure and audit quality , Li Zheng Brooks

Optimization of Adult Multipotent Stromal Cell-Bioscaffold Interactions for Tissue Regeneration with Bioreactors , Lin Xie

Dissertations from 2009 2009

Accurals quality and price synchronicity , Joseph Atkins Johnston

Dissertations from 2007 2007

Rate regulation and earnings management: evidence from the U.S. electric utility industry , Joseph Ben Omonuk

Impingement Heat Transfer In The Leading Edge Cavity Of A Gas Turbine Vane , Amar Jeetendra Panchangam Nivarthi

Voluntary disclosures in mergers and acquisitions , Scott Allen Wandler

Dissertations from 2006 2006

Using the FASB's qualitative characteristics in earnings quality measures , Abhijit Barua

Do accruals exacerbate information asymmetry in the market? , Sonia Wasan

Dissertations from 2004 2004

The effect of program commitment on the degree of participative congruence and managerial performance in a budgeting setting , Kevin T. Breaux

Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998: a test of New Public Management , William Meriwether VanDenburgh

The effect of the implicit theory of integrity on an internal auditor's asessment of management fraud risk , Stephanie F. Watson

Do speculative short sellers detect earnings management? , Yan Zhang

Theses from 2003 2003

Planting rate effects on sugarcane yield trials , Albert Joseph Orgeron

Agronomic and molecular characterization of Louisiana native Spartina alterniflora accessions , Alicia Beatriz Ryan

Dissertations from 2002 2002

Markov models to estimate and describe survival time and experience in cohorts with high euthanasia frequency , Giselle Louise Hosgood

The impact of institutional stock ownership on a firm's earnings management practice: an empirical investigation , Santanu Mitra

Validation of AnnAGNPS at the field and farm-scale using an integrated AGNPS/GIS system , Glenn M. Suir

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Comprehensive Income and Its Relation to Firm Value and Transitory Earnings. , Carol Callaway Dee

Executive Compensation, Performance, Board and Ownership Structure: a Simultaneous Equations Approach. , Ayalew A. Lulseged

Executive Compensation and the Investment Opportunity Sets of Initial Public Offerings. , Tanya S. Nowlin

Theses/Dissertations from 1996 1996

The Effects of Analyst Following on Market Response to Bank Loan Announcements. , Joan Marie Brumm

An Information Integration Theory Analysis of Tax Preparers' Perceived Risk of Reporting Aggressively on Clients' Income Tax Returns. , Velmer Carlene Eddlemon

The Effects of Industry Deregulation on the Stock Market Responses to Earnings Announcements. , Wah Poon

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

The Effects of Departures From Prior Return Measures on Individual Taxpayer Frame and Tax Reporting Decisions. , Phyllis V. Copeland

An Evaluation of Accounting Method Choice: A Study of the Transition Obligation Upon Adoption of SFAS 106. , Jean Elizabeth Finch

An Examination of Investor Evaluation of Corporate Social Performance. , Gisele Kay Jackson

Theses/Dissertations from 1993 1993

The Prediction of Financial Turnaround of Financially Distressed Firms. , Leslie B. Fletcher

The Impact of Budget Variance, Fiscal Stress, Political Turnover, and Employment Sector on Compliance Reporting Decisions. , Linda Achey Kidwell

Theses/Dissertations from 1992 1992

Attitudes Toward International Harmonization Efforts: A Cross-Cultural Study. , M. Aileen Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 1991 1991

An Investigation of the Determinants of the Municipal Decision to Privatize Residential Sanitation Collection. , Richard C. Brooks

An Examination of Semiotic Theories of Accounting Accruals. , Harlan Lynn Etheridge

An Examination of Auditor Changes Following Events Adversely Affecting External Auditor Credibility. , Thomas E. Wilson Jr

Theses/Dissertations from 1990 1990

An Investigation of the Effect of a Favorable External Quality Assurance Review on the Scope of the External Auditor's Examination of an Organization's Financial Statements. , Michael Charles Toerner

Theses/Dissertations from 1989 1989

The Interaction of Accountants' Involvement and Basis of Accounting on Loan Officers' Judgment When Evaluating a Loan to a Small Business. , Joe Gregory Bushong

A Training Intervention for Control of SBA Loan Defaults: A Theory Development Approach. , J. Dennis Coates

The Impact of Alternative Presentations of Cash Flows From Operations on the Relevance of Funds Flow Information. , David Walter Cornell

An Experiment to Study the Effects of Changing Format and Scaling Characteristics of Financial Statement Data. , Paul Michael Goldwater

An Empirical Investigation of the Financial Statement Characteristics of Firms Engaging in In-Substance Defeasance of Debt. , Raymond Jeffords Jr

The Impact of Options Listing on the Information Content of Annual Earnings Announcement. , Tinwah Richard Lau

Prospect Theory in Governmental Accounting: Implications for the Budgeting Process at the Local Level. , Karen Sue Mckenzie

An Examination of the Effect of Financial Risk on the Manager's Choice of Accounting Methods. , Linda Marie Nichols

An Experimental Research Study on the Effect of Accrual of Nonpension Postretirement Benefit Costs on Loan Officers' Decisions. , Joyce Ann Strawser

Theses/Dissertations from 1988 1988

An Investigation of Internal Auditor Judgment on the Importance of Indicators of Potential Financial Fraud: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. , Barbara Ann Apostolou

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Operating Funds Flow Measures of Cash, Net Quick Assets, and Working Capital in Predicting Future Cash Flow. , Catherine Innes green Gaharan

The Effects of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on the Real Estate Capital Markets and Its Differential Effects on Entity and Functional Forms: An Empirical Investigation. , Evelyn C. Hume

Information Acquisition and Decision-Making in Creditors' Decision Environment. , Pao-chuan Lin

A Study to Investigate the Effects of State Taxation and Plan Type on Small Employer Retirement Plan Cost. , W. Robert Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 1987 1987

The Impact of Comprehensive Allocation and Flow-Through Method of Accounting for the Income Taxes on the Investment Decision: A Field Experiment. , Zafar Ullah Khan

An Empirical Investigation of the Usefulness of Current Cost Information in Merger Prediction. , Robert Kuaterng Su

An Experimental Research Study on the Effect of Recognition and Disclosure of Corporate Pension Plan Assets and Obligations on Investment Decisions. , Mary Jeanne Welsh

Theses/Dissertations from 1986 1986

An Empirical Investigation of the Comparability of Reported Earnings Per Share Under Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 15. , Suzanne Resi Pinac-ward

Theses/Dissertations from 1985 1985

An Experimental Research Study on the Effects of the Type of Accounting Service on a Bank Lending Decision for Nonpublic Businesses (Audit, Compilation, Review). , Jeffrey Reed Miller

A Field Test of the Perceptions of the Qualitative Characteristics of Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts No. 2 by Practicing Cpas (Multitrait-Multimethod, Mtmm, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Ahp). , Larry G. Singleton

Theses/Dissertations from 1984 1984

A Comparison of Sfas 33 Disclosures and Historical Cost Information in Predicting Stock Prices (Inflation, Changing Prices). , Heibatollah Sami

Theses/Dissertations from 1983 1983

Toward the Development of a Model to Evaluate the Effect of the Accelerated Cost Recovery System of Depreciation as Enacted by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 on State of Florida Corporate Tax Revenues. , Chula Greenwell Ensley

An Empirical Investigation of the Extent of Disclosure in Municipal Annual Reports. , Franklin James Plewa Jr

Theses/Dissertations from 1982 1982

An Empirical Investigation of the Differential Market Response to Quarterly Earnings Announcements. , Salem Mohamed Bengharbia

An Empirical Study of Usefulness and Communicative Ability of Segment Disclosures Among Sophisticated Users of Corporate Financial Statements. , James Harold Honea

The Prediction of Small Business Instability--Loan Noncompliance: a Discriminant Analysis Approach. , Charles Thomas Moores

A Study of Moral Development of Selected Employees in Certain Public Accounting Firms. , Guy L. Tull Jr

A Comparison of the Predictive Ability of Historical Cost and Current Cost Accounting With Regard to the Prediction of Operating Cash Flow. , Ralph Edward Welton Jr

Theses/Dissertations from 1981 1981

An Empirical Study of the Characteristics of the Governmental Budgetary Process in Rich and Uncertain Environments: the Case of Saudi Arabia. , Abdulrhman I. Alhumaid

Theses/Dissertations from 1980 1980

The Reaction of the Security Market to the Quality of Segmental Disclosures: an Empirical Investigation. , Jacob Olakayode Balogun

Perceptions of the Role of Corporate Audit Committees - Now and in the Future. , Brenda Stewart Birkett

Theses/Dissertations from 1979 1979

Behavioral and Attitudinal Implications of Different Styles of Performance Evaluation: an Empirical Study. , Paul Joseph Carruth

A Test of Alternative Prior Probability Elicitation Methods in Assessing the Reliability of Internal Control Systems for Audit Decisions. , Johng Yul Lee

Municipal Bond Ratings: a Multiple Discriminant Analysis. , Kenneth Edward Peacock

Esops and Tax Policy: an Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Esops on Company Operating Performance. , Randy Gene Swad

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The List of 70 Accounting Thesis Topics for Students

accounting thesis ideas for students

Accounting describes the process of recording and consolidating financial transactions in business. It involves analyzing, reporting, and summarizing financial transactions to organizations, businesses, tax agencies, and regulators. This is usually presented via a financial statement, a concise summary of all the financial dealings over a stipulated period. It provides clear documented information of a company’s operations, cash flow, and present financial standing. High accounting standards improve the credibility of financial statements. These financial statements can range from cash flow statements, income statements, loss statements, balance sheets, etc. This constant and customary method of financial reporting enables shareholders and other beneficiaries of a business to examine the performance of the said business.

Accounting Thesis For Students

Accounting research topic ideas, topics for accounting thesis, interesting accounting topics for your paper, accounting research questions, accounting dissertation topics, research papers topics on accounting, financial topics to write about.

Accounting is essential for majorly business and management students. They start the basics of the subject in their lower levels, and some progress to further the subject in their higher studies. During this period of education, there will come a time they will require accounting topics for the thesis. They will need to focus on all the elements of the thesis in accounting and compile topics that will suit their interests.

Accounting thesis topics for students are tailored towards a particular aspect of the profession. In this manner, picking an accounting thesis topic and nurturing it will be based on your stage of education, be it an undergraduate, master’s, or PhD level.

Usually, there are areas of improvement and weaknesses in the world of finance. These errors are often the birth of research and analysis to create accounting research paper topics, buying a dissertation , or thesis topics in finance for students.

Trying to focus on many problems at a time can make you not finish your research topic in accounting at the appointed time. As a student, this is one error you want to avoid.

Naturally, you cannot master all the accounting subjects with the same ease. Hence, focus on the ones your strength resides in and discard the ones that posed a certain level of difficulty during the study. This is an important tip and recommendation when picking accounting topics for research. Here are some good examples of accounting research topics ideas.

  • Accounting origin
  • The Ethics of Accounting and Its Relevance in The Society
  • Company structure influence on Accounting
  • Information Systems For Accounting
  • Accounting and Taxes
  • Accounting as Relates to Personal Finance
  • Profit Management
  • Financial Markets and Accounting
  • Accounting Methods Applied Throughout History
  • The Age of Virtual Accountants

Accounting thesis topics for accounting students can be chosen according to the interests, and strengths each student shows in a certain period of their education. This can involve multiple accounting research paper topics, with the student now being left to choose the one they master more appropriately.

Usually, companies have weaknesses in different areas, it is a case of whether they are notable. When trying to pick accounting research topics as an undergraduate, you should focus on a singular problem and view it from various angles of prescriptive solutions.

  • Inventories of Merchandise
  • System Control and Inventory Management
  • Manual of Different Accounting Principles
  • International Financial Reporting Standards of Negligible Assets
  • Procedures for Adopting Financial Reporting Standards
  • Tax Culture as a Method of Keeping Companies in Check
  • Accounting Guidelines of a Business
  • Management Accounting Research
  • Automation of Accounting Processes and Its Effects on Businesses
  • Data Technology in Accounting Functions

These accounting topics come in forms that pique the interest of accountants and everyday business people. It should be bold, descriptive, and tally with a trending and important issue in all areas that concern the accounting sector. Getting topics like these are not as easy as you would imagine. It usually takes broad-spectrum research and paying rapt attention to business accounting flaws or potential problems.

  • Modern Techniques of Debt Management
  • Latest Technologies in Digital Accounting
  • Fundamental Forensic Accountancy Skills
  • Importance of Fast Information Integration for Modern Accounting
  • Analysis and Design Risk in Accounting Systems
  • Accounting Management and Financial Markets
  • Issues in Implementation of Theoretical Accounting Processes in Applied Accounting
  • Strategies to Make Organizational Finances Transparent
  • Offshore Accounting Processes
  • Significance of Financial Markets in Different Economies

When looking for accounting research topics ideas, determining the reason behind the question is the most challenging and vital decision in writing topics for accounting research papers. This difficulty arises because the foundation of your entire accounting topic depends on that one question.

Getting it wrong or mixing up the wrong statements can greatly impair the direction of your accounting topic for a research paper. Some good accounting research questions include:

  • How to Investigate Forensic Accountancy?
  • How to Avoid Debt Growth in Businesses?
  • The Process of Making Accurate and Informed Accounting Decisions?
  • How Does Culture Influence the Accounting System?
  • Steps to Follow to Become a Certified and Chartered Accountant?
  • How to Discover Effective Accounting Systems for Accountants?
  • When Do You Need to Hire Personal Accountants?
  • What are the limitations of digital Technology Evolution for the Accounting Niche?
  • What Factors Facilitated the 2008 Worldwide Financial Crisis?
  • What are the Processes Involved in Tax Assessment in Organizations?

In choosing an accounting topic for a project, you need to pick a topic that interests you, writing becomes easy and fast when you do. You can seek out simple accounting research topics if that’s what you can handle, or you could go for current accounting topics and interesting topics in finance.

However you choose to make that decision is up to you, but whatever topics you eventually come up with must not be vague or narrowly written. There should be a balance. Finally, you should extensively research and review your dissertation topic before making your topic decision. Having all these in mind, let’s look at some project topics on accounting.

  • Quality in Quantitative Management Accounting Research
  • Management Accounting and Supply Chain Strategy
  • Notable Trends in Business Research and Accounting Finance and Management Control
  • Effect of Auditing On Financial Reporting
  • Importance of Fraud Detection in a Digital Environment
  • The Globalization of Auditing Standards- an investigative analysis
  • Studying the Effects of Intellectual Capital on the Development of Large Industries
  • Tax Legislation in Freelance Businesses
  • Critical Analysis of the Effects of Small Business Budgeting on Tertiary Institutions

Research papers on accounting involve a great deal of interest in the subject matter being researched. The aim is to enlighten and provide analytical detail to the readers. Also, in choosing a research paper topic, you should aim to acquire your readers’ attention.

This can be achieved by having sound knowledge of the research topic and gathering relevant information to explain the research better. Here are some good examples of accounting topic research papers.

  • A Review on Government Management Accounting: Research in 2022
  • Business Correspondence Analysis: Its Application in Management Accounting Research
  • The Conceptual Framework of Strategic Management Accounting
  • Meaning of Accounting Theories for Business
  • What Impact Does Accounting Information Systems Have on Business Performance?
  • Best Accounting Practices for Online Businesses
  • Problems with the Normative Theory of Accounting
  • Implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board in the University System
  • The Relationship between Public Sector Expenditure Accounting and Infrastructural Development
  • Application of Accounting Standards in Critical Business Processes of Financial Conglomerates.

In the world of finance, various improvements are to be made with various issues that need solving. Highlighting the need for change and evolution brings about the intention of addressing these issues.

With the inception of digital currencies, new online databases for recording and carrying out financial transactions, there is a wealth of financial discussions to be had. With this fact also comes greater financial issues that need attention. Some eye-opening financial topics you can write about to address some financial systems include:

  • Need for Accounting Technology
  • Issues of Financial Ethics
  • How to Develop and Improve Financial Systems
  • Perspectives on Earnings Management
  • Effective Methods of Tax Reduction for Organizations
  • Role of Financial Markets in Accounting Management
  • Methods of Preventing Financial Fraud
  • What you should know about the Goldman Sachs Securities Fraud Case
  • Commodities in Financial Markets
  • Effect of External Factors on Cash Flow

Wrapping up

Accounting thesis topics for students are nearly limitless. Not only with the issues that need solving or understanding, but the different facets of accounting that the world currently operates on that’s why many students are looking for help who will write my thesis , we have good news for such students because we have been doing this for a long time. This gives room for continuous enlightening and improvement due to the various areas accounting comes in contact with. There is the realm of management accounting, auditing, tax accounting, bookkeeping, online accounting, and many more. With the different list of accounting topics and thesis topics suggested, you can pick out any of them and chart your course to become a great accountant in the future.

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Accountancy Master's Theses

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Subjective objectivity: The effect of accounting competencies, financial literacy, perceptive considerations, personality traits, and subjective stock market factors on the investment behavior as mediated by investment intention in the Philippine Stock Exchange among certified public accountants , Genevieve Krissle Bravo Mendoza

An empirical investigation on the effects of perceptual and non-perceptual measures on career advancement among managers, directors and partners of the top 6 auditing firms in the Philippines , Emil James P. Tanagon

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Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

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Impact of environmental accounting on corporate performance of publicly listed industrial and mining and oil companies in the Philippines for the years ended 2013-2017 , Michael Jerome C. Dela Peña

The moderating role of board independence, firm size, location, industry type, and company age on the effect of green accounting on financial ratios, abnormal returns, and firm value among selected publicly-listed companies in the Philippines from 2013-2017 , Jesica C. Esmeña

The relationship among strategic supply chain management, financial ratios, and firm value and characteristics: An investigation using structural equation modeling , Cynthia G. Fulla

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The role of corporate social responsibility on the link of real earnings management with financial performance and firm value of publicly listed companies in the Philippines , Rina A. Abner

Internal control of Roman Catholic churches in the Philippines , Amir T. Auditor

Determinants of the income strategy of publicly listed corporations in the Philippines: Does accounting choice matter? , Jessa Mae S. Banse

The moderating role of agency costs on the impact of free cash flow on firm performance: Evidence from the Philippines , Marven T. Bermudez

Effect of environmental accounting on financial performance and firm value of listed mining and oil companies in the Philippines , Jamil C. Carandang

The effect of leadership style of academic leaders on BSA student performance and faculty effectiveness among accountancy schools in Region IX , Armee Jay L. Cresmundo

An empirical investigation on the change in the impact of cost efficiency, sales growth, liquidity and leverage on financial performance after merger and acquisition of selected publicly listed companies in the Philippines , Clarice April Estores

The effect of board characteristics, managerial ownership and top executives characteristics on mitigating earnings management of Philippine publicly listed companies , Cora Marie R. Gonzales

Minimizing negative office politics: An action research on promoting a humane and enabling work community by improving communication , Raffy Niño T. Gutierrez

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What does it take to make a difference: A study on the effect of demographic characteristics and leadership styles of instructional leaders on teacher effectiveness and student performance of BSA schools in Mindanao , Rose Mae S. Langot

The mediating role of earnings management on the relationship of corporate tax avoidance on profitability and firm value of Philippine publicly-listed firms , Joan Mae M. Lugtu

An empirical study on the determinants of tax morale using structural equation model (SEM): A Philippine particularity , Raymond S. Pacaldo

The mediating role of dividend policy on the impact of capital structure and corporate governance mechanisms on firm value among publicly listed companies in the Philippines from 2013 to 2016 using structural equation model , Franklin S. Ramirez

Factors affecting capital structure of publicly listed construction companies in the Philippines before and after the economic boom of the construction industry , Virginia C. Reyes

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

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The effect on stock price and performance among M&A bidder firms listed in Philippine Stock Exchange for the period 2005 to 2011 , Cecille L. Carreon

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An empirical study on the impact of board mechanisms and diversity on performance and value: The case of publicly listed companies in the Philippines during 2012 to 2016 , Ali Zohaib Javed

Impact of selected factors on external audit fees for the case of publicly listed manufacturing and industrial sector in the Philippines , Charlotte Mei L. Lacap

Study on the cause-and-effect relationships among the different perspectives of the balanced scorecard in selected listed firms of the Philippines , Perry Carl A. Lim

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Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Risk assessment towards formulation of an internal control mechanism for University of San Carlos , Guillermo C. Aviles

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A study on the incentives influencing the practice of creative accounting in selected business establishments in Davao City , Christie R. Padayogdog

Determinants of the extent of disclosures in financial statements of Metro Cebu Corporations audited by non-affiliated CPA practitioners , Concepcion Rasalan Racaza

An investigation on the extent of implementation of responsibility accounting among laboratory chemical trading firms in Cebu City , Carmen B. Salisid

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An in-depth study on the extent of influence of liquidity, leverage and return on equity on the voluntary disclosure level of listed Philippine banks , Arleigh S. Andaya

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My BBA- Accounting and Finance thesis 5.5.2018.pdf

Profile image of Abdihakeem A B D I R A H M A A N Omer

2019, Abdihakeem Omer

this my final thesis at BBA- accounting and finance at Hargiesa university in 5.5.2018

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Small Scale Enterprises (SSEs) are very important in the business environment of any country in terms of employment creation, poverty reduction and contribution to economic growth. In Kenya, they employ over 80% of the unemployed population which is largely women and the youth and contribute up to 18.4 % of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite their importance, they are faced with the threat of failure with past statistics indicating that 60% fail within the first few months of operation. Proper financial planning is vital in any business enterprise. The extent to which financial planning determines performance of SMEs has not been clearly understood. This study aimed at determining the extent to which financial planning affects the performance of small scale enterprises in Kisii town. The study used a descriptive survey research design where the respondents were selected through stratified and purposive random sampling techniques. A sample size of 93 out of 1224 target population, respondents was used. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire, edited, summarized and coded for ease of classification and analyzed using computer software. Descriptive statistics especially, frequencies and percentages were applied to make it easier for the researcher to understand and interpret implications of the findings. Presentation and reporting was in form of frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. A Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between financial planning and financial performance. It was revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between Financial planning and business Performance at Pearson correlation coefficient r=0.894. It was recommended that the Central government through the Ministry of Trade Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the County government of Kisii provide training programs, through seminars and workshops, in financial planning for Small Scale Enterprises to improve the extent of use of financial planning in their businesses.

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Effective strategic planning and its implementation enhance Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs) performance which in the long run has a significant impact on their survival. Hence, the plans become handy as they influence better decisions, accountability, organization focus, proper resources allocation and utilisation, good returns, market recognition, growth and success of entrepreneurial ventures. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of strategic planning in the performance of SMEs. Specifically it looks at factors which influence SMEs to adopt strategic planning; contributions of the strategic planning in SMEs performance; and examine factors influencing effectiveness of strategic planning. 50 different categories of SMEs in Ilala Municipality were surveyed and data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions. Data were analysed by using descriptive statistics aided by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 and thematic approach analysis. Findings revealed that organizational complexities, environment dynamics and external constraints are among the factors towards strategic planning adoption. Most of entrepreneurs seem not to be familiar with the process as they could not differentiate it from a business plan. Strategic planning is considered to be effective only if it is well formulated and properly implemented to attain the desired goals regardless of the challenges in the process and this can happen when; resources are adequate, management supports team work and also the plans are flexible. It is regarded as a factor for success through its contribution in better decisions and solutions, satisfaction to the customers, competitive advantage and market recognition which they all facilitate the chances of success and improve performance. It is concluded that there is a positive relationship between effective strategic planning and performance improvement, hence, the study recommends a need for providing training to entrepreneurs concerning proper formulation and implementation of strategic plans; also it is important to improve legal framework and development of internal experts for SMEs to ensure that they adopt and become able to continuously apply effective strategic planning. Key words: Strategic Planning, Performance of SMEs, Ilala and Tanzania

Indus Foundation International Journals UGC Approved

The balanced scorecard (BSC) and other multi-perspective systems have become popular in recent times because of problems with management systems (Errol, Iselin, & John, 2008). The general objective of the study is to analyze the effect of balance scored card on organizational performance in Rwanda Specific Objectives are to assess the challenges of BSC in measuring performance management of BPR, to examine how internal operations affect the performance of BPR, to analyze the influences of learning and growth perspective to the performance of BPR and to measure the contribution of customer perspective to the performance of BPR. It is expected that this study would provide an indication of how the balance scored card looks like in Rwanda's' commercial banks. It would also provide a guide for further studies on balance scored card and other performance measurement tool. This research was designed under case study of BPR There are 323 employees at BPR head office, these employees are working under the following departments, CEO's office, commercial, risk and operations. From a target population of 323, a sample size of 76 people were obtained ; each group was considered as strata, and a sample size was taken from each stratum using simple random sampling method. The analysis of the data was done using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), this helped to summarize the data in tables. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the perception of respondents on the research topic. While inferential statistics were used to establish relationship. The correlation between learning & growth and performance is 0 .860, customer perspective and performance is 0.840, internal operations and performance is 0.942. Therefore, there is a positive relationship between balance scored card and organizational performance. The study also indicates the regression analysis equation is performance-0.248 + 0.808* Learning & growth + 0.939* Customer perspective + 1.355* Internal operations. This implies that the transition from balance scorecard requires more focus on learning & growth perspective, customer perspective, internal operations. This requires the managers to have increased competencies related to strategic efforts over tactical skills which can be delegated. The management team, ideally with prior managerial competencies, is expected to have excellent organizational performance. A manager with strong core competencies in balance scored card and process management is able to lead between and across multiple organization successfully. This study recommended that the Government, as regulator, needs to take measures towards improving and promoting balance score card policy in all workplaces.

mohamoud Abdilahi

This study examined how budgetary control can impact on the performance of Dara-salaam Bank. The objectives were to find out how responsibility accounting influences organizational performance, to determine whether variance cost analysis affects organizational performance and to establish how zero based budgeting affects organizational performance. The study reviewed the theory of budgeting, budgeting control theory and accounting theory. Empirical literature was guided by the objectives. The study utilized descriptive and retrospective research designs. Both primary and secondary data were used. Primary data was collected by use of questioners, while secondary data was collected from published materials. The researcher carried out a census study of the 70 staff of Dara-salaam Bank in Hargeisa Somaliland. Ethical considerations of this study were ensured Confidentiality on the part of respondents and to set clear researchers purpose to all respondents. Data entered into excel was presented by the use of frequency tables. Data was analyzed by statistical packages for social scientists (SPSS) were presented in form of frequency Tables and charts. Findings on effectiveness of budgetary control techniques showed that responsibility accounting, Variance analysis and Zero Based Budgeting enhances Budget Control and improves efficiency and productively. Further it was established that Variance cost analysis alone may not affect performance of an organization but it will influence decision making which will in turn affect organizational performance. The study recommended that organizational staff needs to be trained on the existing budgetary control techniques to enhance business decision making and improve efficiency and productivity. The study recommends further research on budget planning and organizational Performance and also the relationship between budget implementation and organizational performance.

Mohamed M U H U M E D Abdi

Most of the countries have a persistent jobs deficit and they have to deal with the problem of unemployment, and on the other hand, employment does not grow enough while the economy is growing of economic growth on employment in Somaliland which is called ‘employment elasticity’ o employment intensity’ of growth. While there have been many studies about this issue, no study has identified the structural determinants of employment impact on economic growth, most studies look only at empirical data of output growth and employment elasticity.

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