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Learn A Language Through Stories

Conversational English topics

40 Amazing Conversational English Topics To Kick-Start Discussions In English

Olly Richards Headshot

Would you like to have conversations in English but don’t know what to talk about?

Don’t panic. 

In this post, I’ll share some of the best conversational English topics that you can discuss with native speakers, teachers, or other learners.

Asking and answering questions is key to having an enjoyable conversation in English. So you’ll find some example questions that you can use for each of these conversational English topics.

These will help you practise your conversational skills and connect with others, so you can improve your speaking and learn from other people too.

Let’s check out these 40 conversational English topics!

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1. Travel And Tourism

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Discussing travel experiences is a great way to practice English. You can describe places, activities, and cultures. You can talk about holidays, places that you’ve visited and would like to visit. And don’t forget to ask for travel recommendations for your next trip!

  • What's your favourite place that you've travelled to?
  • I’d like to go to___________. Have you ever been there?
  • What are your top 3 countries that you’d like to visit?

2. Food And Cuisine

We all love food, don’t we? Talking about food is a universal topic and can lead to discussions about cultures and traditions.

  • What’s your favourite restaurant?
  • What’s a typical dish from your country that I should I try?
  • In my country, we have a typical dish called________. Have you ever tried it? 

There's music you hate, music you love and music you don’t care about. Talk about it. You can learn a lot about someone's personality and interests, and you might even discover some new artists that you’ll love.

  • Do you like Ed Sheeran? 
  • What music do you not like?
  • Can you play a musical instrument?

4. Movies And TV Shows

Humans love stories because we think in stories. Movies and TV series tell stories so these make the perfect topic for conversation, especially if you’re a movie enthusiast. TV shows are also worth discussing.

  • Have you ever watched ________?
  • Can you recommend some great TV series?
  • Who’s your favorite movie star?

5. Education

Don’t tell me you’ve always liked going to school. This could be a great topic of discussion because you might have some great stories to tell about this topic.

  • Tell me about your first day in school.
  • How many hours of English do students have?
  • Did you / do you like going to school?

Everyone has a hobby. For example, I love learning languages, as you probably know!. I can talk to you about this for hours and I bet you love discussing your hobbies too.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • What are your hobbies and passions?
  • Do you have any hobbies that are unique to your culture?

I love my family and I hope you love yours too. Let’s have a conversation about it.

  • Would you like to start a family one day?
  • How big is your family?
  • How do you spend time with your family members?

Maybe you’re a football fan or a tennis player. Or maybe you don’t do sport but you like watching it on TV. A friend of mine can talk about his favourite football team all night. Can you do that too?

  • Are you into sports at all?
  • What sports are people crazy about in your country?
  • Do you prefer watching sports or doing sports?

9. Technology

Technology is everywhere and we all have our own opinions about it. Some people hate it, some people are addicted to it. This is why technology is a topic that can make anyone talk.

  • What’s your relationship with technology?
  • Will the world be dominated by robots one day?
  • What are the disadvantages of technology?

We’ve all read at least one book in our life and you don’t need to be an avid reader to discuss books (although here at StoryLearning we're a bunch of book lovers!).

By the way, if you like reading, check out these book recommendations for English learners.

  • Please give me some book recommendations. 
  • Do you ever read books in English?
  • What book changed your life?

11. Fashion

I have a friend who dislikes the world of fashion but when he buys a new pair of shoes, he’s always keen to talk about them. So, it doesn’t matter if you don’t follow fashion trends. You can always talk about the clothes you like wearing.

  • What’s the latest fashion item you bought?
  • Do you follow any fashion influencers?
  • Who’s your favourite fashion designer?

12. Environment

We should do more to protect our planet. So why not start talking about how we could pollute less?

  • Do you think you live in a “green” area?
  • What do you think of environmental activists like Greta Thunberg?
  • How “green” are you?

13. Culture And Customs

Traditions, celebrations, national events, religion, special days. You can talk about culture and customs for hours.

  • Have you ever experienced culture shock?
  • What’s your favourite national holiday?
  • How is your culture unique?

14. Career And Work

This is a topic that is relevant to most adult learners of English. You can talk about jobs you’ve done, jobs you wouldn’t like to do, and weird jobs that are unique to your country.

  • Have you ever had a mean boss?
  • Is there a job you wouldn’t like to do?
  • Is it easy to find a job where you live?

15. Health And Fitness

I bet you care about your health. I care about mine a lot! So let’s have a conversation about what we do to stay healthy. Be careful though. Asking about someone else’s health might not be polite in some cultures.

  • Do you think diets are useful or not?
  • What do you usually eat?
  • How much do you exercise?

16. Personal Growth And Development

Personal growth and development is a motivational and inspiring topic. Once I even discovered something new about myself simply by talking about this topic.

  • What are your life goals?
  • What do you do to develop as a person?
  • Do you think helping others makes us grow?

17. Teachers

I'm sure you disliked some of the teachers you had but you also have a teacher that has a special place in your heart. Discussing teachers can bring back lovely memories.

  • Who's the best/worst teacher you've ever had? 
  • Would you rather learn from a young teacher or an older teacher?
  • Do you think we could learn without teachers?

18. Weekends

People spend their weekends in different ways and weekends are always good topics for conversation. This is especially true at the beginning and end of the working week!

  • What was the best and worst part of your weekend?
  • What's your ideal weekend like?
  • How do people spend weekends in your country?

19. News And Current Events

There’s always something newsworthy that you can talk about. I talk about current news events all the time and this is a conversation topic that will never die.


  • What's an interesting news story you've recently heard? 
  • What topics are often discussed in the news in your country?
  • Do you think it’s essential to watch the news every day?

20. Life Experiences

This is a great topic to practice the present perfect in English !

Questions :

  • Have you ever seen__________?
  • Have you ever eaten______________?
  • Have you ever played ______________?

21. Favourite People 

This topic can include any people (celebrities, writers, athletes, singers, etc.).

  • Who’s your favourite writer?
  • Who’s your favourite footballer?
  • Who’s your favourite movie director?
  • Who’s your least favourite artist?
  • Who’s your least favourite chef?

A great topic to practise vocabulary for furniture and objects around the house.

  • Which room is the most important for you in your home?
  • What would your ideal house be like?
  • Do you prefer to live in a big or a small house?

23. English

Speak in English about English so you can improve your English. It sounds like a slogan, but it’s true!

  • What’s your favourite English word and why?
  • Do you have any English learning strategies?
  • What’s your favourite website to learn English?

Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t talk about it. It’s also a great topic to practise future forms.

  • What life plans do you have for the future?
  • Do you think humans will still be around in 1000 years?
  • How do you see yourself in 5 years?

25. Would You Rather…?

This is a question that can get anyone to talk. You can make it fun or serious, up to you. Here are some possibilities.

  • Would you rather travel to the past or the future?
  • Would you rather have a dog or a cat?
  • Would you rather have more money or more free time?

25. If You Could…?

This is one of my favourite questions. It can be adapted to any topic and it’s especially useful if you want to practise the English conditional tense .

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  • If you could travel back in time, what era would you visit?
  • If you could learn any new skill overnight, what would it be?

26. Friends

A light topic that's useful to practise vocabulary around personality, relationships and activities. You can use it to make new friends too!

  • Do you make friends easily?
  • What do you like doing with your friends?
  • What things should friends never do?

I have many apps and I can tell you my top three favourite apps that I like using and why. I’m sure you can do that too. By the way, if you want to learn English with apps, here are the 20 best apps to learn English.

  • What is your favourite app on your phone and why?
  • What is an app that you use frequently, but you feel like not many people know about?
  • Have you ever developed your own app? If yes, what was it and if not, what kind of app would you like to develop?

28. Social Media

I have a friend who’s on every social media platform that exists. He would be a great conversation partner for this topic!

  • How do you use social media in your daily life and which platforms do you use the most?
  • What do you think are the positive and negative effects of social media on our society?
  • How has social media impacted your personal relationships and connections with others?

29. Personality

We all know what we’re like so we naturally have something to say about our personality. This might be a little hard though because we don’t normally do it, but talking about your own personality can help you discover new things about yourself too.

And it’s the perfect topic to practise advanced English vocabulary to describe characters and personality traits.

  • How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
  • How do you think your personality has changed or evolved over time?
  • Are there any aspects of your personality that you would like to change?

30. Emotions

Simply asking “How do you feel today?” might be all you need to have a great conversion. But here are more questions that you could use to talk about emotions.

  • What is one thing that always makes you feel better when you're feeling sad or stressed?
  • How do you deal with difficult emotions like anger or frustration?
  • What makes you feel bored?

Once I talked with a friend about what loved about his city and he made me fall in love with it too. I think this is a good reason why we should talk about cities.

  • What’s your favourite city and why?
  • Is your city safe?
  • What do you love about your city?

This is a personal topic that can help you make a deeper connection with the person you’re discussing it with.

  • What is something that scares you, and why do you think you feel that way?
  • Have you ever faced a fear and overcome it? How did you do it?
  • How do you typically react when you're feeling afraid or anxious?

33. Weather

This is probably one of the most popular conversational English topics. Don’t talk about it for too long though. Some people don’t find it very interesting!

  • What's your favourite season and why?
  • What's your favorite type of weather, and why do you like it?
  • Do you prefer sunny or rainy weather, and why?

This is a controversial topic. A friend of mine always talks about aliens because he believes in them. I’m not sure, but I don’t mind talking about them.

  • Do you believe in aliens?
  • Have you ever seen a UFO?
  • What do you think aliens might look like?

Telling jokes is an art and you might know some jokes in your first language. Can you tell them in English? 

Here’s one: I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder!

  • Do you have a joke that you always tell people? 
  • Have you ever heard a joke that you didn't find funny, but others around you did? 
  • What jokes do you not like?

36. Stereotypes

Stereotypes are often based on false assumptions about certain groups of people. If you talk about them, you might discover why these ideas are not correct. This is a topic that can really help you build an open mind.

  • What is a stereotype that you have heard about your country? 
  • Have you ever been a victim of a stereotype?

37. Animals And Pets

This is a topic that anyone who has a pet would love talking about!

  • Do you have any pets? If not, would you like to have one?
  • What's your favorite type of pet?
  • Have you ever had a funny or interesting experience with a pet?

What do you think of when you think of “art”? A friend of mine can’t think of anything but paintings. But there are many forms of art that you can talk about: music, sculptures, literature, theaters, and many others. Oh, and you don’t need to be an artist to have a conversation about art.

  • What is your favourite type of art?
  • Have you ever created any art yourself?
  • What do you think makes art valuable or important in our society?

Not everyone is into cars, but if you meet someone who likes them, you might have a never-ending conversation with them!

  • What car do you own?
  • What’s your favourite type of car?
  • Do you like car racing?

40. Childhood

I could spend entire nights telling you about my childhood memories. Is it the same for you?

  • What is your earliest childhood memory?
  • Did you have any favorite childhood toys or games? 
  • Did you have any childhood heroes?

Conversational English Topics To Kick-Start Discussions

What do you think of these conversational English topics? Do they make you feel like you want to go out there and have conversations? 

Having conversations in English can open a whole new world of opportunities. 

So, don't be afraid to put yourself out there and start talking. 

The more you talk, the more you will learn, and the more doors will open up for you!

If you need a little bit more help to start speaking, check out these common English phrases to sound more natural when you speak.

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ESL Discussion Topics

  • Posted in in ESL Conversation Questions

100+ ESL discussion topics for every English level

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  • Posted by by Cameron Smith
  • Updated 1 year ago

Struggling to come up with the right ESL discussion topics for your lesson plans? In this guide, we’ve included a list of 100+ ESL discussion topics along with our best tips and tricks for choosing the right topic for every English level.

You’ll also find links to printable lists of ESL conversation questions for each of the conversation topics below. If you use these lists to save time and choose the right conversation starter for each class, you’ll find that the conversation possibilities are endless.

List of ESL discussion topics

  • AI and Artificial Intelligence
  • Daily Routine
  • Environment
  • Football & Soccer
  • Friends & Friendship
  • Intelligence
  • Games & Gaming
  • Gender & Gender Roles
  • Small Business
  • Social Media
  • The Olympic Games

What are ESL discussion topics?

ESL discussion topics are teaching tools that help English learners practice their speaking skills. It’s important to select suitable-but-interesting discussion topic for your students if you’d like to facilitate engaging conversation in your classroom.

ESL discussion topics vs ESL conversation questions: what’s the difference?

ESL discussion topics are discussion categories whereas ESL conversation questions are lists of questions that focus on a particular discussion topic. Discussion topics and conversation questions go hand in hand ; you will need to choose a discussion topic and to formulate conversation questions based on that topic for your students.

How to choose the right ESL discussion topics for your classroom

Choosing the right ESL discussion topics for your lessons is an art unto itself. You’ll need to consider consider the following criteria before creating your speaking lesson plans.

  • English Level. Basic discussion topics for beginners. Advanced discussion topics for experienced English students.
  • Age. Some topics are better suited to younger English students, while other topics are better suited to Adult learners.
  • Culture. Cultural norms may rule out . For example, if it is culturally unacceptable to discuss relationships or money in public, then these discussion topics should be avoided.
  • Conflict and Controversy. Some discussion topics may . For example, politics and religion. Of course, healthy debate is possible! But if you wish to avoid conflict and controversy in the classroom, then it may be better to avoid these discussion topics altogether.

What is a good topic for ESL students to discuss?

The best topic for ESL students to discuss will depend on each student’s English level and other factors that we listed above. Here are some discussion topic suggestions with links to printable conversation questions for each topic.

ESL discussion topics for beginner students

  • Countries  

ESL discussion topics for intermediate students

  • Fashion and Clothes
  • The Olympics

ESL discussion topics for advanced students

  • Dating, Relationships, and Marriage
  • AI & Artificial Intelligence

ESL discussion topics for children and teenage students

Esl discussion topics for adult learners, what are some controversial esl discussion topics.

  • Football and Soccer
  • Gender and Gender Roles

List of ESL discussion topics books

Want to save yourself some time? ESL discussion topics books can reduce the amount of planning you need to do before class. These books contain lists of printable ESL discussion topics and conversation questions that can be used to facilitate English speaking practice with your students.

The best ESL discussion topics books are:

  • 500 Grammar Based Conversation Questions
  • 67 ESL Conversation Topics with Questions, Vocabulary, Writing Prompts & More
  • 1005 ESL Conversation Questions: For English Teachers of Teenagers and Adults Who Want to Have Better TEFL Speaking and Conversation Classes

What are your students’ favorite ESL discussion topics?

Every English learning group is different. And some classes tend to prefer certain English discussion topics over others.

Whether you’re asking students to practice English with another conversation partner or engaging entire classrooms in speaking practice exercises, yow are you choosing ESL conversation topics for each of the groups that you teach? And what topics are they responding to the most?

Share your experiences in the comments below. And tell us how you’re using ESL discussion topics in the classroom.

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Cameron Smith

Cameron Smith is an English Communication Coach based in Vancouver, Canada. He's the founder of Learn English Every Day, and he's on a mission to help millions of people speak English with confidence. If you want longer video content, please follow me on YouTube for fun English lessons and helpful learning resources!

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250+ Fun conversation topics

Conversation topics.

If you are looking for something to talk about or a specific discussion subject, then you are in the right place! Here are hundreds of conversation topics with thousands of questions on all manner of things. You are pretty much guaranteed to find a theme of discourse that you like.

Originally these conversation topics and their questions were designed for English learning activities but they have since evolved to become a comprehensive list that can be used by all English speakers. They can be used amongst friends, family, work colleagues, dating partners, and anybody who just wants something to chinwag about.

By clicking on one of the desired topics below you will be brought to a related page that has questions on the subject. Each page also has a free printable PDF of conversation questions along with some ideas to supplement the discussion with things like idioms.

This list and its contents have taken several years to assemble and is ever expanding. It is hoped that you will find the themed questions both useful and engaging in your quest for meaningful communication!

The discussion topics have been arranged in alphabetical order to make it easy and straightforward to find what you are looking for. The list of topics has also been broken down into 3 separate sections to make it even easier to navigate.

Conversation Topics A - E


Artificial Intelligence

Body language

Books and reading

Bucket list



Construction and building


Daily Routines

Decisions and choices

Desert Island




Extreme sports

Conversation Topics F - N

Fall and Autumn

First conditional

Global warming

Health and sickness

Healthy living

Honesty and lies

How much how many


Natural disasters

Natural wonders

Nuclear energy

Conversation Topics O - Z

Past continuous

Past perfect

Past simple



Phrasal verbs


Present perfect


Social Media

South America





Video games

Water Sports

Would you rather

Zero conditional

people discussing conversation topics

Notes on using the conversation topics

The sheer volume of discussion topics and related questions here means that you can find something that the person or people that you are talking to feel interested in and passionate about. This in itself gives you a head start in having a rich and enjoyable conversation.

Try to approach your chosen subject with some freedom. Not all the questions provided need to be asked, or debated. You should also try to add some more questions of your own and even put a twist on those provided to make them more appropriate for your audience.

The questions are not intended to be met with Yes/No responses or short simple answers. Try to ask follow-up questions and inquire more about the replies you are given to stimulate more discourse. The more language you exchange while you are speaking, the more successful and beneficial your conversation will be.

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190+ Creative English Speaking Topics to Speak to Anyone

Clapingo Team

19 min read

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Spoken English Fluency: The Key to Success

Benefits of practicing english speaking topics, 190+ english speaking topics for learners, 1. daily life and personal experiences, 2. hobbies and personal interests, 3. travel and adventure, 4. education and learning, 5. health and wellness, 6. culture and entertainment, 7. career and professional development, personalized coaching to save the day.

An image of English speaking topic book

English is widely accepted to be the language of business. Globally, approximately over 1.5 billion people speak English as their first or second language. It is therefore no wonder that English speaking proficiency is directly related to employability and other opportunities.

Let's face it, when it comes to learning and improving spoken English, practicing basic English speaking topics plays a pivotal role. It goes beyond mastering grammar and vocabulary; it empowers individuals to express themselves confidently, engage in meaningful conversations, and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

In this blog, we will list a wide range of English speaking topics fluency. By diversifying your conversations and exploring various subjects, you can enhance your language skills, broaden your knowledge, and develop the ability to express your thoughts and opinions effectively.

So, whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming to refine your fluency, this comprehensive list of will provide you with the necessary resources and inspiration to take your English-speaking abilities to new heights.

Practicing English speaking topics helps individuals avoid boredom and monotony, making the learning process more enjoyable.

It expands vocabulary and enhances language proficiency, allowing individuals to express themselves effectively on different English speaking topics .

Engaging with diverse English speaking topics fosters critical thinking skills and encourages individuals to share their opinions confidently.

We now list for you a range of English speaking practice topics to improve your spoken English. The category of topics covers a wide range of scenarios to prepare you well for any encounters in the personal or professional space that would need you to speak in English.

If you want to practice any of these topics with a 1-1 real human, click here. ​

Photo by: Ivan Shilov on Unsplash

English speaking topics on daily life and personal experiences are important because they allow you to effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in various social situations. It helps you connect with others, share your stories, and build stronger relationships in both personal and professional settings. The following table lists some English speaking practice topics to hone your spoken English on in your daily life and gives some example sentences.

1. My Morning Routine

Sentence 1: "Every morning, I start my day with a refreshing cup of coffee."

Sentence 2: "I like to go for a jog in the park as part of my morning routine."

2. A Memorable Family Vacation

Sentence 1: "During our family vacation to Nainital, we enjoyed looking at the mountains."

Sentence 2: "One of the most memorable family vacations was when we visited the Taj Mahal."

3. My Favorite Hobby or Pastime

Sentence 1: "In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and composing my own music."

Sentence 2: "One of my favorite hobbies is gardening, and I love growing flowers and vegetables in my backyard."

4. A Childhood Memory

Sentence 1: "One of my fondest childhood memories is building sandcastles at the beach with my siblings."

Sentence 2: "I still remember the excitement of my first day of school as a child."

5. Cooking Adventures and Favorite Recipes

Sentence 1: "Last weekend, I tried a new recipe for homemade pizza, and it turned out delicious."

Sentence 2: "I enjoy experimenting with different spices and creating unique dishes in the kitchen."

Click the button below to practice topics 1-1 with an expert speaker.

Practicing English to talk about your hobbies and interests helps you communicate your passions and connect with others who share similar interests, leading to meaningful conversations and new friendships. Feel free to choose any of these topics as a starting point for engaging English conversations about your hobbies and interests.

1. Photography

Statement 1: "I love capturing beautiful landscapes during sunset."

Statement 2: "Photography allows me to express my creativity through images."

2. Playing a Musical Instrument

Statement 1: "I have been practicing the guitar for five years now."

Statement 2: "Playing the piano helps me relax and unwind after a long day."

3. Painting and Artistic Expression

Statement 1: "I enjoy experimenting with different painting techniques."

Statement 2: "Art allows me to express my emotions and thoughts visually."

4. Gardening

Statement 1: "I have a small vegetable garden where I grow my own produce."

Statement 2: "Taking care of plants brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment."

5. Cooking and Culinary Adventures

Statement 1: "I love trying out new recipes from different cuisines."

Statement 2: "Cooking allows me to explore my creativity in the kitchen."

english coursework topic ideas

Talking in English about travel and adventure helps you share your exciting experiences, explore new places, and have conversations that ignite a sense of curiosity and cultural discovery.

1. Trekking in the Himalayas

Sentence 1: "I recently trekked to Everest Base Camp in the Himalayas. The views were amazing!"

Sentence 2: "I hiked in Himachal Pradesh and saw beautiful snow-capped mountains."

2. Wildlife Safari in Indian National Parks

Sentence 1: "I went to Ranthambore National Park and saw a Bengal tiger."

Sentence 2: "Jim Corbett National Park was thrilling with elephants and leopards."

3. Exploring the Backwaters of Kerala

Sentence 1: "I cruised through Kerala's backwaters on a houseboat, it was peaceful."

Sentence 2: "I loved the landscapes and meeting locals along the backwaters in Kerala."

4. Heritage Sites and Monuments in Rajasthan

Sentence 1: "The Amber Fort in Jaipur was impressive, and I enjoyed exploring Rajasthan's history."

Sentence 2: "Seeing the Taj Mahal in Agra was a dream come true, it's a beautiful monument."

5. Beach Destinations in Goa

Sentence 1: "I relaxed and tried water sports on the beaches of Goa like Calangute and Baga."

Sentence 2: "Goa has a lively nightlife with beach parties and live music."

Photo by: Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Practicing English for speaking about education and learning allows you to discuss various subjects, gain knowledge, and express your ideas. It helps improve intellectual growth and build effective communication skills. Here are 50 simple English speaking topics on learning and education for English learners to practice:

1. I enjoy reading books and learning new things.

2. My favorite subject in school is science because I love conducting experiments.

3. I like to solve puzzles and brain teasers to improve my critical thinking skills.

4. Learning English is important for communication with people from different countries.

5. I often watch educational videos online to expand my knowledge.

6. Math is challenging, but I find it interesting to solve problems.

7. I practice writing in English by keeping a journal and writing about my daily experiences.

8. I listen to English podcasts to improve my listening skills.

9. I ask questions in class to clarify my understanding of the topic.

10. Group discussions help me to express my ideas and opinions confidently.

11. I use flashcards to memorize vocabulary words and their meanings.

12. I enjoy learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world.

13. I participate in debates to enhance my persuasive speaking skills.

14. I watch English movies with subtitles to improve my language comprehension.

15. I use language learning apps to practice English grammar and vocabulary.

16. I practice pronunciation by listening to native English speakers and repeating after them.

17. I take notes during lectures to help me remember important information.

18. I read news articles in English to stay updated on current events.

19. I attend English conversation clubs to practice speaking with others.

20. I set achievable goals to track my progress in language learning.

21. I use online language exchange platforms to practice speaking with native English speakers.

22. I enjoy learning through hands-on activities and experiments.

23. I challenge myself to read books that are slightly above my current reading level.

24. I use mnemonic techniques to remember difficult words or concepts.

25. I practice English speaking with a language partner over video calls.

26. I use online resources to improve my English grammar and writing skills.

27. I participate in language competitions to showcase my language proficiency.

28. I watch TED Talks in English to learn about various topics and improve listening skills.

29. I write essays on different subjects to enhance my writing skills.

30. I create flashcards with pictures to associate them with English words.

31. I join English language clubs or communities to practice speaking in a supportive environment.

32. I use English-language news websites to read articles and improve reading comprehension.

33. I practice English pronunciation by recording my voice and listening for improvement.

34. I use language-learning apps that provide interactive exercises for grammar and vocabulary.

35. I participate in role-playing activities to practice real-life English conversations.

36. I watch English TV shows or movies with subtitles to improve listening and reading skills.

37. I challenge myself to learn at least five new English words every day.

38. I practice listening to English songs and try to understand the lyrics.

39. I read children's books in English to build vocabulary and improve reading fluency.

40. I use English language-learning websites to access resources and practice exercises.

41. I watch educational YouTube channels to learn new concepts and improve language skills.

42. I practice summarizing articles or stories in English to improve reading comprehension.

43. I join online forums or discussion boards to interact with other English learners.

44. I use English-language apps for daily vocabulary exercises and word games.

45. I listen to English podcasts or audiobooks while commuting or doing household chores.

46. I practice speaking English in front of a mirror to work on pronunciation and fluency.

47. I use language learning websites to connect with language exchange partners around the world.

48. I write short stories in English to practice creativity and storytelling skills.

49. I practice giving presentations in English to improve public speaking abilities.

50. I take English language lessons.

english coursework topic ideas

Engaging in English conversations about health and wellness enables you to explore topics related to well-being, share experiences, and learn about strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promoting overall physical and mental wellness. Here are 50 English speaking topics related to health and wellness for English learners:

1. I try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. I go for a walk every day to stay active and improve my fitness.

3. Drinking enough water is important for staying hydrated and maintaining good health.

4. I like to practice yoga to relax my mind and stretch my body.

5. It's important to get enough sleep to rejuvenate our bodies and minds.

6. I enjoy going for a jog in the park to get some fresh air and exercise.

7. I try to limit my intake of sugary foods and drinks for better dental health.

8. Meditation helps me to reduce stress and improve my mental well-being.

9. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and boosting energy levels.

10. I make sure to wash my hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs and infections.

11. I take breaks from sitting and stretch my body to prevent stiffness and improve circulation.

12. Eating a nutritious breakfast helps me start the day with energy and focus.

13. I enjoy spending time in nature as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

14. I practice deep breathing exercises to calm my mind and reduce anxiety.

15. Taking regular breaks from screens and technology is important for eye health.

16. I try to include a variety of colorful vegetables in my meals for a range of nutrients.

17. I practice mindfulness to stay present and appreciate the little joys in life.

18. Adequate rest and relaxation are crucial for overall health and well-being.

19. I try to avoid processed foods and opt for whole, natural foods instead.

20. Daily stretching helps to improve flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.

21. I make sure to wear sunscreen when I go outside to protect my skin from harmful UV rays.

22. Getting regular check-ups with the doctor helps me monitor my health and catch any issues early.

23. I enjoy listening to calming music to unwind and reduce stress.

24. I like to try new healthy recipes to keep my meals interesting and nutritious.

25. Spending time with loved ones and engaging in social activities positively impacts mental health.

26. I practice good posture to prevent back pain and maintain a healthy spine.

27. I try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into my daily routine.

28. I limit my intake of sugary beverages and opt for water or herbal tea instead.

29. I prioritize self-care activities like taking a warm bath or practicing self-reflection.

30. I avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke for better respiratory health.

31. I make time for hobbies and activities that bring me joy and reduce stress.

32. I aim to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night for optimal rest and recovery.

33. I practice positive affirmations to boost self-confidence and maintain a positive mindset.

34. I choose stairs over elevators whenever possible to incorporate more movement into my day.

35. I practice good oral hygiene by brushing my teeth twice a day and flossing regularly.

36. I try to limit my screen time before bed to promote better sleep quality.

37. I engage in regular cardiovascular exercises like cycling or swimming for a healthy heart.

38. I take breaks from work or studying to give my mind a chance to rest and recharge.

39. I enjoy practicing a hobby like painting or playing an instrument for creative expression.

40. I try to manage stress through techniques like journaling, deep breathing, or meditation.

41. I choose whole grains over refined grains for better nutrition and sustained energy.

42. I listen to my body's hunger and fullness cues to maintain a balanced approach to eating.

43. I practice gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of my life.

. I make time for leisure activities that help me relax and unwind, like reading or gardening.

45. I try to include regular strength training exercises to build muscle and improve overall fitness.

46. I use natural remedies and essential oils for minor ailments and to support my well-being.

47. I limit my consumption of processed snacks and opt for healthier alternatives like nuts or fruits.

48. I engage in activities that challenge my mind, such as puzzles or learning a new language.

49. I try to maintain a positive support network of friends and family for emotional well-being.

50. I practice deep relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, to reduce tension and promote calmness.

Let's now move on to the rather exciting English speaking topics for beginners in the field of culture and entertainment.

Talking in English about culture and entertainment allows you to discuss various aspects of art, music, movies, traditions, and customs. It helps you appreciate different cultures, share your interests, and learn about diverse forms of entertainment.

1. Traditional Festivals and Celebrations

Sentence 1: "During Diwali, people light lamps and celebrate with fireworks to symbolize the victory of light over darkness."

Sentence 2: "Holi is a colorful festival where people play with water and colored powders to celebrate the arrival of spring."

2. Music and Dance

Sentence 1: "Bollywood music is popular in India and many people enjoy dancing to its energetic beats."

Sentence 2: "Classical Indian dance forms, like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, are known for their graceful movements and expressions."

3. Indian Cuisine

Sentence 1: "Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and spices, such as curry, biryani, and masala chai."

Sentence 2: "Popular Indian dishes include samosas, butter chicken, and dosas, which are enjoyed by people around the world."

4. Traditional Clothing and Fashion

Sentence 1: "Saris are traditional Indian garments worn by women, while men often wear kurta-pajama for special occasions."

Sentence 2: "The vibrant colors and intricate designs of Indian textiles make them unique and admired globally."

5. Indian Cinema and Bollywood

Sentence 1: "Bollywood movies are popular in India and feature a mix of drama, romance, music, and dance."

Sentence 2: "Actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan have a huge fan following and are known for their iconic performances."

Now that we have covered culture and entertainment, let us shift our focus to learning some English speaking topics for beginners in career and professional development. Many of us face

english coursework topic ideas

You can discuss topics related to job skills, career growth, networking, and personal success. It helps you gain insights, learn from others' experiences, and explore opportunities for professional advancement. Here are 50 simple English speaking practice topics related to the field of career and professional development for English learners:

1. I am working on improving my communication skills to excel in my career.

2. I believe setting clear goals is important for professional success.

3. I enjoy attending workshops and seminars to enhance my knowledge and skills.

4. Networking is a valuable tool for expanding professional connections and opportunities.

5. I am developing my leadership abilities to advance in my career.

6. Continuous learning is essential for staying updated in today's competitive job market.

7. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my passions.

8. Time management skills are crucial for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines.

9. Building a strong professional network can open doors to new career opportunities.

10. I am working on improving my problem-solving skills to overcome challenges at work.

11. Professional development courses help me stay relevant and grow in my field.

12. I believe in the importance of seeking feedback to improve my performance.

13. I am honing my presentation skills to confidently deliver impactful presentations.

14. Developing a positive work ethic is key to achieving long-term career success.

15. I am learning to adapt to change and embrace new technologies in my industry.

16. I am researching different companies and industries to find the right career fit.

17. Effective teamwork is essential for accomplishing goals and fostering a positive work environment.

18. Developing strong negotiation skills can lead to successful outcomes in business.

19. I am working on enhancing my problem-solving abilities to tackle complex tasks.

20. I believe in the power of lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

21. I am improving my resume and cover letter writing skills to stand out in job applications.

22. Developing strong time management skills helps me stay organized and meet deadlines.

23. I am seeking mentors in my field to guide and support my career growth.

24. Continuous self-improvement is important for advancing in my chosen profession.

25. I am gaining industry-specific knowledge through online courses and certifications.

26. I am attending career fairs to explore job opportunities and network with potential employers.

27. Effective communication skills are vital for building strong professional relationships.

28. I am developing my critical thinking skills to make informed decisions in my career.

29. I believe in the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for overall well-being.

30. I am enhancing my problem-solving skills by seeking innovative solutions to challenges.

31. Professional development workshops provide valuable insights and skills for career growth.

32. I am practicing active listening to better understand colleagues and clients.

33. I am improving my organizational skills to increase productivity and efficiency at work.

34. Effective time management allows me to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.

35. I believe in the power of continuous learning to stay ahead in my career.

36. I am developing my networking skills to connect with professionals in my industry.

37. I am researching potential employers to find companies that align with my career goals.

38. Building a strong personal brand can enhance my professional reputation.

39. I am seeking opportunities to take on leadership roles and develop my management skills.

40. I am working on improving my public speaking skills for effective presentations.

41. I am expanding my knowledge through reading industry-related books and articles.

42. I am developing my problem-solving abilities to overcome obstacles in my career.

43. I believe in the importance of adapting to change to thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

44. I am seeking feedback from supervisors and colleagues to grow and improve in my role.

45. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my strengths and interests.

46. Continuous professional development helps me stay updated in my field and improve my skills.

47. I am enhancing my interpersonal skills to build strong relationships

with coworkers and clients.

48. I believe in the power of setting ambitious goals to drive my career growth.

49. I am improving my teamwork and collaboration skills to contribute effectively to group projects.

50. I am developing a growth mindset to embrace challenges and seek opportunities for learning.

Some of these English topics for speaking can help you prepare for interview or job-related situations. You can also read this blog for some additional guidance on presentations in the workplace. 

To conclude, personalized coaching and guidance are crucial for new English learners seeking to improve their speaking skills. By exploring various topics and joining a reputable spoken English tutoring program , individuals can enhance their language development significantly. At Clapingo , we offer 1:1 personalized attention and instruction in your native language, ensuring a comfortable and effective learning experience. Take the next step in your language journey and book a demo with Clapingo today. Our experienced tutors are ready to help you build confidence and fluency in your English conversations. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your full potential - schedule your demo with Clapingo now!

Which topic is the best for speaking English?

The best English topic for speaking depends on your interests and knowledge. Choose a topic that encourages discussion and select topics with relevant vocabulary for your needs.

What can I talk about for 5 minutes?

For a 5-minute conversation, you can talk about various topics such as a quick personal introduction, sharing a memorable travel experience, discussing a favorite book or movie, describing a hobby or interest, or talking about a recent news article.

How can I practice English speaking daily?

You can practice English speaking daily by engaging in conversations with native speakers or language partners, joining English-speaking clubs or communities, watching movies, TV shows, or listening to podcasts in English, using language learning apps or websites, and practicing speaking aloud while doing everyday tasks.

How can I improve my English speaking conversation?

You can improve your English speaking conversation by focusing on pronunciation and intonation, building vocabulary through reading and word games, using idioms and expressions to sound more natural, practicing active listening and responding appropriately, and seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes.

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35 Conversation Topics for ESL Beginners and Beyond With Bonus Questions 

If you’re an English student seeking to practice your speaking skills, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll cover 35 fantastic conversation topics for ESL beginners, intermediate-, and advanced-level learners that will keep your discussions lively and engaging.

group of students engaged in conversation

Whether you’re chatting with a language partner, participating in a group discussion, or simply looking to spark some interesting conversations with friends, these topics—and the related questions I’ve included under each of them—will have you covered.

From childhood memories to pop culture, personal achievements to travel, and everything in between, I’ve carefully curated a diverse range of topics to suit every interest.

Best conversation topics for ESL beginners

pizza margherita on table

a. What is your favorite cuisine and why?

b. Do you enjoy cooking? What is your specialty dish?

c. Have you ever tried any exotic or unusual foods? Share your experience.

d. What role does food play in your culture’s traditions and celebrations?

e. If you could have a dinner party with any three famous people, who would you invite and why?

dog running on beach

a. Do you have any pets? If not, would you like to have one? Why?

b. What is your favorite animal and why?

c. Have you ever encountered any wild animals? Tell us about it.

d. Do you think it’s important to protect endangered species? Why?

e. If you could communicate with animals, what would you ask them?

snowflake close up

a. What is your favorite type of weather, and why do you like it?

b. Can you share any interesting or unusual weather phenomena you have experienced?

c. Do you enjoy outdoor activities more during a specific season or type of weather?

d. How does the weather affect your mood or daily activities?

e. Are there any particular weather conditions or climates that you would like to experience?

pine forest in fall

a. Which season is your favorite, and what do you enjoy most about it?

b. Can you share any specific activities or traditions you associate with different seasons?

c. Do you prefer the weather or activities of one season over the others? Why?

d. Are there any seasonal festivals or holidays in your area that you particularly enjoy?

e. How does each season influence your daily routines or choices?

5. Childhood memories

little boy having fun with lawn sprinklers

a. What was your favorite toy or game when you were a child?

b. Can you recall a funny or memorable experience from your childhood?

c. Did you have any special traditions or rituals in your family when you were growing up?

d. Who was your favorite teacher or mentor during your school years, and why?

e. What was your favorite place to visit or explore as a child?

black family posing on bridge

a. Do you have any siblings? How many and what are their names?

b. Who is your favorite family member and why?

c. What activities do you enjoy doing with your family?

d. Are you more similar to your mother or your father? Why?

e. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned from your family?

7. Friendship

brazilian friends hanging out on mountaintop

a. What qualities do you value most in a friend?

b. How do you maintain and nurture your friendships?

c. Have you ever had a memorable friendship experience? Share it.

d. What do you think are the challenges of maintaining friendships in the digital age?

e. If you could be best friends with any famous person, who would it be and why?

8. Hometown

empty street on small german town

a. What do you love most about your hometown?

b. Can you share an interesting fact or historical aspect about your hometown?

c. What are some must-visit places or attractions in your hometown?

d. Are there any local customs or traditions that are unique to your hometown?

e. How has your hometown shaped who you are today?

loving couple on rooftop at blue hour

a. What is your idea of a perfect date? Describe the activities or location.

b. Can you share a memorable or funny dating experience you have had?

c. How do you approach dating and building relationships?

d. Are there any cultural differences or customs related to dating in your area?

e. What qualities do you look for in a potential partner or in a successful relationship?

10. Personal habits

hot coffee on balcony

a. What does your typical morning routine look like? Do you have any specific rituals or habits to start your day?

b. How do you prioritize and manage your daily tasks and responsibilities? Do you follow a specific routine or system?

c. What is your favorite way to relax or unwind after a long day?

d. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle? Any tips or habits you would like to share?

e. Are there any habits or behaviors that you would like to develop or change in the future?

11. Personal achievements

woman on french summit

a. What is one of your proudest achievements in life, and what did you learn from it?

b. Can you share a time when you overcame a difficult challenge or accomplished a goal?

c. Do you have any future goals or aspirations that you would like to achieve?

d. How do you celebrate your achievements or milestones in life?

e. What is something you have learned about yourself through your personal achievements?

12. Personal dreams

canoe gliding through swiss lake

a. What are some of your biggest dreams and aspirations for the future?

b. How do you plan to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality?

c. Have you ever had a dream that you are still working toward? Share your experience.

d. What role do goals and aspirations play in leading a happy life?

e. If you could have any career or profession, what would it be and why?

13. Education

indian schoolgirl writing on blackboard

a. What is the most valuable thing you have learned in your learning journey so far? Why is it important to you?

b. How has education influenced your life and future goals?

c. Have you ever had a memorable learning experience outside of the classroom? Explain.

d. What challenges do you think the education system in your area faces today?

e. If you could learn any new skill or subject, what would you choose and why?

14. Well-being

woman doing yoga on rooftop

a. What are some habits or practices you follow to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

b. How important are physical exercise and mental well-being to you?

c. Have you ever faced a health challenge and overcome it? Describe your experience.

d. What is the relationship between diet and overall health?

e. If you could give one piece of health advice to everyone, what would it be and why?

15. Feelings

man jumping in celebration

a. How do you typically express or cope with different emotions?

b. Can you describe a recent situation that made you feel particularly happy or proud?

c. What do you do when you’re feeling down or stressed to improve your mood?

d. Are there any specific activities or people that always make you feel loved or supported?

e. How do you think being able to understand and communicate your feelings can positively impact your relationships and overall well-being?

16. Hobbies

gingerbread men in the making

a. What are your favorite hobbies and how did you become interested in them?

b. How do your hobbies contribute to your personal growth and happiness?

c. Have you ever turned your hobby into a profession or side business? Explain.

d. What is one hobby or interest you would like to explore in the future? Why?

e. If you could spend a whole day pursuing your favorite hobby, what would you do?

man playing chess

a. What is your favorite board game or card game, and why do you like it?

b. Have you ever participated in any competitive games or tournaments? Share your experience.

c. Are there any video games or online games that you enjoy playing?

d. Do you have any favorite childhood games that you used to play with your friends or siblings?

e. What role do games play in your life? Do you find them entertaining or a way to connect with others?

american boys playing soccer

a. What is your favorite sport and why do you enjoy it?

b. How can sports promote personal growth?

c. Have you ever played a sport competitively or as part of a team? Describe your experience.

d. What is the role of sports in building bridges between cultures and nations?

e. If you could attend any major sporting event in the world, which one would you choose and why?

19. Outdoor activities

two people hiking through mountainous landscape

a. What is your favorite outdoor activity, and why do you enjoy it?

b. Can you share a memorable outdoor adventure or trip that you have experienced?

c. Are there any outdoor activities that you would like to try in the future?

d. How often do you spend time outdoors, and what are your favorite places to visit?

e. Do you have any special tips or recommendations for enjoying outdoor activities?

couple taking pictures in cappadocia

a. What is your favorite travel destination? Why do you love it?

b. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others? Why?

c. Have you ever had an unexpected or exciting travel experience? Share it.

d. How does traveling broaden your horizons and open your mind to new cultures?

e. If you could visit any country on the planet, where would you go and why?

21. Shopping

couple strolling through empty shopping arcade

a. Where do you like to go shopping, and what do you usually buy?

b. Do you prefer shopping online or in physical stores? Why?

c. Can you share a memorable or unique shopping experience you have had?

d. How do you decide what to buy when you go shopping? Do you have any shopping strategies?

e. Are there any specific items or products that you enjoy shopping for?

businessman crossing the street

a. What do you enjoy most about your job or profession?

b. Can you share an interesting or challenging project you have worked on?

c. Have you ever had a memorable or funny experience at your workplace?

d. How do you balance your work life with your personal life?

e. What skills or qualities do you think are important for success in the workplace?

23. Volunteering

american man wearing here to help green vest

a. Have you ever participated in any volunteer work or community service? Share your experience.

b. Why do you think volunteering is important, and what motivates you to volunteer?

c. Can you share a meaningful or impactful moment you had while volunteering?

d. How would you choose the organizations or causes you want to support through volunteering?

e. Do you have any future volunteering plans or projects that you would like to be involved in?

graffiti covered alley in australia

a. What art form (e.g., painting, sculpture, photography) do you find most inspiring? Why?

b. How does engaging in creative activities improve your well-being and personal growth?

c. Have you ever created a piece of art that you are proud of? Share your experience.

d. What is the role of art in society and culture?

e. If you could have any artistic talent, what would you choose and why?

25. Cultural events

indigenous ritual in namibia

a. What is your favorite festival or cultural celebration? Why do you enjoy it?

b. How does your culture celebrate important events and traditions?

c. Have you ever participated in a festival or cultural celebration from a different country? Describe your experience.

d. What role do these sorts of events play in promoting unity and understanding among people?

e. If you could attend any festival in the world, which one would you choose and why?

26. Literature

woman looking for book at library

a. What is your favorite book or author? Why do you enjoy their work?

b. How can reading books improve your language skills and knowledge?

c. Have you ever attended a book reading or literary event? Describe your experience.

d. What is the most memorable book you’ve ever read? What made it special?

e. If you could be a character from any book, who would you choose and why?

movie theater projection booth

a. What is your favorite movie of all time? Why do you like it?

b. What genre of movies do you enjoy the most? Why?

c. Have you ever acted in a play or movie? Describe your experience.

d. How do movies influence society and culture?

e. If you could be a character in any movie, who would you choose and why?

live concert at quebec summer festival

a. What is your favorite genre of music? Why do you enjoy it?

b. Do you play any musical instruments or enjoy singing? Describe your musical background.

c. Have you ever attended a live concert? Share your experience.

d. How does music impact your emotions and mood?

e. If you could meet any musician or band, who would you choose and why?

29. Pop culture

big bang theory lego scene

a. Do you follow any celebrities on social media? How do you think social media has changed the way we perceive and interact with celebrities?

b. Who is your favorite celebrity, and why?

c. What is your favorite TV show and what do you like about it?

d. Are there any trends that you enjoy or find interesting?

e. How has pop culture influenced your personal interests or hobbies?

30. Fashion

fashion sketches hanging on wall

a. What does fashion mean to you?

b. How do fashion trends influence the way people dress and express themselves?

c. Have you ever followed a fashion trend that you now look back on and laugh at? Share your experience.

d. What is the impact of fast fashion on the environment and society?

e. If you could create a new fashion trend, what would it be and why?

31. Social media

like count neon sign

a. How has social media impacted the way we communicate and interact with one another?

b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?

c. Have you ever had a negative experience with social media? Explain.

d. What are some guidelines or etiquette you follow when using social media?

e. If you could design a new social media platform, what features would it have and why?

32. Science

man and woman conducting scientific research

a. What scientific discovery or technological advancement fascinates you the most? Why?

b. How have science and technology influenced the way we live today?

c. Have you ever carried out a scientific experiment or participated in a science fair? Share your experience.

d. Have you ever encountered any challenges or difficulties with technology? Share your experience.

e. If you could invent any scientific device or technology, what problem would it solve and why?

33. Environment

person hugging tree

a. What is your favorite natural environment (e.g., mountains, beaches, forests)? Why do you find it appealing?

b. How can people contribute to the protection of the environment?

c. Have you ever had a memorable experience in nature? Share it.

d. What are the biggest environmental challenges the world faces today?

e. If you could visit any natural wonder in the world, which one would you choose and why?

34. The news

stacks of british newspapers

a. What is one current event that has caught your attention recently? Why is it significant?

b. How important is it to stay informed about global news and events?

c. Have you ever participated in a discussion or debate about a current event? Share your experience.

d. What are the benefits and challenges of keeping up with news through digital platforms?

e. If you could interview any current world leader, who would it be and what would you ask them?

35. History

person pointing at ancient rock inscriptions

a. Which historical event or time period fascinates you the most, and why?

b. Do you have a favorite historical figure or a person you admire from the past?

c. Can you share a historical fact or story that you find interesting or inspiring?

d. How do you think studying history can help us understand the present and shape the future?

e. Are there any historical places or landmarks that you would like to visit someday?

Which discussion topics in English should you avoid?

penguins fighting in the wild

When engaging in a chat with fellow learners, it’s important to be mindful of certain conversation topics for ESL beginners that can be sensitive or controversial. 

While you should always respect diverse perspectives and opinions, a few English conversation topics are generally best to avoid in order to maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

Politics, for example, can be a passionate and divisive subject, as people often hold strong beliefs and opinions. Discussing political matters can lead to heated debates, misunderstandings, and potentially strain relationships. 

Likewise, religion is a deeply personal and private matter for many individuals. People have diverse religious beliefs, and discussions about religion can unintentionally offend or exclude others. 

people having a conversation

Focus instead on the wide range of engaging and thought-provoking topics that I’ve listed above. All of them allow students to express themselves, share experiences, practice their speaking skills and pronunciation , and expand their English vocabulary in a positive and supportive manner.

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140 Best English Topics For Discussion That Everyone Love

Astrid Tran • 06 October, 2023 • 13 min read

What are English Topics for Discussion that you commonly talk over with your friends or co-workers? 

English is one of the dominant languages in international communication, and there is no better way to master your English than by practicing group discussion. But, starting a discussion is not easy, it should be an exciting or appealing topic that can help get the conversation started and motivate everyone to join. 

If you are looking for more awesome group discussion topics for spoken English activities, here are 140 Best English Topics For Discussion that won't disappoint you. 

English topics for discussion

Table of Contents

English topics for discussion - free talk topics, fun english topics for discussion for kids in class.

  • English Topics For Discussion - Free conversation topics for adults

Simple English Topics For Discussion

Intermediate english topics for discussion, advanced english topics for discussion, english topics for discussion at work.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

Key Takeaways

Tips for better engagement.

  • Topics to Argue About
  • Controversial Opinions

Alternative Text

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One effective way to overcome the challenge of English speaking is through free talk sessions, where you can discuss a variety of topics in a relaxed and supportive environment. Easy, serious, and funny subjects to discuss in English. Here are 20 top free talk ideas of English Topics For Discussion.

1. What are your favorite hobbies and why?

2. Do you believe in the concept of "love at first sight"?

3. What are your thoughts on climate change and how can we address it?

4. Have you ever traveled to another country? Share your experience.

5. How has social media impacted your life?

6. What is your favorite type of music and why?

7. What qualities do you value most in a friend?

8. What is your favorite book and why?

9. Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside? Why?

10. What are your thoughts on the education system?

11. What are your favorite foods and why?

12. Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life?

13. When is the best time to sleep?

14. How important is family to you?

15. What is your favorite way to relax and unwind?

16. When is the best occasion to say thank you?

17. What are your favorite places to visit in your hometown or country?

18. What is your dream job and why?

19. What are your thoughts on artificial intelligence and its impact on society?

20. What are your favorite childhood memories?


When it comes to spoken English classes for kids, it's important to make the topics both engaging and fun. Children can get bored quickly, so having interesting topics for group discussion is crucial. If you are out of ideas, Check out these 20 amazing ideas for Fun English Topics For Discussion in primary school.

21. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

22. What is your favorite color and why?

23. How long do you think it would take you to become an expert at your favorite hobby or skill?

24. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? Why?

25. Have you ever played a video game that you really enjoyed?

26. What is your favorite food and why?

27. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and why?

28. What is your favorite sport or activity to do and why?

29. Have you ever been on a family vacation that you really liked?

30. Who is your favorite fictional character and why?

31. Why do you hate history?

32. Do you have a favorite animal?

33. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day and why?

34. What does it mean by everyday heroes?

35. What is the point of museums?

36. When is your favorite time of year, and why?

37. Why do you want to have a pet?

38. Are Halloween costumes too scary?

39. When was the last time you went on a fun adventure, and what did you do?

40. Why is Super Mario so popular?

Related: 15 Best Educational Games for Kids in 2023

English Topics For Discussion - Free Conversation Topics for Adults

What do young adults like to discuss? There are thousands of discussion topics for adults learning English that range from small talk, sports, leisure, personal issues, social issues, jobs, and everything that matters. You can refer to this ultimate list of the 20 best free conversation topics as follows:

41. What can we do to reduce our impact on the environment?

42. How can we better support those struggling with mental health issues?

43. Why do we choose to text instead of talk?

44. How can we better support and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights?

45. How can we break down the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage more open conversation?

46. Man vs beast: Who is more efficient?

47. Island life: Is it paradise?

48. What are the potential benefits and risks of AI and how can we manage them?

49. How can we promote body positivity and self-acceptance for women of all shapes, sizes, and appearances?

50. What are some effective skincare routines for different skin types?

51. What are some tips for maintaining healthy nails and achieving a great manicure?

52. How can we achieve a natural makeup look that enhances our features without being too heavy?

53. What are some of the challenges and rewards of motherhood, and how can we support each other through this journey?

54. How to talk to a climate denier?

55. Do you care if you're poor when you're old?

56. How can we better support and care for the aging population in our society?

57. What are your favourite sports to watch or play, and Who are your favourite athletes or teams? What do you think about the latest games or matches?

58. What are the best restaurants for couples, and can you share some of your top recommendations?

59. What is your fitness routine like, and are there any tips to keep fit and attractive?

60. Do you have any recommendations for must-have tech gear?

Related: 140 Conversation Topics That Work In Every Situation (+ Tips)

english coursework topic ideas

Choosing suitable English topics for discussion for beginners is important as it can greatly impact their language learning experience. If you want to practice your speaking skills and build confidence, some basic conversation questions in English about food, travel, and pop culture can be a good start. Let's see some simple topics in English below:

61. What is your favorite cuisine and why? Have you tried any new dishes recently?

62. Why do we forget the things we learn?

63. Can music mend a broken heart?

64. Is this the era of distrust?

65. Do our pets care about us?

66. Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, and how do you manage them when eating out?

67. Have you ever experienced culture shock while traveling? How did you deal with it?

68. What are your thoughts on social media influencers and their impact on popular culture?

69. Do you have any family recipes that have been passed down through generations? What's the story behind them?

70. Have you ever tried cooking a new recipe that you found online? How did it turn out?

71. Do trees have memories?

72. What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

73. Is talking on the phone embarrassing?

74. Are opinion polls accurate?

75. Can VR treat fears and phobias?

76. When is the best time to have an apple?

77. Do you like to go shopping? What's your favorite store to shop at and why?

78. Does punctuation matter?

79. Doomscrolling: Why do we do it?

80. Do we read to show off?

  • 60+ English Slang Words in 2023
  • 300++ Random English Words – Updated in 2023

Now, it is the time to level up your discussion topics, try to find more serious topic questions that can help you to improve your English. Pushing yourself to tackle difficult topics will not only expand your vocabulary and language skills but also help you develop a deeper understanding of the world around you. If you need English discussion topics for the intermediate level, here are 20 interesting topics to discuss in classes that might give you a surprise. 

81. What do you think are the benefits of studying abroad?

82. What can we do to reduce our impact on the environment?

83. Should healthcare be free for everyone?

84. What are the most pressing social issues in your country, and what can be done to address them?

85. To what extent, has globalization impacted your country's culture and traditions?

86. What are the most important political issues facing your country today?

87. Are we likely to reduce income inequality in society in the next decade?

88. Social media has negative and positive impacts on humans, to what extent do you agree?

89. Are bucket lists always a good thing?

90. Is it possible for your eyes to predict your personality?

91. How do couples overcome challenges in their long-term relationships?

92. Are you at risk from online fraud?

93. What are the most important events or figures in your country's history, and why are they significant?

94. Could you give up booze for a month?

95. Is it possible to address gender inequality and promote gender equity in our society?

96. Is it rising popularity of the comfy shoe?

97. Rhetoric: How persuasive are you?

98. Where are you in the next ten years?

99. Is it a good idea to have a tattoo?

100. How does art contribute to our understanding of the world around us?

Related: 95++ Fun Questions to Ask Students of All Ages

BONUS : What's more? If you find English too hard to learn, and having a discussion in English isn't your best choice, try other types of games and quizzes. Set up brainstorming activities via AhaSlides to practice with your family, friends, tutors, and colleagues, and of course, have crazy fun at the same time.

Related: 12 Exciting ESL Classroom Games with Almost Zero Prep (for All Ages!)

english coursework topic ideas

Congratulations to all the English learners who have reached this level where you can talk about your likes and dislikes and topics that interest your friends. Now that you have a solid foundation in the language, why not challenge yourself with more advanced English speaking topics? You might find the following B1 conversation topics inspiring.

101. Perfume: what does your smell say about you?

102. How can individuals and organizations protect themselves from cyber threats, and what is the role of governments in this regard?

103. Could you be flexitarian?

104. Where are refugees coming from, and how can we address the root causes of displacement?

105. Why has political polarization increased in recent years, and what can we do to bridge the divide?

106. Who has access to healthcare, and what can be done to ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare?

107. Hangry: are you angry when you're hungry?

108. How can we improve access to education, particularly in developing countries?

109. Why do cities make us rude?

110. What are the ethical implications of AI, and how can we ensure that it is developed and used responsibly?

111. What are the pros and cons of globalization, and how can we mitigate its negative effects?

112. Do you think you're invisible?

113. How can we balance the need for border security with the humanitarian imperative to help those seeking refuge?

114. How has social media changed our communication and social interactions, and what are the consequences of this shift?

115. What are the root causes of systemic racism, and what steps can we take to dismantle it?

116. Are smartphones killing cameras?

117. How can we achieve economic growth without compromising the environment, and what is the role of international cooperation in this regard?

118. What can't computers do?

119. Football songs: Why are crowds so quiet these days?

120. How can we address the challenges an aging population poses, particularly in developed countries?

English Topics For Discussion at Work

What are your interesting topics for discussion in English at work? Here are 20 business English conversation questions that you and your co-workers can bring to your discussion.

121. Who is responsible for maximizing productivity, and how can it be measured and improved? Why is diversity important in the workplace, and what steps can be taken to promote inclusivity?

122. When is the best time to hold team meetings?

123. What are your thoughts on a recent news story or event?

124. Who is responsible for supply chain management, and what strategies can be used to optimize the supply chain?

125. What are some effective ways to engage and motivate employees, and how can their performance be measured?

126. When should performance evaluations be conducted?

127. When should deadlines be set for projects?

128. Who is responsible for resolving conflicts in the workplace, and what strategies can be used to address them?

129. How long does it take for new employees to get up to speed and become fully productive?

130. How long does it take to implement new policies or procedures, and what are the steps involved in the process?

131. How can teams be built and strengthened to promote collaboration and productivity?

132. Why is ethical behavior important in business, and how can we ensure that our practices are ethical?

133. Is it appropriate to use humor in the workplace?

134. Do you believe that working remotely is as productive as working in the office?

135. Should employees be allowed to bring their pets to work?

136. When is the most appropriate time to give feedback to colleagues?

137. When is the best time to schedule training or professional development sessions?

138. What are the qualities of an effective leader, and how can these be developed?

139. Pedestrianization - is it good for cities and towns?

140. Should employees be allowed to bring their pets to work?

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can i talk like clever people.

1. Keep your spine straight, even when sitting or standing. 2. Concentrate on your listeners. 3. Keep your chin up. 4. Use figures for your points to be more convincing. 5. Speak clearly and loudly enough. 6. Don’t forget body language.

How can I think and talk fast?

Before participating in a discussion, prepare a brief story that you can hold onto and express your thoughts logically and smoothly. Plus, you can also repeat questions to have more time to consider and relieve pressure.

How can I make the conversation more interesting?

An exciting conversation means you focus on others, keep finding common perspectives, pose unique questions that surprise others, and try to deal with controversial topics skillfully.

What are some common examples of English topics for discussion in class or at the workplace? Don't be shy to speak out your opinions or thoughts even if you are not too familiar with English. Learning a new language is a journey, and making mistakes along the way is okay.

Ref: BBC Learning English

Astrid Tran

Astrid Tran

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180 ESL Conversation Starters and Questions (from Beginner to Pro)

Do you want your students to be excited to speak with you in English?

You need engaging content, interesting conversation starters, and questions that really reel them in.

Why Every Teacher Needs a List of Starters

If you want to improve your student’s speaking ability, you need to master the art of conversation. You have to know how to get your students speaking , move the conversation forward, provide feedback and make it all feel natural. You also need engaging topics, and that is where this guide comes in.

One of the problems that can face a teacher is knowing what to talk about. What do you do when you’ve finished talking about work, the weather and then realize that only 5 minutes have passed!

This guide has everything you need to make sure you never run out of topics and most importantly, you always have something interesting to say.

Conversation Topics for Adults and Teens

Adults and teens usually know more about advanced topics than children (politics, religion, etc.) That being said, knowing more on these topics doesn’t necessarily translate to being able to speak about these things easily so don’t assume they can do everything. Be aware of your student’s level and be prepared to reframe a question if they are struggling to understand. 

Conversation Topics for Kids

Conversation topics for beginners.

Keeping the topics simple for beginners is a must at the start. Talking about their hobbies and family can help, as these are areas they may have already experience in talking about. If a student is really struggling, then giving them phrases to use such as “I like …” can help get the ball rolling.

Use information gap activities to help your students practice speaking: read our guide.

Weird and Funny Conversation Starters

Zombie apocalypse plan, superpowers, controversial conversations topics.

These are topics that you need to be careful with and use your judgement based on the student’s background. You need to wait until you know a student to find out what material is appropriate for them. That being said, If used correctly, then these can be really interesting and get the student thinking about “real issues”. 

Technology and Society

Death penalty.

Get a list of 110 “Would you rather” questions for your conversation lessons.

Additional Tips for Your Conversation Lessons

Here are some additional tips to make sure your students are getting the most out of their conversation lessons and will be excited about coming back for more. Some of these will take time to internalize and get right but be aware of them and experiment to get them just right.

As well as the frequency of correction, consider the amount being corrected. Don’t feel like you have to correct EVERYTHING. Especially if a student is starting out and is a bit nervous. Pick a few problems areas and focus on that, if you mention too many things at once it can be overwhelming and can really lower a student’s confidence.

Some students will struggle with certain subjects as they just don’t know enough about the topic. If it’s a bit of a challenge then push through but if they can’t even talk about a topic in their native language then it may be an idea to move on to another subject.

Allowing a student to pick a topic can be a great way of engaging them more. This also has the added benefit of helping a younger student (such as a teenager) feel more empowered as they can make their own decisions.

Final Thoughts

All you need to make sure you never run out of things to say. Get these printed out as your go-to cheat sheets and bookmark this page so you can easily come back to them for future classes.

Remember, match the topics to the student’s level, keep it fun and once they start talking don’t get in the way!

Jonathan is a native English teacher with 4+ years of teaching experience. As well as teaching online, he also runs the website English +XP , an online resource for English learners and teachers.

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Basic English Speaking

Daily English Conversation Practice – Questions and Answers by Topic

You have troubles making real English conversations ? You want to improve your Spoken English quickly? You are too busy to join in any English speaking course?

Don’t worry. Let us help you.

First of all, you need to learn the most frequently used words in English , common structures and sentence patterns , common expressions , common phrasal verbs , and idioms that are much used in daily life.

Next, you should learn daily conversations in English for speaking. Focus on every ESL conversation topic until you can speak English automatically and fluently on that topic before moving to the next one.

The following lessons cover 75 topics that you will face very often in your daily life. Each lesson is designed in form of ESL conversation questions and answers, followed by REAL English conversation audios, which will definitely benefit your English conversation practice.

ESL Conversation Questions and Answers – 75 Topics

1. Family 2. Restaurant 3. Books 4. Travel 5. Website 6. Accident 7. Childhood memory 8. Favorite rooms 9. Presents 10. Historical place 11. Newspaper/ Magazine 12. A memorable event 13. A favorite subject 14. A museum 15. A favorite movie 16. A foreign country 17. Parties 18. A teacher 19. A friend 20. A hotel 21. A letter 22. Hobbies 23. Music 24. Shopping 25. Holiday

26.  Animals 27.  A practical skill 28.  Sport 29.  A School 30.  Festival 31.  Food 32.  Household appliance 33.  A music band 34.  Weather 35.  Neighbor 36.  Natural scenery 37.  Outdoor activities 38.  Law 39.  Pollution 40.  Traffic jam 41.  TV program 42.  Architect/ Building 43. Electronic Media 44. Job/ Career 45. Competition/ contest 46. A garden 47. Hometown 48. Clothing 49. Advertisement 50. A project

51. A wedding 52. A Coffee shop 53. Culture 54. Transport 55. Politician 56. Communication 57. Business 58. Computer 59. Exercise 60. Goal/ ambition 61. Art 62. Fashion 63. Jewelry 64.  Cosmetic 65. Indoor Game 66. Phone conversation 67. Learning A Second language 68. A Creative Person 69. A celebrity 70. A Health Problem 71. Technological advancements 72. A Landmark 73. Handcraft Items 74. Plastic Surgery 75. Success

Download Full Lessons Package – Daily English Conversation by Topic (mp3+pdf)

Listening is THE KEY to better English speaking . The more REAL English conversations you listen to, the more fluent you will become, to be sure.

For a small one-time investment, you can get the whole package of 75 lessons. Put it into your phone or MP3 Player and take your English learning ANYWHERE.

You can learn English on the bus while going to work. You can learn English while exercising or walking. You can learn English while shopping. You can learn English while sitting at a coffee shop, etc.

Remember, DEEP LEARNING is the No. 1 secret to English fluency . If you want to speak English fluently and automatically, you have to repeat the same lesson over and over again until you MASTER it.


  • 75 mp3 files for 75 lessons (each lesson lasts for 1 -2 minutes).
  • 1 pdf file for lesson transcript (79 pages).

Take advantage of your short free time during the day to do a lot of repetition, and you will be amazed at how fast your English speaking improves . Get started today!

P/S: If you want to download more lesson packages with a discounted price, check out 0ur Resources Page here .

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Basic English Conversation: 100 Daily Topics

Basic English Conversation 100 Daily Topics-01

Today, we would like to share with you the 100 Basic English conversations . The topics level for English beginners. If you are a newbie in learning English, they are suitable for you. And as I mentioned in some articles, practicing with conversation is one of the best methods to improve your English.  The following lessons cover 100 daily topics that you will speak about in your daily life. 

40 English Conversations 

Let’s get started!

101 English Conversations: English Speaking Practice with Conversation in 3 Steps

How to practice english speaking on your own and at home.

I’m sure that you often look up this keyword on Google search “ English speaking practice “, “ How to practice English speaking “, “ English Speaking Tips “, or “ how to improve speaking skill “…to find out a suitable method for your own. Today, I’m very happy to share with you  5 simple ways to practice speaking at home…

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English Topics That Will Boost Your Career

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What you get

Our online English course provides the following benefits:

  • Access to a diverse range of English speaking topics through our online exercises for practice and skills improvement.
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  • Live25 webinars hosted by our teachers , dedicated to enhancing your grammar and pronunciation skills, with 4 webinars per calendar month.

english coursework topic ideas

6 group classes

  • 6 live group classes One live group class per week
  • 4 teacher-led webinars (Live25) 4 LIVE25 sessions per calendar month. Live25 sessions are 25-minute grammar or pronunciation webinars. You can use them as an opportunity for additional practice between your regular classes.
  • premium online exercises
  • Duration: 6 weeks

12 group classes

  • 12 live group classes One live group class per week
  • Duration: 12 weeks


  • 18 live group classes One live group class per week
  • Duration: 18 weeks

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Live online english speaking course.

  • Select your preferred class time and attend online classes taught by expert British Council teachers .
  • Participate in role-plays to enhance your confidence and fluency in speaking .
  • Engage in group discussions and collaborative work .

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Live25 Teacher-Led Webinars on English Speech Topics

  • Select your desired topic and schedule for the live webinars .
  • Receive expert guidance from the teacher on grammar , vocabulary , pronunciation , and other relevant language topics .

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Guided Online Exercises for English Topics

  • Practise at your own pace with interactive and exciting online exercises .
  • Improve your grammar and vocabulary and practice business writing, listening, and reading .
  • Receive instant feedback and track your progress as you learn English for work and beyond.

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Our students love learning with us because…

Riddhi datta (english for work student).

“The course comprised of online live interactive classes as well as some online assignments. The course content was very rich and designed in accordance with the day-to-day needs of the workplace. My teacher was one-of-a-kind. She was an enthusiastic person with a strong stimulus for students’ needs. She was extremely well organised and tailored her teaching in accordance with her students’ needs. She helped me a lot and I made big progress. The course has really made a difference and has boosted my language skills and confidence.”

Sreekala (English for Work student)

“From the interactions during the course to the instructions from the teacher to learning how to pronounce words better- everything helped me learn a lot. I am very happy with the way the course was structured. My teacher was very friendly. Whenever we had a doubt or made a mistake, she put her 100% into clarifying/correcting it. The course helped me achieve the objective I had set out to- one can see the difference in the way I am talking now compared to how I was three months ago. My fluency, pronunciation, and confidence are all much better now.”

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What does the english for work course offer.

The English for Work course includes: 

  • Live group classes . Attend 1 per week! 

Each class has a duration of 55 minutes and can be booked by up to 15 students. Our live group classes include a set topic and focus on speaking and listening tasks. You will learn with other students at the same level as you, and you will receive instant feedback on your speaking, grammar and vocabulary. After each class, the teacher will share valuable class materials with you for additional practice. 

  • Grammar and pronunciation Live25 sessions. Attend 4 per calendar month!

Each session has a duration of 25 minutes. Use these sessions as an opportunity for additional practice between your weekly group classes. If you need extra help with understanding English verb tenses or how to use intonation in a sentence, Live25 sessions offer you the opportunity to advance your knowledge.

  • Online exercises. Study in your own time and at your own pace!

Online exercises are an excellent way to gain knowledge of the topic prior to engaging in class discussion. You will be prepared in advance to ask questions and your teacher will have additional time in class to focus on the more challenging material. If you prefer, you can also complete the online exercises after your class and this will help you consolidate your learnings. 

What happens in a live class?

What technology do i need to join english online.

To access your student portal and attend our live online classes, you will need: 

  • a desktop/laptop computer (preferred) or a mobile device (tablet, smartphone)
  • a reliable Internet connection 
  • a headset or headphones with a built-in microphone 
  • a working webcam 

If you want to join online classes, please also note:

English Online classes take place using the free and secure Zoom software. Please make sure to download Zoom to your device before your class begins.  

We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the English Online platform as some portal features may not work as desired on other browsers. 

Your name on Zoom must perfectly match the name connected to your English Online account, otherwise teachers reserve the right to deny you access to your live class.

To ensure an optimal learning experience for all, our students must commit to respecting our virtual classroom rules. This means you must actively participate in your class and have your microphone and webcam turned on at all times, so that your teacher and the other students can interact with you freely, as they would in any face-to-face classroom.

Please consult our English Online code of conduct for students before you subscribe.

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17 Easy English Lessons for Beginners

Language learning is like hiking up a big mountain—a long, difficult journey.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some tricks and shortcuts you can take along the way to make it a little easier.

In this post, we’ve searched the whole internet and picked the easiest and the best lessons for beginner English learners on a wide range of language skills .

Basic English Vocabulary Lessons

Learn 1000 new words a day, how to count, the big numbers song, vocabulary for the bathroom, classroom vocabulary, environment vocabulary, basic math esl vocabulary, when to use “good” vs. “well”, lessons on auxiliary and phrasal verbs, be, do and have, make no more mistakes with modals: 3 easy rules, phrasal verbs: a new way to learn them, easy english pronunciation lessons, how to sound native, the secret to pronouncing hard words, how to pronounce difficult words in english, how to pronounce ough, rules to pronounce silent letter words with b, c and d, lessons on exceptions to english rules, a/an: exceptions to the rule, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Most people start learning new words without a plan. They simply try to hear new words and memorize them. But after a few hours, you’ve forgotten many of the words. 

A strategy is a plan to achieve a long-term goal. And the vocabulary strategies in this lesson will surely help you throughout your language learning journey.

These strategies include:

  • Learning words that act as both a noun and verb
  • Learning words with multiple meanings
  • Learning words that sound the same in your native language
  • Learning groups of words with the same root or ending

This video gives you the names and the symbols of the first hundred numbers in English. This video is best for regular practice while you start to learn English numbers.

Since it’s very hard for anyone to memorize all the numbers at once, try to learn 10 numbers at a time per day . This will help you review the numbers you learned earlier when you play the video again before learning the next group of numbers.

  • Thousands of learner friendly videos (especially beginners)
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If you’re the kind of person who likes to learn through music , then this video is for you. The video uses the rhythm of the music while speaking out the names of the numbers.

It turns learning the numbers into a fun musical experience. Try it out to see if you like this approach.

The bathroom is usually the first place we go after we wake up. Knowing the names of the objects that you commonly find in the bathroom can be quite helpful for many learners. This is especially true if you’re planning to visit an English-speaking country.

This lesson does a wonderful job of including everything you can possibly find in a bathroom.  The video uses images to both show you the objects and to give you practice at the end.

Many English learners either start studying English in classrooms or plan to eventually study in a school or a college. Knowing words for basic things in the classroom can help you relax and be confident while you’re there.

This animated video shows you common objects like a blackboard or a textbook, which you’ll find in all classrooms. The video also shows you the spelling of every word while speaking it aloud. That means you can use this video for basic reading practice along with vocabulary building .

  • Interactive subtitles: click any word to see detailed examples and explanations
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The environment is the natural world as a whole. We can talk about the environment of the planet or of a specific place. In this lesson, we get to learn the most commonly used English words for this topic.

Since the world is going through a massive environmental crisis, this topic has become quite common in daily conversation . Although the words themselves sound technical and academic, native English speakers use them in informal and causal contexts, too.

For instance, you’ll see many companies use the word sustainability in their ads. The phrase  green movement is also very popular now, since some political parties have also adopted this label to describe themselves.

This video lesson will walk you through the environmental vocabulary you need for conversations on such topics.

This one is sort of a bonus . You’ll hear and see some numbers in English, but the main focus is mathematical symbols .

The presenter first names each symbol and then goes on to explain what they do.

The lesson is great for people who’ll eventually go into technical fields . But since this level of math is generally expected of anyone, knowing the names of these basic symbols is also really important for any English speaker.

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
  • Swipe left or right to see more examples from other videos
  • Go beyond just a superficial understanding

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This easy English lesson focuses on a very specific vocabulary topic: the difference between “well” and “good.”

This is a topic that often confuses even native English speakers!

When someone asks you how you’re doing, what do you say?

There are two common answers:

“I am good.”

“I am well.”

Since these answers are often used interchangeably, many English learners assume that both words have the same meaning. However, the word “good” is an adjective , which means that it’s used to describe or modify a noun. The word “well” is an adverb and it modifies a verb.

  • FluentU builds you up, so you can build sentences on your own
  • Start with multiple-choice questions and advance through sentence building to producing your own output
  • Go from understanding to speaking in a natural progression.

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Auxiliary verbs might sound complex, but their role is actually simple in English. They’re also called “helping verbs,” because they help the main verb in the sentence.

Do , be and have are the three main auxiliary verbs in English. This lesson gives an in-depth summary of how these verbs are used in informal English .

The instructor focuses a lot on the different forms of these verbs. She also talks about when to use contractions and when the verbs are absent in the sentence.

The video is extremely useful for beginners as each section is filled with examples where the important words are highlighted in red.

Modal verbs are a special kind of auxiliary verb that express necessity or possibility. Words like must , should , can , will and  may  are all modal verbs.

This lesson lists out three main mistakes most learners make while learning these verbs. It also gives examples of both correct and incorrect usage of modal verbs.

  • Images, examples, video examples, and tips
  • Covering all the tricky edge cases, eg.: phrases, idioms, collocations, and separable verbs
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After this lesson, test your abilities with this quiz and see if you understood the concepts correctly.

What do these sentences have in common?

“The car broke down in the middle of the road.”

“The teacher asked Tom to turn off his phone.”

“I will drop off your book at your house today.”

All of them use phrasal verbs , a special type of phrase that includes a verb and preposition or adverb .

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Phrasal verbs are usually very difficult for English learners. In this video, Dawn Severenuk shares a very helpful tip that can remove the usual confusion.

Instead of trying to memorize every phrasal verb, Dawn suggests that you focus on the prepositions and the adverbs.

This is because the meanings of the adverbs and the prepositions usually remain the same in these phrasal verbs. For instance, the meaning of “up” in almost all phrasal verbs is related to finishing or completing something.

This easy technique will help all learners figure out the meaning of a phrasal verb and save a lot of time for beginners . If you’re still unsure about your ability, then you can try doing these phrasal verb exercises  to test your skills.

The connection between letters and sounds in English always seems mysterious to beginner English learners. 

When you’re done with these lessons, it’s a good idea to practice pronunciation the natural way: By hearing native English speakers use the language and repeating it after them. You can do this on a program like FluentU .

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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To get you started on the way to improved speaking skills, the lessons below will give you the basic knowledge you need about English pronunciation to start saying easy words correctly .

Do you remember learning your native language? Probably not.

That’s because as children we pick up language automatically. This video explores how babies learn to speak a language, then lists three ways second language learners can imitate their success.

As the video shows, babies focus more on the stress and the feeling of the words first. This allows them to express and communicate in some way before even learning the proper words.

Babies also observe the movements of the mouth as others speak to them and constantly imitate.

Do you often find yourself pronouncing English words the same way you’d pronounce them in your native language? Or do you find it hard to pick up the accent of native speakers even when you know that they sound different?

Most of these problems arise with all language learners. We’re just used to speaking in a certain way from our native language.

In this lesson, you’ll learn about a technique called backchaining  that’s used by professional actors and language teachers. With backchaining, you pronounce the last sound of a word first and then keep moving forward.

This lesson presents  seven words that are usually difficult for beginner learners . The instructor pronounces each one of them, focusing on the individual sounds and the stress.

This video gives you a good idea how English spelling relates to common patterns of pronunciation. These patterns occur throughout the language and this video is a good first step towards building up your advanced vocabulary.

There’s no better example of the messiness of English pronunciation than this particular group of letters. The way you speak them changes with almost every word, from “through” to “tough” to “bough” (tree branch).

This video gives a nice summary of how and when the pronunciation changes. It also gives you plenty of examples that you can use in general vocabulary practice.

This is one of the most frustrating aspects of the English language for many learners. You spend hours learning the sounds and combinations of various letters. But then you discover that sometimes a letter is added to a word even though it’s silent when spoken.

This lesson lists out some common rules you can use to figure out when the letters B, C and D are silent.

For example, B is generally silent when it’s at the end of a word, just after the letter M. Some examples are “crumb” or “bomb.”

Silent letters are so common in English because of the language’s history . Learning how to recognize their patterns now will make pronunciation much easier as you continue learning English.

The English language can take anyone by surprise. For every grammar rule, there’s an exception.

This section is all about helping you be aware of the exceptions.

“Mary offered Tom a  banana. But Tom wanted an apple instead.”

I’m sure you’ve come across similar sentences before. The article “a” is used before words that start with consonants, but “an” is used before words that start with vowels… most of the time.

This lesson will show you the exceptions to the rule above, which will help you sound like a more natural English speaker.

Once you go through these lessons, don’t forget to check our other master list of advanced English lessons .

At the end of the day, regular practice is the only path towards fluency.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Office expressions – visual vocabulary video.

In this visual vocabulary lesson, you can learn words and phrases to talk about offices and describe where you work. You’ll see new vocabulary and phrases to talk about the office with examples to help you understand.

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Business English Lessons

Develop your professional English skills with our business English lessons. These lessons will help you to use English in work situations including making a presentation, chairing or attending a meeting, writing emails, and using formal or informal English appropriately. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

Cambridge Exam Preparation Lessons

Get the necessary tools, tips and examples you need to best prepare for the Cambridge exams. These preparations lessons will give you helpful information you need for each part of the exam. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

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Learn more about English grammar with this series of free video lessons. You can study a range of topics, from simple grammar for beginners to more advanced language points. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

English Listening Lessons

Improve your English listening with this series of free English lessons. Practise listening to dialogues and understanding natural English conversations. All lessons include a script, vocabulary notes and exercises to help you learn and use new language. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

English Pronunciation Lessons

Improve your English pronunciation with this series of free video lessons. Learn about English sounds, stress, weak forms and other topics which will help you to speak English fluently and naturally. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

English Study Advice Lessons

How do I improve my English? Many students want to know the answer to this question. Find out more about studying English and get English study advice on how to get the best results with this series of free English video lessons. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

English Vocabulary Lessons

Improve your English vocabulary with these video and listening lessons from Oxford Online English. Our English vocabulary lessons show you English words, phrases and collocations in context, helping you to remember and use your new vocabulary. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

English Writing Lessons

Improve your writing skills with our English writing lessons. You can learn techniques to help you write essays, emails, reports, letters, stories, or anything else! You can also learn writing skills for your Cambridge or IELTS writing exam. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

IELTS Preparation Lessons

Are you planning to take an IELTS exam? You can learn more about IELTS and how to approach the different parts of the exam in this series of free IELTS preparation English video lessons. Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

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Improve your conversational English with this series of free online spoken English lessons from Oxford Online English. Learn how to speak English fluently, naturally and confidently! Enjoy browsing through these Oxford Online English archives.

More English Video Lessons

English pronunciation of the schwa /ə/ – video.

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How to Understand Fast Speech – Video

How to talk about emotions in english – video, how to describe a picture in english – video, weak forms in english – video, english sentence structure – video, formal and informal english – video, how to talk about time in english – video, present perfect tenses: simple vs. continuous – video, prepositions of movement – visual vocabulary video, english contractions – pronunciation and listening – video, ielts speaking exam part one – video, try your first online class with a teacher.

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Where Are You From? – Listening Lesson (A1)

Where are you from? What is your country like? Listen to two people talking about where they are from in this free Oxford Online English listening lesson. This lesson is suitable for beginners.

More English Listening Lessons

The Football Results – Listening Lesson (A1)

The Football Results – Listening Lesson (A1)

Talking About Exams – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Talking About Exams – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Paying a Restaurant Bill – Listening Lesson (A2)

Paying a Restaurant Bill – Listening Lesson (A2)

Asking for Information at a Tourist Office – Listening Lesson (A1)

Asking for Information at a Tourist Office – Listening Lesson (A1)

Ordering at a Coffee Shop – Listening Lesson (A1)

Ordering at a Coffee Shop – Listening Lesson (A1)

The IELTS Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (B2-C1)

The IELTS Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (B2-C1)

Phoning for a Pizza – Listening Lesson (A1)

Phoning for a Pizza – Listening Lesson (A1)

Computer Problems – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Computer Problems – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Building A Website – Listening Lesson (B2)

Building A Website – Listening Lesson (B2)

Where Are You From? – Listening Lesson (A1)

Studying History – Listening Lesson (C1-C2)

Playing Cards – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Playing Cards – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Buying A New Phone – Listening Lesson (A2)

Buying A New Phone – Listening Lesson (A2)

Ouch, My Head! – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Ouch, My Head! – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Talking on the Phone – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Talking on the Phone – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Arguing About Music – Listening Lesson (B1)

Arguing About Music – Listening Lesson (B1)

B2 First Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (B2)

B2 First Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (B2)

Having a Guest in Your Home – Listening Lesson (A2)

Having a Guest in Your Home – Listening Lesson (A2)

Checking In At The Airport – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Checking In At The Airport – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Playing Football – Listening Lesson (B1)

Playing Football – Listening Lesson (B1)

Talking About Films – Listening Lesson (B1)

Talking About Films – Listening Lesson (B1)

Buying Bus Tickets – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

Buying Bus Tickets – Listening Lesson (A1-A2)

C1 Advanced Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (C1)

C1 Advanced Speaking Exam – Listening Lesson (C1)

Train Ticket Problems – Listening Lesson (A2)

Train Ticket Problems – Listening Lesson (A2)

Giving Directions in English – Listening Lesson (A2)

Giving Directions in English – Listening Lesson (A2)

A Phone-In About ID Cards – Listening Lesson (C1-C2)

A Phone-In About ID Cards – Listening Lesson (C1-C2)

Too Hot – Listening Lesson (B1)

Too Hot – Listening Lesson (B1)

Working In An Office – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Working In An Office – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Talking About Holidays – Listening Lesson (A2)

Talking About Holidays – Listening Lesson (A2)

Photo Editing – Listening Lesson (B2)

Photo Editing – Listening Lesson (B2)

Stinky Fruit – Listening Lesson (B1)

Stinky Fruit – Listening Lesson (B1)

The Cooking Class – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

The Cooking Class – Listening Lesson (B1-B2)

Injuries and First Aid – Listening Lesson (B1)

Injuries and First Aid – Listening Lesson (B1)

Getting a Refund – Listening Lesson (A2)

Getting a Refund – Listening Lesson (A2)

Going to the Doctor – Listening Lesson (B1)

Going to the Doctor – Listening Lesson (B1)

Renting An Apartment – Listening Lesson (A2)

Renting An Apartment – Listening Lesson (A2)

Language Learning – Listening Lesson (A2)

Language Learning – Listening Lesson (A2)

The Boring Man – Listening Lesson (B1)

The Boring Man – Listening Lesson (B1)

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ESL Topics For Kids

ESL Topics For Kids | 30 English Topics For Kids And Beginner Students

Whether you are teaching English online, or teaching English in South Korea, one of the big challenges when creating lessons is figuring out what ESL topics to teach. 

There are many topics that are typically found in young learner curricula.

You can also click on ESL lesson topic titles below to check out some of our free lesson materials that you can use in your English lessons.

30 ESL Topics For Kids

Think Student

25+ A-Level English Language investigation NEA ideas

In A-Level by Think Student Editor May 1, 2024 Leave a Comment

When A-Level English Language students learn that they have to complete an investigation for their NEA, most students get excited! After all, you get to choose a topic of your own choosing. Consequently, you could be working on something that actually excites you! However, it may soon become apparent that choosing an investigation topic may not be the easiest task. This could be because you may not be sure of your interests or think there are actually too many choices! As a result, it can be useful to research for some useful ideas.

If you are in a bit of a pickle and feel a bit overwhelmed with choosing your investigation topic, check out the rest of this article to hopefully get some good ideas.

What is an A-Level English Language investigation?

To complete A-Level English Language for the AQA and OCR exam boards, students have to carry out an independent investigation. This is known as an ‘NEA’, which stands for ‘non-exam assessment’.

There are actually two pieces of NEA that have to be completed by students. However, the investigation can be seen as the main one. For the AQA exam board, it requires students to research a topic related to language, which they can choose themselves!

Students will have to collect linguistic data and analyse this, answering questions they have come up with themselves, related to the topic. All of their data is all brought together in a report, with a maximum word limit of 2,000 words.

You can find out more about the language investigation on the AQA website . The OCR requirements for this investigation is similar, with this exam board emphasising critical thinking and independent data collection.

You can learn more about the A-Level English Language investigation for OCR on the OCR website.

How much of A-Level English Language is the investigation worth?

For AQA, students have to complete a 2,000 word investigation and a piece of original writing and commentary for their NEA. Together, this coursework equates to 20% of the final A-Level English Language grade. However, this article only focuses on the investigation NEA. If you want to learn about the original writing NEA check out our other Think Student article.

You can find these percentages on the AQA website . For OCR, students have to complete a poster describing their investigation, as well as the investigation itself. Together, this coursework also equates to 20% of the final grade.

You can find these percentages on the OCR website . However, A-Level English Language involves much more than just this investigation! Check out this Think Student article  to discover what the full A-Level entails.

Alternatively, if you want to discover the best ways to revise for A-Level English Language, check out this Think Student article .

A-Level English Language Investigation ideas:

Thinking about what topic to research for your investigation can be difficult. After all, there are so many different topics to choose from! However, the purpose of this NEA is to give students a bit of freedom, as they are able to research aspects of language they find interesting themselves, instead of sticking rigidly to a curriculum.

This allows lots of room for creativity! Therefore, if you want to stand out and make the most of your academic freedom, check out this list of ideas:

1. An investigation into how different newspapers over time have represented migration.

Often, current issues or topics are received positively by the exam board. This is especially the case if the topic focuses on news stories or political upheaval, as this often provides students with a range of material.

If your question is too niche, there will not be enough material available! As migration is quite a hot topic, it requires students to think critically and really understand the changes across time.

This will also increase marks for context! Commentary on previous student’s ideas and some more feedback can be found on this examiner report from the AQA website for June 2022.

2. An investigation into how contestants on ‘Married at first sight’ use language to be viewed favourably by the audience.

AQA has stated that broader questions often do well because they enable students to explore a wide range of features. With this question, you could delve into how contestants use language to gain power over their partner. You could also explore gender differences.

Creating your own transcript may take time, however will be appreciated by examiners. If you want something fiction-like that isn’t actually from a novel, reality shows could be for you! After all, this examining report from OCR  emphasised that using fiction texts were problematic.

3. An investigation into how males and females use face-threatening acts on reality shows.

Gender is a big topic covered in A-Level English Language. Thus, this question enables you to use knowledge you already have! Face threatening acts is a very relevant feature to discuss in the reality show genre.

There is also a lot of context you could bring up here, such as how the genders want to present themselves when consciously thinking about the media audience. This will get you those AO3 marks!

4. An investigation into the use of linguistic strategies used by lawyers when questioning witnesses and addressing judges.

It may be difficult to get yourself into a court room! However, this question could tackle the major A-Level English Language theme of power. You could investigate how lawyers attempt to get power over witnesses but then let judges have power over them.

You may find the linguistic strategies they use very interesting. Your awareness of the different power dynamic at play will alert the examiner to your ability to see from different perspectives and critically think.

5. An investigation into how media articles have represented covid compared to other plagues throughout history.

This question allows you to view how perspectives to diseases have changed over time. It could be useful to see if scare-mongering language was used more in the past or now and which linguistic strategies are used to influence reader’s thoughts.

This also shows the examiner that you are engaged with real world problems.

6. An investigation into how news presenters use linguistic strategies to report positive and negative news.

This question will allow you to explore a range of different language features, even extending to the tone and prosody of presenters as they deliver news. You could also explore the different ways that male and female presenters use language.

However, when investigating gender, make sure to use up to date research! Examiners don’t want to just see evidence that was carried out from research years ago.

7. An investigation into how Formula one commentators use language when commenting on different drivers.

Formula one commentators often seem unbiased. However, after creating a transcript, you may find that this is not the case! You could investigate how context could have influenced this to get extra AO3 marks.

As A03 contributes the most amount of marks, you should be aiming for this! If your interest is cars, this may be the question for you!

8. An investigation into the changes uses of language to describe women’s bodies in UK magazines.

This is a very hot topic, as body positivity is definitely increasing. Therefore, you could compare how magazines have changed their approach from demonising women’s bodies and promoting thinness to now embracing natural women.

You could also explore how this could potentially be empowering women and how this language could lead to an even bigger movement. This will show your open-mindedness to the examiner.

9. An investigation into the linguistic strategies employed by teachers in the same subject area within different year groups.

This question will hopefully allow you to collect a large amount of data, due to the high likelihood that you are completing your A-Level at school! This question and others can be found on this guide from the AQA website.

You could investigate how teachers use their language to potentially control their students. Interestingly, this could change depending on the different year groups, allowing you to comment on context again.

10. An investigation into how radio show presenters use dialect to identify with their audiences.

Many students have been reported to use song lyrics for their NEA investigation. However, examining reports have commented on the difficulty with this idea. Students who choose to analyse song lyrics may not get the highest marks.

However, if you are interested in music, analysing radio show presenter’s language could be interesting, as you could focus on how their audiences influence their language. Perhaps you could compare different radio show hosts who present for different regions!

11. An investigation into the linguistic strategies used by judges of game shows to intimidate the contestants.

Again, this question focuses on one of the main themes explored in A-Level English Language – power. It could be interesting to compare different judges approaches and see how their use of language accomplishes certain motives.

Different judges may want to create different personas, leading to carefully selected language use. If you want to read a sample of a project which explored this idea, check out this document from the AQA website.

For some more ideas, check out the list below:

12.  An investigation into the linguistic strategies used to present climate change over time in online articles.

13.  An investigation into how language regarding mental health has changed over time in social media.

14.  An investigation into the ways in which contestants on Dragon’s Den use language to pitch their ideas to the Dragons.

15. An investigation into the changing amount of gender inclusive language across reality TV shows.

16. An investigation into the manipulative language used by criminal interviewees when discussing their crimes.

17. An investigation into how newspapers use language to create fear about certain mental health disorders.

18. An investigation into the different messages given to men and women on dealing with mental health across the media.

19. An investigation into the different linguistic strategies used to encourage men and women to exercise.

20. An investigation into politeness strategies used in interactions in a customer service centre for a supermarket.

21. An investigation into the linguistic strategies used to create power between males and females in the classroom.

22. An investigation into how language creates power dynamics between presenters and contestants on game shows.

23. An investigation into the ways in which different age groups use specific features in social media group chats.

24. An investigation into how a certain celebrity is presented across magazines.

25. An investigation exploring the representation of homosexuality in poems throughout time.

26. An investigation into the changing use of language to describe mental health disorders across news articles.

27. An investigation into how a family member may change their language use when speaking to different family members.

28. An investigation into the use of politeness strategies by cashiers at popular clothes shops.

29. An investigation into the linguistic strategies used by students to defy the teacher.

30. An investigation into representations of Multicultural London English on online discussion forums.

What makes a good question for your A-Level English Language NEA investigation?

All of the examining reports focus on the idea that your question needs to be focused on a bigger idea. This will allow you to investigate a range of different linguistic elements to create a comprehensive answer.

If your question is too specific, this could lead to not enough material to write about, or repetition. The best way to discover whether your question has enough potential is to carry out a literature review before you start.

This will enable you to see relevant research related to your question. Reading beyond the A-Level English Language specification will also enable you to get higher marks!

Choosing a question where you have to collect your own data yourself is also encouraged. After all, primary data is seen as more impressive than using secondary sources.


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english coursework topic ideas

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  • Data Science
  • Deaf Studies
  • Early Intervention Studies Graduate Programs
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  • Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
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  • Interpretation and Translation
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  • Public Affairs
  • Public Health
  • Sexuality and Gender Studies
  • Social Work
  • Theatre and Dance
  • World Languages and Cultures
  • B.A. in American Sign Language
  • B.A. in Biology
  • B.A. in Communication Studies
  • B.A. in Communication Studies for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.A. in Deaf Studies
  • B.A. in Deaf Studies for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.A. in Education with a Specialization in Early Childhood Education
  • B.A. in Education with a Specialization in Elementary Education
  • B.A. in English
  • B.A. in English for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.A. in Government
  • B.A. in Government with a Specialization in Law
  • B.A. in History
  • B.A. in Interdisciplinary Spanish
  • B.A. in International Studies
  • B.A. in Mathematics
  • B.A. in Philosophy
  • B.A. in Psychology
  • B.A. in Psychology for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.A. in Social Work (BSW)
  • B.A. in Sociology with a concentration in Criminology
  • B.A. in Theatre Arts: Production/Performance
  • B.A. or B.S. in Education with a Specialization in Secondary Education: Science, English, Mathematics or Social Studies
  • B.S. in Accounting
  • B.S. in Accounting for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.S. in Biology
  • B.S. in Business Administration
  • B.S. in Business Administration for Online Degree Completion Program
  • B.S. in Data Science
  • B.S. in Information Technology
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  • B.S. in Physical Education and Recreation
  • B.S. in Public Health
  • B.S. in Risk Management and Insurance
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  • Self-Directed Major
  • M.A. in Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in Counseling: School Counseling
  • M.A. in Deaf Education
  • M.A. in Deaf Education Studies
  • M.A. in Deaf Studies: Cultural Studies
  • M.A. in Deaf Studies: Language and Human Rights
  • M.A. in Early Childhood Education and Deaf Education
  • M.A. in Early Intervention Studies
  • M.A. in Elementary Education and Deaf Education
  • M.A. in International Development
  • M.A. in Interpretation: Combined Interpreting Practice and Research
  • M.A. in Interpretation: Interpreting Research
  • M.A. in Linguistics
  • M.A. in Secondary Education and Deaf Education
  • M.A. in Sign Language Education
  • M.S. in Accessible Human-Centered Computing
  • M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
  • Master of Public Administration
  • Master of Social Work (MSW)
  • Au.D. in Audiology
  • Ed.D. in Transformational Leadership and Administration in Deaf Education
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners
  • Ph.D. in Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences
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  • American Sign Language and English Bilingual Early Childhood Deaf Education: Birth to 5 (online, post-bachelor’s)
  • Early Intervention Studies
  • Certificate in American Sign Language and English Bilingual Early Childhood Deaf Education: Birth to 5
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ENG-195 Special Topics [Topic to be Specificed]

Course overview.

Special topics in the discipline, designed primarily for freshmen. Students may enroll in 195 Special Topics multiple times, as long as the topics differ.

ENG 102 or equivalent and permission of the instructor.

Program: English

Credit: 1-1

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Credits 1-5

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Credits 1-3

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