clothes essay writing

How to Describe Clothing in Writing Without Boring Everybody

clothes essay writing

If you’re trying to learn how to describe clothing in writing, you’re probably like me:

You’ve only pretended to know what organza is. When you’re shopping for yourself, you know what you like but you don’t know how to describe it. And ninety-nine percent of the clothing descriptions in your first draft are just “jeans.” I get it. Clothing description is something I have to actively choose to create, too. It’s not an aspect of character design that bubbles up naturally from the depths of my creative soul. And as a reader, nothing bores me like an entire paragraph of detailed clothing description.

But I’ve also noticed that artful clothing description does make a character, a setting, and even a moment more engaging. It’s all in the craft.It’s good that you’re here to learn how to describe clothing in writing, because it’s a powerful tool. What your character wears reveals where they come from, how they rank in society, how they want to be perceived, and even how they feel about themselves.

These shallow details help us go pretty deep on character .

The good news is that attire is not only important, it’s also kind of fun when you start digging into it. You find that it’s about more than throwing out fashion terms and listing articles of clothing. It’s about building a life and a world, and that is something you can do.

Let’s talk about how to use clothing description as a storytelling tool, how to dress your character for their personality and setting, and how to make clothes interesting to anyone. Because it actually is possible.

Items of clothing laid out in an organized pattern: striped shirt, scarf, camera, watch, belt, phone, sunglasses, boots, and purse.

Why Clothing Description Matters

One very important aspect of describing attire well is understanding why you’re describing it in the first place.

What exactly are you trying to communicate about the character, setting, or situation?

The answer to this question gives you a ton of clarity. You suddenly know which details to include, which to leave out, and whether to call it a “blood-red cloak” or a “goji berry wrap.

”Let’s take a look at how clothing description indicates your character’s identity, goals, and culture.

Person wearing round sunglasses, white platform shoes, jeans, and a button-up shirt with a geometric pattern sits outside a cafe holding a bouquet of yellow flowers.

Clothes That Fit Your Character

Those of us who don’t get all jazzed about writing clothing descriptions often fail to consider that a good wardrobe has layers.

I don’t mean camisoles and cardigans. I mean what your character wears provides a clue to how they see themselves, how they want to be seen, and even how others see them.

Clothing description also presents an opportunity to play with different points of view . Maybe your character heads out on the town wearing a “daring leopard print jumpsuit,” only to have their best friend immediately ask where they got the “kitty costume.”

When you use clothing to define who your character is, remember that it can also clarify how they feel about themselves and how they fit into the world around them.

Here are some classic characteristics you can draw out through clothing description.

Conveniently, a lot of high status positions come with outfits or accessories that telegraph a person’s position in the hierarchy. This includes things like a pilot’s uniform, a tiara, or a Pink Ladies jacket.

But status can be communicated in more subtle ways, too. One of the first things I learned when I moved to L.A. is that writers do not dress “professionally” for big meetings in Hollywood. As a friend told me, “Wear jeans and glasses and have a favorite pen. Otherwise they won’t take you seriously as an artist.”

What are the rules of your character’s world? What’s the respected “uniform,” and does your character wear it?

It’s fun to play with power in clothing, because it's a relative concept.

One character might demonstrate their power by showing up to prom in a designer gown. Another might claim power by striding in wearing torn jeans and a tank top.

‍ Both can lose clout simply by the way their peers respond to their wardrobe choices.

Play with the question of presentation and power! It’s a good time.

A band t-shirt. A velvet scrunchie. A pair of starched Wranglers. A vintage polka dot dress with a sweetheart neckline.

I’d be willing to bet each of these items immediately brought to mind a semi-clear character. If you stopped to think about it, you may even notice yourself imagining things as specific as age, hobbies, and ambitions.

It really doesn’t take much. We naturally link clothing and identity, which is why wardrobe is such an effective tool for building a vivid character .

This one is simple, right? Give your wealthy character a pair of Louboutins and dress your non-wealthy characters in hand-me-downs.

That works. But it can also be fun to play with the confidence and ease that comes with wealth.

Your trust fund character might be completely confident showing up to a party in board shorts and flip-flops. Meanwhile, the character who works two jobs while going to school full-time might scour the Goodwill rack for a designer tag to help them fit in at the same party.

If I’m wearing lipstick with no plans of going out, one of two things is happening:

I’m in a great mood or I’m feeling like I have zero control over my life and failure is inevitable.

What your character wears can tell us a lot about how they feel or how they want to feel. A self-conscious kid tries to disappear inside their oversized sweatshirt. An anxious college student buys a flower crown in the hopes of feeling young and free at Coachella.

Clothes can betray our greatest joys and our deepest insecurities. So have fun with that.

Clothes That Fit Your Character’s Goals

As I write this, I am wearing jeans that are too big, a gray t-shirt I inherited from a former roommate, and a pilled hoodie from a lighting vendor that works with my friend’s husband’s company.

Given that I am writing alone in my apartment, you might rightfully conclude that my goal is to be comfortable.

But put me in a job interview wearing the same outfit, and you’d probably start making new guesses about my intentions. Am I trying to blow the interview? Impress someone with my indifference? Slog through another meaningless day in a world where nothing matters?

Or is comfort just that important to me?

Clothing tells your reader a lot about your character’s goals and motivations within a given scenario.

Which of these clothing types is your character most likely to reach for when starting their day?

Sturdy Clothes

This includes items like steel-toed boots, heavy denim, or tech-forward, snag-resistant superhero spandex.

If sturdy is a top consideration, your character might be expecting trouble or adventure. Maybe a bit of both. They’re probably less concerned with how they look (unless they want to look intimidating) and more concerned with things like survival or victory.

Attractive Clothes

Is your character trying to attract positive attention? Then this is their category.

Maybe they’re hoping to impress the cool kids or please their parents. Maybe their goal is to entice a mate. Or it could be that they want to be charmed by their own image when they look in the mirror. Either way, their goal is to be desirable, whatever “desirable” means in this situation.

Details about fit, cut, and material go a long way when describing the clothing of a character who longs to attract. Non-visual senses are big, too. Think touchable fabrics and the light scent of lavender soap.

Comfortable Clothes

Maybe your character is snuggled up in their fleece pajamas while the blizzard rages outside. Or they could be frantically running errands in leggings and a t-shirt.

Whether it’s a matter of indulgence or survival, feeling good is a deeply relatable goal. Help your readers feel the relaxed, organic cotton or the memory foam slipper, and they’ll feel your character’s priorities deep in their own souls.

Stealthy Clothes

This is a fun one. Does your character need to hide? Sneak around? Blend in?

Stealthy clothes bring to mind burglars clad in black outfits and soft-soled sneakers. But the definition of “sneaky” depends on your character’s situation.

Do they need a ghillie suit to blend into the natural environment? Or are you writing a spy character who dons Lululemon to infiltrate an upscale yoga studio?

Protective Clothes

Is your central conflict a life-or-death situation? Odds are, you’ve got a character who dresses to stay alive. Think armor, bulletproof vests, and bandoliers.

Your character might also have a job or hobby that requires protective clothing. Whether it’s a beekeeping suit, climbing helmet, knee pads, or sun-protective fabric, what your character wears provides a clue about what’s at stake in the coming scene.

Two Mongolian falconers dressed in fur, hats, and colorful pants ride on horseback with their falcons.

Clothes That Fit Your Character’s World

The first time I joined my family for our biannual Minnesota fishing trip after moving to L.A. from the Midwest, I found myself constantly losing my aunt and mother.

Every time we got separated in a public space, I discovered myself in a sea of mature women with the same haircut and pastel tops. I never thought of there being a uniform for Midwestern ladyness. It took leaving the Midwest to recognize it.

But that’s the case wherever you go. Our wardrobes are influenced by our age, geography, culture, hobbies, and a million other aspects of our worlds.

Even the non-conformists are influenced by societal norms. The surrounding culture dictates what they can’t wear if they want to be seen as free-thinking individuals. (Huh.)

All this to say: there is substantial storytelling power in a coral “Life is Good” t-shirt.

Here’s how to describe clothing in writing to show your readers the world to which your character belongs…

…or the world they’re desperately resisting.

Clothing is one of the easiest and most immediate ways to establish an historical setting. If your protagonist is donning a tri-cornered hat, loosening a corset, or strutting through town in a new toga, your reader has a good sense of time period.

Or at least they know what century they’re in.

Now, if you write historical fiction, it’s important to research the clothing of your chosen era. More on that in a bit.

Clothing reflects the resources available in a specific time and place. When describing clothing in writing, consider:

  • The time period of your story. (Has denim been invented yet?)
  • The geographical location of your story. (Would people living in this area have access to leather goods?)
  • Your character and community’s financial resources. (Where do they buy their clothes? How long do they need their clothes to last?)

You can also use this aspect of clothing description to paint a vivid picture of the world you imagined. Would the fashion designers in your fantasy novel make use of dragon scales? Are the characters of your dystopian novel forced to make do with burlap and mud?

Where does your story take place?

The answer can guide you towards certain fashion trends to inspire your character’s wardrobe. The geographical setting might suggest that your characters are expected to abide by strict rules for modesty or are celebrated for being wild and free.

And of course, location provides a clue for what it takes to be comfortable in the world of your story. If your character comes home and immediately sheds three layers of down and fleece, I’m going to assume they’re not in San Antonio, Texas.

Do your characters care deeply about looking respectable, or are they more afraid of putting on airs? What matters more to them: fashion or function? Do they strive to be humble before their god or do they want to spend this one and only life as their bold, ostentatious selves?

What is the prevailing value in the society of your story? Do all your characters embrace it? Who's your rebel, and how does their clothing reflect their defiant spirit?

clothes essay writing

How to Describe Clothing in Writing Without Dragging Down the Story

Hopefully, you now have more wardrobe ideas for your characters than just “red shirt, blue pants.” But what about the process of actually sharing these details in your novel ?

Let’s talk about how to describe clothing in writing organically . Like all forms of exposition, your goal is to deliver this information without pulling the reader out of the story. We’re trying to avoid, “Isabell gazed out the window, and by the way, she was wearing a white terry cloth robe.”

Here’s how it’s done.

Focus on Building the Scene and Character

First and foremost, remember that clothing description is still storytelling. You’re not infodumping. You’re working essential details into the narrative at the moment when they are most relevant.

It’s okay if Todd’s checks his designer watch three pages after you mention his silk tie. The reader does not need the full outfit in one go.

Also bear in mind that not all clothing descriptions have to be presented as “She put on x” or “He was wearing y.” You can draw your reader’s attention to an item of clothing by having your character draw on their jeans or fiddle with their collar.

Characters can also comment on or react to one another’s clothing, as long as the exchange reveals something about the world or relationship.

Don’t Show Everything

Our imaginations can do a surprising amount with just a few key details. If you tell your readers about Nanette’s light pink cardigan and string of pearls, you don’t have to say much about the shoes and skirt and silk blouse. They’ll see it automatically.

Select the most striking details and move on.

Use the Senses

One reason clothing descriptions can start to feel like a tedious laundry list (see what I did there?) is because we get stuck on what things look like. But there is so much more to the experience of clothing than that.

Tell us how the wool of your protagonist’s sheath dress scratches the skin on the underside of her arm. Mention the familiar swooshing of the neighbor’s tracksuit as he runs by the house every morning or how the aunt’s jacket always smells like cold air and pine needles.

Fabric, Fit, Quality, Color

If you’re good at talking clothes, you can sit this one out. But for writers like me who get stuck in the “white socks, green dress” rut, here’s a quick reminder:

Details about fabric, fit, quality, and color are super effective when it comes to creating a sense of character, place, or moment.

Baggy jeans. A scarlet pantsuit. A four-layer, bubble-gum pink taffeta skirt. The only cloak in the world made with silk spun by the cat-sized spiders that live in the forbidden mountains.

These images all go a lot further than “white socks, green dress,” and most of them don’t require a lot of extra words.

Make It Significant

Consider whether your character’s attire might serve as a symbol, highlight a theme, or represent a conflict .

Maybe they’re wearing an article of clothing that once belonged to someone they’ve lost. Or they’ll be living off soda crackers and peanut butter for the next week because they drained their checking account for a suit to impress at their job interview.

What would “high stakes clothing” look like in your story?

Let the Clothing Tell a Story

Really, the topic of this article is not how to describe clothing in writing as much as it is how to tell a story with clothes. Because like all other character details, it’s not enough to paint a picture. The image you create has to play a role in the narrative.Consider the character arc . Who is your character at the beginning of the story, and how can you dress them to establish their “normal”? How do they change, and how does their clothing reflect that change?

Be specific and accurate. In other words, research.

If you write historical fiction, you’re probably way ahead of me. You’re already obsessing over hat styles and what the undergarment situation was at the time of your story. Not to pile on, but don’t forget to make sure you know which materials were—and weren’t—available in the world of your novel.

And if you don’t write historical fiction? You’re still not off the hook. Make sure you know what’s hot and what’s not in your specific setting, as well as what specific words the locals would use. Are they overalls or coveralls? Sweaters or jumpers?

Get it right, and you transport your readers to a vivid world.

A screenshot of Dabble's Character Notes feature with a photograph of a man and a clothing description.

Dabble with Depth

If there is one thing I hope you take from all of this, it’s that none of this is about describing what a character looks like. Not really.

Sure, it helps your reader to know how you picture a character. It makes for a more entertaining read. But your reader is going to picture something whether you guide them or not. The reason we fuss over physical descriptions is not because it’s so important that the reader’s imagination gets it right.

It’s because concrete details are incredibly effective in communicating abstract concepts. In writing, the clothes kind of do make the (hu)man. Fashion photographer Bill Cunningham said, “Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.” Try applying this philosophy to clothing descriptions in your writing and see what happens.

What does your character wear to feel safer in their world or in their own skin? How does their attire reflect what they want, what they fear, or where they’re going?

These are deep questions. And if you need a place to organize your complex responses, I recommend Dabble’s Character Notes feature. You can keep track of your character’s signature style, upload photos, note how their style evolves, and keep these ideas right at your fingertips as you write.

Not a Dabble user? No problem! You can try all Dabble’s premium features for free for fourteen days. Just click this link and don’t even think about touching your wallet. You don’t need it to sign up.

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


clothes essay writing


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How to Describe a Dress in Writing (100+ Examples and Tips)

Describing a dress is one of those things that sounds simple until you go to do it in a story.

Here is how to describe a dress in writing:

Describe a dress in writing by focusing on silhouette, fabric texture, color, embellishments, symbolism, and emotional impact. Also, talk about the setting, bringing the garment to life with vivid, sensory details. Choose the type of dress to match the mood and occasion.

Explore how to vividly portray dresses in writing, using sensory details and creativity to bring fabrics and styles to life for your readers.

Understanding the Basics of Dress Description

Simple color sketches of different dresses - How to Describe a Dress in Writing

Table of Contents

Describing a dress in writing is an art form that blends observation, vocabulary, and creativity.

To master this skill, it’s essential to understand the basics of dress description, which can significantly enhance the reader’s experience and bring your writing to life.

Observation is Key : Begin by closely observing the dress. Notice its silhouette, length, fabric, and color. Is it a long, flowing evening gown or a short, playful sundress? Each detail contributes to creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind.

Vocabulary Matters : Having a robust vocabulary is crucial. Words like ‘chiffon’, ‘A-line’, ’embroidered’, or ‘pleated’ precisely describe different aspects of a dress. These specific terms provide clarity and avoid vagueness, making your description more engaging and informative.

Fabric and Texture : The fabric of a dress can tell a story. Is it soft silk, luxurious velvet, or crisp cotton? Describing the texture adds a sensory dimension to your writing, allowing readers to ‘feel’ the dress as they read.

Color and Patterns : Colors and patterns play a vital role in dress description. They can evoke emotions and set a mood. Is the dress a vibrant red or a soothing pastel? Are there any striking patterns, like floral or geometric, that catch the eye?

The Dress in Action : How does the dress move? Describing the movement of a dress can bring dynamism to your writing. A dress might ‘swirl’, ‘flutter’, or ‘hug’ the body, each verb offering a different visual and emotional effect.

Describing for Context : The setting in which the dress is worn can influence how you describe it. A dress at a ball might be described differently from one worn at a beach. Consider the surroundings and the occasion, as they can provide additional layers to your description.

Emotion and Symbolism : Dresses can symbolize different things in different contexts. A wedding dress, for instance, represents joy and new beginnings. Incorporating these emotional and symbolic elements can add depth to your writing.

Practice with Purpose : Like any other skill, practice is vital. Experiment with describing dresses you see in magazines, movies, or around you. Challenge yourself to capture their essence in words, refining your skill with each attempt.

Types of Dresses

The fashion world offers an astonishing variety of dresses, each with its own unique style and character. Understanding these types can add richness and accuracy to your descriptions, whether you’re writing a novel, a fashion article, or a product description.

  • The Classic A-Line Dress : A quintessential piece in women’s wardrobe, the A-line dress is designed to be snug at the hips and then gently flares out towards the hem, resembling the shape of the letter “A”. Ideal for a casual day out or a semi-formal event, its universally flattering shape makes it a favorite among all body types.
  • The Elegant Maxi Dress : Maxi dresses are known for their floor-length style. They range from comfortable, casual designs perfect for a beach day, to more sophisticated versions suited for evening events. The versatility of maxi dresses lies in their ability to be both relaxed and elegant.
  • The Chic Cocktail Dress : A cocktail dress is typically a knee-length party dress. From the classic little black dress to more daring designs, these dresses are perfect for a formal gathering or a night out. They often feature interesting details like sequins, lace, or unique necklines.
  • The Sophisticated Sheath Dress : Sheath dresses offer a straight cut and are usually nipped at the waist, without a visible seam. They are perfect for formal business events or dinners, offering a sleek and elegant silhouette.
  • The Playful Sundress : Sundresses are light, breezy, and perfect for warm weather. Characterized by their loose fit, they are often made from light fabrics like cotton and feature bright colors or floral patterns.
  • The Regal Ball Gown : Ball gowns are the most formal dress type, often reserved for black-tie events. They feature a fitted bodice and a full skirt, sometimes made of luxurious fabrics like silk, taffeta, or velvet.
  • The Bold Mini Dress : Mini dresses, with their hemlines well above the knees, are a choice for those looking to make a fashion statement. They range from simple designs to elaborate pieces adorned with embellishments.
  • The Versatile Wrap Dress : Wrap dresses are known for their front closure by wrapping one side of the dress across the other and

How to Describe a Wedding Dress in Writing

Describing a wedding dress in writing requires a blend of detail, emotion, and symbolism to capture its significance and beauty.

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Start with the Silhouette : Describe the overall shape of the dress. Is it a classic A-line, a regal ball gown, or a sleek sheath? For example, “The dress cascaded down in a classic A-line silhouette, its skirt flowing like a gentle wave.”
  • Detail the Fabric and Texture : Wedding dresses come in various fabrics, each adding its character. Describe whether it’s silky satin, intricate lace, or delicate tulle. For instance, “The gown was crafted from the finest lace, its patterns weaving a story of elegance and grace.”
  • Color and Embellishments : Most wedding dresses are white, but there are many shades and details. Mention if it’s a pure white, ivory, or has a hint of color. Note any embellishments like pearls, crystals, or embroidery. “Pearls adorned the bodice, shimmering softly against the ivory fabric.”
  • Incorporate Symbolism : Wedding dresses are rich in symbolism. Reflect on what the dress might represent, such as purity, joy, or the start of a new journey. “The dress, pristine and elegant, symbolized a new beginning in her life.”
  • Convey the Emotional Impact : Describe how the dress makes the bride or the onlookers feel. Is there a sense of awe, a surge of happiness, or a touch of nostalgia? “As she walked down the aisle, the dress radiated a joy that touched every heart in the room.”
  • Consider the Setting : The setting can influence how the dress is perceived. Describe how the dress fits into the venue or the overall theme of the wedding. “Against the backdrop of the sunlit garden, the dress glowed with an ethereal light.”
  • Movement and Flow : Focus on how the dress moves with the wearer. Is it flowing and ethereal, or does it hold its shape? You might say, “As she twirled, the skirt of her dress danced in the air, each movement accentuating the fluid grace of the fabric.”
  • Historical or Cultural References : If the dress has elements inspired by historical or cultural fashions, include these details. For example, “The dress, with its Victorian-style high collar and intricate bustle, whispered tales of a bygone era.”
  • Sensory Descriptions : Engage the senses beyond sight. Describe the sound of the fabric, the feel of it against the skin, or even the scent. “The soft rustle of silk whispered with each step, and the smooth fabric caressed her skin like a gentle breeze.”
  • Comparison to Nature or Art : Draw parallels between the dress and elements of nature or pieces of art. This can create a vivid, poetic image. “The dress, blooming with hand-stitched flowers, resembled a walking garden, each petal a masterpiece of textile art.”
  • Personal Connection or History : Mention if the dress has a personal story, like being passed down through generations or specially made by a loved one. “This dress, lovingly hand-sewn by her grandmother, was not just fabric and thread but a tapestry of her family’s love and history.”

The Role of Sensory Details in Dress Descriptions

Sensory language engages the five senses, helping the reader visualize and almost feel the dress through words.

Visual Details : Start by painting a picture of the dress. Describe its color, shape, and pattern. Use vivid imagery to show how light reflects off the fabric or how the color changes in different lights. For example, “The dress shimmered in the moonlight, its sapphire blue hue turning to a deep sea-green.”

Tactile Sensations : Conveying how a dress feels to the touch can be powerful. Words like ‘smooth’, ‘textured’, ‘airy’, or ‘heavy’ give an idea of the fabric’s feel. For instance, “The silk dress felt like a cool whisper against her skin, light and delicate.”

Movement and Sound : Describing the sound and movement of a dress adds a dynamic quality. Phrases like ‘rustling of the taffeta skirt’ or ‘the soft swish of chiffon’ create a sense of motion and sound, making the description more lifelike.

Emotional Resonance : Often, dresses evoke emotions. Reflecting on how a dress makes the wearer or observer feel can add depth. For example, “Wearing the vintage lace dress, she felt a nostalgic connection to a bygone era of elegance and grace.”

Smell and Memory : Although less common, incorporating smell can evoke memories and associations. A phrase like, “The scent of lavender lingered on her cotton dress, reminiscent of sunny days in the countryside,” can transport the reader.

Balancing Detail and Brevity in Dress Descriptions

Effective dress descriptions strike a balance between detail and brevity.

While details are essential for painting a vivid picture, being too verbose can overwhelm the reader. Here are some techniques to achieve this balance:

  • Focus on Key Features : Identify the most striking features of the dress and describe those. Is it the cut, the color, the pattern, or the fabric that stands out? For example, “The red velvet dress, with its deep hue and soft texture, commanded attention.”
  • Use Active Verbs : Active verbs bring energy and clarity to your descriptions. Instead of saying ‘The dress was adorned with sequins’, try ‘Sequins glittered across the dress’.
  • Employ Similes and Metaphors : These can convey a lot with a little. For instance, ‘The dress flowed like a river of silk’ vividly describes the fabric and movement without excessive detail.
  • Be Specific : Specificity can be more impactful than lengthy descriptions. Saying ‘The cerulean blue dress’ is more evocative than ‘The very bright blue dress’.
  • Edit Ruthlessly : After writing your description, review it and remove any redundant or unnecessary words. This sharpens the focus on the important details.

Incorporating Context and Emotion in Dress Descriptions

The context in which a dress is worn and the emotions it evokes are crucial elements of effective dress description.

They add layers of meaning and depth to your writing.

  • Setting and Occasion : The context of where and when a dress is worn can shape its description. A gown at a grand ball might be described differently than one worn at a casual garden party. For instance, “Under the chandeliers, her gown glittered with a sophistication that echoed the grandeur of the ballroom.”
  • Emotional Impact : Consider the emotions the dress is intended to evoke. Is it meant to inspire awe, convey simplicity, or evoke nostalgia? For example, “The vintage lace dress, with its delicate patterns, whispered tales of old-world charm and elegance.”
  • Character and Dress : How a dress complements or contrasts with a character can add to the narrative. Describing a bold character in a vibrant, flamboyant dress or a reserved character in a simple, understated outfit can enhance characterization.
  • Symbolism : Dresses can serve as symbols in your story. A white wedding dress might symbolize purity and new beginnings, while a black dress at a funeral might represent mourning and respect.
  • Sensory Interaction with the Environment : How a dress interacts with its surroundings can be a powerful descriptive tool. For example, “As she walked through the autumn leaves, her earth-toned dress seemed to harmonize with the season’s palette.”

How to Describe a Beautiful Dress?

Describing a beautiful dress in writing involves painting a vivid picture that captures not only the physical appearance of the dress but also the emotions and impressions it evokes.

Start by focusing on the silhouette of the dress, identifying whether it’s flowy, structured, or form-fitting.

Next, delve into the details of the fabric – is it silky, textured, or adorned with patterns?

Color plays a crucial role too; describe the hues and any gradients or patterns present.

Don’t forget to mention the embellishments – be it lace, beads, or sequins. The way the dress moves and interacts with light adds a dynamic element to your description.

Finally, convey the emotional response the dress elicits – does it inspire awe, convey elegance, or radiate joy?

  • Focus on silhouette and structure.
  • Detail the fabric and textures.
  • Describe the color and patterns.
  • Highlight embellishments and details.
  • Capture the movement and interplay with light.
  • Convey the emotional impact and aura of the dress.

How to Describe a Wedding Dress?

Describing a wedding dress in writing is about encapsulating the essence of both the garment and the occasion.

Begin by portraying the overall style of the dress – is it traditional, modern, or perhaps vintage-inspired?

This sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the dress’s features.

Explore the specifics of the fabric, noting its quality, texture, and flow. Wedding dresses often feature intricate details, so describe these meticulously – from lace patterns to beadwork, every element matters.

The color of the dress, often shades of white, ivory, or even pastels, contributes significantly to its character.

Discuss how the dress complements the bride’s figure and personality, as well as the setting of the wedding.

The emotional resonance of the dress is paramount; it’s not just an outfit but a symbol of love, commitment, and dreams.

Describe how the dress makes the bride feel – perhaps empowered, radiant, or deeply connected to tradition.

50 Best Words to Describe a Dress

These words should be evocative and descriptive, helping the reader to visualize the dress vividly.

Here are some of the best words to describe a dress:

  • Sophisticated
  • Contemporary
  • Handcrafted
  • Breathtaking
  • Minimalistic
  • Captivating

50 Best Phrases to Describe a Dress

These phrases should paint a picture and evoke emotions, creating a more engaging and immersive experience for the reader.

  • A symphony of silk and satin.
  • Floating effortlessly like a summer breeze.
  • A canvas of intricate lace and delicate beads.
  • Draped in the elegance of timeless grace.
  • A cascade of shimmering sequins.
  • Whispers of tulle twirling in the moonlight.
  • Sculpted with the artistry of a master tailor.
  • Glowing softly in the twilight of the evening.
  • A tapestry woven from dreams and fabric.
  • Embracing every curve with whispered elegance.
  • Dancing to the rhythm of subtle sophistication.
  • A reflection of celestial beauty.
  • Tailored to tell a tale of style.
  • A gown that sings an ode to femininity.
  • Adorned with the sparkle of a thousand stars.
  • A poetic blend of color and texture.
  • Flowing like a melody in the breeze.
  • As captivating as a secret garden.
  • A portrait of poise painted in fabric.
  • Whispering tales of old-world charm.
  • A vision of sophistication wrapped in luxury.
  • Echoing the dance of autumn leaves.
  • A masterpiece of couture craftsmanship.
  • Bathed in the glow of soft elegance.
  • Weaving a spell of enchanting allure.
  • As serene as a moonlit night.
  • A celebration of classic beauty and modern flair.
  • A symphony of style and grace.
  • Exuding an aura of mysterious allure.
  • Like a dream spun from threads of fantasy.
  • Radiating the warmth of a thousand sunsets.
  • A beacon of elegance in a sea of style.
  • An exquisite fusion of tradition and trend.
  • A garment that speaks volumes of chic sophistication.
  • As refreshing as the first breath of spring.
  • A garment stitched with the threads of perfection.
  • Fluttering like a delicate butterfly’s wings.
  • A seamless blend of charm and charisma.
  • A dress that captures the essence of the night sky.
  • Echoing the splendor of a renaissance painting.
  • As timeless as a cherished memory.
  • A tapestry of style woven with elegance.
  • A dress that mirrors the serenity of nature.
  • A gown that flutters with the whispers of romance.
  • A melody of textures and hues.
  • A garment that resonates with majestic grace.
  • A dress that embodies the spirit of the season.
  • A creation that bridges dreams and reality.
  • An expression of artistic fashion and finesse.
  • A dress that turns every head with its captivating charm.

3 Full Examples of Describing Dresses in Different Genres

The genre of writing influences how a dress is described, whether it’s in a romantic novel, a historical piece, or a fantasy story.

Here are three examples showcasing this variance:

  • Romance Novel : She stepped into the moonlit garden, her chiffon dress fluttering like a gentle breeze. The soft blush pink of the fabric complemented the roses that surrounded her, and the delicate lace at the hem danced around her ankles. In that moment, she was the embodiment of love’s tender bloom.
  • Historical Fiction : The ballroom was a whirl of color and motion, but her gown stood out – a rich emerald green that spoke of deep forests and hidden glades. The heavy brocade was embroidered with gold thread, each stitch a testament to the opulence of the era. It was a dress fit for a queen, commanding attention and respect.
  • Fantasy Adventure : In the realm of shadows, her dress was more armor than attire. Made of midnight blue velvet, it was adorned with silver runes that shimmered in the faint light. The dress was not only beautiful but also a source of power, each rune holding a spell for protection and strength.

Before you go, check out this video that will help you learn how to describe a dress in writing:

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Dress in Writing

Who said you can’t tailor words? Let’s measure, cut, and sew a description that fits your dress like a glove.

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clothes essay writing

How to describe clothing in a story (with examples)

The clothes a person wears tells us many things: their status in life, for example, or their cultural affiliation or identity. They can tell us what era they live in, and even a person’s current state of mind or intent. Understanding how to describe clothing in a story well will help you create fuller, richer character portraits.

  • Post author By Jordan
  • 20 Comments on How to describe clothing in a story (with examples)

How to describe clothing in a story

The clothes a person wears tells us many things: their status in life, for example, or their cultural affiliation or identity. They can tell us what era they live in, and even a person’s current state of mind or intent. Understanding how to describe clothing in a story well will help you create fuller, richer character portraits.

How to describe clothing: 6 simple tips

  • Use clothing to show status and position
  • Build (or thwart) expectations using clothing descriptions
  • Describe clothing to contrast character personalities
  • Show clothing to avoid over-relying on telling
  • Change clothing to highlight character development
  • Use clothing details to create authentic setting

Let’s delve further into these ideas about describing characters’ dress:

1: Use clothing to show status and position

Think of your characters’ clothing like an actor’s costume in a play.

Costume is a large part of a character. As soon as the actor enters stage right or left, we have an inkling of whether they’re a wealthy landowner or peasant, an elegant heiress or humble flower-seller.

In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), we learn of a doctor’s status through his being the only person at an event who is not smartly dressed:

Although it was not customary for invitations to request special attire, least of all for a luncheon in the country, the women wore evening gowns and precious jewels and most of the men were dressed in dinner jackets with black ties, and some even wore frock coats. Only the most sophisticated, Dr. Urbino among them, wore their ordinary clothes. Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Lo ve in the Time of Cholera (1985), p. 35.

What the description shows is that many of the invitees  play at status through fancy dress. Yet Dr. Urbino’s status as a respected doctor is earned – he has nothing to prove by dressing smarter. Thus his plain dress is, ironically, indicative of higher status.

Like Marquez, compare and contrast character’s clothes to reveal important details about their social status or position. You can weave clothing description into your process when using our story planner for writers.

Tom Wolfe on clothing and character background

2: Build (or thwart) expectations using clothing descriptions

You can quickly convey a number of things about your characters based on the clothing they wear. You can also fulfil (or contradict) impressions your characters (or readers) form based on appearances. Tweet This

For example, think about a wealthy person and how that person might dress.

You may have imagined a man in an expensive suit or a woman in designer clothes. You can immediately show a character is wealthy with descriptions of fine clothing. However, you can tell your reader interesting things through a mismatch:

A wealthy character might show off their expensive clothing. But they could also dress in modest, inexpensive-looking clothes.

What would you think about a wealthy character who looked as though he shopped at thrift stores? Or one who was forever wearing poorly-fitted clothing that appeared to be handed down from friends?

These detail could suggest that your character is miserly or down-to-earth despite their wealth. Dr. Urbino in Marquez’s example above fits the latter category.

Let’s have a look at this description in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: ‘Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold-colored tie, hurried in.’ 

Gatsby’s extravagant and meticulously chosen attire reflects his wealth and the opulence of the Jazz Age. The details about his clothing contribute to the overall image of him as a mysterious and wealthy figure, obsessed with appearances and the trappings of success.

Think of other interesting combinations: A teacher who dresses provocatively; a beggar with an innate sense of style. What backstory or character motivations could combinations of appearance and reality suggest?

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3: Describe clothing to contrast characters’ personalities

A few small details of clothing may distinguish your characters from each other, highlighting their personalities.

The Victorian author Charles Dickens is widely regarded as a master of characterization, for good reason. His writing offers a masterclass in how to describe clothing in stories.

Consider this example from Hard Times . See how Dickens contrasts the fact-obsessed, overbearing teacher Thomas Gradgrind and his wife’s personalities through (among other details) their clothing description.

In this scene, Gradgrind returns home to find his children playing outside:

A space of stunted grass and dry rubbish being between him and the young rabble, he took his eyeglass out of his waistcoat to look for any child he knew by name, and might order off. Charles Dickens, Hard Time (1853), p. 15.

The bully Gradgrind is the type who’d wear a waistcoat concealing an eyeglass for catching people out.

Compare this, then, to Dickens’ description of Gradgrind’s wife in the following chapter (Gradgrind’s wealthy but poverty-claiming friend has just told Mrs. Gradgrind he was born in a ditch):

Mrs. Gradgrind, a little, thin, white, pink-eyed bundle of shawls, of surpassing feebleness, mental and bodily; who was always taking physic without any effect, and who, whenever she showed a symptom of coming to life, was invariably stunned by some weighty piece of fact tumbling on her; Mrs. Gradgrind hoped it was a dry ditch? Dickens, p. 19

In one single piece of clothing description (‘a pink-eyed bundle of shawls’), Dickens conveys how timid and ailing Mrs. Gradgrind is in contrast to her bullish, overbearing husband.

Similarly, in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, we read:

Armansky’s star researcher was a pale, anorexic young woman who had hair as short as a fuse, and a pierced nose and eyebrows. She had a wasp tattoo about an inch long on her neck, a tattooed loop around the biceps of her left arm and another around her left ankle. On those occasions when she had been wearing a tank top, Armansky also saw that she had a dragon tattoo on her left shoulder blade. She was a natural redhead, but she dyed her hair raven black. She looked as though she had just emerged from a week-long orgy with a gang of hard rockers.

Salander’s tattoos, including her iconic dragon tattoo, the dyed hair and the fact that she looks like she’s been with a gang of hard rockers show us her rebellious and unconventional character.

Similarly, show how different characters’ personalities are through apt clothing description.

[Find more articles on character description in our complete guide to character creation.]

4: Show clothing to avoid over-relying on telling

Clothing description in a story is useful because it often gives additional information about a character that you might otherwise tell.

For example, if a character is going on a date, you could write:

Gem wanted to look sexy for her date downtown (but not easy), so she changed into more comfortable clothes.

However, you can show and imply a character’s intention without spelling it out:

They’d agreed to meet downtown at six. At a quarter to six, Gem pulled off the low-cut top Emma had wolf-whistled and clapped at when they’d met for their usual weekend catch-up. ‘Make them earn any sight of skin,’ Aunt P always said. Jeans and a tee it was.

Why this arguably works better is the details of getting dressed tell us multiple details about Gem.

The last minute change suggests an indecisive nature. We see the contrast between the character’s friend’s reaction and the advisory words of Gem’s aunt. The fact Gem goes with jeans and a tee could suggest that she trusts her aunt’s advice. Or else that she feels shamed by her Aunt and thus decides to ‘be good’.

There is simply more characterization, not only of Gem but the other characters, too.

Meanwhile, in The Devil Wears Prada, the first chapter immediately shows us that the first-person narrator, Andrea, pays close attention to fashion. We learn more as the novel continues. Here’s the excerpt:

I had a few seconds … to pull off my Manolos and toss them into the passenger seat. There was nowhere to wipe my sweaty hands except for the suede Gucci pants that hugged my thighs and hips so tightly they’d both begun to tingle within minutes of my securing the final button. My fingers left wet streaks across the supple suede that swathed the tops of my now numb thighs

How to describe characters clothing infographic | Now Novel

5: Change characters’ clothing to highlight character development

Changes in characters’ clothing can help reveal character development. Character description may change over the course of a story to emphasize a character’s arc.

In Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment , the poor, Tuberculosis-stricken Katerina Ivanovna’s husband is trampled to death by a horse-drawn cart.

The novel’s protagonist Rodion gives Katerina the last of his money to host a funeral. Dostoyevsky describes how Katerina’s landlady, Amalia Ivanovna, dresses for the funeral:

…the table was properly laid at the time and fixed, and Amalia Ivanovna, feeling she had done her work well, had put on a black silk dress and a cap with new mourning ribbons and met the returning party with some pride. This pride, though justifiable, displeased Katerina Ivanovna for some reason. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment (1866), p. 340.

Katerina is affronted by Amalia’s fine dress because it is ‘new’ and shows ‘pride’. Impoverished with children to care for, she uses her last money to give her husband a dignified funeral.

Amalia’s dress thus comes across as insensitive to her; malicious even. The landlady’s dress highlights, by contrast, the downward spiral of Katerina’s fortunes, and she responds to the landlady’s prideful clothing with her own wounded pride:

Look at her, she’s making round eyes, she feels that we are talking about her and can’t understand. Pfoo, the owl! Ha-ha! (Cough-cough-cough.) And what does she put that cap on for? … Look how she sits with her mouth open! An owl, a real owl! An owl in new ribbons, ha-ha-ha! Dostoyevsky, p. 343.

Embarrassed by her own inability to dress in finery for the occasion (and by being upstaged), Katerina resorts to scathing mockery of Amalia.

Like Dostoyevsky, think how something as small as a character’s change of clothing can affect their own or others’ behaviour.

David Foster Wallace on his clothing and persona

6: Use clothing details to recreate authentic setting

Another important function of clothing description in stories is to create an authentic sense of time and place . Particularly in genres such as historical fiction and fantasy, clothing can help to create other worlds (or a long gone era of our own).

Here, for example, Hilary Mantel describes a Cardinal’s residence being plundered by the King’s men in 1529 England, in her historical novel Wolf Hall . Mantel describes the cardinal’s vestments:

They bring out the cardinal’s vestments, his copes. Stiff with embroidery, strewn with pearls, encrusted with gemstones, they seem to stand by themselves. Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall (2009), p. 49.

Mantel creates a vivid sense of the wealth that the church amassed in these times. The fact the clothes ‘seem to stand by themselves’ indicates just how heavy they are with jewels and embroidery.

The details create an authentic sense of a prominent cardinal’s dress in the 1500s.

Elsewhere, Mantel’s novel is full of descriptions of garments for specific, era-appropriate purposes: Riding cloaks, town coats, and other clothing people of means would have worn at this time.

The same set of details are present in Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth in the following extract: 

Tom lifted her easily, and set her down gently on his cloak. He knelt beside her. The wool tunic she was wearing underneath her own cloak had buttons all the way down the front.

By using the words ‘cloak’ and ‘wool tunic’ we are immediately catapulted into the 12th century world of this novel in this description of clothes. 

Similarly, find out (or, if you’re creating a fantasy world, create) the garments your characters would wear in a particular time and place. Use fashion and clothing history archives if necessary. Describe these in passing to add visual colour and authenticity to your character descriptions.

Ready to sketch vivid characters for your novel? Use the ‘Character’ section of the Idea Finder to develop quick story ideas and flesh out your story’s cast.

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  • Tags character description , writing about clothing , writing about social position

clothes essay writing

Jordan is a writer, editor, community manager and product developer. He received his BA Honours in English Literature and his undergraduate in English Literature and Music from the University of Cape Town.

20 replies on “How to describe clothing in a story (with examples)”

I used to be under the mindset that describing attire was boring and it was better to let the reader fill in those details… but especially with the novel I’m working on now, I have used clothing to portray more about their character. So this really reaffirmed that approach for me. You really can tell a lot about a person by what they wear, or what they don’t wear.

True, it all depends on your purpose. Subtle clothing changes can signal character development quite effectively in some scenarios.

This article was very helpful…can you post some examples of showing versus telling when describing clothing? Thanks I will be following your blog from now one I just came across it today.

Thanks Liv, I’m glad you found this helpful. As for showing with clothing rather than telling, a writer could say, ‘He was lazy and inattentive to his appearance’ about a character, or they could say ‘his clothes always looked like he’d just pulled them out of a pile in some corner of his bedroom and had thrown them on without a glance in the mirror’. You can use visual description to make a character more vivid in the reader’s mind’s eye.

I love the way clothes can describe a character. I saw Jesus Christ Superstar a long time ago and ‘Jesus’ was in a sharp black suit. Which was, indeed, a little weird straight off! But as the show moved forward the suit got more ragged – the jacket was open, then gone, the shirt cuffs undone, half the buttons undone and I think by the end when he was on the cross the shirt was gone. Such simple things, but the clothes really helped show Jesus’ plight. Our characters are always (mostly!) clothed and we should definitely be using them to portray our characters’ personalities. Love this topic!!

Thanks, Teresa, and for sharing that great example from the stage. That’s a good example of using clothing to reinforce the narrative of a character’s arc.

I really loved this article, but I have one question, it was very helpful. What is a good way to do “Show not tell” in a first person POV state?

Hi Paige, thank you (and thanks for your question). One way is to avoid what we call ‘filter words’. Instead of saying, for example ‘I saw that the station gate was coming down and the last train was about to leave’, you could say ‘The station gate is already screeching closed. The train hums and throbs in place as people rush to pile in.’

Use your first-person narrator’s senses – sight, hearing, touch, etc. That also will help readers really experience things through their eyes.

Thank you so much this really helped.

What I would like to ask is how you would go about describing very specific details on more complex clothing? Like say a vest with mirrored sequins and rhinestones, but they all go in a pattern and you feel the need to describe the pattern line by line?

In my case my character is new in town and this description of clothing doesn’t come until he’s getting ready for the party in chapter 4 and it’s in the context of getting dressed, there are reasons behind it, the party is a very big deal for him getting his foot in the door with other teens in town and he wants to be impressive or maybe wants lot of attention with all the sparklies. Also his mother was poor and anyone who knew that might wonder how he could afford such clothing so it hints at the actual story.

Normally I don’t dress characters with such complex clothing that takes more than a few sentences to describe but the vest was inspired by a picture I saw and it took at least a paragraph to describe.

What also worries me is that in Chapter 3 I used a lot of descriptions of the house, like the main characters room and then I had him go to various other rooms, looked at pictures of his family he has yet to meet so chapter 3 had the least story development or social scenes but the ones it had were good ones and I ended it with a scene that creates more development and story hype.

Chapters 1 and 2 were pretty decent and I started chapter 4 with him dressing for the party. I thought if I did that at the beginning of a chapter it would be better but I worry it will turn readers off. It’s a bit OCD of me.

I didn’t even know how to begin describing this piece of clothing. The fact that it’s obviously black with a centered zipper is easy but then the various pieces, the shapes, the colors, like two rows of this then a row of that, you get what I mean? Or is it really important for a reader to know the specific pattern?

Look at this picture, is it insane for an author to try to describe this on a character?

I will try to be a doctor.

Good luck, I hope you achieve your goal.

Very informative. Really like your article.

Thanks, Sana. Thank you for reading our blog!

When describing clothing in a story, consider using it to show status, position, and character background. Clothing can also be used to build or contradict expectations and contrast character personalities. Avoid over-telling by showing clothing details rather than relying on telling. Use changes in clothing to highlight character development and use clothing details to create an authentic setting.

Hi Varsham, thank you for sharing these tips and for reading our blog!

I love how you break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms. Your ability to simplify things without compromising on quality is impressive.

Hi Ranit, thanks for your kind feedback. I’m glad you found this easy to understand.

This post is a lifesaver for aspiring writers like me! Describing clothing has always been a challenge, and these examples make it so much clearer. I can already imagine my characters’ outfits coming to life in my next story. Thank you for breaking down the process and providing such helpful tips!

Thanks for writing in. It’s good to know that it was helpful!

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✍️Essay on Fashion: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Oct 26, 2023

essay on clothing

Fashion is a non-verbal form of expression that describes a person’s character and sense of style. Before, it was just the realm of the famous, and aristocracy. However, the average person, particularly young people, can now afford to wear fashionable clothing. Additionally, fashion started out as a trend but through time came to be accepted as a certain way of living, whether it be in terms of behaviour, apparel, or lifestyle. Speaking of which, in this blog, we will talk about how fashion has evolved over time in our sample essays. Let’s dive in. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 History of Fashion
  • 2 Essay on Fashion in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Fashion in 150 words
  • 4 Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

History of Fashion

Not just fashion designers but other people are curious to know the history of fashion. According to historians, Charles Frederick Worth was the first fashion designer. When clothing was still created by unidentified seamstresses, he founded the House of Worth, a fashion design studio, in Paris. Contemporary fashion is characterized by a blend of diverse influences, styles, and trends from various cultures and time periods. Fashion has become more accessible and inclusive, with designers experimenting with sustainability, technology, and innovative materials to create unique and socially conscious clothing

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Essay on Fashion in 100 Words

Fashion encompasses clothing, accessories, and even behaviours, reflecting culture and individuality. Fashion evolves continuously, driven by designers, influencers, and changing norms. It has the power to convey identity, status, and creativity. Whether classic or avant-garde, fashion allows individuals to make statements and connect with others through a shared aesthetic.

It mirrors the zeitgeist, responding to economic, environmental, and social shifts. In a world of fast fashion and sustainability concerns, redefining our approach to style becomes essential. Fashion’s allure lies in its ability to blend art, identity, and innovation, shaping our visual language.

Essay on Fashion in 150 words

Fashion is a form of self-expression that plays a significant role in our lives. It includes clothing, accessories, and personal style, reflecting one’s personality and cultural influences. Fashion trends constantly evolve, influenced by designers, celebrities, and societal shifts.

The 1920s saw the rise of flapper dresses and a rebellious spirit, while the 1960s embraced mini skirts and the counterculture movement. In recent years, sustainability and ethical fashion have gained prominence, emphasizing the need for eco-friendly choices and responsible consumption.

Fashion is more than just aesthetics; it is an industry that impacts economies, employing millions worldwide. It serves as a medium for creative expression, and social movements often utilize fashion to convey powerful messages.

In conclusion, fashion is a versatile cultural force that goes beyond mere clothing. It reflects our society’s values and artistic expression.

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Essay on Fashion in 200 Words

Fashion is an evolving form of self-expression that has penetrated our daily lives, bringing more clothing choices to become a reflection of culture, identity, and individuality. 

Fashion, throughout history, has mirrored societal norms and values. It has been a canvas for rebellion or conformity. Whether it’s the flapper dresses of the 1920s, the bell-bottoms of the 1970s, or the minimalist styles of the 21st century, fashion has been a powerful communicator.

Moreover, the fashion industry is an economic powerhouse, shaping global trends and contributing significantly to various economies. It influences not only what we wear but also the jobs we create and the environmental impact we have.

Fashion’s role in personal identity is undeniable. People use clothing to express their personalities, tastes, and beliefs. It empowers individuals to feel confident and unique.

However, the fast fashion industry has been criticized for its environmental footprint and labor practices. However, over time calls for sustainable, ethical fashion have gained momentum, emphasizing the need for responsible consumption.

In conclusion, fashion is more than just attire; it’s a reflection of our culture, an economic force, a personal identifier, and a global conversation. As we navigate the complex world of fashion, it’s essential to strike a balance between personal expression, industry responsibility, and environmental sustainability.

Related Articles

The development of clothing, footwear, accessories, cosmetics, and jewellery with varied cultural aesthetics and their mixing and matching to create outfits that represent distinct styles of dressing are referred to as fashion. 

Fashion is a form of expression that is not restricted to clothing, this term often refers to designer clothing and accessories.

Dressing up shows how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think of someone’s personality. Wearing makes someone comfortable and people will respect your individuality. Therefore, this is an important part of fashion. 

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Free Fashion Essay Examples & Topics

The way a person presents says a lot about their character. And everyone has their style. However, not everyone is fashionable. Fashion is the popular and prevailing way of dressing, which often follows particular trends in a given era. Unlike style, it is characterized by change. Fashion follows cycles and constantly evolves together with society.

What is fashion, if not a form of art? Of course, it is a tool and a statement. But very often, fashion trends are reflective of their time. They are influenced by real-life events, politics, values, and socioeconomic changes. Fashion culture reveals human culture, and this is why it is so important.

If you require help writing a fashion essay, you’ve come to the right place. Our experts have prepared tips and tricks that will be useful in your academic paper. Below, you will also find fashion essay examples and topics.

Structure-wise, a fashion essay is no different from any other academic paper. However, some tips and tricks will make your job significantly easier.

Here are recommendations on how to improve your essay on fashion:

  • Pick an idea that is not too broad. It is best to avoid exploring general topics. A question like “Is it very important nowadays to be in trend?” is not specific enough for you to examine. If your title is too broad, then you won’t be able to include details and specifics. The best topics are always narrowed down to allow room for insight.
  • Check whether you can research your topic. It is good to have a precise idea of what you want to write. However, make sure that you aren’t backing yourself into a corner. If your topic turns out to be too narrow, you will not be able to do any research. This is why it is a good idea to check for credible sources while you are still researching.
  • Form arguments and find examples from the start. It is a good idea to start thinking of your thesis statement once you have settled on a topic. It is a central argument of your paper, and our thesis generator can formulate it for you. Of course, you will need to back it up with evidence. Collect your facts from the very beginning and keep everything organized for efficiency.
  • Outline your fashion essay. Just like always, you will need an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Jot down topic sentences for each of your body paragraphs before you begin writing. Outlining your essay simplifies the process and makes your task easier.
  • Make sure that the content of your paper fits the topic. Now that you have everything that you need in front of you, it is time to revise. Fashion is a complex subject, and it is easy to get carried away. The most critical thing for you is to stay on topic and not drift off into irrelevant questions.
  • Double-check the instructions before you begin writing. It is a good idea to take another look at the assessment criteria. This will give you a general understanding of what is expected of you. If you feel like you are heading in the wrong direction, double-check your instructions.
  • Use a catchy title to capture the readers’ attention. Since fashion is about expression, your essay has to live up to the standards. This will lend more credibility to your work. Show your passion by spending some extra time on your title to make it stand out.

Are you writing a fashion trend essay? Or maybe you want to tackle early 2000s fashion? Or maybe, you still have no idea what you will be writing. In that case, here we have created an extensive list of fashion topics .

Otherwise, you can check the following ideas:

  • History of fashion in the 21 st century.
  • Vogue: how fashion magazines influence trends.
  • What is fast fashion, and is it ethical?
  • Zara: a case study of fashion marketing.
  • Teenage fashion among students in Japan.
  • Fashion and design – a study of the fashion show runway.
  • Clothes and fashion on the red carpet of the Silver Age.
  • How do fashion designers predict the next big craze?
  • Why are unisex clothes prevalent in today’s fashion?
  • The importance of sustainable fashion.
  • Present-day fashion in the workplace – what changed?
  • The evolution of the fashion industry in China.
  • Modern high fashion and gender.
  • The importance of fashion in my life.
  • Throwback to the 90s: the obsession with retro fashion today.

And that is all for now. We sincerely hope that you found our tips and topics useful! If you’re looking for more ideas, you can always find more fashion essay examples below.

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192 Best Essay Examples on Fashion

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Waxing Process: Do It the Right Way

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Definition of Perfumes and How They are Made

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1990s Fashion: A Challenge of the Decade

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Fast Fashion and Sustainability

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Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Fashion

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Blogging about Fashion

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Trends and Fads: Love Is a Fallacy

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Fashion in the Movie “Zoolander”

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Tying a Shoelace

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The Stylistic Features of Historical Dress and Their Contemporary Adaptations

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Vintage Fashion Styles Overview

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Fashion in the 1960’s

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Fashion and Reasons to Love It

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Paris Fashion Design: Christian Dior Brand

Fast fashion and ethical consumption.

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Fashion Changes in Society and Culture

“fashion cycle” of louis vuitton.

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Versace Fall Winter 2021 Fashion Show Review

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Is Fashion a Product of Modernism?

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French Fashion in the Eighteenth Century

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History of Fashion Merchandising

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Comparison of 20th and 21st-Century Dress and Culture

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Coco Chanel: Life, Fashion, Designs, Perfume & Facts

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Hat Styles for Men and Women

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Fashion Marketing and Trends for Women

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YSL Museum: From Fashion Label to Museum Institution

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Fashion Source of Inspiration

Women’s fashion in the chinese culture since 1978.

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The Oiled Paper Umbrella

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Fashion Consumerism and Its Negative Effects

Counterculture fashion: patched denim.

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The Story of Gabriel “Coco” Chanel

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Fashion Industry’s Challenges & Negative Effects

Minimum weight limit for professional models.

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Bra Technology: Uses and Effects

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Fashion Behavior and History: The Impact of Fashion Behavior on the Mechanisms in Society

Fashion capitals of the world.

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Embroidered and Patched Denim Clothing

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Luxury Brand’s Imitation

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Fads Impact on the Fashion Industry

Alexander mcqueen: a bibliography, medieval tunics and gothic dresses: then v. now.

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Prada Fashion Sense and Christian Dior Fashion Sense

How do craftsmanship challenges the fast fashion industry.

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Comparative Analysis of Fashion Designers Donna Karan and Donatella Versace

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Avant-Garde Fashion: The History of Modernism and How It Changed the World

Casual fashion trends now vs. 60 years ago, how 40 to 50-year-old irish women choose fast fashion and why.

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TrueIndie, an App for Cloth Design for Everyone

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Silk in Ancient Rome: Annotated Bibliography

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Analysis of Simone Rocha Fashion Designs

Marmot strategic situation.

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Christian Dior’s Exhibition Review

Waste management sustainability in the uk fashion industry.

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3D Printing Development for Fashion Industry

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Discussion of Sustainability in Fashion

Sustainability in fashion: clothing rental services, analysis of major fashion trends and their perspective.

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Socio-Economic Future of Fashion Industry

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Voids in the Fashion Industry

Fashion forecasting and trends.

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Fashion Industry: The Role of Insiders

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From High Street to Luxury: The Past, the Present, the Future

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Fashion: Studying Complexity of Industry

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Brands’ Analysis in the Fashion Industry

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Winter 2020 – 2021 Fashion Trends

Examining vintage luxury fashion.

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Analysis of Developing Fashion Trend

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Advances in Fiber for Wearable, Durable Nonwovens

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Channel Overview of Kate Spade

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California Fashion Brand Juicy Couture

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Punk Designs of Malcolm Mclaren and Vivienne Westwood

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Miu Miu: The Blending of Opposites

The influence of jacobs and cornish on fashion.

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Art Deco: Fashion Merchandising

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The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition

Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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Essay Samples on Fashion

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Japanese Culture and Its Influence on the Global Fashion 

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Best topics on Fashion

1. How Fashion Has Changed Over Time

2. Literature Analysis of a Socio-Economic Subculture in Fashion

3. From Aristocracy to Masses: The Evolution of Fashion in Europe

4. Analysis of Current Changes Affecting the Fashion Industry

5. British Fashion: the Rich and Complex History of 20th Century

6. 1960s Dress Type: Main Concepts of Influence

7. The Evolvement of 1920s Fashion and Trends

8. Taekwondo, Music and Co-creating Own Fashion Line

9. Justification Of Animal Cruelty In The Name Of Fashion

10. Ethical Fashion: Animal Cruelty In Fast Fashion Industry

11. Cultural Appropriation In Fashion Industry

12. Waste Management Problem In The Fashion And Footwear Industries

13. Gucci: The Sustainability and Innovation in the Fashion Industry

14. Why Gender Neutral Clothes May Become a Permanent Part of our Life: The Advantages of Gender Neutral Clothing

15. The Youth Culture in Fashion: Trends and Marketing Strategies

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IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 2 Comments

IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of clothes, culture, and character from the real IELTS exam.

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IELTS Essay: Clothes, Culture, & Character

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes.

Do you agree or disagree?

Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture. I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions.

Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures. This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history. It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance, wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world. A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate. There are also individual differences that are, on average, greater than the disparity between cultures. A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

In conclusion, though globalization theoretically makes it more difficult to distinguish a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices continue to be revealing. This self-expression is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

1. Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture. 2. I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. 2. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. 3. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures. 4. This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history. 5. It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance, wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • You can have a second main idea.

1. Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world. 2. A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. 3. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. 4. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate. 5. There are also individual differences that are, on average, greater than the disparity between cultures. 6. A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. 7. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Develop the example fully.
  • For this one I have a second related idea to develop.
  • And another example to extend fully.

1. In conclusion, though globalization theoretically makes it more difficult to distinguish a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices continue to be revealing. 2. This self-expression is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Many believe that fashion choices communicate information about an individual’s personality and culture . I am largely in agreement though I would concede globalization has partly obscured these distinctions .

Those who argue that a person’s culture and character cannot be determined from their clothing point to the impact of globalization. There are now international companies like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that manufacture and ship identical clothes all around the world for consumers. These consumers are influenced by the same media and admire the same public figures . This modern convergence of production and culture means that disparate nations are more similar than at any point in human history . It is not unusual to see an individual living in South America, for instance , wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion preferences still reveal what a person values and what they wish to project to the outside world . A person who wears a suit and tie appears professional and this likely matches their personality. If they dress very formally when at work it might also indicate the office culture in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more casual due to the tropical climate . There are also individual differences that are, on average , greater than the disparity between cultures . A person who is into sports is more likely to wear sporty clothes regardless of where they live. Social media and globalization can even contribute to this trend as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and emulate both their personality and fashion choices.

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

fashion choices decisions about clothes

communicate information reveal yourself

personality temperament, character

culture society, art, your country as a whole

largely in agreement mostly on the same page

concede globalization give up the idea of spreading ideas

partly obscured somewhat hidden

distinctions differences

argue point out

character personality

determined decided by

point to argue

international companies multinationals

manufacture made

identical the same

all around the world everywhere

consumers buyers

influenced impacted by

media entertainment

admire look up to

public figures famous people

modern convergence coming together these days

production making of

disparate nations different countries

at any point in human history at any time before

unusual not normal

for instance for example

preferences tastes

reveal show

values what you consider important

project to the outside world show to everyone else

suit and tie fancy work clothes

appears seems

professional formal

matches fits

formally professionally

indicate mean

office culture workplace

casual not formal

tropical climate hot weather

on average generally

greater than more than

disparity between cultures differences between countries

sporty clothes athletic wear

regardless of nonetheless

social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

contribute add to

trend pattern

emulate copt

theoretically in theory, not in reality

distinguish differentiate

continue to be keep on

self-expression being yourself


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈfæʃən ˈʧɔɪsɪz   kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən   ˌpɜːsəˈnælɪti   ˈkʌlʧə ˈlɑːʤli ɪn əˈgriːmənt kənˈsiːd ˌgləʊb(ə)laɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n   ˈpɑːtli əbˈskjʊəd   dɪsˈtɪŋkʃənz   ˈɑːgjuː   ˈkærɪktə   dɪˈtɜːmɪnd   pɔɪnt tuː   ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl ˈkʌmpəniz   ˌmænjʊˈfækʧə   aɪˈdɛntɪkəl   ɔːl əˈraʊnd ðə wɜːld   kənˈsjuːməz   ˈɪnflʊənst   ˈmiːdiə   ədˈmaɪə   ˈpʌblɪk ˈfɪgəz   ˈmɒdən kənˈvɜːʤəns   prəˈdʌkʃən   ˈdɪspərɪt ˈneɪʃənz   æt ˈɛni pɔɪnt ɪn ˈhjuːmən ˈhɪstəri ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl   fɔːr ˈɪnstəns ˈprɛfərənsɪz   rɪˈviːl   ˈvæljuːz   ˈprɒʤɛkt tuː ði ˌaʊtˈsaɪd wɜːld sjuːt ænd taɪ   əˈpɪəz   prəˈfɛʃənl   ˈmæʧɪz   ˈfɔːməli   ˈɪndɪkeɪt   ˈɒfɪs ˈkʌlʧə   ˈkæʒjʊəl djuː tuː   ˈtrɒpɪkəl ˈklaɪmɪt ɒn ˈævərɪʤ ˈgreɪtə ðæn   dɪsˈpærɪti bɪˈtwiːn ˈkʌlʧəz ˈspɔːti kləʊðz   rɪˈgɑːdlɪs ɒv   ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə   kənˈtrɪbju(ː)t   trɛnd   ˈɛmjʊleɪt   θɪəˈrɛtɪkəli   dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃ   kənˈtɪnju(ː) tuː biː   sɛlf-ɪksˈprɛʃən  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many believe that f_______________s c____________________________n about an individual’s p_____________y and c_____________e. I am l______________________t though I would c___________ e g_________________n has p_________________d these d___________________s .

Those who a_______e that a person’s culture and c__________r cannot be d__________d from their clothing p____________o the impact of globalization. There are now i_________________s like Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and Louis Vuitton that m_____________e and ship i_____________l clothes a___________________d for consumers. These c__________s are i______________d by the same m_______a and a_______e the same p_______________s . This m_____________________e of p______________n and culture means that d_____________________s are more similar than a_____________________________y . It is not u__________l to see an individual living in South America, f____________e , wearing the same shoes and clothing as someone in Asia or Europe.

Nonetheless, fashion p___________s still r___________l what a person v_______s and what they wish to p__________________________d . A person who wears a s____________e a_________s p______________l and this likely m________s their personality. If they dress very f____________y when at work it might also i___________e the o________________e in their country. For example, it is common in East Asian countries for workers to dress very formally for work while in Southeast Asia the clothing is more c_________l due to the t__________________e . There are also individual differences that are, o___________________e , g___________n the d_________________________s . A person who is into sports is more likely to wear s_____________s r_____________f where they live. S_______________a and globalization can even c_____________e to this t______d as a consumer can follow their favorite artist and e_________e both their personality and fashion choices.

In conclusion, though globalization t_____________________y makes it more difficult to d_________________h a person’s culture and character from their clothes, in fact, these choices c_________________e revealing. This s________________n is one of the benefits of modern fashion.

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Do you prefer to wear shoes that are comfortable or fashionable?
  • Do you buy many shoes?
  • How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  • What is your favourite pair of shoes?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

The number of people who are interested in and wearing fashionable clothes is increasing.

Is this a positive or negative development?

IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Fashion (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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It is an incredibly common belief that clothes maketh a man. Some assert the possibility of distinguishing an individual’s culture as well as personality from the clothes they choose to wear. While some people would argue that not all judgements can be perfect, in my opinion, it is possible to arrive at some conclusion about the person’s background by looking at their attire. 

To begin with, people’s clothes speak a lot about their culture since it is easy to identify which culture they belong to. For instance, Sari is a traditional women’s dress from India. When a woman wears a sari, we can instantly recognize she belongs to India. Secondly, a well-dressed man in a suit and tie is perceived as an erudite person. Immaculate clothes are usually a sign of a person being intelligent, smart and well-mannered. Also, rich people often wear expensive branded clothes since they can afford it. Conversely, a shabby dressed person may appear to have less education or be impolite in nature. If a person wears old, torn, or dirty clothes, they may be considered as homeless or impoverished. Lastly, the style of clothing projects what kind of a person they may be. For instance, introverts may like to be dressed in subtle colors, whereas extroverts may prefer vibrant colors and a party wardrobe.

However, some people feel that one cannot be judged based on their clothes. Not all wealthy people wear exquisite labelled clothes. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. Although they can afford to buy them, they dress themselves like laymen. Another contrasting idea is that people from another culture may choose to wear clothes from a different culture because of fashion. For example, an American woman may want to wear a sari to work simply because she is fond of the design, yet this does not mean that she is an Indian. So, people may wear clothes they love, and, therefore, clothes do not determine a person’s culture and character.

In conclusion, while some people have contradicting agruments due to some exceptions, from my perspective, clothes definitely define a person’s identity and potrays the culture they hail from. Various clothes from all over the world are symbols of cultural diversity, and people’s characteristics can be diagnosed from their clothes.


There is a statement that the outfit of a person can reflet his culture and personality. In my opinion, people buy clothes based on their hometown and preferences.

A certain area would likely sell local clothes, which can present the culture of a place. In ancient times, people would weave clothes depending on the local situation, such as the weather, local industry, and lifestyle. For example, in mid-east Asia, there are a lot of deserts, and the weather is dry. It would be very cold when the night comes, and become extremely hot during the day. Therefore, their local clothes are primarily long white coats. Moreover, clothes can also show the religious selections. Women in mid-east Asia wear long balck coats and masks which only display their eyes. Such signals ensure that people could identify their cultures easily.

People choose clothes based on their preferences. There are different attitudes towards clothes. Some may consider them as functional items, while some may think that clothes are methods to show personal status. Hence, different selections show different perceptions of clothes. For example, the dressing of a professor may lead to different images. In China, a professor wore so simple that a freshman student asked him to show the way to dorm. A later report showed that this professor was the headmaster of this university, and he just wanted to be as normal as others. By contrast, if a professor wears an expensive skirt and puts on a LV belt with a large logo, it is easy to tell that he wants to be respected and be different from others.

In sum, clothes present the culture and the personality with local historical reasons and peosonal preference. In addition, we can judge a person not only by how they look, but also by how they behave.

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  • Fashion Essay



Fashion is a non-verbal way of communication that conveys a lot about the person’s personality, background and style. Earlier it was exclusively the world of the affluent, celebrities and royalty. However, fashion is now within the reach of the common man, especially the youth. Besides, dress fashion is an evolution of ideas, which begins as a fad, but in course of time gets accepted in society as a style, which could be in attire, behaviour or lifestyle. Fashion is mostly associated with glamour. It makes people feel confident and bold. People can express themselves openly. Today fashion is not limited to western countries; now, every country has come out with their fashion sense, not only the clothing but the accent of that country, the living style.

Vedantu experts have crafted an essay on fashion that covers its significance and how it reflects in your personality. This essay has promoted the thought perfectly that fashion is also about carrying yourself in society without having an attractive or trendy attire.  It is about being comfortable with yourself and not being a doppelganger of another person.

Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it reflects the culture of a country. It makes our life colourful and changes our life with time. In a way it also adds variety to life, providing an opportunity in trying out something new. Fashion is not only limited to clothing or makeup but in a much broader sense includes accessories like shoes, perfume, hairstyle, mannerism, etiquette and attitude towards life. Fashion is not restricted to self-expression only but also a means of self-empowerment and confidence. It encompasses the total spectrum of human activity, which relates to a specific period. It is an outlook of life.

Fashion is how you carry yourself in society without wearing anything trendy. It is how you attempt to make yourself look flawless even without any make-up. It helps you in revealing your true identity.


Evolution of Fashion

The world of fashion is always evolving.  It is amazing to see how the different events in history have influenced and changed the way people dressed and looked throughout time. Thus long dresses, veiled headgear that was trends of the Victorian era, have been replaced with micro and mini dresses and the jeans culture associated with the modern era. 

From the 1920s to the 1990s fashion just not changed in clothing but also in accessories, footwear and hairstyles. The trends of wearing hats, carrying purses, shoes and men wearing long ties and bows have been continuously changing with periods, occasions and culture.

Hairstyles also have been changing throughout time. Short boyish haircuts were popular during the 1920s to 1940s. Wigs were more popular in the 1960s and thereafter hairstyles kept changing from short to bob cut then to mid-back cut and now maintaining long hair.

Fashion Industry

As fashion evolved, the industry was formulated to manage the process for the consumers. The fashion world has given shape to a new industry, the ‘Fashion Industry’.

The fashion industry was created to design, manufacture and market clothes, footwear and accessories. Before creating the apparel industry, people made clothes for themselves. The mass production of clothing began in the mid-nineties when some creators began to make garments that did not require any fitting session with the tailors. The fashion industry in its true sense was established in the twentieth century when the neighbourhood tailors decided to become the manufacturing business.

Fashion impacting the Youth

The positive side of fashion is it enhances your life. It not only allows you to dress fashionably but also allows being independent in thinking and maintaining self-esteem. At the same time, fashion is negatively impacting the youth. It has taken up the life of the youth so much that the youngsters are highly obsessed with creating style statements at an age where they need to focus on their studies and other important aspects of life. The fashion trend has become a cult with today’s generation. They blindly try to imitate the models and celebrities without understanding the true essence of fashion.

Advantages of Vedantu Essay on Fashion

Vedantu gives you ideas about the necessary things to include in an essay on fashion. The experts available on the Vedantu have included moral based thoughts in this particular essay that help students connect with the meaning of the phrases. 

Vedantu has uploaded essays on subjects relevant to the students or trending in the world platform, which have more chances of occurring in the examination.

Content of Fashion Essay

Vedantu has provided you with a piece of detailed information on the essential points to include in the essay on fashion. After a thorough study, experts have added the following points.

While writing about fashion, you have to put some extra effort to explain evolution in both positive and negative ways.

The fashion world has given a new face to the clothing market. It has turned into a fashion industry.

Impact of fashion on teenagers

Teenagers are more cautious about their attire; they are aware of only one prevalent face of fashion.

What is the importance of fashion?

The need is therefore to strike a balance between being fashionable and wearing what suits you. The young generation needs to understand that fashion in the true sense is the attitude that you carry and just not fashionable clothes and accessories.


FAQs on Fashion Essay

1. What is the core of fashion?

Fashion is not only about wearing trendy clothes or footwear. The core of fashion lies inside the person. Fashionable core comes active when you wear something with confidence to show your choices to the world. And that is the only thing to make fashion a trend from time to time. Vedantu experts, after a detailed study, have explained this stuff, and that’s what makes an essay on fashion a complete package to deliver to the audience.

2. How is fashion impacting today’s generation?

Fashion affects today’s generation with its useless and dented influence that fashion is limited to costly clothes and gadgets. Teenagers are easy targets for those who consider themselves influential personalities under the name of fashion. Many of the time, the child gets intrigued by looking at the lifestyle of another person. They fall into the eye-pleasing trap and try to copy the same. It leads them to lose their own identity and wear fake costly attire to please their hunger for recognition among their friends.

3. How does Vedantu help in essay writing?

Vedantu offers you essays on different topics that have a chance of coming in the exams or already had in the exams. Experts of Vedantu have explained the requirement of the essay and suggested the points to include in a good essay. Also, with Vedantu, you learn various facts about various topics that can help you retain the process of making an excellent essay. Go to to explore more topics, and start writing essays of your own to express your understanding of the topics.

4. Does fashion help in your growth?

Yes, fashion does help you grow if you understand the right meaning of it. Following any person and famishing for recognition is not a fashion that can help you grow. It helps you when you understand fashion is more about being right with your choices regarding the dressing, accent, or culture of your community or country. Fashion is nothing more than a term for the things that makes you comfortable and enhance your confidence in being you.

5. Are fashion and trends different?

Yes, fashion and trends are different. The trend follows the fashion; fashion never leaves the frame, it gets highlighted from time to time, and at some particular time, it becomes a trend that everybody follows. Trends have a short life, but fashion stays for life. It gets older with time, like the dhoti kurta culture of India has become old, but it gets rejuvenated with the new look, and it becomes a trend for a while. Fashion is more real than trends.

6. What is Fashion?

Fashion is self-expression in the form of clothing, accessories, footwear, hairstyle, perfume, etiquettes and attitude.

7. Who is known as the Father of Fashion?

Charles Frederick Worth is known as the father of fashion.

8. How is Fashion impacting Today’s Generation?

Fashion has become a cult in this modern era. Youngsters especially blindly want to imitate celebrities and models. They are forgetting the true essence of fashion. They think that fashion is confined to only clothing, footwear and accessories.

9. Why is Fashion Important?

Fashion is important because it is the reflection of our society and culture.


Paragraph on Clothes

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Clothes in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Clothes in 100 Words

Clothes are what we wear every day to keep our bodies safe and comfy. They come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Some are for hot weather, like T-shirts and shorts. Others are for cold weather, like sweaters and coats. We also have special clothes for events like birthdays or weddings. Clothes can be made from different materials, like cotton or silk. They help us show our style and personality. It’s fun to choose and wear clothes that we like. It’s important to keep our clothes clean and neat. Clothes are a big part of our lives.

Paragraph on Clothes in 200 Words

Clothes are essential items that we all need in our lives. They keep us warm when it’s cold, cool when it’s hot, and protect our skin from the sun and wind. We wear different clothes for different reasons. For example, at school, we wear uniforms that show we belong to a particular school. When we play sports, we wear sportswear that allows us to move freely and comfortably. At parties, we wear fancy clothes that make us look nice and special. Clothes can also show our feelings and personality. For instance, we may wear bright colors when we’re happy and dark colors when we’re sad. We also use clothes to show respect, like wearing neat and clean clothes to a special event. Clothes come in many sizes, shapes, colors, and materials. Some are made from cotton which is soft and comfortable, while others are made from wool which is warm and cozy. Clothes are important because they help us to feel confident and comfortable. So, we should take care of our clothes by washing and ironing them regularly. Remember, clothes don’t just cover our body, they also express who we are.

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Paragraph on Clothes in 250 Words

Clothes are an essential part of our lives. They help us express our uniqueness and style. People from different parts of the world wear different types of clothes depending on their culture, climate, and personal taste. In hot places, people prefer light clothes, while in cold areas, they wear heavy clothes to stay warm. Clothes also serve a protective function. They shield us from the sun’s harmful rays, cold winds, and other elements. For example, a raincoat keeps us dry during rain, and a hat protects us from the sun. Clothes can also tell us about a person’s job. A doctor wears a white coat, a chef wears a chef’s hat, and a firefighter wears a special suit to protect against fire. Clothes are also important during special events and ceremonies. On festive occasions, people wear bright and colorful clothes, while for formal events, they wear suits or dresses. Fashion is another aspect of clothing. Designers always come up with new styles and trends that change how we dress. Clothes can also show our feelings. For instance, we often wear bright colors when we’re happy and dark colors when we’re sad. So, clothes are not just about covering our body but also about expressing our personality, protecting ourselves, and being part of our culture and society.

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Fashion Essay | Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Fashion: The definition of Fashion does not remain restricted to clothing choices only. A person’s Fashion is defined by how one carries oneself – this includes within its realm clothing sense, etiquette, and personality and how one conducts oneself. However, to narrow it down, the clothing inclination, in general, takes up a significant portion of what Fashion broadly is.

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Fashion depends on person to person. It differs based on the place, community, and, most importantly, time. The concept of Fashion is always at flux. The trends and ideas keep changing from time to time. The glamour industry, all across the world, and specifically in India, is centered around Fashion.

Long and Short Essay on Fashion For Kids and Students in English

Fashion, as a topic for composition, is very new and contemporary. Students in schools can get asked to write essays on the subject for their assignments and exams. The extended articles are useful to people studying in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, the short essays are common among students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Fashion in English 500 Words

In particular, Fashion is defined by one’s outlook on life, and how one decides to go about with it. It is primarily defined by one’s choice of clothes, hairstyle, accessories, and other dressing-up tenets. One’s style of behavior and conduct also reflect one’s fashion sense. The concept of Fashion is never static; it keeps changing over time. The youth are the ones who follow and keep up with it elaborately.

Fashion is synonymous with glamour. It makes people, who practice it, confident and bold. It embraces the ability to express oneself openly and actively through clothing choices.

Fashion is no longer within the bounds of clothing and dressing. It has, in recent times, shifted its dynamics and extended itself into the ways of people’s lives. The lifestyle of people reflect their fashion sense in some way or the other. For example, Fashion has trickled into interior decorations of living spaces. The interiors of one’s houses and rooms and how it is stylized bring in their sense of Fashion. Another instance of Fashion is a massive concept of mass-following is that people like to indulge in such activities which are ‘in fashion’ or ‘are trending’; for example, a person purchasing the latest model of a phone or playing a specific sport, only because it is currently popular and everyone loves doing it.

That can be one way of looking at Fashion. Another way of looking at Fashion might be as a medium of expression. Just like artists express through their art, their inner feelings, Fashion also serves as an outlet of creative passion. Making unconventional fashion choices is a way of looking at conventional things in a new light.

Read more about General Essay Topics .

Fashion can also be an instrument for breaking stereotypes. It plays a significant role in breaking gender barriers. Fashion helps in ushering concepts such as cross-dressing and inter-mixing of female-male fashion styles. By doing this, it helps in breaking orthodox patterns in dressing and make-up. Fashion is a relatively new mode of self-expression. For a long time, it was not a very friendly house-hold term to use; however, fashion is gradually becoming more mainstream.

Fashion has been in existence since times immemorial. At its very primitive stages, it was seen as a very rash and outrageous concept. But with modernization, people are expanding their thinking horizon, and Fashion is becoming more acceptable as a thing to exercise and religiously follow.

However, as forwarding as the nature of Fashion might be, it does have adverse effects on society. Fashion often participates in manipulating and morphing one’s perception of beauty. The younger people consider their self-esteem to be diminishing if they are unable to keep up with modern fashion trends. They end up measuring their self-worth based on their beauty and dressing sense. Fashion also helps in raising unrealistic beauty standards for ordinary people. This throws a very tainted concept of beauty upon the multitude.

Thus, Fashion is a fascinating concept to keep track of. But it does have its downsides. If one is interested in flourishing in the field of Fashion, one should make sure to put forth what one truly feels rather than blindly following what others follow.

Short Essay on Fashion 100 Words

The term fashion means to be updated, to be sophisticated, and to be following styling patterns of the current times. Fashion includes one’s clothing style, hairstyle, and style of make-up and other accessories in adorning oneself. Our sense of Fashion also helps us in shaping our behavioral patterns and our conduct mechanisms. The way we look at Fashion is very heavily influenced by our ethnicity, gender, caste, and geographic origin. This is because various communities all over the globe follow different fashion standards. Fashion is a very enlightening concept and plays a significant role in most of our lives.

10 Lines Fashion Essay in English 150 words

  • Fashion is a way of lifestyle; it is an outlook on life.
  • Fashion, in a broad sense, means clothing styles and choices of dressing and make-up.
  • Fashion has been a very attractive topic for debate and conversation over the years.
  • Previously, Fashion used to be a very fantastic concept; it was something only within reach of the elites.
  • The conventions have been breaking themselves; Fashion can now be followed widely by all the people.
  • Fashion is heavily influenced by the social and cultural scenario of a place.
  • Likewise, a person’s fashion choices give away one’s social and ethnic background.
  • The concept of Fashion is ever-changing. It does not remain static.
  • Our daily activities reflect our take on Fashion.
  • The subject of Fashion is popular among the youth of a community.

FAQs on Fashion Essay

Question 1. What is Fashion?

Answer: Fashion is how an individual or a group of people represent themselves, mainly in terms of clothing.

Question 2. Is Fashion important in daily life?

Answer: Yes. Fashion inevitably becomes a part of our daily lives. Our fashion inclinations find their way into our chores, without our knowledge.

Question 3. What are the pros of Fashion?

Answer: Fashion helps people in overcoming their fears. Fashion also serves as an effective mode of self-expression and making bold choices in society.

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  • Essay On Fashion

Essay on Fashion

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion is one of the most talked-about industries in today’s world. Fashion can be defined as anything that becomes admirable among the masses. It is a popular aesthetic expression. Fashion is related to clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessories, footwear and lifestyle. People want to distinguish their personalities from others with their style quotient. Like every new year, fashion also comes and goes. The latest fashion will be more fashionable and colourful than last year.

New trends in fashion influence people of all ages. There is a tremendous amount of competition between the industry and consumers. Different cultures and nationalities have different styles of fashion. Due to this reason, it is always fascinating to travel to various parts of the world to observe how people dress in those countries. Now, clothes have become one of the main reasons to express themselves instead of merely covering their body.

Different people need different styles and designs for their uniqueness and personality before wearing that specific fashion design. This essay will talk more about fashion history, importance and trends.

History of Fashion

Fashion is all about the history of people. For thousands of years, people have loved fashionable clothing. Clothes, from the early days of Egypt, have become our expression. We can see fashion worn in various civilisations throughout history, documents, drawings, and other archaeological findings. Eastern neighbours influenced clothes of different styles worn by the Greeks. Both males and females used to wear thick woollen long dresses.

During ancient times, Egyptians used to wear light cotton clothing, and Egyptian women wore long, ready-made clothes. Later on, the Romans dominated the most significant example of fashion and style.

When people started migrating to Europe, accordingly, the style changed. To keep themselves warm, women used to wear warm clothes and men plain and armour clothes.

Since there were not enough raw materials to produce new clothes for people who migrated to America in that era, dresses were ordered and sent to the oceans by ships to cope with the demand. Suits with leggings were men’s attire, and women wore long clothes and hats on their heads. Over time, the form of the dresses transferred from voluminous dresses into soft, frequent, high-waisted skirts.

Women’s skirts were shorter and thinner at the beginning of the century. Trousers of men slowly went from ankle to knee-length. During the World Wars, women’s style transformed into shorter skirts below the knee.

The ‘80s brought significant trends related to fashion and hairstyles for both genders. The transitional fashion period is from the sixties and seventies. During this time, women wearing trousers became acceptable.

From the 20th century to the 21st century, fashion change continued, and still today, it is evolving.

Fashion Trend

When we talk about influencing fashion, political influencers play a vital role. There are a lot of instances where politicians become fashion symbols, like Princess Diana and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Political revolutions also left a significant impact on fashion trends.

Technology is another significant factor that influences fashion. The fashion industry saw rapid growth in technology such as 3D printing technology, wearable technology, etc. The Internet also affects fashion trends.

People are influenced by their favourite stars, influencers, etc. The strongest influencers in the field of fashion are social media influencers. Young stars try to emulate the fashion styles of their loved celebrities. For example, hoodies came into fashion due to rap musicians. Television and movie stars also influence fashion trends.

It’s entirely up to you to be fashionable; it shouldn’t be forceful, and it is your own decision what you want to follow. Our fashion sense also reflects our culture. It makes our life colourful and adds variety to life, providing an opportunity to try out something new. Though this time of the 21st century in India, most people are influenced by the style of fashion, they have not forgotten our traditions and culture, which are the priority and symbol of our country.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Fashion Essay

What is fast fashion.

Fast fashion is trending now, and it refers to the rapid designing of outfits using inexpensive clothing.

What subjects are taught in Fashion Technology?

Fashion ornamentation, Fashion management and merchandising and Computer-aided designing are the main subjects taught in the course Fashion Technology.

When was the origin of fashion?

Fashion started when human beings started wearing clothes. But modern-day fashion is said to have its origins back in the year 1826.

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Guest Essay

Chris Christie: I’ve Debated Trump 6 Times. Here’s What Harris Needs to Do Tonight.

Kamala Harris smiling and clapping.

By Chris Christie

A former governor of New Jersey and a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and 2024.

Tens of millions of Americans will be watching the first debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Tuesday night. Many of these folks will be Republicans and independents who, like me, have decided that they are unwilling to vote for Mr. Trump.

I’ll be honest: I don’t have much of an opinion of Ms. Harris yet, because I don’t know her well. If she’s an unknown quantity to me, you can bet she’s also one to the countless everyday Americans she needs to win over. These voters love this country, and many of them will be looking at her on Tuesday night for the first time as a potential president.

Which is why the debate presents a critical opportunity for Ms. Harris. The opportunity for Mr. Trump is much smaller. The country already knows him and has, in the main, formed opinions of him. Because Ms. Harris is a relatively undefined political candidate, she has both the advantage and the bigger challenge.

She needs to demonstrate a commitment to changing not just the way we talk to one another, but the very way we must steer our governance on a more productive path. For Republicans and independents who do not support Mr. Trump, this is how she earns their vote. They want to be for something , not just against someone .

I’ve debated Mr. Trump six times and I’d wager I’ve participated in at least 30 debate prep sessions with him since 2016. No one has more experience in the arena listening to his attacks and debunking them than I have. That’s how I know that Ms. Harris’s goal during the debate cannot be merely besting Mr. Trump or out-insulting him. If she spends most of her time tussling with him, she will end up like so many who have come before, stuck in the mud against the best political insulter in my lifetime. The problem with focusing only on him is that you ultimately sacrifice your message as you amplify his.

While I ran an entire presidential campaign last year arguing why Mr. Trump should not be president, I believe, just as I did then, that this process demands more than just making the case against him. The country will benefit if Ms. Harris earns support that extends beyond the rallying cry of Mr. Trump as a threat to democracy. She should want to persuade voters not just to vanquish him, but to get behind her vision to unite the country.

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Many people like to wear fashionable clothes. Why do you think this is the case? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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  14. Fashion Essay

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  15. Essay on Clothes

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  16. Fashion Essay

    200 Words Essay On Fashion. Self-expression through clothing is a type of it. Your taste, preferences, and personality could be fairly clearly displayed. We can associate with a specific ethnic or social group through the clothing we choose to wear.

  17. Paragraph on Clothes

    Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Clothes in their schools. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic. ... Essay on Clothes; Paragraph on Clothes in 250 Words. Clothes are an essential part of our lives. They help us express our uniqueness and style.

  18. Essay on Fashion for Students and Children in English

    Long and Short Essay on Fashion For Kids and Students in English. Fashion, as a topic for composition, is very new and contemporary. Students in schools can get asked to write essays on the subject for their assignments and exams. The extended articles are useful to people studying in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

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    Answers. ···. Opinion. Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and enternatinment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that is important for children to make desicions about matters that affect them.

  20. Essay on Fashion for Students in English

    It is a popular aesthetic expression. Fashion is related to clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessories, footwear and lifestyle. People want to distinguish their personalities from others with their style quotient. Like every new year, fashion also comes and goes. The latest fashion will be more fashionable and colourful than last year.

  21. Fashion today is important

    Fashion today is important .advantages and disadvantages. it is obvious to all. It contributes some advantages and disadvantages in the world. Some. about the mode. On the one hand, for more confidence. since most of the new brand is eye-catching, flashy, stylish. in order to buy new clothes.

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    50 Latest Fashion IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Read more ». Advantages and Disadvantages. 36.Differences between countries are becoming less evident. Nowadays, around the world, people can see the same films, fashion, brands, advertisements, and TV channels.

  23. Opinion

    Tens of millions of Americans will be watching the first debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Tuesday night. Many of these folks will be Republicans and independents who, like me, have ...

  24. Many people like to wear fashionable clothes

    Wearing fashionable outfits is even, liked by many and, is influenced by looks and it can create a partial environment. The. that comes with wearing attractive clothes is the reason why so many prefer wearing it. Famous people from the fashion industry wear the clothes that encourage their followers to wear it, too.