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In this issue, acknowledgements, disclosures, plant stem cells: the source of plant vitality and persistent growth.

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Makoto Hayashi, Ari Pekka Mähönen, Hitoshi Sakakibara, Keiko U Torii, Masaaki Umeda, Plant Stem Cells: The Source of Plant Vitality and Persistent Growth, Plant and Cell Physiology , Volume 64, Issue 3, March 2023, Pages 271–273, https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcad009

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Plants have amazing vitality and persistence. Some tree species can live for thousands of years, and even when cut down, new sprouts emerge from the stump continuing their life. Similarly, if a horsetail is cut and fragmented, it is also capable of regenerating and flourishing from a remaining rhizome. Such features are based on the remarkable characteristics of plant stem cells. Plants are able to maintain pluripotency in stem cells generated during embryogenesis, and even after their differentiation, the cells can reprogram themselves and regenerate the whole plant body by acquiring pluripotency in response to stresses, such as wounding. Although humankind depends on the productive capacity of plants to meet various needs such as food, raw materials and maintenance of the global environment, we are yet to gain an understanding of the regulatory systems that generate their robust vitality. In other words, the elucidation of the molecular basis of plant vitality is one of the central issues not only in plant and agricultural sciences but also in life sciences.

The history of stem cell study in plants is relatively young compared to that in animals. In plants, the dividing cell population containing stem cells is called a meristem and the maintenance and regulatory mechanisms of its activity have been studied. Nonetheless, our understanding of the intrinsic properties of plant stem cells had been somewhat limited due to difficulties in accessing these deeply embedded tissues. However, thanks to recent advances in molecular genetics and single cell technologies, it is now possible to study stem cell characteristics more deeply.

This special issue explores the latest research into plant stem cells. The idea for this special issue was borne from a consortium research project ‘Principles of pluripotent stem cells underlying plant vitality’, which was conducted from 2017 to 2021 and supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. The project aimed to understand the characteristics of plant stem cells through a multifaceted approach to study the temporal and spatial control of stem cell proliferation and generation and the mechanisms underpinning the maintenance of pluripotency and genome homeostasis. The ultimate goal was to understand persistence and vitality characteristics of plants to enable sustainable organogenesis and regeneration, as also reflected in the pages of this special issue.

This special issue includes four mini-reviews and four original articles focusing on different aspects of plant stem cells, briefly summarized later.

Shoot stem cells are the source of all post-embryonic aerial organs. An elaborate regulatory system is required to ensure that plant stem cells maintain their correct status during growth and development. Wang et al. (2023) summarize recent breakthroughs in studies of genetic circuits controlling the fate of shoot stem cells, namely, arrest, senescence and death. More specifically, they illustrate a working model for shoot apical meristem arrest (or end-of-flowering) under the FRUITFULL–APETALA2 pathway ( Balanzà et al. 2018 ) and propose a model for stem cell death controlled by dynamic changes in reactive oxygen species.

Plants continuously form branches to increase their photosynthetic capacity and expand their territories. Shoot branches are derived from axillary meristems initiated at the leaf axils, and the continuous formation of new axillary meristems allows for the plastic expansion of highly branched shoot systems. Axillary meristems arise from the division of boundary domain cells at the leaf base, but how axillary meristems are established de novo remains to be fully elucidated ( Nicolas and Laufs 2022 ). Yang et al. (2023) summarize recent progress in understanding the regulation of axillary meristem initiation, focusing on the key transcription factors, phytohormones and microRNAs involved. The illustration of a working model helps us to understand sequential processes leading to axillary meristem initiation, which constitutes an excellent system for determining stem cell fate and de novo meristem formation.

In both shoots and roots, persistent growth and organogenesis depend on the continued activity of meristems located in their apices. To establish persistency, a key system is the separation of cells into specific domains with different activities, called zonation. In roots, a dynamic equilibrium is reached in which cell division in the stem cell niche and meristem and cell differentiation in the elongation/differentiation region are balanced, which stabilizes the number of dividing cells and maintains the position of the transition zone ( Salvi et al. 2020 , Svolacchia et al. 2020 ). Shtin et al. (2023) show that the mutual inhibitory regulation between the PLETHORA (PLT) and the ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR (ARR) transcription factors is sufficient for root zonation, separating cell division and cell differentiation during organogenesis. Specifically, they demonstrated that ARR1 suppresses PLT activities and that PLTs suppress ARR1 and ARR12 by targeting their proteins for degradation via the KISS ME DEADLY 2 F-box protein. These findings provide new insight into the complex process of root zonation.

Plant cells, including highly differentiated cells, have a remarkable capacity for reprogramming, resulting in the de novo generation of a whole plant. In the past two decades, extensive studies using the model plant Arabidopsis have uncovered the basic molecular scheme for plant regeneration ( Mathew and Prasad 2021 ). However, many important questions, such as how plant cells retain both differentiated status and developmental plasticity, still remain. Morinaka et al. (2023) provide an overview of the representative modes of plant regeneration and key factors revealed in studies of Arabidopsis and re-examine historical tissue culture systems that enable us to investigate the molecular details of cell reprogramming in highly differentiated cells.

The precise control of cell growth and proliferation is essential for the appropriate development of multicellular organisms, including plants. Critical regulatory factors controlling cell division and growth have been identified, but the mechanisms underlying cell type–specific cell growth and proliferation are still poorly understood. Ta et al. (2023) characterized a rice mutant with reduced mitotic activity, which is defective in the progression of embryogenesis. The causal gene encodes a member of the MO25A family of proteins that have pivotal functions in cell proliferation and polarity in animals, yeasts and filamentous fungi. Functional analysis of MO25A in the moss Physcomitrium patens showed that P. patens MO25A takes part in cell tip growth and the initiation of cell division in stem cells, suggesting that MO25A proteins have a conserved function that controls cell proliferation and growth across all kingdoms.

Some plant cell types are generated de novo through stem-cell-like precursors. During stomatal development of Arabidopsis , the sequential process of cell division and differentiation is governed by the key transcription factors, such as MUTE and FAMA, which switch the cell cycle mode from asymmetric division to symmetric division and terminate the cell cycle. This sequential process occurs within a single round of the cell cycle; however, it remains elusive whether the cell cycle restricts the expression of these transcription factors. Zuch et al. (2023) investigated the expression patterns of MUTE and FAMA during the cell cycle and found that MUTE expression is gated by the cell cycle. Moreover, they revealed that, in the absence of MUTE, the G1 phase is prolonged as the meristemoids reiterate asymmetric cell divisions. This study highlights a mechanism for the eventual G1 arrest of an uncommitted stem-cell-like precursor.

The vascular system transports water and nutrient ions and assimilates throughout the plant body. Key factors and the regulatory networks of primary and secondary vascular development have been identified ( Haas et al. 2022 ). However, the complexity of the vascular system, which is composed of a variety of cells including xylem and phloem cells, makes it difficult to analyze vascular development and distinguish between vascular stem cells and developing xylem and phloem cells. Shimadzu et al. (2023) summarize recent findings on the establishment and maintenance of vascular stem cells, focusing on recent technical advances that enable cell type–specific analysis during vascular development.

Grafting is a horticultural technique that physically connects two individual plants of different genetic backgrounds to create or enhance properties such as abiotic stress resistance. During this process, callus formation at the graft junction facilitates organ attachment and vascular reconnection. Ikeuchi’s group recently identified WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX13 (WOX13) as an essential regulator of organ grafting ( Ikeuchi et al. 2022 ), but how callus formation is differentially regulated at each cut end remained unsolved. In this issue, Tanaka et al. (2023) report that differential auxin signaling between the top and bottom cut ends of grafted stems is responsible for the commonly observed asymmetric callus formation. Specifically, they found that this process is regulated by differential auxin accumulation and that expression of auxin-responsive genes, including WOX13 , preferentially occurs in the top part of the graft. Their findings provide insight into the role of auxin signaling in organ attachment during the grafting process.

Finally, we hope that the papers in this special issue help readers to update their current understanding of plant stem cells and provide new ideas for future conceptual breakthroughs in plant stem cell biology.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan [Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Principles of Pluripotent Stem Cells Underlying Plant Vitality, 17H06470 and 22H04904) to M.U.].

We thank Professor Wataru Sakamoto, Editor-in-Chief, Plant and Cell Physiology , for providing the opportunity for this special issue. We would like to acknowledge the authors and reviewers who have greatly contributed to this issue.

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Balanzà   V. , Martínez-Fernández   I. , Sato   S. , Yanofsky   M.F. , Kaufmann   K. , Angenent   G.C. , et al.  ( 2018 ) Genetic control of meristem arrest and life span in Arabidopsis by a FRUITFULL-APETALA2 pathway . Nat. Commun.   9 : 565.

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Haas   A.S. , Shi   D. and Greb   T. ( 2022 ) Cell fate decisions within the vascular cambium–initiating wood and bast formation . Front. Plant Sci.   13 : 1 – 8 .

Ikeuchi   M. , Iwase   A. , Ito   T. , Tanaka   H. , Favero   D.S. , Kawamura   A. , et al.  ( 2022 ) Wound-inducible WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 13 is required for callus growth and organ reconnection . Plant Physiol.   188 : 425 – 441 .

Mathew   M.M. and Prasad   K. ( 2021 ) Model systems for regeneration: Arabidopsis . Development   148 : dev195347.

Morinaka   H. , Coleman   D. , Sugimoto   K. and Iwase   A. ( 2023 ) Molecular mechanisms of plant regeneration from differentiated cells: approaches from historical tissue culture systems . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 308 – 315 .

Nicolas   A. and Laufs   P. ( 2022 ) Meristem initiation and de novo stem cell formation . Front. Plant Sci.   13 : 891228.

Salvi   E. , Rutten   J.P. , Di Mambro   R. , Polverari   L. , Licursi   V. , Negri   R. , et al.  ( 2020 ) A self-organized PLT/Auxin/ARR-B network controls the dynamics of root zonation development in Arabidopsis thaliana . Dev. Cell.   53 : 431 – 443 .

Shimadzu   S. , Furuya   T. and Kondo   Y. ( 2023 ) Molecular mechanisms underlying the establishment and maintenance of vascular stem cells in Arabidopsis thaliana . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 285 – 294 .

Shtin   M. , Polverari   L. , Svolacchia   N. , Bertolotti   G. , Unterholzner   S.J. , Di Mambro   R. , et al.  ( 2023 ) The mutual inhibition between PLETHORAs and ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORs controls root zonation . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 328 – 335 .

Svolacchia   N. , Salvi   E. and Sabatini   S. ( 2020 ) Arabidopsis primary root growth: let it grow, can’t hold it back anymore!   Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.   57 : 133 – 141 .

Ta   K.N. , Yoshida   M.W. , Tezuka   T. , Shimizu-Sato   S. , Nosaka-Takahashi   M. , Toyoda   A. , et al.  ( 2023 ) Control of plant cell growth and proliferation by MO25A, a conserved major component of the Mammalian Sterile20-like kinase pathway . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 347 – 362 .

Tanaka   H. , Hashimoto   N. , Kawai   S. , Yumoto   E. , Shibata   K. , Tameshige   T. , et al.  ( 2023 ) Auxin-induced WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX13 mediates asymmetric activity of callus formation upon cutting . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 316 – 327 .

Wang   Y. , Shirakawa   M. and Ito   T. ( 2023 ) Arrest, senescence and death of shoot apical stem cells in Arabidopsis thaliana . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 295 – 301 .

Yang   T. , Jiao   Y. and Wang   Y. ( 2023 ) Stem cell basis of shoot branching . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 302 – 307 .

Zuch   D.T. , Herrmann   A. , Kim   E.-D. and Torii   K.U. ( 2023 ) Cell cycle dynamics during stomatal development: window of MUTE action and ramification of its loss-of-function on an uncommitted precursor . Plant Cell Physiol.   64 : 336 – 346 .

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Plant stem cell research is uncovering the secrets of longevity and persistent growth


  • 1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Ikoma, 630-0192, Japan.
  • 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan.
  • 3 National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, 444-8585, Japan.
  • 4 Department of Basic Biology, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Okazaki, 444-8585, Japan.
  • 5 Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan.
  • 6 Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan.
  • 7 Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Molecular Biosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712, USA.
  • 8 Institute of Transformative Biomolecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan.
  • 9 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan.
  • 10 Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8602, Japan.
  • 11 Sugashima Marine Biological Laboratory, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Toba, 517-0004, Japan.
  • 12 Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan.
  • PMID: 33533118
  • PMCID: PMC8252613
  • DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15184

Plant stem cells have several extraordinary features: they are generated de novo during development and regeneration, maintain their pluripotency, and produce another stem cell niche in an orderly manner. This enables plants to survive for an extended period and to continuously make new organs, representing a clear difference in their developmental program from animals. To uncover regulatory principles governing plant stem cell characteristics, our research project 'Principles of pluripotent stem cells underlying plant vitality' was launched in 2017, supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Japanese government. Through a collaboration involving 28 research groups, we aim to identify key factors that trigger epigenetic reprogramming and global changes in gene networks, and thereby contribute to stem cell generation. Pluripotent stem cells in the shoot apical meristem are controlled by cytokinin and auxin, which also play a crucial role in terminating stem cell activity in the floral meristem; therefore, we are focusing on biosynthesis, metabolism, transport, perception, and signaling of these hormones. Besides, we are uncovering the mechanisms of asymmetric cell division and of stem cell death and replenishment under DNA stress, which will illuminate plant-specific features in preserving stemness. Our technology support groups expand single-cell omics to describe stem cell behavior in a spatiotemporal context, and provide correlative light and electron microscopic technology to enable live imaging of cell and subcellular dynamics at high spatiotemporal resolution. In this perspective, we discuss future directions of our ongoing projects and related research fields.

Keywords: asymmetric cell division; genome stability; meristem; pluripotency; reprogramming; stem cell.

© 2021 The Authors. The Plant Journal published by Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.

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Stem cells in plants and animals. Stem cells in the apical and axillary…

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Stem cell formation and asymmetric division. (a) Formation of stem cells in P.…

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Blake Meyers is a member at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, and a Professor at the University of Missouri,…

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Dan Kliebenstein, Senior Editor

Areas of expertise Metabolic regulation, secondary metabolism/natural products, statistical genetics, transcriptome and metabolome analysis, plant–biotic interactions.

Dan Kliebenstein is a Professor…

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Joseph Kieber, Senior Editor

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Joseph Kieber holds a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a Professor…

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Plant Cell Webinar: Celebrating the May 2022 Focus Issue on Plant Biotic Interactions (Part 1)

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Research on Plant Cell Wall Biology

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A special issue of Cells (ISSN 2073-4409). This special issue belongs to the section " Plant, Algae and Fungi Cell Biology ".

Deadline for manuscript submissions: closed (31 January 2022) | Viewed by 64566

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Plant cells are surrounded by extracellular matrixes. These structures, also called cell walls, are highly variable between species and organs and during plant development. Primary cell walls are mainly composed of polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectins), but they also contain a large diversity of peptides and cell wall proteins (CWPs). These latter are part of the cell wall structure through covalent and noncovalent scaffolds or interactions with polysaccharides, and they are critical players in cell wall dynamic processes. They are also capable of sensing the cell wall structure changes during development or in response to environmental constraints and accordingly convert them to signals triggering appropriate physiological responses. Secondary cell walls may contain aromatic polymers which contribute to cell wall rigidification and cell death for particular tissues.

The perception of biotic and abiotic signals via plasma membrane receptor-like kinases is well documented. By contrast, the sensing of cell wall integrity, in order to balance and restore cell wall homeostasis, is still puzzling. Another fascinating subject concerns the cell wall dynamics and constraints during lateral organ formation. Indeed, cell walls which are necessary to maintain cell structure and integrity in response to cell turgescence need to be locally loosened to allow lateral organ emergence. To summarize, the plant cell wall is a solid, plastic, intelligent exoskeleton capable of sensing and responding to all types of stimuli.

This Special Issue welcomes reviews and original research articles dealing with plant cell wall biology in the green lineage with a particular focus on cell wall integrity and dynamics.

Prof. Christophe Dunand Dr. Elisabeth Jamet Guest Editors

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Plant Cell Factories: Current and Future Uses of Plant Cell Cultures

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Plants synthesize a wide array of secondary metabolites, i.e., specialized compounds that are not strictly necessary for their growth and development, but important for other purposes, such as the interaction with the environment. Many plant secondary metabolites exert biological activities and are thus of ...

Keywords : Plant cell suspension cultures, dedifferentiation, plant secondary metabolites, elicitation, bioprocess optimization, bioreactors, bioactive compounds, metabolic engineering, metabolomics, protein production

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Artist’s representation of gene expression in mycorrhizae-colonized roots as obtained by the combination of single-cell and spatial gene expression analyses.

The Science

In most plants, fungi are found in close association (symbiosis) with their roots. These fungi, called mycorrhizae, help plants obtain water and other nutrients. Meanwhile, plants provide the fungi with carbon nutrients generated through photosynthesis. This symbiosis occurs in microscopic structures called arbuscules that help transfer nutrients between the plants and the fungi. To better understand gene expression—how genes tell cells what to do—in plant/mycorrhizae symbioses, researchers analyzed roots of a model plant colonized by fungi. They used a combination of advanced techniques to measure gene activity in tens of thousands of individual cells and to visualize gene expression in two-dimensional sections of roots. The microscopic resolution of the analysis allowed the researchers to generate a spatial map of gene expression in both the root and the fungal cells.

Symbioses between arbuscular mycorrhizae and plants occur in most ecosystems. These symbioses are important for agriculture, as the fungi provide critical nutrients to the plants. However, this interaction is restricted to a few root cells, making it difficult to study. This study’s spatial and single-cell examination of plant-fungal interactions sheds new light on this process. Understanding both sides of this symbiosis at the molecular level may enable researchers to make targeted improvements to the way plants and mycorrhizae interact. This could be applied to bioenergy crops to increase their productivity and their ability to store carbon .

The symbiotic interaction of plants with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is ancient and widespread. Plants provide AM fungi with carbon in exchange for nutrients and water, making this interaction a prime target for crop improvement. However, plant–fungal interactions are restricted to a small subset of root cells, precluding the application of most conventional functional genomic techniques to study the molecular bases of these interactions.

Researchers at the Joint Genome Institute (JGI), a Department of Energy (DOE) user facility, and the DOE Joint Bioenergy Institute used single-nucleus and spatial RNA sequencing to explore both Medicago truncatula and Rhizophagus irregularis transcriptomes in AM symbiosis at cellular and spatial resolution. Integrated, spatially registered single-cell maps revealed infected and uninfected plant root cell types. The researchers observed that cortex cells exhibit distinct transcriptome profiles during different stages of colonization by AM fungi. This indicates dynamic interplay between both organisms during establishment of the cellular interface enabling successful symbiosis. This study provides insight into a symbiotic relationship of major agricultural and environmental importance and demonstrates a paradigm combining single-cell and spatial transcriptomics for the analysis of complex organismal interactions.

Benjamin Cole Joint Genome Institute [email protected]  

This study was performed at the Department of Energy’s Joint BioEnergy Institute and Joint Genome Institute and was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program. This study was also supported by a Laboratory Directed Research and Development award at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a DOE Early Career Research Program. Two of the researchers were funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.


Serrano, K., et al. , Spatial co-transcriptomics reveals discrete stages of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis . Nature Plants 10 , 673–688 (2024). [DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01666-3]

Related Links

JGI Press Release: An Inside Look at How Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi Cooperate

JGI Genome Insider Podcast: Better Crops With a Pointillist Approach to Plant Genomics

Discovering how plants make life-and-death decisions


Researchers at Michigan State University have discovered two proteins that work together to determine the fate of cells in plants facing certain stresses.

Ironically, a key discovery in this finding, published recently in  Nature Communications , was made right as the project’s leader was getting ready to destress.

Postdoctoral researcher Noelia Pastor-Cantizano was riding a bus to the airport to fly out for vacation, when she decided to share a promising result she had helped gather a day earlier.

“I didn’t want to wait ten days until I came back to send it. It took almost two years to get there,” said Pastor-Cantizano, who then worked in the  Brandizzi lab  in the MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, or  PRL .

“That’s what I remember at the moment,” Pastor-Cantizano said. “I was thinking ‘I can relax now, at least for one week.’

Pastor-Cantizano had been working identify a gene in the model plant Arabidopsis that could control the plants response to stressors, which can lead to the plant’s death. She and her collaborators had identified a protein in Arabidopsis that seemed to control whether a plant would live or die under stress conditions.

Having identified the gene was just the beginning of the story, despite being years into the journey. It would take five more years to get to this new paper.

A close up photo of a small green plant in a potplants

The researchers discovered that the proteins BON-associated protein2, or BAP2, and inositol-requiring enzyme 1, or IRE1, work together when dealing with stress conditions — a matter of life and death for plant cells.

Understanding how these proteins function can help researchers breed plants that are more resilient to death conditions.

Creating plants that are more resistant to endoplasmic reticulum stress, or ER stress, has widespread implications in agriculture. If crops can be made to be more resilient in the face of drought or heat conditions, the plants stand a better chance of surviving and thriving, despite the changing climate.

“Research in our lab is fueled by enthusiasm and gratitude to be able to make important contributions to science,” said  Federica Brandizzi,  MSU Research Foundation Professor in the Department of Plant Biology and at the PRL. “The work was herculean, and has been possible only thanks to the patience, enthusiasm and dedication of a wonderful team. Noelia was simply fantastic.”

Working in tandem

Within eukaryotic cells is an organelle known as the endoplasmic reticulum, or ER. It creates proteins and folds them into shapes the cell can utilize. Like cutting up vegetables to use in a recipe, the proteins must be formed into the right shape before they can be used.

Protein making and protein folding capacity must be in balance, like a sous chef and a chef, working in tandem. If the sous chef is providing the chef with too little or too many ingredients, it throws off the balance in the kitchen.

When the ER cannot properly do its job, or the balance is thrown off, it enters a state known as ER stress. The cell will jumpstart a mechanism known as the unfolded protein response, or UPR, to decide what to do next. If the problem can be resolved, the cell will initiative life saving measures to resolve the problem. If it cannot be, the cell begins to shut down, ending its and potentially the plant’s life.


It was known that the enzyme IRE1 was responsible for directing the mechanisms that would either save the cell or kill it off.

But what calls IRE1 to action?

In this study, the Brandizzi lab researchers were searching for the master regulator of these pro-death processes, known as programmed cell death.

“I had the idea because I read that irritable bowel disease is linked to a mutation in a gene controlled by IRE1 that occurs among humans,” Brandizzi said. “Humans are diverse and so are plants. So I thought to look into plant diversity as a source of new important findings in the UPR.”

The researchers started by looking at hundreds of accessions, or plants of the same species but specific to one locale. For example, a plant that grows in Colombia will have genetic variations to the same species of plant that grows in Spain, and the ways they each respond to stress conditions could differ.

They found extensive variation in the response to ER stress between the different accessions. Taking the accessions whose responses were the most dissimilar, they tried to identify the differences in their genomes. This is where the BAP2 gene candidate came into play.

“We found that BAP2 responds to ER stress,” said Pastor-Cantizano, who is currently a postdoc at the University of Valencia. “And the cool thing is that it is able to control and modify the activity of IRE1. But also IRE1 is able to regulate BAP2 expression.”

BAP2 and IRE1 work together, signaling to each other what the best course of action for the cell is. Having one without the other results in the death of the plant when the ER homeostasis is unbalanced.

Seven years

From start to finish, this project took over seven years of dedicated work.


Day in and out, the researchers spent their time tediously placing seeds onto plates with a medium in which they could grow. Arabidopsis seeds are not much larger than grains of sand at their smallest, so this was delicate work that required time and attention.

From there, the researchers spent several more months with these plants, looking at the accessions offsprings and identifying how BAP2 worked within the plants. This took another few years.

“It has been a long road with its obstacles, but it has been worth it,” said Pastor-Cantizano. “When I started this project, I couldn’t imagine how it would end.”

This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health, with contributing support from Chemical Sciences, Geoscience and Biosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy; the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research; and MSU AgBioResearch. Additional contributing support comes from the Generalitat Valenciana, “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.”

This story was originally published by MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory.

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Plant stem cells and their applications: special emphasis on their marketed products

Srishti aggarwal.

1 Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201313 India

Chandni Sardana

Munir ozturk.

2 Department of Botany, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

Maryam Sarwat

Stem cells are becoming increasingly popular in public lexicon owing to their prospective applications in the biomedical and therapeutic domains. Extensive research has found various independent stem cell systems fulfilling specific needs of plant development. Plant stem cells are innately undifferentiated cells present in the plant’s meristematic tissues. Such cells have various commercial uses, wherein cosmetic manufacture involving stem cell derivatives is the most promising field at present. Scientific evidence suggests anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties possessed by various plants such as grapes ( Vitis vinifera ), lilacs ( Syringa vulgaris ), Swiss apples ( Uttwiler spatlauber ) etc. are of great importance in terms of cosmetic applications of plant stem cells. There are widespread uses of plant stem cells and their extracts. The products so formulated have a varied range of applications which included skin whitening, de-tanning, moisturizing, cleansing etc. Despite all the promising developments, the domain of plant stem cells remains hugely unexplored. This article presents an overview of the current scenario of plant stem cells and their applications in humans.


Plant stem cells are innately undifferentiated cells present in the meristematic tissues, providing them vitality and a steady supply of precursor cells which later differentiate into various parts or tissues (Batygina 2011 ). The two vital sources of stem cells in plants are apical and lateral meristematic tissues (Dodueva et al. 2017 ). The characteristic features of these cells are self-renewal and ability to create differentiated cells (Xu and Huang 2014 ). Plant stem cells do not undergo the process of ageing and senescence, they undergo differentiation to form specialized and unspecialized cells. These in turn have the potential to develop into any organ or tissue. Therefore, plant stem cells are termed as totipotent cells. Such cells have the potential to regenerate and thereby result in the formation of new organs in the lifetime of a species (Dinneny and Benfey 2008 ).

Plant stem cells are a form of adaption but due to their immobility, it is difficult for plants to counteract dangerous and stressful stimuli. It has been hypothesized that stem cells help plants for surviving harsh external conditions thus preserving the plant life (Sena 2014 ). These cells are differentiated on the basis of their action (Table ​ (Table1) 1 ) (Crespi and Frugier 2008 ; Kretser 2007 ; Sablowski 2007 ; Verdeil et al. 2007 ; Vijan 2016 ) or location (Table ​ (Table2) 2 ) (Bäurle and Laux 2003 ; Byrne et al. 2003 ; Stahl and Simon 2005 ).

Types of stem cells on the basis of their action


Comprise of all basic functions

Unspecialized cells

Capable of self-renewal for long durations

Undergo differentiation to produce specialized cells

Form limited quantities of differentiated diverse cells

Known as ‘True stem cells’

Ability to differentiate to form any kind of stem cell

Capable of generating sparse, distinct cells inside the body

Capable of giving rise to any type of cell

Have the same function in plants as those in animals

Can be obtained from roots and shoots of growing tips

Play an important role in growing diameter of trunks as well as branches of woody plants

Capable of differentiating only across one lineage

Found in mature tissues and possess the lowest potential of differentiation

Can differentiate into only a single type of cell

Bear property of self-renewal

Types of stem cells on the basis of location

Stem cell niche in shoot tipStem cell niche in root tip

Found in dome-shaped organ called shoot apical meristem

Has organizing centre which is responsible for the maintenance of the stem cell

Stem cells divide into new cells on their own and transit-amplifying cells (group of intermediate cells produced before cell differentiation) by asymmetric division

Transit-amplifying cells-play an important role in retaining activity of the cell and accumulate to give to new organs

Upper region of shoot apical meristem with stem cell niche-forms central zone of the center

This region has slower rate of cell division which reduces the probability of producing mutations

Peripheral zone is situated around the central zone, where cell division is more rapid

Different from stem cell niche in shoot tips in their structural arrangement

Small amount of organizing cells are surrounded by different types of plant stem cells

These centres rarely undergo cell division, so called as Quiescent centres

These cells divide in an asymmetrical manner

Form stem cells on their own and also form differentiated root cells without forming transit-amplifying cells

Stem cells present on the tip side of the root cap are sloughed off in a continuous manner and serves the key role of protecting the stem cell niche

Propagation of plant stem cells in culture

Some of the important factors contributing towards the maintenance of stem cells in plants are known. These include the signals transmitted from the microenvironment and epigenetic control of stem cells in a manner similar to that in mammals (Weigel and Jürgens 2002 ). Mature plant stem cells consist of totipotent stem cells that are capable of regeneration into a whole new plant. The technique of plant tissue culture is focused on the process of plant stem cell propagation resulting in either the formation of a whole new plant or tissue or specific types of single cells in the culture for the purpose of harvesting plant metabolites (Sang et al. 2018 ). This technique is used to standardize the production of plant material under sterile conditions, independent of environmental constraints. Nearly all plant tissues can be used to initiate tissue culture (Takahashi and Suge 1996 ). Tissue material obtained for culture is called an explant, whose cut surface provides the necessary area for new cells. This is akin to a wound healing reaction. The cells further dedifferentiate, losing distinctive features of normal plant cells to create a colourless cell mass called callus, wherein the stem cells are comparable to those in the meristematic regions. Callus cells are cultured as individual cells or small cell clusters in a liquid culture for higher yield (Imseng et al. 2014 ; Pavlovic and Radotic 2017 ; Perez-Garcia and Moreno-Risueno 2018 ). Various steps and techniques involved in the process of propagation and extraction of stem cells from plants are shown in Fig.  1 .

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Schematic representation of the stepwise process of isolation of stem cells from Swiss apples ( Uttwiler splatlauber )

Potential of plant stem cells

Emerging trends in cosmetics include anti-ageing creams consisting of plant-based complexes derived from Mirabilis jalapa and the Indian gooseberry fruit Phyllanthus emblica (Choi et al. 2015 ). In addition to these, certain peppermint-based haircare products are also derived employing the technique of plant cell culture (Barbulova and Apone 2014 ). Some products consist of a combination of plant and human stem cell-based constituents, wherein tropoelastin is the constituent derived from human embryonic stem cells. Many cosmetic manufacturers claim the use of stem cell technology in their products (Schmid et al. 2008 ). Professional skincare cosmetics consist of active derivatives of extracts from plant stem cells and not live plant stem cells. Thus, the claimed effects such as smooth and firm skin are due to the presence of antioxidants in plant extracts (Schmid et al. 2008 ). Significant plant components such as anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds are found in various plants like grapes ( Vitis vinifera ), lilacs ( Syringa vulgaris ), and Swiss apples ( Uttwiler spatlauber ). Cosmetics containing these extracts are capable of exhibiting a photo-protective action against UV rays induced damage (Reisch 2009 ). Fruit-based antioxidant compounds like anthocyanin and curcumin are found in grapes and turmeric respectively, whereas apple stem cells are considered to be rich in phytonutrients such as carotenoids and flavonoids (Prhal et al. 2014 ). Several other botanical sources are currently being developed as cosmetic products, such as—tomatoes ( Solanum lycopersicum ), orchard apples ( Malus domestica ), ginger ( Zingiber officianale ), cloudberries ( Rubus chamaemorus ), edelweiss ( Leontopodium nivale ), and argan buds ( Argania spinosa ) etc. (Georgiev et al. 2018 ; Tito et al. 2011 ; Fu et al. 2001 ).

Comparison between plant and animal stem cells

Stem cells are a group of undifferentiated cells, capable of forming a variety of specialized cells—thus acting as a master key. Such cells are imperative for growth and tissue generation. In mammals, the biggest drawback of stem cells is that specialized cells are unable to return to their original undifferentiated state. This limitation is overcome in case of plant stem cells which are capable of reverting to their original state without any external manipulation. Plants undertake a natural reprogramming process in order to replenish their stem cells (Heidstra and Sabatini 2014 ).

Even though the proteins in mammalian stem cell systems and plant stem cell systems vary in nature, major similarities can be observed in the way they interact with each other. For example, the process in which stem cells strengthen or weaken each other (Zubov 2016 ; Greb and Lohmann 2016 ).

Animal cells are vulnerable to reverting back to a stem cell state as a result of external manipulation. However, the process involves steps like increasing concentration of specific proteins which make it extremely delicate and complex. By gaining a better insight of the reasons leading to easy manipulation of plant cells in comparison to animal cells, the clinical potential of cell reprogramming in humans can be improved (You et al. 2014 ). Mathematical formulas can be utilized as an effective tool to perform the analysis of interactions occurring between proteins during the course of evolution of stem cells, as well as the interactions taking place between the proteins and genes linked to the process of stem cell formation (Sablowski 2004 ) (Fig. ​ (Fig.2 2 ).

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Diagram consisting of the advantages possessed by plant stem cells and their extracts over animal derived counterparts

Plant stem cells v/s plant stem cell extracts

Many cosmetic manufacturers assert that their products contain stem cells, when in reality they contain stem cell extracts and not live stem cells. Terminology is an important factor in terms of the claims made by cosmetic manufacturers. In order to gain an insight into the ‘plant stem cell’ claim made by manufacturers, understanding of ingredients in cosmetic products is required. This may involve the use of stem cells extracted from primitive cells (Lohmann 2008 ).

Various skincare products and cosmetics manufacturing companies are marketing their products with the claim of using stem cell technology for different purposes. One such example is of Image Skincare which has a series of products like anti-ageing serums, lightening creams, lightening cleansers and lotions (Draelos, 2012 ). Furthermore, certain stem cell products like Dermaquest Stem cell 3D HydraFirm serum, Peptide eye firming serum etc. are marketed with the affirmation of containing stem cells derived from plants such as gardenia ( Gardenia jasminoides ), Echinacea ( Echinacea purpurea ) , lilac ( Syringa vulgaris )and orange ( Citrus sinensis ) (Barbulova and Apone 2014 ).

Scientific evidence from research-based data on plant stem cells used in skincare shows their potential as skin protective, anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle agents. However, stem cells used in cosmetic formulations are already dead. Extracts from stem cells fail to act in the same way as the active stem cells. The affirmed benefits of smooth and firm skin occur due to the presence of other beneficial plant products such as antioxidants and active extracts from stem cells. In order to obtain all the authentic and positive outcomes from stem cells and to let them work as per their described applications in skincare products, they are required to be incorporated as active cells and should remain so in the cosmetic formulations (Reisch 2009 ).


Protecting human stem cells.

Cells extracted from blood present in the umbilical cord are an ethically accepted source of stem cells of human origin. The extract of stem cells from the Uttwiler spatlauber species was studied and observed for its effect on the growth of stem cells obtained from umbilical cord blood in two different studies. The first study was designed to observe the effect of extracted cells on proliferative activity of human stem cells. It was observed that the effect was concentration dependent. The second experiment was carried out by keeping the stem cells in a stressed environment using the irradiation technique with a UV light as the source of suitable wavelength. It was concluded that 50% of the cells cultured in the growth medium alone died, whereas the cells which were cultured in the presence of an extract of stem cells from Uttwiler spatlauber were found to have experienced only a small loss in terms of their viability (Schmid et al. 2008 ).

Reversing signs of senescence in fibroblast cells

Senescence is described as a natural process in which after dividing 50 times (approx.), the cell loses its ability to undergo any further divisions. However, senescence may also occur earlier in the life cycle of a cell life as a result of an underlying trauma such as a corrective response to damaged cellular DNA. Premature senescence can be considered an atrocity especially when it hits stem cells because they are imperative for the process of tissue regeneration. A cellular model for demonstrating and preventing premature senescence was developed based on fibroblast cells. Following treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide for a period of 2 h, typical signs of senescence were observed in the cells. This model was developed in order to establish the anti-senescence activity of the extract of stem cells from Uttwiler spatlauber (Fig.  3 ) (Schmid et al. 2008 ).

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Diagrammatic representation of cells from the epidermal layer of skin leading to the formation of transient amplifying cells which in turn differentiate to form stratified layers of the skin—thus causing renewal or replenishment of the various skin layers on application of stem cell based formulation

Retarding senescence in isolated hair follicles

Follicles of human hair are isolated by the process of microdissection from fragments of skin that are left behind after the facelift surgery procedure. For this purpose, follicles which exist in their anagen phase are used. Hair follicles can be compared to a system of mini-organs which mimics the natural model of co-culture of stem cells of epidermal and melanocyte origin as well as differentiated cells. These follicles are preserved in a growth medium wherein they are allowed to elongate for a period of 14 days, following which the follicle cells either enter the stage of senescence or undergo the process of apoptosis i.e. programmed cell death. Due to the lack of blood circulation, the isolated hair follicles are unable to live and grow for a longer duration of time. However, isolated hair follicles are tested in order to determine the activities which are responsible for causing a delay in the process of necrosis (Fig.  4 ) (Schmid et al. 2008 ; Nishimura et al. 2005 ).

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Diagrammatic representation of a hair bulb containing multipotent stem cells which are responsible for creating lineages in various neighboring parts of the hair bulb such as the epidermal layer, sebaceous gland and hair follicle—thereby initiating the renewal process

Anti-wrinkle effect

The anti-wrinkle activity of PhytoCellTec™ Malus domestica was established during a clinical trial which was conducted in a time duration of 4 weeks. A cream constituting a 2% PhytoCellTec™ Malus domestica extract was administered two times in a day on crow’s feet. The depth of the wrinkle was analyzed using the PRIMOS system after set time intervals in order to determine the effect of the cream. Digital photographs of the crow’s feet area were taken prior to administration of the cream and compared with those taken at the end of the study. The application of PhytoCellTec TM Malus domestica cream was reported to markedly reduce the depth of the wrinkle after a period of 2 weeks and then 4 weeks. The effect can be demonstrated effectively by creating 3D pictures of the subjects for comparison. The anti-wrinkle activity can also be observed by means of digital photographs (Fig.  5 ) (Schmid et al. 2008 ; Sengupta et al. 2018 ).

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3D and digital images of the crow’s feet area depicting a comparison of the area before ( a , b ) and after treatment ( c , d ) using a cream containing 2% PhytoCellTech™ Mallus domestica extract; wherein it can be observed that the depressions in the skin reduce significantly after treatment.

[Image from research paper titled ‘Plant stem cell extract for longevity of skin and hair’, originally published in International Journal for Applied Science in May 2008. Used with permission of the author Dr. Schmid of Mibelle Biochemistry, Switzerland]

Marketed products

Stem cell extracts obtained from plants through various extraction techniques are currently being used both for the production of routine cosmetic products (used by consumers on daily basis) as well as for professional care cosmetic products. These are whitening agents such as arbutin, an active constituent obtained from the plant  Catharanthus roseus  and various phytological pigments such as safflower and saflorin obtained from  C.tincorius . Stem cells obtained from a rare species of apple cultivated in Switzerland have been observed to possess excellent storage properties. This extract of the cultured apple stem cells was obtained following an extraction process involving plant cell lysis under high pressure homogenization (Oh and Snyder 2013 ; Trehan et al. 2017 ).

The cosmetic company Mibelle AG Biochemistry in Buchs, Switzerland has conducted experiments wherein human fibroblast cells were incubated and characteristic symptoms of cDNA damage were induced in these cells cultured in a 2% extract of Uttwiler spatlauber stem cells. These stem cells were capable of reversing the process of ageing of skin fibroblast cells by causing an up-regulation of various genes essential for the proliferation and growth of the cells and also stimulating expression of required antioxidant enzyme known as haemeoxygenase-1. This experiment has also established the effectiveness of enhancing the lifespan of stem cells derived from the umbilical cord blood and increasing the viability of isolated human hair follicles (Schmid et al. 2008 ). Another product developed by using a competent production method involved cloudberry ( Rubus chamaemorus ) cells. In this case bioreactors from entrenched callus and suspension cultures of Rubus chamaemorus had been used wherein, Murashige and Skoog were the mediums opulent in phytohormones such as kinetin and α-naphthalene acetic acid. The cloudberry cell products obtained by this method were capable of being used as raw material in the cosmetic manufacturing industry on a large scale. This standardized process was a prospective technique for sustainable manufacturing of fresh cells or cell fraction extracts, isolated compounds having potent biological activities, freeze dried cell products, fragrance or colouring agents etc. (Martinussen et al. 2004 ).

Stem cells cultured from tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) cells were found to possess tremendous potential in terms of protecting skin from adverse effects caused due to toxicity of heavy metals. A hydrophilic cosmetic active ingredient was manufactured from liquid cultures of  L.esculentum  with comparatively higher concentrations of certain components such as flavonoids and phenolic acids like rutin, coumaric, protocatechuic and chlorogenic acids. This extract of tomato stem cells had a higher content of antioxidants and chelating agent phytochelatins which are responsible for chelation of heavy metals. This in turn captures the metals and prevents potential damage to cellular materials and organelles. It was also observed that the extract obtained by this method displayed other phenomenal applications in the area of skincare cosmetics for the purpose of supporting healthy skin growth and maintenance (Tito et al. 2011 ).

Refined ginger ( Zingiber officinale ) consists of active cells of plants by achieving a particular biotechnological mix of plant cell dedifferentiation and a plant cell culture which is responsible for controlling the synthesis of active molecules inside the cell. In a clinical study performed by the manufacturer, it was observed that women indicated signs of improvement in 50% of their skin structure as a result of pore reduction and a mattifying effect. This effect was enhanced by a consequent reduction in shininess in their skin and also a significant reduction of sebum. An increase in the synthesis of elastin fibres in the skin was observed in in vitro tests which consequently reduced the rate of sebum production (Trehan et al. 2017 ).

The Institute of Biotechnological Research examined the protective and potent anti-collagenase as well as hyaluronidase activity of an anti-ageing component obtained from stem cell extracts of edelweiss ( Leontopodium alpinum ). It is rich in leontopodic acids A and B, which are responsible for exhibiting a strong and potent antioxidant effect on skin (Trehan et al. 2017 ).

The patented stem cell technology given by XtemCell utilizes the active plant cells from a rare and organic nutrient-rich plant in order to be able to create new cells which are highly pure and nutrient rich. The patented technology promises high concentrations of lipids, proteins, amino acids and phytoalexins as a result of the extraction process in contrast to conventional chemical extraction techniques. In clinical studies performed by the manufacturer it was established that the active cells used in XtemCell products were absorbed in the outermost cells of the epidermis almost instantly; thereby allowing prompt renewal of the skin cells, increasing nutrient absorption, and enhancing the amount of filaggrin proteins in the skin. These are responsible for protecting the skin from any further damage caused by sun exposure and ageing (Trehan et al. 2017 ).

Global market

Plant stem cell-based cosmetics are regarded as one of the most diverse and ambitious market consisting of large number of manufacturers having high stake and prominent brand names related to the cosmetic industry. Dominating names in this market are: Mibelle group of industries, L’Oreal cosmetics, Estee Lauder, Channel 21, Christian Dior, Clinique cosmeceuticals, MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Juice Beauty, and Intelligent Nutrients (Oh and Snyder 2013 ).

Key movements in the cosmetic market include the following:

  • Increasing demand for plant stem cell-based cosmetics in the tropical regions as a result of exposure to harmful UV rays and a consequent increase in the risk of ageing (Blanpain and Fuchs 2006 ).
  • Desire for nutrients which can be directly absorbed through the membrane of the skin for meeting the nutritional and hydration requirements of the skin by creating increased demand of plant stem cell-based cosmetics (Barthel and Aberdam 2005 ).
  • In the last few decades, aesthetics, anti-ageing and other procedures were concentrated around women only. However, recent commercially available cosmetic products have also targeted the male population (Trehan et al. 2017 ).

Conclusion and future prospects

Plant stem cells and related technology are imminent subjects in therapeutic as well as cosmetic industries. Plant stem cells have a wide range of applications in both fields however, their true potential still remains unexplored due to a lack of scientific evidence and large variety of flora available for experimental purposes. The use of plant extracts and their parts such as fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, roots, etc. is established in the field of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals since ancient times. Application of plants and their extracts in cosmetics is thus widespread and the products formulated have a wide range of applications such as whitening, de-tanning, moisturizing, cleansing etc. Various recent developments in the field of plant and human stem cells are being considered important milestones in the search for vital sources of human tissue renewal. Generally, human skin cells renew themselves in a continuous process in order to protect the body against injuries, infections and damage due to the phenomenon of dehydration. With increasing age of stem cells, a decrease in their healing capacity is observed along with accelerated degeneration of the tissues present in the skin. Therefore, the protection and supportive maintenance of stem cells is imperative to healthy skin.

Manufacturing firms are rapidly introducing products employing plant stem cell technology. Such products typically help in protecting skin stem cells from various kinds of damage, particularly ageing. The propensity for the development of skincare products based on plant stem cell extracts is an emerging trend at present due to the vast potential of plant stem cells which are able to develop into different types of cells. Presently various forms of plant stem cells and the products derived from their extracts are commercially accessible to the cosmetic industry. Plant constituents have been found to have a sufficient amount of plant stem cells as well as other therapeutically relevant plant products such as phytohormones and antioxidants. The rich biodiversity present on our planet has a lot of potential for use. Their components and constituents have remained unexplored and unexploited to be used as a source of plant stem cells and utilized in the cosmetic industry for various purposes.

Despite all these promising developments in the area of plant stem cells and their varied applications, it is not yet clear if the plant derived extracts and those from stem cells have ethnicity specific effects on humans. If so, it may help finding the host factor regulating all beneficial traits of stem cell technology. It will prove to be a highly rewarding proposition if the genes responsible for conferring the beneficial traits of stem cells on humans are identified. This would hasten the process of natural healing, achieving yet another goal of the healthcare system.


We thank Professor Sher Ali, Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi for his comments on our raw draft of the manuscript.

Author contributions

SA, CS and MS have written the manuscript. MS has supervised the work and MS and MU edited the Manuscript.

This work was not supported by any funding agency.

Compliance with ethical standards

The authors ascertain no conflict of interest.

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  • Published: 28 August 2024

Sperm-origin paternal effects on root stem cell niche differentiation

  • Tianhe Cheng   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8553-3441 1 ,
  • Zhenzhen Liu 1 ,
  • Haiming Li 1 ,
  • Xiaorong Huang 1   nAff2 ,
  • Wei Wang 1 ,
  • Ce Shi   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-8920-8750 1 ,
  • Xuecheng Zhang   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8667-4740 1 ,
  • Hong Chen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8432-6646 1 ,
  • Zhuang Yao 1 ,
  • Peng Zhao   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1904-8955 1 ,
  • Xiongbo Peng   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-9436-5072 1 &
  • Meng-Xiang Sun   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6959-8405 1  

Nature ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Fertilization
  • Plant embryogenesis
  • Root apical meristem

Fertilization introduces parental genetic information into the zygote to guide embryogenesis. Parental contributions to postfertilization development have been discussed for decades, and the data available show that both parents contribute to the zygotic transcriptome, suggesting a paternal role in early embryogenesis 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . However, because the specific paternal effects on postfertilization development and the molecular pathways underpinning these effects remain poorly understood, paternal contribution to early embryogenesis and plant development has not yet been adequately demonstrated 7 . Here our research shows that TREE1 and its homologue DAZ3 are expressed exclusively in Arabidopsis sperm. Despite presenting no evident defects in sperm development and fertilization, tree1 daz3 unexpectedly led to aberrant differentiation of the embryo root stem cell niche. This defect persisted in seedlings and disrupted root tip regeneration, comparable to congenital defects in animals. TREE1 and DAZ3 function by suppression of maternal RKD2 transcription, thus mitigating the detrimental maternal effects from RKD2 on root stem cell niche. Therefore, our findings illuminate how genetic deficiencies in sperm can exert enduring paternal effects on specific plant organ differentiation and how parental-of-origin genes interact to ensure normal embryogenesis. This work also provides a new concept of how gamete quality or genetic deficiency can affect specific plant organ formation.

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research on plant cells

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Data availability.

All data in this work are publicly available. The following RNA-seq datasets were used for analysis of expression levels in this study: egg cells, Zy14, Zy24 and 32 C ( GSE121003 ), 8 C ( GSE33713 ), stems ( GSE102694 ) and roots and rosettes ( GSE87760 ). Sequence data were obtained from the Arabidopsis Information Resource database ( www.arabidopsis.org ) with accession nos. AT4G35610 for TREE1 and AT4G35700 for DAZ3 . Source Data are provided with this paper.

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We thank J. Xu (Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory, Singapore) for reporter lines pWOX5::GFP and pDR5::GFP ; F. Berger (Gregor Mendel Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) for the pHTR10::HTR10-RFP marker; H. Qiao (University of Texas at Austin, USA) for daz3 tree1-1 seeds; S. Song (Capital Normal University, China) for opr3 seeds; and R. Yao (Hunan University, China) and D. Xie (Tsinghua University, China) for coi1-2 seeds. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 32130031 and 31991201) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (no. 2021M702524).

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Xiaorong Huang

Present address: State Key Laboratory of Cellular Stress Biology, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

Authors and Affiliations

State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Tianhe Cheng, Zhenzhen Liu, Haiming Li, Xiaorong Huang, Wei Wang, Ce Shi, Xuecheng Zhang, Hong Chen, Zhuang Yao, Peng Zhao, Xiongbo Peng & Meng-Xiang Sun

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T.C. and M.-X.S. conceived and designed the project. T.C. performed most of the experiments, including transgenic plant creation, semi-in vivo ovule culture, microscopic observation and root regeneration. Z.L., H.L., X.H., C.S., W.W., X.Z., H.C., Z.Y., P.Z. and X.P. participated in experiments for plasmid constructs, plant cultivation, mutant analysis and data analysis. T.C. and M.-X.S. wrote the original draft, reviewed and finalized the manuscript and acquired funding. All authors checked and approved the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Meng-Xiang Sun .

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Extended data figures and tables

Extended data fig. 1 tree1 and daz3 expression patterns..

a , RT-qPCR analysis of TREE1 expression in both vegetative and reproductive tissues. b , RT-qPCR analysis of DAZ3 expression in both vegetative and reproductive tissues. The expression level in root was set to 1. Data are the mean ± s.d. from three biological replicates in both a and b . c , TREE1 signal was gradually disappeared after one-cell embryo stage. d , The GFP signal values of nuclei were statistically analyzed at different stages ( n  = 30). e , TREE1-GFP signal is not detected in the root, shoot and leaf. f , DAZ3 signal was also gradually disappeared soon after zygote division. g , The GFP signal of embryos was statistically analyzed at different developmental stages after fertilization ( n  = 30). h , DAZ3-GFP signal was not detected in the root, shoot and leaf. GFP, GFP fluorescence; Merge, overlaid images. Zy14, zygote at 14 h after pollination (HAP); Zy24, zygote at 24 HAP; 1-cell, one-cell-stage embryo; 2/4-cell, two/four-cell-stage embryo; 8-cell, eight-cell-stage embryo; enn, endosperm nucleus; zy, zygote; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor. Scale bars, 10 μm (embryo), 50 μm (root, shoot) and 20 μm (leaf).

Source Data

Extended Data Fig. 2 DAZ3 expresses in sperm cell and is delivered to the egg cell via fertilization.

a - d , The expression pattern of pDAZ3::DAZ3-GFP . DAZ3-GFP signal firstly appeared in sperm cell of early tricellular pollen and gradually enhanced in the sperm cell of mature pollen and pollen tubes. e - l , DAZ3 protein from sperm cell was delivered to the egg cell via fertilization. DAZ3-GFP was detected in the early embryos only when pDAZ3::DAZ3-GFP line was used as paternal plants. m , RT-qPCR test of the DAZ3 expression in the egg cells. The mRNA level of ECS1 was set to 1 and SSP was used as a negative control. The total RNAs from the isolated ovules after 24 h of emasculation (total 500 ovules). Data represents the mean ± s.d. of three independent replicates. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction multiple tests; P  < 0.05 indicates significant differences. BP, bicellular pollen; ETP, early tricellular pollen; MP, mature pollen; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; GFP, green fluorescence protein; Merge, overlayed image of DAPI, GFP and bright field ( a - c ), overlayed image of GFP and bright field ( d - l ); gn, generative cell nucleus; vn, vegetative cell nucleus; sn, sperm cell nucleus; sc, sperm cell; ec, egg cell; syc, synergid cell; ccn, central cell nucleus; enn, endosperm nucleus; zy, zygote; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor. 1-cell, one-cell-stage embryo; 8-cell, eight-cell-stage embryo. Scale bars, 5 μm ( a - d ) and 20 μm ( e-l ).

Extended Data Fig. 3 tree1 daz3 sperm cells show normal morphology and fertilization ability.

a , DAPI staining of pollen in WT and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . b , Statistic analysis of the ratio of normal mature pollen base on the DAPI staining (WT, n  = 663; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 633). c , Marker HTR10-RFP indicates the number of sperm cell of WT and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . d , Statistic analysis of the ratio of normal two-sperm pollen based on HTR10-RFP indication (Control, n  = 673; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 694). e , Statistical analysis of the ratio of successful fertilization. Limited pollen grains were pollinated on the emasculated stigma and ovules were observed by DIC after 24 h (WT, n  = 642; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 688). f and g , Proembryo development of wild type and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . h , Statistic analysis of normal asymmetric zygote division (WT, n  = 648; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 669). DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; BF, bight field. vn, vegetative cell nucleus; sn, sperm cell nucleus; HTR10, HTR10-RFP; Merge, overlaid images of HTR10-RFP and bright filed. zy, zygote; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor; 1-cell, one-cell-stage embryo; 8-cell, eight-cell-stage embryo. Data represent the mean ± s.d. from three biological replicates; two-tailed Student’s t -test was used and P  > 0.05 indicates no statistically significant difference. Scale bars, 10 μm ( a and c ). 20 μm ( f and g ).

Extended Data Fig. 4 Statistic analysis of abnormal hypophysis phenotype in tree1 daz3 and different supplemental lines.

a , Hypophysis phenotype in different genotypes (WT, n  = 339; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 312; tree1-L2 daz3-L1 , n  = 320; daz3 tree1-1 , n  = 375; ♀ Col-0 × ♂ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , n  = 303; ♀ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 × ♂ Col-0, n  = 337; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 pTREE1::TREE1-GFP , n  = 308; tree1-L1 daz3-L1 pDAZ3::DAZ3-GFP , n  = 329). b , Statistic of the hypophysis phynotypes. c - h , EAR motifs are essential for TREE1 and DAZ3 function. c , Protein structure of TREE1 and mutated TREE1 with the disrupted EAR domains (DLN»AAA). d , Protein structure of DAZ3 and mutated DAZ3 with the disrupted EAR domains (DLN»AAA). e and f , TREE1m (the mutated TREE1) and DAZ3m (the mutated DAZ3) were expressed in sperm cells normally. g and h , TREE1m and DAZ3m driven by the native promoters respectively could not rescue cell division abnormality of hypophysis in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . i , There is no significant difference of abnormal hypophysis ratios between tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ( n  = 312) and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 pTREE1::TREE1m-GFP plants (L1, n  = 311; L7, n  = 421), or between tree1-L1 daz3-L1 and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 pDAZ3::DAZ3m-GFP plants (L2, n  = 302; L5, n  = 317). The white arrows indicate anomalous cell division planes of hypophysis. GFP, green fluorescent protein; Merge, overlaid image; BF, bright field; MP, mature tricellular pollen; sc, sperm cell. Data represent the mean ± s.d. from three independent experiments. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction multiple tests ( b ); One-way ANOVA with Dunnett correction multiple tests ( i ); ns, P  > 0.05 reprsent no significant difference. The white arrows indicate abnormal cell division. Scale bars, 10 μm.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Endosperm development is normal in tree1 daz3.

a and b show localization and number of free nuclei of the wild type endosperm ( a ) and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ( b ) at the same stage. c and d , Autofluorescence of seeds. Endosperm cellularization in wild type 6 DAP ( c ), Endosperm cellularization in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 was as normal as wild type ( d ); lower image is an enlargement of the white frame. e and h , Ectopic expression of TREE1 or DAZ3 driven by DD22 promoter in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . f and g , Abnormal hypophysis appeared in different lines of tree1 daz3 pDD22::TREE1-GFP , similar as that in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . i and j , Hypophysis observed in tree1 daz3 pDD22::DAZ3-GFP plants. Ectopic expression of DAZ3 cannot rescue abnormal hypophysis. k , There is no significant difference in the ratio of abnormal hypophysis between tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ( n  = 346) and tree1 daz3 pDD22::TREE1-GFP (L4, n  = 315; L11, n  = 348) plants or tree1 daz3 pDD22::DAZ3-GFP plants (L2, n  = 377; L8, n  = 343). ccn, central cell nucleus; ec, egg cell; syc, synergid cell; enn, endosperm nucleus; GFP, green fluorescence protein; Merge, overlayed images of GFP and bright field; DAP, days after pollination. Data represent the mean ± s.d. from three independent experiments, one-way ANOVA test with Dunnett correction was used for the data analysis, ns, P  > 0.05 indicates no statistically significant differences. Scale bars, 10 μm.

Extended Data Fig. 6 TREE1 and DAZ3 binding motif is essential for the inhibition of RKD2.

a , Fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) values (Mean ± s.d.) of RKD2 transcripts in egg cells and zygotes. RNA-seq data of EC (egg cell), Zy14 (14 HAP zygote), Zy24 (24 HAP zygote) and 32-cell (thirty-two-cell-stage embryo) are all from our reported transcriptomes 6 , 8-cell (eight-cell-stage embryo) ( GSE33713 ), stems from GSE102694 , roots and rosettes from GSE87760 . b , RKD2-GFP signal could not be detected in mature pollen. c , RKD2-GFP signal could not be detected in root tip, shoot and leaf. d , Expression pattern of RKD2 in ovules. RKD2-GFP signal was first appeared in the egg cell, degraded after fertilization, and disappeared in one-cell-stage embryo. e - g , DAZ3 represses the expression of RKD2 in vivo. e , The activity of RKD2 promoter in egg cells. f , Ectopic expression of DAZ3 driven by embryo sac-specific promoter ES1 in pRKD2::H2B-GFP plants. g , Statistic analysis of GFP fluorescence intensity of egg cell nuclei (30 egg cell nuclei measured in each line). The results indicate that DAZ3 inhibited the transcription of RKD2 in vivo. h , TREE1 and DAZ3 binding motif was mutated in the RKD2 promoter, resulting in an invalid inhibition of RKD2 in early embryos. RKD2 continually expressed in one-cell-stage embryos. i , RKD2-GFP fluorescent signal was statistically analyzed in the nuclei of egg cells and zygotes, and compared between pRKD2::RKD2-GFP and pRKD2m::RKD2-GFP lines ( n  = 20 individual transgenic lines). j , Cell division orientation of the hypophysis was altered when RKD2 expression was not inhibited. k , There is significant difference of abnormal hypophysis ratios between pRKD2::RKD2-GFP ( n  = 339) and pRKD2m::RKD2-GFP (L5, n  = 321; L7, n  = 430). MP, mature tricellular pollen; GFP, green fluorescent protein; Merge, overlaid images; RFP, RFP fluorescence; ec, egg cell; syc, synergid cell; ccn, central cell nucleus; zy, zygote; 1-cell, one-cell-stage embryo; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; 8-cell, eight-cell-stage embryo; em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor. Data represent the mean ± s.d. from three independent assays. Two-tailed Student’s t -test ( g and i ); One-way ANOVA with Dunnett correction for multiple testing ( k ); P  < 0.05 indicates statistically significant differences. The central lines indicated the median; the boxes represent the interquartile range and the whiskers extend to the minima and maxima ( g and i ). Scale bars, 20 μm (MP, leaf and embryo); 50 μm (root and shoot).

Extended Data Fig. 7 Multiple phenotypes of RKD2 gain of function lines.

a , Plants, enlarged exhibitions of leaf, inflorescence and stripped silique in pZC2::GFP , pZC2::RKD2-GFP (L11) and pZC2::RKD2-GFP (L14). b , Proembryos in wild type, pZC2::RKD2-GFP (L11) and pZC2::RKD2-GFP (L14). Abnormal cell division in hypophysis was companied by abnormal suspensor cell divisions in L11 (1.28 ± 0.26%, n  = 311) and L14 (1.16 ± 0.17%, n  = 339). em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor; Yellow arrow indicates anomalous cell division planes of hypophysis and suspensor cell. White frames outline anomalous cell divisions of suspensor cells. Scale bars, 1 cm ( a ), 10 μm ( b ).

Extended Data Fig. 8 Relative expression levels of the genes related to cell fate and cell division in different genotypes.

a - c , The expression levels of cell fate-related genes WIP2 , WIP4 and WIP5 in wild type, tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , pZC2::RKD2-GFP (transgenic line L11) and pZC2::RKD2-GFP (transgenic line L14) lines. d and e , The expression levels of cell cycle factor CYCD3 and microtubule-stabilizing factor WDL7 in wild type, tree1-L1 daz3-L1 , pZC2::RKD2-GFP and pZC2::RKD2-GFP lines. mRNA level in the WT was set to 1. Data represent the mean ± s.d. ( n  = 3). The total RNA was from the ovules at 2 days after pollination (total 500 ovules; One-way ANOVA with Dunnett correction for multiple testing; P  < 0.05 indicates statistically significant differences).

Extended Data Fig. 9 Root-tip-regeneration ability was reduced significantly in tree1 daz3 roots.

a and b , Root tip regeneration in pWOX5::GFP and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 pWOX5::GFP lines after 3/4 meristem was cut off. Regenerated root tip in WT and differentiated root tip in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 after 72-hour culture. c , Statistical analysis of the frequency of root tip regeneration between wild type and tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . Data represent the mean ± s.d. ( n  = 121 in WT, 114 in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ). d and e , Root regeneration in ♀ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 × ♂ Col-0 and ♀ Col-0 × ♂ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . Regenerated root tip in ♀ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 × ♂ Col-0 and differentiated root tip in ♀ Col-0 × ♂ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 after 72-hour culture. f , Statistical analysis of the frequency of root tip regeneration between ♀ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 × ♂ Col-0 and ♀ Col-0 × ♂ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . Data represent the mean ± s.d. ( n  = 118 in ♀ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 × ♂ Col-0 and 124 in ♀ Col-0 × ♂ tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ). All root tips at 3 days after germination were used for root regeneration experiments. Three independent biological experiments were carried out. (Two-tailed Student’s t -test, P  < 0.05 indicates statistically significant differences). Scale bars, 50 μm.

Extended Data Fig. 10 The phenotype observed in hypophysis cannot be rescued by ectopic expression of TREE1 and DAZ3 in tree1 daz3 embryos.

a and b , TREE1 or DAZ3 expression driven by ABI3 promoter from two/four-cell-stage embryo to cotyledon embryo in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . a , pABI3::TREE1-GFP was transferred into tree1-L1 daz3-L1 plant. TREE1-GFP signal indicates that TREE1 started expression in two/four-cell-stage embryo and persistently expressed in mature embryos. b , pABI3::DAZ3-GFP was transferred into tree1-L1 daz3-L1 line. DAZ3-GFP signal indicates that DAZ3 started expression in 2/4-cell embryo and persistently expressed in mature embryos. c , Abnormal hypophysis in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 . d and e , Cell division pattern of hypophysis in tree1 daz3 pABI3::TREE1-GFP and tree1 daz3 pABI3::DAZ3-GFP was observed by DIC. The embryo phenotype cannot be recovered by ectopic expression of TREE1 or DAZ3 . f , The abnormal hypophysis not rescued in tree1 daz3 pABI3::TREE1-GFP (L3, n  = 322; L6, n  = 399) and tree1 daz3 pABI3::DAZ3-GFP (L3, n  = 415; L7, n  = 330) compared to tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ( n  = 305). The ability of root tissue regeneration not enhanced in tree1 daz3 pABI3::TREE1-GFP (L3, n  = 111; L6, n  = 103) and tree1 daz3 pABI3::DAZ3-GFP (L3, n  = 109; L7, n  = 108) compared to tree1 daz3 ( n  = 113). g - k , Abnormal hypophysis of tree1 daz3 was rescued by pEC1::TREE1-GFP and pEC1::DAZ3-GFP . g and h , TREE1 and DAZ3 expression in the zygotes and proembryos. TREE1-GFP present in zygote and proembryo ( g ). DAZ3-GFP present in zygote and early embryo ( h ). i and j , Abnormal hypophysis in tree1-L1 daz3-L1 rescued by zygotic expression of TREE1 and DAZ3 respectively. k , Statistical analysis showed they were significant difference of abnormal hypophysis between tree1-L1 daz3-L1 ( n  = 329) and tree1 daz3 pEC1::TREE1-GFP (L2, n  = 392; L14, n  = 367), tree1 daz3 pEC1::DAZ3-GFP plants (L5, n  = 404; L9, n  = 351). zy, zygote; ac, apical cell; bc, basal cell; 1-cell, one-cell-stage embryo; 2/4-cell, two/four-cell-stage embryo; em, embryo proper; sus, suspensor; Globular, globular-stage embryo; Heart, heart-shaped-stage embryo; Cotyledon, cotyledon-stage embryo. Data represent the mean ± s.d. from three independent assays; One-way ANOVA with Dunnett correction for multiple testing; ns, P  > 0.05 indicates no statistically significant differences. Scale bars, 10 μm.

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Supplementary table 1.

Primer sequences used in this work are listed in Supplementary Table 1.

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Cheng, T., Liu, Z., Li, H. et al. Sperm-origin paternal effects on root stem cell niche differentiation. Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07885-0

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Received : 07 September 2023

Accepted : 30 July 2024

Published : 28 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07885-0

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Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product Market By Type (Swiss Apples, Edelweiss, Roses, Date Palms, Gotu Kola, Others); By Price Point (Mass, Mid Premium, Premium/Luxury); By Application (Anti-aging Serums and Creams, Moisturizers, Brightening Creams, Under Eye Treatments, Masks, Others); By Sales Channel (Modern Trade, Mono Brand Stores, Specialty Stores, Convenience Stores, Pharmacies and Drugstores, Online Retailing, Other Sales Channels); By Geography – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

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Historical Period 2019-2022
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market Size 2024 USD 121.1 million
Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market, CAGR 10.90%
Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market Size 2032 USD 277.07 million

Market Overview

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is projected to grow from USD 121.1 million in 2024 to USD 277.07 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.90%.

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is propelled by increasing consumer demand for natural and organic skincare solutions that offer anti-aging and rejuvenation benefits. Innovations in biotechnology have enhanced the efficacy of plant stem cell extracts in promoting skin health and regeneration, fueling market growth. Additionally, rising awareness about the environmental impact of conventional skincare products is driving consumers towards sustainable alternatives. This shift is further supported by aggressive marketing campaigns by brands and expanding distribution channels, both online and offline, which are making these advanced skincare solutions more accessible to a broader audience.

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is experiencing robust growth across key regions, particularly in North America and Europe, driven by high consumer demand for natural and effective skincare solutions. North America leads the market due to increased consumer awareness and strong presence of major brands. Europe follows closely, benefiting from a growing trend toward organic and sustainable beauty products. Key players such as L’Oreal S.A., Estee Lauder Companies Inc., and Mibelle Biochemistry are driving innovation and market expansion through advanced product formulations and strategic partnerships. These companies leverage their extensive distribution networks to cater to the rising global demand for plant stem cell skincare products.

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Market Drivers

Anti-aging and skin rejuvenation benefits.

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Market Trends

Diversification of product offerings and ingredient combinations.

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Sustainability and ethical sourcing are becoming critical factors in the Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market. Consumers demand transparency regarding the origin and sustainability of plant stem cell extraction processes. Brands respond by seeking certifications such as organic or fair trade to demonstrate their commitment to ethical practices. Technological advancements further shape the market, with innovations like nanotechnology being used to encapsulate plant stem cells, thereby improving their stability and effectiveness in delivering benefits to the skin. Additionally, the incorporation of plant stem cells into products that support the skin’s microbiome reflects a growing focus on comprehensive skin health. The market is also expanding through the increasing popularity of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) models, which allow brands to reach a broader audience directly. Online platforms facilitate the distribution of plant stem cell skincare products, making them more accessible to consumers globally. As the market grows, compliance with global regulatory standards ensures product safety and efficacy, maintaining consumer trust and expanding the market’s reach into new regions.

Market Challenges Analysis

Regulatory challenges and consumer misconceptions.

Navigating the Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is complicated by varying regulations across different countries, posing significant challenges for brands seeking global market entry. For instance, there are major markets where regulations forbid the use of any human-derived materials, including human stem cells. Compliance with these complex regulations requires substantial investment in legal expertise and rigorous testing to meet safety standards. Additionally, the need for robust scientific evidence to substantiate claims about the efficacy of plant stem cells is both time-consuming and costly, creating a barrier for smaller companies and startups. Furthermore, misinformation and exaggerated claims about the benefits of plant stem cells can lead to consumer confusion and skepticism. These misconceptions, often fueled by aggressive marketing, result in unrealistic expectations among consumers, who may expect immediate and dramatic results.

Competition from Synthetic Alternatives and Sustainability Concerns

The market faces stiff competition from synthetic alternatives that offer similar benefits to plant stem cells, often at a lower cost. Advances in synthetic ingredients have enabled the creation of highly effective compounds that can mimic the effects of natural ingredients. This competition is compounded by consumer perception, with some believing that synthetic ingredients may be more reliable or scientifically validated than natural ones. Moreover, the production of plant stem cells can be expensive, especially when sourcing from rare or endangered species. Ensuring sustainable sourcing and cultivation of plant materials is crucial to address environmental concerns, but this sustainability can be challenging to achieve consistently. Additionally, variability in the efficacy of plant stem cell products, influenced by the quality of ingredients, extraction methods, and formulation, complicates standardization efforts.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is segmented by types of plant sources, including Swiss apples, edelweiss, roses, date palms, gotu kola, and others. Swiss apple stem cells are highly valued for their potent anti-aging properties, known for improving skin longevity and reducing wrinkles. Edelweiss, recognized for its resilience to harsh climates, is rich in antioxidants, making it ideal for protecting skin against environmental stressors. Rose stem cells are popular for their hydrating and soothing effects, catering to sensitive skin needs. Date palm stem cells offer rejuvenating benefits, enhancing skin elasticity and firmness. Gotu kola is sought after for its healing properties, promoting skin regeneration and reducing scars. The variety in plant sources allows brands to target specific skin concerns and consumer preferences, providing tailored solutions that enhance product appeal across diverse customer demographics.

By Price Point :

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is also segmented by price point into mass, mid-premium, and premium/luxury categories. Mass-market products are typically priced affordably, aimed at broad consumer access while still offering the benefits of plant stem cell technology. These products are often distributed through widely accessible channels, such as supermarkets and online platforms, to maximize reach. Mid-premium products strike a balance between affordability and exclusivity, targeting consumers looking for higher quality and efficacy without the luxury price tag. Premium and luxury segments cater to consumers willing to invest in high-end skincare, characterized by sophisticated formulations, exclusive ingredients, and luxurious packaging. These products are often found in specialty stores, high-end department stores, and dedicated brand boutiques. The segmentation by price point enables brands to cater to different consumer segments, ensuring that plant stem cell skincare products are accessible to a wide range of customers while meeting varying expectations of quality and exclusivity.

Based on Type:

  • Swiss apples

Based on Price Point:

  • Mid premium
  • Premium/luxury

Based on Application:

  • Anti-aging serums and creams
  • Moisturizers
  • Brightening creams
  • Under eye treatments

Based on Sales Channel:

  • Modern trade
  • Mono brand stores
  • Specialty stores
  • Convenience stores
  • Pharmacies and drugstores
  • Online retailing
  • Other sales channels

Based on the Geography:

  • Rest of Europe
  • South Korea
  • South-east Asia
  • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Rest of Latin America
  • GCC Countries
  • South Africa
  • Rest of the Middle East and Africa

Regional Analysis

Europe leads the market with a substantial 40% share, driven by a strong consumer preference for natural and organic skincare solutions. For instance, the region’s robust cosmetics industry, coupled with stringent regulations promoting sustainable and eco-friendly products, has created a fertile ground for plant stem cell-based skincare innovations. Countries like France, Germany, and the UK are at the forefront of this trend, with numerous luxury and niche brands incorporating plant stem cell technology into their product lines. European consumers’ increasing awareness of the anti-aging and skin-rejuvenating properties of plant stem cells has further fueled market growth, with a particular emphasis on products targeting mature skin concerns.

North America

North America follows closely with a 35% market share, propelled by a growing demand for advanced skincare solutions and a shift towards clean beauty products. The region’s market is characterized by a high level of consumer education regarding skincare ingredients and a willingness to invest in premium, science-backed formulations. The United States, in particular, has seen a surge in plant stem cell skincare products, with both established cosmetics giants and innovative start-ups capitalizing on this trend. The market’s growth is further supported by influential beauty bloggers and social media influencers promoting the benefits of plant stem cell-based products. Additionally, the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness among North American consumers has bolstered the appeal of plant-derived skincare solutions.

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Key player analysis.

  • Natura Therapeutics Inc.
  • PhytoScience Sdn Bhd
  • Tremotyx Biomedical Lab
  • L’Oreal S.A.
  • Intelligent Nutrients
  • Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA
  • Juice Beauty
  • Aidan Products LLC
  • Mibelle Biochemistry
  • Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
  • Renature Skin Care Inc.

Competitive Analysis

In the competitive landscape of the Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market, leading players such as L’Oreal S.A., Estee Lauder Companies Inc., and Mibelle Biochemistry are actively driving innovation and market expansion. These companies invest heavily in research and development to create advanced formulations that utilize the unique properties of plant stem cells for skincare benefits. Strategic partnerships and collaborations are common, allowing these brands to leverage scientific expertise and expand their product offerings. They also focus on sustainability and ethical sourcing, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers. With robust marketing strategies and widespread distribution networks, these companies effectively reach a global audience.

Recent Developments

  • In March 2023, L’Oreal announced a significant investment in a venture led by Geno, a biotechnology company, to create sustainable alternatives to key ingredients in beauty products. Through Geno’s biotechnology expertise, L’Oreal will replace traditional ingredients with bio-based alternatives, such as those made from plant-based sugars.
  • In December 2023, Estée Lauder announced its new Skin Longevity platform grounded in 15-years of expertise in pioneering skin longevity research. With a new product innovation powered by cutting-edge age reversal technology, Estée Lauder is leading the new frontier in science-driven luxury skincare.

Market Concentration & Characteristics

The Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product market is characterized by moderate to high market concentration, with a mix of well-established multinational corporations and innovative niche brands. Leading companies such as L’Oreal S.A., Estee Lauder Companies Inc., and Mibelle Biochemistry dominate the market due to their extensive research and development capabilities, robust distribution networks, and strong brand recognition. These companies invest significantly in developing new formulations and leveraging cutting-edge technology to maintain a competitive edge. At the same time, smaller niche brands like Intelligent Nutrients and Juice Beauty bring diversity to the market by focusing on organic, sustainable, and ethically sourced products, catering to a growing segment of environmentally conscious consumers. The market is defined by a high degree of innovation, driven by consumer demand for effective and natural skincare solutions. This dynamic environment encourages continuous product development and differentiation, ensuring that the market evolves rapidly to meet changing consumer preferences and needs.

Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Type, Price Point , Application, Sales Channel and Geography . It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  • Increasing consumer demand for natural and organic skincare products will drive the growth of the plant stem cell skincare market.
  • Technological advancements will enable the development of more effective and targeted plant stem cell formulations.
  • Expanding awareness of the benefits of plant stem cell ingredients will attract a broader consumer base.
  • Growth in e-commerce and direct-to-consumer sales channels will enhance market accessibility and reach.
  • Rising disposable incomes in emerging markets will contribute to increased sales of premium plant stem cell skincare products.
  • Partnerships and collaborations between skincare brands and biotechnology companies will drive innovation.
  • Stricter regulations regarding ingredient transparency and sustainability will shape product development and marketing strategies.
  • Customization and personalized skincare solutions will become more prominent, catering to individual skin types and concerns.
  • The male skincare market segment will see increased adoption of plant stem cell products.
  • Enhanced focus on ethical sourcing and sustainable production practices will appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

1. Introduction

1.1. Report Description

1.2. Purpose of the Report

1.3. USP & Key Offerings

1.4. Key Benefits for Stakeholders

1.5. Target Audience

1.6. Report Scope

1.7. Regional Scope

2. Scope and Methodology

2.1. Objectives of the Study

2.2. Stakeholders

2.3. Data Sources

2.3.1. Primary Sources

2.3.2. Secondary Sources

2.4. Market Estimation

2.4.1. Bottom-Up Approach

2.4.2. Top-Down Approach

2.5. Forecasting Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Introduction

4.1. Overview

4.2. Key Industry Trends

5. Global Plant Stem Cell Skincare Product Market

5.1. Market Overview

5.2. Market Performance

5.3. Impact of COVID-19

5.4. Market Forecast

6. Market Breakup by Type

6.1. Swiss Apples

6.1.1. Market Trends

6.1.2. Market Forecast

6.1.3. Revenue Share

6.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.2. Edelweiss

6.2.1. Market Trends

6.2.2. Market Forecast

6.2.3. Revenue Share

6.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.3.1. Market Trends

6.3.2. Market Forecast

6.3.3. Revenue Share

6.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.4. Date Palms

6.4.1. Market Trends

6.4.2. Market Forecast

6.4.3. Revenue Share

6.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.5. Gotu Kola

6.5.1. Market Trends

6.5.2. Market Forecast

6.5.3. Revenue Share

6.5.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.6. Others

6.6.1. Market Trends

6.6.2. Market Forecast

6.6.3. Revenue Share

6.6.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7. Market Breakup by Price Point

7.1.1. Market Trends

7.1.2. Market Forecast

7.1.3. Revenue Share

7.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7.2. Mid Premium

7.2.1. Market Trends

7.2.2. Market Forecast

7.2.3. Revenue Share

7.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7.3. Premium/Luxury

7.3.1. Market Trends

7.3.2. Market Forecast

7.3.3. Revenue Share

7.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8. Market Breakup by Application

8.1. Anti-Aging Serums and Creams

8.1.1. Market Trends

8.1.2. Market Forecast

8.1.3. Revenue Share

8.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.2. Moisturizers

8.2.1. Market Trends

8.2.2. Market Forecast

8.2.3. Revenue Share

8.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.3. Brightening Creams

8.3.1. Market Trends

8.3.2. Market Forecast

8.3.3. Revenue Share

8.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.4. Under Eye Treatments

8.4.1. Market Trends

8.4.2. Market Forecast

8.4.3. Revenue Share

8.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.5.1. Market Trends

8.5.2. Market Forecast

8.5.3. Revenue Share

8.5.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.6. Others

8.6.1. Market Trends

8.6.2. Market Forecast

8.6.3. Revenue Share

8.6.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9. Market Breakup by Sales Channel

9.1. Modern Trade

9.1.1. Market Trends

9.1.2. Market Forecast

9.1.3. Revenue Share

9.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.2. Mono Brand Stores

9.2.1. Market Trends

9.2.2. Market Forecast

9.2.3. Revenue Share

9.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.3. Specialty Stores

9.3.1. Market Trends

9.3.2. Market Forecast

9.3.3. Revenue Share

9.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.4. Convenience Stores

9.4.1. Market Trends

9.4.2. Market Forecast

9.4.3. Revenue Share

9.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.5. Pharmacies and Drugstores

9.5.1. Market Trends

9.5.2. Market Forecast

9.5.3. Revenue Share

9.5.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.6. Online Retailing

9.6.1. Market Trends

9.6.2. Market Forecast

9.6.3. Revenue Share

9.6.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.7. Other Sales Channels

9.7.1. Market Trends

9.7.2. Market Forecast

9.7.3. Revenue Share

9.7.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10. Market Breakup by Region

10.1. North America

10.1.1. United States Market Trends Market Forecast

10.1.2. Canada Market Trends Market Forecast

10.2. Asia-Pacific

10.2.1. China

10.2.2. Japan

10.2.3. India

10.2.4. South Korea

10.2.5. Australia

10.2.6. Indonesia

10.2.7. Others

10.3. Europe

10.3.1. Germany

10.3.2. France

10.3.3. United Kingdom

10.3.4. Italy

10.3.5. Spain

10.3.6. Russia

10.3.7. Others

10.4. Latin America

10.4.1. Brazil

10.4.2. Mexico

10.4.3. Others

10.5. Middle East and Africa

10.5.1. Market Trends

10.5.2. Market Breakup by Country

10.5.3. Market Forecast

11. SWOT Analysis

11.1. Overview

11.2. Strengths

11.3. Weaknesses

11.4. Opportunities

11.5. Threats

12. Value Chain Analysis

13. Porters Five Forces Analysis

13.1. Overview

13.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers

13.3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

13.4. Degree of Competition

13.5. Threat of New Entrants

13.6. Threat of Substitutes

14. Price Analysis

15. Competitive Landscape

15.1. Market Structure

15.2. Key Players

15.3. Profiles of Key Players

15.3.1. Natura Therapeutics Inc. Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis

15.3.2. PhytoScience Sdn Bhd

15.3.3. Tremotyx Biomedical Lab

15.3.4. L’Oreal S.A.

15.3.5. Intelligent Nutrients

15.3.6. Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA

15.3.7. Juice Beauty

15.3.8. Aidan Products LLC

15.3.9. Mibelle Biochemistry

15.3.10. Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

15.3.11. Renature Skin Care Inc.

16. Research Methodology

Frequently Asked Questions:

The market growth is driven by increasing consumer demand for natural and organic skincare solutions, the anti-aging and rejuvenation benefits of plant stem cells, innovations in biotechnology, and rising awareness about the environmental impact of conventional skincare products.

The key segments within the market include types of plant sources (Swiss apples, edelweiss, roses, date palms, gotu kola, others), price points (mass, mid-premium, premium/luxury), and applications (anti-aging serums and creams, moisturizers, brightening creams, under eye treatments, masks).

Challenges include navigating varying regulatory standards across different countries, the need for robust scientific evidence to support product claims, competition from synthetic alternatives, high production costs, and ensuring sustainable sourcing of plant materials.

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