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5CO03 Assignment Example

  • December 18, 2021
  • Posted by: Harry King
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5CO03 Assignment Example

Task One – Conference Presentation on ethical practice in business

Your manager has asked you to prepare a presentation in readiness for delivery to colleagues on the importance of ethical practice and the business case for such people practices. Your Presentation Pack must include presentation slides, the evidence you have gathered, and presenter notes. It is expected that your presentation pack is aimed at the appropriate audience and is of business format.

You should ensure that your presentation includes a review of the various influences on ethical practice as well as details of a robust business case for the ethical people practices. You also need to provide a Briefing paper as a handout for delegates covering the main points of the presentation in an accessible, easy to read way.

Your presentation should include the following and should refer to the CIPD Profession Map wherever appropriate:

  • Define the term professional and explain the requirements of a people professional. (1.1)
  • To help explain what is meant by ethical values, give at least three examples of your own personal values and how this affects how you work and develop working relationships. (1.2)
  • Contributed to discussions to ensure people practices are
  • How you can effectively communicate to engage and influence
  • How you might raise issues with situations such as organisational policies or the approach to leadership that conflict with legislation or ethical values. (1.3, 5)
  • Drawing on relevant theory provides a robust argument that includes both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and that they are being treated fairly (2.1)
  • Identify a people practice initiative that has been put in place in response to some form of internal or external feedback, set out the purpose of this initiative and explain how you would evaluate the impact of this initiative paying particular attention to levels of engagement within the organisation. (2.2, 3)

Task Two – CPD portfolio

The purpose of this task is to evidence your approach to Continuous professional development as a people practice professional in conjunction with the CIPD Profession Map. The task combines a number of activities which should be presented as a CPD portfolio.

As an introduction to your portfolio it is important to set the scene to your personal learning journey.

Activity 1 – The Context of Professional Development (3.1)

Explain the following;

  • How the role of a people professional is changing?
  • What impact are these changes having on our CPD?
  • What are the key characteristics of a good-practice CPD?

Activity 2 – Self Assessment

The first stage of your CPD should be to understand where you’ve come from, where you are and where you want to be.

  • Using the Standards from the CIPD Professional Map, carry out a self-assessment of your competency against the core behaviours identified, a suggested format is provided. this can be in any format, but evidence is required to support this activity took place (an example template is provided in Appendix 1 ).
  • From this Self-assessment, plus other forms of feedback identify your strengths and weaknesses setting personal development objectives to be included within a Professional Development Plan (3.2).
  • You now need to consider how you can meet these development objectives, to complete your PDP. Consider the range of learning opportunities available to you and for each development objectives decide on the most appropriate initiative to support your learning journey. (3.3)

Activity 3 – Reflective practice

A key element of our PD is reflecting on our everyday experiences to learn from these, capturing what went well or not so well and how we can learn from such situations.

Your reflections should focus on the following scenarios.

  • Identify times when you have taken responsibility for your work/actions, paying particular attention to recognising any mistakes you might have made, how you rectified these mistakes and what you believe you learnt from these experiences. (1.4).
  • Identify at least two examples that highlight your approach to working inclusively, plus how you have built positive working relationships with others. Your reflections need to focus on what you did, and the skills and behaviours demonstrated. (2.4)

Activity 4 – assessing the impact of your learning and CPD.

The final part of our CPD is to measure the overall impact of our learning. To achieve this, you need to think about and capture the impacts, covering positive as well as negative. What was the impact on you, your team, your colleagues, your customers, your stakeholders, the organisation or your

department? To support this assessment, you will need to complete a record of your learning for the last 12 months (3.4).

Conference Presentation on Ethical Practice in Business

Welcome to this presentation on the ethical practices in business. This is an issue that highlights the significant issues, behaviours, norms, and practices that people professionals should relate to in their career goals.

I will start by defining professionalism; this is a term describing people who have gone through training and gained formal education experience. People gain credibility in their profession, which is an attribute that results to individual improved performance in their different professional areas.

The requirements of people professionals are that it enable development of people, people practices, and increases experiences of work among the employees. People professionals and other professionals are guided by the CIPD Professional map, which identifies the core knowledge, core behaviours, and specialist knowledge areas that guide them in their careers and the next strategic actions. These aspects champion for a good work and working environment for the people and within the organisation. People professionals are therefore required to be fully involved in the process of influencing others to build better work experiences for all people.

The requirements of a people professional are;

  • They uphold professional ethical standards
  • They take a strategic expert approach
  • Work with teams and recognizes their contributions to performance and achievement of organisational goals.

After explaining the people professionalism concept, the next section will develop insight on the ethical values among professionals in the business. Ethical values define behaviour among professionals, evaluate the rightfulness or morality of decisions made, determine the norms that guide professionals to right behaviours and culture in their places of work. Ethical values determine the support taken to address dilemmas and different organisational issues. Ethical values are meant to ensure that professionals follow the standards and integrity expected of them in delivery of the right practices in workplace. The ethical values help explain the extent to which action is taken to support all the different people professional functions and ensure that employees are not discriminated, harassment, of treated unfairly. Ethical values guide professionals’ behaviours and engagement in delivery of their practices and different organisational functions.

My personal values and how they are applied in context of professionalism include:

  • Value of integrity
  • Empowering others
  • Responsible leadership

These values are applicable in the context of professionalism where I take responsibility in ensuring that I am honest and truthful in all the actions that I engage in. I demonstrate integrity when working with others, which allows me to develop right ethical behaviours that help me navigate through the ethical dilemmas I experience in my line of work. Empowering others involves engaging others in the decision-making process. This is a value that creates opportunities for people to voice their issues and ideas that affect them and their work. Responsible leadership is an ethical value that determines my capability in influencing others. I am a person who leads by example, encourages others, and holds them accountable for the actions that they engage in. I am a person who accepts responsibility when I make mistakes, and I consider this to be an attribute that promotes my capability to becoming the best role model to others. With these personal values, I have been able to effectively complete my work duties and responsibilities.

I make use of the above mentioned and explained personal values to apply to people practices to ensure that I follow the code of ethics, communicate with others to improve levels of engagement and influence others to promote people capability to work and deliver best results. The application of professional integrity to people practices determines the values, norms, and behaviours that shape an ethical culture. Organisation’s code of ethics guides people’s behaviours and actions. Engaged and motivated workforce is led by people with leadership qualities and effective management of organisational policies that create value for the people and for the organisation.

Having discussed the concepts of professionalism and ethical values, I will focus on explaining the issue of inclusion in organisations. Inclusion means accommodating, respecting, and appreciating all people without looking into their protected characteristics. It is a professional role in ensuring that all people are treated equally and fairly. Inclusion allows professionals to perform to their full potential without discriminating against anyone based on the protected characteristics. The benefits associated to creating an inclusive culture include; creating an environment where

Employee retention is enhanced and building a positive corporate reputation. Inclusion eliminates negative behaviours that experiences that people might face is their places of work. Leaders should take advantage of the diverse groups of people who work together to deliver the different organisational goals and objectives. Leaders in supporting a diverse culture benefit from personnel who by supporting diversity and inclusion become more committed to working in the organisation. People inclusion creates a positive organisational brand that attracts qualified and competent talent and helps organisations gain competitive advantage.

External and internal feedback affects the organisational operations as well as the decisions made by different professionals. Initiatives that people professionals should consider include communicating on the relevant issues. Feedback determines the relations between the employers and employees, and the manner in which employers treat employees determine the professionalism impact in organisations (Shanock et al., 2019). Communication is a process where information is exchanged, and the respondent have to act on it and ensure that they provide the relevant feedback. Communication gives all professionals in an organisation an opportunity to voice their concerns. Through this they get to react to the information that is passed on to them. Good communication platforms improve engagement levels. People professionals respond to external and internal organisational feedback by accepting the trends experienced as a result of the changed nature of work. For example, on the issue of coronavirus, people professionals should be ready to adapt to the new work patterns and people relations to support the organisation and people. The initiative to comply with legal regulations and organisational policies is significant in helping people professionals respond to external and internal feedback. This is important in helping professionals respond to the legal needs of the employees within and out of the organisation.


  • Professionalism: this is a term describing people who have gone through training and gained formal education experience. People gain credibility in their profession, which is an attribute that results to individual improved performance in their different professional areas. The role of HR is in continuous development cause to social progress, economic and work condition changes. In the last few years, the role of Strategic Partner was born. It is an HR professional that through knowledge, behaviours, and professional skills, can influence the board of director’s decisions and the business direction.
  • Professional is a term used to describe people who have gone through training and gained formal education experience. The HR Professional is defined as a Thinking performer, who proposes new ideas based on his knowledge and the principles: added value, improvement, cost reduction, and efficiency. This model was developed from the CIPD in which the levels of effectiveness and efficiency are combined, and a Thinking performer has a high level of both characteristics.
  • A profession is a job that an individual works in after going through training, and professionals get a living from the job that they work in.
  • Individuals develop and gain credibility in their profession, which is an attribute that results to individual improved performance in their different professional areas.


People professionals are guided by core knowledge, core behaviours, and specialist knowledge areas that guide them in their careers and the next strategic actions.

  • Work with teams and recognizes their contributions to performance and achievement of organisational goals.  


  • Ethical values are the conduct, practices and techniques that define behaviour among professionals in the organisation.
  • Ethical behaviour is a core concept that determines the rightfulness or morality of decisions made.
  • Ethical values influence norms that determine the right behaviours and culture that professionals develop in their places of work.
  • Ethical values determine the support taken to address dilemmas and different organisational issues.

An example of my personal values and how they are applied in context of people practice,

  • Value of integrity , Empowering others  and Responsible leadership

1.3 & 1.5

5CO03 Assignment Example

People practices are guided by organisation’s code of ethics, Communicating to engage and influence others is an aspect that determines people capability to work and deliver best results to support organizational success. Discussin the concepts of professionalism and ethical values, and focus on explaining the issue of inclusion in organisations. Inclusion means accommodating, respecting, and appreciating all people without looking into their protected characteristics. It is a professional role in ensuring that all people are treated equally and fairly. Inclusion allows professionals to perform to their full potential without discriminating against anyone based on the protected characteristics. The benefits associated to creating an inclusive culture include; creating an environment where employee retention is enhanced and building a positive corporate reputation. Inclusion eliminates negative behaviours that experiences that people might face is their places of work. Leaders should take advantage of the diverse groups of people who work together to deliver the different organisational goals and objectives. Leaders in supporting a diverse culture benefit from personnel who by supporting diversity and inclusion become more committed to working in the organisation. People inclusion creates a positive organisational brand that attracts qualified and competent talent and helps organisations gain competitive advantage.

5CO03 Assignment Example

Ensuring employee satisfaction makes them produce more and better, reduces staff turnover, increases team engagement, makes the work environment lighter, and attracts new talent to your company, among others. Moreover, an engaged staff contributes a lot to the evolution of the company’s organizational structure.

Inclusion is the acknowledgement of people’s differences. It is about creating a culture and an environment where all professionals feel they belong. Inclusion allows professionals to perform to their full potential without discriminating against anyone based on the protected characteristics.

Benefits of diversity and inclusion are:

  • Enhances retention of talent to support organizational performance
  • Builds a positive corporate reputation.

2.2 & 2.3

cipd 5co03 assignment example

  • People professionals should make communication more relevant and keep being focused on people
  • Accept new trends from the changing nature of work. Ensure that HR comply with legal regulations and organisational policies.
  • Feedback determines the relations between the employers and employees, and the manner in which employers treat employees determine the professionalism impact in organisations (Shanock et al. 2019). The initiative to comply with legal regulations and organisational policies is significant in helping people professionals respond to external and internal feedback. This is important in helping professionals respond to the legal needs of the employees within and out of the organisation.
  • People professionals respond to external and internal organisational feedback by accepting the trends experienced as a result of the changed nature of work. For example, on the issue of coronavirus, people professionals should be ready to adapt to the new work patterns and people relations to support the organisation and people. The initiative to comply with legal regulations and organisational policies is significant in helping people professionals respond to external and internal feedback. This is important in helping professionals respond to the legal needs of the employees within and out of the organisation.

Changing role of people professionals

Changing professional roles of people professionals in the contemporary world have been as a result of the changing nature of work as well as modernisation and the improved roles that this group of professionals is assigned to. The changing technologies also contribute to changing people professional roles. Technological disruptions have affected HR decisions in completing different HR functions. For instance in recruitment and selection process, people professionals have been adopting to a more focused approach to online recruitment. The recruitment process (Green, 2020), has change the manner in which people professionals attract and select talent from the labour market. The contemporary organisation and significance of digital working is an attribute that has contributed to helping people professionals improve the levels of employee engagements, and at the same time promote links between organisational strategies and organisational success. As opposed to the traditional engagement of the people professionals being involved in the process of hiring and firing employees, organisations have considered changes in the 4extent to which the professionals are engaged and involved in decision-making. Different HR models have been introduced to fit in different organisational platforms because no one specific model can fit all organisations. The implementation of models in organisations. People professionals are becoming advisors and strategic partners to other organisational functions to enhance delivery of the organisational objectives.

Impact of changing roles on CPD

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a strategic plan that helps professionals become updated with the knowledge and skills that would help them become fully competent in completing current and future professional roles. CPD is linked to learning to allow professionals go through the development process, make the professionals more confident and strengthen their credibility to completing roles that might even seem challenging to them. Through CPD, professionals learn their weaknesses and develop options to effectively manage the weaknesses. It is a plan that helps professionals gain self-improvement.

  Characteristics of a good-practice CPD

A good-practice CPD is reflective because it creates an environment for professionals to reflect on their current professional position, and the learning opportunities that would help them progress in their careers.

Individuals should develop their CPD records and plans to identify the actions they have taken to direct their actions and choose the best learning opportunities. The employers should not be involved in developing CPD plans for their employees. The reason behind this is that the employers are responsible in only responsible in supporting the employees through the development process, but they do not make decisions on behalf of the employees.

CPD should have specific development goals set to help find out the learning actions and opportunities that the professional should take to gain more skills and knowledge, and record progress in their careers. The professionals act on these development goals to ensure that they improve and progress on their careers. The goals developed should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. This means that individuals should be focused enough to make the right decisions and deliver the right objectives relevant to creating progress in their careers.

CPD should provide opportunities for formal and informal learning. Professionals should engage in all forms of learning, which are platforms to gaining more skills. The employers should provide opportunities for professionals to get access to the different learning opportunities. Leaning is important because it enhances development of more skills and knowledge, which are needed in completing the assigned duties. Organisations that uphold a learning culture relate well with the employees because they feel that the opportunities given to them to learn make them become more responsible. They feel valued and contribute significantly to organisational progress.

  • My personal administration in the company and basic skills are good and my detailed knowledge is generally sound for my level of training
  • I gained confidence from previous experience weather in life or work and that’s reflect to my work, Able to identify and define problems, analyse problems to find causes.
  • Having the ability and the opportunity to lead a big team and manage them and be under pressure with them
  • It is difficult for me to make a balance between personal life and work life,
  • I have issue for asking someone for help, as I feel myself independent it’s difficult for me to ask for help when I need it.
  • Wants tasks completed quickly, May be too critical of other’s contributions and work and focus so much in the details.

Development objectives to Complete PDP

  • I will have my support from my manager to achieve and get over my weakness.
  • Prove to my manager that I have had both structured management and leadership and experience of leading teams to achieve specific tasks.
  • Set aside time to complete your evaluation and find your original plan, complete with goals and activities.

One of the areas where I would want to improve on is on the communication skills. I find this to be a weakness especially because I work with professionals who are from different backgrounds. Failure to acquire good communication skills night lead to disagreements. On the same, I intend to work with employees and create a culture where diversity and inclusion are valued. To achieve this, developing exchange programs where people can share about their backgrounds would be an opportunity to achieve my objective to valuing diversity.

Interacting and working with different people with different beliefs and different patterns of work, I intend to identify and adapt to the different methods of resolving conflicts. Finally, I intend to identify platforms to create high levels of employee engagement and create learning opportunities for all employees to gain knowledge that will help me progress in my career.

What do I want/need to learn?What will I do to achieve this?What resources or support will I need?What will my success criteria be?Target dates for review and completion
I will hold meetings regularly to discuss job issues.I need support by employees to attend the meetings and engage in discussions.I will ensure the right people attend the meetings, take the minimal time possible and ensure every participant feels a sense of belonging.June 2021
I will hold state of engagement group discussions that is engaging to everyoneBlog posts with the latest information on employees engagement.Recognition and encouragement to employees to motivate them.June 2021
Hold physical trainings for people to engage in discussions and share new ideas and eLearning to learn new things from different sources online.Support from the management, CIPD learning materials, Internet and published materials from different sources.To develop a learning culture at work for personal skills improvement and also acquire more information on how to improve on development in an organisation. June 2021
I will organize exchange programs for everyone to share their values and beliefs.Support from management team and CIPD learning materials.Engagement and empowering of employees to make them realize their values and beliefs are recognized and valued regardless of their differences. July 2021
I will identify the current conflicts, know the course and different ways of resolving them.I will need CIPD reference on how to resolve conflicts and also refer from the previous conflicts to learn how those kinds of conflicts were resolved.To identify the different ways of resolving conflicts, the importance of conflicts management at work and ensuring all employees are happy and satisfied with the way conflicts are being resolved.July 2021

References :

Cambridge Dictionary – Definition of Professionalism [online] [Accessed on 22 May 2021], available at.

CIPD Professional Map, 2018. [online] [Accessed on 22 May 2021], available at.

CIPD Championing better work and working lives, 2020. Code of Professional Conduct – Ref: 7460 [online][Accessed on 23 May 2021], available at. standards/code

Gifford, J. and Young, J., 2021. Employee engagement and motivation, available from [Accessed 22 nd May 2021]

Green, M., 2020. Recruitment process overview, available from [Accessed 22 nd May 2021]

Green, M. and Russell, T., 2021. Ethical practice and the role of people professionals, available from [Accessed 22 nd May 2021]

Shanock, L.R., Eisenberger, R., Heggestad, E.D., Malone, G., Clark, L., Dunn, A. M., … and Woznyj, H., 2019. Treating employees well: The value of organizational support theory in human resource management.  The Psychologist-Manager Journal ,  22 (3-4), 168.

Wahab A. and Green, M., 2021. Inclusion and diversity in the workplace, available from [Accessed

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CIPD 5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People Assignment Example, UK

Understanding professional behaviours and learning to value people at level 5 of the CIPD course is essential for students. In CIPD level 5, an associate diploma in people management you are going to learn about people’s professional behaviours and ethical practices to encourage and strengthen the relationships in the organization among employees and managers. By developing the strategies of people’s professional behaviors and their practices the organization can lead to growth and can impact the performance of each and every member of an organization or company.

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Thus, in this core module 3 of the level 5 people management CIPD course you will gain an understanding of ethical and core values of people professional, inclusive strategies and behaviors, creating solutions aimed to promote a positive working environment, learning the evolution of people professional practices, identifying the strengths and weaknesses through CPD activities.

Here, we will discuss the assignment examples from which you can write academic assignments on varieties of topics. Now, let’s focus on the assignment examples from each learning outcome of this module.

CIPD 5CO03 Assignment Task 1 : Be able to demonstrate professional and ethical behaviours, in the context of people practice

1.1 appraise what it means to be a people professional..

A people professional is somebody who is responsible for the well-being and effectiveness of other people in an organization. This includes HR roles, like recruiting, training, and employee relations. But it also encompasses roles that don’t traditionally fall under “human resources,” like ensuring that company culture is healthy and that employees are engaged and productive.

Being a people professional requires a deep understanding of human behavior, as well as the ability to influence and motivate others. It’s not an easy job, but it can be incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact you have on the people you work with.

1.2 Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice.

It is important to recognise that personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice. This means that when we interact with others, we should aim to do so in a way that is respectful and considerate of their individual values.

Whether it is through our words or actions, we should always strive to maintain a positive relationship with the people around us. Furthermore, by being aware of our personal and ethical values, we can more easily identify when they are being compromised. When this happens, it is important to take action in order to uphold our values.

In doing so, not only do we protect ourselves from potential harm, but we also model the kind of behaviour we hope to see in others. By living our lives in accordance with our values, we can help create a world that is more just and compassionate.

1.3 Consider the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way to influence others.

People professionals are in a unique position to contribute to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way that can have a significant impact on others. The ability to think critically, communicate effectively and build relationships are essential skills for people professionals. When these skills are brought to bear on important conversations, the results can be transformative.

By sharing their insight and expertise, people professionals can help others see things in a new light and make more informed decisions. They can also help create positive change within organizations by inspiring others to take action.

1.4 Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation.

There are a few different ways that you might find yourself in conflict with ethical values. Maybe you’re working for a company whose practices don’t align with your personal ethics, or maybe you’re in a situation where following the law would go against your conscience. In any case, it’s important to know how to handle these situations in a way that respects both your ethical standards and the standards of the institution you’re working within.

One thing to keep in mind is that there is a difference between an ethical value and a legal requirement. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s necessarily ethical, and vice versa. For example, abortion is legal in many countries but remains highly controversial from an ethical standpoint. So when raising a conflict with ethical values, it’s important to be clear about which set of standards you’re referring to.

If you find yourself in conflict with ethical values, the first thing you should do is try to resolve the issue internally. This might mean talking to your supervisor or HR department. If you’re not able to resolve the issue internally, then you can take it to an external body such as a professional regulator or the police.

However, it’s important to remember that you may not always be able to take action against someone who is violating your ethical values. Sometimes the best you can do is to avoid working with them in the future.

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5CO03 Activit 2 CIPD Level 5 Assignment Answer : Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building positive working relationships.

2.1 argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory..

It is essential for any organisation to have a workforce that feels valued, included and fairly treated. Not only does this result in positive employee engagement and motivation, but also drives better business outcomes. As a people professional, it is your role to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies that ensure all employees feel valued.

There are numerous theories that underpin the importance of valuing people at work. One such theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which argues that humans have certain basic needs that must be met in order for them to function optimally. These needs include things like food and shelter, but also more intangible needs such as a sense of belonging and self-esteem. If these needs are not met, it can lead to negative consequences such as low productivity, high absenteeism and high staff turnover.

Another theory that highlights the importance of valuing people is Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. This theory suggests that there are two key factors that contribute to employee satisfaction: hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors are things like pay and working conditions, which if not up to scratch can result in dissatisfaction.

Motivators, on the other hand, are things like opportunities for advancement and recognition, which can lead to higher levels of satisfaction. Herzberg’s theory demonstrates that it is not just the absence of negative factors that leads to a happy and productive workforce, but also the presence of positive factors.

2.2 Discuss strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices.

There are a number of key strategies that organizations can use to design and ensure inclusive people practices.

  • First, it is important to commit to inclusivity at the highest level within the organization. This means developing policies, procedures, and training programs that support inclusion and that are aligned with the organization’s values.
  • Additionally, leadership must model inclusive behaviors and provide employees with opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Finally, it is essential to continuously monitor progress and identify areas where further improvement is needed. By taking these steps, organizations can create a more inclusive environment for all employees.

2.3 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others.

I believe that it is important to work inclusively in order to build positive working relationships with others. I always try to be conscious of the need to create an inclusive environment, and I make sure to treat everyone with respect. I also think it is important to be open-minded and willing to learn from others. By taking these steps, I believe that I am able to create positive working relationships with others.

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CIPD 5CO03 Learning Outcome 3 Answer : Be able to demonstrate personal commitment to learning, professional development and performance improvement.

3.1 explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development..

The role of a people professional is evolving as the workforce becomes more complex and diverse. In order to stay competitive, it is important for people professionals to continue their professional development by learning new skills and keeping up with the latest trends. Some of the key skills that people professionals need to keep in mind include:

  • Communication: The ability to communicate effectively with other employees is essential in order to create a positive work environment.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding how to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace is critical in today’s economy.
  • Employee Relations: Handling employee relations issues can be tricky, but it is essential for maintaining a productive workforce.
  • HR Administration: Managing HR administration tasks such as payroll, benefits, and employee records can be time-consuming but is necessary for the smooth running of an organization.
  • Training and Development: Providing training and development opportunities for employees helps to foster a culture of lifelong learning.

Implications this has for continuing professional development:

  • Continuing professional development is essential for people professionals to remain competitive in the workforce.
  • People professionals must be adaptable and learn new skills in order to keep up with the evolving workforce.
  • It is important for people professionals to stay current with trends in the field in order to best serve their organizations.

3.2 Assess your strengths, weaknesses and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others.

Based on my self-assessment, I know that I am good at being organized, taking charge and being assertive. I also know that I need to work on my ability to be flexible, as well as my communication skills. As for development areas, I need to continue to work on my writing skills and learn more about web design and coding. Additionally, feedback from others has indicated that I tend to be a bit too blunt at times and that I need to work on better articulating my thoughts and feelings. Overall, though, I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses and am continually working to improve myself in all areas.

3.3 Formulate a range of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey.

Here are some general suggestions for formal and informal CPD activities that can help you on your learning journey:

Formal CPD Activities:

1. Undertake Further Study: One way to continually develop your professional skills and knowledge is to undertake further study, whether that means completing a qualification or taking individual courses. This can be an excellent way to keep up with new developments in your field and ensure you have the latest skills and knowledge.

2. Attend Professional Development Seminars and Workshops: There are often seminars and workshops available that can help you develop new skills or learn more about current trends. These can be a great way to gain new knowledge and make professional connections.

3. Get Involved in Professional Organizations: Joining professional organizations related to your field can help you stay up-to-date with developments in your industry, meet other professionals, and access helpful resources.

4. Read Professional Journals and Magazines: Keeping up with professional journals and magazines can help you stay current on trends and developments in your field. This is a great way to learn new information and get ideas for further study or professional development activities.

Informal CPD Activities:

1. Stay Connected With Other Professionals: Maintaining relationships with other professionals, whether through social media, networking events, or simply staying in touch, can help you stay up-to-date with developments in your field. This is also a great way to get new ideas and learn about new opportunities.

2. Take Online Courses: There are often free or low-cost online courses available that can help you learn new skills or stay up-to-date in your field. This is a convenient way to develop your skills and knowledge without having to commit to a formal learning program.

3. Read Books and Articles: Reading professional books and articles related to your field can help you stay current with developments and learn new information. This is a great way to get new ideas and perspectives on your industry.

4. Experiment and Try New Things: One of the best ways to learn is by doing. Trying new things and experimenting can help you gain new skills and knowledge. This can be a great way to find new interests and develop your skillset.

3.4 Reflect on the impact of your continuing professional development activities on own behaviour and performance.

The impact of my continuing professional development activities has been very positive. I have found that by undertaking further study, attending seminars and workshops, and getting involved in professional organizations, I have been able to stay up-to-date with developments in my field and improve my skillset.

Additionally, these activities have helped me to make new professional connections and gain new perspectives on my industry. Overall, I believe that my continuing professional development activities have had a positive impact on my behaviour and performance.

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  • Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5CO03

Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5CO03

The unit called Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5co03 focuses on understanding how people behave professionally at work and how they value each other. It`s important for people to have good relationships at work and this unit teaches how to do that. It talks about the behaviors and ethical practices that help people do well at their jobs.

In this unit, professionals learn how to use their own values to create a positive work culture and make good decisions that help everyone in the organization. It also talks about how teamwork and including everyone at work are important. The unit explains why these things are good for both the people and the organization.

Another important part of the unit is about helping people grow and develop while they work in the organization. People who work with others must keep learning and improving their skills to do their jobs better.

The unit also assess the learners to increase their insight for analysing the significance or continue their activities for professional development on the performance and behaviour at the workplace. They are required to check on the optimistic changes and analyse if the intended conclusions are assessed or met the influence on behaviour and personal per. IT through per be, result performance change identification. Learners also check out the versatile methods of Learning and Development true formal and informal way to analyse the personal development activities which is required for supporting the learning journey. Another emphasis of this unit is on the assessment of learners who are expected to recognise their weaknesses and strengths. They can also check out the results by utilising the feedback and analysing the areas of development.

Another crucial part of this unit is to recognise the learners and their way of contemplating behaviour in terms of inclusive working and generating optimistic relationships at the workplace. It also provides the value essentiality for others by understanding their potential. Moreover, the learners can also recognise the significance of diversity, active listening of versatile opinions, trust building, support provision, seeking views and sharing information from others. With this, the learners can also analyse the significance of colleague dealings, information and knowledge sharing, and mastery to solve the difficulties faced by individuals at the workplace.

Objectives of unit

The unit Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5co03 provides great details of the optimistic relationship of the work will beam of the employees and voice support might regenerate with the professional behaviour application that is comprised of the objective such as

  • Inclusivity is the place where learners acquire the way to introduce collaborative and inclusive strategies showing the inclusive culture influence and the significance of employee treatment on a fair basis in the organisation. The learner also acquires versatile findings and solutions to different challenges to boost positive and healthy work relationships.
  • Commitment to learn more in terms of performance enhancement, professional development and learning through identifying the people`s professional role in development and growth.
  • Ethical practices at the place where you acquire more ethical and professional behaviours with having great concerns with the people practice. You can also learn the ways through which anyone can apply ethical and personal values and the way to impact their people through giving confident contributions during group or team discussions.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcome of the unit Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5co03 are designed to generate a great acquisition of ethical behaviour among learners of Human Resource Management. Some of the significant learning outcomes of the unit Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5co03 are provided underneath.

LO1: Potential to signify ethical and professional behaviours emphasize the practice of people.

Lo2: potential to advocate for collaborative and inclusive strategies to impact the positive relationship of work., lo3: potential to show commitment in terms of personal development learning and increasing performance at a workplace., assessment criteria.

Assessment criteria of the unit Professional Behaviours and Valuing People 5co03 is comprised of the learning outcomes to Taylor the great acquisition in the life utilising work ethics at the organisation.

1.1 Elaborate the professional term and its meaning to the people in the profession.

1.2 Provide three minimum examples of the way through which ethical values influence your working procedure and working relationship development therefore you can elaborate on the ethical values.

1.3 Utilise your personal and professional experience to elaborate the way you can contribute to the discussions for certifying practices of people that are applied

1.4 Provide effective communication to influence and engage others

1.5 Elaborate ways you can increase the issues with practice and policy issues which dispute ethical or legislation value.

2.1 Utilising relatable theory presents a strong argument explaining the human and business benefits of having people get included fairly and valued at work.

2.2 Elaborate the initiative for enhancing the factors of people implement in the feedback response from external and internal sources

2.3 Elaborate on its working procedure and significance in terms of external and internal sources.

3.1 Explore the evolving character of the professional people in the organisation

3.2 Elaborate the self-assessment of the learners by checking out their weaknesses and strengths.

3.3 Design the activities for supporting the learning journey of individuals

3.4 Analyse the influence of activities on the behaviour of the learners.

You can also read about  Evidence-Based Practice 5CO02 .

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5CO03 Professional behaviours and valuing people

5CO03 Professional behaviours and valuing people

Unit description

In the realm of 5CO03, the orchestration of professional behaviours intertwines harmoniously with the art of valuing individuals. This intricate dance involves not merely adhering to a list of prescribed actions but rather embracing a profound commitment to nurturing robust inter employee connections while safeguarding their welfare within the organizational tapestry.

At its core, this module unfurls a canvas adorned with vibrant strokes of inclusivity, courage, and ethical rectitude. These shades, when deftly brushed onto the corporate palette, paint a portrait of a workplace where every voice resonates, where audacity kindles innovation, and where moral compasses guide the collective endeavour. Thus, the symphony of this unit reverberates with the cadence of progress, echoing how the crescendo of organizational achievement finds its crescendo through the mastery of these newfangled professional rituals.

Here’s what you’ll learn

Within this educational voyage, students embark upon a voyage of discovery centred around the intricate interplay of ethics and professionalism requisite for navigating the terrain of people practice. Through the lens of this unit, the aperture of understanding widens, offering a vista into the mosaic of virtues demanded by this dynamic field.

Steered by the compass of comprehension, learners chart a course towards grasping the very bedrock of becoming a proficient people practice professional. This involves deciphering the keys that unlock the gates to this realm, integrating the alchemy of ethics and personal principles into the crucible of real-world scenarios, and wielding the influence to orchestrate symphonies of thought and behaviour through the crucible of meaningful discourse.

Yet, this odyssey doesn’t merely rest on the plane of theory. Instead, it unfurls the map of collaborative inclusivity, revealing paths that wind towards the summit of business efficacy. Here, students not only learn to weave the tapestry of cohesive teamwork but also delve into the profound nuances of employee well-being within the sanctuary of the workplace.

As the journey continues, the horizon broadens to unveil the architecture of interpersonal relationships – a blueprint for nurturing bonds that fortify the very edifice of an organization. And as the tides of knowledge rise, so too does the awareness of the evolution of the people professional, a metamorphosis that requires unwavering commitment, the pursuit of knowledge, and the alchemical transformation of improvement.

Thus, this unit becomes a crucible wherein students distil their self-awareness, crystallize their strengths and frailties, and craft a symphony of growth. Its ultimate orchestration culminates in the harmonious notes of triumph, echoing the potential for success etched in the footprints of those who traverse its enlightening path.

The unit is suitable for those who are

This unit holds paramount significance across diverse qualifications and professional domains. The following delineations serve not as rigid prerequisites, but rather as guiding beacons illuminating the traits that could greatly bolster the suitability of individuals considering its pursuit. Individuals:

  • Engaged in Human Resources or Learning and Development: This unit resonates with those currently immersed or aspiring to be part of the human resources or learning and development landscape. Whether you’re already working within these realms or aiming to step onto this dynamic stage, the unit’s offerings align with your journey.
  • Charged with Strategy and Policy Implementation: If your role entails steering the implementation of strategies and policies rooted in human resources or learning and development, this unit becomes a compass guiding your efforts. It equips you with the necessary tools to navigate the intricate landscape of strategy enforcement.
  • Possessing Relevant Work Experience or Degree: A reservoir of relevant work experience or a corresponding degree acts as a fulcrum upon which this unit can elevate your career trajectory. Your existing knowledge and background blend harmoniously with the unit’s teachings, enhancing your professional journey.
  • Holding a CIPD Level 3 Diploma or Certificate: Those who’ve undertaken studies at the diploma or certificate level in CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) Level 3 find this unit to be an apt progression. It seamlessly complements and expands upon your existing knowledge base.
  • Nurturing Aspirations in People Management: Aspiring to cultivate a career within the realm of people management, this unit provides you with a scaffold to build upon. Its content and insights resonate with your aspirations, aiding you in constructing a solid foundation for future growth.

In essence, this unit beckons to a spectrum of individuals, signalling a common thread of affinity. It acknowledges diverse pathways and backgrounds while extending a welcoming hand to those seeking to hone their acumen in human resources, learning and development, and people management.

The learning outcomes.

Upon traversing the expanse of this educational terrain, students will emerge with the mastery of three overarching learning outcomes. These outcomes, characterized by their comprehensive nature, bestow upon learners a panoramic vista of capabilities that transcend mere competence, emboldening them to fulfil their professional obligations with distinction. The three resolute learning outcomes are outlined as follows:

  • Application of Ethical and Professional Behavior in People Practice: Under this pivotal learning outcome, students cultivate an adeptness in translating their acquired knowledge and skills into tangible actions within the realm of people practice. By example, they not only cultivate the indispensable skills and behaviours synonymous with the people profession, including inclusivity, candour, equity, and justice but also develop an astute comprehension of how ethical and personal values interweave within the organizational fabric to yield mutual prosperity. Armed with this knowledge, learners attain the capacity to invigorate their surroundings through active engagement in discussions surrounding pertinent organizational issues. This outcome further nurtures a profound sense of accountability, empowering students to proactively identify shortcomings, rectify missteps, and navigate ethical conundrums, such as the intricate web of whistleblowing.
  • Elevation of Positive Working Relations through Collaborative and Inclusive Strategies: Within this transformative learning outcome, learners are equipped with the scaffolding to understand the transformative potential of fostering harmonious relations within an organizational context. Concepts of equitable treatment, value recognition, and inclusivity come to the forefront as beacons of organizational betterment. This outcome empowers students to harness the currency of feedback and interpersonal interaction, sculpting them into instruments to craft efficacious solutions and strategies in the domain of people practice. By honing the ability to gauge the efficacy of these solutions vis-à-vis engagement and performance metrics, learners become adept at fostering inclusive work cultures and cultivating interrelations enriched with trust, knowledge sharing, and mutual growth.
  • Demonstration of Commitment to Personal Growth and Professional Development in People Practice: Embedded within this culminating learning outcome lies the key to harnessing the role of people professionals as stewards of evolution. Students grasp the significance of keeping a vigilant eye on the shifting sands of their field and comprehending how these changes ripple through the tapestry of their professional journey. Empowered by introspection and feedback, learners navigate the labyrinth of self-assessment, illuminating developmental areas, strengths, and weaknesses. This outcome propels students to curate their learning odyssey, curating an array of formal and informal activities under the banner of continuous professional development (CPD). Here, the learners wield the ability to assess the transformative impact of these CPD endeavours upon their performance and behavioural canvas, thus painting a vivid portrait of perpetual growth and accomplishment.

In summation, this educational expedition unfolds as a triumvirate of transformation. Its outcomes, expansive and resolute, mould learners into torchbearers of ethical comportment, architects of inclusive work scopes, and vanguards of their growth. With these three pillars of proficiency firmly in hand, students are poised to chart a course towards an enriched professional destiny, where their steps echo with the harmonious cadence of principled action, collaborative prowess, and unwavering commitment.

What are the requirements for entry?

While the CIPD, as an entity, doesn’t lay down specific prerequisites for individuals aspiring to undertake this unit, each educational institution offering it establishes its unique entry criteria. Thus, while a concrete set of requisites may not be etched in stone, it remains imperative for prospective learners to outline their aspirations before embarking on this educational journey. By delineating their ultimate goals, learners can aptly navigate the path ahead.

For example, those eyeing a career in the realm of Human Resources (HR), such as an HR assistant, would find the foundation level 3 certificate to be an invaluable stepping stone. This foundational certificate not only opens doors but also aligns with their career trajectory, providing a sturdy foothold for professional advancement. Alternatively, learners who embark on this unit sans the foundation level 3 certificate can amplify their engagement by wielding pre-existing experience within the relevant professional milieu. This practical experience is of paramount importance since the unit’s assignments are calibrated at a degree level, necessitating a foundational bedrock of knowledge.

Hence, the entry requirements for this unit span a spectrum of possibilities, embodying:

  • A relevant degree or substantial work experience in the domains of Human Resources (HR) or Learning and Development (L&D) – a precondition upheld by certain institutions.
  • Possession of a CIPD level 3 certificate, acting as a cornerstone for entry into the unit.
  • Proficiency in both written and spoken English, an indispensable facet of engagement. This proficiency is either established through fluency or substantiated by an equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.5 or attainment of ESOL level 2.

In essence, while a uniform set of prerequisites might not be etched in stone across the CIPD realm, the importance of charting a purpose-driven trajectory and considering one’s background and aspirations remains unwavering. It’s a landscape where the puzzle pieces of qualifications, experience, and language proficiency seamlessly fit together to compose an enriched educational voyage.

How we can help

We’ve got a team of experts who are good at handling different kinds of assignments in this unit. We’re known as reliable writers and researchers who help with both easy and hard assignments. We spend our time providing the best solutions to our valued clients because we want to give them great quality for what they invest in terms of money, trust, and time.


Task one: presentation on ethical practice in business.

The first assignment task involves creating a presentation with 1-2 slides for each assessment criterion, along with presenter notes. This presentation’s goal is to elucidate the significance of ethical practice in enhancing relationships within the workplace.

3.4 Key dates What did you do? Why? What did you learn from this? How have/will you use this?
I engaged the employees in an inter-departmental exchange program.I wanted to understand how communication between employees in different department is perceived.I learned that Interdepartmental communication helps in building trust, tolerance and self-awareness increasing new skills development and accurate information delivery which is essential in growth and development of an organization.I will use this in organizing weekly interdepartmental exchange programs and meetings to make them interact.
I organized an escape in the room challenge for the employee.My purpose for this was to motivate the employees, promote teamwork, help them to develop their strength and address their weakness.Through team building activities, employees learn a lot about each other, they address their fears and weaknesses, share their strengths and capabilities which strengthens their relationship and trust.I will encourage more team building activities that brings about the sense of cooperation and collaboration to help improve teamwork.
I organized an activity pairing employees with different backgrounds and asked them to share challenges that they feel the other background may be facing.The aim was to make employee share the different types of diverse backgrounds to identify different challenges and their solutions.I learned that the activity brings out an empathetic team and builds a positive attitude toward the minority.This cultivated ideas of more such activities to build of inclusion, the sense of integration among the employees regardless of their differences, and their ideas are valued.
I invited a mentor for a five-day career growth session with the employees.My aim was to encourage learning to improve knowledge and skills.Through learning employees develop new ideas improving competence and career growth.I intend to hold such sessions regularly to enhance professionalism and career and personal growth.
I engage the employees in planning a workplace tournament.The aim of this was to facilitate networking, sharing of different ideas and suggestions to ensure employees feel satisfied and have a sense of belonging.I learned that employees feel happier when engaged, they even offer to volunteer in making an event a success, they develop trust, increasing productivity and efficiency.Ensure that everyone is fully engaged in making decision of issues that involves them to increase commitment, passionate efforts at work and satisfaction.
Held an open discussion with employees to share their values, essential holidays and events.I wanted to acquire cultural knowledge amongst employees, understand their personal values and beliefs.I learned that different groups are willing to embrace different culture and diverse beliefs that different groups of employees have.I will use this to bring together different groups and encourage them to appreciate the diversity.
The question prompts learners to define the term “professional.” A professional is someone who employs their knowledge and skills to carry out tasks and fulfil responsibilities. In the realm of people practice, professionals excel in influencing and motivating individuals, guided by the foundational behaviours outlined in the CIPD Professional Map.In their response, learners should touch upon the conception and evolution of the CIPD Professional Map. This framework has grown to elucidate the fundamental principles, supported by evidence and resulting outcomes, that people professionals champion to enhance work environments and foster improved working relationships.
Illustrations of the personal values that students are encouraged to explore encompass:FairnessInclusivityDecision-making rooted in evidenceEqualityHonestyProfessional integrityLearners should elaborate on how these personal values function as compass points, steering their work and guiding them in making prudent decisions that contribute to their professional worth. Furthermore, these individual values offer a window into the behaviours and principles that mould the contours of working relationships. It is also essential for learners to expound on the appreciation of cultural disparities and varying expectations held by diverse individuals.
In addressing AC 1.3, learners are tasked with elucidating the rationale behind why individuals in people-professional roles should be well-informed and draw upon their values to actively partake in discussions with a bold demeanour. The role of people professionals encompasses possessing a vocal presence and speaking out to ensure the comprehensive fulfilment of human resources, organizational design, and learning and development principles, thereby generating value that resonates across all members of the workforce. This question underscores the significance of delving into how organizations align with business, economies, and society, while concurrently striving to champion improved quality of work life.Within the domain of workplace engagement, the focal point lies in establishing suitable communication methodologies and platforms to foster enhanced exchange of information. Considerations extend to significant variables such as the tone and tempo of communication, attentiveness in interactions, skilful articulation, and substantiation through evidence during communication and decision-making processes.For AC 1.5, learners addressing this requirement should delve into the realm of organizational policies while evaluating the various leadership styles that could potentially trigger conflicts. People professionals should delve into the diverse manifestations of conflict styles, the legal dimensions underpinning them, and the ethical principles that dictate the timing and manner of addressing conflicts. A prime example is the pivotal role that people professionals play when ethical values are compromised, particularly in challenging situations like whistleblowing.In summation, these objectives revolve around the fortification of communication frameworks, the assertion of personal values, and the navigation of ethical considerations. These skills collectively empower individuals in people-professional roles to not only engage courageously but also to stand as vanguards of ethical integrity within their organizational ecosystems.
The advantages of embracing, appreciating, and ensuring equitable treatment of others encompass:Heightened job satisfactionPositive enhancement of corporate reputationAugmented employee retention ratesEnhanced conflict resolution strategiesDiminished absenteeism and illness-related leavesAmplified work efficiency and effectivenessUpon elucidating these merits of valuing and integrating people in the workplace, learners should subsequently delve into pertinent theoretical frameworks that underscore the significance of such inclusion. Some examples of theories that students are encouraged to discuss include:Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theoryEmployee engagement modelsTheories on employee well-beingMcClelland’s motivational theoryDavid Rock’s work in neuroscience and workplace dynamicsIn grasping these theories, learners garner insights that illuminate the tangible and psychological benefits of valuing and inclusively involving individuals within the organizational landscape.
A prominent illustration of a people practice endeavour is the learning and development initiative, which germinates through the exchange of feedback and active involvement among employees. Collaborating with partners, people professionals pool their expertise to devise solutions for the concerns and objectives under scrutiny, with the ultimate aim of delivering the most effective outcomes.Learners are expected to elucidate the ramifications of both formal and informal feedback in fostering engagement within the workplace. Various strategies employed by people professionals to engage employees encompass methods like emails, documented exchanges that facilitate feedback identification, professional dialogues, and consultations.The influence of these solutions in shaping and fostering engagement within an organization hinges on the evaluation of how these measures:Elicit shifts in opinionsCultivate the necessity for embracing changePropel change when it becomes essentialFollowing this, learners conclude their assessment by dissecting how these solutions cater to diverse individual and organizational needs, thereby catalyzing positive organizational impacts. Once this assessment is accomplished, students will be primed to delve into the completion of task two within the 5CO03 assignment.

What is the focus of the CIPD 5CO03 module on Professional Behaviours and Valuing People?

The module 5CO03 emphasizes the importance of professional behaviors and valuing individuals within the realm of people practice. It covers topics such as ethical behavior, workplace relationships, and the role of people professionals in creating a positive organizational culture.

What are some key professional behaviors discussed in the module?

The module highlights key professional behaviors such as inclusivity, courage, ethical conduct, and the application of personal values in the workplace.

How does the module address the enhancement of workplace relationships?

The module delves into strategies for fostering positive working relationships through collaborative and inclusive approaches. It explores the impact of effective communication, engagement, and interrelation among employees.

What are the entry requirements for the 5CO03 module?

While the CIPD itself doesn’t set specific requirements, different educational institutions may have their own prerequisites. Generally, having a relevant background in HR or Learning and Development, a foundation level 3 certificate, and proficiency in English are some common expectations.

What kind of learning outcomes can participants expect from this module?

Participants can expect to gain a deeper understanding of ethical and professional behavior, strategies for positive working relations, and ways to enhance their own performance and professional development within the field of people practice. The module aims to equip learners with practical skills to excel in their roles as people professionals.

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5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People Task One Guideline

Introduction to 5co03 unit.

5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People focuses on determining the people professional’s roles in building positive working relationships. They achieve this by analysing their ethical practices and other core behaviours that improve people’s performance. The unit provides insight on how people professionals should apply their personal and ethical values to create an ethical culture and make proper decisions that positively influence others and the organisation. Issues relating to inclusivity and collaboration at work have been explained in the unit and the benefits that these have to the organisation and the people. The unit also focuses on analysing people development as they evolve in an organisation. People professionals should be committed to learning to gain more skills to improve their work performances.

Task One: Presentation on Ethical Practice in Business

Task one assignment is a presentation with 1-2 slides for each assessment criteria and presenter notes. The presentation aims at explaining the importance of ethical practice in improving workplace relationships.

AC 1.1 Define the term professional and explain the requirements of a people professional.

The question requires learners to define the term “professional”. A professional is an individual who practices and uses knowledge and skills to perform their tasks and compete for their duties. People professionals are experts in influencing and inspiring people, who use the core behaviours in the CIPD Professional Map to guide their actions.

Learners should mention the designing and development of the CIPD Professional Map. This framework has evolved to explain the principles, evidence and outcomes that people professionals need to champion for better work and improve working relationships.

AC 1.2 To help explain what is meant by ethical values, give at least three examples of your values and how this affects how you work and develop working relationships.

Examples of the personal values that students should discuss are;-

  • Inclusivity
  • Evidence-based decision-making
  • Professional integrity

Learners explain how personal values help them work and make appropriate decisions that create professional value. In addition, these personal values provide insight into the behaviours and values that shape working relationships. Learners should also explain valuing cultural differences and different people’s expectations.

AC 1.3, 1.5 Drawing upon work or personal examples, analyse how you could/have;- Contributed to discussions to ensure people practices are applied, How you can effectively communicate to engage and influence others, and how you might raise issues with situations such as organisational policies and approaches to leadership that conflict with legislation or ethical values.

AC 1.3 requires learners to explain why people professionals should be informed and use their personal values to engage in discussions courageously. People professionals should have a voice and should speak up to ensure that the human resources, organisation design, and learning and development concepts are fulfilled to create value for all workers. Important issues to discuss in this question are how organisations engage businesses, economies and society while seeking to champion better working lives.

Engagement in the workplace focuses on establishing suitable communication styles and platforms to enhance information exchange. Significant variations to consider when communicating include tone and pacing, attention when communicating, consideration of communication skills, and evidence when communicating and making decisions.

Learners answering AC 1.5 should raise issues by considering the organisational policies and evaluating the different leadership styles that might cause conflict. People professionals should look into the different styles of conflict, the legal matters and the ethical values that determine when and how to raise issues. For example, people professionals should raise issues that conflict with ethical values when organisations face the challenge of whistleblowing.

AC 2.1 Drawing on relevant theory, provide a robust argument that includes both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and treated fairly

Benefits of including, valuing and treating others fairly include;-

  • Improved job satisfaction
  • Positive corporate reputation
  • Employee retention
  • Improved ways of handling conflicts
  • Reduced absenteeism and sickness
  • Improved work effectiveness and efficiency

After explaining the benefits of valuing and including people at work, learners should explain relevant theories that emphasise valuing and including people. Examples of theories that the students should discuss are;-

  • Maslow’s hierarchy theory
  • Worker engagement
  • Worker wellbeing
  • McLelland theory
  • David Rock theorist

AC 2.2, 2.3 Identify a people practice initiative that has been put in place in response to internal and external feedback, set up the purpose of the initiative and explain the impact of the initiative.

An example of a people practice initiative is the learning and development initiative, which develops from feedback and engagement among employees. People professionals work with partners and collaborate with them to design solutions to the issues and initiatives examined to deliver the best effective solutions.

The learners should explain the impacts of formal and informal feedback on promoting engagements at work. Different engagement methods that people professionals use are emails, documentary exchanges that help identify feedback, discussions among professionals, and consultations.

The impact of solutions to influencing and engaging people in an organisation is a realisation from the evaluation of how solutions either;-

  • Create an opinion change
  • Help create the need for people to accept change
  • Drive change when necessary

Learners then complete the assessment by analysing how solutions recognise different people and organisational needs to create positive organisational impacts. After completing the assesment, the students should be prepared to complete task two of 5CO03 assignment.

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5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People Task One Guideline

  • February 24, 2022
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People Task One Guideline

Introduction to the 5CO03 Unit

The purpose of 5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People is to determine the role of people professionals in establishing positive working relationships. The organisation accomplishes this by analysing its ethical practices and other core behaviours that enhance the performance of its people. This unit will teach how people professionals can apply their personal and ethical values to create an ethical culture and make decisions that positively impact others and the organisation. In the unit, inclusiveness and collaboration in the workplace have been discussed and the benefits on the organisation and the employees. This unit also analyses people’s development as they evolve within an organisation. Professionals in the human resources field should be committed to learning new skills to improve their performance.

Task One: Present ethical practices in business

The task one assignment is a presentation with 1-2 slides for each assessment criterion and presenter notes. In the presentation, we explain how ethical practices enhance workplace relationships.

AC 1.1 Explain the term professional and what it means to be a people professional.

Defining the term “professional” is required in the question—those who perform their tasks and compete for their duties as professionals practice knowledge and use skills. In addition to their expertise in influencing and inspiring people, people professionals use the core behaviours in the CIPD Professional Map to guide their actions.

Students should mention that the CIPD Professional Map was designed and developed. The purpose of this framework has been to clarify the principles, evidence, and outcomes that people professionals need to champion for better work and improved relationships.

AC 1.2 Give at least three examples of how your ethical values affect how you work and develop working relationships so that you can explain what ethical values are.

The following are some examples of personal values that students should discuss:

  • Inclusivity
  • Evidence-based decision-making
  • Professional integrity

They explain how personal values assist them in making appropriate decisions that contribute to professional success. Further, these personal values provide insight into how behaviours and values shape relationships. In addition, learners should explain how to value cultural differences and different expectations.

AC 1.3, 1.5 Using your professional or personal experiences, explain how you can/have;- Contributed to discussions to ensure people practices are applied;- Communicated effectively to engage and influence others; and how you might raise issues with policy or practice issues that conflict with legislation or ethical values.

AC 1.3 asks learners to explain why professionals should be informed and use their values when participating courageously in discussions. People professionals must speak up for themselves and ensure that human resources, organisation design, and learning and development concepts are fulfilled to create value for all workers. This question discusses how companies engage with businesses, economies, and societies to promote better working conditions.

Providing suitable communication styles and platforms for information exchange is a crucial part of engagement in the workplace. Tone and pacing are essential variations to consider, attention when communicating, and communication skills and evidence when communicating and making decisions.

AC 1.5 asks learners to raise issues by considering organisational policies and leadership styles that might cause conflict. In addition to learning the different types of conflict, legal issues, and ethical values, professionals should think about how and when to raise issues. For example, professionals in human resources should discuss topics that conflict with ethical values when organisations face the challenge of whistleblowing.

AC 2.1 Using relevant theory, present a robust argument demonstrating the business and human benefits of having people feel included, valued and fair at work.

Inclusion, respect, and fair treatment of others have the following benefits:

  • Job satisfaction increased
  • A positive reputation for the company
  • Retention of employees
  • Conflict resolution improved
  • Reduced sick leave and absenteeism
  • Efficiencies and effectiveness improved

In addition to explaining the value of valuing and including people at work, learners should explain relevant theories that emphasise the value of valuing and including people. Examples of theories that students should discuss include:

  • Maslow’s hierarchy theory
  • Worker engagement
  • Worker wellbeing
  • McLelland theory
  • David Rock theorist

AC 2.2, 2.3 Explain an initiative for improving people practices implemented in response to feedback from internal and external sources, how it works, and the benefits.

The learning and development initiative, developed through employee feedback and engagement, is an example of a people practice initiative. Partnering with partners and collaborating with them on designing solutions to the issues and initiatives examined to deliver effective solutions is part of professionals.

Learning outcomes should include explaining how to promote engagement at work through formal and informal feedback. For example, professionals engage in various engagement methods, such as emails, document exchanges that facilitate feedback, discussions among professionals, and consultations.

It is essential to evaluate how solutions contribute to influencing and engaging people in an organisation;-

  • Influence people’s opinions
  • Encourage people to accept change by creating a need for it
  • If necessary, change your drive

As part of the assessment, the learners analyse how solutions consider different people and organisational needs to impact the organisation positively. After completing the assessment, students should complete the second part of the 5CO03 assignment.

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  • October 18, 2022
  • Posted by: Fletcher Samuel
  • Category: CIPD Level 5


A brief introduction to the 5CO03 unit

In 5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People, the role of the people professional in fostering productive working relationships is discussed. They accomplish this by examining their ethical standards and other fundamental behaviours that raise employee productivity. The unit offers insight into how human resources professionals should apply their moral principles to build an ethical workplace culture and make wise choices that will benefit both the organization and its stakeholders. The unit has discussed workplace inclusivity and collaboration issues as well as their advantages for both the organization and the workforce. The unit also emphasizes analyzing how individuals develop over time within an organization. Professionals should be dedicated to learning to increase their skill sets and enhance their work output.

Ethical Practices in Business: Task One

The first task is a presentation with one to two slides for each criterion of evaluation and presenter notes. The purpose of the presentation is to highlight how crucial ethical behaviour is to foster positive working relationships.

AC 1.1 Define the term professional and explain the requirements of a people professional.

The guideline

Learners are asked to define the word “professional” in the question. A professional is someone who competes for their duties by practising, using their knowledge, and using their skills. People managers are experts at motivating and inspiring others, and they help others use the CIPD Professional Map’s core behaviours to direct their own behaviour.

The design and development of the CIPD Professional Map should be mentioned by learners. This framework has been developed to clarify the ideas, data, and results that human resources professionals must promote to enhance productivity and coworker relations.

AC 1.2 To help explain what is meant by ethical values, give at least three examples of your values and how this affects how you work and develop working relationships.

The following are some examples of personal values that students should discuss:

  • Inclusivity
  • decision-making based on facts
  • professional ethics

Learners describe how their values guide their work and decision-making, enabling them to add value to the job. These individual values also shed light on the attitudes and principles that influence professional interactions. Learners should also discuss respecting cultural diversity and varying expectations.

AC 1.3, 1.5 Drawing upon work or personal examples, analyse how you could/have;- Contributed to discussions to ensure people practices are applied, How you can effectively communicate to engage and influence others, and how you might raise issues with situations such as organisational policies and approaches to leadership that conflict with legislation or ethical values.

Learners are expected to justify the need for professionals to be informed in AC 1.3 and to use their values to participate courageously in discussions. To ensure that the concepts of human resources, organizational design, and learning and development are fulfilled to create value for all workers, people professionals should have a voice and should speak up. How organizations interact with businesses, economies, and society while promoting better working conditions is an important topic to discuss.

Establishing appropriate communication platforms and styles in the workplace is a key component of engagement. Tone and pacing, paying attention while communicating, taking communication skills into account, and using evidence when communicating and making decisions are all significant variations to take into account.

Students responding to AC 1.5 should raise concerns by taking the organization’s policies into account and analyzing the various leadership philosophies that could lead to conflict. People specialists should research the various conflict styles, legal considerations, and ethical principles that govern when and how to raise issues. When organizations face the challenge of whistleblowing, for instance, human resources professionals should bring up issues that run counter to ethical principles.

AC 2.1 Drawing on relevant theory, provide a robust argument that includes both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and treated fairly

The following advantages come from including, valuing, and treating others fairly:

  • an increase in job satisfaction
  • positive reputation for the company
  • retaining personnel
  • better methods for resolving disputes
  • decreased absences and illness
  • increased productivity and efficiency

Learners should explain pertinent theories that emphasize valuing and including people after outlining the advantages of doing so in the workplace. The following are some theories that students should discuss:

  • Maslow’s hierarchy theory
  • Worker engagement
  • Worker wellbeing
  • McLelland theory
  • David Rock theorist

AC 2.2, 2.3 Identify a people practice initiative that has been put in place in response to internal and external feedback, set up the purpose of the initiative and explain the impact of the initiative.

The learning and development initiative, which grows from employee feedback and engagement, is an illustration of a people practice initiative. People specialists collaborate with partners to design solutions to the issues and initiatives looked at to provide the most efficient solutions.

The students should discuss how feedback, both formal and informal, affects workplace engagement. Professionals use a variety of engagement techniques, including emails, professional discussions, and documentary exchanges that help identify feedback and consultations.

The evaluation of how solutions affect influencing and engaging people in an organization leads to the realization that;

  • Make a change in perception
  • help people realize they must accept change
  • Drive alterations as required

Students then complete the assessment by analyzing how solutions take into account various organizational needs and the needs of different people to have a positive organizational impact. The students should be ready to complete task two of the 5CO03 assignment after finishing the assessment.

  • 5co03 Assignment Example
  • 5CO03 Professional Behaviours and Valuing People

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To get proper understanding of learning and behaviour is important at CIPD level 5. CIPD level 5 is associate diploma in people management, in this diploma you are going to learn behaviour of people professionals and ethical practices, this encourages and strengthen the relationship between organization and employees.

This module is called module 3 CIPD CO03 professional behaviours and valuing people of level 5, in this module you will gain the opportunity to learn ethical and core values of people professionals, which includes behaviour, positive working environment, creating solutions, learning the evolution of people professional practices, identifying the strengths and weaknesses through CIPD activities.

Here we have created a sample for CIPD aspirants in UK, USA, KSA, to help them to understand about this module and which factors that they should cover.

Table of Contents

1) cipd 5co03 assignment task: get proper knowledge to demonstrate ethical and professional behaviour, in people professional’s context..

·  1.1 Define the meaning of being a people professional.

·  1.2 Determine and recognize the ethical and professional values which can be applied in the context of people professionals.

·  1.3 How people professionals contribute to influence others in a discussion.

2) 5CO03 Activity 2 CIPD Level 5: A people professional must be able to master inclusive and collaborative strategies for building positive working relationships.

·  2.1 Plot a friendly argue about human and business benefits of people feelings.

·  2.2 Define different strategies to ensure inclusive people practices.

3) CIPD 5CO03 Learning Outcome: As a people professional demonstrate your personal commitment to learning, improving your performance and professional development.

·  3.1Research and define how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development.

·  3.2 Support your learning journey by formulating different types of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities.

·  3.2.1 Formal CPD Activities:

·  3.2.2 Informal CPD Activities:

4) Get high quality top end CIPD level 5 assignment solutions by our experts.

cipd 5co03 assignment example

1.1 Define the meaning of being a people professional.

A people professional is a person who is responsible for effectiveness and well-being of people in an organization. This mainly includes the roles of HR officials such as, recruiting, training, and employee relations. But it also talks about the roles which does not come under the roles of HR officials like ensuring healthy culture in an organization, productivity of employee’s etcetera.

To be a people professional you have to gain deep understanding of human behaviour, and the ability to influence others. It’s not a piece of cake to be a people professional, every person cannot become a good people professional.

1.2 Determine and recognize the ethical and professional values which can be applied in the context of people professionals.

It is really important to realise that ethical and personal values can be applied in context of people professionals. It means that while we are interacting with someone we should keep in mind that, we should interact with them in a respectable way and always consider their values and believes before having any conversation.

Moreover when we are aware of ethical and personal values, we can identify that at which point they are compromising. It is really important that when this happens you should always take instant action to uphold these values.

While doing this you should not only protect yourself from getting harm, but one should also adopt a behaviour just like that which he is expecting from others.

1.3 How people professionals contribute to influence others in a discussion.

It is an important skill for People professionals to learn about their unique position to contribute to A discussions in such a way that is informed, confident and clear.

The ability to communicate effectively, think critically, and build relationships are an important skills for people professionals. By sharing their expertise and insight, people professionals are helpful in making informed decisions. They can inspire others and also contribute by their side to make positive changes in an organization.

2.1 Plot a friendly argue about human and business benefits of people feelings.

It is really important that in an organization the work force feel valued, included and fairly treated.

It results in positive engagement, motivation and also provides better business outcomes. It is the role of people professional to master collaborative and inclusive strategies, this helps to ensure all the employees feel valued.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory is an important theory which highlights the importance and value of people. This theory suggests that there are two key factors that contribute to employee satisfaction: hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors are things like pay and working conditions, which if not up to scratch can result in dissatisfaction.

2.2 Define different strategies to ensure inclusive people practices.

There are plenty of strategies that you can follow but there are some key strategies to design and ensure inclusive people practice in an organization.

·  First of all it is important to be committed to inclusivity at the highest level within an organization.

·  Secondly, leadership must set a model of inclusive behaviours by their acts and deeds. Also leadership must provide employees with opportunities to interact with people from diverse backgrounds.

·  Lastly, it is important to regularly monitor progress and identify areas of improvements. By taking such initiatives, an organization can create a more inclusive environment for all employees step by step.

3.1 Research and define how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development.

People professionals play important role in evolving of the management system in an organization, as the workforce becomes more complex and diverse. To be competitive, it is really for a people professional to continue his learning and learn new things according to the new era to deal with the difficulties in an organization.

Key skills that people professionals need are as follows:

·  Communication.

·  Diversity and Inclusion.

·  Employee Relations.

·  HR Administration.

·  Training and Development.

3.2 Support your learning journey by formulating different types of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CIPD) activities.

To help you on tour CIPD learning journey we have defined some key points of formal and informal CIPD activities.  These points are mentioned below:

3.2.1 Formal CIPD Activities:

Some key points of formal cipd activities are mentioned below:.

·  Undertake Further Study

·  Attend Professional Development Seminars and Workshops.

·  Get Involved in Professional Organizations

·  Read Professional Journals and Magazines.

3.2.2 Informal CIPD Activities:

Some key points of informal cipd activities are mentioned below:.

·  Stay Connected With Other Professionals.

·  Take Online Courses.

·  Read Books and Articles.

·  Experiment and Try New Things.

Are you struggling to get high quality CIPD help online? Then, you are at the right lace, CIPD writers is designed especially for CIPD aspirants like you to provide you with best possible CIPD help. Our writers have multiple years of experience to write CIPD assignments of level 5, we know all the rules and regulations of CIPD. Each assignment which is written by our writing team is written from scratch, according to the needs of our customers and always fills each and every criteria of CIPD diploma.

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What is cipd.

CIPD is the professional body for Human Resources and people development. It’s for people who looking to transition into Human resources or advance the career in HR.  CIPD professional body has over 150,000 members around the world. CIPD is a recognized professional certificate in different parts of the world. 

Having the title CIPD in your resume makes you very competitive in the job market.  The good thing about CIPD is that you can join even if you don’t have any experience in Human resource management.

7 Stages Where You Can Join the CIPD Program

  • CIPD Student Member – Joining as a student member gives you access to materials that help you with your studies. 
  • Foundation Member – This is when you start from the very bottom because you don’t have any experience, and you have never worked in Human resources. At this level, you are exposed to the foundation knowledge and skill you need to have to be an HR professional. 
  • CIPD Associate Member – This is for people who are approaching mid-level HR professionals. This level is for people who already have foundation knowledge, and have worked in the lower level, for example, HR assistants, HR coordinators, and HR administrators. A CIPD associate member is ideal for someone who has had some entry-level experience for 2-3 years.
  • CIPD Chartered Membership – This is a more seasoned HR profession. You need to have upwards of 5 years of experience working in HR. 
  • CIPD Chartered Fellow – This is for professionals whose experience and skills are top-notch.
  • Academic Member Great – This is for people teaching and lecturing in the area of human resources, and learning and development. This is a good level for people looking to start teaching Human resources.
  • Affiliate Member – This is for members who do lots of research and study on Human Resources. 


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CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples

  • CIPD 5CO01 Organizational performance and culture in practice
  • CIPD 5CO02 Evidence-based practice
  • CIPD 5CO03 Professional behaviors and valuing people
  • CIPD 5HR01 Employment relationship management
  • CIPD 5HR02 Talent management and workforce planning
  • CIPD 5HR03 The reward for performance and contribution
  • CIPD 5LD01: Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
  • CIPD 5LD02 Learning and Development Design  
  • CIPD 5LD03 Facilitate personalized and performance-focused learning
  • CIPD 5OS01 Specialist employment law
  • CIPD 5OS02 advances in digital learning and development
  • CIPD 5OSO3 Learning and Development Essentials
  • CIPD 5OSO4 People management in an international context
  • CIPD ‎5OS05 Diversity and inclusion
  • CIPD 5OS06 Leadership and management development
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  • CIPD 7CO02 People management and development strategies for performance
  • CIPD 7CO03 Personal effectiveness, ethics, and business acumen
  • CIPD 7CO04 Business Research In People Practice
  • CIPD 7HR01 Strategic employment relations
  • CIPD 7HR02 Resourcing and talent management to sustain success
  • CIPD 7HR03 Strategic reward management
  • CIPD 7LD01 Organizational design and development
  • CIPD 7OS01 Advanced employment law in practice
  • CIPD 7LMD Leadership and Management Development
  • CIPD 7OS03 Technology-enhanced learning
  • CIPD 7OS04 Advanced diversity and inclusion
  • CIPD 7OS05 Managing people in an international contex t
  • CIPD 7OS06 Well Being at Work | CIPD Level 7 Examples

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CIPD 5CO03 Assignment Example | Professional behaviors and Valuing People

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CIPD 5CO03 example Professional behaviors and Valuing People

Task 1 – assessment criteria.

1.1 Appraise what it means to be a people professional

1.2 Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice.

1.3 Contribute confidently to discussions in a clear, engaging, and informed way to influence others.

1.5 Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation.

2.1 Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory.

2.2 Design an impactful solution based on feedback and engagement with others.

2.3 Evaluate the impact of the solution to influence and engage people within an organization.

Task 2 – Assessment Criteria (Provide a rationale for judgments against each assessment  criterion and identify areas for development)

2.1 Explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for the continuing professional development.

2.2 ess your strengths, weaknesses, and development areas based on self-assessment and feedback from others.

2.3 Formulate a range of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey.

2.4 Reflect how you have taken responsibility for your work/actions, including recognizing and rectifying mistakes.

2.5 reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others.

3.4 reflect on the impact of your continuing professional development activities on your own behavior and performance.

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Sample Answer

Introduction: question 2.

Applying Professional behaviors will encourage a positive working relationship and increase the employee’s well-being.

Definition of the term professional 1.1

The term professional relates to an individual who generates his income through the performance of an activity in which skills, education as well as training is required or are paramount. This, therefore, indicates that professionals are members of a profession that connotes expertise and trust. The members of the group are always disciplined, and they adhere to ethical standards that are established by their professional body (Maslach, 2017). The professionals possess special skills as well as the knowledge that has been obtained from education, research, as well as training which is of high level, and the public recognizes it as such. The professionals utilize these for the benefit of others. The professionals should be persons of high moral integrity, and competence and should also promote the public good and they remain accountable to the society at large and those that they serve.  For example, In My company, the HR role is to help the organization achieve its goals by recruiting, managing, and developing people CIPD, 2021.  However, this is not only pegged on his or her ability, skills, and competence but rather on acting within the expected behavior.

Requirements for professional people 1.1

The professionals are guided by professional standards with which they should comply. They relate to a set of ethics, practices as well as behaviors that act as a guide to the professional members. These standards are normally established by the body which governs the respective profession. Examples of professional standards include accountability, loyalty, integrity, honesty, objectivity, law-abiding, confidentiality, fiduciary duty, self-control, reliability, and transparency (Wiley, 2000; Reamer, 2017). According to CIPD Profession Map: people professionals should take an evidence-based approach to their work, using organizational data, research, stakeholder insights and perspectives as well as professional expertise to deliver work that’s impactful(CIPD, 2021).

Personal and ethical values 1.2

There has been an increase in unethical behaviors within an organization. These behaviors are exhibited by all categories of employees within an organization ranging from the executives to the ordinary employees. These cases mainly arise as a result of the failure to exhibit professional values. A value refers to an individual’s belief that certain things are either bad or good and important or not important. Values are critical as they act as a guide in choosing one’s behavior and at the same time, help in evaluating the behavior of others…..

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    CIPD Level 5 Assignments Examples. CIPD 5CO01 Organizational performance and culture in practice. CIPD 5CO02 Evidence-based practice. CIPD 5CO03 Professional behaviors and valuing people. CIPD 5HR01 Employment relationship management. CIPD 5HR02 Talent management and workforce planning. CIPD 5HR03 The reward for performance and contribution.

  19. CIPD 5CO03 Assignment Example

    CIPD 5CO03 example Professional behaviors and Valuing People Task 1 - Assessment Criteria. 1.1 Appraise what it means to be a people professional. 1.2 Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice. 1.3 Contribute confidently to discussions in a clear, engaging, and informed way to influence others.