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20 Dissertation Topics on Sustainability and Green Technology

Published by Carmen Troy at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Looking for interesting and manageable topics on sustainability and green technology for your dissertation or thesis? Well, you have come to the right place.

The subject of sustainability, green technology, and environmental friendliness has gained tremendous importance over the last few years – thanks to the ever-increasing pollution, climate change, and high production costs throughout the world.

Without wasting any more of your time, here are the 20+ dissertation topic ideas in this trendy field so you can choose the one that is not only intriguing but also manageable for you.

These topics have been developed by PhD writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Latest Research Topics on Sustainability and Green Technology

Topic 1: the role of artificial intelligence (ai) and green technology in the develpment of smart and sustainable towns.

Research Aim: This study intends to find the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and green technology in developing smart and sustainable towns. It will review the concepts of smart and sustainable towns to show their importance in the modern era to reduce global warming. Then it will assess the role of AI by analysing various machine learning and deep learning models to show how these models can help develop smart and sustainable towns. Lastly, it will review what work has already been done in this area and what should be done.

Topic 2: Impact of Research and Development (R&D) Expenditure in Green Technology on the Sustainability Outcomes of the Construction Industry- A Case of Malaysian Construction Industry

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the impact of research and revelopment (R&D) expenditure on green technology on the sustainability outcomes of the construction industry in Malaysia. It will review the current green technology used in the Malaysian construction industry and its development. Moreover, it will show how the construction industry is spending to develop new green technology and how much it requires to make it completely sustainable. It will also identify various national and international sources which can invest in this industry to make it more sustainable.

Topic 3: What are the Motivating and Demotivating Factors for Green Supply Chain Practices? An Exploratory Study Finding the Factors Affecting Green Supply Chain Practices in the UK

Research Aim: This research will identify various motivating and demotivating factors (return on green investment, production output, local and global competitiveness, political support, international support, investor support, etc.) for green supply chain practices. It will study various industries in the UK, such as construction, hotel industry, retail industry, etc., find out how the abovementioned factors affected their interest in green technology and green supply chain practices. Moreover, it will assess the work done in this area and how various institutions can motivate these industries.

Topic 4: Influence of Green Advertising on the Consumer View of Green Technology and Sustainability in the US

Research Aim: This study shows the impact of green advertising on the consumer perception of green technology and sustainability. It will assess how various components of green advertising work and how they affect the consumer perception of the need for green technology. Moreover, it will analyse different green advertising strategies used by companies in the US to influence consumer perception and how these strategies can be improved to make US consumers more interested in the products, which are products of an environment-friendly production process.

Topic 5: Green Economy a Necessity? Impact of Green Technology on Sustainable Economic Growth and Development- A Case of ASEAN Economies

Research Aim: It proposes a framework to analyse the impact of green technology on sustainable economic growth and development. It will show whether the green economy is essential for growth and development or not. It will assess various effects of green technology on the economy and ecology. And show how improving ecology can benefit human development, which can be good for long-term economic growth in the ASEAN countries. Lastly, it will analyse the current progress of these countries in creating a green economy.

Topic 6: The Potential of Biomimicry in Green Technology Innovation

Research Aim: This research explores and evaluates the potential applications of biomimicry principles in driving innovation within green technology. The purpose of the study is to enhance sustainability, resource efficiency, and environmental conservation.

Topic 7: Circular Economy and its Application in Achieving Sustainability Targets

Research Aim: This study investigates the concept of the circular economy and its practical implementation strategies. It focuses on the effectiveness of the circular economy in facilitating the achievement of sustainability targets across various industries and sectors.

Topic 8: Sustainable Water Management in the Era of Climate Change

Research Aim: This research examines the challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable water management in the context of climate change. The study identifies effective strategies, technologies, and policies to ensure resilient and equitable access to clean water resources while mitigating the impacts of climate variability and extreme events.

Topic 9: The Role of Information Technology in Advancing Sustainability Initiatives

Research Aim: This study investigates the multifaceted role of information technology (IT) in advancing sustainability initiatives across various sectors. It explores how IT innovations, such as big data analytics, IoT (Internet of Things), blockchain, and AI (Artificial Intelligence), can contribute to enhancing resource efficiency and promoting sustainable development goals.

Topic 10: Corporate Social Responsibility and Green Technology Adoption: A Case Study Analysis

Research Aim: This study aims to conduct a comprehensive case study analysis to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and the adoption of green technologies within organisations. It examines understanding the motivations and outcomes associated with integrating sustainability initiatives into corporate strategies and operations.

Topic 11: Impact of Smart Grid Technologies for Sustainable Energy Management

Research Aim: This research assesses the impact of smart grid technologies on sustainable energy management. The study focuses on understanding how the integration of advanced grid infrastructure, renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and demand-side management techniques contributes to increasing energy efficiency, grid reliability, and environmental sustainability.

COVID-19 Sustainability and Green Technology Research Topics

Topic 1: covid-19 and the need to expand sustainable energy.

Research Aim: It’s high time to expand sustainable energy during COVID-19.

Topic 2: COVID-19 and the environment

Research Aim: This study will focus on the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on the environment.

Topic 3: Economic expenditure on the green environment during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review the economic expenditure and plans for the green environment during COVID-19.

Topic 4: The green economy after COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will analyse the current issues related to green technology and predict the future of a green environment after COVID-19.

Dissertation Topics Ideas on Sustainability and Green Technology on Global Impact

Topic 1: research on sustainable gardens.

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct research on creating sustainable gardens and identify their benefits.

Topic 2: Sustainable outdoor designs using recycled materials

Research Aim: This research aims to identify various methods of creating sustainable outdoor designs using recycled materials and identify their benefits.

Topic 3: Pollution-free disposal and recycling of trash

Research Aim: This research aims to identify various methods to ensure pollution-free disposal and recycling of trash

Topic 4: Importance of gardening- awareness and ideas for the city, terrace/roof gardening

Research Aim: This research aims to address the importance of gardening and its awareness among the public. It will also focus on identifying cost-effective and innovative ideas for the city, as well as terrace/roof gardening.

Topic 5: Examining the economic impacts of green technology

Research Aim: The research will involve comparing the costs incurred in developing green energy and the economic benefits. The services will be saved once alternative forms of materials and energy sources are used. It will be relevant in identifying whether it is worth investing in green technology from an economic perspective. It will also help in developing supportive policies that guide green technology.

Topic 6: How do national and regional politics affect environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: This research study will analyse the role of politics in the environment. It will explore the positive or negative impacts of individual political inclinations.

Topic 7: How sustainable is the environment in the current and forthcoming eras?

Research Aim: This research will analyse global trends and their impacts on environmental trends. Developments such as increasing population, climate change, and using various materials affect the people. It will inform about how sustainability measures can be structured to align with the trends.

Topic 8: Adoption of green energy by low-end users

Research Aim: The research will be based on realising a market niche that cannot afford or are not willing to spend on an expensive product. Additionally, the embrace of some advanced technologies varies across classes, mainly based on exposure. There is also the notion that green technology can be expensive, making the stated users reluctant to use it. Accordingly, the research will focus on the factors that give users their respective levels of green technology use.

Topic 9: How green technology can affect organisational processes

Research Aim: This research will analyse how processes that can include procuring and sourcing, producing, sales, marketing, and delivering products, among others, can be impacted once green technology is introduced. It will help analyse cost and time effectiveness and the satisfaction of the organisation’s stakeholders. It can help recommend structural changes when an organisation is considering green technology.

Topic 10: To what extent does green technology contribute to environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: notably, several factors are contributing to environmental degradation and pollution. While green technology has been identified in previous research to ensure sustainability, its contribution can be compared with other factors. Accordingly, recommendations can be made about whether it is the absolute solution to sustainability.

Topic 11: Green technology and global environmental sustainability frameworks

Research Aim: The study will assess how the frameworks affect the use of green technology. Various global environmental practices are commonly developed. The research will suggest any amendments to the frameworks to positively correlate them with green technology. Also, the topic will evaluate how the frameworks are implemented in various regions.

Topic 12: Green technology practices in developing countries

Research Aim: The research will explore the extent to which developing countries use and promote green technology. They are characterised by having a lower economy. The priority they have on sustainability will be established.

Topic 13: How do policies affect the use of green technology in a country?

Research Aim: The research acknowledges that regulatory bodies devise policies to guide various industries. The guidelines can be supportive or suppressive in the development and use of green technology. For instance, the bodies’ incentives can encourage green technology, while factors like high taxation can discourage it. Therefore, focusing on a particular country’s policies can be insightful into the level at which the technology is incorporated.

Topic 14: Incentives for green technology and environmental sustainability

Research Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine how green technology can be promoted among users and manufacturers. It will first identify the challenges that users can face when using and applying the technology. It will also evaluate the level of sensitisation about green technology that people in a region have. The various stakeholders can execute the incentives for environmental sustainability.

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More Research Titles on Sustainability and Green Technology

Topic 1: what roles do ngos have in environmental sustainability and green technology.

Research Aim: The research will establish how NGOs can be incorporated into sustainability. NGOs have distinct objectives. While some are specific to environmental conservation, others focus on aspects that indirectly affect the environment positively or negatively. The study will then suggest how the NGOs can be motivated to advance their operations and promote green technology.

Topic 2: Impactful green thinking to achieve sustainability

Research Aim: The research analyses human behaviour and issues that can promote sustainability. It explores how people can change their perspective on the environment and take measures at individual and collective levels. It will recommend some habitual changes that can positively impact the environment.

Topic 3: A holistic approach to environmental sustainability

Research Aim: Sustainability comprises various factors, ranging from behavioural, resources, technological, and procedural. Most studies have focused on particular sets of characteristics. However, it can be intriguing how integrating sustainability factors can be achieved. Also, it will be realised if implementing some measures of sustainability has any correlation to others.

Topic 4: Can there be a balance between lifestyle and green technology?

Research Aim: the study will assess the relationship between current lifestyle and green technology. It will be relevant in identifying the personal understanding of green technology’s contribution and how people are ready to adjust their lifestyle to technology. It will further show how green technology affects lifestyles.

Topic 5: How do businesses perceive green energy and environmental sustainability?

Research Aim: The research aims to identify how profit-making organisations approach green technology. It will focus on whether they find it less costly and useful. Also, it will establish whether they find products that involve green technology are usually marketable. Further, it will identify the organisation’s preference for the working environment, whether in regions that promote environmental sustainability or those that do not.

Topic 6: Examining sustainability policies in developed and developing countries

Research Aim: The research will compare regulations instituted in the two sets of countries. It will also assess the extent of implementation of the policies in the countries.

Topic 7: Challenges facing green technology as one of the drivers towards sustainability

Research Aim: The research will be based on green technology recognition as a crucial attribute of environmental sustainability. Despite the assertion, the technology has not attained universal coverage as it would be more impactful. The challenges can vary in economic, social, geographical, and regulatory aspects, and it is recommended that the research focus on a particular region. The results can also be analysed if there is a conflict of to identify any general challenges in the areas.

Topic 8: What is the consumer perspective towards green production?

Research Aim: Businesses target to satisfy the needs of consumers. The study will assess whether the consumer has a force towards producers that can make the latter inclined towards using green technology. This research study will essentially focus on the consumables industry.

Topic 9: Stakeholders’ contribution to green technology

Research Aim: The research will establish all the stakeholders in green energy. It will reveal their interests and drivers towards green technology. There will be an insight into whether there is a conflict of interest between the stakeholders and how it can be resolved. It will also help identify how the stakeholders can collaborate and integrate their resources and ideas.

Topic 10: Current trends in green technology and the future of technology

Research Aim: the research will aim to overview how green energy has been advancing over time. The trend will then help in predicting the future of green technology. Besides, it will be informative about the contribution green energy has had on environmental sustainability at various levels. It will then make recommendations about the optimum technology based on the available information and developments.

Also Read: Dissertation Topics in Engineering Management

How ResearchProspect Can Help You?

We are aware of the problems students are likely to face when it comes to finding a suitable topic in sustainability and green technology. Therefore our expert writers are always looking forward to assisting you with your topic search.

We hope you were able to find a suitable topic from the 20+ topic suggestions in green technology and sustainability provided in this article. But even if you didn’t find any of these topics suitable for your needs, you can always contact us to get custom topic ideas from our expert writers.

Our team of expert writers in any field you would like your work to be carried out in will facilitate you and ensure you get the grades that you are worthy of and deserve.

Important Notes:

As a student of sustainability and green technology looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing sustainability and green technology theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

Sustainability and green technology are vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like environmental engineering . That is why it is imperative to create a sustainability and green technology dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your fundamental research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your issue wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best sustainability and green technology dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample sustainability and green technology dissertation topics to get an idea for your dissertation.

How to Structure Your Dissertation on Sustainability & Green Technology

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and binding terms, which can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : The findings of the research are analysed in detail in the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to link the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : This should be completed following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  PhD. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialise in.

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How to find sustainability and green technology dissertation topics.

For sustainability and green technology dissertation topics:

  • Research recent environmental challenges.
  • Explore innovative green solutions.
  • Examine policy and industry trends.
  • Analyse potential socio-economic impacts.
  • Focus on interdisciplinary approaches.
  • Select a topic resonating with your passion and expertise.

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Read more and download (pdf) »

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80 sustainability research topics for students to explore green campus issues

You’re planning your thesis, paper or capstone? You want to do a student research project with impact. We have outlined a range of sustainability research topics for you. The list specifically focuses on how to green your campus . Take action to make your university more sustainable!

Our list of sustainability research topics helps students investigate green campus issues.

Sustainability research topics: Education

Some sustainability research topics on education for sustainable development :

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different definitions of sustainability education? Which definition could your university adopt?
  • To what extent is sustainability education already implemented in the curriculum of your university?
  • What are the strengths and limitations of advancing sustainability education within your curriculum?
  • Where does your university stand with regards to sustainability education compared to other institutions of higher education?
  • What is the demand among students for more, different or better sustainability education?
  • How can existing sustainability projects on campus be used for educational purposes, e.g. visit solar cells on rooftops as part of engineering classes?

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  • What definition of sustainability research should your university embrace?
  • To what extent is sustainability research already practised at your university?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the institution’s sustainability research portfolio compared to other institutions of higher education?
  • What are the drivers of and barriers to sustainability research at your university?
  • How could sustainability research help students to study sustainability issues on campus and inform practical change projects?
  • What are the opportunities and costs associated with promoting sustainability research? What could a plan of action look like to strategically advance it?

Some sustainability research topics on community engagement and awareness:

  • What are the perceptions of and attitudes towards sustainability by students and staff?
  • What are ways to promote sustainable lifestyles among students?
  • To what extent are students and staff aware of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ?
  • How aware are students and staff about the institution’s sustainability ambitions?
  • What are the benefits and disadvantages of approaches to communicate the university’s sustainability efforts better?
  • What are the challenges to involve students and staff in the university’s sustainability efforts?
  • Which ways to increase the engagement of the campus community exist, for example by organising sustainability events ?

For inspiration, read our post on 10 projects to engage students on the SDGs .

Explore sustainability topics for research papers on different issues related to greening campus operations:

  • What are the opportunities and costs of improving the building insulations to save energy?
  • What lighting systems exist on the market that are more energy efficient?
  • What would a business case look like to install a new lighting system?
  • Where are the main consumers of energy on campus?
  • What innovative energy technologies are developed at the institution itself? To what extent could those be directly installed and tested in buildings?
  • What lux values are sufficient for work and study places so that places are appropriately lit without wasting too much electricity?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different sustainable building standards?
  • Which building standards would be most appropriate to inform the institution’s sustainable building policy?
  • What are the costs and benefits associated with different types of green roofs?
  • On which buildings could green roofs be installed?
  • To what extent are catering and food products certified as organic or fair trade food?
  • How much and why do students attach importance to organic and fair trade products sold in the cafeteria?
  • How can students and employees be made more aware of the multiple benefits – e.g. health, environment, economics – of sustainable (organic, fair trade, local) food ?
  • How much are students willing to pay for more organic or fair trade products?
  • What types and amounts of waste are produced by whom and where at the institution?
  • How did waste streams develop over the last years?
  • What are innovative practices in reducing waste going to landfill or incineration? How could those be applied?
  • What are the costs and benefits associated with waste recycling ?
  • What options exist to switch from paper-based to more digital forms of working and studying to reduce paper consumption?
  • What are the environmental, economic, and social benefits and disadvantages of different options to advance more digital working and studying?

More sustainability research topics on campus operations:


  • What species live at different campus locations?
  • To what extent do students, faculty and staff value this biodiversity?
  • What are ways to enhance biodiversity on campus?

Greenhouse-gase (GHG)

  • What are the pros and cons of different GHG accounting standards?
  • Which standard should the institution use to develop a GHG emissions inventory ?
  • Where are GHG emissions released at the institution?
  • How big is the institution’s GHG footprint?


  • What does sustainable procurement mean in the context of a university?
  • How is procurement currently organised? To what extent are sustainability criteria already applied in tenders?
  • To what extent could the university implement sustainability criteria that go beyond the legal minimum to advance the environmental, economic and social benefits of tenders?
  • What are the largest consumers of water?
  • What is the direct and indirect water-footprint of the institution?
  • What are opportunities and costs to reduce water usage?

Transportation and mobility

  • How do students and staff currently travel to the university and as part of their study or work?
  • What is the environmental impact of these travel behaviours? How could the impact be reduced?
  • What best practices exist among companies and other institutions of higher education to reduce staff travel or incentivize different travel behaviours?

Behaviour change

  • What is the potential to reduce resource consumption through behaviour change?
  • What are the best practices of behaviour change interventions at institutions of higher education?
  • To what extent could these projects be also applied at your university?

Sustainability research topics on governance, strategy and reporting

Sustainability research topics on governance issues:

  • What does sustainability mean for institutions of higher education?
  • How does a comprehensive concept of a sustainable institution of higher education look like?
  • How could the university’s long-term sustainability vision look like? How could this vision be realized through a roadmap?
  • What are innovative ways to develop sustainability strategies for a university through a bottom-up approach?
  • What ethical imperatives would demand that institutions of higher education care for their impact on the planet, people and profit?
  • What are the responsibilities of institutions of higher education to contribute to global challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, and climate change?

Monitoring and reporting

  • What data is important to monitor the institution’s environmental impact? How can this data be collected and analysed?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of different sustainability reporting standards?
  • Which sustainability reporting standards should the university adhere to?
  • What are efficient ways to organize sustainability reporting within the organization?
  • What is the best way to communicate results among students, staff and outside actors?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of different methodologies (e.g. payback or Net Present Value) to calculate the financial costs and benefits of sustainability investments?
  • Which methodology should the institution apply?
  • To what extent could sustainability projects be financed through a revolving loan fund?
  • What are the possibilities to involve outside organizations through energy contracting?
  • What subsidies are available at the European, national and city level to develop a green campus?
  • How could the university use these financing options to advance its energy transition?
  • What are approaches to integrate negative externalities into the accounting schemes of the university?
  • What would be the opportunities, benefits and risks associated with establishing an energy company that’s owned by the university?
  • What are the best practices to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at public institutions around the world?
  • How can incentive schemes be changed so that energy end-users directly benefit from reductions in energy usage?

We hope this list inspired you to find a sustainability topic for research papers.

  • 12 sustainability documentaries to educate yourself and get inspired
  • Green guide: 15 tips for a sustainable student lifestyle
  • 12 sustainability teaching resources about green campuses

Theses on Sustainability

thesis about sustainability

[1] THE TERM HAS BECOME so widely used that it is in danger of meaning nothing. It has been applied to all manner of activities in an effort to give those activities the gloss of moral imperative, the cachet of environmental enlightenment. “Sustainable” has been used variously to mean “politically feasible,” “economically feasible,” “not part of a pyramid or bubble,” “socially enlightened,” “consistent with neoconservative small-government dogma,” “consistent with liberal principles of justice and fairness,” “morally desirable,” and, at its most diffuse, “sensibly far-sighted.”

[2] NATURE WILL DECIDE what is sustainable; it always has and always will. The reflexive invocation of the term as cover for all manner of human acts and wants shows that sustainability has gained wide acceptance as a longed-for, if imperfectly understood, state of being.

[3] AN ACT, PROCESS, OR STATE of affairs can be said to be economically sustainable, ecologically sustainable, or socially sustainable. To these three some would add a fourth: culturally sustainable.

[4] NATURE IS MALLEABLE and has enormous resilience, a resilience that gives healthy ecosystems a dynamic equilibrium. But the resiliency of nature has limits and to transgress them is to act unsustainably. Thus, the most diffuse usage, “sensibly far-sighted,” is the usage that contains and properly reflects the strict ecological definition of the term: a thing is ecologically sustainable if it doesn’t destroy the environmental preconditions for its own existence.

[5] ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY describes the point at which a less-developed economy no longer needs infusions of capital or aid in order to generate wealth. This definition is misleading: for many of those who use it (including traditional economists and many economic aid agencies), “economic sustainability” means “sustainable within the general industrial program of using fossil fuels to generate wealth and produce economic growth,” a program that is, of course, not sustainable.

[6] SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY describes a state in which a society does not contain any dynamics or forces that would pull it apart. Such a society has sufficient cohesion to overcome the animosities that arise from (for instance) differences of race, gender, wealth, ethnicity, political or religious belief; or from differential access to such boons as education, opportunity, or the nonpartisan administration of justice. Social sustainability can be achieved by strengthening social cohesion (war is a favorite device), through indoctrination in an ideology that bridges the disparities that strain that cohesion, or through diminishing the disparities themselves. (Or all three.)

[7] CULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY asks that we preserve the opportunity for nonmarket or other nonindustrial cultures to maintain themselves and to pass their culture undiminished to their offspring.

[8] HUMAN CIVILIZATION has been built on the exploitation of the stored solar energy found in four distinct carbon pools: soil, wood, coal, petroleum. The latter two pools represent antique, stored solar energy, and their stock is finite. Since agriculture and forestry exploit current solar income, civilizations built on the first two pools — soil and wood — had the opportunity to be sustainable. Many were not.

[9] THE 1987 UN BRUNDTLAND REPORT offered one widely accepted definition of what sustainability means: “meet[ing] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition contains within it two key concepts. One is the presumption of a distinction between needs and wants, a distinction that comes into sharp relief when we compare the consumption patterns of people in rich and in poor nations: rich nations satisfy many of their members’ wants — indeed, billions of dollars are spent to stimulate those wants — even as poor nations struggle to satisfy human needs. Two: we face what Brundtland called “limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.”

[10] THAT A DISTINCTION can usefully be drawn between wants and needs seems obvious. Mainstream economics, however, refuses to countenance such a distinction. (Marxist economics does, which, from the viewpoint of an ecologically enlightened economics, is one of the few ways in which it is distinguishable from its neoclassical alternative.) The work of Wilfred Pareto was crucial to this refusal. His contribution to economic theory marks a turning point in the evolution (some would say devolution) of nineteenth-century political economy into the highly mathematized discipline of economics as we know it today. Pareto’s novel idea: because satisfactions and pleasures are subjective — because no one among us can say with certainty, “I like ice cream more than you do” — there is no rational way to compare the degree of pleasure that different people will gain by satisfying desires. All we can do is assert that if an economic arrangement satisfies more human wants, it is objectively better than an arrangement that satisfies fewer human wants. This seems commonsensical until we unpack that caveat “all we can do.” An economic arrangement achieves Pareto Optimality if, within it, no one can be made better off (in his own estimation) without making someone else worse off (in her own estimation). Economic science, in its desire to be grounded on rational, objective principles, thus concludes that were we to take a dollar from a billionaire and give it to a starving man to buy food, we can’t know for certain that we have improved the sum total of human satisfaction in the world. For all we know, the billionaire might derive as much pleasure from the expenditure of his billionth dollar as would a starving man spending a dollar on food. All we can do — all! — is promote the growth of income; and if we care about that starving man, we must work to produce two dollars’ worth of goods where before there was only one, so that both the billionaire and the starving man can satisfy their wants.

[11] THUS WAS neoclassical economic theory, putatively value-free and scientific, made structurally dependent on a commitment to infinite economic growth, a value-laden, unscientific, demonstrably unsustainable commitment if ever there was one.

[12] THE BRUNDTLAND assertion that we face “limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs” can be read as both acknowledging ecological limits to human activity and as sidestepping the major issue that those ecological limits have brought to the fore. Can humans, through technological development, solve any problem brought on by resource scarcity and the limited capacity of ecosystems to absorb our acts and works? When all is said and done, can we enlarge the economy’s ecological footprint forever in order to create wealth? Gradually, we are coming to recognize that the answer is no.

[13] AN ECONOMY CAN BE MODELED as an open thermodynamic system, one that exchanges matter and energy across its border (that mostly conceptual, sometimes physical line that separates culture from its home in nature). An economy sucks up valuable low-entropy matter and energy from its environment, uses these to produce products and services, and emits degraded matter and energy back into the environment in the form of a high-entropy wake. (Waste heat. Waste matter. Dissipated and degraded matter: yesterday’s newspaper, last year’s running shoes, last decade’s dilapidated automobile.) An economy has ecological impact on both the uptake and emission side. The laws of thermodynamics dictate that this be so. “You can’t make something from nothing; nor can you make nothing from something,” the law of conservation of matter and energy tells us. With enough energy we could recycle all the matter that enters our economy — even the molecules that wear off the coins in your pocket. But energy is scarce: “You can’t recycle energy,” says the law of entropy. Or, in a colloquial analogy: Accounts must balance and bills must be paid. To operate our economic machine we pay an energy bill; we must ever take in energy anew.

[14] ESTABLISHING an ecologically sustainable economy requires that humans accept a limit on the amount of scarce low entropy that we take up from the planet (which will also, necessarily, limit the amount of degraded matter and energy that we emit). An effective approach would be to use market mechanisms, such as would occur if we had an economy-wide tax on low-entropy uptake (the extraction of coal and oil, the cutting of lumber). The tax rate could be set to ensure that use doesn’t exceed a limit — the CO 2 absorption capacity of the planet, the regenerative ability of forests. Producers and consumers would have freedom under the cap brought about by the tax. With such a tax, the tax on workers’ income could be abandoned. (As the slogan says, we should “tax bads, not goods.” Work is good. Uptake of scarce resources is bad.)

[15] FOR DECADES environmentalism has been primarily a moral vision, with principles susceptible to being reduced to fundamentalist absolutes. Pollution is wrong; it is profanation. We have no right , environmentalism has said, to cause species extinction, to destroy habitat, to expand the dominion of culture across the face of nature. True enough, and so granted. But even Dick Cheney agreed that environmentalism is essentially, merely, a moral vision. (“Conservation,” he said, on his way to giving oil companies everything they wanted, “may be a personal virtue, but it is not a sufficient basis for a sound, comprehensive energy policy.”) The time has long since passed for the achievement of sustainability to be left to simple moral admonition, to finger-wagging in its various forms. It’s time to use the power of the market — the power of self-interest, regulated and channeled by wise policy — to do good. Environmentalism must become an economic vision.

[16] ACCEPTING A LIMIT on the economy’s uptake of matter and energy from the planet does not mean that we have to accept that history is over, that civilization will stagnate, or that we cannot make continual improvements to the human condition. A no-growth economy is not a no-development economy; there would still be invention, innovation, even fads and fashions. An economy operating within ecological limits will be in dynamic equilibrium (like nature, its model): just as ecosystems evolve, so would the economy. Quality of life (as it is measured by the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, an ecologically minded replacement for GDP) would still improve. If a sustainable economy dedicated to development rather than growth were achieved through market mechanisms, consumers would still reign supreme over economic decision making, free to pursue satisfactions — and fads and fashions — as they choose.

[17] OUR CHALLENGE is to create something unprecedented in human history: an ecologically sustainable civilization that offers a high standard of living widely shared among its citizens, a civilization that does not maintain itself through more-or-less hidden subsidies from antique solar income, or from the unsustainable exploitation of ecosystems and peoples held in slavery or penury, domestically or in remote regions of the globe. The world has never known such a civilization. Most hunting-and-gathering tribes achieved a sustainable balance with their environments, living off current solar income in many of its forms rather than on the draw-down of irreplaceable stocks, but we can’t say that any of them achieved a high standard of material well-being. Medieval western Europe lived in balance with its soil community, achieving a form of sustainable agriculture that lasted until the invention of coal- and steam-propelled agriculture a few centuries ago, but few of us would trade the comforts and freedoms we enjoy today for life as a serf on a baronial estate, or even for the pre-electricity, pre-petroleum life of a mid-nineteenth-century farmer.

[18] NO, THERE IS NO PRECEDENT for what we are struggling to create. We have to make it up ourselves.

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Current topics for final thesis

Turning on the heat global warming and corporate risk-taking..

The following topic is suitable for BA or MA students. Please keep in mind that it is best suited for candidates who are familiar with statistical software and time series regression or those who are willing to acquire these skills within the context of their thesis. However, suggestions for alternative methodological approaches (e.g., interviews, literature reviews) are welcome.

If you are interested in the following topic, please get in touch with  Dr. Wiebke Szymczak . 

Turning on the heat? Global warming and corporate risk-taking

Heat is a common metaphor to describe interpersonal conflict. Strikingly, psychological research indeed suggests a link between heat stress and aggressive or asocial behavior. With global temperatures on the rise, one may wonder: what are the consequences of heat stress on corporate decisions? This thesis project will combine meteorological and financial data to test whether heat stress triggers systematic changes in corporate risk-taking, as one possible manifestation of aggressive financial decisions.

Shareholder activism and sustainability. Is shareholder activism a solution or a problem?

On the one hand, the term shareholder activism refers to an investment strategy of a small group of hedge funds which target underperforming firms in order to foster the implementation of financial or governance changes and capitalize on potential increases in shareholder value. On the other hand, shareholder activism refers to the actions of large institutional investors who engage with their target firms to push a non-financial agenda, e.g., better working conditions or higher investments into emission mitigation technologies. There are two possible variants of this thesis project: The first represents a systematic literature review in order to contrast both types of shareholder activism and identify positive as well as negative side-effects of both types of shareholder activism with respect to environmental, social and governance aspects. The second represents an empirical investigation into the non-financial effects of shareholder activism with respect to corporate ESG performance.

Sustainability, but not too much?

Investor objections to corporate sustainability Financial professionals report that some investors respond negatively to sustainability-focused marketing strategies to the extent that relationship managers maintain two slide decks to advertise sustainable investment products. The empirical literature suggests a positive or at least non-negative effect of corporate sustainability on financial performance. Yet, some investors remain reluctant to sustainable investment products. This thesis project aims to review the theoretical literature and explore the motives and rationales of investors who shy away from sustainable investment products.

The effect of disaster experiences on sustainability preferences

Extreme weather events are becoming ever more frequent and severe. While much research has addressed the contribution of the global economy to anthropogenic climate change, the behavioral implications of exposure to extreme weather on economic decisions have yet to be fully explored. A small but growing literature suggests that exposure to extreme weather events and natural disasters can have significant and systematic effects on the risk preferences of economic decision makers. Moreover, the attention-based view of the firm suggests that extreme weather exposure may also emphasize the importance of a stable environment as a basis for economic growth and corporate success. Within the context of this thesis project, the candidate will develop and implement a suitable regression strategy to test the impact of extreme weather exposure on sustainability preferences of households or firms.

Mood effects in ESG ratings

The following topic is suitable for BA or MA students. Please keep in mind it is best suited for candidates who are familiar with statistical software and time series regression or those who are willing to acquire these skills within the context of their thesis. However, suggestions for alternative methodological approaches (e.g., interviews, literature reviews) are welcome.

If you are interested in the following topics, please get in touch with  Dr. Wiebke Szymczak . 

Does the weather at rating offices affect ESG ratings of local firms? Several empirical studies show that local weather conditions can have a systematic effect on investor decisions. However, little is known about the specific biases in ESG ratings. Applying the rationale of investors mood effects to ESG rating agencies, theory may predict higher ESG ratings when raters are in high spirits and lower ESG ratings when spirits are low, ceteris paribus. Within the context of this thesis project, the candidate will gather establishment addresses for the major rating agencies and connect these addresses with relevant climate data in order to analyze how weather variables affect sustainability ratings of local firms.

Don't foul your own nest

Don’t foul your own nest

Does distance between HQs and plants predict pollution intensity? A proliferating number of empirical studies suggest that air pollution has a detrimental effect on local property prices. If top managers and employees in strategic positions live close to corporate headquarters, their own residential property may be affected by local production facilities. Consequently, rational choice theory predicts that they will prefer to keep air pollution as far away from home as possible. Moreover, firms reduce the risk of litigation by keeping firms away from residential areas. This thesis project will combine data on corporate air pollution reported in the toxic release inventory, financial data and corporate location data to analyze whether there exists a systematic pattern to shift polluting activities to facilities further away from corporate headquarters and/or local residential areas.

Assessing physical climate risks

The following topic is suitable for MA students. Please keep in mind that it is best suited for candidates with excellent Excel skills and those who are familiar with GIS and scenario modelling. For all the details, please refer to the full topic description .

If you are interested in the following topic, please get in touch with Dr. Sven Lundie .

Assessing physical climate risks for Altana Management Services GmbH

The importance of sustainability continues to grow at Altana Management Services GmbH. Altana is currently dealing with CDP reporting. The EU taxonomy, CSRD and in particular the TCFD are further topics that Altana will increasingly address in the future.

The effects of climate change on the company's own production are to be investigated as part of the master's thesis, i.e. the physical risks will be qualitatively assessed for the 50 production sites. In addition, the availability of materials is an important topic for the company, as climate change will also have an impact on the supply chain (including delivery times and quantities). Sales markets will also be affected. For this reason, Altana wants to systematically address future scenarios (for different warming scenarios (1.5 as well as 2 degrees), two time horizons) at the production sites that identify the risks and opportunities for the company.

The TCFD will serve as a framework guideline for this project. In a first step, only physical risks and opportunities of climate change will be addressed (e.g. risk assessment regarding future availability of biogenic raw materials or cooling water for production). In a next step, transitory risks, for example, can be investigated, as TCFD reporting by Altana could take place from 2023 onwards (outside this project).

Sustainable investment by a listed insurance company - curse and/or blessing?

The following topic is suitable for MA students. Please be aware that basic knowledge of the German language is required. The thesis itself can be written in English or German. For all the details, please refer to the full topic description .

If you are interested in the following topic, please get in touch with Prof. Dr. Timo Busch .

In close cooperation with the Investment Division of HDI Germany, this thesis sets out to explore ways of integrating sustainability into the investment decisions of a listed insurance company. Among other things, a market and opinion analysis is to be carried out for this master thesis. Possible focus areas include how the insurance company can have a positive impact on biodiversity through their investments and how to deal with data issues in measuring the sustainability of investments and the disparity of definitions of what exactly falls under the term sustainable investment.

Development of a Scope 3 estimation method for industry sectors

Reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions, those under the direct ownership and operational control of the business is usually the first target in a company’s carbon reduction strategy. However, to become truly carbon neutral, Scope 3 emissions, which are indirect emissions released upstream and downstream in a company’s value chain, need to be prioritised too as scope 3 emission often contribute more than half of the total GHG emissions. With the introduction of the CSRD in the EU it will become compulsory for companies to report on their Scope 3 emission.

The GHG protocol has developed the framework for quantifying scope 3 emissions. Within the GHG protocol 15 sub-categories are further specified to cover all upstream and downstream emissions in detail. However, quantifying relevant scope 3 emissions can be very challenging in practice due to data availability, complexity of calculation and possibly lack of inhouse knowledge with companies.

In order to address corporate needs, the objective of this Master Thesis is to develop a Scope 3 estimation methodology according GHG protocol and to quantify the GHG hotspots along the value chains of industry sectors (following NACE and GICS codes) .

Required activities of this desk top research are, e.g.

  • Review and analysis of GHG protocol, GHG ISO standards, CSRD, NACE and GICS, …
  • Development of a quantitative estimation methodology for industry sectors
  • Research of LCA studies that are representative for industry sectors
  • Development of an Excel-based tool for qualifying and/or quantifying GHG hotspots along the value chains of industry sectors
  • The student should have an interest in Scope 1, 2 & 3 GHG emissions, LCA/PCF/EPDs, environmental regulation, statistics as well as in methods development.

The Master Student will gain highly relevant GHG accounting knowledge in due course of the work.

Start: as soon as possible

Supervisors: Prof Timo Busch and Dr. Sven Lundie

The student will have the opportunity to align with the supervisor on a bi-weekly basis. Please reach out to Sven Lundie ( info "AT" sven-lundie.com )  if you are interested in this topic.

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School of Environment, Society & Sustainability

College of social and behavioral science, main navigation, geog 5940 internship/geog 5950 research/geog 4999 honors thesis, fall 2024 course application - august 23rd, spring 2025 course application – january 10th, summer 2025 course application – may 21st.

  • GEOG 5940 Internship:
  • GEOG 5950 Research class:
  • GEOG 4999 Honors Thesis:
  • Forms 
  • FAQ's 

Step 1 – Make sure you’ve taken the prerequisite courses. 

  • GEOG 5940: The GIS internship class requires students to complete GEOG 3100, GEOG 4140, and GEOG 3180 as prerequisites. 
  • GEOG 5940: The Remote Sensing internship class requires students to complete GEOG 3100, GEOG 3110, GEOG 3180, and GEOG 5110.  
  • GEOG 5940: The Physical or Human internship class requires instructor approval. 

Step 2 – Find and secure an Internship. The Geography department does not place students into internships. Subscribe to or make an account with the following resources: 

  • U Career Success

GIS and Remote Sensing students should also subscribe to: 

Step 3 – Once you secure an Internship, please fill out the CSBS waiver form and the GEOG 5940 GIS internship contract form with 5 learning objectives clearly stated. Submit them to Stacy Morris at [email protected]

Step 4 – Once your internship is approved, you will be sent an add code and directions to enroll in the class. 

Credit Hours:

You can sign up for a 3-5 credit hour internship (only a 3 credit hour internship is required). Below is a credit breakdown of how many hours you would be working at your internship per credit hour.

  • 3 credit hour internship = 10 hours/week (120 hours total) over one semester
  • 4 credit hours = 14 hours/week (168 hours total) over one semester
  • 5 credit hours = 18 hours/week (216 hours total) over one semester

In order to enroll in this class, see the “Prerequisites for Enrollment” tab and enrollment deadlines.

Criteria for Internship Approval :

  • Your internship must be geographically focused. If doing a GIS or Remote Sensing internship, the internship will need to be 80% GIS and Remote Sensing focused.
  • Your experience should provide you with the opportunity to apply theoretical and empirically based ideas from your coursework to a real-world setting. 
  • Internships should offer the opportunity to develop marketable, professional skills. 
  • Please see the GEOG 5940 GIS internship contract form for more information about requirements. 

Resources for the Internship Search :

  • Start researching potential agencies and organizations at least two months prior to the planned internship semester, subscribe to or make an account with the organizations listed on the Prerequisite tab, and contact agencies of interest directly. 
  • The Hinckley Institute is another resource for finding an internship. They have their own deadlines and application process, but if you pursue this option and secure an geographically-related internship through them, the same prerequisites, and deadlines apply. 
  • We also recommend connecting with the  U Career Success  for additional help with your application materials, interview skills and assistance with the search process.
  • Need more help getting started with application materials, and support with the search and funding options? As a declared GEOG/GIS major, use the professional development tool pages in the Environment, Society, and Sustainability Advising Hub in Canvas! https://utah.instructure.com/courses/541021

In order to enroll in the GEOG 5950 research class, you’ll need to secure an undergraduate research project and fill out the Independent Study form .

Criteria for Approval:

  • Research can be completed with our geography faculty or a faculty member outside our department as long as your research is geographic, GIS, or Remote Sensing-focused.
  • Fill out the independent study form and submit it to Stacy Morris at [email protected] to receive an add code to enroll in the class.

Resources for the Research Search:

  • Find a faculty mentor to complete an undergraduate research project with. Consider professors you’ve had in class before, or talk with your advisor about research topics you are interested in. Write an introductory email to a faculty member conducting research in an area of interest including a brief (1-2 sentences each) description about why you are interested in conducting research with them, your background of relevant coursework, and questions you hope to address and/or skills you hope to gain via research. Politely inquire if any opportunities exist.
  • The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) . Submission of a proposal to the UROP is optional. Make sure to check the deadlines for applications on their website. 
  • Apply for travel and/or small grant funds through the Office of Undergraduate Research to support research efforts (as needed). 
  • If applicable, apply for Undergraduate Research Scholar Designation (URSD) . This expectation applies only to students who have conducted two semesters of research. 
  • The  Wilkes Center also offers funding support, awards, and events centered on geographical, environments focused research.
  • Need more help getting started with application materials and support with the search and funding options? As a declared GEOG/GIS major, use the professional development tool pages in the Environmental, Society, and Sustainability Advising Hub in Canvas!

An Honors Thesis is required for all GEOG/GIS HBS OR HBA Honors Students.

In order to enroll in this class,

  • Your thesis project must have a geographical, GIS, or Remote Sensing focus. Start exploring our faculty directory to find a faculty member to work with. You can also consider professors you’ve had in class before, or talk with your advisor about research topics you are interested in. 

Resources for Developing an Honors Thesis:

  • Meet with the Faculty Honors Advisor in GEOG/GIS, Summer Rupper, to discuss your thesis topic and potential thesis faculty advisor. [email protected]   Make sure to start early!
  • Explore suggested timelines and see suggestions for developing your thesis on the Honors College Thesis Website . 

Here are the forms you will need to fill out:

  • CSBS waiver form
  • GEOG 5940 Internship Contract
  • GEOG Independent Study Form 

Other helpful documents:

  • GIS Internship Requirements
  • GIS Learning Objective Examples

What is an internship vs research vs an honors thesis?

An Internship is a temporary experience where you can work with an organization in order to learn about how that organization works, and focus on a particular project or tasks in order to gain skills in the field.

Research can take many forms – you could be in a lab looking at samples, conducting interviews to collect data from individual perspectives, or helping analyze numerical data from surveys.   Research typically focuses on a particular question or problem that the investigators want to know more about. Students typically join a research project that a faculty member is already conducting and will mentor and teach you skills and research techniques. 

An Honors Thesis is required of students completing an Honors Degree. It is an in-depth independent study approved by your major’s department, where you work closely with a faculty mentor throughout the semester on research in a particular topic. Thesis topics can vary depending on your interest.

Can I count an internship or research experience I did previously towards this requirement?

Unfortunately, we cannot count previous experience towards this requirement unless the internship or research is ongoing and can be completed in the semester you sign up for the class.

Can my internship or research be paid?

We’d love it if you found an opportunity that is paid!

Can I count one internship or research experience towards both of my majors?

No, the University does not allow 1 internship or research project to count for multiple academic programs in the same semester. It is also considered plagiarism to count the same internship hours for 2 different courses.

Can I do more than 3 credits?

Yes, students can complete up to 5 credits total, though only 3 are needed for the major. The amount of hours is determined by how many hours you are working at your internship or research or how many hours your need to complete for your total hour requirement. See the Credit Hours Breakdown on the “Prerequisites for Enrollment tab.”

How much class work is required in the GEOG, GIS, or RS internship, research, or honors thesis class?

GEOG 5940 does have required course assignments throughout the semester to ensure your experience is going well while completing your internship hours. The GEOG 5950 and GEOG 4999 course grades are determined by your faculty mentor.

Was one of your questions not answered? Contact Stacy Morris (email [email protected] ), the Geography internship & Research Coordinator for your specific questions and more details. 



    THESIS was originally created by TSC starting in 2009 and launched as The Sustainability Index in 2014. In 2019, TSC partnered with SupplyShift to create our current iteration of THESIS, powered by Sphera Supply Chain Sustainability's cutting edge platform and informed by TSC's deep roots in higher education, including Arizona State University and Wageningen University + Research.

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  13. PDF Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis - Sustainable Business and Innovation (MSc) THE POTENTIAL OF COUPLING THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND ENERGY TRANSITION IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT ... Candidate Sustainable Business and Innovation at Utrecht University. 2 Abstract Net-Zero Energy Building (NZEB) refurbishments are proposed as one of the solutions to ...


    A single zone geometry that is provided in the standard has a floor area of 48 m2 and windows in the south façade with a total of 12 m2. Based on this thermal model, a climabox is created in EnergyPlus information definition file (idf). Figure 5.1-1 Geometric definition of the climabox used for the validation study.

  15. PDF The Benefits of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices to ...

    Master's thesis 2023 95 pages, 1 figure and 6 tables Examiners: Professor Anni-Kaisa Kähkönen and junior researcher Aleksi Harju Keywords: sustainability, sustainable supply chain management, supply chain risk management Sustainability can no longer be its own separate division and topic in companies. It needs to

  16. (PDF) Reframing the Role of Companies in Sustainability: Toward

    The ways in which companies address sustainability today shape the future for businesses, societies, and ecosystems at large. Yet, companies keep addressing the world's most serious evolving ...

  17. PDF Green Technologies and Their Role for Sustainability

    the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015). In the present thesis, central importance is assigned to the sustainability issue due to four principal realities. First, because humans are dependent on their natural environment in order to operate as a society, some characteristics of this dependence will be discussed.

  18. PDF Proposal for a Thesis in the Field of

    Microsoft Word - Sustainability proposal_Jan2016_Keough.docx. Proposal for a. Thesis in the Field of. Sustainability and Environmental Management. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements. For a Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) degree in extension studies. Harvard University. Extension School. February 15, 2016.

  19. Theses on Sustainability

    Essays Theses on Sustainability. A Primer. By Eric Zencey. January 1, 1970 ... If a sustainable economy dedicated to development rather than growth were achieved through market mechanisms, consumers would still reign supreme over economic decision making, free to pursue satisfactions — and fads and fashions — as they choose. ...

  20. Current topics for final thesis : Management and Sustainability

    The EU taxonomy, CSRD and in particular the TCFD are further topics that Altana will increasingly address in the future. The effects of climate change on the company's own production are to be investigated as part of the master's thesis, i.e. the physical risks will be qualitatively assessed for the 50 production sites.

  21. The Effect of Corporate Sustainability Reporting on Firm Valuation

    impact of sustainability reporting on firm value has been widely debated, often due to the nature of the qualitative data in sustainability reports. This thesis uses a normalized sustainability scoring system to examine the effects of sustainability reporting on firm value. In particular, this

  22. PDF Sustainability Accounting and Reporting

    In the context of the current diploma thesis we analyze and present the concept of Sustainability Accounting, as well as the benefits of the application of its practices. In the current study's framework, we approached the above-mentioned subject on the one hand by an extend literature review and on the other hand through a primary

  23. Sustainability Essay

    Sustainability is defined as, "the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely." ("Finding and Resolving the Root Causes of the Sustainability Problem", 2014) There are three pillars that make up overall sustainability: social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Social sustainability focuses on all human needs being met and ...

  24. geog-internship-research-thesis

    What is an internship vs research vs an honors thesis? An Internship is a temporary experience where you can work with an organization in order to learn about how that organization works, and focus on a particular project or tasks in order to gain skills in the field.. Research can take many forms - you could be in a lab looking at samples, conducting interviews to collect data from ...