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Assignment Extension

Who receives this accommodation.

Students with disabilities who navigate with a wide variety of disability-related experiences are approved for this accommodation. Granting extensions on assignments makes sure the student is not unfairly penalized for having to use alternate means or methods to access written materials and complete their work. Examples of when a student may benefit or be approved for this accommodation:

  • Students dealing with fluctuating and unpredictable periods of exacerbations of their condition associated with chronic illnesses or mental health disabilities
  • Students who need frequent rest periods or who can work only for short periods of time, such as those with recent concussions, brain injuries, or chronic illnesses
  • Students with reduced or limited stamina with difficulty sitting, reading, writing/typing for extended periods due to chronic illnesses, physical disabilities, or injuries
  • Students who rely on adaptive technology (e.g., screen readers or speech-to-text software) to read and/or write as this process may be slower than reading with normal eyesight

NEW – CHANGES:  For students approved for Assignment Extensions

For students approved for Assignment Extension(s) – This accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments , and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

How to Evaluate the Reasonableness of Assignment Extensions in a Class

The accommodation for Assignment Extensions should always be considered on an individual class basis, allowing an intentional and critical analysis how the sequencing of assignments and their corresponding deadlines are essential to the class learning goals and pedagogical parts. While a late assignment policy may be incorporated into the grading scheme and syllabus, this accommodation is intended to change any stated policies to let some flexibility account for the student’s disability-related need.

The accommodation should be provided unless the accommodation significantly compromises the integrity of the course as offered. If you believe assignment extensions are impossible, then instructors should consult with an Accessibility Specialist to determine the reasonability of the request within the specific context of your class. SAS will consult with instructors using these questions to determine the reasonability:

  • What does the class description and syllabus say about assignment deadlines or late work?
  • How is the final class grade calculated? To what extent are assignments factored into the final grade? Are there any alternative grading schemes for assignments (i.e. one assignment grade may be dropped, etc)?
  • Are assignment deadline policies consistently applied? (i.e.., Have any exceptions made to the policy for non-disabled students, such as for athletic travel or religious observances? If so, then these exceptions must also be granted to students with disabilities.)
  • What is the purpose of the assignment? Is it necessary to have it completed before an exam? Before a discussion?
  • Is the material being learned in the class sequentially? Does each week’s material build on the material learned in the previous week(s)? (This may shorten the window of time in which an extension can reasonably be granted.)
  • Are assignments used as class content when they are due? Are students required to actively participate in class discussions/activities based off of the assignment? (e.g. problem sets reviewed as the first lecture on that content)
  • Are answer sets released that would affect a student’s ability to ask for an extension? If so, how important is the timeliness of providing the answer sets to student learning and course sequencing?
  • Are there other lab or class sections the student could attend to catch up on missed material?
  • Does the assignment involve teamwork? Would failure to complete the assignment on time compromise the educational experience of other students in the class?
  • Is it possible for students to “work ahead” in this class?

SAS Responsibilities in Supporting Assignment Extensions

  • Reviews documentation and meet with students to better understand their disability-related experiences. Through this interactive process, a Accessibility Specialist will determine if a student is eligible for Assignment Extensions to mitigate disability-related impacts throughout the quarter. If so, Assignment Extensions will be listed as an eligible accommodation on the student’s accommodation letter.
  • Consults and supports faculty in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to start this accommodation, given essential class elements.
  • Provides support to students and faculty when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.

Faculty Responsibilities When Facilitating Assignment Extensions

  • Once instructors have been notified of eligibility for accommodations, instructors should note that the accommodation provides extra time for out-of-class assignments or take-home exams due to an exacerbation of a disability or a disability-related condition. When needed for a disability-related reason, student is eligible for a 1-day (24-hour) extension to a limit of two out-of- class written assignments, and the student must notify the instructor before using this accommodation.
  • If the student believes more flexibility is necessary for assignment extensions, the student must contact SAS who will consider the request and will discuss with the student and instructor to determine the appropriateness given the specifics of the course. Different classes call for different agreements (e.g., lab classes may call for less flexibility than lecture classes). If granted, an agreement outlining which assignments (e.g., presentations, group work, discussion boards, etc.) may be potentially affected, and how much more time will be granted for each assignment, will be created.

If you believe the accommodation is unreasonable in light of your class goals or pedagogical methods, contact the student’s Accessibility Specialist right away as instructors should never unilaterally deny an accommodation. Instructors are expected to clearly articulate why flexibility is unreasonable.

  • The instructor should engage in dialogue with the student or SAS regarding assignment extension expectations: delineate the preferred communication process for when the student needs to tell you about a disability-related extension, typical grace period for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot be extended.
  • Instructor will ask for consultation with SAS if they believe that extending the deadlines for assignments would change an essential element of their class or if they have questions about what a reasonable amount of time extensions is within the context of their class.
  • If extensions are pedagogically possible, the instructor will work with the student in good faith to determine a reasonable amount of time and set a new deadline for each eligible assignment.
  • Instructor will verify the specific plan for the new assignment due date in writing (by email) with the student.
  • SAS is always available to mediate any concerns about Assignment Extensions, including concerns about academic integrity and logistics of this accommodation. SAS remains a neutral party in evaluating what is reasonable as an accommodation and is here to support you..

Student Responsibilities When Eligible for Assignment Extensions

  • Students approved for Assignment Extensions must ask for their accommodation letters on myACCESS student portal and distribute their accommodation letters to instructors at the beginning of the semester, or as soon as they are made eligible for the accommodation.

Students should clearly understand if or how assignment extensions will be granted, given the class learning goals and structure. This entails knowing the finite number of extensions that can be allowed, how to communicate with the professor when they need to ask for an extension, and any critical assignments that cannot receive an extension.

When a student needs to use this accommodation for an upcoming assignment, they are responsible for contacting the instructor through email early to ask for the extension and clarify a new due date.

  • Never are students required to present documentation to instructors to justify a disability-related need for an extension.
  • Students should not plan on the extension being automatically provided and should always use this accommodation, if available, with care.
  • If a student receives a paper or assignment extension and cannot meet the deadline, a new extension request must be made.

How do I apply for an assessment extension?

If you are unable to submit your assessment by the submission date, you may apply for an extension prior to the due date by completing an online Assessment Extension request.

  • Log into UConnect
  • Student Centre 
  • Online Request s tile
  • Add a New Request menu item
  • Assessment Extension menu item
  • Select New Request button
  • Follow the prompts 

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Applying for an extension, how do i apply for an assignment extension.

If circumstances have affected your ability to complete an assessment task on time, you may be eligible for an assignment extension of up to ten working days .


  • Your application is submitted before the assignment due date, or date of the assessment.
  • You meet all requirements as listed in the policy outlining extensions .

How to apply

  • Whether an extension is appropriate for your circumstances, and
  • Confirm which faculty or school owns the subject, as the process varies from faculty to faculty.
  • Follow the appropriate process outlined in the table below. You can apply any time before the assignment due date or date of assessment.
 Subject owning Faculty/School  How to apply
Architecture, Building and Planning For extensions of up to 10 working days made before the due date of the assessment, students must apply online using the Faculty’s . This includes students with an Academic Adjustment Plan (AAP). 
For extensions of more than 10 working days or requests made after the due date of the assessment, students are required to apply for .

End-of-Semester examinations

All other assessments
Check for instructions on your LMS or apply directly to your subject coordinator

Business and Economics 


For longer extensions, please  .

Education See website for more information on how to apply.
Engineering and IT

 and complete the online declaration

For extensions between 4 to 10 working days, please apply for  .


Apply using the "Apply for an extension" form on the   page for:

Extensions less than 10 days

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences See 'Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Students' below.

For extensions 10 days or less, check for instructions on your LMS or apply directly to your subject coordinator.
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

For extensions less than 10 days, apply using this . 
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

For extensions less than 10 days, apply using this .
For extensions over 10 days, please apply for .

Fine Arts and Music

End-of-Semester examinations

All other assessments
Submit an  (under the 'Assignment and Exam forms')

Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences Students

Graduate School/ Degree  Extensions up to 10 working days  Placements   Attendance Requirements
Psychology Complete the electronic Extension Request form from the main menu on the LMS subject site Attendance is a hurdle requirement for all subjects. Check subject entry in the  .
Health Sciences Physiotherapy students applying for missed placements are required to submit a medical certificate to the subject coordinator to cover any short absences. NA
School of Biomedical Sciences Check for instructions on your subject LMS page NA Check for instructions on your subject LMS page
Doctor Of Medicine (MD) Contact the subject coordinator (or clinical rotation coordinator) for in-term assessments and written assessment submissions. MD Students should refer to the  for Leave of Absence. Attendance is a hurdle requirement across all years of the MD. Check the subject's assessment requirements in the  .
Melbourne Medical School Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator Check the subject's assessment requirements in the  .
Population Global Health Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator Contact your subject coordinator
Melbourne Dental School Contact your subject coordinator NA

Project Extension form

You must also complete the  Project Extension form for the following subjects:

  • PSYT90074 - Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 1
  • PSYT90075 - Youth Mental Health Minor Thesis 2
  • PSYT90086 - Mental Health Science Research Project 1
  • PSYT90087 - Mental Health Science Research Project 2
  • PSYT90093 - Psychiatric Research Project
  • RADI90003 - Minor Thesis (Radiology)
  • PAED90023 - Research Dissertation: Minor Thesis
  • PAED90015 - Adolescent Health Minor Thesis
  • POPH90268 - Adolescent Health Minor Thesis

The subject coordinator will notify you of the outcome of your application within three working days.

There are three possible outcomes:

  • Granted: You will be notified within three working days of the receipt of your application about the new assignment due date or assessment date.
  • Not granted: Your original assignment due date or assessment date will apply.
  • Referred: You may be referred to submit an application for Special consideration .

When should I apply for Special consideration instead of an extension?

  • The impact of your circumstances requires an extension of more than ten working days and you meet the eligibility criteria for Special consideration.

If you are affected by a chronic, permanent or ongoing illness, disability or hardship, are an Elite Athlete, Elite Performer, Army Reservist or Emergency volunteer you may Register for ongoing support . Your Academic Adjustment Plan (AAP) cannot be applied retrospectively so it is important to have this in place well in advance of any assessment deadlines.

For Graduate Researchers - extending your candidature

  • 4 years (8 years part time) for a PhD or doctoral degree
  • 2 years (4 years part time) for a masters by research degree

About this answer

Last updated: Aug. 1, 2024, 9:50 a.m.

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Mitigating Circumstances: Extensions and Additional Consideration

We understand that sometimes life does not go according to plan, no matter how hard you try or prepare. If something has gone wrong and impacted your ability to complete assessments, don't worry - there are options available to you. This page outlines the help you can receive and how to request it.

Mitigating circumstances

Mitigating circumstances are unexpected events that could not be planned for or avoided, and can seriously affect your ability to take assessments.

The help the University can offer when these situations occur are called "mitigations". They are designed to reduce the impact on your studies.

There are two routes of mitigation available:

  • Extensions to Coursework

Additional Consideration

You can read the full information about mitigating circumstances and the 2023-24 guidance on the University website: University mitigating circumstances page

You can apply for mitigating circumstances via an online form, simply click the button below:

Frequently Asked Questions

As well as the University guidance mentioned above, we have put together a list of the most common questions that our students ask about the process. The FAQ is split into sections that cover Extensions and Additional Consideration .

Please read the FAQ carefully first, but if you need extra help or are unsure about anything, you can contact the LUBS Student Support Team at: [email protected]

If you experience circumstances that will have a short-term impact on your ability to complete coursework assessments (for example a minor illness), you can make an application for an extension to a coursework deadline.

Please note : not all circumstances are grounds for mitigating circumstances. You can find out more on the circumstances normally accepted in section 2.1 of the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance on the university website.

How/when can I apply for an extension to a coursework submission deadline?

To apply for an extension to a coursework deadline, you must apply  before  the coursework submission original deadline via the  online application form .

Email requests for extensions will not be considered.

We are unable to review extension requests submitted after the assessment deadline: all extension requests must be submitted before 12 noon (UK time) of the day of the deadline.

If you have missed the deadline to apply, you have the option to make an application for Additional Consideration to request either:

1. The removal of penalties for late submission (if incurred) or

2. A further attempt at the assessment at the next available opportunity.

You can read the FAQs on Additional Consideration further down this page .

What is the maximum number of days extension I can apply for?

If you are applying for a coursework extension on personal medical grounds, you will be able to self-certify for a period of up to 7 calendar days.

The maximum period we can grant extensions for coursework deadlines is 14 calendar days.

For any application of up to 14 days and/or for non-personal medical grounds, supporting evidence will be required.

You can read about supporting evidence here .

Do I need to provide evidence of my circumstances?

If you are applying for an extension to a coursework deadline on personal medical grounds (which includes men tal health) , you will be able to self-certify for a period of up to 7 calendar days without the need to provide evidence.

All other applications will require supporting evidence . We may need additional evidence to help to clarify a set of circumstances, if this is the case, we would contact you via email.

If your circumstances relate to a Disability and you are registered with Disability Services at the University , your Summary Support Sheet can be used as a type of supporting evidence for an extension request. Please also mention on the application that you are registered with this service when describing your circumstances and the impact on your ability to complete assessment.

Which type of assessment can I get an extension for?

You can apply for an extension to assessed coursework.

It is not possible to request an extension for:

  • An examination - If you have mitigating circumstances which affect your ability to undertake an examination, then the option open to you is to apply for 'Additional Consideration'. For further information please see the Additional Consideration FAQs below on this page.
  • Non-assessed draft – you will need to contact the module leader directly to discuss an alternative date.
  • Live presentations - you will need to contact the module leader directly to discuss an alternative date.

Can I get an extension on assessed group work?

If the group work element is an essay/poster/presentation and does not impact the rest of the module, then an extension request can be reviewed.

You must provide sufficient supporting evidence at the time of application if applying for a group extension, as provisional extensions cannot be granted for group work assignments.

Only one group extension can be granted per assessment.

How will I know if I have been granted an extension?

You will receive an email within 3 working days (this does not include weekends or University closure dates).

The email will advise whether your extension request has been accepted or rejected. If accepted, it will advise you of your new submission deadline.

Please note: the original deadline will remain on Minerva as that is the module area which is not tailored to individual student accounts.

Where do I submit my work if I have been granted an extension?

There will be a Late/Extension submission area which is where you will need to submit.

If you have any issues with uploading an assignment, please contact [email protected] ahead of the deadline and include in the email:

  • Student ID number
  • Module code
  • Deadline of submission
  • Attach the completed assignment to the email.

What happens if my request for an extension is rejected or I can’t submit by the assessment deadline?

If the work is not submitted by the deadline, late penalties will be applied for each day the work is late and after fourteen (14) days of non-submission a mark of absent (AB) is returned.

You can find more information on late penalties on the  'Submitting Assignments'  page on the Taught Student Guide.

Additional Consideration is a request to the Business School for your circumstances to be taken into account at the next Special Cases Committee meeting.

It is different from an Extension request because Additional Consideration is usually applied for after the assessment has taken place. Please see the University Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for further information.

Do I have a valid reason to request Additional Consideration?

Like extensions, Additional Consideration is for unexpected circumstances that are out of your control, such as a bereavement or a sudden illness that has impacted your studies or ability to take an assessment.

Please note that not all circumstances are grounds for mitigating circumstances and you can find out more on the circumstances normally accepted in section 2.1 of the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance .

What can I apply for through 'Additional Consideration'?

You can apply for any of the following:

  • First Attempts – this is an uncapped further attempt to be taken in the next assessment period.
  • Removal of Penalties – to remove any late penalties that have been accrued on an assignment.
  • Exemption – this can only be requested on certain elements that are 30% or under, if granted the element would not be considered in the final total of the module.
  • Consideration - this is a request that your circumstances be taken into account at the Classification Board at the end of your University career.
  • Repeat of Year – if your circumstances have meant that you have missed the majority of your teaching and assessments the School may be able to consider allowing you to repeat the year.

Please note that the School Special Cases Committee will award you what is appropriate and acceptable for both you and the School.

Can I apply for Additional Consideration for an exam?

Yes. If you have either missed an exam, have suffered some disruption in an exam or feel that your circumstances have negatively affected your preparation and performance, you can apply for Additional Consideration.

What evidence do I need to provide?

Evidence must be in documentary form from a professional third party (i.e. doctor/therapist/government body/employer).

The evidence should cover the assessment period in question and should be signed and dated. All evidence must be in readable English, or if not, translated by a certified translation company. We cannot accept evidence in another language, prescriptions for medication, or photographs of physical maladies/injuries.

Please see the Mitigating Circumstances Guidance for further information about evidence.

How do I apply for Additional Consideration?

You can apply online via the  online application form.

If you run into any difficulties, please contact your Parent School for advice.

If I have a further question about Additional Consideration, who should I ask? My Parent School or Teaching School of the module??

Your Additional Consideration application will go to your Parent School. If you have any further questions, please contact your Parent School for any advice and for further information on application deadline dates.

If you are a LUBS student, you should contact [email protected]

When do I need to have applied by?

LUBS Student Support will communicate upcoming Additional Consideration deadlines to students via Minerva. The deadlines to submit Additional Consideration applications during the 2023/24 academic year are as follows:

4th October 2023 This deadline is for Taught Postgraduate Resits (August and September 2023 deadlines)


23 November 2023
31st January 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 2nd October 2023 and 31st January 2024


15 March 2024
15  April 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 1st February 2024 and 15th April 2024


23 May 2024
10  June 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 16th April and 10th June 4 July 2024

If you do not apply by the deadline you will need to submit an academic appeal.

If you wish to appeal to the University, we recommend you speak with a member of the LUU’S Help and Support Team for independent support and advice. You can visit their team in the Union building during their opening hours , give them a call on 0113 3801 400 or  send them an email.  

  If you decide to formally appeal, you will need to follow the University’s appeals process and submit your appeal within 20 working days of receiving your final results . You should seek independent advice regarding your case from LUU’s Student Advice Centre.   

  More information about the university’s appeals process can also be found here.  

Who makes a decision on my application?

Your application will be first looked at by a Student Support Officer (SSO). The SSO will check that the information you have submitted in your application is correct for your programme of study and that the reason and evidence you have supplied is valid.

The SSO will then present your request to the School Special Cases Committee.

Each School has a Special Cases Committee that meets a number of times throughout the year to look at mitigation circumstances requests. This Committee is chaired by a representative of the Head of School and is attended by a quorum of academics.

I have applied so when can I expect to hear back?

4th October 2023 This deadline is for Taught Postgraduate Resits (August and September 2023 deadlines)


23 November 2023
31st January 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 2nd October 2023 and 31st January 2024


15 March 2024
15  April 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 1st February 2024 and 15th April 2024


23 May 2024
10  June 2024 This deadline is for UG and PG students for assessments with deadlines which fall between 16th April and 10th June 4 July 2024

What happens next?

The LUBS Student Support Team will provide you with an outcome letter via your student email address, explaining the outcome of your application and any action you are required to take. It is important that you read all of the information outlined in this email.

If you have been granted any First Attempts, you will be provided with a link to a form to complete to accept your first Attempt(s). The deadline to complete this form and accept any First Attempt(s) will be communicated within the outcome letter.

What happens if I am not happy with the outcome of my application?

If you have any questions about your outcome, please contact your Student Support team in the first instance at: [email protected]

If you are still unhappy with the School Special Cases Committee outcome after speaking with the Student Support team, you have the option of appealing the decision through the University Appeals Procedure .

If your question is not answered above please contact:  [email protected]

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Simple extensions

If you encounter a problem submitting your work on time, you may be able to arrange an extension of five calendar days through a simple extension.    

Changes to simple extensions

We have made changes to simple extensions and how you apply. Simple extensions will now provide you with an extension of five calendar days from your original assessment due date.

Find out more about how to apply depending on your assessment type below.


When to apply for special consideration instead

If you can't complete an exam or you need an extension for a longer period, you may be eligible to  apply for special consideration . There are specific eligibility and document requirements for special consideration applications depending on your circumstances so make sure you read the information carefully. Special consideration applications will not be affected by a simple extension application. 

A simple extension is an informal arrangement that you can receive for any non-exam task, as outlined in Part 14, clause 81 and 81A of the  Coursework Policy (pdf, 584KB) . It should only be for short periods of time.

How to apply

Non-assignment tasks.

You may be able to receive an extension of up to 5 calendar days for an assessment, such as an in-class assessment, quiz or small test, as outlined in the Coursework Policy (pdf, 584KB) . This is an informal arrangement between you and your unit of study coordinator and does not require a formal application.

  • You’ll need to talk to your unit of study coordinator about your reason for a simple extension. If they agree to give you a simple extension, you should have this confirmed by email. Make sure the email includes the title ‘simple extension’ and shows the unit of study code and your student ID.
  • If your unit of study coordinator decides it is appropriate, you will be given an extension of up to 5 calendar days without penalty. You cannot appeal a simple extension decision as the outcome is not considered an academic decision for the purposes of the University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule (pdf, 96KB) .


If you have suffered illness, injury or misadventure and have been unable to complete an assignment task, you can apply for an extension of 5 calendar days from the due date with no penalty.

Assignments can include: essay, report, case study, proposal, literature review, portfolio, or design. You cannot receive an extension for group work through this process.

You need to apply through the special consideration portal and provide a student declaration form.

You need to apply for a simple extension prior to the due date and time for the assessment item. You can only apply 5 days prior to the assignment due date (inclusive). This means the earliest you can apply is 5 days before it is due. For example: If the due date is 28 March, the window to apply for a Simple Extension is 12.01 am 24 March to 11.59 pm 28 March. It is not possible to apply for a short-release assignment, e.g. an assignment that is released to you to complete within 10 working days.


Issues applying

You won't see the option to apply for a simple extension if the due date for the assignment is more than 5 days away. 

If the assignment or due date is not visible in the portal, contact your unit of study coordinator to provide a simple extension off system. If your unit is missing in the portal you should  submit an enquiry online .

  • Apply through the  special consideration and arrangements form .
  • Start completing the form and select the relevant assessment item. Where the assessment type is an assignment, you will have the option to select 'yes' if you would like to request a simple extension.
  • As part of your application, you will need to attach a student declaration outlining the reason you are unable to complete the assessment item by the due date.

Your request for a simple extension will be assessed and you will receive an outcome by email. If approved for a simple extension, you will be given an extension of 5 calendar days without penalty. Usual late penalties will apply if you do not submit your assessment by the new due date.

You can only receive one simple extension for an assessment. If you experience exceptional circumstances and are unable to complete your assessment by the new due date, you may be able to apply for special consideration. To be eligible, you will need to have the required supporting documents.

You cannot appeal a simple extension decision as the outcome is not considered an academic decision for the purposes of the University of Sydney (Student Academic Appeals) Rule (pdf, 96KB) .

Have a question?

What is the difference between a simple extension and special consideration.

A simple extension is an informal arrangement where you can receive...

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  • Coursework Policy

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All you need to know about assignment extensions, deferred assessment, special consideration and alternate exam sittings

Modified assessment arrangements may be provided to a student in the event that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment item was, is, or will be significantly impaired as a result of medical, compassionate or extenuating circumstances.

Discover more about each assessment application type

Assignment extension

You may apply for an extension of time for an assessment item due to be submitted on a specific date, such as:

  • presentation
  • laboratory report
  • literature review
  • planning document.

Acceptable grounds for applying:

  • personal safety issues
  • other (e.g. family or personal circumstances, employment-related circumstances, unavoidable commitments).

Maximum extension periods:

Medical grounds14 calendar days
Disability14 calendar days
Bereavement14 calendar days
Personal safety issues14 calendar days
Other personal, professional or exceptional circumstances3 calendar days

*Note, the above extension periods do not relate to requests for extensions to submit a dissertation in Bachelor (Honours) and Masters (Coursework) and (Extended).

Supporting documentation requirements:

For individual assessment items, supporting documentation is not required for extensions up to and including 3 calendar days, unless you are enrolled in a course through Open Universities Australia (OUA)*. For group assessments, all OUA assessment and extensions greater than 3 calendars days your application must include appropriate documentation to support the grounds on which you are requesting an extension. Please refer to the 'Supporting documentation for all application types' at the bottom of this page for more information.

Students registered with Student Disability and Accessibility can apply for assignment extensions on disability grounds for up to and including 10 calendar days without the requirement to provide supporting documentation.

*Note, for students that are not registered with Student Disability and Accessibility, accumulation of more than 3 approved extensions for individual assignments of 3 or less calendar days will trigger the supporting documentation requirements for the remainder of the trimester after which the count will reset.

Timeframe to apply:

  • by the due date of the assessment item.

Possible outcomes:

  • application approved for 'x' days*.
  • application declined.

*Note, for applications exceeding 3 calendar days, you will receive an interim approval of 3 calendar days before your application undergoes further review by your Course Convenor for the full extension days requested. For students registered with Student Disability and Accessibility this is extended to 10 calendar days.

Further extension on approved applications:

If you require a further extension on an already approved application, you can now do this via the online application. Documentation to support an additional extension is required and you cannot exceed the maximum allowable extension period for the reason you have selected.

Deferred assessment

You may apply for a deferred assessment if you have been prevented from attending an assessment item that is scheduled to occur on a specific date, such as:

  • exam (in-trimester or end of trimester)
  • performance (artistic)
  • test or quiz.
  • bereavement
  • sporting or cultural commitment (at state, national or international level)
  • unavoidable work commitments*
  • technical difficulties that prevented you from attempting your scheduled assessment (note, students using ProctorU who have not undertake a Practice Test and experience technical issues on the day of the final exam, may not be eligible for a deferred assessment)
  • other compassionate circumstances.

*Please note, employment related reasons will not usually be accepted as grounds for deferment, unless you are experiencing financial hardship, have been refused leave, or directed to undertake unusual or extraordinary duties that are beyond your control.

  • no later than three calendar days after the date the assessment item is due to be attended.
  • application approved and deferred assessment granted

Special consideration

You may apply for special consideration for any assessment item where your performance was seriously affected, or you were seriously disadvantaged when the assessment item was attempted. Special consideration does not apply to any re-attempted or re-submitted assessment item.

  • temporary disability
  • sporting or cultural commitment (at state or international representative level)
  • technical difficulties (e.g. causing delays during your online exam or preventing you from completing your online assessment)
  • other compassionate circumstances (e.g. serious illness of a family member or close relative, significant and unexpected employment problems or pressures, significant relationship problems).
  • no later than three calendar days after the date the assessment item was submitted or after the date of the exam.
  • application approved and a final grade recommended based on your performance across the course
  • application approved including opportunity to provide another assessment task
  • application approved and marks adjusted (may not always result in a change of grade)

Alternate exam sitting

You may apply for an alternate exam sitting if you are unable to sit your exam at the scheduled time during the central end of trimester exam period, but have other availability during the same exam period on another date/time. It is also important to note, that not all courses permit alternate exam sittings - this is pre-approved by the Course Convenor at the start of the trimester.

  • medical or compassionate grounds
  • work commitments
  • religious and cultural obligations (e.g. weddings, funerals)
  • individual timetable falls outside the timetable guidelines
  • residing in a different time zone and your exam is scheduled at an unreasonable hour of the day, e.g. 2.00 am.
  • within 14 calendar days of the publication of the end of trimester exam timetable.
  • application approved and an alternate exam granted

Supporting documentation for all application types

Application reason Supporting documentation required

Please be aware any attempts to alter, amend or falsify information or supporting documentation is not consistent with expectations under the Student Charter and may result in formal disciplinary action. We regularly check medical certificates, letters and supporting documents to verify their authenticity and accuracy.


My application status

By clicking on 'Apply' you will be taken to a landing page which will guide you through to the correct application type.

You will be notified of the outcome of your assessment application by email. The status and outcome of each application can be viewed using 'My application status'.

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Extensions & Deferrals

An extension is permission to hand in a piece of assessed work after the published hand-in date without incurring a penalty.  If their circumstances are such that an extension would not be sufficient or they feel that despite being granted an extension their performance in a piece of coursework could be seriously impaired, they may apply for a deferral of the coursework assessment.

To qualify for an extension the student must have mitigating circumstances which are unexpected and/or exceptional.

If you are asked to advise a student on applying for an extension please follow these steps:

Step 1:  Refer the student to the  Extenuating Circumstances page on the Student Portal.

Step 2:  Having read this advice and if the student feels there are grounds for an extension, they can make an application via the Extensions & Deferrals page.  

Step 3:  After consideration, the student will be notified via e-mail of the decision whether or not to grant an extension.  If successful, they will be given a new submission date.  If rejected, the student can appeal within two working days, but must provide new third-party evidence which will have not been considered previously.

Step 4:  The Module Leader will be notified by the Faculty Registry of all successful extension applications relating to your module.  Providing the student meets the new extended deadline, they will be awarded full marks for the work submitted.  Work submitted after the extended hand-in date should receive a mark of zero.

A deferral is permission to delay an attempt at a particular assessment until after the relevant assessment board has met.  A deferral normally involves a new but equivalent assessment task.  In the case of an unseen written examination, the deferred attempt will take place at the next scheduled examination period.  If you are asked to advise a student on applying for a deferral please follow these steps:

Step 1:  Refer the student to the Extenuating Circumstances page on the Student Portal.

Step 2:  Having read this advice and if the student feels there are grounds for a deferral, they can apply via the Extensions & Deferrals Page.

Step 3:  After consideration, the student will be notified via e-mail of the decision whether or not to grant a deferral.  If successful, they will be informed of the next opportunity to attempt the assessment.   If rejected, the student can appeal within seven working days, but must provide new third-party evidence which will have not been considered previously.

Female student studying in Res room

14 March 2023

How to apply for an assessment extension or special consideration in T1

Meeting your assessment requirements and deadlines is a fundamental part of uni. This includes submitting each assessment by its due date – the last day on which your assessment must reach your faculty or be submitted.

Sometimes factors beyond your control may mean you struggle to complete a unit assessment on time. There’s ways to deal with these types of situations, including applying for an assessment extension or special consideration.

Assessment extensions

If you think you’re not going to meet your due date, you should ask your Unit Chair for help as soon as you become aware of the problem. They may grant you an extension of up to seven days (this period has been reduced from 14 days as of Trimester 1, 2023).

Please note: Students with a DRC Access Plan and/or using NIKERII Student Support services may be granted additional reasonable adjustments to extensions between seven and up to fourteen days by the Unit Chair.

Requesting an extension does not guarantee that you’ll receive one . Your Unit Chair will consider how much of the work you’ve completed so far, the importance of subsequent due dates and feedback in your unit, the weighting of the assessment towards the overall unit grade and the reason provided for the extension (you may be asked to provide supporting evidence).

Typical reasons for being granted an extension include:

  • Serious medical conditions such as hospitalisation or serious injury. Temporary minor ailments such as headaches, colds and minor gastric upsets are unlikely to be accepted.
  • COVID-19 – if you test positive to COVID-19 and provide evidence of a positive PCR test. Students located in Australia can also record a positive rapid antigen test in the  relevant state reporting system .
  • Compassionate reasons – for example, death of a close family member, significant family or relationship problems.
  • Hardship/trauma – for example, sudden loss or gain of employment, severe disruption to domestic arrangements, victim of crime.

How to apply

To request an extension, use the Extension Request tool in the ‘Assessment’ tab on your unit site:

Drop-down Assessment menu, with the options of Assignments, Grades, Quizzes, Extension Request

You must apply before the due date. If you submit your work late  without an approved extension , it will be subject to a marking penalty or may not be marked at all. Also remember that assessment extensions can affect follow-on tasks, delay feedback and increase time pressure later, so try to meet the deadline where you can.

Learn more about assessment extensions .

Special consideration

Circumstances within your control (such as misreading timetables, submitting an assessment incorrectly or late, assessment stress, poor time management or holidays) and minor ailments (such as colds or sleeplessness) are not grounds for special consideration. 

You should apply for special consideration if:

  • you meet the eligibility requirements
  • you were unable to apply for an extension before your assignment due date
  • arranging another due date is impractical. 

You’ll need to provide documentary evidence, such as a medical certificate or IT Help support ticket.

If your request is granted, you may be asked to submit a special assessment task, be given a new submission date or sit a special assessment task in the next available supplementary/special assessment task period.

You need to apply through StudentConnect no more than three University working days after the due date. You must provide separate applications and supporting documents for each assessment item. Read our handy guide or ask your Unit Chair for help if needed.

Learn more about special consideration .

Other help is available

Whether you need assistance with a unit, there’s a particular academic skill you’d like to improve or you have a personal issue that’s affecting your ability to study, we have a range of professional services available. These may help you to meet your assessment deadlines and feel in control of your studies:

  • Check out the  Study support site for many helpful resources to help you study and complete assessments.
  • Discover our health and wellbeing services , including medical, counselling, disability and chaplaincy.
  • Explore the range of  financial assistance available or chat to Student Central for personalised advice about your course progress.

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If you should find yourself in difficulties and are unable to submit an assignment by the due date, it is important that,  before that due date, you request an extension.

Please note: An extension cannot be granted by the School, through its procedures as set out below,  beyond the end of the assessment and examination period for that trimester . For an extension beyond the end of the examination period, students must apply for a  Special Extension of Time .

An extension of up to 7 calendar days can be granted without supporting documentation (although it may be requested). Most units in the School of HASS, with the exception of honours and reading or project units, use the automated extension tool that allows you to self-register for a 7-day extension via the unit myLearn page for most assessments. In the first instance, please use this extension tool. Where the automated extension tool is not available, please use UNE’s extension application portal .

Please note the extension tool will grant 7-days from the original assessment due date, not from the date that you register for the extension.

An extension beyond 7 calendar days will require supporting documentation. These assessments must be applied for through UNE’s extension application portal .

Please note, that should the extension be for beyond the end of a teaching term’s assessment and examination period, a  Special Extension of Time will be required, that must be applied for through the appropriate forum submitted through AskUNE .

Note: Assignments that have received an extension may be returned with a significantly reduced level of criticism and commentary. If an extension is obtained for the final assignment, it is unlikely that the work will be returned before the examination period. Assignments submitted late without an extension may receive a mark only, without commentary.

Personal health issues Signed medical certificate stating: A medical certificate which merely states any of the following is :
Unexpected work or family commitments.

Letter from employer (or a statutory declaration if self-employed).

Statutory declaration if family commitment.

Other extenuating circumstances A statutory declaration and/or other supporting evidence, e.g. death notice, police report.

Assignments received after the due date  WITHOUT an extension of time having been approved will be penalised.

  • Where an assignment is up to 10 calendar days late, a penalty will be imposed of 5% of the total marks for the assessment per day or part thereof. The penalty will accrue on both weekdays and weekends including public holidays (ie. 35% per week).
  • An assignment received more than 10 calendar dates late will receive no marks.
  • Tasks that are mandatory to submit that are submitted more than 10 days late but within the relevant teaching period will be deemed to have been submitted, although receiving no marks.

Students should be aware that late assignments submitted more than one week late may be returned with a significantly reduced level of, or no, feedback.

Please note that if an extension is obtained for the final assignment, it is unlikely that the work will be returned before the examination.

All coursework assignments must be submitted before the end of the examination period for trimester units unless the student has been granted a Special Extension of Time.

Special Assessments

UNE offers Special Assessments where students are unable to meet assessment requirements under specific circumstances.  The Assessment Guidelines state:

Part D - Special Assessments Due to personal health issues, unforeseen technical issues, unexpected work or family commitments or other extenuating circumstances, a student may: a. have an adverse perfomance in an assessment task or examination; or b. be unable to sit an examinatin or complete an assessment task within the relevant teaching period.

Please read the Assessment Guidelines , Part D, to ensure you apply correctly.

If you are unable to sit your exam or if your performance in the exam was severely affected, you may apply for a Special Examination. This is subject to approval, so it is always best that you attend your examination if you possibly can.

If your circumstances do not merit a Special Examination, you may apply for Special Consideration so that the Unit Coordinator can apply some discretion when marking your paper. If you have not sat/will not sit the exam you MUST apply for a Special Exam.

A student who is enrolled in a unit which is not subject to formal examination, or which the formal examination is the basis of a part of the total assessment, and who has been prevented through illness or other unavoidable circumstances from completing, by the specified date, work which the School considers essential, may seek a Special Extension of Time in which to complete the work. Special Extensions of Time apply to an assignment(s) that is unable to be submitted prior to the last day of the relevant examination period.

Forms for applying for any of these Special Assessments are available on the Forms and Procedures page. You can find them towards the bottom of the list under "s".

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The University of New England respects and acknowledges that its people, courses and facilities are built on land, and surrounded by a sense of belonging, both ancient and contemporary, of the world's oldest living culture. In doing so, UNE values and respects Indigenous knowledge systems as a vital part of the knowledge capital of Australia. We recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of the Aboriginal community and pay our respects to the Elders past, present and future.

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Applying for an Assessment Extension

Check your course StudyDesk to confirm that an extension is allowed and appropriate for the specific assessment item before attempting to submit an assessment extension request.

  • If you are experiencing special circumstances and assessment extensions are not available for a specific assessment item, you can apply for deferred assessment, and you may be granted the opportunity to complete a deferred and/or varied assessment item instead. 
  • You cannot request an assessment extension for Formal Examinations. For more information see the Applying for a Deferred Examination  website.

The documents you need to provide depends on the type of request you submit. 

Short extensions

Short three (3) calendar day assessment extension requests on eligible assessment items are automatically approved and do not require the provision of a Statement of Circumstances or supporting documents for an outcome.

Note : If the assessment item is a quiz and the published due date has passed, or you have submitted your request outside University business hours, you will need to wait for our confirmation email that your course StudyDesk has been updated to reflect your due date extension. You won’t be able to attempt the quiz before we make the date changes to your quiz link in StudyDesk.  

Long extensions or Deferred Assessment

When you request an extension for four (4) or more calendar days, you will need to provide a Statement of Circumstances that includes sufficient detail so you can receive a timely outcome that best considers your situation and follows UniSQ policy and procedure.

A long extension request must be submitted on or before the due date of the Assessment Item. If you are unable to submit your request by this time, you will need to provide evidence in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure that it was not possible to submit a request prior to the due date.

Student Statement of Circumstances

A long extension or deferred assessment request must include a detailed Student Statement of Circumstances that addresses the key criteria used for determining Special Circumstances , and should state:

  • what the circumstances are
  • when they became known to you; and
  • how they affected your ability to submit your assessment by the published due date

Supporting Documentation

  • state what the circumstances are
  • include the dates and/or length of the circumstances, for example, the start and end date of an illness or injury, the start and end date of periods of service or other commitments
  • explain the impact of the stated circumstances on your ability to meet the assessment due date.

Supporting documents should be attached as part the online assessment extension request. Your documents must be in a viewable file format such as pdf, jpg or docx, without any security or permission restrictions.

Trouble getting supporting documents?

In circumstances where supporting documents are not immediately available, you are still expected to submit your online assessment extension request on or before the assessment item’s published due date.

Regardless of your reasons for submitting a request for an assessment extension, you must provide a detailed explanation of the impact these circumstances have had on your ability to meet the assessment item's published due date, in the Statement of Circumstances section of the online assessment extension request.

Include any information about the supporting documents you will be providing, including the type of documents, when they will be available and details explaining why documentation was not able to be provided sooner.

You can add supporting documents to a submitted extension request through your Student Centre within 5 University Business Days of your submission.

Note: An assessment extension submitted without supporting documentation will be assessed. You will be asked to supply supporting documents which you must provide within 5 University business days of this request. In accordance with the Assessment Procedure a penalty for late submission will apply if your assessment extension request is not approved. If your request is approved penalties will not be imposed.

Providing falsified information

When you request an extension, you must provide information that’s true, accurate and complete, without intending to mislead or gain advantage.

Making a false statement or providing a falsified supporting document as part of an Assessment Extension Request is a breach of the Student General Conduct Policy . Requests made using falsified information will not be approved. Breaches of the Student General Conduct Policy are managed in accordance with the Student General Misconduct Procedure .

You can find more information about the documentation types and supporting evidence on the Reasons for requesting Long Extensions and Deferred Assessments  webpage.

  • Log into UConnect to access the Online Requests in your Student Centre and add a New Request for an  Assessment Extension .
  • Follow the prompts to provide the necessary information in your Statement of Circumstances and include a detailed explanation of the impact these circumstances have had on your ability to meet the assessment item's published due date. In circumstances where supporting documents are not immediately available, include any information you can in your Statement of Circumstances about the supporting documents you will be providing, such as the type of documents, when they will be available and details explaining why documentation is not able to be provided sooner.
  • Check the required supporting documents are in a viewable file format such as pdf, jpg or docx, without any security or permission restrictions and attach them to your request .
  • Submit your request on or before the assessment item's due date and time . Extension requests submitted after the due date are only approved where a student can provide evidence that it was not possible to submit a request prior to the published due date, in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure . 

You can check the status of your extension request in your Student Centre.

You don’t need to wait for the outcome of your request to make progress on your assessment item. If your situation allows, keep working on your assessment and try to submit it as soon as you can. We understand that waiting for an outcome may be difficult.

UniSQ is fully committed to helping students facing challenging circumstances. You are not alone, and  support  is readily available.

Short extension requests Permitted assessment items are automatically approved, and you’ll receive an email confirming your revised due date immediately.

Assessment items with a closed submission link or quiz Your StudyDesk link will be updated as a priority during normal university business hours, and we’ll let you know by email as soon as they are accessible.  

Long extension requests Requests for more than four (4) calendar days with all the required supporting documents normally takes between two (2) to five (5) University business days to evaluate and provide an outcome.

After hours Assessment extension requests are not processed outside normal university business hours, over the weekend or on public holidays.

Multiple requests If you submit more than one request on the same day, you may not receive an outcome to all requests at the same time.

Request for additional documents You may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation to help us to assess your extension request, which can add to the time required to provide you with an outcome. You can add supporting documentation to an extension request through your Student Centre.  

Requests for long or further extensions These requests may be forwarded to the Course Coordinator or other relevant decision-makers for their consideration, which can add to the time required to provide an outcome.

Requests for long extensions or deferred assessment are carefully considered in accordance with UniSQ’s Assessment Procedure and Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure . Your request will be assessed on:

  • the details provided in your Statement of Circumstances explaining how your study has been impacted and why you can’t meet the published due date, including when and for how long you’ve been impacted, and how much time you’ve asked for, to recover and/or catch up
  • the relevant supporting documents that provide evidence of how your study has been impacted and why you can’t meet a submission due date, including the dates, and whether documents are original and unaltered
  • your request history, including if you have requested multiple extensions or prolonged extensions across the study period.

The outcome of your request will be emailed to your UMail account.

You will be advised whether your request has been approved or not approved, and reasons for this decision. You’ll also receive information about what you need to do next and how to connect with UniSQ support services and resources designed to assist you during your studies.

If your request is approved

First Extension to your assessment’s published due date If your request is approved, you’ll be granted a revised due date. Your extension will take effect from the published due date of your assessment and normally reflects the day or set of days specified in your supporting documents.

Subsequent Extension to your assessments revised due date If your request is approved, you’ll be granted an extension to your revised due date. Your extension will take effect from the original published due date of your assessment and normally reflects the day or set of days specified in the supporting documents you attach to your subsequent extension request.

Deferred assessment If the extension date you apply for is after the last day of the study period, you may be provided with a Deferred Assessment .

Varied assessment You may be asked to complete a varied piece of assessment if it is not appropriate to defer the original assessment item. A varied assessment item will assess the same knowledge or skills as the original assessment item.

If you require a further extension for an approved assessment item, you will be required to submit a new online request on or before the revised due date and provide additional supporting documentation.

If your request is not approved

Circumstances are Not Approved The Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure specifies that special circumstances are abnormal, unexpected, and outside of the student's control.  A long extension is not able to be approved for the circumstances that are to be expected in the normal course of a student's study, work, family, and social life.

Insufficient Supporting Documentation The requested supporting documentation has not been provided, is invalid, or is not sufficient to support your request.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your assessment extension request, you may request a Review of Decision  in accordance with the  Student Grievance Resolution Procedure . 

Assessments submitted without an approved extension or submitted after the revised due date where no further extension has been granted will incur a late submission penalty deducted from your mark for each calendar day an assessment item is late, in accordance with the Assessment Procedure . 

We understand there are many reasons for requesting extensions and acknowledge the impact of challenging experiences on your learning journey.

UniSQ provides an extensive range of support resources and services designed to assist you during your studies, including:

Study Support

The UniSQ Library  offers academic support, advice and guidance through online study support resources and toolkits, or you can request a consultation with a Learning Advisor.

Student Success Advising

Book an appointment to discuss support options and get individualised advice.

Our Wellbeing team can assist with free and confidential counselling, practical welfare assistance, and disability support. Contact details are also available if you require emergency services or personal support outside the University’s normal business hours.

Assessment Support is available during business hours through iconnect .

For urgent enquiries :

Phone: +61 7 4631 2285 or 1800 007 252 (within Australia only)

Email:  [email protected]  

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Extensions and Special Circumstances Service

The extensions and special circumstances (ESC) service helps students who need additional support with assessments. Support is available to students who have an existing schedule of adjustments, or those facing unforeseen, challenging circumstances. Help can range from additional time to complete coursework to special consideration regarding late penalties or marks.

Planned system downtime

Please note that the Assessment Support Tool will be unavailable due to maintenance as follows:

Tuesday 23rd July 2024 from 09:00-10:00

It will not be possible to create or view any extension or special circumstances applications during this time.

Processing update

We have a turnaround of:

  • 2 working days for extensions 
  • 5 working days for special circumstances applications.

Student guidance on technical issues during an online exam

Please read the attached guidance on what to do if you experience a technical issue during your online exam. The guidance outlines the steps you need to take, and what evidence you will need to submit if you decide to apply for special circumstances.

uni assignment extension

What support do you need with your assessment?

Extensions                                      Special Circumstances                     Extra time learning adjustments 
If something unexpected has happened that is preventing you from meeting an assessment deadline, you can apply for an extension.  If your studies have been affected by an unforeseen situation, you may be eligible for  special circumstances.   Students registered with the Disability Learning Support Service with a Schedule of Adjustments can apply the extra time to their assessments.  

+ most coursework  

- exams 

- coursework where the deadline has passed 


+ coursework where an extension is not available 

+ coursework where you can’t meet the extension deadline 

+ coursework where the deadline has passed 

+ exams you cannot attend 

+ exams that you have missed 

+ assessments where you feel you have underperformed 


 + most coursework    

+ a proofreader

+ an interpreter 


Applying for support

Girl on computer in house

Special circumstances deadlines

uni assignment extension

Useful Contacts

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Meet the Team

uni assignment extension

Welcome to the official CQUniversity Student Blog – CQUniLife. This blog follows the experiences of a diverse group of CQUniversity students from different countries, studying various programs and at various campuses throughout Australia.

Understanding Assessment Extensions

uni assignment extension

Everyone knows that sometimes life throws unavoidable curve balls that get in the way of completing assessments. For some, applying for an extension may be considered as failing or they may feel like they are not meeting expectations – this is not the case!

Our Student Accessibility and Equity team have explained assessment extensions and shared why you should not be ashamed of asking for an extension.

It is week 5 of term, and you have deadlines looming.

The term has not gone as planned.

You know you can apply for an assignment extension if needed. But you do not apply as you do not want your academics to think less of you. You spend the next week pulling all-nighters. You get your assignment in a day late, but it is rushed, you are exhausted, you will receive a late penalty, and for the next week, your health is impacted as a direct result.

This is a common occurrence for students and our Student Accessibility and Equity team are here to break down this notion. Know that your health is a priority and CQUni is here to support you throughout your time at university.

Academics want you to succeed, and to enjoy learning. You will not get in trouble or have academics think less of you by asking for an extension.

In fact, the Assessment Policy and Procedure exists for that reason. Because life happens, especially when you are managing ongoing health challenges. It may be disappointing for you to delay the submission of your assignment, but it is crucial to allow yourself to re-frame timelines. We are all people, and sometimes as people, we need a little extra time to complete tasks, and there is no shame in asking for help.

Did you know, with appropriate supporting documentation and approval from your School’s Deputy Dean of Learning & Teaching, you can get an extension up to 4 weeks? Of course, you may just need an extra day or two, and in those situations, your Unit Coordinator can approve that.

Your Unit Coordinator can authorise up to 14 days, and you can be granted an extension, and if you need extra time, you can apply again. Just keep a note of the 4-week limit and the supporting documentation requirements.

To apply for an extension, visit your unit’s Moodle site, click on the Support tab at the top, select the assessment extension request and pick the assessment you need the extension on. Attach your documentation, note your reasons for applying for the extension in the available comment box, and then submit. It is that easy, but if you get stuck, you can review Moodle’s student help guide to applying for assessment extensions.

If you have more questions about the process or support available or have ongoing health concerns that you would like to discuss, you can contact the Student Accessibility & Equity Service on 07 4930 9456 or email [email protected]

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How to ask for an extension

Open University students usually have lives with many responsibilities, and we recognise that in creating a more flexible assessment system. Our assignments are graduated rather than coming in one lump at the end of a term/year. You can also usually negotiate an extension on assignment deadlines if you experience difficulties which impact on your studies. 

NB - there is NOT usually any extension offered on the final piece of work on a module, often called the End of Module Assessment . Plan your studies to make sure you can work on this in a timely fashion. If you are experiencing difficulties as you come to the end of a module, make sure that you contact your Student Support Team for advice, and put in a claim for Mitigating Circumstances. 

Your tutor will be able to talk to you about extensions on your Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs). We are of course keen to make sure you don't fall behind in your studies, so you should not assume you can just have one for the asking. 

You can contact your tutor via a link on StudentHome, or just drop them an email. Explain why you want the extension and how long you think you may need. Be realistic and reasonable about this. A day or two is very acceptable, a week is fine. If you are going to need more than a week, you will need to have a serious and good reason. (Anxiety about deadlines is a serious and good reason, however you should also make sure you have got good support so this doesn't become an ongoing problem if you suffer anxiety - your Student Support Team can help with this.) 

You won't need supporting documentation for an extension on a TMA, but you will if you apply for Mitigating Circumstances for an EMA. 

Try to let us tutors know in good time. You can ask for an extension just in case, you don't have to use it. 

These are the suggested reasons given when we enter your extension in the system. 

Screenshot of list of reasons for extension on automated system

DISABILITY - your additional learning need means that you require a little longer to prepare your assignment (anxiety would fit here). 

FAMILY RELATED - your children had chicken pox, there was a major family event which disrupted your studies, the family guinea pig had to be rushed to the vet and nursed through the night. 

MEDICAL - you had chicken pox, or flu. 

TRAVEL RELATED - your family holiday coincided with the TMA submission date. (And you are going to have to shop, pack and make your partner sort out their passport so you can't plan to do the TMA early.) 

VARIOUS - your favourite aunt had to go into hospital, the children all had chicken pox, you had a job interview, your laptop died on you and it is coming up to Christmas, you have to do the shopping - all at once. And the family guinea pig needs to be taken to the vet. 


New comment

What a reassuring message.

Returning to study as an adult can be quite scary, we know - we do our best to support you to achieve at the OU. 

Penalty for extension?


Joe - call Student Support

Joe I'm so sorry to hear about your difficulties. We know our students have a lot of responsibilities in your lives. Student Support are there to advise you on how you can navigate your studies while juggling all of these. At the OU we have what we call the 'revolving door', where you may end up deferring but you can always come back to us. We have to manage this carefully to make sure you don't end up incurring costs because of the rules for the funding bodies, however we will do what we can to get you through. 

I do hope things settle down for you. Call Student Support as soon as you are able, they will be able to advise and support you. 

Vincent Uher

This is Not True!

I have autism and my grandma died which meant my entire family needed to go to Germany for a week to attend a funeral. My instructor Dr. Stobbart, refused to give an extension stating that if he did this for me then he would have to do this for everyone and it would be 'chaos'. He then said 2 other students had losses that month. In other words they were getting on okay so I should to. 

This isn't right.  

Sarah Garden

extension needed (but OU closed for hols)

I needed to extend an extension by another week. I had illness, then a home move (and all that entails) in the lead up to Christmas. I sent my tutor an email for an extension, without realising the OU would actually be shut!  So my tutor didn't see the email, and still hasn't. I did submit the assignment, but for all the effort made, it was incomplete! What might happen next? Might the tutor still say I could send another copy and it would be accepted? 

Thanks in advance,

Deferrals or extensions to ema

No extension for ema.

Hullo Leighton

I am sorry but there is no way to get an extension for an EMA. In very difficult circumstances, you can get what's called a Discretionary Postponement. You will need to talk to Student Support Team about this - as it will only be allowed in very exceptional circumstances. Their number is available on your StudentHome page. 

You can also put in a Special Circumstances form up to 4 days after submitting the EMA. 

You can put in something for the EMA, and a Special Circs form, and that way you may get to pass the module at least. On many modules, if you have put something in, you will be allowed to rewrite and resubmit it (with a tutor's help), if it doesn't pass. 

Good luck - and remember, Student Support Team have all these answers, they are there at the end of a phone.  

Contact tutor form not working

The contact form for my tutor is not currently working to request an extension.

uni assignment extension

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31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

31 Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

Learn about our Editorial Process

Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Students need extensions on their assignments all the time. There are good excuses for an extension … and there are not so good excuses. I’m a professor, and I’ve heard them all. So has your professor. Here are the best ones I’ve heard.

The Best Assignment Extension Excuses

Travel.I’ve got a pre-planned vacation that I can’t change.
Illness.I’ve come down with a sickness and I’m stuck in bed.
No excuse.I don’t have an excuse, I’m sorry – can you cut me a break?
Miscommunication.I thought the assignment was due next week. I didn’t realize until this morning!
Anxiety.I’m suffering from an episode of anxiety/depression. I’ve booked a doctor’s appointment asap.
Death in the family.There was a death in the family (usually your grandma.)
Writer’s block.I’ve had writer’s block.
Your job.Work called me in for extra shifts and I really need the money.
Work presentation.My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week.
A promotion.My job assigned me a presentation that is due this week.
A wedding.I have a wedding coming up that is taking a lot of planning.
Public transport.The trains weren’t on time so I couldn’t get the assignment in today.
Computer issues.I’m having computer issues. Here’s a screenshot of the issue.



Reasons to ask for an extension

For the rest of this article, I’m going to explain exactly how to ask your professor for an extension – with a focus on just 9 extension excuses.

Some of these are good excuses for turning in a paper late. Others are ones you’ll want to avoid.

Read on to learn which ones to avoid and which to use!

Professors like myself get a lot of extension requests, so knowing how to ask in a way that will get your teacher to grant the extension is very important.

>>>Related Article: 15+ Tips on Requesting an Extension

1. Your Team Members screwed you Over in a Group Assessment

>>> Related Post: 17+ Alternatives when College Isn’t for You

This extension excuse gets a lot of sympathies.

A little secret: teachers hate group work assignments , too. We usually set them because we have to embed it into a degree as an ‘employability skill’.

So, when you come to your teacher 3 days before submission and say “Teacher, one of my teammates didn’t pull through!”, your teacher will roll their eyes, but totally understand.

What you need to make this excuse work is a paper trail showing evidence that you pulled your weight. Evidence can be:

  • Email and Facebook chains of conversations;
  • Meeting minutes;
  • Completed drafts of sections that you were assigned

If you can show that you’ve put in the effort and genuinely tried to be a good team member, chances are your teacher will want to help you out.

Just beware: you still might lose points for teamwork. It’s an unfortunate reality that sometimes our team members bring our work down and we can’t do anything about it.

But, if you can show you’re a good student and have worked in good faith, this one might just help you pull through and win you that precious extra few days to work on your piece.

2. You’ve had Writer’s Block

>>> Related Post: How to Write an Essay at the Last Minute

This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say “Look, I’ve read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn’t come” then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

This reason for asking for an extension on a paper will probably be respected more than most.

Teachers hate when a student comes to them with an obvious lie like:

  • Your dog ate your homework,
  • Your grandma died (again), or
  • your boss is a jerk

These are time-tested lies that we get all the time . It’s rarer for a student to step up and confess: “Look, it’s just a really tough assessment.”

For this excuse to work, it’s best to provide evidence of three things:

  • You’ve tried really hard;
  • You’ve sought help;
  • You’ve come up with a solution so it won’t happen again.

First, show you actually have put hours into the assessment.

Bring to your teacher (either in person or via email) evidence that you’ve read through a lot of readings on the topic.

Bring to the printed readings with highlighting and notes in the margins.

Talk to them about how you thought you might be able to use the information in these pieces for your work.

Second, show that you’ve sought help.

This excuse works best if you’ve primed the teacher already with a few emails spaced out over the previous few weeks asking questions about whether you’re on the right track.

If you’ve already managed to email the teacher a few times about the assignment, send your extension request as your final reply to that email chain of discussion.

Another way of showing that you’ve sought help is showing that you’ve accessed help from the library or another member of the university staff.

Explain to your teacher that you attended a library workshop , talked to your academic advisor, or had ongoing conversations with a Teacher’s Assistant about the assessment.

Third, show how you’ve developed skills to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Explain to your teacher that you’ve thought up some study solutions that you’ll put in place during the week or so in which the extension would take place.

For example, you could note how some study skills you’ve thought might help you out of this situation might be:

  • You’ve found a spot in the library to dig in and do the work;
  • You’ve freed up some time in your calendar over the next 7 days;
  • You’ve found a study tip that you want to put in place

Make sure you not only tell, but show your teacher you’ve tried hard, you’ve sought help, and you’ve identified solutions. If you do this, you’re more likely to have your extension request granted.

3. Work called you in for Extra Shifts

>>>Related Post: Professor Reveals 21+ Excuses for Skipping Class

Here’s another reason to ask your professor for an extension on a paper that gets a lot of sympathies.

We teachers have been there. Poor, living off microwaved noodle. In fact, many of us are still there with you.

When explaining that work has called you in for extra shifts, make sure your teacher knows you needed that money. You don’t need to cry poor or ask for a sympathy card. But let them know:

  • My boss asked me to take on extra shifts; and
  • I pay my own way through life, so the extra money meant a lot to me.

This extension excuse strategy works best when you give advance notice. Let your teacher know as soon as you pick up those extra shifts. Send them an email making them feel like they were a part of the discussion ( Click here to download all my Assignment Extension Request Letter Templates ).

You can say:

Hi [Teacher] ,

My boss has just gotten in touch asking me to cover some extra shifts at work for the rest of this week. I’m pretty short on money at this point of the semester with a few bills coming through, so I’d love to be able to take them.

Obviously this gets in the way of the time I’ve set aside this week for completing the upcoming assignment.

I’m wondering, would you please consider giving me an extra three days to submit my assessment so that I can pick up these shifts? It’d mean a lot to me.

Thank you for considering this request.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your class]

4. You’re taking a pre-planned Vacation

>>> Related Post: How to Study a Boring Subject

This reason for asking for an extension on a paper needs to be flagged very early on.

I’ve granted extensions for this extension excuse, but usually only when students let me know in the first week or two of the semester.

The trick here is to show:

  • That the vacation was booked well in advance and was not intended to interfere with the course;
  • That you really want to complete the course this semester in order to meet a personal goal.

Your personal goal might be to have graduated by a certain date, before your child starts (or finishes) school, or in order to qualify for an internship in a Master’s program that has an application deadline of a specific date.

If you show you’re ambitious and taking your studies seriously, this excuse will go down well.

Teachers don’t always grant this one, so be prepared to be told that your extension is not granted. Your teacher might insist that you submit it before you head off on your vacation, or simply deny the extension.

Something else you need to take into account is that you’re admitting you might miss some classes as well.

It might be worthwhile pointing out that your intention is to complete the weekly readings or tasks in advance of heading off on vacation.

One time when I don’t grant extensions for pre-planned vacations is when the vacation clashes with group work assessments. Your chances are higher if your vacation isn’t putting anyone else out.

Good luck with this one!

5. Computer Issues

This extension excuse gets eye rolls.

Blaming technology issues is a cliché excuse that teachers tend not to take too seriously.

It’s used too often and we expect that more often than not it’s a lie rather than a genuine problem.

If you want to get sympathy for this excuse, provide evidence. Here are some valuable forms of evidence, in order from best to worst:

  • A receipt or quote from a computer repairman that contains the current date;
  • Evidence you’ve been to see the university’s IT department to see if your data can be recovered;
  • A photograph of the broken computer equipment.

Your teacher may even expect you to provide a backup of earlier drafts. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of saving your assignments onto a personal internet cloud like Google OneDrive. Personally, I email drafts to myself to ensure I have regularly saved versions.

You should also expect that your teacher will inform you that the university computers are there, available for you to use.

It’s a good idea to get ahead of this response by letting your teacher know you’ve set aside some time to use the university computers to get back on track.

6. You’re a Carer

>>>Related Post: How to Impress your Professor

Something that has blown me away as a university teacher is just how many students care for their chronically sick or disabled parents, partners or children.

Carers are, frankly, inspiring people, and you’ll get sympathy from your teacher.

I’d recommend letting your teacher know in advance about your situation.

The best way to do this is to ask your student advisor or the course leader to give your teacher a heads-up on this one. Most universities these days assign student advisors to each student for support on issues like this.

Most universities also have a course leader who takes care of a specific degree program or major. If you know who this is, get in touch with them asap and let them know your situation.

Ask them to let your teachers know that you’re a carer which may mean you need special consideration.

Contact the teacher personally towards the start of the semester. Talk to them in person after the first class, or if you’re a distance learner, send them an email early on.

These early emails help to prime your teacher for when you ask for an extension.

If you haven’t informed the teacher of the situation, I’d recommend talking to them in person as soon as possible, telling them what your situation is, and asking for some additional time on your assessment.

As always, some form of evidence of your situation is really helpful. Doctors, social workers, or other support networks should be able to write a letter for you that you can pass on to your teacher.

There are two illnesses that I hear about the most. It’s either your child who’s been sick or you who’s been sick. Let’s take them in order:

1. Your Child’s Sick.

The ‘My Child’s been Sick’ excuse is one that I get a lot, but also one that I usually find believable.

One reason it’s so believable is that often five or six of my students who are parents will come to me explaining that an illness is going around the school.

It’s also an excuse that is easy to sympathize with. Children take up a lot of time, and with many of my students being single parents, I understand that children come first.

This is one that crops up late, but as usual, try to ask for an extension at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the submission deadline.

A letter from a doctor goes a long way here but is not always necessary. If you can’t get a letter from a doctor, copy in some evidence that your child has taken the last few days off school. Attach a copy of your sick note to the school when you email your university professor .

2. You’re Sick.

If it’s you who has been sick, a note from a doctor is usually expected. It also requires some advance warning. If you got sick 6 days before the due date, why did you only email your teacher on the day it was due?

If you didn’t give advance warning, it looks pretty bad.

Similarly, if you got sick 3 days before the due date, what have you already done? Shouldn’t you just have finishing touches to do with 3 days to go?

Therefore, when you contact the teacher, you should also attach your most recent draft. You need to say:

  • This is what I’ve done;
  • This is what I had planned to do in the next 7, 6, 5, 4, or 3 days before submission;
  • This is why I’m so sick that I can’t do it.

So remember, if you’ve been sick, the two key things to include are:

  • A doctor’s note to prove it’s true;
  • Your latest draft to show you’ve not left it to the last minute.
  • A List of Late Homework Excuses
  • 27 Pros and Cons of Homework

8. There was a Death in the Family

This is the most common reason for extension requests. Let me be clear: every teacher is bamboozled that there seems to be a spike in the deaths of grandmas whenever assessments are due.

We’re skeptical about this one, to say the least.

If you’re going to use this extension excuse, evidence is a must. Teachers understand that this is a sensitive topic. I’ve accepted a range of evidence for this one, though. This includes:

  • Notice of death in the local newspaper;
  • A scan of the booklet of funeral proceedings;
  • A letter or receipt from a funeral home;
  • A copy of the flight to or from the funeral location.

This is obviously a very sensitive issue, and it’s pretty sad that people abuse this reason. Teachers don’t want to offend you: but they also need to know you’re not pulling the wool over their eyes.

Another worrisome point for this excuse is that often the death occurred a month or more before the assessment is due.

Be prepared for your teacher to say: okay, there was a death a month ago. What have you done in the month since the funeral on your work?

If you’re going to use this reason, explain how it’s caused hardship (failure to focus, busy making funeral arrangements, travel to funerals, etc.). You also must think about how you can provide clear evidence that this death did, in fact, happen.

Related: How to Ask a Professor for a Letter of Recommendation

9. You have a Learning Disability

If you have a learning disability, you need to tell your university in advance. There’s really no other way around this one.

Nearly every university these days has support plans for students with learning disabilities .

The most common one is dyslexia . This is the condition in which students struggle with accurate and speedy reading and spelling. It can make university really tough, but universities try to be accommodating for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.

Other common personal issues that can qualify for extensions include common migraines and issues with concentration.

Talk to a student advisor at the university about how to get a diagnosis if you think you’ve got a learning disability. Once you’ve received the diagnosis you’ll be able to get a support plan set up.

Support plans are usually sent straight to your teachers at the start of the semester. However, you should also make yourself known to your teacher at the start of the semester. There are additional benefits to this, including that your teacher will be careful not to ask you to read content out loud in class.

If you haven’t told your teacher already that you have a learning disability, but you still want an extension, you’ll need to get in touch as soon as possible.

Highlight how:

  • You have made every effort to ensure you got your work done on time;
  • Something has happened (did your migraines flare up recently?) that has prevented you from completing on time.

When you ask for the extension, include the support plan, diagnosis, or doctor’s note to increase your chances of receiving the extension that you requested.

Extensions are commonplace, but you need to state your case. We have provided an outline of exactly how to ask for the extension that you might want to consult if you think you qualify for an extension. This outline explains that you need to take some key steps, including the steps in the infographic below (plus some more!):

How to ask for an extension

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Did you mean..., diploma of arts and social sciences, art/science collaboration wins waterhouse natural science art prize, special consideration.

If an event in your life affects your ability to complete your assessment by the assessment task due date, you can submit a Special Consideration application form (with accompanying documents via MyEnrolment) at least one day before the assessment due date.

Special Consideration is a request for:

  • Extensions of the due date for an assessment task, other than an examination (e.g. assignment extension).
  • Special Consideration in relation to a Completed Assessment Task, including an end-of-unit Examination.
  • A Special Exam (an examination in lieu of normal examination).

No more than two requests for a single assessment task will be considered, unless in extenuating circumstances (supporting documents required). For example, you have experienced circumstances outside of your control that differ from the original request, and they have presented after your original special consideration application.

Requests for Special Consideration for a completed assessment task, including an end-of-unit examination, must be submitted no later than two working days after the due date of the assessment task or the scheduled date of the examination, along with accompanying supporting documents. 

Special Consideration can be granted for the following reasons: 

  • Compassionate circumstances
  • Professional Experience clashes
  • Religious observances or celebrations
  • Serious unforeseen personal events
  • Selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events

Emergency Service

You will normally be notified of the outcome of the request within five working dates. If you do not meet the above grounds for special consideration, you may have a penalty imposed for late submission of an assessment task (Section 4) If your circumstances will severely affect your performance for the term (more than 2 weeks), you should consider withdrawing from the unit before the census date . If you are impacted by special circumstances after census date, you may be eligible for remission or refund of fees (conditions apply). Please seek advice to discuss the implications for your course progression or international student visa.

If your studies are affected by the impacts of an ongoing illness or disability, you may want to consider registering for inclusion support  to seek adjustments or additional support.

For more information, see Sections 4, 5, and 6 of Rule 3 — Coursework Awards — Student Assessment and Examinations policy.

For advice or more information see the related links and contact information below.

The Special Consideration application includes a declaration from you that the information provided is true and correct.

If you deliberately submit false or misleading information or documentation, the request for special consideration will be rejected and you may be subject to the Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct Rules.

Download a PDF guide on  How to Request Special Consideration for an Assessment .

Grounds for Special Consideration

Supporting documentation.

Medical certificate from a relevant health practitioner, which includes:

  • The date on which the student was examined
  • A statement of the date/s the student was impacted
  • Do not submit images that could be considered graphic

For additional days not covered by the medical certificate, a Statutory Declaration is required.

If you were not able to attend a medical appointment, or are requesting days not covered by the medical certificate, a Statutory Declaration will be considered. The Statutory Declaration should explain why you do not have a medical certificate or require additional days, and the duration of impact.

If you were directly impacted by a personal health matter , then your application should include:

Medical certificate showing time impacted If the certificate does not cover the assessment due date, an additional Statutory Declaration to explain further impacted dates.

If you were impacted by another person’s health matters , such as close family member or partner, then your application should include:

  • A medical certificate showing dates impacted (if available);
  • And a Statutory Declaration outlining your relationship to the other person/s, details of impact, and where relevant, why a medical certificate could not be provided.

Compassionate Grounds

  • An official document that corroborates the nature of the event, showing dates of impact. 

For compassionate circumstances related to someone other than yourself, a Statutory Declaration is required that outlines:

  • The nature of the matter being considered for Special Consideration,
  • The dates of impact, and
  • Your relationship to the other person/s.

If you were impacted by the death of a close family member, then your application should include a funeral notice or Order of Service, indicating dates. If you were impacted by the death of a non-family member, then your application should include:

  • Funeral notice or Order of Service indicating dates;
  • Statutory Declaration outlining relationship and therefore impact.

If you were impacted by domestic violence or other police matter, then your application should include:

  • A Police Report number; or
  • Statutory Declaration providing an outline of the matter, and the dates of impact.

Professional Experience Clash

This request is to be used when you are on placement/practical and you have an on-campus activity you are unable to attend.

A copy of written correspondence from the University or via SONIA confirming dates of your Professional Experience, Placement, Field Education or Work Integrated Learning (WIL).

Religious Observances/Celebrations

Applications submitted on the basis of Religious Observances/Celebrations should be submitted at least 1 month prior to the event occurring.

A Statement signed by an authorised officer of the appropriate organisation, which validates that the date/s of the commitment corresponds with the date/s for which Special Consideration is requested.

Where a signed statement is not available, a Statutory Declaration detailing the impact of the religious observance or celebration on meeting the deadline for assessment, or exam date is required.

If the application is submitted within one month of the event, then a Statutory Declaration explaining the extenuating circumstances that have led to the late submission is required.

If an exam or presentation falls on the day of a religious observance or celebration that prevents you attending, and you were unable to obtain a signed statement from an authorised officer, then you would need to provide a Statutory Declaration stating the relevance of the event, the date of the event and the impact — i.e. your inability to attend the exam or presentation.

Serious Unforeseen Personal Events

Supporting documents.

An official document that corroborates the nature of the event, showing dates of impact relevant to the Special Consideration being sought for the assessment item.

If an official document is not available or the reason is in regard to a person other than yourself, a Statutory Declaration is required that outlines the nature of the matter being considered for Special Consideration, the dates of impact and your relationship with the other person/s.

For all of the following, where no other official documentation is available, a Statutory Declaration including impacted dates will be required:

  • Natural disasters, such as bush fires or flooding.
  • Technology breakdowns that result in lost work.
  • Sudden serious accident involving yourself or someone else which impacts you.

Sporting, Performance or Cultural Events

Applications submitted on the basis of Sporting, Performance or Cultural Events should be submitted at least 1 month prior to the event occurring.

A Statement signed by an authorised officer from the appropriate organisation to validate the date/s of the commitment for which Special Consideration is requested.

If a signed statement is not available, a Statutory Declaration detailing:

  • The dates involved, and
  • The impact on you in regard to the assessment

If the application submitted within one month of the event, then a Statutory Declaration explaining the extenuating circumstances that have led to the late submission is required.

  • Representation at State level for a particular sport.
  • Requirement to participate in a performance event.

Statement signed by an authorised officer from the appropriate organisation to validate the date/s of the commitment for which Special Consideration is requested.

If a signed statement is not available, a Statutory Declaration detailing the event, the dates involved, and the impact on you in regard to the assessment.

For all of the following, where no other official documentation is available, a Statutory Declaration with the impacted dates will be required:

  • Voluntary service in the SES to attend a natural disaster, or other event.
  • Service in the Defence Force to attend a national or state emergency, or compulsory training.

Related links

  • Student Advocacy Service
  • Student Health Service
  • Counselling and Psychological Support Services
  • How to request Special Consideration
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Call: 1800 SC HELP / 1800 72 4357
  • University home
  • For business
  • Alumni and supporters
  • Our departments
  • Visiting us

Twitter link

  • Assessments
  • Mitigation e-mail addresses
  • Results Release
  • Wellbeing Support
  • Online module selection
  • Module change
  • Changes to study
  • Important dates
  • Timetabling
  • Alternative Assessments

Sometimes whilst at Uni things don’t go to plan. Our Mitigation process is here to support you through unexpected situations that affect your ability to complete an assessment or exam - such as illness or a family crisis.

Mitigation works by giving you extra time to complete your assignment, or the chance to take your exam later in the year.

If you are a Cedar student, click here  to find out more about your mitigation process .

Talk it through 

Before you decide to apply for Mitigation, where possible we encourage you to talk it through with someone:

  • Academic tutor
  • Hub/Info point
  • Friend/loved one
  • Students’ Guild  or  Students’ Union  advice teams
  • University Wellbeing team

Our Mitigation process is designed to support you, but you need to think carefully about the impacts of delaying assessments or exams (particularly if you do this more than once).

International Students

If you have a Student/Tier 4 visa be aware that deferring your assessments might have immigration implications. Please read the advice  here  or contact  International Student Support  for guidance.

Types of extension

1. evidence-free extensions (coursework assignments only).

For coursework assignments ( not exams or short duration coursework/timed assessments), you can have an evidence-free extension of 72 hours (3 days).

This option is available once per assessment. You can use it up to four times during the academic year ; any further extensions required after this must be applied for through the evidence-based process detailed below.

You may add an evidence-free extension before, or up to 24 hours after the submission deadline. You do this  within ELE2 yourself.** Watch this video for guidance on how to add an evidence-free extension .  

Please check ELE2 for your new submission date. ELE2 will also keep a record of how many evidence-free extensions you have remaining.

**Should you change your mind about the extension and submit your assignment before the original deadline, you have up to 3 working days after that deadline to withdraw it – otherwise it will count as having used 1 of your 4 extensions. To do this please contact your Hub .

The ‘add extension’ button will not appear if:

  • The deadline is more than 1 month in the future
  • The deadline passed more than 24 hours ago
  • The assessment is an exam or group work or other assessment where specified by your Faculty
  • You have already received an evidence-based extension

2. Evidence-based Mitigation

If you need an assessment extension of more than 72 hours and/or if you’ve used all four evidence-free extensions, you need to apply for evidence-based Mitigation.

If you wish to postpone an exam you will need to apply for evidence-based Mitigation.

The two main types of evidence-based Mitigation are:

  • A standard extension  is up to one or two weeks (with three weeks only being granted in exceptional circumstances) extra time to complete a coursework assessment. If you have already used a 72-hour extension, this will be included within a standard extension time.
  •  A deferral  is when an assessment or exam is delayed and rescheduled to the next time it takes place.  

Want to apply for evidence-based mitigation? Follow these steps:

A. Apply

You need to complete the Mitigation form;  you can download a copy here.

You have  up to 24 hours after your assessment deadline  to apply for Mitigation.  

You should use one form to apply for as many assessment deferrals or extensions as you need. Difficulty filling out the form? Your  Hub/Info point  or your  Students’ Guild  or  Students’ Union  advice teams can help. 

Send the completed form directly to your Hub/Info Point  using the Mitigation email addresses here .  

You should also send in evidence, which can be verified. This needs to be dated within one month of the assessment deadline. You can submit this evidence with your application or up to  10 working days after the deadline but note that applications cannot be processed until the relevant evidence is provided.  You can find a list of appropriate evidence examples here . 

Please make sure both your application form and evidence are submitted to the relevant Hub team in a readable format, either a Word document or pdf, and are not password protected. The Hub teams must receive a readable version within the relevant timeframe, or your application/evidence will be regarded as late.

We recognise that the cost of living crisis this year may cause difficulties for some students. We’ve worked with the Students’ Guild and Students’ Union to change our policy, so that we can include financial circumstances as a reason you can apply for mitigation, this year.

Support from Wellbeing Services

If you are currently or have recently received support from any area of Wellbeing Services, they may be able to support your mitigation application. In order to request mitigation support from Wellbeing Services, please read the FAQ’s and complete a short mitigation support form via the Wellbeing mitigation webpage . A member of the Wellbeing team will then make contact with you via email in the first instance. Please note, in addition to  completing the mitigation supporting evidence form for Wellbeing, you must also complete the mitigation application form and send it to the relevant hub, within the required timeframes.

Support from your Doctor

If you are seeking mitigation support from your Doctor, please make contact with their reception team to enquire about individual processes. The process for individual Doctors surgeries may differ.

B. Outcome

You should normally receive a decision within 5 working days (longer during busy periods). We understand that waiting can be stressful, but please don’t contact your Hub/Info Point for an update as this slows down the process for you and your fellow students.

Once a decision is made and if your application is successful, you should start preparing your assessment work for the next deadline or exam period .

Do be aware that a deferred assessment might not take the same format as the original one. 

If Mitigation is declined and you disagree with the decision, you can appeal.

Students with an Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

If you have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) saying that extension requests should be supported, you will have no limit to the number of 72-hour ELE 2 extensions you can use on coursework, in 12 months.

If you need a longer extension of up to two weeks, you can apply via the evidence-based mitigation process, and use your ILP as evidence. This only applies where the ILP specifically states that extensions are supported.

However, the maximum extension that can be conferred on any single assessment on the basis of an ILP alone is two weeks. Additional evidence may be submitted to request an extra extension of one or two weeks (depending on the length of the original extension). The maximum extension (or total duration of multiple extensions) on any single piece of coursework assignment is three weeks (only permitted in severe and/or complex circumstances).

Remember there are plenty of places for advice and support. We’re here to help, so please do reach out to your:

  • Hub/Info Point welfare advisor
  • Wellbeing support
  • Students’ Guild Advice Unit
  • Students’ Union Advice Service

You should always discuss with someone if you think the issue which led to Mitigation is on-going. They will be able to discuss options with you.

Don’t forget you can also discuss it with friends or loved ones.

Confidentiality and further information

Mitigation is a confidential process and won’t be marked on your transcript or student record. It’s designed to help you achieve your best academic results, whatever the circumstances.

If you have further questions  check out our FAQs.   

Find detailed guidance in the  TQA manual .

Our Website Privacy Policy and how the information we collect is used is here.

2022 - 23 Mitigation Policy

On some programmes the Mitigation Policy from 2022 - 23 may still apply; you can find a copy here.  

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Swansea University Extenuating Circumstances

The University recognises that students may be affected by a wide range of difficulties/circumstances which may lead to the inability to prepare for or undertake assessments. This guide has been produced to help you understand what you should do if you are experiencing any personal difficulties or extenuating circumstances which you feel are affecting your studies.

If you struggle to meet any deadlines or prepare for/complete assignments due to extenuating circumstances and wish to submit an extenuating circumstances application, please follow the guidance provided by your Faculty on your Canvas School Hub. Your Faculty Student Experience and Information Team will be able to provide further advice if needed,

If your Faculty/School supports your application, the most likely outcome is that you will be offered an assessment /extension. Alternatively, in some cases you could be offered a deferral.

An assessment deferral is when the assessment is deferred to the next assessment period; for example, for students on programmes starting in September, a May/June assessment could be deferred to the August assessment period if your extenuating circumstances application is approved.

What are extenuating circumstances?

Extenuating circumstances are temporary or short-term difficulties/problems affecting you. For example:

  • Medical issues (including mental health/wellbeing)
  • Death of a close friend or relative
  • Personal problems e.g. divorce, burglary, fire, major court proceedings, financial difficulties
  • Family problems, such as divorce
  • Sexual assault/sexual violence
  • Period of self-isolation/quarantine
  • Caring responsibilities and domestic difficulties
  • Religious Observance

What isn’t an extenuating circumstance?

The following are examples of circumstances that the University does not accept as extenuating circumstances:

  • Minor illness such as headaches and colds
  • Medical conditions not supported by evidence or where a satisfactory explanation for lack of evidence cannot be given
  • Social obligations
  • Misreading assessment instructions/timetables
  • Poor time management, e.g. I didn't start by assignment until the last minute

Who should I contact to make an extenuating circumstances application?

If you are unable to prepare for or undertake assessments because of these difficulties, you should inform your Faculty Student Experience and Information Team in your Faculty/School as soon as possible.

They can then advise you of what you need to do in order for these circumstances to be taken into account.

For example, they will advise and support you if you need to apply for extenuating circumstances and advise you if you need to provide further information/supporting evidence.

[email protected]

[email protected] 

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

During Academic year 22-23 the University implemented a single IT system for all students across the Swansea University to use to apply for extenuating circumstances.

To log in, please use the first part of your university email (only your student number) and your regular password. Here is a quick link that will take you straight to the e:Vision application system: EC e:Vision .

If you face any issues logging in, please ensure that you have typed your password correctly and that you are not using your full email (don’t add @swansea.ac.uk).

If the issue persists, please ‘Report a Problem’ through the university’s IT system:  ISS Service Now or visit the IT help desk.

You can also access the Extenuating Circumstances system via the Student App.

Who will make a decision on my application?

All extenuating circumstances applications will be considered for approval by your Faculty/School. 

What supporting evidence is required?

Independent documentation to substantiate any extenuating circumstances claims should normally be provided and must be dated to within a month of the affected assessment/exam. Evidence must indicate how the circumstances affected your performance and/or may have impeded your ability to attend, complete, or submit an assessment on time. The absence of such documentation will result in the application being rejected unless a satisfactory explanation is provided in the application as to why you have been unable to provide such evidence.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of appropriate evidence:

  • A Doctor*/Health Professional’s letter/certificate which confirms the illness, indicates the likely impact of the illness and clearly identifies that the time period of illness occurred to the assessment period in which the claim is being made. (*Doctor should be GMC registered or have equivalent standing. Where the doctor is not GMC registered or does not have equivalent standing, further evidence may be requested, as appropriate).
  • In the case of a student taken ill during an on-site University invigilated examination, a copy of the invigilator’s report. (This should be accompanied by medical evidence wherever possible). A student who is taken ill during an on-site examination must inform the invigilator either during or immediately after the examination and before leaving the examination venue. A record of this will be made by the invigilator which the student can subsequently access from the Examinations Office.
  • Hospital admission and discharge letter, to confirm time spent in hospital. The letter must include the student’s name and the Faculty/School will need to be satisfied that the letter pertains to the student.
  • A letter from service supporting the student, e.g. Wellbeing and Disability Service, Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO), Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), Counsellor, Swansea University Advice Centre (SUAC) or other agency a student may be supported by etc. (provided at the discretion of the support service).
  • In the case of diagnosed/identified examination anxiety/stress, medical certification or an adjustment proforma.
  • In the case of students unable to attend/take an assessment due to covid-19 Medical certification or proof of a positive test result is normally expected to be provided and should clearly apply to the assessment date or a short period immediately prior to an assessment date.
  • In the case of students with fluctuating health conditions/disabilities that have been approved by Wellbeing and Disability Services the adjustment proforma will be taken as evidence where the application is made in relation to the condition(s) stated on the proforma.
  • Either a death certificate, Order of Service or Funeral Director's Letter.
  • In the case of serious illness and/or death of a close relation (defined as a parent/primary carer of the candidate, sibling, partner/spouse, child/dependent of the candidate) evidence of the death/serious illness will suffice and it shall be presumed that the illness/death had an impact on the student.
  • Police report, a crime reference number on its own will not be sufficient.
  • News report to confirm unforeseen transport difficulties.
  • In the case of short-term caring responsibilities and domestic difficulties which impact a student’s ability to prepare for or undertake assessments a statement from a family member/friend.
  • In the case of a long-term caring responsibilities, Carer’s Passport.

Can I self-certify?

No. Students are no longer able to self-certify. Independent documentation to substantiate any extenuating circumstances claims should normally be provided and must be dated to within a month of the affected assessment/exam.

What is the deadline for submitting an application?

The deadline for the submission of extenuating circumstances will be within five working days of the earliest original assessment date. If you are in any doubt on the deadline, please contact your Faculty/School Student Experience and Information Team for confirmation.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be asked to supply supporting evidence. Please do not wait to obtain your evidence before submitting your extenuating circumstances application Faculty/School. Please submit your form as soon as you can, and any supporting evidence can be submitted to follow. Your Faculty/School will let you know whether further evidence is required, and if so, what type.

What happens after I submit my form to my Faculty/School?

Your Faculty/School will acknowledge receipt of your application and let you know whether further information/evidence is required.

Your Faculty/School will let you know the outcome of your application, normally within 14 working days of the request being made.

If your application is approved, you will be informed that your assessment(s) has/have been deferred/extension granted/any other appropriate outcome. You will normally be notified by email, but your Faculty/School will let you know if this communication will be by alternative means.

If your circumstances are not accepted, your results will be considered by the Examination Board and you will be awarded a decision based on the published University assessment regulations.

What happens if my application is rejected by the Faculty/School?

If the Faculty/School declines an extenuating circumstances application in relation to an examination or coursework), the following action will be taken:

  • If you did not attempt the assessment a mark of 0% (unauthorised absence) will be recorded for the assessment and your overall outcome will be determined in accordance with the assessment regulations for the programme of study; or
  • If you attempted the assessment, your submitted work will be marked, a mark recorded and your overall outcome will be determined in accordance with the assessment regulations for the programme of study.

Can I appeal the Faculty/School's decision?

Appeals against decisions taken by Faculty/Schools shall not normally be considered.

If you feel that there have been irregularities in the conduct of the procedures, you should contact the relevant Faculty/School Student Experience and Information Teams in the first instance.

If you have new evidence relating to an application already submitted, you may resubmit this to the Faculty/School Student Experience and Information Teams for reconsideration provided it is within the deadlines specified.

Only in cases where the medical evidence submitted supports the notion that you were incapable of determining whether or not you were fit to undertake or prepare an assessment and of notifying the Faculty/School will the University accept claims for extenuating circumstances submitted beyond the deadline. Such claims should be managed by the Academic Appeals Procedure .

What if I am too embarrassed to disclose my circumstances?

The University wants to support students who are experiencing difficult circumstances so please be don’t be embarrassed to disclose your circumstances.

All staff at the University will treat your reasons as confidential and will not pass on information without your permission.

Your Personal Tutor and Faculty Student Experience and Information Team may be able to help you, or they may refer you to someone who can help with your particular circumstances, such as the Money@Campuslife  centre or Welfare@Campuslife .

What if I choose not to submit an extenuating circumstances application?

The University will consider applications sympathetically. It is however your choice as to whether you wish to disclose these circumstances to staff in your Faculty/School.

You may feel that you are able to complete your assessments in spite of your circumstances.

If you choose not to submit an application within the stipulated deadlines, the University will NOT normally consider such extenuating circumstances as grounds for an academic appeal, against a degree result or a progression decision.

Who can I contact for help or advice?

Faculty/School Professional Service staff and your academic mentor in your Faculty/School will be able to assist you and advise youon procedures. Student Support Services The University’s Student Support Services offers a wide range of support: Wellbeing Services - [email protected]   Money@campuslife - [email protected]   International Student Services - [email protected]   Disability Office – [email protected] For further information regarding the above services, please visit the  dedicated webpages. Education Services Education Services can offer advice on regulations, procedures, suspensions and withdrawals. Please contact [email protected] . Students’ Union Advice Centre The Students’ Union Advice Centre can help with issues relating to housing, family and personal difficulties, debt, money employment and academic issues. Please contact [email protected] .

Further Information

Further information can be found in our Policy on Extenuating Circumstances.

If you have a query about extenuating circumstances to which you cannot find the answer here, please contact your Faculty/School Information Team.

asking for an extension on uni assignment

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How to Ask Your Professor for an Extension on Assignment

Table of contents

  • 1 Reasons to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment
  • 2 How To Ask For An Extension Properly?
  • 3 How Not To Ask For An Extension?
  • 4 Examples of Request For An Extension
  • 5 Feeling Stressed After Being Denied An Extension
  • 6 Conclusion

Homework — this word raises so many emotions in students — we feel the thrill of not meeting a deadline, we remember the voice of our professor, and we anticipate how boring it will be to spend a day off doing a task. Yet, homework is an integral part of school and college life, and we inevitably have to cope with it. Generally, it would be perfect if we could finish all our matters on time and turn to our academic work before it’s too late. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and sometimes we need to explore different approaches with our professors and request them to prolong the due time. But when and how to ask for an extension on an assignment? Let’s get a closer look at PapersOwl’s advice.

Reasons to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment

The reasons for deadline prolongation vary greatly. Personal reasons include illness, mental health issues, tragic events, happy family events, maternity, or academic difficulty. The further substantial reasons comprise financial issues, miscommunication, travel, moving house, unavailable resources, schedule clash, or force majeure. These are the excuses that are popular and generally accepted by teachers.

How To Ask For An Extension Properly?

Always remember you should have a good reason behind it if you want to ask your professor for an extension. If you are persuasive, your professor will eagerly renew your due date and give you a chance to submit your paper later. Unfortunately, not everyone can be persuasive enough. Also, not everyone has a connection with the professor. But there’s always a solution — you can ask for professional help with assignment writing and get your work done in due time. This is especially helpful as your essay, research, or whatever you need will be written by professional writers and guaranteed within the timing budget. Though, you may wish to accept the challenge of asking for an extension. Don’t act blindly. First, learn professional advice on finishing homework faster before getting to the task. This will be your lifesaver, especially when the professor agrees to a shorter term than you asked. Assure your professor that you’d do your best to finish on time and with excellency. Even if you’re not confident of that, this is the right approach. Ask for the shortest possible shift and justify your need for a longer term. Analyze the assignment writing guide before you actually start. Understanding the algorithm will definitely award you with confidence. Asking for an extension of the deadline in person will most likely have greater success. Professors tend to empathize with you more in this case. And don’t forget to show your commitment to your studies. The other way, which may be more comfortable for many, is emailing. Find out how to write a valid and appropriate email about a late assignment and follow the guidelines from the experts. Explore the most effective patterns used in this delicate matter, and be sure you’ll keep the student—instructor balance.

How Not To Ask For An Extension?

What should you avoid in case you need to request a delay? First, timing. Don’t wait until the last minute. Try to warn your professor you won’t be able to complete the task on time as soon as you realize it. Asking about an essential prolongation is also a bad idea. Also, mind your attitude, both via email and in person. Don’t act rude, demanding, or impatient, as this can spoil your relations with the professor. Don’t offer excuses; suggest a solution instead — this will demonstrate to your instructor you are interested in the class.

Examples of Request For An Extension

If you are wondering how to ask for an extension on an assignment, be upfront but not pushy in your appeal. The following phrases are helpful here:

  • “I would like to ask if it might be possible to delay my deadline on the task until …”
  • “Unfortunately, I am behind with the completion of this task because …”
  • “I would really appreciate an extension, as …”
  • “I would need some more time to devote towards my homework because …”
  • “Since … cannot be rescheduled or deferred, I’m requesting that you extend my execution period till …”

Well, sometimes you may find you need even more effort and date range than you asked for. Good that top assignment writing service is your friend in need in such desperate situations. Making an order here guarantees that a task is performed in compliance with all necessary requirements and quality standards in a timely manner.

Feeling Stressed After Being Denied An Extension

Teachers may deny delaying your task completion period for a number of reasons. Though you are rarely the cause for denial, you may feel embarrassed or guilty. Not the best emotions, we must admit, especially if you have to focus on the task. Try methods to relieve your anxiety if you feel you cannot handle your academic load because of stress. They are called to make you calm and, therefore, more concentrated. But what if you see you won’t cope anyway? There are situations when you clearly realize you need external assistance before you collapse. You should definitely get help with writing assignment and save your nerves. After contacting our professional service, you will have the task completed within the given framework. Our experts write not only excellent papers complying with all quality standards, but they also do it fully confidential and plagiarism free!

When you think about how to ask for an extension on an assignment, try to determine the primary cause for the postponement request. It shall be convincing: explain why you can’t do your work on time and ask to shift the deadline. In general, follow the simple steps:

  • Ask for submission as early as possible.
  • Determine the method for requesting a postponement.
  • If you’re emailing, make sure the letter reaches the addressee.
  • Specify a credible reason.
  • Offer the shortest feasible due term.
  • Provide affirmations and warranties.
  • Be polite and diplomatic with the professor, not demanding.
  • Show your appreciation for satisfying your requests.
  • Meet the deadline.
  • Don’t make asking for extensions a rule.

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  8. CU Academic Development

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    2. You've had Writer's Block. >>> Related Post: How to Write an Essay at the Last Minute. This extension excuse gets points for honesty. If you come to your teacher and say "Look, I've read all of the readings, but the creativity just hasn't come" then your teacher might just give you a little extra time.

  19. Student Administration

    Special Consideration is a request for: Extensions of the due date for an assessment task, other than an examination (e.g. assignment extension). Special Consideration in relation to a Completed Assessment Task, including an end-of-unit Examination. A Special Exam (an examination in lieu of normal examination).

  20. Mitigation

    Sometimes whilst at Uni things don't go to plan. Our Mitigation process is here to support you through unexpected situations that affect your ability to complete an assessment or exam - such as illness or a family crisis. Mitigation works by giving you extra time to complete your assignment, or the chance to take your exam later in the year.

  21. Has anyone applied for an extension for an assignment? : r/UniUK

    Also check if your university doesn't do anything like mine which is twice a year everyone gets a self certification for x2 working days extension, no evidence need be submitted. I've dealt with over a thousand requests so far in 22/23 so yes, lots of students have asked for extensions.

  22. Extenuating Circumstances

    If you struggle to meet any deadlines or prepare for/complete assignments due to extenuating circumstances and wish to submit an extenuating circumstances application, please follow the guidance provided by your Faculty on your Canvas School Hub. Your Faculty Student Experience and Information Team will be able to provide further advice if needed,

  23. asking for an extension on uni assignment

    hallamstudents. Official Rep. 18. Hi, the people who grant extensions are very understanding, you don't need to provide evidence when applying for your extension, just state what mental health problem you have been having i.e. anxiety or depression, and just say due to this you have been struggling to write your essay in time for the deadline ...

  24. PDF Guidelines for Reasonable Extension of Assignment Deadline; all

    Hofstra University | Hempstead, New York 11549 | hofstra.edu/sas Consider course requirements and student accommodations. Determine if extensions alter course fundamentals. Faculty Responsibilities Acknowledge LOA-listed accommodations. Consider assignment relevance, timing, and syllabus adherence. Participate in SAS discussions on extension appropriateness.

  25. How to Ask Your Professor for an Extension on Assignment

    Reasons to Ask for an Extension on an Assignment. The reasons for deadline prolongation vary greatly. Personal reasons include illness, mental health issues, tragic events, happy family events, maternity, or academic difficulty. The further substantial reasons comprise financial issues, miscommunication, travel, moving house, unavailable ...

  26. PDF Extension on Assignments Procedure

    At Slippery Rock University, we are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. The Office of Disability Services (ODS) reviews every request with care ... When creating a plan for assignment extensions, consider the following questions as a guide to ensure that you create a detailed plan. When ...

  27. 55 Things to Know About Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' Pick for VP

    He earned a Master of Science in educational leadership from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2001. 8. He spent a year teaching in China after college before returning full time to the Army.