TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]


Last updated: Feb 29, 2024 Reading time · 5 min


# TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value

The error "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value." occurs when you assign a value with a type of any to a variable or a property.

To solve the error, set the variable to a specific type or disable the ESLint rule.

Here are some examples of when the ESLint error is raised.

All of the assignments above cause the error because the ESLint rule prevents you from assigning a value with an any type to a variable.

The any type effectively turns off type checking and should be used sparingly.

This article addresses 2 similar ESLint errors:

  • @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment: Unsafe assignment of an any value.
  • Unexpected any. Specify a different type. eslint@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any

# Disabling the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment ESLint rule

One way to get around the ESLint error is to disable the rule.

For example, the following comment disables the rule for 1 line.

disabling the ts eslint no unsafe assignment rule

If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for a single line, use the following comment.

If you need to disable multiple rules for a line, separate them by a comma.

If you need to disable the rule for the entire file, use the following comment.

If you need to disable the @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any rule for the entire file, use the following comment instead.

You can disable both rules for the entire file by using the following comment.

If you want to disable the rules globally, add the following 2 rules to your .eslintrc.js file.

disable the two rules

If you use a .eslintrc.json file, make sure to double-quote the keys and values.

# Setting the variable or property to unknown instead of any

Alternatively, you can set the variable or property to unknown to resolve the ESLint error.

setting the variable property to unknown instead of any

The unknown type is the type-safe counterpart of any .

When working with the unknown type, we basically tell TypeScript that we're going to get this value, but we don't know its type.

We are going to check with a couple of if statements to track the type down and use it safely.

I have written a detailed guide on how to check the type of a variable in TypeScript .

When using the unknown type, you have to use an if statement as a type guard to check the type of the variable before you are able to use any type-specific methods (e.g. string, array, object, etc).

# The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string

The error commonly occurs when parsing a JSON string with the JSON.parse() method.

The result variable stores a value of any type because TypeScript doesn't know the type of the value that is being parsed.

One way to resolve the issue is to use a type predicate .

using type predicate to solve the error

The value is Employee syntax is called a type predicate.

Our function basically checks if the passed-in value is compatible with an object of type Employee .

Notice that in the if block in which we called the isAnEmployee() function, the parsed variable is typed as Employee and we can access the id and name properties without getting TypeScript or ESLint errors.

I've written a detailed guide on how to check if a value is an object .

# Resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly

You can also resolve the issue by typing the variable explicitly and removing the any type.

Here is an example of typing an object.

And here is an example of typing an array of objects.

You might have to use a type assertion, e.g. when parsing a JSON string.

In some rare cases, you might have to widen the type to unknown before using a type assertion to set a more specific type.

I've written detailed guides on:

  • How to initialize a typed Empty Object in TypeScript
  • Declare an Empty Array for a typed Variable in TypeScript
  • How to add Elements to an Array in TypeScript
  • Check if an Array contains a Value in TypeScript
  • Check if a Value is an Array (of type) in TypeScript
  • How to declare an Array of Objects in TypeScript
  • How to declare a Two-dimensional Array in TypeScript
  • Declare Array of Numbers, Strings or Booleans in TypeScript
  • Create an Object based on an Interface in TypeScript
  • Create a Type from an object's Keys or Values in TypeScript
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Borislav Hadzhiev

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Home » Tooling and Libraries » Typescript eslint no unsafe assignment unsafe assignment of an any value

Typescript eslint no unsafe assignment unsafe assignment of an any value


Typescript is a programming language that extends JavaScript by adding static types to it. It provides developers with the ability to catch errors and bugs during the development process, making the code more reliable and easier to maintain. However, there are certain situations where Typescript can still allow unsafe assignments of any value, which can lead to potential issues in the code.

Unsafe Assignment of an Any Value

One common scenario where unsafe assignment of an any value can occur is when using Typescript with ESLint. ESLint is a popular tool for identifying and reporting patterns found in JavaScript code. It can also be used with Typescript to enforce coding standards and catch potential issues.

However, ESLint’s default configuration does not include rules specific to Typescript. This means that it may not catch certain unsafe assignments of any value. For example, consider the following code:

In this example, we have a variable called myVariable of type any . The value assigned to it is a string. Then, we try to assign this value to a variable called myNumber of type number . Since myVariable is of type any , Typescript allows this assignment without any error or warning.

This can be problematic because we are assigning a string value to a variable that is supposed to hold a number. This can lead to unexpected behavior or errors later in the code when we try to perform operations on myNumber assuming it is a number.

Solution: Configuring ESLint for Typescript

To solve this issue, we need to configure ESLint to include rules specific to Typescript. This will enable ESLint to catch unsafe assignments of any value and provide warnings or errors accordingly.

To configure ESLint for Typescript, we need to install the necessary packages. Run the following command in your project directory:

Once the packages are installed, we need to update the ESLint configuration file (usually named .eslintrc or .eslintrc.json ) to include the Typescript-specific rules. Here’s an example configuration:

In this configuration, we specify the parser as @typescript-eslint/parser and include the @typescript-eslint plugin. We also extend the recommended ESLint rules and add the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule, which catches unsafe assignments of any value.

After configuring ESLint for Typescript, running ESLint on the code example mentioned earlier will produce an error:

The error message will indicate that there is an unsafe assignment of an any value, preventing potential issues in the code.

Typescript is a powerful programming language that helps catch errors and bugs during development. However, it can still allow unsafe assignments of any value in certain situations. By configuring ESLint for Typescript and including the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule, we can catch these unsafe assignments and prevent potential issues in our code.

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Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

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To avoid a Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment warning, ensure to assign accurate types to your variables rather than deploying the ‘any’ value, promoting secure programming mechanics and enhancing code readability.

Quick Summary

When discussing Typescript-Eslint’s `no-unsafe-assignment` rule in conjunction with the “Any” value, it is crucial to understand firstly what these components are individually as well, and subsequently how they interact with each other.

Consider firstly, ‘Typescript’: an open-source language developed by Microsoft that brings static type-checking to JavaScript. It helps spot bugs early by providing types, interfaces, and type inference.

Next, we have ‘eslint’. ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. ESLint’s `no-unsafe-assignment` rule, specifically, guards against the assignment of values from unsafe sources or of mismatched types which could potentially lead to bugs.

The ‘Any’ value, most crucial amongst our trio, represents any JavaScript value, allowing you to opt-out of type-checking. However, its misuse can lead to potential problems and difficult-to-debug code.

Component Description/th>
Typescript An open-source programming language developed by Microsoft, that adds static types succinctly to JavaScript, aiding in code reliability.
Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment Rule A rule in ESLint that warns programmers about assignments that might potentially cause bugs due to unsafe sources or mismatches in type.
Any Value A type in TypeScript that signifies any possible JavaScript value. While it allows some flexibility, overuse or misuse can lead type-checking errors and problematic code.

Now let’s discuss briefly how these interact: while Typescript’s strong typing significantly reduces the likelihood of runtime errors, ‘Any’ types can circumvent this advantage. If you assign an ‘Any’ type to a variable, Typescript no longer checks its type, potentially leading to bugs. Hence, the `no-unsafe-assignment` rule can help you identify such instances where an ‘Any’ value might be assigned unsafely.

To illustrate with a simple example:

typescript let foo: any = “hello”; let bar: number = foo; // TypeScript will throw an error here if no-unsafe-assignment is enabled.

The second line of code will cause Eslint to emit an error if the `no-unsafe-assignment` rule is enabled because an ‘Any’ value is being assigned to a ‘number’ type.

As [Doug Crockford](https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/doug-crockford-quotes), creator of JSON and a profound voice in the tech space, once stated, “The good thing about reinventing the wheel is that you can get a round one”. This quote reinforces our understanding about maintaining safety and code quality by limiting the unsafe use of ‘Any’ values.

Understanding the Concept of Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment

Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

The Typescript-ESLint management tool comprises a set of rules designed to help developers write safer, more effective TypeScript code. Among these rules is the ‘no-unsafe-assignment’ regulation, which focuses on dissuading developers from employing any form of unsafe assignment of an ‘any’ value within their project’s source code.

Conceptualizing ‘no-unsafe-assignment’

‘No-unsafe-assignment’ chiefly alerts developers when they assign values from variables that are assigned as ‘any’ types. This rule aims to discourage programmers from bypassing or ignoring TypeScript’s inherent type-safety benefits and mandates. By disabling or dismantling TypeScript’s type-checking features, developers risk running into issues during runtime, impacting error detection and debugging efficiency.

An Illustrative Example

In the above example,

has no explicit type defined, rendering it an ‘any’ type in TypeScript’s eyes. Upon assigning its value to

(whose type has explicitly been declared as ‘string’), an error would be thrown by the ESLint engine due to violation of the ‘no-unsafe-assignment’ rule.

Resolving ‘no-unsafe-assignment’

To address this problem, you must consider providing concrete type definition instead of using the ‘any’ type. In TypeScript, applying specific types strengthens the potent static typing architecture, enabling developers to catch errors efficiently at compile-time rather than at runtime.

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For instance, instead of assigning the ‘any’ type, an explicit type assignment can effectively manage this:

The ‘no-unsafe-assignment’ rule encourages developers to leverage TypeScript’s full potential and work with the certainty of type safety. By doing so, developers create a more robust, reliable, and efficient application, enhancing both user experience and code maintainability. As Nick Scialli once stated, “TypeScript is not about guaranteeing that your code is free of bugs; it’s about catching the most common mistakes with less effort and time.”

Decoding the Errors: “Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value”

Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

TypeScript-Eslint’s rule `no-unsafe-assignment` vigilantly warns developers when this sort of scenario occurs. The purpose behind it is to help enforce TypeSafety, a principle aspect that makes TypeScript standout as compared to JavaScript.

Understandably, the very essence of using TypeScript is to leverage static typing for catching errors during compile time, rather than runtime like in JavaScript. By applying loose `any` values without constraint, unintentionally, one may drift against the benefits provided by TypeScript, potentially leading to troublesome bugs that are harder to track.

Let’s delve into a brief example:

Consider we have a function that accepts a parameter of type `any` and assigns its value to another variable of known type.

In this instance, TypeScript-Eslint will display an `Unsafe assignment of an any value`warning. This is because `value` is not guaranteed to always be a number, yet it’s assigned to `numberValue` which only expects numerical entries.

One way to mitigate this issue and adhere to TypeScript-Eslint’s `no-unsafe-assignment` rule would be through Type Checks or Type Assertions. Here’s an illustration:

Here, a check is performed before assignment. If the value isn’t a number, there won’t be an assignment, hence preventing `Unsafe Assignment of an Any Value` warning.

In TypeScript’s ecosystem, every precaution taken to ensure TypeSafety bolsters code quality and aids in maintaining a cleaner, bug-free format.

“It’s hard enough to find an error in your code when you’re looking for it; it’s even harder when you’ve assumed your code is error-free.” — Steve McConnell

Online reference: ESLint – no-unsafe-assignment

Practical Strategies to Avoid Unsafe Assignments in TypeScript-Eslint

Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

Let’s understand the concept first: TypeScript employs type safety as one of its core strengths. When assigning variables or properties, each follows explicit or inferred types. Nevertheless, TypeScript provides an escape hatch – the `any` type that can potentially bring the entire type system to its knees. The `any` value bypasses type-checking completely, making it susceptible to throwing unpredictable runtime errors.

Now, how do we avoid unsafe assignments? Below we provide some feasible strategies:

1. Preferential use of unknown over any: In scenarios where you’re uncertain about a variable’s type, it is recommended to utilize the ‘unknown’ type rather than ‘any’. This forces you to carry out necessary type checking before manipulating the variable.

Contrast the following examples to illustrate this: code let a: any = “I could be anything”; a.trim(); // This will compile but might fail at runtime

let b: unknown = “I could be anything”; b.trim(); // This won’t compile because TypeScript doesn’t know if b has a .trim() method

2. Type inference and declaration: TypeScript features robust capabilities for type inference which minimize the necessity for direct type definitions. Leverage them whenever possible. 3. Usage of Type Guard Functions: These are functions that perform type checking. TypeScript recognizes their return type as a type predicate.

Lastly, while restructuring your project to entirely eliminate the usage of `any` could be taxing and possibly extraneous, introducing incremental checks could be a viable alternative. Start by enabling typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule in your eslint config file, and over time, pay down the debt of `any` usage whenever working on parts of the system. Being intentional in enabling type guards and leveraging type inference would go a long way.

As Amiad Hadad said: “In a large code base with many developers involved, using ‘any’ can be disastrous. It’s like shooting in the dark, disregarding TypeScript’s superpowers.”

That’s where TypeScript-eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment rule comes into play – a vanguard in maintaining your system’s safety and performance.

How TypeScript’s Strict Typing Standards Impact Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment

Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any Value

The Intersection of TypeScript and Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment

In simple terms, Eslint’s rule of ‘no-unsafe-assignment’ disallows the assignment of values with more permissive types (any) to variables with less permissive or specific types. This rule checks for unsafe assignments of values with any type to variables, properties, and array elements. How TypeScript plays a significant role here ties back to its foundational insistence on maintaining strong, non-inferior type safety.

Selecting –strictTrue as part our TypeScript configuration helps us proactively prevent common JavaScript errors during code writing phase itself. Particularly, in cases of an “any” assignment, this flag along with no-unsafe-assignment in ESLint ensures that developers are consciously making ‘any’ type decisions rather than accidentally creating less maintainable and harder-to-debug code.

Code Example:

Given the following TypeScript code snippet:

This code would be flagged by Eslint’s no-unsafe-assignment rule. The user variable is of ‘any’ type and its assignment to myUser, which is of a more specific User interface type, goes contrary to strict type safety.

The Value of Strict Type Safety

Elaborating on the significance of strict type safety, eminent developer Robert C. Martin, articulately encapsulated it in the following way:

“Our inability to handle complexity is the main source of defects. TypeScript and strong static typing help us manage this complexity.”

Such precise management of code complexity is crucial for large scale projects where even small bugs or inconsistencies can scale into significant problems.

Key Takeaway

In essence, the intersection of TypeScript’s rigid typing provisions with Eslint’s no-unsafe-assignment rule works to enhance code quality, readability, and maintainability by ensuring that type assignments adhere strictly to the defined rules.

<p>The issue encapsulated by Typescript-Eslint: No-Unsafe-Assignment, importantly incorporates unsafe assignment of an ‘any’ value. This rule principally disallows the conduct of assigning variables of type ‘any’. Indisputably it’s an integrated linting tool specifically for TypeScript which strengthens code quality through automating the identification and eradication of antipatterns or potential areas of concern. Moreover, its role within programming contexts can be instrumental in minimizing potential coding defects and enhancing efficiency.</p>

<p> Comprehending how to leverage the Typescript-Eslint: No-Unsafe-Assignment feature entails a grasp of TypeScript semantics. The ‘any’ type in TypeScript is potentially hazardous as it subverts the benefits that static typing brings – like early-error checking and autocompletion – essentially transforming portions of your code into dynamically-typed language. </p>

<table border=”1″> <tr> <td><code>let someVariable: any = 5;</code></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>let someOtherVariable: number = someVariable;// No error when assigning</code></td> </tr> </table>

<p>In this case, if `someVariable` isn’t in actuality a number, we’ve unwittingly introduced a bug in `someOtherVariable`. Avoiding using any and configuring no-unsafe-assignment helps us maintain sanity checks in our codes.</p>

<p>As Brian Kernighan, one of the creators of C programming language quoted “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”</p>

<p>There’s no arguing that Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment provides a valuable safety net for developers, particularly relating to type-checking discipline, enabling you to write safer and more maintainable code.</p>

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Safely Assigning Any Values in TypeScript


Unsafe Assignment of an Any Value

In JavaScript, the `any` type is a catch-all type that can be assigned to any other type. This can be useful for working with unknown or unexpected values, but it can also lead to errors if you’re not careful.

When you assign an `any` value to a variable, you’re essentially telling the JavaScript engine that you don’t care what type of value is stored in that variable. This can be dangerous because it can lead to unexpected behavior if you try to use the variable in a way that’s incompatible with its actual type.

For example, if you assign an `any` value to a variable that’s declared as a number, you might be able to get away with it for a while. But eventually, you’ll run into an error when you try to use the variable in a mathematical operation.

The `any` type can also be used to create objects that have properties of different types. This can be useful for creating generic functions or components that can work with different types of data. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls of using the `any` type, and to use it only when you really need to.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the `any` type and explore some of the risks and benefits of using it. We’ll also discuss some best practices for using the `any` type safely.

| Unsafe Assignment of an Any Value | Description | Example | |—|—|—| | Occurs when an any value is assigned to a variable of a more specific type | This can lead to unexpected behavior, as the any value may contain data that is not compatible with the more specific type | let x: number = ‘123’; |

What is an any value?

An any value is a value that can be of any type. In TypeScript, any values are denoted by the keyword `any`. Any values are often used as a placeholder for values that have not yet been determined. For example, you might use an any value to represent the return value of a function that you don’t know the type of yet.

Any values can be dangerous because they can be used to circumvent type safety checks. For example, you could assign an any value to a variable of a specific type, and then the value could be cast to the wrong type, which could lead to errors.

Why is unsafe assignment of an any value a problem?

Unsafe assignment of an any value can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. For example, if an any value is assigned to a variable of a specific type, the value may be cast to the wrong type, which can lead to errors. For example, the following code will throw an error:

const x: number = ‘foo’; // Error: Type ‘string’ is not assignable to type ‘number’.

Unsafe assignment of an any value can also make it difficult to debug code, as it can be difficult to track down the source of the error. For example, if an any value is assigned to a variable of a specific type, and then the value is used in a calculation, it may be difficult to determine which value is causing the error.

How to avoid unsafe assignment of any values

There are a few ways to avoid unsafe assignment of any values.

  • Use type annotations. Type annotations can help you to catch errors at compile time. For example, the following code will not compile because the type of the `x` variable is not specified:

const x = ‘foo’; // Error: Variable ‘x’ is not assigned a type.

  • Use type guards. Type guards can help you to check the type of a value at runtime. For example, the following code uses a type guard to check if the `x` variable is a number:

const x = ‘foo’; if (typeof x === ‘number’) { // Do something with the number value of x. }

  • Use the `strict` flag. The `strict` flag can help you to catch errors that would otherwise be caught at runtime. For example, the following code will throw an error because the `x` variable is assigned to a value of the wrong type:

const x = ‘foo’; console.log(x.toFixed()); // Error: Property ‘toFixed’ does not exist on type ‘string’.

Unsafe assignment of any values can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. There are a few ways to avoid unsafe assignment of any values, including using type annotations, type guards, and the `strict` flag.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your code is safe and reliable.

3. How to avoid unsafe assignment of an any value?

Unsafe assignment of an any value occurs when you assign a value of type `any` to a variable of a specific type. This can lead to errors and unexpected behavior because the value of the `any` variable can be of any type, including types that are not compatible with the variable’s declared type.

To avoid unsafe assignment of an any value, you can use the following techniques:

  • Use type assertions to explicitly cast any values to the desired type. A type assertion is a way to tell the compiler that you know that a value is of a certain type, even if it is declared as `any`. You can use a type assertion to cast an any value to a specific type using the following syntax:

const anyValue = ‘foo’; const stringValue = anyValue as string;

  • Use the `typeof` operator to check the type of a value before assigning it to a variable of a specific type. The `typeof` operator returns a string that indicates the type of a value. You can use the `typeof` operator to check the type of a value before assigning it to a variable of a specific type. For example:

const anyValue = ‘foo’; if (typeof anyValue === ‘string’) { const stringValue = anyValue; }

  • Use the `instanceof` operator to check if a value is an instance of a specific class. The `instanceof` operator returns a boolean value that indicates whether a value is an instance of a specific class. You can use the `instanceof` operator to check if a value is an instance of a specific class before assigning it to a variable of that class. For example:

const anyValue = new Object(); if (anyValue instanceof Object) { const objectValue = anyValue; }

By following these tips, you can avoid unsafe assignment of any values and write more secure code.

4. Unsafe assignment of an any value is a dangerous practice that can lead to errors and unexpected behavior.

When you assign a value of type `any` to a variable of a specific type, the compiler does not perform any type checking. This means that the value of the `any` variable can be of any type, including types that are not compatible with the variable’s declared type. This can lead to errors and unexpected behavior when you try to use the variable.

For example, consider the following code:

const anyValue = ‘foo’; const numberValue = anyValue; console.log(numberValue); // Error: cannot convert string to number

In this code, the variable `anyValue` is assigned a string value. However, the variable `numberValue` is declared as a number. When you try to log the value of `numberValue`, you get an error because the compiler cannot convert the string value of `anyValue` to a number.

This is just one example of the problems that can occur when you unsafely assign an any value to a variable of a specific type. By following the tips in this article, you can avoid unsafe assignment of any values and write more secure code.

Unsafe assignment of an any value is a dangerous practice that can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. By following the tips in this article, you can avoid unsafe assignment of any values and write more secure code.

Q: What is an unsafe assignment of an any value?

An unsafe assignment of an any value occurs when a variable of type any is assigned a value of a different type. This can lead to errors and unexpected behavior.

Q: Why is it unsafe to assign an any value?

It is unsafe to assign an any value because it can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. When a variable of type any is assigned a value of a different type, the JavaScript engine has to make a guess about what type the value should be. This can lead to errors if the engine makes the wrong guess.

Q: What are some examples of unsafe assignments of any values?

Some examples of unsafe assignments of any values include:

  • `let x = any; x = “hello”;`
  • `let y = any; y = 123;`
  • `let z = any; z = [];`

In each of these examples, the variable `x`, `y`, and `z` are all of type any. When they are assigned values of different types, the JavaScript engine has to make a guess about what type the values should be. This can lead to errors if the engine makes the wrong guess.

Q: How can I avoid unsafe assignments of any values?

There are a few ways to avoid unsafe assignments of any values.

  • Use type assertions. A type assertion is a way to explicitly tell the JavaScript engine what type a value is. You can use a type assertion to cast a value of any type to a specific type. For example, the following code uses a type assertion to cast the value of the variable `x` to the type `string`:

let x = any; x = “hello”; console.log(typeof x); // “string”

  • Use the `instanceof` operator. The `instanceof` operator can be used to check if an object is an instance of a particular class or type. You can use the `instanceof` operator to check if a variable of type any is an instance of a specific type. For example, the following code uses the `instanceof` operator to check if the variable `x` is an instance of the `String` class:

let x = any; x = “hello”; if (x instanceof String) { console.log(“x is an instance of the String class”); }

  • Use the `typeof` operator. The `typeof` operator can be used to get the type of a value. You can use the `typeof` operator to check if a variable of type any is a certain type. For example, the following code uses the `typeof` operator to check if the variable `x` is a string:

let x = any; x = “hello”; if (typeof x === “string”) { console.log(“x is a string”); }

Q: What are the potential consequences of an unsafe assignment of an any value?

The potential consequences of an unsafe assignment of an any value include:

  • Errors. If the JavaScript engine makes the wrong guess about the type of a value, it can lead to errors. For example, if the engine guesses that a value of type any is a string, and then tries to perform a mathematical operation on that value, an error will be thrown.
  • Unexpected behavior. Even if the JavaScript engine makes the correct guess about the type of a value, it can still lead to unexpected behavior. For example, if the engine guesses that a value of type any is a string, and then tries to use that value in a way that is only valid for numbers, unexpected behavior can occur.

Q: How can I fix unsafe assignments of any values?

There are a few ways to fix unsafe assignments of any values.

  • Use type assertions. As mentioned above, you can use type assertions to explicitly tell the JavaScript engine what type a value is. This can help to prevent errors and unexpected behavior.
  • Use the `instanceof` operator. You can use the `instanceof` operator to check if a variable of type any is an instance of a specific type. This can help you to avoid using values of the wrong type in your code.
  • Use the `typeof` operator. You can use the `typeof` operator to check the type of a value. This can help you to avoid using values of the wrong type in your code.

Q: What are some best practices for avoiding unsafe assignments of any values?

unsafe assignment of an any value can be a dangerous practice that can lead to errors and security vulnerabilities. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with this practice and to use it only when absolutely necessary. When possible, it is best to use a type assertion to explicitly convert the any value to a specific type. This will help to prevent errors and ensure that your code is safe.

Here are some key takeaways from this discussion:

  • Unsafe assignment of an any value can occur when a variable of type any is assigned a value of a different type.
  • This can lead to errors and security vulnerabilities.
  • It is best to use a type assertion to explicitly convert the any value to a specific type when possible.
  • This will help to prevent errors and ensure that your code is safe.

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Avoid assigning a value with type any

ID: typescript-best-practices/no-unsafe-assignment

Language: TypeScript

Severity: Warning

Category: Error Prone


The  any  type in TypeScript is dangerously broad, leading to unexpected behavior. Using  any  should be avoided.

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[no-unsafe-assignment] fails to infer the type from class properties #2109


photonstorm commented May 26, 2020

{ IEventInstance } from './IEventInstance'; export class EventEmitter { events: Map<string, Set<IEventInstance>>; constructor () { this.events = new Map(); } }

The rule is flagging the creation of the Map in the constructor as being unsafe, claiming it can accept types, even though the type is enforced by the property in the class.

I see no logical reason why this should be considered an unsafe assignment when the type is clearly enforced by the property. TypeScript itself prevents incorrect insertion of values into this Map.

In order to stop the rule complaining, the following works:

{ IEventInstance } from './IEventInstance'; export class EventEmitter { events: Map<string, Set<IEventInstance>>; constructor () { this.events = new Map<string, Set<IEventInstance>>(); } }

However, this is just duplicating the type already defined.


The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

  • 👍 3 reactions


bradzacher commented May 26, 2020

Yeah I ran into this when attempting to introduce the rule into this codebase.

For some reason TS doesn't automatically infer the type of the RHS if it's .
This works 100% of the time for , so it's unique to map.

I it's due to how the constructor is defined.

MapConstructor { new(): Map<any, any>; new<K, V>(entries?: readonly (readonly [K, V])[] | null): Map<K, V>; readonly prototype: Map<any, any>; } declare var Map: MapConstructor;

Compared to :

SetConstructor { new <T = any>(values?: readonly T[] | null): Set<T>; readonly prototype: Set<any>; } declare var Set: SetConstructor;

Note that has an empty constructor which defaults to s, and a parameterised constructor that doesn't.
OTOH only has a parameterised constructor, but its generic type has a default.

Unsure if it's a "bug" in TS or not. Either way, it's something that will have to be special cased in the rule unfortunately.

Sorry, something went wrong.


Doing some research, it looks like this is intentional.
Clicking through the , you find which did !

However because has multiple type parameters, this caused weirdness with extending ( ), which then lead to just the change to just the constructor being reverted ( ).

So the map constructor being like this is completely intentional, which means we'll have to add a special case for .

Thanks for the quick update. Sounds like this is quite the rabbit hole! I've sadly found I have had to disable all of the rules for my codebase because they seem to conflict with TS in subtle ways. I don't envy you having to work with such a moving feast as this! Will keep an eye out at the Change Log.

  • 👍 1 reaction

bradzacher commented May 27, 2020

How so? If there are problems with the rule, please report them so we can look into getting them fixed!


Raynos commented Jun 1, 2020

I ran into this issues today as well.

Would be lovely if can be special cased in because it's builtin into typescript stdlib definitions.

If I implement my own custom Generic and have an signature in my own class definition then it's a "bug" in my constructor because I shouldn't use .

Fixing TypeScript standard library for ES6 / etc to remove is a large task ... so special casing in would be very practical.


Here's an example workaround for JSDoc.

Foo { constructor () { // https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint/issues/1943 /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /** @type {Map<string, FunctionConfiguration[]>} */ this._profiles = /** @type {Map<string, FunctionConfiguration[]>} */ (new Map()) /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ } }

JSdoc does not support but does support casts ... I opened an issue in TypeScript for the lacking JSDoc functionality in function calls ( ).


Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.


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React Typescript - Odd ESLint Error: "ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an `any` value."

Code I'm getting this error on:

ONLY in the href attr is value (the object) underlined red saying "ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an `any` value." while the property "link_href" and value.link_text is not underlined.

type Partial<T> = { [A in keyof T]?: T[A]

This is confusing because I'm only getting this error when I have ILink, IRecordValue exported from a .d.ts file and I DO NOT get this error when I include these interfaces directly in the components file instead of importing them.

Anyone know what's going on? Thanks!

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Disallow using the unsafe built-in Function type.

Extending "plugin:@typescript-eslint/ recommended " in an ESLint configuration enables this rule.

Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable by the --fix ESLint command line option .

TypeScript's built-in Function type allows being called with any number of arguments and returns type any . Function also allows classes or plain objects that happen to possess all properties of the Function class. It's generally better to specify function parameters and return types with the function type syntax.

"Catch-all" function types include:

  • () => void : a function that has no parameters and whose return is ignored
  • (...args: never) => unknown : a "top type" for functions that can be assigned any function type, but can't be called

Examples of code for this rule:

  • ❌ Incorrect

Try this rule in the playground ↗

This rule is not configurable.

When Not To Use It ​

If your project is still onboarding to TypeScript, it might be difficult to fully replace all unsafe Function types with more precise function types. You might consider using ESLint disable comments for those specific situations instead of completely disabling this rule.

Related To ​

  • no-empty-object-type
  • no-restricted-types
  • no-wrapper-object-types

Resources ​

  • Rule source
  • Test source
  • When Not To Use It

TypeScript: Unsafe Assignment with Nullish Coalescing Array

Unsafe Assignment with Nullish Coalescing Array in TypeScript: Preventing Errors with '@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment'

Abstract: In this article, we'll discuss the 'Unsafe Assignment' error caused by nullish coalescing array in TypeScript and how to prevent it using '@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment'.

Unsafe Assignment Nullish Coalescing Array TypeScript: Preventing Errors

TypeScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that offers many features to help developers write safer and more maintainable code. One such feature is the nullish coalescing operator (??), which allows developers to easily handle undefined and null values in their code. However, when used improperly, this operator can lead to unsafe assignments and runtime errors.

The Problem with Nullish Coalescing Arrays

Consider the following example, which uses the nullish coalescing operator to assign a default value to an array:

At first glance, this code may seem safe. However, there is a hidden danger here. The nullish coalescing operator (??) only returns the right-hand side value if the left-hand side is null or undefined. In this case, if myArray is an empty array, the nullish coalescing operator will return the empty array instead of the default value.

To avoid this problem, developers can use the Array.isArray() function to check if the left-hand side is an array before using the nullish coalescing operator. Here's an example:

Preventing Unsafe Assignments with TypeScript

To prevent unsafe assignments like the one shown above, TypeScript provides a number of tools and features. One such feature is the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule, which can be used to enforce safe assignments in your code.

Here's an example of how to use this rule in a simple React component that accepts an optional array of strings as a prop:


In this example, the arr prop is marked as optional, and its type is defined as an array of strings. The safeArr variable is then assigned the value of arr using the nullish coalescing operator. By doing this, we ensure that safeArr is always an array, even if arr is undefined or null.

To enforce safe assignments in this component, we can use the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule. Here's an example of how to configure this rule in your ESLint configuration file:

With this rule enabled, ESLint will warn you if you try to assign an unsafe value to a variable, like in the following example:

By using the nullish coalescing operator and the @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment rule, developers can write safer and more maintainable code in TypeScript. By avoiding unsafe assignments, we can prevent runtime errors and ensure that our code behaves as expected.

  • TypeScript Handbook: Null and Undefined

Learn how to avoid 'Unsafe Assignment' errors when using nullish coalescing array in TypeScript and improve your TypeScript development experience.

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Tags: :  TypeScript ESLint no-unsafe-assignment

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Typescript-eslint - unsafe assignment of an 'any' value.



  1. [no-unsafe-assignment] fails to infer the type from class properties

    typescript no unsafe assignment

  2. Question: Why do I get unsafe assignment of any error when the type is

    typescript no unsafe assignment

  3. Redux typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment

    typescript no unsafe assignment

  4. @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment throws error incorrectly

    typescript no unsafe assignment

  5. Redux typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment

    typescript no unsafe assignment

  6. TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]

    typescript no unsafe assignment


  1. no-unsafe-assignment

    no-unsafe-assignment. Disallow assigning a value with type any to variables and properties. Extending "plugin:@typescript-eslint/ recommended-type-checked " in an ESLint configuration enables this rule. This rule requires type information to run. The any type in TypeScript is a dangerous "escape hatch" from the type system.

  2. javascript

    TypeScript offers no real type safety anyway, just development-time type hints, and the TS inference is just so delightful! But yes, for a more complex solution, please declare your interfaces first, and make sure your server and client share/agree on them.

  3. TypeScript ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an any value [Fix]

    Our function basically checks if the passed-in value is compatible with an object of type Employee.. Notice that in the if block in which we called the isAnEmployee() function, the parsed variable is typed as Employee and we can access the id and name properties without getting TypeScript or ESLint errors.. I've written a detailed guide on how to check if a value is an object.

  4. node.js

    Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.

  5. Overview

    @typescript-eslint/ no-unsafe-argumentDisallow calling a function with a value with type any: : 💭: @typescript-eslint/ no-unsafe-assignmentDisallow assigning a value with type any to variables and properties: : 💭: @typescript-eslint/ no-unsafe-callDisallow calling a value with type any: : 💭: @typescript-eslint/ no-unsafe-declaration ...

  6. Typescript eslint no unsafe assignment unsafe assignment of an any

    Introduction Typescript is a programming language that extends JavaScript by adding static types to it. It provides developers with the ability to catch errors and bugs during the development process, making the code more reliable and easier to maintain. However, there are certain situations where Typescript can still allow unsafe assignments of any value, which […]

  7. Typescript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment: Unsafe Assignment Of An Any

    The TypeScript-Eslint No-Unsafe-Assignment rule plays a crucial role in adaptive programming. It helps mitigate the risk of unsafe code execution by restricting the assignment of `any` values. Primarily, it aims to protect the structural integrity and functional efficiency of your application by facilitating safer assignments.

  8. Safely Assigning Any Values in TypeScript

    Unsafe assignment of any values can lead to errors and unexpected behavior. There are a few ways to avoid unsafe assignment of any values, including using type annotations, type guards, and the `strict` flag. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your code is safe and reliable. 3. How to avoid unsafe assignment of an any value?

  9. [no-unsafe-assignment] [no-unsafe-call] [no-unsafe-return ...

    Thanks for the detailed reply! I think the "correct" solution to this problem is more strict options in TypeScript itself. It's a bit odd IMO that you need a separate tool to find lurking any when there's noImplicityAny.The rules that overlap with the compiler should be in the compiler.

  10. Avoid assigning a value with type any

    rulesets: - typescript-best-practices # Rules to enforce TypeScript best practices. Create a static-analysis.datadog.yml with the content above at the root of your repository Use our free IDE Plugins or add Code Analysis scans to your CI pipelines

  11. no-unsafe-argument

    no-unsafe-argument. Disallow calling a function with a value with type any. . Extending "plugin:@typescript-eslint/ recommended-type-checked " in an ESLint configuration enables this rule. 💭. This rule requires type information to run. The any type in TypeScript is a dangerous "escape hatch" from the type system.

  12. [no-unsafe-assignment] fails to infer the type from class properties

    Expected Result. The no-unsafe-assignment rule is flagging the creation of the Map in the constructor as being unsafe, claiming it can accept any types, even though the type is enforced by the events property in the class.. Actual Result. I see no logical reason why this should be considered an unsafe assignment when the type is clearly enforced by the property.

  13. r/typescript on Reddit: Question: Why do I get unsafe assignment of any

    Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.

  14. r/typescript on Reddit: Can an TS expert please help me understand why

    Can an TS expert please help me understand why I keep getting errors for "Unsafe assignment of an `any` value"? (code included) I'm a novice user of typescript and I'm trying to understand how I should approach these errors whenever I see them because I often get them and have no idea what to do with them. In the following code block, you'll ...

  15. React Typescript

    ONLY in the href attr is value (the object) underlined red saying "ESLint: Unsafe assignment of an `any` value." while the property "link_href" and value.link_text is not underlined. The types: interface IColumnTypes extends ILink, IRecordValue {} type Partial<T> = { [A in keyof T]?:

  16. no-unsafe-function-type

    Disallow using the unsafe built-in Function type. Extending "plugin:@typescript-eslint/ recommended " in an ESLint configuration enables this rule. Some problems reported by this rule are automatically fixable by the --fix ESLint command line option. TypeScript's built-in Function type allows being called with any number of arguments and ...

  17. Unsafe Assignment with Nullish Coalescing Array in TypeScript

    ); }; export default MyComponent; In this example, the arr prop is marked as optional, and its type is defined as an array of strings. The safeArr variable is then assigned the value of arr using the nullish coalescing operator. By doing this, we ensure that safeArr is always an array, even if arr is undefined or null.. To enforce safe assignments in this component, we can use the @typescript ...

  18. typescript

    5. I'm using TSLint to lint my Angular TypeScript code. I enabled no-unsafe-any rule, as it seems like a good rule to me to never assume anything about properties of type any. The problem is the rule reports errors on some of my code, which I'm unable to fix in any way other than disabling the rule. Example of a code that's invalid according to ...

  19. Typescript-eslint

    How specify type here? any one can lead me to a good tutorials on those topics: hello my friends I hope you doing well all! does any one can lead me to a good tutorials on those to Srcset not working Hi! I'm trying to display webp images with fallback for older browsers, but I can't seem to get it t GRID BEETER OR FLEX ??? i want to do this like the other one but icant or dont know how to ...

  20. @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment and @typescript-eslint/no

    Disable typescript-eslint plugin rule (no-explicit-any) with inline comment 1 how we implement dto validation in nestjs TCP microservice

  21. typescript

    Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.