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97 Entertainment Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on entertainment, ✍️ entertainment essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting entertainment research titles, 💡 simple entertainment essay ideas, ❓ research questions about entertainment.

  • Cultural and Entertainment Activities in Saudi Arabia
  • Art and Entertainment: Is There Any Difference?
  • Social Media for the Purpose of Knowledge, Entertainment, and Communication
  • Novels Remain a Valuable Form of Entertainment and Art in Our Current Society
  • Writing for Entertainment Shows: Pros and Cons
  • Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?
  • Development of the Esports Entertainment Industry
  • Nigeria’s Entertainment Industry After Covid-19 While the entertainment industry is a critical sector in Nigerian GDP performance, government support is likely to decline, impacting the pace of the industry development.
  • Startup Idea for Entertainment Industry in Nigeria A startup idea for a business in Nigeria is to set up training centers for animation, visual effects, camera work, and other professions in the entertainment industry.
  • COVID-19 Influence on the Entertainment Industry No industry has experienced a complete shutdown like the entertainment industry during the pandemic: theaters, cinemas, musical events were banned entirely.
  • How Mass Media and Entertainment Influences Our Culture This paper seeks to examine exactly the impact the mass media and entertainment have on modern American culture and society.
  • Stop Disasters Game: Learning, Entertainment, or Both? It is worth mentioning that the game seems to be informative in helping the player understand how to get prepared for natural calamities.
  • Global Sports and Entertainment: Internationalization of the Sports Industry With the rise in the global sport and entrainment value, the environment of sport has become much more inclusive and accepting of people of different backgrounds and capabilities.
  • Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose A continual interest in the secrets of ancient times happens mainly because Egyptian architecture and paintings have always carried a functional purpose.
  • Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment The concept waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process.
  • Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market Research The aim of this research will therefore be to draw a relationship between the use and the ownership of intellectual property rights in the entertainment industry.
  • Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation This paper reviews three articles: Medhurst’s “Batman, Deviance, and Camp,” McBride and Bird’s “From Smart Fan to Backyard Wrestler,” and Kidd’s “Methodology Moment.”
  • Adult Entertainment and First Amendment Rights
  • Entertainment and Its Effect on Society
  • The Reality Television and Its Entertainment Values
  • How Elvis Influenced and Changed the Entertainment Industry
  • The Interrelationship between Culture and Visual Entertainment Media
  • Gender, Violence, and Infotainment: Issues in the Entertainment Industry
  • Entertainment and Society: Gambling, Porn, and TV
  • Ancient Rome’s Animal Cruelty for Entertainment
  • Hollywood and the American Entertainment Industry
  • Entertainment that Shapes American Culture
  • How Entertainment Media Affects American Values
  • Illegal Downloading and Its Effect on the Entertainment Industry
  • Media and Entertainment Industry in India
  • The Internet vs. the Television: Which Is the Primary Source of Media Entertainment?
  • How Technology Changed Our Entertainment
  • The Future Entertainment and Innovative Technology Industries
  • Art, Music, and Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era
  • The Rise and Popularity of eSports Entertainment
  • Movies and Television: Common Forms of Entertainment in American Households
  • How Sony Pictures Can Adapt and Remain Relevant in the Entertainment Industry
  • The Adult Entertainment Industry as a Non-Criminal Deviant Subculture
  • Reality Television: The New Form of Entertainment
  • The Most Popular Forms of Entertainment in the 1920s
  • Music between Religion Worship and Entertainment in Japan
  • How Violent Entertainment Affects the American Culture
  • Chariot Warfare and Entertainment during the Roman Empire
  • How Steve Jobs Was Responsible for Reinvigorating the Entertainment Industry
  • Entertainment: Ancient Rome and Today
  • Disney’s America: An Ambitious Vision of Historical Entertainment
  • Hip-Hop Dance and the Entertainment Industry
  • Communities and the Negative Effects of the Adult Entertainment Industry
  • How the Media Changed the Entertainment Universe
  • Leisure Activities and Entertainment in Rome
  • The Most Popular Types of Entertainment in the United States
  • Entertainment and Media Industry of Australia
  • Negative Influence on the Entertainment Industry
  • Using Violence for Entertainment Purposes
  • The Line Between Journalism and Entertainment
  • Reality TV: Harmless Entertainment or Commercial Poisoning?
  • Entertainment during the Tudor Era
  • How Entertainment Has Ruined Society
  • Violence and Cruel Entertainment in the Ancient Rome
  • The Entertainment Industry’s Standards of Beauty and Impact on Youth
  • Film Entertainment and Native Americans
  • Entertainment Tourism and Socioeconomic Structural Space
  • Theme Parks: The Entertainment of Central Florida
  • Impact of the Entertainment Industry on the Economy
  • The Problem with Youth of America and Mainstream Entertainment
  • Violence and Entertainment during War Times
  • Why the Entertainment Industry Plays a Vital Role in People’s Everyday Life
  • What New Forms of Entertainment Have Emerged in Recent Years?
  • What Is the Average Annual Entertainment Spending in the United States?
  • Are There Harmful Forms of Entertainment?
  • What and Who Would Generate Demand and Supply in the Entertainment Sector?
  • What Would a Free Market of Entertainment Look Like?
  • How Do Different Forms of Entertainment Shape Society?
  • What Is Entertainment in Our Life?
  • How Did the Development of Mass Entertainment Affect American Culture?
  • What Forms of Entertainment Should Be Prohibited for Children?
  • What Is Entertainment Journalism?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Demographics and Entertainment Spending?
  • Can the Purpose of All Fiction Be Considered Entertainment or Self-Expression?
  • Is Entertainment Law Related to Business Law?
  • Which Country Has the World’s Best Entertainment?
  • How Does Entertainment Differ Between the Young and the Old?
  • How Are the Hedonic Motives of Entertainment Consumption Manifested?
  • How Does Technology Affect the Future of Entertainment?
  • Why Have Video Games Become So Popular in the Entertainment Industry?
  • What Is the Role of the Entertainment Industry in the US Economy?
  • What Are the Most Popular Types of Home Entertainment?
  • How Is Entertainment Marketing Different From Consumer Product Marketing?
  • What Sort of Impact Do Media and Entertainment Have On Our Perceptions and Values?
  • What Is the Role of Mass Media in Entertainment?
  • What Was Entertainment Like in the Middle Ages?
  • What Traditional Form of Entertainment Survives Up to the Present?
  • Can Modern Art Be Considered Entertainment?
  • Why Was Entertainment Important in Ancient Rome?
  • What Is Branded Entertainment Marketing?
  • How Did the Entertainment Industry Grow During the Roaring Twenties?
  • What Needs to Be Done for the Development of the Entertainment Economy in Turkey?

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 18). 97 Entertainment Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/

"97 Entertainment Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 18 July 2023, studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2023) '97 Entertainment Essay Topics'. 18 July.

1. StudyCorgi . "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2023. "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Entertainment were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 21, 2024 .

Entertainment Essay Topics & Ideas

  • Entertainment Essay Topics for High School Students
  • Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics About Entertainment

Good essay topics about entertainment, persuasive essay topics about entertainment, ✒️ entertainment essay topics for high school students.

  • “The Entertainment Village” Business Plan Report
  • 1st Entertainment Paintball Company in Saudi Arabia Case Study
  • 3D, Virtual Reality and Entertainment Industry
  • A brief history of entertainment
  • A Discussion on Whether Television Has an Impact on One’s Intellect or Whether it is Only for Entertainment Purposes
  • A Look at Mo Tzu’s View About The Influence and Impact of Music as Entertainment
  • A24 – American Independent Entertainment Company
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Entertainment
  • American Entertainment Companies’ Profiling Report
  • American Entertainment Industry: Digital Transformation Term
  • American Media, Mass Cultures and Entertainment Industries
  • An Interview with an Entertainment Manager: The Way Corporate Laws Work. A Report
  • Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment Case: Rewarding Our People
  • Analysis of Tipping and TV Entertainment Cases
  • Animal Usage for Sports and Entertainment Proposal
  • Animation: Ingredient of the Entertainment Industry
  • Ariana Grande Entertainment Career
  • BEAR Magazine: Lifestyle Entertainment for Gay Men Analytical
  • Bleedingcats Entertainment Marketing of a Concert Report
  • Branded Entertainment in Coca-Cola Company
  • Bruce Lee’s Passion in Martial Arts and Entertainment
  • Building a Sand Castle as Entertainment for Family


✨ Best entertainment Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  • Entertainment or Beyond Should movie producers make movies that are entertaining to the public, rather than making them appear as a teaching tool? This is a difficult question to answer, and depending on your views of society, there may be several opinions on this subject. ….
  • Teenagers today are only interested in entertainment Sample Adolescents today are merely interested in amusement. ”Do you agree? Support your reply. It is undeniable that adolescents are interested in amusement. Like people of all ages. adolescents enjoy activities that bring us pleasance or assist us loosen ….
  • Christians in the Entertainment Industry How many times have we gone online to see what movies are in theatres, and seen either gory horror movies or ones aimed at five-year-olds? Do we not wish at that point that there were more movies out there with higher moral standards? Or perhaps we ….
  • Here Was Plenty of Entertainment to Be Found in Exploring Nature Last year in October, my family and I took our first camping trip to the Lake Houston Wilderness Park and slept underneath the stars. As we walked through the beautiful park, the colors of the sun shined brightly onto the pile of leaves. The gentle ….
  • Are Violent Video Games Appropriate Entertainment For Teenagers Consider this scenario: A teenage boy just returned from his friend’s place after a playdate. When the boy’s parents ask him did they have a good time and what did they do together, the teenager smiles with a mischievous glint in his eyes and ….
  • Marvel Entertainment Group In December 1996 Marvel Entertainment Group filed for bankruptcy. Marvel came up with a reorganization plan that meant that Perelman, Marvel’s largest shareholder, would invest $365 million in exchange for 427 million newly issued shares. Carl Icahn,….
  • Financial Analysis on Galaxy Entertainment Group Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG), wholly owns Galaxy Casino S. A. , a gaming concessionaire that received a gaming concession from the Macau SAR government from 2002 to 2022. As of today, GEG owns and operates StarWorld Hotel and City Club Casinos ….
  • How the entertainment industry degrades women Degradation of woman in the entertainment industry is an important element of the disadvantage that woman face. But the link between the entertainment industry and degradation of woman is a case study of how difficult it is to study complex human ….
  • Radio Entertainment in 1920s Radio Entertainment In 1920s “Video Killed the Radio Star” is the debut song of The Buggles released September 7th 1979 but, did not make an impression on the general public until its release as the debut video on MTV at 12:01 August 1st 1981, ….
  • Entertainment stars are overpaid There is a heated dispute over whether the career as entertainers, such as films stars, pop musicians and sports stars, is overpaid. In my opinion, I am in favor of this view. It is generally recognised that individuals who can perform, sing or play ….
  • The Internet as a means of entertainment If somebody had told me five years ago that I would spend all of my free time in front of my computer screen I would have called him crazy. For me outdoor life has always been much more interesting than staying at home. It took me just one night to ….
  • Mass Entertainment in the 1920’s Radio dominated the Twenties, with roughly 3 million Americans owning radios by 1923. Most listeners still used crystal sets with earphones to receive news and bulletins, advertising and music. The appeal of the spoken word attracted audiences and ….
  • The On Entertainment Universe You are walking down a crowded street on a gloomy evening when you comeupon a mass of people listening intently to the preaching of a man. The man hasan up-side-down cross branded on his forehead. He is screeching his recitationat the people in a ….
  • Entertainment Complex of the Global Village Global Village is a term closely associated with Marshall McLuhan,[1] popularized in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). McLuhan describes how the globe has been contracted into a ….
  • Entertainment and Leisure Attractions in Canada Canada offers a lot to a tourist or a local when it comes to entertainment and leisure. Canada caters to four seasons, which allows for different activities and various sights to see. Leisure and entertainment attractions in Canada could be ….
  • Reality TV: Harmless Entertainment or Commercial Poisoning? Reality TV: Harmless Entertainment or Commercial Poisoning? THESIS: Reality television is certainly entertaining, informative, and in some instances even educational, but this form of media considered by many to be just “harmless entertainment” is ….
  • Cheap Entertainment by Katie Pace In Cheap Amusements, Kathy Peiss studies the customs, values, public styles, and ritualized interactions expressed in leisure time of the working-class women living in New York. The social experiences of these young women gives different clues to ….
  • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. Sample Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. ’s primary aim is to go on their growing in the gaming industry by distinguishing themselves from rivals and concentrating on a customer-oriented scheme. Harrah’s wants to find how much of their recent growing can be ….

✍ Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Burswood Entertainment and Brazilian Market Report
  • Burswood Entertainment Company Expansion to Brazil Report
  • Business of Entertainment
  • Children Entertainment in UK Research
  • Computer Role in Entertainment & the Arts
  • Computers in the entertainment industry
  • Controversial Issues in Entertainment Expository
  • Corporate analysis research paper for Marvel Entertainment
  • Creativity and Repetitive Copying in the Entertainment Business
  • Digital Business Management for Riley a digital online game and entertainment company
  • Disney Movies as a Part of Childhood Entertainment
  • Dota as Entertainment and Its Effects
  • Electronic Games and Entertainment
  • Elephants in Entertainment
  • Entertainment + Engagement: The Key To Getting An Audience On Mobile
  • Entertainment and Communication
  • Entertainment and Sports Programming Network Platform
  • Entertainment City Project in Saudi Arabia Research
  • Entertainment Concept from Neolithic Period to Middle Ages
  • Entertainment for Your Child’s Party
  • Entertainment in Our Modern World
  • Entertainment in the Hotel Industry
  • Entertainment Industry in India Research
  • Entertainment Industry in Mexico
  • Entertainment Industry’s Negative Influence
  • Entertainment Is Something Which Distracts Our Daily Life Routine
  • Ethics And Entertainment Assignment
  • Ethics in Entertainment Journalism Research
  • Feasibility Study on Children’s Entertainment Centre Report
  • Films are more than just entertainment they can make statements
  • Finance of Cedar Fair Entertainment Company
  • Forms of Entertainment
  • Fortnite by Epic Games or Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment
  • Free Media & Entertainment Essay: Prompts, Ideas, and Samples
  • Globalization of Entertainment Industry in India
  • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc
  • Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.
  • Has Entertainment Taken Over Society?
  • Haves Sports Entertainment I-J SWOT Analysis
  • Home Entertainment Change
  • How Are Contracts Written in Entertainment Industry?
  • How Entertainment Television Shapes Social Values and Beliefs
  • Humans need entertainment in their daily lives For that reason we
  • Impact Of Entertainment To The Atmosphere Environmental Sciences
  • Impact of Home Entertainment Products on Society
  • In what ways have various forms of visual entertainment media shaped American culture and its values
  • Influence in Favour of Entertainment
  • Influence of Entertainment Media
  • Influences of the Visual Entertainment Media
  • Journalism as an Entertainment Business: For and Against
  • Live Nation PEST Analysis
  • Manifesto for Entertainment Prefectship
  • Marketing Analysis of Blizzard Entertainment
  • Marvel Entertainment Case Report
  • Minstrel Show in America: Racist Entertainment
  • Minstrel Shows History: American Form of Racist Entertainment
  • Movies Should Avoid Using Violence as Entertainment
  • Music Is More Than Just a Source of Entertainment for People All over the World
  • Nba – a New Digital Entertainment Model in China
  • Netflix: Entertainment Company’s Analysis Case Study
  • Nintendo Entertainment Systems
  • Online Gaming as a Technology-Based Entertainment
  • Piracy Protections in Entertainment Venues
  • Popular Media: Reflects Popular Opinion or Is Exaggerated for the Purpose of Entertainment
  • Reading Entertainment Books Is a Waste of Time
  • Red Zone Entertainment Company’s Decision Making
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  • Regal Entertainment Group: Strategic Management Analysis
  • Representation of Latinx People in American Entertainment Industry
  • Roman Empire Entertainment Venues Research
  • Roman Entertainment Kalyl Haider
  • Rovio Entertainment final work
  • S.W.O.T. Analysis for the Blockbuster Entertainment Report
  • Since YouTube became the central hub for virtual entertainment
  • Social Networking Games and Value of Entertainment Research
  • Sony BMG Music Entertainment
  • Sony Music entertainment
  • Sony Netbooks for Education and Entertainment
  • Sources and Forms of Entertainment and Their Impact on Society
  • Sports and Entertainment Event in the USA: NBA Playoffs
  • SWOT Analysis of Harrah’s Entertainment
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  • Television Dramas About Schools and Schooling Are More than Entertainment
  • The Film as Art and Entertainment
  • The Impact of New Media and Social Networking on Entertainment the Entertainment Industry
  • The Interrelationship Between Entertainment Media and Culture
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  • The Use of Animals in Entertainment Research
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  • Twilight Saga: Summit Entertainment Report
  • Violence in the Media and Entertainment
  • Virtual Advertising & Entertainment Company’s Marketing
  • Virtual advertising and entertainment
  • Visual entertainment media
  • Walt Disney Company: Entertainment Legacy Research
  • Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.: Corporate Brand Identity
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  • Why Movies Are More Then Just Entertainment
  • World Wrestling Entertainment
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essay topics about entertainment

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100+ Pop Culture Essay Topics


Table of Contents

Pop Culture Essay Topics: Dive into the Pulse of Modern Society

Pop Culture, short for ‘popular culture’, is a fascinating area of study that delves into the various elements of entertainment, fashion, news, and daily living that are prevalent in a society at a given point in time. The culture we consume, whether it’s the music we listen to, the shows we binge-watch, or the trends we follow, gives insights into our values, our beliefs, and our aspirations. Writing a Pop Culture essay offers a unique opportunity to explore these topics in-depth, offering both a critique and appreciation for the world we live in.

What is a Pop Culture Essay?

A Pop Culture essay is an academic or personal narrative that explores the influence and significance of current trends, events, idols, or practices that are widely accepted and followed by a large group of people. It is a reflection of how society perceives and interacts with these elements, and how they in turn shape societal norms and behaviors. From movies to memes, and from fashion fads to viral challenges, Pop Culture essays can dissect any of these aspects to shed light on its larger implications.

Guide to Choosing a Pop Culture Essay Topic

Selecting the perfect topic for a Pop Culture essay starts with personal interest. Think about what you love, what intrigues you, or what you often discuss with friends:

  • Stay Current: Trends change quickly. Your topic should be relevant to the current cultural climate.
  • Be Passionate: Choose a topic that excites you. Your enthusiasm will come through in your writing.
  • Research: Make sure there’s enough information available to support your argument or perspective.
  • Broaden or Narrow Down: Depending on the assignment’s length, ensure your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.

Riveting Pop Culture Essay Topics Lists

Television and movies.

  • The cultural significance of binge-watching
  • The rise and impact of superhero movies
  • Representation and diversity in modern television

Music and Artists

  • The influence of K-pop on global music trends
  • Evolution of music festivals and their societal impact
  • The role of music in social activism

Fashion and Trends

  • Sneaker culture and its rise to prominence
  • The lasting impact of fast fashion on the environment
  • The evolution of beauty standards through the decades

Digital Age and Social Media

  • Memes: A reflection of society or mere entertainment?
  • The psychology behind viral challenges
  • Social media influencers: A new age of celebrity

Literature and Books

  • The young adult genre: A reflection of modern teen struggles
  • The re-emergence of poetry in the digital age
  • Post-apocalyptic novels and society’s fascination with the end of the world

Sports and Games

  • The cultural implications of e-sports
  • Sports activism and its role in societal change
  • The rise of niche sports in mainstream media

Art and Performance

  • The rebirth of street art and its societal messages
  • The evolution of performance art in the 21st century
  • Drag culture: From niche to mainstream

Food and Lifestyle

  • The vegan movement and its cultural implications
  • Coffee culture and its global significance
  • Travel trends: From luxury vacations to eco-tourism

Global Events and Movements

  • Pop culture’s role in promoting environmental awareness
  • The significance of global award ceremonies like the Oscars and Grammys
  • Celebrity involvement in political and social movements

Streaming and Digital Content

  • The impact of streaming platforms on traditional TV
  • Podcasts: The new radio or a unique medium?
  • Binge-watching culture and its psychological effects

Diverse Representation

  • The significance of minority representation in Hollywood
  • LGBTQ+ representation in modern television shows
  • The rise of international cinema in global box offices

Modern Technology and Its Influence

  • The cultural shift from Facebook to TikTok
  • Virtual reality: The future of entertainment?
  • The societal implications of AI-generated art and music

Evolving Music Genres

  • The impact of hip-hop on social justice movements
  • The re-emergence of vinyl and analog music
  • The cultural resonance of indie music in the digital age

Politics in Pop Culture

  • The portrayal of politicians in movies and TV series
  • The role of celebrities in political campaigns
  • Satire and political commentary in late-night shows

Evolving Beauty and Fashion Standards

  • The rise of the body positivity movement
  • Influences of global fashion trends on local cultures
  • The impact of digital filters on beauty standards

Gaming Culture

  • The social dynamics of online multiplayer games
  • The cultural impact of mobile gaming
  • Video games as a form of interactive storytelling

Contemporary Literature and Reading Habits

  • Digital vs. traditional reading: Changing habits and implications
  • The allure of dystopian novels in today’s society
  • The growth of self-publishing in the literary world

Youth and Adolescence in Pop Culture

  • The portrayal of teenagers in contemporary movies
  • The cultural significance of coming-of-age stories
  • Gen Z’s influence on pop culture trends

The World of Sports and Athletics

  • The impact of sports documentaries on fans’ perceptions
  • The societal implications of athletes taking political stances
  • The commercialization of amateur sports

Online Communities and Subcultures

  • The growth and influence of fandoms in shaping media content
  • The role of Reddit in shaping pop culture discussions
  • Exploring the “Stan” culture and its origins

Pop Culture and Mental Health

  • Addressing mental health through TV shows and movies
  • The role of music in therapy and mental well-being
  • Social media’s impact on self-esteem and body image

Historical Reflections in Pop Culture

  • The revival of the ’80s and ’90s trends in fashion and music
  • Period dramas and their influence on modern perceptions of history
  • The nostalgia factor: Reboots and remakes in the film industry

Contemporary Art and Design

  • Streetwear and its roots in urban culture
  • The influence of social media on modern art consumption
  • Pop art in the 21st century: Evolution or revolution?

Societal Movements and Pop Culture

  • The #MeToo movement’s reflection in films and TV shows
  • Pop culture’s role in the climate change discussion
  • The cultural implications of the Black Lives Matter movement

Digital Phenomena and Trends

  • The rise of short video platforms and their influence on attention spans
  • The allure of unboxing videos and consumer culture
  • The significance of virtual influencers in advertising and media

Celebrity Culture and Influence

  • The phenomenon of cancel culture in the digital age
  • Celebrities’ role in mental health advocacy
  • How influencers are redefining the meaning of celebrity

Music and Its Changing Dynamics

  • The resurgence of folk music in mainstream culture
  • The blurring lines between genres in modern music
  • The cultural impact of music festivals in the virtual era

Modern Interpretations of Classic Tales

  • The allure of dark retellings of fairy tales in media
  • The influence of Greek mythology in today’s pop culture
  • Contemporary adaptations of Shakespearean plays

Fashion, Sustainability, and Trends

  • The cultural implications of thrift shopping and upcycling
  • The influence of Korean fashion on global style trends
  • The growth and significance of sustainable fashion

Emerging Technologies and Entertainment

  • The role of augmented reality in art and exhibitions
  • The emergence of hologram concerts and performances
  • The influence of cryptocurrency and NFTs in the entertainment industry

Social Issues and Popular Narratives

  • The portrayal of immigration and cultural identity in movies
  • The influence of women empowerment anthems in pop music
  • Pop culture’s response to global crises like pandemics and natural disasters

Internet Cultures and Fandoms

  • The evolution and impact of fanfiction in literature
  • The role of internet memes in political and social commentary
  • The cultural significance of niche internet communities

Need Help Crafting Your Pop Culture Essay?

Crafting an essay on Pop Culture requires a keen eye for detail and a finger on the pulse of current trends. If you need assistance, our essay writing service at writeondeadline.com is here to help! Our experienced writers can bring depth, insight, and flair to your essay, ensuring it stands out.

Useful References

  • Pop Culture: An Overview – Philosophy Now
  • Understanding Popular Culture – John Fiske, Routledge
  • Pop Culture and the Power of Media – International Journal of Communication

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Entertainment - Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

Entertainment includes activities that provide amusement or enjoyment. Essays on entertainment could delve into the societal impact of modern entertainment industries, explore the evolution of entertainment mediums, or discuss the intersection of entertainment with technology, culture, or politics. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Entertainment you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


Technology Within Entertainment

Entertainment is something designed to entertain a audience . Today technology has highly influenced entertainment in a way that when people think of entertainment they don't think of the definition, they interpret it as technology based. We think of entertainment as movies, music, or something technology based. Within this technology generation and looking at it through entertainment there are three examples that stand out, technology in sports, technology in gaming and technology in movies. Technology has been around 3000 B.C., […]

Netflix is an Entertainment Corporation

Netflix is an entertainment corporation that streams movies and shows through a number of devices, among of which are Televisions, X-Box's, and PC's. It was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. The current CEO of Netflix is Reed Hastings. Netflix began as a company that placed its focus on DVD rentals and sales. The company began to be more notable during the mid 2000s when its business model shifted in 2007 to include streaming media. Netflix began […]

Differences between the Crucible Movie and the Play

The famous play The Crucible by Arthur Miller and the movie The Crucible may share the same name but have many differences, whether it's the characters and how they act, or the way the scene changes, or in this example how the completely focus the story on something else. There was many additional scenes, or moods, in the movie that was not expressed in the play. Starting with Abigail being naked in the woods and not Mercy, then Abigail's feelings […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Entertainment Unleashed: the Lasting Impact of Superbad’s Characters

With its funny humor, relatable narrative, and iconic characters, "Superbad," a coming-of-age comedy released in 2007, became an instant classic. The film, directed by Greg Mottola and written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, examines the high school fears, follies, and amusing awkwardness. This paper dives into the characters of "Superbad," looking at how they embody the archetypal high school experience and contribute to the film's enduring popularity. At the center of "Superbad" are the protagonists, Seth and Evan, portrayed […]

Racism in Movie “42”

The movie I chose for this assignment is 42 starring Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford. The movie is about Jackie Robinson, a baseball player who broke the color barrier when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. One of the topics we covered in this course was racism. For my generation it is hard to understand how pervasive racism used to be in society. I have three cousins that have a black father. Many of my friends are from different races and […]

Can Video Games Make you Smarter?

Video games make kids more intelligent. So many parents say that video games are bad for your brain. Little do they know that it has been proven that video games enhance your brain activity. Games like Fortnite, Destiny, Black Ops, Fallout, Skyrim, and Red dead Redemption can teach kids survival skills, what it is like to live in different time periods, and exercise reflexes. Survival skills are one of the most important things in life. In almost all video games, […]

Benefit of Playing Video Games

Video games are seen as a useless entertainment to many parents and even some educators believe that they damage a child's brain. Over the years, violent video games have been blamed for leading people to a life of crime because they believe that games are the cause of kids becoming violent or develop an antisocial behavior. In reality many psychologists and scientists have found that playing video games can actually have benefits towards a person's brain. Video games can eventually […]

Similarities and Difference the Crucible Play and Movie

Over many years many movies have been based upon famous plays or even books. Sometimes these movies succeed in exaggeration of the plays images and thoughts for the play or book. The play by Arthur Miller, The Crucible and the movie have many similarities and differences. These all help change the plot, characters, and mood for the play which have been set into the movie. For starters, usually a movie is far different from the play or book it originally […]

Movie “Lord of the Flies” by Harry Hook

If the movie is made based on the novel, there might be several differences that director made to specialize and make the movie unique. In the movie Lord of the Flies, Harry Hook made differences with novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding to magnify the hidden meaning or symbols in the novel. There are variances in entire storyline, character depict, and other small areas. On the other hand, there are similarities that director maintained from the novel. Now, […]

Future of Video Games

In many centuries, technology has been a big contributor to human history. It has helped humans advance in many different areas of life. It has provided us with the abilities to advance the human race, and gain more knowledge than our previous ancestors. Technology over the years has advanced rapidly. Not that long ago, the very first cell phone was an extraordinary invention that caught the world by storm. It helped talking with people from long distances remotely seem like […]

Video Game Rating System

Video game rating system has come under attack considering the recent mass shooting incidents. Many believe that violence shown in the video games is responsible for these shootings and have called for governmental regulation of the video game industry. In the article"" The Video Game Ratings is an effective Regulation"" Patricia Vance argues that video game rating system created by ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) is an appropriate mechanism to promote and regulate the video game industry. The ESRB was […]

Movie Review of Argo with Regards to Geography

The movie "Crash" is set in a geographical setting which clearly helps in building the major themes of racial discrimination and drug trafficking. This is because the movie is set in Los Angeles which is an area of racial discrimination epitome and partially in Mexico, a geographical area well known for drug trafficking (Schneider, 2014). The physical geographical setting where the movie is shot is very crucial as it helps in developing the main themes of the movie. The movie […]

Do Violent Video Games Make you Violent?

A common myth about violent video games is the user is more prone to become violent along with a whole lot more issues like desensitization and many other things. Many think this because it has been a big bad wolf for the media blaming things like school shootings and other horrible things on violent video games. I personally play violent video games and have been asked frequently if i feel violent playing the games. In a article by the washington […]

How do Video-games Affect Child Development

We currently live in the age of rapid technological advancement where almost anyone has access to some form of technology. Video games, in particular, have been at the forefront of recreational entertainment in the past decade. The ubiquity of portable technology means that children are more likely to get ahold of a smartphone or laptop and gain exposure to games, which brings about the concern on the effects of games on child development. Results of numerous recent research studies have […]

Teens should be Allowed to Play Video Games

In a research study that has been conducted on 1000 children among the age group 12-17, about 970 children play computer, web, portable, or console games (Lenhart et al., 2008). About 500 children said they played video games ""yesterday."" Video games are being played by all age group and genders. There are enormous video games available on the market, both for consoles and computers, which require some type of physical activity. Simulation games that are meant to simulate outdoor sports […]

Why Video Games do not Lead to Individuals being Anti-social?

While there is still much to learn about video games, it is a common misconception that video games are a large contributor to individuals becoming anti-social and developing an Antisocial Personality Disorder. In fact, this is the exact opposite of what happens behind the scenes when video games are played, especially for prolonged amounts of time. Video games and the link to anti-social behavior has been a subject of discussion for the better part of the decade, but despite what […]

The Great Gatsby: Movie and Novel Adaptations

When was the last time you read a book then watched the movie? How about the other way around? Have you ever read a play, then actually seen the play? And while watching it, you find yourself saying excitedly, ohh I think I have read this part in the book, but why is the movie different from what I imagined!. Well you are not alone.That is exactly how I felt after reading Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby. The […]

Stop Blaming Video Games

In today's society, we are able to find violence and aggression everywhere; in magazines, on the TV, on social media, on video-sharing websites like Youtube as well as in video games. Yet, why are violent video games such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and Assassin's Creed are assumed to be the largest source responsible for the eruption of violence? The criticism towards violent video games from teachers, parents, and the media are so constant that these games have […]

Video Game Industry

Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, and others are among the video games that I play. They are consuming, interactive, competitive and fun. When I first started playing video games many, many, years ago, I played them all by myself. What is great now is that the games can be played with one, two or more people at a time. Teams can be formed and it becomes a game where you work together to win. Of course, this requires a […]

Violence, Addiction and Expenditure in Video Games

I am against video games because they promote violence, addiction and expenditure. Video games are good when life gets bored and monotonous with the same schedule every day, but people now have made gaming as their profession, which affects them adversely. I played video game for the first time when I was 12 years old. It was fascinating and easy to learn than any other of my course content so, I got addicted to gaming. I found myself depressed and […]

Video Games and Their Impact in Sports

Introduction As an avid fan of Soccer and a fondness for the Fifa video game franchise, I was interested in delving deeper into the details and trying to find an arbitrary relation between the two. While the importance of physical abilities and motor coordination is non-contested in sport, more focus has recently been turned toward cognitive processes important for different sports. Coaches should be innovative in their methods and use concepts familiar to children. If that means allowing the next […]

How Video Games are Good and Bad for your Health?

Are video games good or bad for your health? I think video games would be good for your health because when I play video games I feel more relaxed and at ease than aggressive and mean. I think that some people only use it as a little getaway from the world which is fine as long as they come back to the world rather than becoming anti-social. Which video games are good for communicating with each other? The ones that […]

Video Games – Game over

Anyone who has ever picked up a controller knows that "game over" is a temporary state of being. If a particularly challenging level bests you, most games give you an immediate chance to retry, now armed with more of the knowledge, experience, and skill needed to complete your quest. For many gamers, real-life works the same way. A team of 25 scientists from Europe and North America recently reported that people who played nine or more hours of video games […]

The Effects of Video Games

The industry of video games has grown exponentially over the past twenty to thirty years, and the amount of games available to the public has skyrocketed (Green 2). The first video games were being made only 50 years ago. Access was not widely available, and content was limited to very simple games such as Pong, which in itself became popular. However, in a world where computers are becoming ever more essential to everyday life, the video game industry can only […]

Video Games in Education

The use of a video game for education is a two-sided coin with each side pushing strong arguments for and against the use of them to teach and help students retain information. There is supporting research for both the detrimental effects of games and the real learning power they can foster. It is my belief, however, that games can truly be harnessed to promote the development of learning behaviors, not only in children but in adults and the elderly as […]

Video Games are not the Cause for Mass Shootings

Video games, one of the greatest sales in the entire world, are currently found as a threat. It is usually characterized to be evil and a bad influence on people around the world, especially to minors. It makes children more ""violent and aggressive"" (Laczniak 70). President Trump stated, ""Video game violence & glorification must be stopped""it is creating monsters!"". There have been many comments are arguments over this situation. But is all that true? All these stereotypes and miss understandings […]

The First Video Games

Do you play fortnite pubg then you want to know how it all started with video games like pong,space invaders and,pacman.These are the first games ever created and they were also very popular. Pong was the first game ever created it was created and released in 1972 it was made by Atari and it as immediately popular.The game was simple and fun,the players were lines in the sides of the screen and there is a ball in the middle and […]

Are Video Games Good for You?

A typical story told by parents is that staring at the TV too long can ruin your eyes or watching SpongeBob or any other cartoons make you dumber to steer their children from consuming hours of TV. People invest more time looking at screens from watching the series finale of their favorite show to surfing the web; from the time you wake up to the time you lay your head to sleep, there were hours of screen time in between. […]

Analysis of “The Patriot” and “The Alamo”

In the movie, the patriot the villain and the hero are cartooned in a unique but generalized manner. The film depicts Americans as brave, valiant and devoted as the patriots that are described in the film. This makes most of the American characters like Benjamin Martin is enshrined as a hero. Initially, he is not interested in fighting the war with the British, a decision that he later made upon incision of the British armies to his personal space. Colonel […]

The Movie of Mice and Men

The movie Of Mice and Men was based upon the great depression that started in October 29, 1929. The great depression was a time where the world's economy was flipped on its backside. It was initially started by the stock market crash that started in 1929 that caused panic to many of the wall street and it caused many investors to lose what they had invested in. The great depression was better described as a combination of domestic and worldwide […]

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Essay Samples on Entertainment

Writing an essay on entertainment, most students instantly feel confused as they have a plethora of different ideas but do not know how to structure them. When you’re dealing with fashion studies, television, or Hollywood, provide your readers with the background data or an inspiring hook. It will make your essay exciting and motivational. Research your topic well before you write and check the vital facts twice. Focus on your target audience and check with your college professor if you are unsure what parts must be included. You should also see an entertainment essay example that already has all the necessary in terms of correct structure and ideas that might work for you, too. The majority of essays in this field should provide readers with a thesis statement that either assumes some idea or tells a story about a specific event or an idea. Remember that entertainment is a subject that can include politics, economics, psychology, philosophy, and many other disciplines. It can provide you with an amazing opportunity as you can research your problem through the lens of more than one discipline and make your essay even more detailed and inspiring. Once ready, always proofread your entertainment essay aloud!

Themes in "The Good Doctor"

Introduction "The Good Doctor" is a compelling medical drama that delves into the intricate world of a surgical residency program, focusing on Dr. Shaun Murphy, a brilliant young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome. The show not only provides a realistic portrayal of the medical...

12 Years a Slave Movie Summary: A Tale of Endurance and Injustice

Introduction "12 Years a Slave," directed by Steve McQueen, is a poignant portrayal of the harrowing journey of Solomon Northup, a free Black man from New York who is abducted and sold into slavery. Set in the 19th century United States, the film brings to...

  • 12 Years a Slave
  • Movie Summary

"12 Years a Slave" Movie Analysis: Confronting the Horrors of Slavery

Introduction The film "12 Years a Slave," directed by Steve McQueen and released in 2013, stands as a haunting and gut-wrenching portrayal of the brutal realities of slavery in the United States during the 19th century. Adapted from Solomon Northup's memoir of the same name,...

  • Film Analysis

Comparison of "V for Vendetta" and "1984"

Two iconic dystopian works, "V for Vendetta" by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, and "1984" by George Orwell, explore themes of totalitarian control, resistance, and the human quest for freedom. While set in different fictional worlds, both narratives offer thought-provoking reflections on power, authority, and...

  • V For Vendetta

A 50 First Dates Psychology: Unlocking the Complexities

50 First Dates, a heartwarming romantic comedy, takes audiences on a journey into the realm of memory and its intricacies. Exploring themes of love, relationships, and memory loss, this 50 First Dates psychology essay delves into the psychological aspects portrayed in the film. Through a...

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"300" Movie Summary: Defiance, Valor, and the Battle of Thermopylae

The epic action film "300," directed by Zack Snyder and released in 2006, offers a thrilling and visually captivating retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae. Based on Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name, the movie transports viewers to ancient Greece, where a small...

"The 13th": A Summary and Analysis

"The 13th" is a powerful documentary directed by Ava DuVernay that examines the intersection of race, justice, and mass incarceration in the United States. The title refers to the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, which abolished slavery but left a significant loophole allowing involuntary servitude...

  • 13th Documentary
  • Documentary

"13 Reasons Why": A Thoughtful Book Review

"13 Reasons Why", written by Jay Asher, is a young adult novel that delves into the sensitive and complex topic of teenage suicide. The book gained significant attention and sparked discussions about mental health, bullying, and the impact of our actions on others. Through its...

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  • Book Review

Navigating the Contours of Music Censorship

Music, an expressive medium that transcends boundaries and cultures, has the power to shape emotions, spark conversations, and challenge societal norms. In the realm of creativity, however, the concept of music censorship introduces a discordant note. The discourse around music censorship echoes the clash between...

Why DC is Better Than Marvel: Celebrating DC's Rich Legacy

The eternal debate between DC and Marvel fans has fueled countless discussions over which comic book universe reigns supreme. While both universes have their own unique strengths and fan followings, there are compelling reasons why DC is better that Marvel. In this essay, we will...

Why Child Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned: Ethical Considerations

Child beauty pageants have long been a subject of controversy and debate. While they are often touted as platforms for talent and confidence-building, there are strong ethical concerns surrounding their impact on young participants. This essay explores the reasons why child beauty pageants should be...

  • Child Beauty Pageants

The Dark Side of Virtual Realms: Exploring the Negative Effects of Online Games

In today's interconnected world, online games have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment, offering a digital escape into fantastical realms and engaging experiences. However, while these games provide an avenue for relaxation and interaction, they also carry a range of negative consequences that deserve...

  • Impact of Video Games
  • Video Games

Summary of "The Mask You Live In" Documentary

"The Mask You Live In" is a compelling documentary that explores the complex challenges faced by boys and young men as they navigate societal expectations and norms surrounding masculinity. This essay provides a comprehensive summary of the film, examining its main themes, key arguments, and...

Provoking Reflection: "Do the Right Thing" Film Analysis

Spike Lee's 1989 film "Do the Right Thing" stands as a poignant subject for film analysis essay, offering a compelling and thought-provoking examination of racial tensions and societal intricacies within a Brooklyn neighborhood. Set against the backdrop of an oppressive summer day, the film's narrative...

  • Do The Right Thing

Marvel vs. DC: Compare and Contrast Analysis of the Two Universes

The rivalry between Marvel and DC, two of the most prominent comic book publishers, has captured the imaginations of fans for decades. Each universe boasts a rich cast of characters and a distinct storytelling style. In this compare and contrast essay, we will explore the...

Is Video Gaming Good or Bad: Exploring the Nuances of Digital Play

Is video gaming good or bad? The impact of video gaming on individuals and society has been a subject of ongoing debate and research. As technology continues to advance, questions arise about the effects of prolonged gaming on cognitive development, social interactions, and overall well-being....

How Television Has Changed Our Lives

Television stands as one of the most influential inventions of the 20th century, reshaping our daily routines, cultural experiences, and societal interactions. From black and white screens to high-definition displays, the evolution of television has transformed the way we receive information, entertain ourselves, and connect...

  • Watching TV

How Music Has Changed Over Time

Music is a universal language that reflects the cultural, social, and technological shifts of each era. From ancient melodies to modern genres, the evolution of music mirrors the evolution of human expression. This essay embarks on a melodic journey through time, exploring how music has...

  • Music Industry

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Video Games as a Part of Modern Culture

In this essay, we will examine the pros and cons of video games, exploring both the positive and negative aspects of this popular form of entertainment. Video games have become an integral part of modern culture, shaping how we interact, learn, and unwind. However, like...

Exploring Positive and Negative Effects of Television

Television, a ubiquitous presence in modern households, has shaped our culture, entertainment, and information consumption. Its impact on individuals and society is complex, encompassing both positive and negative dimensions. This essay delves into the positive and negative effects of television, examining its potential for education,...

Effects of Watching Too Much TV: Mindful Consumption for Well-Being

Television has become an integral part of modern life, providing entertainment, information, and a means of relaxation. However, excessive television consumption can have significant effects on various aspects of individual well-being. In this essay, we will explore the detrimental effects of watching too much TV...

Dispelling the Myth: Why Video Games Don't Cause Violence

"Why video games don't cause violence" has been a contentious debate for decades, which makes it a relevant topic for this essay. In recent years, concerns about the potential link between video game violence and real-world aggression have gained significant attention. However, research consistently shows...

Beowulf and Batman: Compare and Contrast Analysis of Two Heroes

Two iconic figures from literature and pop culture, Beowulf and Batman, may seem worlds apart in terms of time and context. However, when we delve into their characteristics, motivations, and roles, striking similarities and intriguing differences emerge. This essay explores the comparison and contrast between...

Analysis of "The Rose That Grew From Concrete"

"The Rose That Grew From Concrete" is a poignant and metaphorically rich poem authored by the influential rapper and poet Tupac Shakur. Within the lines of this lyrical masterpiece, Shakur crafts a vivid allegory that speaks to the enduring themes of resilience, adversity, and the...

  • Tupac Shakur

"The House I Live In": A Comprehensive Summary

"The House I Live In" is a thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on the deep-seated issues surrounding the War on Drugs in the United States. This essay provides a comprehensive summary of the film, outlining its main themes, key arguments, and the societal implications of...

"Beauty and the Beast" Movie Review: Analysis of Themes and Visuals

Once upon a time in the enchanting world of cinema, a tale as old as time was brought to life on the big screen — Beauty and the Beast. This iconic Disney classic, known for its captivating story, enchanting characters, and memorable musical numbers, has...

  • Beauty and The Beast
  • Movie Review

"A Walk to Remember": A Short Summary of Nicholas Sparks's Novel

"A Walk to Remember" is a heartwarming novel by Nicholas Sparks that tells the poignant story of two teenagers, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who come from very different backgrounds but find unexpected love and transformation in their journey together. In this essay, we will...

  • A Walk to Remember

Unpacking the Melody: What Is Your Favorite Song and Why

Introduction The transformative power of music is something that resonates with people around the world. Songs can evoke emotions, bring back memories, and provide comfort in times of need. In this context, I would like to discuss my favorite song and articulate why it holds...

Analysis of the Song 'Strange Fruit' by Billie Holiday

Introduction The haunting melody and poignant lyrics of "Strange Fruit" make it one of Billie Holiday’s most memorable and impactful songs. Originally a poem written by Abel Meeropol, a white Jewish teacher from New York, this song became an anthem against racism and the lynching...

  • Song Analysis

A Comparative Analysis of "Fences" and "Death of a Salesman"

August Wilson's "Fences" and Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" are two iconic plays that delve into the complexities of human relationships, aspirations, and the pursuit of the American Dream. This essay offers a comparative analysis of these two works, highlighting the similarities and differences...

  • Comparative Analysis
  • Death of a Salesman

Freedom Is the Song of the Soul: A Symphony of Self-Expression

Introduction The concept of freedom is central to the human experience, and its relationship with the soul has been a frequent topic of discussion in various cultural, philosophical, and spiritual contexts. In this essay, we will explore the metaphorical notion that 'freedom is the song...

  • Freedom of Expression

Exploring the Rich Themes in '10 Things I Hate About You'

Introduction In the beloved 1999 teen romantic comedy '10 Things I Hate About You,' we are given a modern retelling of Shakespeare's 'The Taming of the Shrew.' The film, directed by Gil Junger, captivated audiences with its witty dialogue, endearing characters, and relatable high school...

Rhetorical Analysis of a Song: Unveiling the Power of Musical Artistry

Introduction In every song, behind the melody and rhythm, lies a powerful narrative. Songs are crafted not only with musical notes but also with words that convey emotions, tell stories, and make arguments. This rhetorical analysis of a song will delve into the layers of...

Song Comparison: A Tale of Two Ballad

Introduction The art of songwriting is a deeply personal, yet universally relatable form of expression. Songs can evoke emotions, tell stories, and connect listeners through shared experiences. This essay aims to undertake a song comparison of two iconic ballads: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon...

Our Lives, Our Theme Song: The Power of Personal Anthems

Introduction Music plays a significant role in many people's lives, often in the form of a "theme song." A theme song can be any piece of music that an individual feels represents their life, character, or the current chapter of their life story. Just like...

Songs That Describe Your Life: A Personal Soundtrack

Introduction We all have songs that resonate with our lives, capturing our emotions and experiences like a lyrical mirror. The beauty of music lies in its ability to evoke feelings and memories that transport us back to specific moments in our life journey. This essay...

Shark Week 2023 - An Annual Event on Discovery Channel

Introduction Shark Week, an eagerly awaited yearly spectacle on the Discovery Channel, enthralls millions of global viewers. This distinctive week-long extravaganza treats audiences to a captivating fusion of enlightenment and exhilaration, all centered around the awe-inspiring world of sharks. But how did this illustrious celebration...

The Kevin Spacey UK Trial and its Impact on Justice and Entertainment

Introduction In recent times, the realm of entertainment has been tainted by a plethora of scandals and controversies involving some of its most illustrious personas. One such prominent figure who witnessed a spectacular downfall is none other than the celebrated thespian, Kevin Spacey. In this...

  • Famous Person

Reviving the Past: Paul McCartney's Use of AI to Complete the Final Beatles Record

Former Beatle Paul McCartney recently revealed that he has used artificial intelligence (AI) to create what he calls "the final Beatles record." McCartney said he worked with AI to "extricate" the voice of late bandmate John Lennon from an old demo recording so that McCartney...

Randy Travis: A Decade of Resilience and Recovery After Stroke

Randy Travis' Stroke and Initial Convalescence In the annals of 2013, a cataclysmic stroke befell the esteemed country music virtuoso, Randy Travis, posing an existential threat to his very existence. Amid a performance in Texas, the maestro succumbed to unconsciousness, precipitating an emergency dash to...

  • Country Music

The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2: A Riveting Legal Thriller Returns with New Twists

The beloved legal drama The Lincoln Lawyer is back for season 2 in 2023, much to the delight of fans worldwide. Picking up where season 1 left off, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo reprises his role as the charismatic and complicated criminal defense attorney, Mickey Haller. With the...

Bonnie Morgan: From Topanga to Hollywood's Contortionist Star

Bonnie Morgan is best known for her early role as Topanga Lawrence on the hit 1990s sitcom Boy Meets World. Morgan was originally cast in the role when she was still a child actress. However, she was soon replaced by Danielle Fishel after filming only...

Unblocked Classroom Games for Learning and Fun

In today's technology-driven world, classroom games are becoming an increasingly popular educational tool. Unblocked classroom games provide a fun and engaging way for students to learn critical skills and concepts across various subjects. With many schools now integrating technology into the curriculum, unblocked classroom game...

ESPN's Financial Struggles: Navigating Layoffs and the Changing Media Landscape

ESPN has been facing financial struggles in recent years due to cord-cutting and viewers moving away from traditional cable packages. This has led to multiple rounds of layoffs at the sports media giant, including more cuts announced in 2023. The latest ESPN layoffs are hitting...

Iam Tongi's Rise to Stardom on American Idol

Iam Tongi was an unlikely winner on season 21 of American Idol. The 19-year old from Hawaii became the first person from the island state to win the singing competition. He also became the first Pacific Islander and the youngest winner since the show's inception...

LGBTQ Representation in Disney's Movie "Elemental"

Disney has made gradual progress in recent years towards more meaningful LGBTQ representation in its films, though the studio still lags behind its promises and society's shifting expectations. With each new release featuring a queer character, whether substantial or subtle, Disney invites both hope and...

"Tears of the Kingdom": the Speculation and Significance of the Awaited "Legend of Zelda" Sequel

The Legend of Zelda franchise is one of the most popular and acclaimed video game series, and the upcoming installment Tears of the Kingdom has sparked much hype. As the sequel to the open-world masterpiece Breath of the Wild, expectations are high for Tears of...

Examining the Hype and Discussion Around "Oshi no Ko" in 2023

Oshi no Ko, a well-received ongoing manga series crafted by the ingenious Aka Akasaka, has become a subject of fervent discussions and eager anticipation within the anime/manga community. As the year 2023 approaches, with the imminent release of its anime adaptation and the manga reaching...

The Anticipation and Speculation Surrounding "Honkai: Star Rail" in 2023

Honkai: Star Rail is an upcoming science fiction action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. Set to release globally in 2023, Honkai: Star Rail has already garnered much anticipation and speculation within the gaming community. This essay will provide an overview of Honkai: Star Rail, analyze...

"My Fault": Translating Estelle Maskame's Intimate Novel into a Thought-Provoking Film

The My Fault Movie Adaptation In 2023, the popular Spanish book series Culpa Mía will be adapted into an English-language film titled My Fault. The YA novel series written by Estelle Maskame has developed a devoted international following since 2015. The upcoming movie aims to...

Disney's The Little Mermaid (2023) - Nostalgia, Diversity, and Spectacle in Cinema

Disney's live-action remake of their beloved 1989 animated classic The Little Mermaid finally arrived in theaters on May 26, 2023. Directed by Rob Marshall, known for movie musicals like Chicago and Mary Poppins Returns this new take on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale has...

Barbie Takes the Silver Screen: A Fashion-Filled Adventure of Empowerment and Legacy

The Barbie Movie Mania Ever since the iconic Barbie doll first debuted in 1959, she has been a pop culture sensation beloved by generations. In 2023, Barbie is ready for her big screen debut in her first ever live-action feature film. Set for release in...

"The Red Door": A New Chapter in the Insidious Franchise

The recently released horror film Insidious: The Red Door marks the fifth installment in the popular Insidious franchise. Directed by Patrick Wilson, who also reprises his role as Josh Lambert, the movie focuses on Josh's son Dalton who discovers repressed memories from his childhood and...

  • Horror Movies

The Help' Movie Summary: the Issue of Pervasive Racism

The world is ceaselessly looked with changed issues extending from financial defeats, disasters, and numerous others. Nonetheless, an ongoing issue that tends to be everlasting is the issue on Racism. Racism alludes to the demonstration of separating or looking down on a person from an...

"Fight Club": Masculinity in David Fincher's Film

The 'Fight Club' masculinity essay critically examines the portrayal of masculinity in the renowned film and delves into life struggles without father. In spite of the fact that “Fight Club” evokes somewhat mixed feelings among many viewers, a few years after the premiere, the film was...

The Help' Movie Analysis: Revealing the Issue of Economic Racism

Racism has been a major problem since the early 1900’s. It all starts with one person thinking that their race is better than every other which leads to them pushing down other races. There will always be problems with racism in our country and many...

He Named Me Malala': Inspiring Hope, Courage, and Education

Malala is a campaigner for girls' education from Pakistan. On the 9th of October Malala was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen because she spoke up for the rights of girls to be educated. Malala survived being shot in the head and is continuing...

Frida Kahlo: Exploring Her Biography Through the Film 'Frida'

In the 2002 film “Frida” directed by Julie Taymor, illustrates the life of Frida Kahlo based on the book Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera. Who is Frida Kahlo? Her biography in this essay is explored with the help of the film...

  • Frida Kahlo

The Help' Book Review: Ms. Skeeter as Example of the American Dream

In Kathryn Stockett's novel 'The Help,' the character of Ms. Skeeter stands as a compelling embodiment of the American Dream. Amidst the racial and social tensions of 1960s Mississippi, Skeeter strives to break free from the constraints of societal expectations and pursue her aspirations. Ms....

  • Book Report

Cultural Perspective: Analysis of Australian Values in the Film "The Castle"

Introduction “Tell him he’s dreamin”. Cultural identity is a distinct concept, which incorporates the ideas, assumptions, values and perspective that are unique to Australian individuals. Rob Sitch’s film ‘The Castle’ depicts various distinctive Australian values such as being an ‘Aussie battler’ and having a fair...

  • Perspective

"The Help": Racism and Its Types in Kathryn Stockett’s Novel

Introduction Published in 2009, Kathryn Stockett's novel, "The Help," delves into the profound issue of racism in the Southern United States. Set in Jackson, Mississippi, from late summer 1962 through 1964, the book portrays the relationships between white and black Americans, bringing to light the...

"An Inconvenient Truth": A Convincing Documentary on Climate Change

Introduction Throughout Earth’s history, there have been periods of drastic changes in Earth’s climate. However, there has never been a period of significant climate change within such a short amount of time. Stronger and more frequent storms have taken place all over the world in...

  • Climate Change

Taylor Swift: Mastering the Art of Iconic Branding and Marketing

The Power of Taylor Swift's Brand In contrast to Sam Smith and Liam Gallagher, who adhere to conventional marketing and publicity campaigns (Music Week), Taylor Swift has ascended to the status of an iconic legend, boasting an impressive track record of five #1 singles as...

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Taylor Swift

Contrasting Paths of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry

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Three Artifacts: Taylor Swift, Queen and The Handmaid's Tale

Bohemian Rhapsody: Pushing the Boundaries of Rock Bohemian Rhapsody is known as one of the most popular songs nationwide. Written by the legend himself Freddie Mercury and performed by one of the most well-known rock bands Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody is considered one of the greatest...

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Tragic Loss: Murders of Sharon Tate and Selena Quintanilla

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Michael Jackson's Iconic Legacy of Music and Dance

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Michael Jackson's Music, Controversy and Cultural Impact

The Legacy of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson, widely known as the 'King of Pop,' inspired love, hope, and compassion across the world. Even after his death, his music and his tireless humanitarian work when he was alive helped the suffering and underprivileged. One of the...

Michael Jackson's Legendary Journey in Music History

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The Five Fathers of American Jazz: Shaping the Music

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Musical Legends of the 1930s and Their Legacy

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Hidden Figures in Space Race: Black Women in STEM

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Rock 'n' Roll Revolution: Elvis Presley's Impact on America

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Leiber and Stoller: The Songwriters Behind Elvis Presley

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The Roman Games: an Ancient Form of Entertainment 

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12. The Dark Side of Virtual Realms: Exploring the Negative Effects of Online Games

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14. Provoking Reflection: “Do the Right Thing” Film Analysis

15. Marvel vs. DC: Compare and Contrast Analysis of the Two Universes

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111 Popular Culture Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Popular culture is a fascinating and ever-evolving aspect of society that influences our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. From music and movies to fashion and social media, popular culture shapes our daily lives in countless ways. If you're looking for inspiration for your next essay on popular culture, we've got you covered with 111 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior
  • The evolution of hip hop music and its influence on society
  • The portrayal of mental health in popular culture
  • The rise of reality TV shows and their effects on viewers
  • The cultural significance of memes in the digital age
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in popular culture
  • The influence of celebrity endorsements on consumer choices
  • The role of fashion in popular culture and self-expression
  • The impact of streaming services on the music industry
  • The cultural appropriation of minority cultures in popular culture
  • The influence of video games on youth culture
  • The representation of race in Hollywood films
  • The phenomenon of binge-watching TV shows and its effects on mental health
  • The popularity of true crime documentaries and podcasts
  • The rise of K-pop and its global impact
  • The portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in popular culture
  • The influence of technology on popular music production
  • The nostalgia trend in pop culture and its appeal to millennials
  • The role of fan communities in shaping popular culture
  • The impact of social media on celebrity culture
  • The representation of women in superhero movies
  • The influence of TikTok on music trends
  • The phenomenon of viral challenges on social media
  • The portrayal of mental illness in TV shows and movies
  • The popularity of superhero movies and their cultural significance
  • The evolution of online dating and its portrayal in popular culture
  • The cultural significance of tattoos in modern society
  • The impact of streaming platforms on the film industry
  • The representation of disability in popular culture
  • The influence of gaming culture on mainstream media
  • The rise of eco-friendly fashion in popular culture
  • The portrayal of drug use in popular music
  • The influence of celebrity fashion on trends
  • The cultural significance of sports in popular culture
  • The representation of body image in advertising
  • The impact of cancel culture on celebrities and public figures
  • The influence of political satire in comedy shows
  • The portrayal of mental health in music lyrics
  • The popularity of true crime podcasts and their appeal to audiences
  • The role of nostalgia in marketing and advertising
  • The representation of technology in science fiction movies
  • The influence of social media on beauty standards
  • The evolution of dance trends in popular culture
  • The cultural significance of food trends
  • The impact of social media on body image
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in TV commercials
  • The influence of celebrity endorsements on fashion trends
  • The role of fan fiction in popular culture
  • The portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships in TV shows
  • The popularity of ASMR videos and their effects on viewers
  • The influence of Instagram on travel trends
  • The representation of women in advertising campaigns
  • The impact of streaming services on the film industry
  • The cultural significance of street art
  • The evolution of language in popular culture
  • The influence of reality TV shows on beauty standards
  • The portrayal of mental health in young adult literature
  • The popularity of conspiracy theories in popular culture
  • The role of nostalgia in music trends
  • The representation of gender in video games
  • The influence of social media on fashion trends
  • The cultural significance of emojis in communication
  • The impact of celebrity scandals on public perception
  • The portrayal of addiction in TV shows and movies
  • The influence of social media on body positivity movements
  • The phenomenon of influencer marketing in the beauty industry
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in fashion advertising
  • The popularity of true crime documentaries on streaming platforms
  • The evolution of internet slang and its impact on language
  • The influence of gaming culture on fashion trends
  • The cultural significance of street style photography
  • The portrayal of LGBTQ+ characters in young adult literature
  • The impact of social media on mental health awareness
  • The role of nostalgia in music festivals
  • The representation of disability in children's literature
  • The influence of celebrity chefs on food trends
  • The popularity of DIY culture in the digital age
  • The evolution of online dating apps and their impact on relationships
  • The cultural significance of drag culture
  • The portrayal of race and ethnicity in social media influencers
  • The influence of social media on travel destinations
  • The phenomenon of viral challenges on YouTube
  • The representation of mental health in comic books
  • The impact of streaming services on the TV industry
  • The role of fan art in popular culture
  • The influence of celebrity fashion on street style
  • The cultural significance of dance trends
  • The evolution of slang in rap music
  • The popularity of wellness trends in popular culture
  • The portrayal of LGBTQ+ relationships in romantic comedies
  • The representation of race and ethnicity in beauty advertising
  • The impact of celebrity endorsements on skincare trends
  • The role of fan fiction in shaping TV show narratives
  • The cultural significance of streetwear fashion
  • The evolution of language in pop music lyrics
  • The influence of social media on body image
  • The phenomenon of influencer marketing in the fitness industry
  • The representation of mental health in young adult novels
  • The popularity of true crime podcasts and their appeal to listeners

These are just a few examples of the many ways popular culture influences our lives and shapes our society. Whether you're interested in exploring the impact of social media on beauty standards or the representation of race in Hollywood films, there's no shortage of topics to explore in the world of popular culture. So pick a topic that interests you, do some research, and start writing your next essay on popular culture today!

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Essays on Entertainment

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  • Miss Representation
  • Video Games
  • Movie Review
  • Movie Summary
  • Film Analysis
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Do The Right Thing
  • Freedom Writers
  • The Hunger Games
  • Indian Horse
  • Ready Player One
  • Documentary
  • Taylor Swift
  • A Class Divided
  • Hidden Figures
  • Child Beauty Pageants
  • Dance Performance Review
  • Jurassic Park
  • Roller Coaster
  • Stand-up Comedy


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essay topics about entertainment

220 Pop Culture Topics for an A+ Essay

There are many ways to define popular culture. Here’s one of them: pop culture includes mainstream preferences in society within a specific time frame. It covers fashion, music, language, and even food. Pop culture is always evolving, engaging in new trends, and leaving the old ones behind.

This article offers you a list of pop culture topics covering its numerous aspects. Continue reading to find helpful tips on how to choose a perfect topic for your assignment. And don’t forget that custom-writing.org is ready to help you with any task. Check out our resources!

🔝 Top 10 Pop Culture Topics

✅ how to choose a topic.

  • ⭐ Top 10 Pop Culture Essay Topics
  • 🎵 Music Topics
  • 📰 Mass Media Topics
  • 📚 Popular Literature
  • 📺 Movies & T.V.
  • 🇺🇸 American Pop Culture
  • 🌐 Internet Phenomena
  • ✍️ Pop Culture Analysis
  • 🤔 Pop Culture & Social Issues

🔍 References

  • How is politics related to sport?
  • Is religion related to pop culture?
  • Does music affect the fashion industry?
  • The ways technology affects pop culture
  • Is traveling a part of modern pop culture? 
  • Pop culture’s impact on consumer behavior
  • How does globalization affect pop culture?
  • Is there a negative effect of popular fiction?
  • Entertainment industry during different generations
  • How does fandom culture vary around the world?

Choosing a topic is the first step towards completing an assignment. This section will help middle, high school, and college students identify the right subject for an essay. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What are the requirements? Make sure you understand the task you need to complete.
  • You are free to choose your topic. Keep in mind the purpose of the course and the material covered in class. Brainstorm your ideas and choose the one you like the most!
  • You are provided with a list of topics to choose from. In this case, start by reviewing every option. Eliminate the ones you are least excited about. Then, select a subject that seems the most interesting to you.
  • What do you already know? Of course, you could choose a topic that is brand-new for you. But working with a familiar subject will make the research easier.
  • What does your instructor say about the topic? Don’t hesitate to consult with your instructors before writing. Make sure that the selected topic fits the requirements.

Now you understand how to select the right subject for your assignment. Let’s see the topic options! If you looked through the list but still haven’t found anything that insterests you, try your luck with an essay ideas generator .

⭐ Top 10 Pop Culture Essay Topics 

  • Gender equality in fashion
  • Is food a part of pop culture?
  • Characteristics of pop art
  • Pop culture vs. folk culture
  • K-pop culture’s impact on fashion
  • How cultural appropriation affects media
  • Consumer culture and the world economy
  • Entertainment industry and mental health
  • The role of media in the music industry
  • Is TikTok a part of modern pop culture?

🎵 Popular Culture Topics about Music

Music never stops changing. It came a long way from hand-crafted instruments to computer programming. You can write about music that was popular in a specific timeframe or discuss the latest trends. Here is a list of topic ideas on this subject.

  • How did space-age discoveries affect rock music?
  • Discuss music marketing in the digital era.
  • Describe the features of Latin American pop music.
  • What makes K-Pop stand out?
  • The role of pop music for your generation.
  • Write about the origin of hip-hop.
  • Select a time period and write about its music trends.
  • Analyze the evolution of pop music starting from the 1950s.

Bob Dylan quote.

  • Write about the occupational hazards of being a musician.
  • The origin and development of sunshine pop.
  • Choose a music album and analyze its impact.
  • Which pop music era seems the most interesting to you?
  • Pick a famous band and describe their career path.
  • Compare two different pieces of music from the 20th century.
  • What are the main features of rock music?
  • How do pop songs influence the teenage generation?
  • The role of radio broadcasting in the pop music industry.
  • Popular vs. serious music: a comparison.
  • Talk about a person who largely contributed to pop music. 
  • What are the functions of film music?
  • Can popular songs influence public opinion on a specific subject?
  • Why do some people develop a very negative attitude towards pop music?
  • Describe the role of music in your life.
  • Do famous artists influence the lifestyle of their fans?
  • Discover why some entertainers remain famous even after their death.

📰 Mass Media Pop Culture Essay Topics

Popular culture exists and survives because of the mass media. With its help, it reaches and unites billions of people. Television, radio, and newspapers are the main outlets of mass media. Here is the list of media-related pop culture topics to write about.

  • Do magazines publish celebrity gossip too often?
  • Describe the way mass media dictates fashion standards to young adults.
  • Analyze the link between pop culture and mass media in the U.S.
  • Does mass media influence the preferences of the audience?
  • Describe how the media contributes to stereotypes about minorities.
  • Should newspapers expose sensitive details about celebrities’ lives?
  • How can one make sure not to consume fake news?
  • Analyze the peculiarities of New Journalism.
  • Discover the influence of the New York Times on the press.
  • Write about radio stations contributing to pop culture in the past.
  • Discuss racial stereotyping on television.
  • Talk about an influential online news resource.
  • Body as a subject in media and marketing.
  • What kind of pop culture topics are not broadcast via mass media?
  • Would you consider Twitter a mass media source?
  • Talk about the media and the global public sphere.
  • Write about promotional campaigns via mass media.
  • Is it possible for an artist to gain fame without the internet?
  • Which websites are known for spreading fake news ?
  • How to avoid information overload nowadays?
  • Conduct a semiotic analysis of a perfume commercial.
  • Can pop culture survive without American media?
  • Describe the American Idol phenomenon.
  • Talk about the internet’s effects on journalism.
  • Which influencers do you personally prefer and why?

📚 Modern Popular Literature Essay Topics

This section will be fun for book lovers! The term “popular literature” refers to writings intended for a broad audience. It’s no surprise that such books often become bestsellers. You can describe this type of writing as fiction with a strong plot. Look at this list of topic ideas for a great analytical, argumentative, or informative essay.

  • Describe the magic of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books.
  • Discover the initial public opinion about The Handmaid’s Tale .
  • Why did The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo become a bestseller?
  • Principles used in Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson.
  • Why did Enduring Love by Ian McEwan gain popularity?
  • What charmed the readers of The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton?
  • Discuss the theme of change in Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee.
  • Discover the way the sad ending in The Lucky One affected the readers.
  • Orange Is the New Black: Netflix series vs. book.
  • What made The Wednesday Letters different from other love novels?

Clive Bloom quote.

  • How did The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins become iconic?
  • Describe the characters of Katherine Min’s Courting a Monk .
  • Discover the way Atonement by Ian McEwan impacted the readers.
  • What values are encouraged in Every Breath by Nicholas Sparks?
  • Discuss the initial public opinion about Life of Pi by Yann Martel .
  • Self-awareness in The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman.
  • Analyze the success of The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie .
  • Discuss the literary issues of Jon Krakauer’s Into Thin Air.
  • How did the public accept the controversial message of The Da Vinci Code ?
  • Did Aziz Ansari’s reputation contribute to the fame of his book Modern Romance ?
  • What made The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer popular?
  • Analyze the fanbase of The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler.
  • What draws the readers to Confessions of a Shopaholic ?
  • Explore confession and forgiveness in The Lovely Bones.
  • Why did The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield gain popularity?

📺 Pop Culture Topics: Movies and T.V.

Movies and T.V. shows are an integral part of U.S. culture. This category includes films based on popular literature and all-time-classic movies. T.V. production is often accompanied by a massive amount of merchandise that fills clothing and toy stores. The following list will help you select an on-point essay topic.

  • Write about the way the Star Wars saga unifies several generations.
  • The Wizard of Oz in relation to populist movement.
  • Analyze the impact of King Kong on cinema.
  • What makes New York City an iconic location for movies?
  • Describe the role of fandom in pop culture.
  • Is it better to watch a movie at home vs. in theater?
  • Why is Lord of the Rings considered one of the greatest trilogies?
  • Define the genre of Scarface.
  • How does Groundhog Day relate to Buddhism?
  • Did The X-Files inspire conspiracy theories?
  • Analyze the way Friends logo entered the clothing industry.
  • Write about the role of the media in Jerry Maguire.
  • Why did the movie Aliens become popular?
  • Discover the effects of Western movies on Arab youth.
  • What has brought Terminator into pop culture?
  • Write about the impact Rocky had on viewers.
  • Discuss what fans appreciate about The Matrix movies.
  • Racism and masculinity in A Soldier’s Story.
  • Write about a successful Marvel movie.
  • What makes D.C. movies iconic?
  • Describe the role of social workers in Crash.
  • Discuss the periods of The Simpsons ’ fame.
  • Analyze the way Parks and Recreation reflect the U.S. culture.
  • Talk about your favorite blockbuster.
  • Should government control the contents of T.V. shows?

🇺🇸 American Pop Culture Topics

The history of the United States was always reflected in various art forms. Today its pop culture highlights social identity and carries on the American heritage. In this section, you can explore the elements that contribute to American pop culture.

  • How did globalization impact American pop culture?
  • Analyze the influence of the American movie industry on the world.
  • Write about Hispanic American culture.
  • Explore the place of alien encounters narrative within American culture.
  • Write about a specific period of American pop culture.
  • Examine the popularity of American movies overseas.
  • Write about the history and influence of Halloween.
  • Discover the economic value of the American entertainment industry.
  • Write about an aspect of the American pop culture you’re most proud of.

Andy Warhol.

  • What would you like to change about the U.S. pop industry?
  • American folk culture vs. pop culture.
  • Which countries are not influenced by American culture at all?
  • Describe the role of T.V. broadcasting for the U.S.
  • Talk about American fast food as a part of pop culture.
  • Discover vacation destinations in and outside of the U.S.
  • Why is so much of today’s pop culture focused on the 80s?
  • How significant is Disney for Americans?
  • Discover the roots of U.S. pop culture.
  • How does the American pop industry portray sexuality?
  • Analyze the way pop culture unifies American citizens.
  • What are the destructive trends prevalent in the U.S.?
  • Discuss gender roles in American cartoons.
  • What does American pop teach about lifestyle?
  • How quickly do new fashion trends spread across the U.S.?
  • Discuss the way the U.S. pop culture reflects its historical values.

🌐 Popular Culture Essay Topics on Internet Phenomena

The internet is the ultimate means of communication worldwide. The rise of online trends is quite unpredictable, which is why it’s called internet phenomena. Memes, videos, challenges will be the focus of this section. Continue reading to find a fun essay topic!

  • What purpose was intended for the Ice bucket challenge ?
  • What made the dab famous worldwide?
  • Describe a dangerous internet phenomenon.
  • Why were teens attracted to the fire challenge?
  • Analyze the way Harlem Shake went viral.
  • What is people’s attitude towards social media?
  • How does something become an internet phenomenon?
  • Describe the influence of the Thriller dance on the world.
  • Debate the ethics of Coffin Dance.
  • What’s the reason for Gangnam Style’s fame?
  • How did the Momo challenge turn into a worldwide phenomenon?
  • Write about an internet phenomenon that emerged in 2020.
  • Talk about an online challenge you participated in.
  • What made Bongo Cat famous for many years?
  • Write about a politics-themed online phenomenon.
  • What distinguishes popular video games nowadays?
  • Analyze the role of TikTok in song advertisement.
  • Write about a comics book that gained popularity online.
  • Discover online challenges that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Describe the Bernie Sanders phenomenon among college students.
  • What internet phenomena are popular amongst the older generation?
  • Discuss the outcomes of a viral fundraising challenge.
  • Talk about one of the earliest internet phenomena.
  • How did the first memes appear on the internet?
  • Write about a web cartoon that qualifies as an internet phenomenon.

✍️ Pop Culture Analysis Topics to Write About

Pop culture includes many components you could write about. For an analytical paper, feel free to pick any aspect of pop culture. You can focus on positive, negative, or controversial factors. Make sure to use academic resources and professional critique. Here are some topic examples of your future paper.

  • How does pop culture impact public health?
  • Analyze Coca Cola marketing strategies from the sensory perspective.
  • Will the entertainment industry survive without encouraging predatory behavior?
  • What percentage of the U.S. population is currently involved with pop culture ?
  • Analyze a popular culture artifact of your choice.
  • What makes a pop song relatable?
  • Why is popular literature often made into films?
  • How does Instagram affect people’s lives?
  • Will your generation be drawn to pop culture decades from now?
  • How can one become famous in the age of informational overload?
  • Analyze the price one is paying for remaining popular.

Suzy Kassem quote.

  • Why do some classic paintings become a commodity?
  • Write about a person who significantly impacted T.V.
  • Pick a T.V. show and analyze its rise to popularity.
  • Discover how one becomes an influencer.
  • Do video games have any positive effects?
  • In what ways does politics influence pop culture?
  • How necessary is funding for the pop industry?
  • Why have memes become a popular form of communication?
  • What things should celebrities stop promoting?
  • Analyze YouTube’s contributions to pop culture.
  • Talk about the important messages in current pop music.
  • What catches the attention of modern consumers?
  • How did the 2020 pandemic influence pop culture?
  • What happens to famous artists who quit their career?

🤔 Popular Culture and Social Issues Essay Topics

Pop culture reveals social issues and creates new ones. In your paper, consider various aspects of society. Think about popular culture’s effect on different generations, languages, or values. The following list will help you select an interesting essay topic.

  • Describe ways in which pop culture divides social groups.
  • Do pop songs represent the voice of society?
  • What social issues does pop music contribute to?
  • Analyze the media’s influence on women’s self-image.
  • How does an expectation of the zombie apocalypse affect the Americans?
  • The impact of T.V. shows on self-realization amongst teenagers.
  • Does popular literature disconnect teenagers from society?
  • Why do people incorporate fictional characters in protest marches?
  • What do modern toys teach children about body image?
  • Did pop culture contribute to social unrest in the U.S.?
  • Discover the way popular movies contribute to discrimination.
  • In what ways do memes influence public opinion?
  • Analyze the effects of mass media on one’s sexuality.
  • Examine the impact of YouTube on young adults’ career choices.
  • Does pop culture promote promiscuous behavior?
  • Describe the way modern movies stigmatize obesity.
  • What family values are projected in today’s mass media?
  • Explore the harming side of fandoms.
  • Does mainstream media sabotage social norms or encourage them?
  • Do pop songs encourage rebellious behavior amongst teens?
  • What kind of lesson does pop culture teach about gender?
  • Correlation between mobile games and the overuse of display devices.
  • Discover stereotypes that are prevalent in the pop industry nowadays.
  • Analyze the effect of television on bullying.
  • In what light does pop culture portray religion?

We hope you found this article helpful and choose an excellent topic for your assignment. Now go ahead and write an A+ essay on pop culture!

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Essays on Entertainment

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