Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering (Ph.D.)

Admission to the University of Houston Ph.D. Program in Petroleum Engineering will require the following:

  • GRE — An acceptable score within the Cullen College of Engineering standard on the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical portions of the Graduate Record Examination.
  • LETTERS — Three letters of recommendation from recognized academic or industyr professionals who can attest to the applicant’s capability for independent and creative thinking for the graduate level research in petroleum engineering.
  • STATEMENT — A written statement of the applicant’s professional goals.
  • APPROVAL — Approval by the Petroleum Engineering Graduate Committee.

In addition, students required to submit a valid TOEFL/IELTS score, must achieve the minimum Cullen College of Engineering requirement. Click here to learn more about the English Language Proficiency Requirements.

Degree Requirements

  • M.S. to Ph.D. — Obtaining an M.S. degree first at UH (or elsewhere).

M.S. degrees must have been obtained from an accredited institution in Petroleum Engineering or a relevant engineering or scientific discipline. The applicants must maintain a Grade Point Average of 3.5/4.0.

The chart below demonstrates course requirements for the path to PhD.

Students without sufficient background for the required courses must complete leveling courses that will not count toward the degree. Each Ph.D. student must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) above 3.50 throughout the Ph.D. program.


The Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering will require a dissertation.

  • Ph.D. Dissertation Committee: During the third semester after the student is enrolled in the Ph.D. program, a dissertation committee will be formed by the student and advisor with approval of the Chair of the Petroleum Engineering Department. The Chair of the Dissertation Committee will be a tenured, tenure-track or research faculty member associated with the Petroleum Engineering Department. The committee shall consist of at least five members including the Chair of the Committee. Among the committee members, a minimum of three members should be associated with Petroleum Engineering Department and two members can be from outside the Department. Members selected from industry should be actively involved in research and will require the approval of the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering to become a committee member.
  • Drilling & Completion
  • Production Engineering
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Formation Evaluation & Reservoir Characterization
  • Students will be asked to officially select their 3 exams and give notification by email approximately 3 months prior to the QE.
  • Authors of the exams will provide study guide materials to all exam takers as soon as the students commit to the QE for a certain date. There may be review sessions scheduled by the examiners.
  • Students may not take all 4 exams
  • If a student passes all 3 exams — they become a Candidate
  • If a student passes 2 exams and receives Conditional for the 3rd exam — they do not become a Candidate until the stipulations of the QE Committee are completed. Official notice will be sent to each exam taker.
  • If a student passes 2 out of 3 exams and fails one exam — they need only re-take one exam by either sitting for an oral exam 2 weeks after the original exam or taking the written exam at the next available QE testing date. Students may not switch subjects after failing a QE.
  • If a student fails 2 exams out of 3 — they are considered to fail. They must take all 3 of the written exam at the next available QE testing date. Students may not switch subjects after failing a QE.
  • If a student fails any one QE exam twice — they are subject to dismissal from the PHD program. Sometimes the option to become a Master Degree Student may be offered after dismissal from the PHD program — this is not a guaranteed offer.
  • QE exams will be graded and reviewed by committee and results given to students by the first day of class following the term the exam preceded.
  • Exams will be archived by the department according to the UH Records and Retention Policy.
  • Proposal Defense : is the ititial dissertation proposal defense/oral presentation given after the student passes the Qualifying Exam and becomes a candidate. The student is required to write a dissertation proposal of his/her proposed research to the dissertation committee members. After the submission of the dissertation proposal, the student must give a public oral presentation of the proposed research to the dissertation committee. Each committee member must indicate acceptance of the preliminary examination with “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory”. Typically, it is held no later than two semesters before a students plan to graduate. A unanimous “Satisfactory” by the committee members is required.
  • Dissertation Defense: The Ph.D. candidate must provide the committee members with the final version of the dissertation after the completion of his or her research. After consultation with the committee members, the Ph.D. candidate will defend his or her dissertation at a public oral defense. The dissertation committee will make the final judgment of the acceptance of the dissertation defense and the contribution of the work to the existing knowledge base of petroleum engineering.

Of the Total Courses needed for degree, two can be selected outside of the Petroleum Engineering Department Course Offerings. Students will need their advisors consent.

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John and Willie Leone Family

Department of energy and mineral engineering.

Turgay Teaching

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Research and graduate education in EME spans petroleum engineering and reservoir characterization, electricity market design, grid integration of diverse fuels and technology, mining engineering and mineral processing, fuel chemistry and processing, energy conversion engineering, environmental safety, and health-related issues associated with the energy and mineral resource sector, among many others. Methodologies include experimental laboratory science, computational modeling and simulation, and advanced data analytics. Our faculty are leading scholars in methods of applied science, engineering, and economics for energy and mineral resource questions. The Ph.D. program in EME offers a unique graduate environment to develop your research expertise for the energy challenges of the future.

For students wtihout a M.S. degree, 24 additional course credits must be taken. Beyond the 24 additional course credits, you must take 12 additional course credits, plus 12 credits of research. At least 18 credits of these must be at the 500 or 600 level. This will equate to 48 credits total. 

If an option is desired, then 12 option course credits are required (this is included in the 48 credits total). Students who choose not to select an option only need to meet the total credit and core program course requirements. Because each thesis research problem is unique, the need for taking additional courses varies from student to student, and the student's thesis advisor and committee will make the final decision whether or not the additional courses should be part of a student's official course of study.

For details on any of the specific requirements for the Ph.D. degree, click on the topics below.

Students with an M.S. Degree

The required minimum number of total credits beyond the M.S. degree for the EME Ph.D. degree is 24, including 12 credits of research beyond the M.S. Of the remaining 12 credits, four core program credits are required. If an option is desired and was not declared for the M.S. degree, then 12 option course credits are required. At least 18 of the required course credits for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees must be at the 500 or 600 level. Students who choose not to select an option only need to meet the total credit and core program course requirements. Because each thesis research problem is unique, the need for taking additional courses varies from student to student, and the student's thesis advisor and committee will make the final decision whether or not the additional courses should be part of a student's official course of study.

Required Core Course for Ph.D. Degree

Ph.D. students must take one (1) course (3 credits of core courses) from this list. Ph.D. students without an M.S. are required to take three (3) courses (9 credits of core courses) from this list.

  • EME 501(3): Design Under Uncertainty in EME Systems
  • EME 511(3): Interfacial Phenomena in EME Systems
  • EME 521(3): Mathematical Modeling of EME Systems
  • EME 531(3): Thermodynamics in EME Systems
  • EME 551(3): Safety, Health, and Environmental Risks in EME Production

Options for Course of Study

Students are not required to choose an option and may complete the base program in EME. However, a student who desires disciplinary identity may choose from among the following available graduate options:

  • Energy Systems Engineering (ESysE)
  • Fuel Science (FSc)
  • Mining and Mineral Process Engineering (MMPE)
  • Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (PNGE)

Qualifying Examination

Progress in the Ph.D. degree program in Energy and Mineral Engineering will require passing the Ph.D. qualifying examination, administered by the Graduate Faculty of the EME graduate program. 

The qualifying exam is designed to assess a student’s potential for doctoral level research. Students are required to take the qualifying exam within three (3) semesters of being admitted to the Ph.D. program. Candidates will be allowed a maximum of two (2) attempts to pass the qualifying exam. The EME qualifying exam consists of a knowledge-based component (written) and a research-based component (written and oral). The detailed policies and procedures for the EME Qualifying Exam are provided in the document below.

EME Qualifying Exam Format and Procedure 

English Competency Examination

All Ph.D. students, domestic and international, will undergo an assessment of English competency during their first year. The assessment will include the student's ability to read and comprehend technical literature, the ability to write well, the ability to make formal presentations and the ability to participate in scientific and technical discussions. The assessment will be conducted during the Ph.D. Candidacy Examination. Students must demonstrate English competency before scheduling the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination. If the expected level of competency is not demonstrated, students will be required to take certain English courses to improve their skills.

Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination

A Comprehensive Examination is required of all doctoral candidates by the Graduate School. The examination in EME is primarily an oral examination, administered by the candidate's Ph.D. committee. The committee will consist of at least three faculty members in the EME Program and at least one faculty member in a related field (outside the department). The committee chair will ordinarily be the candidate's thesis advisor.

The examination takes place in two phases. First, the student will give an oral presentation on some aspect of his/her research topic, including objectives, methods, and current progress. The second phase will consist of questions by the committee to determine the candidate's ability to synthesize his/her knowledge, especially in his/her area of specialization, and apply the tools learned to the solution of relevant problems.

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

The final step to obtaining a doctoral degree is the Ph.D. Thesis Defense. This process consists of a written thesis and an oral defense administered by the Ph.D. committee. Upon successful completion of the defense, the student will submit the final version of the thesis to the Graduate School after obtaining the required signatures from the advisor, the Ph.D. committee and the EME graduate program officer.

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How to Get a PhD in Petroleum Engineering

Make the most of your education and expertise with a PhD in petroleum engineering. Earning your doctoral degree in this specialized engineering field means offering a new contribution to a field that already stands on the cutting edge of science and technology. With this terminal degree, your knowledge can add to the future of petroleum research.

Earning a PhD in Petroleum Engineering

The PhD in Technology with a specialization in petroleum engineering is designed to prepare graduates to perform high-level research and academic work in the field. Doctoral graduates typically go on to full-time faculty positions at universities, or to research or consulting positions in public, governmental, or academic surroundings.

Coursework for a PhD in petroleum engineering generally takes three to four years at minimum beyond the course requirements for a master’s degree. Students who attend classes part-time may take longer to complete their research and dissertation requirements. Significant, original research is required from doctoral candidates, and your dissertation must pass inspection by a committee.

Campus Versus Online PhD in Petroleum Engineering

While petroleum engineering doctoral degrees typically require a significant laboratory research component, it may be possible to find a hybrid PhD program that offers some online coursework and seminar requirements. Benefits of the partial online PhD in petroleum engineering include:

  • Setting your own hours for coursework
  • Online interaction with instructors and peers
  • Access to online resources through your university

Choosing the classroom mode you would prefer for your doctorate is as important as the study itself. If you’re motivated to research and learn in a distance education setting, a hybrid online PhD in petroleum engineering could offer the specialized training you’ve been looking for.

Specializations Within Petroleum Engineering

Unlike a broad-based bachelor’s degree designed to give the student a well-rounded level of knowledge in engineering, or a master’s degree that focuses on professional training, your doctoral degree features a refined, theoretical look into the intricacies of petroleum engineering. At the highest level of education, targeted study is ideal. Traditional areas of petroleum engineering include:

  • Phase equilibrium thermodynamics
  • Separations
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Chemical Reactor Design
  • Biotechnology

As a student, you may choose one of the above topics, or a similar narrowed focal point, for your research. Doctoral students must complete original research that adds new theory and thought to the study.

Petroleum Engineering Specialization Allows for Doctoral Focus

Engineering is a varied field. Within the narrowed scope of petroleum engineering, even more focus is possible. In the workforce, petroleum engineers tend to specialize in one of three engineering processes:

  • Production engineering
  • Reservoir engineering
  • Drilling engineering

Specialization allows petroleum engineering PhD students to focus on one area of research and scholarship, targeting their research instead of learning broadly about more elements. The result is original research on the topic.

Related Doctoral Degrees in Engineering

No two doctoral degrees are alike. If a PhD in petroleum engineering doesn’t fit perfectly with your career goals, consider these alternative degrees:

  • PhD in Applied Geophysics: Also known as exploration geophysics, applied geophysics uses advanced tools to determine underground composition. The field has a broad application in archaeology, civil engineering, and oil production.
  • PhD in Energy Resources Engineering: Similar to petroleum engineering but with a broader focus on energy resources.
  • PhD in Chemical Engineering: A broader field than petroleum engineering, chemical engineers are interested in chemical and biochemical manufacturing and testing. Chemical engineers typically specialize in one aspect of the chemical process.
  • PhD in Geotechnical Engineering: Another broad category, geotechnical engineering focuses on the engineering behavior of the earth. Ocean geotechnical engineers might work on offshore oil platforms.
  • Doctor of Science (ScD or DSc) in Petroleum Engineering: Considered academically similar to a PhD in petroleum engineering, the ScD is considered a research degree.

Each of these degrees is a terminal degree, meaning you cannot earn a degree higher. Additionally, these choices are considered as academically rigorous as a PhD in petroleum engineering. Your specific career goals should determine your eventual degree path. In engineering, the ScD should offer the same academic and research opportunities as the PhD.

Before the PhD: Engineer’s Degrees

Worth noting in the terminal degree discussion is the professional engineer’s degree. Some schools offer engineer’s degrees, which require more hours of coursework than a master’s degree but fewer than a PhD. The engineer’s degree is generally considered a professional alternative to a PhD.

Earning an engineer’s degree means completing practical career-based training at a higher level than a master’s degree program. If your goal is to work as an expert within the field itself, instead of in an academic or high-level research capacity, an engineer’s degree in petroleum engineering may be right for you.

Resources for Future Petroleum Engineering Students

As with any doctoral degree search, it helps to gather the facts before you commit to a program of study. Fortunately, the Internet offers a variety of resources to help with your school research. Start your school and scholarship research with these helpful Web sites:

  • T he Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) maintains a listing of all petroleum engineering programs around the world. Both undergraduate and graduate degrees are represented in the listing, and you can view schools by location or school name.
  • U.S. News and World Report ranks the best engineering schools with petroleum engineering programs. The ranking lists tuition for in-state and out-of-state students, total graduate engineering enrollment, and can be organized based on location.
  • In addition to their school listings, the SPE keeps a current scholarship database for graduate and undergraduate students in petroleum engineering schools. Scholarships reward research and achievement, and sometimes consider financial need or employment plans.

These sites are designed to help you get a sense of which schools are available and potential funding options. As you begin to compile a list of potential doctorate programs in petroleum engineering, different tools can help add clarity. Once you have established a list, you may open channels of communication with potential petroleum engineering schools.

Researching Doctoral Programs in Petroleum Engineering

The process of narrowing potential campus-based and online PhD programs in petroleum engineering may seem overwhelming at first, but this preliminary research is essential to your overall success as a student. Fortunately, there are a few simple criteria that can help focus your list. Keep the following elements in mind when examining potential doctoral programs:

  • Accreditation: Determining the accreditation of your campus-based or online PhD petroleum engineering program is essential to your degree’s value. Both on-campus and online schools should be accredited by at least one third-party accrediting board. Without that seal of approval, you can’t guarantee your degree has value as you search for jobs after graduation. Use accreditation to ensure your degree is held to high academic standards.
  • Faculty: The power of an excellent petroleum engineering program rests on the strength of its faculty. Look for faculty members who share your research interests and could serve as mentors. Realize that a famous faculty member may drive the price of admission higher, while a younger faculty may be a better fit with your goals. As always, choosing the best program for you means listening to your needs.
  • History: Higher tuition costs could be linked to a doctoral program with a history of success and excellence. Meanwhile, newer programs with lower tuition rates could be untested in the industry. Take a program’s history into consideration when you’re making your choice.
  • Alumni: A strong PhD program in petroleum engineering means strong graduates. Ask departmental advisors for more information on alumni of the program, including tenure track placement rates, publications, and other success stories. Be wary of schools that can’t offer statistics on alumni success.
  • Requirements: Applications generally require an application fee, GRE and TOEFL scores, and transcripts. More competitive schools may require letters of recommendation, application essays, and assistantship applications in addition to the initial school application.
  • Community: If you’re thinking of a campus-based doctoral program, take a close look at the community enjoyed by students already in the program. Online PhD programs have their own type of community as well; ask how students and faculty interact online.

Once you’ve narrowed your doctoral program options to just a few, you can confidently begin to apply to the schools you’ve chosen. Research is an essential first step when you’re considering any doctoral program, and good research means peace of mind and a strong foundation for your application process.

Get Involved in the Petroleum Engineering Community

One important aspect in completing higher education in petroleum engineering should be your willingness to join the community of scientists, academics, and engineers in the professional engineering community.

Consider these resources as ways to learn more about earning a PhD in petroleum engineering, publish scholarly work and research, and connect with other professionals in the field:

  • Professional Organizations: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, Association for Women Geoscientists, American Petroleum Institute, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Independent Petroleum Association of America, and National Petroleum Council
  • Scholarly Journals: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , Open Petroleum Engineering Journal , International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, and International Journal of Geomechanics
  • Conferences: Middle East Oil Show and Conference, Offshore Europe Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference, SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Global Petroleum Show & Canadian International Petroleum Conference, and IP Week

Working in petroleum engineering means standing at the forefront of science and technology. Use the skill you gain with a PhD in Petroleum Engineering to operate at the top of your field, paving the way in research and development techniques as you work with colleagues. Petroleum engineers are challenged to develop new strategies in reservoirs, drilling, and production. With a terminal degree in the field, you prove your level of interest and ability to the engineering world.

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The sources for school statistics and data is the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System unless otherwise noted.

Disclosure: EducationDynamics receives compensation for many of the featured schools on our websites (see “Sponsored School(s)” or “Sponsored Listings” or “Sponsored Results” or “Featured Graduate School(s)”. So what does this mean for you? Compensation may impact where the Sponsored Schools appear on our websites, including whether they appear as a match through our education matching services tool, the order in which they appear in a listing, and/or their ranking. Our websites do not provide, nor are they intended to provide, a comprehensive list of all schools (a) in the United States (b) located in a specific geographic area or (c) that offer a particular program of study. By providing information or agreeing to be contacted by a Sponsored School, you are in no way obligated to apply to or enroll with the school.

This site does not provide a comprehensive list of all schools that offer a particular program of study.

This is an offer for educational opportunities that may lead to employment and not an offer for nor a guarantee of employment. Students should consult with a representative from the school they select to learn more about career opportunities in that field. Program outcomes vary according to each institution’s specific program curriculum. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. The information on this page is for informational and research purposes only and is not an assurance of financial aid.

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Graduate Program

Graduate student and advisor mull experiment results

Be an Energy Leader. Be a Longhorn.

The University of Texas at Austin’s  top-ranked petroleum engineering graduate program is a strong and influential community that is dedicated to changing the world — 150+ students, $20 million secured in research funding this year alone, and 1,500+ alumni with graduate degrees.

UT PGE graduate students tackle the earth’s complex resource challenges and are leading the way to a sustainable and equitable energy future through cutting-edge research in subsurface engineering fields, from traditional oil and gas to geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen storage, AI/data analytics, rare earth minerals recovery, methane emissions mitigation, and more.

UT PGE’s education and research enables students to make an impact on society by finding solutions to our greatest energy challenges. Our internationally recognized tradition of excellence stems from:

  • Robust curriculum
  • Exceptional faculty
  • Unmatched, innovative research

UT PGE offers the following graduate programs: 

  • PhD Program

Both the MS and PhD programs are housed on the UT Austin campus.

In the classroom, students will receive a robust education from world-class professors who have literally written the books on petroleum engineering. Graduate students conduct research in state-of-the-art facilities that provide unique capabilities in a variety of areas including big data, production logging, vertical and inclined flow in wells, artificial lift, core flooding for enhanced oil recovery, subsurface environmental remediation, drilling, rock mechanics, well log digitizing and interpretation, PVT analysis, and more.

Since many energy companies conduct worldwide operations, petroleum engineers may have the opportunity to work on assignments around the globe. Petroleum engineers must solve a variety of technological, political and economic problems encountered in these assignments. Together, these exciting challenges offer a petroleum engineer a most rewarding career.

We invite you to become part of our diverse community recognized internationally for its bold, innovative spirit. Define your future as you pursue your professional passions, explore new interests and re-evaluate long-held industry ideas — all while redefining what's possible.

Amy Stewart , Graduate Coordinator


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USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

Doctoral Program in Petroleum Engineering

PhD Application Deadline DECEMBER 15 View Application Steps


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Mahammad Valiyev

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Ulugbek Djuraev

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Mahammad Valiyev PhD in Petroleum Engineering

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

It is hard to pick the single best one. Probably, the following one: whatever the situationis, maintain your confidence and values.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

Ability to walk away from lucrative and lower-risk industry jobs that I have been offered,to pursue a much riskier plan that involved extensive self-study and studying for a not-so-desired MSc degree with the aim to eventually get admitted into a top PhD program in the US and making this plan actually, work.

What's your favorite impulse purchase from the past 12 months?

Probably, the fitness tracker watch. By the way, with the availability of so many great products and very fast deliveries, it is really hard to resist impulse buying in the US.

Please describe a little about your research and what excites you about it

I currently work on two projects: the first one is about the development of new model calibration workflows using deep learning and the second one is on developing predictive models for hydraulic fracturing operations using again machine/deep learning models. I would say there are several aspects to my research projects that make them exciting. Model calibration research is exciting because it is a general problem, that spans many fields, not just being limited to petroleum engineering, whereas hydraulic fracturing project is cool because it is one of the most widely used methods for optimizing oil and gas development in the North America. Therefore, they are both high-impact and relatively easier to justify research projects which do matter, and these features make them very exciting. Also, the fact that we address those problems with modern deep/machine learning algorithms makes them even more fun to work on, since I enjoy statistics/probability, coding, and being on the cutting edge.

If you could choose any other profession outside of engineering or computer science, what would it be? 

If exclude engineering and computer science, I’d again go for highly quantitative majors such as applied math or economics.

What are some factors that helped you decide to pursue your PhD at USC?

My research advisor, reputation of university and program, the location and weather.

If you were to recommend to an incoming student 3 places to go in California/Los Angeles, what would they be?

Since I have arrived in the US just 2 months ago, I have not been able to go outside of LA, therefore I would stick to LA for my recommendations. The first thing I did just after settling down after my arrival to LA, was to go Hollywood walk of fame. Maybe I am somewhat biased, but I think it is a landmark, cultural icon, thus a top attraction in LA. Then, probably, it would be nice to visit Universal studios and one of the many cool beaches. Generally, LA and California have something to offer for everyone!

What is a memory you'll cherish about your time at USC?

Considering that I am just in my 2nd semester, I think most of the memories to be cherished are still waiting for me!

What's one thing about you that might surprise me?

Maybe the fact that I am not a fan of dogs. It is not like I do not like them, I am just indifferent.

What are your plans after graduation?

To work in industry as a Research/Applied Scientist.

Hometown (city, country)

Baku, Azerbaijan

Personal Website (if any)

No, but I can share my linkedin and facebook profiles

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Behnam Jafarpour

Ulugbek Djuraev PhD in Petroleum Engineering

I think the best piece of advice I've received was to listen to my body. For instance, to take some time off from work, from studies, and the internet to let your body recover and re-energize.

I think that would be learning about myself and learning about self-awareness. This is definitely my greatest accomplishment in recent years.

I believe it is my Samsung tablet. At first, I thought it was totally unnecessary because I try to keep my electronic devices to a minimum. But it's been of great help to me in this online study/work from home period.

Please describe a little about your research and what excites you about it.

I'm currently working on inverse problems pertinent to improving geologic realism of subsurface reservoirs given limited surface data. The exciting part is how a multidisciplinary approach, combining engineering and science, enables us to reach and extract subsurface resources safely and efficiently.

Most probably, I could have chosen a profession in finance.

Main factor was the research scope of the lab, specifically focusing on inverse and optimization problems in subsurface.

The first place to visit in Los Angeles is to explore areas around USC on foot. In my opinion, learning about the surrounding area would help to get the most of USC experience. The second place is to go to a live show, any show that takes place every day in the city. And thirdly, I would recommend exploring California - it is such a beautiful state.

The Trojan spirit!

The range of musical genres I listen to - from Heavy Metal to Classical music and more!

 I hope to pursue a career in Reservoir Engineering.

Hometown (city, country):

I come from Qarshi, one of the large cities in the South of Uzbekistan.

Professor Dr. Behnam Jafarpour.

    University of Houston
  Sep 13, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog    

2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


Cullen College of Engineering    > Department of Petroleum Engineering    > Petroleum Engineering, PhD

The mission of the University of Houston Department of Petroleum Engineering is to educate students to become highly qualified petroleum engineers, to conduct innovative research in petroleum engineering and related interdisciplinary areas, and provide service to the profession and to society.

The Petroleum Engineering PhD curriculum emphasizes connecting-the-dots between classroom lessons and their real-world applications through professional development and research opportunities.

Petroleum Engineering graduates are prepared to address the challenges of the world’s energy needs responsibly, to exceed the evolving expectations of employers in the petroleum and energy industries, to sustain industry-leading skills and to be leaders in industry, academia, and government.

For more information, please visit the Petroleum Engineering Graduate Program website: .

Admission Requirements

Admission to the University of Houston PhD Program in Petroleum Engineering will require the following:

  • GRE - An acceptable score within the Cullen College of Engineering standard on the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical portions of the Graduate Record Examination. 
  • Three letters of recommendation from recognized professionals who can attest to the applicant’s capability for independent and creative thinking for the graduate level research in petroleum engineering.
  • A written statement of the applicant’s professional goals.
  • English language proficiency, as evidenced by either prior US degree or reported test scores. Details can be found on the Graduate School English Language Proficiency Requirements page: .

*Be advised that meeting these criteria does not guarantee admission.*

Acceptance into the program is based on a competitive combination of academic background, GRE scores, recommendation letters, resume, and the statement of purpose. The Checklist below lists all requirements for the Application Submission:

Applicant Checklist

  • UH Graduate School Application, please visit How to Apply to UH Graduate School for more information:
  • Scanned copies of an official transcript will be used for the application evaluation (upload). However, if admitted, an official transcript with the date your degree was conferred/awarded must be submitted to the Graduate School before enrollment can take place.
  • GRE scores (University code is 6870):
  • Statement of Purpose (uploaded- if possible no longer than 2 pages)
  • Resume (uploaded)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation (emails must be listed on the online application)
  • Non-refundable application fee ($25 domestic applicants/$75 international applicants)
  • Additional documentation and test scores for international students, including English language proficiency requirements as detailed on the International Graduate Student page: .

Degree Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: BS to PhD - 66.0/MS to PhD - 54.0

There are two paths to the PhD Degree:

  • BS to PhD - Direct from BS to PhD, bypassing the MS degree, or by
  • MS to PhD - Obtaining an MS degree first at UH (or elsewhere).

Both BS and MS degrees must have been obtained from an accredited institution in Petroleum Engineering or a relevant engineering or scientific discipline. The applicants must maintain a grade point average of 3.2/4.0 (BS candidate) or 3.3/4.0 (MS candidate).

The chart below demonstrates course requirements for either path to PhD.

Required Courses 30 18
Research 18 18
Dissertation 12 12
Seminar 6 6
TOTAL 66 54

Students without sufficient background for the required courses must complete leveling courses that will not count toward the degree. Each PhD student must maintain a grade point average (GPA) above 3.00 throughout the PhD program.

Required Courses

  • PETR 6308 - Advanced Petroleum Production Operations Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6314 - Pressure Transient Testing Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6316 - Well Drilling and Completion II Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6318 - Horizontal Drilling Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6374 - Artificial Lift Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 7304 - Advanced Numerical Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 7322 - Advanced Formation Evaluation Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 7324 - Advanced Geomechanics Credit Hours: 3
  • PETR 7342 - Advanced Reservoir Engineering Credit Hours: 3
  • PETR 7X98 - Doctoral Research
  • PETR 7X99 - Doctoral Dissertation

Leveling Courses

  • PETR 6328 - Petroleum Fluid Property & Phase Equilibrium Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6351 - Introduction to Petroleum Engineering Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6362 - Reservoir Engineering I Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PETR 6364 - Origin and Development of Oil and Gas Reservoirs Credit Hours: 3.0

Academic Policies

  •   University of Houston Academic Policies    
  •   Graduate Academic Policies: Cullen College of Engineering    

USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

  • University of Southern California
  • Viterbi School of Engineering

Petroleum Engineering PhD Program

Doctor of philosophy (phd) in petroleum engineering.

Click here to apply

Please Note: All PTE Ph.D. students must seek approval from Dr. Iraj Ershaghi for all courses. ([email protected])

Course Requirements

Satisfactory completion of at least 60 units of approved graduate level coursework beyond the baccalaureate, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 is required of all PhD students  in engineering. The 60 units minimum include research courses (590, 690, 790) and four units of 794a and 794b Doctoral Dissertation. PhD students must also complete the core requirement for  their major as listed below. The core courses make a part of the 60 units requirement. The number of units taken at USC can be reduced by transferring graduate credits from another institution.  Transfer/Waiver units are subject to approval by the Degree Progress Department (for course-work taken at institutions in the U.S.) or by International Admission (for course-work taken at institutions  outside the U.S.), by the faculty advisor, and by each degree’s respective department directors. Faculty advisors may also request students to take additional courses outside of the core requirements  including specific elective courses.

Core Courses: 23 units

MASC 520 Mathematical Methods for Deep Learning  PTE 507 Engineering and Economic Evaluation of Subsurface Reservoirs PTE 508 Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Flow and Transport Processes PTE 517 Testing of Wells and Aquifers PTE 531 Enhanced Oil Recovery PTE 555 Well Completion, Stimulation, and Damage Control PTE 582 Fluid Flow and Transport Processes in Porous Media

Additional Required Coursework: 12 units In Petroleum Engineering, PhD-level courses to be chosen by the students, in consultation with their advisors, must include at least one course offered by a department other than the  Mork Family Department.

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We have 13 petroleum engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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petroleum engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Gaseous pipeline transport and its underground porous media storage for net zero innovation, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Self-Funded PhD Students Only

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Fluid flow in porous media with application to CCUS and energy storage

Sustainable fuels and chemicals from sustainable biomass and bioprocessing, sustainable waste-to-chemicals strategies to promote circular economy., towards more understanding of aggregation and scaling of calcium carbonate in the petroleum production facility, impact of grain roughness on porous media flows under conditions relevant to the subsurface, microalgal biorefineries, algal bioplastics, development of formaldehyde-free biobased adhesives based on by-product proteins, funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Ultrasound Based Technology for Removal of Scale from Downhole Production Tubing

Sustainable carbon nanomaterials for electrochemical energy conversion in hydrogen fuel cells, construction of predictive models for pre-screening of sustainable aviation fuels, fabrication, testing and life time prediction of bio-based biodegradable composites for aircraft interior panels.

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Graduate Programs

  • Petroleum Engineering

Graduate Program at Colorado School of Mines

Petroleum engineering  program overview.

Petroleum engineering students in the field

The Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering requires at least 24 credit hours of coursework and a minimum of 6 hours of research credit. Earning this degree demonstrates an ability to observe, analyze and report original scientific research and prepares graduates for similar work in their careers or pursuit of a PhD.

Candidates in the Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering program must complete at least 48 hours of graduate course credit and a minimum of 30 credit hours of research beyond the bachelor’s degree, resulting in a written dissertation. Graduates are prepared to work in academia, conduct research in commercial or government laboratories as well as make scientific discoveries that advance the industry.

money icon

~$95,000-110,000 average annual salary for petroleum engineers 

research icon

7 research centers working closely with industry

Medal icon

No. 3 graduate petroleum engineering program (U.S. News and World Report)

Program Requirements

Admission requirements, degree requirements, cost of attendance, master’s non-thesis.

  • Bachelor’s Degree : Required
  • GRE : Not Required
  • Letters of Recommendation : Required – two letters. Letters of recommendation are not required for current Mines students. 
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) : Required
  • Statement of Purpose : Required
  • Transcript(s) : Required. Must be submitted for all schools attended (unofficial transcripts accepted for admissions review and must show successful completion of any required prerequisite course(s).
  • For international applicants or applicants whose native language is not English, please review the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY requirement.


  • Bachelor’s Degree : Required  
  • GRE : Required
  • Letters of Recommendation : Required – three letters. One letter of recommendation is required for current Mines students or Mines alumni.
  • For international applicants or applicants whose native language is not English, please
  • review the ENGLISH PROFICIENCY requirement.

For additional information about these admissions requirements, please refer to the Admissions Requirements page

View the Mines Academic Catalog for more program-specific information

The Petroleum Engineering Department conducts research into the following areas:

  • Rock and fluid properties, phase behavior, and rock mechanics
  • Geomechanics
  • Formation evaluation, well test analysis, and reservoir characterization
  • Oil recovery processes
  • IOR/EOR Methods
  • Naturally fractured reservoirs
  • Analytical and numerical modeling of fluid flow in porous media
  • Pore-scale modeling and flow in nanopores
  • Development of unconventional oil and gas plays
  • Geothermal energy
  • Gas Hydrates
  • Completion and stimulation of wells
  • Horizontal and multilateral wells
  • Multi-stage fracturing of horizontal wells
  • Drilling management and rig automation
  • Fluid flow in wellbores and artificial lift
  • Drilling mechanics, directional drilling,
  • Extraterrestrial drilling
  • Ice coring and drilling
  • Bit vibration analysis, tubular buckling and stability, wave propagation in drilling tubulars
  • Laser technology in penetrating rocks
  • Environment, health, and safety in oil and gas industry

The department is home to a research institute, the Unconventional Natural Gas and Oil Institute ; two research centers, the Marathon Center of Excellence for Reservoir Studies and the Center for Earth Mechanics, Materials, and Characterization ; and two research consortia, the Fracturing, Acidizing, Stimulation Technology Consortium and the Unconventional Reservoir Engineering Project Consortium .

*Allowance for fees based on mandatory fees charged to all students. Does not include fees for orientation, library, yearbook, refrigerator rental, voice messaging, ect.

Request for additional information

Career outcomes, career types, where alumni work, career resources, industry outlook.

  • Acquisitions and Divestitures Engineer
  • Bank Analyst
  • Certification Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Commissioning Engineer
  • Completions and Production Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Drilling Engineer
  • Exploration Engineer
  • Field Engineer
  • Gas Engineer
  • Gas Pipeline Integrity Reliability Specialist
  • Gas Processing Engineer
  • Geosciences Engineer
  • Geotechnical Engineer
  • Geothermal Engineer
  • Hydraulics and Pipeline Systems Engineer
  • Hydrogeologist
  • Instrument Engineer
  • Interdisciplinary Engineer
  • Midstream Facility Engineer
  • Natural Gas Engineer
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • Planning Engineer
  • Plant Process Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Production Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Research Engineer
  • Reservoir Engineer
  • Simulation Engineer
  • Stimulation Engineer
  • Systems Design Engineer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Technical Analyst
  • Well Engineer
  • Well Planner
  • Well Testing Engineer
  • Aera Energy
  • Antero Resources
  • Baker Hughes
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • Caliber Midstream
  • California Resources Corporation
  • Callon Petroleum Company
  • Coterra Energy
  • ConocoPhillips
  • Crestwood Midstream Partners
  • DCP Midstream
  • Enable Midstream Partners
  • EnLink Midstream
  • EOG Resources
  • Halliburton
  • Hess Corporation
  • Kinder Morgan
  • Liberty Oilfield Services
  • Meritage Midstream
  • Neptune Energy
  • NexTier Oilfield Solutions
  • Occidental Petroleum
  • Phillips 66
  • S&P Global Platts
  • Schlumberger
  • Tallgrass Energy
  • Total Energies
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Geological Survey
  • Venture Global LNG
  • Western Midstream
  • Williams Companies

Mines Career Center

The Mines Career Center helps students chart their career paths and prepare for job searches, holds networking events and brings hundreds of employers to campus, among a host of other services.

Scientific Journals

  • Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
  • International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
  • Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
  • Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology
  • Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production
  • Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
  • Open Petroleum Engineering Journal
  • SPE Drilling & Completion
  • SPE Journal
  • SPE Production & Operations
  • SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering

Research and Trade Publications

  • Asian Oil & Gas
  • American Oil & Gas Reporter
  • Data Science and Digital Engineering in Upstream Oil and Gas
  • Journal of Petroleum Technology
  • Midstream Business
  • OE: Offshore Engineer
  • Oil and Gas Facilities
  • Oil & Gas Journal
  • Oil and Gas Investor
  • Oil Review Middle East
  • Oilfield Technology
  • The Way Ahead
  • Unconventional Oil & Gas Report

Professional and Industry Organizations

  • American Association of Drilling Engineers
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists
  • American Exploration & Production Council
  • American Gas Association
  • American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
  • American Petroleum Institute
  • Association of Energy Service Companies
  • Domestic Energy Producers Alliance
  • Independent Petroleum Association of America
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors
  • International Association of Geophysical Contractors
  • National Oil Shale Association
  • National Stripper Well Association
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts

The oil and gas industry’s challenges aside, if you have a job as a petroleum engineer, chances are you are being paid well. reports that  petroleum engineer was the highest-paying engineering job in the U.S. in 2020 , with an average annual salary of $94,271.

PayScale pegged the average petroleum engineer salary even higher , at $101,575 per year. Meanwhile,  according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median pay for petroleum engineers was $137,720 per year in May 2019.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of petroleum engineer jobs in the U.S. as of 2019—18,720—are located in Texas, according to the BLS. Salaries are on the higher end there, at an average of $172,890. California is a distant second with 2,440 petroleum engineer jobs, followed by Oklahoma, Colorado and Louisiana.

The top-paying states, on the other hand, may not be what you expected. Indiana was at the top, with an average annual wage of $198,170, followed by New Jersey, with $183,550. Texas, Colorado and Alaska round out the top five.

Chicago, not exactly thought of as an industry hotspot, was the highest-paying metropolitan area for petroleum engineers. Texas took the next three spots with Houston, Beaumont-Port Arthur and Wichita Falls, followed by Denver (just 15 minutes away from Colorado School of Mines, in Golden, Colorado).

Through 2019, petroleum engineer salaries were on an upward trend. The  Society of Petroleum Engineers’ membership salary survey  found that base pay increased an average of 29.1% in the U.S. from the previous year. Salaries in 2018 were also up from 2017.

Prior to the pandemic, the BLS had predicted a 3 percent increase in jobs from 2019 to 2029—about as fast as the average for all jobs. There were 33,400 petroleum engineer jobs in 2019.

While a bachelor’s degree is sufficient to enter the industry, an advanced degree does provide an earnings advantage.

In 2018-19, Mines students who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering received an average salary offer of $87,853. Master’s graduates that year received an average offer of $128,333, a $40,480 premium.

Salaries will likely only increase when the industry recovers from the pandemic.  According to , “the current crisis and the tens of thousands of layoffs every month since March are setting the stage for a massive talent shortage in just a few short years.”

“When the industry enters the next boom cycle, it may not need all these jobs—some of them could be eliminated due to greater efficiency and automation. But while it might not need  all  those employees, it  will  need many,” the article continues.

This labor shortage means companies will compete for the best engineers available, and offer even more incentives for employees with the background to help the industry overcome its unique challenges.

Tom Blasingame, incoming 2021 president of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, said the industry will have plenty to offer current college students,  in an interview with the Journal of Petroleum Technology published in September 2020 .

“Enrollments are shifting and have been for a while, but my crystal ball says that in the 2022–2024 time frame we will face a significant workforce shortage,” he said. “It is reasonable to expect that, at present, enrollments will suffer, but ultimately we will be a (very) attractive destination for the rugged individualist who likes to get up early in the morning and change the world.”

Degree Options

Master’s non-thesis.

  • Master of Engineering in Petroleum Engineering

Master’s Thesis

  • Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

Admissions Deadlines

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online phd in petroleum engineering

  • Trojan Stories

Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (Unconventional Resources)

The Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (Unconventional Resources) program (available both on-campus and online via DEN@Viterbi) is designed for those with degrees in Petroleum Engineering and related fields who wish to develop expertise in modern tools and technologies to characterize reservoirs and to exploit unconventional resources.

Related Programs

The Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science also offers the following program concentrations:

  • MS in Chemical Engineering
  • MS in Materials Engineering
  • MS in Materials Science (On-campus only)
  • MS in Petroleum Engineering
  • MS in Petroleum Engineering (Geoscience Technologies)
  • MS in Petroleum Engineering (Digital Oilfield Technologies)
  • Dual Degree: MS in Petroleum Engineering/MS in Engineering Management
  • Graduate Certificate in Digital Oilfield Technologies

For a complete list of graduate programs offered online in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, please visit the  DEN@Viterbi Program Offerings .

Career Opportunities

A variety of career opportunities exist, but primarily in the areas of:

  • Green Technology
  • Oil Industry
  • Transportation
  • Consulting Firms

Earn your Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (Unconventional Resources) online via DEN@Viterbi. Request information today.

Same Faculty. Same Program. Same Degree.

DEN@Viterbi  strives to meet the needs of engineering professionals, providing the opportunity to advance your education while maintaining your career and other commitments. By breaking down geographical and scheduling barriers, DEN@Viterbi allows you to take your classes anytime and anywhere.

DEN@Viterbi students undergo the same academic requirements, curriculum, and must adhere to the same academic standards as on-campus students; therefore, your diploma is ultimately issued by the University of Southern California. There is no difference between remote students and on-campus students.

Related Online Graduate Programs

School Finder

The most affordable online engineering ph.d. programs.

The best online engineering Ph.D. programs

At, we’ve created our Students Before Profits Award to promote nonprofit colleges and universities offering online degree programs that put students before profits and education as the bottom line. For our online doctorates in engineering award winners, we gathered together the best online phd in engineering programs offered from accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities, and we have ranked the programs according to their affordability. 

The Best Online PhD Engineering Programs

Professionals with advanced knowledge in various technical fields are in increasing and unprecedented demand as the technological landscape continues to change rapidly. Online doctoral engineering programs will equip individuals with a terminal-level engineering degree to fill high-level positions in various industries. Graduates will be qualified to develop original research to drive the field forward in decades to come. 

Though this ranking is primarily concerned with the affordability of the best online engineering Ph.D. programs, the schools here have also consistently been ranked to have the best online engineering programs by major national publications. Therefore, we believe they deserve to be considered among the best online doctor of engineering online programs and research-based degree programs available.

You may also like: Best PhD in Engineering Management Online: Students Before Profits

Methodology for Ranking the Best Online PhD Engineering Programs

Each of the Ph.D. in engineering programs listed below is ordered from the highest to the lowest score based on the program’s affordability. The rates shown are the in-state graduate tuition fees gathered from the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) College Navigator tool. Rates for each Ph.D. program can vary depending on your location, and the online version of a Ph.D. in engineering can (and often does) have a different cost. In addition, financial aid, grants, or scholarships can change the overall tuition fees. With that in mind, engineering students should consider each of these excellent schools and programs individually before making a final decision.

Best Engineering Ph.D. Programs Online

University of Alabama at Birmingham$8,100
Mississippi State University$8,800
Texas A&M University$9,820
Colorado State University$10,520
University of Alabama$10,780
University of North Dakota $11,060
Rowan University$12,879
University of South Carolina$13,737
Michigan Technological University$21,744
Columbia University$49,024


online phd in petroleum engineering



The University of Alabama at Birmingham has one of the best online phd engineering programs in the country. Established as a public research institution in 1969, there were 13,878 undergraduate students enrolled in the school in the fall of 2020. 

The campus occupies more than 100 city blocks and has a total size of 437 acres. UAB’s 100-square-block campus is located in the heart of Alabama’s largest city, allowing a wide variety of students to take advantage of research opportunities, internships, and resume-building work experiences. The campus contains 11 schools, a prestigious medical center, and a sizeable graduate school. 

The university offers 140 academic programs in 12 academic divisions. A total of more than 23,000 faculty and staff, as well as 53,000 jobs at UAB and in the health system, make UAB the state’s largest employer. The school’s athletic teams join NCAA Division 1 as the Blazers. 

The University of Alabama at Birmingham offers an online phd in Interdisciplinary Engineering . Through this program, engineering students can develop their understanding of various generalized engineering topics. This program is designed to be completed either full-time or part-time. A portion of this program can be completed online, while some components require students to visit the UAB campus. Students can expect to complete this degree in about four years. The Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges has provided the University of Alabama at Birmingham with accreditation for this online phd in engineering program.

Tuition: $8,100


online phd in petroleum engineering



Mississippi State University was founded in 1878 and is located in Starkville, approximately 170 miles southeast of Memphis, Tennessee. Its campus is situated in a rural setting on 4,200 acres. MSU offers more than 160 degree options, including graduate degrees. 

Many of its traditions remain a part of the school’s culture. At the beginning of each school year, the Drill pep rally and the athletic season kicks off the school year with students rattling cowbells and cheering with Bully, the live bulldog mascot. Members of the Southeastern Conference in NCAA Division I, the Mississippi Bulldogs, compete in about 15 sports. MSU students can participate in the campus community by joining more than 300 campus clubs, pledge with more than 30 fraternities and sororities, or run for office in the student government. The bestselling author John Grisham, who studied accounting at MSU, is among the university’s notable alumni.

Mississippi State University offers its Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering degree entirely online. Using the same curriculum as the on-campus version of the course, this online phd in Electrical and Computer Engineering will instill all the same computer science and engineering skills and competencies in students without requiring visits to the Mississippi State University campus. This distance learning Ph.D. in engineering degree is designed to be completed in about four years. 

The Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges has provided this public research university with accreditation for the Ph.D. in engineering. This is one of the best distance learning engineering Ph.D. programs in the country, and students who earn this online phd in engineering will have gained the skills needed for a high-level computer or electrical engineering career.

Tuition: $8,800

Score: 97.5


online phd in petroleum engineering



Texas A&M University is a public land grant research institution founded in 1876 in College Station, Texas. It was the first public university in Texas and is the flagship institution of the Texas A&M University System. Texas A&M’s student body is the largest in the United States, with an enrollment of 5568 (fall 2020). The main campus spans over 5,500 acres, and there are more than 130 degree programs offered by 17 colleges and 21 research institutes at the university. 

The school offers many unique programs, including the only veterinary school in the state. Additionally, Texas A&M has a campus in Qatar, which enrolls about 500 students. There are more than 1,000 clubs and organizations at the university, including almost 60 fraternities and sororities. Some notable alumni of Texas A&M include US Representatives Joe Barton and Louie Gohmert, beauty pageant winners Kandace Krueger and Melissa McConnell, Miss USA and Miss Louisiana, respectively.

Texas A&M University offers a fully online Doctor of Engineering that is identical to the Ph.D. program offered on-campus. Texas A&M University makes no mention of the delivery format of this program on a students’ diploma or transcript. A total of 60 credit hours are needed to complete the program, one of the best online engineering Ph.D. programs available. 

Texas A&M University has received accreditation for this online phd in engineering degree from the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges. Those who complete this degree will have the research experience needed for a career in engineering. 

Tuition: $9,820


online phd in petroleum engineering



Colorado State University is a public institution located in Fort Collins, Colorado. It was founded in 1870 and is the flagship university of the Colorado State University System. As of fall 2020, there were 25,186 undergraduate students enrolled at the school. The campus is 4,773 acres and is less than an hour’s drive from Denver. 

CSU offers over 150 degrees through its eight colleges, including graduate business, engineering, and education programs. The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is also acclaimed for its veterinary medicine programs. In addition, CSU is considered one of the nation’s leading research universities. 

Over 350 campus organizations are available to students, including about 35 fraternities and sororities. In addition, more than 15 varsity sports teams at CSU compete in the NCAA Division I Mountain West Conference. Notable alumni include the cowboy poet Baxter Black and the American racecar driver Jim Malloy.

Students at Colorado State University can enroll in the online Doctor of Systems Engineering degree program and complete their coursework entirely online. It’s one of the best online phd engineering degrees available, requiring a total of 72 credits to earn the degree. Students in this program will become experts in how different engineering systems interact. 

Colorado State University has received accreditation for this degree from the Higher Learning Commission. Courses in this program include foundations of systems engineering, engineering risk analysis, intellectual property & invention systems, and many others. The online ph.d programs at CSU are specifically designed for working professionals.

Tuition: $10,520

Score: 92.5


online phd in petroleum engineering



The University of Alabama is a public institution established in 1831. This suburban campus has a total undergraduate enrollment of 31,670 (fall 2020), a campus size of 1,143 acres, and a suburban setting. The Tuscaloosa campus, the flagship campus of the University of Alabama system, is called “The Capstone.” 

UA students can get involved in more than 500 student organizations. The school’s Greek system includes more than 11,500 students in 70 fraternities and sororities. The Alabama Crimson Tide sports teams, cheered on by an elephant mascot named Big Al, are notorious in the NCAA Division I Southeastern Conference. In addition, there are both men’s and women’s wheelchair basketball programs. UA is approximately 60 miles from Birmingham.

Those interested in studying aerospace online will be interested in this online phd program in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics . One of the most affordable online engineering Ph.D. programs available, this program allows students to learn all the skills needed for expertise in the field of aerospace engineering entirely online. A total of 72 credit hours are required to complete this program of study.  The online ph.d programs at the University of Alabama are specifically designed for working professionals.

The Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges has provided the University of Alabama with accreditation for this degree program. This Ph.D. engineering online program is designed with working professionals in mind and has a large amount of flexibility to accommodate outside scheduling needs.

Tuition: $10,780


online phd in petroleum engineering



The University of North Dakota was established in 1883 as a public institution. The campus, which encompasses 521 acres, is just a few miles from the Minnesota border in the city of Grand Forks. At UND, students can choose from over 200 academic programs, including graduate programs in law, business, engineering, and education. The School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University also offers a highly regarded program in rural medicine. 

Student clubs and student government provide more than 200 opportunities for students to get involved outside the classroom. In addition, the school’s varsity sports teams compete in various conferences of the NCAA Division I and welcome students to join intramural teams or try out for varsity teams. Chuck Klosterman, the author of “Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto,” and Sally Smith, the CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings, are notable UND alumni.

This online Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering is primarily delivered online, although students must visit the University campus for two days each semester. Students in this Ph.D. online engineering degree program will study:

  • geomechanics
  • seismic analysis
  • many other areas of petroleum engineering research

A total of 90 credit hours are needed to complete this degree, and you can expect to finish this Ph.D. program in just four years. It’s one of the top online engineering Ph.D. programs in North Dakota. Courses in this program include:

  • data mining in petroleum engineering
  • natural gas engineering
  • reservoir geophysics
  • practical seismic processing

The online ph.d programs at UND are specifically designed for working professionals.

Tuition: $11,060

Score: 87.5


online phd in petroleum engineering



Rowan University was established in 1923 and is a public research university. The suburban campus is 196 acres and sits in Glassboro, New Jersey. RU has an undergraduate enrollment of 15,963 students (fall 2020) and comprises 14 schools and colleges. 

There are 85 bachelor’s degrees, 46 master’s degrees, six doctoral degrees, and two professional degrees offered by the university. Rowan University participates in Division III of the NCAA, and its sports teams have had moderate success on a national level. Students can play in their choice of 18 different sports. On the campus, RU offers more than 100 organizations and clubs, along with more than 30 Greek organizations. Notable alumni include: Miss New Jersey USA 2006, Jessica Boyington, and professional wrestler Nick Comoroto. The university is approximately 20 miles from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Those who plan to study engineering at RU can enroll in this online Ph.D. in Engineering program. Students can choose from several concentrations including:

  • biomedical engineering
  • electrical & computer engineering
  • engineering education
  • chemical engineering
  • civil & environmental engineering
  • materials science & engineering
  • mechanical engineering

While these graduate degree programs are available primarily online, students must complete some program components in person.  The online ph.d programs at Rowan are specifically designed for working professionals.

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education has provided Rowan University with accreditation for this degree.

Tuition: $12,879


online phd in petroleum engineering



Founded in 1801 is the University of South Carolina, a public research institution in Columbia, South Carolina. Currently, the university enrolls 27,270 undergraduates (fall 2020), and its campus size is 444 acres. SU’s school sports teams compete in the NCAA Division I Southeastern Conference. 

In addition to undergraduate and graduate degrees, the University of South Carolina offers online PhD programs through its law school, medical school, college of education, and engineering school. In addition, several research centers are located on the campus, which is the flagship of the University of South Carolina system. 

The school’s Robert Burns and Scottish literature collections are the largest outside Scotland, and they have the world’s most extensive Ernest Hemingway collection. The members of Hootie and the Blowfish formed the band at USC while they were students. US Senator Lindsey Graham and XM Radio founder Gary Parsons are among USC’s notable alumni. 

Graduate students wishing to study engineering at the University of South Carolina can enroll in the school’s online Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering . Through this distance learning Ph.D. engineering program, the University of South Carolina will provide students with all the knowledge and training needed for a career in nuclear engineering. It is thought to be one of the best online nuclear engineering Ph.D. programs in South Carolina. Courses in this program include:

  • nuclear cycles
  • radiation shielding
  • reactor systems

Students in this online PhD program are also allowed to earn a specialization in:

  • nuclear fuels and structural materials
  • thermal hydraulics
  • advanced modeling and simulation

The online ph.d programs at USC are specifically designed for working professionals. This top online engineering doctoral program is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools Commission on Colleges.

Tuition: $13,737

Score: 82.5


online phd in petroleum engineering



Michigan Technological University is a public research institution in Houghton, Michigan, founded in 1885. The college has 5,642 undergraduate students (fall 2020) in a rural setting on a 925-acre campus located on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Lake Superior. MTU is approximately 100 miles from Wisconsin. 

With more than 120 undergraduate majors at Michigan Tech, as well as many degrees for graduate students, including those in business and engineering, students have plenty of options to choose from. The university allows students to conduct research closely with their professors and participate in undergraduate expos to share what they have learned. Additionally, students can participate in more than 200 organizations, Greek life, or intramural sports. In addition to the Michigan Tech Huskies men’s hockey team, students can participate in various other clubs and teams competing in Division II. Former NFL players Joe Berger and Bob Lurtsema are both MTU alumni.

The online phd in Mechanical Engineering degree is one of the best online engineering programs in the country and is ideal for students who want to advance their careers in mechanical engineering without interrupting their current careers. This is a nationally recognized, research-intensive, mechanical engineering program that stands out among online engineering doctoral programs. This mechanical engineering program has also been highly ranked by US News & World Report, and a full 80 percent of the school’s Ph.D. graduates find job placement in the industry. MTU’s online ph.d is designed for working professionals.

Students can choose a mechanical engineering focus from among over 20 areas of study. Courses in this online PhD program may include:

  • autonomous systems
  • intelligent systems
  • alternative fuels & renewable energy
  • operations research

Michigan Technological University has received accreditation for this mechanical engineering program from the Higher Learning Commission. The school’s remote mechanical engineering program is specifically designed for working professionals.

Tuition: $21,744


online phd in petroleum engineering



Established in 1754, Columbia University is a private research institute in New York City. It ranks fifth among the United States higher education institutions regarding age and is the oldest higher education institution in New York. It is an Ivy League school with 6,170 undergraduate students (as of fall 2020). The urban campus is spread over 36 acres and has three undergraduate schools. The university’s College of Dental Medicine and its graduate Journalism School are among the most well-known divisions of the school. 

Students can participate in many student activities at Columbia, including 28 Greek chapters. Additionally, the school is a member institution of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in Division I FCS, with 29 varsity teams. Former President Barack Obama and John Jay, the founder and first Supreme Court chief justice, are among the distinguished alumni. The university also administers the Pulitzer Prizes.

Among the degrees offered remotely, the school offers an online Doctorate of Mechanical Engineering . Students in this Ph.D. systems engineering online program will study courses related to mechanical engineering. Some of these may include:

  • aerodynamics
  • fluid mechanics
  • energy systems

The Ph.D. in engineering program requires a total of 60 credits to complete. 

The Middle States Commission of Higher Education has provided Columbia University with accreditation for this program of study. This online engineering Ph.D. is an excellent option for students looking for the most flexible online engineering doctoral program.

Tuition: $49,024

More Information About Engineering PhDs

A Doctor of Engineering degree is a terminal degree, meaning it is the highest degree you can acquire in the field. As an engineering Ph.D., you will be prepared to work in government, industry, research, academia, and more. Pursuing a Doctor of Engineering degree program typically requires focused coursework in a specific engineering specialty, a written dissertation or thesis, and a great deal of original research. In addition, a Ph.D. in engineering offers students the opportunity to build on their practical skills and theoretical knowledge, allowing them to make significant contributions to the engineering field and to technology development.

There are many types graduate degree programs and engineering degrees one can pursue, and the more you advance in the field, the more specialized in engineering science they become. Students can look for online engineering Ph.D. programs in biomedical engineering, computer engineering, petroleum engineering, aerospace engineering and mechanics, and so many others.

What Are the Different Types of Engineering Ph.D.s?

Traditional engineering degrees such as electrical, civil, and mechanical are the most common, but there are dozens of other types of engineering as well. Some of the online programs include:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering 
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Biomechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering

Environmental Engineering

  • Structural Engineering 

Civil Engineering

  • Architectural Engineering 
  • Computer Engineering 
  • Electrical Engineering  
  • Electronics Engineering 
  • Robotics Engineering 
  • Microelectronic Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering 
  • Materials Science Engineering 
  • Paper Engineering
  • Sustainability Design 

Engineering Management

  • MBA in Engineering 
  • Industrial Engineering 
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineering 
  • Geological Engineering 
  • Nuclear Engineering 
  • Marine Engineering 
  • Engineering Physics
  • Photonics Engineering 
  • Nanotechnology Engineering
  • Mining Engineering 
  • Ceramics Engineering 
  • Metallurgical Engineering 
  • Geomatics Engineering 
  • Project Management Engineering
  • Software Engineering

Online Ph.D. Programs

online engineering degrees

If you’re already working in the field, pursuing an online phd in engineering can be an excellent option. This is especially true for students who want to study software engineering, which is an ideal discipline to pursue remotely. But software engineering is not the only option for an online PhD in engineering. There are many such programs for students to learn, including electrical engineering, computer engineering, and more.

With online phd programs, there is no need to leave your job to complete your studies. That’s because online engineering Ph.D. programs are highly flexible and you can often complete the required coursework on your own schedule. These programs still support student research, offer

Online engineering programs are available in many different formats, including asynchronous, synchronous, and hybrid.

With online phd in engineering synchronous programs, you will need to log in for classes and lectures at specific times. Although you can still complete synchronous courses for engineering programs online, this learning method is the least flexible. While coursework is completed online, you’ll still need to arrange your schedule around your studies.

Asynchronous coursework means that you set your own schedule and can work on your assignments whenever it’s convenient for you, making this the most flexible type of online engineering Ph.D. program.

A hybrid Ph.D. in engineering program can be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous classes. Alternatively, some hybrid programs allow you to complete a portion of the coursework online, but students are expected to be on campus for specific projects.  Additionally, some hybrid programs are available in an online and Saturday format.

No matter what type of program you choose, whether it’s civil and environmental engineering, aerospace engineering and mechanics, electrical engineering, or one of a multitude of other online engineering doctoral programs, you’ll typically learn from the same esteemed faculty members that teach the on-campus Ph.D. in engineering. Plus, your degree will not specify the learning format you chose. So if you’re colleague on campus receives an electrical and computer engineering degree, you can be sure yours will be identical.

One thing you’ll need to keep in mind with online doctor of engineering programs is that some components of your phd program may require on-campus participation. For example, you may need to visit campus for required research seminars or to show your original research in person. You should speak with your own enrollment counselor to ensure you’ll be able to attend.

What Can You Do With an Engineering Ph.D.?

The sky’s the limit for graduates of Ph.D. in engineering programs, primarily because by the time they complete their engineering doctorate online, they have had years of practical and theoretical education. As a result, some Ph.D. in engineering graduates choose to work in academia, becoming college professors at large research universities. Others use their knowledge to work in critical positions in government or industry, while some apply their online engineering phd programs to entrepreneurial endeavors. As a result, engineering Ph.D.’s have done everything from creating lifesaving technology to developing award-winning communication platforms. 

Top Careers for Engineering Ph.D.’s

There are endless career opportunities for those who graduate from online phd programs: Constructing skyscrapers, manufacturing aircraft, developing software, creating robots, and more. Those who pursue a Ph.D. in engineering have even more options. Below are some of the most popular (and highest-paying) careers for students who complete online engineering phd programs.

Engineering management is one of the highest-paid roles in the engineering field, with a base salary of $118,896 a year. In this role, engineers serve in a supervisory position within a company, overseeing teams, implementing projects, and helping to guide design decisions. Not surprisingly, those who understand the latest engineering management concepts excel in this sector. The more responsibility you have in this role, the higher the pay will be, and it is not uncommon for engineering managers to make upwards of $160,000 annually.


Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineers have extensive knowledge of chemical properties and materials science and may work in food manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and other industries. They are typically involved in product development and research, creating new products or improving upon current ones. While chemical engineers usually earn an average of $119,000 a year, chemical engineering Ph.D.’s can earn up to $155,000. Online engineering phd programs in chemical engineering are widely available.

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineers design and create the equipment used for oil extraction. They are expected to learn new and innovative ways to extract this natural resource and to create machines that do it efficiently. On average, petroleum engineers make around $100,852 annually. However, a petroleum engineer with a Ph.D. may earn up to $175,000 or more, depending on the role. There are many schools with online engineering phd programs in petroleum engineering.


Civil engineering is probably the most well-known engineering type, and according to U.S. News & World Report, it’s the number-one engineering job one can have. Civil engineers do everything from building bridges and skyscrapers to maintaining airports and railways. In short, they are responsible for the infrastructure of our nation. Civil engineers are rarely unemployed, and those in senior positions make up to $130,000 a year. Students will find plenty of online engineering phd programs in civil engineering to choose from.


Our world relies on the expertise of environmental engineers now more than ever as they develop solutions to the serious environmental challenges we face. From resource regulation to managing pollution and water quality, experts in civil and environmental engineering use their knowledge to create a better world for generations to come. Environmental engineers typically earn between $52,000 and $100,000. However, those with a Ph.D. in the field can earn up to $113,000. There are many such environmental online engineering phd programs.


An Overview of Systems Engineering

online engineering systems engineering careers with PhD

Another top career choice for those pursuing a Ph.D. in Engineering is Systems Engineering. But what exactly is systems engineering?

NASA’s Systems Engineering Handbook defines systems engineering as “a methodical, multi-disciplinary approach for the design, realization, technical management, operations, and retirement of a system.” What is the system in systems engineering? It can be anything, really. A system can be mechanical, electrical, chemical, and even biological. 

Traditionally, engineers choose specific fields they are interested in. For example, chemical engineers work with chemicals. Aeronautical engineers work with air and spacecraft. Robotics engineers work in robotics. Computer engineers work in computer science, and so forth. But systems engineering is even more involved. It can encompass one or more engineering disciplines and go beyond the actual attributes of one role or job description. Moreover, systems engineering involves the entire system needed to produce an end result. 

With systems engineering, you see projects through from beginning to end. And a “system” can consist of all the tangible and intangible things needed to produce a particular result, including:

  • Humans and personnel
  • Products and services
  • Data and information
  • Processes, methods, and procedures
  • Buildings, facilities, and property
  • Water, minerals, land, or any other natural element

Incidentally, the system can be one or a combination of any of the above.

Systems Engineering Is Multi-Faceted

Systems engineering crosses many different engineering disciplines to create something. But systems engineering is also transdisciplinary. It uses methods and systems from many fields to look at the big picture. Often, systems engineers are called upon to solve complex and seemingly unsolvable problems. 

Systems engineers understand that resolutions dont always come about using the same systems and methods you’ve always used. Instead, they know how to combine them to create something new. For example, they may combine computer science with electrical engineering to create new and complex systems that benefit humanity. And In many cases, the end result will be innovative and revolutionary—something that has never been done before. 

Do You Need a Ph.D. To Have a Role in Systems Engineering

You could say a systems engineer wears many hats at any given time. And the amount of effort that goes into breaking into systems engineering is enormous. This role is closely related to engineering management .

It’s easy to see how you need a lot of experience and education to establish a career in systems engineering. At the very least, systems engineering requires a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or another engineering discipline. But an undergraduate degree in systems engineering will only open doors to entry-level positions. Typically, those who want to get into higher-paying jobs in systems engineering need a graduate degree. And studying the more complex theories in systems engineering may require a Ph.D. 

How Hard Is It To Work in Systems Engineering

As a systems engineer, you’ll typically have naturally high levels of intelligence. You will also need to have curiosity and a desire to learn new concepts and solve complex problems. Academically rigorous, it is by no means “easy” to become a systems engineer. Your ability to break into this field depends partly on the intelligence you were born with. But systems engineering is also something one can learn with determination and discipline.

Working daily in systems engineering can be a stressful job. Such individuals are working with complex systems day in and day out. This is primarily because it falls on you to solve big problems, which can be quite mentally taxing. As a result, individuals best suited to systems engineering have skills like:

  • An analytical mind
  • Patience and perseverance
  • Ability to see both the big and small pictures
  • Strong organizational abilities
  • A well-rounded background of education and experience in engineering
  • Leadership and teamwork 
  • Communication 
  • The ability to stay calm and relaxed under pressure

Where Can You Work in Systems Engineering?

Systems engineers are employed in every major industry you can think of. Systems engineering lets you work on problem-solving and building systems within any field that interests you, including

  • Manufacturing
  • Industrial Engineering Firms
  • Technology and Technology Development Firms
  • Transportation
  • Government Agencies
  • Private Companies

Are There Ph.D. Programs Specifically for Systems Engineering?

The fourth school on our list, Colorado State University, offers an online systems engineering program. It’s a remote Ph.D. in engineering program specifically for students pursuing a systems engineering degree at the doctoral level. This systems engineering program requires 72 credit hours. However, for students who already have a master’s engineering degree, there is an alternate 42-credit program. These graduate students will need to have earned 30 credits already.

At some other colleges, you may earn online PhD engineering degrees by building your own Ph.D. in engineering program through concentrations. Candidates should speak with a faculty advisor or research advisor to see if the school provides coursework relevant to a systems engineering program.

How Much Can You Make in Systems Engineering?

According to Payscale , the average salary in systems engineering is $81,332 annually. However, this figure varies depending on your location, experience level, and discipline. Those who are experienced in systems engineering can make anywhere from $78,000 to $178,000 or more. So if this career interests you, it may be worth it to pursue your systems engineering degree.

Closing Thoughts: Is It Worth It To Pursue an Online Doctorate in Engineering?

phd in engineering

Generally speaking, those who hold graduate degrees in any field have the opportunity to earn more than students with just an undergraduate degree. For example, according to Payscale , those with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering earn a base salary of $72,000 a year, while those with a doctoral degree make an average of $95,000. Here’s another example: Those with a B.S. in electrical and computer engineering can expect a base salary of $96,000, but with a Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering that figure goes up to $133,000 .


Of course, there are pros and cons to earning a terminal degree in engineering. For example, whether you pursue aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, an engineering management program, biomedical engineering, or an interdisciplinary engineering degree, the time it takes to complete online engineering doctoral programs is anywhere from four to seven years. Plus, continuing your education can be costly. However, there are also many advantages to pursuing your doctoral degree:

Higher Salary: An engineering Ph.D. online typically leads to much better than average pay. As discussed above, the difference in earnings between those with a bachelor’s and those with a doctoral degree is well over $20,000 a year.

Funding: Students pursuing online graduate programs in engineering are often eligible for funding from businesses or the government, especially when there is a specific project underway.

Grants and Scholarships: Students pursuing distance learning Ph.D. engineering programs may be eligible for grants and scholarships, especially women and minorities. 

Lower Cost: Online phd in Engineering programs usually have a lower per-credit cost than undergraduate programs.

Ultimately, you’ll need to decide if the time and money it takes to earn your Ph.D. are worth it for you in the long run. But with online engineering Ph.D. programs, it is more convenient than ever before to earn an advanced degree while simultaneously working in the field you enjoy. 

  • Best Online Civil Engineering Degrees
  • Best PhD in Engineering Management Online
  • Top Civil Engineering Careers

This concludes our article on the top online PhD engineering degrees.

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Top Ranked Online Graduate Engineering Programs

U.S. News & World Report (2023)

Petroleum Engineering

MS in Petroleum Engineering (Geoscience Technologies)

MS in Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering involves the technology of economically developing and producing subterranean reservoirs of oil, gas, steam, and hot water and designing underground waste disposal facilities. This technology relies on basic concepts of physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and economics. Because more than 300 products are derived from petroleum, it has become a vital part of our everyday life. The petroleum industry is one of the largest and most prominent in the United States today, and the companies involved are dependent on the services of petroleum engineers to explore, discover, and produce oil and gas to meet energy needs. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering's Petroleum Engineering program is one of the oldest in the country with considerable industry support and interaction. Its assets are numerous - the advantages of a relatively small, friendly program, combined with the University's impressive academic and research facilities; its proximity to major oil fields in California; and a quality education provided by experienced and nationally renowned faculty.

An undergraduate degree in Petroleum Engineering (or other engineering, math, or hard science with assigned deficiencies) from a regionally accredited college or university is required.


At the Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science (MFD), our graduates are provided with a well-rounded engineering education to meet the needs of industry, academia and government labs, to conduct pioneering research, and to play an integrating and leadership role to the multi-disciplinary community of science and engineering.

The MFD fosters and cultivates synergies between the three degree programs to further research and development in energy production and delivery, nanotechnology, biochemical processes and medical devices. With expertise in advanced materials, and computational simulations and methods, we strive to lead the development of cross-disciplinary synergies that serve citizens worldwide with profound scientific, technological, social, and humanitarian advances.

Dual Degree Program: MS Petroleum Engineering/MS in Engineering Management

MS in Petroleum Engineering (Digital Oilfield Technologies)

Graduate Certificate in Digital Oilfield Technologies

Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (Unconventional Resources)


The DEN@Viterbi online delivery method enables students to advance their graduate and professional education fully online. For online DEN@Viterbi students, on-campus attendance is not required. However, our unique blended model allows DEN@Viterbi students to come to the USC campus and attend class in-person, further engaging with their on-campus classmates and faculty. 

In addition to over 40 graduate programs, professional (non-credit) courses are also available via DEN@Viterbi.   

Complete the form below to receive the  DEN@Viterbi Brochure and explore our 40+ online graduate engineering programs!

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  • Facts and Figures
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Online Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

The Online Master of Science degree in the Department of Petroleum Engineering is a thesis option research-based degree that will prepare graduates with the skills to pursue global opportunities in the petroleum industry. The research skills developed through fundamental courses in multiple areas of petroleum engineering will enable graduates to be successful leaders in the petroleum field of their choice.

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online phd in petroleum engineering

Why choose Engineering Online

Advance your career with our Engineering Online program! Backed by the university's esteemed reputation and national recognition in engineering education, you'll engage directly with industry leaders and a rigorous curriculum. Beyond graduation, tap into the extensive Aggie Alumni Network, offering invaluable connections to propel your career forward.

Engineering Online Benefits

Girl writes notes while reading slide on laptop computer.

Degree Details

  • The 30-credit hour Online Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering is a thesis-option, research-based degree that provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of their professional field and training in methods of research. This degree can be completed online and is designed to suit students employed full-time in the petroleum industry.

Course Information


  • Include courses from outside the department. Minimum 2 courses, maximum 4. 
  • Take at least 3 of the core courses (required for students without a Bachelor of Science in petroleum engineering). 
  • No more than 9 hours transfer credit from another peer department/ university. 
  • No more than 12 hours of PETE 689 courses. 
  • No more than 8 hours of PETE 691courses. 
  • No more than 6 hours of PETE 685 courses. 
  • One credit for PETE 684 and 692 courses used for internships. 
  • No more than 2 hours of PETE 681 courses. Starting Fall 2020: only 2 occurrences of PETE 681. (Courses will be taken for zero-hour credit) 
  • Agree on at least 3 committee members, with 1 outside the department. 
  • File a degree plan before the beginning of your second semester but by no means later than 90 days before your final oral examination. 
  • Submit your thesis proposal to the Graduate and Professional School before the close of the semester in which you expect to receive the degree or before you schedule your final examination, whichever occurs first. 
  • Complete your Thesis and final examination. 

Graduate Application Requirements

Current a&m students - quick admit, application portal.

The Texas A&M University Petroleum Engineering program is a great choice for anyone interested in a career in the oil and gas industry. It provides a great education with countless opportunities.

Degree Highlights

Related degrees.

study group of three petroleum engineering students discussing course notes

International Petroleum Management Certificate

Oil platform over the water with the sunset in the background.

Online Master of Engineering in Petroleum Engineering

Engineering online resources, tuition calculator.

To calculate cost, select the semester you’ll start, choose Engineering from the drop-down menu, and slide Hours to how many you’ll take each semester. Your total cost is Tuition and Required Fees + Engineering Program Fee (Remote).

Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to frequently asked questions tailored to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your education with Engineering Online.

Prospective Students

Interested in an online Master of Engineering degree in petroleum engineering? Here are a few things you need to know about our program.

Online Learning

We have delivered online education since 1995, so we have plenty of experience helping students complete our program successfully.

Questions? Email [email protected] .

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PhD Studentship: Anchoring technology solutions in challenging ground conditions for application in a floating wind farm array

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Petroleum Engineering Master's

Dig deeper. Conduct research at North Dakota's only petroleum engineering program.

North Dakota is a leader in producing oil from unconventional sources. The Bakken Formation is the second-largest producer of oil in the U.S. UND's master's in Petroleum Engineering, backed by leading industry participants, produces engineers ready work in the oil industry.

Why earn a master's in Petroleum Engineering?

If you're an international student, refer to the international application process for deadlines.

UND's master's in Petroleum Engineering will prepare you to address challenges in the oil field. Our graduate students are conducting petroleum research in:

  • Geomechanics, production and reservoir studies of hydraulic fracturing
  • Re-fracturing for optimization of production from unconventional shales
  • Data driven modeling in unconventional reservoirs
  • Petrophysical and geochemical analysis of shale oil
  • Geophysics and seismic analysis of unconventional reservoirs

M.S. vs. M.Eng. Master's in Petroleum Engineering

UND offers both Petroleum Engineering Master of Science (M.S.) and Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degrees.

  • The M.Eng. program is more course-based and requires 30 credits. The M.Eng. option is ideal for non-Petroleum Engineering backgrounds to learn practical aspects of different oil and gas upstream disciplines from basic to advanced level in a relatively short period of time with the idea to join the industry even after the first semester.
  • The more popular M.S. program includes a thesis and/or non-thesis research project and is 30-32 credits.

Both require a faculty-approved design project. You must also submit a peer-reviewed manuscript on which you are first author, such as a conference or journal paper or patent application. It is recommended you connect with the Department of Petroleum Engineering before making a final decision.

Petroleum Engineering Master's Skills

A Petroleum Engineering master's gives you the strategic skills you need, including:

  • Computer-Aided Design
  • Solidworks, CAD
  • Creo Elements/Pro, Computer-Aided
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Mechanical Engineering

Best Petroleum Engineering Master's Programs

We are recognized by U.S. News & World report as a top online graduate engineering program in the nation.

Be on top of the latest trends. Our Industry Advisory Council, represented by some of the state's biggest companies, regularly helps us refine our curriculum.

All master's in Petroleum Engineering courses all available online.

Gain networking and career opportunities through relationships with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, North Dakota Petroleum Council and other groups.

Small class sizes + open-door policy among faculty = a rich, personalized learning experience.

Work in t he world’s largest – and only - oil drilling simulator. T rain on cutting-edge simulators at our Collaborate Energy Complex.

What can you do with a master's in Petroleum Engineering?

Median salary in 2022 for a petroleum engineer in the U.S.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No. of petroleum engineering jobs in the U.S.

Petroleum engineers are in great demand. More than 90% of our petroleum engineering graduates find jobs in the oil industry. Employers of petroleum engineers are involved in:

  • Petroleum exploration
  • Geologic formation characterization
  • Drilling and fracturing
  • Computer simulation
  • Equipment and process design to optimize recovery
  • Monitoring of production and processing

In addition, petroleum engineers are involved in:

  • Petro-chemical production
  • Transportation of products
  • Geosciences
  • Environmental efforts
  • International commerce

Jobs with Master's in Petroleum Engineering

UND Petroleum Engineering alumni have gone on to a variety of successful careers with:

  • Seconn Automated Solutions, LLC
  • Cirrus Design Corporation
  • The Boeing Company
  • Center for Energy and Environment

Petroleum Engineering Master's Courses

PTRE 541. Data Mining in Petroleum Engineering. 3 Credits.

This course will provide students with the fundamentals of data mining and machine learning methodologies and their applications in the petroleum industry. Students will become familiar with data mining system architecture, concepts and tasks such as data processing, data integration and classification techniques. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Multivariable Calculus. S, odd years.

PTRE 521. Advanced Production Engineering. 3 Credits.

Principles of development and operation of petroleum production systems. Optimization of production systems for various reservoirs. All professional components in artificial technology for oil production operations. Calculation of different skin components. Horizontal well and multilateral well performance. Formation damage. Design and optimization of surface facility. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Production Engineering. F, odd years.

PTRE 581. Reservoir Geophysics. 3 Credits.

This fundamental course provides students with the basic knowledge required to understand a typical 2D 3D seismic processing workflow. This covers the processing sequence, parameter selection and how to design and handle a seismic processing project. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Petrophysics. S, even years.

PTRE 571. Petroleum Geostatistics. 3 Credits.

The reservoir data including porosity and permeability follow the spatial statistics as there is a dependency between the data depending on their distance and position with respect to each other. This course presents the fundamental of spatial statistics with several case examples in Petroleum Engineering. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Calculus-based Statistics. F, even years.

PTRE 561. Natural Gas Engineering. 3 Credits.

Estimation of gas properties for well test or production data analysis using accurate correlations and laboratory data. Gas field development and material balance analysis for gas reserve calculation. Study of production and reservoir characteristics of gas and gas-condensate reservoirs. Skin effects and calculation for non-Darcy flow in gas well. Design, evaluation, and optimization of gas production and transportation system using nodal analysis. Analysis and design of gas well flow systems. Design surface facilities for gas well stream separation, dehydration, and compression. Gas processing, transportation, and metering. Gas hydrate prevention and inhibition. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Reservoir Engineering. S, odd years.

PTRE 513. Seismic Geomechanics. 3 Credits.

This advanced course introduces students to the modern geomechanical modeling of anisotropic, heterogeneous media. Topics include the basics of elasticity, a detailed workflow for creating both 3D and 4D mechanical earth models from the creation of horizons to the interpretation, and the methods and experiments to determine the elastic and strength properties. It also covers the importance of boundary condition for numerical solution of the stress equations and production-induced deformation. Rock physics application in geomechanics is deeply explained, and seismic wave velocity in anisotropic mediawill be discussed. Geomechanical effect in time-lapse seismic data, 3D exploration of geonechanical model, and interpretation of 4D MEM is very well established. In addition, this course contains topics of reservoir seismology, production and depletion effects on geomechanics, problems occurring during hydraulic fracturing operations due to geomechanical issues, fracture identification and characterization, and stimulation optimization. Prerequisite: Background/knowledge of Petrophysics. On demand.

Petroleum Engineering UND

Best Petroleum Engineering Master's Online

UND is increasingly regarded as one of the top academic and research institutions in the USA. Our online Petroleum Engineering master's ranks among the best for educational quality, affordability, and career outcomes.


Best Online Petroleum Engineering Master's Program

#1 College Factual #11 Best Universities #42 EduRank

Several college ranking sites put UND’s Petroleum Engineering master's degree in the Top 20 online programs in nation. We’re well regarded for our educational quality, affordability and career outcomes.

Ranking sites vary in their methodology, but are generally based on the following criterion:

  • Financial data such as net cost, loan default rate, and return on investment
  • Academic rigor including curriculum standards, accreditation status, and faculty reputation
  • Student gratification, retention rate, and support services
  • Employment rate and graduate salary

Master's in Petroleum Engineering Online

best online graduate programs

best online college in North Dakota


UND is one of the most affordable online colleges in the region. For this program, we offer the same online tuition rates regardless of your legal residency. Compare and you’ll see UND is lower cost than similar four-year doctoral universities.

Flexible Petroleum Engineering Master's Online

With asynchronous classes, you do not attend class at a set time. If you need to balance work, family, and other commitments, this flexible format allows you to learn anywhere at any time.

Depending on your instructor, you’ll learn online through:

  • Lesson modules
  • Streaming video content
  • Virtual libraries
  • Posted lectures
  • Online simulations

There will be times when you interact with your instructor and classmates through online discussion boards, polls, and chat rooms.

Your learning revolves around materials that can be accessed on your own time within a set time frame. However, this is not a self-paced course. You’ll have structure and deadlines.

Campus Visit

While the majority of your courses are offered online, you’ll come to campus to complete portions of the program. Here, you’ll extend and apply the knowledge you’ve learned online through hands-on activities. Our students find tremendous value in having the opportunity to personally interact with their instructors and fellow students.

Top-Tier Online Master's in Petroleum Engineering

Over a third of UND's student population is exclusively online; plus, more take a combination of online and on campus classes. You can feel reassured knowing you won't be alone in your online learning journey and you'll have resources and services tailored to your needs. No matter how you customize your online experience, you’ll get the same top-quality education as any other on campus student.

  • Same degree:  All online programs are fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) . Your transcript and diploma are exactly the same as our on-campus students.
  • Same classes: You’ll take courses from UND professors, start and end the semesters at the same time and take the same classes as a student on campus.
  • Real interaction:  You can ask questions, get feedback and regularly connect with your professors, peers and professionals in the field.
  • Your own academic advisor:  As an invaluable go-to, they’re focused on you, your personal success and your future career.
  • Free online tutoring:  We're here to help you one-on-one at no cost. Plus, get access to a variety of self-help online study resources.
  • Unlimited academic coaching:  Need support to achieve your academic goals or feeling stumped by a tough course? We'll help with everything from stress and time management to improving your memory to achieve higher test scores.
  • Full online access: Dig into virtual research at UND's libraries. Improve your writing skills with online help from the UND Writing Center. Get online access to career services, veteran and military services, financial services and more.
  • 24/7 technical support:  UND provides free computer, email and other technical support for all online students.
  • Networking opportunities: Our significant online student population means you’ll have a large pool of peers to connect with. UND has numerous online events and activities to keep you connected.

Best Online College

Our high alumni salaries and job placement rates, with affordable online tuition rates make UND a best-value university for online education. UND's breadth of online programs rivals all other nonprofit universities in the Upper Midwest making UND one of the best online schools in the region.

UND ranks among the best online colleges in the nation for:

  • Affordability
  • Student satisfaction (retention rate)
  • Academic quality (4-year graduate rate)
  • Student outcomes (20-year return on investment per

How long does it take to earn an online master's degree in Petroleum Engineering? ( Open this section)

The online master's degree in Petroleum Engineering typically takes 1.5 to 2 years to complete, depending on credit load and research progress.

How hard is a Petroleum Engineering degree? ( Open this section)

Obtaining a Petroleum Engineering degree is considered challenging due to the complexity of the subject matter, the integration of various scientific fields, and the demand for problem-solving skills. Dedication and hard work from students and the support of experienced faculty members is necessary for completing a Petroleum Engineering program successfully.

How much does a master's in Petroleum Engineering cost? ( Open this section)

Compare our online and on campus costs . You'll find we are one of the most affordable petroleum engineering schools in the Midwest. Our online students pay the same affordable tuition rate regardless of their legal residency.

UND is committed to assisting students in funding their education, providing over $105 million in financial aid annually. A range of financial aid options offered by UND, including scholarships (merit-based), grants (need-based), and loans, help students alleviate college costs.

Is a Petroleum Engineering master's degree worth it? ( Open this section)

Certainly! A Petroleum Engineering master's degree from UND is considered worthwhile due to high industry salaries, excellent job placement rates, and affordable online tuition rates. Petroleum engineers work on energy exploration and development all over the world, and having the knowledge and skills of a master’s degree can open the door to cutting edge jobs in the industry.

What can I do with a master's degree in Petroleum Engineering? ( Open this section)

With a master's degree in Petroleum Engineering, graduates can work in various roles in the industry, such as petroleum exploration, geologic formation characterization, drilling and fracturing, computer simulation, equipment and process design for recovery optimization, and monitoring of production and processing.

What industries are hiring petroleum engineering graduates that have a master's degree? ( Open this section)

More than 90% of UND's petroleum engineering graduates find employment in the oil industry where they can provide valuable contributions to critical operations, such as exploration, drilling, and production monitoring. Most petroleum engineering students find employment directly in energy production and processing companies, with some choosing to pursue academic, government, or project management work.

Leaders in Petroleum Engineering

UND's has the the best petroleum engineering program in the Midwest offering lab and field based learning experience.

Connect with the petroleum engineering faculty at UND or find more graduate opportunities.

  • Department of Energy & Petroleum Engineering
  • Find Similar Programs

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  4. Early Accomplishment Award: Dr. Nashaat Nassar, P.Eng

  5. Petroleum and Energy Engineering Major

  6. SPE Workshop: Impact of Digitalisation on Drilling Operations


  1. Online Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering

    The Online Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering is a 64-credit hour degree. Before beginning the program, students must have completed a Master of Science (MS) degree with a thesis. During the program, students must also complete a departmental qualifying exam, preliminary exam, proposal, and dissertation. The Qualifying Exam (QE) is required for all ...

  2. Petroleum Engineering Ph.D. Online or On-Campus

    All master-level petroleum engineering courses available online. Gain networking and career opportunities through relationships with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, North Dakota Petroleum Council and other groups. Small class sizes + open-door policy among faculty = a rich, personalized learning experience for online and on-campus students.

  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering (Ph.D.)

    M.S. to Ph.D. — Obtaining an M.S. degree first at UH (or elsewhere). M.S. degrees must have been obtained from an accredited institution in Petroleum Engineering or a relevant engineering or scientific discipline. The applicants must maintain a Grade Point Average of 3.5/4.0. The chart below demonstrates course requirements for the path to PhD.

  4. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Research and graduate education in EME spans petroleum engineering and reservoir characterization, electricity market design, grid integration of diverse fuels and technology, mining engineering and mineral processing, fuel chemistry and processing, energy conversion engineering, environmental safety, and health-related issues associated with the energy and mineral resource sector, among many ...

  5. 15 Best PhDs in Petroleum Engineering

    Petroleum engineers may work at drilling and well sites, or in a behind-the-scenes capacity in offices or research labs. According to the most recent report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, petroleum engineers had a 2017 annual salary of $132,280. The demand for petroleum engineers is growing at a projected rate of about 15 percent.

  6. Online PhD in Petroleum Engineering

    The PhD in Technology with a specialization in petroleum engineering is designed to prepare graduates to perform high-level research and academic work in the field. Doctoral graduates typically go on to full-time faculty positions at universities, or to research or consulting positions in public, governmental, or academic surroundings.

  7. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program Be an Energy Leader. Be a Longhorn. The University of Texas at Austin's top-ranked petroleum engineering graduate program is a strong and influential community that is dedicated to changing the world — 150+ students, $20 million secured in research funding this year alone, and 1,500+ alumni with graduate degrees.. UT PGE graduate students tackle the earth's complex ...

  8. Doctoral Program in Petroleum Engineering

    The Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, which includes Petroleum Engineering, covers subject areas ranging from the study of advanced semiconductor materials and nanostructures, advanced ceramics and metal composites, biotechnology, advanced computation, membrane separations, reactor design, and oil and gas exploration.

  9. Program: Petroleum Engineering, PhD

    Credit hours required for this degree: BS to PhD - 66.0/MS to PhD - 54.0. There are two paths to the PhD Degree: BS to PhD - Direct from BS to PhD, bypassing the MS degree, or by. MS to PhD - Obtaining an MS degree first at UH (or elsewhere). Both BS and MS degrees must have been obtained from an accredited institution in Petroleum Engineering ...

  10. Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering

    Petroleum Engineering › Petroleum Engineering - PHD; 2024-2025 Edition. 2024-2025 Edition. Undergraduate Catalog Toggle Undergraduate Catalog. University Academic Calendars; ... Petroleum Engineering Program Toggle Petroleum Engineering Program. Petroleum Engineering - BS; Division of Arts and Sciences;

  11. Petroleum Engineering PhD Program

    Petroleum Engineering PhD ProgramDoctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Petroleum Engineering Click here to apply Please Note: All PTE Ph.D. students must seek approval from Dr. Iraj Ershaghi for all courses. ([email protected]) Course Requirements Satisfactory completion of at least 60 units of approved graduate level coursework beyond the baccalaureate, with a cumulative grade point average of at ...

  12. petroleum engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Fluid flow in porous media with application to CCUS and energy storage. These projects are open to students worldwide, but have no funding attached. Therefore, the successful applicant will be expected to fund tuition fees at the relevant level (home or international) and any applicable additional research costs.

  13. Doctor of Philosophy

    Doctor of Philosophy. A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is a research degree obtained after you demonstrate a significant, valuable and recognized contribution in a specific area of petroleum engineering. Normally our students enter the Ph.D. program after obtaining their Master of Science (M.S.) degree (thesis option).

  14. Petroleum Engineering

    Earning this degree demonstrates an ability to observe, analyze and report original scientific research and prepares graduates for similar work in their careers or pursuit of a PhD. Candidates in the Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering program must complete at least 48 hours of graduate course credit and a minimum of 30 credit hours ...

  15. Petroleum Engineering, PhD

    There are two paths available to satisfy the requirements for the PhD degree in Petroleum Engineering. Path 1. For students entering the program with a BS in engineering and requires a total of 68 hours (36 hours of course work and 32 hours of research thesis). Path 2. For students entering the program with an MS in petroleum engineering from ...

  16. Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering ...

    The Graduate Certificate in Petroleum Engineering (Unconventional Resources) program (available both on-campus and online via DEN@Viterbi) is designed for those with degrees in Petroleum Engineering and related fields who wish to develop expertise in modern tools and technologies to characterize reservoirs and to exploit unconventional resources.

  17. Petroleum Engineering Graduate Programs & Schools

    Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering focused on activities related to the production of hydrocarbons—either natural gas or crude oil. Petroleum engineers are responsible for designing and developing methods to extract oil and gas from below the earth's surface or to find new and improved ways to extract these hydrocarbons form ...

  18. The Best Online PhD Engineering Programs in the United States

    On average, petroleum engineers make around $100,852 annually. However, a petroleum engineer with a Ph.D. may earn up to $175,000 or more, depending on the role. There are many schools with online engineering phd programs in petroleum engineering. See Also: TOP 10 MOST AFFORDABLE PETROLEUM ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. Civil Engineering

  19. Top Ranked Online Graduate Engineering Programs

    Because more than 300 products are derived from petroleum, it has become a vital part of our everyday life. The petroleum industry is one of the largest and most prominent in the United States today, and the companies involved are dependent on the services of petroleum engineers to explore, discover, and produce oil and gas to meet energy needs.

  20. Online Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering

    Degree Details. The 30-credit hour Online Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering is a thesis-option, research-based degree that provides students with a comprehensive knowledge of their professional field and training in methods of research. This degree can be completed online and is designed to suit students employed full-time in the ...

  21. 77 phd-petroleum-engineering positions

    PhD Studentship: Anchoring technology solutions in challenging ground conditions for application in a floating wind farm array. PhD in the Engineering Hydrogen NetZero (EnerHy) CDT which is a new EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) focusing on research and training in the areas of Hydrogen and Wind Energy. The.

  22. Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering

    Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering. Program Objectives: The objectives of the program are to promote independent thinking and creative petroleum engineering methodology by developing original research and to prepare highly qualified personnel in the field of Petroleum Engineering such as researchers, senior engineers, and university faculty.

  23. Master's in Petroleum Engineering Degree Online & On Campus

    A Petroleum Engineering master's degree from UND is considered worthwhile due to high industry salaries, excellent job placement rates, and affordable online tuition rates. Petroleum engineers work on energy exploration and development all over the world, and having the knowledge and skills of a master's degree can open the door to cutting ...