PhD in Computer Science

The Tandon School of Engineering offers a PhD in Computer Science. Cybersecurity is a particular research strength of the program. Learn more and apply to the PhD in Computer Science  through the Tandon School of Engineering.

Computer Science Tandon (MS)

Program description, additional entrance requirements, gre requirements.

We offer a highly adaptive MS in Computer Science program that lets students shape the degree around their interests. Besides our core curriculum in the fundamentals of computer science, students have a wealth of electives to choose from. Students can tailor their degree to their professional goals and interests in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, information visualization, machine learning and AI, graphics, game engineering, responsible computing, algorithms, and web search technology.

Job opportunities in computer science are challenging and diverse, and we expect to see steady demand for highly qualified graduates at all levels. Our graduates are prepared to explore careers in areas such as applications programming, big data, software engineering, game design and programming, peer-to-peer networks, computer vision and imaging, machine learning and AI, urban computing, and interactive data visualization.

With our MS program in Computer Science, students will have significant curriculum flexibility, allowing them to adapt their program to their ambitions and goals as well as to their educational and professional background. Students will gain a solid grounding in the fundamentals of computer science, along with access to professional-level courses, and an opportunity to specialize in subareas of their choice. 

To apply for admission to any Tandon graduate program, please contact the Office of Graduate Admissions .

Required Background Knowledge

Admission to this program requires applicants to have an undergraduate degree in computer science, mathematics, science, or engineering, with a superior undergraduate record from an accredited institution. Applicants with degrees in other fields may also be considered for admission.

  • At least 1 year of university-level science.
  • A working knowledge of a high-level, general-purpose programming language (preferably C++).
  • A basic understanding of computer fundamentals such as computer organization and operation, data structures, and computer architecture.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in written and spoken English is required for regular status. Foreign students and others for whom English is a second language may be required to undertake preparatory work to improve their language skills.

Students entering with a bachelor’s in computer science or with a bachelor’s in a technical area and a strong minor in computer science should be able to satisfy entrance requirements for the master’s degree program. Generally, entering students are expected to know mathematics through calculus.

 A maximum of 9 credits from previous graduate work at an accredited institution may be transferred to the MS degree.

Students with an undergraduate background in a field outside of computer science or a related area of study are encouraged to enroll into the preparatory NYU Tandon Bridge program . Upon successfully completing the Bridge program, students could then be considered for admission to the master's.

Applicants who satisfy one of the following conditions are not required but encouraged to submit a GRE score:

  • MS Applicants without a Computer Science or similar background who successfully complete the  NYU Tandon Bridge .
  • Applicant completes 9 credits under  Visiting Student Registration  from an approved list of CSE courses and maintains an average grade of B+ or better.
  • Applicant has a BA or BS degree in computer science or computer engineering from NYU, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Program Requirements

Note: not all courses are offered every semester.

Course List
Course Title Credits
Algorithms Requirement
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I 3
or  Design and Analysis of Algorithms II
Core Requirements
Select at least four of the following: 12
Software Engineering I
Principles of Database Systems
Computer Architecture I
Introduction to Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Big Data
Interactive Computer Graphics
Artificial Intelligence I
Information, Security and Privacy
Computer Networking
Machine Learning
Select one of the following: 3
Foundation of Data Science
Software Engineering I
Operating Systems II
Distributed Operating Systems
Compiler Design and Construction
Big Data
Interactive Computer Graphics
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Artificial Intelligence I
Network Security
Artificial Intelligence for Games
Application Security
Computer Science Electives
Select two (6 credits) of the following:6
Foundations of Computer Science
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I
Design and Analysis of Algorithms II
Foundation of Data Science
Software Engineering I
Principles of Database Systems
Advanced Database Systems
Computer Architecture I
Introduction to Operating Systems
Operating Systems II
Distributed Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Compiler Design and Construction
Big Data
Interactive Computer Graphics
Human Computer Interaction
Game Design
Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Analysis
Artificial Intelligence I
Computational Geometry
Theory of Computation
Information Systems Security Engineering and Management
Information, Security and Privacy
Network Security
Computer Networking
Applied Cryptography
Web Search Engines
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence for Games
Digital Forensics
Application Security
Free Electives
Select 6 credits courses of your choosing. 6
Total Credits30

Most students will take the Algorithms I course to satisfy the algorithms course requirement. Students are expected to have knowledge of Discrete Math equivalent to CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science prior to taking the Algorithms I course. Students lacking that knowledge may be required to take CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science . Advanced students who previously took an equivalent Algorithms I course, and received a grade of at least A-, may want to take the Algorithms II course to satisfy the requirement.

The list will be periodically updated by the CSE Department and certain courses may be substituted with departmental consent.

These can be additional courses from the previous lists, or courses from other departments and schools at NYU. However, these cannot be courses offered by the School of Professional Studies.

GPA Requirements

The MS in Computer Science has several specific GPA requirements. 1. Core GPA : A core GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the algorithms and core courses. The core GPA is calculated based on the grades earned in these five courses. 2. Capstone GPA : A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the capstone course. This is achieved by earning a grade of B or higher in the capstone course. 3. Cumulative GPA :  A cumulative GPA (overall GPA) of 3.0 or higher is required in all graduate courses taken.

Capstone and Core Option

Some core courses may also count as capstone courses. These are those courses that appear on both the core and capstone lists above. Students may choose to use a core course to also satisfy the capstone requirement, if the grade earned in the course is B or higher. If the student chooses this option, the student must then take an additional computer science elective, so that the student may earn the required 30 credits needed for the MS degree. All students must earn 30 credits to graduate.

Sample Plan of Study

The particular courses that a student takes during the program will vary according to the student’s interests and background, course offerings, and whether the student does an internship. The following are two sample courses of study. These are just samples meant to help in planning the courses for the degree. Individual course plans may differ depending on when courses are offered.

Non-Internship Plan

Sample course plan for a student not doing an internship and taking CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science .

Plan of Study Grid
1st Semester/TermCredits
Foundations of Computer Science (computer science elective) 3
Principles of Database Systems (core) 3
Programming Languages (core) 3
2nd Semester/Term
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (algorithms requirement) 3
Free Elective 3
3rd Semester/Term
Software Engineering I (core) 3
Big Data (capstone) 3
Machine Learning (computer science elective) 3
4th Semester/Term
Information, Security and Privacy (free elective) 3
 Total Credits30

Internship Plan

Sample course plan for a student doing internships and not taking CS-GY 6003 Foundations of Computer Science .

Plan of Study Grid
1st Semester/TermCredits
Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (algorithms requirement) 3
Principles of Database Systems (core) 3
Programming Languages (core) 3
2nd Semester/Term
Software Engineering I (core) 3
Free Elective 3
3rd Semester/Term
Internship for MS I (free elective, often taken in the summer term) 1.5
4th Semester/Term
Big Data (capstone) 3
Machine Learning (free elective) 3
Computer Science Elective 3
5th Semester/Term
Internship for MS II (free elective) 1.5
 Total Credits30

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Develop laboratory software skills for graduate level work.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in computer systems.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in computer science theory.
  • Learn advanced fundamentals in software/programming.
  • Broaden their backgrounds by taking important electives to further their special interest knowledge.

NYU Policies

Tandon policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Additional academic policies can be found on the  Tandon academic policy page . 

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Ph.D. Degree Requirements

To receive a PhD in Computer Science at NYU, a student must:

  • Satisfy a breadth requirement
  • Satisfy a depth requirement
  • Satisfy a teaching requirement
  • Write and defend a thesis proposal
  • Write and defend a PhD thesis
  • Satisfy general NYU degree requirements

1. Breadth requirements

The breadth requirement form is availabe on the forms page for PhD students.

Rationale: The breadth requirement is designed to ensure competence across three broad areas of computer science: theory, systems, and applications. Within theory, the topic of algorithms is a requirement for every student.

Every student must complete requirements (1a), (1b), (1c), and (1d) by May 15 of the second year of PhD study in order for support to be continued.

(1a) Algorithms

Every student must receive a grade of A or A- on the final examination in the Honors Algorithms course. Students may take the final exam without being enrolled in the course.

The syllabus and final exam for every offering of the Honors Algorithms course will be determined by a committee of faculty members who routinely teach this class.

(1b) Systems

This requirement can be satisfied in two ways. Either:

  • the student receives an A or A- in an approved course in systems listed in Appendix .
  • the student has received an A or A- in a similar PhD-level systems course at another university with standards comparable to NYU's. This determination will be made by the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). In this case, the student is required to work on a medium-size or larger software project at NYU This project can be part of coursework or the student's research. A brief report on the project must be accepted by the DGS.

(1c) Applications

This requirements is satisfied in one of three ways. Either:

  • the student receives an A or A- in an approved applications course listed in Appendix ,
  • the student passes a departmental exam in one of the subjects, if an exam is offered, or
  • the student has received an A or A- in a similar PhD-level applications course at another university with standards comparable to NYU's. This determination will be made by the DGS.

(1d) Free choice

The student must either:

  • receive an A or A- in an approved course in theory listed in Appendix .
  • receive an A or A- in an additional course from the courses that can be used to satisfy requirements (1b) or (1c). This course cannot coincide with the courses used to satisfy (1b) and (1c) or
  • have received an A or A- in a similar PhD-level course at another university with standards comparable to NYU's, substantially different from the courses used to satisfy requirements 1b and 1c. This determination will be made by the DGS.

Once a student has passed all courses and exams necessary to satisfy the breadth requirement, the student must inform his or her academic advisor in writing, specifying how each of parts 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d has been satisfied. The academic advisor verifies that the breadth requirement rules were followed and forwards the information to the DGS.

The classes that can be used to satisfy breadth requirements will be reviewed regularly by the graduate curriculum committee; The graduate curriculum committee proposes the changes to the faculty for approval. Current list of approved classes can be found in the appendix.

The following standards will be maintained:

(a) Classes must be at the PhD level, i.e., more advanced than undergraduate or MS-level classes.

(b) The classes and exams must be rigorous and stable. Examples of inappropriate classes include those in which students are traditionally not differentially evaluated (e.g., all students receive As or "pass"), courses whose content completely changes from year to year, and courses in which grades are based on attendance or making a presentation of someone else's paper, rather than on tests and homework assignments.

(c) Acceptable systems classes will involve substantial software development.

2. Depth requirement

The depth requirement forms are availabe on the forms page for PhD students.

No later than May 15 of the second year of PhD study, each student must be involved in a research project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. It is the responsibility of each student to find a faculty advisor and a research project, and to inform the DGS about his/her choice of advisor. Students must inform the DGS if they change the research advisor.

Students are required to form a depth exam committee and have the committee, an exam topic and a tentative date approved by the Director of Graduate Studies by the end of the first semester of their second year of studies, This exam may be taken no more than twice.

A DQE is administered by a committee of at least three faculty members, nominated by the student and his/her research advisor, and approved by the DGS. Each DQE will have a designated chair who is not the student's research advisor. If the research advisor is not a member of the committee, the research advisor must write a letter evaluating student's progress, and send it to the DQE committee members before the exam.

The DQE committee will define a syllabus, which must be approved by the DGS, and make the syllabus available to the student no later than two weeks before the exam.

The DQE has two parts:

(2a) An examination to demonstrate the student's knowledge of the research area. The scope of this exam should be similar to a typical PhD-level special topics course. It should not be as broad as an introductory course nor as narrow as a thesis. Examples of suitable topics are "Type theory in programming languages", "Probabilistic algorithms", "Computational learning theory", "3-D modeling", "Semidefinite programming", and "Low-power computing". Topics such as "Databases" or "Programming languages" would be too broad; topics such as "Voronoi diagrams" or "Tail-recursion optimization" would be too narrow. This exam may be oral or written, at the discretion of the committee. The requirement is that it seriously test the student's knowledge of a research area as distinct from the student's research accomplishments.

(2b) An oral presentation of the student's research accomplishments. A student is expected to have conducted original research by the time of the exam. This research may have have been carried out independently or in collaboration with faculty, research staff, or other students. Students are encouraged, but not required, to have publication-worthy results by the time of the exam. It is not sufficient for a student to present a survey of previous work in an area or a reimplementation of algorithms, techniques, or systems developed by others.

The committee, by majority vote, gives a separate grade for (2a) and (2b) as one of "PhD Pass", "MS Pass", or "Fail." A PhD pass on both parts must be achieved for support to be continued beyond the second year. A student who receives a "PhD Pass" on only one part of the exam may request permission from the committee to retake only the other part of the exam.

If a student has passed the DQE and then changes his/her area of research, the student need not retake the DQE.

3. Teaching requirement

By the end of the third year of study, each student must have served as a section leader of at least one course in the department. Courses on related topics outside the department may also be used to satisfy this requirement subject to approval by the DGS. The student must also participate in the department's teacher training session at or prior to the semester in which they teach. In certain circumstances, the DGS may allow the student to satisfy this requirement by serving as a course assistant or as a grader. These exceptions will be determined by the DGS based on the availability of suitable recitations.

4. Thesis proposal and presentation

Students are required to form a thesis proposal committee and have the committee and a tentative date for the thesis proposal presentation approved by the Chair and the Director of Graduate Studies by the end of the first semester of their third year of studies.

When a student is ready to start work on the PhD thesis, the student must (i) select, with the approval of his/her research advisor and the DGS, a thesis reading committee, and (ii) submit a written thesis proposal to the committee.

The student and the student's research advisor suggest the composition of the thesis reading committee for approval by the DGS and Department Chair. The committee must include at least three members. All changes to the composition of the committee must be approved by the DGS and the Chair. The committee members can be regular computer science faculty, faculty from other departments, or individuals of like standing from outside the University. At least one member of the reading committee must be regular Computer Science faculty.

The thesis proposal should include:

  • a description of the research topic
  • an explanation of how the research will advance the state of the art, and
  • a tentative research plan

After the thesis reading committee has approved the thesis proposal, the student should schedule a thesis proposal presentation and notify the Program Adminisitrator once this has been finalized. This presentation should be announced to the faculty by the Program Administrator,PhD Program, at least one week before it occurs. The presentation may or may not be open to people other than faculty, at the discretion of the research advisor.

Substantial subsequent changes to the thesis topic must be approved by the thesis reading committee. The proposal must be defended no later than May 15 of the third year of studies.

With the successful completion of the thesis proposal presentation milestone, a student reaches PhD candidate status and will be awarded the MPhil degree.

5. Thesis and thesis defense

The final step in the PhD program is the student's defense of his/her PhD thesis. The procedures to be followed for the thesis defense can be found on the Dissertation Defense Checklist .

6. General NYU requirements

Students must end the semester in which they take their fifth class and all subsequent semesters with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Note that the departmental requirement in this case is more stringent than the GSAS requirement (cumulative GPA of at least 3.0).

In addition the following general GSAS requirements have to be satisfied:

  • Students must complete three years of full-time study beyond the undergraduate degree, at least one year of which must be in residence at the GSAS.
  • Students must complete 72 points of graduate credit including at least 32 points for courses taken at the GSAS. At any time, students must have successfully completed 66 percent of credits attempted while at NYU, not including the current semester. Courses with grades of I, W, and F are not considered successfully completed.
  • Time Limit. All requirements for the doctoral degree must be completed no later than ten years from the initial date of matriculation. However, if the student transfers credit from classes taken as part of a previously earned master's degree, then the time limit is seven years.

Other GSAS and NYU requirements can be found in the GSAS Bulletin.

7. Academic standing

To be in good academic standing a student must meet the deadlines for all requirements specified in this document and maintain the required minimal GPA. For supported students, maintaining good academic standing is a condition of the guaranteed support. If a student fails to maintain good academic standing, his or her support may be discontinued, and the student may be removed from the program. A student's academic standing is determined by the DGS each semester. The PhD admissions and financial aid committee decides in which cases support is discontinued. In most cases, a student will be removed from the program when his or her support is discontinued for failure to maintain good academic standing.

The following courses can be used to satisfy the breadth requirements:

1a. Algorithms

  • CSCI-GA.3520 Honors Analysis of Algorithms

1b. Systems

  • CSCI-GA.2243 High Performance Computer Architecture
  • CSCI-GA.2434 Advanced Database Systems
  • CSCI-GA.2620 Networks and Mobile Systems
  • CSCI-GA.2621 Distributed Systems
  • CSCI-GA.3110 Honors Programming Languages
  • CSCI-GA.3130 Honors Compilers
  • CSCI-GA.3140 Abstract Interpretation
  • CSCI-GA.3250 Honors Operating Systems

1c. Applications

  • CSCI-GA.2270 Computer Graphics
  • CSCI-GA.2271 Computer Vision
  • CSCI-GA.2560 Artificial Intelligence
  • CSCI-GA.2565 Machine Learning
  • CSCI-GA.2566 Foundations of Machine Learning
  • CSCI-GA.2567 Machine Learning and Computational Statistics
  • CSCI-GA.2572 Deep Learning
  • CSCI-GA.2590 Natural Language Processing

NOTE: Only one of these classes can be counted for breadth requirements (either Applications or Free Choice). Machine Learning emphasizes applications, and Foundations of Machine Learning emphasizes theoretical aspects of machine learning, although both include theoretical and practical components. Please familiarize yourself with class requirements and consult your academic advisor before choosing one of these classes.

1d. Free choice

Any of the courses listed under 1b and 1c, or any of the following courses:

  • CSCI-GA.2390 Logic in Computer Science
  • CSCI-GA.2420 Numerical Methods I
  • CSCI-GA.2421 Numerical Methods II
  • CSCI-GA.2945 Numerical Optimization
  • CSCI-GA.2945 Convex and Non-Smooth Optimization
  • CSCI-GA.3210 Introduction to Cryptography
  • CSCI-GA.3350 Honors Theory of Computation
New York University Tandon School of Engineering    
2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda)

Interim Chair : Lisa Hellerstein

Mission Statement

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is committed to preparing undergraduate and graduate students for leadership roles in professional and research activities in the information-technology sector. The department fosters an environment that encourages lifelong learning in the Information Age. Graduates lead and grow in diverse working environments and apply the theories and skills of computer science to real-world problems. Toward this end, the department conducts state-of-the-art research in theoretical and applied computer science and maintains strong educational programs that emphasize breadth and depth in technical knowledge and proficiency in spoken and written communication skills. The environment encourages Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (i 2 e).

The Department

Computers are now used in practically every area of human endeavor and are radically changing both the way people live and how they view the limits of human capabilities. Job opportunities in computer science and engineering are challenging and diverse. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, current job growth in computer science is among the highest of any technical profession.

NYU Tandon’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers programs leading to a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science   , and an M.S. in Cybersecurity   . The department offers joint programs with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering   , leading to a Computer Engineering, B.S.   , and the NYU School of Law, leading to a  Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy, M.S. (Offered jointly by the NYU School of Law and NYU Tandon School of Engineering)    The department also offers an advanced certificate in software engineering and cybersecurity and minors in Computer Science    and Game Engineering   .

The department is active in research in several key areas of computer science. Its particular strengths are in security and privacy; big data analysis and visualization; computer vision, game engineering; and algorithms and theoretical computer science.

The security and privacy concentration-also including cybersecurity, one of the largest growing fields in computer science-has research strengths in peer-to-peer security, digital forensics, biometrics, wireless security, and usable security. Big data analysis is strong in data management, computing, analyzing, and visualizing urban, scientific, and Web data. Computer vision puts a primary focus on medical image analysis. Game engineering focuses on computer graphics and perceptual science as well as artificial intelligence in gaming and player modeling. Finally, theoretical computer science is based in computational and discrete geometry, data structures, and machine learning.

The CSE department is at the center of a high-tech start-up culture where student and faculty innovation and entrepreneurship activities are supported and nurtured both in New York City, Brooklyn and across the NYU Global Network University. The faculty works closely with NYU Tandon’s Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT) and has relationships with industries that support research and activity in their special interests.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering has been designated as a Center of Excellence for Information Assurance Education for research by the National Security Agency (NSA) and operates the Scholarship for Service Program (SFS) in Information Assurance.

The department provides students with a wide variety of advanced computer and software systems. These support PC and UNIX technology along with highly distributed networks. The department has four dedicated computer-science laboratories (virtual lab) for upper-level undergraduate students. They are the Software Engineering Laboratory, Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, Visualization and Graphics Laboratory and Computer System and Security Integration Laboratory. Multimedia and Web-based laboratories are also available.

NYU Tandon School of Engineering Computer Science and Engineering Department 370 Jay Street, 8th floor, rm 851 Brooklyn, NY 11201

Tel: (646) 997-3440 Web:

Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Science

  • Computer Engineering, B.S.    offered by the Computer Engineering Program    
  • Computer Science, B.S.     
  • Computer Science Minor    
  • Game Engineering Minor    

Master of Science

  • Computer Science Tandon, M.S.    
  • Cybersecurity, M.S.    
  • Cybersecurity Risk and Strategy, M.S. (Offered jointly by the NYU School of Law and NYU Tandon School of Engineering)    

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Computer Science, Ph.D.    

Undergraduate Programs

For undergraduates, the department offers two degrees: a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (B.S. CS) and a Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering (B.S. CompE). The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is a rigorous program that not only covers fundamental computer science subjects, such as object-oriented programming, computer architecture and operating systems, but also provides a number of exciting avenues for specialization including computer and online game development, cyber security, Internet/web systems and applications, bioinformatics, graphics and vision, digital media and management and entrepreneurship. Strong students can also apply to the B.S./M.S. Program where it’s possible to earn the B.S. and M.S. in computer science within approximately 5 years.

The department jointly administers the Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. It draws on the two departments’ strengths to provide a focus on computer system design with integrated understanding of computer hardware and software.

Master’s Programs

The M.S. in Computer Science permits students to take courses either on a full-time or part-time basis. The curriculum has been designed for maximum flexibility. It includes fundamental courses in computer science as well as electives in specialized advanced courses on topics including computer and network security, distributed systems and networking, computer graphics, computer vision, databases and web search technology. By electing the masters-thesis option, students may also pursue research with faculty members who are internationally recognized in their fields.

The M.S. in Cybersecurity is a highly innovative program that provides students with the critical knowledge and skills to become experts in cybersecurity, the science of protecting vital computer networks and electronic infrastructures from attacks. The program responds to the growing demand for security specialists in industry as well as government organizations.

Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program develops graduate skills in a broad range of areas as well as expertise in one or more specific areas and the ability to think critically and conduct independent research. Outstanding Ph.D. students are advised to apply for financial aid in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantships or partial-tuition remission.

Boris Aronov Ph.D., Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Algorithms, computational and combinatorial geometry

Juan Pablo Bello Ph.D., Queen Mary, University of London Digital signal processing, machine listening and music information retrieval, sound and music informatics

Juliana Freire Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook Data analysis and visualization, Big Data, provenance management and analytics, scientific data management, large scale information, web information retrieval and analysis, web crawling, hidden web

Guido Gerig Ph.D., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH-Z) Image processing & analysis, medical image processing, 3D computer vision, shape analysis, spatiotemporal modeling

Lisa Hellerstein Interim Department Chair Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley Computational learning theory, machine learning, algorithms, complexity theory, discrete mathematics

Nasir Memon Ph.D., University of Nebraska Data compression, image and video processing, computer security, multimedia computation and communication

Keith W. Ross, Leonard J. Shustek Distinguished Professor Ph.D., University of Michigan Computer networking, Internet research, multimedia networking, scholastic modeling

Claudio T. Silva Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook Big Data and Urban Systems, Visualization and Data Analysis, Geometry Processing

Torsten Suel Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin Design and analysis of algorithms, database systems, parallel computation, experimental algorithmics

Paul Torrens Ph.D., University College London Development and application of modeling and simulation tools for exploring and explaining complex urban systems

Associate Professors

Justin Cappos Ph.D., University of Arizona Practical security, virtualization, cloud computing, software update systems, testbeds

Yi-Jen Chiang Ph.D., Harvard University Computer graphics: out-of-core scientific visualization, isosurface extraction, surface simplification, virtual reality, air traffic control. Computer algorithms: I/O algorithms, computational geometry, graph algorithms, approximation algorithms, data structures

Rumi Chunara Ph.D., Harvard University Information retrieval, spatio-temporal analyses, data mining, machine learning and epidemiological methods for new data sources

Rachel Greenstadt Ph.D., Harvard University Designing more trustworthy intelligent systems via highly interdisciplinary approach by incorporating ideas from artificial intelligence, psychology, economics, data privacy, and system security

Damon McCoy Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder Security and privacy of large-scale systems

Julian Togelius Ph.D., University of Essex AI, player modeling, procedural content generation, automatic game design, believable bot behavior, coevolution, neuroevolution, genetic programming and monte carlo tree search

Edward Wong Ph.D., Purdue University Computer vision, image analysis, pattern recognition, computer graphics

Assistant Professors

Brendan Dolan-Gavitt Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology Program analysis, virtualization security, memory forensics, and embedded and cyber-physical systems

Chinmay Hedge Ph.D., Rice University Machine Learning, Algorithms, Big Data, Signal and Image Processing

Christopher Musco Ph.D., MIT Scalable machine learning, foundations of data science, numerical linear algebra, theory of algorithms, randomized algorithms, sketching and streaming

Julia Stoyanovich Ph.D., Columbia University Responsible data management and analysis practices

Qi Sun Ph.D., Stony Brook University Virtual/Augmented Reality, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Computational Perception

Industry Faculty

Greg Aloupis Ph.D., McGill University Algorithms

Peter DePasquale Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Computer Science Education, Cloud Computing, Web Development and Security

Ratan Dey Ph.D., New York University Privacy & Security, Online Social Networks, AI & Machine Learning, Big Data & Databases, Internet Measurement 

Jeffrey Epstein Cambridge University Computer Science Education, Cloud Computing, Web Development and Security

Daniel Katz-Braunschweig M.S., Iona College

Thomas Reddington M.S. Physics, University of Pittsburgh, PA Networking and networking security

Darryl Reeves Ph.D., Cornell University Computational biology, machine learning

Gustavo Sandoval M.S., California State University at Sacramento Machine Learning, Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Mobile applications, and Project Management

Linda Sellie Machine Learning

John B. Sterling M.S., New York University Game programming, software development

Fred J. Strauss, Director of CSE programs in Melville Campus-Long Island M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York Software engineering, project management, distributed systems

Itay Tal M.S., Tel-Aviv University

Global Network Faculty

Nizar Habash Ph.D., University of Maryland College Park Natural language processing and computational linguistic

Affiliated Faculty

Enrico Bertini Ph.D., Sapienza University of Rome in Italy Data visualization methods

Cameron Craddock Research professor

Semiha Ergan Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University IT to support design, construction and operations of civil infrastructure systems

Chen Feng Ph.D., University of Michigan Robot vision and machine learning

Siddharth Garg Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University Machine learning, cybersecurity and computer hardware design

Danny Y. Huang Ph.D., University of California, San Diego Cybersecurity, privacy, and Internet of things (IoT)

Ramesh Karri Ph.D., University of California, San Diego Trustworthy hardware, nanoscale architectures, and cybersecurity

Oded Nov Ph.D., Cambridge University Human computer interaction

Brandon Reagan Ph.D., Harvard University Computer architecture, hardware acceleration, and VLSI

Faculty Emeriti

Phyllis G. Frankl Ph.D., New York University Software analysis and testing

Haldun Hadimioglu Ph.D., Polytechnic University Computer architecture, parallel processing, reconfigurable systems and application specific processors

Kok-Ming Leung Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Scientific computing, computer simulation, neural networks

Henry Ruston

​ Martin Shooman Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of New York

Stuart Steele

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Can someone explain the difference between Tandon and courant. Also, I got into GSAS (graduate school of arts and sciences) and I just want to confirm that it comes under nyu courant or CAS.

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Information and Computer Sciences

Information and Computer Sciences

University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa

Current Ph.D. Students

Program requirements are specified here , and described in more detail on this page. Some degree requirements are imposed by the Graduate Division, which are explained in more detail on the Graduate Division Requirements page.

Program Objectives

The CS Ph.D. program is designed to help the student meet the following objectives: (1) Certify core competency in computer science and address any deficiencies in this competency as efficiently as possible, so that the bulk of the student’s Ph.D. program is focused on research. (2) Prepare to do research through an apprenticeship with a faculty member, demonstrating readiness to do research with a research portfolio that is analogous to a professional tenure and promotion portfolio. (3) Demonstrate contribution of new knowledge to one’s chosen field through a dissertation.

Getting Started with ICS 690

All new students (MS or PhD) must enroll in and pass ICS 690 in the first semester in which it is offered. Since it is offered in the fall, you should enroll in your first semester if you start in the fall, or in your second semester if you started in the spring. This course is supervised by the Graduate Chair and is CR/NC.

ICS 690 is designed to help orient new students to the program and to learn about faculty research areas and interests. It is also required to graduate. If you fail to take it in your first (or second) semester, you will be taking it later when it is no longer as helpful to you.

Completing a Masters’

Students shall complete a Masters’ degree in Computer Science or related field.

  • What counts as “related” is at the discretion of the graduate program chair, assisted by the admissions committee.
  • Those who enter without a MS shall go through the ICS MS program as part of their degree process.
  • Students are considered to be in the “PhD portion” of their studies once they meet the requirement for the MS degree, even if it has not yet been awarded.

Portfolio: Research Readiness and Professional Capacity

By the end of the first year of the PhD portion of studies, the student will choose by mutual consent or be assigned a PhD program advisor. (This need not necessarily be the final PhD dissertation advisor.) The advisor will guide the student in preparing a portfolio that includes the following.

Contents of Portfolio

  • Statement of purpose: A one to two page statement, written by the student, of the student’s professional interests in research, teaching, service, and/or product development.
  • Evidence of MS degree
  • Results of qualifying exam and evidence that any conditions have been met.
  • (Optional:) Other evidence, such as professional employment in Computer Science.
  • Thesis by the student from MS Plan A.
  • Written Literature Review in the proposed area of study of 20-30 pages, following the graduate division dissertation format and reviewing at least 20 published works. (Ideally this review would be in the area identified in the Statement of Purpose and will become part of the dissertation proposal. However, if circumstances later require it, the student may elect to change the area of study at the proposal stage.)
  • Publication(s) in reviewed journals or conferences that are relevant to the student’s professional interests. Evidence of quality such as acceptance rates or citation indexing should be provided. For multi-author publications, the student must provide a description of what his/her contribution was to the article.
  • Technical report(s) on research project(s) relevant to the student’s professional interests that were supervised by a faculty member and read and approved by two other faculty members. ICS 699 projects may be included.
  • Other Evidence of Professional Capacity (Optional): At the discretion of the student and the advisor, other material may be included in the portfolio. A professional vita of employment, professional presentations, reviewing of papers for conferences and journals, competitive fellowships or other external funding awards, patents, teaching, and service on committees or as graduate student representatives contribute to the candidacy decision. Letters of reference may also be included, but are not required. Students should report all forms of research, teaching, and service to the community and to the discipline when preparing their portfolios.

You may find Philip Johnson’s essay Why and how to create a high quality Ph.D. portfolio site useful.

Submission of Portfolio

It is strongly suggested that students submit their portfolio to the Graduate Chair as a URL that points to a Web page that contains all the required material, indexed in the four categories above, rather than providing hard copies.

Evaluation of Portfolio

Approval of the portfolio requires a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum of the ICS faculty (typically at a graduate committee meeting). The portfolio shall be distributed to the faculty at least one week in advance of the meeting at which it will be voted upon (but see Deadline below for student submission).

The graduate program chair shall designate two faculty members who shall review the portfolio and summarize arguments both pro and con, following criteria of academic review. Faculty that have a conflict of interest with the student (e.g., advisor or co-advisor, co-author on research articles, direct supervisor) cannot serve in this capacity. If the student feels there is a serious conflict with a faculty member that should preclude serving in this role the student should discuss it with the graduate chair or program chair more than a week in advance of the meeting.

The student’s advisor is strongly encouraged (but not required) to attend the portfolio review to provide relevant information, but may not vote or be selected as one of the two reviewers.

Deadlines for Portfolios

Portfolios should be submitted at least 10 days in advance of the graduate committee meeting in which they will be evaluated to allow for selection of faculty readers and distribution of materials. (Ask the graduate chair about scheduling.)

Students must submit their portfolio by the end of their second year in the Ph.D. portion of their studies, and must have their portfolio approved by the end of their third year of the Ph.D. portion of their studies.  Failing to meet either deadline will result in dismissal from the program.

The portfolio must be approved before undertaking the Proposal Defense.

Dissertation Committee

A Dissertation requires 5 committee members, including your advisor and a University Representative from outside your program. In addition to  committee requirements  of Graduate Division, an absolute majority of the dissertation committee must be Regular Graduate Faculty in ICS. A 6th member is permitted and can be a convenient way to include outside expertise after the internal requirements have been met. The student should choose committee members in consultation with his/her advisor.

Proposal Defense

Before commencing the final dissertation research, the student shall give a public defense of his or her PhD proposal. Students prepare a research proposal that includes a literature review in the chosen topic area (this usually is but is not required to be derived from the literature review from the portfolio) and a description of research topics to be investigated. This work should be done under the direction of an appropriate faculty advisor. After forming a committee, students take an oral examination covering their general preparation for the research involved, as specified in the General and Graduate Information Catalog. Once the student passes the proposal defense, Form II must be processed.

Scheduling the PhD Proposal Defense

  • The student must confirm with the ICS Graduate Chair the eligibility of the proposed committee members before scheduling the defense. The student must submit the proposal title and abstract, a draft of the proposal including references, the proposed committee, and a brief justification of the appropriateness of committee members to the ICS Graduate Chair by 21 days before the proposal defense to allow time for this process.
  • The student must schedule a proposal defense meeting at a time that the dissertation committee and the ICS Graduate Chair can attend, and arrange a room (physical or virtual). (If you want to use POST 302, contact the ICS office to reserve it.) The room should be scheduled for 3 hours, in case time is needed to discuss revisions to the work before it commences. (This may be the only time in your career that you receive the advice of 5 or more experts before starting your work, so don’t cut it short!)
  • At least 14 days in advance of defending the proposal, the student must provide each member of the dissertation committee and the ICS Graduate Chair with a reading copy of the proposal. Students are encouraged to have received feedback from each committee member and revised the proposal accordingly, so that the proposal copy to be defended reflects at least one round of informed revision.
  • At least 14 days in advance of defending the proposal, the student must distribute an announcement of the proposal defense that includes the title and abstract of the proposal by email to all ICS faculty members and graduate students. The announcement must specify the time and place of the defense and specify that the general public (including ICS faculty and students) are invited to attend. (Faculty may elect to do this on behalf of the student, but it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the announcement is made.)

Grad chair as ex-officio member

Graduate program chairs have the privilege of being ex-officio (nonvoting) members of all committees in their program. Students should include the ICS graduate program chair when scheduling MS Plan A, Phd Proposal, or PhD Dissertation Defenses, and when distributing the associated document.

Final Defense

Students then conduct their research and write a dissertation under the direction of the advisor. The dissertation must be presented to and approved by a doctoral committee, as specified in the General and Graduate Information Catalog.

Scheduling the Ph.D. Final Defense

A . Scheduling of the final oral examination requires submission of the following information to the ICS Graduate Chair at least 21 days in advance of the intended examination date (to allow for resolving issues in time to meet the university requirement for a public announcement 14 days in advance):

  • The intended date and time of the defense.
  • The intended room, which has been reserved. The room should be reserved for at least 2.5 hours to allow sufficient time for follow-up discussion. (If you want to use POST 302, contact the ICS office to reserve it.)
  • The title and abstract to be used for the announcement.
  • (a) Written confirmation that the member can attend the specified date and time, except when remote participation or proxy has been approved, in which case the student shall attach appropriate approval forms (not needed for fully remote defenses during the pandemic);
  • (b) A written indication of whether or not that member believes that there is reasonable evidence that the research will ready for defense by the specified date;
  • (c) Optionally and independently of the judgment in (b), written comments concerning work that the committee member recommends be done before the defense for the research to be acceptable; and
  • (d) Committee members may meet this requirement by sending (a-c) to the ICS Graduate Chair via email, with courtesy copy to the student and the dissertation chair.

B. Each committee member has the right to require a draft of the dissertation one week before approving scheduling of the formal defense. A committee member may opt to waive this right if that member already has sufficient evidence of defense readiness from prior communications with the student.

C. A majority of the committee must indicate that the research will be ready for the formal defense before the defense is scheduled. This majority must include the dissertation chair. Assent to schedule the defense does not constitute a promise that the student will pass.

D. At least 14 days in advance of the oral examination, the student shall complete all of the following:

  • Meet all appropriate ICS and Graduate Division guidelines for the defense, including the official announcement in the University Calendar ( )
  • Distribute an announcement of the final defense that includes the title and abstract of the proposal by email to all ICS faculty members and graduate students. The announcement must specify the time and place of the defense and specify that the general public (including ICS faculty and students) are invited to attend. (Faculty may elect to do this on behalf of the student, but it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the announcement is made.)
  • Provide each member of the dissertation committee and the ICS Graduate Chair with a reading copy of the dissertation.

Dissertation Format. See the Graduate Division Style Policy for format requirements. The ICS department does not have further requirements: students and their advisors can make style and formatting decisions appropriate for the document as long as Graduate Division guidelines are followed. ICS graduate students have created a LaTeX template for the dissertation, which may be used by students writing their dissertation using LaTeX

Conducting the Final Ph.D. Defense

A. The student’s presentation shall not extend beyond one hour from the scheduled start time. Subsequently, all who attend shall be offered the opportunity to question the candidate during the public portion of the defense. However, only committee members participate in determining the outcome. The committee shall have the opportunity to discuss the defense in private (without the public or student present) immediately after the public event has ended and before signatures are requested. At this time, each committee member will assess the final dissertation document via departmental program assessment forms.

B. After the oral examination is complete, the dissertation committee members should sign Form III only when they are ready to indicate one of the following two outcomes:

  • A “pass” if the dissertation research is adequate, and the student has successfully defended the dissertation research, and the dissertation document is accepted, possibly subject to specified modifications.
  • A “fail” if any of the above conditions are not met.

C. Committee members should not sign “Doctorate – Dissertation Submission (Form IV”) until they believe that any necessary modifications are adequately completed. The student is responsible for providing each committee member with the evidence they require.

D. If the dissertation is accepted, the student shall provide the ICS program with a copy of the complete dissertation after all of the changes and corrections have been made. This copy shall become the property of the ICS program and will be made available to all interested students and members of the faculty.

E. If a dissertation is not accepted, the student may submit another dissertation, subject to Graduate Division and Program time limits.

If you have questions, contact the ICS Graduate Chair .

phd computer science tandon

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1st-year Ph.D. Student Reimbursement for a Computer Purchase

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All new to Cornell first year Information Science Ph.D. students are allowed a reimbursement for up to $1,500 USD toward the purchase of a laptop computer. This is a  one-time  reimbursement and cannot be used towards any other expenses. Students are eligible to request a reimbursement only after they have matriculated, registered and enrolled in classes, which is typically at the end of August. Students have up to one year from the response deadline of April 15 to purchase a laptop computer and request a reimbursement. After this date the reimbursement offer is voided.

If the computer equipment total is less than $1,500 you will not be given the balance, and for equipment that is more than $1,500 you will be responsible for the amount over the $1,500 cap. All equipment must be purchased at one time, and the receipt(s) submitted all together. Receipts must be in English and if the item(s) are purchased using foreign currency, please convert the amount to US currency.  

For reference, our students in the past have received a 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar (1.4GHz quadcore Intel Core i5 processor; 256GB SSD storage). This is just a suggestion on the type of laptop you may want to consider purchasing. Students should consult with their advisors if they have doubts on what specifications will be needed to support their research. We expect students to use this money to purchase equipment such as the items listed below:

  • Laptop computer
  • Desktop computer
  • Monitor for a computer
  • External Hard Drive
  • Noise Canceling Headphones

Items that we will  not  reimburse for are listed below, but this is not limited to this list.  Again, please contact us if you are unsure before purchasing anything. 

  • Parts to build your own computer
  • Replacement of a stolen or broken piece of technology
  • Service contracts (e.g., AppleCare)

A receipt with the total cost of the approved equipment and the  laptop policy form  need to be submitted to Seamus Buxton, [email protected], and the receipt(s) must be in English.

Note:  Students who are currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program at Cornell and are admitted through the Change of Program petition process are not eligible for this reimbursement.  Students should work with their advisor for any equipment purchases that are needed. 

If you are interested in applying, and have questions not answered above, please contact

us at:  [email protected] .  

In Memoriam: Fred Tonge, Professor Emeritus and Founding Member of ICS

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Fred Tonge headshot

The UC Irvine community mourns the loss and celebrates the life of Fred Tonge, Professor Emeritus and founding member of the Department of Information and Computer Sciences (now the School of ICS ), and founding Director of Computing Facilities at UC Irvine.

The idea for the ICS program at UCI came from a 1965 workshop organized by UCI, with the participation of the University of Michigan, shortly after the establishment of the UC Irvine campus. Alongside UCI’s founding Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr., Professor Ralph Gerard and Michigan’s Professor Jim Miller, Professor Tonge welcomed researchers from academia, industry, and government — including IBM, Xerox, Stanford, and the National Science Foundation — to a five-day event on “ computers and universities .” Topics covered included Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) Learning Aspects, Technical Aspects, Library Administration, and Regional and National Networks.

In 1970, Tonge became the second chair of the Department of ICS and served again in 1974. His research interests included artificial intelligence, computers and educational technology, and management science, with over thirty publications in computer science and management science. He supervised eight completed doctoral dissertations.

Prior to joining UCI, Tonge was on the faculty at Carnegie-Mellon University and Oregon State University, where he served as Chairman of the Department of Computer Science. His industrial positions include the RAND Corporation and head of the Computer Systems Department at Tektronix, Inc., Computer Research Lab. He served several terms on the Computer Research Board and as a member and chairman of the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, Information Processing Panel.

During his retirement, Tonge spent his time with his family, writing stage plays  and weaving. He was also a guest speaker at the ICS 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2018. That same year, the Fred M. Tonge Endowed Graduate Award was established to support ICS Ph.D. students.

“He was always kind, smart, funny, and inspirational,” says ICS alumnus Larry Rowe, who earned his Ph.D. in 1976 and was advised by Tonge. “I owe him a great debt for his guidance and teaching.”

“We’re grateful to Professor Tonge for his countless contributions to the School of ICS,” says Dean Marios Papaefthymiou. “Through the endowment, he continues to positively impact our students and help advance the computing field.”

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UMD Graduate Student Daniel Nichols Awarded 2024 ACM-IEEE HPC Fellowship

Descriptive image for UMD Graduate Student Daniel Nichols Awarded 2024 ACM-IEEE HPC Fellowship

University of Maryland Department of Computer Science graduate student Daniel Nichols has been named the recipient of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial High-Performance Computing (HPC) Fellowship . This prestigious award acknowledges Nichols' research at the intersection of machine learning and high-performance computing, specifically in advancing machine-learning-based performance modeling and adapting large language models (LLMs) for HPC applications.

The George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, established in honor of George Michael—one of the founders of the SC Conference series—recognizes exceptional Ph.D. students globally whose research centers on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics. The fellowship includes a $5,000 honorarium and covers travel expenses for recipients to attend the annual SC conference, where the award is formally presented.

Nichols’ research addresses key challenges in performance modeling within the HPC domain, an area that is becoming increasingly crucial as computational demands continue to grow. His work focuses on developing machine-learning-based performance models that utilize all available performance data when predicting code runtime properties. Traditional performance models in HPC often rely on limited datasets, which can lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies. By leveraging advancements in representation learning, Nichols aims to create models that offer more comprehensive and reliable predictions, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and applicability of performance models in HPC environments.

In addition to his work on performance modeling, Nichols has made significant contributions to the application of large language models in HPC. His research in this area seeks to adapt state-of-the-art LLM techniques to meet the specific needs of HPC applications, which often involve complex, scientific and parallel code. The challenges in this domain are substantial, as LLMs typically excel in general-purpose language tasks but require significant adaptation to handle the intricacies of HPC code.

Nichols’ approach involves creating LLMs that are specifically tailored to the unique demands of scientific and parallel computing. These specialized models aim to improve the performance of HPC development tasks, allowing researchers and scientists to focus more on their domain-specific research rather than the complexities of HPC development. 

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, bringing together computing educators, researchers and professionals to inspire dialogue, share resources and address challenges in the field. ACM amplifies the collective voice of the computing profession through leadership, promotion of high standards and recognition of technical excellence. The organization supports its members' professional growth by offering opportunities for lifelong learning, career development and networking.

—By Samuel Malede Zewdu, CS Communications

—Adapted from a press release by ACM

The Department welcomes comments, suggestions and corrections.  Send email to editor [-at-] cs [dot] umd [dot] edu .

Language Technologies Institute

School of computer science.

LTI Logo

Ph.D. in Language and Information Technology

Ph.D. students are expected to publish papers about original research in the most competitive scientific journals and international conference proceedings, and to present their research at conferences and workshops. Most of our Ph.D. graduates become professors and research scientists, while a few have started their own companies.


  • Pass at least 96 units of graduate-level courses.
  • Satisfy proficiencies in writing, presentation, programming and teaching; and
  • Propose, write and defend a Ph.D. dissertation (thesis).
  • Students must also attend the LTI Colloquium each semester and satisfy our Research Speaking Requirement.
  • At least 72 units of LTI courses: Must include one class in each LTI focus area.
  • At least 24 units of SCS courses.
  • At least two lab courses in two different research areas.

Here's a sample of what your five-year schedule might look like:

Fall Spring Summer
Year 1

Grammars and Lexicons

Algorithms for NLP

Directed Study

Search Engines or Machine Learning for Text Mining

Machine Translation

Directed Study

Required Research
Year 2

Software Engineering for LT (I)

Speech Understanding

Self-Paced Lab

Directed Study

Software Engineering for LT (II)

Self-Paced Lab

Directed Study

Required Research
Year 3 Directed Research

Directed Research

Directed Research

Year 4 Directed Research

Directed Research

Directed Research

Year 5 Directed Research

Directed Research

Directed Research

Course Categories

Ph.d. program intranet.

To Apply: Please see the Apply link near the top of this page.

Application Fee Waivers: Appliation fee waivers may be available in cases of financial hardship. For more information, please refer to the School of Computer Science Fee Waiver page .

Cost: Please see Carnegie Mellon's Cost of Attendance web page for the School of Computer Science.

Requirements The School of Computer Science requires the following for all Ph.D. applications. (Please note, these requirements may change for future application cycles.)

  • GRE scores: GREs are now optional. If you want to submit GRE scores, they must be less than five years old. The GRE Subject Test is not required, but is recommended. Our Institution Code is 2074; Department Code is 0402.
  • TOEFL scores: Required if English is not your native language. No exceptions. These scores may be more than two years old if you have pursued or are pursuing a bachelor's or graduate degree in the United States. (While the TOEFL is preferred, the IELTS test may also be submitted.) Successful applicants will have a minimum TOEFL score of 100. Our Institution Code is 4256; the Department Code is 78.
  • Official transcripts from each university you have attended, regardless of whether you received your degree there.
  • Current resume.
  • Statement of Purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • For more details on these requirements, please see the SCS Doctoral Admissions page.
  • A short (1-3 minute) video of yourself. Tell us about you and why you want to come to CMU. This is not a required part of the application process, but it's strongly suggested.
  • Any outside funding you are receiving must be accompanied by an official award letter.
  • No incomplete applications will be eligible for consideration.

Program Contact

For more information about the Ph.D. program, contact Stacey Young.

Program Handbook

New York University Tandon School of Engineering    
2020-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin (with addenda) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The minor in Computer Science consists of a minimum of 15 credits including CS-UY 1134    and CS-UY 2124   . 1  Students must obtain a grade of C- or better in CS-UY 1114    (Intro. to Programming and Problem Solving) or CS-UY 1123 Problem Solving and Programming II    or a grade of A- or better in CS-UY 1133    or permission of the department and satisfy the pre-requisite requirements before enrolling in these courses. 2

Students must maintain an average of 2.0 or better in the entire minor. In addition, a required CS course in a BS curriculum cannot be used to satisfy the course requirements in the CS minor. For transfer students, a least three of the five courses must be taken at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

For more information about the minor, contact the Computer Science Department’s undergraduate academic adviser.

1 Students who entered NYU Tandon prior to FA16 may take CS-UY 1124 Object Oriented Programming    and CS-UY 2134 Data Structures and Algorithms    instead of CS-UY 1134 and CS-UY 2124.

2 CS-UY 1113, 1123, 1114, and CS-UY 1133 do not count toward the minor requirements.


  1. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    phd computer science tandon

  2. Computer Science, M.S.

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  3. Certificate Program Offers A Gateway To In Demand Computer Science And

    phd computer science tandon

  4. NYU Tandon Computer Science Faculty

    phd computer science tandon

  5. James Tandon, Ph.D

    phd computer science tandon

  6. Gauransh TANDON

    phd computer science tandon


  1. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    Curriculum. To receive a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy all School of Engineering requirements for the Ph.D. degree, as described in the NYU Tandon School of Engineering bulletin, including graduate study duration, credit points, GPA, and time-to-degree requirements.

  2. Program: Computer Science, Ph.D.

    To receive a PhD in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy a breadth course requirement, intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer science, ... A Master of Science in Computer Science may be transferred as 30 credits without taking individual courses into consideration. Other graduate coursework ...

  3. Computer Science (PhD)

    To receive a PhD in Computer Science at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, a student must: satisfy a breadth course requirement, intended to ensure broad knowledge of computer science, satisfy a depth requirement, consisting of an oral qualifying exam presentation with a written report, to ensure the student's ability to do research, ...

  4. Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, students may pursue their PhD research abroad with NYU faculty in Abu Dhabi or Shanghai. You can indicate your interest in these campuses within the Tandon Graduate Admissions portal where prompted. Doing so will mean you will be considered for admission to these campuses, in addition to Brooklyn, unless you indicate a sole preference.

  5. Computer Science and Engineering

    If you want to be a part of all that, Computer Science and Engineering might be the course of study for you. Whether you want to protect vital data from malicious hackers by studying cyber security, harness the power of Big Data to improve the world, or create game-changing methods of game development and design, NYU Tandon has a program that fits.

  6. Computer Science, Ph.D. Program By New York University Tandon School of

    Most full-time Ph.D. students have scholarships that cover tuition and provide a monthly stipend. Admission is highly competitive. NYU Tandon School of Engineering seeks creative, articulate students with undergraduate and master's degrees from top universities worldwide. Their current research strengths include data management and analysis, cybersecurity, computer games, visualization, web ...

  7. PhD in Computer Science

    The Tandon School of Engineering offers a PhD in Computer Science. Cybersecurity is a particular research strength of the program. ... Learn more and apply to the PhD in Computer Science through the Tandon School of Engineering. NYU Center for Cyber Security. [email protected]. NYU Tandon School of Engineering. 370 Jay St., 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY ...

  8. Computer Science

    In addition, the department requires that at least 28 credits in computer science, as well as CS-UY 4513 and CS-UY 4523 , be completed at NYU Tandon. Graduates of technology programs may be able to fulfill the requirements for the BS in Computer Science in two to three and one-half years, depending on the scope and level of their previous ...

  9. Department of Computer Science and Engineering

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, current job growth in computer science is among the highest of any technical profession. NYU Tandon's Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers programs leading to a BS, MS and PhD in Computer Science , and an MS in Cybersecurity .

  10. CS at CAS and Tandon

    NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the the College of Arts and Science and one in the Tandon School of Engineering. Both offer degree programs at the undergraduate, masters and PhD level and have vibrant research programs. Graduates of both programs have excellent job prospects and are well prepared for graduate study.

  11. Computer Science Tandon (MS)

    The MS in Computer Science has several specific GPA requirements. 1. Core GPA: A core GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the algorithms and core courses. The core GPA is calculated based on the grades earned in these five courses. 2. Capstone GPA: A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in the capstone course.

  12. PhD Admission

    For admissions inquiries specific to the PhD program in Computer Science: [email protected]. For information regarding open houses for prospective PhD students. GSAS Graduate Fairs and Open Houses. Learn about the admissions process for the PhD Program at the Computer Science Department at New York University's Courant Institute.

  13. PhD Degree Requirements

    To receive a PhD in Computer Science at NYU, a student must: 1. Breadth requirements. The breadth requirement form is availabe on the forms page for PhD students. Rationale: The breadth requirement is designed to ensure competence across three broad areas of computer science: theory, systems, and applications.

  14. Doctor of Philosophy

    Undergraduate Graduate Digital Learning ... and airports. Tandon's Ph.D. in Civil Engineering program produces graduates dedicated to enriching the field. On Campus. Computer Science, Ph.D. Ph.D. students in our Computer Science program can conduct groundbreaking research with the faculty of our interdisciplinary Center for Cyber Security. ...

  15. Department of Computer Science and Engineering

    NYU Tandon's Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers programs leading to a B.S., ... The Ph.D. program develops graduate skills in a broad range of areas as well as expertise in one or more specific areas and the ability to think critically and conduct independent research. Outstanding Ph.D. students are advised to apply for ...

  16. Can someone explain the difference between Tandon and courant ...

    Courant handles the mathematics (including financial math) and computer science coursework for the entirety of NYU. Tandon is NYU's engineering school, but also teaches Math, Physics, and CS; the math, and I guess the CS, advising is done through Courant; however, upon graduation from Tandon or CAS in math or CS, your degree will have the name ...

  17. Program: Computer Science Tandon, M.S.

    The NYU Tandon Bridge course is taught by faculty members of the Computer Science department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, aided by NYU Tandon Graduate student teaching assistants. Students will participate in interactive online modules, live webinars, assignments, and tests. Learn more: Computer Science Bridge Program

  18. Current Ph.D. Students

    The CS Ph.D. program is designed to help the student meet the following objectives: (1) Certify core competency in computer science and address any deficiencies in this competency as efficiently as possible, so that the bulk of the student's Ph.D. program is focused on research.

  19. 1st-year Ph.D. Student Reimbursement for a Computer Purchase

    All new to Cornell first year Information Science Ph.D. students are allowed a reimbursement for up to $1,500 USD toward the purchase of a laptop computer. This is a one-time reimbursement and cannot be used towards any other expenses. Students are eligible to request a reimbursement only after they have matriculated, registered and enrolled in classes, which is typically at the end of August ...

  20. Computer Science, M.S.

    The NYU Tandon Bridge course is taught by faculty members of the Computer Science department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, aided by NYU Tandon Graduate student teaching assistants. Students will participate in interactive online modules, live webinars, assignments, and tests. Go to: Computer Science Bridge Program

  21. Computer Science Ph.D.

    The Computer Science Ph.D. program typically requires two to four years beyond the M.S. degree. Most Computer Science Ph.D. students study at Clemson University in Clemson, SC, but may also study at the Zucker Family Graduate Education Center in Charleston, SC. The program cannot be completed online.

  22. In Memoriam: Fred Tonge, Professor Emeritus and Founding Member of ICS

    In 1970, Tonge became the second chair of the Department of ICS and served again in 1974. His research interests included artificial intelligence, computers and educational technology, and management science, with over thirty publications in computer science and management science. He supervised eight completed doctoral dissertations.

  23. Ultimate guide to JEE and IIT for engineering aspirants

    For post-graduate admissions in M.Tech (Master of Technology), M.Sc (Master of Science), and M.Des (Master of Design), students have to undertake exams like GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in ...

  24. Computer Science Tandon, M.S.

    Computer Science Tandon, M.S. Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) ... Graduate­-level courses from outside of the department (at most two) may be chosen as electives. ... Bridge to NYU Tandon Program is a prerequisite course recommended to those interested in applying for the C omputer Science Tandon Master's Degree who are lacking a ...

  25. Artificial Intelligence Courses and Programs

    These courses are designed for medical professionals and those in computer or data science within healthcare. Familiarity with statistics and programming is helpful but not required. Interest or experience in healthcare is recommended. View Courses & Programs

  26. Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarships

    A scholarship committee automatically reviews all applicants to full-time Master's programs at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Awarding scholarships to admitted students is based on multiple factors, including academic performance (grades, exam scores, etc.). Scholarships are exclusively awarded for use for the fall and spring semesters ...

  27. UMD Graduate Student Daniel Nichols Awarded 2024 ACM-IEEE HPC

    University of Maryland Department of Computer Science graduate student Daniel Nichols has been named the recipient of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial High-Performance Computing (HPC) Fellowship.This prestigious award acknowledges Nichols' research at the intersection of machine learning and high-performance computing, specifically in advancing machine-learning-based performance ...

  28. PhD in LTI

    For more information, please refer to the School of Computer Science Fee Waiver page. Cost: Please see Carnegie Mellon's Cost of Attendance web page for the School of Computer Science. Requirements The School of Computer Science requires the following for all Ph.D. applications. (Please note, these requirements may change for future application ...

  29. Computer Science, B.S.

    The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is a rigorous program that not only covers fundamental computer science subjects - such as object-oriented programming, computer architecture, and operating systems. The School of Engineering also offers a BS/MS Program that lets you earn 2 degrees at once.

  30. Program: Computer Science Minor

    The minor in Computer Science consists of a minimum of 15 credits including CS-UY 1134 and CS-UY 2124 . 1 Students must obtain a grade of C- or better in CS-UY 1114 (Intro. to Programming and Problem Solving) or CS-UY 1123 Problem Solving and Programming II or a grade of A- or better in CS-UY 1133 or permission of the department and satisfy the pre-requisite requirements before enrolling in ...