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The PhD Programme

The basic requirements for doctoral students within DoSChem are defined by the Curriculum "Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Natural Sciences" of the University of Vienna. DoSChem offers added value for students and supervisors as well as requiring additional responsibilities.

DoSChem requires all students to obtain a total of 24 ECTS during their doctoral training: the doctoral curriculum demands 12 ECTS, and within DoSChem additional 12 ECTS are required.

Curriculum "Natural Sciences" (12ECTS)

  • Duration: 3-4 years
  • Fields of Doctoral Research: Chemistry (Dr.rer.nat.)
  • Curriculum (PDF)
  • Further information on the doctoral programme "Natural Sciences"

Additional DoSChem teaching activities (12 ECTS)

  • Doctoral seminars: Within each focus area, doctoral seminars (1 ECTS/semester – maximum of 6 ECTS will be recognized) will be offered that provide in depth discussions of the respective research areas. Within these seminars students present a full overview of their research projects (25-35 min) at least once a year to all participating students and to at least 3 PIs.
  • Journal clubs will be held (bi-)weekly and students present a paper once per year (1 ECTS/year – maximum of 3 ECTS recognized).
  • Faculty Seminar series with interdisciplinary speakers will be organized on a monthly basis during the lecture period with participation of students for all of DoSChem. Attendance for students is compulsory, supervisors are strongly encouraged to attend. (1 ECTS/year – maximum of 3 ECTS recognized)
  • International symposium organized by students: a two-day symposium with high-profile speakers representing the whole scientific breadth of DoSChem (and beyond) will be held once a year. One session is dedicated to DoSChem student presentation from all focus areas. (1 ECTS/year - maximum of 3 ECTS recognized)
  • Additional teaching activities : specialised lectures selected by focus areas, for example patent law; statistics in natural sciences; ethics in science (1-2 ECTS/each – each one recognized only once)
  • Attendance of conferences/ summer schools with poster and/or oral presentations are recognized a maximum of 3 times (1-2 ECTS each).
  • Soft skills seminars (1 ECTS each – each one recognized only once)

Career development

VDA Chem provides support for graduates seeking careers in academia, industry and other areas , such as  administration, (science) communication, consulting, patent law, etc.. This aim will be pursued by early on raising awareness for the transition phase following doctoral training.

Seminars will be offered outlining general career options and specific qualifications (e.g. proposal writing, project management, language courses).

Access to transferrable skill seminars is provided and part of the student training programme, in liaison with the Centre for Doctoral Studies:


  1. Gebäude der Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Wien, Währinger Straße

    phd chemie uni wien

  2. Chemie Studium an der Universität Wien (BA): Das musst du wissen!

    phd chemie uni wien

  3. Prof. Peter Lieberzeit from University of Vienna visited our Department

    phd chemie uni wien

  4. Bachelorstudium Chemie an der Universität Wien (BA)

    phd chemie uni wien

  5. Fakultät für Chemie der Universität Wien

    phd chemie uni wien

  6. Uni Wien: Alle Chemie-Kandidaten werden aufgenommen

    phd chemie uni wien


  1. Doktorat

    WEBThe Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry (DoSChem) of the University of Vienna trains young emerging researchers from all over the world, offering an internationally competitive education and research environment in all …