Purchase Order: What It Is & How to Create One [+ Template]

Lestraundra Alfred

Published: April 30, 2024

Outside of marketing, I’ve worked as a trainer and business owner. While I love the work I do, it’s just as important that I get paid for my efforts, so purchase orders (POs) are a big part of my day-to-day. A purchase order (PO) is a document that buyers send to suppliers to confirm their intention to move forward with their goods and services.

 Visual metaphor for what is a po in business

A PO lays down the agreement, which establishes the expectations of the transaction and the buyer’s approval of the terms of payment. Purchase orders are commonly used for bulk orders involving larger transactions, or when buyers are involved in recurring relationships with the supplier.

Download Now: Free Purchase Order Template

To help you learn about purchase orders and successfully create your own, I’ll cover the following topics in this article:

  • What is a Purchase Order?
  • How Does a Purchase Order Work?

Purchase Order Format: What to Include on Your PO

Purchase order template, types of purchase orders, how to create a purchase order in concur, how to create a purchase order system, advantages of purchase orders, what is a purchase order.

A purchase order, or PO, is a legal document a buyer sends to a supplier or vendor to authorize a purchase. Purchase orders outline a list of products to buy. These agreements help both the buyer and seller document transactions.

Purchase orders are beneficial for both the buyer and seller. By issuing purchase orders, small businesses can specify what goods and services they need from their suppliers and when they’re needed by. A PO also allows the seller to ensure it can provide the goods and services requested before committing to fulfillment, giving the buyer time to plan accordingly.

purchase order assignment

Free Purchase Order Template

Quickly get the supplies/services you need with this professional PO template.

  • Product Codes
  • Item Description & Quantity
  • Shipping Costs

How does a purchase order work?

Now that we know what a PO is, I can explain how businesses use them in their accounting practices. While this is a realm filled with jargon, I’ll break it down in plain, simple English.

Before the purchase orders are created and submitted, the employee sends an internal document to the concerned department for the approval of the order. Once the reviewer approves the order purchase, it is sent forward to the vendor as the purchase order.

Here’s how purchase orders work.

1. Buyer creates a PO and generates a PO number.

After the approval of the purchase requisition, the buyer firm creates a purchase order with all the details of the product, including the quantity, per-piece pricing, total pricing, and expected date of delivery.

For example, if you need to order new boxes to ship your product orders, you’ll calculate how many boxes you need and when you need them.

Next, the firm generates the PO number . While some firms have a formal procedure for creating a PO, others may just use it as a form of contract.

With the information above, the buyer should draft the purchase order and send it to their seller for approval. When sending the purchase order to a seller, indicate when approval is needed to keep the process timely.

Ideally, the response should come in ample time to receive the product or service on schedule or should give the buyer enough time to source from another seller if needed.

2. Seller reviews and approves the PO.

The buyer sends the purchase order to the seller for them to review and approve. If the seller can fulfill the request as instructed by the buyer, they will approve the purchase order, making it legally binding for both parties.

Sellers can ask for amendments if the information is incomplete or they’re not satisfied with the purchase order. Sellers also have the right to cancel the PO if it doesn’t meet the seller's policies.

3. Seller creates an invoice.

Based on the purchase order, the seller issues an invoice with the payment breakdown and the terms of payment. The invoice should also recap what goods were provided, the relevant quantity, and the amount owed.

The seller may request payment before, after, or during the time of delivery to the buyer.

For example, after approving the shipment of boxes, you should receive the fulfilled order and an invoice for the amount owed. This vendor has a net 30 payment terms and expects payment within 30 days of issuing the invoice.

4. Purchase order matching.

After receiving the PO, the buyer reviews it and ensures that the information mentioned in the invoice matches the information in the purchase order. This process of matching the buyer order documents with the invoice is called purchase order matching.

5. Invoice is sent for approval.

Once the matching is completed, the invoice is sent for approval to the AP department, where payment is released to the seller. Depending on the terms of the payment agreement, the payment can be released later or at the time of delivery.

With this, the PO is closed, and the seller proceeds with the order fulfillment.

Purchase Order vs. Invoice

So purchase orders show the intent to make a purchase. How does that differ from an invoice?

Both the purchase order and invoice are the legal documents between the vendor and the buyer. However, purchase orders are issued by the buyer and sent to the vendor, whereas invoices, outlining the terms of payment, are issued by the vendor and sent to the buyer.

Ready to create your own purchase order? Here is the information you need to include.

1. Header . Provide your company details, including the company name, business address, purchase order date, and purchase order number .

2. Vendor information . Indicate the proper recipient for the purchase order. This is where you list the name of the seller company, your specific contact name, and the address of the seller company.

3. Ship to . Specify where the order should be sent, the shipping method, the shipping terms, and the intended delivery date.

4. Order details . For each product included in the order, provide a line item with the product code or SKU number, item name or description, quantity of units requested, the price per unit, and the delivery date of each item.

5. Summary . Complete the purchase order by providing a subtotal, any applicable discounts, taxes, shipping costs, and grand total.

Below is an example purchase will all of these categories.

As you can see, you have the option of adding multiple products, so there’s no need to create different purchase orders per product. In addition, you can take discounts out of the final cost and take into account shipping and handling.

To create your purchase order following the above format, download our easy-to-use purchase order template .

purchase order assignment

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What Is a Purchase Order? (Example Included)


Much of your project will be done in-house, but you’ll likely also contract with suppliers and others to deliver needed materials or services. How do you make sure that the goods are of the type you need, the quantity agreed upon and for the price that meets your financial constraints?

These parameters are all agreed upon through a purchase order. It’s a way to reach an agreement about the outside services required in the project to make sure you can schedule them into your project plan.

purchase order assignment

Get your free

Purchase Order Template

Use this free Purchase Order Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

Purchase Order vs. Purchase Requisition

Purchase orders and purchase requisitions are two different purchase management documents, and each plays an important role when managing your business purchases. The difference between them is that purchase requisitions are created whenever an employee needs internal approval to make a purchase, while purchase orders are sent to external parties such as suppliers whenever a purchase is made.

Purchase Order vs. Sales Order

A sales order is sent as a response to a purchase order. Whenever a buyer wants to make a purchase, he’ll send the supplier a purchase order. In return, the supplier will send a sales order, a similar document that confirms the price, quantity and other details about the sale.

We’ve created a free sales order template for Excel you can use to get started with this order management document.

Purchase Order vs. Purchase Invoice

Buyers send purchase orders to vendors to help keep track of their supply chain . Invoices, on the other hand, acts as payment request sent by the vendor to the buyer as soon as the order is fulfilled. In addition to listing the goods and services that were delivered, it also outlines how much money is owed. Invoices typically contain an identifying number, vendor information, payment details and how much is due.

ProjectManager has unlimited file storage to help you store and track your purchase orders. Plus, you can use its kanban boards and approval features to create a purchase order workflow that streamlines your procurement process. Get started for free.

ProjectManager's kanban boards, a great tool to keep track of purchase orders

What Should Be Included In a Purchase Order?

A purchase order varies in detail, but all share the following elements:

  • A PO number to identify and track the order
  • A PO date to capture when the order was agreed upon
  • Vendor information, including the name of the vendor, shipping address and contact information
  • Delivery date for when the goods or services are due
  • Shipping method, if the goods are being shipped to a job site
  • Any requirements for shipping
  • Items that are included in the order
  • The cost for each item
  • The total cost of the entire shipment
  • Taxes for total items purchased
  • Payment due date
  • Terms for payment

Your business might need further detail, which is fine, but if you have at least the above information in your purchase order, the owner and vendor are protected by contract. Therefore, to legally protect all parties, it’s critical that all the details of the transaction are clearly stated and agreed upon.

Why Are Purchase Orders Important?

The purchase order makes exactly what a buyer wants from a seller clear. It helps to avoid any confusion in terms of what a buyer wants, how much of it, what the cost will be, when and where it’ll be delivered and so forth.

More importantly, purchase orders help manufacturing businesses with the order management process because they help document all the orders that they’ve received from customers. This helps them know what they need to produce and also helps them keep track of their production inventory, which is critical for production planning, supply chain management and inventory management.

Benefits of Using Purchase Orders

Purchase orders protect both the buyer and the seller. For example, if a buyer doesn’t pay as agreed upon in the order, or the seller doesn’t fulfill the details of the order, they can pursue legal avenues to get their money, goods or financial compensation.

Of course, a lawsuit is not what any project manager wants. Therefore, the purchase order acts as a legal document to avoid any such disagreements by creating clear communication between both parties. It ensures that everyone involved in the project agrees upon the goods or services being procured.

Besides this, the use of purchase orders can also help you:

  • Control excessive spending and duplication so you can keep costs within your project budget.
  • Avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications with your suppliers, which is beneficial for supplier relationship management .
  • Identify the cause of quality issues by pinpointing batches of raw materials or components.
  • Compare prices among suppliers.

We’ve created a free purchase order template you can download, customize and use for your projects. It helps you gather all the basic information you need for your purchase orders and can be easily shared with suppliers. Let’s see how it works with a purchase order example.

Purchase Order Example

Imagine a construction job, where Acme Construction realizes they need more particle boards. They contact their vendor, Joe’s Lumber, and discuss the order over the phone.

purchase order example

Coming to an agreement about price and delivery, Acme writes up a PO. They include their company name and contact information, create a PO number, date and vendor ID for Joe’s.

Vendor Contact Info

The next part of the purchase order is the contact info for the vendor, or who Acme is making the purchase from. This is followed by where the goods will be shipped, in this case, the job site. The approved delivery date is noted and the method of shipping, which in this case is by truck.

Payment Details

What follows are details about payment, when it’s due and if there are any terms. In this case, the payment is due upon delivery and only after the contact person listed in the shipping information has looked over and approved the wood.

Line Item Information

There’s a list of the goods, showing the item, describing it, the quantity, quoting the unit price and then a line total. For this order, there is only one line item, but there can be several. However many there are, they are totaled after the taxes for the purchase are added.

Additional Info

There is a box in which any additional information can be added. This might be how to reach the job site, how the goods need to be packed, etc. For this job, there’s no need for additional information, and the box can be left blank.

Finally, there’s a place for the vendor’s signature and the date on which the purchase order is signed. Once signed, this becomes a legally binding contract.

How to Create a Purchase Order

The purchase order process includes writing it up through to delivery. The PO process is broken down into the following steps.

1. Creation

Once a purchase requisition has been made, the purchase order is generated, usually by the procurement team or an administrator of the project.

2. Approval

If everyone involved agrees with the items, quantity, price and delivery requirements, the document is approved by the signature of the vendor agreeing to the terms.

3. Dispatch

The purchase order is sent to the vendor through whatever channel has been accepted. This can be done in person, by paper, sent by fax or email, etc.

4. Delivery

The vendor delivers the goods outlined in the purchase order. Those goods are examined and approved when the quality is acceptable, such as no defects or missing items. This is usually done by an administrator or procurement manager on the job site.

If everything is fine with the order, an approval invoice is sent to financing for payment processing. Once paid, the purchase order is closed.

Types of Purchase Orders

There are different types of purchase orders, which are used depending on how specific you want to be about your purchase payment terms, delivery schedule and quantities.

Standard Purchase Orders (SPO)

This is the most commonly used type of purchase order. It’s used whenever the buyer knows all the details about the purchase, such as the exact quantity, the delivery date and any additional information requested by the vendor.

Planned Purchase Orders (PPO)

A planned purchase order is just like a standard purchase order, but the delivery dates are tentative, and the quantity is based on an estimate of the future material requirements of the business. This purchase order is used whenever the buyer wants to buy large quantities over a time period, rather than a one-time purchase.

Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO)

Blanket purchase orders are typically used whenever there are recurring purchases that occur at uncertain time intervals. Blanket purchase orders have the same information as PPOs but the quantity and delivery dates remain uncertain.

Contract Purchase Orders (CPO)

Used whenever a supplier agrees on payment terms and conditions for future purchases from a buyer. This purchase order only specifies general guidelines.

Who Creates a Purchase Order?

Larger companies may have a purchasing department dedicated to overseeing purchase orders. Smaller companies may rely on operations managers, financial managers, office managers or even business owners to create the purchase order.

Specific teams may appoint designated individuals to create purchase orders. For example, software companies may appoint office managers to create purchase orders while a finance company may appoint financial managers to create purchase orders. How a company sets up its purchasing process will dictate who creates purchase orders.

Who Approves Purchase Orders?

Who approves purchase orders depends on the process in place within a given company. Larger companies may have fleshed-out purchasing processes consisting of approvals stemming from specific locations and departments. As an example, a software company may look to both directors and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) to approve purchase orders.

Smaller companies may turn to either the CFO or CEO for purchase order approval which has the potential to slow down the process in some cases.

How ProjectManager Helps With the Purchase Order Process

ProjectManager is an award-winning project management tool that organizes work for greater efficiency. Using our software to streamline your purchase order process allows you to generate, track and close your purchase orders easier so you don’t have to get pulled away from managing the project.

One of our project views is the kanban board, which visualizes workflow. The board is a series of columns with cards stacked underneath that can be dragged and dropped from one column to the next as they move through the purchase order process.

ProjectManager's kanban boards, ideal for tracking purchase orders

Once you have a procurement need, you can use the customizable columns to outline your five-step purchase order process. Create a card to represent the purchase order. Attach the actual purchase order to the card and move it across the board as it is approved, delivered and closed.

Your procurement can be tracked at a glance to make sure it’s delivered on time by creating a due date on the card. Add tags to designate it to a department or project and make it easy to find in a search. You can even assign the card to your procurement manager and comment to keep the lines of communication open.

Related Content

  • Free Sales Order Template for Excel
  • Order Fulfillment: Process, Models & Documentation
  • How to Make a Production Order for Manufacturing

ProjectManager is an award-winning tool that helps you stay organized to improve productivity. It can manage your purchasing, planning, monitoring and reporting on projects. Join organizations like NASA, which already use our tool to run successful projects. Try this free 30-day trial offer today.

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Nanonets Intelligent Automation, and Business Process AI Blog

The Purchase Order Process - Are you doing it right?

The purchase order is an essential document of the purchase process for any business.

Despite that, purchase orders and their processing often gets bogged down by delays, errors and manual inefficiencies.

Perfecting the  purchase order  process is seen as time-taking and thus is often not prioritized by businesses. However, having an efficient purchase order process goes a long way in maintaining AP efficiency.

In this article, we'll cover

  • what a purchase order process is.
  • the various steps involved in executing a purchase order.
  • how to optimize the purchase order process.

What is the purchase order process?

A purchase order is a document that officially confirms the purchase of goods and services between a buyer and seller.

It is created by the buyer to authorize a transaction that may not have been confirmed in writing before.

As it is an official document, it is legally binding on both parties.

Here is what a typical purchase order looks like.

purchase order assignment

We know that creation of a purchase order signifies the start of a purchase.

The purchase order process is the series of steps businesses follow to purchase goods or services from suppliers. It is called so because the process can be seen as a set of tasks aimed at creation, approval, implementation, and final processing of a purchase order document from start to finish.

What needs to be included in the Purchase Order?

A purchase order should include every bit of relevant information about the transaction such as:

  • Specifications and quantity of the items required
  • Contact information
  • The price at which goods or services are to be purchased
  • Delivery timelines and details
  • Payment terms and conditions
  • A purchase order number for tracking

Stages of the purchase order process

The  purchase order process  involves several crucial steps to ensure compliance and efficient processing. Below are the key stages. We'll follow along an example of business looking to purchase office chairs.

  • Create a Purchase Order : The business needs 50 new office chairs. The office manager creates a PO to order them.
  • Request for Quotation ( RFQ ) : An RFQ is sent to several suppliers to get prices and delivery times for the chairs.
  • Vendor Selection : After comparing quotes, a suitable supplier is chosen for offering the best price and delivery terms.
  • Contract Negotiation : The business negotiates terms with the supplier agreeing on a delivery date.
  • Goods/Services Receipt : Upon receiving the chairs, the business checks them against the PO to ensure the order is correct. The goods receipt is generated if not already accompanied with the order.
  • 3-Way Matching : Matching of the PO, the supplier’s invoice, and the delivery receipt to confirm everything aligns.
  • Invoice Authorization and Payment : Once confirmed, the business authorizes payment, and the accounts payable department processes the invoice.
  • Record Keeping : All documents related to the purchase are stored for future reference.
  • Purchase Order Closure : After everything is complete, the PO is marked as closed in the system, marking the end of the process.

Challenges in the purchase order process

As we have seen above, the purchase order process is cumbersome. Here are the problems which businesses face typically when they implement it -

  • cause errors and delays.
  • high costs associated with manual work
  • these problems increase tremendously as the business scales
  • hard to implement effective approval processes and exercise spend control.
  • leads to poor supplier performance management
  • lack of spend visibility

Automation of the purchase order process

Going through the stages of the process above, we can see that the tasks involved are manual, error-prone and slow.

A business can introduce a PO automation software to do away with these challenges.

Here's how an automated PO system like Nanonets automates the above workflow.

1. Purchase Request :

An employee uses the Nanonets portal to submit a purchase request electronically.

2. Purchase Order Creation :

Nanonets automatically generates a PO based on the request details.

purchase order assignment

3. Purchase Order Approval :

The PO is routed through an automated approval workflow within Nanonets.

You can set predefined rules and conditional checks to maintains consistency across all procurement activities, minimizing errors and preventing unauthorized spending.

purchase order assignment

Approvals notifications are sent and can be easily handled within popular communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

purchase order assignment

These approvals include direct Call To Actions (CTAs), simplifying the process and facilitating swift decision-making.

4. Purchase Order Dispatch :

Once approved, the system automatically sends the PO to the supplier via integrated email or supplier portal (e.g., SAP Ariba, Coupa).

Supply Chain & Operations Automation with AI

5. Goods or Services Delivery :

The supplier processes the order and updates the delivery status in the supplier portal, which is synced with Nanonets.

6. Invoice Data Capture and Matching :

Nanonets extracts data from invoices, purchase orders, and delivery notes automatically, minimizing manual entry and errors.

purchase order assignment

Automated three-way matching ensures accuracy by automatically matching invoices, purchase orders, and delivery notes before processing payments.

purchase order assignment

7. Payment Processing :

Nanonets facilitates seamless payment processes, ensuring that all transactions are completed efficiently and on time. This helps in maintaining good relationships with suppliers and avoiding late payment penalties.

purchase order assignment

8. Integration with ERP/Accounting Software :

Nanonets integrates with various ERP and accounting systems for a unified procurement and financial data management experience.

purchase order assignment

By automating the purchase order workflow with a PO system like Nanonets, businesses can ensure seamless data flow across various applications, reduce manual errors, and enhance overall efficiency.

Purchase Order Process for small businesses

Larger companies typically need a comprehensive purchase order (PO) system to manage their procurement process. When multiple purchasing transactions involve a large number of employees, it becomes crucial to have complete monitoring and tracking of the entire process.

Now, let's talk about small businesses. They often operate with limited resources and might wonder if implementing a PO system is necessary.

However, there are several compelling reasons why even small businesses can benefit significantly from having an automated PO system in place.

  • Improved Financial Control: By documenting every purchase, businesses can easily monitor their expenses and spot any unnecessary spending.
  • Streamlined Purchasing Process: It helps maintain a clear record of what was ordered, when it was ordered, and who it was ordered from. This reduces the risk of errors like ordering the same thing twice or getting the wrong quantities.
  • Cost Savings: While setting up a PO system may require an initial investment, the long-term savings can be significant. By avoiding costs incurred on manual tasks, preventing over-ordering, negotiating better terms with suppliers, and reducing administrative overhead, small businesses can achieve substantial cost efficiencies.
  • Scalability and Growth: As a small business grows, its purchasing needs become more complex. Luckily, a PO system can scale with the business, providing the necessary infrastructure to handle increased order volumes and more intricate supply chains.

In conclusion, even though implementing a PO system might seem daunting at first for small businesses, the benefits it offers in terms of financial control, efficiency, and scalability make it a valuable investment. By adopting a PO system, small businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and set a solid foundation for future growth.

  • Assignment Clause

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Contract Clauses

  • Acceleration Clause
  • Arbitration Clause
  • Cancellation Clause
  • Choice of Law Clause
  • Confidentiality Clause
  • Consideration Clause
  • Definitions Clause
  • Dispute Resolution Clause
  • Entire Agreement Clause
  • Escalation Clause
  • Exclusivity Clause
  • Exculpatory Clause
  • Force Majeure Clause
  • Governing Law Clause
  • Indemnification Clause
  • Indemnity Clause
  • Insurance Clause
  • Integration Clause
  • Merger Clause
  • Non-Competition Clause
  • Non-Disparagement Clause
  • Non-Exclusivity Clause
  • Non-Solicitation Clause
  • Privacy Clause
  • Release Clause
  • Severability Clause
  • Subordination Clause
  • Subrogation Clause
  • Survival Clause
  • Termination Clause
  • Time of Essence Clause

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Assignment clause defined.

Assignment clauses are legally binding provisions in contracts that give a party the chance to engage in a transfer of ownership or assign their contractual obligations and rights to a different contracting party.

In other words, an assignment clause can reassign contracts to another party. They can commonly be seen in contracts related to business purchases.

Here’s an article about assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Explained

Assignment contracts are helpful when you need to maintain an ongoing obligation regardless of ownership. Some agreements have limitations or prohibitions on assignments, while other parties can freely enter into them.

Here’s another article about assignment clauses.

Purpose of Assignment Clause

The purpose of assignment clauses is to establish the terms around transferring contractual obligations. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) permits the enforceability of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Examples

Examples of assignment clauses include:

  • Example 1 . A business closing or a change of control occurs
  • Example 2 . New services providers taking over existing customer contracts
  • Example 3 . Unique real estate obligations transferring to a new property owner as a condition of sale
  • Example 4 . Many mergers and acquisitions transactions, such as insurance companies taking over customer policies during a merger

Here’s an article about the different types of assignment clauses.

Assignment Clause Samples

Sample 1 – sales contract.

Assignment; Survival .  Neither party shall assign all or any portion of the Contract without the other party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that either party may, without such consent, assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, in connection with the transfer or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or business of such Party relating to the product(s) to which this Agreement relates. The Contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the respective parties. Any assignment or transfer not in accordance with this Contract shall be void. In order that the parties may fully exercise their rights and perform their obligations arising under the Contract, any provisions of the Contract that are required to ensure such exercise or performance (including any obligation accrued as of the termination date) shall survive the termination of the Contract.

Reference :

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.29 3 dex1029.htm SALES CONTRACT , Viewed May 10, 2021, <  https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1492426/000119312510226984/dex1029.htm >.

Sample 2 – Purchase and Sale Agreement

Assignment . Purchaser shall not assign this Agreement or any interest therein to any Person, without the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may be withheld in Seller’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon prior written notice to Seller, Purchaser may designate any Affiliate as its nominee to receive title to the Property, or assign all of its right, title and interest in this Agreement to any Affiliate of Purchaser by providing written notice to Seller no later than five (5) Business Days prior to the Closing; provided, however, that (a) such Affiliate remains an Affiliate of Purchaser, (b) Purchaser shall not be released from any of its liabilities and obligations under this Agreement by reason of such designation or assignment, (c) such designation or assignment shall not be effective until Purchaser has provided Seller with a fully executed copy of such designation or assignment and assumption instrument, which shall (i) provide that Purchaser and such designee or assignee shall be jointly and severally liable for all liabilities and obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement, (ii) provide that Purchaser and its designee or assignee agree to pay any additional transfer tax as a result of such designation or assignment, (iii) include a representation and warranty in favor of Seller that all representations and warranties made by Purchaser in this Agreement are true and correct with respect to such designee or assignee as of the date of such designation or assignment, and will be true and correct as of the Closing, and (iv) otherwise be in form and substance satisfactory to Seller and (d) such Assignee is approved by Manager as an assignee of the Management Agreement under Article X of the Management Agreement. For purposes of this Section 16.4, “Affiliate” shall include any direct or indirect member or shareholder of the Person in question, in addition to any Person that would be deemed an Affiliate pursuant to the definition of “Affiliate” under Section 1.1 hereof and not by way of limitation of such definition.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-10.8 3 dex108.htm PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1490985/000119312510160407/dex108.htm >.

Sample 3 – Share Purchase Agreement

Assignment . Neither this Agreement nor any right or obligation hereunder may be assigned by any Party without the prior written consent of the other Parties, and any attempted assignment without the required consents shall be void.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-4.12 3 dex412.htm SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1329394/000119312507148404/dex412.htm >.

Sample 4 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment . This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, at any time after the Closing, are freely assignable by Buyer. This Agreement and any of the rights, interests, or obligations incurred hereunder, in part or as a whole, are assignable by Seller only upon the prior written consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.1 2 dex21.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1428669/000119312510013625/dex21.htm >.

Sample 5 – Asset Purchase Agreement

Assignment; Binding Effect; Severability

This Agreement may not be assigned by any party hereto without the other party’s written consent; provided, that Buyer may transfer or assign in whole or in part to one or more Buyer Designee its right to purchase all or a portion of the Purchased Assets, but no such transfer or assignment will relieve Buyer of its obligations hereunder. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns of each party hereto. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and in the event that any one or more provisions are deemed illegal or unenforceable the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect unless the deletion of such provision shall cause this Agreement to become materially adverse to either party, in which event the parties shall use reasonable commercial efforts to arrive at an accommodation that best preserves for the parties the benefits and obligations of the offending provision.

Security Exchange Commission - Edgar Database,  EX-2.4 2 dex24.htm ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT , Viewed May 10, 2021, < https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1002047/000119312511171858/dex24.htm >.

Common Contracts with Assignment Clauses

Common contracts with assignment clauses include:

  • Real estate contracts
  • Sales contract
  • Asset purchase agreement
  • Purchase and sale agreement
  • Bill of sale
  • Assignment and transaction financing agreement

Assignment Clause FAQs

Assignment clauses are powerful when used correctly. Check out the assignment clause FAQs below to learn more:

What is an assignment clause in real estate?

Assignment clauses in real estate transfer legal obligations from one owner to another party. They also allow house flippers to engage in a contract negotiation with a seller and then assign the real estate to the buyer while collecting a fee for their services. Real estate lawyers assist in the drafting of assignment clauses in real estate transactions.

What does no assignment clause mean?

No assignment clauses prohibit the transfer or assignment of contract obligations from one part to another.

What’s the purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement?

The purpose of the transfer and assignment clause in the purchase agreement is to protect all involved parties’ rights and ensure that assignments are not to be unreasonably withheld. Contract lawyers can help you avoid legal mistakes when drafting your business contracts’ transfer and assignment clauses.

ContractsCounsel is not a law firm, and this post should not be considered and does not contain legal advice. To ensure the information and advice in this post are correct, sufficient, and appropriate for your situation, please consult a licensed attorney. Also, using or accessing ContractsCounsel's site does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and ContractsCounsel.

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Purchase Order

How does it work?

1. choose this template.

Start by clicking on "Fill out the template"

2. Complete the document

Answer a few questions and your document is created automatically.

3. Save - Print

Your document is ready! You will receive it in Word and PDF formats. You will be able to modify it.

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order is a document used by a buyer of goods to propose a written sales contract to a vendor detailing the exact goods to be sold, the quantities, and their prices . It is an offer from the buyer to purchase the specified goods from the vendor. This offer then becomes a contract after the vendor accepts the offer by signing the document. A purchase order generally specifies payment terms, item identification, quantities, shipping address, and other such details. The Purchase Order ultimately serves as a transaction record between the buyer and the seller.

Though similar to an Invoice , the primary difference between a Purchase Order and an Invoice is that, generally speaking, a Purchase Order is issued by the buyer while an Invoice is issued by the seller . The buyer sends the Purchase Order to the seller to initiate the purchase. Once the Purchase Order has been fulfilled, the seller issues an Invoice to the buyer. Typically, the Invoice has the Purchase Order number on it to make it easier for the buyer to verify that the product being invoiced matches with the specifications and prices outlined in the original order.

A Purchase Order can help to ensure that the buyer and the seller are on the same page about the service being delivered. Purchase Orders can also help the buyer stay organized when it comes to accounting and tracking expenses.

How to use this document

Most purchases are unique but no matter what is being purchased, this Purchase Order includes the common elements and allows for customization for specific purposes. All Purchase Orders include the price of each good being purchased and the amount to be purchased . The document also includes a description of the goods purchased, applicable taxes, shipping charges, names, dates, and/or contact information involved with the transaction.

Once the Purchase Order has been prepared, it should be issued to the seller of the products being purchased. At that time, the seller will decide whether they are able to fulfill the order at the price requested. The buyer should be sure to keep a copy of the purchase order for their own records.

Applicable law

Purchase Orders in the United States are generally subject to specific state laws , which cover general contract principles like formation and mutual understanding. State laws also cover commercial transactions and business. They govern which goods and services are subject to sales tax and how much sales tax should be paid. Individual state laws should be checked for anything relating to the sale of goods or the interpretation of the purchase orders in case of a dispute.

How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Purchase Order - FREE - Sample, template - Word and PDF

Country: United States

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Purchase Order Process Steps and Procedures Simply Explained

A purchase order is an official document, that validates a purchase transaction. This article covers the PO process in detail.

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

A purchase order (PO) is an official document, created by the buyer, which authorizes a purchase transaction for goods or services from a supplier.

POs play an important role in controlling business purchases. A professional PO process builds robust supplier relationships and provides an audit trail of all transactions.

It is generally assisted by some level of automation that helps speed up the process, improves communication, and minimizes financial risk.

In this blog, we'll break down the basic PO process in detail:

1. Creating the Purchase Requisition (PR) 2. Issuing the PO 3. The supplier approves the PO 4. Purchaser records and files the PO, awaiting delivery 5. Approval and payment

How PO analytics fuel P2P performance

Why do companies use purchase orders?

Let's face it. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from more financial control.

Purchase orders are one way to keep control of costs. Here are 5 key benefits of purchase orders to business:

  • They define the exact needs and clear expectations of the supplier
  • They formalize the purchase process and allow us to track progress
  • They help with budgeting and cash flow
  • They are legally binding when accepted by the supplier
  • They are a key part of auditing the transactions

The PO process in detail

The PO process is a part of a broader procurement process that includes confirming and specifying the actual need for goods or services before embarking on the purchase. It also includes processing payments and auditing results.

Purchase Order Process in 5 Steps

Here's more explanation of the 5 step process:

1. Creating the Purchase Requisition (PR)

A requisitioner creates a document to obtain permission for the purchase to go ahead. It could be amended or added to before approval is received, or even canceled.

2. Issuing the PO

Once the PR has been approved, the PO can be created after prices, delivery, terms, and conditions have been agreed. For large purchases, organizations usually issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to their preferred suppliers.

Before the order can be issued, some level of financial authority is required to sign off the purchase. The PO is usually then issued electronically to the chosen supplier.

POs generally include the name of the company purchasing the goods or services, the date, PO number, the description and quantity of the goods or services required, price and payment information.

3. The supplier approves the PO

If any details are incorrect or unacceptable, the supplier may request amendments. The supplier then approves the amended PO if necessary, usually via email or using an e-procurement platform.

4. Purchaser records and files the PO, awaiting delivery

After the product has been delivered or the service has been performed, the organization will review the purchase to see if it meets acceptable standards. Goods are signed in on a Goods Received Note. Services are usually similarly signed off when the services have been supplied satisfactorily.

5. Approval and payment

On receipt of the invoice, it is matched to the PO. Provided all is correct, the invoice is paid as per the agreed payment terms.

Best practices in the PO process

There are some best practices in day-to-day or transactional purchasing  (there are more formal processes used in strategic sourcing and contract negotiation - not covered here).

  • Ensure that all employees involved in the purchasing process understand the policy, procedures, and approval methods that need to be adhered to.
  • Establish an up-to-date panel of preferred suppliers that can provide quality products at acceptable prices and deliver reliable services. This provides the opportunity to compare prices and terms of supply with the minimum delay.
  • Regular key suppliers of the same product or service can be engaged under a Master Agreement that defines pricing, escalations, and terms and conditions. Ensure that all product information is current and that complete catalogs are kept. This reduces interactions and eliminates excess paperwork.
  • Maintain good relationships with current reliable suppliers so that problems can be solved quickly. Adversarial relationships are counter-productive and create unnecessary stress and cost.
  • Where possible, purchasing information should be centralized and made accessible to all users. Use the best technology you can afford to streamline the PO process.

Some problems to watch out for with POs

  • Inflexible Suppliers . Suppliers don’t always offer discounts or offer to pay delivery costs unless they are asked. Most terms and conditions are negotiable.
  • Errors on orders . Errors can be managed if addressed quickly with a supplier. Wrong quantities or sizes or delivery dates can be adjusted and the PO amended accordingly before any activities occur.
  • POs issued, either in writing or verbally, without the requisite financial authority . This happens often and can have consequences for the issuer and for the budget.

Many purchasing problems can be attributed to human error. Issues can usually be resolved fairly easily if your relationship with a supplier is based on clear communication and mutual understanding.

Photo credit: Robert McGoldrick - Flickr .

Elaine Porteous

Elaine is a freelance Procurement and Supply Chain writer, accredited by CIPS and APMP, with over 20 years of industry experience.

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Assignment of Purchase Agreement

An assignment of purchase agreement and sale is when a buyer of a new home sells a third party the right to assume the purchase contract. 3 min read updated on September 19, 2022

An assignment of purchase agreement and sale is when a buyer of a new home sells a third party the right to assume the purchase contract. In this situation, the buyer is the assignor, and the third party is the assignee. Under the agreement, the assignee pays a higher price. This agreement must take place in the time between when the assignor agrees to buy the home, but before the contract closes with the builder.

With this period, the assignor never takes the title of the property. Instead, the title is put in the name of the assignee. This is informally known as "flipping a home." The flipping of a home occurs when:

  • The original buyer enters into a purchase contract and assigns the contract to the third party before closing ends.
  • The original buyer makes a profit from the sale.

If the sale does not close, the seller will lose time, money, and resources.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Assignment of Contract

There are several advantages of an assignment of contract. With an assignment of contract, you are not actually flipping a home. Instead, you are flipping the contract, which means you don't have to have the financial backing to purchase the property. Not only do you not close on the property, but you will also not have to pay any closing costs or take on any additional expenses.

For wholesale flippers, using the assignment of contract is a way to save thousands of dollars each month. For example, if the closing costs per property are $1,000, and you "flip" 10 properties, that is a $10,000 savings.

Wholesalers only need to put down the purchase contract deposit amount that will be held in escrow with the title company or with an attorney. The lower the deposit, the lower the risk that will be assessed. Deposits may be as low as $10 or $100 and will be easier to lose if there are any delays or issues.

An assignment of purchase agreement allows the assignee to buy into new and desirable neighborhoods that are no longer available through the builder.

The main disadvantage of an assignment of contract is the risk of not finding a buyer. If a third-party buyer is not found, and you are under contract, you are responsible for completing the contract. Additional responsibilities include the responsibility of:

  • Existing liens.
  • Property taxes.

In addition, if the financing of the assignee cannot be obtained before the closing, this may cause the assignor to be responsible for the closing costs and the purchase of the property. The assignor may also not be able to get his or her deposits returned.

Obtaining the Builder's Consent

For an assignment of a purchase agreement to be valid, the builder and assignor must first have a valid legal contract in place that shows the assignor is obligated to purchase a home or condominium unit from the builder.

The buyer may limit how the property can be sold, including that the property cannot be listed on the MLS (multiple listings service). If it is, it is seen as a competing with the builder. If the assignor puts the property on the MLS, it will be a breach of contract, and the builder will be entitled to damages or rescission of the contract. The buyer will also be able to retain any deposits that have been paid and any other money paid for upgrades and extras.

The assignor must also clearly state the property is an assignment of an agreement of purchase with the builder and not a direct sale from the assignor.

Preparing an Assignment of Purchase Agreement

When preparing the agreement documentation, there are questions that should be asked to determine responsibility. Some of the questions to be asked are:

  • Who will be preparing the documents?
  • Who will pay the cost to prepare the documents?
  • Will the assignment agreement and written consent of the builder be prepared by the builder's attorney? And will they cover the costs?
  • Can terms agreed to by the assignor and builder be negotiated by the assignee? If so, who will cover the costs, and how will they be resolved?

A detail that should also be negotiated is the responsibility of paying the commission of the assignment agreement.

If you need help with an assignment of a purchase agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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  • What Is the Definition of Assigns
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  • Assignment Agreement Definition
  • Partial Assignment of Contract
  • Assignment Law
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  • Assignment Contract Law
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Purchase Order Templates

18 free purchase order templates in word, excel, pdf.

Purchase orders are an essential part of a company’s financial records as they help with budgeting, spending, tracking, and supplier management. Creating a purchase order template for your business can help you avoid any misunderstandings with customers and discover any unexpected charges from suppliers.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Purchase Order Templates
  • 2 What Is a Purchase Order Template?
  • 3 Purchase Order Forms
  • 4 What Information Does a Purchase Order Form Need
  • 5 How Do Purchase Order Templates Work?
  • 6 How To Create a Free Purchase Order Template
  • 7 Purchase Order Examples
  • 8 What Are The Different Types of Purchase Order Templates?
  • 9 What is a Purchase Order System?
  • 10 What are the Benefits of Purchase Order templates?
  • 11 Conclusion

Purchase orders are a crucial component of keeping accurate, full financial records.  Although they may appear to be just another piece of accounting paperwork, understanding when and how to use them offers significant advantages.

The correct PO system can greatly impact how well the purchasing process runs in your company, regardless of whether you’re a small business owner or you manage a larger corporation .

In this article, we’ll run through what a purchase order is and how to apply it to your business.

Free Purchase Order Template v1

What Is a Purchase Order Template?

A purchase order template, often known as a PO, is a legal document that a customer delivers to a vendor or supplier to authorize a transaction. A purchase order specifies the goods that the customer wants to buy and how much of it they want. These contracts aid in the documentation of transactions for the buyer and the seller.

If you run or own a business, you’ll understand the importance of supplier management. This is the process of communicating with suppliers what you need. It involves placing orders, receiving orders, and making sure that invoices are paid .

It sounds easy, but supplier management often comes with a lot of complications. There could be payment issues, shortage of supplies, logistical delays, shipment issues, incorrect quantities, or simple miscommunication.

This is where a purchase order template comes in handy. By issuing POs, businesses can specify the goods and services required from their suppliers and highlight when they’ll need them.

Purchase orders keep business operations efficient and organized. It also allows suppliers time to evaluate whether or not they’re able to meet the demands of the buyer. In addition, POs allow both buyers and sellers to maintain accurate, specific records for future audits and financial statements.

Purchase Order Forms

Free Electronic Purchase Order Template

What Information Does a Purchase Order Form Need

Your purchase order needs to be unique to your company. Be sure to include the following information when you create a purchase order form template:

  • Your company information (name, logo, contact information, URL of website, tax ID number).
  • Information about the seller (name, e-mail address, and seller’s contact information).
  • A unique purchase number that can be used to monitor your financials.
  • The product or service that you’re seeking from the supplier.
  • The unit prices of each of the items on your purchase order.
  • Your requested delivery date, shipping information, and shipping location.
  • The full purchase price (including tax, credit, any discounts, and any special pricing).
  • The day the order was issued along with other details about the due date.
  • The form of payment that will be utilized to complete the transaction.

Using a purchase order template is beneficial since information about your company will remain consistent. This template can be used to begin purchases from a provider when you make purchase orders in the future.

How Do Purchase Order Templates Work?

POs fill a significant role in the inventory management process in big and small businesses. Let’s have a look at how a purchase order works.

  • Step 1: Buyer requests goods or services from the seller When a buyer wants to place an order, they’ll need to specify the goods or services they require, as well as the required quantity and when they’ll need it.
  • Step 2: Buyer creates purchase order Once the buyer has created the purchase order form template and filled out all the details, it is sent to the seller for approval. To keep the procedure on schedule, buyers should indicate when approval is required from the seller. Ideally, the response from the seller should come in enough time to receive the product or service on schedule. Alternatively, it should allow the buyer enough time to source the product or service from another seller if necessary.
  • Step 3: Seller reviews purchase order When the seller receives the buyer’s order, it is up to them to then analyze the request and deny or accept it. They need to determine whether it can be fulfilled by the required date by checking their inventory, availability, and resources. In the case of large quantity shipments, the vendor reviews your order and, after examining their inventory and shipping capabilities, evaluates whether they can meet the buyer’s requirements.
  • Step 4: Seller approves purchase orders The approval of the purchase order makes it binding on both sides. This is only if the seller has confirmed the request from the buyer. By accepting the purchase order, the seller confirms their ability in assisting the buyer with their request.
  • Step 5: Product or service execution Once the vendor approves the purchase order, they must provide the product or service to the buyer. An invoice is then generated for the buyer specifying the products or services sent by the seller along with the amount and the balance that is due.
  • Step 6: Buyer settles the account The buyer is now responsible for paying the invoice under the terms of payment specified by the seller. Payment terms indicate when payment should be made and how it must be made.

How To Create a Free Purchase Order Template

Now that you know the use of a purchase order, you can start to create your own free template. Here you’ll find a few tips on how to create purchase orders of your own.

  • Tip 1: Create a header In your header, you’ll need to list the specifics of your company. This includes your company name, postal code, business address, and purchase order number.
  • Tip 2: Insert the buyer’s details Specify who’s receiving the purchase order form. Here you should put the buyer’s company name, their postal code, business address and contact information.
  • Tip 3: Shipping information Indicate the address to which the order should be sent, the shipment method, shipping point, shipping terms, and the anticipated delivery date.
  • Tip 4: Order details Include a different line item for every product in the order that includes its product code or SKU number, name or description, the number of units that are needed, the cost per unit, and the date of delivery.
  • Tip 5: Calculate subtotals This is essentially a summary that includes any relevant discounts, taxes, shipping fees, and a total to ensure a completed order.

Purchase Order Examples

Free Stationery Purchase Order Template

What Are The Different Types of Purchase Order Templates?

There are five common kinds of purchase orders and each carry different information. These include:

  • Standard Purchase Order Standard purchase orders are the most common and well-known. The buyer can identify the goods or services they are buying, the amount, the date of delivery, and the payment terms as they are aware of the particulars of the transaction. For instance, a company running low on printer cartridges might issue a typical purchase order because they know how much and when they need them. Standard purchase orders can be prepared for a variety of different purposes depending on your needs. For example, the template stated above could be changed to: Subcontracting Service providing Consignment
  • Scheduled Purchase Order By submitting a scheduled purchase order in advance, a buyer estimates how much of the goods their business will need in the future. The item, price, and payment terms are set in stone, but the quantity and delivery date are flexible to change. For example, if a printing shop goes through a certain amount of ink cartridges per month, they can estimate how much ink they would need to purchase in the future. Scheduled purchase orders ensure that the product a buyer needs is available when they need it.
  • Blanket Purchase Order A blanket purchase order is a recurring, long-term agreement between buyers and vendors. The agreement outlines the goods or services that are under specific terms for delivery and payment. Executing a blanket purchase order with predetermined prices and delivery dates is an effective approach to keeping costs low. You can decrease time lost and processing delays if your organization makes the same recurring payments for the same goods or services.
  • Contract Purchase Order The most formal type of PO is a contract purchase order. In this case, a contract specifying the sales terms is signed by the buyer and seller. A contract purchase order defines the specifics of the acquisition, which often includes the cost. However, specific products are not specified. This kind of PO is utilized to establish a continuing commercial relationship between the seller and their clients.
  • Digital Purchase Order A defined procedure for purchase orders can make the procurement process run smoothly and be advantageous to both buyers and sellers. In Microsoft Excel, Open Office, or Google Sheets, you can quickly create and download a digital purchase order spreadsheet when you open a new spreadsheet, click on ‘more templates’, and type “invoice” into the search bar. This way you can access pre-existing templates. That said, you should always print a hard copy to have it on record. Technology is not always 100% reliable, so having a backup copy could be beneficial to your business.

What is a Purchase Order System?

In supply chain management, there will always be a process to monitor. This is because the business doesn’t stop once a purchase order is filled.

Software that creates, tracks, and manages digital purchase orders in a streamlined and secure network is known as a purchase order system.

Without a framework in place, crucial agreements may get forgotten during a transition, leading to conflict between dependent buyers and sellers.

Here are a few common rules to follow while building a good purchase order template from scratch:

  • Choose the right forms Choose the best order format that works for your company. Have a browse through some of the free purchase order form templates on the web or consider creating your own.
  • Create a workflow with outlined steps You must include all the steps required to complete a purchase order to automate the process. Make a step-by-step workflow that shows interactions and the locations where document data is entered and moved throughout the transaction.
  • Establish accessibility and job definitions To successfully manage the workflow in your company, you need team members that are adept at using the correct PO forms. Not everyone in the company must have access to purchase order forms as this can cause many complications.
  • Implement your purchase order system, follow it, and make it better You’ll need to proactively gather input from both stakeholders and your own internal team as you use and follow your PO method. Determine where specific processes in your workflow may be made better and make the necessary changes. With time, your system will become more effective, and managing your supply chain will become easier.

What are the Benefits of Purchase Order templates?

You can save time by using a purchase order (PO) template instead of starting from scratch with each document. Also, your documents will look professional and will promote brand awareness when you customize your purchase order templates.

Here are a few other ways in which a PO can assist your company’s workflow:

  • Prevents the issuance of duplicate orders Purchase orders offer a corporation several advantages. The biggest benefit is that it helps prevent orders from being placed twice. POs can help a company maintain track of what has been ordered and from whom. Also, it can be difficult to match the bills when a buyer purchases comparable goods. The purchase order acts as a check to cover the outstanding invoices.
  • Monitors incoming orders POs aid in tracking incoming orders, and a well-designed PO system can facilitate easier inventory management and shipment.
  • Acts as official legal documents Purchase orders work as an official record of transactions and assist in preventing any lingering legal issues with the purchase.

Purchase orders are advantageous to both buyers and suppliers. They make sure there are no misunderstandings during the buying process which increases the relationships between the two.

Even without dedicated vendor relationship managers on the team, creating a purchase order template and following a strict po system can increase productivity and workflow.

Rita Akekelwa

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Purchase Order

purchase order assignment

The Purchase Order (PO) is the University's primary authorized buying method. A PO is created and processed through Penn's financial system. It establishes a contract and sets the legal rights and obligations of both Penn and the supplier.  It is, therefore, critical that requisitioners and PO managers are specific, accurate, and mindful in creating and approving POs. While the PO is the primary authorized buying method at Penn, it is important to become familiar with each of the University's authorized buying methods .


What is The Difference Between a Purchase Requisition & a Purchase Order?

Standardizing the process of ordering within an organization requires documentation. Putting a procurement system in place controls costs and creates a paper trail for easier auditing. Obtaining a purchase order vs purchase requisition are both key processes in acquiring items a business needs to survive. Every buying policy and procedure is different, so it’s important to first understand these two systems and how they can streamline your operations. 

Purchase Requisition vs. Purchase Order: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between a purchase requisition and a purchase order is that a purchase requisition is for getting internal permission to buy goods or services, whereas a purchase order is for actually purchasing the goods or services. These documents are created and approved internally within a company.

Purchase Requisition vs. Purchase Order: What’s the Difference?

Purchase requisitions are more interdepartmental forms that allow larger organizations to handle their accounting and finances better. The bigger the business, the more the need for a procurement process . You simply cannot track the flow without putting it on paper.

What is a Purchase Requisition?

A purchase requisition is an internal document created by your employee to request the purchasing of goods or services from an outside vendor. Once the document is approved by the department manager, finance department, and is three-way matched, the actual purchasing of goods or services can now happen with the use of a purchase order .

Purchase Requisition Workflow 

Comparison of Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order in process flowchart.

The purchasing request forms are documents developed by the purchaser and submitted to the finance department. It’s a means of getting permission to start the procurement process with an outside vendor. You’re waiting for the “thumbs up” to buy goods or services needed to complete a job. 

You can’t go crazy with company cash. You need an approval process for validation purposes. This serves as the first step in creating an efficient audit trail with transparent records. It shows the IRS you care about keeping track of business finances.

The purchasing department will only look at a purchase requisition form over a certain dollar amount. Every company differs, but the average cost is anything $5000 and over. Each requisition order requires certain information.

Information on a Purchase Requisition Form

  • Name of the department requesting
  • Purchaser’s location and mailing address
  • Exact amount of items
  • Description of items
  • Legal name of the outside supplier
  • Expected price of purchase
  • Requested delivery date

The more information the accounting department has, the more it facilitates the purchasing process. A good purchase requisition example would be when an employee needs equipment or ongoing services for their job.

Less is more! Especially when it comes to paperwork.

In the age of digitization, don’t get left behind with ancient audit trails. Automate the entire procurement and payables process now.

Why Do You Need a Purchase Requisition?

When a proposed purchase exceeds a certain amount, you want to document that for tax purposes. Every organization needs to buy things, but without a paper trail, the likelihood of fraud vastly increases. A business must maintain some form of control over their pocketbook. To prevent this, a procurement department serves an important role in the supply chain. They are a second set of eyes on the money going out. This is an essential strategy for small businesses where every penny counts. 

Sample Purchase Requisition Form

Sample purchase requisition form.

What is a Purchase Order?

This is the next step in a purchasing system. Once a requisition is approved, it is assigned a purchase order number and sent to the vendor. This external document initiates the sales transaction and is a binding contract for all parties involved. The purchase order system is designed for organized recordkeeping. The PO number that is assigned generally matches the requisition number, and they are filed together. Just like a purchase requisition, a PO requires certain information, like:

• Name of the purchasing office

• Items to be purchased

• Payment terms

• Invoicing instructions

• Ship to address

• Purchase order number

Purchase orders serve as key documents in the entire accounting system and expedite recordkeeping. They help companies properly prepare for audits. You don’t want to be scrambling last-minute for a receipt from 10-months ago. Efficient processes save a business money.

Purchase orders can also be requested for internal transactions. This happens when one department in a business wishes to purchase goods or services from another. In this case, an interdepartmental purchase order is required to track the exchange of goods and services. This can be particularly helpful for larger businesses that have departments with separate operating budgets. 

Why Do You Need a Purchase Order?

A business should never be satisfied with a verbal commitment. There is a great amount of legal risk involved. Purchase orders put things on paper. When new posts are made, they help to avoid duplicate orders. This is particularly important as your business scales up. It will be harder to track purchases without an assigned number like a PO.  

Certain financial audits also require you turn in purchase orders. This serves as evidence a manager has approved a purchasing decision. It’s quicker and more efficient than digging through a drawer of receipts. It also keeps you from losing track of funds or complicating accounting practices.

Purchase orders can help a company avoid surprise price increases. If a supplier changes its cost between the date of order and the date of delivery or invoice, a PO will clarify the original price. The vendor must hold to the contract since a PO is a legal document. This clears up any potential for miscommunication or misappropriated funds. 

The PO process will also keep your orders and invoices in check. It makes it easy to identify which products are coming in at any time and aids inventory management. If you have repeat orders, it helps to sort invoicing down the road.

Sample Purchase Order Form

A purchase order form with a yellow background.

The Future of Purchasing

All of these exchanges and documents are mostly busywork. Especially when you consider the capabilities of modern e-procurement technology. Purchase order software can quickly automate and oversee the entire process. 

This means no more waiting for a signature on someone’s desk or a missing shipping receipt. When the purchasing process is digitized, no balls are dropped. Permissions can become instant and resources expedited. People focus more on driving business and less on menial tasks.

An electronic procurement system also integrates easily with other financial platforms. Utilize sophisticated digital processes (rather than relying on excel or email) to enjoy a significant reduction in cost, greater control over spend, and a streamlined purchasing system. Automation is the future of purchasing and you can read more about it in our eBook: Reduce Your AP Workload with a Smarter Purchasing Process .

About the Author

Brianna Blaney

Brianna Blaney


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SAP Purchase Order Tables: Main PO tables in SAP MM – SAP PO Tables

List of SAP Purchase Order Tables in SAP MM SAP PO Tables

In this post, you will find the main SAP Purchase Order Tables for header, item, and historical.

As well as, all relevant SAP tables related to Purchasing process.

First, we will explain the main Purchase Order SAP Tables, then we will list the main SAP Table for Purchase Document in SAP MM (Material Management).

Table of Contents

SAP Purchase Order Tables

The main SAP Purchase Order Tables or SAP PO Tables as commonly called are:

PO Table
Purchasing Document Header
Purchasing Document Item
History per Purchasing Document

Check also this post for more detail about SAP Purchase Order Overview

EKKO Table in SAP

EKKO Table in SAP is the Purchasing Document Header.

The most important SAP Purchase Order Tables is EKKO. Each Purchase order is identified by EBELN (PO Number)

The main EKKO fields are:

Purchasing Document Number
Company code
Purchasing Document Category
Purchasing Document Type
  • SAP Purchase Order Process & Doc. Flow SAP SD / MM (Tcodes & Tables)
  • Complete list of SAP Purchase Document ME21N Exit and BADI
  • EDI 870: Order Status Report SAP ORDERS05 IDoc Explained


The lines of SAP PO (Purchase Order) can be found in EKPO table.

The main fields at EKPO are:

Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Material Number
Company Code
Storage Location
Vendor Account Number
Material Number Used by Vendor
Target Quantity
Net Price in Purchasing Document (in Document Currency)

EKBE Table is SAP

The Historical data for a SAP Purchase Order Tables is set on EKBE . The details are saved by items.

The main fields for EKBE are:

Purchasing Document Number
Item Number of Purchasing Document
Sequential Number of Account Assignment
Transaction/event type & purchase order history
Material Document Year
Number of Material Document
Item in Material Document

Check this book Materials Management with SAP ERP: Functionality and Technical Configuration (SAP MM) (4th Edition) (SAP PRESS) 4th Edition

SAP Purchase Order Reference Tables

Purchasing document category bstyp.

The purchasing document category allows differentiation between the various kinds of purchasing documents (e.g. purchase order, scheduling agreement, contract).

The purchasing document category determines the applicable number range, for example, and the fields that are offered to you for maintenance.

The relevant document category is suggested by the system when you create a purchasing document.

Purchasing document categories can be further subdivided into Purchasing Document Types.

List of Purchasing Document Category Value

The Document Category (EKKO-BSTYP) values are set on Value Range for Domain EBSTYP.

The different Values of SAP Purchasing Document Category are:

Request for Quotation
Purchase Order
Scheduling Agreement

Purchasing Document Type BSART

The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system.

The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain.

The reference table for Document Type is T161

The Document Type are a subdivision of Document Category. The keys for T161 are BSTYP and BSART .

Vendor Account Number

The vendor Master Data table in SAP is LFA1 for general information.

Full list of SAP MM Purchasing Tables

Sap tables for po (purchase order tables in sap).

The first list contains only PO Data Tables. The next part will list the customizing tables for purchase orders in SAP MM Purchasing.

SAP Purchase Order Tables are:

EBANPurchase Requisition
EBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
EBUBIndex for Stock Transport Requisitions for Material
EINAPurchasing Info Record: General Data
EINEPurchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization D
EIPAOrder Price History: Info Record
EKABRelease Documentation
EKANVendor Address: Purchasing Document
EKBEHistory per Purchasing Document
EKBEHRemoved PO History Records
EKBZHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKBZHHistory per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
EKEHScheduling Agreement Release Documentation
EKEKHeader Data for Scheduling Agreement Releases
EKESVendor Confirmations
EKETScheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
EKETHScheduling Agreement Schedules: History Tables
EKKIPurchasing Condition Index
EKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
EKKOPurchasing Document Header
EKPAPartner Roles in Purchasing
EKPBMaterial Provided” Item in Purchasing Document
EKPOPurchasing Document Item
EKPVShipping-Specific Data on Stock Tfr. for Purch. D
EKRSERS Procedure Goods (Merchandise) Movements to b
EKUBIndex for Stock Transport Orders for Material
EORDPurchasing Source List
EQUKQuota File: Header
EQUPQuota File: Item

SAP Table for Purchase order history

The Purchase Order History can be found in the standard Table EKBE .

The Key fields for PO History Table are :

EBELNPurchasing Document Number
EBELPItem Number of Purchasing Document
ZEKKNSequential Number of Account Assignment
VGABETransaction/event type/ purchase order history
GJAHRMaterial Document Year
BELNRNumber of Material Document
BUZEIItem in Material Document

There is also SAP Tables for Purchase Order Further History such as:

  • EKBEH, Removed PO History Records
  • EKBZ, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs
  • EKBZH, History per Purchasing Document: Delivery Costs

SAP Customizing Tables for PO

The main customizing for PO or Purchase Order can be found in the following Table.

SAP PO Customizing Table Part 1

(Note that some following SAP tables contain SAP PO related Master)

T024Purchasing Groups
T024EPurchasing Organizations
T024WValid Purchasing Organizations for Plant
T024ZPurchasing Organizations
T027AShipping Instructions Purchasing
T027BTexts: Shipping Instructions
T027CCodes for Compliance with Shipping Instructions
T027DCompliance with Shipping Instructions Texts
T069Certificate Categories
T069QControl Data for Source Determination and Checking
T069TCertificate Categories: Text Description
T160SAP Transaction Control : Purchasing
T160BSAP Transaction Control: List Displays/Purchasing
T160CSAP Transaction Control for List Displays in CALL
T160DFunction Authorizations: Purchase Order
T160EFunction Authorizations: Purchasing: Descriptions
T160IControl of Intrastat. Reports
T160JText Table for Intrastat. Reports
T160LScope of Purchasing Lists
T160MMessage Control: Purchasing (System Messages)
T160ODescription of Scope of List
T160PEntities Table Routines
T160QScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Routine
T160RRoutines for Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160SSelection Parameters for Purchasing Lists
T160TDescription of Selection Parameters
T160VDefault Values for Purchasing
T160WDescription for Default Values for Purchasing Ope
T160XScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet
T160YScope of List: Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet: Description

Read also List of Important SAP Material Types in SAP MM

T161* PO Customizing Table Part 2

The next list of Purchase Document SAP Customizing Tables starting with T161* are:

T161Purchasing Document Types
T161ALinkage of Requisition Doc. Type to Purchasing Do
T161BDefault Business Transaction Type for Import
T161ERelease Codes
T161FRelease Point Assignment for Purchase Requisition
T161GRelease Prerequisite: Purchase Requisition
T161HFields for Release Procedure: Purchase Requisition
T161IDetermination of Release Strategy
T161MFine-Tuned Control: Message Types
T161NMessage Determination Schema: Assignment
T161PCheck of Document Type /Document Category:Item C
T161RREORG Control: Purchasing
T161SRelease Indicator: Purchase Requisition
T161TTexts for Purchasing Document Types
T161UTexts for Release Indicator
T161VShipping-Specific Data for Stock Tfr. for Purch.
T161WOrder Types for Stock Transfer
T161ZAdditional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorg

T162* PO Customizing Table Part 3

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T162*

T162Field Selection: Purchasing Document
T162KField Selection: Account Assignment Fields/Purch
T162TDescription of Field Selection Reference Key
T162XDescription of Field Groups from T162/T162K
T162YGroups: Field Selection

T163* PO Customizing Table Part 4

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T163*

T163Item Categories in Purchasing Document
T163ACheck Item Category/Account Assignment Category
T163BPurchase Order History Categories
T163CTexts for Purchase Order History Categories
T163DAssignment Internal/External Confirmation Categories
T163EConfirmation Categories
T163FConfirmation Categories: Descriptions
T163GConfirmation Control
T163ITexts for Account Assignment Categories
T163KAccount Assignment Categories in Purchasing Document
T163KSAssignment of Tax Indicator to Account Assignment
T163LConfirmation Control Keys
T163MConfirmation Control Keys: Description
T163PRelease Creation Profile
T163SDescription for Release Creation Profile
T163YTexts for Item Categories

T165/T166* PO Customizing Table Part 5

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T165/T166*

T165KCopying Options: Header Texts
T165PCopying Options: Item texts
T166ASupplement Text in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166CPrint-Relevant Purchasing Document Changes
T166KHeader Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166PItem Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166TChange Texts in Purchasing Document Printouts
T166UHeadings in Purchasing Document Printout
T167Number Range Management for Purchasing Master Data
T167TTransaction Description
T168Screen Control: Purchasing
T168FFunction Codes / Purchasing
T168TScreen Titles

Sap Purchase Order Tables: T16F* PO Customizing Table Part 6

Here the list of SAP Purchase Order Customizing Tables starting with T16F*

T16FBRelease Indicators:
T16FCRelease Codes
T16FDDescription of Release Codes
T16FEDescriptions of Release Indicators: Purchasing Do
T16FGRelease Groups
T16FHDescriptions of Release Groups
T16FKRelease Statuses
T16FSRelease Strategies

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    The Document Type EKKO-BSART  differentiates between the different kinds of requisition and purchases order in the SAP system. The order type controls the number assignment for a purchase order, for example, and determines which fields you must maintain. The reference table for Document Type is T161.

  22. purchase order-account assignment

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    You activate the integration of returns purchase orders into TM by assigning the control key 0058 and the logistics integration profile that you created in the Define Logistics Integration Profile activity to a combination of the required purchasing ... Deletion of the consignment order after removal of assignment to freight order.