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Comprehensive guide to education in Conclave

  • Thread starter Alliegorical
  • Start date Feb 5, 2016

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Juffo-wup fills my fibers and i grow turgid..

Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne

  • Feb 5, 2016
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  • Pride : favors Haughty and Brooding
  • Humility : favors Affectionate and Timid
  • Struggle : favors Rowdy and Willful
  • Etiquette : favors Indolent and Playful
  • Duty : favors Conscientious
  • Thrift : favors Fussy and Curious
  • Faith : favors Idolizer
  • Heritage : favors none, but increases the chance of flipping the child's culture/religion to that of the educator.


Aaronomus said: For vassals' kids, just give them the Humility focus, then hand them off to someone content. You stand a pretty good chance the kid will pick up the trait one way or another. There are loads of clever possibilities with child-rearing in Conclave. For example, gain a favor on your liege, call in the favor to educate his heir, then deliberately engineer the heir into a dipshit. Click to expand...
RykaS said: How do you pick landed vassal kids' focuses (foci)? I didn't see an option to so I end up with a generation of terrible clerks and wannabe spymasters, instead of warriors like I want. Click to expand...


Ludere Ludum

Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit

Fantastic resource - give that man a virtual cigar ! One question though - it looks as if the educator's relevant education stat is not important now, is that correct ? In other words, to train up my future Marshal I should choose a teacher who is Brave and Proud (gives overwrite ability to Rowdy and Willful children), but he could be a Misguided Warrior for all I care. Is this correct, because if so then that seems kind of counter intuitive. I make a point of bringing in high Martial females to act as educators for my future generations, these changes seem to invalidate that whole approach.  


Great guide!. But I still dont understand why so many children end up being Slow and how I can avoid it.  

Rags17 said: Fantastic resource - give that man a virtual cigar ! One question though - it looks as if the educator's relevant education stat is not important now, is that correct ? In other words, to train up my future Marshal I should choose a teacher who is Brave and Proud (gives overwrite ability to Rowdy and Willful children), but he could be a Misguided Warrior for all I care. Click to expand...
Fabiano79 said: Great guide!. But I still dont understand why so many children end up being Slow and how I can avoid it. Click to expand...


Elector Count of Reikland

Stellaris: Galaxy Edition

Thanks for the write up! This is great info.  



Second lieutenant.

Prison Architect


Tyranny - Tales from the Tiers

A bi-yearly pulse? Do you mean you get an event chain every two years or so? Just to make sure I'm reading it right. But if I am, I'm not sure if I came across a bug or if I'm just doing something horribly wrong. I started a new game in Italy and so far my Duke has gotten four daughters. For two of these daughters I chose a diplomatic childhood focus, Etiquette it's called I believe. Then when they turned 12 I chose Diplomacy. One other child was given a more financial focused education and the last one was taught in Intrigue. Not only did I never get a single event chain about any traits, when every single one of them turned 16 I got an event saying that I ''failed them in their education'' and they got the lowest level of education trait in a different tree than I had set up. The diplomacy focussed kids got misguided warrior and indulgent wastrel for example. I set myself up to be the guardian of my heir - the oldest and first of the two diplomacy focussed daughters - and also of the youngest, which focused on intrigue (because my character himself was good at intrigue, I know the devs said that the traits and skills of the guardian didn't matter much any more but at that stage I had already apparently failed in the education of three other kids so I was getting a bit desperate). Funnily enough, at some point I was, apparently, the default educator for some courtier's kid that I didn't even know, and I did get event chains for that child.  

Conan Troutman

Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition

And I was wondering where all those dumb kids were coming from. That explains it. It seems like landed characters choose for themselves, otherwise the liege gets to (not the parents).  



Lt. general.

Surviving Mars: Digital Deluxe Edition

FakeMessiah27 said: A bi-yearly pulse? Do you mean you get an event chain every two years or so? ... Not only did I never get a single event chain about any traits, Click to expand...
FakeMessiah27 said: when every single one of them turned 16 I got an event saying that I ''failed them in their education'' and they got the lowest level of education trait in a different tree than I had set up. Click to expand...
Seelensturm said: The children themselves get the trait events, only in a few special cases the guardian can intervene. Sounds like you suffer from the bug which is fixed by the beta hotfix: Click to expand...



Victoria 3 Sign Up

This should be pinned, the author worshipped.  

Was looking in defines.lua to see if I could include some information on how attributes tick upward during childhood, and I found this: Code: CONCLAVE_CHILDHOOD_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 20, -- The chance of increasing an attribute during childhood CONCLAVE_ADOLESCENCE_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 25, -- The chance of increasing an attribute during adolescence CONCLAVE_UNKNOWN_PARENT_DEFAULT_STAT = 5, -- If a child has no parents represented as characters in the game, this stat value is used when getting stat increases CONCLAVE_INHERITED_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 1.0, -- The parent's base stats influence stat increases in children by this much Anyone know what these numbers actually mean? The top two seem especially important; it can't be a MTTH, because it wouldn't make sense for attributes to increase more slowly during adolescence than during childhood. Or would it?  


First Lieutenant

Warlock: Master of the Arcane

  • Feb 6, 2016
Aaronomus said: Was looking in defines.lua to see if I could include some information on how attributes tick upward during childhood, and I found this: Code: CONCLAVE_CHILDHOOD_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 20, -- The chance of increasing an attribute during childhood CONCLAVE_ADOLESCENCE_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 25, -- The chance of increasing an attribute during adolescence CONCLAVE_UNKNOWN_PARENT_DEFAULT_STAT = 5, -- If a child has no parents represented as characters in the game, this stat value is used when getting stat increases CONCLAVE_INHERITED_ATTRIBUTE_INCREASE_CHANCE = 1.0, -- The parent's base stats influence stat increases in children by this much Anyone know what these numbers actually mean? The top two seem especially important; it can't be a MTTH, because it wouldn't make sense for attributes to increase more slowly during adolescence than during childhood. Or would it? Click to expand...



FakeMessiah27 said: A bi-yearly pulse? Do you mean you get an event chain every two years or so? Just to make sure I'm reading it right. But if I am, I'm not sure if I came across a bug or if I'm just doing something horribly wrong. Click to expand...


Awesome work, this belongs to the wiki !  

KingNothing said: I'd also like clarification on the meaning bi-yearly. It can both mean twice a year, or once every two years. Normally we use biannual, or twice a year, or biennial, every other year. Click to expand...

Markwart Storme

Markwart Storme


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Like with breeding, much of the code for education is hardcoded, and as such much of this installment will be based on personal experience rather than the game files. I'll go into how education works, and how to get the most out of it. As always, there's a summary at the end.

Basics of Education

A child's traits and attributes are heavily influenced by what happens before they're of age, and at this time there are two characters that have a strong effect upon the child: the primary parent and the child's guardian. The primary character is decided by what type of marriage the child is a result of; if it is a patrilineal marriage the father is the primary parent, and if it is a matrilineal marriage the mother is the primary parent.

The primary parent will continue to have an effect upon the child until the child gets a guardian, usually at the age of 6. At that point the guardian takes over for near all purposes until the child comes of age at 16.

Base Attributes

One of the things a parent/guardian will affect is base attributes. A child will gain base attributes more quickly in an area the parent/guardian is skilled at than one which he's bad at. Thus children will often end up with a distribution of base attributes quite similar to their parent or guardian.

However, like most things in the game, this seems to work based on mean times to happen, so it is possible, though rare, that a child will get a distribution of base attributes quite different from his/her parent and guardian.

Due to how acquisition of base attributes work, I would recommend assigning a guardian with high attributes to your child.

The other area the parent, and especially the guardian, has a large effect upon is traits. Every year the child will get a trait event where the guardian makes a choice; usually either giving the child a trait outright, or a percentage chance of various traits. What events show up are primarily based upon the current traits of the child; good traits make further good traits rarer, while bad traits make further bad traits rarer. What the guardian chooses (if the guardian is not the player itself) depends heavily upon what traits he has. Some options will be (un)locked based upon his traits, while others are merely made more or less likely. A guardian will generally encourage the child to have traits similar to himself, and discourage traits opposite to him.

A Just guardian for example is therefore very likely to give the child the just trait, while an Arbitrary guardian will almost never do so. Due to this I would recommend assigning a guardian with traits you find desirable, or putting yourself as your child's guardian, thus getting full control over the event choices.

Education Traits

Every character gets an education trait upon coming of age. For each attribute there are four levels, ranging from mediocre to great. The highest level improves that attribute by a large amount, and is thus highly desirable. What education trait a character gets seems to be semi-random; it seems to be based upon a mix of the guardian's education trait, the child's attributes, and some randomization. A child will very often end up with the same area of education as his guardian, and often at the same level as well.

Therefore you should especially pay attention to what education trait a potential guardian has, and choose one with one suitable for your child.

A Few Things To Watch Out For

Do note that if a child's guardian is of another religion or culture, the child might switch. Thus unless you actually want to switch religion/culture, avoid guardians of other religions/cultures. This happens more often if the guardian is Diligent for both culture and religion, more often for religion if Zealous, and more often for culture if Gregarious. The antitraits have the opposite effect.

If you want to groom your grandson or similar, note down when their 6th birthday will be. Pause on the very day they become 6 years old. You'll thus have an opportunity to ask for guardianship, and are likely to get it. You can thus groom your future heir, or ensure that a potential rival ends up with horrible traits, thus eliminating that threat.

Choose well, and your heir can end up with great attributes and traits. Choose poorly, and he'll likely end up mediocre at best, and succession will often be problematic. My tips are as follows:

  • High attributes are desirable in a guardian
  • Good traits are desirable in a guardian
  • A good education trait is desirable in a guardian
  • Alternatively, put yourself as the guardian, it'll give you a lot of control over his development
  • If you want to be the guardian of someone not in your court, pause on their 6th birthday and ask for guardianship
  • Avoid guardians of another culture and/or religion

Written by Meneth

  • 2 Roman Empire (Guide)
  • 3 Byzantine Empire (Guide)

ck2 education

Crusader Kings II

ck2 education

Originally posted by mrmrmiller : yes with the learning focus, you can get events or items to improve learning. also joining hermactic society helps

ck2 education

Originally posted by Ismelly?!? : The easiest ways to improve your stats is to take the appropriate focus. Each of the 4 schools have two focuses that help them.

ck2 education

Originally posted by Lynxes are Adorable : Originally posted by mrmrmiller : yes with the learning focus, you can get events or items to improve learning. also joining hermactic society helps
Originally posted by mrmrmiller : i have never seen the learning tier advance but i usually go for economic focus for my rulers, i have had a leader with 8 learning end up with 22 learning by using the society and the scholar focus
Originally posted by rathhood : Originally posted by Lynxes are Adorable : I mean my current character just has "Decent Cleric" (the second tier of learning education). Do you mean it is possible to increase your tier (i.e. to Scholarly Theologian or Mastermind Theologian)? I've joined the Community of Saint Basil cause I want my current character to become a Saint. But maybe my current character will have a son who joins the Hermetic Society.
Originally posted by rathhood : Originally posted by mrmrmiller : i have never seen the learning tier advance but i usually go for economic focus for my rulers, i have had a leader with 8 learning end up with 22 learning by using the society and the scholar focus

ck2 education

Originally posted by Lynxes are Adorable : No no no, I am not talking about increasing my Learning stat per se, I mean the actual Tier of Education. I am currently taking the Scholarship focus (and I have the Necronomicon), but I have yet to see any event or opportunity to increase my actual Learning education tier to a higher version.
Originally posted by Varainger : Originally posted by Lynxes are Adorable : No no no, I am not talking about increasing my Learning stat per se, I mean the actual Tier of Education. I am currently taking the Scholarship focus (and I have the Necronomicon), but I have yet to see any event or opportunity to increase my actual Learning education tier to a higher version.
Originally posted by Lynxes are Adorable : While I appreciate the suggestion, I play CK2 currently modless (I guess you could say I'm an achievement hunter).

ck2 education

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This community and it's modders have brought me so much Joy, thank you sincerely ^_^

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This community and it's modders have brought me so much Joy, thank you sincerely ^_^

  Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said:I could be wrong, but I don't think it would break it. The AGOT education rule just uses the child's learning stat to determine the chances of their education trait instead of the education trait of the guardian. Gotcha, thanks! 

New Member

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  Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said:Is this a direct port or did you make the original meta education work for newer versions of CK2? AFAIK the original mod hasn't been updated since last year.

New Member

  Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said: said:Is this a direct port or did you make the original meta education work for newer versions of CK2? AFAIK the original mod hasn't been updated since last year.


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via mobile   Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said:

I don't see the game rule for Vanilla education. Am I crazy? I have all the dlcs...


  Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said: said:

I don't see the game rule for Vanilla education. Am I crazy? I have all the dlcs... It's under Education Costs. The option is Vanilla System.


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  Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said:Hey man, great mod. Any chance of being able to get a new option to make your whole court be manual guardian? as i find my court filling up from the A.I sending their kids to someone in my court I'll look into it and see what I can do. For now I would just go through your court, right-click their portraits, and set them to manual with the single-target decision while doing so each time a new person comes to your court. Also, make sure your message alerts are set to tell you when a new person arrives at your court.


likes this Select Post Deselect Post Link to Post Member Give Gift Back to Top said:Hey man, great mod. Any chance of being able to get a new option to make your whole court be manual guardian? as i find my court filling up from the A.I sending their kids to someone in my court I just updated the mod with a decision under the decisions menu to set all courtiers (not including yourself, prisoners, or those under 16) to manual guardian. There is also a decision to reverse this.

ck2 education

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This article has been verified for the current version (3.3) of the game.

ck2 education

A province can contain multiple settlements, such as castles , temples , cities , tribes , a nomadic capital , as well as other special holdings . The capital settlement type usually corresponds to the ruler's government type, which affects vassal obligations and opinion of liege. If the ruler grants the county title to a baron-level vassal with a different government type, their existing settlement becomes the new capital . It is also possible to change the capital directly, if the player character holds both the current capital and the target settlement which would become the new capital.

When a player chooses a bookmark to start a game session, each playable province begins with a number of already-built common holdings . As the game progresses, a character may build extra settlements up to the province's slot limit. A province may have from 1 to 7 buildable slots. At each province, it is also possible to build special holdings , as follows: a fort, a hospital and a trade post - if their requirements are met.

DLC icon Reaper's Due.png

Religion and culture spread happens on the province level, as does technology .

All provinces are, de jure , part of a Duchy . Some duchies have only one province, like Venice; other duchies, such as Sicily and Tunis, have six counties each.

As of patch 3.2 , there are 1,740 provinces available for development, 259 water and 12 terra incognita provinces.

  • 1 Mechanics unlocked at count rank
  • 3 List of counties
  • 4 Non-county provinces

Mechanics unlocked at count rank [ edit | edit source ]

  • May construct new holdings in controlled provinces

DLC icon Conclave.png

If independent, additional mechanics are unlocked:

  • Capital levy size modifier bonus: All holdings directly owned by the count-tier character within the capital county receive +50% levy bonus
  • May construct Great works in controlled provinces

The following mechanics are unlocked for all playable-tier rulers (counts and patricians ):

  • May appoint councilors and commanders
  • May award honorary titles such as Designated Regent and Court Tutor
  • May declare war

Counts [ edit | edit source ]

Counts are the lowest-level playable rulers of most government types. A character must at least be a count before they can be granted higher-tier titles, such as duchies or kingdoms . The count (or equivalent) who controls a province's capital is the de jure ("rightful"), and usually the de facto (in fact), liege of all holdings pertaining to the province. Usually, the capital is a castle holding.

There is a noticeable difference in military strength between independent and vassal counts. While vassal counts get no bonus levies at their capital , independent count-rank rulers get +50% bonus to levies from their capital due to being the top liege. The marshal 's "Train troops" job action multiplies even further the levy size. As a result, it is often easier for a count to expand within their liege's realm rather than outside of it.

If the liege sets a city holding as the new capital of a province, a vassal republic is created at that province. On the other hand, if a temple is chosen as the province's capital, the cleric assigned there becomes the county's ruler and a vassal theocracy is formed. Note that Muslim realms do not have theocracies.

List of counties [ edit | edit source ]

Map with all province IDs

County * * * Coastal Other names
769 867 1066 769 867 1066 769 867 1066 Max
1 Vestisland Iceland Norway Scandinavia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 1 yes Västisland c_vestisland
2 Austisland Iceland Norway Scandinavia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 2 yes Östisland c_austisland
3 Tyrconnell Ulster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 yes Tír Chonaill c_tyrconnell
4 Tyrone Ulster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Tír Eoghain c_tyrone
5 Ulster Ulster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Strangfjord, Strangfjorðr, Ulaidh c_ulster
6 Blekinge Scania Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes c_blekinge
7 Oriel Ulster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 yes Airgíalla c_oriel
8 Breifne Connacht Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 no Bréifne c_breifne
9 West Connacht Connacht Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Connachta c_connacht
10 Kildare Meath Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 no Cill Dara c_kildare
11 Dublin Meath Ireland Britannia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 2 2 3 5 yes Dyflinn, Dubhlinn, Dulyn c_dublin
12 Ossory Leinster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 no Osraige c_ossory
13 Thomond Munster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Hlymrek, Lymrek, Tuadhmhumhain c_thomond
14 Desmond Munster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Deasmhumhain c_desmond
15 Ormond Munster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Vedrafjord, Veðrafjorðr, Urmhumhain c_ormond
16 Leinster Leinster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Veisafjord, Veisafjorðr, Laigin c_leinster
17 Hereford Powys Wales Britannia Welsh Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 3 no Ergyng c_hereford
18 Dyfed Deheubarth Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes c_dyfed
19 Glamorgan Gwent Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 yes Morgannwg, Glywysing c_glamorgan
20 Gwent Gwent Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_gwent
21 Gloucester Hwicce England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_gloucester
22 Oxford Hwicce England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_oxford
23 Wiltshire Hwicce England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_wiltshire
24 Surrey Kent England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_surrey
25 Sussex Kent England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_sussex
26 Winchester Wessex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Wessex c_winchester
27 Dorset Wessex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_dorset
28 Somerset Somerset England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_somerset
29 Devon Cornwall Wales Britannia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_devon
30 Worcester Mercia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_worcester
31 Cornwall Cornwall Wales Britannia Anglo-Saxon Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_cornwall
32 Middlesex Essex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 yes c_middlesex
33 Færeyar Orkney Norway Scandinavia Pictish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 2 yes Färöarna, Caliu, Ynysoedd Ceiliau, Innse Caora c_faereyar
34 Shetland Orkney Norway Scandinavia Pictish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 2 yes Hjaltland, Insee Cait, Ynysoedd Cait, Innse Catt c_shetland
35 The Hebrides The Isles Scotland Britannia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Søreyar, Söröarna, Suðreyjar, Carnonac, Ynysoedd Heledd, Innse Gall c_innse_gall
36 Orkney Orkney Norway Scandinavia Pictish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Orknö, Orknø, Insee Orc, Ynysoedd Orc, Innse Orc c_orkney
37 Caithness Moray Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Norwegian Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Katanes, Katanæs, Katanäs, Cait, Caitnys, Cataibh c_caithness
38 Teviotdale Lothian Scotland Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 yes Heluua, Calchfynydd, Cealsaidh c_teviotdale
39 Ross Moray Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 yes Fidach, Gwidauc, Ros c_ross
40 Moray Moray Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Fortriu, Gwrturio, Muireb c_moray
41 Buchan Moray Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Ce, Cai, Beanaomh c_buchan
42 Strathearn Albany Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 no Uuanun, Ystrad Iwerddon, Srath Èireann c_strathearn
43 Gowrie Albany Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 5 yes Circinn, Caer Cinn, Gobharaidh c_gowrie
44 Atholl Albany Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 no Fotla, Focla, Athfhotla c_atholl
45 Argyll The Isles Scotland Britannia Irish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 3 yes Ebithan, Epiddant, Airer Goídel c_argyll
46 Fife Albany Scotland Britannia Pictish Scottish Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Fib, Gwidd, Fìobha c_fife
47 Clydesdale Galloway Scotland Britannia Welsh Welsh Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 yes Damnunia, Alt Clut, Dail Chluaidh c_clydesdale
48 Lothian Lothian Scotland Britannia Welsh Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 yes Lut, Lleuddiniawn, Labhdaidh c_lothian
49 Carrick Galloway Scotland Britannia Welsh Welsh Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Ueron, Aeron, A' Charraig c_carrick
50 Galloway Galloway Scotland Britannia Welsh Welsh Scottish Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Nouantia, Nofant, Na Rannaibh, Rhinns c_galloway
51 Dunbar Lothian Scotland Britannia Welsh Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 yes Utudina, Din Baer, Dùn Bár c_dunbar
52 Northumberland Northumberland England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Northumbria, Bernicia c_northumberland
53 Cumberland Cumbria England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_cumberland
54 Isle of Man Man Scotland Britannia Welsh Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes Mann, Insee Manu, Ynys Manaw, Ellan Mhannin c_isle_of_man
55 Westmorland Cumbria England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_westmorland
56 Durham Northumberland England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Dunholm c_durham
57 York York England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Norse Anglo-Saxon Catholic Germanic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes Jorvik c_york
58 Lancaster Lancaster England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Amounderness c_lancaster
59 Chester Lancaster England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_chester
60 Perfeddwlad Gwynedd Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_perfeddwlad
61 Lincoln Mercia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Lindsey c_lincoln
62 Leicester Mercia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_leicester
63 Derby Lancaster England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Djuraby c_derby
64 Gwynedd Gwynedd Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Rhos c_gwynedd
65 Powys Powys Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Ternyllwg c_powys
66 Shrewsbury Powys Wales Britannia Welsh Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Pengwern, Shropshire c_shrewsbury
67 Warwick Mercia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 3 4 no c_warwick
68 Northampton Essex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_northampton
69 Bedford Essex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_bedford
70 Norfolk East Anglia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_norfolk
71 Suffolk East Anglia England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_suffolk
72 Essex Essex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_essex
73 Kent Kent England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_kent
74 Guines Flanders France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_guines
75 Boulogne Flanders France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_boulogne
76 Yperen Flanders France Francia Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_yperen
77 Artois Flanders France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_artois
78 Brugge Flanders France Francia Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 7 yes c_brugge
79 Zeeland Holland Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_zeeland
80 Holland Holland Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Teisterbant c_holland
81 Westfriesland Holland Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_westfriesland
82 Sticht Holland Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_sticht
83 Gelre Gelre Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 5 yes Hamaland c_gelre
84 Friesland Gelre Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_frisia
85 Ostfriesland Gelre Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_ostfriesland
86 Oldenburg Angria Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 yes Lara c_oldenburg
87 Osnabrück Angria Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 4 no Leriga c_osnabruck
88 Münster Münster Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 4 no Dreini c_munster
89 Kleve Cologne Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_kleve
90 Jülich Lower Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_julich
91 Loon Lower Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 4 4 5 no c_loon
92 Breda Brabant Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Toxandria c_breda
93 Gent Flanders France Francia Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_gent
94 Hainaut Brabant Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_hainaut
95 Amiens Picardie France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_amiens
96 Eu Normandy France Francia Frankish French Norman Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_eu
97 Rouen Normandy France Francia Frankish French Norman Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 5 yes c_arques
98 Vexin Normandy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_vexin
99 Évreux Normandy France Francia Frankish French Norman Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 5 yes c_evreux
100 Mortain Normandy France Francia Frankish French Norman Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 5 yes c_avranches
101 Rennes Upper Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Roazhon c_rennes
102 Penthievre Penthievre Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Domnonia c_penthievre
103 Léon Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes c_french_leon
104 Cornouaille Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Kernev c_cornouaille
105 Vannes Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Broërec, Guened c_vannes
106 Nantes Upper Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes Naoned c_nantes
107 Anjou Anjou France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_anjou
108 Maine Anjou France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_maine
109 Vendôme Anjou France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_vendome
110 Blois Blois France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_blois
111 Chartres Blois France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_chartres
112 Paris Paris France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 6 6 6 7 no c_ile_de_france
113 Vermandois Picardie France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_vermandois
114 Reims Champagne France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_reims
115 Luxembourg Lower Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 no c_luxembourg
116 Liege Lower Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_liege
117 Brabant Brabant Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 no c_brabant
118 Trier Trier Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_trier
119 Cologne Cologne Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no Köln, Keulen c_koln
120 Paderborn Münster Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 5 no Patherga c_gottingen
121 Fritzlar Hesse Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_nassau
122 Aschaffenburg Franconia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_leiningen
123 Mainz the Rhine Germany Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_mainz
124 Worms the Rhine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_pfalz
125 Baden Baden Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_baden
126 Nordgau Alsace Germany Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_nordgau
127 Lorraine Upper Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_lorraine
128 Metz Trier Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_metz
129 Verdun Upper Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_verdun
130 Troyes Champagne France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_troyes
131 Sens Paris France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_sens
132 Auxerre Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_auxerre
133 Saintois Upper Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_saintois
134 Sundgau Alsace Germany Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_sundgau
135 Varais Franche Comté Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_besancon
136 Dijon Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 6 no c_dijon
137 Nevers Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_nevers
138 Orléans Paris France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_orleans
139 Bourges Berry France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_bourges
140 Tours Berry France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_tourraine
141 Poitiers Poitou Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_poitiers
142 Thouars Poitou Aquitaine Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_thouars
143 Saintonge Poitou Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_saintonge
144 Lusignan Poitou Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_lusignan
145 La Marche Bourbon Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_la_marche
146 Bourbon Bourbon Aquitaine Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_bourbon
147 Limousin Bourbon Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_limousin
148 Angoulême Aquitaine Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_angouleme
149 Bordeaux Aquitaine Aquitaine Francia Basque Basque Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 6 yes c_bordeaux
150 Marsan Gascogne Aquitaine Francia Basque Basque Basque Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_albret
151 Dax Gascogne Aquitaine Francia Basque Basque Basque Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_labourd
152 Navarra Navarra Navarra Hispania Basque Basque Basque Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_navarra
153 Viscaya Navarra Navarra Hispania Basque Basque Basque Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_viscaya
154 Asturias de Santillana Castille Castille Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_asturias_de_santillana
155 Asturias de Oviedo Asturias León Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_asturias_de_oviedo
156 Coruña Galicia Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_coruna
157 Santiago Galicia Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_santiago
158 Porto Portucale Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_porto
159 Coimbra Portucale Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Qulumriyah c_coimbra
160 Lisboa Beja Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes Lishbuna c_lisboa
161 Alcácer do Sal Beja Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_alcacer_do_sal
162 Silves Algarve Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Shlib c_silves
163 Faro Algarve Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Uhshunubah c_faro
164 Niebla Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_niebla
165 Cadiz Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_cadiz
166 Algeciras Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 4 yes c_algeciras
167 Malaga Granada Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_malaga
168 Almeria Granada Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_almeria
169 Murcia Murcia Valencia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Mursiya c_murcia
170 Denia València Valencia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Deniyya c_denia
171 Valencia València Valencia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes Balansiyya c_valencia
172 Castellon València Valencia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_castellon
173 Tarragona Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Turtusha c_tarragona
174 Albarracin Aragon Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_albarracin
175 Calatayud Aragon Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_calatayud
176 Molina Toledo Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_molina
177 Cuenca Toledo Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Kunka c_cuenca
178 La Mancha Córdoba Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_la_mancha
179 Almansa Murcia Valencia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_almansa
180 Granada Granada Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 6 yes c_granada
181 Cordoba Córdoba Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 no Qurtubah c_cordoba
182 Seville Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 no c_sevilla
183 Aracena Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_aracena
184 Badajoz Badajoz Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_badajoz
185 Mértola Beja Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_mertola
186 Évora Beja Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_evora
187 Gaurdo Portucale Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Guarda c_castelo_branco
188 Bragança Portucale Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_braganza
189 Astorga Asturias León Hispania Suebi Suebi Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_astorga
190 León León León Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_leon
191 Zamora León León Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_zamora
192 Salamanca León León Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_salamanca
193 Alcantara Badajoz Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_alcantara
194 Plasencia Badajoz Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_plasencia
195 Caceres Badajoz Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_caceres
196 Calatrava Córdoba Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_calatrava
197 Toledo Toledo Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no Tulaytulah c_toledo
198 Valladolid Castille Castille Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_valladolid
199 Burgos Castille Castille Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_burgos
200 Soria Castille Castille Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_soria
201 Nájera Navarra Navarra Hispania Basque Basque Basque Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_najera
202 Zaragoza Aragon Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no Saraqusta c_zaragoza
203 Lleida Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Larida c_lleida
204 Barcelona Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 yes Barshiluna c_barcelona
205 Empuries Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_empuries
206 Urgell Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_urgell
207 Alto Aragón Aragon Aragon Hispania Basque Basque Castilian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_alto_aragon
208 Béarn Gascogne Aquitaine Francia Basque Basque Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_bearn
209 Armagnac Gascogne Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_armagnac
210 Foix Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_foix
211 Rosello Barcelona Aragon Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Catalan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_rosello
212 Narbonne Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_narbonne
213 Carcassonne Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_carcassonne
214 Toulouse Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 no c_toulouse
215 Agen Aquitaine Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_agen
216 Périgord Aquitaine Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_perigord
217 Auvergne Auvergne Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_auvergne
218 Rouergue Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 no c_rouergue
219 Gévaudan Auvergne Aquitaine Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_gevaudan
220 Melgueil Toulouse Aquitaine Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 yes c_montpellier
221 Provence Provence Burgundy Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 yes c_provence
222 Venaissin Provence Burgundy Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_venaissin
223 Vivarais Dauphiné Burgundy Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_viviers
224 Forez Dauphiné Burgundy Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_forez
225 Mâcon Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_macon
226 Charolais Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_charolais
227 Lyon Dauphiné Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_lyon
228 Vienne Dauphiné Burgundy Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_dauphine_viennois
229 Forcalquier Provence Burgundy Francia Visigothic Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_forcalquier
230 Nice Provence Burgundy Francia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_nice
231 Saluzzo Susa Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_saluzzo
232 Monferrato Susa Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_monferrato
233 Genoa Genoa Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 yes c_genoa
234 Pavia Milano Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_pavia
235 Milano Milano Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 6 no c_lombardia
236 Piemonte Susa Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_piemonte
237 Savoy Savoy Burgundy Francia Frankish Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_savoie
238 Valais Savoy Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_valais
239 Genevois Savoy Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_geneve
240 Chalons Burgundy France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_chalons
241 Neuchatel Transjurania Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_neuchatel
242 Basel Transjurania Burgundy Francia German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Basel c_aargau
243 Orvieto Latium Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_orvieto
244 Bern Transjurania Burgundy Francia German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_bern
245 Zurichgau Thurgau Germany Francia German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_zurichgau
246 Schwyz Raetia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_schwyz
247 Chur Raetia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_chur
248 Thurgau Thurgau Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Thurgau c_st_gallen
249 Schwaben Swabia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_schwaben
250 Breisgau Baden Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_breisgau
251 Fürstenberg Swabia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_furstenberg
252 Ulm Swabia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_ulm
253 Württemberg Swabia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_wurttemberg
254 Würzburg Franconia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_wurzburg
255 Thüringen Thüringia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 no c_thuringen
256 Weimar Thüringia Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_weimar
257 Braunschweig Saxony Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Hastfala c_braunschweig
258 Lüneburg Saxony Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Bardengawi c_luneburg
259 Bremen Bremen Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 4 yes Wigmodia c_celle
260 Mecklenburg Mecklenburg Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 yes Weligrad c_mecklemburg
261 Hamburg Mecklenburg Germany Holy Roman EMpire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 6 yes Hamborg c_hamburg
262 Lübeck Mecklenburg Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 6 yes Lybæk, Lybäck, Lybæck, Liubice c_lubeck
263 Holstein Holstein Denmark Scandinavia Saxon German Danish Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 1 3 5 yes Holsten c_holstein
264 Slesvig Jylland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 4 5 yes Schleswig c_slesvig
265 Fyn Sjælland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes c_fyn
266 Sjælland Sjælland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 2 2 5 6 yes Själland, Zealand c_sjaelland
267 Skagen Jylland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes Jütland, Jutland c_jylland
268 Agder Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes Agdir c_agder
269 Rogaland Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 4 yes Rygjafylki c_rogaland
270 Telemark Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes Þelamark c_telemark
271 Vestfold Ostlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 5 yes c_vestfold
272 Akershus Ostlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 2 2 3 5 yes Raumariki c_akershus
273 Hedmark Ostlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no Gudbrandsdal c_oppland
274 Bergenhus Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes Hordaland c_bergenshus
275 Nidaros Nidaros Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 2 2 4 4 yes c_trondelag
276 Østerdalen Ostlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no Heidmark c_hedmark
277 Naumadal Nidaros Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 3 yes c_naumadal
278 Hålogaland Nidaros Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 2 2 yes c_halogaland
279 Lappland Lapland Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Sami Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no Lappi, Sápmi c_lappland
280 Westrobothnia Lapland Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Swedish Suomenusko Suomenusko Germanic 1 1 1 3 yes Västerbotten, Vesterbotten, Vesterbotn, Länsipohja c_vasterbotten
281 Ångermanland Hälsingland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 yes Angermanland c_angermanland
282 Jämtland Jämtland Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 no Jemtland, Jamtaland c_jamtland
283 Medelpad Hälsingland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 yes c_medelpad
284 Herjedalen Jämtland Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 2 no Härjedalen, Herjadal c_herjedalen
285 Hälsingland Hälsingland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 yes Helsingland c_halsingland
286 Gästrikland Uppland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 4 yes Gestrikland c_gastrikland
287 Järnbäraland Bergslagen Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 no Jernbæraland, Dalecarlia, Járnberaland c_dalarna
288 Wermelandia Bergslagen Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no Värmland, Vermland, Værmland, Vermaland c_varmland
289 Västmanland Bergslagen Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 2 4 yes Vestmanland, Vestmannaland c_vastmanland
290 Uppland Uppland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 2 2 4 6 yes c_uppland
291 Åland Uppland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 2 yes c_aland
292 Sudermannia Uppland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 5 yes Sødermanland, Sudermanland, Södermanland c_sodermanland
293 Ostrogothia Ostrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 5 yes Østergøtland, Austergautland, Östergötland c_ostergotland
294 Närke Westrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no Nerike, Nerke c_narke
295 Dal Westrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 3 no c_dal
296 Baahuslen Ostlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 yes Alfheimr c_viken
297 Westrogothia Westrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 1 2 4 yes Västergötland, Vestergøtland, Vestergautland c_vastergotland
298 Värend Småland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 2 3 no c_smaland
299 Farrah Sistan Sistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Zunist Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_farrah
300 Öland Småland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 yes Øland c_oland
301 Gotland Ostrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 4 5 yes c_gotland
302 Halland Scania Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes c_halland
303 Scania Scania Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 2 2 5 6 yes Skåne c_skane
304 Rügen Rügen Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 2 2 2 3 yes Rana c_rugen
305 Bornholm Scania Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes Burgundaholmr c_bornholm
306 Rostock Rügen Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 5 yes Rastokú c_rostock
307 Werle Rügen Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 yes Dymin c_werle
308 Wolgast Pomerania Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 yes Wologoszcz c_wolgast
309 Werben Saxony Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon Pomeranian Pomeranian Germanic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 no Laczyn, Osterwalde c_altmark
310 Zerbst Lausitz Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 5 no Dolomici/Zerbst c_anhalt
311 Merseburg Lausitz Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian German Slavic Slavic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no Ploni, Merseburg c_plauen
312 Meissen Meissen Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian German Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 4 4 5 no Nisani c_meissen
313 Bamberg Franconia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_bamberg
314 Nürnberg Bavaria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_nurnberg
315 Augsburg Swabia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_kempten
316 Landeck Tyrol Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_tirol
317 Trent Tyrol Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_trent
318 Brescia Milano Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_brescia
319 Verona Verona Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 no c_verona
320 Cremona Milano Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_cremona
321 Parma Modena Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_parma
322 Modena Modena Italy Italia Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_modena
323 Lucca Tuscany Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_lucca
324 Corsica Corsica Sardinia and Corsica Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes Còrsega, Corse, Korsikn, Cismonte c_corsica
325 Arborea Sardinia Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Arboréa c_arborea
326 Cagliari Sardinia Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Karalis, Caralis c_cagliari
327 Pisa Pisa Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_pisa
328 Florence Tuscany Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 6 no Firenze, Florencia, Florentiae, Florens, Florenz c_firenze
329 Urbino Ancona Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_urbino
330 Siena Tuscany Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_siena
331 Piombino Pisa Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_piombino
332 Orbetello Latium Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_orbetello
333 Rome Latium Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 7 yes Roma, Rom c_roma
334 Napoli Capua Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 5 yes Neapolis c_napoli
335 Benevento Benevento Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Lombard Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_benevento
336 Salerno Salerno Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Lombard Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes c_salerno
337 Cosenza Calabria Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Kroton c_consenza
338 Reggio Calabria Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Rhegion c_reggio
339 Messina Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Berber Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes Messene c_messina
340 Palermo Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Berber Berber Orthodox Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 6 yes Balharm, Panarmos c_palermo
341 Trapani Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Berber Berber Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Drepanon, Mazar c_trapani
342 Girgenti Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Berber Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Agrigenton, Kerkent c_agrigento
343 Siracusa Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Berber Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes Syrakousa c_siracusa
344 Taranto Salerno Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Lombard Lombard Orthodox Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Lukania c_taranto
345 Lecce Apulia Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Brendesion c_lecce
346 Bari Apulia Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Barion c_bari
347 Apulia Apulia Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_apulia
348 Foggia Benevento Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Greek Catholic Catholic Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_foggia
349 Spoleto Spoleto Papal States Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_spoleto
350 Ancona Ancona Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Ankon c_ancona
351 Ravenna Ferrara Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_ravenna
352 Bologna Ferrara Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_bologna
353 Ferrara Ferrara Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 yes c_ferrara
354 Mantua Verona Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_mantua
355 Padua Verona Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes c_padova
356 Venezia Venice Venice Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 5 5 5 7 yes c_venezia
357 Treviso Friuli Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_treviso
358 Aquileia Friuli Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Oglej c_aquileia
359 Innsbruck Tyrol Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_innsbruck
360 Freising Bavaria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_oberbayern
361 Cham Bavaria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_niederbayern
362 South Bohemia Bohemia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_domazlice
363 Litomerice Bohemia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 6 no Leitmeritz c_litomerice
364 Lausitz Lausitz Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 3 no Luzycka c_lausitz
365 Brandenburg Brandenburg Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 2 3 3 5 no Brennaburg c_brandenburg
366 Stettin Pomerania Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 yes Szczecin c_stettin
367 Slupsk Pomeralia Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 4 yes Stolp c_slupsk
368 Danzig Pomeralia Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 2 3 3 5 yes Gdansk c_danzig
369 Chelmno Prussia Lithuania Wendish Empire Prussian Prussian Prussian Romuva Romuva Romuva 2 2 2 4 no Kulm c_chelminskie
370 Marienburg Prussia Lithuania Wendish Empire Prussian Prussian Prussian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 yes c_marienburg
371 Sambia Prussia Lithuania Wendish Empire Prussian Prussian Prussian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 yes Semba, Samland c_sambia
372 Memel Samogitia Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 yes c_memel
373 Kurzeme Courland Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 5 yes Kurland c_kurs
374 Zemgale Livonia Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 5 yes Riga c_zemigalians
375 Liivimaa Livonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 yes Livland c_lettigalians
376 Saaremaa Livonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 3 yes Ösel, Øsel c_osel
377 Läänemaa Livonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 yes Lääne c_livs
378 Kalevan Estonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 yes Reval c_reval
379 Tartu Livonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 no Dorpat c_dorpat
380 Narva Estonia Finland Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 yes c_narva
381 Uusimaa Finland Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 4 yes Nyland c_nyland
382 Suomi Finland Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 yes Finland c_finland
383 Tavastia Finland Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no Tavastehus, Häme, Tavastland c_tavasts
384 Satakunta Finland Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 yes Satakunda c_satakunta
385 Ostrobothnia Ostrobothnia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 yes Österbotten, Østerbotten, Austerbotn, Pohjanmaa c_osterbotten
386 Kemi Kola Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Sami Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes c_kemi
387 Kola Kola Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Sami Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_kola
388 Kem Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes Östkarelen, Østkarelen, Kareliya c_karelen
389 Finnmark Finnmark Norway Scandinavia Sami Sami Norwegian Suomenusko Suomenusko Germanic 1 1 1 1 yes Finnmárku c_finnmark
390 Savo Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no Savolax c_savolaks
391 Nordland Finnmark Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 2 yes c_nordland
392 Käkisalmi Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 3 yes Kexholm c_kexholm
393 Olonets Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 yes Onega, Onezhskoe c_onega
394 Onega Kargopol Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes c_trans-portage
395 Dvina Bjarmia Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_north_dvina
396 Bjarmia Bjarmia Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes c_bjarmia
397 Snopa Mezen Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_samoyeds
398 Ugra Mezen Nenetsia Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_ugra
399 Syrj Velsk Perm Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_syrj
400 Illyinsk Veliky Ustug Perm Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_zyriane
401 Hlynov Mari Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_hlynov
402 Veliky Ustug Veliky Ustug Perm Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_veliky_ustug
403 Romny Kargopol Nenetsia Volga-Ural Nenets Nenets Nenets Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_romny
404 Zaozerye Veps Novgorod Empire of Rus Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_zaozerye
405 Chud Vologda Vladimir Empire of Rus Finnish Finnish Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_chud
406 Vologda Volodga Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_vologda
407 Kostroma Vologda Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_kostroma
408 Belo Ozero Rostov Vladimir Empire of Rus Finnish Finnish Russian Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_beloozero
409 Ladoga Novgorod Novgorod Empire of Rus Estonian Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no Nevajärvi c_bezhetsky_verh
410 Toropets Smolensk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_toropets
411 Ingria Pskov Novgorod Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes Inkeri, Ingriya, Ingermanland c_vodi
412 Torzhok Veps Novgorod Empire of Rus Mordvin Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_torzhok
413 Pskov Pskov Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no Pleskau c_pskov
414 Novgorod Novgorod Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 2 2 2 5 no Holmgård, Holmgarðr c_novgorod
415 Luki Pskov Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 3 no c_velikiye_luki
416 Latgale Latgale Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 no Lettgallen c_west_dvina
417 Vitebsk Polotsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_vitebsk
418 Orsha Polotsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_orsha
419 Polotsk Polotsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no Pallteskja c_polotsk
420 Vilnius Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 5 no c_aukshayts
421 Samogitia Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 yes Sameiten, Zhmud, Zemaitija, Zhmudz, Zemaiteje c_zhmud
422 Scalovia Yatvingia Lithuania Wendish Empire Prussian Prussian Prussian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 yes c_scalovia
423 Sudovia Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 3 no c_sudovia
424 Grodno Yatvingia Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 no c_jacwiez
425 Podlasie Volhynia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 2 2 2 3 no c_podlasie
426 Kaunas Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 no c_yatvyagi
427 Galindia Prussia Lithuania Wendish Empire Prussian Prussian Prussian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 no c_galindia
428 Kujawy Kuyavia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_kujawy
429 Naklo Greater Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no Gnesen c_gnieznienskie
430 Lubusz Greater Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 3 no Lebus c_lubusz
431 Poznan Greater Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 6 no Posen c_poznanskie
432 Kalisz Greater Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_kaliskie
433 Upper Silesia Silesia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no Uppeln c_opole
434 Lower Silesia Silesia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_lower_silesia
435 Wroclaw Silesia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 2 2 3 5 no c_upper_silesia
436 Naberezhnye Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_naberezhnye
437 Prague Bohemia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 4 5 7 no Prag, Praha c_praha
438 Hradec Moravia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_hradec
439 Plzen Bohemia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Pilsen c_plzen
440 Olomouc Moravia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 3 4 5 no c_olomouc
441 Brno Moravia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 3 3 4 no c_brno
442 Trencín Nyitra Hungary Carpathia Bohemian Bohemian Hungarian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no c_trencin
443 Nitra Nyitra Hungary Carpathia Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no Neutra c_nitra
444 Esztergom Esztergom Hungary Carpathia Avar Bohemian Hungarian Tengri Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 5 no Gran, Ostrihom, Ostrogon c_esztergom
445 Pressburg Esztergom Hungary Carpathia Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 4 4 5 no Pozsony, Presporok c_pressburg
446 Znojmo Moravia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 4 4 4 no c_znojmo
447 Passau Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_passau
448 Salzburg Salzburg Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Solnograd c_salzburg
449 Wien Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Carantanian German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 5 no Wenen, Dunaj, Víden, Bec c_osterreich
450 Sopron Esztergom Hungary Carpathia Carantanian Carantanian Hungarian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Ödenburg c_sopron
451 Fejer Pecs Hungary Carpathia Avar Carantanian Hungarian Tengri Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Stuhlweiss, Bila c_fejer
452 Pecs Pecs Hungary Carpathia Avar Carantanian Hungarian Tengri Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 5 no Pecuh, Pecuj, Fünfkirchen, Balaton c_pecs
453 Szekesfehervar Pecs Hungary Carpathia Avar Carantanian Hungarian Tengri Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Somogy, Stuhlweissenburg c_szekezfehervar
454 Vas Pecs Hungary Carpathia Carantanian Carantanian Hungarian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Eisenburg, Zelezna c_vas
455 Steyr Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Carantanian German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 1 1 3 no c_steiermark
456 Villach Carinthia Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Carantanian Carantanian Carantanian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_karnten
457 Chreina Carniola Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Carantanian Carantanian Carantanian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_krain
458 Istria Carniola Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_istria
459 Veglia Croatia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 yes Kyrikon, Vegl c_veglia
460 Varazdin Slavonia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_varadzin
461 Zagreb Slavonia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_zagreb
462 Krizevci Slavonia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_krizevci
463 Donji Kraji Bosnia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Bosnian Bosnian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 2 3 no c_usora
464 Senj Croatia Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 yes Attienities, Segna, Zengg, Zeng c_senj
465 Zadar Croatia Croatia Byzantine Empire Dalmatian Dalmatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Zara, Diadora c_zadar
466 Zachlumia Hum Croatia Byzantine Empire Croatian Croatian Bosnian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 1 3 3 4 no c_zachlumia
467 Split Croatia Croatia Byzantine Empire Dalmatian Dalmatian Croatian Orthodox Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Spalato, Spalathos c_split
468 Ragusa Dioclea Serbia Byzantine Empire Dalmatian Dalmatian Dalmatian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes Raugia, Dubrovnik c_ragusa
469 Zeta Dioclea Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 3 3 4 yes Podgorica c_zeta
470 Dyrrachion Dyrrachion Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Arberian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Durazzo, Drac, Drach c_dyrrachion
471 Ohrid Orhid Greece Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no Lychnidos c_ochrid
472 Épeiros Epirus Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_epeiros
473 Árta Epirus Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes c_arta
474 Cephalonia Cephalonia Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 2 yes Iyonya c_cephalonia
475 Thebes Hellas Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_hellas
476 Achaia Achaia Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes c_achaia
477 Methone Achaia Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes c_methone
478 Monemvasia Achaia Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Hellenic Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes c_monemvasia
479 Kaneia Krete Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes Al-Hanim, Hanya c_kaneia
480 Chandax Krete Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Gortyn c_chandax
481 Korinthos Achaia Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_korinthos
482 Atheniai Hellas Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_atheniai
483 Rhodos Cibyrrhaeot Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes c_rhodos
484 Naxos Aegean Islands Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes Kiklad, Egeopelagi c_naxos
485 Euboia Aegean Islands Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes Negroponte, Egriboz c_euboia
486 Chios Samos Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes Sisam c_chios
487 Lesbos Abydos Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes Midilli c_lesbos
488 Demetrias Hellas Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes c_demetrias
489 Thessalia Hellas Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Tesalya c_thessalia
490 Thessalonike Thessalonika Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 6 yes Salonika c_thessalonike
491 Chalkidike Thessalonika Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes c_chalkidike
492 Strymon Strymon Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_strymon
493 Philippopolis Adrianopolis Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Paulician Paulician Paulician 3 3 3 3 yes Filibe c_philippopolis
494 Adrianopolis Adrianopolis Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Edirne c_adrianopolis
495 Kaliopolis Thrace Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Gelibolu c_kaliopolis
496 Constantinople Thrace Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 7 7 7 7 yes Kostantiniyye c_byzantion
497 Thrake Thrace Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 5 yes Trakya c_thrake
498 Mesembria Karvuna Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes c_mesembria
499 Tyrnovo Moesia Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Moesia c_tyrnovo
500 Serdica Moesia Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Sofia c_serdica
501 Naissos Vidin Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Vlach Vlach Serbian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Nish c_naissus
502 Rashka Rashka Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 3 3 4 no Rascia c_rashka
503 Ras Rashka Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Slavic Bogomilist 1 3 3 4 no Arsa c_hum
504 Soli Bosnia Croatia Byzantine Empire Serbian Bosnian Serbian Slavic Slavic Bogomilist 1 3 3 3 no c_rama
505 Belgrade Rashka Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 1 3 3 4 no Belgrad, Singidounon c_belgrade
506 Vidin Vidin Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Vlach Vlach Bulgarian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Bononia c_vidin
507 Nikopolis Moesia Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Orthodox Bogomilist 3 3 3 5 no c_nikopolis
508 Dorostotum Moesia Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 no c_dorostotum
509 Karvuna Karvuna Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Krounoi c_karvuna
510 Constantia Karvuna Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes c_constantia
511 Galati Wallachia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Vlach Tengri Tengri Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_galaz
512 Belgorod Bessarabia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_belgorod
513 Bârlad Bessarabia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Vlach Tengri Tengri Orthodox 3 3 3 5 no c_birlad
514 Turnu Wallachia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Vlach Tengri Tengri Orthodox 2 2 2 4 no c_turnu
515 Târgoviste Wallachia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Vlach Tengri Tengri Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_tirgoviste
516 Severin Wallachia Wallachia Carpathia Vlach Vlach Vlach Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_severin
517 Temes Temes Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 3 no Timis, Tamis c_temes
518 Bacs Temes Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_bacs
519 Feher Transylvania Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Vlach Tengri Tengri Orthodox 2 3 3 4 no Unterweissenburg c_feher
520 Bihar Transylvania Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Bihor c_bihar
521 Csanad Pest Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_csanad
522 Pest Pest Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 2 3 3 5 no c_pest
523 Heves Pest Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 2 3 3 4 no c_heves
524 Gemer Nyitra Hungary Carpathia Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no Gömör c_gemer
525 Zvolen Nyitra Hungary Carpathia Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 2 2 3 4 no Arwa, Árva c_orava
526 Cieszyn Silesia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no Teschen c_cieszyn
527 Krakow Lesser Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 4 6 no Krakau c_krakowskie
528 Gostynin Mazovia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no Schieratz c_sieradzko-leczyckie
529 Plock Mazovia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 2 2 4 5 no c_plock
530 Liw Mazovia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no c_czersk
531 Sandomierz Lesser Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 5 no c_sandomierskie
532 Sacz Lesser Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 2 2 3 5 no Sandez c_sacz
533 Spis Ungvar Hungary Carpathia Croatian Croatian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no Scharosch c_saris
534 Peremyshl Red Rutnehia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 6 no c_peremyshl
535 Vladimir Volynsky Volhynia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_vladimir_volynsky
536 Galich Galich Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 5 no c_galich
537 Bereg Ungvar Hungary Carpathia Croatian Croatian Hungarian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 3 no Berg c_bereg
538 Abauj Ungvar Hungary Carpathia Croatian Croatian Hungarian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 2 3 4 no Neuburg, Abov c_abauj
539 Marmaros Ungvar Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Maramuresch c_marmaros
540 Szekelyföld Transylvania Hungary Carpathia Avar Avar Hungarian Tengri Tengri Catholic 1 3 3 3 no Szeklerland c_szekelyfold
541 Peresechen Moldau Wallachia Carpathia Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 3 3 4 no c_peresechen
542 Olvia Etelköz Wallachia Carpathia Volhynian Volhynian Pecheneg Slavic Slavic Tengri 1 1 1 1 yes c_olvia
543 Lower Dniepr Crimea Khazaria Tartaria Hungarian Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 yes c_oleshye
544 Korsun Kiev Ruthenia Empire of Rus Hungarian Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_korsun
545 Suceava Moldau Wallachia Carpathia Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 4 4 5 no c_torki
546 Terebovl Galich Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 3 no c_terebovl
547 Kiev Kiev Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 2 2 5 7 no Könugarðr, Könugård, Kønugård c_kiev
548 Pinsk Turov Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 3 no c_pinsk
549 Beresty Volhynia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_beresty
550 Minsk Minsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 5 no c_minsk
551 Mstislavl Smolensk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 5 no c_mstislavl
552 Turov Turov Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_turov
553 Lyubech Chernigov Chernigov Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 1 1 2 no c_lyubech
554 Chernigov Chernigov Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 5 no c_chernigov
555 Pereyaslavl Pereyaslavl Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_pereyaslavl
556 Chortitza Pereyaslavl Ruthenia Empire of Rus Hungarian Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_chortitza
557 Lukomorie Crimea Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 yes c_lukomorie
558 Oleshye Crimea Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 5 yes c_lower_dniepr
559 Crimea Crimea Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 2 2 2 5 yes c_crimea
560 Cherson Cherson Khazaria Pontic Steppe Crimean Gothic Crimean Gothic Crimean Gothic Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_cherson
561 Theodosia Cherson Khazaria Pontic Steppe Crimean Gothic Crimean Gothic Crimean Gothic Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 3 5 yes c_theodosia
562 Korchev Cherson Khazaria Pontic Steppe Crimean Gothic Crimean Gothic Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 4 yes c_korchev
563 Lower Don Crimea Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Hungarian Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 yes c_lower_don
564 Desht-i-Kipchak Sarkel Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 5 no c_desht-i-kipchak
565 Sharukan Sarkel Khazaria Pontic Steppe Hungarian Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 5 no c_sharukan
566 Sugrov Sarkel Khazaria Pontic Steppe Hungarian Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_sugrov
567 Novgorod Seversky Chernigov Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_novgorod_seversky
568 Smolensk Smolensk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 1 1 4 no Smaleskja c_smolensk
569 Vyazma Smolensk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_vyazma
570 Tver Tver Vladimir Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_tver
571 Uglich Rostov Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Russian Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_uglich
572 Yaroslavl Rostov Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Russian Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 4 6 no c_yaroslavl
573 Pereyaslavl Zalessky Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Meshchera Meshchera Meshchera Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_pereyaslavl_zalessky
574 Rostov Rostov Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Russian Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no Radstofa, Merya c_rostov
575 Moskva Moskva Vladimir Empire of Rus Meshchera Meshchera Meshchera Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 2 2 2 4 no Mochkava c_moskva
576 Bryansk Bryansk Chernigov Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_bryansk
577 Pronsk Ryazan Chernigov Empire of Rus Mordvin Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_pronsk
578 Tula Ryazan Chernigov Empire of Rus Meshchera Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_kolomna
579 Mordva Mordva Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 no c_mordva
580 Ryazan Ryazan Chernigov Empire of Rus Meshchera Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_ryazan
581 Murom Murom Chernigov Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no Moramar c_murom
582 Vladimir Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 6 no c_vladimir
583 Suzdal Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Russian Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 2 4 no Sursdalar c_suzdal
584 Nizhny Novgorod Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no Obran Osh c_nizhny_novgorod
585 Gorodets Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_gorodez
586 Galich Mersky Mari Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 2 4 no c_galich_mersky
587 Mozhaysk Tver Vladimir Empire of Rus Meshchera Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 3 no c_mozhaysk
588 Mari Mari Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 3 no c_merya
589 Kerzhenets Cheremisa Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 no c_grassland_cheremisa
590 Chuvash Cheremisa Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 2 4 no c_chuvash
591 Cheremisa Cheremisa Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 4 no c_mountain_cheremisa
592 Burtasy Mordva Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Mordvin Mordvin Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 2 5 no c_burtasy
593 Khopyor Mordva Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Mordvin Pecheneg Pecheneg Suomenusko Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_khopyor
594 Sarkel Sarkel Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_sarkel
595 Don-Portage Sarkel Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_don_portage
596 Tana Azov Alania Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 yes c_tana
597 Azov Azov Alania Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 yes c_azov
598 Tmutarakan Cherson Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Russian Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 5 yes c_tmutarakan
599 Kuban Azov Alania Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_kuban
600 Abkhazia Abkhazia Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes c_abkhazia
601 Imeretia Kartli Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_imeretia
602 Kasogia Alania Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_kasogs
603 Alania Alania Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 5 no c_alania
604 Kuma Alania Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_kuma
605 Manych Alania Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_manych
606 Yegorlyk Alania Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_yegorlyk
607 Sarpa Azov Alania Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_sarpa
608 Lower Volga Bandja Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_lower_volga
609 Syrt Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 4 no c_syrt
610 Bolghar Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 4 no c_bulgar
611 Qazan Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 4 no c_qazan
612 Votyaki Perm Vota Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 2 2 no c_votyaki
613 Bilyar Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_bilyar
614 Ashli Bolghar Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 2 2 2 5 no c_ashli
615 Bashkiria Bashkiria Perm Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 4 no c_bashkirs
616 Bandja Bandja Khazaria Pontic Steppe Bolghar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_pecheneg
617 Uzen Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_uzens
618 Atyrau Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_guryev
619 Saray Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 6 no c_saray
620 Itil Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Jewish Jewish 2 2 2 5 no c_itil
621 Kangly Emba Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_kangly
622 Aral Aral Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_turkestan
623 Kutan Bulak Aral Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 3 no c_aral
624 Mangyshlak Usturt Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 no c_mangyshlak
625 Usturt Usturt Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 no c_usturt
626 Khiva Khiva Transoxiana Turan Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 4 4 4 7 no c_khiva
627 Farava Dihistan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 no c_kara-kum
628 Bukhara Samarkand Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 4 4 4 5 no c_bukhara
629 Konjikala Merv Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 3 no c_konjikala
630 Merv Merv Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 4 4 4 5 no c_merv
631 Dihistan Dihistan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 3 no c_dihistan
632 Tus Khorasan Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 4 no c_tus
633 Gurgan Tabaristan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 no c_gurgan
634 Nishapur Khorasan Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 4 4 4 6 no c_nishapur
635 Qohistan Khorasan Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 4 no c_qohistan
636 Mafaza Mafaza Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 2 3 no c_lut
637 Jabal Qufs Kerman Persia Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 3 3 3 6 yes c_sistan
638 Yazd Mafaza Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_yazd
639 Kerman Kerman Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_kerman
640 Sirjan Kerman Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_sirjan
641 Hormuz Kerman Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes c_hormuz
642 Darabjerd Fars Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_ladistan
643 Dashtestan Fars Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 yes c_fars
644 Shiraz Fars Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_shiraz
645 Arrajan Fars Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_hendjan
646 Esfahan Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Mazdaki Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 7 no c_esfahan
647 Ahvaz Khozistan Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Mazdaki Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_avhaz
648 Khozistan Khozistan Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Mazdaki Sunni Sunni 4 5 5 5 yes c_khozistan
649 Basra Basra Iraq Persian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Nestorian Shia Shia 5 5 5 6 yes c_basra
650 Kuwait Al Bahrein Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 yes c_kuwait
651 Qatif Al Bahrein Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_damman
652 Al Hasa Al Bahrein Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Shia Shia Shia 3 3 3 5 yes c_al_hasa
653 Bahrein Al Bahrein Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Shia Shia Shia 3 3 3 4 yes c_bahrein
654 Ain Said Basra Iraq Persian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 2 2 2 2 no c_rummah
655 Kufa Basra Iraq Persian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Nestorian Shia Shia 5 5 5 5 no c_kufa
656 Sús Khozistan Persia Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 4 5 6 7 no Chideqel c_tigris
657 Luristan Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 5 5 6 6 no c_luristan
658 Hamadan Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 5 5 5 6 no c_hamadan
659 Qom Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 5 5 5 5 no c_qom
660 Qwivir Tabaristan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Shia Shia 4 4 4 5 no c_qwivir
661 Tabaristan Tabaristan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 no c_tabaristan
662 Alamut Tabaristan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 no c_alamut
663 Rayy Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Shia Sunni 4 4 6 7 no c_rayy
664 Qazwin Gilan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_qazwin
665 Daylam Gilan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Shia 3 3 3 5 no c_daylam
666 Gilan Gilan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Shia 4 4 4 6 no c_gilan
667 Tabriz Tabriz Daylam Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_tabriz
668 Shirvan Azerbaijan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_shirvan
669 Shemakha Azerbaijan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Miaphysite Miaphysite Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_shemakha
670 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Daylam Persian Empire Armenian Kurdish Kurdish Miaphysite Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_azerbaijan
671 Suenik Azerbaijan Daylam Persian Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 3 no Kafan, Syunik c_suenik
672 Dwin Armenia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 3 no Erivan c_dwin
673 Albania Kakheti Georgia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Persian Miaphysite Miaphysite Sunni 3 3 3 4 no Aghvank, Albaneti c_albania
674 Derbent Derbent Georgia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_derbent
675 Semender Derbent Georgia Byzantine Empire Alan Alan Alan Tengri Sunni Sunni 1 3 3 4 no c_semender
676 Kakheti Kakheti Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_kakheti
677 Guria Tao Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Lazike, Batum, Yeger c_guria
678 Trapezous Trebizond Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes c_trapezous
679 Tiflis Kartli Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 6 no c_kartli
680 Tao Tao Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Ahiska c_tao
681 Ani Armenia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no Kars c_ani
682 Vaspurakan Armenia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no Van, Wan c_vaspurakan
683 Amida Jazira Al-Jazira Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_amida
684 Nisibin Mosul Al-Jazira Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_nisibin
685 Irbil Mosul Al-Jazira Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 4 4 4 6 no c_oromieh
686 Kurdistan Kurdistan Persia Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_kurdistan
687 Kirkuk Samarra Iraq Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_kirkuk
688 Kermanshah Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 4 4 5 6 no c_kermanshah
689 Ilam Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 5 5 5 6 no c_ilam
690 Al Amarah Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 5 no c_al_amarah
691 Istakhr Fars Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_istakhr
692 Al Nadjaf Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Shia Shia 3 3 3 4 no c_al_nadjaf
693 Baghdad Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 6 7 no c_baghdad
694 Karbala Baghdad Iraq Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_karbala
695 Deir Samarra Iraq Persian Empire Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 5 5 5 6 no c_deir
696 Samarra Samarra Iraq Persian Empire Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 5 5 5 6 no Peros, Perat c_euphrates
697 Mosul Mosul Al-Jazira Persian Empire Assyrian Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 no Niniveh c_mosul
698 Hasakah Mudar Al-Jazira Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_al_jazira
699 Edessa Edessa Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 5 no c_edessa
700 Bira Jazira Al-Jazira Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_bira
701 Taron Mesopotamia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_taron
702 Khliat Mesopotamia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_mesopotamia
703 Karin Mesopotamia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Paulician Paulician Paulician 3 3 3 4 no Erzurum c_karin
704 Theodosiopolis Trebizond Trebizond Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Paulician Paulician Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_theodosiopolis
705 Chaldea Trebizond Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_chaldea
706 Koloneia Coloneia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Paulician Paulician Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_koloneia
707 Melitene Coloneia Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_melitene
708 Tell Bashir Edessa Armenia Byzantine Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_tell_bashir
709 Asas Aleppo Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_asas
710 Al Bichri Mudar Al-Jazira Persian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_al_bichri
711 Sinjar Mosul Al-Jazira Persian Empire Assyrian Kurdish Kurdish Nestorian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_sinjar
712 Rahbah Mudar Al-Jazira Persian Empire Assyrian Assyrian Assyrian Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 3 3 3 4 no c_rahbah
713 Druz Palmyra Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Druze 3 3 3 4 no c_druz
714 Az Zarqa Damascus Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_az_zarqa
715 Zanjan-Abhar Jibal Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_zanjan_abhar
716 Jeddah Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 3 5 yes c_jeddah
717 Al Jawf Arabia Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_al_jawf
718 Medina Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_medina
719 Mecca Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 no c_mecca
720 Al 'Ula Arabia Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_hijaz
721 Tabuk Arabia Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_tabuk
722 Al 'Aqabah Arabia Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_al_aqabah
723 Madaba Oultrejourdain Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 4 no Meidvo, Meidva c_madaba
724 Amman Damascus Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_amman
725 Irbid Damascus Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_irbid
726 Al Mafraq Damascus Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_al_mafraq
727 Bostra Palmyra Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_syria
728 Damascus Damascus Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 6 no Damashq, Damesheq c_damascus
729 Al-Sukhnah Palmyra Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Nestorian Nestorian Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_tadmor
730 Palmyra Palmyra Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_palmyra
731 Homs Aleppo Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_homs
732 Hama Aleppo Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_hama
733 Aleppo Aleppo Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 4 4 4 6 no Halab, Chalpe, Beroea c_aleppo
734 Aintab Edessa Armenia Byzantine Empire Armenian Armenian Armenian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 3 no c_aintab
735 Teluch Cilicia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Armenian Orthodox Orthodox Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 yes Doliche, Gâvur c_teluch
736 Lykandos Cilicia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Armenian Orthodox Orthodox Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no Elbistan c_lykandos
737 Kaisereia Charsianon Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Paulician Paulician Orthodox 3 3 3 5 no Kayseri c_kaisereia
738 Amisos Armeniacon Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes Amasya c_amisos
739 Sinope Armeniacon Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_sinope
740 Herakleia Optimatoi Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes Eregli c_herakleia
741 Nikomedeia Nikaea Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 6 yes Izmit c_nikomedeia
742 Prusa Opsikion Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes Bursa c_prusa
743 Kyzikos Abydos Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes Erdek c_kyzikos
744 Abydos Abydos Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Balakhisar c_abydos
745 Smyrna Samos Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 6 yes Izmir c_smyrna
746 Ephesos Samos Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Ayasoluk c_ephesos
747 Lykia Cibyrrhaeot Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Mugla c_lykia
748 Laodikeia Thracesia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Alasehir c_laodikeia
749 Dorylaion Opsikion Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Kütahya c_dorylaion
750 Nikaea Opsikion Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 5 no Iznik c_nikaea
751 Paphlagonia Paphlagonia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Kastamonu c_paphlagonia
752 Galatia Charsianon Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Iconoclast Iconoclast 3 3 3 4 no Kirsehir c_galatia
753 Ancyra Bucellarian Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no Ankara c_ankyra
754 Sozopolis Thracesia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no Isparta c_sozopolis
755 Attaleia Cibyrrhaeot Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes Antalya c_attaleia
756 Limisol Cyprus Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Leymosun c_limisol
757 Famagusta Cyprus Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Magusa c_famagusta
758 Seleukeia Cilicia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Silifke c_seleukeia
759 Ikonion Anatolia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Iconoclast Iconoclast 3 3 3 5 no Konya c_ikonion
760 Tyana Cappadocia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 4 no Aksaray c_tyana
761 Tarsos Cilicia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Armenian Orthodox Orthodox Miaphysite 4 4 4 4 yes Mersin, Darson c_tarsos
762 Adana Cilicia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Armenian Orthodox Orthodox Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 yes c_adana
763 Alexandretta Antioch Syria Arabian Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes Iskandarun, Hrosos c_alexandretta
764 Antioch Antioch Syria Arabian Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 4 4 4 6 yes c_antiocheia
765 Archa Antioch Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 no c_archa
766 Tortosa Tripoli Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes c_tortosa
767 Tripoli Tripoli Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Monothelite Monothelite Monothelite 3 3 3 5 yes c_tripoli
768 Baalbek Tripoli Syria Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Monothelite Sunni Druze 3 3 3 5 no c_baalbek
769 Safed Galilee Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Monothelite Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_safed
770 Beirut Galilee Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Monothelite Monothelite Monothelite 3 3 3 5 yes c_beirut
771 Tyrus Galilee Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Monothelite Monothelite Monothelite 3 3 3 5 yes Sur, Tzoir, Tzor c_tyrus
772 Acre Jerusalem Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 yes Akkoi, Akko c_acre
773 Tiberias Galilee Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_tiberias
774 Jerusalem Jerusalem Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 6 no Yerusholaim, Yerushalaim c_jerusalem
775 Jaffa Ascalon Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes Arsuf, Yophoi, Yapho c_jaffa
776 Hebron Jerusalem Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no Hevron c_hebron
777 Kerak Oultrejourdain Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no Al-Karak c_kerak
778 Monreal Oultrejourdain Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no Wadi Musa c_monreal
779 Beersheb Ascalon Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no Beir-Sheva, Ber-Sheva c_beersheb
780 Ascalon Ascalon Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes Asqalan, Ashqelon c_ascalon
781 Darum Ascalon Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Orthodox Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 yes c_darum
782 Negev Oultrejourdain Jerusalem Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_negev
783 Maan Arabia Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_maan
784 Shahrazur Kurdistan Persia Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_shahrazur
785 Sinai Sinai Egypt Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Shia 1 1 1 2 yes c_sinai
786 Eilat Sinai Egypt Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 3 yes c_eilat
787 El-Arish Sinai Egypt Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Miaphysite Sunni Shia 1 1 1 2 yes c_el-arish
788 Farama Sinai Egypt Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Miaphysite Sunni Shia 2 2 2 3 yes c_farama
789 Tinnis Damietta Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Shia 4 4 4 5 yes c_pelusia
790 Bilbays Cairo Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 5 yes c_sarqihya
791 Quena Aswan Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 yes c_quena
792 Nubia Nobatia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 3 no c_nubia
793 Makuria Makuria Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 6 no c_makuria
794 Aswan Aswan Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 5 yes c_aswan
795 Asyut Asyut Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 4 no c_asyut
796 Cairo Cairo Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Sunni Sunni Shia 5 5 6 7 no Fustat c_cairo
797 El-Malhalla Damietta Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 5 5 5 5 no c_manupura
798 Damietta Damietta Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Shia 4 4 4 5 yes c_delta
799 Rasheed Alexandria Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 5 yes c_gabiyaha
800 Giza Alexandria Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Shia 3 3 3 4 no c_gizeh
801 Bahariya Faiyum Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Shia 2 2 2 3 no c_buhairya
802 Alexandria Alexandria Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 5 5 5 7 yes c_alexandria
803 Siwa Alexandria Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Miaphysite Sunni Shia 2 2 2 2 no Siwah c_quattara
804 Zygra Paraetonium Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Sunni Sunni Shia 3 3 3 4 yes c_al_alamayn
805 Tobruk Cyrenaica Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 1 1 1 3 yes c_tobruk
806 Cyrenaica Cyrenaica Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 4 4 4 5 yes c_cyrenaica
807 Senoussi Cyrenaica Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 1 1 1 2 yes c_senoussi
808 Benghazi Cyrenaica Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 4 4 4 5 yes c_benghazi
809 Syrte Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 3 3 3 4 yes c_syrte
810 Leptis Magna Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Sunni Shia 3 3 3 4 yes c_leptis_magna
811 Tripolitana Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Shia 4 4 4 5 yes c_tripolitana
812 Malta Sicily Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Berber Orthodox Orthodox Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_malta
813 Djerba Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 3 3 3 3 yes c_djerba
814 Gabes Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_gabes
815 Kairouan Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 4 no c_kairwan
816 Mahdia Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_mahdia
817 Tunis Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 yes c_tunis
818 Medjerda Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_medjerda
819 Bizerte Tunis Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_bizerte
820 Annaba Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 4 4 4 4 yes c_annaba
821 Constantine Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_constantine
822 Bejaija Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_bejaija
823 Biskra Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_biskra
824 Setif Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_tell_atlas
825 Beni Yanni Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 4 4 4 4 yes c_beni_yanni
826 Menorca Mallorca Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes Manurqa c_menorca
827 Mallorca Mallorca Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes Mayurqa c_mallorca
828 Laghouat Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_ouled_nail
829 Ghardaia Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Kharijite 1 1 1 2 no c_mzab
830 Tahert Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_lemdiyya
831 Al Djazair Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 4 4 4 6 yes c_al_djazair
832 Orania Tlemcen Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 4 4 4 4 yes c_orania
833 Askedal Alger Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_atlas_mnt
834 Tlemcen Tlemcen Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Kharijite Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_tlemcen
835 Yalála Tlemcen Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_hanyan
836 Wajda Tlemcen Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 3 5 yes c_snassen
837 Tendara Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_figuig
838 El Rif Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 3 3 4 4 yes c_el_rif
839 Ceuta Tangier Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_cebta
840 Fes Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 6 6 6 6 no c_fes
841 Tangier Tangier Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 6 yes c_tangiers
842 Infa Tangier Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 4 4 4 yes c_infa
843 Marrakech Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shia Shia Sunni 2 6 6 7 no c_marrakech
844 Anfa Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 4 4 yes c_massat
845 Safi Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shia Shia Sunni 1 1 4 5 yes c_anti-atlas
846 Taroudant Sous Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shia Shia Sunni 1 1 1 3 yes c_ifni
847 Sous Sous Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Catholic Catholic Sunni 1 1 3 3 yes c_tharasset
848 Hadeln Bremen Denmark Scandinavia Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 2 2 4 yes Hostingabi c_bremen
849 Canarias Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 yes c_canarias
850 Kantalahti Kola Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Sami Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes Kandalax c_kandalax
851 Capua Capua Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Lombard Lombard Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 5 yes Gaeta c_capua
852 Zahedan Sistan Sistan Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_zahedan
853 Bam Kerman Persia Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_bam
854 Zamindawar Zabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_zamindawar
855 Mahra Hadramut Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 2 3 yes c_mahra
856 Kathiri Hadramut Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Sunni Sunni 1 1 2 4 yes Hadramawt c_kathiri
857 Bayda Taizz Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 3 yes c_bayda
858 Aden Taizz Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 6 yes c_aden
859 Taizz Taizz Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 no c_taizz
860 Sanaa Sanaa Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Shia Shia 4 4 4 6 no c_sanaa
861 Asir Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_asir
862 Halaban Nefoud Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_halaban
863 Hajr Nefoud Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_hajr
864 Hail Nefoud Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_hail
865 Rafha Nefoud Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_rafha
866 Dhofar Hadramut Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Sunni Sunni 1 1 2 4 yes c_dhofar
867 Nizwa Oman Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 3 yes c_duqm
868 Muscat Oman Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 5 5 5 6 yes c_muscat
869 Suhár Oman Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 3 3 3 4 yes c_hajar
870 Julfar Oman Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Shia Shia 3 3 3 5 yes c_dhu_zabi
871 Busaso Berbera Abyssinia Abyssinia Somali Somali Somali Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 yes c_busaso
872 Berbera Berbera Abyssinia Abyssinia Somali Somali Somali Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_berbera
873 Harer Afar Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_harer
874 Tadjoura Afar Abyssinia Abyssinia Somali Somali Somali Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 yes c_tadjoura
875 Aksum Axum Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 6 6 6 7 no c_aksum
876 Akordat Axum Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_akordat
877 Kassala Blemmyia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 3 no c_kassala
878 Hayya Blemmyia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 4 no c_hayya
879 Atbara Makuria Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 5 no c_atbara
880 Sennar Alodia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 5 no c_sennar
881 Asosa Damot Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 3 4 no c_asosa
882 Ankober Shewa Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 4 no c_ankober
883 Gondar Gondar Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 5 no c_gondar
884 Antalo Shewa Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 2 3 no c_antalo
885 Matamma Gojjam Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 3 4 no c_matamma
886 Perm Perm Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 3 no c_perm
887 Yamalia Yugra Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_yamalia
888 Pil'va Perm Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_komi
889 Ural Ural Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_ural
890 Khantia Yugra Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_khantia
891 Chimgi-Tira Tobol Sibir Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Chimgi-Tura c_tyumen
892 Mansia Yugra Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_mansia
893 Sibir Sibir Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_sibir
894 Saravan Makran Sistan Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_saravan
895 Yaik Yaik Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_yaik
896 Aqtobe Aqtobe Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_aqtobe
897 Ilek Aqtobe Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 2 2 2 2 no c_inder
898 Tobol Tobol Sibir Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 2 2 2 3 no c_tobol
899 Tis Makran Sistan Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 3 yes c_tis
900 Syganak Syr Darya Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Manichean Tengri Tengri 2 2 2 4 no Syganak c_syr_darya
901 Kyzyl-Kum Syr Darya Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_kyzylkum
902 Dashhowuz Khiva Transoxiana Turan Persian Persian Persian Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 3 3 3 3 no c_dashhowuz
903 Samarkand Samarkand Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 5 5 5 6 no c_samarkand
904 Balkh Balkh Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 no c_balkh
905 Herat Herat Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 no c_herat
906 Birjand Khorasan Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_birjand
907 Mandesh Herat Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_mandesh
911 Timbuktu Timbuktu Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Berber West African West African Sunni 2 2 2 5 no c_timbuktu
912 Aoudaghost Ghana Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African Sunni 2 2 3 3 no c_aoudaghost
913 Wagadu Ghana Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African West African 2 2 4 5 no c_ghana
914 Gao Songhay Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 2 2 3 5 no c_gao
915 Djenné Ghana Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African West African 2 2 3 5 no c_djenne
916 Taghaza Timbuktu Mali Mali Berber Berber Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 1 no c_taghaza
917 Araouane Timbuktu Ghana Mali Berber Berber Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_araouane
918 Sijilmasa Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_sijilmasa
919 Oualata Timbuktu Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_oualata
920 Ouadane Ghana Mali Mali Berber Berber Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_ouadane
921 Bir Um Grein Ghana Mali Mali Berber Berber Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 1 no c_idjil
922 Tadmekka Songhay Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_tadmekka
925 Niani Manding Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 2 2 2 5 no c_mali
926 Bambuk Bambuk Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_bambuk
927 Yuari Songhay Mali Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_zarma
928 Gurma Gurma Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_gurma
929 Aquila Abruzzo Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Interamnion c_aprutium
930 Bar Upper Lorraine Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_bar
931 Möre Småland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 yes Møre c_more
932 Tjust Ostrogothia Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 3 yes c_tjust
933 Roslavl Smolensk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_roslavl
934 Lukoml Polotsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_lepiel
935 Amalfi Salerno Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Lombard Orthodox Orthodox Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_amalfi
1013 Lori Armenia Armenia Byzantine Empire Georgian Armenian Armenian Orthodox Miaphysite Miaphysite 2 2 2 3 no c_lori
1112 Madurai Pandya Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Jain Jain Hindu 4 4 4 6 yes c_madurai
1113 Chagai Makran Sistan Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 1 no c_chagai
1114 Mahoyadapuram Chera Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 3 3 3 6 yes c_mahoyadapuram
1115 Cholamandalam Chola Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Jain Jain Hindu 5 5 5 7 yes c_cholamandalam
1116 Tenkasi Pandya Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_tenkasi
1117 Qalqut Chera Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 yes Kallikkottai c_qalqut
1118 Manyapura Gangavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_manyapura
1119 Kanchipuram Tondai Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 4 yes c_kanchipuram
1120 Tagadur Chola Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_tagadur
1121 Uchangidurga Nulambavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_uchangidurga
1122 Udayagiri Udayagiri Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_udayagiri
1123 Vengipura Vengi Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 5 5 5 5 yes c_vengipura
1124 Honnore Konkana Maharastra Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_honnore
1125 Thana Konkana Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 6 yes c_thana
1126 Daman Lata Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Zoroastrian 3 3 3 5 yes c_daman
1127 Navasarika Lata Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 4 5 6 yes c_navasarika
1128 Vizagipatam Kalinga Orissa Bengal Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 yes c_vizagipatam
1129 Kataka Tosali Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 6 yes c_kataka
1130 Mandavyapura Maru Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 4 4 5 5 no c_mandavyapura
1131 Karmanta Vanga Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_karmanta
1132 Irtysh Irtysh Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no Irtysh c_kirghiz
1133 Vadodara Lata Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_vadodara
1134 Bhumilka Saurashtra Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_bhumilka
1135 Valabhi Saurashtra Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 yes c_valabhi
1136 Dvaraka Anartta Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 yes c_dvaraka
1137 Mansura Sauvira Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Sunni Sunni Sunni 5 5 5 5 no c_mansura
1138 Bhakkar Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_bhakkar
1139 Makran Makran Sistan Persian Empire Baloch Baloch Baloch Zoroastrian Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_makran
1140 Banavasi Raichur Doab Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_banavasi
1141 Kol Mathura Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 5 no c_kol
1142 Pratishthana Devagiri Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_pratishthana
1143 Kalyani Kalyani Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Hindu 4 4 4 4 no c_kalyani
1144 Kollipake Racakonda Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_kollipake
1145 Devagiri Devagiri Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_devagiri
1146 Naldurg Rattapadi Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 5 no c_naldurg
1147 Mandapika Anupa Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_mandapika
1148 Dasapura Avanti Malwa Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 no c_dasapura
1149 Dhara Avanti Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_dhara
1150 Sarangpur Akara-Dasarna Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_sarangpur
1151 Laksmanavati Gauda Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 6 6 6 7 no c_laksmanavati
1152 Mudgagiri Magadha Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_mudgagiri
1153 Kotivarsa Gauda Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_kotivarsa
1154 Magadha Magadha Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 6 no c_magadha
1155 Sripuri Daksina Kosala Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 4 no c_sripuri
1156 Kodalaka Mandala Tosali Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_kodalaka_mandala
1157 Balkonda Warangal Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_balkonda
1158 Bidar Kalyani Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_bidar
1159 Ramagiri Vidharba Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_ramagiri
1160 Rayapura Daksina Kosala Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_rayapura
1161 Kasmira Kashmir Kashmir Tibet Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 6 no c_kasmira
1162 Kusinagara Tirabhukti Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no c_kusinagara
1163 Varanasi Kasi Bihar Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_varanasi
1164 Chauragarh Dahala Gondwana Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Hindu 1 1 1 2 no c_chauragarh
1165 Bandhugadha Ratanpur Gondwana Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 3 no c_bandhugadha
1166 Jaunpur Kasi Bihar Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 6 no c_jaunpur
1167 Lakhnau Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_lakhnau
1168 Katehar Vodamayutja Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_katehar
1169 Kalpi Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_kalpi
1170 Vidisa Akara-Dasarna Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_vidisa
1171 Kalanjara Jejakabhukti Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_kalanjara
1172 Gwalior Ajmer Rajputana Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_gwalior
1173 Sambhal Vodamayutja Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_sambhal
1174 Godwad Maru Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_godwad
1175 Aror Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_aror
1176 Medantaka Maru Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 3 no c_medantaka
1177 Kundina Sutiya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_kundina
1178 Karur Multan Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Sunni Shia 2 2 2 4 no c_karur
1179 Sakala Trigarta Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_sakala
1180 Udabhanda Gandhara Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 6 no c_udabhanda
1181 Oshrusana Samarkand Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Turkish Khurmazta Khurmazta Khurmazta 3 3 3 4 no c_oshrusana
1182 Ghazna Zabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_ghazna
1183 Bost Sistan Sistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Zunist Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_bost
1184 Kalat Zabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Afghan Baloch Baloch Buddhist Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_kalat
1185 Kabul Kabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_kabul
1186 Chach Syr Darya Oghuz Turan Sogdian Sogdian Turkish Khurmazta Khurmazta Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_chach
1187 Kunduz Kabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_kunduz
1188 Khuttal Khuttal Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_khuttal
1189 Bamiyan Kabulistan Kabulistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_bamiyan
1190 Gurjaratra Trigarta Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_gurjaratra
1191 Bannu Gandhara Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_bannu
1192 Bhera Lahore Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 5 no c_bhera
1193 Trigarta Trigarta Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 6 no c_trigarta
1194 Nagadipa Sinhala Lanka Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 yes c_nagadipa
1195 Pihiti Sinhala Lanka Deccan Empire Sinhala Sinhala Sinhala Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 yes c_phiti
1196 Srirangapatna Gangavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 6 no c_srirangapatna
1197 Dwarasamudra Nulambavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_dwarasamudra
1198 Vatapi Raichur Doab Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_vatapi
1199 Penugonda Udayagiri Andhra Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_penugonda
1200 Kanara Chera Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_kanara
1201 Kongu Pandya Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Jain Jain Hindu 4 4 4 5 no c_kongu
1202 Kudalasangama Raichur Doab Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_kudalasangama
1203 Idatarainadu Raichur Doab Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 6 no c_idatarainadu
1204 Nellore Udayagiri Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 5 yes c_nellore
1205 Narim Om Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_narim
1206 Taradavadi Rattapadi Maharastra Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 no c_taradavadi
1207 Amaravati Udayagiri Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_amaravati
1208 Kambampet Warangal Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_kambampet
1209 Racakonda Racakonda Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_racakonda
1210 Manyakheta Kalyani Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Hindu 4 4 4 5 no c_manyakheta
1211 Pannagallu Racakonda Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_pannagallu
1212 Lattalura Rattapadi Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_lattalura
1213 Kondana Nasikya Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_kondana
1214 Tirunelveli Pandya Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 yes c_tirunelveli
1215 Dakhina Desa Lanka Lanka Deccan Empire Sinhala Sinhala Sinhala Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 yes c_dakhina_desa
1216 Talakad Gangavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 no c_talakad
1217 Nandagiri Gangavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 3 no c_nandagiri
1218 Alampur Nulambavadi Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 6 no c_alampur
1219 Potapi Tondai Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_potapi
1220 Goa Konkana Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 6 yes c_goa
1221 Vijayawada Vengi Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 4 yes c_vijayawada
1222 Rajamahendravaram Vengi Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 1 1 1 3 no c_rajamahendravaram
1223 Ishim Ishim Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_ishim
1224 Kalinganagar Kalinga Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 yes c_kalinganagar
1225 Puri Kalinga Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 yes c_puri
1226 Nandapur Dandakaranya Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_nandapur
1227 Cakrakuta Dandakaranya Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 1 1 1 3 no c_cakrakuta
1228 Swetaka Mandala Kalinga Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_swetaka_mandala
1229 Khinjali Mandala Tosali Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_khinjali_mandala
1230 Suvarnapura Daksina Kosala Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_suvarnapura
1231 Viraja Tosali Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 yes c_viraja
1232 Midnapore Suhma Bengal Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 yes c_midnapore
1233 Saptagrama Nadia Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_saptagrama
1234 Damin-i-koh Jharkand Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_damin_i_koh
1235 Tamralipti Suhma Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 yes c_tamralipti
1236 Candradvipa Vanga Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 yes c_candradvipa
1237 Rajrappa Jharkand Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 2 no c_rajrappa
1238 Mallabhum Suhma Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_mallabhum
1239 Vijayapura Nadia Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no c_vijayapura
1240 Kumara Mandala Vanga Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_kumara_mandala
1241 Jharkand Jharkand Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 2 no c_jharkand
1242 Radha Gauda Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_radha
1243 Gauda Gauda Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 6 no c_gauda
1244 Kamatapur Kamarupanagara Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_kamatapur
1245 Srihatta Para-Lauhitya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_srihatta
1246 Goalpara Para-Lauhitya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_goalpara
1247 Khijjingakota Tosali Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_khijjingakota
1248 Munda Jharkand Bihar Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_munda
1249 Sambalpur Daksina Kosala Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_sambalpur
1250 Ayodhya Saryupara Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 5 no c_ayodhya
1251 Sasaram Magadha Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_sasaram
1252 Barasuru Dandakaranya Orissa Bengal Empire Oriya Oriya Oriya Hindu Hindu Hindu 1 1 1 2 no c_barasuru
1253 Nilagiri Racakonda Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_nilagiri
1254 Vairagara Vidharba Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_vairagara
1255 Vemulavada Warangal Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_vemulavada
1256 Orangallu Warangal Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 5 5 no c_orangallu
1257 Medak Racakonda Telingana Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_medak
1258 Nanded Devagiri Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_nanded
1259 Vatsagulma Devagiri Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_vatsagulma
1260 Nasikya Nasikya Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_nasikya
1261 Parnakheta Devagiri Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_parnakheta
1262 Thalner Anupa Malwa Rajastan Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_thalner
1263 Burhanpur Anupa Malwa Rajastan Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_burhanpur
1264 Nandurbar Nasikya Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_nandurbar
1265 Sagar Kalyani Karnata Deccan Empire Kannada Kannada Kannada Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_sagar
1266 Somnath Saurashtra Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_somnath
1267 Vardhamana Saurashtra Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 1 1 1 3 no c_vardhamana
1268 Dhamalpur Anartta Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_dhamalpur
1269 Canda Vidharba Maharastra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Jain Jain Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_canda
1270 Kiranapura Daksina Kosala Orissa Bengal Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 1 1 1 2 no c_kiranapura
1271 Tripuri Dahala Gondwana Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 3 no c_tripuri
1272 Ratanpur Ratanpur Gondwana Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 4 no c_ratanpur
1273 Turgay Turgay Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_turgay
1274 Damoh Jejakabhukti Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_damoh
1275 Zaranj Sistan Sistan Persian Empire Afghan Afghan Afghan Zunist Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_zaranj
1276 Gaya Magadha Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 5 no c_gaya
1277 Tummana Ratanpur Gondwana Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_tummana
1278 Gurgi Jejakabhukti Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_gurgi
1279 Rohana Lanka Lanka Deccan Empire Sinhala Sinhala Sinhala Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 yes c_rohana
1280 Gojjam Gojjam Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 3 4 no c_gojjam
1281 Chunar Kasi Bihar Bengal Empire Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_chunar
1282 Dotawo Nobatia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 6 no c_dotawo
1283 Asni Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_asni
1284 Bharauli Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 4 no c_bharauli
1285 Acalapura Vidharba Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Hindu Hindu Hindu 5 5 5 5 no c_acalapura
1286 Kherla Vidharba Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_kherla
1287 Asirgarh Anupa Malwa Rajastan Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_asirgarh
1288 Ujjayini Avanti Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 4 5 5 6 no c_ujjayini
1289 Dadhipadra Avanti Malwa Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 3 no c_dadhipadra
1290 Khetaka Gurjara Mandala Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 yes c_khetaka
1291 Mohadavasaka Gurjara Mandala Gujarat Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 3 no c_mohadavasaka
1292 Sarasvata Mandala Gurjara Mandala Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 6 yes c_sarasvata_mandala
1294 Satyapura Stravani Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 4 yes c_satyapura
1295 Kutch Anartta Gujarat Rajastan Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 3 yes c_kutch
1296 Dimapur Para-Lauhitya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_dimapur
1297 Debul Sauvira Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 6 yes c_debul
1298 Chanderi Akara-Dasarna Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_chanderi
1299 Candhoba Akara-Dasarna Malwa Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Hindu 1 1 1 3 no c_candhoba
1300 Kota Medapata Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 4 no c_kota
1301 Mahoba Jejakabhukti Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Buddhist 4 4 4 4 no c_mahoba
1302 Chitrakut Medapata Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_chitrakut
1303 Ranikot Sauvira Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_ranikot
1304 Ludrava Stravani Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 no c_ludrava
1306 Tura Sibir Sibir Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_tura
1318 Samatata Vanga Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 yes c_samatata
1319 Bikrampur Vanga Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_bikrampur
1320 Aydhab Nobatia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 4 4 4 5 yes c_aydhab
1321 Kamarupanagara Kamarupanagara Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_kamarupanagara
1322 Nobatia Nobatia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_nobatia
1323 Nabadwipa Nadia Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 6 no c_nabadwipa
1324 Suvarnagram Varendra Bengal Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_suvarnagram
1325 Madhupur Varendra Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_madhupur
1326 Napata Makuria Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 5 no c_napata
1327 Rothas Jharkand Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_rothas
1328 Prayaga Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 6 no c_prayaga
1329 Anuy Ob Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no Anuy c_ket
1330 Suakin Blemmyia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 yes c_suakin
1331 Sonda Sauvira Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 yes c_sonda
1332 Trinkitat Blemmyia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 yes c_trinkitat
1333 Siwistan Sauvira Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 5 no c_siwistan
1334 Alodia Alodia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 6 no c_alodia
1335 Kosti Alodia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 4 no c_kosti
1336 Vijnot Stravani Rajputana Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_vijnot
1337 Uch Multan Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Sunni Shia 2 2 2 4 no c_uch
1338 Multan Multan Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Sunni Shia 5 5 5 6 no c_multan
1339 Rajanpur Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Hindu Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_rajanpur
1340 Karor Multan Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Sunni Shia 2 2 2 3 no c_karor
1341 Nandana Gandhara Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_nandana
1342 Purushapura Gandhara Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_purushapura
1343 Massawa Axum Abyssinia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 5 yes c_massawa
1344 Zeila Berbera Abyssinia Abyssinia Somali Somali Somali Sunni Sunni Sunni 4 4 4 5 yes c_zeila
1345 Medapata Medapata Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_medapata
1346 Ajayameru Ajmer Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_ajayameru
1349 Vikramapura Jangladesh Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 3 no c_vikramapura
1350 Reni Jangladesh Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_reni
1351 Nagchu Nagchu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 2 2 2 4 no Naqu c_nagchu
1352 Sarasvati Haritanaka Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 3 no c_sarasvati
1353 Vairata Ajmer Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 4 4 4 5 no c_vairata
1354 Nagauda Jangladesh Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_nagauda
1355 Ranthambore Ajmer Rajputana Rajastan Rajput Rajput Rajput Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_ranthambore
1356 Kanyakubja Kanyakubja Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 6 6 6 7 no c_kanyakubja
1357 Sripatha Mathura Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 4 no c_sripatha
1358 Vodamayutja Vodamayutja Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_vodamayutja
1359 Mathura Mathura Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 5 5 5 6 no c_mathura
1360 Maldives Chera Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 yes c_maldives
1361 Shorkot Lahore Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_shorkot
1362 Lahur Lahore Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 6 no c_lahur
1363 Dipalpur Lahore Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Hindu Hindu 4 4 4 5 no c_dipalpur
1364 Tribandapura Haritanaka Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 5 no c_tribandapura
1365 Delhi Kuru Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 7 no c_delhi
1366 Hisar Haritanaka Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Jain Jain Jain 3 3 3 5 no c_hisar
1367 Sthanisvara Kuru Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_sthanisvara
1368 Hastinapura Kuru Delhi Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 6 no c_hastinapura
1369 Socotra Socotra Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Nestorian Nestorian Nestorian 3 3 3 3 yes c_socotra
1370 Armail Makran Sistan Persian Empire Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Buddhist Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 yes c_armail
1371 Quzdar Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Buddhist Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_quzdar
1372 Kandail Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Buddhist Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_kandail
1373 Assab Afar Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 yes c_assab
1374 Sibi Bhakkar Sindh Rajastan Sindhi Sindhi Sindhi Buddhist Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_sibi
1375 Kafirkot Multan Punjab Rajastan Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Hindu Sunni Shia 2 2 2 3 no c_kafirkot
1376 Bori Multan Punjab Rajastan Afghan Afghan Afghan Buddhist Sunni Shia 1 1 1 1 no c_wana
1377 Maymana Balkh Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 4 no c_maymana
1378 Madminiya Khiva Transoxiana Turan Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 4 no c_urgench
1379 Asayita Afar Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_asayita
1380 Semien Semien Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Jewish Jewish Jewish 3 3 3 5 no c_semien
1381 Pundravardhana Varendra Bengal Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 5 5 5 5 no c_pundravardhana
1408 Anxi Jiuquan Xia Tibet Han Han Tangut Taoist Taoist Buddhist 1 1 1 5 no c_anxi
1413 Venadu Chera Nadu Tamilakam Deccan Empire Tamil Tamil Tamil Hindu Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 yes c_venadu
1414 Kotthasara Sinhala Lanka Deccan Empire Sinhala Sinhala Sinhala Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 yes c_kotthasara
1415 Pithapuram Vengi Andhra Deccan Empire Telugu Telugu Telugu Hindu Hindu Hindu 2 2 2 4 yes c_pithapuram
1416 Kolhapur Rattapadi Maharastra Deccan Empire Marathi Marathi Marathi Jain Jain Jain 2 2 2 5 no c_kolhapur
1417 Wag Wag Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 5 no c_wag
1418 Haruppeswara Sutiya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Assamese Assamese Assamese Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_haruppeswara
1419 Mithila Tirabhukti Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_mithila
1420 Simaramapura Tirabhukti Bihar Bengal Empire Bengali Bengali Bengali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no c_simaramapura
1421 Sravasti Saryupara Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no c_sravasti
1422 Naimisa Saryupara Kosala Rajastan Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_naimisa
1423 Fergana Fergana Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Karluk Khurmazta Khurmazta Khurmazta 4 4 4 6 no c_fergana
1424 Balasagun Chuy Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_chuy
1425 Ili Ili Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_ili
1426 Karatal Zhetysu Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_zhetysu
1427 Ayakoz Kirghiz Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no Ayakoz c_urzhar
1428 Damot Damot Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 2 4 no c_damot
1429 Begemder Gondar Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_begemder
1430 Tengiz Ishim Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no Tengiz c_kipchak
1431 Otrar Syr Darya Oghuz Tartaria Karluk Turkish Turkish Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_otrar
1432 Karluk Zhetysu Zhetysu Tartaria Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_karluk
1433 Kazakh Kazakh Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_kazakh
1434 Balkhash Kazakh Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_balkhash
1435 Karasor Irtysh Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no Karasor c_kimak
1436 Lakomelza Wag Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no c_lakomelza
1437 Tigrinya Semien Abyssinia Abyssinia Ethiopian Ethiopian Ethiopian Jewish Jewish Jewish 3 3 3 4 no c_tigrinya
1438 Yarkand Khotan Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 2 2 2 4 no Yarkam, Suoju c_yarkand
1439 Kashgar Kashgar Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 5 no Kasake, Shule, Su-lig c_kashgar
1440 Khotan Khotan Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 3 3 3 6 no Hotan, Yutian, Hvamna c_khotan
1441 Cherchen Khotan Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 4 no Qarqan, Jemotwona, Calmandana, Qiemo c_cherchen
1442 Charkliq Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Narubho, Ruoqiang c_charkliq
1443 Karashar Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Arsi, Agnidesa, Yanghi, Yanqi c_karashar
1444 Kucha Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Kuci, Kucina, Qiuci c_kucha
1445 Aksu Kashgar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 5 no Bharuka c_aksu
1446 Kara Khoja Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Uyghur Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 6 no Qocho, Turtam, Gaochang c_kara_khoja
1447 Loulan Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 4 no Krorän, Qroran c_loulan
1448 Dunhuang Jiuquan Xia Tibet Han Han Tangut Taoist Taoist Buddhist 3 3 3 6 no Dukhan c_dunhuang
1449 Luntai Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Uyghur Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Ürümqi, Urabo c_luntai
1450 Kumul Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Qamil, Kunlyu, Yizhou c_kumul
1451 Ulungur Beshbaliq Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Ulungur c_altay
1452 Beshbaliq Beshbaliq Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Manichean Manichean Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no Beshbalik c_beshbaliq
1453 Aj Bogd Barkul Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_aj_bogd
1454 Western Sayan Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Western Sayan c_muztau
1455 Zavkhan Gobi Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Zavkhan c_tsagaannuur
1456 Ikh Bogd Ikh Bogd Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_ikh_bogd
1457 Kara Khorum Kara Khorum Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no Ordu Baliq, Karabalgasun c_kara_khorum
1458 Khangai Khangai Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 5 no c_khangai
1459 Khyargas Uvs Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no Khyargas c_kyzyl
1460 Baygal Baygal Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_baygal
1461 Ötüken Ötÿken Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_otuken
1462 Yenisei Ötÿken Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Yenisei c_gorgol
1463 Ket Abakan Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no Ket c_erchis
1464 Gilgit Kashmir Kashmir Tibet Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_gilgit
1465 Tashkurgan Pamir Kashmir Tibet Saka Saka Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no Sarikol c_tashkurgan
1466 Skardu Kashmir Kashmir Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Panjabi Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_skardu
1467 Diskit Ladakh Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no Disikete c_diskit
1468 Leh Ladakh Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no Lie c_leh
1469 Kangra Uttaranchal Kashmir Tibet Panjabi Panjabi Panjabi Buddhist Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_kangra
1470 Garhwal Uttaranchal Kashmir Tibet Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 4 no c_garhwal
1471 Kurmanchal Uttaranchal Kashmir Tibet Hindustani Hindustani Hindustani Buddhist Hindu Hindu 3 3 3 5 no c_kurmanchal
1472 Jumla Gorkha Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_jumla
1473 Doti Gorkha Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_doti
1474 Lumbini Gorkha Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no Lanpini c_lumbini
1475 Pokhara Gorkha Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Hindu 2 2 2 4 no Bokala c_pokhara
1476 Mangyul Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Mangyül, Mangyu, Keruna c_mangyul
1477 Janakpur Kathmandu Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Hindu 3 3 3 5 no Jianakebu'er c_janakpur
1478 Kathmandu Kathmandu Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Hindu 3 3 3 5 no Jiademandu c_kathmandu
1479 Limbuwan Kathmandu Nepal Tibet Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Hindu 2 2 2 4 no c_limbuwan
1480 Sikkim Kamarupanagara Kamarupa Bengal Empire Nepali Nepali Nepali Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no Denzong c_sikkim
1481 Paro Bhutan Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_paro
1482 Bumthang Bhutan Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no Bumutang c_bumthang
1483 Monyul Sutiya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 3 3 3 5 no c_monyul
1484 Lhoyu Sutiya Kamarupa Bengal Empire Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no c_lhoyu
1485 Rutog Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 2 2 2 4 no Ritu c_rutog
1486 Tsaparang Purang Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 3 5 no c_tsaparang
1487 Gar Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no Ga'er c_gar
1488 Pangong Ladakh Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Bangong c_pangong
1489 Kunlun Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Kulung, Khöndlön c_kunlun
1490 Kyunglung Purang Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bön Bön Bön 4 4 4 5 no Qulong c_kyunglung
1491 Purang Purang Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 4 4 5 6 no Pulan, Taklakot, Puhrang c_purang
1492 Sakya Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Sajia c_sakya
1493 Coqen Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Coqên, Cuoqin c_coqen
1494 Gerze Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Gêrzê, Gaize c_gerze
1495 Samtho Sumparu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Sumpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Sunpo, Hoh Xil c_samtho
1496 Taktse Yarlung Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Taktsé, Dazi c_taktse
1497 Gyantse Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 3 3 3 5 no Gyangzê, Jiangze c_gyantse
1498 Lhasa Lhasa Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 5 5 5 7 no Lasa c_lhasa
1499 Shigatse Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 3 3 4 4 no Xigazê, Rikaze c_shigatse
1500 Nyingchi Nyingchi Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 4 4 4 5 no Linzhi c_nyingchi
1501 Nagormo Nagormo Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Tangut Bön Bön Buddhist 1 1 1 5 no Golmud, Ge'ermu c_nagormo
1502 Fuqi Qinghai Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Tangut Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no c_fuqi
1503 Nangqen Nangqen Xia Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 5 no Nangqên, Nangqian c_nangqen
1504 Lingtsang Nangqen Xia Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Liangsong c_lingtsang
1505 Markam Dege Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 4 no Mangkang c_markam
1506 Dege Dege Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Dêgê c_dege
1507 Nyima Nagchu Ü-Tsang Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 3 3 3 5 no Nima c_nyima
1508 Qamdo Qamdo Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Changdu c_qamdo
1511 Pamir Pamir Kashmir Tibet Sogdian Sogdian Persian Khurmazta Khurmazta Khurmazta 2 2 2 3 no c_pamir
1513 Jiuquan Jiuquan Xia Tibet Han Han Tangut Taoist Taoist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_jiuquan
1514 Ejin Juyan Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Tangut Tengri Tengri Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_ejin
1515 Yangguan Jiuquan Xia Tibet Han Han Uyghur Taoist Taoist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_yungguan
1516 Barkul Barkul Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_barkul
1517 Dünkheger Beshbaliq Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Manichean Manichean Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_dunkheger
1518 Kumtag Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_kumtag
1519 Lop Nor Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_lopnor
1520 Yüni Kumul Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 2 no c_yuni
1521 Mingoi Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_mingoi
1522 Cadota Khotan Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_cadota
1523 Keriya Khotan Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_keriya
1524 Karghalik Khotan Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_karghalik
1525 Yopurga Kashgar Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_yopurga
1526 Artux Kashgar Khotan Turan Saka Saka Karluk Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_artux
1527 Uchturpan Kashgar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_uchturpan
1528 Kubera Karashar Khotan Turan Tocharian Tocharian Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_kubera
1530 Dariya Nefoud Arabia Arabian Empire Levantine Levantine Levantine Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_dariya
1531 Uwal Al Bahrein Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Shia Shia Shia 3 3 3 4 yes c_uwal
1532 Zabid Taizz Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_zabid
1533 Najran Sanaa Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Shia Shia 1 1 1 3 no c_najran
1534 al-Ahqaf Sanaa Yemen Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Ibadi Shia Shia 1 1 1 3 no c_al_ahqaf
1535 Tihama Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_tihama
1536 Khaybar Hijaz Arabia Arabian Empire Bedouin Bedouin Bedouin Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 yes c_khaybar
1537 Maragha Tabriz Daylam Persian Empire Kurdish Kurdish Kurdish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_maragha
1538 Badghis Herat Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 3 no c_badghis
1539 Kanj Rustaq Herat Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_kanj_rustaq
1540 Guzgan Balkh Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 3 no c_guzgan
1541 Amol Merv Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 3 no c_amol
1542 Sarakhs Merv Khorasan Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 4 no c_sarakhs
1543 Vakhan Khuttal Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 3 no c_vakhan
1544 Chaghaniyan Khuttal Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 4 no c_chaghaniyan
1545 Nakhshab Samarkand Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 2 2 2 3 no c_nakhshab
1546 Khojand Fergana Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Karluk Khurmazta Khurmazta Khurmazta 3 3 3 5 no c_khojand
1547 Badakhshan Khuttal Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Persian Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 3 3 3 3 no c_badakhshan
1548 Khaylam Fergana Transoxiana Turan Sogdian Sogdian Karluk Khurmazta Khurmazta Khurmazta 3 3 3 4 no c_khaylam
1550 Lhatok Dege Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Laduo c_lhatok
1551 Mustang Gorkha Nepal Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 3 3 3 3 no Manthang, Yangtang c_mustang
1552 Lhunze Yarlung Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no Lhünzê, Longzi c_lhunze
1553 Bome Qamdo Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 2 2 2 4 no Bomê, Bomi c_bome
1554 Banbar Qamdo Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no Bianba c_banbar
1555 Medog Nyingchi Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 3 no Mêdog, Motuo c_medog
1556 Lhunzhub Lhasa Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 1 1 2 4 no Lhünzhub, Linzhou c_lhunzhub
1557 Kunggar Lhasa Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 5 no Gongka c_kunggar
1558 Amdo Sumparu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Sumpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 2 no Anduo c_amdo
1559 Xainza Nagchu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Shenzha c_xainza
1560 Ogliastra Sardinia Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes c_ogliastra
1561 Lhatse Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Lhazê, Lazi c_lhatse
1562 Zhongba Purang Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no c_zhongba
1563 Gegyai Purang Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Gê'gyai, Geji c_gegyai
1564 Qangtang Sumparu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Sumpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Changtang c_qangtang
1565 Tsakha Ngari Guge Tibet Zhangzhung Zhangzhung Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no Caka c_tsakha
1566 Gyesar Shigatse Ü-Tsang Tibet Zhangzhung Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 1 1 1 3 no Gyêsar, Jiesa c_gyesar
1567 Mainling Nyingchi Kham Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 3 no Milin c_mainling
1568 Yumen Jiuquan Xia Tibet Han Han Tangut Taoist Taoist Buddhist 1 1 1 4 no c_yumen
1569 Delingha Qinghai Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Tangut Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 5 no Dêrlênka, Delhi c_delingha
1570 Qaidam Nagormo Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no Chaidan, Cheba'i, Tsaydmyn c_qaidam
1571 Lenghu Nagormo Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Uyghur Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no Lenghu'u, Lyenkhyn c_lenghu
1572 Arjin Sumparu Ü-Tsang Tibet Sumpa Sumpa Uyghur Bön Bön Bön 1 1 1 2 no A'erjin, Altyn, Altun c_arjin
1573 Tanggula Nagormo Xia Tibet Sumpa Sumpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no Dangla c_tanggula
1574 Gallura Sardinia Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_gallura
1575 Zadoi Nangqen Xia Tibet Tangut Bödpa Bödpa Bön Bön Buddhist 2 2 2 4 no Zaduo c_zadoi
1576 Torres Sardinia Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes Logudoro c_torres
1577 Cinarca Corsica Sardinia and Corsica Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_cinarca
1578 Dulan Qinghai Xia Tibet Tangut Tangut Tangut Buddhist Buddhist Buddhist 2 2 2 3 no c_dulan
1579 Nedong Yarlung Ü-Tsang Tibet Bödpa Bödpa Bödpa Buddhist Bön Buddhist 4 4 4 6 no Nêdong, Naidong c_nedong
1581 Dobrzyn Kuyavia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 1 1 3 no c_dobrzynska
1582 Sieradz Kuyavia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no c_sieradzka
1583 Lomza Mazovia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 4 no Lomzynska c_lomzynska
1584 Stezyca Lesser Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no c_stezycka
1585 Lublin Lesser Poland Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no Lubelska c_lubelska
1586 Wielun Kuyavia Poland Wendish Empire Polish Polish Polish Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no Wielunska c_wielunska
1587 Bytow Pomeralia Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 2 2 3 no c_bytow
1588 Neumark Pomerania Pomerania Wendish Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 1 1 2 no Santok c_neumark
1589 Gorlitz Meissen Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 2 2 3 no c_gorlitz
1590 Nalsia Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 3 no c_nalsia
1591 Selija Latgale Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 2 no c_selija
1592 Tukums Livonia Lithuania Wendish Empire Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_tukums
1593 Vanema Courland Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 3 no c_vanema
1594 Jersika Latgale Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 4 no c_jersika
1595 Talava Latgale Lithuania Wendish Empire Lettigallian Lettigallian Lettigallian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 3 no c_talava
1596 Riga Livonia Lithuania Wendish Empire Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 5 no c_riga
1597 Deltuva Lithuania Lithuania Wendish Empire Lithuanian Lithuanian Lithuanian Romuva Romuva Romuva 1 1 1 3 no c_deltuva
1598 Järva Livonia Estonia Scandinavia Estonian Estonian Estonian Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_jarva
1599 Joensuu Savonia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_joensuu
1600 Oulu Pohjanmaa Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_oulu
1601 Kainuu Pohjanmaa Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_kajaani
1602 Sortavala Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 3 no c_sortavala
1603 Pomorye Karelia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_east_karelia
1604 Rovaniemi Kola Lapland Scandinavia Sami Sami Sami Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_rovaniemi
1605 Kallavesi Savonia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_kuopio
1606 Karjaa Suomi Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 2 2 2 4 no c_siuntio
1607 Keitele Savonia Finland Scandinavia Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_laukaa
1608 Montbéliard Franche Comté Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 no c_montbeliard
1609 Vesoul Franche Comté Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 no Portois c_vesoul
1610 Aosta Savoy Burgundy Francia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Augschtal c_aosta
1611 Vaud Upper Burgundy Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_vaud
1612 Bellinzona Milano Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no Bellinzona c_leventina
1613 Bolzano Tyrol Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no Bozen c_bolzano
1614 Escuens Franche Comté Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_escuens
1615 Amous Franche Comté Burgundy Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_amous
1616 Norðland Iceland Norway Scandinavia Irish Norse Norse Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 1 yes c_nordlendingafjordungur
1617 Suðurland Iceland Norway Scandinavia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 no c_sunnlendingafjordungur
1620 Romerike Oppland Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 3 no c_romerike
1621 Gudbrandsdalen Oppland Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 1 no c_gudbrandsdal
1622 Romsdal Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 yes c_romsdal
1623 Sunnmøre Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 yes c_sunnmore
1624 Førde Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 yes c_forde
1625 Sogn Vestlandet Norway Scandinavia Norse Norse Norwegian Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 2 yes c_sogn
1631 Zaslav Galich Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_zaslav
1632 Belz Red Ruthenia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 3 no c_belz
1633 Lutsk Volhynia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_lutsk
1634 Novosil Novosil Chernigov Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 1 no c_novosil
1635 Cherven Red Ruthenia Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 3 5 1 no c_cherven
1636 Zvenyhorod Galich Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 4 no c_zvenyhorod
1637 Ushytsia Galich Galicia-Volhynia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_ushytsia
1638 Iasi Moldau Wallachia Carpathia Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 4 4 5 no c_iasi
1639 Bacau Moldau Wallachia Carpathia Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 3 3 3 no c_bacau
1640 Chilia Bessarabia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bloghar Pecheneg Tengri Tengri Orthodox 3 3 3 1 yes c_chilia
1641 Bratslav Etelköz Crimea Pontic Steppe Volhynian Volhynian Pecheneg Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 1 no c_bratslav
1642 Calarasi Wallachia Wallachia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Romanian Tengri Tengri Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_calarasi
1643 Craiova Oltenia Wallachia Carpathia Romanian Romanian Romanian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 3 no c_craiova
1644 Câmpulung Red Ruthenia Galicia-Volhynia Carpathia Bolghar Bolghar Romanian Tengri Tengri Orthodox 3 3 3 5 no c_cherven
1645 Targu Jiu Oltenia Wallachia Carpathia Romanian Romanian Romanian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 3 3 3 3 no c_targu_jiu
1646 Odessa Etelköz Crimea Pontic Steppe Volhynian Volhynian Pecheneg Slavic Slavic Tengri 1 1 1 3 yes c_odessa
1647 Vinnytsia Etelköz Crimea Pontic Steppe Hungarian Hungarian Volhynian Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_vinnytsia
1648 Medjybij Kiev Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_medjybij
1649 Korosten Kiev Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 4 5 no c_korosten
1650 Vorotynsk Novosil Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_vorotynsk
1651 Vozviahel Kiev Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_vozviahel
1652 Borovichi Novgorod Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_borovichi
1653 Slutsk Turov Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 3 3 no c_slutsk
1654 Novogrodek Minsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_novogrodek
1655 Volkovysk Turov Ruthenia Empire of Rus Volhynian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_volkovysk
1656 Starodub Chernigov Chernigov Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_starodub
1657 Voin Pereyaslavl Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_voin
1658 Hradyzk Pereyaslavl Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_hradyzk
1659 Drutsk Minsk Ruthenia Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 4 no c_drutsk
1660 Chlisselbourg Veps Novgorod Empire of Rus Finnish Finnish Finnish Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_chlisselbourg
1661 Gdov Pskov Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_gdov
1662 Rusa Novgorod Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_rusa
1663 Izborsk Pskov Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_izborsk
1664 Tikhvine Veps Novgorod Empire of Rus Finnish Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_tikhvine
1665 Yelets Ryazan Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_yelets
1666 Karachev Karachev Chernigov Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_karachev
1667 Kholm Novgorod Novgorod Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_kholm
1668 Rzheva Tver Vladimir Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_rzheva
1669 Kashin Tver Vladimir Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_kashin
1670 Bezichy Veps Novgorod Empire of Rus Mordvin Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_bezichy
1671 Rylsk Bryansk Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 3 no c_rylsk
1672 Zubtsov Tver Vladimir Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_zoubtsov
1675 Priluk Pereyaslavl Ruthenia Empire of Rus Severian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 2 5 no c_priluk
1676 Kromy Bryansk Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_kromy
1677 Naro-Fominsk Moskva Vladimir Empire of Rus Meshchera Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_naro-fominsk
1678 Orekhovo-Zuyevo Murom Chernigov Empire of Rus Meshchera Meshchera Meshchera Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_orekhovo-zouievo
1679 Serpukhov Novosil Chernigov Empire of Rus Meshchera Russian Russian Suomenusko Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_serpukhov
1680 Yuryev Vladimir Vladimir Empire of Rus Mordvin Meshchera Meshchera Suomenusko Suomenusko Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_yuryev
1681 Kursk Bryansk Chernigov Empire of Rus Turkish Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_kursk
1682 Kozelsk Karachev Chernigov Empire of Rus Ilmenian Russian Russian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 1 1 4 no c_kozelsk
1683 Varde Jylland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 4 yes c_hardsyssel
1684 Aarhus Jylland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 4 4 yes c_abosyssel
1685 Aalborg Jylland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes c_himmersyssel
1687 Lolland Sjaelland Denmark Scandinavia Norse Norse Danish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes c_lolland
1688 Dithmarschen Holstein Denmark Scandinavia Saxon German Danish Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 1 3 3 yes c_dithmarschen
1689 Pongau Salzburg Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Germanic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_pongau
1690 Traungau Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_traungau
1691 Pettau Carniola Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Carantanian Carantanian Carantanian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_pettau
1692 Eppenstein Styria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Carantanian German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 3 no c_leoben
1693 Graz Styria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Carantanian German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 5 no c_graz
1694 Pitten Styria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Slovieni German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 3 3 no c_pitten
1695 Udine Friuli Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Lombard Lombard Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_udine
1696 Friesach Carinthia Carinthia Holy Roman Empire Carantanian Carantanian Carantanian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_friesach
1697 Chremis Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Slovieni Slovieni Slovieni Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 3 3 no c_krems
1698 Freistadt Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Slovieni Slovieni German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 2 3 no c_freistadt
1699 Medelike Austria Bavaria Holy Roman Empire Slovieni German German Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_medelike
1700 Regensburg Bavaria Bavaria Holy Roman EMpire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_regensburg
1701 Vista Östergötland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 3 no c_vista
1702 Finnveden Värend Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 no c_finnveden
1703 Njudung Värend Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Germanic 1 1 1 3 no c_njudung
1704 Sevede Smáland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 2 3 3 yes c_sevede
1705 Kinda Östergötland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no c_kinda
1706 Skara Västergötland Sweden Scandinavia Norse Norse Swedish Germanic Germanic Catholic 1 1 2 4 no c_skara
1707 Chieti Abruzzo Sicily Byzantine Empire Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_chieti
1708 Perugia Spoleto Papal States Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_perugia
1709 Como Milano Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no c_como
1710 Ivrea Susa Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_ivrea
1711 Rimini Ancona Papal States Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 1 1 1 3 yes c_rimini
1712 Catanzaro Calabria Sicily Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 yes Kroton c_catanzaro
1713 Arezzo Tuscany Italy Italia Italian Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_arezzo
1714 Noli Genoa Italy Italia Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_noli
1715 Vetluga Qazan Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_vetluga
1716 Kremenchuk Qazan Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_kremenchuk
1717 Alabuga Qazan Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_alabuga
1718 Khlynov Qazan Volga Bulgaria Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_khlynov
1719 Udmurts Perm Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_udmurts
1720 Kudymkar Perm Perm Volga-Ural Lombard Italian Italian Catholic Catholic Catholic 1 1 1 2 no c_kudymkar
1721 Ajadabiya Syrte Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 1 3 yes c_ajadabiya
1722 Tadjrift Syrte Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 2 no c_tadjrift
1723 Nafusa Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 1 no c_nafusa
1724 Nalut Tripolitania Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_nalut
1725 Suf Jerid Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 1 1 1 1 no c_suf
1726 Gafsa Jerid Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 no c_gafsa
1727 Arigh Mzab Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Kharijite 1 1 1 2 no c_arigh
1728 Tébessa Kabylia Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 3 no c_tebessa
1729 Tuggurt Mzab Africa Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 1 1 no c_tuggurt
1730 Murzuk Fezzan Kanem Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 2 no c_murzuk
1731 Zawila Fezzan Kanem Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 2 no c_zawila
1732 Djado Fezzan Kanem Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Ibadi 1 1 1 1 no c_djado
1733 Muluja Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_muluja
1734 Ashir Tahert Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 2 2 2 2 no c_ashir
1735 Bilma Kanem Kanem Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber West African West African West African 1 1 1 2 no c_bilma
1736 Manan Kanem Kanem Kanem-Bornu Kanuri Kanuri Kanuri West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_manan
1737 Fachi Air Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber West African West African West African 1 1 1 1 no c_fachi
1738 Air Air Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_air
1739 Djimi Kanem Kanem Kanem-Bornu Zaghawa Zaghawa Zaghawa West African West African West African 2 2 2 5 no c_djimi
1740 Masseniya Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Zaghawa Zaghawa Zaghawa West African West African West African 1 1 1 2 no c_masseniya
1741 Makari Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Zaghawa Zaghawa Zaghawa West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_makari
1742 Kagha Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Zaghawa Zaghawa Zaghawa West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_kagha
1743 Bornu Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Kanuri Kanuri Kanuri West African West African West African 1 1 1 5 no c_bornu
1744 Munio Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Kanuri Kanuri Kanuri West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_munio
1745 Bauchi Bornu Kanem Kanem-Bornu Kanuri Kanuri Kanuri West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_bauchi
1746 Kano Hausaland Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 2 2 2 4 no c_kano
1747 Daura Hausaland Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_daura
1748 Gobir Hausaland Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 2 no c_gobir
1749 Tahoua Kebbi Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 1 no c_tahoua
1750 Zamfara Hausaland Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_zamfara
1751 Katsina Hausaland Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_katsina
1752 Kebbi Kebbi Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Hausa Hausa Hausa West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_kebbi
1753 Dyamare Kebbi Hausaland Kanem-Bornu Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_dyamare
1754 Songhay Songhay Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_songhay
1755 Dendi Gurma Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_dendi
1756 Kurumba Songhay Songhay Mali Songhay Songhay Songhay West African West African West African 2 2 2 3 no c_kurumba
1757 Yatenga Yatenga Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_yatenga
1758 Bobo Dyulasso Yatenga Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_bobo_dyulasso
1759 Wagadougou Yatenga Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_wagadougou
1760 Kiri Manding Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_kiri
1761 Bure Manding Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_bure
1762 Tagant Tagant Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_tagant
1763 Dodugu Manding Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_dodugu
1764 Diafunu Bambuk Mali Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_diafunu
1765 Kantor Bambuk Mali Mali Mandé Mandé Mandé West African West African West African 1 1 1 2 no c_kantor
1768 Mema Ghana Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African West African 1 1 1 4 no c_mema
1769 Fitri Wadai Kanem Kanem-Bornu Zaghawa Zaghawa Zaghawa West African West African West African 1 1 1 2 no c_fitri
1770 Wadai Wadai Kanem Kanem-Bornu Daju Daju Daju West African West African West African 1 1 1 3 no c_wadai
1771 Ennedi Wadai Kanem Kanem-Bornu Berber Berber Berber West African West African West African 1 1 1 1 no c_ennedi
1772 Darfur Alodia Nubia Abyssinia Daju Daju Daju West African West African Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_darfur
1773 Taza Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 1 1 1 4 no c_taza
1774 Meknes Fes Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Ibadi Ibadi Sunni 3 3 3 3 no c_meknes
1775 Tudgha Sijilmasa Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_tudgha
1776 Warzazat Sous Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shiite Shiite Sunni 1 1 2 3 no c_warzazat
1777 Tadla Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shiite Shiite Sunni 1 2 2 5 no c_tadla
1778 Tinmallal Marrakech Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shiite Shiite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_tinmallal
1779 Draa Sous Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Shiite Shiite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_draa
1780 Ziz Sijilmasa Maghreb Maghreb Berber Berber Berber Kharijite Kharijite Sunni 1 1 1 2 no c_ziz
1781 al-Qusair Aswan Egypt Arabian Empire Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 2 2 2 3 yes c_alqusair
1782 Kharga Asyut Egypt Arabian Empire Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 2 no c_kharga
1787 Buzachi Usturt Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 yes c_buzachi
1788 Kara Bogaz Usturt Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 yes c_kara_bogaz
1789 Kyzyl Su Dihistan Daylam Persian Empire Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 yes c_kyzyl-su
1791 Urgench Khiva Transoxiana Turan Persian Persian Persian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 3 3 3 3 no c_gurganj
1792 Kusbulak Usturt Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Zoroastrian 1 1 1 2 yes c_kusbulak
1793 Emba Steppe Emba Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_emba
1794 Yangikent Syr Darya Oghuz Turan Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 2 2 2 4 yes c_yangikent
1795 Talas Chuy Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_talas
1796 Barskhan Chuy Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_barskhan
1797 Almaty Zhetysu Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_almaty
1798 Almaliq Ili Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_almaliq
1799 Qayaliq Ili Zhetysu Turan Karluk Karluk Karluk Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_qayaliq
1805 Balanjar Derbent Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Sunni Sunni 1 3 3 3 yes c_balanjar
1806 Egrisi Abkhazia Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 yes c_egrisi
1807 Klarjeti Tao Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_klarjeti
1808 Mtshketa Kartli Georgia Byzantine Empire Georgian Georgian Georgian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 5 no c_mtskheta
1809 Durdzukia Derbent Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 3 no c_durdzukia
1810 Terek Caspian Steppe Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_terek
1811 Kalaus Caspian Steppe Alania Pontic Steppe Alan Alan Alan Tengri Tengri Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_kalaus
1812 Saqsin Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Khazar Khazar Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 4 no c_saqsin
1813 Ryn Atyrau Khazaria Pontic Steppe Turkish Turkish Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_ryn
1814 Uvek Bandja Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_uvek
1815 Yeruslan Itil Khazaria Pontic Steppe Khazar Pecheneg Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_yeruslan
1816 Belaya Bashkiria Perm Volga-Ural Bolghar Bolghar Bolghar Tengri Tengri Sunni 1 1 1 3 no c_belaya
1817 Syktyvkar Veliky Ustug Perm Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_syktyvkar
1818 Viled Veliky Ustug Perm Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_bolshaya
1819 Kargopol Kargopol Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 3 no c_kargopol
1820 Kanin Mezen Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_kanin
1821 Onega Peninsula Bjharmia Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 yes c_onega_peninsula
1822 Kuloy Bjarmia Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_pinega
1823 Mezen Mezen Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_mezen
1824 Pinega Velsk Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_yezhuga
1825 Vashka Velsk Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_vashka
1826 Velsk Velsk Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_velsk
1827 Lyzha Komi Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_lyzha
1828 Zavarot Zavarot Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_zavarot
1829 Kolguyev Zavarot Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_kolguyev
1830 Indiga Zavarot Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 yes c_soyma
1831 Koshma Pechora Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_koshma
1832 Tobysh Pechora Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_tobysh
1833 Tsilma Pechora Nenetsia Volga-Ural Samoyed Samoyed Samoyed Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_tsilma
1834 Kozhva Komi Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_kozhva
1835 Izhma Komi Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_izhma
1836 Vel Komi Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_vel
1837 Severnaya Komi Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_severnaya
1838 Vychegda Zyriane Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_vychegda
1839 Vym Zyriane Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_yolva
1840 Sedyu Zyriane Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_sedyu
1841 Kolva Perm Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_kolva
1842 Keltma Votyaki Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_keltma
1843 Thisageta Ural Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_thisageta
1844 Vishera Ural Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 1 no c_vishera
1845 Tynea Perm Perm Volga-Ural Komi Komi Komi Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_tynea
1848 Sakmara Sakmara Khazaria Pontic Steppe Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 3 no c_sakmara
1849 Irtek Sakmara Khazaria Pontic Steppe Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_irtek
1850 Or Yaik Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_or
1851 Mughalzhar Aqtobe Khazaria Pontic Steppe Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_mughalzhar
1852 Utva Aqtobe Khazaria Pontic Steppe Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_utva
1853 Magnitaya Yaik Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_magnitaya
1854 Kartaly-Ayat Ubagan Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_kartaly
1856 Ubagan Ubagan Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_ubagan
1857 Miass Tobol Sibir Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_miass
1858 Tavda Tobol Sibir Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tavda
1859 Bolshoy Yugan Vasyugan Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_bolshoy
1860 Vasyugan Vasyugan Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_vasyugan
1861 Om Om Sibir Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_om
1862 Tara Om Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_tara
1863 Vagay Sibir Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_vagay
1864 Osha Sibir Sibir Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_osha
1865 Tui Vasyugan Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_tui
1866 Shish Vasyugan Sibir Tartaria Khanty Khanty Khanty Suomenusko Suomenusko Suomenusko 1 1 1 2 no c_shish
1867 Betpaqdala Khazakh Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 1 no c_betpaqdala
1868 Sarysu Khazakh Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_sarysu
1869 Irgiz Turgay Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_irgiz
1870 Boqtybay Turgay Cumania Tartaria Pecheneg Cuman Cuman Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_boqtybay
1871 Katun Ob Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_katun
1872 Zaysan Ob Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_zaysan
1873 Ob Ob Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_ob
1874 Saur Tarbagatai Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_saur
1875 Aylik Tarbagatai Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_aylik
1876 Tarbagatai Tarbagatai Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tarbagatai
1877 Buqtirma Ob Cumania Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_buqtirma
1878 Seletyteniz Ishim Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Turkish Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_seletyteniz
1879 Qarazhyrya Khazakh Cumania Tartaria Cuman Cuman Cuman Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_qarazhyrya
1880 Soso Ghana Ghana Mali Soninke Soninke Soninke West African West African West African 1 1 4 2 no c_soso
1881 Naupaktos Epirus Epirus Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_naupactus
1882 Serrae Thessalonika Greece Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 no c_seres
1883 Kastoria Orhid Epirus Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_kastoria
1884 Traianopolis Adrianopolis Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_traianopolis
1885 Maroneia Adrianopolis Thrace Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 4 no c_maroneia
1886 Avlonas Dyrrachion Epirus Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_aulon
1887 Bitola Ohrid Epirus Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_lyncestis
1888 Astibus Strymon Bulgaria Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Bulgarian Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_astibus
1889 Zakynthos Cephalonia Epirus Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 1 no c_zakynthos
1890 Korkyra Cephalonia Epirus Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 1 no c_corfu
1895 Belukha Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_belukha
1896 Khüiten Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_khuiten
1897 Mönkh Khairkhan Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Manichaean Manichaean Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_monkh_khairkhan
1898 Markakol Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_markakol
1899 Abakan Abakan Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_abakan
1900 Tom Abakan Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tom
1901 Kuznetsk Abakan Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_kuznetsk
1902 Eastern Sayan Ötÿken Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_eastern_sayan
1903 Khövsgöl Ötÿken Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_khovsgol
1904 Egiin Ötÿken Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_egiin
1905 Tannu Ola Uvs Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tannu_ola
1906 Uvs Uvs Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_uvs
1907 Kharkiraa Uvs Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_kharkhiraa
1908 Tsambagarav Uvs Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tsambagarav
1909 Khökh Serkh Gobi Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_khokh_serkh
1910 Sutai Gobi Altay Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_sutai
1911 Khasagt Khairkhan Gobi Altay Mongolia Tartaria Kirghiz Kirghiz Kirghiz Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_khasagt_khairkhan
1912 Otgontenger Khangai Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_otgontenger
1913 Suvraga Khairkhan Khangai Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_suvraga_khairkhan
1914 Tarvagatai Khangai Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tarvagatai
1915 Terkhiin Tsagaan Khangai Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_terkhiin_tsagaan
1916 Burkhan Buudai Ikh Bogd Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_burkhan_buudai
1917 Gurvan Saikhan Ikh Bogd Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_gurvan_saikhan
1918 Delgerkhangai Ikh Bogd Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_delgerkhangai
1919 Juyan Juyan Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Tangut Tengri Tengri Buddhist 1 1 1 2 no c_juyan
1920 Orkhon Kara Khorun Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_orkhon
1921 Selenge Baygal Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_selenge
1922 Uda Baygal Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_uda
1923 Khilok Baygal Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_khilok
1924 Chikoi Baygal Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Uyghur Uyghur Tengri Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_chikoi
1925 Tuul Kara Khorun Mongolia Tartaria Uyghur Mongol Mongol Manichaean Tengri Tengri 1 1 1 2 no c_tuul
1926 Zatec Bohemia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Bohemian Bohemian Bohemian Slavic Slavic Catholic 1 1 3 4 no c_zatec
1927 Opava Moravia Bohemia Holy Roman Empire Slovieni Slovieni Bohemian Slavic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_opava
1928 Amastris Pahplagonia Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 yes c_amastris
1929 Kastamon Pahplagonia Trebizond Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 4 no c_kastamon
1930 Claudiopolis Bucellarian Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 3 3 3 3 no c_claudiopolis
1931 Amorion Anatolia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_amorion
1932 Akroinon Anatolia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_akroinon
1933 Nyssa Cappadocia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Iconoclast Orthodox Orthodox 1 1 1 2 no c_nyssa
1934 Charsianon Charsianon Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Paulician Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no c_charsianon
1935 Sardis Thracesia Anatolia Byzantine Empire Greek Greek Greek Orthodox Orthodox Orthodox 2 2 2 3 no Sardeis c_sardis
1936 Tregor Penthievre Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 yes c_tregor
1937 Poher Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_poher
1938 Iarmond Munster Ireland Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 4 4 yes Iarmuman, Iarmhumhain, West Munster, Locha Léin c_iarmond
1939 Iona The Isles Scotland Britannia Irish Norse Norwegian Catholic Germanic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_iona
1940 Lindisfarne Northumberland England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon English Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes c_lindisfarne
1941 Hull York England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Norse English Catholic Germanic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes c_hull
1942 Leeds York England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Norse English Catholic Germanic Catholic 4 4 4 4 no c_leeds
1943 Yoredale York England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Norse English Catholic Germanic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_yoredale
1944 Bath Somerset England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 5 5 5 5 yes c_bath
1945 Brycheiniog Gwent Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_brycheiniog
1946 Gower Deheubarth Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes Gwyr c_gower
1947 Builth Powys Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_builth
1948 Ceredigion Deheubarth Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes c_ceredigion
1949 Anglesey Gwynedd Wales Britannia Welsh Welsh Welsh Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes c_anglesey
1950 Wight Wessex England Britannia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes Isle of Wight c_wight
1951 Meath Meath Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 4 4 4 4 yes c_meath
1952 Westmeath Meath Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_westmeath
1953 Leix Leinster Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_leix
1954 North Connacht Connacht Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 yes Muaidhe c_ui_fiachrach
1955 Hy-Many Connacht Ireland Britannia Irish Irish Irish Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no Uí Maine c_hy_many
1956 Caen Normandy France Francia Frankish French Norman Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 4 4 5 yes c_caen
1957 Retz Upper Brittany Brittany Francia Breton Breton Breton Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_retz
1958 Perche Anjou France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 3 no c_perche
1959 Saumur Anjou France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_saumur
1960 Sancerre Berry France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_sancerre
1961 Clermont Picardie France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_clermont
1962 Ponthieu Picardie France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_ponthieu
1963 Senlis Paris France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_senlis
1964 Brie Champagne France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no c_brie
1965 Dunois Blois France Francia Frankish French French Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_dunois
1966 Aurillac Auvergne France Francia Occitan Occitan Occitan Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_aurillac
1967 Imotski Hum Croatia Carpathia Croatian Croatian Bosnian Slavic Orthodox Orthodox 1 2 2 3 no c_imotski
1968 Syrmia Syrmia Croatia Carpathia Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 2 3 no c_syrmia
1969 Vukovar Syrmia Croatia Carpathia Croatian Croatian Croatian Slavic Catholic Catholic 1 2 2 3 no c_vukovar
1970 Usora Bosnia Croatia Carpathia Croatian Bosnian Bosnian Slavic Catholic Bogomilist 1 2 2 4 no Usora c_soli
1971 Vrhbosna Bosnia Croatia Carpathia Bosnian Bosnian Bosnian Slavic Catholic Bogomilist 1 2 2 3 no Vrhbosna c_bilino_polje
1972 Travunia Dioclea Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 2 2 4 yes c_travunia
1973 Onogost Rashka Serbia Byzantine Empire Serbian Serbian Serbian Slavic Slavic Orthodox 1 2 2 3 no c_onogost
1974 Jaen Córdoba Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 3 3 3 4 no c_jaen
1975 Palencia León León Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castillan Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_palencia
1976 Lugo Galicia Galicia Hispania Suebi Suebi Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 no c_lugo
1977 Osma Castille Castille Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castillan Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_osma
1978 Alcala Toledo Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Castillan Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 3 no c_alcala
1979 Minden Angria Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 3 no Derve c_minden
1980 Verden Saxony Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Sturmi c_verden
1981 Frankfurt Hesse Germany Holy Roman Empire Frankish German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_frankfurt
1982 Magdeburg Saxony Germany Holy Roman Empire Saxon German German Germanic Catholic Catholic 1 3 3 4 no Dolomici, Suavia c_magdeburg
1983 Berg Cologne Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_berg
1984 Weinsberg Franconia Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Weinsberg c_rottenburg
1985 Eichstadt Nordgau Bavaria Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no c_eichstadt
1986 Saarbrücken Trier Lotharingia Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 no Saarbrucken c_saargau
1987 Marburg Hesse Germany Holy Roman Empire German German German Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 5 no Marburg c_hesse
1988 Havelberg Brandenburg Germany Holy Roman Empire Pomeranian Pomeranian Pomeranian Slavic Slavic Slavic 1 3 3 3 no c_havelberg
1989 Overijssel Gelre Frisia Holy Roman Empire Frisian Dutch Dutch Catholic Catholic Catholic 3 3 3 4 yes c_overijssel
1993 Gezira Blemmyia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 3 no c_gezira
1994 Bayuda Alodia Nubia Abyssinia Nubian Nubian Nubian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 1 1 1 2 no c_bayuda
2001 Faiyum Faiyum Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Egyptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Shiite 3 3 3 3 no al-Fayyumiya c_faiyum
2002 Akhmim Cairo Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no al-Ihmimya c_akhmim
2003 Esna Asyut Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 3 no Isna c_esna
2004 Kharibta Alexandria Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Coptic Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 3 3 3 4 no al-Badaqun c_kharibta
2005 Paraetonium Paraetonium Egypt Arabian Empire Eygptian Eygptian Eygptian Sunni Sunni Shiite 2 2 2 3 yes al-Baretoun c_paraetonium
2006 Kolzum Cairo Egypt Arabian Empire Eygptian Eygptian Eygptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Miaphysite 2 2 2 2 yes al-Kulzum c_kolzum
2007 Farafra Faiyum Egypt Arabian Empire Coptic Coptic Eygptian Miaphysite Miaphysite Shiite 2 2 2 2 no c_farafra
2012 Egitanea Beja Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Portuguese Catholic Catholic Catholic 2 2 2 4 no c_egitanea
2013 Almada Lisboa Badajoz Hispania Visigothic Andalusian Andalusian Catholic Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_almada
2014 Huelva Seville Andalusia Hispania Visigothic Visigothic Andalusian Sunni Sunni Sunni 2 2 2 4 yes c_huelva
County * * * 769 867 1066 769 867 1066 769 867 1066 Max Coastal Other names

* de jure in 1066 Blanks with - need to be checked

Non-county provinces [ edit | edit source ]

These provinces include water bodies and impassable land like the Sahara. Impassable mountain ranges do not have their own province. Terminal lake provinces are non-navigable, and disconnected from the oceans and rivers.

ID Name Type
908 Rub' al Khali Desert terra incognita
909 Sahara Desert terra incognita
910 Siberian Wastes terra incognita
923 Adrar Plateau terra incognita
924 Western Sahara terra incognita
936 Cyclades ocean
937 Sea of Crete ocean
938 Coast of Egypt ocean
939 Nile Delta ocean
940 Sea of Palestine ocean
941 Eastern Mediterranean ocean
942 Western Aegean Sea ocean
943 Näsijärvi terminal lake
944 Aral Sea river
945 Levantine Sea ocean
946 Cilician Sea ocean
947 Sea of Marmara ocean
948 Gulf of Varna ocean
949 Coast of Taurida ocean
950 Black Sea ocean
951 Coast of Kolkhida ocean
952 Caspian Sea river
953 Coast of Morocco ocean
954 Strait of Gibraltar ocean
955 Saimaa terminal lake
956 Kallavesi terminal lake
957 Oulujärvi terminal lake
958 Ladoga river
959 Mälaren ocean
960 Faroya ocean
961 Hjälmaren terminal lake
962 Vättern terminal lake
963 Vänern terminal lake
964 White Sea ocean
965 Strait of Dover ocean
966 The Solent ocean
967 Land's End ocean
968 St. George's Channel ocean
969 Sea of Azov ocean
970 Cabo de Finisterre ocean
971 Bodensee terminal lake
972 Kara-Bogaz Gol river
973 Waddenzee ocean
974 Bay of Biscay ocean
975 Donegal Bay ocean
976 Sea of Canarias ocean
977 Bretagne Coast ocean
978 Lake Chad terminal lake
979 Tiveriade Lake terminal lake
980 Portugal Coast ocean
981 Golfo de Cadiz ocean
982 Southern Coast of Iceland ocean
983 Dead Sea terminal lake
984 North Atlantic ocean
985 North Atlantic ocean
986 North Sea ocean
987 North Sea ocean
988 North Sea ocean
989 North Sea ocean
990 Sea of Shetland ocean
991 Bantry Bay ocean
992 The Minch ocean
993 Moray Firth ocean
994 Firth of Forth ocean
995 Dogger Bank ocean
996 The Wash ocean
997 Lake Onega river
998 North Sea ocean
999 The Sound ocean
1000 Gulf of Heligoland ocean
1001 Kattegat ocean
1002 Gulf of Danzig ocean
1003 Bight of Hanö ocean
1004 Baltic Sea ocean
1005 Sea of Åland ocean
1006 Gulf of Finland ocean
1007 Gulf of Bothnia ocean
1008 Gulf of Bothnia ocean
1009 Baie de la Seine ocean
1010 Îles de la Manche ocean
1011 Mauretanian Coast ocean
1012 Peipus terminal lake
1014 Coast of Asturias ocean
1015 Armorican Coast ocean
1016 Celtic Sea ocean
1017 Western Cyclades ocean
1018 Päijänne terminal lake
1019 Irish Sea ocean
1020 Western Mediterranean ocean
1021 Golfo de Valencia ocean
1022 Islas Baleares ocean
1023 Ponant ocean
1024 Mediterranean Sea ocean
1025 Golfe du Lion ocean
1026 Lake Léman terminal lake
1027 Côte d'Azur ocean
1028 Ligurian Sea ocean
1029 Coast of Rome ocean
1030 Coast of Sardegna ocean
1031 Golfo di Napoli ocean
1032 Strait di Messina ocean
1033 Golfe de Hammamet ocean
1034 Malta Channel ocean
1035 Gulf of Sidra ocean
1036 Golfo di Taranto ocean
1037 Ionian Sea ocean
1038 Strait of Otranto ocean
1039 Loire river
1040 Loire river
1041 Seine river
1042 Seine river
1043 Rhine river
1044 Rhine river
1045 Rhine river
1046 Elbe river
1047 Elbe river
1048 Elbe river
1049 Elbe river
1050 Elbe river
1051 Vistula river
1052 Vistula river
1053 Vistula river
1054 Vistula river
1055 Vistula river
1056 Dniester river
1057 Dniester river
1058 Danube river
1059 Danube river
1060 Danube river
1061 Danube river
1062 Isle of Koulali river
1063 Danube river
1064 Gulf of Astrabat river
1065 Danube river
1066 Danube river
1067 Danube river
1068 Danube river
1069 Danube river
1070 Dnieper river
1071 Dnieper river
1072 Dnieper river
1073 Desna river
1074 Desna river
1075 Desna river
1076 Dnieper river
1077 Dnieper river
1078 Dnieper river
1079 Pripyat river
1080 Daugava river
1081 Daugava river
1082 Dwina river
1083 Neva river
1084 Svir river
1085 Volkhov river
1086 Ilmen river
1087 Lovat river
1088 Don river
1089 Don river
1090 Don river
1091 Don river
1092 Volga river
1093 Volga river
1094 Volga river
1095 Volga river
1096 Volga river
1097 Volga river
1098 Volga river
1099 Volga river
1100 Volga river
1101 Volga river
1102 Oka river
1103 Volga river
1104 Oka river
1105 Moskva river
1106 Moskva river
1107 Garonne river
1108 Garonne river
1109 Adriatic Sea ocean
1110 Gulf of Venice ocean
1111 Aegean Sea ocean
1293 Gulf of Kutch ocean
1305 Lake Balkhash terminal lake
1307 Indus river
1308 Indus river
1309 Indus river
1310 Indus river
1311 Ganges river
1312 Ganges river
1313 Ganges river
1314 Ganges river
1315 Ganges river
1316 Brahmaputra river
1317 Brahmaputra river
1347 Taklamakan Desert terra incognita
1348 Arakan Mountains terra incognita
1382 Sea of Calm ocean
1383 Northern Red Sea ocean
1384 Central Red Sea ocean
1385 Southern Red Sea ocean
1386 Strait of Mandeb ocean
1387 Gulf of Aden ocean
1388 Horn of Africa ocean
1389 Coast of Dhofar ocean
1390 Southern Coast of Oman ocean
1391 Coast of Muscat ocean
1392 Gulf of Oman ocean
1393 Strait of Hormuz ocean
1394 Eastern Persian Gulf ocean
1395 Western Persian Gulf ocean
1396 Coast of Makran ocean
1397 Indus Delta ocean
1398 Coast of Gujarat ocean
1399 Coast of Konkan ocean
1400 Coast of Malabar ocean
1401 Karnataka Coast ocean
1402 Gulf of Mannar ocean
1403 South Lanka Coast ocean
1404 Palk Strait ocean
1405 North Lanka Coast ocean
1406 South Coromandel Coast ocean
1407 North Coromandel Coast ocean
1409 Coast of Orissa ocean
1410 Coast of Kataka ocean
1411 Ganges Delta ocean
1412 Arabian Sea ocean
1509 Silk Road external
1510 Silk Road external
1512 Silk Road external
1529 Lake Baikal terminal lake
1549 Badiyat ash Sham Desert terra incognita
1580 Lop Nor terminal lake
1618 Northern Coast of Iceland ocean
1619 Western Coast of Iceland ocean
1626 Pripyat river
1627 Dniester river
1628 Kama river
1629 Kama river
1630 Kama river
1673 Oka river
1674 Oka river
1686 North Sea ocean
1766 Central Africa terra incognita
1767 Eastern Sahara terra incognita
1783 Algerian Coast ocean
1784 Cantabrian Sea ocean
1785 Coast of Aquitaine ocean
1786 Lake Sariqamish terminal lake
1790 Kara-Kum Desert terra incognita
1800 Blue Sea river
1801 Coast of Itil river
1802 Agragan Riviera river
1803 Shirvan Coast river
1804 Balkan Gulf river
1846 Chosha Bay ocean
1847 Arctic Sea ocean
1855 Lake Zaysan ocean
1891 Peloponnesian Bay ocean
1892 Mediterranean Sea ocean
1893 Coast of Tripolitana ocean
1894 Tyrrhenian Sea ocean
1990 Lough Neagh terminal lake
1991 Lough Erne terminal lake
1992 Lough Mask terminal lake
1995 Nile river
1996 Nile river
1997 Nile river
1998 Nile river
1999 Nile river
2000 Nile river
2008 Tago river
2009 Tago river
2010 al-Wadi al-Kabir river
2011 al-Wadi al-Kabir river
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  1. File:Conclave education.jpg

    ck2 education

  2. Crusader Kings 2 Tutorial : Children Education

    ck2 education

  3. Steam Community :: Guide :: Advanced tips and tricks for beginners

    ck2 education

  4. Best mods

    ck2 education

  5. My first success with the Conclave education system : r/CrusaderKings

    ck2 education

  6. Protein Kinase CK2

    ck2 education


  1. Education

    Learn how education affects character traits and attributes in the medieval strategy game Crusader Kings II. Find out how to choose guardians, tutors, and education traits for your heirs and wards.

  2. Education (Conclave)

    If the Conclave DLC is active, the education system occurs in three stages: . From ages 6 to 11, the child's education is determined by a childhood focus, which cannot be changed once set.The chosen focus determines which childhood traits the child is likely to receive;; From the age of 12 to 15, the child becomes an adolescent and may be given an education focus, which also cannot be changed ...

  3. Education (Guide)

    Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3

  4. Comprehensive guide to education in Conclave

    The child will receive an education trait for the attribute selected in the adolescent's focus. Which level is selected is randomized, with heavy weights thrown in depending on which traits the child has/had. "Good" traits increase the likelihood of getting a better level. "Bad" traits increase the likelihood of a lower level.

  5. Steam Community :: Guide :: The education system explained: how to

    Hopefully this clears up the education system a bit. The education traits are nice, but with the modifiers not having a big of an effect as you might think it's probably not worth min-maxing any more than quickly doing the above calculation to make a choice. Interestingly enough, the game says this education check should be done every 6 months.

  6. The education system explained: how to choose a guardian and ...

    If 7 >= education_variable < 11 you will get the level 2 education trait. If education_variable < 7 you will get the level 1 education trait. Simple enough, but how does the game calculate this variable? Every year the game rolls a random chance. There are two outcomes: Success or Failure. If you succeed, the game adds 2 points to your ...

  7. Education

    Crusader Kings II Wiki. in: Game Mechanics, Beginner's Guide. Education. Like with breeding, much of the code for education is hardcoded, and as such much of this installment will be based on personal experience rather than the game files. I'll go into how education works, and how to get the most out of it. As always, there's a summary at the end.

  8. Conclave Education System for Dummies :: Crusader Kings II General

    A guide to simplify education in the game Crusader Kings II, with tips on how to choose the best education, traits and focus for your characters. Learn how to breed, train and develop your heirs with this quick and dirty guide.

  9. Would like to share my education chart for CK2 Conclave and the

    If you want an Intrigue education you're much better off going with Thrift. Thrift has both much lower risk of bad traits and education and can result in 2 of Shrewd, Patient or Diligent, which is better than Gregarious + Charitable, especially since Diligent is the opposite of Slothful and increases the likelihood of getting a higher education ...

  10. Education Guide Advice : r/CrusaderKings

    It starts at age 0. At birth you must pick a child focus, generally the duty focus is my default for my heir, or potential heirs, thrift is also good. Faith for anyone going to the church, or who you want to convert. What you have to accept with the new system is that you aren't in control anymore, for better or worse.

  11. Traits

    Traits represent a character's personality, abilities, reputation, and physical characteristics. They can be gained or lost during events and education.They affect a variety of areas, everything from attributes to relations.Additionally, most traits are tied to certain events occurring or affect which options are available in events. Paying attention to obtaining the right traits is essential ...

  12. Is it possible to improve your characters "Learning Education" to a

    I know there are rare events where you can randomly improve your characters Martial education to a higher one (don't know the requisites behind that event though). And on the other discussion forumns I've read that it is apparently possible to increase one's Stewardship education (though it has never happened to me). ... Crusader Kings II. All ...

  13. [Sub-Mod] AGOT Meta AI Education

    This is an auto education mod that uses variables to determine a child's guardian. Best used with vanilla AI education game rule setting. For more detailed information and instructions on how to use the manual education/guardian features, go here: Meta AI Education by BLKCandy. I also added a decision under the decision menu to set all your ...

  14. possible to change education (console or otherwise)?

    I've never found console commands for changing the education type or the trait they get when they come of age. 1. Award. candypantswoo. • 10 yr. ago. event reeducation.2 I think. 1. Award. There is a huge child in my court who I would like to groom for my army but his parents gave him a steward education.

  15. Focus

    A focus defines the general development objective of a character. If the Way of Life DLC is active, adults can choose a long-term effort among ten focuses (two for each attribute ). Choose focus screen (v.2.8) By choosing a focus, a ruler: Gets an immediate boost to the corresponding attribute;

  16. The Moskva Challenge! : r/CrusaderKings

    The Moskva Challenge! Here's the Challenge, and it's rules. 1: Play as a count from Moskva. 2: Keep your capital at Moskva AT ALL TIMES. Not even if there is a county with better tech. 3: Try to become the Tsar of the Russian Empire.

  17. Crusader Kings 3: The 6 Most Important Things To Do First

    Crusader Kings 3: The 24 Best Starting Rulers For Beginners. Beginner players might struggle to decide their starting ruler in Crusader Kings 3, but this guide will help players make the right choice.

  18. Learning

    Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis. Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3.

  19. [CK2+] Medieval Communism Intensifies : r/CrusaderKings

    Revolution means murdering a of people in order to implement your system. Revolutionary communism means murdering people whose main crime was being too wealthy, or too politically unpopular. There are a lot of people who think that it will be quick, popular, and relatively bloodless.

  20. Provinces

    A province is the smallest division visible on the map. Each province has a corresponding County title identified with its capital settlement.The terms are somewhat interchangeable. A ruler who controls one or more counties and no higher title is generically known as a Count / Countess, although special names may be used instead depending on a combination of religion, culture and government type.

  21. Downloaded Ck2 for the first time a few days ago and after many

    Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet.