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Computer Science Ph.D. Program

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The Cornell Ph.D. program in computer science is consistently ranked among the top six departments in the country, with world-class research covering all of computer science. Our computer science program is distinguished by the excellence of the faculty, by a long tradition of pioneering research, and by the breadth of its Ph.D. program. Faculty and Ph.D. students are located both in Ithaca and in New York City at the Cornell Tech campus . The Field of Computer Science also includes faculty members from other departments (Electrical Engineering, Information Science, Applied Math, Mathematics, Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Computational Biology, and Architecture) who can supervise a student's Ph.D. thesis research in computer science.

Over the past years we've increased our strength in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer graphics, systems, security, machine learning, and digital libraries, while maintaining our depth in traditional areas such as theory, programming languages and scientific computing.  You can find out more about our research here . 

The department provides an exceptionally open and friendly atmosphere that encourages the sharing of ideas across all areas. 

Cornell is located in the heart of the Finger Lakes region. This beautiful area provides many opportunities for recreational activities such as sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking, both downhill and cross-country skiing, ice skating, rock climbing, hiking, camping, and brewery/cider/wine-tasting. In fact, Cornell offers courses in all of these activities.

The Cornell Tech campus in New York City is located on Roosevelt Island.  Cornell Tech  is a graduate school conceived and implemented expressly to integrate the study of technology with business, law, and design. There are now over a half-dozen masters programs on offer as well as doctoral studies.

FAQ with more information about the two campuses .

Ph.D. Program Structure

Each year, about 30-40 new Ph.D. students join the department. During the first two semesters, students become familiar with the faculty members and their areas of research by taking graduate courses, attending research seminars, and participating in research projects. By the end of the first year, each student selects a specific area and forms a committee based on the student's research interests. This “Special Committee” of three or more faculty members will guide the student through to a Ph.D. dissertation. Ph.D. students that decide to work with a faculty member based at Cornell Tech typically move to New York City after a year in Ithaca.

The Field believes that certain areas are so fundamental to Computer Science that all students should be competent in them. Ph.D. candidates are expected to demonstrate competency in four areas of computer science at the high undergraduate level: theory, programming languages, systems, and artificial intelligence.

Each student then focuses on a specific topic of research and begins a preliminary investigation of that topic. The initial results are presented during a comprehensive oral evaluation, which is administered by the members of the student's Special Committee. The objective of this examination, usually taken in the third year, is to evaluate a student's ability to undertake original research at the Ph.D. level.

The final oral examination, a public defense of the dissertation, is taken before the Special Committee.

To encourage students to explore areas other than Computer Science, the department requires that students complete an outside minor. Cornell offers almost 90 fields from which a minor can be chosen. Some students elect to minor in related fields such as Applied Mathematics, Information Science, Electrical Engineering, or Operations Research. Others use this opportunity to pursue interests as diverse as Music, Theater, Psychology, Women's Studies, Philosophy, and Finance.

The computer science Ph.D. program complies with the requirements of the Cornell Graduate School , which include requirements on residency, minimum grades, examinations, and dissertation.

The Department also administers a very small 2-year Master of Science program (with thesis). Students in this program serve as teaching assistants and receive full tuition plus a stipend for their services.

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Department of Computer Science

School of Engineering & Applied Science

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PhD in Computer Science

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Department of Computer Science | School of Engineering & Applied Science

The Ph.D. in Computer Science aims to build the next generation of scholars in computer science research. At GW, doctoral students can expect to work closely with a faculty advisor in their chosen research area to create a curriculum plan and guidance for the doctoral dissertation. Students have the opportunities to teach introductory-level courses to undergraduates, present conference papers, and work with faculty on research grant applications.

With its unique location of Washington, D.C., GW maintains access and connections to one of the highest concentrations of tech companies in the country, as well as research-granting federal institutes, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), NASA , National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Naval Research Laboratory . 

For Prospective Students:

Admissions requirements.

  • If an applicant has obtained a master’s degree, a minimum grade point average of 3.5 (on a scale of 4.0) is required.
  • If an applicant has only obtained a bachelor’s degree, the minimum grade point average must be a 3.3 (on a scale of 4.0).
  • Completion of two math courses beyond pre-calculus.
  • Strong academic background that includes courses in structured programming language, discrete structures and data structures.
  • Successful submission of online application form, exam scores and other documents as outlined in the admissions requirements .

Faculty Advisor & Research Area

We strongly recommend that prospective doctoral students determine a faculty member in the department with whom they would like to work, as well as the research area of interest.

Top research areas of the department:

  • Algorithms and theory
  • Computer architecture, networks, parallel and distributed computing
  • Computer security and information assurance
  • Database and information retrieval systems
  • Machine intelligence and cognition
  • Multimedia, animation, graphics and user interface
  • Software engineering and systems

Download Faculty & Research Factsheet (PDF)

For Current Students: 

The general requirements are stated under School of Engineering, Doctoral Program Regulations . 

Program Requirements

Relevant Forms

  • Preliminary examination form
  • Proposal defense report form
  • Final examination approval form
  • Dissertation completion form
  • Additional forms and resources from SEAS

PhD Course Guidelines:

PhD students must work with their advisors to develop a program of study that meets the following requirements.

  • For direct Ph.D. degree students: 54 credit hours (minimum of 42 credit hours of course work available for graduate credit and minimum of 12 credit hours of dissertation research credits (CSCI 8999)) are required. Additionally, a student should continue to enroll in Continuing Research - Doctoral (SEAS 0940) until their dissertation is completed.
  • For post-Master’s Ph.D. students: 18 credit hours of course work available for graduate credit and 12 credit hours of dissertation research credits (CSCI 8999) are required. Additionally, a student should continue to enroll in Continuing Research - Doctoral  (SEAS 0940) until their dissertation is completed. 
  • A maximum of 15 credits outside of the department for direct Ph.D. students; a maximum of 9 credits outside of the department for post-Master’s Ph.D. students.
  • Algorithms and theory;
  • Software and systems
  • See details in the Preliminary Examination section below. 

Preliminary Examination

Failure of full-time students to pass the preliminary examination by the end of the fourth semester will lead to dismissal from the program.

Students who register for 6 credits or fewer in three consecutive semesters are part-time. Part-time students are required to pass the preliminary examination within their first three years, or 30 credits, of enrollment in the PhD program. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program.

To demonstrate competency, students may take one course in each of the following areas:

  • Algorithms and theory: CSCI 6212 Design and Analysis of Algorithms or CSCI 6311 Theory of Computation
  • Software and systems: CSCI 6221 Advanced Software Paradigms, or CSCI 6431 Computer Networks, or CSCI 6461 Computer System Architecture

Competency is demonstrated in one of two ways:

  • By completing the course with a minimum grade of A-; or,
  • By taking only the written, in-class examinations in the course. With this option, students must pass all exams given during a semester, earning a minimum grade of A- in each. 

Students who prove, via their official transcript, that they earned the requisite grades as part of their master’s degree may apply that result to the preliminary exam requirement. 

Students must submit a Preliminary Examination Form to the Department of Computer Science after completing the requirements for the preliminary exam. 

Publication Requirements

Students must have at least one peer-reviewed conference or journal paper accepted for publication at the time of the dissertation defense.

As a guideline, students are expected to have at least two or three conference or journal papers accepted for publication by the time of their dissertation defense, and the material from those papers should be the core of the dissertation.


Dissertation advisor and co-advisor(s).

Every PhD dissertation must be supervised by a faculty advisor who must be (1) a regular full-time faculty member of GW with a primary or secondary appointment in the CS Department, or (2) a research faculty member of the CS Department. Besides the dissertation advisor, a PhD student may have one or more co-advisor(s), who may be full-time or part-time faculty at GW, or professionals from outside the university. Co-advisors are expected to hold a terminal degree.

Forming a dissertation committee

  • The dissertation committee must consist of at least three members, including the major advisor. Additional advisor(s) and co-advisors are optional and additional to the three members.
  • The committee must have a presiding chair who is a regular full-time faculty member whose primary appointment is in the Department of Computer Science. The committee chair may not be the student's research advisor or co-advisor.
  • Faculty with secondary appointments in the Department of Computer Science are not considered regular full-time faculty members in the Department.
  • At least one member of the committee must be an external reviewer. The external reviewer must hold a doctoral degree. They may not be a research advisor or co-advisor of the student. They should have a primary appointment in another GW department or outside the University.
  • The dissertation committee must be approved by the Chair of the Department of Computer Science.
  • The committee membership is normally the same for the dissertation proposal examination and the dissertation defense. However, the membership may change with the approval of the advisor and department chair.

Dissertation proposal defense

  • The defense may not take place before the student has passed the preliminary examination.
  • The student’s advisor must approve the scheduling of the dissertation proposal defense.
  • The student submits a written proposal, in the style of a dissertation, to the members of the dissertation committee. The proposal should contain preliminary results.
  • The dissertation committee evaluates the proposal and conduct an oral examination of the student. The committee conveys its recommendation of pass/fail to the Department of Computer Science.
  • A proposal defense report should be filed.  

Dissertation defense

  • The dissertation defense may not be scheduled before the student has passed the dissertation proposal defense.
  • The student’s advisor must approve the scheduling of the dissertation defense.
  • The student submits a written dissertation to the members of the dissertation committee, normally two or more weeks in advance of the defense. The writing should follow the dissertation writing guidelines .
  • The committee evaluates the dissertation and conducts an oral examination of the student. The committee conveys its recommendation to pass or fail to the Department of Computer Science.
  • The final examination approval form and the dissertation completion form should be filed.

University Graduation and Scholarship Requirements

Students are responsible for knowing the University’s graduation and scholarships requirements. Consult the University Regulations section of this Bulletin. Students should consult the department for additional information and requirements.

person holding a writing implement using a notepad, sitting in front of a computer

Doctoral Degree in Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon's Ph.D. in Computer Science is, above all, a research degree. When the faculty award a Ph.D., they certify that the student has a broad foundation and awareness of core concepts in computer science, has advanced the field by performing significant original research and has reported that work in a scholarly fashion.

When you begin our Ph.D. program, you’ll take the Introductory Course for Doctoral Students — an intense two week program that orients you to the department, introduces you to research and education topics our faculty are interested in, helps you find a faculty advisor and familiarizes you with Carnegie Mellon’s resources. Next, you’ll gain a broad understanding of fundamental research issues in major areas of computer science through coursework and original research. Finally, you’ll write and orally defend a thesis that guarantees you understand the area well enough to advance the state of knowledge in the field.

During the first two years of the program, you’ll gain the foundation of knowledge that will allow you to become an expert researcher in computer science, primarily by

Mastering a body of graduate material, achieved by passing 96 university units worth of graduate courses (equivalent to eight full-time courses).

Learning how to organize and begin to carry out original research, achieved by participating in directed research.

You will also serve as a teaching assistant, hone your writing and speaking skills and maintain your programming prowess. You’ll also receive periodic evaluation of your progress, and must make satisfactory progress to continue in the program.

Time Commitment:

As a Ph.D. student in computer science at CMU, you'll spend roughly five years acquiring a body of technical knowledge that includes a familiarity with the breadth of the field, as well as a deep understanding of your research area. From your second month in the program, you'll work closely with your faculty advisor, who is charged with guiding your education and monitoring your progress through the program. You'll take courses, teach and perform directed research — all to ensure that you leave Carnegie Mellon as an expert in your field. For a complete breakdown of our program requirements, read our Ph.D. Handbook .

Financial Information:

The Computer Science Department offers all Ph.D. students full financial support while they are in good academic standing in their respective programs. To learn more about Ph.D. funding, visit the SCS  Doctoral Programs  webpage.

Graduate Tuition:

Student Fees:

Carnegie Mellon Graduate Student Financial Aid:

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  • Northwestern Engineering

PhD candidates choose and complete a program of study that corresponds with their intended field of inquiry.

Academics   /   Graduate PhD in Computer Science

The doctor of philosophy in computer science program at Northwestern University primarily prepares students to become expert independent researchers. PhD students conduct original transformational research in extant and emerging computer science topics. Students work alongside top researchers to advance the core CS fields from Theory to AI and Systems and Networking . In addition, PhD students have the opportunity to collaborate with CS+X faculty who are jointly appointed between CS and disciplines including business, law, economics, journalism, and medicine.

Joining a Track

Doctor of philosophy in computer science students follow the course requirements, qualifying exam structure, and thesis process specific to one of five tracks :

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Computer Engineering

Within each track, students explore many areas of interest, including programming languages , security and privacy and human-computer interaction .

Learn more about computer science research areas

Curriculum and Requirements

The focus of the CS PhD program is learning how to do research by doing research, and students are expected to spend at least 50% of their time on research. Students complete ten graduate curriculum requirements (including COMP_SCI 496: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Computer Science ), and additional course selection is tailored based on individual experience, research track, and interests. Students must also successfully complete a qualifying exam to be admitted to candidacy.

CS PhD Manual Apply now

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Download a PDF program guide about your program of interest and get in contact with our graduate admissions staff.

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Opportunities for PhD Students

Cognitive science certificate.

Computer science PhD students may earn a specialization in cognitive science by taking six cognitive science courses. In addition to broadening a student’s area of study and improving their resume, students attend cognitive science events and lectures, they can receive conference travel support, and they are exposed to cross-disciplinary exchanges.

The Crown Family Graduate Internship Program

PhD candidates may elect to participate in the Crown Family Graduate Internship Program. This opportunity allows the doctoral candidate to gain practical experience in industry or in national research laboratories in areas closely related to their research.

Management for Scientists and Engineers Certificate Program

The certificate program — jointly offered by The Graduate School and Kellogg School of Management — provides post-candidacy doctoral students with a basic understanding of strategy, finance, risk and uncertainty, marketing, accounting and leadership. Students are introduced to business concepts and specific frameworks for effective management relevant to both for-profit and nonprofit sectors.

Career Paths

Recent graduates of the computer science PhD program are pursuing careers in industry & research labs, academia, and startups.

  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Northeastern
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Washington
  • Naval Research Laboratory
  • Northwestern University

Industry & Research Labs

  • Adobe Research
  • Narrative Science
  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory

More in this section

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Related Links

  • The Graduate School
  • Graduate Funding
  • International Office
  • Graduate Housing
  • Meet Our Faculty

Contact Info

Admissions Questions

Help for Current PhD Students

Director of Graduate Studies for PhD Program

Brian Suchy

What Students Are Saying

"One great benefit of Northwestern is the collaborative effort of the CS department that enabled me to work on projects involving multiple faculty, each with their own diverse set of expertise.

Northwestern maintains a great balance: you will work on leading research at a top-tier institution, and you won't get lost in the mix."

— Brian Suchy, PhD Candidate, Computer Systems

Yiding Feng

What Alumni Are Saying

"In the early stage of my PhD program, I took several courses from the Department of Economics and the Kellogg School of Management and, later, I started collaborating with researchers in those areas. The experience taught me how to have an open mind to embrace and work with people with different backgrounds."

— Yiding Feng (PhD '21), postdoctoral researcher, Microsoft Research Lab – New England

Read an alumni profile of Yiding Feng

Maxwell Crouse

"My work at IBM Research involves bringing together symbolic and deep learning techniques to solve problems in interpretable, effective ways, which means I must draw upon the research I did at Northwestern quite frequently."

— Maxwell Crouse (PhD '21), AI Research Scientist, IBM Research

Read an alumni profile of Maxwell Crouse

Vaidehi Srinivas

The theory group here is very warm and close-knit. Starting a PhD is daunting, and it is comforting to have a community I can lean on.

— Vaidehi Srinivas, PhD Candidate, CS Theory

a student works on a project

PhD in Computer Science

The PhD in Computer Science program provides students with the advanced coursework and groundbreaking research opportunities they need to contribute at the forefront of the world’s fastest-growing fields. Forging knowledge in 15 core areas like artificial intelligence, data science, programming languages, and human-centered computing, you’ll gain significant expertise in conducting and presenting the results of your research. Ultimately, you’ll produce and defend original work that contributes to critical discourse in your chosen area.

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Khoury College doctorate students gain deep knowledge and invaluable experience—preparing you for a research career in academia or industry.

Khoury Computer Science PhD graduates have found prestigious positions across industry and academia.

Tenure-track faculty:

  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • University of British Columbia (UBC)
  • Indiana University
  • University of Maryland
  • University College London
  • NC State University
  • UMass Boston
  • City University of Hong Kong

Postdoc research scientists:

  • University of Paris
  • Virginia Tech
  • Microsoft Research
  • GE Global Research

Senior software engineers and industry leaders:

Students graduating with a PhD in Computer Science will:

  • Gain a broad understanding of computer science fundamentals, spanning a substantial portion of the following core areas: artificial intelligence and data science, human-centered computing, software, systems, and theory
  • Gain significant expertise in at least one research area in computer science
  • Produce and defend original research in an area of computer science
  • Be able to communicate research results effectively in both oral and written forms

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Our flagship campus in Boston is just minutes away from esteemed universities, exciting start-ups, and leaders in tech, finance, health care, and more.

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PhD Program

We are proud of the quality of PhD students we attract and the training they receive. All of our students receive support, including an annual stipend, in the form of external and internal competitive fellowships, research fellowships, or teaching fellowships. As a PhD candidate, you will share in the excitement of discovery as you collaborate with our faculty on cutting-edge research . You will also acquire strong independent research skills and begin to develop your own reputation as a member of the research community.

Because the advisor-graduate relationship is the cornerstone of a successful PhD experience, all new PhD candidates are carefully matched with faculty advisors based on mutual research interests. In addition, an active three-person PhD committee is created for each PhD student to provide cogent advice throughout your degree program.

You will find the work here challenging and personally rewarding. Students who complete our PhD program are well-prepared for careers in academia, research, government, and industry. Please visit the Graduate Admissions information page  for application requirements, deadlines, and other important information.

Application Deadlines:

  • The PhD deadline for fall is December 15th. (No recruiting for spring admissions.)
  • The application will be available for submission on or around August 15.

To learn more about the PhD admissions process, please visit our PhD Admissions FAQ page .

Apply today

Learn more about the graduate admissions process and start your application.

Two students adjust a robot arm.

For Current Students

Policies, resources, forms, course information, FAQs, and services for graduate students.

Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science

Doctoral programs.


In any of the Ph.D. programs across our seven departments, you'll be matched with an advisor based primarily on mutual research interests and begin a research project on day one. All our Ph.D. students receive full financial support while in good academic standing, which helps ensure freedom to explore regardless of funding hurdles. We also believe that it's vital for advisors and students to work as peers, and the inherent flexibility of our programs means students often work with more than one faculty member and many other students during their time in SCS.

Together, our research environment and interdisciplinary mindset produce graduates who emerge into the world ready to tackle its biggest problems.

  • Doctoral Programs Home

Interested in Applying?

  • Graduate Admissions Overview
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Program Contact

Robert Frederking Associate Dean for Doctoral Programs

Explore Our Ph.D. Programs

Ray and stephanie lane computational biology department, computer science department, human-computer interaction institute.

Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction

Language Technologies Institute

Ph.D. in Language and Information Technologies

Machine Learning Department

Robotics institute.

Ph.D. in Robotics

Software and Societal Systems Department

Ph.D. in Societal Computing (SC) Ph.D. in Software Engineering (SE)

Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs

The carnegie mellon portugal program (cmu portugal), ph.d. in computer science/dual degree portugal, ph.d. in human-computer interaction/dual degree portugal, ph.d. in language and information technologies/dual degree portugal, ph.d. in robotics/dual degree portugal, ph.d. in societal computing/dual degree portugal, ph.d. in software engineering/dual degree portugal.

phd computer science work

Doctoral Program

The primary focus of the doctoral program is research, with the philosophy that students learn best by doing—beginning as apprentices and becoming junior colleagues working with faculty on scholarly research projects. The faculty in the department conduct research in all areas of computer science. The doctoral degree requires a dissertation based on the candidate’s original research, which is supervised by a faculty member, and all students in the doctioral program are actively engaged in research throughout the program.

The PhD is the Computer Science Department’s primary doctoral program.  PhD students are expected to be full-time on-campus during every fall and spring academic semester from initial enrollment until the dissertation has been distributed to their defense committee, except during leaves of absence approved by the university.  PhD students spend at least half of their time on research under the direction of their faculty adviser from their first day in the program and devote themselves full time to research after coursework and other preliminaries have been completed. PhD students are also expected to participate in departmental and laboratory activities full time throughout the program, except possibly for summer internships elsewhere, and the department does not consider admission of part-time PhD students. The policy on outside activities by PhD students is here .


  • Program Requirements
  • MS leading to PhD
  • Milestones Chart
  • Milestones Registration Form: Candidacy, Thesis Proposal, Thesis Defense
  • Doctoral Course Import Forms
  • Doctoral Algorithms Prerequisite Form
  • Data Science Specialization Option  (further details here )


  • Registration
  • SEAS Doctoral Fieldwork (CPT) Policy
  • Time-Off Policy for Doctoral Students on Appointment in the Sciences and Related Research Fields


  • CAREER Club
  • Computer Science Open Data
  • Computer Science Graduate Job and Interview Guide
  • Background in case you ever need to teach online with two days notice
  • The Definitive ‘what do I ask/look for’ in a PhD Advisor Guide
  • The Thesis Whisperer
  • Prem Devanbu’s Review Anti-Patterns
  • Computer Science Rankings
  • Michael Ernst’s Compilation of Great Advice
  • Productivity Tips for PhD Students
  • Getting Admitted to a Top PhD Program
  • Tips on the Interview Process
  • Networking on the network
  • Advice on research and writing
  • More advice on writing
  • Corporate Lab or Academic Department, Which Fits?
  • How To Survive A Thesis Defense
  • 10 easy ways to fail a PhD
  • Dealing with plagiarism
  • Academic job site
  • Computing Research Association
  • IEEE Computer Society

(link suggestions appreciated; send email to [email protected] )

Last updated on July 11, 2024.

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In the News

Press mentions, dean boyce's statement on amicus brief filed by president bollinger.

President Bollinger announced that Columbia University along with many other academic institutions (sixteen, including all Ivy League universities) filed an amicus brief in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York challenging the Executive Order regarding immigrants from seven designated countries and refugees. Among other things, the brief asserts that “safety and security concerns can be addressed in a manner that is consistent with the values America has always stood for, including the free flow of ideas and people across borders and the welcoming of immigrants to our universities.”

This recent action provides a moment for us to collectively reflect on our community within Columbia Engineering and the importance of our commitment to maintaining an open and welcoming community for all students, faculty, researchers and administrative staff. As a School of Engineering and Applied Science, we are fortunate to attract students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, from across the country, and from around the world. It is a great benefit to be able to gather engineers and scientists of so many different perspectives and talents – all with a commitment to learning, a focus on pushing the frontiers of knowledge and discovery, and with a passion for translating our work to impact humanity.

I am proud of our community, and wish to take this opportunity to reinforce our collective commitment to maintaining an open and collegial environment. We are fortunate to have the privilege to learn from one another, and to study, work, and live together in such a dynamic and vibrant place as Columbia.

Mary C. Boyce Dean of Engineering Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor

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Courses This Semester

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CS PhD Course Guidelines

The following program guidelines (a.k.a model pogram) serve as a starting point for a discussion with the faculty about areas of interest.   This description of the Computer Science PhD course guidelines augments the school-wide  PhD course requirements .   Students should make themselves familiar with both.

Starting in 2024-2025, Computer Science courses that previously had 3-digit course numbers now have 4-digit numbers.  The SEAS 4-year course planner tool shows both previous and current numbers for each course.  In general, where this documentation mentions a "middle digit", it now should be read as referring to the "second digit".

Course Guidelines for Ph.D. Students in Computer Science

We expect students to obtain broad knowledge of computer science by taking graduate level courses in a variety of sub-areas in computer science, such as systems, networking, databases, algorithms, complexity, hardware, human-computer interaction, graphics, or programming languages.

Within our school, CS courses are roughly organized according to sub-area by their middle digit, so we expect students to take courses in a minimum of three distinct sub-areas, one of which should be theory (denoted by the middle digit of 2, or CS 231.  Note that CS 2281r is an exception; it is not a theory course). Theory is specifically required as we expect all students to obtain some background in the mathematical foundations that underlie computer science. The intention is not only to give breadth to students, but to ensure cross-fertilization across different sub-disciplines in Computer Science.

Just as we expect all students obtaining a Ph.D. to have experience with the theoretical foundations of computer science, we expect all students to have some knowledge of how to build large software or hardware systems , on the order of thousands of lines of code, or the equivalent complexity in hardware. That experience may be evidenced by coursework or by a project submitted to the CHD for examination. In almost all cases a course numbered CS 26x or CS 24x will satisfy the requirement (exceptions will be noted in the course description on my.harvard). Students may also petition to use CS 161 for this requirement.   For projects in other courses, research projects, or projects done in internships the student is expected to write a note explaining the project, include a link to any relevant artifacts or outcomes, describe the student's individual contribution, and where appropriate obtain a note from their advisor, their class instructor, or their supervisors confirming their contributions.  The project must include learning about systems concepts, and not just writing many lines of code.   Students hoping to invoke the non-CS24x/26x/161 option must consult with  Prof. Mickens ,  Prof, Kung,  or  Prof. Idreos  well in advance of submitting their Program Plan to the CHD.  

Computer science is an applied science, with connections to many fields. Learning about and connecting computer science to other fields is a key part of an advanced education in computer science. These connections may introduce relevant background, or they may provide an outlet for developing new applications.

For example, mathematics courses may be appropriate for someone working in theory, linguistics courses may be appropriate for someone working in computational linguistics, economics courses may be appropriate for those working in algorithmic economics, electrical engineering courses may be appropriate for those working in circuit design, and design courses may be appropriate for someone working in user interfaces.


The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (GSAS) requires all Ph.D. students to complete 16 half-courses (“courses”, i.e., for 4 units of credit) to complete their degree. Of those 16 courses, a Ph.D. in Computer Science requires 10 letter-graded courses. (The remaining 6 courses are often 300-level research courses or other undergraduate or graduate coursework beyond the 10 required courses.)

The requirements for the 10 letter-graded courses are as follows:

  • Of the 7 technical courses, at least 3 must be 200-level Computer Science courses, with 3 different middle digits (from the set 2,3,4,5,6,7,8), and with one of these three courses either having a middle digit of 2 or being CS 231 (i.e., a “theory” course; note that CS 2281r is an exception and is not a theory course).   Note that CS courses with a middle digit of 0 are valid technical courses, but do not contribute to the breadth requirement.
  • At least 5 of the 8 disciplinary courses must be SEAS or SEAS-equivalent 200-level courses. A “SEAS equivalent” course is a course taught by a SEAS faculty member in another FAS department. 
  • For any MIT course taken, the student must provide justification why the MIT course is necessary (i.e. SEAS does not offer the topic, the SEAS course has not been offered in recent years, etc.). MIT courses do not count as part of the 5 200-level SEAS/SEAS-equivalent courses. 
  • 2 of the 10 courses must constitute an external minor (referred to as "breadth" courses in the SEAS “ Policies of the Committee on Higher Degrees [CHD] ”) in an area outside of computer science. These courses should be clearly related; generally, this will mean the two courses are in the same discipline, although this is not mandatory. These courses must be distinct from the 8 disciplinary courses referenced above.
  • Students must demonstrate practical competence by building a large software or hardware system during the course of their graduate studies. This requirement will generally be met through a class project, but it can also be met through work done in the course of a summer internship, or in the course of research.
  • In particular, for Computer Science graduate degrees, Applied Computation courses may be counted as 100-level courses, not 200-level courses.
  • Up to 2 of the 10 courses can be 299r courses, but only 1 of the up to 2 allowed 299r courses can count toward the 8 disciplinary courses. 299r courses do not count toward the 5 200-level SEAS/SEAS-equivalent courses. If two 299r’s are taken, they can be with the same faculty but the topics must be sufficiently different.
  • A maximum of 3 graduate-level transfer classes are allowed to count towards the 10 course requirement.
  • All CS Ph.D. program plans must adhere to the SEAS-wide Ph.D. requirements, which are stated in the SEAS Policies of the Committee on Higher Degrees (CHD) . These SEAS-wide requirements are included in the items listed above, though students are encouraged to read the CHD document if there are questions, as the CHD document provides further explanation/detail on several of the items above.
  • All program plans must be approved by the CHD. Exceptions to any of these requirements require a detailed written explanation of the reasoning for the exception from the student and the student’s research advisor. Exceptions can only be approved by the CHD, and generally exceptions will only be given for unusual circumstances specific to the student’s research program.

Requirement Notes

  • Courses below the 100-level are not suitable for graduate credit.
  • For students who were required to take it, CS 2091/2092 (formerly CS 290a/b or 290hfa/hfb may be included as one of the 10 courses but it does not count toward the 200-level CS or SEAS/SEAS-equivalent course requirements nor toward the SM en route to the PhD.

Your program plan  must always comply  with both our school's General Requirements, in addition to complying with the specific requirements for Computer Science. All program plans must be approved by the Committee on Higher Degrees [CHD]. Exceptions to the requirements can only be approved by the CHD, and generally will only be given for unusual circumstances specific to the student’s research program

In Computer Science

  • First-Year Exploration
  • Concentration Information
  • Secondary Field
  • Senior Thesis
  • AB/SM Information
  • Student Organizations
  • How to Apply
  • PhD Timeline
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • Qualifying Exam
  • Committee Meetings (Review Days)
  • Committee on Higher Degrees
  • Research Interest Comparison
  • Collaborations
  • Cross-Harvard Engagement
  • Lecture Series
  • Clubs & Organizations
  • Centers & Initiatives
  • Alumni Stories

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PhD | Program Requirements

Main navigation.

On average, the program is completed in five to six years, depending on the student’s research and progress. First-year students have the opportunity to rotate in three different labs before selecting their advisor. 

The Computer Science Department also believes that teaching is an integral and important part of graduate-level education in Computer Science. In pursuing the PhD degree, students have clear and defined milestones that help guide them to the successful completion of their dissertation and oral defense. This includes a cumulative list of requirements to be completed in order for students to confer their PhD degree in Computer Science.

For any questions related to CS PhD milestone requirements, please email  [email protected]

Form/s should be submitted as a PDF and emailed to  [email protected] .  Jay Subramanian, Director of Graduation Admissions and PhD Program, approves all forms on behalf of the Department chair. The CS PhD Student Services Team will collect her signature after you submit your form/s.

  • CS300 Seminar       
  • First-Year Research Rotation Program       
  • Courses       
  • Foundation & Breadth Requirements       
  • Candidacy Requirement       
  • Qualifying Examination       
  • Teaching Requirements       
  • Reading Committee       

Thesis Proposal       

Note : A student may go to TGR status after all the Ph.D. requirements above have been completed, and just their orals and dissertation submission remain, see Special Registration Statuses page.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Program description.

The graduate programs in computer science offer intensive preparation in design, programming, theory and applications. Training is provided for both academically oriented students and students with professional goals in the many business, industrial and governmental occupations requiring advanced knowledge of computing theory and technology.

Courses and research opportunities are offered in a variety of subfields of computer science, including operating systems, computer architecture, computer graphics, pattern recognition, automata theory, combinatorics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, database design, computer networks, programming languages, software systems, analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, parallel processing, VLSI, virtual reality, internet of things, embedded and real-time systems, computational geometry, computer vision, design automation, cyber security, information assurance and data science.

The University maintains a large network of computer facilities including specialized computers for research within the program. In addition to computer science faculty, many other individuals at the University are involved in computer-related work in the physical and social sciences and in various areas of business and management. Computer science students with an interest in these important application areas may have opportunities to consult and work with talented faculty from a wide range of disciplines.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek academic positions at universities, as well as positions as researchers, senior software engineers, data scientists. Graduates often become industry experts in fields like cyber security, artificial intelligence, machine learning or natural language processing.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Test score required:  Yes

Deadlines:  University  deadlines  apply.

Other Application Requirements

Admission Option One

  • Master’s degree in computer science or its equivalent
  • GPA of at least 3.5
  • GRE revised scores of at least 308, 153, 155 and 4 for the combined, verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing components, respectively, are advisable.

Admission Option Two

  • A BS degree in related area that includes two semesters of calculus and linear algebra
  • GPA of at least 3.5 in the last 60 semester credit hours
  • GRE revised scores of at least 315, 156, 159 and 4 for the combined, verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing components, respectively, are advisable.

Applicants are admitted on a competitive basis.

Contact Information

Shyam Karrah  Email: [email protected]

Dr. Ovidiu Daescu Interim Head Department of Computer Science Email: [email protected] Office: ECSS 3.904

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas, ECW41 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 [email protected]

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Computer science.


Computer Science, PhD

The Doctor of Philosophy, the highest degree offered by the University, is conferred in recognition of marked scholarship in a broad field of knowledge as well as distinguished critical or creative achievement within a special area of the general field (the special area being the subject of the doctoral dissertation). The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer Science program in the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) is designed to meet the traditional high standards for such programs. The PhD in Computer Science is administered by the division of Computer Science in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Some aspects of the program are delegated to the CEAS Graduate Office.

The program is flexible, allowing the student to develop a plan of studies tailored to meet individual needs. Evaluation of the study plan is based on its appropriateness as a computer science program, the availability within the University of appropriate course offerings, and the availability within the division of Computer Science of a faculty member who is qualified to serve as the student’s major professor.

The PhD degree requires a minimum of 66 credits beyond the baccalaureate, including a dissertation. The student must also satisfy a residence requirement.

Many of the courses leading toward graduate degrees in CEAS are offered in the late afternoon or evening. So, students can complete much of their coursework on a part-time basis.

Admission Requirements

Credits and courses, additional requirements, application deadlines.

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars .

An applicant must meet  Graduate School requirements  plus these program requirements to be considered for admission to the program:

  • Applicants holding a MS degree in computer science will generally be admitted without deficiencies. Applicants holding a BS degree in computer science may be admitted only if they are exceptionally strong, such as with a record including successful completion of courses normally taken at the graduate level in computer science.
  • Applicants holding MS degrees from domains outside of computer science may be admitted with specific program-defined course deficiencies, provided that the deficiencies amount to no more than two courses. The student is expected to satisfy deficiency requirements within three enrolled semesters. The deficiencies are monitored by the Graduate School and the division of Computer Science. No course credits earned in making up deficiencies may be counted as program credits required for the degree. The mathematics preparation must generally include mathematics equivalent to MATH 231 . Otherwise, the made-up deficiencies must be sufficient to assure that the applicant is able to proceed with advanced work directed toward the doctoral degree.
  • A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on the basis of 4.0, in the highest degree granted. An applicant with a master’s degree in engineering or computer science having a GPA of less than 3.0, but at least equal to 2.75, may be admitted if substantial evidence can be submitted demonstrating that the applicant has the capacity to perform satisfactory doctoral work.
  • All applicants are required to submit a brief (1 or 2 page) statement describing their professional goals and at least two letters of reference.
  • The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required for all international and domestic applicants.
  • International students require proof of English language proficiency. Complete information is available at the  UWM Center for International Education .
  • Applicants with a relevant master’s degree who intend to complete an additional master’s in Computer Science at UWM should announce their plans at the time of admission, and not later than the start of their second year into the PhD program.


A student who receives a master’s degree at UWM must formally apply for admission to the Graduate School as a doctoral student before continuing studies that will be credited toward the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science.

The minimum degree requirement is 66 graduate credits beyond the bachelor’s degree. The minimum credit  distribution of coursework to be undertaken must be as follows depending on the option selected.

Course List
Code Title Credits
Select 21 credits in the major area of concentration21
Select 9 credits in an approved minor area9
Select 6 credits in mathematics and/or quantitative methods6
Take for total of 18 credits:18
Doctoral Thesis
Select 9 credits of electives9
Effective Academic Writing1
Preparing Future Engineering Faculty & Professionals2
Total Credits66

The 6-credit requirement in mathematics and/or quantitative methods may be met by satisfactorily completing certain courses specified by the Department or by taking the minor in mathematics. When such courses also count for either the major or the minor area, the remaining credits may be taken as approved electives.

The student must achieve a 3.0 GPA separately in each of the following areas: the major area, the minor area, and the quantitative methods area.

The minor is normally in another area offered in the College or in the physical sciences or mathematics or in management sciences. Consideration of any other area as a minor requires the prior approval of the Department.

A minimum of 26 credits, excluding doctoral thesis, must be at the 700 level or higher.

Major Professor as Advisor

The Graduate School requires that the student must have a major professor to advise, supervise, and approve the program of study before registering for courses. The incoming student will be assigned to an initial Program Advisor at the time of admission. Prior to the completion of 12 credits (9 credits for part-time students), the student must select a major professor who will be the student’s thesis advisor. The student, in consultation with the major professor, develops a proposed program of studies which is submitted for approval. For subsequent changes, the student must file a revised program of study for approval.

Foreign Language

There is no foreign language requirement for the degree.

The program residence requirement is satisfied either by completing 8 or more graduate credits in two consecutive semesters, exclusive of summer sessions, or by completing 6 or more graduate credits in each of three consecutive semesters, exclusive of summer sessions.

Qualifying Examination

Each student in the program must take and pass a Qualifying Examination to demonstrate that the student is qualified for doctoral-level work. The Qualifying Examination is a written exam and is structured in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. The examination is offered twice a year during the regular academic year. 

Students entering with only a bachelor’s degree or with a master’s degree in an area unrelated to their major may take the Qualifying Examination for the first time after earning 12 credits of graduate work at UWM and must successfully pass the exam before earning 30 credits of graduate work at UWM.

Students admitted after completing an appropriate master’s degree must take this examination no later than the semester immediately after 18 credits of graduate work have been earned at UWM.

A student may take the Qualifying Examination twice. On the first attempt, the student must attempt both Part 1 and Part 2 of the examination.

  • If the student passes both parts, then the student has passed the entire examination and will be permitted to proceed toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
  • If the student fails both parts, then the student must take the entire exam again at its next offering.
  • If a student passes only one of the two parts, then the student must take the examination again at its next offering, but may choose to take only the part of the examination that was not passed on the first attempt.
  • If a passing grade is not obtained on the second attempt of the Qualifying Examination, the student will not be permitted to proceed toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree.

A student who fails the qualifying exam twice is subject to dismissal from the PhD in Computer Science program. A student may appeal the failure and dismissal within 30 days of being notified of the failure. If the student does not appeal or the appeal is not granted, the College will recommend to the Graduate School that the student be dismissed. A student who is dismissed from the PhD in Computer Science program because of failing the qualifying exam may not be enrolled in the PhD in Computer Science program for a complete calendar year. This does not preclude the student from being enrolled in any other degree program offered by the University. A student who wishes to re-enroll in the program after a calendar year has passed must apply as any other student would, including payment of fees. A student readmitted after having failed the qualifying exam twice must take the qualifying exam in the first semester of matriculation and this will count as the student’s first attempt at the exam. The student may appeal this requirement prior to the first scheduled day of classes. If the student fails the qualifying exam on this first attempt, the student is permitted the customary second attempt as described above. All appeals must be in writing and directed to the CEAS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Doctoral Program Committee

The Doctoral Program Committee is proposed by the major professor in consultation with the student and the department. The Committee must include at least five graduate faculty (three from major area, one from minor area, and one from any area, including the major and minor areas). The last member may be a person from outside the University (such as another university, a research laboratory, or a relevant industrial partner), provided that person meets Graduate School requirements. The Committee may have more than five members, provided that the majority of the Committee members are from the student’s major field.

Doctoral Preliminary Examination

A student is admitted to candidacy only after successful completion of the doctoral preliminary examination conducted by the Doctoral Program Committee. This examination, which normally is oral, must be taken before the completion of 48 credits of graduate work toward the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Science and should be taken within the first seven years in the program. Prior to the examination, the student must present a proposal for a doctoral dissertation project. The examination may cover both graduate course material and items related to the proposed dissertation project.

Dissertation and Dissertator Status

The student must carry out a creative effort in the major area under the supervision of the major professor and report the results in an acceptable dissertation. The effort of the student and the major professor to produce the dissertation is reflected in the PhD in Computer Science program requirement that the student complete at least 18 credits of doctoral thesis. 

After the student has successfully completed all degree requirements except the dissertation, the student may enter Dissertator Status. Achieving Dissertator Status requires successful completion of the Doctoral Preliminary Examination and prior approval of the student’s advisor, the Doctoral Program Committee, and the Computer Science GPR of a dissertation proposal that outlines the scope of the project, the research method, and the goals to be achieved. Any proposal that may involve a financial commitment by the University also must be approved by the Office of the Dean. After having achieved Dissertator Status, the student must continue to register for 3 credits of doctoral thesis per semester during the academic year until the dissertation is completed.

Dissertation Defense

The final examination, which is oral, consists of a defense of the dissertation project. The doctoral defense examination may only be taken after all coursework and other requirements have been completed. The student must have Dissertator Status at the time of the defense.

All degree requirements must be completed within ten years from the date of initial enrollment in the doctoral program.

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Doctor of Philosophy Program

.cls-1{fill:#a91e22;}.cls-2{fill:#c2c2c2;} double-arrow program for the doctor of philosophy degree in cse.

The Doctoral degree is awarded for superior academic and research performance. Consequently, only students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic ability and research potential will be admitted to the academic and research program leading to the Doctorate. The program of study for the Ph.D. is to be developed by the student in close consultation with his/her academic advisor. Students are encouraged to work out their plan of study as soon as possible so that all requirements may be met.

  • Program Requirements: PhD Major/Minor


.cls-1{fill:#a91e22;}.cls-2{fill:#c2c2c2;} double-arrow Foreward

This brochure, together with the Graduate School Handbook, contains a complete description of requirements and procedures for the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). These requirements and the procedures for obtaining the degree are determined in part by the Graduate School, and in part by the Department. Petitions for exception to these requirements should be channeled through the departmental Graduate Studies Committee.

The material in this brochure is oriented primarily for students pursuing the Ph.D. program. Such students must be regular students, admitted to the CSE Department, and conform to Graduate School regulations; special students and students enrolled in Continuing Education must first remove any restrictions. Removal of restrictions is regulated by the Graduate School and the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee.

These procedures and requirements are subject to revision. Applicants should consult material periodically issued by the Graduate School and the Department, their advisor, or the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee for any changes or interpretation of policy. The Graduate School also maintains a counseling office for students enrolled in Ph.D. Programs.

Program for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in CSE

Each student entering the graduate program in Computer Science and Engineering is initially assigned a tentative academic advisor. Students' degree programs and all courses taken by students must be approved by their academic advisors. Students should consult their advisors as soon as possible after arriving on campus, and periodically thereafter until, upon developing a specific specialty interest, the student chooses a permanent advisor in that specialty area. This choice should be made as soon as practical.

The assignment of students to research advisors is performed by mutual agreement of the student and faculty member. The intent of this explicit agreement is to make students aware of the importance of early interactions with faculty in topic areas of mutual interest. Students are free to change their advisors when mutual research interests change. A "Change of Advisor" form is available through the Electronic Signature application called Docusign. The process begins by clicking on the following link which will send you an email and guide you in filling out the information needed: Change of Advisor Form .

The Graduate School rules require that advisors for students in the Ph.D. program be Category P Graduate Faculty members, but it is permissible to have a Category M Graduate Faculty member as a co-advisor. The co-advisor may be the functioning advisor. In such cases, a Category P person should be included as an integral member of the research team early in the student's research, so there is a meaningful collaboration involving the Category M functioning advisor and the Category P advisor. The Graduate School requires that the Category P advisor sign the examination and thesis approval forms.

The requirements for a Doctoral degree in Computer Science and Engineering are determined in part by general Graduate School requirements for a Ph.D. degree, and in part by specific requirements stipulated by the department. The student should refer to the Graduate School Handbook for residency requirements, regulations concerning transfer of credit from other institutions, and for credit-hour requirements stipulated by the Graduate School.

Prior to entering the first stage of study toward the Doctoral degree, a student has to successfully complete the Ph.D qualifying process (see  Section 3 ) as well as take CSE6891 (1 crhr S/U graded) during their first Autumn term.

During the first stage of Ph.D. study, the student is required to undertake a program of study in a major area and two minor areas, and to formulate a dissertation proposal. At least 10 cr-hrs of coursework in the major area and 6 cr-hrs in each of the minor areas are required. This coursework cannot include graduate core classes that were used for the qualifying process. All of the 10 credits towards the major and at least 5 credits for each minor need to be from graded graduate classes. The student's research advisor serves as the advisor for the program of study in the major area. The student, in consultation with the research advisor, chooses the two minor areas of study and the minor area advisors. The courses comprising the program of study for the minor areas must be approved by the minor area advisors.

The first stage of study toward a Doctoral degree is completed when the student has received credit for a total of 60 cr-hrs of graduate work in a program prescribed by the student's advisor and has passed the Candidacy Examination (see  Section 5 ) to be formally admitted to candidacy. At least three months prior to taking the Candidacy Examination, a proposed schedule of study should be submitted to the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee for consideration.

The second stage is devoted primarily to research and seminars, the preparation of the dissertation, and the Final Examination (see  Section 6 ). The Final Examination is oral and deals intensively with the portion of the candidate's field of specialization in which the dissertation falls, though it need not be confined exclusively to the subject matter of the dissertation.

Overall Requirements

The CSE Ph.D. Qualifying Process consists of two components: one is coursework, and the other is research. To pass the Qualifying Process, a student needs to demonstrate satisfactory performance on both components: (1) Be competent and knowledgeable on fundamental principles of computer science and engineering, and (2) show promise for conducting original research in the areas of computer science and engineering.

For the coursework component, a student needs to achieve the average GPA of 3.3 or above on four CSE courses that include a required Algorithms course (CSE 6331) and three other courses chosen by the student in consultation with the faculty advisor  [1] . The three courses can be chosen from the seven categories listed below with at most one course from a single category. Note that a student may count one Qualifying course in this new Qualifying Process towards the major/minor course requirements in the Candidacy Exam. For the research component, a student is required to work with their faculty advisor and demonstrate satisfactory research progress  [2] .

Course Categories

The seven categories of CSE courses include: (1) Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (CSE 6521, CSE 5523, CSE 5526, CSE 5243, CSE 5245) (2) Graphics and Visualization (CSE 5542, CSE 5543, CSE 5544, CSE 5545, CSE 5546) (3) Computer Networking (CSE 5462, CSE 5463) (4) Security and Privacy (CSE 5471, CSE5472, CSE 5473, CSE 5474) (5) Computer Systems (CSE 6431, CSE 6421, CSE 6333, CSE 5242, CSE 5441) (6) Software Engineering and Programing Languages (CSE 6341, CSE 5343) (7) Computer Theory (CSE 6321, CSE 6332, CSE 5351)

Procedures and Timeline

A Qualifying Process has two checkpoints: the first is by the end of Year 1  [2]  and the second is by the end of Year 2 [3] . In the first checkpoint, a student reports the grades of the Qualifying courses that have been taken. The student will comment on their progress towards identifying a research advisor and making research progress.

Early in the program, a student should identify research advisor(s) for the Ph.D. study. This may be the same as the initial academic advisor assigned by the Department, or a different faculty member.  The research advisor must be a member of the graduate faculty with “P” advising status in CSE. A student should declare the research advisor,  even if she or he is the same as the initial academic advisor,  by filing a Change of Advisor Form. This form is available through the Electronic Signature application called Docusign. The process begins by clicking on the following link which will send you an email and guide you in filling out the information needed: Change of Advisor Form . The research advisor will provide academic and research advice once the change of advisor form is submitted.

In the second checkpoint, a student reports the grades of the Qualifying courses that have been taken. The student’s faculty advisor will be contacted subsequently to provide input on the student’s research progress. Based on the student’s course work performance and the advisor’s research assessment, the Grad Studies Committee will notify the student of the Qualifying Process result at the second checkpoint. Both checkpoint forms can be found at  the CSE Portal .

If a student does not achieve the GPA requirement with the first four courses, a student may (a) retake the same course (required for Algorithms), (b) take a different course in the same course category, or (c) take a course in another course category.  This should be done in consultation with the faculty advisor. 

Students may file the second checkpoint form once they have achieved satisfactory performance on both coursework and research components, which could be earlier than the end of Year 2. Students should consult with their research advisor before submitting the second checkpoint form.

To maintain the status of “Good Standing” in CSE [4] , a Ph.D. student is expected to pass the Qualifying Process by the end of Year 2. Otherwise, a student who is not in good standing will not have a guaranteed appointment as a graduate teaching associate. A student who continues to not return to good standing in a timely way (e.g., by the end of the third year) may be dismissed from the Ph.D. program in Computer Science and Engineering after a conversation among the student, advisor, and graduate studies committee.


This new Ph.D. Qualifying Process will be effective starting from  Autumn 2022.  Specifically, a student who is enrolled in the Ph.D. program of CSE in Autumn 2022 or after can only take this new Ph.D. Qualifying Process. For a smooth transition, a student who was enrolled prior to Autumn 2022 may choose to take this new Qualifying Process or the old Qualifying Exam.

Definitions and Criteria

  • Faculty advisor : A student’s initial academic advisor assigned by the Department, or the research advisor chosen by the student.
  • The criteria of satisfactory research performance : The most common way of satisfying this requirement is for the student to be a leading or significant contributor on a paper published, accepted, submitted, or in preparation to submit to a venue in Computer Science. Faculty advisors may provide evidence that the student has satisfied this requirement in other ways, such as making a significant contribution in research artifacts such as released software packages.
  • The end of Year x : Two weeks after the end of 2*x non-summer terms since a student’s initial enrollment in the Ph.D. program of Computer Science and Engineering at Ohio State University.
  • Good Standing in CSE : In addition to  the requirements from the Grad School , a Ph.D. student in CSE is required to pass the Qualifying Process by the end of Year 2. Students must also demonstrate English proficiency through one of the approved mechanisms listed on  the “English as a Second Language” website  by the end of Year 1.

Additional Notes

  • While there is no accelerated option in the new policy of the PhD Qualifying Process, the accelerated option is still applicable to a student who was enrolled prior to Autumn 2022 if the student chooses to take the Qualifying Exam in the old policy.
  • A student cannot transfer the credits of a Qualifying course from their prior institutes. If a student took a Qualifying course in the undergraduate program at Ohio State, the course can be counted towards the requirement of the Qualifying Process. However, the course credits cannot be counted towards their Ph.D. degree requirement except for the situations (such as the BS/MS program) allowed by the Graduate School.

The Qualifying Examination is administered Autumn and Spring semesters. Satisfactory performance on this examination, or qualification through the acceleration option listed below, is necessary for admission to the first stage of study towards the Doctoral degree.

The Qualifying Examination is based on the material covered in the graduate core areas. Specifically, students need to take the exam in algorithms (CSE 6331), either computability and unsolvability (CSE 6321) or programming languages (CSE 6341), and either operating systems (CSE 6431) or computer architecture (CSE 6421). Students who have previously studied this material are not required to take the corresponding core courses(s) in the CSE Department; they need only demonstrate their competence in these areas by satisfactory performance on the Qualifying Examination.

At the time students take the examination, they must have been admitted to the CSE Department and not be on probation. A student whose enrollment eligibility has been deactivated by the Graduate School may, if subsequently reactivated, be required to re-take the Qualifying Examination.

A student who fails the qualifying examination for the first time must retake the examination the next semester that it is offered. Students must petition the Graduate Studies Committee to retake the examination in any other semester or to retake the examination more than once.

Acceleration Option for Qualifying Exams : Students who complete the three graduate core classes (algorithms, either computability and unsolvability or programming languages, and either operating systems or computer architecture) with a GPA of 3.6 or better will be automatically granted a "conditional pass" in the qualifying examination. These students will need to demonstrate substantial research progress during their second year spring evaluation to remove the condition. One clear mechanism for demonstrating such progress is to have an accepted or submitted paper as a significant contributor, working on a project with their advisor.

Fill out the online form in the CSE Portal to apply for the Accelerate option. Advisor must approve it online.

This section further specifies the procedure set forth for the Candidacy Examination in the Graduate School Handbook. That section must be read in conjunction with this document for a full understanding of the rules governing the Candidacy Examination. The Candidacy Examination is a very important means by which the faculty can ensure that the prospective student has the necessary breadth and depth in chosen areas within computer and information science and cognate areas. The student is expected to demonstrate superior knowledge in his or her chosen areas.

To be eligible for the Candidacy Examination, the student is required to select one major area and two minor areas. The student may choose any of the pre-defined major or minor areas specified in the "Guidelines for the Ph.D. Candidacy Exam Major/Minor Areas". To demonstrate mastery in the two minor areas, the student is required to obtain a GPA of 3.3 or higher in the letter-graded courses taken in each of two minor areas. To demonstrate mastery in the major area, the student is expected to prepare a dissertation proposal. The student and the student's major advisor may suggest two examiners who are competent in the student's major area. In the Candidacy Examination, the student will be examined in written and oral format over the major area and the dissertation proposal.

The student is required to submit to the Graduate Studies Committee a proposed schedule of study for the candidacy examination at least three months in advance of the examination. The schedule should include the choice of major and minor areas, counter-signed by the student's major and two minor advisors, and the student's preliminary dissertation proposal, counter-signed by the student's major advisor and two other faculty members who will serve on the Candidacy Examination Committee. The schedule must also indicate those courses and individual studies already accomplished in each of the major and minor areas, together with additional work planned at this time. The Graduate School must be notified before the written portion of the Candidacy Examination begins. The form of the schedule of study can be  downloaded here .

After the student's proposed schedule of study has been approved by the Graduate Studies Committee, the Candidacy Examination should be scheduled in consultation with the examination committee. At least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled oral examination date, the student should declare formally the intent to take the oral portion of the Candidacy Examination. This Declaration of Intent form must be signed by the student's major advisor and the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee before transmittal to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval.

The Examination Committee consists of at least four faculty members, including the student's major advisor, two other members of the Graduate Faculty approved by the Graduate Studies Committee for this function, and a departmental representative appointed by the Graduate Studies Committee.

The Candidacy Examination consists of two parts, namely, a written examination and an oral examination. The precise times and places of the administration of the Examination will be determined by the Examination Committee, but the entire Examination must be administered within a three-month period.

The written portion is administered and evaluated by the student's Advisory Committee. It is conducted in the following steps.

a. The student prepares a written dissertation proposal. The proposal should be concise and precise, and should include the following:

  • Title and abstract
  • Significance of the problem
  • Scope and objectives of the research
  • Methodology
  • Expected results and conclusions

Students are encouraged to include in the written portion any preliminary results that support the dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal must be submitted to all members of the Advisory Committee.

b. On receiving the dissertation proposal, the major advisor compiles a written examination for the student, taking into consideration questions posed by and comments received from the rest of the Advisory Committee.

The written examination consists of two parts. The first part asks questions related to the submitted dissertation proposal. The purpose of this part is to examine whether the dissertation proposal has substantial depth to lead to quality research and whether the student is well prepared to conduct the research outlined in the proposal. The student may be asked to revise the proposal in accordance with the suggestions received. The second part examines the student on his overall breadth and depth in his major area.

c. On receiving the written examination, the student submits written answers to the questions (and possibly a revised dissertation proposal, if so requested) to all members of the Advisory Committee.

d. The Advisory Committee evaluates the written portion including the dissertation proposal. If, based on the written portion, the Advisory Committee members see no possibility for a satisfactory overall performance on the Candidacy Examination, the Advisory Committee records an "unsatisfactory" on the Candidacy Examination report form and returns it to the Graduate School.

The oral candidacy examination shall last approximately two hours. In addition, a 30-45 minute presentation on the proposed research must be made prior to the oral examination, but after the candidate has made their written proposal available to the committee. As per Graduate School rules, the two hour oral examination is strictly an examination and may not include a formal oral presentation of the dissertation proposal. During this oral examination, the student should be prepared to defend his or her dissertation proposal and to answer questions on a range of topics including the area of specialization and general fundamentals of computer science. Examinees may use prepared slides in answering questions about their proposal. A passing grade requires a unanimous vote of the examination committee.

Notice of the time and place of both the oral portion of the Candidacy Examination and the presentation prior to that will be given to all faculty of the Department.

The student is considered to have passed the Candidacy Examination only when the decision of the Examination Committee is unanimous. The student's performance is evaluated and reported to the Graduate School as "satisfactory" (implying admission to candidacy) or "unsatisfactory" (implying failure and denial of admission to candidacy). When a failure is reported, the student may be permitted to take a second examination if recommended by the Candidacy Examination Committee. No student will be permitted to take the Candidacy Examination more than twice. The advisor is also reminded that a copy of the report to the Graduate School must be sent to the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee for the Departmental record and student file.

After a student has passed the Candidacy Examination, the advisor of the student will nominate a Dissertation Committee to consider the merit of the dissertation. The members of the Dissertation Committee should be kept informed of the progress of research, thus giving them opportunities to make constructive suggestions for improvement of the dissertation.

The Dissertation Committee will consist of the advisor and two other members of the Graduate Faculty approved by the Graduate Studies Committee for this function. Normally, the Dissertation Committee must be approved no later than in one semester in advance of the anticipated graduation date. It is suggested that the Dissertation Committee be chosen from the committee which administered the Candidacy Examination.

The Graduate School should be consulted on the various deadlines for submission of the dissertation as well as for regulations governing the mechanics of its preparation. The Graduate School is to be informed of the Dissertation Committee members and the subject of the dissertation in the semester of expected graduation.

The Final Oral Examination is held after the approval of the draft of the dissertation by the Dissertation Committee. Generally, the Dissertation Committee and a Graduate School representative will constitute the Final Oral Examination Committee. The examination will be oral and will deal intensively with the portion of the candidate's field of specialization, though it need not be confined exclusively to the subject matter of the student's dissertation. A unanimous vote of the Final Oral Examination Committee is required for the student to pass.

It is expected that the dissertation be made available, and an announcement of the examination be made, at least one week in advance of the Final Oral Examination. The examination is open to the general public. Non-committee members should be permitted to ask questions. It is expected that the Chair of the Committee will control the ordering and kind of questions asked to ensure fairness and reasonable progress of the examination and to ensure that members of the Examination Committee have sufficient opportunity to question the candidate.

Students intending to pursue study towards a Ph.D. may apply directly to the Direct Ph.D. track. In the Direct Ph.D. track, students focus on research and study in selected areas of concentration from the beginning of their graduate studies, thereby facilitating more rapid progress towards the degree.

n addition to the standard requirements of the Ph.D. program, as detailed earlier, Direct Ph.D. students are required to satisfy the following progress requirements:

  • Complete all the core courses during the first year of study and either qualify through the acceleration option, or appear for the Qualifying Examination by the first semester of the second year in the program. Students unable to meet this requirement should petition in advance to the graduate studies chair, with support of their advisor.
  • Take at least 3 research cr-hrs in the form of independent study, research seminars ("Advanced Topics in ..."), or thesis research every semester, commencing from their second semester.
  • Identify their research advisor and the major/minor areas of study by the end of the Spring semester of their first year (or their second semester, if they enter the Direct Ph.D. track in a different term). Students may change research advisor or major/minor areas, with the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee.

Students in the Direct Ph.D. track can obtain a Masters automatically by passing the Ph.D. Candidacy Examination. A student in the Direct Ph.D. track is not eligible to take the Department's Masters Comprehensive Examination or to apply for a Masters by writing and defending a Masters thesis. However, a student who is unable to make adequate progress in the Direct Ph.D. track after two years in the program may petition the Graduate Studies Committee to transfer to the Research (Thesis) Track of the Masters program.

What Starts Here

   , ph.d. program, master's programs, portfolio program in robotics, admissions & incoming students, current students, online programs & degrees, master's degrees, student experience, phd program.

The PhD is a research degree. Our PhD students also take courses, which give them the foundation on which to build their research programs. However, the overriding goal of the PhD program is to show students how to conduct outstanding research. We expect all our PhD students to become involved in research within their first semester (see Research Immersion below) and continue their involvement throughout their time at UT. To understand how our PhD students are involved in our research activities, browse our research web pages .

As a consequence of early immersion in research, our PhD students are often already recognized in the wider research community well before they graduate. They regularly travel to conferences, present papers, and often receive best paper awards.

Interested in applying? Visit our Prospective Students page for information about applying to our program.

Most PhD students receive financial support from the department. Please see the financial information page for more information about this.

student waving Cal flag

Computer Science MS/PhD

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) offers two graduate programs in Computer Science: the Master of Science (MS), and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Master of Science (MS)

The Master of Science (MS) emphasizes research preparation and experience and, for most students, is a chance to lay the groundwork for pursuing a PhD.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Berkeley PhD in EECS combines coursework and original research with some of the finest EECS faculty in the US, preparing for careers in academia or industry. Our alumni have gone on to hold amazing positions around the world.

Contact Info

[email protected]

215 Cory Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720

At a Glance


Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences

Admit Term(s)

Application Deadline

December 9, 2024

Degree Type(s)

Masters / Professional, Doctoral / PhD

Degree Awarded

GRE Requirements

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The PhD is the primary research degree that can be taken in the Department of Computer Science and Technology. The PhD is a three to four-year full-time (five to seven-year part-time) programme of individual research on a topic agreed upon by the student and the department, under the guidance of a staff member as the student's Supervisor. 

All research students are admitted to read for the PhD degree on a probationary basis and will be registered for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS) in the first instance. During this year, students may do some additional coursework and will write a research report that is likely to form the foundation of the eventual PhD thesis. The CPGS will involve four components:

  • research skills training
  • practical work
  • research report of no more than 10,000 words
  • attendance at research workshops and research seminars

At the end of the third term and on completion of the CPGS, students whose performance indicates that they would be able to complete a PhD in a reasonable time will be upgraded to PhD status. A student who is not upgraded to PhD status and who has completed three terms of study will normally be awarded the CPGS alone. They will not submit a thesis for the PhD degree.

All research students are strongly encouraged to contribute to teaching in the department, for which some training will be provided. Research students will submit a log of teaching activities annually at the end of June. 

Students are expected to complete the substance of their research by the end of their third year, submitting their thesis then or within a few months.

Applicants wishing to apply to undertake a PhD on a part-time basis should refer to the department's admissions advice for potential part-time students.

The University hosts and attends fairs and events throughout the year, in the UK and across the world. We also offer online events to help you explore your options:

Discover Cambridge: Master’s and PhD study webinars - these Spring events provide practical information about applying for postgraduate study.

Postgraduate Virtual Open Days - taking place in November each year, the Open Days focus on subject and course information.

For more information about upcoming events visit our events pages .

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, department of computer science and technology, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:.

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Michaelmas 2025

Funding deadlines.

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

Similar Courses

  • Advanced Computer Science MPhil
  • Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence MPhil
  • Biotechnology MPhil
  • Biological Sciences (Developmental Biology) by advanced study MPhil
  • Medical Science (CRUK CI) PhD

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Computer Science

The PhD in Computer Science programme will allow you to work with leading researchers in Computer Science and become adept at independently conducting high-calibre original research.

Principle fields within computer science include artificial intelligence, data science, robotics, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, formal languages, logic, database systems, computer science education and the theory of computing.

The PhD in Computer Science programme allows you to work with leading researchers in Computer Science. In the course of a PhD, you will become adept at independently conducting high-calibre original research. With the guidance of a leading researcher in your chosen field, you will be expected to produce original research contributions that further the science. By the end of your PhD, your publication record, knowledge and abilities will have progressed to the point where you are an acknowledged expert in your field.

When you pursue a PhD, the research that you conduct will be formulated by you and your chosen supervisor. The wide variety of research interests in the school allows you to work on problems that you find interesting and which the broader community considers important.

Why study  Computer Science at Wits?

The primary value of any educational institution is the group of people that it places you with. The researchers which Wits affords you the opportunity to work with are leading figures in their respective fields. You will join a motivated and very productive group of students who are publishing original research both locally and internationally.

Career Opportunities

Software engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science, Academia, Robotics, Information Technology, Finance.


Entry Requirements

  • A Research Masters degree in a related field .
  • A supervisor from the School must be identified and approached prior to application.

A candidate will only be accepted into the programme if a staff member has agreed to supervise their research. The onus is on the applicant to contact staff members working in fields of interest. Applicants are encouraged to contact the coordinator for assistance with this process.

University Application Process

  • Applications are handled centrally by the Student Enrolment Centre (SEnC) . Once your application is complete in terms of requested documentation, your application will be referred to the relevant School for assessment.  Click here to see an overview of the Wits applications process.
  • Please apply online . Upload your supporting documents at the time of application, or via the Self Service Portal .
  • Applicants can monitor the progress of their applications via the  Self Service Portal .
  • Selections for programmes that have a limited intake but attract a large number of applications may only finalise the application at the end of the application cycle.

Please note that the Entry Requirements are a guide. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee a place. Final selection is made subject to the availability of places, academic results and other entry requirements where applicable.

International students , please check this section .

For more information,  contact the Student Call Centre +27 (0)11 717 1888, or log a query at .

University Fees and Funding

Click here to see the current average tuition fees. The Fees site also provides information about the payment of fees and closing dates for fees payments. Once you have applied you will be able to access the fees estimator on the student self-service portal.

For information about postgraduate funding opportunities, including the postgraduate merit award, click here . Please also check your School website for bursary opportunities.  NRF bursaries: The National Research Foundation (NRF) offers a wide range of opportunities in terms of bursaries and fellowships to students pursuing postgraduate studies.  External bursaries portal: The Bursaries South Africa website provides a comprehensive list of bursaries in South Africa.

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National University’s Online Ph.D. in Data Science and Online Computer Science Degree Programs Named Among the Best in the Nation

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Forbes Advisor recommends NU programs as top opportunities for 2024 

SAN DIEGO, CA (Aug 30, 2024) — National University (NU) — a nonprofit Minority Serving Institution (MSI) that serves 50,000 degree-seeking students and 80,000 workforce and professional development students annually — today announced that Forbes Advisor has recommended NU’s online Ph.D. in Data Science and its B.S. in Computer Science programs as among the best opportunities in the nation.

“We are very pleased with this recognition,” said Dr. Eric Roe, dean of the NU College of Business, Economics & Technology . “National University strives to create accessible, world-class experiences that ensure student success. Our data science and computer science programs offer students practical, real-world knowledge that will prepare them to succeed in the fast-paced technology industry.”

The Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science (PhD-DS) program prepares students to conduct research in data science by exploring each stage of the data science life cycle in depth from an applied perspective and a theoretical perspective. Students receive unmatched personal attention through NU’s unique one-to-one learning model, which pairs them with a professor in each course to provide guidance and support.

National University’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) degree program balances a strong academic foundation, realistic design, and implementation projects to prepare students for a career in the industry. They study everything from design and implementation to management and security while building industry-relevant expertise in data structures and algorithms, object-oriented programming and application of database systems, computer communication networks, and computer architecture.

These programs – designed by experienced technology experts and taught by professionals in the field – are offered completely online. They feature 8- and 12-week courses and have weekly start dates to increase flexibility for students.

Forbes Advisor provides an online resource aimed at giving readers the knowledge and research they need to make informed financial decisions. The Advisor deploys an experienced editorial team producing articles, which are then scrutinized by the Forbes Advisor Review Board.

In coming to its recommendations for the best online Ph.D. in Data Science and the best online computer science degrees for 2024, the Forbes Advisor used strict, published methodologies driven by its editorial team, which works in concert with industry professionals as needed. The Advisor’s content is informed by in-depth research, independent data gathering, analysis, and expert insights.

About National University: National University, a Veteran-founded nonprofit, has been dedicated to meeting the needs of nontraditional, working, and military students by providing accessible, affordable higher education opportunities since 1971. As San Diego’s largest private nonprofit university, NU offers over 190 online and on-campus programs with flexible four-week and eight-week classes and one-to-one graduate education models designed to help students reach their goals while balancing busy lives. Since its founding, the NU community has grown to 130,000 learners served per year—50,000 degree-seeking students and 80,000 workforce and professional development students—and 240,000 alumni around the globe, many of whom serve in helping industries such as business, education, health care, cybersecurity, and law and criminal justice. To learn more about National University’s new possibilities in education including next-generation education, value-rich education, and whole human education, visit .

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  • National University’s Online Ph.D. in Data Science and Online Computer Science Degree Programs Named Among the Best in the Nation August 30, 2024
  • Pioneering Nonprofit University Launches Scholarship Program to Expand Access to Graduate and Doctoral Programs for Nontraditional Students August 28, 2024
  • National University’s Online Ph.D. of Business Administration in Strategic Marketing Named One of the Best in the Nation August 20, 2024

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NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM)

View guidelines, important information about nsf’s implementation of the revised 2 cfr.

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website . These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Supports institutions of higher education to fund scholarships for academically talented low-income students and to study and implement a program of activities that support their recruitment, retention and graduation in STEM.

In 1998 Congress enacted the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act which provided funds to the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create a mechanism whereby the hiring of foreign workers in technology-intensive sectors on H-1B visas would help address the long-term workforce needs of the United States. Initially, scholarships were only provided for students in mathematics, engineering, and computer science. Later legislation authorized NSF to expand the eligible disciplines at the discretion of the NSF director. Undergraduate and graduate degrees in most disciplinary fields in which NSF provides research funding (with some exclusions described elsewhere in this document) are eligible as long as there is a national or regional demand for professionals with those degrees to address the long-term workforce needs of the United States.

The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable low-income students with academic ability, talent or potential to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields. Ultimately, the S-STEM program seeks to increase the number of academically promising low-income students who graduate with a S-STEM eligible degree and contribute to the American innovation economy with their STEM knowledge. Recognizing that financial aid alone cannot increase retention and graduation in STEM, the program provides awards to institutions of higher education (IHEs) not only to fund scholarships, but also to adapt, implement, and study evidence-based curricular and co-curricular [1] activities that have been shown to be effective supporting recruitment, retention, transfer (if appropriate), student success, academic/career pathways, and graduation in STEM.

Social mobility for low-income students with academic potential is even more crucial than for students that enjoy other economic support structures. Hence, social mobility cannot be guaranteed unless the scholarship funds the pursuit of degrees in areas where rewarding jobs are available after graduation with an undergraduate or graduate degree.

The S-STEM program encourages collaborations, including but not limited to partnerships among different types of institutions; collaborations of S-STEM eligible faculty, researchers, and academic administrators focused on investigating the factors that affect low-income student success (e.g., institutional, educational, behavioral and social science researchers); and partnerships among institutions of higher education and business, industry, local community organizations, national labs, or other federal or state government organizations, as appropriate.

To be eligible, scholars must be domestic low-income students, with academic ability, talent or potential and with demonstrated unmet financial need who are enrolled in an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree program in an S-STEM eligible discipline. Proposers must provide an analysis that articulates the characteristics and academic needs of the population of students they are trying to serve. NSF is particularly interested in supporting the attainment of degrees in fields identified as critical needs for the Nation. Many of these fields have high demand for training professionals that can operate at the convergence of disciplines and include but are not limited to quantum computing and quantum science, robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, computer science and computer engineering, data science and computational science applied to other frontier STEM areas, and other STEM or technology fields in urgent need of domestic professionals. It is up to the proposer to make a compelling case that a field is a critical need field in the United States.

S-STEM Eligible Degree Programs

Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Engineering, and Associate of Applied Science

Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Applied Science

Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Engineering

Doctoral (Ph.D. or other comparable doctoral degree)

S-STEM Eligible Disciplines

Disciplinary fields in which research is funded by NSF, including technology fields associated with the S-STEM-eligible disciplines (e.g., biotechnology, chemical technology, engineering technology, information technology, etc.).

The following degrees and disciplines are excluded :

  • Clinical degree programs, including medical degrees, nursing, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and others not funded by NSF, are ineligible degrees.
  • Business school programs that lead to Bachelor of Arts or Science in Business Administration degrees (BABA/BSBA/BBA) are not eligible for S-STEM funding.
  • Masters and Doctoral degrees in Business Administration are also excluded.

Proposers are strongly encouraged to contact Program Officers before submitting a proposal if they have questions concerning degree or disciplinary eligibility.

The S-STEM program particularly encourages proposals from 2-year institutions, Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), predominately undergraduate institutions, and urban, suburban and rural public institutions.

[1] an activity at a school or college pursued in addition to the normal course of study.

Updates and announcements

S-stem: reviewer survey 2024, s-stem: overview webinar, program contacts.

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Program events

  • February 29, 2024 - S-STEM: Office Hours
  • February 23, 2024 - S-STEM: Office Hours
  • February 13, 2024 - S-STEM: Office Hours
  • February 8, 2024 - S-STEM: Office Hours
  • February 1, 2023 - S-STEM: Proposal Preparation Webinar Sessions
  • January 31, 2023 - S-STEM: Proposal Preparation Webinar Sessions
  • January 30, 2023 - S-STEM: Proposal Preparation Webinar Sessions
  • January 26, 2023 - S-STEM: Proposal Preparation Webinar Sessions

Awards made through this program


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Purdue’s storied and rigorous computer science program delivers in equipping the next generation of industry, academic leaders


Charalampos Katsis, a PhD student in Purdue’s Department of Computer Science, and CS major Genna Yavaraski collaborate on cutting-edge projects outside the data center in the Lawson Computer Science Building. (Purdue University photo/Brian Powell)

About this series:  This story is part of an ongoing Purdue Today series highlighting programs ranked in the Top 10 or Top 10th percentile among our peers nationally, demonstrating the university’s persistent pursuit of excellence, innovation and transformative learning.

Ronak Thakker knew the classwork and projects for his bachelor’s degree in computer science would be extremely challenging. But the New Jersey native also understood the value of a degree from one of the nation’s best and most storied computer science programs and how that would translate into a promising career post-graduation.

“Purdue’s computer science program, although rigorous, requires students to understand the deeper meaning behind everything,” says Thakker, who will graduate in May with a double major in data science and statistics. “My CS 37300 class, Data Mining and Machine Learning, required students to learn about specific machine learning algorithms and the math behind it. When doing coding interviews for specific companies, they had me explain these algorithms, and I was able to go much more in depth than they expected.”

That’s music to the ears of Purdue students and faculty — and industry leaders in computer science and related technology and engineering fields who are looking to tap the depth and breadth of that Boilermaker talent.

With a rich history as the first in the nation to offer an advanced computer science degree, this Purdue program plays a crucial role in shaping a rapidly evolving field. At No. 18 overall, Purdue’s computer science program for undergraduates ranks among the top 10% of 554 programs in a survey released by U.S. News & World Report in September.

“Our undergraduate program has soared to new heights, cementing its place among the top computer science programs in the country,” says Chris Clifton, interim head and professor of computer science at Purdue. “It’s a testament to the dedication and brilliance of our faculty, the hard work and passion of our students, and the cutting-edge research that takes place within our department.”.

Purdue’s graduate computer science program also is among the nation’s top 10% at No. 20 among 208 programs surveyed by U.S. News & World Report in spring 2023.

“These rankings not only reflect our commitment to academic excellence in the Department of Computer Science but also our role as a driving force in shaping the future of computing,” Clifton adds. “We’re not just educating students, we’re shaping innovators and leaders who will lead the field. As computer science is bolstered by Purdue Computes, it’s an exciting time to be a part of our program, as many possibilities and achievements lie ahead.”

Additional Information

  • Purdue Department of Computer Science
  • The Data Mine
  • Institute of Physical AI
  • College of Science

Founded in Purdue’s College of Science in 1962, the Department of Computer Science was launched to be an innovative base of knowledge in the emerging field of computing as the first degree-awarding program in the United States. The department’s focus on advancing the computer science industry through research also sets it apart from those at many of Purdue’s peer institutions.

Graduates of the program are able to solve complex and challenging problems in many fields. Its consistent success in an everchanging landscape is reflected in the record undergraduate enrollment, increased faculty hiring, innovative research projects and the creation of new academic programs.

And the increasing centrality of computer science in academic disciplines and society along with new research activities — centered around artificial intelligence, data science, robotics, theoretical computer science, machine learning and cybersecurity — provide the pillars of focus for the department’s future.

Recent CS graduate Frances O’Leary, now a flight software engineer at SpaceX on the Dragon capsule in California, was impressed by the Purdue program’s focus beyond programming or mathematics. A student responder for her commencement ceremony in spring 2023, O’Leary earned bachelor’s degrees in computer science honors and math.

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Top 6 Best Online Computer Science Degrees You Should Get in 2024

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Updated: September 9, 2024

Published: September 4, 2024

a female computer science college student engaged in understanding the intricacies of technology

The demand for computer science professionals is skyrocketing as technology continues to shape our world. Whether you’re looking to break into the tech industry or advance your career, an online computer science degree offers a flexible and accessible way to get the skills you need. 

These programs allow you to study cutting-edge technologies while balancing your personal and professional commitments. Choosing the right program can make all the difference in your career success. Let’s explore some of the best online computer science degrees available in 2024.

a female college student earning her computer science degree online

What Makes an Online Computer Science Degree Program Stand Out?

Certain features can set a program apart when looking for an exceptional online computer science degree. A strong curriculum that stays up-to-date with industry trends is key, along with faculty who have real-world experience and connections. 

Programs that offer hands-on learning through projects, labs, and internships provide valuable practical experience. Additionally, good online programs offer robust student support services , including tutoring and career guidance, to help you succeed. Many programs offer access to cutting-edge technology and resources, like virtual labs, that prepare students for the evolving demands of the tech industry.

What are the Main Requirements for Enrolling in an Online Computer Science Program?

Getting into an online computer science program usually requires meeting specific prerequisites to ensure you’re ready for the coursework. Here’s what you might need:

Educational Background

You’ll typically need a high school diploma or equivalent. Some programs may require prior coursework in math or introductory computer science classes. This background helps ensure that you have the foundational knowledge needed to tackle computer science subjects.

GPA Requirement

Most programs expect a GPA between 2.5 and 3.0. However, this can vary, so it’s important to check the specific requirements of each school. A higher GPA might be necessary for more competitive programs, reflecting the rigorous nature of computer science studies.

Standardized Test Scores

SAT or ACT scores might be needed for undergraduate programs. Graduate programs often require the GRE, though some schools waive this requirement for certain applicants based on professional experience or prior academic achievements.

English Proficiency

If you’re a non-native English speaker, you might need to demonstrate your language skills through tests like TOEFL or IELTS to ensure you can handle the coursework. This requirement ensures that language barriers won’t impede your learning experience.

At the University of the People , the admissions process is designed to be accessible to students worldwide, providing a unique opportunity for learners to pursue quality education without the traditional barriers. Applicants aged 16 and over can apply, requiring only a high school education. The admissions process focuses on evaluating a student’s potential for success through personal motivation, time management skills, and adaptability to online learning, ensuring that education is inclusive and accommodating to diverse backgrounds and experiences.

In 2024, several online computer science programs stand out for their exceptional quality, flexibility, and industry relevance. These programs are designed to prepare students for the demands of the tech industry and provide valuable skills that employers are looking for.

Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree at the University of the People

The University of the People offers a tuition-free Bachelor of Science in Computer Science , making it accessible to students worldwide. The program covers essential areas like programming, software development, and computing technology. With a focus on Java and Python, database management, AI, and machine learning, students gain a comprehensive education perfect for launching a career in tech or pursuing further studies. The flexibility of no live lectures and a pay-as-you-go assessment fee model makes it an attractive choice for many learners.

Online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) offers a flexible and industry-aligned online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. This program caters to working professionals looking to advance their careers or switch to a tech-focused role. With scheduling options allowing for part-time or full-time study, SNHU ensures students can balance their education with other commitments. The curriculum includes the latest technologies and practices in computer science, preparing graduates for various roles in the tech industry.

Online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at Arizona State University

Arizona State University (ASU) is known for its innovative approach to online education. Their online Bachelor of Science in Computer Science features cutting-edge virtual labs and strong partnerships with industry leaders. Students benefit from a curriculum that integrates real-world applications and hands-on projects, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a practical and immersive learning experience. ASU’s reputation for excellence and robust online platform offers students a high-quality education with global recognition.

a male college student engaged in coding on his computer screen

How to Find the Right Online Computer Science Degree Program for You

Choosing the right online computer science degree program requires careful consideration of your goals and personal circumstances. Here are some key steps to help you make an informed decision:

Assess Your Background

Start by evaluating your current skills, knowledge, and experience in computer science. Consider what you want to achieve with your degree and which program level and specialization best suit your needs.

Research Accreditation

Ensure that your chosen program is accredited , which guarantees it meets certain educational standards. You can verify a school’s accreditation status through official sources like government or educational websites.

Compare Curricula

Look closely at the courses offered in each program. Make sure they align with your career aspirations and keep up with industry trends. Depending on your goals, specializations in areas like AI , cybersecurity, or data science might be of interest,.

Check Flexibility

Assess the program’s scheduling options, course delivery methods, and pacing to ensure they fit your lifestyle. If you need to balance work, family, and education, look for part-time or self-paced programs like those offered by UoPeople. 

Examine Faculty Credentials

Research the instructors’ qualifications and industry experience to gauge the quality of education you’ll receive. Professors with practical experience can provide valuable insights and connections to the tech world.

Review Admission Requirements

Understand the program’s admission criteria, including any prerequisite coursework or standardized test scores. Before applying, make sure you meet these requirements or know how to address any gaps.

How Long Do Computer Science Studies Last?

The duration of computer science degree programs varies depending on the level of the degree. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Associate’s Degree : This program typically takes about two years to complete for full-time students. Its focus is on foundational computer science concepts and skills, often preparing students for entry-level positions or further studies.
  • Bachelor’s Degree : Usually requires four years of full-time study. Bachelor’s programs provide a comprehensive education, covering a wide range of topics such as programming, algorithms, data structures, and software development.
  • Master’s Degree : Generally takes one to two years beyond the bachelor’s degree. These programs offer advanced studies in specialized areas like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, or data science.
  • Doctoral Degree : This can take three to five years or more after a master’s degree. Ph.D. programs focus on research and deep specialization in a particular area of computer science.

The time commitment may be influenced by factors like part-time vs. full-time enrollment, availability of accelerated degree options, and opportunities for internships or co-op programs. The fast-paced nature of the tech industry also encourages lifelong learning and continuous education to keep up with emerging trends and technologies.

online computer sciencce students engaged in a group coding session

How Fast Can You Get Your First Job with an Online Computer Science Degree?

Finding your first job with an online computer science degree depends on several factors, including your skills, networking efforts, and the job market. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Internships and Projects : Gaining practical experience through internships or projects during your studies can significantly enhance your employability. Employers often look for candidates with hands-on experience and a proven ability to apply their knowledge.
  • Networking : Building a professional network is crucial for job hunting. Attend industry events, join tech forums, and connect with alumni or peers to increase your job prospects.
  • Skill Development : Focus on developing in-demand skills like coding, software development, and problem-solving. The more relevant skills you acquire, the more attractive you’ll be to potential employers.
  • Job Search Strategies : Some graduates find employment immediately after graduation, while others may take several months. The timeline can vary based on market conditions, individual qualifications, and job search efforts. Applying and tailoring your resume to fit specific roles can improve your chances.

Preparing to Start Your Computer Science Career with the Best Online Programs

Starting a successful computer science career involves careful planning and preparation. To make the most of your online program, enroll in a program with recognized accreditation to ensure you receive a high-quality education that employers respect. Prioritize courses and projects that offer hands-on experience and practical skills development , such as coding and software development. Compiling a strong portfolio of projects and coursework can effectively showcase your abilities to potential employers, making you a more attractive candidate in the job market.

Engage in virtual networking by joining tech groups, attending webinars, and connecting with industry professionals on LinkedIn. This can help you build a valuable professional network to assist your job search. Stay current with technology trends and developments to set yourself apart from other candidates. Finally, leverage the career services offered by your online program to gain advice, find internships, and explore job opportunities, ensuring a smooth transition into the workforce. The University of the People offers a tuition-free online Bachelor’s in Computer Science, which can help build your skills and prepare you for a successful tech career.

How long does it typically take to complete an online computer science degree?

The duration of an online computer science degree varies. An associate’s degree typically takes about two years, while a bachelor’s degree generally requires four years. Master’s programs usually take one to two years, and doctoral programs can take three to five years or more.

What prerequisites are typically required for online computer science degrees?

Prerequisites often include a high school diploma or equivalent, prior mathematics or computer science coursework, and a minimum GPA, usually between 2.5 and 3.0. Some programs may require standardized test scores like the SAT or GRE, and non-native speakers may need to demonstrate English proficiency through tests like TOEFL or IELTS.

Do employers value online computer science degrees from accredited institutions?

Yes, employers generally value online computer science degrees from accredited institutions, as they ensure the program meets quality standards and provides relevant skills and knowledge needed in the tech industry.

What are the average costs of top online computer science programs?

The cost of online computer science programs varies widely, from tuition-free options like the University of the People to more expensive programs at traditional universities. Depending on the institution and program specifics, costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands.

What are the most in-demand specializations in computer science for 2024?

In-demand specializations include artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, machine learning, and software development. These areas are growing rapidly and offer numerous job opportunities.

How do online computer science programs prepare students for industry certifications?

Online programs often incorporate certification exam preparation into their curriculum, offering courses aligned with certification requirements and providing resources like practice tests and study materials to help students earn credentials such as CompTIA, Cisco, or AWS certifications.

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    The knowledge you need to lead the field. The PhD in Computer Science program provides students with the advanced coursework and groundbreaking research opportunities they need to contribute at the forefront of the world's fastest-growing fields. Forging knowledge in 15 core areas like artificial intelligence, data science, programming ...

  10. PhD Program Admissions

    We're thrilled that you are interested in our PhD program in computer science! This page provides an overview of the application process, some guidelines, and answers to specific questions. Please check our FAQ before emailing [email protected] with any questions not answered here. Our program accepts a large number of applicants each ...

  11. PhD Program

    PhD Program. We are proud of the quality of PhD students we attract and the training they receive. All of our students receive support, including an annual stipend, in the form of external and internal competitive fellowships, research fellowships, or teaching fellowships. As a PhD candidate, you will share in the excitement of discovery as you ...

  12. Doctoral Programs

    Doctoral Programs. Doctoral Programs. In the School of Computer Science, we believe that Ph.D. students thrive in a flexible environment that considers their background and experience, separates funding from advising, and encourages interdisciplinary exploration. In any of the Ph.D. programs across our seven departments, you'll be matched with ...

  13. Ph.D in Computer Science

    The PhD in Computer Science is the highest professional degree awarded by the Rensselaer Computer Science Department, demonstrating the ability to do in-depth, original, and independent problem-solving at the highest level. ... Students must complete at least 36 credits of course work and at least 24 credits of research work. It is possible to ...

  14. Doctoral Program

    Doctoral Program | Department of Computer Science ...

  15. CS PhD Course Guidelines

    CS PhD Course Guidelines

  16. PhD

    PhD | Program Requirements | Computer Science

  17. PhD in Computer Science

    Admission Option Two. GRE revised scores of at least 315, 156, 159 and 4 for the combined, verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing components, respectively, are advisable. Applicants are admitted on a competitive basis. The PhD program in computer science offers intensive preparation in design, programming, theory and applications.

  18. Computer Science, PhD

    The PhD in Computer Science is administered by the division of Computer Science in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Some aspects of the program are delegated to the CEAS Graduate Office. The program is flexible, allowing the student to develop a plan of studies tailored to meet individual needs.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy Program

    The program of study for the Ph.D. is to be developed by the student in close consultation with his/her academic advisor. Students are encouraged to work out their plan of study as soon as possible so that all requirements may be met. Program Requirements: PhD Major/Minor. Foreward. This brochure, together with the Graduate School Handbook ...

  20. PhD Program

    PhD Program. The PhD is a research degree. Our PhD students also take courses, which give them the foundation on which to build their research programs. However, the overriding goal of the PhD program is to show students how to conduct outstanding research. We expect all our PhD students to become involved in research within their first ...

  21. Computer Science MS/PhD

    Overview. The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) offers two graduate programs in Computer Science: the Master of Science (MS), and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The Master of Science (MS) emphasizes research preparation and experience and, for most students, is a chance to lay the groundwork for pursuing a PhD.

  22. PhD in Computer Science

    PhD in Computer Science - Postgraduate Study

  23. PDF Computer Science and Informatics PhD Program Handbook

    4 Computer Science M.S. Program The Master of Science program in Computer Science (MS CS) prepares students for professional jobs in computer industry or further graduate study. The MS CS is administered independently of the CSI PhD program and is described in a separate handbook. 4.1 MS Degree by Candidacy

  24. PhD Computer Science

    The PhD in Computer Science programme allows you to work with leading researchers in Computer Science. In the course of a PhD, you will become adept at independently conducting high-calibre original research. With the guidance of a leading researcher in your chosen field, you will be expected to produce original research contributions that ...

  25. Those of you who did your PhD in computer science, what do you ...

    Those of you who did your PhD in computer science, what ...

  26. National University's Online Ph.D. in Data Science and Online Computer

    Our data science and computer science programs offer students practical, real-world knowledge that will prepare them to succeed in the fast-paced technology industry." The Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science (PhD-DS) program prepares students to conduct research in data science by exploring each stage of the data science life cycle in depth ...

  27. NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    In 1998 Congress enacted the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act which provided funds to the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create a mechanism whereby the hiring of foreign workers in technology-intensive sectors on H-1B visas would help address the long-term workforce needs of the United States.

  28. Purdue's storied and rigorous computer science program delivers in

    Purdue's storied and rigorous computer science program ...

  29. Best Online Computer Science Degrees 2024

    Top 6 Best Online Computer Science Degrees You Should Get in 2024. In 2024, several online computer science programs stand out for their exceptional quality, flexibility, and industry relevance. These programs are designed to prepare students for the demands of the tech industry and provide valuable skills that employers are looking for.

  30. Managing workplace AI risks and the future of work

    Artificial intelligence (AI)—the field of computer science that designs machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence—has seen rapid advances in the development of foundation systems such as large language models.