A Level General Paper Notes, Essays and Tuition

2021 A-Level General Paper (GP) Paper 1 Essay Questions

The 2021 paper was made up of a notably large number of questions under the media theme: a third of questions were under the media theme, covering topics of social media, news, films and advertising. We managed to spot the question on advertising despite it being a rather niche topic, and our students that year would know that ‘media’ is among the first themes we covered. We covered all aspects tested—we had lessons exclusively for social media, news, films and advertising respectively. These subtopics are often combined by teachers under a rather rushed, surface-deep lesson on ‘media’, overlooking these key components.

1. How far is the pursuit of happiness the most important human goal? [Miscellaneous]

2. ‘Scientific advancement breeds complacency.’ How far do you agree? [Science]

3. ‘Power these days lies more with the people than the politicians.’ To what extent is this true? [Politics]

4. To what extent has social media devalued true friendship in your society? [MEDIA]

5. To what extent is charitable giving desirable? [Miscellaneous, but we had a lesson specifically on charity!]

6. ‘Films are concerned with escaping from the problems of everyday life, rather than addressing them.’ Discuss. [MEDIA]

7. ‘What an individual eats or drinks should not be the concern of the state.’ What is your view? [Politics]

8. Is news today reliable? [MEDIA]

9. ‘The arts are nothing more than a luxury.’ How far is this true of your society? [Arts]

10. ‘Staging major sporting events brings nothing but benefits to the host country.’ Discuss. [Sports]

11. Are global tourism and travel still necessary when everything can be experienced or achieved online? [Movement of people]

12. ‘Advertising is largely about persuading people to buy what they do not need.’ How far do you agree? [MEDIA]


The Complete List of GP Topics & Themes

Are you running out of time to prepare for your examples required for your GP essays? Are you looking to form an effective strategy to tackle your Paper1? if yes, read on and explore our recommended Thematic Essay Strategies (TES) on handling your essay paper.

1st, 12 questions will be set, of which you only answer one. This will allow GP essay exam candidates like you the chance to express an informed, critical, creative and relevant response.

Table of Contents

Most Common GP Topics for Essay Paper 1

The most common topics are: 1. Historical, social, cultural, economic, political and philosophical topics 2. Science including its history, philosophy, general principles, current developments and applications 3. Mathematical and geographical topics 4. Literature and language 5. Arts and crafts 6. Topics of local interest and global concern, as stated from the GP Syllabus (Code: 8807)

Now, the above topics is by no means exhaustive. We can easily go into subtopics for each of the main 6 topics. For example: under the General Paper topic of Literature and language, we can go deeper into Mass Media, , Music, Media, Film, etc. Or, under the topic of local interest and global concern, we can zoom into Singapore only, Gender (Women), Environmental (Animals, Water & the Sea, Land Use, Pollution), etc.

So you get the point, and that preparing by topics alone isn’t going to help a lot.

General Paper Themes for Essay Exams

What’s better than preparing by topics? Answer: You can prepare by GP themes! That is, by group several topics into a theme, you can more easily craft a relevant, creative and balanced response.

Below are sample essay questions inspired by the essay questions in this year’s prelim papers, as they have been modified. As promised, they are organised them into themes for your easy perusal and reference. The following themes are grouped and selected based on their frequency in the A Level GP exams as well as they broad enough to cover a variety of questions.

The major themes to focus on are:

a. Arts, Language & Mass Media b. Economic & Political Issues c. Science & Technology & Medicine d. Moral Dilemmas & Personal Experiences (aka Values, Philosophy or Individuals) e. Social & Economic issues f. Crime & Punishment g. General. 

In addition to grouping topics into themes for easier and effective preparation of your essay exam for GP, we can also prepare by question type. This involves your exam techniques and your experience of handling certain categories of exam questions. For example, the following list are common question types:

Type 1: Questions attempting to make a causal link between topics or themes

Some questions establish a relationship / / maybe even causality between two issues and hence you would need to identify that relationship and either agree with it or refute it. For such qu estions with 2 issues or subjects, the link between the two issues is the focus of the  essay. Do NOT have a separate discussion of the 2nd issue.

Examples: 1a: Technological advancements always bring about social equality. How far do you agree?  1b: he world would be a better place if everyone spoke the same language.’ Discuss. 1c: How prepared are we for climate change? Discuss this for your country. 1d: Medical science has been so successful that people now expect too much of it.’ Comment. 1e: Advertisements are often entertaining, but they rarely affect consumer choice.’ Do you agree? 1f: Should poorer countries develop their tourist industry when the basic needs of their own people are not being met? 1g: ‘Instead of speeding up the pace of life, we should be slowing it down.’ What do you think?

Type 2: Questions that target … ‘in your country’…

2.1: Is there value to historic sites in your society? 2.2: How prepared are we for climate change? Discuss this for your country. 2.3: ‘Freedom of expression is a luxury we cannot afford.’ How far is this true in your society? 2.4: Choose a sport and account for its popularity in your country: Golf 2.5: Choose a sport and account for its popularity in your country: Tennis 2.6. Which period in the history of your country appeals most to you? Give reasons for your choice. 2.7: Would you plan the layout of your neighbourhood differently?

Type 3: Questions that require … ‘in your opinion’…

3.1: What do you consider is a meaningful life? 3.2; What do you consider to be a rich life? 3.3: “Give me the country life, any time.” Comment. 3.4: Discuss the benefits of keeping a diary? 3.5: What factors would you consider when choosing a job? 3.6: If you were asked to set up an exhibition, what would you choose to exhibit and why? 3.7: It is better to live a short, exciting life rather than a long, uninteresting one. How far is this true?  3.8 “Leisure activities are a necessity, not a luxury.” Do you agree? 3.9 “The place for animals is in the wild, not in zoos or circuses.” Comment.

Type 4: Knowledge-based Questions

Such questions assume that students have an in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of the topic areas to be discussed in the essay. These KBQ tend to add in absolute words such as : never, solely, only, always, etc. Hence, commonplace knowledge will allow you, the GP student to pass, but obviously reflects nothing more than mediocrity. Knowledge must be showcased not just through a range of evidence but also through the differing conclusions one con draw from the some piece of evidence.

Examples: 4.1: Can the trade in weapons ever be justified? 4.2: Is sport too closely linked with money these days? 4.3: Discuss the view that too much faith is placed in statistics.

4.4: To what extent are small businesses preferable to large ones? Inevitably this question appealed to candidates who studied Economics. but it also proved to be a discriminator in identifying candidates who could make effective use of their General Paper skills and those who merely regurgitated theoretical arguments and unexplained Economics jargon, such as ‘economies of scale’ and ‘merit goods”.

Abbreviated forms, such as SBEs (Small Business Enterprises) and MNCs (Multinational Corporations) were not uncommon. These must be explained. Furthermore, very tortuous attempts were often made in the introduction to define small and large businesses.

4.5: Can small countries have a significant voice in world affairs Focus on the following: Switzerland, Vatican City, Luxemburg & Singapore

4.6: Is effective farming possible without science? Candidates drew upon the distinction between subsistence farming and that which was more of an industry, often tailored to meet modern demands of population and choice. Similarly, there was an awareness of organic farming, with its benefits and drawbacks. A good range of examples was incorporated to illustrate the impact of science on agriculture: the development of seeds, fertilisers, alternative means of producing crops and so on.

Sample Set A Paper 1 for general paper (Essay Questions)

1. How far should the actions of leaders be determined by public opinion? (Political issue)

2. Which factors currently pose serious threats to the development of your country and which provide exciting opportunities? (Economic, Environmental, Social, Cultural, ‘In-Your-Country’, etc)

3. Why are increasing numbers of people turning to religion in both less developed and developed countries? (Social, Economic, etc)

4. Can we be too concerned about safety and hygiene? (Science, Environmental, etc)

5. In your opinion, are most scientific research is conducted in the wrong areas for the wrong reasons? (Science, Social, Economic, ‘In-Your-Opinion’,)

6. Has commercialism ruined film as an art form? (Mass media, Arts, Economic, ‘Causal-link’)

7. Do you agree that aid should never be given to countries with poor human rights records? (Global issue, Economic, Political, etc)

8. ‘Gambling is a vice which should never be condoned in any civilised society. What are your views? (Social, Economic, Philosophy)

9. “We are overfed with information, but starved of wisdom.” Is this a valid assessment of modern technology’s impact on mankind? (Technology, Mass Media, Social, etc)

10. “Education is the best vaccine for violence.” Do you agree? (Social, Arts, Language, Mass Media, etc)

11. Is the United Nations still a relevant organisation? (Global issue, politics, Economic, etc)

12. Does history really repeat itself? (History, Social, Environmental, Economics, Political, etc, aka General Question)

Sample Set B Paper 1 for general paper (Essay Questions)

1. Give the public what it wants.” How far should the media be guided by this motto? (Mass Media, Social, etc)

2.Why does children’s literature appeal to readers of all ages? (Social, Langauge, Economics, The Arts, etc)

3. Have ceremonies and rituals lost their meaning in your society? (Economic, Religion, Social, Cultural, ‘In-Your-Country’, etc)

4. “Along with great power comes great responsibility.” Discuss the relevance of this observation to the roles and responsibilities of scientists today. (Science, Social, Economic, etc,)

5. To what extent, if any, should works of art be subjected to censorship? (Social, Arts, Language, Mass Media, etc)

6. In your opinion, what can be done to make the citizens of your country more politically aware and active? (Political, Youth, Social, etc)

7. Is a world without poverty an impossible dream? (Global issue, Economic, Environmental, etc)

8. ”No pain, no gain.’ How far is this true of life in general? (Philosophy, Personal Experience, Value, Economic, Language, etc)

9. ‘Politics is the art of compromise.’ Discuss. (Political, Global, Regional & Local issues, Social, etc)

10. Do we place too much faith in technology? (Technology, Environmental, Science, Economics, etc)

11. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Comment on this assessment of the last century. (Political, Global, Regional & Local issues, Social, Economic, etc, aka General Question)

12. What purposes should prisons serve in an educated and enlightened society? (Social, Language, Crime, etc)

As you can see from the i) list of topics, ii) the combination of topics into themes, iii) the questions types, as well as the iv) sample question paper, the essay exam paper can be set in many ways.

So what’s your strategy? Our recommendation: prepare a bit of each!!

Specifically: make you you have solid content knowledge with relevant and updated examples on 2-3 TOPICS . In this way, in term so the content marks, you will score a high one. Next, make sure that the topics you pick they are bale to merge into further themes, so that no matter how the Cambridge examiners mix and match the topics, you have enough scope and depth to provide a sound, elaborate and balanced answer. Finally, do an extra preparation with one that targets just Singapore (“ in your country “) and/ or offers you the opportunity to go deep in your opinion . 

Need more help? Let our GP revision pack boost your score with lesser effort now. Click here to accelerate your GP success .

Happy revision!

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7 Major Topics for General Paper (GP) Essays (Compiled Past Year Prelim & A Levels Essay Questions)

media essay gp

Major 7 Topics for GP Essay

Looking for the 2022 a levels essay questions it’s over here, if you want more tips for gp , do also join this free telegram channel which would share very helpful tips, faqs, and update you when articles are updated/posted ‎😃.

I always believe that the most effective way to study GP is through looking at questions because they give you a specific issue/ direction to think about and also check whether you are truly familiar with the topic you wish to focus on in exams.

Often students struggle with essays because they see an unfamiliar question and they panic and don’t know what to write. The easy way to solve this is to be exposed to the possible questions for the major topics so that you will be well-prepared. You need to become used to this process of looking at a foreign question and connecting it with content knowledge you possess — this is the key to scoring in GP essays.

Running Away Balloon Meme | ME ME DOING WELL FOR GP ESSAY LACK OF CONTENT FAMILIARITY ME DOING WELL FOR GP ESSAY | image tagged in memes,running away balloon | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

So below are over 200 questions that i have compiled over the past 3 years, all for your easy reference 🙂

I have also included some general questions for those of you who prefer to attempt general questions. After the compilation list, you will find 20 questions across 4 topics that i have singled out to be important and i have written my analysis and tips for those questions , be sure to check them out below!

1. To what extent can the Arts effect positive social change today? 2. ‘We should abolish state funding for the Arts.’ How far do you agree that this should be the case? 3. ‘Censorship undermines the arts.’ Comment. 4. ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are a waste of time.’ How true is this of your society? 5. ‘We are merely paying lip service to the arts.’ How true is this in your society? 6. ‘Cultural and heritage sites have lost their relevance.’ How far is this true of your society? 7. ‘Art is not meant to instruct or influence; it is only meant to be enjoyed.’ Do you agree with this viewpoint? 8. ‘Modern Art is not considered Art.’ Discuss. 9. ‘Books are dead. Films are the way to go.’ Do you agree? 10. Should there be any restrictions to enjoying the Arts in your society? 11. ‘No one really cares what the artist has to say.’ What are your views? 12. ‘The progress of a society is best reflected through the arts.’ What do you think? 13. Evaluate the appeal of theatre, dance or music in your society. 14. ‘The Arts are a luxury and not a necessity.’ Discuss this view with reference to your society. 15. In times of economic difficulty, should the Arts in your society still be publicly funded? 16. ‘There is no such thing as bad art.’ Discuss. 17. Do you agree that there is little value in literature today? 18. Assess the view that reading books is, by far, the most wondrous of all pastimes. 19. ‘The only obstacle in the Arts is censorship.’ Discuss. 20. Assess the view that Literature is a subject that has no practical value. 21. Assess the view that pop music today is frivolous. 22. Can fantasy books and films offer anything more than an escape from reality? 25. Evaluate the claim that the artist’s only responsibility is to his art. 26. ‘Anything can be considered art, but not all art is of equal value.’ What is your view? 27. How far do you agree that the value of the Arts has diminished in modern society? 28. ‘As a society progresses, there is little value in preserving its heritage.’ How true is this of your society? 29. How far, in your society, are efforts to preserve cultural heritage merely superficial? 30. ‘Fantasy novels offer little apart from enjoyment.’ Discuss. 31. Consider the view that images are more powerful than words. 32. ‘Art that does not reflect society holds little value.’ Discuss.’ 33. ‘The arts are a distraction from the problems we face today.’ To what extent is this a fair viewpoint? 34. Are museums a waste of money?

  • Assess the view that scientific research should not be constrained by ethical concerns.
  • Consider the view that new technologies create more problems than benefits for society.
  • Should the advancement of artificial intelligence be a cause for concern?
  • Does modern technology satisfy our wants rather than our needs?
  • To what extent has technology made our lives more fulfilling?
  • ‘Scientific knowledge cannot be trusted because it is unreliable.’ Is this a fair statement?
  • ‘The main aim of scientific research is to create knowledge about how the world works, rather than solve problems.’ To what extent is this true?
  • ‘People in the workplace should embrace rather than fear technological advancements.’ Discuss.
  • To what extent is animal testing acceptable in scientific research?
  • ‘Modern technology has removed the need for reading skills.’ Do you agree?
  • How worried should we be that recent advances in science and technology are creating new challenges and worsening old problems?
  • ‘Traditional values should never be sacrificed in the name of progress.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • To what extent have technological developments enhanced learning in today’s world?
  • ‘Technology is developing too fast for our own good.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • ‘All forms of scientific research are worth pursuing.’ Discuss.
  • Should humans be hired when robots can do the job better?
  • How effective is technology in making us healthier?
  • Are machines making humans obsolete?
  • Medical science should seek to heal rather than enhance.’ Comment.
  • How far do you agree that technology gives us greater control in life?
  • ‘Recent innovations in transport are transforming our way of life.’ How far is this true of your society today?
  • Consider the view that advancements in artificial intelligence will result in more divides.
  • ‘Artificial intelligence enhances our lives.’ To what extent do you agree with this view?
  • ‘Artificial intelligence should be embraced, since it is inevitable.’ Discuss.
  • Should technological advancement be encouraged when it outpaces ethics?
  • ‘If a job can be replaced by machines, it probably should.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • Should the government support only scientific research that can benefit the majority of the people?
  • ‘Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than useful.’ Do you agree?
  • ‘Scientists are too preoccupied with whether they could, instead of thinking whether they should.’ Is this a fair comment?
  • Results are more important than processes in scientific research. To what extent do you agree?
  • How far have people benefitted from changes to the workplace?
  • ‘Scientific development is always at the expense of morality.’ Do you agree?
  • Evaluate the claim that the regulation of technology is a desirable, but unrealistic, goal.
  • Has technology made modern society a more dangerous place?
  • ‘We can no longer trust the media.’ Is this a fair comment?
  • How effective is social media as a tool in bringing about change in society?
  • Tackling fake news is mainly the responsibility of the government.’ Do you agree?
  • Is it fair to say that only people who have something to hide should be worried about losing their privacy?
  • Do you agree that freedom of speech should never be denied even though it can be abused?
  • ‘Entertainment, not truth, is the priority of the media today.’ Comment.
  • ‘Advertisements are nothing but lies.’ Discuss.
  • To what extent is the media responsible for the perception of truth in the world today?
  • Consider the claim that the purpose of the media is not simply to convey the truth, but to make it interesting.
  • ‘The news today deals with what is popular, rather than what is important.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
  • To what extent should news media present views which are considered offensive?
  • ‘Freedom of speech must include the freedom to offend.’ Do you agree?
  • To what extent can we believe what is in the news when information today can be easily made up?
  • ‘There is too much emphasis on image today.’ Do you agree?
  • ‘The world today values appearance over substance.’ Is this a fair comment?
  • Consider the view that what is posted online is all talk and no action.
  • ‘Far too much attention is given to image in today’s world.’ Do you agree?
  • ‘Propaganda is all around us; no one knows the truth anymore.’ Discuss.
  • ‘The media promote a sense of fear in people which is unnecessary and undesired.’ Discuss.
  • Do personal opinions discussed on the internet really influence society?
  • ‘In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.’ Comment.
  • How far is it true that people today will believe anything the media presents?
  • Is it fair to expect advertisements to be truthful?
  • Discuss the view that dissenting voices should be censored in your society.
  • ‘People will believe anything they read, hear, or see in the media.’ Is this statement reflective of the situation in your country?
  • Has social media given people too much power?
  • ‘Trivial news is worthless.’ Is this a fair comment?
  • ‘The media today has made society less open.’ What is your view?
  • To what extent is the use of social media by politicians a positive development?
  • Is greater regulation the answer to fake news?
  • ‘Freedom of expression is a luxury we cannot afford.’ How far is this true in your society?
  • How far do you agree that social media empower people to make a change?
  • With the proliferation of the Internet, is privacy more desirable today?
  • Does censorship still have a place in this digital age?

4. Politics

  • ‘In today’s world, governments should prioritise domestic affairs over international ones.’ Discuss.
  • Should small countries be allowed to take the lead in global affairs?
  • How far does the state have the right to restrict the freedom of the individual?
  • Can migration be justified when it creates social problems?
  • ‘There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.’ Assess the validity of this statement in international relations.
  • To what extent does the presence of a foreign power have a negative effect?
  • ‘Dictatorships are more efficient than democracies.’ Discuss.
  • ‘The hallmark of a great country is not how prosperous it is, but how inclusive its people can be.’ Should your country work towards this ideal?
  • ‘In a borderless world, it does not matter where you come from.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • ‘The key to effective leadership is to give the majority what they want.’ Do you agree?
  • Is politics today nothing but a series of empty promises?
  • Can a country afford to isolate itself from the rest?
  • ‘Diplomacy, not war, is the solution to conflicts in the world today.’ Do you agree?
  • To what extent are migrants a threat to a country in today’s world?
  • Considering their apparent financial stability, should developed countries be obliged to help other countries in need?
  • In a world dominated by superpowers, can small countries play a significant role on the global stage?
  • Is democracy the most effective form of government today?
  • Assess the view that globalisation has only resulted in more inequality in the world.
  • Does geography still determine a country’s prospects in today’s world?
  • Evaluate the claim that governments should not be allowed to restrict the rights of their citizens.
  • To what extent can small countries wield substantial influence in the world?
  • Examine the view that a good leader should be effective rather than popular.
  • ‘Geography is destiny.’ Discuss.
  • Assess the view that good leaders are defined by how well they champion human rights.
  • Do international organisations have real influence over global affairs today?
  • Should privacy be sacrificed for the sake of national security?
  • Is geography still destiny?
  • ‘Citizens are too reliant on the government.’ How far is this statement true in your society?
  • Should the concerns of minority groups influence policies in a country?
  • ‘The key responsibility of a government is to create wealth for the country.’ What is your view?
  • ‘International relationships between countries are becoming increasingly important.’ Discuss.
  • ‘Strong threats always work better than gentle persuasion.’ What are your views?
  • Should the public care about a politician’s private life?
  • Should citizen welfare, rather than global issues, be the main concern of governments?

5. Environment

  • ‘The solution to all environmental problems is more regulation, not education.’ Do you agree?
  • To what extent is environmental protection the responsibility of the individual?
  • ‘Environmental sustainability is a desirable but futile pursuit.’ Discuss.
  • Assess the view that sustainable growth is more important than rapid economic development.
  • ‘The overconsumption of energy is the greatest threat to the environment today.’ Discuss.
  • “We are not the masters of this earth.” To what extent is this true of the environment today?
  • How far is it possible to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle in today’s world?
  • ‘Going green makes good business sense.’ Comment.
  • To what extent is renewable energy the solution for the world’s increasing need for energy?
  • ‘The environment is the main cause of our health woes today.’ Discuss.
  • ‘We are consuming too much for our own good.’ Is this true of society today?
  • ‘The global demand for food can only be met at the expense of the environment.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • ‘Environmentalism needs heroes in order for it to be successful.’ Do you agree?
  • Why are countries so reluctant to cooperate in tackling global environmental problems and what can be done to solve this problem?
  • Should poorer countries address environmental issues when the basic needs of their own people are not being met?
  • To what extent should people pay attention to the protection of the environment in countries other than their own?
  • ‘The real heroes of environmentalism are rebels.’ Discuss.
  • ‘Environmental pollution is a catastrophe waiting to happen.’ Comment.
  • ‘Man is helpless in the face of climate change.’ Do you agree?
  • Given the global impact of climate change, should every country play an equal part in saving the environment?
  • ‘Corporations, rather than individuals, should be blamed for harms done to the environment.’ Discuss.
  • Discuss the view that environmental conservation efforts today are nothing more than token gestures.
  • How far is sustainable living a realistic goal in your society?
  • To what extent is man’s concern for the environment driven by self-preservation?
  • Considering the increasing threat of terrorism, are governments justified in limiting people’s rights?
  • ‘Tourism brings less developed countries more harm than good.’ Comment.
  • ‘Nothing but provocation and self-centeredness.’ Is this a fair description of the state of affairs in today’s world?
  • Should historical monuments and objects be preserved when such an undertaking is very expensive or even a source of unhappiness?
  • Consider the view that travel is of little value to the tourist.
  • Is diversity necessarily a good thing?
  • ‘The more society advances, the more people want to remember the past.’ How far do you agree?
  • How effective is imprisonment in combatting crime?
  • The study of History is underrated.’ Do you agree?
  • ‘Travel, rather than reading, is the best way to learn.’ How far do you agree?
  • ‘History cannot be relied upon to tell the truth.’ Do you agree?
  • ‘There is no cause for optimism today.’ What is your view?
  • How far can a culturally diverse society build unity?
  • ‘In an increasingly uncertain world, there is little point in predicting the future.’ Discuss.
  • ‘History is just a set of lies.’ Discuss.
  • To what extent are wars and conflicts due to poor leadership?
  • Can government surveillance eradicate the threat of terrorism?
  • ‘It is a mistake to give criminals a second chance.’ Is this view valid?
  • Evaluate the claim that a knowledge of history is more an advantage rather than a problem for political leaders today.
  • ‘Everyone has a part to play in tackling global issues.’ How far do you agree?
  • How effective are prisons in addressing the problem of crime?
  • Is change always good?
  • Is competition always desirable?
  • ‘No cause is ever worth dying for’. Discuss.
  • Should the State have unlimited power to deal with the increasing threat of terrorism?
  • Should the government aim to achieve consensus when making national policies?

7. Individuals/Values

  • How far is failure an essential part of success?
  • ‘Experiences are more valuable than material possessions.’ Do you agree?
  • Is humility still desirable today?
  • ‘My life, my choice.’ How far can people expect to live life this way?
  • Should perseverance always be encouraged?
  • ‘Happiness is an expensive pursuit today.’ How far do you agree?
  • ‘Diligence is the key to success.’ What is your view?
  • Is loyalty still a valuable trait in this ever-changing world?
  • Is charity always a good thing?
  • Should we always be compassionate?
  • Consider the importance of non-conformity.
  • Are rules meant to be broken?
  • Is volunteerism always good?
  • ‘Failure should never be acceptable.’ Discuss.
  • Is greed always an undesirable trait?
  • ‘Freedom remains an unattainable goal.’ What is your view?
  • ‘Less is more.’ Is this sound advice?
  • Examine the claim that work and happiness do not mix.
  • To what extent is loyalty valued in today’s world?
  • Adversity brings out the worst in human nature.’ Discuss.
  • Is pressure a motivating force or a cause for unhappiness?
  • To what extent are people judged more by their physical appearances than by their abilities?
  • ‘Getting what one wants in life is what matters.’ Discuss.
  • ‘Graciousness is of little value today.’ How far is this true?
  • ‘A preoccupation with the self is the curse of modern life.’ To what extent do you agree?
  • How valuable is selflessness in today’s world?
  • ‘Promises should never be broken.’ What is your view?
  • ‘Living a life based on principles is all that matters.’ Should this view be taken seriously?
  • It does not pay to be kind.’ Discuss.
  • ‘Happiness is merely an illusion in the modern world.’ Do you agree?

20 Key Questions from 4 Topics:

media essay gp

  • The tension between advancing scientific research and the ethical considerations that come with it is always an issue. You have to think of the different areas in which science has affected ethics, some cases accidentally and others are more intentional. Ensure that you clearly outline what the ethical concerns are.
  • New technologies suggest that we have to look at some recent or more futuristic examples, including artificial intelligence, cloud technology, internet of things, virtual reality, blockchain, big data etc. Be sure to google some of these terms and gain a quick understanding if you aren’t familiar with them! You have to remember that the examples need to be about these technologies and not some dated invention. From there, you can analyse the pros and cons of it to decide which stand to pick.
  • AI itself is an incredibly important topic, it has not come out for the A levels but it probably will because it is really the next big thing. With every technology, there are always pros and cons to it. Despite all the hype and excitement for AI, there are concerns about its safety, privacy issues, displacement of jobs etc. An easy way to think about this is what new capabilities AI has granted and what new problems it has also created in the process.
  • This is a typical question under Science & Tech that looks at the purpose of why we pursue technology. Are we focusing on necessities or are we developing technologies based on our desires and whims? Note that there are often many different kinds of motivations and intentions behind the creation of a technology. The essay has to basically discuss why some of the modern technology has been created, from there you can decide whether it is more of needs or wants.
  • I always see this as a fundamental question that we should know if we wish to focus on this topic. It is asking about the impact of technology and when it comes to something so important and omnipresent like technology, we have to definitely assess its impacts. Come up with a definition of fulfilling and then attribute the pros of technology to ‘fulfilling’ and the cons of it to ‘not fulfilling’. For example, technology helping us to solve modern problems could be linked to fulfilling, while technology causing more divisions could be linked to not fulfilling. Essentially, you have to realise that this is very much a variation of the typical question about tech’s impact. “Made our lives more fulfilling” can easily change to “empowered us” or “given us more control” or “complicated our lives” etc. All these are just different claims of tech’s impacts.
  • These days, the reliability of the media is greatly brought into question due to the prevalence of fake news. Fake news is one of the most recent concerns surrounding the use of media, especially the internet because of how easy and fast it is to spread content on there. Of course, the other side of the story is also about how there are many checks against fake news implemented by both news agencies themselves and governments, and the existence of multiple sources allows for cross-referencing by consumer of media like you and I.
  • This is also a really important question you should know under the topic of media. It looks at the function of social media, with regard to whether it can bring about change. Social media is one of the defining technologies of the 21 st century and it has created some revolutionary impacts, many of which contributing to creating change. Think about large political changes that have its roots in social media like Arab Spring or social campaigns that go viral and gain lots of attention online be it Greta Thunberg advocating for environmental conservation or MeToo movement raising awareness and changing attitudes towards sexual harassment. Also realise that there are issues that could preclude their effectiveness, slacktivism being one of them.
  • Another issue surrounding fake news is trying to prevent or solve it. It then becomes a discussion of who is more responsible for doing so, and you have to think about the different stakeholders involved: governments, news agencies, influencers, individuals contributing content and individuals receiving content. Think about what each of these parties can do to address fake news and why any of them could be more effective or responsible than others.
  • Privacy, alongside with fake news, are the most recent issues concerning media. Social media has completely changed the way we leave digital footprints online. And then we have companies that collect lots of big data from our online usage, like Facebook and Google who have essentially large troves of data. You need to consider what are the implications of all these potential loss of privacy and whether it affects just people with things to hide or it affects any common man who uses the internet. Of course, apart from the internet you can also bring in ideas about government surveillance in some countries that are intensified by tech advancements.
  • Censorship is a must know when it comes to media. There are many arguments out there about the pros and cons surrounding censorship, so make sure you understand them. This question specifically gives you the context that freedom of speech will be abused, meaning that we can get inflammatory and offensive hate speech spreading online. So knowing that, do you think freedom of speech should be upheld? It is about looking at the consequences of unrestricted speech and thinking about whether it is worth it to accept them in the name of protecting freedom of speech.
  • This is a very important question for politics. There is always this tension between focusing on domestic affairs and interfering in other affairs concerning other countries. However, we need to remember that the lines are often not so blurred. International issues often have spillover effects on countries. For example, the problems with conflicts and wars and how they lead to refugee and migration issues, or global issues like environmental and energy conservation transcends the boundaries of countries to affect everyone. Terrorism is also another good example of how it can easily take root in any country with extremist ideas, rather than being something confined to a geographical area. Of course, also remember that the question is talking about prioritising (focusing on one over the other), so you have to think about whether that is logical from a government’s perspective.
  • The distinction between small and big countries is always a concern in politics because it greatly affects the dynamics they have interacting with other countries. So this question gets you to think about the differences between small and big countries in terms of the impact they make on an international level. Think about the resources they have, whether they can gain support from other countries, whether they have legitimacy to give leadership about certain causes and whether they have the means and channels to make an impact.
  • First up think about why the state might even have a right to restrict freedom or certain rights. It stems from this idea of a social contract where the people agree to certain powers granted to the government when they elected the government. The question is what the extent of these powers are, what is considered justified? Also recognise that there are key reasons that motivate governments to restrict rights, in the name of national security or maintaining social cohesion. Of course, there are some more self-serving intentions that power-hungry governments might have, including to retain power and control the masses. You also have to consider in what ways freedom is being restricted (privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly etc).
  • In this age of globalisation and open borders, migration is a huge topic of discussion. It is pretty much the inevitable product of many protracted conflicts across the world that result in massive displacements. The other type of migration is the more voluntary kind where people just want to stay in another country, but it could also pose problems of culture dilution or lack of assimilation or job displacements etc. An easy way to think about this is to look at the pros and cons of migration. Remember that the condition given is that it creates social problems, so you would not discuss migration that is plainly and solely beneficial to the country (without causing any social problems).
  • This question looks at how we should approach international relations — whether it is from a place of trust and cooperation or caution and pragmatism (realpolitik). To answer this question, you need to consider the different examples of countries being in alliance or collaborating with other countries, and also examples of countries sacrificing these relations for the sake of their own interests. A recent example could be the controversial decision of the US to leave the Kurds in Syria (traditionally their allies in multiple conflicts in the region).


  •   The environmental issue is difficult to solve because there are many potential solutions and they each have their pros and cons. This particular question gets you to compare between 2 specific solutions of regulation and education. The former is a lot more forced and top-down whereas the latter encourages understanding and bottom-up initiatives that stem from people’s changed attitudes. Think about the pros and cons of each before you come up with your stand. You should be considering factors like effectiveness, speed of the solution, whether it is targeted at the existing problems, whether it is the best option in the long-run etc.
  • There are many stakeholders involved in environmental conservation. To attempt this question, you need to have a clear idea who these stakeholders are: individuals, governments, corporations, international organisations, non-governmental organisations etc. Why should the individual be more or less responsible compared to these other parties? Some advocates like to cite the powerlessness of individuals in making a change given majority of carbon emissions come from large companies but others believe that individuals, through their consumption habits, impact how companies are run and so they have bargaining power over the companies.
  • A lot of the discussion about the environment also goes back to its feasibility. The general sentiment is that the environment needs fixing and we have to embrace sustainability but sceptics point out resistance coming from whether some of the initiatives can be successfully implemented. And even if they are implemented, will they have a significant impact on the environment? In other words, is there anything we can do for environmental conservation or is it simply an inevitable disaster that awaits mankind? Think about the different ways in which we are trying to pursue sustainability — reducing consumption, recycling efforts, pressuring companies to go green, developing alternative energy sources etc.
  • The tension between economic development and environmental conservation is extremely true because the government has limited budget to spend. Sustainability often comes at a heft price and means sacrificing economic goals in the process. However, you may also argue how these two are tied together because sustainability can in turn generate economic benefits for the country, especially in the long run.
  • Energy is quite a niche topic under environment but it also a popular A levels question that has come out several times. Threat can come from two aspects: 1) whether this factor is a root cause of environmental woes and 2) whether this factor can be successfully mitigated. In this question, you would also have to consider some other factors that are threats to the environment.

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GP Essay Outlines

GP Essay Outlines for Media, Ageis

GP Essay Outline 1: The media have exaggerated the importance of sport. Do you agree?

Sport in today’s increasingly commercialized world has gone wayward. athletes no longer train immeasurable hours for pure adrenaline but for cold hard cash. media coverage on sport has become a 24×7 party that highlights what sells and casts aside sportsmanship and other ideals arising from the sport. the media has indeed exaggerated the importance of sport today., t.s 1 commercialism has made sport a lucrative multi-billion dollar business., t.s 2 sporting victories have become an outlet for nationalism thanks to media coverage., t.s 3 sport still performs its noble function in school and amateur sports., gp essay outline 2: science encourages doubt; religion quells it. how far do you agree, religion is based on the intangible substance of faith and belief. some quarters opine that religion has a numbing narcotic effect on scientific progress. but this is a narrow-minded and myopic claim. religion does not stifle inquiry, in fact, science and religion work hand-in-hand to encourage probing of possibilities., t.s 1 critics will often cite the restrictions placed on copernicus and galileo and how the church tried to stop their research. however, this argument is old and inapplicable to the huge leaps science has made since the early 1600s., t.s 2 morals and ethics have guided science even in modern times., t.s.3. science can cure religion of error and superstition; religion can cure science of idolatry and false absolutes., gp essay outline 3: science, unlike religion, promises more than it delivers. do you agree, the history of mankind and its progress has been marked by both spiritual and material progress. two radically different philosophical worldviews have emerged as catalysts and products of such progress: the empirical method of science and the more spiritual one of religion. but the truth of the matter is that science has not delivered as much as it has promised., t.s.1. religious pundits will assert that science has failed as it is unable to explain many phenomena’s., t.s.2. we have received material progress from science., t.s.3. religion promises salvation and has developed society along moral lines., gp essay outline 4: we worship the young and scorn the old. what is your view, in a world where media constantly promotes the young while allowing the old to be largely relegated to the background, it would seem as though our culture is one that worships the young and scorns the old. but the reality in our ageing world is that old is gold. it is the old that actually commands attention today., t.s.1. the obsession with the pursuits of the young are fuelled by media., t.s.2. the old are worshipped as they hold tremendous financial power., t.s.3. older folk have much experience that is useful in industry and at home., gp essay outline 5: a profit-driven mass media is more vibrant than a government-regulated one. discuss., when money or politics serve as the sole impetus for the production of mass media, then it eventuates in the ending of all variety, choice and vibrancy.  the real solution for sustaining life in mass media lies in the use of media to disseminate a wide variety of information and knowledge., t.s.1. the modus operandi of commercial media is governed by corporate sponsors., t.s.2. government-regulated mass media is also dangerously focused on funding the growth of particular political motives. t.s.3. government driven media cannot avoid censorship, t.s.3. government driven media cannot avoid censorship., gp essay outline 6: do moral standards impede the progress of science, science has to adhere to rules to ensure that it can progress. progress in science should not be contingent upon immorality and depravity. it would be superfluous to say that the progress of science has been impeded by morals., t.s.1. the use of animals in clinical trials have been the bane of scientific progress., t.s.2. scientific progress, the driving force for the majority of the changes witnessed in the 21st century, requires a critical mind, free of prejudice and open to new ways of thinking. , t.s.3. the debate surrounding embryonic stem cells is not the only example of an ethical controversy born out of scientific research. genetically modified (gm) plants have also stirred a growing public controversy..

Home » GP Tuition » A Level GP – A Complete Guide to Junior College H1 General Paper (GP)

A Level GP – A Complete Guide to Junior College H1 General Paper (GP)

May 31, 2021 | GP Tuition

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A Complete Guide to JC & A Level GP

Entering a Junior College (JC) can both be an exciting and stressful event for students, where they will be exposed to an extensive syllabus that they are expected to be well-versed in by the end of 1.5 years. In addition, being exposed to what seems like a completely new subject – General Paper (GP) in place of English can be daunting for most. Here at MindFlex, we have compiled an ultimate guide to the A Level GP syllabus, stocked with all the information you’ll need to know about A Level GP; together with free resources that’d help you achieve an A for A Level GP!

1. An Overview to A Level GP

Under the A Level curriculum, GP is a compulsory subject to be taken by students in place of the English language subject. Essentially, A Level GP bears many similarities with English, with the written examination format largely following that of the PSLE and O Level English. In addition, A Level GP also aims to allow students to develop the ability to think critically and construct coherent arguments through concise and accurate language. A Level GP also exposes students to a wide variety of global and local issues, allowing students to be more in-touch with the real world. This allows students to build a strong foundation in the key understandings of the fast-changing world in order to meet the demands of higher education and the workplace in the future.

A Level GP poses challenges for most students due to the need for a good foundation in the English language, as well as the need for immense amounts of general knowledge of global and local affairs. Hence, it is pivotal for students to grasp a good foundation in both the English language and the skills required in the A Level GP examination during their JC1 year, in order to further build on their skills and knowledge in the second year, which will allow them to do well for their A Level GP. 

In addition, doing well in A Level GP is crucial if the student is intending on applying to local universities either to be exempted from the Qualifying English Test (QET), or to apply for undergraduate degrees such as Law, Public Policy and Global Affairs, Economics, Psychology and more. 

Here at MindFlex, we have over 7,000 experienced A Level GP Tutors who will be able to help you ace your A Level GP. Request for GP Tuition with MindFlex today!

2. Objectives of A Level GP

The aim of A Level GP is to enable students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world through fostering critical awareness, as well as to develop skills for critical thinking, effective communication and evaluation.

Paper 1 (Essay)

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of diverse range of topics
  • Analyse and evaluate topics across disciplines 
  • Express understanding and critical and creative thinking 
  • Formulate cogent arguments

Paper 2 (Comprehension)

  • Comprehend text(s) in detail and as a whole
  • Identify and infer information
  • Summarise and evaluate information
  • Make observations of trends and relationships
  • Apply understanding and interpretation in tasks derived from the text(s)

Use of English

  • Usage of good spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Employ a variety of linguistic styles and expressions suitable for the context
  • Use and demonstrate understanding of a range of vocabulary
  • Clear presentation of information

More information can be found under the SEAB Syllabus .

3. A Level Exam Format

A Level GP consists of 2 segments – namely the Paper 1 (Essay) and Paper 2 (Comprehension). In addition, a portion of the mark allocation for each paper is also dedicated to the use of language . 

Here’s a guide to what the A Level GP paper is about!

3.1. Paper 1 (Writing)

50 marks, 1 hour 30 mins

Content Marks: 30

Language Marks: 20

The A Level GP Paper 1 comprises 12 questions of different topics. Topic areas are derived from issues drawn from across disciplines or issues of local interest and global concern. Examples of topics may include: social media, society, politics, law, culture or marriage. Students are required to pick 1 out of the 12 questions and write a 500-800 word essay. View the A Level GP 2020 Essay Questions for examples of questions.

3.1.1. Challenges Faced in A Level GP Paper 1

As with any other open-ended essay-based paper, students might find it difficult to brainstorm ideas or express their ideas coherently. In addition, added difficulty is placed on the A Level GP Paper 1 due to the need for a wide range of general knowledge and content required to do well. Students are required to be well-versed in the topic in order to generate ideas and arguments for their essays. In addition, sufficient writing skills are required for students to frame their essay and put forth their arguments coherently and clearly with appropriate language and vocabulary.

3.1.2. How To Score Well for A Level GP Paper 1

In order to do well, students are encouraged to be well-versed with global and local issues and current affairs, as well as to invest time and effort in consolidating a content bank with issues and arguments across different topics. Extensive in-depth understanding of key issues discussed in society presently will also be helpful in helping students do well for the A Level GP Paper 1. Above all else, students should also have a strong foundation in the English language as well as possess appropriate essay-writing skills. Here at MindFlex, our experienced A Level GP Tutors have years of teaching experience and are well-versed with the GP syllabus to provide concise and guided support for students in their GP essay.

3.2. Paper 2 (Comprehension)

Content Marks: 35

Language Marks: 15 (a separate but holistic score based on entire script)

In Paper 2, students are required to answer various Short-Answer Questions (17 marks) based on one or two text(s). The Short-Answer Questions will cover the understanding of the comprehension text, including literal and inferred meaning, as well as vocabulary. In addition, students are also expected to answer a Summary Question (8 marks) and Application Question (10 marks), which requires students to possess technical and analytical skills in order to answer the questions well.

3.2.1. Challenges Faced in A Level GP Paper 2

In Paper 2, Time Management has been proven to be something that many A Level English students struggle with as there are many different sections with questions of varying lengths. In particular, the Application Question is usually deemed as the most difficult and time-consuming section of the Paper 2, and it is usually also the last question. Hence, students tend to spend too much time on the front of the paper, leaving the Application Question only to the end – resulting in the lack of time available to complete the question and hence compromising the quality of the answer.

3.2.2. How To Score Well for A Level GP Paper 2

Here, practice and exposure are needed to ensure that students are well-versed in the various sections and are able to critically analyse and make meaning of both the text(s) and the questions. Students should also aim to get sufficient practice through attempting past-year papers under timed conditions to simulate examination conditions, in order to ensure that they are able to complete the entire paper in time. Lastly, having a comprehensive knowledge on general and current affairs or knowledge on a wide range of topics can also come in handy for students in the Application Question.

4. A Level GP Tips and Resources

The sheer amount of content mastery required for A Level GP is definitely a lot for students. Furthermore, students might also be caught up with extracurricular activities or other A Level subjects, which makes studying for A Level GP even harder. Here at MindFlex, we have compiled a list of key study tips and free resources, perfect for giving you the head start to ace the A Level GP examination.

4.1. A Level GP Tips

1. Start a Content Bank

In order to do well for A Level GP, students are required to read up extensively on global and current affairs and be exposed to different topics ranging from marriage and culture to politics and law. Hence, MindFlex recommends starting a content bank. This can be done through either a hardcopy notebook or an online one. Upon reading up or researching on a particular topic, students can note down key points, arguments and important issues to note, as well as brainstorm possible questions revolving around the particular topic. 

This way, students will be able to get a good bird’s eye view of the various important topics and issues happening around the world, hence making it easier to study the content for examinations.

2. Craft a Study Plan

Many students struggle with doing well in their A Levels due to increased commitments and the sheer amount of workload for their multiple subjects. Hence, it is crucial for students to plan and allocate their time wisely in order to set aside sufficient time to study in addition to their other commitments and rest time. Students can get started with planning their study schedule through using printables, their school handbook/planner or drawing their own calendar/timetable.

3. Form Study Groups

Multiple studies have shown the benefits of study groups – hence it is no doubt that forming study groups with a bunch of friends or classmates can prove to be advantageous in helping students prepare for the A Levels. Given the rigour and stress involved in the A Level exam preparation, having a study group can help students to clear any doubts and form a healthy, productive study schedule. In addition, students can also destress with the study group at the end of their study session, which helps to promote a healthy work-life balance.

4. Exam Practice

A lot of practice is needed for students to grasp the content and be familiarised with the different question types and skills required – which is why MindFlex has researched a list of free downloadable A Level GP exam papers . By attempting a range of GP exam papers, students can be exposed to different topics and question types which has proven to be beneficial for A Level GP students in ensuring that they are exposed to a breadth of content and skills.

Additionally, it is also advantageous if students are able to take the exam papers under exam settings (ie. under timed conditions) in order to simulate real-life examination conditions. This way, students will be made aware of the speed and accuracy required to do well for their A Level GP examination.

5. Getting Extra Help

Tackling A Level GP can be extremely difficult if not armed with the correct skills and guidance. In addition, given the difficulty in amassing the accurate analytical skills required to analyse and interpret the various GP topics and Comprehension texts, students might require additional guidance that is tailored and customised. Given the subjectivity in marking and grading GP essays, it might also be difficult for students to study the subject on their own.

Hence, getting an A Level GP Tutor might come in handy. Here at MindFlex, we have over 7,000 trained and experienced A Level GP Tutors who have valuable tips and resources that will help improve students’ GP grades. Our A Level GP Tutors also have a wealth of resources, notes and content that will be made available to students to help them learn better. 

4.2. A Level GP Resources

Here, we have compiled our top 9 resources for your child to aid him/her in their A Level GP preparation.

1. A-Level General Paper Model Essays By Themes

The guidebook serves as a good starting point for students who are struggling with their GP Paper 1. With 30 model essays from a wide range of topics, students can extract key concepts and ideas from the model essays, which will be extremely beneficial in preparing for their Paper 1 examination.

Excel in your GP Paper 1 with this guidebook.

2. A-Level General Paper Understanding Singapore Issues

Written by the same author as the guidebook before, this guidebook is solely focused on unpacking Singapore issues that can come in handy for GP essays, which can be used for both the Paper 1 Essay and the Application Question in Paper 2. 

The key to doing well in A Level GP is to have a solid grasp on the key issues in Singapore.

3. GP Study Magazine

GP Study Magazine is a mobile app dedicated to helping students study and revise for their A Level GP examination. It features multiple GP essays and articles from a wide range of topics and issues to enrich students with content for their future essays. In addition, the app also includes many videos, infographics, data and figures to help supplement students’ learning. Furthermore, the easy-to-access interface allows for easier on-the-go learning.

GP Study Magazine is currently only available on the Google Play store .

Take learning on-the-go with this handy app.

Staying focused is something that is a struggle for many A Level students – especially with the large amounts of distractions and temptations posed to them. Hence, Forest comes in handy as an app to help students focus without getting distracted by their phones. It features a well-designed interface that can motivate students to engage in it by planting a virtual tree. While the tree is planting, a timer is triggered and students are unable to use their phones for that situated amount of time, or risk ‘killing’ their tree. Through this gamified interface, it will be beneficial for students who are trying to reduce their mobile phone usage and instead, focus on studying. 

Forest is available on the App Store and Google Play Store .

Stay productive when studying for GP with the Forest App.

As mentioned in our tips, starting a content bank for GP can be beneficial for students. Notion is a note taking app that offers a powerful, database-driven note-taking experience. It has multiple useful features that can make the note-taking experience smoother. In addition, since it can be used online, students can write their notes on-the-go while they are commuting, and be rest assured that their notes will be safe and will not be lost or misplaced. 

Find out more information about Notion on their website .

Notion is an all-in-one note taking app, perfect for A Level GP students.

6. Free A Level GP Notes

Since GP relies heavily on content knowledge and skills, it can be extremely helpful to have a consolidated stack of notes to aid you in studying. Furthermore, having collated content on global affairs can greatly ease the amount of workload required to sieve through the Internet or newspapers for content – this way, students can focus on understanding and digesting the consolidated content provided to them.

Download free A Level GP notes here .

7. Free A Level GP Exam Papers

We know how expensive extra exam resources can be – so, here at MindFlex, we have collated a list of free A Level GP exam papers that are downloadable, perfect for extra practice or revision. 

Download the A Level GP papers here .

8. A Level GP Tuition

Nothing beats an extra pair of hands to guide your child in their learning. Engaging in effective tuition classes can help you improve and gain an even greater interest in GP as a subject. Hence, it might be beneficial to seek help early from an A Level GP Tutor in Singapore.

9. MindFlex GP Home Tutors

We completely understand the hectic school and study schedules of JC students. This is why home tutoring might be a more suitable option to ensure that students are able to study comfortably. MindFlex has over 7,000 A Level GP Home Tutors for you to choose from – all of whom are experienced and will be able to help aid students in their GP. Enjoy high-quality guidance and education at the comforts of your own home with MindFlex’s A Level GP Tutors. 

Request for a MindFlex A Level GP Tutor today!

5. Conclusion

The A Levels are undoubtedly one of the most stressful and rigorous examinations for students. However, it is still important to realise that the A Levels are a crucial stepping stone for one’s future. Apart from doing well, it is also important for students to learn the correct mindsets and transferable study skills in order to do well in their further studies. 

Here at MindFlex, our A Level GP Tutors strongly emphasise on holistic education that is relevant in the fast-paced and ever-changing environment. By focusing on transferable skills, students will be able to gain genuine interest in the subject and learn important life skills and expand their mastery on general and current affairs, helping to mould them into ambassadors and future citizens.

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4 Simple Proven Steps to START Studying GP ESSAY! [A LEVELS]

Hi friends! I am finally back after a short hiatus. I hope i am still in time to share some tips with you for GP, for your upcoming tests! As usual, the full post is here if you want to read some details and also enjoy my memes :) Today i would like to share some simple steps i personally found really helpful when i was starting out my preparation for GP Essays!

It's now March, regardless of whether you're in J1 or J2, you still have a lot of time to make a difference in your GP journey. Start by aiming to do well for the upcoming common test!

Did you know that GP is one of the subjects with the lowest national percentages of A at around 22-25% while most other subjects are above 30% or even above 40%? That means that in the whole Singapore, only about 1/4 or 1/5 of the cohort would receive an A :(

Does that mean it is an extremely challenging subject? Yes and No. Yes because it is difficult and confusing if you just jump into the subject and hope to do well. No because it is actually intuitive and straightforward the moment you understand how to study for the subject. GP seems very broad, so if you don't have a targeted strategy you may struggle with it quite a bit. The good news is GP is really much easier when you understand what needs to be done and I am here to share that with you :)

Here are 4 simple steps to START studying for GP Essay (Paper 1) even if you're absolutely clueless at the moment:

1. Choose a theme that interests you

There are many themes out there in GP but you have to be strategic about it! Choose from those themes that are more major. By major, i mean that they come out for A Levels nearly every year and sometimes even have 2 questions in a year. The themes i personally find important are: Science & Tech | Arts | Media | Politics | Environment | Social Issues. One other themes you can focus on is "In your society" questions, which means you specialise in all knowledge of Singapore no matter in what aspects (be it our work dynamics, green spaces, food culture, city living, diversity, crime & punishment, tech advancements, politics and foreign policy etc). Check out this article if you need some more information about the various themes!

Pro Tip: Pick something from the major themes!

I stress finding a theme that you LIKE . Legit, there will definitely be at least ONE theme that interest you. Liking that theme is very important because it gives you the motivation to find out more about that theme.

You may be wondering what about other themes like education, sports, crime, fashion, poverty? Well i think of these topics as fringe topics that are not as major as the abovementioned ones simply because they do not come out as often . Some of them like education is also particularly challenging and requires a highly nuanced response. So i would recommend picking from the major themes. You should pick at least two themes to work on , but for starters go with one first and dive deeper into it.

2. Look at what questions there are for that theme

The next thing to do is to look at the potential questions that are being asked for that theme. I always encourage students/peers/friends to look at questions because it gives a very succinct and comprehensive overview of what that topic entails. Imagine if you just dive into Science and Tech, you would probably Google that and read what comes up but that becomes a little inefficient since the scope of the topic is virtually endless. Conversely, looking at questions evinces the key topics and concerns surrounding that theme. Once again, you can check out the article i wrote previously to see what types of questions there are.

Pro Tip: Spot the trends across different questions!

Note that questions can be similar. Don't be overwhelmed by the large number of questions. Instead, seek to spot some trends among the pool of questions to see which ones are similar and relate to the same key concern.

3. Read some essays or articles to build content

Once you have identified the key theme and some key issues of that theme, you can proceed to build your content! It's kinda like playing Pokemon where you have to train your Pokemon and expose them to outside gym battles. Similarly, you have to take time to accumulate your own content pool about this topic. The earlier you start, the more solid your content knowledge will be!

Pro Tip: Get content from reading essays!

Model essays are powerful tools because in one essay, it's packed with so many arguments and examples . Check out some model essays here ! The point here is not for you to memorise these essays, but to learn from them. I really mean this, because if you memorise and regurgitate, it may only work if the exact same question comes out. If the question is different even slightly, you would be failing to answer the question and simply spamming content in your essay. From essays, extract the arguments and examples . After that, you could really spend some time thinking about what you just read , how you feel about it, and how it relates to your own opinion. Actively digesting and evaluating what you read is important to train your critical thinking skills and help develop your personal voice (the X factor that differentiates A-grade essays in the exams).

4. Start writing some paragraphs and get feedback!

After all the reading, you need to try writing and answering the questions!

This is really crucial because you can only improve when you try and you can only truly understand when you apply . From all the questions that you have seen, pick one and it's time to show what you have got! It's like going for gym battles with your Pokemon! If you are defeated, don't lose heart, simply get feedback and work on it.

Feedback is extremely important for improvement because otherwise you will just keep repeating the same mistakes. Practice doesn't make perfect, effective practice makes perfect . You have to make tweaks to your own writing every time you practice. Seek consultations with teachers or tutors. Remember, it is very important to have someone give you comments on your work and writing and also provide concrete steps that outline how you can improve.

Pro Tip: You don't have to write an entire essay to practice! You can simply write just one paragraph and that's good enough for you to try and apply what you have read and learned

If you have read this far, kudos to you to taking a step in improving your GP :) The next step is to try out these 4 simple steps! It will surely take time but the sooner you start the easier it gets. I know of many students who wait till 1-2 months before exams before really revising or going for tuition. Honestly, that is not as effective because as you would have noticed by now, GP is a subject that takes time to improve. So go out there and ace GP essays with these steps!

Stay tuned for Part 2 that will be posted a few weeks from now where we will look at another 4 simple steps for studying Compre (Paper 2)! :) And yes, if you are surprised Compre can be studied for, it can! In the meantime, you can check out some of my previous Reddit posts by clicking on my profile or navigating from the above link!

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‘Prosperity is all that matters; everything else can take a back seat.’ Do you agree?

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Hong Kong no doubt boasts some of the wealthiest individuals the world has seen, with bustling tourist hotspots packed with …

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Do you agree that freedom of speech should never be denied even though it can be abused?

media essay gp

Freedom of speech is, to the Western world, a principal human right that must be protected by the law. Yet, …

Read more Do you agree that freedom of speech should never be denied even though it can be abused?

‘When children grow up exposed to violence, the world will pay the price.” Discuss.

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Since time immemorial, humanity has been plagued by violence, from the barbaric, ruthless slavery imposed by colonial masters, to the …

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A government that fails to win the trust of the people is doomed to fail. Comment

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The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election seemed to defy all previous political norms. The incumbent seeking a second term, Donald Trump, …

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To what extent is the use of violence in today’s world acceptable?

media essay gp

In the aftermath of the Second World War, the victorious allies came together to establish the United Nations (UN). Its …

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Should everyone be treated equally all the time?

media essay gp

In 1949, soon after the the Communists’ victory in the Chinese Civil War, the People’s Republic of China was formed. …

Read more Should everyone be treated equally all the time?

Art is only worth what people will pay for it. Do you agree?

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We may have never been a Galileo of the artistic firmament, but as citizens of a global age, we should …

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‘Education is a solution to social inequality.’ Do you agree?

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Education is often naively thought to be the holy grail of meritocracy. Observers from the outside view the system as …

Read more ‘Education is a solution to social inequality.’ Do you agree?

Assess the view that not enough consideration is given to the green agenda.

media essay gp

The culture of disposables has gone too far. It began with the small things — a plastic spoon used in …

Read more Assess the view that not enough consideration is given to the green agenda.

Does technology always make life better?

Does technology always make life better

Since the Industrial revolution, the use of technology such as machines and smart phones has been on the rise. As …

Read more Does technology always make life better?

The Knowledge Loft - Free notes for General Paper (GP) tuition

GP Resources

Paper 1 (essay).

  • We will be uploading sample GP essays that cover a range of popular GP topics and address essay questions taken from past exam papers. More than just Content, we hope you pick up Language Skills and Essay Organization Skills through these essays. If you’d like to have more in-depth analyses of the essays and improve your Essay Writing for Paper 1, do sign up for our GP tuition lessons  here  or whatsapp us at 98-333-156!

Paper 2 (Comprehension)

  • Here, we will be uploading Comprehension Passages & Questions taken from past exam papers. Even better, we provide you with the Answers too! And you’d like to have more in-depth analyses of the answers and improve your Comprehension Skills for Paper 1, do sign up for our GP tuition lessons  here


  • In this section, we will upload sample Essays & Comprehension Passages & Answers from past year’s A-Level GP exam papers. If you’d like to improve your GP grade for your exams, do sign up for our GP tuition lessons  here or whatsapp us at 98-333-156!


  1. GP Essay on Media

    media essay gp

  2. Social Media Essay In 2021 Advantages Disadvantages E

    media essay gp

  3. ⭐ Uses of social media essay. Essay on Social Media for Students in

    media essay gp

  4. Media Analysis Essay

    media essay gp

  5. Social Media Essay

    media essay gp

  6. Importance Of Media Essay Writing In English

    media essay gp


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  6. हर दिन, सीखे कुछ नया, मजेदार || @talkwithtalkative || #shorts #trending


  1. GP Essay #23: "Social media divides more than it unites". To what

    It all started with Six Degrees. Launched in 1997, this website enabled users to upload a profile and make friends with other users. It was the predecessor of the many social networking sites to come, and its creation heralded the advent of a new era - an era in which social media would emerge as a new medium of communication. Defined as a group of Internet-based applications that allow the ...

  2. GP Essay #59: Discuss the effectiveness of social media activism

    Media • Paper 1 Essay GP Essay #23: "Social media divides more than it unites". To... December 11, 2019 It all started with Six Degrees. Launched in 1997, this website enabled users to... Media Streaming giant Netflix snaps up cinema in New York. December 2, 2019 ...

  3. GP Essay Questions on Media 6/100

    GP Essay Questions on Media 6/100. GP Essay Questions on Media. Have a look at these GP Essay Questions on Media from the past papers. To what extent should the private lives of public figures be the subject of media coverage? "The media can largely be blamed for the worldwide increase in violence.". To what extent do you agree?

  4. FREE General Paper Essays From Top Students

    Wide Collection of Quality GP Essays. You can expect to find a extensive collection of GP model essays across a wide range of themes, such as social media, politics, governance, environment, education, nuclear energy and so much more. Easily find the theme that you are interested in and focus for your GP exams.

  5. 2021 A-Level General Paper (GP) Paper 1 Essay Questions

    The 2021 paper was made up of a notably large number of questions under the media theme: a third of questions were under the media theme, covering topics of social media, news, films and advertising. We managed to spot the question on advertising despite it being a rather niche topic, and our students that year … 2021 A-Level General Paper (GP) Paper 1 Essay Questions Read More »

  6. GP Essay #66: 'The adoption of online trade has made traditional

    If you'd like to have more in-depth analyses of the essays and improve your Essay Writing for Paper 1, do sign up for our GP tuition lessons here or whatsapp us at 98-333-156! Globalization • Paper 1 Essay • Society. GP Essay #66: 'The adoption of online trade has made traditional businesses irrelevant in this digital age.'.

  7. The Complete List of GP Topics & Themes

    Most Common GP Topics for Essay Paper 1. The most common topics are: 1. Historical, social, cultural, economic, political and philosophical topics. 2. Science including its history, philosophy, general principles, current developments and applications. 3. Mathematical and geographical topics.

  8. GP Essay Questions (2020) and Thematic Strategies

    GP Essay Questions (2020) and Thematic Strategies Looking for the 2021 A Levels Essay Questions? It's over here! ... Media, Politics, Environment, Individual/Values, General. These themes have been selected based on their frequency in the A Levels as well as whether they are large enough to cover different types of questions.

  9. Tips for GP Series: Top 5 MUST-READ Questions for Each Topic ...

    5. 'There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.'. Assess the validity of this statement in international relations. This question looks at how we should approach international relations — whether it is from a place of trust and cooperation or caution and pragmatism (realpolitik).

  10. Mastering General Paper (GP) essay writing: 8 expert tips

    To excel in GP, you must go beyond the basics. Here, we present indispensable tips to elevate your GP essay writing: 1. Selecting the right essay prompt. Before diving into the writing process, take a moment to familiarise yourself with all 12 essay prompts provided for your GP essay. While it's tempting to immediately gravitate towards a topic ...

  11. Major 7 Topics for GP Essay

    Major 7 Topics for GP Essay Looking for the 2022 A Levels Essay Questions? It's over here! If you want more Tips for GP, do also join this free Telegram channel which would share very helpful Tips, FAQs, and update you when articles are updated/posted ‎😃. I always believe that the most effective way to study GP is through looking at questions because they give you a specific issue ...

  12. GP Essay Outlines for Media, Ageism and Science

    GP Essay Outline 5: A profit-driven mass media is more vibrant than a government-regulated one. Discuss. When money or politics serve as the sole impetus for the production of mass media, then it eventuates in the ending of all variety, choice and vibrancy.

  13. Media Archives

    GP Media Essay: Consider the claim that the purpose of the media is not simply to convey the truth, but to make it interesting. Apr 14, 2020 / Jovan Lim / Media . This is a GP Media essay question that was featured in a 2017 H1 Prelim Paper by Dunman High School (DHS). Admittedly, this question is a rather tough ...

  14. Tips for GP Series: Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid for GP Essay [A Levels]

    Avoid going into storytelling mode, instead try being more argumentative and thinking about the implications of the example . 5. Having an Overly Narrow Scope. This is one easy way to tell a strong and weak essay apart. The strong essay aims to give a comprehensive discussion of the topic whereas the weak essay only considers certain examples ...

  15. GP essay

    4 Pages • Essays / Projects • Year Uploaded: 2022. Model essay to argue with media is every a truthful and reliable source. The media have never been a perfect source of information; its various biases and shortcomings have detracted from its ability to portray reality in an accurate and objective manner.

  16. A Level GP

    Examples of topics may include: social media, society, politics, law, culture or marriage. Students are required to pick 1 out of the 12 questions and write a 500-800 word essay. View the A Level GP 2020 Essay Questions for examples of questions. 3.1.1. Challenges Faced in A Level GP Paper 1

  17. The Knowledge Loft

    At The Knowledge Loft, we understand that students rarely have time to read the daily newspapers or weekly journals in the midst of their busy schedules, so we create and curate GP notes and resources specially designed to help students for General Paper (GP).These resources include Model GP Essays, Sample GP Comprehension Answers (including Application Question answers) and GP Topical Notes ...

  18. GP Essay #30: To what extent does social media pose a challenge for the

    Our Purpose: To provide students with regular readings, model essays & comprehension answers to help students do well for GP. Our Process: While the selected resources largely focus on creating GP resources to help JC students improve in this subject, they are also designed to be useful and interesting for anyone who is keen to understand the society we live in, in a deeper way.

  19. 4 Simple Proven Steps to START Studying GP ESSAY! [A LEVELS]

    Here are 4 simple steps to START studying for GP Essay (Paper 1) even if you're absolutely clueless at the moment: 1. Choose a theme that interests you. There are many themes out there in GP but you have to be strategic about it! Choose from those themes that are more major. By major, i mean that they come out for A Levels nearly every year and ...

  20. GP Model Essays

    Since the Industrial revolution, the use of technology such as machines and smart phones has been on the rise. As …. Find GP model essays written by students from top school in Singapore (Raffles Institution & Hwa Chong Institution). Learn from the best GP model essays.

  21. GP essay

    5 Pages • Essays / Projects • Year Uploaded: 2022. Model essay on question: Do you agree that we cannot trust the media? This essay looks into the ubiquitous presence of mass media in our everyday lives makes it an undeniable and ineluctable influence on values. Despite so, it is crucial to not trust everything you see on it.

  22. GP Resources

    In this section, we will upload sample Essays & Comprehension Passages & Answers from past year's A-Level GP exam papers. If you'd like to improve your GP grade for your exams, do sign up for our GP tuition lessons here or whatsapp us at 98-333-156! Learn more about our academic offerings and pick up essential GP skills from our academic ...

  23. GP Essay

    GP Essay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Social media has enabled both benefits and harms. While it has facilitated movements for social justice, it has also contributed to issues like the spread of misinformation, the rise of doxxing as a threat, and its use by extremist groups for recruitment and propaganda.