Demonstrate Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection Techniques

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Demonstrate Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection Techniques

  • Gibbardian Collapse and Trivalent Conditionals Gibbardian Collapse and Trivalent Conditionals Paul Égré* Lorenzo Rossi† Jan Sprenger‡ Abstract This paper discusses the scope and significance of the so-called triviality result stated by Allan Gibbard for indicative conditionals, showing that if a conditional operator satisfies the Law of Import-Export, is supraclassical, and is stronger than the material conditional, then it must collapse to the material conditional. Gib- bard’s result is taken to pose a dilemma for a truth-functional account of indicative conditionals: give up Import-Export, or embrace the two-valued analysis. We show that this dilemma can be averted in trivalent logics of the conditional based on Reichenbach and de Finetti’s idea that a conditional with a false antecedent is undefined. Import-Export and truth-functionality hold without triviality in such logics. We unravel some implicit assumptions in Gibbard’s proof, and discuss a recent generalization of Gibbard’s result due to Branden Fitelson. Keywords: indicative conditional; material conditional; logics of conditionals; triva- lent logic; Gibbardian collapse; Import-Export 1 Introduction The Law of Import-Export denotes the principle that a right-nested conditional of the form A → (B → C) is logically equivalent to the simple conditional (A ∧ B) → C where both antecedentsare united by conjunction. The Law holds in classical logic for material implication, and if there is a logic for the indicative conditional of ordinary language, it appears Import-Export ought to be a part of it. For instance, to use an example from (Cooper 1968, 300), the sentences “If Smith attends and Jones attends then a quorum *Institut Jean-Nicod (CNRS/ENS/EHESS), Département de philosophie & Département d’études cog- arXiv:2006.08746v1 [math.LO] 15 Jun 2020 nitives, Ecole normale supérieure, PSL University, 29 rue d’Ulm, 75005, Paris, France. [Show full text]
  • Glossary for Logic: the Language of Truth Glossary for Logic: The Language of Truth This glossary contains explanations of key terms used in the course. (These terms appear in bold in the main text at the point at which they are first used.) To make this glossary more easily searchable, the entry headings has ‘::’ (two colons) before it. So, for example, if you want to find the entry for ‘truth-value’ you should search for ‘:: truth-value’. :: Ambiguous, Ambiguity : An expression or sentence is ambiguous if and only if it can express two or more different meanings. In logic, we are interested in ambiguity relating to truth-conditions. Some sentences in natural languages express more than one claim. Read one way, they express a claim which has one set of truth-conditions. Read another way, they express a different claim with different truth-conditions. :: Antecedent : The first clause in a conditional is its antecedent. In ‘(P ➝ Q)’, ‘P’ is the antecedent. In ‘If it is raining, then we’ll get wet’, ‘It is raining’ is the antecedent. (See ‘Conditional’ and ‘Consequent’.) :: Argument : An argument is a set of claims (equivalently, statements or propositions) made up from premises and conclusion. An argument can have any number of premises (from 0 to indefinitely many) but has only one conclusion. (Note: This is a somewhat artificially restrictive definition of ‘argument’, but it will help to keep our discussions sharp and clear.) We can consider any set of claims (with one claim picked out as conclusion) as an argument: arguments will include sets of claims that no-one has actually advanced or put forward. [Show full text]
  • UNIT-I Mathematical Logic Statements and Notations UNIT-I Mathematical Logic Statements and notations: A proposition or statement is a declarative sentence that is either true or false (but not both). For instance, the following are propositions: “Paris is in France” (true), “London is in Denmark” (false), “2 < 4” (true), “4 = 7 (false)”. However the following are not propositions: “what is your name?” (this is a question), “do your homework” (this is a command), “this sentence is false” (neither true nor false), “x is an even number” (it depends on what x represents), “Socrates” (it is not even a sentence). The truth or falsehood of a proposition is called its truth value. Connectives: Connectives are used for making compound propositions. The main ones are the following (p and q represent given propositions): Name Represented Meaning Negation ¬p “not p” Conjunction p q “p and q” Disjunction p q “p or q (or both)” Exclusive Or p q “either p or q, but not both” Implication p ⊕ q “if p then q” Biconditional p q “p if and only if q” Truth Tables: Logical identity Logical identity is an operation on one logical value, typically the value of a proposition that produces a value of true if its operand is true and a value of false if its operand is false. The truth table for the logical identity operator is as follows: Logical Identity p p T T F F Logical negation Logical negation is an operation on one logical value, typically the value of a proposition that produces a value of true if its operand is false and a value of false if its operand is true. [Show full text]
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  • Logical Vs. Natural Language Conjunctions in Czech: a Comparative Study ITAT 2016 Proceedings, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 1649, pp. 68–73, Series ISSN 1613-0073, c 2016 K. Prikrylová,ˇ V. Kubon,ˇ K. Veselovská Logical vs. Natural Language Conjunctions in Czech: A Comparative Study Katrin Prikrylová,ˇ Vladislav Kubon,ˇ and Katerinaˇ Veselovská Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Czech Republic {prikrylova,vk,veselovska} Abstract: This paper studies the relationship between con- ceptions and irregularities which do not abide the rules as junctions in a natural language (Czech) and their logical strictly as it is the case in logic. counterparts. It shows that the process of transformation Primarily due to this difference, the transformation of of a natural language expression into its logical representa- natural language sentences into their logical representation tion is not straightforward. The paper concentrates on the constitutes a complex issue. As we are going to show in most frequently used logical conjunctions, and , and it the subsequent sections, there are no simple rules which analyzes the natural language phenomena which∧ influence∨ would allow automation of the process – the majority of their transformation into logical conjunction and disjunc- problematic cases requires an individual approach. tion. The phenomena discussed in the paper are temporal In the following text we are going to restrict our ob- sequence, expressions describing mutual relationship and servations to the two most frequently used conjunctions, the consequences of using plural. namely a (and) and nebo (or). 1 Introduction and motivation 2 Sentences containing the conjunction a (and) The endeavor to express natural language sentences in the form of logical expressions is probably as old as logic it- The initial assumption about complex sentences contain- self. [Show full text]
  • Introduction to Deductive Logic Introduction to Deductive Logic Part I: Logic & Language There is no royal road to logic, and really valuable ideas can only be had at the price of close attention. Charles Saunders Peirce INTRODUCTION TO DEDUCTIVE LOGIC PART I: LOGIC AND LANGUAGE I. INTRODUCTION What is Logic? . 4 What is an argument? . 5 Three Criteria for Evaluating Arguments . 6 II. ARGUMENT ANALYSIS – PART 1 Preliminary Issues . 9 Statements and Truth Value Premises and Conclusions . 9 Statements vs Sentences 10 Simple vs Compound Statements 12 Recognizing premises and conclusions . 13 Indicator Language. 15 TWO TYPES OF ARGUMENTS Inductive Reasoning/Argument . 18 Deductive Reasoning/Argument . 19 III. ANALYSIS – PART II FORMALIZING ARGUMENT Preliminary Issue: Formal vs. Informal Argument . 24 Simple and Compound Statements . 25 Types of Compound Statements . 26 Formation Rules for Sentential . 26 DEFINING LOGICAL OPERATORS . 29 Negation . 29 Conjunction . 30 Disjunction . 31 Conditional/ Material Implication . 32 Bi-conditional . 33 APPLICATION: TRANSLATING USING LOGICAL OPERATORS . 35 TRUTH TABLE RULES/SUMMARY OF LOGICAL OPERATORS . 38 TRUTH TABLE APPLICATIONS . 39 Application I: Substitute and Calculate Method . 39 Application II: Calculating with Unknown Values . 41 Application III: Full Truth Table Method . 42 A Short Cut Technique for statements. 44 Truth Table Test for Logical Equivalence . 45 Application IV: Using Truth Tables to Facilitate Reasoning . 47 THE NEED FOR PREDICATE . 50 Using Predicate to Represent Categorical Statements . 52 Preliminary Issues– Grammar . 53 Formation Rules for Predicate . 55 Expressing Quantity . 56 APPLICATION: Symbolizing Categorical Statements using Predicate . 56 Negating Standard Form Categorical Statements. 57 Summary Chart for Standard Form Categorical Statements . 59 Extending Predicate . 61 A Universe of Discourse . [Show full text]
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  • Set Notation and Concepts Appendix Set Notation and Concepts “In mathematics you don’t understand things. You just get used to them.” John von Neumann (1903–1957) This appendix is primarily a brief run-through of basic concepts from set theory, but it also in Sect. A.4 mentions set equations, which are not always covered when introducing set theory. A.1 Basic Concepts and Notation A set is a collection of items. You can write a set by listing its elements (the items it contains) inside curly braces. For example, the set that contains the numbers 1, 2 and 3 can be written as {1, 2, 3}. The order of elements do not matter in a set, so the same set can be written as {2, 1, 3}, {2, 3, 1} or using any permutation of the elements. The number of occurrences also does not matter, so we could also write the set as {2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1} or in an infinity of other ways. All of these describe the same set. We will normally write sets without repetition, but the fact that repetitions do not matter is important to understand the operations on sets. We will typically use uppercase letters to denote sets and lowercase letters to denote elements in a set, so we could write M ={2, 1, 3} and x = 2 as an element of M. The empty set can be written either as an empty list of elements ({})orusing the special symbol ∅. The latter is more common in mathematical texts. A.1.1 Operations and Predicates We will often need to check if an element belongs to a set or select an element from a set. [Show full text]
  • An Introduction to Formal Methods for Philosophy Students An Introduction to Formal Methods for Philosophy Students Thomas Forster February 20, 2021 2 Contents 1 Introduction 13 1.1 What is Logic? . 13 1.1.1 Exercises for the first week: “Sheet 0” . 13 2 Introduction to Logic 17 2.1 Statements, Commands, Questions, Performatives . 18 2.1.1 Truth-functional connectives . 20 2.1.2 Truth Tables . 21 2.2 The Language of Propositional Logic . 23 2.2.1 Truth-tables for compound expressions . 24 2.2.2 Logical equivalence . 26 2.2.3 Non truth functional connectives . 27 2.3 Intension and Extension . 28 2.3.1 If–then . 31 2.3.2 Logical Form and Valid Argument . 33 2.3.3 The Type-Token Distinction . 33 2.3.4 Copies . 35 2.4 Tautology and Validity . 36 2.4.1 Valid Argument . 36 2.4.2 V and W versus ^ and _ .................... 40 2.4.3 Conjunctive and Disjunctive Normal Form . 41 2.5 Further Useful Logical Gadgetry . 46 2.5.1 The Analytic-Synthetic Distinction . 46 2.5.2 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions . 47 2.5.3 The Use-Mention Distinction . 48 2.5.4 Language-metalanguage distinction . 51 2.5.5 Semantic Optimisation and the Principle of Charity . 52 2.5.6 Inferring A-or-B from A . 54 2.5.7 Fault-tolerant pattern-matching . 54 2.5.8 Overinterpretation . 54 2.5.9 Affirming the consequent . 55 3 4 CONTENTS 3 Proof Systems for Propositional Logic 57 3.1 Arguments by LEGO . 57 3.2 The Rules of Natural Deduction . 57 3.2.1 Worries about reductio and hypothetical reasoning . [Show full text]

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NQF 5 SD 115367:  Demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

U NIT STANDARD NUMBER    :           115367

L EVEL ON THE NQF               :           5

CREDITS                                 :           6

FIELD                                      :           Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences

SUB FIELD                              :           Information Technology and Computer Sciences

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demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

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TAP> Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection

Course Purpose People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving. What will you learn People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving. Use logical operations in descriptions of rules and relationships in …

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Course Purpose

People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving.

What will you learn

People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving. Use logical operations in descriptions of rules and relationships in problem situations. Simplify Boolean expressions with Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh maps. Describe the basic concepts of error detection.

Duration: 1 Day

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demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

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Week 9 Methods | Demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques | Day 45

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Welcome to Week 9!

Your content is divided into two segments:

  • C# Programming and,
  • MICT SETA unit standard outcomes and assessments

In your C# programming component, you will focus on Methods.

Methods are ways that allow you as a programmer to give your code the capability to perform an action. For example, thin of the human body, it is made up of various parts i.e., hands, legs, arms etc. Hands allow you to wave. The concept of waving can be referred to as a method in programming.

A method (waving) is made possible by a property (hand). Without the hand you cannot wave. In C# programming, we make use of the various properties to make our code functional. You will learn this in detail in the next sessions.

In your MICT SETA unit standards you will focus on computer software development. You must be aware now that computer software products e.g., applications such as WhatsApp and Facebook, are created to meet a specific business need. In the case of our examples, this need is to enable communication between “friends” across the world at minimal cost. This is the business value.

You will not simply sit in front of a computer and start coding an application. You need to plan first. You need to have a business specification that you are addressing. All this is covered in detail in the following units.

Course Features

  • Duration 7 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 48
  • Certificate No
  • Assessments Yes

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Emmanuel holds a Masters degree in Information Technology and has more than 10 years of experience in both academics and the software industry; with extensive experience in software development. Prior to joining redAcademy, Emmanuel held the position of Software Development Team Lead and Lecturer, working closely with students on Software Development projects.

During his career, Emmanuel has worked with students from different backgrounds, in both private and public institutions. This broad experience has further strengthened Emmanuel’s ability to engage a diverse group of students through his adaptive lecturing style. Emmanuel has a strong background in implementing and improving the full systems development cycle (SDLC), with the use of a wide range of technologies and frameworks.


  • redAcademy LMS, Windows PC / Apple PC / Linux PC, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Office Suite, Text Editor, Projector, White Board, Markers

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    demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

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    demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

  4. Week 9 Methods

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  5. Error Detection and Correction Techniques

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    demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques


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  5. Error Detection and Recovery in Compiler Design

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  1. PDF Demonstrate Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection Techniques

    5. Using the top-down problem-solving approach in real life problems known to the learner. 6. Practice of problem breakdown in picture drawing applications. 7. Logical operators in descriptions of rules and relationships in a problem situation. 8. Usage describes the logical operators by drawing truth tables. 9.

  2. Demonstrate Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection Techniques

    DEMONSTRATE LOGICAL PROBLEM SOLVING AND ERROR DETECTION TECHNIQUES 115367 PURPOSE OF THE UNIT STANDARD People credited with this unit standard are able to: Describe different approaches to problem solving Use logical operations in descriptions of rules and relationships in problem situations Simplify Boolean expressions with Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh maps Describe the basic concepts of ...

  3. NQF 5 SD 115367: Demonstrate logical problem solving and error

    The credit value of this unit is based on a person having prior knowledge and skills to: Demonstrate understanding of Mathematics, at least at level 3. Apply problem solving strategies • Information gathering techniques at NQF Level 5.

  4. Demonstrate logical problem solving and error detection techniques

    This highly interactive and practical course is designed to provide delegates with a sound knowledge of all elements of problem solutions to: Describe different approaches to problem-solving. Use logical operations in descriptions of rules and relationships in problem situations. Simplify boolean expressions with Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps.

  5. SAQA 115367-Learner Guide.doc

    life problems known to the learner. The description allows for the practice of problem breakdown in picture drawing applications. A bottom-up approach is the piecing together of systems to give rise to more complex systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system. Bottom-up processing is a type of information processing based on incoming data from the environment to ...

  6. TAP> Logical Problem Solving and Error Detection

    People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving. What will you learn. People credited with this unit standard can describe different approaches to problem-solving. Use logical operations in descriptions of rules and relationships in problem situations.

  7. SAQA

    The description utilises the top-down problem solving approach in real life problems known to the learner. ASSESSMENT CRITERION 4 The description allows for the practice of problem breakdown in picture drawing applications.

  8. Week 9 Methods

    Emmanuel holds a Masters degree in Information Technology and has more than 10 years of experience in both academics and the software industry; with extensive experience in software development.

  9. Saqa Qual Id Qualification Title

    Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation when: ... In particular assessors should check that the learner is able to demonstrate the ability to consider a range of options and make decisions about: ... Demonstrate logical problem solving and ...

  10. Week 9 Methods

    Welcome to Week 9! Your content is divided into two segments: C# Programming and, MICT SETA unit standard outcomes and assessments; In your C# programming component, you will focus on Methods.