English Summary

1 Minute Speech on Computer in English

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, a wonderful morning to all of you. Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic- Computer.

Computers have helped the age of science and technology reach new heights, with unforeseen developments taking place in every field. Computers are so useful that they can now be found almost everywhere, from every household to every school and office. They are the most efficient machines that can solve any problem.

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10 Lines on Computer for Students and Children in English

March 27, 2023 by Prasanna

10 Lines on Computer:  A computer is an electronic machine that inputs information and processes it to give out new information as output. Computers came into existence from the time of World war II. However, at this time, only the government could access the machines, and the public was forbidden to use.

A primary computer consists of a mouse, monitor, keyboard, and a CPU. Other attachable parts can be used, such as laser pens, scanners, printers, etc.

Computers find their purpose and importance in different sectors as medical, education, defense, and research. It has become an integral part of our life, and life without computers would be difficult to live.

Here, we have provided ten lines on Computer in English to help you formulate paragraph writings and essays on this topic as well to assist you during competitive exams and G.K. quizzes.

You can read more  10 Lines  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Computer for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • The computer is an electronic device that connects us to people across the world.
  • The word ‘computer’ originates from a Latin word ‘ Computare’ meaning calculate.
  • It was invented for solving programs and for calculations. With the development of technology, computers have evolved to solve other programs.
  • A computer consists of a monitor, mouse, CPU, and a keyboard.
  • A computer takes in information as input, processes the data, and gives new information as the output.
  • A computer is used for various purposes. It is used for making Software, documents, invoices, lists, etc.
  • A computer is also used for playing games, listening to music, accessing the internet, watching movies, and solving programs and calculations.
  • There are three basic types of computers- Hybrid computers, Analog computers, and Digital computers.
  • Computers are used in various fields like medical sectors, educational areas, research, etc.
  • Computers can perform a powerful function and hence have reduced our efforts and made our life easy.

10 Lines on Computer for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Computer for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • The computer is an electronic device that came into existence during World war II.
  • A computer has made significant contributions to the revolution of the Digital and modern world.
  • The heaviest desktop to have been ever created was in 1980 and was known as the IBM 5120.
  • The first primary computer was an Abacus invented in 500 B.C. at Babylon, and the first programmable computer was invented by Charles Babbage.
  • Computers are popular electronic devices due to their computational abilities and high processing speed.
  • A computer consists of components such as Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, and other attachable components such as scanners, printers, etc.
  • The most powerful computer, known as Supercomputers and computers, is used in different sectors such as offices, schools, stations, hospitals, etc.
  • Computers are an essential component of all scientific equipment and widely used in medical and weather forecasting.
  • Apple’s first-ever computer was on sale in the year 1976 and was known as Apple I.
  • Computers must be appropriately handled, and a little carelessness leads to malware or virus attacks and other malfunctions on the computer systems.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Computer for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • The word Computer comes from the Latin word ‘ Computare,’ which means ‘calculate.’
  • A computer consists of physical components that can be attached to it known as a Hardware.
  • A computer contains a set of directions that are already installed inside the machine known as the Software.
  • Softwares are generally of two basic types- Application software and Operating Software.
  • Computers generally have an Application software, a program that functions after the operating system software is loaded.
  • On the other hand, operation software is essential in building Software that gets loaded when the computer is switched on.
  • Computers work on a Binary system, which consists of 0 and 1. The 0 and 1 are the levels of storage are commonly called ‘Bit”.
  • A computer consists of RAM (Random Access Memory), which helps in the operating of the computer and ROM (Read Only Memory). It is a read-only memory and cannot be written.
  • A.I. or Artificial Intelligence is a function that is performed only by computers and is different from that of human intelligence.
  • Computers have purposes in society such as Medical, research, Education, Defense, etc.

10 Lines on Computer for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Computer

Question 1. What is a computer?

Answer: A computer is an electronic device that came into existence during World war II and has evolved as a powerful machine that helps us in various ways.

Question 2. What are the different components of a computer?

Answer: A computer consists of components such as Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, and other attachable components such as scanners, printers, etc.

Question 3. Mention the fields that need and make use of computers.

Answer: Computers find great importance in sectors such as offices, schools, stations, hospitals, etc.

Question 4. Which is the first computer invented?

Answer: The first computer is the ENIAC machine invented by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.

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  • Essay on Computer


Long and Short Computer Essay

The term computer was once used to refer to a person who did computation, unlike today. The development of early prototypes that led to the modern computer is credited to many individuals throughout history. A series of breakthroughs, beginning with transistor computers and then integrated circuit computers, resulted in the development of transistor technology and the integrated circuit chip, causing digital computers to largely replace analogue computers. 

In this essay, we will discuss the various components and types of computers and talk about their uses in various fields.

Long Computer Essay in English

A computer is an electronic tool that manipulates data or information. It can store, retrieve, and process information. We can type documents, send emails, play games, and browse the Web using a computer. It can also be used to edit spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos, or create them. 

Early computers were conceived only as devices for calculating. Simple manual devices such as the abacus have helped individuals do calculations since ancient times. Some mechanical devices were built early in the Industrial Revolution to automate long, tedious tasks, such as guiding patterns for looms. In the early 20th century, more sophisticated electrical machines performed specialized analogue calculations. 

Common Components of Computers

All those parts of a computer that are tangible physical objects are covered under the term hardware. The hardware includes circuits, computer chips, graphics cards, sound cards, memory (RAM), motherboards, displays, power supplies, cables, keyboards, printers and "mice" input devices.

 There are five main hardware components: 

Input Devices: 

These are devices that are used to enter data/information in the central processing unit. Example- keyboard, mouse, scanner, document reader, barcode reader, optical character reader, magnetic reader etc.

Output Devices: 

These are devices that provide the processed data/information into human-readable form. Example- monitor, printer, speaker, projector etc.

Control Unit: 

The control unit handles the various components of the computer; it reads and interprets (decodes) the instructions for the program, transforming them into control signals that activate other computer parts.

Arithmetic Logic Unit: 

It is capable of performing arithmetical and logical functions. The set of arithmetic operations supported by a specific ALU may be restricted to addition and subtraction or may include functions of multiplication, division, trigonometries such as sine, cosine, etc., and square roots.

Central Processing Unit: 

The ALU, control unit and registers and together called the CPU. It is sometimes called the computer's brain, and its job is to perform commands. We send instructions to the CPU whenever we press a key, click the mouse, or start an application.

Software refers to computer parts, such as programs, data, protocols, etc., that do not have a material form. In contrast to the physical hardware from which the system is built, the software is that portion of a computer system consisting of encoded information or computer instructions.

It is sometimes called "firmware" when the software is stored in hardware that can not be easily modified, such as with a BIOS ROM on an IBM PC compatible computer.

Computer hardware and software require each other, and neither of them can be realistically used on their own. There are four main components of a general-purpose computer: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), the control unit, the memory, and the I/O (collectively called input and output) devices.

Uses of Computer

Computers are used in various fields, such as homes, businesses, government offices, research organizations, educational institutions, medicine, entertainment, etc. because of their features and powerful functions. They have taken sectors and companies to a whole new level.


Computers are best suited for the collection, analysis, categorization, and storage of data in science, research and engineering. They also help scientists to exchange data both internally and internationally with each other.


Computers in the government sector are used to perform various functions and improve their services. In most cases, data processing tasks, the maintenance of citizens' databases, and the promotion of a paperless environment are the primary purposes of using computers. In addition to this, computers play a key role in the country's defence system.

Health and Medicine- 

They are used to preserve information, records, live patient monitoring, X-rays, and more from patients. Computers assist in setting up laboratory tools, monitoring heart rate and blood pressure, etc. Besides, computers allow physicians to easily exchange patient data with other medical specialists.


They help people get different educational materials (such as images, videos, e-books, etc.) in one place. Also, computers are best suited for online classes, online tutoring, online exams, and task and project creation. Also, they can be used to maintain and track student performance and other data.


Most countries use online banking systems so that customers can access their data directly. People can verify the balance of their account, transfer cash, and pay online bills, including credit cards. Besides, banks use computers to execute transactions and store client information, transaction records, etc.

Short Computer Essay in English

A computer's a programmable device that accepts raw data(input) and processes it as output with a group of instructions (a program) to supply the result. It renders output after performing mathematical and logical operations and can save the output for future use. The word "computer" derives from the word "computare" in Latin, which means calculating.

Types of Computer

Computers are of different types based on different criteria. Based on their size, computers are of five types:

Micro Computers- 

It is a single-user computer that has less capacity for speed and storage than the other types. For a CPU, it uses a microprocessor. Laptops, desktop computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), tablets, and smartphones are common examples of microcomputers. Microcomputers are generally designed and built for general use, such as browsing, information search, the internet, MS Office, social media, etc.

Mini Computers- 

Minicomputers are also referred to as "Midrange Computers." They are multi-user computers designed to simultaneously support multiple users. Therefore, they are generally used by small companies and firms. 

Mainframe Computers- 

It is also a multi-user computer that large companies and government organizations use to run their business operations as large amounts of data can be stored and processed. Banks, universities, and insurance companies, for example, use mainframe computers to store data from their customers, students, and policyholders.

Super Computer- 

Among all types of computers, supercomputers are the fastest and most costly computers. They have an enormous capacity for storage and computing speeds and can therefore perform millions of instructions per second.


It is a single-user computer with a comparatively more powerful microprocessor and a high-quality monitor compared to a mini-computer.

Benefits of Computers:

It increases productivity.

It helps in connecting to the internet.

It helps in organizing data and information.

It allows storing large amounts of data.

Fun Facts About Computers

The first electric computer that was invented weighed around 27 tons or even more than that and took up to 1800 square feet.

There are about 5000 new viruses that are released every month.

The original name of Windows was Interface Manager.

It is surely known that the life of humans would not have been so easy if computers were not a part of human life. This is also supported by a lot of pieces of evidence where we can even see in daily life how the computer is not just present in an organization but is also available right in the pockets of everyone. Thus, the computer has surely made it easy while also spoiling a lot of people's lives. 


FAQs on Essay on Computer

1. What are the disadvantages of computers?

While the computer has surely made life easier, it also has a lot of disadvantages. The disadvantages of the computers can be provided as follows:

People spend too much time sitting and doing nothing but watching the content on computers.

People staring at computers for a long time also tend to strain their eyes, and as a result, they need spectacles to understand what is being written in front of them.

Attention span is decreasing with an increase in the use of computers. 

With computers being AI-powered, it is now easier for people to do all the tasks on a computer and not work on it themselves. This has made a lot of people lazy.

2. What is the process of working on a computer?

A computer is an electronic machine and it needs information to be added in as raw data to function well. It has a flow that determines the accessing of data. The following steps take place before the results are obtained:

Information is taken in by the computer in the form of raw data. This process is also called the input.

Then the information that is not needed will be stored while the information that is needed is passed onto the next step. The storing of data is called memory.

Then the information that is required is crushed or it is split and this process is called processing.

The last step is where the results are obtained. This process is called getting the output.

  • Paragraph Writing
  • Computer Paragraph

Paragraph on Computers

A computer is an electronic device that needs an operator to give directions. Learn how to write a paragraph on the computer by going through the samples given in the article.

Table of Contents

  • Computer Paragraph in 100 Words
  • Computer Paragraph in 150 Words
  • Computer Paragraph in 200 Words
  • Computer Paragraph in 250 Words

Frequently Asked Questions on Computer

In this ever-changing modern world, it has become really hard to live without computers. Everything has become digitalised, and computers have made work easier and smoother. All the information which might get missed by humans is stored in the computer. Read the following samples for more information on computers.

Paragraph on the Computer in 100 Words

A computer is an electronic device that was discovered by Charles Babbage. He is known as the father of computers. There are various parts to a computer. The four major parts of a computer are the mouse, keyboard, monitor and CPU. With computers, we can send and receive messages through emails and save important information. It helps to store and modify data. Nowadays, computers are used in schools, banks, offices, etc., and it is now impossible to survive without computers. In order to run any organisation, institution, or any other office, a computer is a must. Computers have made life easier for people of different age groups.

Paragraph on the Computer in 150 Words

Charles Babbage is the father of computers. It is an electronic gadget that is used to store and process data. The features which are found in a computer are a notepad, calculator, paint tool, etc. A computer can be used to store, receive, or send information via different mediums. A computer is a reliable gadget that can store all your private information with security protection. In order to operate a computer, we need an operating system and someone to operate it. If you know how to operate, then it is easier for you to handle any kind of job. If you are not well aware of using a computer, then you will have to be dependent on someone for your work. There is no job that is impossible with the computer. Every day, scientists are working really hard to find new innovations to improve the performance and quality of computers. Therefore, in today’s changing world, it is necessary for every individual to learn the basics of computers at least.

Paragraph on the Computer in 200 Words

In the 21st century, it is impossible to imagine a life without a computer and internet connection. The invention of computers has brought a lot of changes in people’s lives and has helped in fulfilling people’s dreams. A computer is used in various organisations, schools, institutions, offices, etc. It can be used to store important information with high protection and can also be used to send and receive messages, make calculations, develop software, send and receive emails, etc. The major parts of a computer are the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and CPU, but these gadgets have been improvised with a lot of modifications.

Nowadays, we have become very dependent on technology; therefore, it is difficult to imagine our lives without a computer. To learn any professional course, you must be well-versed in computer usage. Whether a school student or an employee, you must at least know the basics of computers. Along with the increasing usage of computers, they have been updated in many ways, like making it lighter to carry in a bag, making processors faster, etc. With the increasing usage and demands of people, computers have been developed and have made life easier. Starting from simple calculations to weather forecasting, computers have become a part of our lives.

Paragraph on the Computer in 250 Words

A computer is one of the best man-made creations that has been developed to help people in various sectors. It has become such an important part of our lives that we find computers everywhere we go. Starting from our school life till our old age, we have many uses for computers. We have become so much dependent on computers that we are using computers for almost everything we do. It is a device that can store an enormous amount of data in it. We are so much dependent on computers that we do not want to put any pressure on ourselves. We blindly store all our data in a computer with a safety passcode. A computer takes up the responsibility and processes the output in no time, hence making our life easier. It collects the data, processes it and then provides the final result to us within a very short time. People in this day and age have become so reliant on computers that they cannot imagine life without them. Computers are significant because of their widespread use, productivity, and openness. Computers are the most needed innovation due to their incredible benefits. Computers are used in every field, like the education sector, hospitals, hotels, etc. If you go for a CT Scan, X-ray, or ECG, you will need a computer to check your body. In case you want to submit a project, you will need a computer. It has become a part of our lifestyle.

The computer is a remarkable piece of science that man has created to help humanity. Computers are in charge of today’s reality, and they have unquestionably altered people’s lifestyles and the condition of developing countries.

How can I write a computer paragraph?

Who is the father of computers, which is the first computer.

Giant ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was the first computer and was made by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert.

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Speech on Computer (Short & Long Speech) For Students

Speech on computer, introduction.

A very good morning to one and all present over here . Respected guests and my dear friends , today I will be giving speech on the topic “COMPUTER”

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3 Minute Speech On information Technology

Speech On information Technology: Information Technology is a way or method of sending, receiving and storing information using electronic equipment like computers, smartphones and many others. We use it knowingly or unknowingly. In the speech below we will understand this technology.

Welcome to Thenextskill.com. This page will help you compose a short speech on information technology for students studying in classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. You can read a range of speeches on this website. You can also read a long essay on information technology here.

Short Speech On Information Technology [3 Minutes]

Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes. And I also want to thank you a lot for having me a chance to share my views on Information Technology.

Information Technology refers to the use of electronic gadgets like computers, smartphones and tablets to send, receive and store information. It has transformed the way of living of the whole of humanity. Thanks to I.T. (Information Technology) that has made information available to everyone.

With the help of Information Technology, today anyone can gain knowledge almost of each type from various sources. Information Technology has not only transformed the lives of normal people but also has assisted offices and organisations.

The Internet, which has brought a drastic change in the way people acquire knowledge, is also a gift of Information Technology. Today, we are just one click away from any kind of information and knowledge with the use of the Internet.

As discussed above, Internet has impacted the lives of the common man making information accessible and affordable. Work from home is made possible because of this information technology. Students can attend classes from their homes with the help of it.

If we talk about the advantages of Information Technology, it has multiple benefits for all. In fact, we can not say a complete number because it keeps evolving and present us with new benefits. You can’t even know about the many benefits you are taking advantage of. For example, A.TM. Cards, Adhar cards, Smart cards, UPI, FasTag etc. are the latest technologies of Information Technology.

Here are some advantages of Information Technology:

  • Access to Information
  • Saves natural resourses
  • Ease of mobility
  • Better communication
  • Cost efficient
  • Offers new jobs
  • Improved Banking
  • Globlization
  • Better Communication
  • Learning made easy
  • Reduced distance
  • Entertainment

Nothing in this world exists without disadvantages. Information technology has also various disadvantages. On the one hand, where I.T. offers new job opportunities, on the other hand, it had snatched jobs of many people. If we talk about the vulnerability of security, Information technology is not secured enough.

To sum it up, we can say that Information technology is both beneficial and harmful at the same time. It is obvious that Information Technology offers us manyfold benefits but data privacy is always at stake. It totally depends on the user how carefully and intelligently he or she is using this technology.

There is a lot to tell but the time is limited and we should respect time so I have to stop here.

Thank you all for listening to my words. I Hope, you will have liked my speech.

Speech On Information Technology

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How-To Geek

How to type with your voice in windows 10.


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8 Simple Tips for Setting Up a Windows Laptop for Beginners

Lenovo thinkbook 13x gen 4 review: an ultra-portable laptop for professionals, 10 useful run commands every windows user should know, quick links, how to enable dictation and speech recognition in windows 10, typing with your voice in windows 10, how to disable dictation and speech recognition in windows 10.

If you're tired of typing with a keyboard, entering text can be as easy as using your voice in Windows 10. The OS includes built-in speech recognition and dictation features. Here's how to set them up.

Microsoft's dictation software is a useful way to write text quickly in Windows 10 using the Windows+h keyboard shortcut. But it may not already be enabled by default on your system, so you may have to make a quick trip to settings to enable it.

Begin by opening Windows Settings. To do so, open your Start menu and click the gear icon. You can also get there by pressing Windows+i on your keyboard.

To open Settings, click the Start menu and select the gear icon.

In Settings, click "Ease of Access."

In Settings, click "Ease of Access."

On the left pane, scroll down and click "Speech" in the sidebar. Under Speech settings, click the switch located below "Turn on Speech Recognition." It should switch over to the "On" position.

In Speech Settings, click "Turn on Speech Recognition."

Keep in mind speech recognition is only available in a few languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese. To perform this action quickly, hit Windows+Ctrl+s to toggle speech recognition on or off instantly.

When you toggle speech recognition on for the first time, you will need to set it up to recognize your voice.

In the Speech Recognition Setup Wizard, click "next" to start setting up your microphone.

To perform the initial microphone setup , hook up either a headset microphone, desktop microphone, or other peripheral mics. Then follow the on-screen prompt to choose and calibrate your microphone. We recommend using a headset mic for dictation software.

Select your microphone from the available options. Headset microphones are ideal for speech recognition.

Once the headset is connected, say the on-screen phrase into your microphone, so the system will capture your voice and be able to recognize it while using the program.

Say the on-screen text to set up your microphone.

Finish up by selecting whether or not you want to allow the computer to review documents and email to help it improve speech recognition accuracy.

Choose whether to enable or disable document review.

Once the setup is complete, you're ready to begin typing with your voice!

Related: How to Set Up and Test Microphones in Windows 10

After you've successfully set up your microphone, you can start typing with your voice. The wizard will ask you to toggle run Speech Recognition every time you start up the computer. Answer appropriately according to your preferences, and you're finally ready to start typing with your voice.

If you want to use dictation, select a text field and call up the dictation bar with Windows+h. We'll use a blank text document as an example. After hitting Windows+h, the dictation bar will pop up at the top of the screen:

An example of the Windows listening prompt.

Dictation will automatically turn on and prompt you to speak once you call up the dictation bar. If it doesn't, simply click the microphone icon to enable it.

Begin speaking into your microphone. Speak in complete, deliberate sentences. You can say whatever you like, and you'll see it typed on the screen as you go along. Here are some tips while you dictate:

  • Punctuation: To add punctuation, say the name of the punctuation mark you want to use as you work.  For example, say "period" to place a period at the end of a sentence, or say "comma," "E-M dash," "semicolon," "exclamation point," or "question mark" to add those punctuation makes to your document.
  • Parentheses: For parentheses, say "open parentheses" to start a parenthetical phrase and "close parenthesis" to end the phrase.
  • Numerical Values : Say "numerical" followed by a number to type out the numerical values.
  • Navigating Paragraphs: To move to the next paragraph, say "next line" or "next paragraph."
  • Deleting Text: To delete words, say "delete," followed by the word you want to delete. You can also say "delete previous sentence" to get rid of an entire sentence you no longer wish to keep in the document.
  • Selecting: To select a word, say "select," followed by the word you wish to highlight.
  • Move to Beginning or End of Sentence: If you want to go to the beginning or end of a sentence, say "go to start of the sentence" or "go to the end of the sentence. This also works for navigating paragraphs and the start or end of a document.

Remember to speak clearly and avoid speaking too fast, as it can mess with your writing flow as the software tries to catch up your pace (When talking fast, we experienced some input lag until we slowed down a bit).

Stop dictating by say, "stop dictating." To turn it back on---or if it cuts out unexpectedly---click the microphone on the dictation bar to re-enable it:

Click the microphone icon to turn off dictation.

Dictation will allow you to use your voice to write things faster and easier than if you were typing them, and it's pretty fun too.

Dictation software is ideal for a number of uses, but there you may decide to disable it at some point. If you accidentally enable dictation or simply no longer wish to use it, disabling it is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is hit Windows+h again to toggle it off.

If you want to shut off speech recognition entirely, so you don't accidentally start dictation, disable it by using Windows+Ctrl+s. This will completely disable speech recognition.

Alternatively, head back to Windows Settings. Click "Ease of Access" again, find "Speech," and flip the switch beneath the words "Turn on Speech Recognition" to the "off" position.

Under Speech Recognition settings, slide the button to the off position.

Remember, you can always turn speech recognition back on and use the dictation feature any time with Windows+H. Happy writing!

'We're not going back': Some Never-Trump Republicans embrace Harris' 'top cop' persona

WASHINGTON — The surge of excitement around Kamala Harris has locked in powerful interest groups and unions, cemented titans of Wall Street and Hollywood, and captured "coconut-pilled" progressives and Joe Biden campaign aides alike. 

But Harris’ rapid ascent to the top of the Democratic ticket is also animating another important coalition of voters: former Republicans more desperate than ever to turn the page on Donald Trump. 

Biden, with a decadeslong record in office, had offered them a moderate who promised to court compromise in Washington. Now, those anti-Trump Republicans are measuring up Harris, trying to determine whether she, too, can appeal to the center with her own policy proposals and with her pick for a running mate.

Already, Harris has notched Republican support from former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan.

Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, a Republican, endorsed Biden in 2020. After launching a third party in 2022, Whitman said she is now all in for Harris. 

“It’s a totally different race, and the idea of a prosecutor against a convicted felon is a very appealing one from an ad point of view,” Whitman said. 

Others, too, are finding plenty to embrace about California’s former top cop. 

“I loved her line: ‘I’m a prosecutor. I know how to deal with people like Donald Trump,’” said former Rep. Christopher Shays, a Republican critic of Trump from Connecticut. “She didn’t say Donald Trump’s a hateful, despicable man — ugly. She didn’t have to.”

Shays said that after meeting Biden, he decided he would not vote for him despite believing he had done a good job. He worried Trump might be able to increase his support after the failed assassination attempt but now thinks the effort to moderate him has quickly fallen away. In Harris, he sees a path forward.

“I just love everything she’s done so far,” Shays said. “She doesn’t speak for an hour and a half, and she nails it. We’re not going back.”

After the president's announcement Sunday that he would step aside, Harris worked the phones to win over key Democrats as her team worked on swaying Biden's delegates. Then, she burst into the spotlight, decades Trump’s junior, flicking away the former president’s jabs and challenging him to debate on the terms he had agreed to with Biden. 

At times, the response has bordered on gleeful.

“Republicans have had five weeks of really good luck. That ended on Sunday,” said Rick Wilson, a longtime Republican strategist and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. “They don’t have a Plan B: Their campaign is framed around young versus old, and Harris automatically walks in the door with a huge strategic advantage in that regard.” 

Harris may also get a boost from Trump. 

“He’s going to do a lot of the work for her,” Wilson said. “The fundamental of this race has not changed. The fundamental is still, ‘This is a referendum on Donald Trump.’” 

To Wilson’s point, a new advertising campaign targeting conservative-leaning swing voters by the group Republican Voters Against Trump trains its spotlight squarely on the former president, highlighting his actions on Jan. 6, court cases, threats of retribution against enemies, and voters’ worries he would pull out of NATO. 

This $500,000 pitch from anti-Trump voters isn’t so much a push for Harris as it is against Trump, part of an effort to mobilize what John Conway, the director of strategy for the group Republican Voters Against Donald Trump, calls the largest coalition in U.S. politics.

It wasn’t always this way for Harris, who, in 2020, faced off against Biden and more than a dozen other Democrats as the party lurched to the left. 

“Running in a Democratic primary at the height of the racial reckoning in 2020, her background as a former prosecutor, I think, hurt her,” said Conway. “In 2024, the country is in the mood for a candidate that has her background and can go on offense against Donald Trump.”

First, Harris has to reintroduce herself and, in the process, reassure moderates, Republicans looking to her said. While Conway, Whitman and Shays all plan to vote for Harris, others may need more to come on board. 

And there are potential pitfalls awaiting her. Shays said he remains concerned about the rate of migration across the southern border, a swell that the vice president was tasked with curbing soon after taking office. Instead, numbers have skyrocketed, and Harris has been on defense, fighting back against the title of “border czar” that her team said was never the plan. Regardless, if Harris wants the top job, she can't wave off the concerns, Shays and others said.

“Immigration is a liability,” said Shays. “It’s the one challenge she has.” He said he hopes she tackles the issue head-on “and pursues common sense.” 

Asked by reporters about the “prosecutor vs. felon” message, Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, quickly dismissed it. “Doesn’t matter,” he said. “Kamala Harris is soft on crime.”

Harris' pick for a running mate could also be a factor for some Republicans who might be swayed from Trump.

“She’s got to pick a moderate,” said Amanda Stewart Sprowls, a former Nikki Haley supporter from Maricopa County, Arizona, who identifies as a “pro-choice moderate.”

She said Biden’s candidacy offered her a candidate whom she could get behind in 2020, and she is eager for this again. Stewart Sprowls said women she knows may have even considered Trump had he picked someone other than JD Vance, whom she perceives as an extremist on women’s issues. 

“If Trump had picked a moderate, this would have been in play,” she said.

Now Stewart Sprowls and others like her are looking to Harris and her vice presidential pick to offer a more balanced ticket. 

“I am definitely a Republican, but I cannot vote for Trump,” she said. “We just want normal.”

Whitman is clear-eyed about the challenge of putting at ease voters who may have reservations about Harris’s liberal record and stances. “It’s going to be tough,” Whitman said. “A lot’s going to depend on who she picks as vice president. Even though she’s not way-left, that’s how they’re going to paint her, and that’s how she’s going to be perceived.”

A “solid” vice presidential pick will save her from spending time on defense, helping to deflect any criticism, Whitman added. 

computer speech in short

Katherine Doyle is a White House reporter for NBC News.

computer speech in short

Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC

With voice typing, you can enter text on your PC by speaking. Voice typing uses online speech recognition, which is powered by Azure Speech services.

How to start voice typing

To use voice typing, you'll need to be connected to the internet, have a working microphone, and have your cursor in a text box.

Once you turn on voice typing, it will start listening automatically. Wait for the "Listening..." alert before you start speaking.

Turn on voice typing

+ on a hardware keyboard

next to the Spacebar on the touch keyboard

To stop voice typing

Note:  Press Windows logo key + Alt + H to navigate through the voice typing menu with your keyboard. 

Install a voice typing language

You can use a voice typing language that's different than the one you've chosen for Windows. Here's how:

Select Start > Settings > Time & language > Language & region .

Find Preferred languages in the list and select Add a language .

Search for the language you'd like to install, then select Next .

Select Next or install any optional language features you'd like to use. These features, including speech recognition, aren't required for voice typing to work.

To see this feature's supported languages, see the list in this article.

Switch voice typing languages

To switch voice typing languages, you'll need to change the input language you use. Here's how:

Select the language switcher in the corner of your taskbar

Press Windows logo key + Spacebar on a hardware keyboard

Press the language switcher in the bottom right of the touch keyboard

Supported languages

These languages support voice typing in Windows 11:

  • Chinese (Simplified, China)
  • Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)

Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)

  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (India)
  • English (New Zealand)
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • English (United States)
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)

Italian (Italy)

  • Norwegian (Bokmål)

Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian (Romania)
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Swedish (Sweden)
  • Tamil (India)

Dictation commands

Use dictation commands to tell you PC what to do, like “delete that” or “select the previous word.”

The following table tells you what you can say. If a word or phrase is in bold , it's an example. Replace it with similar words to get the result you want.

Clear a selection

Clear selection; unselect that

Delete the most recent dictation result or currently selected text

Delete that; strike that

Delete a unit of text, such as the current word


Move the cursor to the first character after a specified word or phrase

Go after that; move after ; go to the end of ; move to the end of that

Move the cursor to the end of a unit of text

Go after ; move after ; go to the end of that; move to the end of

Move the cursor backward by a unit of text

Move back to the previous ; go up to the previous

Move the cursor to the first character before a specified word or phrase

Go to the start of the

Move the cursor to the start of a text unit

Go before that; move to the start of that

Move the cursor forward to the next unit of text

Move forward to the ; go down to the

Moves the cursor to the end of a text unit

Move to the end of the ; go to the end of the

Enter one of the following keys: Tab, Enter, End, Home, Page up, Page down, Backspace, Delete

Tap ; press

Select a specific word or phrase


Select the most recent dictation result

Select that

Select a unit of text

Select the ; select the

Turn spelling mode on and off

Start spelling; stop spelling

Dictating letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols

You can dictate most numbers and punctuation by saying the number or punctuation character. To dictate letters and symbols, say "start spelling." Then say the symbol or letter, or use the ICAO phonetic alphabet.

To dictate an uppercase letter, say “uppercase” before the letter. For example, “uppercase A” or “uppercase alpha.” When you’re done, say “stop spelling.”

Here are the punctuation characters and symbols you can dictate.


at symbol; at sign


Pound symbol; pound sign; number symbol; number sign; hash symbol; hash sign; hashtag symbol; hashtag sign; sharp symbol; sharp sign


Dollar symbol; dollar sign; dollars symbol; dollars sign


Percent symbol; percent sign




And symbol; and sign; ampersand symbol; ampersand sign


Asterisk; times; star


Open paren; left paren; open parenthesis; left paren


Close paren; right paren; close parenthesis; right parenthesis




Hyphen; dash; minus sign




Backslash; whack


Forward slash; divided by




Period; dot; decimal; point




Apostrophe; open single quote; begin single quote; close single quote; close single quote; end single quote


Equal symbol; equal sign; equals symbol; equal sign








Question mark; question symbol


Open bracket; open square bracket; left bracket; left square bracket


Close bracket; close square bracket; right bracket; right square bracket


Open curly brace; open curly bracket; left curly brace; left curly bracket


Close curly brace; close curly bracket; right curly brace; right curly bracket


Plus symbol; plus sign


Open angle bracket; open less than; left angle bracket; left less than


Close angle bracket; close greater than; right angle bracket; right greater than


Open quotes; begin quotes; close quotes; end quotes; open double quotes; begin double quotes; close double quotes; end double quotes

Dictation commands are available in US English only.

You can dictate basic text, symbols, letters, and numbers in these languages:

Simplified Chinese

English (Australia, Canada, India, United Kingdom)

French (France, Canada)

Spanish (Mexico, Spain)

To dictate in other languages, Use voice recognition in Windows .


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FACT FOCUS: A look at false claims around Kamala Harris and her campaign for the White House

Democrats are quickly rallying around Vice President Kamala Harris as their likely presidential nominee after President Joe Biden’s ground-shaking decision to bow out of the 2024 race.


Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Monday, July 22, 2024, during an event with NCAA college athletes. This is her first public appearance since President Joe Biden endorsed her to be the next presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

  • Copy Link copied

The announcement that Vice President Kamala Harris will seek the Democratic nomination for president is inspiring a wave of false claims about her eligibility and her background. Some first emerged years ago, while others only surfaced after President Joe Biden’s decision to end his bid for a second term.

Here’s a look at the facts.

CLAIM: Harris is not an American citizen and therefore cannot serve as commander in chief.

THE FACTS: Completely false . Harris is a natural born U.S. citizen. She was born on Oct. 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, according to a copy of her birth certificate, obtained by The Associated Press.

Her mother, a cancer researcher from India, and her father, an economist from Jamaica, met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley.

Under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, anyone born on U.S. soil is considered a natural born U.S. citizen and eligible to serve as either the vice president or president.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside,” reads the amendment.


There is no question or legitimate debate about whether a citizen like Harris is eligible to serve as president or vice president, said Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School.

“So many legal questions are really nuanced — this isn’t one of those situations,” Levinson told the AP on Monday.

Still, social media posts making the debunked assertion that Harris cannot serve as president went viral soon after Biden announced Sunday that he was dropping out of the race and would back Harris for president.

“Kamala Harris is not eligible to run for President,” read one post on X that was liked more than 34,000 times. “Neither of her parents were natural born American citizens when she was born.”

False assertions about Harris’ eligibility began circulating in 2019 when she launched her bid for the presidency. They got a boost, thanks in part to then-President Donald Trump, when Biden selected her as his running mate.

“I heard today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” the Republican said of Harris in 2019.

CLAIM: Harris is not Black.

THE FACTS: This is false. Harris is Black and Indian . Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, was born in southern India. Harris has spoken publicly for many years, including in her 2019 autobiography , about how she identifies with the heritage of both her parents.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • Stay informed. Keep your pulse on the news with breaking news email alerts. Sign up here .

Despite ample evidence to the contrary, social media users are making erroneous claims about Harris’ race.

“Just a reminder that Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris isn’t black,” reads one X post that had received approximately 42,000 likes and 20,400 shares as of Monday. “She Indian American. She pretends to be black as part of the delusional, Democrat DEI quota.”

But Harris is both Black and Indian. Indeed, she is the first woman, Black person and person of South Asian descent to serve as vice president. This fact is highlighted in her biography on WhiteHouse.gov and she has spoken about her ethnicity on many occasions.

Harris wrote in her autobiography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” that she identifies with the heritage of both her mother and father.

“My mother, grandparents, aunts, and uncle instilled us with pride in our South Asian roots,” she wrote. “Our classical Indian names harked back to our heritage, and we were raised with a strong awareness and appreciation for Indian culture.”

In the next paragraph, she adds, “My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters.” Harris again refers to herself as a “black woman” in the book’s next chapter.

CLAIM: Harris got her start by having an affair with a married man, California politician Willie Brown.

THE FACTS: This is missing some important context. Brown was separated from his wife during the relationship, which was not a secret.

Brown, 90, is a former mayor of San Francisco who was serving as speaker of the California State Assembly in the 1990s when he and Harris were in a relationship. Brown had separated from his wife in 1982.

“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago,” Brown wrote in 2020 in the San Francisco Chronicle under the article title, “Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?”

He wrote that he supported Harris’ first race to be San Francisco district attorney — just as he has supported a long list of other California politicians, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Harris, 59, was state attorney general from 2011-2017 and served in the Senate from 2017 until 2021, when she became vice president. She has been married to Doug Emhoff since 2014.

Harris’ critics have used the past relationship to question her qualifications, as Fox News personality Tomi Lahren did when she wrote on social media in 2019: “Kamala did you fight for ideals or did you sleep your way to the top with Willie Brown.” Lahren later apologized for the comment.

Trump and some of his supporters have also highlighted the nearly three-decade old relationship in recent attacks on Harris .

CLAIM: An Inside Edition clip of television host Montel Williams holding hands with Harris and another woman is proof that Harris was his “side piece.”

THE FACTS: The clip shows Montel with Harris and his daughter, Ashley Williams. Harris and Williams, a former marine who hosted “The Montel Williams Show” for more than a decade, dated briefly in the early 2000s.

In the clip, taken from a 2019 Inside Edition segment , Williams can be seen posing for photographs and holding hands with both women as they arrive at the 2001 Eighth Annual Race to Erase MS in Los Angeles.

But social media users are misrepresenting the clip, using it as alleged evidence that Harris was Montel’s “side piece” — a term used to describe a person, typically a woman, who has a sexual relationship with a man in a monogamous relationship.

Williams addressed the false claims in an X post on Monday, writing in reference to the Inside Edition clip, “as most of you know, that is my daughter to my right.” Getty Images photos from the Los Angeles gala identify the women as Harris and Ashley Williams.

In 2019, Williams described his relationship with Harris in a post on X, then known as Twitter.

“@KamalaHarris and I briefly dated about 20 years ago when we were both single,” he wrote in an X post at the time. “So what? I have great respect for Sen. Harris. I have to wonder if the same stories about her dating history would have been written if she were a male candidate?”

CLAIM: Harris promised to inflict the “vengeance of a nation” on Trump supporters.

THE FACTS: A fabricated quote attributed to Harris is spreading online five years after it first surfaced.

In the quote, Harris supposedly promises that if Trump is defeated in 2020, Trump supporters will be targeted by the federal government: “Once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation.”

The quote was shared again on social media this week. One post on X containing an image of the quote was shared more than 22,000 times as of Monday afternoon.

The remarks didn’t come from Harris , but from a satirical article published online in August 2019. Shortly after, Trump supporters like musician Ted Nugent reposted the comments without noting they were fake.

CLAIM: A video shows Harris saying in a speech: “Today is today. And yesterday was today yesterday. Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. So live today, so the future today will be as the past today as it is tomorrow.”

THE FACTS: Harris never said this. Footage from a 2023 rally on reproductive rights at Howard University, her alma mater, was altered to make it seem as though she did.

In the days after Harris headlined the Washington rally, Republicans mocked a real clip of her speech, with one critic dubbing her remarks a “word salad,” the AP reported at the time .

Harris says in the clip: “So I think it’s very important — as you have heard from so many incredible leaders — for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future.”

NARAL Pro-Choice America, an abortion rights nonprofit whose president also spoke at the rally, livestreamed the original footage. It shows Harris making the “moment in time” remark, but not the “today is today” comment.

The White House’s transcript of Harris’ remarks also does not include the statement from the altered video. Harris’ appearance at the event came the same day that Biden announced their reelection bid .

Find AP Fact Checks here: https://apnews.com/APFactCheck .


What time is Joe Biden's national address tonight? When and where to watch Oval Office speech

President Joe Biden will address the nation from the White House Wednesday night, his first national address since his announcement Sunday that he will not be running for reelection.

USA TODAY is providing live coverage for Biden's address, which is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. ET from the Oval Office in the White House. You can watch the embedded video live at the top of the page or on  USA TODAY's YouTube channel .

Biden officially dropped out of contention for the Democratic nomination over the weekend and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor, who has quickly  secured enough Democratic National Committee delegates  to become the presumptive Democratic nominee.

The president had been isolating at his vacation home in Delaware this week after a positive COVID-19 test , and has since tested negative for the virus.

Biden has said he will stay in office to finish the remainder of his term through the 2024 election.

Harris vs. Trump: How do the candidates compare in recent swing state polls?

What time will Biden address the nation?

Biden's address is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. ET, and he will speak to the nation from the Oval Office in the White House.

In a post on X , Biden said the address will share "what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people."

Where to watch Biden's address

USA TODAY will stream Biden's address Wednesday night. It will also air on major TV networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and CNN.

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  • Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys
  • Basic Computer Shortcut Keys(A to Z List)
  • Computer Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Windows

Computer Shortcut Keys for MS Word

  • Computer Shortcut Keys for Excel
  • Shortcut Keys for PowerPoint
  • Computer Functions Key Shortcuts
  • Computer Gmail Shortcut Keys

Computer Shortcuts Keys for Special Characters

Computer shortcut keys for youtube, computer shortcut keys for google chrome, computer shortcut keys for competitive exams, top 100+ computer keyboard shortcut keys list (a to z), pdf available.

Computer Shortcut Keys significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. These handy combinations of keys provide quick access to various functions and commands, allowing us to navigate in Computer, one must know Computer Shortcut keys. To work more easily and quickly with computers, shortcut keys would help you a lot.


In this Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys article, you will learn all the basic computer keyboard shortcut keys that are used in Microsoft Windows, and MS Office programs like MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel and PowerPoint that everyone should know. If you are regularly working on computer software, then this informative article is a must-read.

Table of Content

Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys PDF – Download

  • What are Computer Shortcut Keys?

Basic Computer Shortcut Keys (A to Z)

Computer shortcut keys for windows, computer shortcut keys for ms office, computer shortcut keys for ms excel, computer shortcut keys for ms powerpoint, computer functions key (f1 – f12) uses, computer shortcut keys for gmail.

Here is the PDF of all computer shortcut keys list, which is a valuable resource for learning and memorizing keyboard shortcuts for various applications and operating systems.

What are   Computer Shortcut Keys ?

Computer shortcut keys are quick combinations of keyboard presses used to perform specific tasks or commands, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

For example , the shortcut key for copying is Ctrl + C . To use this shortcut, you would press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the C key.

Learning keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time and effort. If you use a computer regularly, it is worth taking the time to learn some of the most common shortcut keys.

When you’re working on a computer, there are some really handy shortcuts you can use to make things easier and faster. Instead of always relying on your mouse, try using keyboard shortcuts for tasks like selecting text, copying, pasting, and deleting. We’ve put together a handy table of basic shortcuts from A to Z that you can check out below. Give them a try and see how much more productive you can be!

Basic Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys A to Z

Alt + E

It Edits options in the current program.


this is used to switch between the open windows.

Alt + F Shows file menu options in the current program.
Alt + F4 This closes the current window.
Alt + Page Up It scrolls up the Entire Screen.
Alt + Page Down It scrolls down the Entire Screen.
Alt + Left Arrow It shows the previous history if it is present in Bowser.
Alt + Right Arrow Go forward in the browser window.
Alt + Enter It shows the property of the selected item.
Ctrl + A It is used to select all text.
Ctrl + X It cuts the selected item.
Ctrl + Del It deletes selected items.
Ctrl + C / Ctrl+Ins Used to copy the selected item.
Ctrl + V / Shift + Ins Used to paste the selected item.
Ctrl + Home It is used to go to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End Go to the end of a document
Ctrl + S Open the save as a dialogue box.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Alt + Del Opens Windows task manager.
Ctrl+N Open a new window/document.
Ctrl+H Open the history tab/bar.
Ctrl+J Open the download tab/bar.
Ctrl+F It starts the find utility.
Ctrl+P Open the print dialogue box.
Ctrl+Esc Open the Windows start menu.
Ctrl + “+” Increases the zoom level.
Ctrl + “–” Decreases the zoom level.
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4 Closes the current tab.
Ctrl+T Open a new tab.
Home Takes the user to the start of the current line.
End This is used to go to the end of the current line
Shift + Delete files will be deleted permanently.
Ctrl + Y This redo the last action.
Ctrl + K It insert hyperlink for the selected text.
Windows key + L This lock the computer, requiring password entry to access again.
Windows key + X Access the Power User Tasks Menu in Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Windows key + Down arrow It Minimize the active program window.
Windows key + Up arrow It Maximize the active program window.
Ctrl + Left arrow This key used to move one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow This is used for move one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action.
Ctrl + K Insert hyperlink for the selected text.
Windows key + X Access the Power User Tasks Menu in Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Windows key + ↓ Minimize the active program window. (That format Should be used)
Windows key + L Lock the computer, requiring password entry to access again.
Windows key + ↑ Maximize the active program window.
Ctrl + ← Move one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + → Move one word to the right at a time.
Ctrl + Home Go to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End Go to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Windows Task Manager.
Shift + Home Highlight from the current position to the beginning of the line.
Shift + End Highlight from the current position to the end of the line.

For Windows users, All the computer shortcut keys for Microsoft Windows are given below. We’ve put together a handy table of basic shortcuts for Microsoft Windows from the below table. By mastering shortcut keys can significantly improve their efficiency.


Uses of Shortcut keys


Used to rename the selected icon.


This Find anything from our desktop.

F4 This is used in Windows 95 to XP to open the locate window.
F5 It is used to refresh the contents of your Windows system.
Alt + F4 Used to close the ongoing program.
Ctrl + F4 This shortcut is used to swiftly close a document.
Ctrl + Plus Key This adjusts the widths of all columns automatically, in Windows Explorer.
Alt + Print Screen / Win+PrtScn It is used to take a screenshot of the current page.
Ctrl + Alt + Del Used to Reboot/Windows task manager.
Ctrl + Esc It activates the start menu.
Alt + Enter It is used to open the properties window for the selected icon or program.
Win + X It shows shutdown options.
Win + L It Locks the computer screen.
Win This display or hide the Start screen.
Win + D Used to show/hide the desktop.
Win + E This open file explorer.
Win + M It minimizes all open windows.
Win + Shift + M This shortcut restores all minimized windows.
Win + P Select a presentation display mode.
Win + Q It opens the search for the menu.
Win + R It opens the Run dialogue box.
Win + Z This display the commands used in the current open window.
Win + Down Arrow It minimizes the desktop window or clear the current application from the screen.
Win + Up Arrow It is used to maximize the window.
Win + Left Arrow This shortcut maximizes the window to the left side of the screen.
Win + Right Arrow It maximizes the window to the right side of the screen.
Win+ This is used to zoom in using a magnifier.
Win- It zooms out using a magnifier.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc This is used to open Windows Task Manager.
Ctrl + Home This key is used to go to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl + End This key is used to go to the end of the document.
Shift + Home It highlight from the current position to the beginning of the line.
Shift + End It highlight from the current position to the end of the line.
For more, you can refer to this article on Windows Shortcut Keys

Here is some of the most commonly used shortcut keys in MS Office applications.

Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl + N New document
Ctrl + O Open document
Ctrl + S Save document
Ctrl + P Print document
Ctrl + Z Undo action
Ctrl + Y Redo action
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + C Copy selected text
Ctrl + X Cut selected text
Ctrl + V Paste copied text
Ctrl + B Bold text
Ctrl + I Italicize text
Ctrl + U Underline text
Ctrl + F Find text
Ctrl + H Replace text
Ctrl + K Insert hyperlink
Ctrl + L Align left
Ctrl + E Align center
Ctrl + R Align right
Ctrl + J Justify text
Ctrl + D Font dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size
Ctrl + Space Remove formatting
Ctrl + Enter Insert page break

If you’re new to MS Excel, it can be tough to remember all the keyboard shortcuts. Below is a handy table of all the shortcut keys for MS Excel.

Shortcuts Uses of Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C

It is used to copy selected cells.

Ctrl + V

It is used to paste select cells.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys

It selects multiple cells.


This edit the selected cell.

F4 This repeats the last action.
F5 it is used to go to a specific cell.
F7 It is used for Spell check on selected text and/or documents.
F11 Created Chart.
Ctrl + Shift + ; It entered the current time.
Ctrl + ; This entered the current date.
Alt + Shift + F1 It inserts a new worksheet.
Shift + F3 This opens the Excel formula window.
Shift + F5 Bring up the search box.
Ctrl + B It is used for bold highlighted selections.
Ctrl + I It is used for italicizing highlighted selections.
Ctrl + D Fill
Ctrl + K It is used to insert Links.
Ctrl + F / Ctrl + H Used for open find and replace options.
Ctrl + G Used to open go-to options.
Ctrl + U It is used to underline highlighted selections.
Ctrl + Y It is used to underline selected text.
Ctrl + 5 Used to strikethrough highlighted selection.
Ctrl + O It is used to open Options.
Ctrl + N This opens a new document.
Ctrl + F9 It minimizes the current window.
Ctrl + F10 It maximizes the currently selected window.
Ctrl + P It opens the print dialogue box.
Ctrl + Z This undoes the last action.
Ctrl + F6 It switches between open workbooks/windows.
Ctrl + It is used to insert the value of the above cell into the current cell.
Ctrl + Page up & Page Down It moves between Excel sheets.
Ctrl + Shift + $ This format number is in currency format.
Alt + = Used to create the formula to sum all of the above cells.
Ctrl + Tab It is used to move between two or more open Excel files.
Ctrl + Shift + ! Used to format numbers in comma format.
Ctrl + Shift + % This is used to format numbers in a percentage format.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ This is used to format numbers in scientific format.
Ctrl + Shift + # This shortcut is used to format numbers in date format.
Ctrl + W Close document.
Ctrl + Space This is used to select the entire column.
Ctrl + Shift + @ This format number is in time format.
Ctrl + Right arrow It moves to the next section of the text.
Shift + Space It selects the entire row.
For more, you can refer to this article on MS Excel Shortcut Keys.

MS Word is the basic computer software However and there is a complete list of Computer Shortcut Keys that makes typing on MS Word easier and more comforting.


Uses of Shortcut keys

Ctrl + B

Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text

Ctrl + X

Cut selected text

Ctrl + N

Open a new/blank document

Ctrl + O Open options
Ctrl + P Open the print window
Ctrl + F Open find box
Ctrl + I Italicize highlighted selection
Ctrl + K Insert link
Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection
Ctrl + V Paste Selected Text
Ctrl + G / Ctrl + H Find and replace options
Ctrl + J Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + L It is used to align selected text or lines to the left
Ctrl + Q It is used to align selected paragraphs to the left
Ctrl + E This shortcut is used to align the selected text or line to the centre.
Ctrl + R This shortcut is used to align selected text or lines to the right
Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph
Ctrl + T Hanging indent
Ctrl + D Font options
Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font
Ctrl + Shift + > / Ctrl + ] Increase selected font +1
Ctrl + [ Decrease selected font -1
Ctrl + Shift + * View or hide non-printing characters
Ctrl + (Left arrow) Move one word to the left
Ctrl + (Right arrow) Move one word to the right
Ctrl + (Up arrow) It moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph
Ctrl + (Down arrow) Move to the end of the paragraph
Ctrl + Del This Delete the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl + Backspace This deletes the word to the left of the cursor
Ctrl + End It is used to move the cursor to the end of the document
Ctrl + Home This moves the cursor to the beginning of the document
Ctrl + Space Reset highlighted text to the default font
Ctrl + 1 Single-space lines
Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines
Ctrl + 5 1.5-line spacing
Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2
Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3
Shift + F3 Change the case of the selected text
Shift + Insert Paste
F4 Repeat the last action performed
F7 Spell-check selected text and/or document
Shift + F7 Activate the thesaurus
F12 Save as
Ctrl + S / Shift + F12 Save
Alt + Shift + D Insert the current date
Alt + Shift + T Insert the current time
Ctrl + W Close document
Ctrl + = Set chosen text as a subscript.
Ctrl + Shift + = Set chosen text as superscript.

Microsoft PowerPoint empowers you to create clean slideshow presentations and detailed pitches and gives you a powerful presentation It becomes more easy and more enjoyable if you are aware of the shortcut key of the PowerPoint. Below is a handy table of all the shortcut keys for MS PowerPoint.


Uses of Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C

Copy slide.

Ctrl + V

Paste slide.


Start a slideshow.

Ctrl + N It opens a new, blank slide in a different PowerPoint program window.
Esc Used to exit the slide show and go back to the earlier live view.
Ctrl + M It Includes a new, blank slide after the chosen slide.
Ctrl + D Used to duplicate the current slide
Ctrl + K It is used to enter a hyperlink.
Ctrl + Shift + > It increases the chosen text size by one font size.

Ctrl + Shift + <

Used to decrease the chosen text size by one font size.

CTRL + G It is used to group things together

Functions Key are used to perform some specific tasks in Computer, Below is the list of them with their functions.


Uses of Shortcut Keys


It displays help.


It renames the selected item.


This is used to search for a file or folder.


It shows the address bar.

F5 This is used to Refresh the windows.
F6 It moves the cursor in the address bar of different browsers
F10 It activates the menu bar in the active application.
F11 Used to enable and disable the fullscreen.
F12 This shortcut is used to save a file as save as.

Here are some commonly used computer shortcut keys used for Special Characters:


Uses of Shortcut Keys

Alt + 0224 / Alt + 133


Alt + 0232 / Alt + 138


Alt + 0236 / Alt + 141


Alt + 0242 / Alt + 149


Alt + 0241 ñ
Alt + 0228 / Alt + 132 ä
Alt + 0246 / Alt + 148 ö
Alt + 0252 / Alt + 154 ü
Alt+0248 ø
Alt + 0191 ¿
Alt + 0231 ç
Alt + 0198 / Alt + 146 Æ
Alt + 0223 ß
Alt + 0153
Alt + 0177 / Alt + 241 ± (plus/minus symbol)
Alt + 0174 ®
Alt + 0176 / Alt + 248 ° (degree symbol)
Alt + 0169 ©
Alt + 0128 €(Euro currency)
Alt + 0162 ¢(Cent symbol)
Alt + 0163 £(British Pound currency)
Alt + 0165 ¥(Japanese Yen currency)
Alt + 16
Alt + 17
Alt + 171 ½ (Vulgar fraction one half)
Alt + 172 ¼ (Vulgar fraction one fourth)
Alt + 224 α(Alpha)
Alt + 225 ß
Alt + 226 Γ(gamma)
Alt + 227 π(Pie Sign)
Alt+228 Σ(Sigma Sign)
Alt + 239 ∩(Intersection Sign)
Alt + 35 #
Alt + 36 $(Dollar sign)
Alt + 37 %(Percentage sign)
Alt + 242 ≥(Greater than or equal to sign)
Alt + 243 ≤(Less than or equal to sign)
Alt + 247 ≈(Almost equal to sign)

In our day to day, we use to write emails but what if it becomes easier for you by just knowing about the Gmail Shortcut Keys. we list down all the Shortcut Keys below.


Uses of Shortcut Keys


It is used to reply to all.


Used to compose a new email.


Archive the email and return it to the inbox.


Go to inbox.


This is used to reply to the sender.


Mark as unread.


It adds cc recipients.


It is used to add bcc recipients.

.] It archives the email and proceeds to the next email.

Here are some commonly used YouTube shortcuts keys:

Shortcut Key Uses of Shortcut Keys
Space Play/Pause
K Play/Pause
J Rewind 10 seconds
L Fast forward 10 seconds
Left Arrow Rewind 5 seconds
Right Arrow Fast forward 5 seconds
Up Arrow Increase volume
Down Arrow Decrease volume
M Mute/unmute
F Enter/Exit fullscreen
C Toggle captions/subtitles
0-9 Seek to 0-90% of the video
Home Go to the beginning
End Go to the end
/ Search within the video
N Next video in playlist
P Previous video in playlist
+/= Increase playback speed
Decrease playback speed
Shift + > Increase playback speed (by 10%)
Shift + < Decrease playback speed (by 10%)

Here are some commonly used Google Chrome shortcuts keys:

Shortcut Key Uses of Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + T Open a new tab
Ctrl + W Close the current tab
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last closed tab
Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab
Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 8 Switch to specific tab (1 is leftmost)
Ctrl + 9 Switch to the rightmost tab
Ctrl + N Open a new Chrome window
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new Incognito window
Ctrl + L or F6 Highlight the address bar
Ctrl + Enter Add “www.” and “.com” around typed address
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle the bookmarks bar on/off
Ctrl + H Open the browsing history
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the Clear browsing data dialog
Ctrl + F Find on the current page
Ctrl + G or F3 Find next occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Find previous occurrence
Ctrl + Shift + J Open the Chrome DevTools
Ctrl + Shift + C Inspect an element with the DevTools
Ctrl + + Zoom in
Ctrl + – Zoom out
Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom to default
Ctrl + Shift + R Reload the current page, bypassing cache
Alt + Left Arrow Go back one page
Alt + Right Arrow Go forward one page
F5 or Ctrl + R Reload the current page
Ctrl + Shift + B Toggle the bookmarks bar on/off
Ctrl + D Bookmark the current page
Ctrl + Shift + D Save all open tabs as bookmarks in a folder
Ctrl + Shift + O Open the Bookmarks Manager
Ctrl + Shift + P Open an Incognito window
Ctrl + J Open the Downloads page
Ctrl + U View page source
Ctrl + S Save the current page
Ctrl + P Print the current page
Ctrl + F5 Clear the cache and reload the page

Here are some commonly used computer shortcut keys that can be helpful in all competitive exams such as UPSC Civil Services Exam, SSC CGL, IBPS PO/Clerk, RRB NTPC, SBI PO/Clerk, NDA Exam, CDS Exam, IES Exam, RBI Grade B Exam, LIC AAO Exam, UGC NET, TET, CAT.

Shortcut Keys

Uses of Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z


Ctrl + S


Ctrl + P


Ctrl + A

Select All

Ctrl + F


Ctrl + H


Ctrl + B


Ctrl + I


Ctrl + U


Ctrl + + (Plus sign)

Zoom In

Ctrl + – (Minus sign)

Zoom Out

Ctrl + W

Close the current window/Tab

Ctrl + N

New File/Document

Ctrl + O

Open File/Document

F5 or Ctrl + R


Alt + Tab (Windows) or Command + Tab (Mac)

Switch between application

Also, check: Competitive Shortcut Keys

Computer Shortcut Keys – FAQs

How can shortcut keys improve my productivity.

Shortcut keys allow you to perform actions quickly without the need to navigate through manually, saving time and effort.

Can I create custom shortcut keys?

Some applications allow users to customize shortcut keys. Check the settings or preferences section of the application you’re using to explore this possibility.

What is the use of Ctrl + F9?

Ctrl + F9 is a shortcut computer key to minimise the current window.

What is the shortcut to Closing a window in the program?

Press Ctrl + F4 to close the window in the program.

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Intron Health gets backing for its speech-recognition tool that recognizes African accents

Intron health raises $1.6 million pre-seed funding

Voice recognition is getting integrated in nearly all facets of modern living, but there remains a big gap: Speakers of minority languages and those with thick accents or speech disorders like stuttering are typically less able to use speech-recognition tools that control applications, transcribe or automate tasks, among other functions.

Tobi Olatunj i , founder and CEO of clinical speech-recognition startup Intron Health , wants to bridge this gap. He claims that Intron is Africa’s largest clinical speech database, with its algorithm trained on 3.5 million audio clips (16,000 hours) from over 18,000 contributors, mainly healthcare practitioners, representing 29 countries and 288 accents. Olatunji says that drawing most of its contributors from the healthcare sector ensures that medical terms are pronounced and captured correctly for his target markets. 

“Because we’ve already trained on many African accents, it’s very likely that the baseline performance of their access will be much better than any other service they use,” he said, adding that data from Ghana, Uganda and South Africa is growing and that the startup is confident about deploying the model there. 

Olatunji’s interest in health tech stems from two strands of his experience. First, he received training and practiced as a medical doctor in Nigeria, where he saw firsthand the inefficiencies of the systems in that market, including how much paperwork needed to be filled out and how hard it was to track all of it.

“When I was a doctor in Nigeria a couple years ago, even during medical school and even now, I get irritated easily doing a repetitive task that is not deserving of human efforts,” he said. “An easy example is we had to write a patient’s name on every lab order you do. And just something that’s simple, let’s say I’m seeing the patients, and they need to get some prescriptions, they need to get some labs. I have to manually write out every order for them. It’s just frustrating for me to have to repeat the patient name over and over on each form, the age, the date, and all that. … I’m always asking, how can we do things better? How can we make life easier for doctors? Can we take some tasks away and offload them to another system so that the doctor can spend their time doing things that are very valuable?”

Those questions propelled him to the next phase of his life. Olatunji moved to the U.S. to pursue a master’s degree in medical informatics from the University of San Francisco and then another in computer science at Georgia Tech.

He then cut his teeth at a number of tech companies. As a clinical natural language programming (NLP) scientist and researcher at Enlitic, a San Francisco Bay Area company, he built models to automate the extraction of information from radiology text reports. He also served Amazon Web Services as a machine learning scientist. At both Enlitic and Amazon, he focused on natural language processing for healthcare, shaping systems that enable hospitals to run better.

Throughout those experiences, he started to form ideas around how what was being developed and used in the U.S. could be used to improve healthcare in Nigeria and other emerging markets like it.

The original aim of Intron Health, launched in 2020, was to digitize hospital operations in Africa through an electronic medical record (EMR) system. But take-up was challenging: It turned out physicians preferred writing to typing, said Olatunji.

That led him to explore how to improve that more basic problem: how to make physicians’ basic data entry, writing, work better. At first the company looked at third-party solutions for automating tasks such as note-taking and embedding existing speech to text technologies into his EMR program.

There were a lot of issues, however, because of constant mis-transcription. It became clear to Olatunji that thick African accents and the pronunciation of complicated medical terms and names made the adoption of existing foreign transcription tools impractical. 

This marked the genesis of Intron Health’s speech-recognition technology, which can recognize African accents and can be integrated with existing EMRs. The tool has to date been adopted in 30 hospitals across five markets, including Kenya and Nigeria. 

There have been some immediate positive outcomes. In one case, Olatunji said, Intron Health has helped reduce the waiting time for radiology results at one of West Africa’s largest hospitals from 48 hours to 20 minutes. Such efficiencies are critical in healthcare provision, especially in Africa, where the doctor-to-patient ratio remains one of the lowest in the world.

“Hospitals have already spent so much on equipment and technology … Ensuring that they apply these tech is important. We’re able to provide value to help them improve the adoption of the EMR system,” he said.

Looking ahead, the startup is exploring new growth frontiers backed by a $1.6 million pre-seed round, led by Microtraction, with participation from Plug and Play Ventures, Jaza Rift Ventures, Octopus Ventures, Africa Health Ventures, OpenseedVC, Pi Campus, Alumni Angel, BakerBridge Capital and several angel investors.

In terms of technology, Intron Health is working to perfect noise cancelation, as well as ensuring that the platform works well even in low bandwidths. This is in addition to enabling the transcription of multi-speaker conversations and integrating text-to-speech capabilities.

The plan, Olatunji says, is to add intelligence systems or decision support tools for tasks such as prescription or lab tests. These tools, he adds, can help reduce doctor errors, ensure adequate patient care and speed up their work. 

Intron Health is among the growing number of generative AI startups in the medical space, including Microsoft’s DAX Express, which are reducing administrative tasks for clinicians by generating notes within seconds. The emergence and adoption of these technologies come as the global speech- and voice-recognition market is projected to be valued at $84.97 billion by 2032, following a CAGR of 23.7% from 2024, according to Fortune Business Insights .

Beyond building voice technologies, Intron is also playing a pivotal role in speech research in Africa, having recently partnered with Google Research, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Digital Square at PATH to evaluate popular large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Google’s Gemini, and Anthropic’s Claude across 15 countries, to identify strengths, weaknesses, and risks of bias or harm in LLMs. This is all in a bid to ensure that culturally attuned models are available for African clinics and hospitals. 

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World Computer Literacy Day speech- check Short and Long Speech here.

World Computer Literacy Day speech : Every year on December 2nd, the world celebrates World Computer Literacy Day. Computers and digital gadgets run the planet. They quickly become indispensable in everyday life. World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated to raise awareness of computers and electronic gadgets. Speeches given on such an important occasion are accorded extra consideration. Any student giving such a speech ought to start with an introduction before moving on to ideas that the audience will remember. Speeches can be of any length. Both instructors and other students should find it to be as interesting as possible.

For more information on the Short and Long Formats of the World Computer Literacy Day Speech, continue reading.

Check out the latest post 

Table of Contents

Short speech on World Computer Literacy Day

Long speech on world computer literacy day, world computer literacy day faqs.

Use the brief speech provided below to help you write a World computer literacy day speech in English. You can learn how to compose your own speech on World computer literacy day in English.

Greetings and good morning to everyone in this room. My name is _____, and I’m here to share my thoughts with you about “World Computer Literacy Day.”

Every year on December 2nd, the world commemorates World Computer Literacy Day. Computers and other digital devices are the basis of modern life. They quickly established themselves as necessities in daily life. To raise public awareness of computers and other electronic devices, World Computer Literacy Day is held. With a variety of abilities, from basic use to complex problem-solving and programming, the celebration Day encourages people to use them effectively. Make the most of this Day to learn everything there is to know about computers and the technology that they are connected to.

In the year 2001, the first World Computer Literacy Day was observed. The Indian computer corporation, NIIT, is in charge of organising the event. On this day, which commemorates NIIT’s 20th birthday, the Day is observed. It is a holiday that strives to spread knowledge about how to use computers and other associated technology effectively. Any person, regardless of age, must have a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of these procedures. Understanding computer programming and how computers operate is referred to as computer literacy. It is regarded as the ability that everyone should possess. The Day closes the global digital divide that exists today. The ability to use computer programmes and other related applications is known as computer literacy. The importance of teaching children digital literacy cannot be overstated. Understanding how computers work is another definition of computer literacy. The idea of learning about a computer is barely beyond the fundamentals. 

By understanding the inner workings of these machines, one can quickly acquire a wealth of information in the field of computers. The greatest method to establish a good profile for oneself is to become well-versed in technology. It offers you a greater variety of knowledge than others. Understanding how computers work and how to use them would enable one to become aware of the world of possibilities.

Use the long How to Control Pollution Speech in English provided below to help you write your own.

Dear Principal, Vice-Principal, Teachers, and Friends, I am honoured to be here today. Good morning to everyone of you. I’m _____, and I’m delighted to share my thoughts on “World Computer Literacy Day.”

Having current knowledge of computers and their capabilities is known as computer literacy. Utilizing the internet is one of the more well-liked computer features. The internet is a global system of networks that connects millions of organisations, governmental entities, institutions of higher learning, and private citizens. The Pentagon originally developed it so that scientists and the military could quickly share information and their research on a network. They also made sure it would work if a terrorist attack or natural disaster took down a portion of the network. By connecting additional computers to their network, the servers provide connections between them so that clients can communicate.

The 2nd December has been designated as World Computer Literacy Day. The computer and other digital devices run the planet. They soon become a need in daily life. The purpose of World Computer Literacy Day is to raise public understanding of computers and other electronic devices. The day of celebration encourages individuals to use them effectively with a variety of abilities, from basic use to complex problem-solving and programming. Consider this Day as the ideal time to learn everything there is to know about computers and the technology that they are connected to. The inaugural World Computer Literacy Day was observed in 2001. NIIT, an Indian computer firm, is in charge of organising the event. As this marks the 20th anniversary of NIIT, the Day is observed on this day. It is a holiday with the goal of raising awareness of the efficient use of computers and related technology. Any person, regardless of age, must be familiar with the fundamentals of these approaches. Knowing how to programme computers and how they operate is known as computer literacy. It is regarded as being the most important skill to have. The Day reduces the global digital divide that is currently in place.

By raising awareness of those who cannot afford decent education but have the potential to make a significant improvement in India’s information technology sector, you may celebrate World Computer Literacy Day.

‘ Computer literacy classes typically result in computer professionals who are very knowledgeable about computers or a particular piece of software, but they don’t assist people in becoming good at the device.’

With this quote I want to conclude that There are many individual actions you can do to educate those in your community about correct computer usage and support their continued education with the right tools. We should focus on developing some form of human literacy rather than computer literacy. Computers must learn to communicate with humans.

Have a nice day!

World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated to raise awareness of computers and electronic gadgets. 

Every year on December 2nd, the world commemorates World Computer Literacy Day. 

The goals of this day are to bridge the gap between technologically backward and technologically developed nations around the world.

‘First-generation computer’ is the 1st theme for world computer literacy day

Charles Babbage invented computers.

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Essay on Computer in English for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Essay on Computer: A computer is a machine that can be programmed to perform a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They are used in almost every field, from medicine and space exploration to business and communication.

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Computers have made our lives easier in many ways. They help us perform tasks that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. For example, computers can help us keep track of large amounts of information, communicate with others around the world, and entertain us with games and videos.

A computer is an electronic device capable of performing complex calculations and tasks impossible for a human brain to accomplish. First ever mechanical computer was developed in 19 th century by Charles Babbage. Since then computers have undergone many transformational changes in size and processing speed. Modern computers are capable of taking human instructions in a form of language called programming language and delivering output in fraction of a second.

Today, computers are used in every office and institution for performing a number of tasks from maintaining and processing data, keeping records of transactions and also employees, preparing and maintaining account statements, balance sheets etc. High speed computers are used in more complex science programs such as space exploration missions and satellite launch. Computers have become an integral part of our life due to its usefulness into various fields.

Long and Short Essay on Computer in English

Find very simple to write and easy to learn essay on computer. Computer is a very high technique invention which everyone must know about and also its advantages in life.

It is very much liked by kids. So bring some creativity in the education of your kids and children through computer.

We have provided below various computer essay in different words limit like 100 words, 150 words, 200 words, 250 words, 300 words and also 400 words according to the need and requirement of students.

Short Essay on Computer

Computer essay 10 lines.

  • Computers are amazing machines of modern technology.
  • They can store a lot of information in their memory.
  • You can use a keyboard to give them commands and a printer to get things on paper.
  • Even kids can use computers because they are easy to handle.
  • Computers are everywhere, from offices to schools.
  • They can do many tasks quickly and efficiently.
  • You can use a mouse, keyboard, and printer with a computer.
  • Computers are great for learning and getting information from the internet.
  • But we should be careful online to avoid bad stuff.
  • In the end, computers have changed our lives and made many things easier.

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Computer Essay 1 (100 words)

A computer is a great invention of the modern technology. It is generally a machine which has capability to store large data value in its memory. Computer works using input (like keyboard) and output (like printer) devices. It is very simple to handle the computer as its functioning is so common that a child can handle it. It is a very reliable device which we can carry with us and use anywhere and anytime. Computer allows us to make changes in the already stored data as well as store new data. It is a new technology which is used in offices, banks, educational institutions, etc.

Computer Essay 2 (150 words)

It is a modern tool which has made life very easy and simple. Computer has capability to complete more than one task in small time. It is able to do work of many human beings alone within less time. Computer is the utility of highest efficiency. The first computer was a mechanical computer which was created by the Charles Babbage. However a computer works successfully using its hardware and fully installed application software. Other accessories of the computer are keyboard, mouse, printer, CPU and UPS.

The data which we put into the computer using device is called input data and device as input device and data which we take outside using printer or other device is called as output data and device as output device. Therefore the input data gets changed into the information which can be stored and changed anytime. Computer is very safe tool for data storage which is being used in various fields. We can shop, pay our electricity bill, water bill, video chat also messaging, e-mail messages anywhere in the world and lots of online activities using internet.

Computer Essay 3 (200 words)

Computer is the latest technology which is used almost everywhere. It has made possible to do large amount of works in very small time. It has reduced the man effort in the offices means it gives high level of work output in very small time, less effort also low man power, etc. Now a day, it has become hard to imagine our lives without computer. We often use internet in the computer which gives us lots of required information on any subject in very less time. Therefore there are great contributions of the computer in the lives of human being. It is playing big role in every field and helping us every single moment. Old generations of the computer were less effective with less functions but new generations of it are amazing with high capacity, easy to handle and more functions.

Future generations of the computer would be more effective and lots of functioning. However it has made our life easier. Using this we can easily learn anything and enhance our skill. We can get any information about any service or product or other thing within no time. However we can buy anything online using computer and internet and get free delivery. It is very useful for the preparation of project work of any student reading in any class.

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Computer Essay 4 (250 words)

Computer is the wonderful and mastermind gift of the science to the whole human fraternity. It can used to do any kind of works. It is very easy to handle by anyone and takes very less time to learn. Because of its easiness and high work efficiency, it used in many fields like offices, banks, hotels, educational institutions, shops, hospitals, commercial places, schools, colleges, training institutes, military establishments, military, industries, etc. Many people buy laptop or desktop for their kids to learn about required things in their schools or playing computerized video-games, etc.

Computer is a big dictionary and large storage device which we use to save any type of large amount of data like information, study materials, projects, photos, images, video, audio, songs, clips, games, and also many more. Computer is an electronic machine which is able to calculate and solve big problems. It helps in enhancing our skill level and also get information easily. It is very simple data based machine. Computer provides facility of many other tools like paint tool, text tool, etc which are very beneficial for the kids, children and students to use it more effectively.

We can use it for any big or small mathematical calculations very accurately. It used to forecast the information about weather, in printing books, news papers, diagnosing diseases, etc. Moreover computer used to make online railway reservations, ticket booking, hotel or restaurant booking from any place all over the world. It used by MNC companies for the accounting purpose, invoicing, pay rolls, stock control, etc.

Computer Essay 5 (300 words)

In the modern world of technological advancement, computer is the amazing gift given by the science to us. It has changed the living style and standard of the people. No one can imagine the life without computer as it has made lots of works so easy within less time. Computer is playing great role in the development of the developing countries. It is not only a storage or processing device but it is like an angel which can make anything possible. By many people it used as the source of entertainment and communication.

We can get connected to our friends, relatives, parents or others in no time through the use of video chat or email. Using internet in the computer we can search and retrieve vast information on any subject useful for our education or project work. However it is very safe and easy for the business transactions purposes through banks to any accounts. By providing the facility of data storage it has lessen the paper works in the governmental and non-governmental offices or colleges. One can save lots of time and effort by online shopping, paying bill, etc by being at home through the computer.

Computer education has made compulsory by the government of India in all the schools, colleges and other educational institutions for enhancing the skill level as well as the easiness of the students in their professional life. Learning computer has become very essential in all the modern-day jobs. In the higher education there are subjects like network administration, hardware maintenance, software installation, etc., for the enhancement of skill.

Long Essay on Computer 400 words

Computer essay 6 (400 words).

Invention of the computer has made many dreams come true even we cannot imagine our lives without computer. Generally computer a device used for many purposes like information storage, email, messaging, software programming, calculation, data processing and many more. Desktop computer need a CPU, an UPS, a keyboard and a mouse for well functioning however laptop does not need anything to add outside as it included with all inside. Computer is an electronic device having big memory which can save any data value. We are living in the advanced world of computer in the 21 st century.

Earlier the functioning of the old generation computer very limited but new generation computers are amazing with lots of functioning. Charles Babbage had invented the first mechanical computer which was totally different from the modern day computer. The aim of computer invention was to create a machine which can perform very fast mathematical calculations. During the World War II it used to locate and estimate the direction and speed of weapons of the enemies. Modern day computers are available with the artificial Intelligence technology to helps us in every sector of life.

New generation computer highly advanced means smaller, lighter, speedier and more powerful. Now a day, it is running in almost all walks of life like weather forecasting, guidance of spacecraft, examinations, education, shopping, traffic control, high level programming, automation in banks, railway ticket booking, playing games, medical sector, machinery operations, job opening, business also crime detection etc.

It is the backbone of the Information Technology including with the internet and proved that nothing is impossible today. If there are positive effects of the computer on the life of human being, it also negatively affected the human lives such as rise in the Cyber crime, pornographic websites can accessed by kids or younger and many more however using some preventive measures we can safe from its negative effects.

The whole human fraternity is becoming highly dependent on the computer technology; no one can imagine life without computer. As, it has spread its wings so deeply in every area and made people used of it. It is very beneficial for the students of any class. They can use it to prepare their projects, learn poems, read different stories, download notes for exam preparations, collect large information within seconds, learn about painting, drawing, etc. However it enhances the professional skills of the students and helps in getting job easily.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Computer

What is the definition of a computer.

A computer is an electronic machine that can store, process, and retrieve information. It can do various tasks, like calculations, data storage, and connecting to the internet.

What are the 4 types of computer?

There are four main types of computers: desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, and smartphones. Each type serves different purposes and comes in various sizes.

What is computer introduction?

A computer introduction is a brief explanation of what a computer is and what it can do. It's like an overview of how computers work and their importance in our lives.

What is computer 50 words?

A computer is a device that processes information using electronic circuits. It can perform tasks like calculations, storing data, and connecting to the internet. Computers come in various forms, from big desktops to small smartphones, and play a crucial role in our daily lives.

Who was the father of the computer?

The title father of the computer is often attributed to Charles Babbage. He designed a mechanical computer in the 19th century, known as the Analytical Engine, which laid the foundation for modern computers.

What is the function of RAM and ROM?

RAM (Random Access Memory) stores data that the computer is currently using, like running programs. ROM (Read-Only Memory) stores important instructions that help the computer start up and perform basic functions.

What are the 3 main parts of a computer?

The three main parts of a computer are the central processing unit (CPU), which does the computing, the memory (RAM and ROM), which stores data and instructions, and input/output devices like the keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

What are computer parts?

Computer parts are the components that make up a computer system. These include the CPU, memory, storage devices, input devices (like the keyboard and mouse), output devices (like the monitor and printer), and various internal circuits and connections. Each part plays a specific role in the computer's functioning.

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Transcript: Biden's speech explaining why he withdrew from the 2024 presidential race

WASHINGTON -- Transcript of President Joe Biden’s address to the nation on July 24, 2024:

My fellow Americans, I’m speaking to you tonight from behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. In this sacred space, I’m surrounded by portraits of extraordinary American presidents. Thomas Jefferson wrote the immortal words that guide this nation. George Washington, who showed us presidents are not kings. Abraham Lincoln, who implored us to reject malice. Franklin Roosevelt, who inspired us to reject fear.

I revere this office, but I love my country more.

It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president. But in the defense of democracy, which is at stake, I think it’s more important than any title.

I draw strength and I find joy in working for the American people, but this sacred task of perfecting our union is not about me. It’s about you, your families, your futures. It’s about we the people, and we can never forget that. And I never have.

I’ve made it clear that I believe America is at an inflection point, one of those rare moments in history when the decisions we make now will determine our fate of our nation and the world for decades to come.

America is going to have to choose between moving forward or backward, between hope and hate, between unity and division. We have to decide, do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice and democracy? In this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as enemies, but as fellow Americans. Can we do that? Does character in public life still matter?

I believe you know the answer to these questions because I know you, the American people, and I know this, we are a great nation because we are a good people.

When you elected me to this office, I promised to always level with you, to tell you the truth. And the truth, the sacred cause of this country, is larger than any one of us, and those of us who cherish that cause cherish it so much, a cause of American democracy itself must unite to protect it.

You know, in recent weeks it’s become clear to me that I needed to unite my party in this critical endeavor. I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future all merited a second term, but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy, and that includes personal ambition.

So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That’s the best way to unite our nation. I know there is a time and a place for long years of experience in public life, but there’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices, and that time and place is now.

Over the next six months, I’ll be focused on doing my job as president. That means I’ll continue to lower costs for hard-working families, grow our economy. I’ll keep defending our personal freedoms and our civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. I’ll keep calling out hate and extremism, make it clear there is no place, no place in America for political violence or any violence ever, period. I’m going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence, our planet from climate crisis, is the existential threat.

And I will keep fighting for my for my cancer moonshot, so we can end cancer as we know it because we can do it. And I’m going to call for Supreme Court reform because this is critical to our democracy, Supreme Court reform. You know, I will keep working to ensure America remains strong and secure and the leader of the free world.

I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world. We’ll keep rallying a coalition of proud nations to stop Putin from taking over Ukraine and doing more damage. We’ll keep NATO stronger, and I’ll make it more powerful and more united than at any time in all of our history. I’ll keep doing the same for allies in the Pacific.

You know, when I came to office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States. That’s not the case anymore. And I’m going to keep working to end the war in Gaza, bring home all the hostages and bring peace and security to the Middle East and end this war.

We’re also working around the clock to bring home Americans being unjustly detained all around the world. You know, we’ve come so far since my inauguration. On that day, I told you as I stood in that winter — we stood in a winter of peril and a winter of possibilities, peril and possibilities. We were in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War, but we came together as Americans, and we got through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous and more secure.

Today, we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs — a record. Wages are up, inflation continues to come down, the racial wealth gap is the lowest it’s been in 20 years. We’re literally rebuilding our entire nation, urban, suburban, rural and tribal communities. Manufacturing has come back to America.

We’re leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat Big Pharma after all these years, to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors, and I’m going to keep fighting to make sure we lower the cost for everyone, not just seniors.

More people have health care today in America than ever before. And I signed one of the most significant laws helping millions of veterans and their families who were exposed to toxic materials. You know, the most significant climate law ever, ever in the history of the world, the first major gun safety law in 30 years. And today, violent crime rate is at a 50-year low.

We’re also securing our border. Border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. And I’ve kept my commitment to appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I also kept my commitment to have an administration that looks like America and be a president for all Americans.

That’s what I’ve done. I ran for president four years ago because I believed, and still do, that the soul of America was at stake. The very nature of who we are was at stake and that’s still the case. America is an idea, an idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant.

It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world. That idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident. We’re all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. We’ve never fully lived up to it, to this sacred idea, but we’ve never walked away from it either and I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.

In just a few months, the American people will choose the course of America’s future. I made my choice. I made my views known. I would like to thank our great Vice President Kamala Harris. She’s experienced, she’s tough, she’s capable. She’s been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. Now the choice is up to you, the American people.

When you make that choice, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin. It’s hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office, alongside the bust of Dr. King and Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez. When Ben Franklin was asked as he emerged from the convention going on, whether the founders have given America a monarchy or republic, Franklin’s response was “a republic, if you can keep it.” A republic if you can keep it. Whether we keep our republic is now in your hands.

My fellow Americans, it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years. Nowhere else on earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office as President of the United States, but here I am. That’s what’s so special about America.

We are a nation of promise and possibilities, of dreamers and doers, of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I’ve given my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others. I’ve been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American people. I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.

The great thing about America is here kings and dictators do not rule, the people do. History is in your hands. The power is in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. We just have to keep faith, keep the faith and remember who we are. We’re the United States of America and there’s simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together.

So let’s act together, preserve our democracy. God bless you all and may God protect our troops. Thank you.

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How Do Computers Understand Speech?

By arika okrent | nov 27, 2012.

computer speech in short

More and more, we can get computers to do things for us by talking to them. A computer can call your mother when you tell it to, find you a pizza place when you ask for one, or write out an email that you dictate. Sometimes the computer gets it wrong, but a lot of the time it gets it right, which is amazing when you think about what a computer has to do to turn human speech into written words: turn tiny changes in air pressure into language. Computer speech recognition is very complicated and has a long history of development , but here, condensed for you, are the 7 basic things a computer has to do to understand speech.

1. Turn the movement of air molecules into numbers.

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Sound comes into your ear or a microphone as changes in air pressure, a continuous sound wave. The computer records a measurement of that wave at one point in time, stores it, and then measures it again. If it waits too long between measurements, it will miss important changes in the wave. To get a good approximation of a speech wave, it has to take a measurement at least 8000 times a second, but it works better if it takes one 44,100 times a second. This process is otherwise known as digitization at 8kHz or 44.1kHz.

2. Figure out which parts of the sound wave are speech.

When the computer takes measurements of air pressure changes, it doesn't know which ones are caused by speech, and which are caused by passing cars, rustling fabric, or the hum of hard drives. A variety of mathematical operations are performed on the digitized sound wave to filter out the stuff that doesn't look like what we expect from speech. We kind of know what to expect from speech, but not enough to make separating the noise out an easy task.

3. Pick out the parts of the sound wave that help tell speech sounds apart.

A sound wave from speech is actually a very complex mix of multiple waves coming at different frequencies. The particular frequencies—how they change, and how strongly those frequencies are coming through—matter a lot in telling the difference between, say, an "ah" sound and an "ee" sound. More mathematical operations transform the complex wave into a numerical representation of the important features.

4. Look at small chunks of the digitized sound one after the other and guess what speech sound each chunk shows.

There are about 40 speech sounds, or phonemes, in English. The computer has a general idea of what each of them should look like because it has been trained on a bunch of examples. But not only do the characteristics of these phonemes vary with different speaker accents, they change depending on the phonemes next to them—the 't' in "star" looks different than the 't' in "city." The computer must have a model of each phoneme in a bunch of different contexts for it to make a good guess.

5. Guess possible words that could be made up of those phonemes.

The computer has a big list of words that includes the different ways they can be pronounced. It makes guesses about what words are being spoken by splitting up the string of phonemes into strings of permissible words. If it sees the sequence "hang ten," it shouldn't split it into "hey, ngten!" because "ngten" won't find a good match in the dictionary.

6. Determine the most likely sequence of words based on how people actually talk.

There are no word breaks in the speech stream. The computer has to figure out where to put them by finding strings of phonemes that match valid words. There can be multiple guesses about what English words make up the speech stream, but not all of them will make good sequences of words. "What do cats like for breakfast?" could be just as good a guess as "water gaslight four brick vast?" if words are the only consideration. The computer applies models of how likely one word is to follow the next in order to determine which word string is the best guess. Some systems also take into account other information, like dependencies between words that are not next to each other. But the more information you want to use, the more processing power you need.

7. Take action

Once the computer has decided which guesses to go with, it can take action. In the case of dictation software, it will print the guess to the screen. In the case of a customer service phone line, it will try to match the guess to one of its pre-set menu items. In the case of Siri, it will make a call, look up something on the Internet, or try to come up with an answer to match the guess. As anyone who has used speech recognition software knows, mistakes happen. All the complicated statistics and mathematical transformations might not prevent "recognize speech" from coming out as " wreck a nice beach ," but for a computer to pluck either one of those phrases out of the air is still pretty incredible.

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  • Audio Recording

4 Easy Ways to Record Voice or Audio on a Windows Computer

Last Updated: June 22, 2023 Fact Checked

Using Windows 11

Using windows 10, using windows 8.1, using a third-party program.

This article was co-authored by Tanisha Hall and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly . Tanisha Hall is a Vocal Coach and the Founder and Executive Director of White Hall Arts Academy, Inc. an organization based in Los Angeles, California that offers a multi-level curriculum focused on fundamental skills, technique, composition, theory, artistry, and performance at a conservatory level. Ms. Hall's current and previous students include Galimatias, Sanai Victoria, Ant Clemons, and Paloma Ford. She earned a BA in Music from the Berklee College of Music in 1998 and was a recipient of the Music Business Management Achievement Award. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,622,441 times.

Your Windows PC comes preinstalled with a simple voice recording app called "Voice Recorder" (Windows 10) or "Sound Recorder" (Windows 8 and 11). With this app, you can record yourself speaking or singing through an external mic or the microphone built into your PC. If you want more control over your recording, you can download a free program called Audacity to record your voice. This wikiHow will show you how to record your voice and audio on your computer or laptop with Windows 8, 10, or 11.

Things You Should Know

  • Make sure you have an internal or external microphone. You won't be able to record without one.
  • Open the "Voice Recorder" preinstalled app. Click the microphone icon to start recording.
  • Click the stop icon when you're finished. You can find recordings in "Documents" → "Sound recordings".

Step 1 Prepare your microphone.

  • If your microphone is already set as the default, skip this step.

Step 4 Select your recording format.

  • Under Recording format , select .mp3, .wma, .flac, or .wav.
  • Click the arrow in the top-left corner to return to Sound Recorder.

Step 5 Click the record button to start recording.

  • To pause the recording temporarily, click the pause button (two vertical lines). You can pause and un-pause as many times as you'd like to continue recording on the same file.
  • To mark a certain place in the recording with a flag so you can easily find it later, click the Mark icon at the bottom-right corner.

Step 7 Click the stop button when you're finished.

  • Your recording will be listed on the left panel.

Step 8 Click the play button to listen.

  • It's a good idea to rename your files after recording them so they don’t have generic names. This makes it easier to find what you're looking for in the future.
  • If you want to import an audio file, click + Import file in the top-left corner and select the file from your computer.

Step 1 Prepare your microphone.

  • Connect an external microphone or double-check that your device has a built-in microphone.
  • If you don't have a microphone, you won't be able to use the Voice Recorder app. You'll need to purchase one .

Step 2 Open the Voice Recorder application.

  • Pressing CTRL + R on the keyboard will also start recording.

Step 4 Sing or say whatever you want recorded.

  • To mark a certain place in the recording with a flag so you can easily find it later, click the flag icon.

Step 5 Click the stop button when you're finished.

  • The recorded audio is saved to a folder in your Documents directory called Sound recordings .

Step 6 Click the play button to listen.

  • If you don't hear anything, make sure the volume is up on your computer, and that any external speakers are powered on.

Step 7 Trim your recording (optional).

  • When saving a trimmed recording, you'll be asked if you want to update the original file or save the new file as a copy. Choose the option that works best for your needs.

Step 8 Manage your recordings.

  • These recordings are a great way to keep track of thoughts, record lectures, or do voice overs for videos.

Step 1 Prepare your microphone.

  • If it's your first time using this app, follow the on-screen instructions to give it permission to access your computer's microphone.
  • You should have this app pre-installed with your device. If needed, you can download it from the Microsoft Store.

Step 3 Click the red microphone icon to start recording.

  • If you move Sound Recorder to the background to use another app while recording, it will automatically pause until you bring it back to the foreground. You can, however, use Sound Recorder and another app side-by-side.

Step 5 Click the Stop button to stop recording.

  • If you don't want to keep the file, you can delete it by clicking the Delete option beneath it.

Step 7 Trim your recording (optional).

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • USB mics and audio interfaces are an excellent and cost-effective way to get sounds in and out of your computer. There are even USB microphones that sound great. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are looking for some software more easy-to-use. Here are some paid and affordable recording software you can try such as Camtasia, RecMaster, Bandicam, and DemoCreator. These recording tools enable you to record audio-only or video smoothly and conveniently. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

computer speech in short

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Connect a Microphone to a Computer

  • ↑ https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-use-voice-recorder-6fbb53d5-0539-abda-a9a4-0bcb84a778e7

About This Article

Tanisha Hall

1. Open the Windows search bar and type "voice recorder." 2. Click Voice Recorder in the search results. 3. Click the large microphone to start recording. 4. You can click the pause button to temporarily stop recording at any time. Click the pause button again to pick up where you left off. 5. Click the Stop button when you're finished to save your recording. Files you create in Voice Recorder will stay in the app's left panel so you can always find them when you need them. 6. Click the Play button to hear what you recorded. 7. If you want to remove excess audio from the beginning or end of the recording, click the ""Trim"" icon, position the sliders, and then click the disk icon to save. 8. To rename your saved file, right-click it in the left panel and click Rename 9. To share the file with others, just right-click the file, select Share , and choose a sharing method, such as your email or messaging app. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  6. Who is the father of computer 🤔


  1. Short Speech on Computer in English for Students and Children

    3 Minute Speech on Computer for School and College Students. Respected Principal, teachers and my dear classmates. A wonderful morning to all of you. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate this day, I would like to speak a few words on - ' Computer '. Needless to say how the computer has become an important part of our everyday life.

  2. Speech on Computer

    10 Lines Speech on Computer. 1) A computer is an electrical device that executes commands issued by the user. 2) A "programme" is a set of instructions delivered to a computer by the user. 3) The first mechanical computer was constructed by "Charles Babbage" called an "Analytical Engine"; hence, he is recognised as the "Father of the Computer".

  3. 5 Minute Speech on Computer in English for Students

    The introduction of computers into the world has changed the lives of the people. It took the world by storm. The majority of the household has at least one computer. Many people use this for gaming. Others for work purposes. Today, there are many different brands of computers. The top brands are HP, Dell, Apple, Lenovo, Asus, etc.

  4. 1 Minute Speech on Computer in English

    1 Minute Speech on Computer in English. Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, a wonderful morning to all of you. Today on this special occasion, I would like to speak some words on the topic- Computer. One of the greatest inventions of the modern age is the computer. Computer is an electronic device that can perform a lot of ...

  5. 10 Lines on Computer for Students and Children in English

    A computer consists of a monitor, mouse, CPU, and a keyboard. A computer takes in information as input, processes the data, and gives new information as the output. A computer is used for various purposes. It is used for making Software, documents, invoices, lists, etc. A computer is also used for playing games, listening to music, accessing ...

  6. How to Use the Narrator in Windows to Read Your Screen Aloud

    How to Use Narrator. Now, you can use Narrator to read aloud text in a document or email, in an application, on the web, or on the screen. Turn on the functionality when inside a web page ...

  7. Computer Speech in English 10 Lines || Short Speech on Computer

    Learn Computer Speech in English🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 🎥 https://youtu.be/8rM388GvlNM🎥 https://youtu.be/YUofWHqG97c🎥 https://youtu.be/9il0-IZ3NIQ🎥 https:/...

  8. Speech on Technology for Students in English

    A Short Speech on Technology. A warm greeting to everyone present here. Today I am here to talk about technology and how it has gifted us with various innovations. Technology as we know it is the application of scientific ideas to develop a machine or a device for serving the needs of humans. We, human beings, are completely dependent on ...

  9. Essay on Computer for Students in English

    Short Computer Essay in English. A computer's a programmable device that accepts raw data (input) and processes it as output with a group of instructions (a program) to supply the result. It renders output after performing mathematical and logical operations and can save the output for future use.

  10. Paragraph on Computers

    Paragraph on the Computer in 100 Words. A computer is an electronic device that was discovered by Charles Babbage. He is known as the father of computers. There are various parts to a computer. The four major parts of a computer are the mouse, keyboard, monitor and CPU. With computers, we can send and receive messages through emails and save ...

  11. Speech on Computer

    Computer is an electronic device. First computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822. It was a great invention for modern technology. He invented digital computer known as analytical engine. At that time computers were only meant for calculations. The size of computer at that time was eleven feet long and seven feet high with 8,000 parts of ...

  12. Essay on Computer and its Uses in 500 Words for Students

    The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output. Also, the computer follows this cycle in every process it was asked to do. In simple words, the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

  13. 3 Minute Speech On Information Technology

    Short Speech On Information Technology [3 Minutes] Hello All, Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes. And I also want to thank you a lot for having me a chance to share my views on Information Technology. Information Technology refers to the use of electronic gadgets like computers, smartphones and tablets to ...

  14. How to Type With Your Voice in Windows 10

    Begin by opening Windows Settings. To do so, open your Start menu and click the gear icon. You can also get there by pressing Windows+i on your keyboard. In Settings, click "Ease of Access." On the left pane, scroll down and click "Speech" in the sidebar. Under Speech settings, click the switch located below "Turn on Speech Recognition."

  15. 'We're not going back': Some Never-Trump Republicans embrace Harris

    Biden, with a decadeslong record in office, had offered them a moderate who promised to court compromise in Washington. Now, those anti-Trump Republicans are measuring up Harris, trying to ...

  16. Read President Joe Biden's statement dropping out of 2024 Election

    President Joe Biden announced that he is leaving the presidential race Sunday, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination. The decision came at the crescendo of calls for ...

  17. Use voice typing to talk instead of type on your PC

    How to start voice typing. To use voice typing, you'll need to be connected to the internet, have a working microphone, and have your cursor in a text box. Once you turn on voice typing, it will start listening automatically. Wait for the "Listening..." alert before you start speaking. to navigate through the voice typing menu with your keyboard.

  18. Trump urges Christians to vote: 'You won't have to do it anymore'

    During a conservative Turning Point Action Believers' Summit, former President Donald Trump urged Christians to vote, saying they wouldn't have to do it again if they got out there in November ...

  19. Black journalists group faces member backlash over Trump speaking ...

    The National Association of Black Journalists drew a torrent of criticism over its decision to invite Donald Trump to sit for an interview at its annual convention.

  20. A look at false claims around Harris and her campaign for the White

    The announcement that Vice President Kamala Harris will seek the Democratic nomination for president is inspiring a wave of false claims about her eligibility and her background. Some first emerged years ago, while others only surfaced after President Joe Biden's decision to end his bid for a second term.. Here's a look at the facts. ___ CLAIM: Harris is not an American citizen and ...

  21. What time is Biden's national address? When and where to watch speech

    The president had been isolating at his vacation home in Delaware this week after a positive COVID-19 test, and has since tested negative for the virus.. Biden has said he will stay in office to ...

  22. Top 100+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys List (A to Z ...

    Discover the Top 100+ Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys List (A to Z) for MS Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Windows. Unlock productivity with this comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts. PDF version available for download.

  23. Trump was struck by bullet in assassination attempt, FBI says

    The FBI said Friday that Donald Trump was hit by a bullet, or a fragment from one, fired by the would-be assassin at his Pennsylvania rally earlier this month. "What struck former President ...

  24. Intron Health gets backing for its speech-recognition tool that

    Intron Health has created what it claims to be Africa's largest clinical database, which comprises 3.5 million audio clips (16,000 hours) from over 18,000 contributors, mainly healthcare ...

  25. World Computer Literacy Day speech- Short and Long Speech

    Short speech on World Computer Literacy Day. Use the brief speech provided below to help you write a World computer literacy day speech in English. You can learn how to compose your own speech on World computer literacy day in English. Greetings and good morning to everyone in this room. My name is _____, and I'm here to share my thoughts ...

  26. Essay on Computer in English for Children and Students

    Short Essay on Computer Computer Essay 10 Lines. Computers are amazing machines of modern technology. They can store a lot of information in their memory. You can use a keyboard to give them commands and a printer to get things on paper. Even kids can use computers because they are easy to handle.

  27. Microsoft Stock Drops After Disappointing Cloud Growth

    Sales for Microsoft's main cloud business fell just short of expectations last quarter, causing the tech giant's stock to decline during after-hours trading amid investor jitters over the ...

  28. Transcript: Biden's speech explaining why he withdrew from the 2024

    President Joe Biden addresses the nation from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, about his decision to drop his Democratic reelection bid.

  29. How Do Computers Understand Speech?

    Computer speech recognition is very complicated and has a long history of development, but here, condensed for you, are the 7 basic things a computer has to do to understand speech. 1. Turn the ...

  30. How to Record Your Voice on a Computer: Windows 8, 10, 11

    2. Open Sound Recorder. An easy way to do this is to open the Start screen, type "sound recorder" into the search bar, and then click Sound Recorder in the search results. If it's your first time using this app, follow the on-screen instructions to give it permission to access your computer's microphone.