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  • Christmas speeches

Christmas speeches: short and sweet

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 09-30-2023

How to prepare the best Christmas speech ever!

Christmas speeches are often expected as part of workplace celebrations, like the annual company or office Christmas party. Or they may be included in a family and friends get together on Christmas day.

And, yes, it can be really tricky pulling a good one together.

Let's face it.

By the time the season of merriness is upon us, being hey-ho, cheerily merry about preparing a Christmas speech can feel like a step too far. 

One twinkly fairy light too many.

However, you can do this. You can find the right words, and make the speech you give a gift by keeping it short, simple and sincere. In other words: stunningly, genuinely awesome. Just the best Christmas speech ever. â˜ș

Image - background of stylized Christmas trees, retro Santa Claus and label. Text: How to give stunningly awesome Christmas speeches.

The most efficient way to prepare your speech is to:

  • start with reading through the 7 step  Christmas Speech template . That will help  you focus your thoughts about what you want to speak about.  
  • look over the 6 Christmas theme suggestions to see if there's one you would like to use as the core idea or thread linking your ideas together.
  • look through the Christmas quotations to see if there's one you'd like to use somewhere in your speech. (Maybe at the conclusion?)  
  • then download the free printable speech outline pdf .
  • follow steps 1- 6   to create your speech outline using the printable. 
  • use the suggestions in step 7 to get from the speech outline to a speech ready for rehearsal.
  • go through each of the suggestions in step 8 (a bonus step!) to make sure you are as prepared as you can be.

See these 7 steps to Christmas speech happiness in action

Image: retro Santa Claus

Check a completed  Christmas speech outline  prepared using this template to see how it works before you begin. It may help make the steps easier for you to follow.

 7 step Christmas speech template

1. who is your speech for.

Is it family, friends, work colleagues, club members...?

What do they want, or expect, to hear? What would delight them?  Is it stories about the events of the year shared by everybody, the company triumphs or challenges...? 

Does the occasion suit light-hearted humor or is a solemn tone more appropriate?

Knowing exactly who the audience is will help you choose the tone and content of the speech.

For example, it's unlikely your workplace colleagues would think it appropriate if you were overly flippant, or familiar, and regaled them with tales of your five year old son's exploits. Or that your family would be thrilled to hear a detailed week by week breakdown of how sales sunk or soared in the third quarter.  

2. What is the purpose of your speech?

Are you aiming to inspire people? Do you wish to unite them? Perhaps you want to thank them? Maybe you want them to laugh and relax.

And perhaps what you want to achieve is a combination of all those suggestions.

Being clear about why you are making the speech will guide your choice of theme, tone and content.

What's certain is you're not deliberately setting out to bore them by rambling on and on, then on some more. 

3. What theme is right for your audience?

Image: A red line with 4 Christmas ornaments hanging off of it. Text: A theme is a thread to hang your speech on.

A theme is a thread to hang your speech on. It unites it by linking all the pieces, (opening, body and conclusion), together.  To keep your speech simple choose  one from these  six theme suggestions . 

4. Organize or outline the body of your speech

It's easier to begin with the body or middle of your speech because this is where you express your main points or ideas around your chosen theme. You will add the conclusion and beginning later.

Depending on how long you want to speak for, choose 1 to 3 main points fitting your audience, purpose and theme. 

Start with the most important first. For each point you make, give one or two examples to illustrate it.

When you give your speech you'll link the points with transitions, or bridges, to enable your audience to follow you easily from one idea to the next.

(If you want more information about transitions, why you need them, and how they work, you'll find it here on this page:  how to write a speech . Scroll down the page to Step 5: Transitions.)

The pattern or template you'll use looks like this:

  • Point One : Main idea - Example, example Transition or link to...
  • Point Two : Idea - Example, example Transition or link to...
  • Point Three : Idea - Example, example Transition or link to conclusion of your Christmas speech.

5. Organize or outline the conclusion

The ending of you speech should leave your audience full of hope: looking forward to coming events, united, and with a sense of gratitude.

To finish well, reinforce your theme, summarize your main points and end with strong statement or maybe a quotation.   What's ideal is an ending your audience will remember.

For more about conclusions, with examples of speech endings, see: how to end a speech .

6. Organize or outline the introduction

The beginning of your speech:

  • Acknowledges and welcomes guests to the occasion. (If you have guests of honor, name them.)
  • Introduces the theme of your speech.
  • Gives a broad overview of the main points.
  • And links or transitions into the body of the speech - your most important and first point.

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Download a printable outline template

The printable outline template pdf will guide you through each of the first six steps. Once it's complete you'll be ready to move on to step 7: working with your notes to turn them into a speech.

(The pdf will open in a new window.)

Christmas speech outline download banner

7. Getting from outline to speech

A speech is not a speech until it is spoken out loud to an audience. 

If you've followed the first six steps what you've got now is a collection of ideas: sequenced notes covering everything you intend to speak about.

Your next task is to tie your content together from beginning to end so when you say it out loud it flows naturally and can be easily followed by your audience. 

There are several ways of doing this. 

a) Give a manuscript speech

One way is to use your outline to write the entire speech out paragraph by paragraph, sentence by sentence, word for word. This is called a manuscript speech.

When you deliver the speech, you will read it.

Use the manuscript method if it makes you feel more comfortable or safer. That's important if this is a first speech, or you are very pushed for time.

(Here are two short company Christmas party speeches . Both are in manuscript format. I have given you the complete text of each one to read.)

For much more about writing speeches see: how to write a speech . The article has tips on how to write oral language, that is language to be spoken rather than read, writing for a particular audience, tone and vocabulary choices, how to write a good introduction and a lot more. 

Once you've finalized the text you're ready to practice reading it aloud. For you own sake please take the time to do this.  A speech badly read is very difficult to listen to and you want your speech remembered for the right reasons.

Besides, delivering a manuscript speech well is a valuable skill to have. Find out  how to read a speech effectively .

b) Give an extemporaneous speech using cue cards

Another way is to give your speech extemporaneously. That is to use a mix of carefully scripted and sequenced material and impromptu speaking.

Done well, an extemporaneous speech is naturally flowing and conversational. (My sample office Christmas party speech is an example of one.)

Steps 4, 5 and 6 of your completed outline forms a large chunk of the preparation for one. 

How you link all that material together, and the exact words you use is the improvised or impromptu part of the mix. 

To interact with your audience and speak freely, without having to use a podium to put outline notes on, use hand held cue cards. This entails transferring your outline to a carefully curated series of numbered and labeled cards.

Each card carries one MAIN point and its supporting details. 

When you glance at it, the words and phrases you've put on it act as a prompt and you remember what you wanted to cover.

For more: how to make and use cue cards

Rehearsing your speech

Both ways, manuscript and extemporaneous, need practice or rehearsal before you deliver the speech to your audience.

Have a few trusted friends, colleagues or family members listen to it. Get their feedback on content, tone and length, * (2-3 minutes is good.) Make any changes necessary, and run it through again.

* Timing your speech is important. You'll want to make sure it easily fits the time allotted in occasion's program. And that you avoid the embarrassment of going on too long and keeping people from what they want to do! Keep it brief.

8. How, when and where is the speech being delivered?

This eighth step covers the make or break details: the seemingly little things that if overlooked can change an experience from happy to challenging in an instant.

How, when and where you deliver your speech significantly affects aspects of the preparation you need to do.

For example if the setting for your speech is an intimate family gathering around the dinner table you won't need a lectern/podium on a raised stage or a microphone.

But if you're in a hall they might be absolutely necessary to be seen and heard.

Thinking ahead will help you make sure you have gathered together everything you need and have done everything you can in order to give your speech well. For instance:

  • If you need a mike, you've got it, know how to use it and have tested it.  
  • If you're standing on a stage or dais to give your speech that you've stood on it before the event to make sure the sight lines for those watching are OK and that everyone will see you.  
  • You've made sure the lighting works for you and the audience.  
  • If you're using either cue cards or a complete manuscript, you've practiced with them to make sure you can read them easily. (See how make cue cards and  how to read a speech effectively  for information about the best readable lay outs.)
  • You've got a stand to put your notes on, if you need one.  You've checked that it's the right height for you and have practiced using it.
  • If possible, you've scheduled your speech for the beginning of the occasion.  
  • You've saved the glass of Christmas cheer to have after your speech rather than before it and, you've remembered to smile. This is a festive 'we-are-having-a-good-time'  speech. You need to look the part! â˜ș

(This list is a version of what I call a Bring-It-On list . The principle behind compiling one is that if you carefully think through every aspect of making the speech, there'll be very little chance of something vital being overlooked.

  • Have I got the right date, the right venue?
  • Are my clothes sorted?

A bring-it-on list is great for reassuring yourself that you've done as much as you can to be ready.

Open the  Bring-It-On list  link and you'll find out more about them and a printable ready for your use.)  

6 suitable themes for Christmas speeches

Image: blue winter background, label with retro santa claus saying 6 themes for your Christmas speech.

1. Gratitude

Be specific about what you are expressing gratitude for, and why.  Are you grateful for health, family, workmates, friendship, kindness, favorable events, good times together, challenges, food, your country, the world we share...?

Christmas holly and berries divider

This could be about the joy of giving:  giving time, giving thought, giving a helping hand, giving gifts, giving donations...

Hope is feeling positive about looking ahead. You could talk about feeling hopeful regarding new beginnings, plans for the future, resolutions, nurturing creativity or ideas, sowing seeds...

4. Remembrance

Remembrance is way of honoring or respecting the past. It could be recollections of people or events and their significance, highlights of the previous year's events...

5. Family, company or organization

What unites the group of people you are giving this speech to? Are you family? Do you share the same workplace or club?

Use this theme to talk about significant events impacting the lives of group members: births, deaths, triumphs, and challenges...

Or you could talk about the importance of love, belonging, continuity, history, values, hopes... from the point of view of being a member of this group. 

Use this theme to emphasize cooperation, community, the achievements made possible through working together, embracing and celebrating differences, humanity, love, compassion and understanding...

Have you seen the sample speeches yet?

Don't miss out on the  sample Christmas Speech outline  prepared using these 7 steps. You'll see how easy it will be to adapt the template for your own use!

And there are these two short company Christmas party speech examples to read as well.

Quotations for Christmas speeches

speech on christmas party

Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind. Mary Ellen Chase

If there is no joyous way to give a festive gift, give love away.

Heap on the wood! The wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still. Sir Walter Scott

I am not alone at all, I thought. I was never alone at all. And that, of course, is the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the word seemingly most indifferent. For this is still the time God chooses. Taylor Caldwell

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. Peg Bracken

Christmas Day is a day of joy and charity. May God make you very rich in both. Phillips Brooks

Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. Oren Arnold

The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much. Henry David Thoreau

The means to gain happiness is to throw out from oneself, like a spider, in all directions an adhesive web of love, and to catch in it all that comes. Leo Tolstoy

It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you...yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand. Mother Teresa

He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree. Unknown

Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won't make it 'white'. Bing Crosby

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Burton Hillis

Christmas happens everywhere every time someone reaches out to touch another life with love Carol Duerksen

Slightly jaundiced Christmas quotations

Image: background of multiple words  words saying "shop" in varying fonts. Text:From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it.

Katharine Whitehorn

Christmas is forced upon a reluctant and disgusted nation by the shopkeepers and the press; on its own merits it would wither and shrivel in the fiery breath of universal hatred. George Bernard Shaw

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph. Shirley Temple

Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven. W. C. Fields

Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day. Phyllis Diller

I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included. Bernard Manning

Go well writing and delivering your Christmas Speech! May it inspire and give joy.

speaking out loud 

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speech on christmas party

Inspirational Christmas Speech

51 Inspirational Christmas Speeches and Messages to Celebrate the Season

Christmas is such an amazing time and it requires some special preparation to make it worthwhile. During this season, family, friends, and loved ones both from far and near come together to celebrate and bond together. This is always a time to share affection and gifts.

There are several schools of thought that can form inspiring speeches for Christmas. Part of this is a celebration, fun, challenges of the years and their possible solutions, prospect for the new year, and a lot more. These all make the Holiday season such as Christmas worthwhile.

Inspirational Christmas Speech Sample

1. During this season, let us reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord. Put your audience in remembrance that the holiday is not just about gifts and eating, but about love, forgiveness, and hope for a greater future.

2. It is important to talk about the importance of spending quality time with loved ones during the holiday season. Your audience should have it at heart that the relationships we have with our family and friends are what truly matter in the journey of life and that Christmas is the perfect time to show them how much we love them.

3. One of the things that makes the season beautiful is storytelling. It will be lovely if you share some lines of stories about the power of kindness and generosity. You can talk about how even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference in their neighbor’s life, and encourage them to spread joy and happiness to those in their communities.

5. Also, do not forget to remind the people that Christmas is a time of hope and renewed strength. No matter how challenging life may seem, there can be a promising future. This season is a reminder that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and that anything is possible in an atmosphere of peace and kindness.

6. This is also a time for spending time with families, and for spreading joy and gifts as much as we have at our disposal. The essence of this season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and to give thanks for all of the blessings of God we have received during the year.

8. We should not also forget the reason attached to this season, which is the birth of the Lord Jesus. He teaches about love, compassion, and forgiveness. This has served as an inspiration to people all over the world, and they serve as a reminder of the good that can happen to us when we come together in the spirit of peace and understanding.

9. As we celebrate the reason for this season, let us strive to represent the spirit of the season by doing all we want to do moderately, spreading joy and happiness to all those connected to us. May this holiday be a time of love, laughter, and peace for you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas!

10. Bear in mind that somebody somewhere is eagerly waiting for you to show them love as an encouragement to stay alive. Ensure you extend this act of kindness to somebody you love this season. God bless you greatly as you do so.

Short Christmas Speeches

While addressing your audience during Christmas, It is important to keep your speech as brief as possible. This will help you to be in charge of your audience’s attention and make your message more impactful for them.

11. The first thing to do is to start by thanking everyone for coming to the Christmas celebration. Appreciate them for their dedication and kindness throughout the year.

13. Also, remind the people that this season is a time for giving and spending time with loved ones and friends. Encourage them to do so!

14. Also, talk about a favorite Christmas story or tradition and how it brings joy to the life of the people.

16. You can continue by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year ahead.

17. Encourage them to make their celebration as brief as possible so that they won’t overspend their resources during the season.

19. This is not a time to celebrate and forget the essence of the season. If need be, make people remember to make peace with their creator while they can.

20. People also should be reminded that this time should be used for strategic planning for the coming year. This will make them more successful than in the previous year.

Welcome Speech For Christmas Day Celebration

The welcoming address plays a vital role in any gathering. It determines whether people will be interested in the discussion or lose interest. I have on this page a captivating way to welcome your audience to the Christmas day celebration.

22. For those of you who are new to the Christmas tradition, let me intimate you. This is a time when Christians around the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a time of giving, eating, spending time with loved ones, and celebrating the joy and hope that this holiday brings.

23. To make this occasion memorable this evening, we have a lot of fun activities planned for today. This includes Christmas carols, a special Christmas menu, and a lot more. So please join us in celebrating the spirit of Christmas and enjoying the company of your friends and family.

25. Be rest assured that you are in for such an amazing time which will make you desire such an experience again and again. Feel relaxed and settled, we have put everything in place for you so bright and beautiful.

26. I want to let you know that you are so an amazing personality which is why you deserve this amazing Christmas preparation. Whatever it is that you have as an expectation, I can assure you, you will get more than that.

28. This season is filled with thrilling and a lot of exciting activities. We are aware of this and we have decided to put a lot of fun activities together just for your enjoyment. I welcome you to this great Christmas party celebration.

29. To put you in remembrance, this season was a season when Jesus was born thousands of years ago. This is what we are here to celebrate and by extension spread the love the season conveys to family and friends.

Short Inspirational Christmas Messages

Here are a few short and inspirational Christmas messages:

31. Christmas is a season that embodies peace. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace, the gladness of Christmas give you exceeding joy, and the warmth of Christmas grant you love unending.

33. The beauty of this Christmas shall surround you and your loved ones on this special day. I want to wish you a merry Christmas and a greater year in advance.

34. The blessings and joy of Christmas shall be with you today and throughout the new year. It is a great season of celebration for you. Merry Christmas!

36. Whatever you have been trusting for shall come to a quick realization in this season! This is your season and nothing shall prevent your celebration!

37. The birth of Christ represents an answer to the prayers of humanity. Every long-standing prayer shall be quickly answered this season.

39. Do you have something bothering your mind? Don’t bother for long! This is the season of your settlement. Have a settled experience this Christmas season!

40. As you celebrate this Christmas, may you live the rest of your life remembering this season for good things. Merry Christmas to you!

Enjoy Your Christmas Quotes

41. Note that: Christmas is not a time nor a season that passes away, but how you think. To prioritize peace and goodwill to all men and show them mercy, is to exhibit the spirit of the season.

43. Christmas is the season for reviving the fire of hospitality among people. This makes hope rise in the heart of people.

44. While we rejoice and celebrate, we do not also forget to reflect on the essence of the season. This is why the Christmas!

46. No matter how worky you are, you get homesick when Christmas comes. This is the time to stay at home and enjoy love with family and loved ones.

47. As long as you live, you will always have to share your love with friends, family, and loved ones. This is the beauty of the season!

49. This is the most peculiar season in the whole wide world. Everybody waits for it and I’m sure you also do.

50. Whatever you do to a fellow human does not get lost, it is only seed. Sow a good seed in this season of Christmas.

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How To Give The Best Speech During The Holiday Season

The holiday season gives us the perfect opportunity to spread a little festive cheer. And delivering a great Christmas speech is a fantastic way to do that!

Key Takeaways

A HOLIDAY speech is a perfect way to share festive affection during these sensational holidays.

  • H aving an office Christmas party
  • O ffering gratitude and recognition to your team
  • L ightening up the room and giving bright sentiments
  • I ncluding everyone on your team
  • D ecorating the office (don’t forget the Christmas tree !)
  • A ppreciation should be spread to everyone
  • Y ou need to practice your speech to deliver a great message

Sometimes, knowing where to start with your holiday speech can be challenging. Many of us might have a firey passion for telling our employees “ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays” with a gratifying speech.

But not all of us know how to use the right words to get our message across.

If that sounds like you, keep reading! Here are the best ways to give a speech during the holidays.

See Related:  20 Virtual Holiday Party Ideas For 2022

Tips For Giving An Oustanding HOLIDAY Speech

A lot goes into a holiday party to make it a successful and fun event. No matter what route you take or the holiday theme you pursue, no holiday office party is complete without a speaker that will deliver a touching, memorable, and seasonal speech!

As an experienced and well-established corporate emcee , I know how intensive speeches can be. If you’re rather new to public speaking, I know it can be a little daunting.

However, giving a Christmas speech is much easier than it may seem. The holiday season gives us amazing festive inspiration and makes it so much easier to connect with our audience.

Holiday speeches can be incredibly rewarding and fun to give. Wondering where to start?

Here are some of my favorite tips to make your holiday speech one for the books!

#1. H ave A Christmas Party To Go With It

If you’re planning on giving a speech, you should also count on hosting a Christmas office party. That should go without saying.

A great seasonal speech reflects on the successful year past and helps us relive enjoyable memories. And your speaker, whether it be you or a professional keynote speaker, will be the one to set the tone for the entire Christmas event.

That’s why having a remarkable and heartwarming speech is so essential.

How To Have An Amazing Annual Office Party During The Holidays

We all know that seasonal office parties are one of the most iconic parts of the holiday season. And, of course, your organization should be included in that!

Your speech won’t be complete unless it’s leading up to something. You’re setting the tone for the successful year ahead, and there needs to be something to commemorate that!

And that something should be a Christmas office party. The best way to make your speech and subsequent party stand out is to truly embrace the holiday party spirit.

Looking for a few ideas to make your event stand out?

  • Decorate the entire office with seasonal embellishments and trimmings
  • Don’t forget food and beverages – Christmas isn’t complete without seasonal eating!
  • Have holiday games and fun activities to promote team bonding and spark new friendships

#2. O ffer Recognition To Your Employees

A speech during the holidays is an excellent opportunity to give your employees the recognition they deserve . After all, a festive and touching speech in a professional setting can help you express your employee appreciation.

Each workplace needs to know how to share and express recognition to those working there. Especially if the past year was particularly stressful, offering your team a heartfelt and uplifting statement can be truly impactful.

There’s No Better Holiday Gift Than The Gift Of Appreciation

Your team deserves to be recognized for their valiant efforts and hard work.

Whether you want to thank someone who successfully dealt with a challenging client or applaud an employee who put in extra work to meet a tight deadline, your team deserves recognition.

It always feels good when someone notices our professional efforts. So include it in your speech and watch how your team glows afterward!

#3. L ighten Up The Room

The Christmas season is the most wonderful time of the year for a reason. So give into the holiday cheer and festive affection and spread bright emotions!

After all, there’s nothing worse than a drab and boring professional speech. So go the opposite way. Make your material full of life and emotions, and touch your employee’s hearts.

Make your speech funny and comedic. Laughter brings us together, and it’s the best way to connect with your team.

Tell A Joke!

When I say “be funny,” most people automatically think about telling a   joke . And, of course, telling a joke is the best way to get the laughter flowing.

Don’t be afraid to tell a corny dad joke. The funniest material is comfortable and family-friendly , so let it all out!

#4. I nclude Everyone!

The holidays are a time for connection, affection, and heartwarming celebrations. Your holiday office speech should be something that will unite your entire team together.

Sometimes, people get carried away, and they establish their emcee humor with crude or dirty jokes in an attempt to pry some laughter from their audience. Don’t do that .

Use inclusive, inviting, and welcoming language, and steer clear of divisive and inappropriate topics . The holidays are full of gratifying and comforting communications. So focus on that!

#5. D ecorate The Place Where You’ll Give Your Speech

As I stated earlier, your speech isn’t complete without a holiday party. But both of those aspects aren’t complete without expressive holiday decorations!

Having festive and enjoyable decorations around you will make your speech more touching and fitting. 

A seasonal speech deserves to be in a seasonal environment, and cheerful decorations are the best way to do that!

Think about it like this : you wouldn’t give a speech about hiking in the Rocky Mountains sitting on a tropical beach. Those two things don’t exactly fit together nor do they promote a unique theme.

A once-a-year holiday event and speech should have unique decorations to truly bring those festive feelings to life! Whether you are in a rented-out venue or in your daily office space for your speech and party, add in those seasonal decorations, and the rest will fall in line.

Incredibly well earned holiday speeches holiday drum kits christmas word cloud family fun festive colour same letter tasty little contradiction next year

#6. A ppreciation Will Go A Long Way

Like recognition, employee appreciation around the holidays is essential. It’s the season of giving, and being stingy with expressing your gratitude can send the wrong type of message.

Showing your employees genuine appreciation and gratitude is the first step in creating a happy and healthy workplace. Your speech just shouldn’t be about celebrating the holidays.

Your speech should be about recognizing your team!

Show genuine emotions, give sincere compliments, and pass on heartfelt sentiments. Your Christmas speech should be touching. And this is the way to do it.

Better yet, attach a holiday gift to your speech. A small token or assorted stocking stuffers are holiday-appropriate and act as a simple gesture to express your gratitude.

No one ever said no to holiday chocolates and sweets!

#7. Y ou’ll Need To Practice

Regardless of the time of the year, you’re still giving a speech . You need to be prepared and organized in your material to ensure your message can reach your target audience.

The key to success in most things in life stems from repeated rehearsal and practice . So if you want your speech to succeed, practice making that happen!

How To Practice Holiday Speeches

If you want your Christmas speech to be memorable and enlightening, you’ll need to work on fine-tuning your public speaking skills . Especially if you get nervous or anxious speaking in front of a crowd , practicing your material will go a long way in setting you up for success.

But before you can practice your speech, you need to write your speech .

Usually, many people may overthink their speech writing. Just keep in mind the tips I’ve laid out for you, and speak from the heart .

Because the most important part of your speech is how you deliver it . Even if you have killer material and hilarious jokes, they won’t hit home if you are just mumbling on stage and acting awkward.

Here are some tips for practicing your speech the right way .

  • Rehearse and get feedback. That means you should practice in front of a mirror , in front of friends or family members , or with a video camera to review later.
  • Pay attention to your body language. This is where videoing your practice sessions can help. Make sure you’re not doing anything distracting like swaying or fidgeting.
  • Use pauses to drive your points home and provide emphasis on keywords or phrases.
  • And repeat it all over and over until you are 100% confident in your Christmas speech!

But likely one of the best ways to give a great speech is to have fun with it . Feeling open and connected with your audience will help them relate to you and your message.

Last but not least, I wish you good luck with your speech, and a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Keep Reading:  What Is Ethos In Public Speaking & How To Use It Effectively

Adam Christing  has been called “The Tom Brady of emcees.” He has hosted more than 1,000  company meetings ,  special events ,  gala celebrations , and more. He is the  author of several books  and founder of  CleanComedians.com .   For more event tips, follow Adam Christing on  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest ,  LinkedIn , and  YouTube .

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Christmas Party Speech: How to Write One

Writing a Christmas party speech can be daunting, especially when you know it is going to be delivered before work colleagues and peers. However, writing an air-tight speech will go a long way to quelling those nerves. So here are the basics for writing a great Christmas party speech, from A-Z.

Writing the beginning of your Christmas message to staff

A Christmas party speech for employees must do two things as quickly as possible: the first is to get the listeners’ attention, the second is to present the question or theme which will expanded upon in the body of the speech. Traditionally, a Christmas party speech will begin by welcoming the guests, thanking them for coming and perhaps acknowledging those who made a special effort to be there. By contrast, the modern approach is to postpone these formalities until later in the speech, to grab the listener’s attention immediately. A speech of this kind will begin with a story of sorts. For example, ‘The end of the year looked a long way away back in August. When the big project landed on our desks, I know several of you were very sick with the flu, and poor Joan was taken to hospital.’

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with doing the greetings and acknowledgements first, but neither is it wrong to leave it until later in the speech. But if you do choose to go with option A, keep it short and sweet. Then launch straight into your story.

The body of a Christmas party speech

This is the bulk of a Christmas party speech, which will include all the highlights and low points of the year, as well as the lighter moments. Again, these anecdotes will ultimately be seen through the lens of whatever themes you have established at the beginning. Perhaps Joan came back to work a few days later than they had been told and found only one slice of her “Welcome Back” cake in the refrigerator. As a result, the moral of the story established at the start might be that ‘laughing and caring about one another is what gets us through the hard times.’ From this premise, you would have carte blanche to launch into every funny story and act of kindness that year. On the subject of humour, a quick reminder to take care that your laughs are good-natured and won’t embarrass or offend. This is not an open-mic comedy spot; these people know one another and must work together.

At some point in the body of the Christmas party speech, you will need to talk about the challenges and regrets of the year. Talk about those who have retired. Perhaps someone died. If so, be sure to honour their memory. Those closest to them will greatly appreciate that you remembered them.

Ending a Christmas Party Speech

  The end of a Christmas party speech is the perfect time to thank everybody for coming along, and to highlight your message (in my example with Ruth, laughter and caring). If your opening story was not of a personal nature, you might want to end with a recollection of Christmas – from your childhood, or how special it is to spend it with your children. A Christmas party speech, after all, is an opportunity to bring people closer together, in laughter and gratitude. Beyond being staff members, we’re all human.

Holiday Message from CEO to Employees

Even if you aren’t having an office Christmas party or event at a venue, you can send a written message by email or read it at a company meeting. With a Christmas message to your staff, you cover similar content. This can be wishing happy holidays to family and friends, outlining the successful year and any challenges that have been overcome. One of the big differences with a written message is that it isn’t the best format for humour compared to delivering a speech. Instead, you can mention some of the good times you shared over the past year.

Getting help with your Christmas speech

If you need assistance with your Christmas speech, get in touch on 1300 731 955 or email us.

Also, check out our Speechwriting Services page .

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Holiday Celebration Sample Speech

This sample speech template can be used for a December celebration at the end of the year such as a Christmas party, Hanukkah celebration, Holiday Celebration, Winter festival, Winter Solstice, New Year party, Year’s end event, Kwanza ceremony, award ceremony, or other festive event. It can be used with a diverse group when remarks should be secular, non-religious and inclusive in nature or modified to add religious or cultural elements. It can be used for events in a corporate or business environment, at a school, university, other professional party or for non-profit, military, governmental, and other events. This example speech can be modified by using examples more appropriate to your event.

I want to welcome you all to our celebration to mark the end of another wonderful year.

As we approach the holidays, we are reminded that it’s a time to celebrate family, friends and the many wonderful things in our lives. For many of us it is also a time to honor our faith, or to remember the people important to us, both those who are with us and those we wish were with us. It’s a time to reflect back on the year and think of all the things that have happened and how we came to be here today.

For many of us it’s a time to celebrate our family and cultural heritage in whatever form that takes. For some of us, that means making the cookies grandma used to make, making cornbread or black-eyed peas, or bringing mom’s famous potato salad to the family pot luck. (Change these examples to be specific to your culture and audience.)

It could be decorating the Christmas tree with your children, meeting friends for good food and good conversation, or watching your favorite holidays specials (add specific shows here appropriate to your crowd’s age and demographic such as: The Nutcracker, Rudolph, Elf, It’s a wonderful Life, Frosty the Snowman, Miracle on 34th Street, etc. You can also add specific cultural events such as Santa Lucia day, St. Nicholas Day, Epiphany, Three Kings Day, Boxing Day, lighting lamps or candles, etc. – Modify the examples to fit your audience).

Celebrating could mean hanging a kwanza wreath, going to midnight mass, honoring the solstice, lighting the menorah, looking forward to Chinese New Year or just enjoying some time off work. (Modify the examples to fit your audience.) This time of year is many things for many people, but for all of us, it’s an opportunity to stop and reflect on the people who give our lives meaning.

That’s what I want to focus on today. As an organization, we have taken on a lot of challenges this year. We have (talk about a few of the important things your organization has done or things that have occurred this year.)

All of the things we accomplished this year were due to one thing: the people of this organization. Our team is what made everything possible. I’d like to quote the great Helen Keller, who never let adversity stand in her way. She said "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." Or, as the author and leadership expert Ken Blanchard says, “None of us is as smart as all of us.”

To people working in every department, from top to bottom and every level in between; to the people who have been with us for years and the ones who have just joined us recently, I want to say thank you. It’s your hard work and dedication that have enabled us to get to where we are today. You are truly our greatest asset. It’s your teamwork, diligence, creativity, ingenuity and perseverance that make this organization better every day. I couldn’t be prouder of the work you’ve done and the difference you’re making. (At this point you can name some specific people or teams/departments who deserve special mention or give awards. You could also use this point to announce anything special but try to keep it brief.)

Let me take this chance to thank you all for a great year and for all the things you do for us, day in and day out. I’m looking forward to working with you all through another great year full of the challenges, opportunities and surprises that may come in the next year. I have confidence that you will face them with as much grace, resourcefulness and dedication as you have shown this year. May you have a peaceful, joyful and safe holiday season and a wonderful New Year.

Since you were interested in this sample speech about heritage months, chances are you will like the following topics as well: Indian Heritage Month Speech .

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speech on christmas party

Christmas Party Sample Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the wonderful souls gathered here tonight, a very warm and festive welcome to our annual Christmas party! I am absolutely delighted to see all of you here, brimming with joy and ready to celebrate the spirit of the season.

Christmas is undoubtedly a magical time of year—a time when we come together as friends, colleagues, and family to create lasting memories and share the joy with one another. Tonight, we have the perfect opportunity to do just that—to embrace the true meaning of Christmas and spread love, kindness, and goodwill.

First and foremost, let's take a moment to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for gracing this occasion with your presence. It is your enthusiasm and warmth that make this gathering truly special. Our Christmas party is not just about the decorations, the scrumptious feast, or the gifts; it's about the people—the connections we build and the happiness we bring into each other's lives.

As we look around, we see familiar faces and perhaps some new ones too. To those who are joining us for the first time, a heartfelt welcome. You have become an integral part of our extended family, and we hope this festive season marks the beginning of a beautiful journey with all of us.

Christmas is a time of giving, and I am incredibly proud of how this community has come together to spread joy and make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Through our charitable endeavors and acts of kindness, we have touched the hearts of many, and for that, I extend my deepest appreciation to everyone involved.

Let us also remember those who may not be with us tonight—the ones who are far away, the ones we have lost, and the ones facing difficult times. As we celebrate, let's keep them in our thoughts and send them warm wishes, hoping that they find solace and comfort in the love that surrounds them.

Now, as we proceed with the festivities, let's immerse ourselves in the joy of the season. Enjoy the delicious food, dance to the jingling tunes, and exchange heartfelt conversations with your fellow revelers. Let laughter fill the air, and let the spirit of Christmas guide us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Before I conclude, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the organizing committee and all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to put together this splendid event. Your dedication and efforts have made this Christmas party a truly magical experience for all of us.

Once again, thank you all for being here tonight, for your unwavering support, and for making this Christmas celebration truly special. Let's cherish this time together, and as we head into the new year, may the warmth and joy of Christmas stay with us, inspiring us to spread love and kindness wherever we go.

Merry Christmas to each one of you, and may you have a joyous and blessed holiday season! Cheers!

speech on christmas party

Christmas Speeches (Plus 2 Examples)

In December, people will ask you to deliver Christmas speeches. You will be joining one Christmas party to another. You can prepare your impromptu speeches ahead of time.

Purposes of Christmas Speeches

I will give you examples of Christmas speeches for different occasions and audiences. But before that, let’s talk about the purpose of Christmas speeches.

Celebration of Love and Togetherness.

At its core, Christmas is a festival that celebrates the bond of family and friends. The season emphasizes togetherness, warmth, and the joy of being with loved ones.

We start hearing Christmas songs in September. We Filipinos joked about it being the time of Jose Mari Chan, the singer best known for his Christmas songs. Most of his songs are about spending Christmas together with your family.

Reflection and Gratitude.

The end of the year is a time for reflection on the past year—its challenges, its joys, and its lessons. It’s a time to express gratitude for the blessings and the support received.

No matter what happens to your business, people do expect you to be grateful. We can learn from both good and bad. We are thankful for the experiences. And we look to the next year with hope.

Hope and Renewal.

We say, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”. The Filipino version is more hopeful. It goes, “Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon”. Manigong is a Tagalog word that means prosperous or bountiful.

Christmas speeches often touch upon hope for the future. We hope for new beginnings and we pray for better days ahead. A one-line on hope and renewal will make your speech an expression of faith.

Generosity and Kindness.

We exchange gifts. We show kindness and compassion. This is the story of Christmas. The idea of spreading cheer and making someone’s day brighter is important.

In our speeches, we honor people.

This is an opportunity to delight people who are always present but never given attention.

I remember a TV commercial that showed how every employee wrote only one person’s name to win the raffle draw. The janitor deserves the grand prize.

Do remember the invisible people in your Christmas speech. Make them shine. Everyone will remember this.

The Story of Christmas

There is the tendency of some companies to make the culture more American. This is a common mistake of young American entrepreneurs here in the Philippines.

They say “Happy Holidays” because they don’t want to favor one religion. But the Philippines celebrate religions. That’s why we have too many holidays.

Do not be afraid to talk about the Christmas story. You don’t have to delve into the religious aspects of Christmas. But you can talk about the significance of the story in our lives.

Leaders use stories in their speeches. Surely, The story of Christmas is one of the best ways to connect with your Filipino audiences.

Doing so is not a show of disrespect to others. It is a way of enriching our diverse cultures.

Unity and Community

Christmas is a time when communities come together. We set aside differences to celebrate in unity.

Parents do see Christmas as an opportunity to reunite siblings. And I have seen its magic many times. The spirit of Christmas allows people to open their hearts and forgive.

Consider this when you compose your speeches. When you are speaking at a family or community gathering, find a way to mention unity and forgiveness.

You don’t need to know who has a problem with whom. But trust me, this works.

Personal Anecdotes and Memories.

Make your speech heartfelt and relatable. Tell personal stories or memories related to Christmas. This helps forge a deeper connection with the audience.

I have my favorite Christmas story. And when there are opportunities to share them, I do.

The workplace also gives us many memorable stories. And bringing back these stories the minds of our co-workers show shared experiences.

How to Craft Your Christmas Speech

Crafting a Christmas speech is no different from other speeches. You begin with understanding your target audience. Know what they want to hear from you.

Audience-first speeches serve to make people listen. They cannot unhear them because they also have this conversation inside their heads.

This will help you clarify your core message. Your core message drives a point. It tells you what you want your audience to think, feel, and do after your speech.

I have given you earlier some of the purposes of a Christmas speech. You can use one or two of them to help you clarify your core message.

The core message comes with a promise. The audience wants to know what’s in it for them, and how they can use your message.

You can drive that by telling stories, anecdotes, and dialogues. Use humor. When you have a serious message, use more humor.

Finally, help your audience decide. Make a call to action. And make sure your action is doable. This will help them win at once.

You can make them take action while you are delivering your Christmas speech. What’s important is that you tell your audience what they can do.

Examples of Christmas Speeches

Here are some examples of Christmas Speeches. You may use each as an inspiration in crafting your own.

OFW Christmas

Christmas has always been a special time for us. It’s a season filled with love, joy, and the warmth of togetherness.

But I understand, for many of us, this year might be different.

With distance between us, with some of our beloved family members away from home, the festive lights may seem a bit dimmer, and the carols a touch quieter.

However, let’s not forget what truly binds us together. It’s not the physical gifts under the tree or even the shared meals. It’s the bond of our hearts, the memories, and the unshakeable foundation of our family.

To our brave OFWs who sacrifice so much to provide for us, know that your spirit is felt here at home.

Every festive decoration, every carol sung, and every prayer whispered carries a piece of you.

Distance is but a number. Our hearts know no boundaries, no miles. And so, this Christmas, let’s celebrate not just the moments we share face-to-face, but the love that keeps us connected, always and forever.

Let’s cherish our shared memories, laugh at our old stories, and dream of the days we’ll be together again.

Because the true essence of Christmas, and the true strength of our family, aren’t defined by proximity. It’s defined by love.

Always remember, no matter where we are in the world, our family bond remains unbreakable. Merry Christmas to all, near or far. We are, and will always be, together in heart.

First, a big Merry Christmas to all of you!

I want to start by saying a massive ‘Thank You.’ Our company did really well this year, and it’s all because of your hard work. Every team in our company pulled together, and we did more than we ever hoped for.

I’ve got some exciting news. Next year, we’re going to introduce some new products. I think you’ll all be proud of what we’re about to offer.

And because you’ve all worked so hard, I have a surprise. After tonight’s party, everyone will get a special bonus. It’s my way of saying ‘Thanks’ for all your effort.

But I want to share something important. Yes, work is vital. We all work hard, and that’s great. But let’s not forget about our families, our friends, and the other things that make us happy. We don’t just live to work; we work so we can enjoy our lives.

So, this Christmas, spend time with those you love. Have fun, laugh, and enjoy the special moments.

I hope next year we can do even better at work, but always remember to take time for the other important things in life.

Thank you, everyone, for making this year great. Merry Christmas and let’s look forward to more good times together!

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Christmas Party Speech for Employees


Christmas Party Speech Employees Evening

Even if the company has had the worst year on record, a Christmas party is still a time to celebrate. It’s the perfect time to toast the possibility of a better year next year and give your employees a bit of a boost.

Furthermore, if you’ve had a great year, your Christmas party speech is a terrific opportunity to praise your team for their hard work and success.

Either way, your speech at the office Christmas party is a time to be positive, not to whinge about a difficult year or the targets that were not achieved. Of course, you will need to talk about these issues and you may even decide that you at least want to mention them during your Christmas party speech, but the overall tone of this speech needs to be ‘thanks for a job well done’ and ‘Happy Christmas’!

Here is a template to help you set the right tone for your Christmas party speech to your employees – without sounding like Scrooge!

1. Upbeat Introduction

  • Welcome everyone to the party
  • Say how great everyone looks

Example: Good evening everyone! It’s lovely to see you all looking so festive. I promise not to take up too much of your valuable Christmas party by talking about work, but I wanted to thank you all for a great year.

2. Reflect on the Year

  • Comment briefly on the year
  • Don’t make any criticisms – now is not the time

Example: This year has been difficult and successful in almost equal measures. Winning the Parker project was a real high, with losing three account managers to the competition a bit of a low. However, I’m really proud of how you’ve all pulled together and the terrific results you have achieved.

3. End on a High

  • Reveal a surprise about the party
  • Congratulate everyone for a great year
  • Raise a toast

Example: That’s all I want to say for now
other than to tell you that there will be free champagne at the bar for the next hour to help the party go with a swing! I’d really like to take this opportunity to thank you all for a great year – Cheers and Merry Christmas!

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speech on christmas party

How to give a great Christmas speech

Does your colleague’s Christmas speech  leave you inspired or in tears?

Have your words of intended encouragement come out crass and cringe-worthy?

And were the remarks made before or after alcohol consumption ?

Yes it’s that time of year again when the Christmas party throws up controversy, rumour and scandal.

This event is meant to be a happy social gathering at the end of another busy year.

Do you or your colleagues want to get the right message across in their Christmas speech in the run up to Christmas?

Here are five public speaking rules that will help you hit the mark with your Christmas speech rather than hide in the toilets as the party goes into full swing.

Five Rules to Follow

Rule one: say thanks.

christmas speech communication skills training scotland thank you.

One of the most underused yet valuable words in the English language is “ thanks ”.

I worked for 14 years for four newspapers, a radio station and three TV channels before anybody ever thanked me for a day’s work.

Years down the line Simon Betts , producer of BBC’s World’s Strongest Man , took the trouble to say what I’d done that had impressed him.

I felt uncomfortable as I was so unfamiliar with the experience.

I often work with the Chief Executive of a large retailer twice a year at conferences.

He uses his last answer of a 20-minute interview to thank the staff for another 12 months of hard work and dedication.

It’s the right thing to do and people appreciate being recognised.

I work extensively with a large American-based company that has recognition at the heart of its training .

People love it and grow in stature in front of colleagues.

So whether giving a Christmas speech to colleagues, a speech at a night out or end-of-year celebration, take the time to thank people who’ve done a great job.

Rule Two: Catch people doing things right, then publicise it

christmas speech communication skills training scotland man with bow on head and poppy.

In the UK, we need to do so much more to catch people doing things right , rather than catch them doing things wrong.

We all have the power to breathe belief into people and that’s one way of doing it.

When doing communication skills training with the St George Retail Bank in Australia last year, I was being driven through Sydney by the General Manager, Andy Fell .

All of a sudden, he pulled over and said he needed to take a picture .

I was surprised that the Australian landscape had caused such a reaction but it was an employee who’d caught his eye .

She was out on the street showing a customer how to use the ATM, the “hole-in-the-wall”.

Minutes later, Andy had posted it on the company’s intranet site.

In his post he highlighted it as a practical example of how to treat customers and get out from behind the counter to help them in any way.

christmas speech communication skills training scotland woman singing karaoke.

At your company’s Christmas function, give practical examples in your Christmas speech of deeds you’ve heard of where your colleagues have done the right thing and led by example.

When you’re specific, people can see what you’re talking about.

It highlights their positive behaviours – and shows others what’s required to succeed.

Rule Three:  The only safe butt of humour is you

christmas speech communication skills training scotland two men funny faces joke.

I’ve been in the room when the speaker starts to make funny remarks about members of the audience .

I say “funny”, but funny to whom?

The speaker or the audience?

One of our golden rules on the presentation skills courses we run at Pink Elephant Communications at our Glasgow studio is to lead with what’s in it for the audience .

This is a principle often broken in  Christmas speeches .

“Let me say a few words about Christine” is a phrase with danger written all over it. “David’s going to love this next story”

Will Christine find it funny?

Will David love the story?

Unlikely if the joke’s at their expense .

So the only safe humour is self-deprecating humour , where the finger of fun is pointed at us, rather than the audience.

christmas speech communication skills training scotland fingers pointing at man.

When I worked for the Irish-based sports broadcaster Setanta , I would begin at charity nights by saying:

“My Dad when I worked for the BBC used to ask how he could find my programme on a Saturday early evening. I’d say just to press button number 1 on the remote. Now I ask if he can find channel 435.”

The joke was on me,  even though Setanta paid better than the BBC ever did.

So to avoid tears, tantrums or tittle-tattle, have a laugh at your expense during your Christmas speech, rather than the audience’s.

Rule Four:  Smile, you’re on camera

christmas speech communication skills scotland training man with camera thumbs up.

  You need only go back a few weeks to a wedding in the England team hotel when Captain Wayne Rooney joined in the celebrations in a sociable if perhaps over-enthusiastic manner.

A private event became public , casting doubts on his professionalism.

A few weeks earlier, one of our directors was at a wedding in the south of England and was chatting to the now World Number One tennis player Andy Murray , in between guests requesting photos and autographs.

But a stone-cold sober Murray avoided the possibility of any embarrassment by behaving in an exemplary manner.

Because most people have a phone that records footage , anybody now can be famous, or infamous, within minutes of a transgression.

christmas speech communication skills training scotland woman taking photo with smartphone.

We have to consider how our behaviour would look on the front page of a tabloid or on TV because that’s where it could end up.

Most of us have a lower profile than Rooney or Murray, but I recently witnessed a company representative doing a drunken Facebook Live broadcast from a holiday in the Greek Islands.

Several times she referenced the company and its products, each time damaging her and potentially their reputation.

So behave in public .

You’re always representing your company .

Your future prospects may depend on it.

Rule Five:  Speak before drinking, then stay off social media

christmas speech communication skills training scotland man balancing with vodka.

Some may say they want ‘Dutch Courage’ before doing any public speaking .

Presenting TV programmes for over two decades, I much preferred having my wits about me , with clear eyes and a clear mind.

If you are going to give a Christmas speech or toast,  do it before you have a few drinks .

You’ll be able to remember to thank people, catch them doing something right, give examples of their loyalty and dedication, and have a laugh at your expense.

Then you can relax and unwind .

Some final words of caution

christmas speech communication skills training scotland social media.

If you then go home and take to social media , posting pictures of you and your drunken colleagues.

The sarcastic, critical or libelous comments as captions to your photo gallery could cause the damage to grow even as the effect of the alcohol recedes.

Lock away you laptop, tablet or phone until your head clears because recent history is littered with drunken comments damaging reputation .

Having said all that, enjoy the party and celebrate your success and that of those around you.

Let the conversation at the coffee machine the next day be about somebody else’s indiscretions rather than yours.

Bill McFarlan is Executive Chairman of media training and presentation skills training firm Pink Elephant Communications in Glasgow.

You can view his full profile here .

Photo credit: sophiahung327 , Foter.com / CC0 ,  Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums ,  Marianne Bevis ,  .: ROGER :. ,  Jason A. Howie via Foter.com / CC BY ,   Simone Lovati ,  Takashi(aes256) via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

12th December 2016 Featured in: Blog , Presentation skills training blogs , Public speaking training blogs By: Pink Elephant

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12-09-2010 WORK LIFE

5 CEO Tips for a Holly Jolly Holiday Speech

A holiday party speech doesn’t need to be a source of inspiration, but rather an opportunity to simply say thank you and show gratitude regardless of the economic environment.

BY  Reid Carr 2 minute read

Let me first preface this with I am no expert on holiday party speeches. In the nine-plus years that I have delivered the talk at Red Door Interactive, I’ve run the gamut in being both awkward and eloquent. At the end of the day, I just hope that everyone feels like I appreciate them being there regardless of how well I waxed poetic.

A holiday party speech doesn’t need to be a source of inspiration, but rather an opportunity to simply say thank you and show gratitude regardless of the economic environment. For anyone that might feel a little anxiety once the glasses start clanking, here are some techniques that help me prepare:

Have heart – Everyone can deliver their speech in an authentic way as long as it truly delivered with sincerity. Imagine the scene in the movie “Wedding Crashers” with Owen Wilson pointing to his heart during the “maid of honor” speech. If you do otherwise, you run the risk of coming across as emotionless or phony.

Do homework – Preparation does a lot for accomplishing the goal of speaking from the heart. It’s probably a bad idea to down too much holiday cheer and just “wing it.” Be sure to budget a little time before the holiday party to put sincerity to paper. Then your thoughts appear more genuine and you don’t forget to thank anyone.

Practice – Even though the speech is pretty casual, it can’t hurt to run it by a person you trust to give honest feedback (probably your significant other). Make sure what you say is relevant for fear it could turn into Alan’s “wolf pack” speech from the movie “Hangover.” A test run should keep all irrelevancies in check.

Show respect for the situation – It’s important to be humble in your leadership position. We’ve all encountered the grossness of the “I’m sick of talking about me, now YOU talk about me” CEO. I always try and communicate in my holiday speech that this isn’t about me; it is about “us.” The party itself is to recognize all of the hard work done by the entire team.

Express thanks and gratitude – The least we can do is publicly thank and celebrate an outstanding team. I feel it’s important to mention specifics and expect nothing in return. Call out the work that everyone should be proud of this year and discuss the exciting opportunities the New Year offers. It’s okay to recognize individual team members by name. If it’s appropriate, put together a video or slide show that illustrates some of the great work.

Regardless of the content or delivery, the most important aspect that CEOs must remember about holiday talk is that it doesn’t stop at the speech. Walk the room to make sure people are having a good time. It’s almost like a wedding reception, making the rounds, kissing babies and shaking hands, giving everyone a little bit of face time reaffirms what you likely tried to communicate in your speech; that everyone matters.

Lastly, remember that this party is for you, too (so, participate in the fun). The Red Door Interactive holiday celebration will soon be here and I’m hoping that I remember these tips so it’s one of my eloquent years.


Reid Carr is president of Red Door Interactive , an Internet Presence Management firm with offices in San Diego and Denver that helps organizations profit from their Web initiatives. Clients include Garden Fresh Restaurant Corp, PETCO, Rubio’s Fresh Mexican Grill and Cricket Communications. Connect with him at https://twitter.com/icowboy.

Apply to the Most Innovative Companies Awards and be recognized as an organization driving the world forward through innovation. Early-rate deadline: Friday, August 23.

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Merry Christmas messages | Love messages

Last modified 01/23/2024

How to write a Christmas speech ?

How to write a Christmas speech for holiday party.#ChristmasSpeechForFamily

What should I say in a Christmas speech?

We can feel the Christmas spirit in the air already, as we are less than a month away from such an amazing time. After everything we have been through this year, it would be nice of you to address your family with a nice speech on Christmas, filled with love , tenderness, and high spirits. In the following lines you will find six short speeches for you to share with them.

:: “We are lucky to be here today in the company of such great people: my family. Although sometimes I wish we could see each other a bit often, I really appreciate the moments when we all get together.

Let us enjoy this fantastic meal that took hours in the making but let us enjoy specially the company of our loved ones, appreciating one another and sharing the memories that have become the story of our family. I love you all very much and I wish you a Merry Christmas”.

:: “This Christmas will not be as it usually is, but I am sure that, as long as we are together, we can make the most of it. Thank you , from the bottom of my heart, for being how you are. You mean everything to me, and I love you dearly. Merry Christmas to you all! Xoxo!”.

:: “I love that we get to make new memories when we are together, for they become the stories we will tell our children when they grow up. I am lucky enough to say that my family is the best one there is.

I wish you a Merry Christmas, I love you and I cannot wait to see you for New Year’s Eve, because I am sure it is going to be epic!”.

:: “Merry Christmas! You taught me what being a family is all about, and I could not be more grateful to you for that. Thanks for always being there, even when things are not easy, for you have shown me what the true meaning of love really is.

Find original Merry Christmas status for WhatsApp.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

Short Christmas speeches for family

:: “Dear family, I cannot find the words to express how happy I am to see all of your faces. We have made it through an exceedingly difficult year, and I can only appreciate the long way we have come.

It feels amazing to have such a great family and to get to experience the joys of this beautiful holiday under the same roof.

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope that next year brings us more joy and more occasions to be together as the beautiful family we are. Love you all and may happiness reign in all of your homes!”.

:: “We are reunited here today to thank the world for allowing us to be together and to express how much we love each other, sharing a laugh and a great meal, which is why I would like to propose a toast in your name! .

Christmas is definitely the most amazing time of the year and we need to be able to appreciate the luck we have, because not everyone gets to spend it with their loved ones.

Merry Christmas wishes and short Christmas messages.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

Cute Merry Christmas speeches for family and friends

:: “First of all, I would like to welcome you all to our house today; it is really incredible that you got to come from all over. For a moment I thought that this reunion was not going to be possible but here we are, and I could not be happier about it.

Christmas is definitely a time to appreciate and be grateful for the things that we have and everything that we have accomplished, so I would like to begin by thanking our Lord for giving me such a great family, but I also want to thank you, because without you none of this would be possible.

You are the most amazing people I know, and I love each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart; I really mean it.

Find best Merry Christmas wishes & greetings.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

What to say in your corporate Christmas speech ?

Our dear employees: For us it is a pleasure to address all of you at these Christmas parties to share our best feelings and a message from the bottom of our hearts.

To begin with, we would like to say that we are extremely grateful and proud of the work you do every day in this company because not only does your company grow, but our country grows and we have the opportunity to offer better opportunities to our loved ones.

As you may realize we have made some preparations so that the spirit of Christmas can be felt in this company and inspire us to cleanse our hearts of all bad feelings, forgive the offenses and unite us even more as the great business family that we are.

Christmas is a time that brings us many pleasant memories , even of our earliest childhood in the company of our family and our good friends, but also gives us the opportunity to meet again with our loved ones and live many more special moments that we will remember with great affection, that is why we must prepare ourselves to celebrate this feast with our hearts full of hope, charity and love, to share it with all the people around us.

We must remember that although the Christmas gifts are beautiful, like all the decorations, the central spirit of this beautiful party is the birth of the baby Jesus, that is why we want to invite you to be in the company of your loved ones :

This Christmas Eve , and contemplate this beautiful scene that represents the birth of our Savior and to be moved by the infinite love of God and that sacred family that celebrated Christmas for the first time even in the midst of some material lack, but feeling the greatest love that exists in the world and the purest happiness.

On behalf of our company, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and celebrate it in the company of your loved ones receiving great blessings and discovering that there is no bigger gift than being together as a family, enjoying the peace and love of this beautiful party.

What should I write in my family Christmas card ?.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

Christmas party speech for employees

One of the most important celebrations expected by the workers of a company or maybe an organization is absolutely the end of the year; the right time when they celebrate the Christmas and the New Year at the same time.

On this celebration, all of the employees forget about their activities at the job and they just care about eating, dancing and getting many presents for Christmas .

But the most important part of this celebration is when the regular workers have the chance to share a special moment with their bosses and with the highest authorities of the company.

On this kind of event, the tradition commands that the chief directors and the managers of the company have to give a speech to thanks for the contributions of the workers and wish them a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year .

For that reason, it is very important that the manager prepare a good speech before this event, because a manager is not allowed to say something just from his heart, on this kind of celebrations, the speech must be formal and concrete.

If you are a manager of a company and you do not know how to prepare a really good speech during the toast for Christmas and the New Year , he we will give you some advices, because you have to know that this is a chance to get closer to your workers, and of course, they will be paying attention to each one of your words during the speech.

Our first advice and the most important one will be that you have to give a short speech, it would be something great if the speech last no more than 2 minutes.

It is important that you use simple but nice words, that way you will show the nice treat your company offers to your workers. Also, do not make any jokes if you do not want to lose any respect with your workers.

Finally, you can make mention of some good achievement of the company but it has to be very short, otherwise, the crowd will get bored easily, of course, you do not have to reveal any statistics or numbers in your speech.

Christmas family sayings and quotes.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

Christmas speech sample to download

Although maybe some of you do not believe me, this is one of the most expected moment on the year for me, because it allow me to find myself with all of you and express from the bottom of my heart, my truly wishes of love, peace and prosperity to all of you on these Christmas and new year .

For that reason, I really want to thank God and also each one of you for being here reunited on this special night. I feel like we are here right now because we are a big family, a united family that fights day by day to reach the prosperity of each one of us.

That may be the reason why, on this occasion, I would like to express to each one of you my thanks for the sacrifice, the efforts and the good you have for this company, because thanks to your efforts, the company is now a good and recognized group of people known by many clients and many sectors in the current market.

Now that still remains a few days to finish a year of hard work,  I feel really happy to say that we absolutely reach the goals of the company and also that we obtained many good results, which will allow us to develop many great changes around the company for the next year.

But do not worry about it, these great changes do not mean that I will change all of you (some laughs). I would not dare to do that; I just could not do it; because all of you showed me that the teamwork is the way to follow.

Thanks for your contributions , this year the company increase its profits and incomes over-passing the goals of the past year.

I really trust you and I know we will absolutely keep the good work, let’s follow this good path without any regrets and do not ever look back to your mistakes.

Merry Christmas for everyone, I hope you spend a good time your family and closest friends 
”let’s keep the good work and glory to the company and to ourselves”

Merry Christmas greeting cards for Facebook.#MerryChristmas,#Christmas,#HappyChristmas,#ChristmasPhrases,#ChristmasWishes

Related posts :

01: Christmas letter to boss 02: Christmas wishes for Facebook 03: Christmas wishes for WhatsApp 04: Christmas words for a former love 05: Corporate greetings to say Merry Christmas 06: Download best Christmas phrases 07: Download best Christmas wishes 08: Download best Merry Christmas greetings 09: Download best Christmas dinner speech 10: Download Merry Christmas greetings to my boyfriend 11: Download Merry Christmas quotations 12: Download New Year messages for my bf 13: Download original Christmas greetings 14: Download best romantic Christmas cards for girlfriends 15: Download Christmas wishes to employees

Images credits : Best Merry Christmas phrases : Original images courtesy of “ Pixabay.com” . Modified by onetip.net .

If you liked this page you can help us sharing with your friends on Facebook ,Instagram,Messenger,Twitter,Whatsapp. Also if you want you can help this website by sending your best Merry Christmas phrases, and will be published, others friends will thank you .

Time to Market

  • How to Give Office Party Speeches This Year
  • Grow in Confidence With These Public Speaking Tips

It’s that time of year again. The season of Christmas office parties. And if you have reached those dizzying heights in the office hierarchy it might be your turn to give one of the office party speeches.

Office party speeches

Get In The Mood This Festive Period For Office Party Speeches

5 Top Tips For Office Party Speeches

But no matter your experience of office party speeches they can prove nerve-wracking. Of course it’s no matter that your expectations are set very high. Very high expectations for a great night out. Unfortunately, those expectations can be upset with an ill-timed or poorly delivered office party speech.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

So, here are 5 top tips to help you be more confident with your office party speech!

Smile . Your Christmas office party speech isn’t the time to preview your New Year  strategy . That would be too daunting–for your audience. So a big smile is the place to start. Then thank some people. Your party speech has to include all the necessary thank yous: the party organisers, Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants, caterers and bar staff. It should note a highlight or two from the year. And you’ve got space for some awards. Because, that’s about all the content you need for an office party speech.

Be Brief . Brevity is best for your office party speech. A few notes is all you should aim for–either a few bullet point reminders on a card or a pictogram memory jog. Therefore, aim to speak for a few minutes at best before you move to the awards section.

Speak before the drinks . So, aim to speak near the beginning of the party when people have arrived, had one or two drinks only and conversation is flowing. If dinner is being served aim to speak before dinner. Since this is not the best opportunity for an after dinner speech. Remember how a  Mariah Carey speech  was befuddled after drinks at the  Palm Springs festival .

Office Party Speeches: You’re Nearly There

Noise . With the best will in the world your office party will be noisy. Since that’s the idea. So you should have a microphone and speakers ready for your party speech. That way you don’t need to shout. And you can easily deal with the gentle heckles from your office manager. Oh, yes.

Awards . The office party is a good time for some other thanks. Thanks for people or teams. When giving awards to people remember to get the technique right
with a list of three.

For example, “And now, someone who’s always committed to the customer, someone who always puts their customer first, someone who it is a pleasure to work with
first name, second name”.

Applause will kick in spontaneously when you get it this way round. If you name the person and then keep talking the audience loses track of the  applause point .

And yes, you’re nearly there. But unlike your normal speeches, now’s not the time to field questions! That would spoil a party. Therefore, now is the time for a toast. So, round off your speech with a toast along the lines of
”To ourselves, To absent friends and To future possibilities”.

party. Relax and enjoy your office party. Bring on the New Year.

How To Give Office Party Speeches

This festive period it pays to be ready for your office party, so here are five key tips for your office party speeches.

  • 1 Smile. You need to be buoyant for this speech.
  • 2 Be brief. Brevity is best for the office party speech.
  • 3 Speak before the drinks start to flow.
  • 4 Prepare for some noise ahead of time, so have a microphone if needed.
  • 5 Celebrate with some awards in your speech, because they always work.

It’s brief, it’s friendly and it’s optimistic. It’s your office party speech this Christmas.

You can find more presentation skills tips and techniques with presentation skills training on a PresentPerfect TM   presentation training course  or with  one to one coaching . So, when the time is right to boost your public speaking skills, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Plus, you can read all the tips for how to give your year end speech at this time of year. So, aim to set the mood and tone for the office year ahead with your year end speech.

"People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”

Dale Carnegie

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Welcome Speech For Christmas Day Celebration

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Christmas is a time of joy, love, and togetherness. With Christmas around the corner, Christmas carols, decorations, Christmas trees, Christmas stars, Christmas Drawing Ideas etc., are already in full swing. There are just a few days left, and people must be very excited about the joyful day. What better way to kick off the festivities than with a heartwarming welcome speech? Whether you’re hosting a Christmas party, program, or celebration at school, college, or church, a well-crafted welcome speech sets the tone for a memorable gathering. In this blog, we’ll explore the art of delivering a welcoming address for your Christmas Day celebration , and provide you with sample speeches to inspire you.

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welcome speech for christmas day celebration

Long and Short Welcome Speech For Christmas Day Celebration

Whether you are looking for a welcome speech for Christmas program, a welcome speech for Christmas day celebration at school in English, a welcome speech for Christmas day celebration at college, a welcome speech for Christmas day celebration at school, a welcome speech for Christmas party, a welcome speech for Christmas carols, or a welcome speech for Christmas day celebration in church, we have got you covered. Below, we have provided a few samples of Christmas day welcome speech to enhance your special day.

Sample Speech: Welcome Speech For Christmas Party at Home

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

A warm and festive welcome to our Christmas party! It’s a pleasure to see all your smiling faces gathered here today. Christmas is a time of magic, a season of giving, and a moment to cherish our loved ones. And what better way to celebrate than with friends and family?

As we come together in the spirit of love and unity, let us remember the true meaning of Christmas. It’s not just about the gifts under the tree, but the love in our hearts. It’s not just about the delicious food, but the joy of sharing. Today, we create memories that will last a lifetime.

So, let the laughter ring out, the carols fill the air, and the warmth of friendship envelop us. Let this party be a reflection of the love and joy that Christmas brings. Thank you for joining us, and may this celebration be a source of happiness and togetherness for all. Merry Christmas!”

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Sample Speech: Welcome Speech For a Christmas Program at School

“Dear teachers, students, and honored guests,

I extend a heartfelt welcome to our annual Christmas program! Today, we gather to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and showcase the talents and creativity of our wonderful students.

Christmas is a season of hope and wonder, where dreams come alive and hearts are filled with joy. Our students have worked tirelessly to bring you a program that captures the essence of this magical season.

As we enjoy the performances, let us also remember the values that Christmas represents—kindness, generosity, and love for one another. Through our program today, we hope to spread these values and inspire everyone to make this world a better place.

To our young performers, thank you for your dedication and hard work. To our teachers and staff, thank you for nurturing these talents. And to our guests, thank you for joining us in celebrating this special day.

May the spirit of Christmas fill our hearts with warmth and love. Let the festivities begin! Merry Christmas to one and all!”

Sample Welcome Speech 3: For a Christmas Celebration in Church

“Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

On this blessed day, we gather in the house of the Lord to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Welcome to our Christmas Day service, where we come together as a community of faith to rejoice in the greatest gift ever given to humanity.

Christmas reminds us of God’s boundless love for us. In the humblest of settings, in a manger in Bethlehem, the light of the world was born. This light continues to guide our lives, offering hope, peace, and salvation.

As we sing carols, listen to the Word of God, and partake in the Holy Communion, let us open our hearts to the message of Christmas. Let us remember the needy, the lonely, and the less fortunate, for it is in giving that we truly receive.

May this service be a source of spiritual renewal and a reminder of the profound meaning of Christmas. Welcome, dear brothers and sisters, to this sacred celebration. May the love of Christ shine brightly in your lives this Christmas and always.”

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Christmas Quotes For Welcome Speech

Here are some Christmas quotes that you can incorporate into your welcome speech to add a touch of warmth and inspiration:

  • “Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.” — Winston Churchill
  • “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” — Alexander Smith
  • “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” — Norman Vincent Peale
  • “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” — Buddy the Elf (from the movie “Elf”)
  • “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” — Calvin Coolidge
  • “Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” — Margaret Thatcher
  • “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” — Charles M. Schulz
  • “The magic of Christmas is not in the presents, but in His presence.” — Unknown
  • “Christmas is the day when you make the most of the love and the generosity of God and share it with others.” — Unknown

You can use these quotes to add depth and sentiment to your welcome speech for a Christmas Day celebration. They can help set a festive and meaningful tone for the occasion.

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In crafting your welcome speech for Christmas Day, personalize it to suit the occasion and audience. Whether it’s a party, a school program, or a church service, let your words reflect the warmth, love, and joy of the season. Merry Christmas!

Welcome Speech For Christmas FAQ’s

How do you start a welcome speech for christmas.

Start with a warm greeting, acknowledge the significance of the season, express gratitude for everyone's presence, and set a festive tone by sharing a brief anecdote or highlighting the spirit of togetherness during Christmas.

How to do opening remarks for Christmas party?

Begin by welcoming everyone, setting the mood with some cheerful words about the occasion, thanking the organizers or hosts, and perhaps adding a touch of anticipation for the activities planned.

How do you introduce a Christmas celebration?

Introduce the celebration by mentioning its cultural or traditional significance, inviting everyone to join in the festivities, and outlining the various activities or events planned to make it a memorable occasion.

How do you welcome the Christmas season?

Welcome the Christmas season by acknowledging its arrival, expressing joy for the festive period, and encouraging everyone to embrace the spirit of giving, sharing, and spreading happiness.

What do you say in a Christmas speech?

In a Christmas speech, you can convey wishes for joy, peace, and goodwill, reflect on the values of the season, share anecdotes or stories related to the spirit of Christmas, and express gratitude for the presence of friends, family, or colleagues during this special time.

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Sample Welcome Speech - Let the Party Begin

A sample welcome speech - one less thing to worry about as you plan your amazing party celebration!

sample welcome speech

Your guests will expect a welcome speech and they will be pleasantly surprised... and grateful... if you focus on the quality and not the quantity of your words. 

So, prepare a simple, short and effective welcome wish - and then focus on planning all the other great party celebrations - music, excellent food, creative decor, dress code and the theme!

A warm welcome - done!

Let's party!

Good Evening,

A warm word of welcome to everyone tonight as we celebrate [ insert event or occasion ].

Tonight is a exceptional evening -  I am so glad that so many special  people have been able to join us this evening.

As, always, to absent friends - we still miss you.

But, tonight is all about celebrating!

It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!

And tonight is one of those nights!

Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we celebrate this special occasion.

Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on
dance a little...like no one is watching!

An example of a welcome speech for a party - short, to the point and most importantly... welcoming !

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WATCH: Biden gets a rousing tribute from Democrats as he passes the torch to Harris in 2024 DNC speech

CHICAGO (AP) — President Joe Biden delivered his valedictory address to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, as his decision to end his reelection bid released newfound energy within his party with Vice President Kamala Harris’ elevation to the top of the ticket.

Watch Biden’s full 2024 DNC speech in our player above.

After 52 years rising to the pinnacle of influence within his party, Biden, 81, received a hero’s welcome for the act of stepping aside for Harris, weeks after many in his party were pressuring him to drop his bid for reelection. One month after an unprecedented mid-campaign switch from Biden to Harris, the opening night of the convention in Chicago was designed as a handoff from the incumbent to his hand-picked successor — albeit four years before he intended for her to follow him.

A visibly emotional Biden was greeted by a more than four-minute-long ovation and chants of “Thank you Joe.”

“America, I love you,” he replied.

Live fact check: Night 1 of the Democratic National Convention

Democrats are looking to the weeklong event to give a graceful exit to the incumbent president and slingshot Harris toward a faceoff with Republican Donald Trump, whose comeback bid for the White House is viewed by Democrats as an existential threat. Having taken over the ticket just one month ago, Harris and running mate Tim Walz must now win over a divided country that is viewing her more positively but still making up its mind about the election.

“Democracy has prevailed, democracy has delivered, and now democracy must be preserved,” Biden said.

Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

President Joe Biden wipes a tear from his face after being introduced by his daughter Ashley Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Aug. 19, 2024. Photo by Kevin Lamarque/ Reuters

“Because of you, we’ve had the most extraordinary four years of progress ever, period,” Biden declared. And then he interjected, “I say ‘we,’ I mean me and Kamala,’” sharing the credit for his most popular successes with the vice president who replaced him atop the ticket.

Harris made an unannounced appearance onstage as the convention’s prime-time program began Monday evening to thank Biden for his leadership in advance of his speech later on.

WATCH: Harris makes DNC entrance with energetic tribute to Biden

“Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation, and for all you’ll continue to do,” she said. “We are forever grateful to you.”

Biden’s speech, billed as the marquee event of the evening, was pushed into late night as the convention program lagged more than an hour behind schedule.

The president recalled the 2017 “unite the right” rally, when torch-carrying white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, Virginia, an episode he credits with cementing his decision to run for president in 2020 despite his ongoing grief over the death of his son Beau Biden.

“I could not stay on the sidelines,” Biden said. “So I ran. I had no intention of running again. I’d just lost part of my soul. But I ran with a deep conviction.”

READ MORE: 7 takeaways from DNC Day 1

Biden celebrated the successes from his administration, including a massive boost in infrastructure spending and a cap on the price of insulin. The spending resulted in more money going to Republican-leaning states than Democratic states, he said, because “the job of the president is to deliver for all of America.”

During one of the crowd’s many chants of “thank you Joe,” he added, “Thank you Kamala too.”

Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Attendees wave “Thank You Joe” signs as President Joe Biden addresses delegates on Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention. Photo by Brendan Mcdermid/ Reuters

Not even a month ago, Democrats were riven over foreign policy, political strategy and Biden himself, who was holding on after a disastrous debate by claiming he had a better chance than any other Democrat — including Harris — of beating Trump.

The Democratic Party would almost certainly have been in a far worse state if Biden had continued to cling to his campaign, despite growing concerns about his mental and physical acuity after struggling to complete sentences during his debate against Trump.

Democrats took turns praising Biden’s leadership and his choice in Harris to succeed him. “I’ve never know a more compassionate man than Joe Biden,” said his longtime confidant Delaware Sen. Chris Coons, who led the crowd in a “we love Joe” chant.

They tried to connect both Biden and Harris to what the party sees as the governing pair’s most popular accomplishments: leading the country out of the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing for massive investments in the country’s infrastructure, working to lower healthcare costs and promoting clean energy.

“Thanks to Joe and Kamala, we reduced the price of prescription drugs, repaired roads and bridges and replaced lead pipes,” said South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, whose 2020 endorsement was critical to Biden winning that primary. He added that one of Biden’s best decisions was “selecting Kamala Harris as his vice president and endorsing her to succeed him.”

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was greeted with prolonged applause, saluted Harris while noting her potential to break the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” to become America’s first female president. Clinton was the Democratic nominee in 2016, but she lost that election to Trump.

“Together, we’ve put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling,” Clinton said, invoking a metaphor she referenced in her concession speech eight years ago. “On the other side of that glass ceiling is Kamala Harris taking the oath of office as our 47th president of the United States. When a barrier falls for one of us, it clears the way for all of us.”

Clinton also saluted Biden for stepping aside, saying, “Now we are writing a new chapter in America’s story.”

Highlighting the party’s generational reach, Clinton, 76, followed New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 34, who endorsed Harris while delivering the first mention of the war in Gaza from the convention stage, addressing an issue that has split the party’s base ever since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and Israel’s resulting offensive.

WATCH: ‘The future is here,’ Hillary Clinton says in 2024 Democratic National Convention speech

Outside the arena, thousands of protesters descended on Chicago to decry the Biden-Harris administration’s support for the Israeli war effort.

Harris “is working tirelessly to secure a cease-fire in Gaza and bringing the hostages home,” Ocasio-Cortez said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

Meanwhile, Democrats also looked to keep the focus on Trump, whose criminal convictions they mocked and who they asserted was only fighting for himself, rather than “for the people” — the night’s official theme.

Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow hoisted an oversized copy of “Project 2025” — a blueprint for a second Trump term that was put together by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank — onto the lectern and quoted from portions of it.

“So we read it,” McMorrow said. “Whatever you think it might be. It is so much worse.”

Trump, the former president, has publicly disavowed any interests in the policies outlined in Project 2025, but he has close ties to its authors and campaign aides had praised its work in the past.

WATCH: NBA coach Steve Kerr tells Trump ‘night night’ at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

Democrats kept abortion access front and center for voters, betting that the issue will propel them to success as it has in other key races since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago. Speakers Monday included three women whose healthcare suffered as a result of that decision. And the convention program included a video of Trump praising his own role in getting Roe struck down.

A month after a major union leader spoke at the Republican convention, Democrats on Monday featured several labor leaders to appeal to a core party constituency. United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain led the crowd in chanting that “Trump is a scab” as he credited Biden and Harris with standing by striking autoworkers last year.

The convention program also honored the civil rights movement, with an appearance from the Rev. Jesse Jackson , the founder of the Chicago-based Rainbow PUSH Coalition, who is ailing with Parkinson’s disease. There were several references to Fannie Lou Hamer , the late civil rights activist who gave a landmark speech at a Democratic convention in 1964.

Hamer was a former sharecropper and a leader of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a racially integrated group that challenged the seating of an all-white Mississippi delegation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. Hamer spoke on Aug. 22, 1964 — exactly 60 years before Harris is set to accept the Democratic nomination and become the first Black woman and first person of South Asian descent to be the presidential nominee of a major party.

Associated Press writers Will Weissert and Josh Boak in Chicago, Ali Swenson and Michelle L. Price in New York and Chris Megerian in Washington contributed to this report.

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speech on christmas party


  1. Christmas speech sample: an awesome template to adapt

    A Christmas speech sample. By: Susan Dugdale | Last modified: 10-03-2023 . An office Christmas party speech to adapt and make your own. Here's a sample of a Christmas speech prepared by following a simple step by step speech outline. You'll find the format is ideal for an office Christmas party, a family get together, a club Christmas event...

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