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How to Say “Presentation” in Sanskrit: Formal and Informal Ways

Welcome to this guide on how to say “presentation” in Sanskrit! Whether you’re giving a formal speech or simply discussing the topic casually, Sanskrit offers various words and phrases to convey the concept. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore both formal and informal ways to express “presentation” in Sanskrit, along with tips, examples, and possible regional variations.

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Say “Presentation” in Sanskrit

When it comes to formal contexts, such as professional settings, academic environments, or official speeches, the following Sanskrit words are commonly used to refer to “presentation”:

  • प्रोभाषणं (prōbhāṣaṇam): This term refers to a formal or official presentation. It is widely used in scholarly or professional setups.
  • प्रस्तुति (prastuti): This word signifies a formal presentation or introduction. It can be used specifically when presenting a topic or initiating a discussion on a particular subject.
  • निरूपणं (nirūpaṇam): Often used in the context of formal addresses or seminars, this term denotes the act of presenting an idea, thought, or concept to an audience.
  • भाषणम् (bhāṣaṇam): While “bhāṣaṇam” generally translates to “speech,” it can also be employed to indicate a formal presentation. This term is suitable for situations where one needs to deliver a structured and well-prepared talk.

For instance, you might say:

प्रोभाषणं विज्ञानं प्रतिष्ठाने आयोज्यते। (prōbhāṣaṇam vijñānaṁ pratiṣṭhāne āyojyate) A science presentation is being organized at the institute.

These formal words convey a sense of professionalism, knowledge, and respect for the audience, making them ideal in serious or professional settings.

Informal Ways to Say “Presentation” in Sanskrit

On the other hand, in more casual or informal contexts like everyday conversation or discussions with friends, you can use the following Sanskrit words or phrases to express “presentation”:

  • प्रधानव्याख्यानम् (pradhāna-vyākhyānam): This phrase implies a general presentation or talk, often used in a less formal setting without strict guidelines or structure. It can also refer to an informal discussion on a topic of interest.
  • भाषणी (bhāṣaṇī): While “bhāṣaṇī” can refer to a formal speech, it is also appropriate for a more relaxed, informal presentation among friends or acquaintances.
  • प्रस्तावना (prastāvanā): This word represents an introduction or preliminary talk, usually given before the main presentation or discussion. It works well in informal situations where a brief presentation sets the stage for further dialogue.

Here’s an example:

आज रामस्य प्रधानव्याख्यानं सम्प्राप्तं। (āja rāmasya pradhāna-vyākhyānam samprāptaṁ) Today, Ram’s presentation has arrived. (informal setting)

Using these words in a casual conversation allows for a more relaxed approach when discussing a particular topic or sharing information.

Regional Variations

While Sanskrit is considered a classical language and is broadly understood throughout India, regional variations can exist in everyday usage. However, when it comes to the term “presentation,” the words provided above are generally comprehensible across regions. Variations due to dialects or regional preferences, if any, are minimal.

In summary, here are the formal and informal ways to say “presentation” in Sanskrit:

  • प्रोभाषणं (prōbhāṣaṇam)
  • प्रस्तुति (prastuti)
  • निरूपणं (nirūpaṇam)
  • भाषणम् (bhāṣaṇam)
  • प्रधानव्याख्यानम् (pradhāna-vyākhyānam)
  • भाषणी (bhāṣaṇī)
  • प्रस्तावना (prastāvanā)

Remember that the choice of word depends on the formality of the situation. Formal occasions demand more structured and professional terms, while informal gatherings allow for a relaxed and friendly approach. Feel free to use these words and phrases in your conversations to accurately convey the idea of “presentation” in Sanskrit!

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with the necessary tools to understand and express “presentation” in Sanskrit. Happy presenting!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say Happy Sanskrit Day in Sanskrit
  • Guide to Saying a Quote in a Presentation: Tips for Formal and Informal Settings
  • Guide: How to Say “Presentation” in Japanese
  • How to Say “Presentation” in Korean: Formal and Informal Ways
  • Guide: How to Say Thank You After a Presentation
  • Guide: How to Say Thank You in a Presentation
  • Guide: How to Say Thank You in Presentation Slides
  • How to Say Thanks After a Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

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अ aआ aa,Aइ iई ii,Iउ uऊ uu,U
ऋ Rॠ RRलृ lRॡ lRR
ए eऐ aiओ oऔ auअं aMअः aH
क kaख khaग gaघ ghaङ Ga
च caछ chaज jaझ jhaञ Ja
ट Taठ Thaड Daढ Dhaण Na
त taथ thaद daध dhaन na
प paफ phaब baभ bhaम ma
य yaर raल laव vaक्ष kScd
श za,shaष Sa,shhaस saह haऽ 'aज्ञ jJ

Appendix : Sanskrit Swadesh list

This is a Swadesh list of words in Sanskrit , compared with definitions in English .


American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.

1 (1sg) (ahám)
2 (2sg) (tvám)
3 , , (3sg) ()
4 (1pl) (vayám), (nas)
5 (2pl) (yūyám), (vas)
6 (3pl) ()
7 (idám)
8 (tát)
9 (átra), (íha)
10 (tátra)
11 ()
12 (kím)
13 (kútra), (kúha), (kvà)
14 (kadā́)
15 (kathám)
16 ()
17 (sárva), (víśva)
18 (bahú)
19 (kiñcid)
20 (álpa)
21 (anyá)
22 (éka)
23 (dvá)
24 (trí)
25 (cátur)
26 (páñcan)
27 (mahát)
28 (dīrghá)
29 (urú)
30 (ghaná)
31 (gurú)
32 (álpa)
33 (hrasvá)
34 (aṃhú)
35 (tanú)
36 (strī́)
37 (adult male) (púruṣa), (nára)
38 (human being) (manuṣyá), (mānava)
39 (bā́la), (śíśu)
40 (pátnī), (bhāryā́)
41 (páti)
42 (mā́tṛ)
43 (pitṛ́)
44 (páśu)
45 (mátsya)
46 (), (pakṣin)
47 (śván)
48 (yūkā)
49 (sarpá)
50 (kṛ́mi)
51 (vṛkṣá), (tarú)
52 (vána)
53 (daṇḍá)
54 (phála)
55 (bī́ja)
56 (páttra)
57 (mū́la)
58 (of a tree) (tvác)
59 (púṣpa)
60 (tṛ́ṇa)
61 (rájju)
62 (cárman), (tvác)
63 (māṃsá)
64 (rakta), (ásṛj)
65 (ásthi)
66 (noun) (pī́vas), (médas)
67 (aṇḍá)
68 (śṛṅgá)
69 (púccha)
70 (parṇá)
71 (kéśa)
72 (śíras)
73 (kárṇa)
74 (ákṣi)
75 (nā́sā)
76 (vaktra), (múkha)
77 (dánta)
78 (organ) (jihvā́)
79 (nakhá)
80 (padá)
81 (jáṅgha)
82 (jā́nu)
83 (hásta), (pāṇí)
84 (pakṣá)
85 (udára)
86 (ántra), (āntra), (gudá)
87 (gala), (grīvā́)
88 (pṛṣṭhá)
89 (stána)
90 (hṛ́daya)
91 (yákṛt)
92to (píbati)
93to (khā́dati), (átti)
94to (dáśati)
95to (dháyati)
96to (ṣṭhī́vati)
97to (vámati)
98to (vā́ti)
99to (ániti)
100to (smáyate), (hásati)
101to (páśyati) ( ), (dṛś) ( )
102to (śṛṇóti)
103to (jānā́ti)
104to (mányate), (cintayati)
105to (jíghrati)
106to (bibhéti), (bháyate) ( )
107to (svápiti)
108to (jī́vati)
109to (mriyáte)
110to (hánti)
111to (yúdhyate)
112to (veti)
113to (hánti), (tāḍáyati)
114to (kṛntáti)
115to (bhinátti)
116to (vídhyati)
117to (likháti)
118to (khánati)
119to (plávate)
120to (pátati)
121to (éti), (gácchati), (cárati)
122to (ā́gacchati)
123to (as in a bed) (śéte)
124to (sī́dati)
125to (tíṣṭhati)
126to (intransitive) (vártate)
127to (pádyate)
128to (dádāti)
129to (dhárati)
130to (mṛdnā́ti)
131to (ghárṣati)
132to (kṣā́layati)
133to (mā́rṣṭi)
134to (kárṣati)
135to (nudáti)
136to (kṣipáti)
137to (badhnā́ti), (bandhati)
138to (sī́vyati)
139to (gáṇayati), (kálate)
140to (vákti)
141to (gā́yati)
142to (dī́vyati)
143to (plávate)
144to (sárati), (kṣárati)
145to (śī́yate)
146to (śváyati)
147 (sū́rya), (ravi), (sū́ra), (bhāskara)
148 (mā́sa), (candramas), (candrá)
149 (nákṣatra), (stṛ́), (tārā)
150 (jalá), (áp), (pānīya), (vā́ri), (udán), (toja)
151 (varṣá)
152 (nadī́)
153 (sáras)
154 (samudrá)
155 (lavaṇá)
156 (áśman)
157 (pāṃsú), (śíkatā)
158 (reṇú)
159 (kṣám), (pṛthvī́)
160 (nábhas), (meghá)
161 (míh)
162 (ākāśá)
163 (vāyú), (vā́ta)
164 (himá), (tuṣāra), (tuhina)
165 (himá)
166 (dhūmá)
167 (agní)
168 (ā́sa)
169to (dahati)
170 (patha), (ádhvan), (mārga)
171 (girí), (párvata)
172 (rakta), (róhita)
173 (harit), (harita), (pā́lāśa), (palāśa)
174 (pīta), (pītala)
175 (śvetá)
176 (kṛṣṇá)
177 (rā́tri), (nákti), (kṣáp), (rajanī)
178 (diná), (áhar), (divasa)
179 (varṣá), (saṃvatsara)
180 (taptá)
181 (śītá)
182 (pūrṇá)
183 (náva), (nū́tana)
184 (jīrṇá), (vṛddhá), (purātana)
185 (vásu), (bhadrá)
186 (pāpá), (duṣṭa)
187 (pū́ti)
188 (malina), (samala)
189 (ṛjú), (sādhú)
190 (vṛttá), (vartula)
191 (as a knife) (tīkṣṇá)
192 (as a knife) (kuṇṭha)
193 (ślakṣṇá), (snigdhá)
194 (ārdrá), (klinná)
195 (śúṣka)
196 (śuddhá), (satyá)
197 (neda) ( ), (prati) ( )
198 (dūrá)
199 (dákṣiṇa)
200 (savyá)
201 locative case
202 locative case
203 (sahá)
204 (ca)
205 (yádi)
206 ()
207 (nā́man)
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presentations - Meaning in Sanskrit

Interpreted your input " presentations " as " presentation ".

presentation - Meaning in Sanskrit

Presentation word forms & inflections, definitions and meaning of presentations in english, presentation noun.

  • demonstration , presentment
  • "he gave the customer a demonstration"
  • "the presentation of new data"
  • "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation"
  • "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations"
  • "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"
  • intro , introduction

Synonyms of presentation

presentation word in sanskrit

A [] conveys information from a speaker to an audience. Presentations are typically demonstrations, introduction, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, build goodwill, or present a new idea/product. Presentations usually require preparation, organization, event planning , writing, use of visual aids, dealing with stress, and answering questions. “The key elements of a presentation consists of presenter, audience, message, reaction and method to deliver speech for organizational success in an effective manner.” Presentations are widely used in tertiary work settings such as accountants giving a detailed report of a company's financials or an entrepreneur pitching their venture idea to investors. The term can also be used for a formal or ritualized introduction or offering, as with the presentation of a debutante. Presentations in certain formats are also known as keynote address. Interactive presentations, in which the audience is involved, are also represented more and more frequently. Instead of a monologue, this creates a dialogue between the speaker and the audience. The advantages of an interactive presentation is for example, that it attracts more attention from the audience and that the interaction creates a sense of community.

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A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary with Transliteration, Accentuation, and Etymological Analysis Throughout

Macdonell, Arthur Anthony. A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, accentuation, and etymological analysis throughout . London: Oxford University Press, 1929. "The original edition of this dictionary was published by Messrs. Longmans, Green & co., and has been reproduced photographically with their consent."
The data conversion and presentation of this dictionary was sponsored by Columbia University with support from the former Columbia-Dharam Hinduja Center for Indic Research.
Data for this dictionary was most recently updated in March 2020.

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Sanskrit is one of the classical languages of South Asia, and the oldest well-preserved language in the Indo-European family.

About Sanskrit

One of the classical languages of South Asia, Sanskrit is the major language in which the sacred texts of Hinduism have been written, as well as some of Buddhism and Jainism, and the lingua franca of premodern South Asia for disciplines such as linguistics, medicine, philosophy, ritual, etc. Through four millennia, it has had incredible literary productivity: knowing Sanskrit is the key to understanding premodern South Asia.

Yale is the first university in the US to have introduced the study of Sanskrit, in the middle of the nineteenth century, and historically it has been a major place of Sanskrit education and scholarship. At present Sanskrit continues to be taught at all levels, from Introductory to Advanced, across genres and disciplines.

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Sanskrit Resources

Introductory primers.

At Yale, in our introductory course we use Madhav Deshpande’s Saṁskṛta-Subodhini: A Sanskrit Primer . A useful website to accompany the primer is Guy Leavitt’s Introductory Sanskrit , which contains video lessons, flashcards, and exercises.

Another good primer is Devavāṇīpraveśikā: An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language by Robert Goldman and Sally Sutherland Goldman. A very useful website organized around this primer is hosted by the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia.

A new and excellent primer that students may also wish to consult is The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit by Antonia Ruppel. The website has a wealth of resources accompanying the textbook.

Still very useful, particularly for Sanskrit Syntax, is Michael Coulson’s primer, which has been printed many times under several names, one of which is Complete Sanskrit: A Teach Yourself Guide .

Intermediate Readers

The only commonly used Intermediate Sanskrit reader is that of Charles Rockwell Lanman. We use it at the end of the Introductory Sanskrit course and in the fall semester of Intermediate Sanskrit. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

A Vedic Reader for Students by Arthur Anthony Macdonell is focused on the Rigveda. It is in the public domain and can the downloaded here .

Very useful for students interested in the language of the Upaniṣads is An Early Upaniṣadic Reader by Hans Henrich Hock.


Several dictionaries are useful for Sanskrit students and scholars:

A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary by Arthur Anthony Macdonell. It can be accessed online with an easy search interface at the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia hosted by the University of Chicago. This is particularly useful for looking up the most common meaning of Sanskrit words, as it generally excludes the vocabularies of Vedic literature and all specialized disciplines such as medicine, ritual, etc. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

The Practical Sanskrit English Dictionary by V.S. Apte. It too can be accessed at the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia . Unlike Macdonell, it is a complete dictionary, and students should note that it is organized by most common meaning listed first. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

A Sanskrit-English Dictionary by Monier Monier-Williams. Like Apte, it is a complete dictionary, but students should note that it is organized historically, by earliest meaning listed first. It is available for online search at Cologne Digital Dictionaries hosted by the University of Cologne. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

We should also mention Franklin Edgerton’s Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary produced at Yale. It is available for online search at Cologne Digital Dictionaries .

The University of Cologne website has a most useful interface for search of a great number of Sanskrit dictionaries, including the above-listed four, in several European languages as well as in Sanskrit. The users should be familiar with the search transliteration conventions, the two most common of which are the Harvard-Kyoto system and the ITRANS system.

The most useful Sanskrit grammar for students of the language is that of Arthur Anthony Macdonell. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

Macdonell has a parallel volume that introduces the Vedic grammar. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

The standard reference grammar that covers not only Classical Sanskrit, but the Vedic language as well, is that of William Dwight Whitney. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here . Accompanying Whitney’s Grammar is The Roots, Verb-forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language .

A Higher Sanskrit Grammar of M.R. Kale is very useful for learning the native Sanskrit grammatical terminology.

Macdonell’s Vedic Grammar is a comprehensive presentation of the grammar of the Vedic language. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

Edgerton’s aforementioned Dictionary is accompanied by the Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar .

The best available tool for commentarial and philosophical Sanskrit is Scholastic Sanskrit: A Handbook for Students of Gary Tubb and Emery Boose. We use it in our Advanced Sanskrit courses.

A very useful overview of Sanskrit Grammar and reference tables for almost any element of the language is Sanskrit Manual: A Quick Reference Guide to the Phonology and Grammar of Classical Sanskrit of Roderick Bucknell.

The standard work on Sanskrit Syntax is J.S. Speijer’s Sanskrit Syntax. It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

For students, also useful is Apte’s Student’s Guide to Sanskrit Composition . It is in the public domain and can be downloaded here .

Typing Sanskrit

The easiest way to type Devanagari is by using the Devanāgarī-QWERTY keyboard layout, which is available for download on the UBC Sanskrit website . It is available both for Windows and Mac users.

To type transliterated Sanskrit with diacritics, MAC OSX users can refer to the excellent guide provided by Windows users can use several utilities, such as keyswap .

Online Resources

Advanced students of Sanskrit have many Sanskrit text depositories available for online search. Interested students should write to the instructor ( [email protected] ).

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Sanskrit pen-written document, 15th century; in the Freer Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (MS 23.3).

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Sanskrit pen-written document, 15th century; in the Freer Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (MS 23.3).

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Sanskrit language , (from Sanskrit saṃskṛta , “adorned, cultivated , purified”), an Old Indo-Aryan language in which the most ancient documents are the Vedas , composed in what is called Vedic Sanskrit . Although Vedic documents represent the dialects then found in the northern midlands of the Indian subcontinent and areas immediately east thereof, the very earliest texts—including the Rigveda (“The Veda Composed in Verses”), which scholars generally ascribe to approximately 1500 bce —stem from the northwestern part of the subcontinent, the area of the ancient seven rivers ( sapta sindhavaḥ ).

What is generally called Classical Sanskrit —but is actually a language close to late Vedic as then used in the northwest of the subcontinent—was elegantly described in one of the finest grammars ever produced, the Aṣṭādhyāyī (“Eight Chapters”) composed by Pāṇini ( c. 6th–5th century bce ). The Aṣṭādhyāyī in turn was the object of a rich commentatorial literature, documents of which are known from the time of Kātyāyana (4th–3rd century bce ) onward. In the same Pāṇinian tradition there was a long history of work on semantics and the philosophy of language , the pinnacle of which is represented by the Vākyapadīya (“Treatise on Sentence and Word”) of Bhartṛhari (late 6th–7th century ce ).

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Over its long history, Sanskrit has been written both in Devanāgarī script and in various regional scripts, such as Śāradā from the north ( Kashmir ), Bāṅglā (Bengali) in the east, Gujarātī in the west, and various southern scripts, including the Grantha alphabet , which was especially devised for Sanskrit texts. Sanskrit texts continue to be published in regional scripts, although in fairly recent times Devanāgarī has become more generally used.

There is a large corpus of literature in Sanskrit covering a wide range of subjects. The earliest compositions are the Vedic texts. There are also major works of drama and poetry , although the exact dates of many of these works and their creators have not been definitively established. Important authors and works include Bhāsa (for example, his Svapnavāsvavadatta [“Vāsavadatta in a Dream”]), who is assigned widely varying dates but definitely worked prior to Kālidāsa, who mentions him; Kālidāsa , dated anywhere from the 1st century bce to the 4th century ce , whose works include Śakuntalā (more fully, Abhijñānaśākuntala ; “Śakuntalā Recalled Through Recognition” or “The Recognition of Śakuntalā”), Vikramorvaśīya (“Urvaśī Won Through Valour”), Kumārasambhava (“The Birth of Kumāra”), and Raghuvaṃśa (“The Lineage of Raghu”); Śūdraka and his Mṛcchakatika (“Little Clay Cart”), possibly dating to the 3rd century ce ; Bhāravi and his Kirātārjunīya (“Arjuna and the Kirāta”), from approximately the 7th century; Māgha , whose Śiśupālavadha (“The Slaying of Śiśupāla”) dates to the late 7th century; and from about the early 8th century Bhavabhūti , who wrote Mahāvīracarita (“Deeds of the Great Hero”), Mālatīmādhava (“Mālatī and Mādhava”), and Uttararāmacarita (“The Last Deed of Rāma”). The two epics Rāmāyaṇa (“Life of Rāma”) and Mahābhārata (“Great Tale of the Bhāratas”) were also composed in Sanskrit, and the former is esteemed as the first poetic work ( ādikāvya ) of India . The Pañcatantra (“Treatise in Five Chapters”) and Hitopadeśa (“Beneficial Instruction”) are major representatives of didactic literature. Sanskrit was also used as the medium for composing treatises of various philosophical schools, as well as works on logic, astronomy, and mathematics.

Sanskrit is not restricted to Hindu compositions. It has also been used by Jaina and Buddhist scholars, the latter primarily Mahāyāna Buddhists. Further, Sanskrit is recognized in the constitution of India as both a classical language and an official language and continues to be used in scholarly, literary, and technical media, as well as in periodicals, radio, television, and film.

In its grammatical structure, Sanskrit is similar to other early Indo-European languages such as Greek and Latin . It is an inflected language. For instance, the Sanskrit nominal system—including nouns, pronouns, and adjectives—has three genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter), three numbers (singular, dual, and plural), and seven syntactic cases (nominative, accusative, instrumental, dative, ablative, genitive, and locative), in addition to a vocative. However, a full set of distinct forms occurs only in the singular of masculine -a- stems of the type deva- ‘god’: nominative devas ( devaḥ before a pause), accusative devam , instrumental devena , dative devāya , ablative devāt , genitive devasya , locative deve , and vocative deva .

presentation word in sanskrit

Adjectives are inflected to agree with nouns, and there are distinct pronominal forms for certain cases: e.g., tasmai , tasmāt , tasmin (masculine-neuter dative, ablative, and locative singular, respectively) ‘that one.’

Verbs inflect for tense , mode, voice , number, and person. These may be illustrated by third-person active forms of pac ‘cook, bake’ (used if cooking is done for someone other than the agent), including the present indicative pacati ‘cooks, is cooking’; the proximate future pakṣyati ‘will cook,’ referring to an act that will take place at some time in the future, possibly including the day on which one is speaking; the non-proximate future paktā ‘will cook,’ referring to an act that will take place at some time in the future, excluding the day on which one is speaking; the aorist apākṣīt ‘cooked, has cooked,’ referring to an act completed in the general past, possibly including the day on which one speaks; the imperfect past apacat ‘cooked,’ referring to an act in the past, excluding the day on which one speaks; the perfect reportative papāca ‘cooked,’ referring to an act performed in the past, excluding the day of speaking, and which the speaker did not directly witness or is not personally aware; the imperative pacatu ‘should, must cook,’ expressing a command, request, or invitation to perform the act; the optative pacet , used in the same sense as the imperative; the precative pacyāt ‘may cook,’ expressing a wish; and the contrafactual conditional apakṣyat ‘if (he) cooked, if (he) had cooked, if (he) would cook, if (he) would have cooked.’ There are also middle forms (‘cook for oneself’) corresponding to the forms just cited: pacate ‘cooks, is cooking,’ pakṣyate ‘will cook,’ paktā ‘will cook,’ apakta ‘cooked, has cooked,’ apacata ‘cooked,’ pece ‘cooked,’ pacatām ‘should, must cook,’ pakṣīṣṭa ‘may cook,’ apakṣyata ‘if (I) cooked, if (I) had cooked, if (I) would cook, if (I) would have cooked.’ There is also a passive, as with the third singular present indicative pacyate ‘…is being cooked.’ Early Vedic preserves remnants of an earlier aspectual contrast between perfective and imperfective.

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On World Sanskrit Day, we celebrate the beauty and richness of Sanskrit, one of the oldest and most revered languages in the world. It serves as a tribute to the invaluable contributions of this ancient language to literature, philosophy, science, and spirituality. Join us in honoring the timeless wisdom and profound teachings encapsulated within Sanskrit texts with this fully customizable Google Slides and PowerPoint template full of illustrations and spirituality. Celebrate the legacy and resilience of this extraordinary language!

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sanskrit words


Apr 29, 2012

840 likes | 2.25k Views

SANSKRIT WORDS. A few things we offer God. Phalam Pushpam Dhoopam Deepam Naivedyam. PHALAM. PHALA means FRUIT ( Also, Phala ) General term that refers to all types of fruit. PUSHPAM. PUSHPA means FLOWER ( Also, Pushpa ) General term that refers to all types of flowers.

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Presentation Transcript

A few things we offer God • Phalam • Pushpam • Dhoopam • Deepam • Naivedyam

PHALAM • PHALA means FRUIT (Also, Phala) General term that refers to all types of fruit.

PUSHPAM • PUSHPA means FLOWER (Also, Pushpa) General term that refers to all types of flowers

DHOOPAM • DHOOPA means INSENCE (like Agarbathi) Also, Dhoopa • Generally something that has a calming influence with a sweet smell

DEEPAM • DEEPA means LAMP (Also, Deepa) • JYOTHI means LIGHT DIWALI the festival of lights is also called Deepavali

NAIVEDYAM • Cooked food offered before eating , generally sweets or rice/wheat based items (Also, Naivedya) After pooja, Naivedya is offered to everyone as Prasadam or Prasada

A few things we offer God • Aasanam • Paadyam/Arghyam • Snanam • Vastram • Gandham • Kumkumam • Haridra

AASANAM • Aasanam means SEAT like a chair, generally an elevated place to sit. (also, Aasana) Simhasana means throne: Simha = Lion; Aasana = Seat King’s Seat or Throne

ARGHYAM PAADYAM • ARGHYAM Water offered to God during pooja to wash hands (Also, Arghya) • PAADYAM Water offered to God during pooja to wash feet (Also, Paadya)

SNANAM • Means BATH (Also, Snana) Idols are bathed in water before Pooja. The water used to bathe idols is sometimes offered as THEERTHA or holy water.

VASTRAM • Means CLOTHING or FABRIC (Also, Vastra) Idols are adorned with decorative clothing in temples. Silk or cotton fabric is generally offered during Poojas.

GANDHAM • SANDALWOOD PASTE (Also, Gandha) Idols are adorned with decorative clothing in temples. Silk or cotton fabric is generally offered during Poojas.

HARIDRA • TURMERIC POWDER - a yellow powder made from dried turmeric roots. Turmeric is a root like ginger. It is valued for its medicinal properties. Turmeric powder is used widely in Indian cooking.

KUMKUMAM • RED COLORED POWDER (Also, Kumkuma) Made with a mixture of turmeric and saffron. Traditionally red, but are also made in many colors. Used in Holi. Also, worn on forehead as bindi or tilak.

A few things we offer God • Akshatha • Pradakshina • Mantra • Aarathi • Geetha • Nrithya

AKSHATHA • A mixture of uncooked rice with kumkum or turmeric • Symbolizes prosperity • Mixture is sprinkled on auspicious occasions as a blessing (eg. on bride and groom at a wedding)

PRADAKSHINA • Means circumambulation or walking around in a circle around the deity The ritual of pradakshina or moving in circles around the deity recognizes God as the focal point in our lives. Pradakshinas are always in a clockwise direction around the idol.

MANTRA • Repeated chanting of verses or shlokas A sound, syllable, word or group of words capable of creating a spiritual transformation by repeating over and over

AARATHI • Waving light with camphor or with wicks soaked in ghee Aarthis are normally done while singing a song in praise of the deity

GEETA & NRITYA • Geeta – Song • Nritya – Dance Songs and dances in praise of the deities are traditionally offered as part of elaborate pooja rituals.

Common Words • Pooja • Archana • Havana • Abhisheka • Shloka • Bhajana

POOJA • Worship – Devotional service offered to God or any other chosen deity • Puja in the temple -Puja usually involves bathing and dressing the deity and offering various auspicious items, such as water, perfume, and flowers. It often culminates in the offering of food, and is immediately followed by the arti ceremony. Puja generally includes a minimum of 16 devotional acts. • Puja at home is usually a scaled-down version of the grand temple services. It may be offered daily or just once a week, whereas scheduled temple worship must continue daily from early morning to late evening. The person that professionally performs poojas is called pujari

HAVANA (HOMA) • Offering prayers in the presence of fire • This devotional activity or ritual involves offering prayers with other symbolic offerings to Agni or fire. Havanas are performed amidst chanting of mantras for a deity.

ABHISHEKAM • Sacred bathing by pouring water, milk, honey, yoghurt, ghee, rosewater, etc on the idol of the deity This devotional activity or ritual is performed amidst chanting of mantras for the deity Liquids used for the abhisheka are collected and offered as teertha after the abhisheka

SHLOKA • Verse – generally two-lines (couplet) in Sanskrit poetry • Stotras used to perform poojas are a collection of shlokas in praise of chosen Gods or deities. • Ramayana and Mahabharatha are both written in shlokas

BHAJANA • Singing in groups • Congregational worship in the form of group singing with symbols & percussion instruments to create a lively upbeat experience

Commonly Occurring Words in Poojas • Swaaha • Namana/Namaskara • Prarthana • Arpana/Samarpana/Samarpayaami • Karomi/Karishyaami • Mangalam/Shubham

SWAAHA • Swaaha – approximately translates to “hail”; it is an interjection in mantras commonly chanted during havanas (or homas) when ritual offerings are made to the fire • Swaaha is also said to be the wife of Agni, the God of Fire

NAMANANAMASTE • Namana – Salutations Bowing down or surrendering ones ego to God. Namaste: is the common Indian greeting (gesture with folded hands and bowed down head)whichmeans “I bow to the God within you”.

PRARTHANA Simply means - Prayer Prarthanais often used to refer to a collection of shlokas recited to a certain deity Eg: GaneshaPrarthana, Maha Vishnu Prarthana



Spiritual Words • Shanthi • Dhyana • Jnana • Aathma • Bhakthi • Mukthi/Moksha • Dharma and Karma

AATHMAN • Also - Aathma • SOUL (an inner consciousness) • Philosophical term in Hinduism to identify the soul whether in global sense (world’s soul) or in individual sense (of a persons own soul).

SHANTHI • Peace, rest, calmness, tranquility, bliss • Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi Hi – the three shanthis chanted at the end of mantras is a prayer for peace in the world around us.

DHYANA • Meditation • Meditation often involves invoking and cultivating a feeling or internal state of contemplation. • Dhyana mantras are chanted to enter a deep state of meditation • Dhyani – A person in meditation

JNANA • In general - Knowledge or Wisdom or Intellect • Particularly refers to a divine knowledge that relates the individual to the universe as a whole • JNANI– A person with the divine knowledge

BHAKTI • Devotion • Bhakti or devotion is expressed is commonly through prayers, songs, dance, and serving people around us • Bhakta - Devotee

DHARMA • Righteousness or Duty • There is no proper equivalent word in English for Dharma. Although, generally defined as ‘righteousness’ or ‘duty’, Dharma includes all external deeds as well as thoughts that tend to elevate the character of man. • Adharma: Antonym

KARMA • Action or Deed • There is no proper equivalent word in English for Karma. • Although, it means action or deed, Karma is sometimes used in reference to a "moral law of cause and effect." The moral law of Karma maintains that good deeds will be returned with good; evil deeds with evil

MUKTI/MOKSHA • Mukti or Moksha literally means ‘to release’ or ‘to let go’ or Liberation • Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul or spirit, after the death of the body comes back to life in a newborn body. Hinduism, as well as other Indian religions such as Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism believe in reincarnation. Hinduism believes that the universal cycle of death and rebirth, governed by Karma. • Moksha/Mukti means liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. (Also, Nirvana or Salvation)

Common Words • Maathru, Pithru, Bhrathru • Bandhu • Guru • Deva/Devi • Ahimsa • Sathya • Swasti/Mangalam/Shubham/Kalyanam


AHIMSA • Ahimsa literally means to do no harm or to avoid violence (to include physical and verbal) The practice of Ahimsa requires kindness towards all living beings including animals. This principle of non-violence was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi in India’s fight for independence against the British. Jainism and Buddhism preach Ahimsa • Antonym: Himsa – to do harm (violence)

SATHYA • Sathya means Truthfulness SathyamevaJayathe– Truth Alone Triumphs is the national motto of India and is inscribed on the national emblem. Antonym: Asathya - Untruth

SWASTI • Auspiciousness or a state of wellbeing • Su – “good, well” Asti – “to be” Su + Asti = Swasti means wellbeing Swastika is used as symbol of well-being by Hindus. Its use traces back to at least 3,000 years. It was also used as a good luck charm in antique ornaments found in Greece, Rome and certain other parts of Europe. The Swastika was adopted as the emblem of the Nazis in Germany, and since the 1930s has been associated with Hitler’s Anti-Semetism. Today, the Nazi Swastika is a taboo in the western culture and its use is banned in Germany.

MANGALAM SHUBHAM KALYANAM • Auspiciousness or a sense of wellbeing • Mangalam/Shubham/Kalyanamare often used in prayers Eg. SarveshamMangalamBhavatu means may the sense of well being pervade everything around us.

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Sanskrit Text font family

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Sanskrit Text is Devanagari font specially targeting the typesetting of Sanskrit texts in a traditional style. The design of Sanskrit Text is based on Monotype Devanagari, a type initially manufactured for hot metal typesetting technologies back in 1930s, but has been thoroughly revised and expanded by John Hudson and Fiona Ross (Tiro Typeworks). Letter shapes have been made more stylistically and proportionally consistent, and the glyph set supports more than 680 consonant conjunct sequences attested in Sanskrit texts. The glyph set specification was prepared with advice from Anshuman Pandey, and is based on both existing catalogues as well as new analysis of specific Vedic and literary texts.

Sanskrit Text is one of the first fonts to incorporate support for the Unicode encoding of Vedic symbols and marks. These characters are essential for correct representation of the various early Hindu religious texts known collectively as the Vedas. This means that the Sanskrit Text font may be used for literary, scientific, and also religious Sanskrit texts.

The Sanskrit Text Devanagari is accompanied in the font by a companion Latin design. This is based on Monotype's famous Bembo type, inspired by 15th Century Venetian models, but has also been thoroughly redrawn to harmonize in weight and proportion with the Devanagari. The Latin character set supports Microsoft codepage 1252 (Latin 1) plus a large set of diacritics for transliterating not just Sanskrit but also other Indian languages.

Sanskrit Text
John Hudson & Fiona Ross (based on Monotype Devanagari and Bembo, thoroughly revised and extended.
Copyright © 2015, Microsoft Corporation. Portions copyright © 1999, Monotype Typography Ltd.
dlng: 'Deva'
slng: 'Deva', 'Latn'
1252 Latin 1

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  • Font redistribution FAQ for Windows
  • License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations

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See the Windows 11 page.
See the Windows 10 page.

This typeface is also available within Office applications. For more information visit this page.

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Change list:

Windows 10 version 1507 released on july 29, 2015.

The Sanskrit Text font was included as part of the Devanagari Supplemental Fonts package.

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39 Best Sanskrit-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 39 best sanskrit templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the sanskrit-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your sanskrit-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

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 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation design consisting of sanskrit prayer sign rishikesh india background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of beggar sitting infront of sanskrit prayer sign rishikesh india

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme with tibetan buddhist prayer flags background and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation theme with tibetan buddhist prayer flags and praying wheels in darjeeling india traditionally the mantra om mani padme hum is written in sanskrit on the outside of the wheel and on the flags

 Presentation with sanskrit - Audience pleasing PPT layouts consisting of tibetan buddhist prayer flags backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of tibetan buddhist prayer flags and praying wheels in darjeeling india traditionally the mantra om mani padme hum is written in sanskrit on the outside of the wheel and on the flags

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slides having man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a violet colored foreground

Slides having man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - PPT theme with strenght - young man practicing yoga side background and a ocean colored foreground

PPT theme with young man practicing yoga side plank pose vasisthasana in sanskrit

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slides consisting of practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit background and a coral colored foreground

Slides consisting of latin man practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit meaning ahimsa non violence and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme enhanced with namaste - woman practicing yoga background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with woman practicing yoga at the beach child's pose balasana in sanskrit

 Presentation with sanskrit - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of latin man practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit meaning ahimsa non violence and karuna compassion backdrop

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme having tibetan buddhist prayer flags background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme having tibetan buddhist prayer flags and praying wheels in darjeeling india traditionally the mantra om mani padme hum is written in sanskrit on the outside of the wheel and on the flags

 Presentation with sanskrit - Amazing PPT layouts having om - tibetan buddhist praying wheels backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

PPT layouts having tibetan buddhist praying wheels in ladakh india traditionally the mantra om mani padme hum is written in sanskrit on the outside of the wheel backdrop

 Presentation with sanskrit - Theme having om - tibetan buddhist praying wheels background and a gold colored foreground

Theme having tibetan buddhist praying wheels in ladakh india traditionally the mantra om mani padme hum is written in sanskrit on the outside of the wheel background

 Presentation with sanskrit - PPT layouts enhanced with happy diwali - indian traditional lamp placed background and a gold colored foreground

PPT layouts enhanced with indian traditional lamp placed on a book with sanskrit calligraphy

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation enhanced with man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slide deck consisting of man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck consisting of man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - PPT layouts with man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a violet colored foreground

PPT layouts with man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme having man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a violet colored foreground

Presentation theme having man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme having man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a teal colored foreground

Presentation theme having man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion background

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation design consisting of man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a violet colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion background

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slide set consisting of man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a teal colored foreground

Slide set consisting of man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slide deck with man-practicing-yoga-with-tatoos background and a violet colored foreground

Slide deck with man practicing yoga with tatoos in sanskrit meaning santosha contentment and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Presentation theme enhanced with practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with latin man practicing meditation tattoos in sanskrit meaning ahimsa non violence and karuna compassion background

 Presentation with sanskrit - Cool new slide deck with kathmandu-nepal-circa-dec-2013 backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Slide deck with kathmandu nepal - circa dec 2013 unknown children play football after lesson at jagadguru school school established in 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit - Cool new slide deck with kathmandu-nepal-dec-9-2013 backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slide deck with kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children doing homework at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Presentation theme with kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children doing homework at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit - Cool new presentation design with kathmandu-nepal-dec-9-2013 backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation design with kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children doing homework at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Slides featuring kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children doing homework at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slide deck with kathmandu-nepal-dec-9-2013 background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck with kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children during dinner at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Presentation theme enhanced with varanasi india - mar 23 2018 piligrims during agni pooja sanskrit worship of fire on dashashwamedh ghat - main and oldest ghat of varanasi located on the ganges

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Presentation theme consisting of varanasi india - mar 23 2018 hindu priests perform agni pooja sanskrit worship of fire on dashashwamedh ghat - main and oldest ghat of varanasi located on the ganges

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Slide deck consisting of kathmandu nepal - circa dec 2013 unknown children in lesson at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture backdrop

 Presentation with sanskrit - Beautiful theme featuring varanasi-india-mar-23-2018 backdrop and a black colored foreground

Theme featuring varanasi india - mar 23 2018 hindu priests perform agni pooja sanskrit worship of fire on dashashwamedh ghat - main and oldest ghat of varanasi located on the ganges

 Presentation with sanskrit - Amazing slide deck having varanasi-india-mar-23-2018 backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck having varanasi india - mar 23 2018 hindu priests perform agni pooja sanskrit worship of fire on dashashwamedh ghat - main and oldest ghat of varanasi located on the ganges backdrop

 Presentation with sanskrit - Theme enhanced with varanasi-india-mar-23-2018 background and a dark gray colored foreground

Theme enhanced with varanasi india - mar 23 2018 hindu priests perform agni pooja sanskrit worship of fire on dashashwamedh ghat - main and oldest ghat of varanasi located on the ganges

 Presentation with sanskrit -

Slides having kathmandu nepal - circa dec 2013 unknown children doing homework at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture background

 Presentation with sanskrit - Slides enhanced with kathmandu-nepal-dec-9-2013 background and a gold colored foreground

Slides enhanced with kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children during the reading of texts in sanskrit at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit - Theme with yoga teacher tatoos in sanskrit background and a light gray colored foreground

Theme with mexican yoga teacher tatoos in sanskrit meaning ahimsa non violence and karuna compassion

 Presentation with sanskrit - Beautiful slide deck featuring kathmandu-nepal-dec-9-2013 backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide deck featuring kathmandu nepal - dec 9 2013 unknown children in lesson at jagadguru school school established at 2013 to let new generation learn sanskrit and preserve hindu culture

 Presentation with sanskrit - Amazing presentation theme having hindu om - meditation cloth background with sanskrit backdrop and a gray colored foreground

Presentation theme having meditation cloth background with sanskrit inscriptions

More sanskrit presentation templates.


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  1. How to Say "Presentation" in Sanskrit: Formal and Informal Ways

    Remember that the choice of word depends on the formality of the situation. Formal occasions demand more structured and professional terms, while informal gatherings allow for a relaxed and friendly approach. Feel free to use these words and phrases in your conversations to accurately convey the idea of "presentation" in Sanskrit!

  2. Sanskrit

    Spokensanskrit - An English - Sanskrit dictionary: This is an online hypertext dictionary for Sanskrit - English and English - Sanskrit. The online hypertext Sanskrit dictionary is meant for spoken Sanskrit. For beginners, there are many Sanskrit fables with clickable translation of all words from Panchatantra, Hitopadesha , Jataka and Aesop.

  3. How to make Power Point Presentation with Devnagari (Indian Sanskrit

    I am in the process of making a presentation with contents in Sanskrit. Selected Kokila Font Type in Presentation. Set the keyboard to accept Devnagari .. I think I need to know which character (English Character) on keyboard corresponds to which Devnagari character. I do not know what is missing to enable me to do power point presentation with ...

  4. Sanskrit Documents List: Learning Tools

    The online Sanskrit dictionary is intended to build a repository of Sanskrit words/meanings in a simple, easy-to-extend format. ... A short musical presentation of Sanskrit metres is done by Dr. Ashwini Deo, a professor in Linguistics Department at Yale University.

  5. presentation

    presentation noun. a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view. Synonyms. demonstration, presentment. Examples. "he gave the customer a demonstration". "the presentation of new data". the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward) Example.

  6. Sanskrit Text to Speech

    This tool converts Sanskrit text into audio using a text to speech engine we have developed. Currently it is available on our online dictionary and can be enabled and all dictionary words can be pronounced. The system was developed for presentation at the World Sanskrit Conference in Bangkok in 2015. EXPERIENCE IT. Sanskrit Text to Speech ...

  7. Appendix : Sanskrit Swadesh list

    This is a Swadesh list of words in Sanskrit, ... Presentation [edit] For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list. American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written ...

  8. presentations

    What is presentations meaning in Sanskrit? The word or phrase presentations refers to a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view, or the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward), or a visual representation of something, or (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal, or the act of making something publicly ...

  9. presentation

    First Sanskrit online kosha where you can search across 30+ dictionaries simultaneously. All the dictionaries are kept updated with latest content and from most trusted sources. Regularly updated and most used by scholars around the globe. ... presentation. Go To ...

  10. Sanskrit Dictionary

    19,512. words. 4. countries. Sanskrit Dictionary is a tool to help all appreciate and learn Sanskrit and make it easier and more intuitive for the student to look things up and explore the language from a variety of perspectives. Learning Sanskrit has a steep learning curve compared to most other languages and our wish was to make this journey ...

  11. A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, accentuation, and

    A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, accentuation, and etymological analysis throughout. London: Oxford University Press, 1929. "The original edition of this dictionary was published by Messrs. Longmans, Green & co., and has been reproduced photographically with their consent." ... The data conversion and presentation of this ...

  12. Sanskrit Dictionary

    Sanskrit Dictionary. Donate. INPUT ENCODING. INPUT LANGUAGE. Select your preferred input and type any Sanskrit or English word. Enclose the word in "" for an EXACT match e.g. "yoga". √ Root Search | Word Frequency | Sandhi | Pāṇini Research Tool | Sanskrit OCR | NCC Map | Maldives Map. 931416 Unique Words and 3500+ Years of History.

  13. Sanskrit

    A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary by Arthur Anthony Macdonell. It can be accessed online with an easy search interface at the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia hosted by the University of Chicago. This is particularly useful for looking up the most common meaning of Sanskrit words, as it generally excludes the vocabularies of Vedic literature ...

  14. Synonym Explorer

    A Root Explorer. Pāṇini Workshop 2016. Get in Touch. Email: [email protected]. Phone: +91 (0) 413-2622-964. The creation of this website was. funded by funds kindly donated. by the Maharashtra Foundation. Sanskrit Research Institute.

  15. PDF Science and Technology in Ancient India

    G. G. Joseph The crest of the peacock Princeton University Press (2000) Vedanga Jyotisha by Lagadha 1500 B.C. Aryabhata I 476 A.D. Sulvasutras ~800 B.C. Leelavati by Bhaskara II 1114 A.D. Baudhayana in Sulvasutras ~800 B.C. Pythagoras ~540 B.C. Leelavati by Bhaskara II. 1114 A.D. Sulva Sutras of Vedic Mathematics.

  16. Sanskrit

    Rigveda 10.71.1-4 Translated by Roger Woodard The Vedic Sanskrit found in the Ṛg-veda is distinctly more archaic than other Vedic texts, and in many respects, the Rigvedic language is notably more similar to those found in the archaic texts of Old Avestan Zoroastrian Gathas and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. According to Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton - Indologists known for their ...

  17. Sanskrit language

    Sanskrit language, (from Sanskrit saṃskṛta, "adorned, cultivated, purified"), an Old Indo-Aryan language in which the most ancient documents are the Vedas, composed in what is called Vedic Sanskrit.Although Vedic documents represent the dialects then found in the northern midlands of the Indian subcontinent and areas immediately east thereof, the very earliest texts—including the ...

  18. Sanskrit Typing

    Sanskrit Type Software also provide suggestion words so you can type in Sanskrit easily. The auto complete feature saves lots of time in Sanskrit typing. It's the simple tool for who wants to type in Sanskrit without learn Sanskrit typing. This a Free online Sanskrit typing tool for type Sanskrit anytime you want it's availbe free and 24*7.

  19. World Sanskrit Day Presentation

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. On World Sanskrit Day, we celebrate the beauty and richness of Sanskrit, one of the oldest and most revered languages in the world. It serves as a tribute to the invaluable contributions of this ancient language to literature, philosophy, science, and spirituality.

  20. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. SANSKRIT WORDS. A few things we offer God • Phalam • Pushpam • Dhoopam • Deepam • Naivedyam. PHALAM • PHALA means FRUIT (Also, Phala) General term that refers to all types of fruit. PUSHPAM • PUSHPA means FLOWER (Also, Pushpa) General term that refers to all types of flowers.

  21. Sanskrit Text font family

    In this article Overview. Sanskrit Text is Devanagari font specially targeting the typesetting of Sanskrit texts in a traditional style. The design of Sanskrit Text is based on Monotype Devanagari, a type initially manufactured for hot metal typesetting technologies back in 1930s, but has been thoroughly revised and expanded by John Hudson and Fiona Ross (Tiro Typeworks).

  22. 39 Best Sanskrit-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 39 best sanskrit templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The sanskrit-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your sanskrit ...