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25 Expert Power Examples

25 Expert Power Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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expert power examples and definition, explained below

Expert power refers to the power a person garners from being recognized as an expert in the topic by followers or subordinates.

Heldman, Baca and Jansen (2007, p. 348) 1 define it below:

“Expert power occurs when the person being influenced believes the manager, or the person doing the influencing, is knowledgeable about the subject or has special abilities that make them an expert. The person goes along just because they think the influencer knows what they’re doing and it’s the best thing for the situation.”

It is one of five sources of power for leaders proposed by French and Raven (1959) 2 alongside referent, legitimate, coercive, and reward power.

Expert power is considered one of the most valuable forms of power, especially when paired with referent power . However, it also has its limitations and is very difficult to obtain, unlike legitimate and reward power.

Expert Power Examples

1. surgeon during a critical operation.

A surgeon exhibits expert power when they make crucial decisions during a complex operation.

While performing a surgical procedure, the surgeon utilizes his specialized knowledge and unique skills to determine the best course of action. Other medical staff in the operating room, such as nurses and anesthesiologists, trust and follow the surgeon’s instructions due to his demonstrated expertise.

In this situation, the surgeon is using expert power to ensure the successful outcome of the operation. He conveys confidence to the patient and the medical team through his competence and mastery in his field. However, it’s important for the surgeon to maintain humility and open communication, as overconfidence or lack of input from the team can lead to potential missteps.

2. Financial Analyst in an Investment Meeting

A financial analyst exhibits expert power when they advise on investment strategies in a meeting.

Upon examining market trends and economic indicators, the financial analyst uses his in-depth understanding to outline beneficial investment strategies. Other members in the meeting, including investment managers and clients, rely on the analyst’s expertise to guide their financial decisions.

In this situation, the financial analyst is employing expert power to influence the investment choices of the participants. This guidance not only aids in potential profit maximization but also helps manage investment risks.

3. Experienced Manager

A manager exhibits expert power when they tutor new employees about navigating the intricate dynamics of workplace politics.

Armed with years of experience, the manager understands the interpersonal relationships and cultural nuances unique to their department or organization. They use this expert knowledge to advise newcomers on their interaction with colleagues, management, and various office protocols. As a result, new hires listen intently, valuing the manager’s insight in successfully integrating and thriving in their new workplace environment.

In this context, the manager is using expert power to guide new employees amid the complex web of workplace politics. This guidance not only helps newcomers adapt quickly and efficiently but also allows them to avoid potential pitfalls or internal conflicts, thereby creating a harmonious work environment.

4. Professor During a Lecture

A professor exhibits expert power when they deliver a lecture on a complex subject matter.

In the classroom, the professor uses their profound knowledge and experience in a specific academic field to provide rich, insightful, and detailed information about the subject. Students, appreciating the depth of expertise, focus and learn earnestly from the professor to grasp the complexities of the subject.

In this situation, the professor is utilizing expert power to facilitate the students’ understanding of the academic subject. Their expert advice and direction not only help students to deepen their appreciation for the subject but also prepare them for future academic and career endeavors.

5. Electrician Repairing a Faulty Wiring System

An electrician demonstrates expert power when they diagnose and repair a complex electrical fault.

While working on a complex electrical system, the electrician uses his extensive knowledge and hands-on expertise in electrical systems to identify and efficiently repair faults. Homeowners or business managers trust and rely on the electrician to make sure that the electrical systems run smoothly and safely.

In this situation, the electrician is exercising expert power to ensure the optimal function and safety of the building’s electrical systems. The demonstrated expertise not only reassures customers but also underscores the importance of using trained and experienced professionals for such critical tasks.

Full List of Examples

  • A doctor : can recommend a specific treatment plan based on medical knowledge.
  • A scientist : might provide a credible opinion on a complex scientific matter.
  • A seasoned chef : can instruct a team on preparing a complex dish.
  • A skilled mechanic : might determine the best method for repairing a vehicle.
  • A historian : can offer insights or context on historical events or patterns.
  • A professional athlete : could teach techniques and strategies of a particular sport.
  • A renowned musician : might advise on composition or instrument techniques.
  • A financial advisor : can guide clients on investment and saving strategies.
  • A language linguist : could assist in accurately translating complex texts.
  • A skilled carpenter : might recommend the best wood and technique for building furniture.
  • A seasoned pilot : can guide a crew through a challenging flight scenario.
  • A software engineer : might determine the optimal coding approach for a software project.
  • A master gardener : can suggest which plants will thrive in certain conditions.
  • A veterinarian : might decide on the best medical approach to treat an animal.
  • An experienced educator : could develop a curriculum that best meets students’ needs.
  • A reputable journalist : might determine the most ethical way to report sensitive news.
  • A professional photographer : can advise on settings and compositions for capturing striking images.
  • A trained negotiator : might influence the strategy in high-stake business deals.
  • A certified electrician : can determine the safest way to install wiring.
  • A forensic scientist : might recommend techniques for collecting and preserving evidence.
  • A language expert : could guide writers on using linguistically accurate and appropriate language.
  • A skilled sailor : can navigate a ship through challenging water conditions.
  • A trained meteorologist : might predict weather patterns and advise on related actions.
  • A qualified architect : can design structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound.
  • A knowledgeable astronomer : can provide insights into celestial events and phenomena, guiding stargazing activities or research.

Benefits and Limitations of Expert Power

Expert power is generally considered to be highly effective 3 , but it is hard to obtain and narrow in scope.

For example, simply claiming to be an expert may not be sufficient. You need to somehow prove to others that you have more expertise 4 , 5 , 6 . As Lunenberg (2012, p. 4) 4 argues, “followers must perceive the power holder to be credible, trustworthy, and relevant.”

Convincing others of your expertise could, for example, come form demonstrating expertise or providing sufficient qualifications 5 , 6 . But beyond this, someone who obtains expert power can only sustain it by demonstrating their expertise regularly.

Next, the power is narrow. Attempting to stretch your expertise from one domain to another can cause this power to disintegrate 4 , 6 .

Nevertheless, this is also a very powerful version of power. Even if you’re not the actual boss (i.e. you don’t have legitimate power ), you may be given more respect and deference when it comes to your area of expertise. Take, for example, the boss deferring to the IT guru in the office when the printer breaks.

Additionally, Fiore (2004, p. 13) 3 points out that this form of power is best in “a climate that is high in openness and trust.”

Other Types of Power

Expert power is one of the five types of power developed by John French and Bertram Raven (1959) 2 . It is considered one of the most desirable types alongside referent power.

The other bases of power are outlined below:

  Derived from a position of authority within a hierarchy, such as a manager’s power over employees.  Respect for this leader is often short-lived if not complemented by other types of power.
  Power is sustained through distribution of rewards or positive incentives to others, encouraging certain behaviors.  Highly effective if rewards align with desires; can wane in influence over time (extinction); can unintentionally decrease intrinsic desire.
  Derived from the ability to punish or threaten others to encourage compliance or change behavior.  Can be highly effective but leads to fear, sense of alienation, and resentment.
  Arises from possessing knowledge and expertise in a particular area, which others respect or rely on.  Respected when transparency is present; leaders spend less time monitoring employee performance, is most effective when paired with referent power.
  Rooted in personal characteristics or interpersonal skills that inspire admiration, respect, or emulation from others.  Garners commitment, enthusiasm and loyalty from followers. Less monitoring or micromanaging required.

French and Raven, as well as others, have highlighted that expert power is one of the most useful types of power a leader can hold, alongside referent power (combined, they’re called personal power 4 , 7 ). As Savage & Savage (2010) 8 argue:

“Those who aspire to leadership roles must develop referent authority. Even the leadership attempts of experts will be ignored if the expert is perceived to be unethical or untrustworthy. However, the combination of expert and referent authority is very powerful and is characteristic of the most effective leaders.”

[1] Heldman, K., Baca, C. M., & Jansen, P. M. (2007). PMP Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide . Wiley.

[2] French, J. R., Raven, B., & Cartwright, D. (1959). The bases of social power.  Classics of organization theory ,  7 (311-320), 1.

[3] Fiore, D. J. (2004).  Introduction to Educational Administration: Standards, Theories, and Practice . Eye On Education.

[4] Lunenburg, F. C. (2012). Power and leadership: An influence process.  International journal of management, business, and administration ,  15 (1), 1-9.

[5] Savolainen, R. (2021). Expert power as a constituent of opinion leadership: a conceptual analysis. Information Research 26 (2) ( Source )

[6] Singh, A. (2009). Organizational power in perspective.  Leadership and management in Engineering ,  9 (4), 165-176. ( Source )

[7] Northouse, P. G. (2010).  Leadership: Theory and Practice . SAGE Publications.

[8] Savage, T. V., & Savage, M. K. (2010).  Successful Classroom Management and Discipline: Teaching Self-Control and Responsibility . SAGE Publications.


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What is expert power types & importance in leadership.

What Is Expert Power? Types & Importance in Leadership

Power in business can be fickle.

If you use your power too much, you can disenfranchise the people around you. If you use it too little you lose respect and be walked over.

The perfect business leader is someone who not only understands their power but understands how and when to use it.

There are typically five bases of power, as identified by John French and Bertram Raven in the early 1960s. Their study showed how the different types of power affected a leader’s ability and success in a leadership role.

The 5 types of power were defined as coercive, reward, legitimate, referent and expert.

We’ll briefly visit each of the 5 types of power in leadership and take a closer look at the importance of using expert power.

Here’s What We’ll Cover:

The 5 Types of Power In Leadership

What is expert power, key takeaways, 1. coercive power.

Coercive power tends to be attained through fear. Whether that be the fear of losing your job, being given a pay cut or having projects or power taken away.

A good example of coercive power is a boss threatening the manager to either improve their team’s sales records or be replaced.

expert power essay

2. Reward Power

As the name suggests, reward power is attained through rewarding individuals. This could be done through giving a raise, a promotion or some extra time off of work.

It is a type of power that is about positive reinforcement. It can help with team morale and can even help foster creativity.

For example, a manager could reward their employees with an extra day off when they meet their sales objectives for the month.

3. Legitimate Power

Legitimate power is obtained from having a position of power in an organization or business. This could be by being the CEO or a key member of a team.

This power comes when an organization recognizes the authority of an individual.

4. Referent Power

Referent power is attained through being trusted and respected. Referent power tends to be built over time and can be precarious and easily lost. It’s gained by how we handle situations and other people.

For example, a manager can have great referent power by being known as a fair boss who respects their employees and by quickly righting wrongs.

5. Expert Power

Finally, we come to expert power.

expert power essay

Expert power comes from your experience, skills and knowledge. As you gain experience and climb the ladder of success, you can begin to gather expert knowledge. This knowledge leads to expert power that others can use.

Expert power doesn’t necessarily come from a powerful person.

For example, there may be a particular employee who is an expert in app design. If the business is working with an app developer then that employee’s power will rise. This is because their peers and even their superiors may come to them for expert advice.

Expertise breeds respect. People are far more likely to trust your insights and follow what you say if you have a huge wealth of knowledge in a particular field.

To use a medical example, two surgeons could have equal general skills. But if one surgeon happens to be an expert in a particular surgery and the hospital receives a patient that needs that surgery, then there will be a shift in power towards the expert surgeon.

This goes to show that expert power isn’t a formal type of power, but more a per-basis type of power based on expert knowledge.

Expert power is particularly important because it transcends the traditional pyramid of power.

For expert power to be retained, it needs to be constantly worked on to keep your skills up to date.

Expert power is important when it comes to leadership.

People will be far more open to being led by somebody who is an expert in the field and they will trust what you say.

This can help reduce conflict and friction within a team. This is because there is a clear and easily defined leader who is performing at a higher level than the rest of the team.

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Expert power: How to use it for good (not evil) in a changing world

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What is expert power?

Why does expert power matter, how to build your expert power.

The drawbacks of expert power

Ways to share your expert power

They say knowledge is power, and that’s certainly the case with expert power. 

Expert power is a type of power that comes as a result of having deep, expert knowledge on a subject. If you know a lot about something, especially if you have developed expertise in the field, you can influence and inform those who know less than you about that subject. 

Expert power can make you indispensable to your team. It can also help them work more effectively and maybe even be more productive .

Expert power has some pitfalls, too. It can give you tunnel vision. If you rely too much on your "expert" status instead of listening to others, learning, and staying on your edge , you can quickly become irrelevant.

In a fast-changing world, power that comes from being an "expert" is less valuable than your ability to influence based on continuously evolving your expertise. 

Let’s take a deep dive into what expert power is, why it matters, and how you can cultivate your expert power to become a better leader and empower your team .

Expert power is a type of power that comes from having a high level of knowledge within your area of expertise. Expert power is relative. This means that if two people have varying levels of knowledge on a subject, the one with more knowledge has expert power. Expert power is not static — someone else can have more expertise or knowledge can become obsolete.

While there are several types of power , they are divided into two main categories: positional power and personal power.

Positional power can be issued through positions and titles. Personal power is internal and unique to each person. It is not dependent on a role or title.

Expert power is a type of personal power, which means anyone can cultivate it regardless of their position.

These forms of power are often confused. Expert power comes from knowledge or expertise, but position often serves as a proxy for expertise. In some organizations, people tend to assign expert power to people in certain positions.

Having expert power can help you access positions of authority within your organization. It can also increase your executive presence , which helps you position yourself as a leader.

Expert power is one of the five types of power that psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven identified in 1959. The other four are:

  • Legitimate power : the power that comes from a title or position, such as CEO.
  • Reward power : belongs to those with the ability to motivate others through rewards.
  • Referent power : a type of personal power that comes from having charisma and great interpersonal skills.
  • Coercive power : the use of threats to force people to do things — even if they don’t want to. This is one of the least effective forms of power.

Example of expert power

Anyone can have expert power, regardless of their role within a company. Even someone in an entry-level position can have expert power in the right situation. Consider the following example.

Sarah is a recent college graduate who has just landed her first job as a product designer. Sarah has been an LGBTQ+ activist since she was in her teens and continues to campaign in her spare time.

Within a few months of joining, the company asks Sarah to form part of a task force. The task force is working to make sure their products are inclusive and meet the needs of LGBTQ+ people. 

In spite of her junior position at the company, Sarah leverages expert power within the task force thanks to her background and knowledge of the LGBTQ+ community.


Now that you know what expert power is, let’s take a look at five reasons why it matters.

1. It empowers your team

When you lead by example with expert power, it can motivate your team members to improve their own expert knowledge .

By modeling continuous learning and development , you inspire your team members to do the same. This empowers them to become experts in their own right.

Plus, sharing your expert knowledge with your team strengthens the expert power of the team as a whole.

2. It motivates your team members

Expert power is all about perception. People trust leaders who they perceive to have expert power because it makes them feel like they are in safe hands.

Following a trusted expert can motivate and inspire your team members . Knowing that you have the capacity to lead the team successfully and achieve its goals gives them confidence in their own abilities. 

3. It improves your decision-making

Expertise is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. 

The better you understand your sector and industry, as well as your own particular niche, the easier and quicker it will be for you to make decisions. Not only that, but people with expert power are more likely to make the right decisions for your business .

Making good decisions can save you time and help you avoid costly mistakes. It also positions you as a capable leader within your organization .

4. It can boost your career

Having specialized knowledge or a set of in-demand skills has obvious advantages for your career. If you continue to develop a specific skill set, over time, your colleagues and peers will begin to view you as an expert on that subject. 

This means that when they think of someone to receive a promotion in that area, your name is more likely to be on the list, thanks to your special skills. Qualifications gained as you’ve developed your expert power can also make you more competitive for new roles.

5. It contributes to your leadership development

Having expert knowledge can help you develop leadership skills in your field simply because you know what you need to do. 

Let’s say you’ve spent 10 years in different marketing roles. You’ve managed accounts, designed and implemented strategies, and created content . Thanks to your experience, you’ve gained expert knowledge that will help you step easily into a leadership role managing a content creation team.

If you’re ready to start building your expert power, here are seven tips that you can start implementing today.


1. Practice, practice, practice

They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert. To achieve that within 10 years, you would need to practice for three to four hours every day.

Schedule time for your daily practice — ideally, it should be at the same time every day. You might also want to set goals and give yourself rewards to help you stay motivated.

2. Be a lifelong student

A true expert never stops learning. Leverage self-directed learning , continue to take courses, and gain certifications throughout your career. Work with mentors and leaders in your specific area to benefit from their knowledge and experience. Read relevant books , journals , and blogs, or listen to podcasts by experts in your field. 

But don’t keep all your new knowledge to yourself — share it with both junior and senior colleagues. Doing so will benefit the company while helping to establish and maintain your expert status.

3. Be confident

Your expert knowledge is only one piece of the puzzle. The other part of wielding expert power is showing up to be perceived as an expert.

For people to perceive you as an expert, you must project the image of an expert. This means speaking confidently about your area of expertise. That doesn't mean being arrogant or thinking you have all the answers, though. Most fields are undergoing rapid change — true confidence is being willing to ask questions.

4. Maintain your credibility

Being an expert means having a lot of knowledge within a narrow field or niche. Having expert power depends on people’s perceptions of you. 

You might think that revealing gaps in your knowledge will undermine your power. But being blind to your gaps and not knowing how to learn from others will be far more damaging. To maintain your credibility as an expert, focus on talking about what you know and never pretend your knowledge is greater than it is. 

With this said, there is nothing wrong with not knowing an answer. Experts admit when they don’t know. The difference between an expert and a non-expert is that an expert will prioritize finding the answer or solution. You will find that your expertise can help you ask better questions of others and synthesize new information — once you stop focusing on being the one with the answers.

5. Stay cool under pressure

The ability to stay cool, calm, and collected under pressure is the hallmark of an expert. When you trust in your expertise, you can make timely decisions that lead to the best possible outcomes. This increases your expert power in the eyes of your colleagues.

6. Share your knowledge

Be generous with your expertise, and empower your team members through your knowledge. Ways to share your knowledge include: 

  • Giving presentations
  • Sending out regular newsletters
  • Posting on social media
  • Mentoring a junior coworker


7. Display your expertise

For some people, and some organizations, external symbols help solidify expert power. If you have certificates, diplomas, or any other qualification that reinforces your position as an expert, display them in your office for all to see. 

You can even use photos of yourself delivering an important speech or other evidence of your achievements. 

There is a caveat, though. While there’s nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements, avoid rubbing them in people’s faces, as this may come across as arrogant. Remember, there is a difference between arrogance versus confidence.

The drawbacks of expert power 

We’ve seen how expert power can empower your team and help you build your career. But it’s important to be aware of its potential pitfalls, too. Here are four of the main ones.

1. It can come across as condescending

There’s a fine line between sharing your expertise and talking down to colleagues. Be aware that people often object to unfavorable comparisons, especially if there’s a large gap between your knowledge and theirs.

So don’t be a know-it-all. Be open to diversity and the possibility that other people have different kinds of knowledge. All are equally valuable, and we can all learn from one another. 

2. It requires maintenance

For an expert, the learning never stops. A doctor who trained in the 1970s and then failed to update their knowledge as new science became available is still a doctor, but they are not an expert.

Another doctor who also trained in the 1970s but then went on to specialize in nutrition and gut health is likely an expert in their field.

3. It can limit your vision

As mentioned earlier, having expert power can help you make better decisions. The flip side is that it can make you too reliant on your own judgment and forget to consult your team.

The risk is that you might make some decisions that don’t take into account all of the necessary factors. If you’re an expert holding a leadership position , it’s important to stay open to the input and perspectives of your team members. 

4. It diminishes the more you use it

The more knowledge you share with your team, the more your expert power decreases because the gap between your knowledge and theirs becomes smaller.

Let’s say you’re the only person on your team who knows how to code — that makes you the coding expert. But if you teach your colleagues the basics of coding, you reduce the gap between your knowledge and theirs. At the same time, your expert power over them diminishes.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share your knowledge, though. You can maintain your expert status by continuously acquiring more knowledge. Also, sharing your expertise with your colleagues can increase other types of personal power, such as referent power.


Because expert power is all about perception, one of the best ways to use it is by sharing your expertise. This is a win-win as it helps you maintain your expert status while doing something positive for your team.

1. Empower your team members

When you see a colleague struggling, don’t just step in and do it for them. Use this opportunity to empower them by sharing your expert knowledge and guiding them through the task. 

This will help them increase their own expertise and motivate them to keep growing and developing in their career.

2. Celebrate the contributions of others

You may be the expert, but you can’t achieve anything without the contributions of your colleagues. 

Celebrating team members for their performance can encourage them to develop their own expertise.

3. Help colleagues develop their skills

Helping team members develop their skills can benefit your organization by addressing skills gaps .

Here are a few ways to share your expertise:

  • Advise junior colleagues on industry trends so that they know which areas to focus on
  • Train team members to help them build new skills
  • Start writing newsletters, blogs, or LinkedIn Pulse articles
  • Start your own YouTube channel or podcast

Empower your team through expert power 

By developing your expert power, you can set yourself up for a successful career in your field. But remember that an expert is a person who not only holds a lot of knowledge but who is generous in sharing that knowledge, too.

Experts know that empowering colleagues through their expertise can benefit both the team and the organization. People who share the same knowledge can work together more effectively and produce better results.

If you need support developing your expert power, contact BetterUp today . One of our expert coaches will be happy to help you.

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Maggie Wooll, MBA

Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

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Expert Power in a Managerial Role Essay

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Within the process of being a leader, earning expert power is a very effective way to gain people’s trust, and respect, which are crucial while leading a team. Expert power originates from developed skills and experience within specific areas of knowledge. Building this power will make a person seem more reliable and trusted among others, and others will want to follow their lead.

While building an expert power, a person should start by defining their competence and experience. They should bring out all of the elements which prove their knowledge and experience in certain areas in order to gain the team’s acknowledgement of their accomplishments. This way, they would show their team what areas they are skilled in and build the image of reliability. As a complimentary aspect, it is necessary to avoid trying to overestimate one’s areas of knowledge, because that might result in losing people’s trust, which is one of the most important details.

Then, once the team sees a person as a reliable leader, and there is evident proof to their knowledge and experience, it is important to maintain the level of commitment and decency. That being said, a person who wants to be a successful leader and to build an impressive expert power, should always improve their own skills (Hogan et al. 172). There is no limit to one’s experience and skills, which means that a leader should develop together with their team (MindTools). That would not only unite them more, but would contribute to the extent of a leader’s projected expert power.

Finally, despite being a leader, it is crucial to stay understanding and empathetic (Choi 27). By treating the team with respect and high expectations, the leader maintains a healthy working atmosphere and allows the workers to improve faster, which contributes to the expert power. In the end, the ability to maintain a satisfied and constantly developing team defines one’s skill set for being a reliable leader.

Choi, J. (2006). A motivational theory of charismatic leadership: Envisioning, empathy, and empowerment. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 13 (1), 24-43.

Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2005). What we know about leadership. Review of general psychology, 9 (2), 169-180.

Mind Tools Content Team. Building Expert Power. MindTools.

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IvyPanda. (2023, March 13). Expert Power in a Managerial Role.

"Expert Power in a Managerial Role." IvyPanda , 13 Mar. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Expert Power in a Managerial Role'. 13 March.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Expert Power in a Managerial Role." March 13, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Expert Power in a Managerial Role." March 13, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Expert Power in a Managerial Role." March 13, 2023.

expert power essay

Expert Power Examples, Definition And Importance

When individuals have a high level of knowledge in a particular subject or are exceptionally skilled at a specific task,…

Expert Power Examples, Definition And Importance

When individuals have a high level of knowledge in a particular subject or are exceptionally skilled at a specific task, they are said to wield expert power. 

Expert power is invaluable to the success of any organization. Unlike the power bestowed by formal title and designations, expert power is personal and demonstrated in action. Expert power is something any of us can attain if we are willing to put in the time and the effort required. 

A person’s expert power defines their standing in hierarchies, regardless of their official level or grade within their organization. An expert power example can be someone in the team who is the only person around to understand a particular language, write code in a particular computer programming language, or has first-hand experience of field or market conditions. Such individuals personify the expert power definition, becoming the go-to people for that specific knowledge or skill. It is a power that comes from others' belief that this individual possesses a level of expertise that is unique and which they do not possess themselves.

Why Is Expert Power Important?

The question of why expert power is important can be answered in several ways.

Expert power can be more conducive to an organization than reward-based or coercive power in leading people effectively. Your team is more inclined to listen to people who have a demonstrated ability to deliver results in a particular sphere of action. 

People with expert power define the way others trust them: for direction, for taking crucial calls and for delivering great results. It is also likely for experts’ skills to pass on to the team members they work with. But this is only possible when you continuously develop those skills and knowledge to remain an expert power example.

The contribution of former president APJ Abdul Kalam to the field of science and technology is held up as an example even today. He is a great model of someone with expert power. Fondly referred to as the ‘Missile Man’ for his work with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), technologies he worked on are still being used by these institutions.

Kalam believed, “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.” 

Why Is Expert Power Important To An Individual?

Leading more confidently because of your firm grasp of the subject under purview is an expert power definition. Expert power makes your team look up to you and not resist your leadership.

Your ability to stand out in certain areas could lead to advancements in your career.  You can use your know-how to build influence outside your company by participating in industry forums and conducting workshops.

Expert power helps get crucial decisions right, even in high-pressure situations.

How To Build Expert Power

Building expertise is no easy task. It is time-consuming, but if you do it right, the pay-off is usually guaranteed. Here are a few ways you can accomplish that.

Make your expertise visible

Expertise is often linked to education and experience. Make your education, work experience, and accomplishments visible to others around you. Create opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge.

Protect your credibility

Take great care to protect your expert power. Avoid careless decisions that may result in loss of credibility, and avoid being reckless about unfamiliar subjects.

Tailor your expert power to real needs

You can quickly lose expert power after the initial excitement if people realize that your expertise is mostly academic, with very little relevance to practical situations and reality. Respect organizational needs and tailor your knowledge to suit the requirements.

Though many have the potential to meet the expert power definition, only a few manage to eventually earn their stripes. It requires a great deal of energy to build and then maintain a high level of expertise. Why is expert power important, you may ask. Because it lasts longer than other forms of power and offers the most durable solutions. 

Harappa Education offers an online course called Navigating Workplaces to teach you techniques to cut through office politics and identify your cultural fit in an organization. The course enables you to master the essential skills of influencing others and dealing with conflict. 

It includes a section on power structures that can help you understand the types of power people hold. Carving out a niche for yourself by seizing the opportunities that come your way will help you expand your knowledge—capitalize on these opportunities to achieve fulfillment in your professional life. 

Explore topics such as Building Relationships , Types of Power , Definition of Reliability & Types of Reliability from our Harappa Diaries section.


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What Is Expert Power? Explanation and Example

13 min read · Updated on July 17, 2023

Ken Chase

Developing your own expert power can be a great way to further your career

Whether you're in a leadership position at your company or simply a valued team member, it's important to understand the important role that power plays in an organization. Moreover, you need to understand the various ways that people use power. For example, some exercise power through coercion and fear, while others use rewards and positive encouragement. Some rely on traditional power structures for their authority, even as others earn spheres of influence based on their expertise, or expert power.

In this post, we'll explore the concept of expert power and examine its importance in any workplace environment. We'll also consider its potential benefits and limitations and offer some tips you can use to develop your own expert power.

What is expert power?

Unlike positional power, which is derived from job titles and hierarchical structures, expert power is a form of personal power that can be acquired by being the best at what you do. This type of power is entirely based on your knowledge and expertise and can be wielded by even low-level employees. The key is to have expertise that others lack, while possessing the ability and willingness to employ that knowledge in ways that benefit those around you.

When you have expert power, others will turn to you for advice or assistance on matters related to your area of expertise. They'll respect your knowledge and value your skills and insights. In addition, leaders in the company will be more likely to give you greater responsibility and seek out your help for any challenges that require your expertise.

It's also important to understand that true expert power comes from actual expertise rather than a position of authority. While many employees automatically assume that managers and  leaders possess more expertise than their subordinates, that is not always true. Your manager may hold power by virtue of position and yet still need to rely on subordinates' expertise in various areas of the job.

Examples of expert power

Expert power can be found in a variety of work environments across virtually all industries. To see just how important this type of power can be, consider the examples of expertise-based power listed below.

Employees with technical expertise

As technology has advanced in recent decades, people with specific technological prowess are in greater demand than ever before. Employees who develop expertise with various software, hardware, and networking technology often accumulate expert power in settings where they are more knowledgeable than their peers. That expertise enables them to acquire influence and may ensure that others seek out their input for problem-solving, decision-making, and new tech-based projects.

Medical professionals

Obviously, people with formal medical training are considered experts in their field. That expertise gives them the credibility they need to ensure that patients follow their medical guidance. Doctors with even more specialized training can amass even greater expert power, as general practitioners rely on them for advanced diagnosis and treatment options.

Lawyers and other legal professionals

Like doctors and nurses, legal professionals need to acquire a great deal of specialized knowledge and insight to practice their craft. This expertise is relied upon by other lawyers and judges, as well as individual and corporate clients. As they provide legal counsel to their clients, courts, and even political bodies, these attorneys can have a powerful influence on individuals, companies, and public policy.

Financial professionals

Financial experts are another great example of this type of expertise-based power. Accountants, wealth management professionals, and Financial Advisors all provide specific, specialized counsel to their clients and employers. When non-experts need financial advice, they tend to defer to these professionals to ensure that they make the best possible decisions.

Leaders with specialized knowledge

Business owners, managers, and other leaders can also wield expert power when they have specialized knowledge about certain areas of business. For example, a business owner who developed a better way to build a mousetrap would clearly have expert power that would earn their employees' respect. A manager with specific and unique technology skills would be in a similar position of expert power.

Of course, these managers and leaders would also possess clear positional power, but that added expert power can offer another avenue of influence as they seek to lead and motivate their teams. Top leaders who can influence their employees through the sharing of knowledge, rather than through other forms of power, can often develop a more positive and collaborative work culture.

How can expert power benefit your team?

While expert power may be simple to understand from a conceptual standpoint, its importance in the workplace may be less clear. So, why is expertise-based power so invaluable? To answer that question, we need to consider several key benefits that you, your team, and your company can enjoy when this type of power dynamic is present.

Another path to career advancement

There is something to be said for making yourself an invaluable asset in your company. When you have specific skills and knowledge that no one else possesses, others will recognize your expertise and your sphere of influence can increase. Over time, that increase in influence translates into real perceived power that you can leverage for increased responsibility, promotions, and other benefits. If you continue to build your knowledge base or expand your in-demand skills, that power is likely to continue to increase.

Enhanced motivation at team level

Expertise has its own way of inspiring others on your team to achieve more than they otherwise might. When your colleagues believe that you're an expert that they can rely on to help the team overcome any challenge, that confidence can motivate them to push their own boundaries. Their trust in your abilities and your willingness to help them to overcome obstacles can be an empowering influence that elevates your team's productivity and performance to new heights.

Potential for others to gain expertise

Expert power can empower those around you by inspiring them to gain their own advanced skills sets and areas of expertise. This form of leading by example can motivate your colleagues to become experts in specific areas, as they model your behavior of personal and professional development. This can help to contribute to a culture of knowledge and expertise in your workplace, strengthen your entire  team , and provide a host of benefits to the company.

Development of a leadership culture throughout your organization

People naturally turn to experts for advice and assistance, which can help to push those experts into informal leadership roles. As an expert, you will invariably develop and hone certain leadership skills as you assist others and use your knowledge to lead them to the right answers to their questions. On a company-wide level, the development of an expert culture can help to create a new and powerful leadership culture as well.

Limitations of expert power

Since expert power comes from you having knowledge and skills that no one else possesses, there are some obvious limitations that may present themselves over time. By recognizing these potential weaknesses in this type of power, you can work to counter their impact and prevent any loss in your expertise and effectiveness. Below are some of the most common downsides to this type of power.

It can stifle decision-making if used improperly

When others are consistently turning to you for advice and decision-making, there is always the potential for you to lose sight of other perspectives. While it's important to recognize the value of your own knowledge, skills, and opinions, it's also vital that you continue to be open to other points of view. This potential downside is less of a risk when your power is exclusively tied to your expertise and the ultimate decisions are made by managers or other higher-ups. However, when you're in a position of authority and also wield expert power, there's an increased risk that you'll lose sight of other potential solutions and points of view.

Expertise needs to be maintained

No matter your area of expertise, it will diminish over time if you fail to continue to learn and increase your knowledge base and skills. The problem is that human knowledge is constantly increasing and you need to keep pace with those advancements if you want to maintain your expert power. In addition, there's always the potential that others in your company may gain their own expertise and thus reduce your power, or that new employees with similar expertise may be hired.

Shared knowledge can cause a loss of expert power

As an expert, your colleagues and superiors will naturally expect you to share at least some of your expertise with the team. As you do so, you will be directly enhancing others' level of expertise. For example, if you're the only one on your team who understands how to perform a certain set of tasks, your expert power will diminish as you teach others what you know. If your role requires you to share your expertise, you will need to continue to expand your field of knowledge if you want to maintain the same levels of expertise-based power and influence.

Some coworkers may be resistant to relying on experts

Ego can also present challenges in any expert-driven work environment. Unfortunately, some people who lack expertise of their own may feel resentment when they are forced to rely on an expert to get things done. That resentment can disrupt team harmony, and even impact productivity, due to unaddressed personality  conflicts . Anyone wielding expert power needs to be aware of this potential problem, so that they can focus on presenting their expertise in a non-threatening and humble way.

How to boost your own expert power

Whether you're a leader or an entry-level employee, it's possible to boost your own expert power. However, that won't happen overnight or by accident. Instead, you'll need to ensure that you work on increasing your knowledge base while cultivating an array of critical interpersonal skills. The following tips can help:

1.      Select your area of interest

Before you can gain expertise and develop expert power, you first need to identify the area of interest that you want to study. Obviously, no one can become an expert on all things, so you'll need to be selective about which aspect of your job and industry you want to focus on. If possible, try to select an area of expertise that meets an existing need in your company or industry.

2.      Start to build expertise

Once you've identified your area of interest, you'll need to devote both time and effort to gaining knowledge and building skills that will create real expertise. There are a number of options you can use to learn this information and become the expert you want to be, including:

Continuing education classes, either in-person or online

Participating in workshops related to your field of interest

Attending conferences

Getting  hands-on training from another expert

Staying up to date on trends and advancements in your industry

3.      Work on your communication skills

Expert power is useless if you don't know how to convey your expertise to others or use your knowledge to assist them. You will need to build effective communication skills to ensure that you're able to express yourself and pass on ideas and information to those who need it. Practice both verbal and written communications, as well as the key  active listening skills you'll need to engage in effective interpersonal exchanges of information.

4.      Become a problem-solver

Of course, your expertise will only be truly valuable if it can be used to overcome challenges and solve problems. When someone comes to you for expert advice or assistance, you need to be able to help them solve their issues. To learn more about critical problem-solving skills, check out our post,  How to List Problem-Solving Skills on a Resume .

5.      Be willing to share knowledge

You also need to know how to share your expertise with others. While you might be tempted to hoard your knowledge and force others to rely on your expertise, that path almost always leads to resentment and other interpersonal conflicts. You should be eager to share your insights, technical expertise, and guidance with your coworkers, managers, and subordinates.

6.      Remain humble

Never use your expertise as a weapon. Instead, remain humble and open to others' ideas and opinions. This is an important part of the expertise-building process, since it can help you to build trust with everyone on your team and ensure that others feel comfortable relying on you. If you're arrogant or manipulative, you'll end up with diminished power since no one will turn to you for help.

7.      Learn how to lead by example

As you develop your expertise, you need to also focus on being reliable, supportive, and accountable to others. This flexible and collaborative approach will help to ensure that you're leading others by setting a positive example that encourages them to become more knowledgeable. They may be so inspired by your commitment to learning that they adopt the same mindset.

8.      Commit to lifelong learning

As you might have guessed, commitment to learning needs to be ongoing. Since shared expertise can mean a loss in expert power, you'll need to continually focus on learning new things and advancing your skills. This can help to ensure that you remain on the cutting edge of knowledge in your field, while simultaneously maintaining your expertise and expert power. If you fail to continually learn and improve your skills, you'll see that power diminish over time.

9.      Network

One way to maintain your competitive edge is to focus on expanding and deepening your professional network. There's always someone who knows more about your field of expertise than you do and you should be eager to connect and learn from them. Take time to identify the experts in your industry and connect with influential people who can help to guide you and offer new insights and direction. Building up your network can also be an important way to boost your own credibility and make you more visible as an expert in your own right.

Develop your expert power to advance your career!

Power that is based on expertise is one of the few types of power available to workers at every level of an organization. Even entry-level employees can enjoy this type of expert power if they have specific knowledge and skills that others lack. By learning how to develop your own expertise, you too can begin to enjoy this kind of expanded influence and expedite your career advancement.

Does your resume convey your expertise in a convincing way? Get a  free resume review from our TopResume team today to ensure that your resume makes the right impression!

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LinkedIn Networking: How to Cultivate Meaningful Connections Online

Leader vs. Manager: Understanding the Difference Between These Two Key Roles

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Expert Power: 14 Tips to Harness Power in The Workplace

Learn how to cultivate more expert power to gain influence in the workplace, and discover how to empower your team members to leverage their expert power.

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Have you noticed that folks who have specific expertise in the workplace often get new opportunities, respect from their peers, and have more influence? This is expert power at play.

In this article, learn how to identify and leverage your expert power, cultivate it from scratch, and empower your team to find their expert power.

What is Expert Power?

Expert power is the power and influence of having unique skills or expertise in a particular area that others value. People possessing expert power are often highly respected and trusted for their knowledge and skills, and therefore, they can influence decisions, directions, and behaviors in a group or organization.

Your expertise gives you trust and power in all kinds of ways. For example, this study 1 found that the key factor for salespeople to win over customers’ trust is the customer’s perception of their expertise.

Here are a few examples to help better understand the concept:

  • The social media savvy intern: In a traditional company unfamiliar with social media, a young intern with a deep understanding of the unwritten norms of TikTok and Instagram would, despite only being an intern, have expert power. They can influence the company’s marketing approach and potentially substantially change the brand’s online presence.
  • Communication and body language expert. Are you excellent at reading people? Do you have an innate sense of body language and facial expressions? Consider studying body language cues and communication frameworks and be the person people come to when they need advice on people. Read Cues . Join our communication master course: People School.
  • IT specialist with cybersecurity expertise: In a team of IT specialists, one member might have deep expertise in cybersecurity, a field not all IT professionals are trained in. This specialist could influence decisions related to the company’s data protection measures, network configurations, and responses to potential security threats, and this specialist might have more power than their peers.
  • Project manager with cross-cultural competence: A project manager can possess expert power in a multinational company. Their proficiency in multiple languages and understanding cultural norms can significantly influence team structuring, communication, and conflict-resolution methods in global projects. Their unique skills make them a valuable resource, granting them expert power.

How to Leverage The Expert Power You Already Have

You likely already have at least some expert power in your workplace, whether you know it or not. Let’s look at how to figure out where you have expert power and how to use it.

First, identify your expert power. This is a crucial first step. Get very clear on where you have expert power. Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Assess your skills and knowledge directly related to your role: Look at what you bring to the table that is unique or highly specialized. It could be technical skills, industry knowledge, or soft skills such as negotiation or emotional intelligence . What about your role? Are you the best at it?

Action Step: List 10 types of skills and knowledge related to your job description that you are good at

  • Assess your skills and knowledge not linked to your role: Now it’s time to get creative in discovering your expert power. What is something you are very good at (or even know how to do) that others in your company aren’t? You may be fluent in Dutch or are very tuned into activist issues. Not all your talents will translate into expert power in your job, but some might surprise you.

This study 2 suggests that for managers, general knowledge of their professional core increases their power most. In contrast, salaried workers’ deep understanding of peripheral areas (such as an architect who knows a lot about engineering) increases their power.

Action Step: List 10 skills you have, not necessarily related to your job, that many of your coworkers might lack

  • Reflect on feedback: Pay attention to the feedback you receive from others. If people often seek your advice on specific topics, it indicates an area where you might hold expert power. Do you constantly receive recognition for your negotiation skills? Or people may be impressed at how you approach problem-solving. You could ask your boss and teammates what they think you’re uniquely good at.

Action Step: Ask your boss and three colleagues for positive feedback. You could do this over email or in person. You could say, “I’m trying to get a better sense of what my strengths and expertise are. Can you tell me what you think I’m uniquely good at or what unique expertise I could better leverage?”

If you feel like your area of expertise is social skills, or if you want this to be your expert area, then you might love this free goodie:

Next, go over your list above. Look for overlap or any items that stick out to you. Once you land on one or two of your skills, then consider the following steps:

  • Position yourself as a resource: Once you’ve identified your area of expertise, make it known. Offer assistance, provide advice, and share your insights when relevant.

Action Step: Challenge yourself to support your colleagues in your area of expertise three times this week. 

For example, let’s say your company just expanded into a Dutch market, and you are of Dutch heritage and fluent in Dutch. Maybe you can weave into your next conversation something like, “If you ever need help understanding how this would land with a Dutch consumer, let me know; I’d be happy to help.”

  • Share your knowledge: My partner used to work at a marketing agency, and one of their coworkers recognized that he had expert power in productivity. So he asked the company if he could give free productivity coaching sessions to any interested colleagues. He essentially gave himself a new (unpaid) position to share his wisdom and solidify his position as someone with expert power in productivity. 

Action Step: Pick one of these formats to offer your knowledge:

  • Write an article for the company
  • Give free training to your colleagues
  • Offer free coaching sessions to your colleagues
  • Keep learning: Expert power can fade if your knowledge becomes outdated. Keep learning, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and continuously broaden your expertise.

For example, consider an IT manager with expert power in traditional data management. This manager must adapt their knowledge base as cloud computing and AI dominate. 

Action Step: Pick a book or course on your area of expertise and go one level deeper.

How to Gain Expert Power From Scratch

If you went through the previous section on how to identify your expert power and felt like there was nothing you could grasp onto, then worry not. You can start from scratch and cultivate expert power in your chosen topic. Here are the simple steps.

  • Identify your niche: Choose a field, subject, or skill set that aligns with your interests and your organization’s needs. Make sure it’s something you’d enjoy; otherwise, the motivation to learn it will be more difficult. And make sure it’s something your company or industry would benefit from. Learning to build a website will translate better than mastering Fortnite . Lastly, look for skills that will become more valuable in the future.

Action Step: List 5 skills you’d love to learn if you had infinite time. Then, list five skills you think would make you more valuable at work. Then, list five skills you feel would make you more valuable for most jobs ten years later. Then, either pick one of these skills or keep brainstorming until you find one that feels like a “yes.” 

If you need help, enlist your manager for their support and guidance.

  • Invest in education and training: Now comes the fun part: you get to learn! Pursue relevant courses, certifications, or degrees. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences. 

Gaining expert knowledge also isn’t as intimidating as you might think. Business guru Seth Godin 3 puts forth a compelling point:

If you invest 100 hours in a rare skill, you will likely acquire it. Suppose you could learn to sharpen a tool better than your peers, organize a high-performance database, see the nuances in some sector of cryptography, know how to build a pretty-good WordPress site or understand the arc of a particular writer’s career. In that case, you’d have something of value. Something that anyone who was focused enough to invest 100 hours could have, but only some will choose to commit to.

Action Step: Once you’ve determined your skill, pick your first learning direction. Whether a book, a course, or a workshop. Take the first step.

  • Build a learning plan: It will take 100 hours to set yourself apart from your peers and open your path to expert knowledge. One hundred hours is very manageable. And it’s a big enough number to scare many off the path. 

Action Step: Set up a learning plan for your skill. Do you want to put in 2 hours a week for the next year? Or would you make it a part-time job and slam 25 hours a week for the next month? 

  • Prepare yourself for the dip: Seth Godin also talks about a phenomenon called “the dip 4 ,” when we want to quit our endeavor because it’s too tough. This is why picking something you enjoy is helpful because your natural enjoyment is one of the best motivators to get you through any dip. Recognize the dip is coming, and plan for it.

Action Step: Write out your “why.” Why do you want to learn this skill? What will it give you? Why will it be worth it? When you inevitably encounter the dip, pull out your “why” statement to return to your motivation.

How a Leader Can Help Others Find Their Expert Power

If you’re a team leader, then you are in a unique position where you can help others cultivate more expert power. It will require you to take on an encouraging attitude and follow some of these tips.

  • Identify their strengths and interests: First, get clear on the expertise you see in your team members. Where do their talents lie? What are they passionate about? Where can they excel? Many people have incredible skills and knowledge but lack the belief in themself to see it.
  • You could help a copywriter identify their knack for storytelling and encourage them to specialize in brand narrative development. Or a project coordinator’s passion for data might be channeled into becoming an analytics and performance tracking expert. Or you may notice one of your programmer’s interest in UI/UX design.

Action Step: Take a few minutes to contemplate the following questions for each of your team members:

  • What is this person uniquely good at?
  • What skillset or knowledge base is this person uniquely tapped into?
  • If I wanted to attend a workshop, this person led, which topic would be most fitting?
  • Help them clarify their area of expertise: The best way for someone to leverage their expert knowledge is if they know what it is. You can be a huge force in their self-knowledge and empowerment. As a bonus, strengths-based feedback 5 increases employee engagement, motivation, and job satisfaction.

Action Step: In your next 1-on-1 with one of your team members, discuss expert power. 

  • Let them know what you think their strengths and skills are from the brainstorming above.
  • Ask them what they think they have expertise in, and
  • Brainstorm ways to help them excel even further
  • Sponsor trainings: Make room in your budget to promote learning. Or propose to whoever is in charge of the budget to sponsor extended education for team members. The more they learn, the more expert power they’ll cultivate and the more effective they will be at work.

According to a massive survey by Linkedin 6 , 94% of employees would stay longer at a company that invests in their professional development.

Action Step: Determine how much money you’d want to invest in each of your team member’s education, and make a pitch to the budget manager.

  • Promote knowledge sharing: Foster a culture of knowledge sharing within the team. Encourage team members to conduct presentations, lead workshops, or mentor their colleagues in their areas of expertise. The more you can build a strengths-based team , the more expert power you can promote. 

Action Step: Create a 15-minute weekly meeting where each team member can give a talk on a topic where they have expertise.

Where the Term “Expert Power” Came From

“Expert power” is one of the types of social power identified in the 1959 study by social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven 7,both%20the%20influencee%20and%20influencer. . 

French and Raven’s original study defined five forms of power, though a sixth was added later. Here are the other types of power:

Reward power: This form of power involves the control of resources that others want. Imagine a supervisor who offers either a promotion or a flexible work schedule to an employee who consistently completes their tasks efficiently and ahead of time.

Coercive power: The opposite of reward power, coercive power refers to the ability to punish or impose negative consequences. This manager threatens to demote employees if they don’t improve their performance by a certain deadline.

Legitimate power: This is the formal power that comes from being elected to office, appointed as a boss, or given some other type of authority.

Referent power: This type of power comes from being admired or respected. It is often linked with charismatic leadership ; people are influenced because they like or identify with the person.

Informational power: This form of power refers to control over valuable or critical information. Think of a data analyst with unique access to company performance metrics and use this data to help inform strategic decisions.

These types of power are not mutually exclusive, and an individual can hold multiple types of power simultaneously.  

Frequently Asked Questions About Expert Power

Expert power is important because it allows individuals to influence decisions and behaviors in an organization based on their unique skills and specialized knowledge.

Expert power in the workplace refers to the influence a person gains from their unique or highly specialized skills and knowledge valued in the organization.

Expert power in a leadership role refers to the influence a leader has over their team or organization due to their unique knowledge, skills, or expertise in a specific area. Expert power is one of the many leadership skills you can cultivate.

Some examples of expert power include a social media-savvy intern influencing a company’s online marketing strategy or a bilingual employee guiding a company’s expansion into new international markets.

​​To increase expert power, one can continually update their knowledge and skills, position themselves as a resource, share their expertise with others, and actively identify and nurture their unique strengths and interests.

The advantage of expert power is that it establishes a person as a valued resource within a group or organization, often leading to increased influence, trust, and credibility among peers and superiors. Expert power’s benefits apply to the person with the expertise and the company.

Expert power should be used whenever a person’s unique skills, knowledge, or expertise can contribute to better decision-making, problem-solving, or strategy in a group or organization.

Takeaways on Expert Power

Expert power is the influence you gain when you have deep knowledge of a particular skill set.

Some folks have expert power but haven’t leveraged it. To help identify where you might have untapped expert power, it could be useful to:

  • Assess your job-related skills by making a list of 10 skills and strengths you have
  • Assess skills you have not directly related to your job by making another list of 10 skills you have outside of work
  • Use feedback to understand your skills by asking your boss and colleagues what they perceive as your unique skills and knowledge.

Once you know your area of expertise, you can leverage it by:

  • Positioning yourself as a resource and offering your skills to help others whenever you can
  • Sharing your knowledge by writing an article, hosting a training, or offering free coaching around your skillset
  • Continue your learning to make sure your skill set only gets stronger.

If you need more expert skills, picking one up is easy! Just do the following:

  • Identify your niche by brainstorming skills you want to learn, skills that’d benefit your company, and skills that will become more relevant as time goes on
  • Invest in education. Have fun with it! Pick a book or training that excites you
  • Build a learning plan by deciding how quickly you want to pick up your new skill
  • Prepare yourself for the dip by writing why you want to learn this skill and returning to that manifesto when you want to quit.

If you are a leader and want to empower your team members to develop their expert power, consider these steps:

  • Brainstorm the strengths and interests of your team members
  • Help them clarify their area of expertise in your next 1-on-1 by providing what you see as their unique skills and asking what they think they are good at
  • Sponsor trainings for your employees to develop their skills and knowledge base to become more proficient
  • Build a work culture of knowledge sharing by giving different employees space to present their expertise.

There you have it! Best of luck on your journey towards developing your expert power or helping others develop theirs.

If you are interested in learning more about power and how to attain different kinds of power, then you may enjoy this article.

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Expert power: how to cultivate it in your organization.

  • What is expert power?

Expert power refers to the power acquired by one’s unique skills and abilities. An individual with expert power is assumed to have a higher level of knowledge and experience and so, has greater influence over others.

Having a formal leadership position or managerial title does not guarantee expert power, nor does it mean you are in a leadership position. Any employee that has specialized skills that no other employee possesses has expert power. The key to attaining it is being the only employee offering an organization a particular skill.

APA Dictionary of Psychology defines expert power as “a capacity to influence others that is based on the assumption that the influencer is highly skilled”.

Why is expert power important?

How to cultivate expert power within your organization, how to develop expert power personally.

Expert power usually stems from hard work and sacrifice. When this type of power is prominent in the workplace there is an organic culture of respect and cooperation between employees on all levels.

It is a legitimate form of power that is ethically acquired and naturally commands respect. Employees are inspired to work hard by the achievements of the experts rather than being controlled by fear of punishment as seen with other forms of power such as coercive power.

Expert power was first defined in French and Raven’s 1959 paper ‘The Bases of Social Power’. The paper claims that “the more legitimate the coercion the less it will produce resistance and decreased attraction”. Developing experts in your organization fuels a positive power structure that is driven by ethical and highly skilled individuals.

Benefits of expert power

  • Ethical method of power acquisition
  • Employees are more open to direction from experts
  • >​​Opens employees up to better opportunities
  • More efficient decision making 
  • Unique insights into problems
  • The workforce has a competitive advantage
  • Employees learn from the unique skills and experience of experts

Drawbacks of expert power

  • Experts may fear the loss of power should they share their knowledge
  • May result in knowledge hiding
  • Respect and power diminish if other employees upskill 
  • Innovation will suffer over time if knowledge is not shared
  • Experts must constantly develop their skills and ensure they are the only

Attract the right talent

Attracting good talent will contribute to the level of expertise within the organization. The recruitment department must be on board with the company’s intentions to develop expert power. Training recruitment teams to recognize experts or potential experts and offering incentivizing packages will increase the number of experts you attract into your organization.

Develop existing talent

Invest in your employee’s learning and development with training courses and educational grants. Not only will this increase engagement, motivation and retention , but will also develop the talents of existing employees to eventually reach expert status. Offering a digital coaching program is also an excellent way to accelerate the development of experts in your organization. A coach can help employees identify areas to specialize in, set objectives and guide their development toward ethically attaining expert power.

Retain experts

Know who the experts are within the organization and invest in them . It is vital to retain the experts that are already present. Experts are constantly learning so invest in their education and training and offer them coaching programs to increase their company loyalty.

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Define your practice.

What exactly do you want to be an expert in? The first step is to clarify what area or practice you want to specialize in. Evaluate your strengths, have a clear understanding of your industry and know the skill gap in the workforce. Make an informed and well-thought-out decision and devote your focus to this area. Working with an experienced coach can help you highlight your objectives and define a path to becoming an expert.

Improve skills and education

Once you have defined your area of expertise you must begin to acquire the expert-level skills and knowledge necessary to attain expert power. Invest in courses, read the material and work with a coach to keep you on track. The key is gaining the skills that nobody else can offer so focus on developing the skills that nobody within your organization has.

Learn from existing experts

Study your industry and identify existing experts. Understand how they reached their level of expertise and learn from their experience. Finding a coach that specializes in coaching experts in your field can be very beneficial.

Cultivate an expert reputation

Begin to create an image of an expert within your team. Be proactive in problem-solving and decision-making. Offer yourself as a mentor and volunteer for any training opportunities. Remain calm in a crisis and confident in your abilities. Be willing to help others, maintain credibility and give expert advice to your teammates.

Always be learning

Becoming an expert in any field is a continuous commitment and a life-long journey. You must constantly stay informed on industry changes and changes within your organization to ensure you maintain your ‘expert edge’. Develop a continuous practice of learning and upskilling.

In conclusion

Expert power is a valuable asset to any organization. This type of power inspires employees to reach a high level of skill and knowledge while ensuring that power structures are legitimate and ethically earned. Knowledge hiding may become common but this can be eased by providing security and increasing the personal power of your experts. Coaching can play a vital role in nurturing your employees to reach expert-level status. Providing a consistent coaching program retains talented employees and accelerates the growth of their expert power.

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expert power essay

Cathy Stapleton Cathy is an Irish writer based in Berlin, Germany who is passionate about using words to inspire growth. As a certified mindfulness facilitator and performance coach, Cathy aims to create work that helps people connect with themselves and heighten their awareness. When she is not writing she is usually running in nature, meditating or contemplating an existential crisis.

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Expert Power Leadership - Essay Example

Expert Power Leadership - Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  552 Words
Date:  2021-05-24

A leader may use one or a combination of powers in influencing other peoples behaviors in an organization. Different types of leaders use the powers differently and sometimes alternating them. Any attempt to influence behaviors could be successful depending on how the manager or leader uses the power. A leader with expert powers in an organization usually has more knowledge and skill. If people believe that the leader has more knowledge and expertise, they are likely to follow that leader (Gehani, 2008).

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Expert power is complicated because it is based on special abilities, skills or knowledge. Such skills are necessary when the organization needs values of certain knowledge which are scarcely found. An excellent example is the employees of Microsoft; they follow Bill Gates willingly because they know he has the skills and expertise in developing innovative software programs. At Intel, there was a similar following. Grove commanded expert leadership because he had a Doctorate from the University of California at Berkley, in quantum physics. Sometimes the expert power of the leader comes from the leaders experience or sometimes from the education qualifications. Just like Doctors can influence their patients behavior.

Expert power is not related to seniority age or the time of employment because it is only based on skills or knowledge. Expert power makes it possible for a new person or a young person to influence other people within an organization efficiently. Expert power is associated with the ability to bring change to an institution or capacity to bring innovations (Bertocci, 2011). This form of authority, however, can evolve over time because business decisions can affect the value placed on a type of expertise, in achieving the tasks or goals of the organization. Individual skills can become obsolete when the expert who possesses them fail to keep up with the advances in the field of expertise. New advances in technology can replace individual skill. Relevant skills make it possible for organization leaders to be respected by the people they lead. A leader with expert power usually has some command because of the superior knowledge they possess. In some situations, managers, however, employ staff who have superior, technical expertise as compared to them (Rao & Krishna, 2005).

For expert leaders to maintain their influence and positions, they need to continue improving skills while adding more knowledge through learning. The expert can retain their position by building confidence and decisiveness. Experts need to support their perception in regards to their skills and knowledge for them to continue maintaining their position and influence within the organization. If the Accountants Act is repealed to create a provision for expertise, then the situation of accountants will become unnecessary. Individuals exerting expertise power must prevent being replaced by other experts so as to ensure continuity of relevance.

Expert leadership can only be maintained when there is a critical need for skills and knowledge. Experts with such skills are not always obtained easily since they are view in the most markets.

Bertocci, R. L. (2011). Understanding management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Daft, R. L., & Lane, P. G. (2008). The leadership experience. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-

Gehani, R. R. (2008). Management of technology and operations. New York [u.a.: J. Wiley.

Top of FormRao, V. S. P., & Krishna, H. V. (2005). Management: Text and Cases. New Delhi: Excel Books. Western.

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Expert Power Leadership - Essay Example. (2021, May 24). Retrieved from

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Customer Satisfaction: Our Priority in Providing Expert Essay Writing Services

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When you choose Expert Essay Writers, you can expect nothing less than top-notch customer service. We value open and transparent communication, and we are committed to addressing any concerns or inquiries promptly. Our team of experts is always available to provide assistance and guidance throughout the essay writing process.

Moreover, we understand that every client is unique, with distinct preferences and requirements. That is why we take the time to listen and understand your specific needs, ensuring that we tailor our services to meet your expectations. We believe in the importance of customization and personalization, as it allows us to deliver essays that truly reflect your individual style and voice.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our dedication to delivering essays that not only meet your expectations but exceed them. We go above and beyond to ensure that every essay we produce is of the highest quality, meticulously researched, and written with precision and expertise.

Choose Expert Essay Writers as your trusted partner in achieving academic success. Experience the difference our dedication to customer satisfaction can make in ensuring that you receive expertly written essays that exceed your expectations.

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Innovative Solutions and Impact in Educational Technology

Sophia Willows

Sophia Willows stands out as a visionary leader in educational technology. With a career marked by a powerful blend of technical expertise and a commitment to leveraging technology for societal benefit, she has made significant strides in her field. Formerly the Engineering Manager of Crimson Education's AI team and currently a Staff Engineer at Rye, Sophia's work is a testament to her innovative spirit.

Educated at the University of Waikato, where she earned a BE(Hons) in Computer Software Engineering, Sophia has developed a diverse and robust skill set. Her dedication to knowledge sharing is evident in her active blogging on topics like AI, API design, and engineering leadership, fostering community and innovation in the tech sphere.

At Crimson Education, Sophia significantly shaped the company's SaaS offerings. Her most impactful project was the development of AdmitYogi Essays, an advanced AI-driven tool for college admission essays. Building out the AdmitYogi Essays product was a natural extension of her experience as a software engineer and leader. Her work not only demonstrates her technical acumen but also her ability to turn ambitious ideas into practical, user-friendly solutions.

Leadership and Innovation at Crimson Education

Extensive experience in leading engineering teams and scaling products laid a solid foundation for Sophia's work on AdmitYogi Essays. At Crimson Education, she led and managed the AI team in an environment where launching new features weekly was the norm. This fast-paced role honed her ability to decompose hard problems into smaller, discrete steps and make rapid technical decisions, preparing her for the complexity of developing the AdmitYogi Essays product.

Sophia's work at Crimson involved creating tools like extracurricular activity recommenders and applicant profile scorers, which required a blend of human intuition and domain knowledge. She explains, "AI essay review is something that just hadn't been done well before, because it's so hard to judge the qualitative merits of an essay." This challenging aspect drew on all her previous experience, making AdmitYogi Essays a larger-scale application of the innovative solutions she had already been working on within the company.

AdmitYogi Essays

Overcoming Quality Challenges in AI Essay Reviews

One of the main challenges in building the AdmitYogi product was maintaining consistent quality across a vast number of essays. While AI models promise consistent outputs, Sophia explains that "in practice, it's possible for the real world to change out from under you," making previously trained models less effective. To address this, the team leveraged the annual cycle of college admissions, which allowed them to schedule model updates yearly, reducing the impact of drift and ensuring high-quality outputs.

Being part of Crimson Education provided AdmitYogi with significant advantages. Crimson's regular refresh of its offerings—be it admissions strategy or tutoring materials—meant that the team was adept at staying current with changes. As Sophia points out, "the beauty of the AdmitYogi product is that we only really need to worry about making model changes on that yearly schedule," simplifying the task of maintaining quality. Collaboration between subject matter experts and the engineering team was crucial, ensuring that the technical solutions met the rigorous demands of the essay review process.

Leveraging AI for Tailored Feedback

In creating AdmitYogi Essays, Sophia and her team focused on using the right AI tools for specific tasks rather than relying solely on the current trend of generative AI. As Sophia explains, "LLMs are a really great tool for getting something off the ground quickly, but they underperform on a number of tasks relative to smaller and more efficient models." For instance, classification tasks, such as identifying the type of essay submitted, benefit from less generative AI, akin to the efficient image classifiers Sophia has taught in past workshops.

Addressing the dual challenges of cost and speed was crucial for making AdmitYogi accessible and effective. By thoughtfully combining generative AI with traditional techniques, the team developed a processing pipeline that delivered high-quality, fast reviews at a lower cost. This approach ensured the product was both affordable and capable of providing timely feedback, leveling the playing field for college admissions. Sophia notes, "Our AI expertise came in handy here because we made really thoughtful technology decisions," showcasing the depth of their knowledge and practical application in AI.

Ensuring Consistency with a Fractional Work Model

Crimson Education's meritocratic approach allows talented individuals to continue contributing in a fractional capacity, ensuring the retention of valuable knowledge and expertise. Sophia highlights, "Usually, when someone leaves a company you end up losing a lot of their built up context and understanding of the business." By retaining former employees in part-time or advisory roles, Crimson maintains this critical institutional knowledge, which is especially beneficial for complex projects like AdmitYogi Essays.

Sophia's continued involvement, despite her full-time role at Rye, exemplifies this strategy's effectiveness. "Because I lead the development of this product I'm particularly well suited to advising on how to best evolve it going forward," she notes. This ongoing connection allows for seamless transitions and sustained quality in product delivery, leveraging her deep understanding of what makes a successful college admission essay. The fractional work model ensures that the team benefits from her expertise, keeping the product innovative and effective.

AI Deployment and Engineering Management

Deploying AI products presents unique challenges, distinct from traditional application deployment. The primary issue is ensuring that training data accurately reflects real-world conditions to prevent erroneous outcomes. "Most AI projects fail to productionize," Sophia explains, often due to biased and inaccurate training data that doesn't align with production data, leading to system failures.

Sophia's engineering management experience at Crimson Education proved invaluable for AdmitYogi Essays, particularly in addressing concept drift—where AI models need continual retraining to adapt to new data. She emphasizes the necessity of internal expertise for maintaining AI systems, stating, "You really do need someone internal who is going to drive execution and keep everything working smoothly." Her role at AdmitYogi ensures ongoing maintenance and adaptation, preventing the system from becoming obsolete and maintaining its efficacy over time.

AdmitYogi Essays

Balancing Cost and Quality in AI Solutions

Leveraging AI for essay reviews allows AdmitYogi to maintain predictable unit economics, ensuring both affordability and quality. Unlike human reviewers, AI models provide consistent outputs without the variability of fatigue or distraction, allowing for precise cost control. "Having certainty over our costs is important," Sophia explains, as it ensures the pricing strategy can be set to avoid losses, similar to Amazon's approach.

This predictability extends to system tweaks, where the impact on costs is immediately clear. This allows for a straightforward cost/benefit analysis with every change, ensuring that high-quality outputs are maintained without compromising affordability. By continuously optimizing their AI models, AdmitYogi can offer a cost-effective solution that remains competitive and sustainable.

User Insights Leading to Feature Improvements

Initial deployments of AdmitYogi revealed crucial user insights that led to significant feature improvements, particularly in the recommendation system. Striking the right balance between providing useful guidance and avoiding overly specific suggestions was challenging. "We can't just write a student's essay on their behalf—we need to gingerly guide them on their own essay writing journey," Sophia explains. Extensive user testing and numerous iterations were essential in fine-tuning this feature to ensure it met students' needs without compromising ethical standards.

An unexpected yet valuable insight came from the "stats for nerds" tab, initially intended as an internal debugging tool. During user testing, both the CEO and students expressed enthusiasm for this feature, leading to the incorporation of more engaging elements in the final product. While the original "stats for nerds" wasn't included, the team added flavor text and developed "impression analysis" to highlight unique aspects of students' essays, significantly boosting user engagement. This iterative process and attention to user feedback were pivotal in refining AdmitYogi's features.

The Future of AdmitYogi

As the college admissions process becomes increasingly selective and competitive, AdmitYogi is poised to evolve by addressing emerging trends such as digital SATs and the rise of "test-optional" policies. Sophia notes, "I think evaluating a student based on a test score is reductive, and tests can be difficult for students who struggle with anxiety issues." This shift places greater emphasis on admission essays, which are becoming a critical component of applications.

AdmitYogi is set to enhance its AI-powered essay review capabilities to help students showcase their unique strengths and personalities more effectively. Sophia emphasizes the importance of leveraging their extensive database of successful college essays to extract valuable insights. "We have many exciting features on the roadmap to help us double down on AI-powered essay review," she says. These upcoming features will build on their existing analyses, ensuring that AdmitYogi continues to provide innovative and effective tools to support students in their college application journey.

Sophia's future endeavors aim to continue driving technical innovation with a growing legacy. As a mentor and thought leader, her influence will inspire tech innovators dedicated to positive change. Her achievements hint at a promising future, shaping the field of software engineering for years to come.

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Expert talks safety amid recent Power Outages across Coachella Valley

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Several recent power outages across the desert are leaving Coachella Valley residents in extreme heat with no relief.

Reggie Kumar, Southern California Edison spokesperson, said it’s important to know what to do if your power unexpectedly goes out.

"We want to make sure that our customers check emergency supplies to ensure they have a battery operated radio, a flashlight and fresh batteries,” Kumar said. “If they see a down power line, do not touch it or approach it. Stay at least 100 feet away and call 911 immediately."

There are several cooling centers across Riverside County that provide people relief from the heat. 

Stay with News Channel 3 to learn more about outage safety.    

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Guest Essay

What the Polls Tell Us About Harris vs. Trump

An illustration that includes photos of Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

By Kristen Soltis Anderson

Ms. Anderson, a contributing Opinion writer, is a Republican pollster and a moderator of Opinion’s series of focus groups.

Whatever your feelings are about Donald Trump as a candidate, the pollster Tony Fabrizio, a top adviser for all of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaigns, knows his business. He saw a path to a Trump victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 that others didn’t. Campaigns often leak polling memos to drive a preferred narrative, so it’s sensible to take such memos with a grain of salt, but when Mr. Fabrizio puts one out , I take it seriously.

So when he warned last week of a “ Harris Honeymoon ” as Democrats were rallying around the vice president, I knew it was only a matter of time before the public polls would show what the Trump campaign was likely seeing privately. Two days later, there it was: the New York Times/Siena College poll showed the race narrowing to just a one-point Trump advantage nationally over Vice President Kamala Harris among likely voters, a major shift from a prior Times/Siena poll which showed Mr. Trump ahead of President Biden by six points.

This is, to use the parlance of our time, a vibe shift. It’s hard for me to overstate the euphoria Republican activists were feeling about the election coming out of their convention in Milwaukee. And, indeed, before the shake-up atop the Democratic ticket, most voters said that they thought Mr. Trump would win in November, according to a July poll by Echelon Insights, where I am a founding partner. Now, with around $200 million raised for Ms. Harris in a week, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a somewhat different result if you asked voters that question again.

There are two things giving Ms. Harris a lift in the short term: unity and energy.

The first is the party unity she enjoys by virtue of being the presumptive nominee without having had to endure a bruising Democratic primary battle. I’ve described this as the equivalent of a video game cheat code that lets you skip past some difficult but tedious early levels on the way to directly fighting the big bad boss at the end of the game. Harris didn’t have to spend the last year getting pummeled by, or trying to pummel, Democratic presidential rivals, almost certainly including some of the very Democrats who are now under consideration to be her vice-presidential nominee. While some of the out-of-the-mainstream views she espoused during her unsuccessful 2020 presidential run will no doubt follow her in this election, Ms. Harris benefits greatly from not yet having had to renavigate several issues that divide the Democratic Party these days, including border security, crime and policing and the war in Gaza.

The second thing Ms. Harris gets is a Democratic voter coalition reset to Obama-era factory settings. Democrats haven’t always done better with younger voters, but starting with the 2008 cycle, Democrats really began running up the numbers in that group. Advantages among voters of color grew substantially as well, triggering Republican panic . The Trump-Biden rematch, however, saw a reduction in polarization along generational and racial lines, with Mr. Trump narrowing Mr. Biden’s margins among groups like Black men and Generation Z. With Mr. Biden out and Ms. Harris in, early evidence suggests some reversion to the before times; according to last week’s accounts of the Times/Siena poll, Ms. Harris is “faring better among groups that Mr. Biden had been the weakest in, especially younger voters and nonwhite voters.”

America is a pretty evenly divided country. We are fairly split down the middle in terms of partisan identification. We’re also deeply polarized, with few people breaking from their own side to express support for a candidate of another party. I believe Mr. Biden’s age and apparent decline functioned like a black hole that bends light around it, warping our view of the evenly divided electorate. Now, with that distorting force removed, we’re back to the very close race we could have and should have expected all along.

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Team USA Basketball: Cooper Flagg leads college players who could help the 3x3 team at 2024 Paris Olympics

These ncaa stars -- old and new -- would be a fun combination.

2024 USAB Men's Training Camp In Las Vegas

Team USA fell to 0-4  in men's basketball pool play at the 2024 Paris Olympics with a 20-18 loss to Lithuania followed by a 21-19 loss to Latvia on Thursday. It certainly hasn't been the showing the Americans were looking for in their first Olympic competition.

The team's biggest-name player by far is Jimmer Fredette. The former BYU star played six seasons in the NBA but hasn't been in the league since 2019. Joining him in France are ...

  • Dylan Travis , who played NAIA, junior college and won a Division II national title at Florida Southern before playing overseas in Germany and Australia. His last of five professional seasons was in 2019.
  • Canyon Barry , who started his college career at College of Charleston and finished it at Florida. He has played in Finland, the Czech Republic and, most recently, in the G League for the Iowa Wolves. He's the son of Basketball Hall of Famer Rick Barry and shoots underhand free throws just like his dad did, too.
  • Kareem Maddox , who played at Princeton and then the Netherlands, Great Britain and Poland. He has not played traditional five-on-five basketball professionally since 2017.

How did this group come together? Well, in order to even be eligible to play for the U.S., you have to play in sanctioned 3x3 events . You earn points for playing (and playing well) in more events, and USA Basketball selects a team from training camp. That's why these guys haven't played professional five-on-five basketball recently; they have to be 3x3 players. At this year's training camp, Fredette, Travis, Barry and Maddox were chosen over a plethora of other names who would be most recognized by only the most die-hard college basketball (and, in some cases, NBA ) fans.

The 3x3 game is very fast-paced, as it's played on half of a court with a 12-second shot clock and continuous action unless there's a foul, a violation or the ball goes out of bounds. As such, you look for a group with the athleticism and versatility to defend and score against multiple positions but also want to fill several traditional needs of any 5x5 team, namely ball handling, shooting, scoring and on-ball defending.

The CBS Sports experts identified the top college teams that could produce three players who could win a gold medal in 3x3 basketball, CBS Sports' Sam Quinn took a look at four NBA players who could improve the 3x3 team , and here we're doing the same for men's college basketball.

Cooper Flagg , Duke

Yes, we're counting Flagg as a college basketball player even though he's yet to play in a Division I game. The Duke freshman has already impressed playing against the best players in the world as a member of the Team USA Select Team and is the shoo-in projected No. 1 pick in the 2025 NBA Draft .

Adam Finkelstein, the director of scouting for 247Sports, had this to say about one of the top recruit in the class:

Cooper Flagg is an elite two-way prospect. His instincts are off the charts on both ends of the floor and he competes with a quiet type of killer instinct. He's a defensive standout and particularly dominant as an off-ball defender. In fact, he's as good of an underclassman shot-blocker as I've seen at his size. Offensively, he's an excellent passer with a good foundation of early skill and developing playmaking ability. His footwork is excellent. His shooting and handling are both good and continuously improving. He doesn't necessarily need to be the focal point on that end of the floor, but he's shown he's plenty capable of it. Physically, Flagg's frame is solid enough to absorb contact now and will only add additional muscle mass in the coming years.

Flagg's size, athleticism, defense, competitiveness and well-rounded offensive game make him an easy pick to be on this hypothetical team.

Mark Sears, Alabama

Sears can do a bit of everything. He's a strong driver of the ball, excellent shooter and very good passer who has grown leaps and bounds in his time at Alabama. Sears is also a dogged competitor who would fit in really well as a guy who can score but doesn't have to score to play at a high level.

Sears shot a red-hot 43.6% from 3-point range last year, and he also shot 85.7% on free throws, a key aspect in 3x3 play. Plus, the quickness of the game wouldn't bother him as he already leads the charge for a team that plays at the nation's fastest tempo. Sears would be a natural fit who can catch and shoot, drive, create his own shot and dish off to teammates.

Alex Karaban, UConn

If we're looking for a championship, we have to bring along a champion, right? Karaban is the only returning starter from two-time reigning champion UConn, and he'd be a strong fit on 3x3, just as he is in five-on-five basketball.

Karaban stands 6-foot-8 and weighs a sturdy 225 pounds, but he combines that size with excellent shooting -- 38.9% from 3-point range and 85.2% from the free-throw line in his career -- and an improved interior game. Karaban shot 64% on 2-pointers last year after shooting 58.7% inside the arc in 2022-23. Karaban is also a solid rebounder and defender. Plus, having played under Dan Hurley, Karaban has the creativity, attention to detail and intensity to be a great addition here. He would be an absolute nightmare for opponents to defend as a floor spacer and in the pick-and-pop game.

Hunter Dickinson, Kansas

This was a really tough call -- I'll explain for a bit -- but for the team's primary big man, we go with the offensive-minded choice. Dickinson would be impossible to defend in the post, especially given the spacing afforded to players in 3x3. He has a terrific repertoire down low, and at 7-2 and 265 pounds, when he gets to his spots, there's little opponents can do to stop him.

But what really stands out here is Dickinson's non-scoring offensive abilities. The Kansas star is a terrific passer, which is an absolute must in 3x3, and he can stretch the floor from beyond the arc as a 35.6% career 3-point shooter. He also owns the boards and is a good shot blocker, too. Where Dickinson might struggle is defending in space, but we're willing to take the offensive advantages over the potential defensive drawbacks.

Honorable mentions

  • Ryan Kalkbrenner received heavy consideration here. The three-time Big East Defensive Player of the Year anchors Creighton's defense and would do the same in 3x3. For such a large player, he moves his feet outstandingly and does a terrific job defending without fouling. Offensively, Kalkbrenner has a soft touch around the rim and would be more of a mobile lob threat than Dickinson. If you wanted to put Kalkbrenner over Dickinson, I wouldn't argue with you.
  • Johnell Davis is the perfect combination of shooting, scoring, ball handling and positional versatility, and John Calipari will certainly use all of that in his (and Davis') first year at Arkansas. Davis was the No. 1 transfer in David Cobb's rankings, and I wrote about why he's such a natural fit in any setting .
  • Ace Bailey and Dylan Harper -- Rutgers' freshman phenoms -- could easily get a nod here. For now, though, we're sticking with just one incoming freshman, and it's hard to beat Flagg.
  • North Carolina's RJ Davis and his former Duke rival Jeremy Roach (now at Baylor) would be strong fits as the team's leading ball handler. Davis is more of a scorer and a terrific shooter; Roach is more of a traditional point guard. Sears fits both categories, though, and that's why he gets the nod.

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