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Is online learning the future? An Interview with EtonX

Gabriel Daudy

The wave of national lockdowns has had a serious and lasting effect on the education of children. 

The World Bank estimates that there are an ‘additional 72 million primary-school-aged children’ who have been plunged into ‘ learning poverty ‘, and that there are ‘students at risk of losing about $10 trillion in future lifetime earnings’ — something that affects disadvantaged children in developed countries, and especially those in LEDCs. For this reason, online teaching tools are becoming increasingly essential to ensure that children continue learning no matter the circumstances. Curious, I decided to try and interview some online course providers such as EtonX, a company founded by Eton college in 2015, about what they offer and what plans they have for the future.

Is online learning the future? 

The role that online teaching will have over the next few years has been greatly accelerated by lockdowns across the world. It’s clear that the service this provides is greatly in demand. Education is a driving factor that increases human capital, allows people to escape poverty, and gives them the necessary skills needed to grow economies.

The pandemic has dented many young people’s futures. In the long term, this will certainly be felt by the world economy at large when the pool of skilled workers becomes smaller.

Online education companies can help solve this problem, offering a vista into the future of young people’s education.

James Stanforth, Director of Digital Education for EtonX

What is the idea behind etonx.

The key idea behind it is that to have a broad education, the academic part is only one part of it. You need to develop confidence, problem-solving, critical thinking. Eton X wants to develop these so-called ‘future skills’. It does this through providing digital content that goes through these skills, all made with specific Eton masters who use their expertise to make the course.

How does it actually work?

It takes place in two formats: 1. A self-study course where you have a year to complete 2. A tutor-led course which is 7 weeks long and helps the students in a group of 8 to understand issues

One of the benefits of the latter is that you have an international mix of students. They also all have practical elements that are facilitated by an EtonX tutor. That is really what it is.

We are in process of a University Interviews course, which is for medicine or Oxbridge students and involves how to prepare for interviews. We also have the university admissions course, which is for international students to help understand the process of applying.

What are you planning in the future for EtonX?

Academic enrichment and extension of work. It would extend a student’s knowledge in a certain area and allow people to engage more in a subject that they already do.

Is there any ambition for any full-time education plans so that children in LEDCs can receive a good education, as long as they have internet access?

This is something that is really happening aside from Eton. The advent of MOOC and future learn and edX, universities like Harvard and MIT etc., all give free access to large swathes of the course. They also certify that you have completed a course to help you with credentials.

Live teaching is very hard to do, so recordings of seminars have become more commonplace. What they can also do is provide a community where you can submit work and it is marked by a real person.

From Eton’s standpoint, scalability and having the biggest impact are why we haven’t gotten involved with live teaching.

So what are some of Eton’s other plans for having a proper impact in different areas of education?

There are different aspects to Eton’s 2020 vision. Part of it is extending bursarial access in Eton and double the number of free places with people from backgrounds where it will make a real difference.

Another part of it is the desire to found free schools. We would want links between Eton and those schools, but live teaching may be more difficult to arrange. Seminars or coming to other parts of extra-curricular activities may be a more feasible option for those schools.

As you know, teaching is more than having a camera as a teacher lectures. Teachers need to respond to questions, see students work, and give feedback.

The last is providing all EtonX courses free to state schools. An important point to make is that this is not just a Covid idea, but it is also a long-term ambition of Eton.

We are helping departments that are full of the talented body of teachers at this school, to make digital content for people to access. One example is a physics course on electricity, which is one of hardest parts of the course.

Over the next five years, we would like to provide substantial learning material to users of EtonX and state schools.

Catherine Whitaker, CEO of EtonX

What are you looking to do with etonx in the future.

Working in an area of future ready skills and getting and ensuring people have a rounded academic skill. We are taking that further into university application skills and other things we are doing. Next year, we are doing another series with teachers at Eton. [This will involve] making super-curricular activities to make sure you are passionate and have a broader understanding, [as well as] connections between other areas into this.

How has the government been supporting your role as an education company?

Not complete help from department of education, as we are a commercial entity. We have the department for international trade which finance trade missions, and we have exhibited the work [that] we have at a major trade event. We have not really been helped in that way.

Do you think that they should help you more?

Individual schools often feel that they are best placed at how they do [things]. Individual schools should be the ones that decide what they get. We should get a more local level.

Do you think that it reflects poorly on the UK education system that education supplements are needed in this way?

There is only so much time that teachers have to teach their schools. Especially in state schools, there is an opportunity to supplement the schools as we shouldn’t have to rely on teachers to do everything. Technology is helping teachers who are already incredibly stretched. they are doing a great deal already. It is no negative reflection on the system, it is a good thing that it is helped in this way.

Also, it is a question of facilities where certain people get a service that isn’t usually on service at their school. It is an enabler and allows you to get people across the world talking about certain niche interests that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to.

Additionally, we have often helped students in a different way to academics. However, the exam system is a great blocker in that way. Due to this, there is far less flexibility and ability to go off syllabus.

This is something that I referenced earlier with James Stanforth, but is there no way that through collaboration you could provide some type of full-time education for students across the world, especially in LEDCs where education is sometimes non-existent?

We will take a more flexible approach to how teaching takes place. We have more personalised learning due to technology, and we may also get stronger connections of learning between schools. Covid has accelerated that and people are aware of the benefits.

In terms of partnering with other organisations, we have already licensed our EtonX platform for means of education. The British Council has already used our platform in their classes. It would be more in that way that we could get involved in a more full-time kind of education. Running a full-time and intensive education system is not part of EtonX’s strategy.

DISCLAIMER: The articles on our website are not endorsed by, or the opinions of Shout Out UK (SOUK), but exclusively the views of the author.

etonx critical thinking course

Gabriel Daudy

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What will you learn?

Our  Critical Thinking  course will help you to analyse arguments, recognise problems with reasoning and logic and evaluate the evidence used to support an argument.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Use logic to make and analyse an argument
  • Identify bad arguments and faulty reasoning
  • Evaluate the evidence, data or statistics used to support an argument
  • Identify whether emotions, bias or prejudice have influenced reasoning
  • Apply a range of critical thinking techniques to arguments in different contexts

Course features

This course is 100% online and packed full of engaging learning materials, with a personal action plan and a knowledge test for each learner. Additional features are available if you wish to take this course as part of a Study Group.

Designed by Eton College experts

Personal action plan

Interactive tasks, videos & quizzes

Knowledge test

Reviews from our students


Why should I take this course?

This course is right for you if you are aged 14–20 and you want to:

  • Use critical thinking skills to boost your academic success
  • Improve your decision-making based on good reasoning
  • Deepen your understanding of how the world works

Employers rate critical thinking as one of the most desirable skills in new employees

Free consultation today. call us +6663-854-9129, easy & quick step to enroll.

etonx critical thinking course

Can we bridge the critical thinking skills gap with online learning?

Can we bridge the critical thinking skills gap with online learning?

Do today’s youth lack critical thinking skills? There are reports that suggest they do, and this is worrying, as a lack critical thinking skills can affect their personal and professional lives in the future.

Critical thinking skills involve identifying flaws in people’s arguments or reasoning by weighing evidence and identifying misuse of information. These skills enable students to differentiate fake news from real reports, differentiating fact from opinion and understanding that they cannot take everything they read or hear at face value.

Despite being such as pivotal skill, there are employers that lament that students’ thinking abilities leave much to be desired, suggesting a disconnect between the skills students graduate with from university and those needed in the workplace.

Meanwhile, an article on Psychology Today titled The Emerging Crisis in Critical Thinking noted that many university students struggle with real-world problem solving, highlighting a decline in thinking ability among students.

But EtonX aims to change this.

This British education technology company, a subsidiary of Eton College founded in 2015, aims to bridge the skills gap via its online Critical Thinking Course.

Ready to go with our local team @etonxonline #BettAsia Find out how EtonX is bringing live online soft skills courses to teenagers globally #edtech @besatweet — Catherine Whitaker (@whitakercn) March 12, 2019

At this year’s Bett Asia Leadership Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, held on March 12 and 13, EtonX noted that their seven-week course for students between the age range of 14 and 20 can help learners who can’t access these types of courses during their regular school hours.

The course uses a combination of interactive learning content and weekly live online group classes to help children learn and practise their critical thinking and evaluation skills. Students will develop skills such as identifying fallacious arguments and learn to use evidence, problem solve, evaluate data and recognise alternative perspectives, as well as confirmation bias.

Additionally, students will evaluate online information and academic course materials and identify poorly constructed arguments, develop an awareness of how emotions and bias can influence their own as well as other’s thinking.

EtonX CEO and Head of Learning Catherine Whitaker says: “The volume and accessibility of information available to teenagers today means skills like detecting bias or flawed reasoning are more important than ever.”

EtonX notes that in a 2014 global survey of a 1,000 teachers, 92 percent said critical thinking is among the key skills for achieving success in higher education, but as many as 85 percent said it was a skill young people lack.

While findings such as these are alarming, does this suggest schools are failing to teach students critical thinking, and can online learning bridge the gap?

Only time will tell.

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Eton Extends Free EtonX Offering to UK State Schools

01 Sep 2020

Eton Outwards

Eton College

Eton College,

Eton College is increasing the number of free courses available to UK state schools on its digital learning platform EtonX this September. UK state school pupils will have access to additional ‘Future Skills’ courses in Critical Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking and Verbal Communication. These new courses are open to all pupils in UK state schools from Year 10 – 13.

The programme builds on the offer made to UK schools at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in March where over 900 schools signed up for access for over 220,000 students.

EtonX’s Future Skills Programme is a suite of online courses, each of which provides 7-10 hours of self-study content. Each course is presented by a different Eton teacher and the skills learned are designed to be beneficial for all students, whether preparing for sixth form, for higher education or for the workplace. Current courses include Resilience, Interview Skills and Making an Impact.  

Dr Nikky Hammond, Acting Assistant Principal and Head of Physics at Tomlinscote School in Surrey said:

“Our students who have access to the courses have found them to be extremely beneficial and were very grateful to be given the opportunity to work though such a unique platform. As a school, our free access has meant we have been able to support our students much more effectively with progression and work experience skills.”

Tom Arbuthnott, Deputy Head, Partnerships at Eton College said:

“Vast numbers of students across the UK benefited from our EtonX software during the lockdown: it’s wonderful that so many children found the courses useful and helpful in building their skills. We are really pleased to be able to extend and expand the offer of free EtonX courses to the UK state sector – we only hope that more and more students will gain from EtonX’ outstanding content.”

Catherine Whitaker, CEO and Head of Learning at EtonX said:

“EtonX courses are designed to provide skills which students need in addition to their academic studies.

It is perhaps no surprise, therefore, that our most popular course by far during lockdown was the EtonX Resilience course. UK teachers clearly felt this was an opportunity for students to develop ways of coping with change and uncertainty during the COVID pandemic. We look forward to continuing to support schools across the UK with our expanded offer now that schools are back.”

The programme forms part of the ‘Eton2020’ initiative, where Eton College has pledged to spend £100 million over the period 2020-2026 to enhance educational opportunity in the UK, building powerful multi-dimensional relationships with state sector schools. To find out more, please see . 

To find out more about the courses and register visit

etonx critical thinking course

News from the Collections: June 2024

09 July 2024


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EtonX Online Self-study Courses

by Simon Pook | Mar 18, 2024

Eton X logo on a white background.

EtonX offers a diverse range of quality online courses, enabling young people aged 13+ to aspire and excel. Designed for self-study, these web-based courses empower students with essential leadership ,  communication , and  academic skills  for success at school and beyond.

The ‘ Study Skills ‘ course sharpens your learning abilities, while the ‘ AI Fundamentals ‘ course equips you with vital digital knowhow in a fast-changing world. Other popular courses include ‘ Verbal Communication ‘, ‘ Critical Thinking ‘, ‘ Writing Skills ‘, ‘ Resilience ‘, ‘ Creative Problem Solving ‘ and many more.

All EtonX courses are completely  FREE  for UK state schools students and teachers, as well as charitable organisations that work with young people.

It’s quick and easy to  sign up  – students and teachers just need to create an account with their school email address to get instant, free access to all our courses!

A young student sits at a laptop and looks out of the window.

Students’ efforts are rewarded with a certificate on completion of a course and EtonX post physical copies to schools in recognition of their achievements.

Through EtonX courses, students can get support for the next step in their journey, whether that’s enhancing their academic studies, developing leadership and communication skills, or preparing for university and the world of work.

Sign up by clicking the button below. If you have any queries, please email [email protected] .

Sign up for EtonX

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Best Critical Thinking Activities & Games for Employees

8 mins read

Best Critical Thinking Activities & Games for Employees

by Pete Ford

Updated On Aug 30, 2024

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that can make all the difference in an employee's success. It enables individuals to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and form sound judgments.

Furthermore, it's an essential skill an employee needs to perform excellently in the workplace. For a company to grow and develop, employees need to think of how and what to do to ensure the company grows and moves forward. 

In his 1910 book How We Think, Dewey described reflective thinking as an active, persistent, and careful consideration of beliefs or supposed forms of knowledge in light of the grounds that support them and the further conclusions to which they tend. This is closely related to what we now call critical thinking.

A survey by the American Association of Colleges and Universities found that 75% of employers want colleges to emphasize critical thinking, real-world problem-solving, communication, and creativity.

Why Critical Thinking Matters

Critical thinking is crucial in the workplace because it enables employees to:

1. Make Informed Decisions: Provides employees with the skills to analyze data and information thoroughly. This process involves assessing the credibility of sources, weighing evidence, and considering various perspectives. By doing so, employees can avoid hasty judgments and ensure their decisions are based on solid reasoning and facts. This leads to more effective and strategic outcomes, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall organizational performance.

2. Identify Biases and Assumptions: Critical thinkers are adept at recognizing their own biases and assumptions, as well as those of others. This self-awareness allows them to approach situations more objectively, leading to fairer and more balanced decisions. It also helps in mitigating the influence of personal prejudices on professional judgments.

3. Solve Complex Problems: Identifies underlying issues, breaks complex problems down into manageable parts, and develops innovative solutions. This systematic approach helps in addressing challenges more efficiently and effectively, fostering a culture of problem-solving within the organization.

4. Evaluate Information and Sources: Employees skilled in critical thinking can discern the reliability and relevance of information from various sources. This ability is crucial in an age of information overload, where distinguishing between credible data and misinformation can significantly impact decision-making and strategic planning.

14 Critical Thinking Activities, Games & Exercises for Employees

1. egg drop.

Many people may have encountered this activity in science class. As it turns out, it is also a great way to help coworkers bond and grow their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. For this activity, members can split into small teams of three to six people. The goal is to create a contraption that will secure and protect the egg from breaking.

Egg Drop

It has to be effective in case the egg is dropped from a desk or the top of a building. Each team can use any material available around the workplace. Some of the materials include newspapers, paper clips, straws, tape, cotton balls, balloons, etc. Teams have 15 minutes to decide on the best strategy and building materials.

How to Play The Game

1. Preparation

  • Materials: Gather materials like eggs, straws, tape, rubber bands, paper, plastic bags, and other office supplies that can be used for constructing a protective device.
  • Set a Time Limit: Decide on a time limit for the activity, typically 30-60 minutes, depending on the complexity you want to introduce.

2. Group Formation

  • Divide employees into small teams of 3-5 members each. This ensures that everyone can participate and contribute to the design process.

3. Explanation of Rules

  • Objective: Each team must design and build a structure that can protect an egg from breaking when dropped from a predetermined height.
  • Constraints: Set any specific rules, such as limiting the materials they can use or requiring the structure to fit within certain dimensions.

4. The Building Process

  • Teams brainstorm, design, and construct their egg-protection devices within the allotted time. Encourage creativity and teamwork during this phase.

5. Drop Test

  • Once the time is up, gather all teams and conduct the drop test from the designated height. You can use a ladder, a balcony, or a raised platform for this.
  • Each team drops its egg, and the group observes whether the egg survives the fall intact.

6. Evaluation

  • Assess which designs successfully protected the egg and discuss what worked and what didn’t. You can award points for creativity, durability, and teamwork.
  • Consider holding a debrief session where teams can share their design processes and the thinking behind their approaches.

7. Conclude

  • Conclude by highlighting the lessons learned, such as the importance of collaboration, creative problem-solving, and strategic planning.
  • Recognize the winning team(s) and acknowledge the effort of all participants.

Review and Reflection of the Game

Here are three key review and reflection points for the Egg Drop activity:

1. Team Collaboration and Communication: Reflect on how effectively the teams worked together. Consider the quality of communication, how tasks were divided, and how decisions were made. What contributed to strong teamwork, and where could collaboration be improved?

2. Problem-Solving and Creativity: Review the problem-solving strategies and creative approaches teams used. What innovative designs emerged, and what made them successful? Analyze any failed attempts to understand what could be done differently next time.

3. Application to Workplace Skills: Reflect on how the activity relates to real workplace scenarios. How can the teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills demonstrated in the Egg Drop challenge be applied to everyday tasks and projects at work?

Key Takeaway

Employees must collaborate to design a structure that protects an egg from breaking when dropped from a height. The challenge requires them to think critically about materials, design, and physics, testing and refining their ideas. It highlights the importance of planning, innovative thinking, and learning from failure, all of which are crucial skills in the workplace.

Through improv activities, teams can improve their rapid problem-solving and critical thinking skills . Start by giving them a problem or scenario to solve together. Next, each participant builds on the preceding response by adding one sentence in turn. The scenario changes and gets more challenging with every new sentence. When the group responds to all the questions and comes up with a workable solution, the activity is over.


How to Conduct the Activity

1. Set the scenario: Provide the team with a question or scenario to resolve together.

2. Take Turns: Participants take turns adding one sentence to build on the previous response, evolving the scenario.

3. Encourage Creativity: Each new sentence should creatively change the situation, challenging the team to adapt quickly.

4. Conclude: The activity ends when the team completes the story or reaches a solution.

Review and Reflection of the Activity

1. Team Adaptability : Reflect on how well the team adapted to the constantly changing scenario. Did participants remain flexible and build on each other’s ideas effectively?

2. Creative Problem-Solving: Consider the level of creativity in the responses. How did the team use their imagination to navigate the evolving scenario? Were they able to think on their feet?

3. Communication and Collaboration : Assess how well team members communicated and collaborated. Was there a smooth flow of ideas? Did everyone contribute equally?

3. Escape Room

Escape Room Challenge is one of the best critical thinking games for team building that encourages problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

Escape Room

To "escape" from a themed room, employees must solve puzzles and riddles within a predetermined amount of time. This team-building activity improves communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities by forcing participants to think critically and work under pressure. It's an exciting way to foster strategic thinking in a light-hearted, immersive setting.

How to Play the Game

1. Preparation: Create or select a themed room with a series of puzzles, riddles, and challenges. Ensure the setup is safe, and the puzzles are varied to engage different skill sets.

2. Gather Materials: Collect necessary items such as locks, keys, clues, and props related to the theme.

3. Form Teams: Divide participants into small teams of 4–6 people to encourage collaboration and maximize participation.

4. Set the Scene: Explain the objective: Brief the teams on the scenario, the backstory, and their goal to solve all the puzzles within a set time (usually 60 minutes) to "escape" the room.

5. Review the Rules: Outline any specific rules, such as not forcing open locks or damaging props, and explain how they can ask for hints if needed.

6. Gameplay: Start the timer. Begin the activity and let the teams work together to find clues, solve puzzles, and unlock the final solution.

7. Monitor Progress: Observe the teams as they play, providing hints if requested, and ensuring the game flows smoothly.

8. Debrief and Reflect: After the time is up, gather everyone to discuss what worked, what didn’t, and the strategies used. Highlight the importance of teamwork, communication, and creative problem-solving.

9. Celebrate Success: Recognize the efforts of all teams, whether they escaped or not, and celebrate the collaboration and critical thinking demonstrated during the activity.

Reviews and Reflection of the Game

1. Team Dynamics and Communication: Reflect on how well the team members communicated and collaborated. Did everyone contribute ideas, and was there effective coordination in solving the puzzles?

2. Problem-Solving Approaches:   Consider the strategies the teams used to tackle the challenges. Were they able to think critically and creatively under pressure? How did they handle setbacks or difficult puzzles?

3. Time Management : Evaluate how the teams managed their time during the activity. Did they prioritize tasks effectively and work efficiently within the time limit? What could be improved in future scenarios?

The Escape Room activity emphasizes the importance of effective teamwork, communication, and creative problem-solving under pressure in the workplace. It highlights how working together and managing time efficiently are crucial for overcoming challenges, achieving goals, and meeting standards set by the company.

4. Murder Mystery

A Murder Mystery game is a critical thinking activity where employees work together to solve a fictional crime. It involves analyzing clues, collaborating, and deducing the perpetrator's identity based on evidence and logical reasoning. This exercise enhances critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and teamwork, as employees must communicate effectively and use their analytical skills to uncover the solution.

Murder Mystery

1. Preparation: Choose or create a murder mystery scenario, assign roles to participants, and distribute character information.

2. Gameplay: Set the scene and rules, then let participants interact, gather clues, and work together to solve the mystery.

3. Debrief and Reveal: Reveal the solution, discuss how clues led to the conclusion, and acknowledge participants’ efforts and teamwork.

1. Engagement and Role-Playing: Reflect on how engaged participants were with their roles and the storyline. Did they fully immerse themselves in their characters and contribute to the narrative effectively?

2. Clue Gathering and Deduction: Consider how well teams gathered and analyzed clues. Were they able to piece together information and make logical deductions to identify the "murderer"? How effective were their investigative strategies?

3. Team Collaboration: Assess the level of collaboration and communication among team members. Did they work together cohesively to solve the mystery, or were there challenges in sharing information and coordinating efforts?

The Murder Mystery activity highlights the value of teamwork, effective communication, and critical thinking. It demonstrates how collaborative problem-solving and role-playing can enhance investigative skills and foster a deeper understanding of team dynamics in a fun and engaging way.

5. Puzzle-Solving Relay

A team-building exercise called the Puzzle Solving Relay aims to improve problem-solving and collaboration. In a relay-style setting, teams solve puzzles individually before moving on to the next member. Critical thinking abilities can be improved individually and as a team using this exercise.

Puzzle-Solving Relay

1. Setup: Prepare a series of puzzles (e.g., logic puzzles, crosswords, riddles) and divide participants into teams. Each team will work on the puzzles in a relay format.

2. Relay Play: Each team member solves one puzzle before passing it to the next person. Teams continue this process until all puzzles are completed.

1. Evaluate Team Performance: Assess how well teams communicated and collaborated during the relay. Were they efficient and supportive of each other?

2. Analyze Problem-Solving Strategies: Reflect on the strategies used to solve the puzzles. What methods were effective, and where did teams face challenges?

3. Discuss Lessons Learned: Discuss to share insights and feedback. Highlight what worked well and areas for improvement in teamwork and problem-solving skills.

The Puzzle Solving Relay activity emphasizes the importance of teamwork, effective communication, and strategic problem-solving. It demonstrates how working collaboratively and leveraging each team member’s strengths can lead to successful outcomes and improved team dynamics.

6. Role-Playing Activities

Role-playing exercises, such as scenario-based training exercises, are effective critical thinking exercises for teams. Real-world scenarios are utilized to enhance employees' skills and knowledge. This approach involves creating scenarios that closely mimic the challenges and expectations employees face in their roles. For example, Walmart uses role-playing games to train employees in customer service, where they practice handling various scenarios such as resolving complaints and providing assistance. Similarly, Lockheed Martin employs virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences to train employees in assembling spacecraft and aircraft, allowing them to practice complex tasks in a controlled, realistic environment.

Role-Playing Activities

Role-playing activities in scenario-based training emphasize the importance of practical, hands-on learning. By simulating real-world challenges, employees can develop critical skills, improve their problem-solving abilities, and enhance their overall job performance. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of their roles and prepares them for real-life situations, ultimately leading to more effective and confident employees.

How to Conduct the “Role Playing” Activity

1. Define the Scenario

  • Choose or create a relevant workplace scenario or issue for participants to role-play.
  • Clearly explain the context, objectives, and roles each participant will assume.

2. Conduct the Role Play

  • Have participants act out their roles and interact according to the scenario.
  • Allow them time to address the situation and make decisions based on their characters’ perspectives.

3. Debrief and Discuss

  • After the role play, gather everyone to discuss the experience.
  • Reflect on the strategies used, the effectiveness of communication, and how the scenario relates to real workplace situations.

1. Assess Role Performance : Evaluate how well participants embodied their roles and handled the scenario. Did they stay true to their characters and effectively address the situation?

2. Analyze Communication and Problem-Solving : Reflect on the communication strategies and problem-solving approaches used during the role play. How did participants collaborate and resolve issues?

3. Discuss Lessons Learned : Share insights and feedback. Highlight what participants learned about handling similar situations in real life and how role play can improve workplace interactions and decision-making.

The key takeaway is that it helps enhance critical thinking by allowing participants to explore various perspectives, practice problem-solving, and improve communication skills in a dynamic, interactive environment.

7. Reverse Brainstorming

Teams that participate in the Reverse Brainstorming challenge begin by generating ideas for ways to exacerbate an issue rather than find a solution. After listing all the bad ideas, they reverse these concepts to come up with possible fixes. By taking a novel perspective on the problem, this exercise promotes innovative problem-solving and helps teams look beyond the box.

Reverse Brainstorming

1. Define the Problem : Clearly state the problem or challenge you want to address. Make sure everyone understands the issue before starting.

2. Reverse Brainstorming : Ask participants to brainstorm ways to make the problem worse rather than solving it. Encourage them to think creatively about actions or strategies that would exacerbate the issue.

3. Generate Solutions : Reverse the negative ideas into positive solutions. Discuss how the actions that would worsen the problem can be flipped to create effective solutions. Reflect on the insights gained from this approach.

1. Evaluate Idea Generation : Assess the creativity and range of ideas generated for worsening the problem. Did participants think broadly and consider various aspects of the issue?

2. Analyze Solution Development : Reflect on how effectively the negative ideas were transformed into positive solutions. Were the solutions practical and innovative?

3. Discuss Insights and Learning : Discuss the overall process. What did participants learn about problem-solving and creativity? How did the reverse approach influence their understanding of the original problem?

Critical thinking activities like reverse brainstorming illustrate how innovative solutions can be found by taking a different approach to a problem. By first considering how to worsen the issue, teams gain new perspectives that can be flipped to develop creative and effective strategies for solving the original problem.

8. The Marshmallow Challenge

In the Marshmallow Challenge, teams are given a set amount of time to build the tallest freestanding structure using only spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow. The catch is that the marshmallow must be placed on top of the structure. It enhances critical thinking by fostering problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and iterative learning. Teams design and build a structure with limited resources, learning to adapt and refine their strategies in real time.

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1. Distribute Materials : Provide each team with a set of materials (e.g., spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow). Ensure all teams have the same resources.

2. Build the Structure : Challenge teams to build the tallest freestanding structure they can using the materials provided, with the marshmallow placed on top. Set a time limit (typically 18–30 minutes).

3. Evaluate and Reflect : Measure the height of each structure and check if the marshmallow is on top. Discuss the design approaches, teamwork, and problem-solving strategies used during the challenge.

Assess Design and Execution: Evaluate how well each team’s structure was built and the effectiveness of their design. Did the structures achieve the goal of being the tallest and holding the marshmallow?

Analyze Team Collaboration: Reflect on how teams worked together. Were roles and tasks divided effectively? Did team members communicate and collaborate well

Discuss Lessons Learned: Review the key insights gained from the challenge. What did teams learn about planning, prototyping, and adjusting their approach? How can these lessons be applied to workplace projects and problem-solving?

The Marshmallow Challenge highlights the importance of prototyping, iterative design, and teamwork. It demonstrates how rapid experimentation and collaboration can lead to successful outcomes, emphasizing the need for adaptability and creativity in problem-solving.

9. Two Truths and A Lie

The first task involves one individual making three assertions about themselves, two of which are true and one of which is false. The other participants must then determine which of the three statements about the person were true and which were lies.

Two Truths and A Lie

Two Truths and a Lie helps employees with critical thinking by:

  • Enhancing Observation : Participants must discern truth from deception.
  • Improving Communication: It encourages clear and thoughtful sharing of information.
  • Fostering Insight: Employees learn to read cues and understand underlying motives.

1. Explain the Rules : Each participant takes turns sharing three statements about themselves: two that are true and one that is a lie. The rest of the team must guess which statement is a lie.

2. Take Turns : Allow each participant to present their three statements. After each person shares, the team discusses and votes on which statement they think is false.

3. Reveal and Discuss : After guesses are made, the participant reveals which statement was the lie. Discuss the truths behind the statements, fostering conversation and helping team members learn more about each other.

1. Evaluate Participation and Engagement : Reflect on how actively participants engaged with the activity. Did everyone take part and contribute to guessing and revealing the statements?

2. Analyze Communication and Interaction : Assess the quality of interaction and communication during the activity. How well did team members discuss their guesses and share their thoughts?

3. Discuss Insights and Team Building : Review what participants learned about each other and how the activity helped in team bonding. Discuss any new insights gained and how the activity might improve team dynamics and understanding.

The "Two Truths and a Lie" activity fosters team bonding and improves communication by encouraging employees to share personal insights and engage in light-hearted interaction. It helps team members learn more about each other, build relationships, and enhance trust in a fun and informal setting.

10. Silent Line-Up

In just five minutes, you may finish the non-verbal game called Silent Line-Up. This exercise aims to promote problem-solving, cooperation, and communication abilities without the use of words.

Silent Line-Up

Team members must form a line and silently arrange themselves according to a predetermined criterion to participate in the silent line-up.

How to play the Game ‍

1. Explain the Objective : Inform participants that the goal is to line up in a specific order (e.g., by birthdate, height, or years of experience) without speaking. Clearly state the criteria for the lineup.

2. Initiate the Activity : Start the activity and let participants begin organizing themselves according to the specified criteria. Ensure they understand they must use non-verbal communication and gestures to coordinate.

Once the lineup is complete, check if the order is correct. Discuss the experience, focusing on the strategies used, the effectiveness of non-verbal communication, and how the activity can enhance teamwork and problem-solving skills.

The silent line-up activity emphasizes the importance of non-verbal communication and teamwork. It demonstrates how effective coordination and understanding can be achieved through gestures and teamwork without relying on verbal instructions, fostering stronger collaboration and problem-solving skills.

11. Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi is a straightforward mathematical puzzle that can be effectively used to evaluate and enhance employees’ problem-solving skills. This puzzle involves moving a series of disks from one peg to another, following specific rules, and is a popular tool for assessing working memory and planning abilities. By incorporating the Tower of Hanoi into training programs, companies can help employees develop critical thinking skills, as the puzzle requires careful planning and strategic thinking to solve.

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Additionally, the complexity of the puzzle can be easily adjusted by adding more disks or pegs, making it suitable for various skill levels. Incorporating the Tower of Hanoi into employee training not only fosters critical thinking but also provides a fun and engaging way to improve cognitive abilities. Employees can work individually or in teams to solve the puzzle, promoting collaboration and communication.

This activity can also serve as a diagnostic tool to identify areas where employees may need further development, particularly in their planning and problem-solving skills. By challenging employees with the Tower of Hanoi, companies can create a dynamic learning environment that encourages continuous improvement and innovation.

1. Objective : Move all disks from the starting peg to the target peg, following the rules.

  • Only one disk can be moved at a time.
  • A disk can only be placed on a larger disk or an empty peg.
  • Move the top (n−1)(n−1)(n−1) disks to the auxiliary peg.
  • Move the largest disk to the target peg.
  • Move the (n−1)(n−1)(n−1) disks from the auxiliary peg to the target peg.

The challenge involves strategic planning and problem-solving to achieve the goal efficiently.

1. Assess Strategy and Execution : Evaluate the strategies used to solve the Tower of Hanoi. How effectively did participants plan their moves and manage the constraints? Were there any common strategies or approaches?

2. Analyze Problem-Solving Skills : Reflect on how participants approached problem-solving. Did they demonstrate effective planning and foresight? How did they handle challenges or mistakes?

3. Discuss Lessons Learned : Hold a discussion on the insights gained from the activity. What did participants learn about strategic thinking, patience, and perseverance? How can these lessons be applied to workplace problem-solving and project management?

The Tower of Hanoi activity highlights the importance of strategic planning , patience, and problem-solving. It demonstrates how methodical thinking and careful execution can lead to successful outcomes, reinforcing skills that are valuable for tackling complex tasks and managing projects in the workplace.

12. Rebus Puzzle

For a rebus puzzle, every component of a jigsaw puzzle represents a member of your team. It is distinct from every other piece in terms of shape and function. Because of this, an effective team leader will learn about their needs and handle each member uniquely. Every component of a jigsaw puzzle fits into the overall design.

Rebus Puzzle

Basically, it uses pictures and symbols to represent words or phrases. It enhances workplace critical thinking by promoting problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork through decoding visual clues.

How to Play the Rebus Puzzle

1. Receive the Puzzle : Obtain the visual representation of words or phrases. This could be a printed sheet, a digital image, or a projected slide.

2. Analyze the Clues : Examine the pictures, symbols, or letters presented in the puzzle. Look for familiar shapes, objects, or patterns that might hint at a word or phrase.

3. Interpret the Symbols : Break down the visual elements into parts that could represent sounds, words, or phrases. For example, a picture of an eye might represent the word “I,” and a picture of a bee might represent the sound “B.”

4. Combine Interpretations : Piece together the individual interpretations to form a coherent phrase or solution. This step often requires creative thinking and the ability to see connections between different elements.

5. Verify the Answer : Check if your solution makes sense and matches the intended message. If the phrase or word seems logical and fits the clues provided, you have likely solved the puzzle correctly.

1. Evaluate the Problem-Solving Approach : Assess how participants approached solving the puzzle. Did they use effective strategies and collaborate well? How did they interpret and piece together the visual clues?

2. Analyze Communication and Teamwork : Reflect on how well participants communicated and worked together (if in teams). Was there effective sharing of ideas and feedback?

3. Discuss Insights and Learning : Discuss what participants learned from the activity. How did it enhance their ability to think creatively and solve problems? What insights can be applied to other problem-solving scenarios in the workplace?

The Rebus Puzzle activity emphasizes the importance of creative thinking and collaborative problem-solving. It shows how interpreting visual clues can enhance lateral thinking skills and teamwork, providing valuable insights into how diverse approaches can be applied to solving complex problems in the workplace.

13. Socrates Circle

Socrates Circle is a critical thinking game where participants discuss a topic in a structured dialogue, encouraging deep questioning and reflection. It helps employees enhance their analytical skills , communication, and collaborative problem-solving.

Socrates Circle

1. Define the Topic : Select a topic or question for discussion that is relevant to the workplace or team dynamics. Ensure it is open-ended and thought-provoking.

2. Facilitate the Discussion :

  • Arrange Participants : Set up a circle or virtual meeting where everyone can see each other.
  • Start the Discussion : Ask the chosen question and encourage participants to share their thoughts and perspectives.

3. Use Socratic Questioning Techniques : Ask probing questions that challenge assumptions and encourage deeper thinking. For example, "What is the underlying reason for this issue?" or "How might this perspective change our approach?"

4. Summarize and Reflect : Conclude the discussion by summarizing the key points and insights gained. Reflect on the different viewpoints shared and how they might influence future actions or decisions. Encourage participants to consider how the discussion can impact their work and interactions.

1. Evaluate Participation and Engagement : Assess how actively participants engaged in the discussion. Did they contribute thoughtfully and consider different perspectives?

2. Analyze the Depth of Discussion : Reflect on how effectively the Socratic questioning deepened the discussion. Did it challenge assumptions and lead to meaningful insights?

3. Discuss Lessons Learned : Review the key insights and understanding gained from the discussion. How did the activity enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills? What new perspectives or solutions emerged?

The Socrates Circle fosters deep critical thinking and open dialogue by encouraging participants to explore different viewpoints and challenge assumptions. It enhances understanding and decision-making by promoting thoughtful questioning and reflection on complex issues.

14. Paper Tower Challenge

The Paper Town Challenge is a critical thinking game where employees use only paper to create a model of a town or structure. Participants must plan, design, and construct their models while adhering to specific constraints.

Paper Tower Challenge

Here’s the formatted version with bold subheadings:

For the Workplace, This Game Fosters Critical Thinking by

1. Encouraging Creativity : Requires innovative use of limited resources.

2. Enhancing Problem-Solving : Involves overcoming design and construction challenges.

3. Promoting Teamwork : Requires collaboration and communication to build the model.

1. Distribute Materials : Provide paper and basic tools.

2. Define Objectives : Set guidelines for what to build (e.g., a town or structure).

3. Design and Build : Teams plan and construct their models using only paper.

4. Present and Review : Share and evaluate each model based on creativity and adherence to guidelines.

This game enhances creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork.

1. Evaluate Creativity and Design : Assess how creatively and effectively participants designed their paper towns. Did they use the materials in innovative ways and incorporate various elements into their designs?

2. Analyze Teamwork and Execution : Reflect on how well teams worked together during the challenge. Was there clear communication and collaboration? How did they handle any obstacles or constraints?

3. Discuss Learning and Application : Review the key takeaways from the activity, including insights into planning, resource management, and teamwork. How can the experience be applied to real-world projects and problem-solving scenarios?

The Paper Town Challenge emphasizes the importance of creativity, collaboration, and resource management. It shows how working together to create a complex design with limited materials can enhance problem-solving skills, encourage innovative thinking, and improve team dynamics. Games for critical thinking in the workplace are crucial because they foster essential skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and effective communication.

By engaging in these activities, employees enhance their ability to think analytically, collaborate effectively, and approach challenges with innovative solutions. These skills contribute to a more dynamic, adaptable, and resilient workforce, ultimately driving greater organizational success.

The 14 critical thinking activities for employees in the workplace are outlined, and they offer proper insight to help employees in the workplace develop strong hindsight in their day-to-day activities.

Edstellar , a global training platform, provides a wealth of additional team-building activities to provide a wide range of critical thinking activities, as mentioned, to help build better employees in the workplace.

Ultimately, it’s going to provide an amazing method for organizations that need employees to think far and wide to better themselves for the organization's growth and development.

Pete Ford

By Pete Ford

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  7. PDF Critical Thinking Course Information

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  23. How do I access EtonX courses?

    Upon signing up to EtonX and verifying your email address, you will be able to access the EtonX Course Catalogue. State School Students & Staff. State School students and teachers will be able to enrol onto any of the EtonX courses for free. You can enrol onto as many as you like and they will appear on your dashboard for easy future access.