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Tips on How to Make PPT for Final Year Project

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Last Updated: 26 May 2023

presentation slide for final year project

Your final year project is the culmination of all your academic efforts and plays a crucial role in your academic career. It's a chance to showcase your knowledge, skills, and research abilities to peers and faculty members.

However, presenting your work can be daunting, and this is where a well-designed PPT comes in. A good PPT for the final-year project can help you communicate your research findings and conclusions to your audience clearly and effectively. It can help you present complex information in an easy-to-understand format, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

That's why we have prepared this blog post for you. In this post, you will learn expert tips on making PPT for your 3rd-year project from top faculties:

  • How to plan and prepare your presentation.
  • How to design and format your slides.
  • How to deliver and communicate your message.

And as a bonus, we have also included some free final-year project presentation ppt samples approved by top faculty members and helped students get exceedingly good marks in their presentations. These templates are designed to suit different projects and audiences and are easy to customise and use.

Download Final-Year Project Presentation PPT Samples 

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So what are you waiting for? Discover how to ace your final year project presentation with these tips and templates!

Here are a few tips on how to create a final year project PPT and solutions for your doubts about how to make the PPT for a project in the college final year.

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Tips for making an effective ppt for final year project.

presentation slide for final year project

1. Start With a Clear Outline

Creating an outline is easy and helps you plan your presentation effectively. Start by identifying the key points you want to cover in your presentation and then arrange them logically. This will help you create a flow of ideas that your audience can follow easily.

Once you have your outline, you can begin designing your slides and adding content. Remember to keep your slides concise and use bullet points wherever necessary. This will make it easier for your audience to follow your presentation and understand your key points.

2. Use Appropriate Fonts and Colours

When selecting fonts, it's important to choose a style that is easy to read, such as Arial or Calibri. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts, as these can be difficult to read and distract your audience from your message.

Colours can also play an important role in your PPT design. Choose colours that complement each other and that are easy on the eyes. Avoid using too many bright colours or high-contrast combinations, as these can be distracting and difficult to read.

Remember, the goal is to create a visually appealing and professional-looking PPT that is easy to read and understand. So, choose your fonts and colours carefully, and use them consistently throughout your presentation.

3. Keep the Design Simple and Consistent

4. use high-quality images and visuals.

When selecting images and visuals, choose ones that are relevant to your presentation and are of high quality. Ensure they are large enough to be seen by your audience and are clear and well-defined.

In addition, consider using graphs, charts, and diagrams to present your data or findings. This can help make your presentation more dynamic and help your audience better understand your research.

Finally, avoid using too many images or visuals, as this can distract you from your message. Use them sparingly and strategically, and ensure they add value to your presentation.

5. Use Bullet Points instead of Lengthy Paragraphs

When creating your PPT, consider breaking your content into short, easy-to-read bullet points. This will help you convey your message more effectively and make it easier for your audience to understand.

In addition, use bullet points to highlight the most important information or key takeaways from your research. This will help you emphasise your findings and conclusions and ensure that your audience remembers the most important aspects of your presentation. Finally, avoid using too many bullet points, making your presentation cluttered and difficult to read. Use them strategically, and only include the most important information.

Also Read:  How to Give Killer Project Presentation

presentation slide for final year project

Guidelines for the Content of YourPPT For Final Year Project 

1. include a brief introduction and overview of the project.

Your introduction should be engaging and capture the reader's attention. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon to make your introduction accessible to a wide audience.

In your overview, briefly outline your project's main goals and objectives, as well as the key findings and conclusions you have reached. This will give your audience an idea of what to expect from the rest of your presentation and help them follow along more easily.

2. Present the Problem Statement and Research Question

Your problem statement should explain the specific issue or challenge that your project aims to address. Use concrete examples and data to illustrate the problem and why it matters. Your research question should be a clear and concise statement of the specific question you are trying to answer. 

Use bullet points to break down your problem statement and research question into manageable sections, making it easier for your audience to understand and follow along.

3. Explain the Methodology Used to Conduct the Research

Use bullet points to break down the steps of your methodology and explain why each step was important. If you used specific tools or techniques, such as surveys or interviews, explain how and what you learned from them. 

It's also important to explain any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research, and how you addressed them.  By explaining your methodology clearly and engagingly, you can help your audience understand the depth and rigour of your research, and why your findings are important.

4. Present the Findings and Results in a Clear and Concise Manner

If you used any visual aids, such as graphs or charts, make sure they are easy to read and interpret. It's also important to explain any patterns or trends from your data and discuss the significance of your findings. 

By presenting your findings clearly and concisely, you can help your audience understand the impact and relevance of your research.

5. Highlight the Contributions and Significance of the Project

You can also discuss the potential impact of your research on society, and how it can inform future research or policy decisions. Use bullet points to break down your contributions and significance into manageable sections, and explain why they are important. 

6. Provide a Conclusion and Future Directions

Use bullet points to break down your conclusion into manageable sections, and highlight key takeaways. In addition, provide suggestions for future research or directions for your project. This can help your audience understand your research's potential impact and relevance beyond your current project. 

By providing a clear and engaging conclusion and future directions, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience and inspire further discussion and exploration of your research topic.

Top-Performing Students Reveal Their Project Format: Learn The Format That Impresses Evaluators! 

Here is a slide-by-slide guide for what to include in your final-year project presentation:

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Include the title of your presentation, your name, and the date.
  • Use a clear and legible font, and choose a background that complements your topic.

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Provide an overview of your project and explain its importance.
  • State your research question and explain how you conducted your research.

Slide 3: Literature Review

  • Summarise the existing research on your topic and highlight any gaps or inconsistencies.
  • Provide a clear and concise summary of the literature you reviewed, and explain how it informs your research.

Slide 4: Methodology

  • Explain the methodology you used to conduct your research.
  • Provide details on your sample size, data collection methods, and analysis techniques.

Slide 5: Results

  • Present your results in a clear and organised manner.
  • Use charts, graphs, or tables to illustrate your findings.
  • Explain what your results mean and how they contribute to the field.

Slide 6: Discussion

  • Interpret your results and explain what they reveal about your research question.
  • Discuss any limitations or challenges you encountered during your research.
  • Offer suggestions for future research on the topic.

Slide 7: Conclusion

  • Summarise the key points of your presentation.
  • Reiterate the significance of your findings and their contribution to the field.
  • Explain the implications of your research and how it can be applied in the real world.

Slide 8: Acknowledgments

  • Acknowledge anyone who helped you with your research or supported you during your project.
  • Provide a brief statement of gratitude.

Slide 9: References

  • List all the sources you used in your research.
  • Use a consistent citation style and provide full bibliographic information.

presentation slide for final year project

How to Present Your PPT for a Project in the Final Year?

It is a common thing among students to have some doubts while they are preparing their PPT for a project. The main reason behind it is that they are unsure how to present their work in an appealing and concise way. But before we start discussing the best ways to present your PPT for a project in the final year, let’s look at what presentation software you should use when presenting your PPT.

Now that you know to prepare a winning PPT for the project for your final year, let’s look at what you need to keep in mind when presenting it.

It is best to determine an effective way to present the project to an audience and plan the situation. This is because no matter how good the content of your slides are, the way you explain them also plays a crucial role in making a lasting impression on the evaluators and audience. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • Your body language should reflect confidence.
  • Ensure your voice is loud enough and clear for the audience to understand.
  • Engagingly explain the content to keep the audience interested.
  • Keep a balanced posture and do not make too many hand movements that can distract the audience.
  • Finally, practice how to present your PPT to hone your presentation skills.

How to Prepare for Project Presentation: Division of Time Make sure the PPT is not too long or short. Ensure the entire presentation lasts around 20 to 25 minutes, divided into the following:

  • Preparation - 5 minutes
  • Presentation - 10 to 15 minutes
  • Question and Answer Session - 5 minutes

presentation slide for final year project

Most Common Final Year Project PPT Mistakes That Ruin Your CHnaces To Score High Marks  

It's important to avoid common mistakes that can detract from the quality and effectiveness of your presentation. Here are some tips to avoid common mistakes:

1. Overloading Slides with Text

  • Adding too much text to your slides can overwhelm your audience and make it difficult for them to follow along.
  • Keep your text concise and use bullet points or short phrases instead of full sentences.
  • Use images or diagrams to illustrate your points instead of relying solely on text.

2. Choosing Inappropriate Colour Schemes and Fonts

  • Choosing appropriate colours and fonts is important for making your presentation look professional and engaging.
  • Choose colours that complement each other and use fonts that are easy to read.
  • Avoid using too many colours or fonts in your presentation, which can be distracting and unprofessional.

3. Failing to Rehearse your Presentation

  • Rehearsing your presentation can help you identify improvement areas and ensure you are comfortable with the material.
  • Failing to rehearse can result in stumbling over your words or forgetting important points.
  • Practice your presentation before a friend or family member to get feedback and improve your delivery.

4. Ignoring the Audience's Needs

  • Tailor your presentation to your audience's needs and expectations.
  • Failing to do so can result in your presentation not resonating with your audience or failing to communicate your message effectively.
  • Consider your audience's background, interests, and knowledge when creating your presentation.

5. Not Using Images or Visual Aids

  • Using images or visual aids can help to break up text and make your presentation more engaging.
  • Avoid using too many images or visual aids, which can be distracting.
  • Use high-quality images relevant to your presentation and help illustrate your points.

6. Reading Directly from the Slides

  • Avoid reading directly from your slides, as this can make your presentation seem robotic and unengaging.
  • Use your slides as a visual aid to support your presentation, not as a script to read from.
  • Practice your presentation enough time so that you are comfortable with the material and can present it naturally.

Learn How to Prepare a PPT for Final Year Project with Us

TOPS Technologies is one of the leading IT Training Institutes that has placed over 10,000 students in well-known IT companies across India. We provide project training to students and ensure they have a bright future in their chosen fields. Our tutors will ensure you prepare and present it successfully. 

TOPS has offices in all major cities of Gujarat, including Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat, Gandhinagar, and Nagpur. You can visit the nearest branch to learn more about our courses.

For further inquiries regarding the TOPS Technologies Course, reach out to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 – 7622011173 for a free demo. Contact us today for Final year project training and learn how to make a ppt for the final year project review. 

General Questions About Making PPT for Your Final Year Project

Here are a few questions that we typically get from students about the final year project presentation format and how to present the PPT:

Can These Templates Be Used for Computer Science Final Year Project Presentation PPT Sample?

Can I Use These Tips for Project Presentation PPT for Final Year Engineering?

How much time should I spend on making the PPT?

What software should I use for the PPT?

What topics should I choose for my final year project & PPT?

What basics should I consider for my final year PPT?

What should be the ideal flow of a final year presentation?

What should be included in a final-year project presentation?

While creating a presentation for a senior year project, you should consider including the following:

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of your project, its purpose, and its significance.
  • Background: Describe the context and background of your project, including relevant theories and concepts.
  • Methodology: Explain the research methods used to conduct your project and analyze your findings
  • Results: Present your findings clearly and concisely, using visual aids such as graphs and charts if applicable.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your key findings and their implications for your field.
  • Future Directions: Suggest possible future directions for research in this area.

How long should a final-year project presentation be?

In general, it's important to keep your presentation focused and concise, highlighting the key aspects of your project and the most important findings or outcomes. Make sure to structure your presentation clearly and logically, with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Remember, your presentation is an opportunity to showcase your work and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. Practice your presentation beforehand and be prepared to answer any questions.

How should I structure my final year project presentation?


  • Start with a brief introduction to your project topic and objectives
  • Provide some background information to give context to your project
  • State the purpose of your presentation and what the audience can expect to learn

Literature review

  • Explain the existing knowledge and research related to your project
  • Summarize the key points from relevant literature
  • Explain how your project builds on existing knowledge and what gap it fills


  • Explain the methodology you used to conduct your project
  • Describe the data collection process and any tools or techniques you used
  • Provide details on any experiments or simulations you conducted
  • Present the results of your project
  • Use graphs, charts, and other visuals to help illustrate your findings
  • Provide statistical analysis where relevant
  • Summarize the key findings and their implications
  • Interpret the results of your project
  • Discuss the implications of your findings
  • Compare your results to the existing literature
  • Address any limitations or challenges you faced during your project
  • Summarize the key points of your project
  • Restate the purpose of your presentation
  • Explain the contributions and significance of your project
  • Discuss the potential future directions for your project


  • Offer recommendations for future research or improvements to your project
  • Discuss any potential applications or practical implications of your work

How should I prepare for my final year project presentation?

Here are some steps you can take to prepare:

  • Revisit your project: Review your work and refresh your memory of what you did, how you did it, and what you found.
  • Rehearse: Practice your presentation several times. This will help you develop a smooth flow and identify areas you may need to improve.
  • Organize your material: Organize your material into a logical structure that flows well, ensuring that your presentation is coherent and easy to follow.
  • Use visual aids: Incorporate visual aids such as slides or charts to illustrate your work and make it easier for your audience to follow.
  • Anticipate questions: Consider the types of questions your audience may ask and prepare responses in advance. This will help you to be better prepared during the Q&A session.
  • Time management: Make sure you manage your time effectively during your presentation to cover all key points without rushing or exceeding your allotted time.
  • Dress appropriately: Dress professionally for the presentation. This will help you to appear more confident and competent.
  • Get feedback: Seek feedback from peers or instructors to improve your presentation skills.

presentation slide for final year project

What are some tips for delivering an effective final-year project presentation?

  • Beginning with a hook: Start your presentation with a hook that grabs the audience's attention. This may be an intriguing fact, challenging inquiry, or personal story.
  • Talk confidently and clearly: Speak slowly and clearly, so your audience can comprehend you. Maintain eye contact and project your voice to your listeners
  • Concentrate on essentials: Concentrate on essential aspects of your job and avoid becoming mired down in excessive detail.
  • Be prepared: Ensure that your presentation has a clear and logical framework that flows smoothly and is simple to follow.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Repeatedly rehearsing your presentation can make you feel more comfortable and competent with the topic.
  • Maintain the time limit: Ensure that you effectively manage your time during your presentation to cover all of the main points without hurrying or going over the given time.
  • Answer questions effectively: Be ready to handle inquiries from your audience by delivering clear and concise responses.
  • Finalize with a conclusion: Your presentation should conclude with a concise and clear summary of your project and important takeaways.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can produce an excellent presentation for your senior thesis that highlights your hard work and exhibits your subject-matter knowledge.

Tips on How to Make PPT for Final Year P...

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What’s a thesis defense presentation?

As you approach the end of grad or postgrad studies, you’ll probably be required to deliver a thesis defense presentation. This takes place during the final semester and involves speaking about your thesis or dissertation in front of a committee of professors. 

The word “defend” might sound intimidating, but it simply means answering questions about your work. Examiners want to see how knowledgeable you are about your field and if you can back up your arguments with solid and original research. Some departments invite students to a pre-defense, which is like a dress rehearsal for the main event. 

If you’re defending your doctoral thesis or dissertation, the event will be more formal than at Master’s level. In some universities, this is called a PhD viva, which comes from the Latin viva voce, meaning “by live voice”. Basically, it’s time to speak about the 80 thousand words you’ve written! As well as your supervisor, the panel will usually include visiting academics from other institutions. If it’s an “open defense” it will be open to other students and members of the public.

The format varies between different universities, but a thesis defense usually starts with the candidate delivering a short presentation accompanied by slides. This is followed by a question and answer session with the panel. 

How do I design slides for my thesis defense?

The secret to a good thesis defense presentation is a well-designed slide deck. This will act as a visual aid and starting point for the conversation. Structuring your points and illustrating them on the screen will help you present more confidently. 

If the prospect of creating a thesis presentation from scratch is daunting, check out Genially’s free thesis defense templates. Each design has been created by professional graphic designers in collaboration with students and academic experts. 

Choose from hundreds of examples with preset color palettes and easy-to-edit slides. In a few minutes you can outline the content of your thesis in an impressive visual format. No artistic skills required!

How should I structure a thesis presentation?

When you create a thesis defense presentation, the first thing to remember is that it should be short and concise. There’s no need to rewrite your thesis on the slides. Members of the committee will already be familiar with your work, having read the document prior to the event. 

A thesis defense is a conversational, person-to-person event. Examiners don’t want to read large blocks of text on the screen. They want to hear you talking about your research with passion and insight.

With this in mind, your presentation should serve as a starting point or prompt for discussion. Think of your slides as cue cards: use short titles and keywords to remind you of what you want to say. 

Make a good first impression by using a professional thesis defense presentation template with a consistent theme and attractive visuals. Go for a calm color palette and neutral style. The aim is to illustrate your points while keeping the committee focused on what you’re saying. 

A thesis defense usually begins with an introductory presentation lasting 15 to 20 minutes, followed by discussion time. For a 20 minute presentation we recommend a series of about 10 slides. 

Make sure to include an introduction slide or title page that lays out what you’re going to talk about. Next, move on to each part of your thesis. Outline the problem, background and literature review, your research question, methodology and objectives, findings, conclusions, and areas for future research. 

A great thesis presentation should provide the panel with a summary of your research. For that reason, try to avoid dumping too much data or information onto your slides. Use Genially’s interactive infographics, diagrams and charts to highlight the most important points in an eye-catching visual format.

When it comes to the big day and defending your thesis, try to keep calm. Take a deep breath, introduce yourself to the committee and let your slides guide you. Your examiners will come armed with a list of questions, so the formal presentation will flow naturally into a Q&A.

How do I make a good final year project presentation?

If you’re an undergrad, you might be required to deliver a final year project presentation or dissertation presentation. It’s less formal than a graduate degree thesis defense, but the format is similar. You will be asked to present your research findings to faculty and peers with the help of slides. Your performance may count towards your final grade when you’re awarded your Bachelor’s degree.

A good presentation for a final year project should start with a title slide. At this point you should introduce your research question and explain why you chose the topic. If it’s a collaborative project, include a slide that introduces your teammates. 

The core part of your presentation should cover your methodology, findings, conclusions, and scope for future research. Wrap things up by thanking your contributors and invite your audience to ask questions.   

If you’re not sure how to make a final year project presentation, check out Genially’s free presentation slides for students. Choose from hundreds of professional templates that can be customized to any undergraduate or graduate project. With animated graphics and beautiful data visualizations, you can make standout slides in a matter of minutes.

If you’re submitting your presentation to your professor, try including interactive elements. Genially’s presentation builder allows you to embed online data, videos, audio, maps, PDFs, and hyperlinks in your slides. This can be a useful way to provide supporting evidence, sources, and additional documentation. 

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12 Tips To Make Engaging PPT For Final Year Project

Giving a PowerPoint presentation needs a lot of preparation in preparing the slides and presenting. If you have to make a PowerPoint presentation for the final year project , then you need to work harder with your slides. If you are not aware of the PowerPoint design principles then you should learn to create a slide show with your best work. A poorly designed presentation might leave your audience confused and bored. If you are wondering, something is incorrect about your presentation, then, there are a few tips that will make your PowerPoint presentation engrossing and engaging. Ensure that the audience does not zone out and stop listening. You should also include specific self-explanatory slides and, your presentation should also include the main ideas and keywords to induce talking points.

Are you thinking about how to choose the correct keywords for your presentation, then scroll down to get your answer?

Table of Contents

Tips To Make PPT For A Final Year Project

1. plan your content first.


While making a presentation, the goal is to tell a story while sharing the necessary content. So, to inform the audience and also persuade them to adopt our point of view, the presenter should identify and plan the content first. Thus, you need to identify all the parts of the story to accomplish your goals and use this presentation to tell your story.

2. The Research

If you are making PPT for the mini-project, then, there is a strong need for research. Research all the ideas, and then pick the right ideas that you want to present. Break all the ideas into small parts to explain. Each part must be well researched for the presenter to be well prepared.

3. Keep It Simple

keep presentation simple

The slide should be like a canvas to share your story. You should not include extraneous details in the templates, figures, graphs, and tables. The process of cognitive learning for the user information can be eased with simple slides. The additional piece of information makes it hard for your audience to follow the presentation.

4. Keep Font Big (30 Px Onward Is Preferable)

The font should be readable to the audience, and thus, it is advisable to keep a font size of 30 points. If your presentation room is large, it should be big enough for everyone in the back row to read the slides. How much text should be included in your slides?

5. Choose Readable Colours And Fonts

clear fonts in final year presentation

You should choose script-based fonts that are easy to read in terms of calligraphy. A font that is easy to read and concise should be chosen. It will ensure that your presentation does not overshadow the talking points.

6. Follow The 5/5/5 Rule

To keep the audience from feeling overwhelmed, keep the text on every slide short. It should be to the point. It is suggested that you use the 5/5/5 rule, which means no more than five words per line, five lines per slide, and five text-heavy slides consecutively.

7. Use A Plain Background And Remove Any Unnecessary Detail

Remove Any Unnecessary Detail

You do not want to take your audience’s interest away from the significant information. Thus, it is suggested that a plain background be used and the slide should not contain any unnecessary details. Which are the best apps to find themes for your PPT?

8. Use Pictures Appropriately

A fun or thematic presentation should not have more than the necessary pictures. You should choose easily decipherable pictures. For this reason, you should avoid script-based fonts and stick solely to serif and sans serif fonts.

9. Don’t Mention More Than 6 Points In Each Slide

Another rule of presentation is the 6×6 rule. It states that the slide must have no more than six bullet points. Each line in the slide should not have over six words. The rule helps to avoid dense and packed content on the slide.

10. One Idea Per Slide

One Idea Per presentation Slide

A basic rule of presentation is that you should have just a few bullet points on every slide. If you do not add any bullet points, this will also help in keeping your audience engaged. If you need to add bullets; then, you should ensure that there are only a few bullets on every slide.

11. Add One Of Those Points Which You Are Good At

The presenter must use a few points on which they are confident. If you are well versed with some information and can present it well, then adding it to your presentation will make you look confident. Include some ideas in the presentation, to make it look more personal and authentic.

12. Don’t Use Too Many Colours, Animation, And Sound Effects

PowerPoint themes have the option of including premade colours, animations, and sound effects. Some of them are a little bland and take away the focus of your audience. Instead, you can use other apps to add engrossing colours and themes to your presentation.

If you want to create an effective project presentation PPT for final year engineering , then these tips will be helpful. You can use the final year PPT presentation tips to create a presentation that is well remembered. If you have to prepare a solo presentation then, you should spend some time creating an effective presentation. There is nothing worse than watching the speaker repeatedly hunt for information. To avoid such embarrassment, you should follow all the above points and create a presentation and present effectively.

  • Final Year Tips

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Home Blog Business How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

How To Create a Project Presentation: A Guide for Impactful Content

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Corporate, academic, and business meetings share one common factor: successfully delivering project presentations. This is one skill professionals should harness in terms of articulating ideas, presenting plans, and sharing outcomes through an effective project presentation.

In this fast-paced reality where new tools and frameworks make us question the human factor value, we believe there’s much to be said about how working towards building presentation skills can make a difference, especially for making a project stand out from the crowd and have a lasting impact on stakeholders. We can no longer talk about simply disclosing information, the manner in which the narrative is built, how data is introduced, and several other factors that speak of your expertise in the subject.

This article will explore the art of project presentation, giving insights to presenters to deliver a memorable project plan presentation. Whether you are new to this experience or a seasoned presenter, this article promises to give you valuable information on how to build and present a project presentation that resonates with your target audience and will convert into your expected results for the project. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Who is the audience of a project presentation?

Executive Summary

Project overview, the project process model, the project scope, the project resources, the project roadmap, the project activities plan, the project risks, quality control, project execution and monitoring.

  • The Project Team

What Is a Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a business activity that brings together stakeholders and team members to oversee a project from execution to completion. During a project presentation, one or two people present a document or slide deck with an overview of all the project’s details.

During a project presentation, the project manager highlights key data about the project initiation and planning activities, like the project scope, requirements gathering, a deliverable list, timelines, and milestones.

The first instance of a project presentation is right before the execution of the project itself. Then, during the project process life cycle, you present it again with timely updates and news about the progress.

Who is the audience of a project presentation? 

A project-related audience is made up of stakeholders – all individuals and entities that affect or are affected by the project’s existence.

Discuss the project presentation with team members that’ll work on the project so they know what’s at stake and what’s expected of them. They’ll need information like requirements, the roadmap, the work breakdown structure, and deliverables.


Present your project to the stakeholders that can authorize resources and expenditures. Show them how the project will offer the solutions they want under the conditions they impose in a set amount of time. 

Stakeholders want to know details like project scope, budget breakdowns, timing calculations, risk assessments, and how you plan to confront these risks and be ready for changes. 

The Structure of a Project Presentation

Project presentations follow a standard structure covering all critical elements. Follow this guideline to ensure that you cover everything with the slides, the speech, and the discussion.

In the next section, we describe a project presentation structure you can build with SlideModel templates or working with our AI PowerPoint generator . As you will see, most sections in the structure are summaries or overviews of project management practices completed during initiation and planning. 

At the start of your presentation, add an executive summary slide . This section is meant to welcome the viewer to the presentation and give an idea of what’s to come. To differentiate your executive summary from the project overview that comes right after it, use the opportunity to place the project into context. 

In an executive summary , show how this particular project fits into the overall strategy for the company or the section it belongs to. If, for example, your project is about TikTok Marketing, offer information as to how it fits in the overall marketing strategy.

Continue the presentation with a project overview to show the audience what to expect. This section covers one slide or a combination of slides depending on the layout. The project overview slide serves as the introduction to a project presentation and what’s inside.

Include these items:

  • An Introduction with a brief background about the project. 
  • A short explanation of the project’s objectives and completion goals.
  • A quick overview of the timeline with start and end dates.

Project Overview representation in a Project Presentation

The project life cycle is the series of phases that a project goes through from its inception to its completion. The project process model is the group of knowledge areas, processes, and their relationships that will guide the activities along the project lifecycle. The next slide should display the chosen project process model and explain how it’ll be carried out along the different lifecycle phases. Project process models examples include Waterfall, Scrum, and V Model for software development, and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Swimlane for general business-related projects.

Process models are important for the team to understand execution processes. Stakeholders need to see the process model to understand the systematic process of activities and how long they will take. 

Use one slide for the model, show only high-level components, and offer details during the presentation if the audience asks for them.

The scope is a crucial element of any project and needs its own section in the presentation. The scoping process begins with requirements gathering and includes the creation of a work breakdown structure , an analysis of what’s in and out of scope, plus validation and scope management plans. 

One or two slides are enough to highlight key scope details in a dashboard-style layout mirroring the information on your project scope statement. Preferably, place the scope slides towards the start of the project presentation close to the process model and project resources.

Stages of a Project Scope

Every project needs resources, and that assessment must be included in the project presentation as well. In a general sense, all resources are what make up the overall budget for the project. In turn, you’ll need to show a budget breakdown that shows high-level resources.

Like many aspects of a project presentation, what you include depends on the industry you’re working for. Construction projects use constructors, materials, machinery, etc. Software projects use programmers, designers, software licenses, computers, etc.

Budget breakdown slide in a project presentation

Time is the main resource of any project. During project planning, the project management team estimates the required effort needed to complete the defined scope. Using the Project Process Model, Scope, and Resources, a plan is built. Present a roadmap to highlight the expected time for project completion and where each milestone falls along that line.

Roadmaps can be constructed with an infinite variety of visual layouts, from highly creative and illustrative to structured formats resembling spreadsheets and tables with color-coded roadmaps across the cells. Use one slide to show the roadmap highlighting time estimates, constraints, and projections. For updated project presentations, mark where the project is on the roadmap at that particular moment in time.

Project roadmap

Every phase of the roadmap is broken down into action plans . Action plans list activities, their duration, allocated resources (human, material, and financial), and the relationship between activities.

Present your project activities plan with a Gantt Chart and a Costs Report. The Gantt Chart will show the activities to execute, how long they will take, and who (person or team) will be responsible for them. The costs reports will show how much the execution of activities will cost.

During the presentation, you’ll spend the most time on this section, as this is when and where your entire plan is outlined. To show more detail than the roadmap overview, use a few slides to show specific sections of the main Gantt chart and show key activities per phase or milestone.

Project activities plan

All projects present risks, and to control them, they must be identified, assessed, evaluated, and mitigated . Visualize your risk assessment with a risk matrix and include it in the project presentation. 

Use this slide to explain to stakeholders how you plan to mitigate the identified risks. Share with team members what’s expected of them in order to keep the risks under control. Risk management is a critical component of project management and something stakeholders will always be looking at.

Risk matrices formats

Controlling the quality of project deliverables is critical for positive project outcomes and continued success with the deliverable. This process is called quality control or quality assurance.

The project process model includes which quality control techniques the team will use and when. Some quality assurance (QA) techniques include statistical process control (SPC), Six Sigma, ISO 9000, and Total Quality Management (TQM). Use one slide to visualize the process and your plan to execute it.

Once the project starts, the project plan is a living entity and evolves over time. This section will need to be regularly updated with progress reports, performance KPIs, and status updates.

Across these slides, explain how activities will be monitored and deliverable outcomes measured. Show exactly how you will determine if the project is on course or has deviations. Visualize all execution activities with a Gantt chart to show the current progress. Use big numbers and data points to highlight performance metrics. Use a comparison slide to visualize the completeness percentage vs. planned progress and budget consumption vs. planned budget.

Explain all monitoring activities for the execution phase using a calendar or schedule that shows on what days activities will take place and who is involved.

presentation slide for final year project

The Project Team 

When presenting a project, include a stakeholder map to describe the management team, the sponsors, the main stakeholders, and the implementation team or teams. Depending on the size of the project, this will be an org chart or multiple org charts across a few slides.

Why is it important to present the project team to the stakeholders and vice versa? So that everyone involved knows the other parties and their responsibilities.

Another use for the team slide or slides is to present the next person who will speak during the project presentation. This gives the audience some background on that person’s role in the project.

Visual org chart of the project team

Case Study – Project Presentation Example

Using the structure we present above, we outlined a case study of a realistic project and how the project manager puts together the project presentation using SlideModel templates. The project presentation example is based on a complex project of building a bridge (Cline Avenue Bridge). For the educational purpose of this article, we are not delivering all the elements of the project presentation, as it is out of scope. Still, we illustrate the more representative slides of each section, show how to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation for a project and how simple it is to adapt the templates to the content that needs to be presented. As a disclaimer, all information we present is an adaptation and reinterpretation of the real project, modified by SlideModel to fit the use case learning goals. This information and presentation should not be considered a source of information related to the Cline Avenue Bridge Project.

In this slide, the presenter summarises the project highlights in a project charter style. The Project Manager can extend this introduction all over the project lifecycle, and the speech can jump from different knowledge areas without the need to change slides or get deeper into details. Specifically, in the Cline Bridge Project, the objective is narrated, the location is just mentioned and linked to a map for further details, and a set of important facts are presented (Building Information Modelling Process, Budget, Duration, Sponsor, and Constructor). Key Highlights of the final deliverable are listed (Segmental Bridge, Material Concrete, 1.7 miles of length and 46 feet of width)

Project Presentation Project Overview Slide

Process Model

The Process Model slide illustrates the framework for the project lifecycle, processes, planning, and execution. In this slide, the Project Manager will describe the model and how it is tailored to the specifics of the project. In this case, for the development and construction of the Cline Bridge, the builder has defined the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as the process model. During this slide, the presenter can describe the lifecycle phases (Design, Production, Construction, Operation, and Planning) and drill down one level over the knowledge practices involved. For example, the initial stage consists of “Design”, which has two main knowledge areas, Conceptual Design, and Detailed Design. The project manager is able to explain this definition without the need to outline detailed processes and activities within them.

building information modelling project process model

The Scope section of the presentation generally involves several slides, as the content layout is a list of “requirements.” Based on this fact, a table layout is suggested to make good use of space. It is important to avoid abusing the “list” and present the group of requirements rather than specific requirements. Otherwise, the project manager ends up transcribing the requirements document.

In this project presentation example, we present 10 groups of requirements traversing different stages of the project lifecycle. 

  • Design Standards: Bridge design must comply with local, national, and international design standards, including relevant engineering and safety codes
  • Load Capacity: The bridge must be designed to safely carry a specific maximum load, which would include the weight of the bridge itself, traffic, pedestrians, wind, and other factors.
  • Seismic Design: The design must account for seismic loads. 
  • Aesthetic Design: The bridge must be designed to meet certain aesthetic criteria aligned with the artists and architects.
  • Accessibility and Use Requirements: Requirements for pedestrian walkways, bike lanes, vehicle lanes, load restrictions for vehicles, clearance heights for boats if over a waterway, etc.
  • Regulatory Approvals: The project must secure all necessary permits and approvals from relevant local and national regulatory bodies.
  • Environmental Impact: The project must take steps to minimize its environmental impact during construction and the operation of the bridge, including implementing erosion and sediment controls.
  • Materials Simulation: Materials should comply with regulations and usage expectations for current and future expected requirements.
  • Site Preparation: The project must include preparation of the construction site, including any necessary land clearing or grading.
  • Foundations Construction: Foundations will need to support materials weight and traffic expected for the next 30 years.
  • Site Acquisition: Acquire site and terrain for building and logistics.

build bridge project presentation scope slide

Building a bridge involves a high level of resource usage. In an executive meeting of a project presentation, the recommendation is to structure this section as a Financial table with only one level of detail. Further details are delegated to specific resources and cost analysis presentations.

The resources list presented is:

  • Professional Services
  • Construction Labour
  • Quality Assurance
  • Contingency
  • Waste Disposal and Cleanup
  • Subcontractors

In order to break the style of table after table during the project presentation, we suggest using visual elements as icons and colors metaphorically related to each of the elements listed.

project presentation resources slide template

Project Roadmap

As explained earlier in the article, the project roadmap serves to offer a comprehensive overview of the significant milestones that will happen over the course of time. Given the magnitude of a bridge construction project and its prolonged duration, it is advisable, particularly for such extensive endeavours, to present a roadmap that aligns milestones with corresponding lifecycle phases in a discernible manner. This approach enables the audience to mentally envision the sequential progression of the construction process.

Aligned with previous slides, in the example we created a roadmap with the following high level milestones, and sub componentes:

  • Project Budgeting and Financing
  • Land Purchase & Renting
  • Conceptual Design
  • Detailed Design
  • Access Routes
  • Waste Disposal
  • Simulations
  • Materials Tests
  • Seismic Tests
  • Fabrication
  • Preparation of Modular Pieces
  • Build and Assembly
  • Test under Acceptance Criteria
  • Stress Test
  • Operation and Maintenance

As you can see, the Project Manager decided over a sequential roadmap, presented with little detail in timings, with start and end dates to picture dimension over the diagram.

project roadmap template case study build a bridge

Action Plan

In the bridge construction project of the example, there will be plenty of activity plans. All along the project several of these slides will be created and updated. The most suitable option for presentation tasks, durations, precedence relationship and resource allocation is the Gantt Chart Template. We present the first Quarter of the project, over the Conceptual Design Activities. 

As displayed in the PowerPoint Slide , the subtitle clarifies the number of slides that will be used for this purpose.

The activities presented are:

  • Site Analysis
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Design Concepts
  • BIM Model Creation
  • Model Revision
  • Environmental Impact
  • Present Design

action plan conceptual design project presentation

Project Risks

Risk management is an iterative process all over the project life cycle. When presenting your projects, the risks will vary depending on the progress over the roadmap. For this specific example we decided to present the risks being discussed during the Ideation stage, where the developer is exchanging risks with contractors and the company that will build the bridge.

Our suggested layout for this kind of information is a simple table, where the risks are clearly readable and visible, while the description is a hint for discussion rather than an in depth explanation.

It is very important to classify the presented risks, at least with two dimensions; “Impact” and “Probability”. This will generate quality conversations around them. 

Outlined Risks during the Initiation Phase:

  • Design Errors
  • Construction Delays
  • Budget Overruns
  • Regulatory Changes
  • Site Conditions
  • Equipment Failures
  • Health and Safety Incidents

As the reader can spot, the risks outlined, are very high level, and each of them will trigger specific Risk Analysis Reports.

project presentations risks outline slide powerpoint template

The quality control section of the project presentation may vary depending on the quality process adopted. For large scale companies with a uniform portfolio of projects , it is common to see a continuous improvement quality model, which iteratively builds quality over the different projects (for example software companies) For construction companies like the example, the situation is not different, and the quality control model is aligned with the specific building process model. In this specific case, the project manager is presenting the quality control process to be applied over the BIM model and the Quality Control process to be followed for the physical construction of the bridge:

project presentation case study quality control BIM process model

Execution and Monitoring

During the project, several status meetings will be carried out. During the project presentation the manager can establish the pattern to be used along the project.

For this example, we set a basic progress dashboard where the project manager can present : 

  • The current timeline
  • Top 5 issues
  • Current Burndown
  • Top 5 risks.

project presentation case study PowerPoint dashboard

The art of project presentation goes beyond listing data in random slides. A project presentation is a powerful tool to align stakeholders and foster an environment of trust and collaboration over factual information.

With a structured approach, all members involved in the project design and execution can understand the direction that’s being taken and the importance behind certain decisions. We hope these insights can turn your project into a powerful presentation that inspires and deliver results.

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Making Awesome Presentations: Tips and Tricks for Great Project Defense

Final year project presentation and defense  has come to remain, and the only path to graduate in Nigerian universities is to at least defend what you have written (or copied and paste) in a convincing manner.

Gone are those days when you might just copy and paste information from the web and submit to your supervisor.

Our Nigerian university system has changed – you must be good at presentations to defend your project work to be able to obtain your degree.

Sometimes students mistake themselves with content of the work. The simple truth is that it’s better to become more confident with poor content, than to be unable to defend an awesome research work .

In this specific post, I will hand out some useful guidelines about how you could have an awesome final year project presentation and defense. let’s ride!

Final Year Project Presentation

Presentation is the way that you are going to sell your products. You might face with different situations. Some departments ask students to present the outcome of their projects in front of a panel of academic staff in a way that is expected for a viva in postgraduates.

However, many departments are not asking for this kind of presentations. As this post aims to help postgraduates in their final project as well, I decided to dedicate a 1080 word count to this post. As undergraduate students, even if you are not requested to present your final year project, the guide can be useful in other situations when you have to do so.

final year project presentation

Final year project presentation is an activity, which takes place in a short period, usually between 10 to 20 minutes. Therefore, its structure, preparation, contents, and delivery should be very well designed and implemented.

Presentation provides you with a unique opportunity within which you are able to introduce your capabilities on the subject, understanding of the chosen topics, and presenting the results and outcomes of your project. In this post, I will give some specific explanation on how you can prepare yourself for this important event .

Do not forget that this activity must have been planned and scheduled in your project plan and you should be very careful on the timing of the event.

Final Year Project Presentation Structure

Your final year project presentation should be organized based on the allowed timing. Below I will provide two scenarios.

In the first scenario, I assume that you have 20 minutes, which has been divided to three sections; 5 minutes for preparing the venue, 10 minutes for your presentation, and 5 minutes for question and answers.

In the second scenario, I assume that you have 30 minutes of which 5 minutes are for preparation, 15 minutes for your presentation, and 10 minutes for questions and answers.

Let me know here if you need help to prepare your presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple i-Work as they help to organize your presentation in an efficient manner. In addition, I can provide you with some predefined templates, which make your job easier to do.

However, if your department requires you to prepare your presentation based on a departmental template then you are obliged to follow their template and structure.

Below you can find two proposed structures for your final year presentation. In these samples, presentation timing, its agenda, proposed title for each slide, and proposed timing of each section/slide have been shown. These suggestions should not be taken for granted. They are not rigid suggestions.

Final year project presentation is a very constructive activity and you should show your creativity in composing it. Therefore, take these samples as a guideline and be creative as much as you can.

The first structure has been proposed for 20 minutes as below:

project defense

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The second presentation structure has been proposed for 30 minutes as below:

project defense

Preparation for Your Final Year Project Presentation

Preparation has two stages. The main stage should be finished at lease several days before the actual presentation. Below you can find some useful tips that you can consider with regard to the presentation preparation.

Make sure that you have scheduled this activity in your project plan. In addition, it is a good practice if you ask your supervisor to review your presentation before you go live.

You might be asked to present a quick show on your product, if the product is software. In this case, you have to check with your supervisor to arrange the presentation venue to be ready for you in terms of required hardware and software.

Final Year Project Defence

Rehearsal for Your Final Year Project Presentation

Presentation is a skill. You have to practice it in order to become a skillful presenter. I assume that many of you have had at least one presentation. Presentation is similar to a play, and therefore, you have to rehearse it. There are different ways of rehearsal.

The best method can be in front of some similar audience and in the same venue that the presentation is expected to be performed. However, this is not something that is always possible.

Consequently, you have to rehearse it at home alone or in front of your family, possibly your siblings, or in hostel in front of your roommates, in campus in front of your classmates, or in front of your supervisor.

If none of these is the case, then try it in front of a mirror ! Have a clock in front of you; look at your gestures; or if you are using presentation software utilize its automatic slide movement.

Presenting Live:Your Final Year Project Defense

This is the time when your show is going live. Below you can find some tips about it.

project defense

The Bottom Line

Presentation is the time that you sell your product. A good presentation requires some specific skills, which, hopefully, you have gained and practiced during your study.

Some good rules of thumb help you to provide an attractive presentation. Moreover, you can find useful resources available on the Internet that can guide you in this regard.

However, an important step is to rehearse your presentation in front of some audience, your classmates and university fellows for example. This rehearse step can give you more confidence while when you are going to provide your real show. Moreover, it can reveal some flaws and problems in your presentation.


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About The Author

presentation slide for final year project

Ansa John is a content writer at EduAnsa . He writes to inspire young people by providing educational yet engaging content and connecting them with scholarship and internship opportunities that help set them up for success after graduation. Download my FREE eBook: *How to Easily Secure Your Internship* - Follow Ansa on LinkedIn

presentation slide for final year project

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final year project

Final Year Project

Apr 07, 2019

300 likes | 1.37k Views

Final Year Project . The FYP is as it sounds; a year-long project that evolves through three written phases: the Proposal the Progress Report the Final Report At the end of the cycle, you are also required to give a presentation of your work and to construct a poster .

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  • total time span
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  • final year project


Presentation Transcript

Final Year Project The FYP is as it sounds; a year-long project that evolves through three written phases: the Proposal the Progress Report the Final Report At the end of the cycle, you are also required to give a presentation of your work and to construct a poster. The proposal should be typed using Times New Roman font (size 12) with double spacing on one side of A4 sized paper. Allow 1.5in (38mm) margin on the left and 1.0in margin elsewhere.

For the three written phases of the project, it is important to realize that each is derived from the phase before it. Thus, there is a lot of thinking, planning, and writing involved in putting together the Proposal. • The Progress Report evolves from the Proposal -- it should not be a completely new document. Far too many students spend an exorbitant amount of time reinventing the wheel, drafting completely new introductions for their Progress Report and their FYP. • Work smart -- put time and effort into thinking and reading about your topic at the Proposal phase. Then, when coming to the Progress Report and the FYP, break the information down into three subgroups:

information that is > 50% new • information that is < 50% new • information that can be recycled • This will provide a logical plan regarding how your team should prioritize writing time

Proposal • Structure • Title Page • Table of Contents • Introduction • Methodology • Project Planning • Hardware and Software Requirements • References • Appendices

Table of Contents

Introduction • gives the project a context • explains why the project is important • states what the FYP aims to accomplish and how • provides objectives • identifies possible problems or complications • is written for a non-specialist

Example: • Gaming, as both a cultural phenomenon and a lucrative global business [why the project is important], has enjoyed enormous success over the past five years.  With this increase in popularityhas come a demand for more sophisticated 3D modeling. [context]  The push in the industry is for smoother, seamless graphics. [problem] For this project, we will design a software program intended to greatly enhance the capabilities of 3D Studio Max to produce more realistic graphics. [state what the proposal aims to accomplish and how] • Think of your objectives as what you want to accomplish and what you need to learn [software packages, algorithms] • What is your project objective? • Describe the scope of your project • Describe how you are going to achieve your objective • What are the problems that you will address and why? • What are your goals? What can you deliver? • What are the technical challenges and how do you plan to overcome these?

Example: • For all its strengths, GPS has two related weaknesses: signal reception and the accuracy of  local information. Overcoming these weaknesses would greatly enhance its performance, thereby stimulating a new generation in GPS technology and design [1].  We will create an algorithm that addresses the problem of local positioning [1] while... • In this project, we will achieve the following goals: X, Y and Z [2].To achieve the first goal, we will review the literature on algorithm design and....[3] The technical challenges involved in reaching this first goal are...[3]

Methodology • Begin your methodology with a clear description of what you were doing during the summer: literature survey/ feasibility study and/or a critical review. You do not need to address all the questions below, just the ones that are relevant to your project. • What is the history of your project topic? • What are experts in the field discussing that relates to  your topic? • What are the trade-offs? • What is the latest research? • What is the state-of-the-art in your project area?

Example • Design - Figure out what the sub-problems are and what approach to take or what theory to investigate. • theory based • conceptual • Implementation - Build it • tools? • technical skills based • Testing - How are you going to ensure that it [the program/ game/ etc.] works correctly?  [black box/ white box/ regression testing] • look at the project from a micro level • include experiments • look at system results • test each part of the system • make sure that design and implementation work • Evaluation - Evaluate your results relative to your stated objective: • look at the project from a macro level • measure performance • compare your system/model with one or more (a) baseline systems/models, and/or (b) similar competing systems/models

Project Planning • All projects require planning including an outline of who in the team is doing what and when; thus, you will need to include a Gantt chart. • A Gantt chart is constructed with a horizontal axis representing the total time span of the project, broken down into increments (for example, days, weeks, or months) and a vertical axis representing the tasks that make up the project (for example, if the project is outfitting your computer with new software, the major tasks involved might be: conduct research, choose software, install software). Horizontal bars of varying lengths represent the sequences, timing, and time span for each task. Using the same example, you would put "conduct research" at the top of the verticle axis and draw a bar on the graph that represents the amount of time you expect to spend on the research, and then enter the other tasks below the first one and representative bars at the points in time when you expect to undertake them. The bar spans may overlap, as, for example, you may conduct research and choose software during the same time span. As the project progresses, secondary bars, arrowheads, or darkened bars may be added to indicate completed tasks, or the portions of tasks that have been completed. A vertical line is used to represent the report date.

Citations and References • Throughout the paper, you must provide citations whenever you paraphrase and/or summarize someone else's ideas and when you use a direct quote. The citation style preferred by the COMP department is the number system. • Not providing citations hurts your team and your work in several ways. First, it makes your team look like a bunch of amateurs. Second, it discredits your work. Third, providing no citations equals plagiarism-the academic equivalent to robbery. Examples of what constitutes plagiarism.

References • Under the Harvard System, references are made by giving the author's surname together with the year of publication. In the text, the year of publication appears within parentheses after the author's surname if the latter forms part of a sentence; for examples, Ch'ng (1986) or Saleh and Zainuddin (1987) or, where there are more than two authors, Nagendran • In contrast, both the author's surname and the year of publication appear within parentheses if the author's surname does not form aprt of a sentence; for example: (Omar & Tan, 1989).

At the end of the thesis, all the references cited are listed in alphabetical order. • There is no necessity to number the references. References to periodicals should be listed as follows: • aauthors' surnames and initials (instead of first author, year of publication in parentheses, exact title of paper, contracted title of periodical in italics (or underlined), volume number in Arabic figures double underline (or in bold print), initial and final page numbers of article. For example: • Kalotas, T.M. & Lee, A.R. (1990). A simple device to illustrate angular momentum conservation and instability. Am. J. Phys. 58(1), 80-81.

In the Harvard System, the titles of books are in italics followed by the town and publisher. For example: • Conn, E.E., Stumpf, P.K., Bruening, G. & Doi, R.H. (1987). Outlines ofBiochemistry, 3th edn.New York: John Wiley & Sons. • Reference from an edited book may be written thus: • Hocking, A.D. (1988). Moulds and yeasts associated with foods of reduced water activity: ecological interactions. In Food Preservation by Moisture Control (Seow, C.C., ed.), p. 57-72. London: Elsevier Applied Sci. Publ.

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Final Year Project Thesis Defense

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Download the "Final Year Project Thesis Defense" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Congratulations, you have finally finished your research and made it to the end of your thesis! But now comes the big moment: the thesis defense. You want to make sure you showcase your research in the best way possible and impress your advisors. That's where this amazing template comes in. With it, you can be sure that your presentation will be top-notch and you'll be well on your way to success. Create a perfect presentation for your next thesis defense by using this template now!

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  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Final Year Projects Computer Science

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Final Year Projects Computer Science In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Final Year Projects Computer Science In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Final Year Projects Computer Science. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

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