How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Caroline Forsey

Published: January 06, 2021

When you're focused on creating a meaningful, persuasive presentation, it's easy to overlook the cover page. But giving that first page of your deck a little more love can actually go a long way towards grabbing your audience's attention early on and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation.

example of a presentation cover page

A stunning presentation cover page can intrigue your audience into wanting to know more and increase engagement with the information you’re presenting. On the other hand, a lackluster slide, or even the lack of one, can dampen audience enthusiasm for your presentation, and maybe even your own.

You've put so much work into your presentation -- why waste that valuable real estate on the first slide of your deck?

In this post, we'll cover the basics of creating a presentation cover page that's informative and attention-grabbing. Let's dive in.

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What's included in a presentation cover page?

A good presentation cover page accomplishes three simple things:

  • It introduces the topic with a straightforward title.
  • It introduces you (and your organization, if applicable)
  • It sets the tone of your presentation.

We probably don't need to tell you this one, but your presentation cover page should be centered around a title. And ideally, a title that's straightforward, descriptive, and simple. If you're finding it hard to keep your title short, add a subtitle (in smaller print) to clarify what you'll be speaking about.

Presentation Cover Page: title

Next, identify the person (or group) who will be giving the presentation. In some cases, this will be as simple as including your own name, and in others, you'll want to include your company name, logo, department, or other identifying information. As a general guideline, you'll need less identifying information if you're giving an internal presentation.

If your audience is mainly folks outside of your company (or there are plans to distribute your deck externally) you'll typically want to include more information to identify your company clearly.

Presentation Cover Page: speaker

A successful cover page sets the "tone" of your deck -- but what does that really mean? The colors, imagery, fonts, and placements of different elements on your cover page all create a specific visual style that the rest of your deck should follow.

A well-designed page conveys a sense of professionalism and preparedness that a simple monochrome text slide simply cannot. Even if you're not a design expert, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of your cover page. Fortunately, it's easier than ever to find free, professional-looking presentation templates without needing a degree in graphic design. Whatever you choose, it's important to remain relevant to your presentation (and, if applicable, your company's branding).

We'll explore a few examples of cover pages below so you can see how different elements converge to set the tone for a variety of different presentations.

Presentation Cover Page Examples

Below, we've compiled a number of presentation cover pages that succeed in different areas. Remember: there's no single perfect format for a presentation cover page, but hopefully, you get some inspiration from this list.

Setting An Emotional Tone

The right presentation page can set an emotional tone as well as a visual one. This presentation cover page for a nonprofit conveys a mission-driven approach to protecting nature, with a well-selected, relevant image, and a call-to-action directly in the subtitle. (Photo by Andy Køgl on Unsplash )

Presentation Cover Page Example 1

Focusing on a Photo

You don't need to overcomplicate the format of your cover page, especially if you have a great photo to use as a full background image. A simple stock photo here provides a clean backdrop for this presentation on remote work. Just make sure your title text is legible over any background photo you decide to use. (Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash )

Presentation Cover Page Example 2

Leading With Your Brand

Even if you're the central speaker for a presentation, it might make more sense to highlight your team or brand on your cover page, instead of including your own personal information (you can always include your own contact info at the end of your deck for follow-up questions). Context (if you're speaking at a particular event or annual meeting) can be important to highlight as well on your cover page.

Presentation Cover Page Example 3

There's a big difference between a cover slide you didn't put much thought into and a slide that makes good use of whitespace and leans on strong copy. Sometimes, the best way to lead an audience into your presentation is to create space for a little mystery.

If you're giving a more casual presentation or a pitch that doesn't need to follow a particular format, consider going the minimal route and opening with a simple cover page slide that asks your audience a question (one that you of course plan to answer).

Presentation Cover Page Example 4

Set a Purpose

Many presentations include an agenda slide directly after your cover slide, but that doesn't mean you can use your cover slide to set a clear purpose upfront. Consider using your subtitle to explain a more robust (but still simple!) description of what you'll cover.

Presentation Cover Page Example 5

Presentation Cover Page Templates

Instead of creating your presentation cover page from scratch, using a template can take much of the work out of the process. Check out these websites for templates that you can use for your presentation or for inspiration to create your own designs.

A tried-and-true favorite of many marketing teams, Canva offers up a wide selection of modern, drag-and-drop presentation templates with truly unique cover pages. If you're on the hunt for a cover page that looks like you hired a graphic designer to create it just for you, Canva is a good place to start your search. Canva offers both free and paid options.

Presentation Cover Page Example 6 has an intuitive, highly-customizable presentation builder that allows you to import your own visual elements directly from your computer or a Dropbox folder. Like Canva, they offer a number of free and paid template options (with great cover pages). Their biggest differentiating feature is their (frankly, very cool) adaptive AI technology, which intuits how you're trying to design a slide and makes changes automatically to suit the direction of your project.

Presentation Cover Page Example 7

For a completely free option with cover page starter template to suit a wide range of different projects across different formats, check out EDIT. Their online tool is specifically designed to create cover pages in a simple, easy-to-use interface.

Presentation Cover Page Example 8

Another highly-customizable template source is Visme, which gives users the ability to select a starting template from their (expansive) library and customize elements in a simple web editor.

Presentation Cover Page Example 9

VectorStock ®

VectorStock® has a massive selection of PowerPoint presentation cover page templates for purchase if you're looking for something that's ready to plug and go without the need for customization (beyond adding your own name and title, of course).

Presentation Cover Page Example 10

First Impressions Matter

For better or worse, audiences will judge a presentation by its cover page. Because of this, it’s vital that you give your cover page the care and attention that it deserves. Ultimately, a cover page isn't simply a placeholder, it’s a vital component that can drum up interest for your presentation. The best part is that with the tools available online, you don’t have to be an artist to create a stunning presentation cover page.

The featured image on this post was created using a Canva template.

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Home / How to Design a Presentation Cover Page to Grab Your Audience’s Attention — and Keep It!

How to Design a Presentation Cover Page to Grab Your Audience’s Attention — and Keep It!

You’ve done all the hard work. You’ve created the content, structured your presentation, designed your slides, and now it’s time for the final step — creating a cover page.

But there’s a little problem…..You have no idea how to do it.

You’re tempted to just type out your presentation’s title and call it a day. How important can a cover page really be, anyway?

Well, hold up. You know the saying: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? 

When it comes to PowerPoint and Google Slides decks, your cover page is your first impression. And just as our first impressions of people set the tone for future interactions, your cover page sets the tone for your entire presentation .

In this post we’ll be discussing how to design an impressive and effective cover page.

Let’s get started.

What to include on your cover page and why

4 design options for engaging and memorable presentation cover pages, go big with your imagery, go big with your icons, make use of strong colors and shapes, type-only cover, and a quick bonus tip…, ready to design your cover page.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template Design Presentation Cover Page to Grab Attention What to Include

Let’s start with the basics, there are 3 essential elements to include on any cover page:

Presentation title

This is a phrase that summarizes the central theme of your presentation, and/or communicates the value your audience will receive. When writing a title make sure it is clear, concise and engaging . Something super literal — “Health and safety at work presentation” — might be true, but what’s the emotional hook? “Where’s the first aid kit? Follow these 10 tips and never hear this question again” is much more likely to get attention.

Contact information

You want people to be able to get in touch after your presentation, should they have any questions, feedback or further opportunities for you.

But consider who you’re talking to. Is email appropriate? Or is it better to include your Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram handle — do you want people to follow you and tag you in their thoughts? For pitch presentations , we’d say email. For networking events, social media.

Company logo

You’ve invested in your business’s visual brand language, so why not show it off? Including your company logo shows the audience that your work is legitimate and professional.

An additional tip: if you’re presenting to a client or organization, consider also including their logo for a personalized (and flattering) touch.  

As we touched on before, your presentation cover page will say a lot about what you’re going to share. 

A badly-designed, or sloppy, cover page suggests a lack of effort — and that the rest of your work is subpar, too. A captivating cover page will help you stand out from the crowd; getting the audience excited about what you’re about to say.

Following these four tips, and you’ll have the attention of everyone in the room:

Images are an important part of any visual presentation. Great images capture an audience’s imagination, cause them to feel emotion , and evoke a visceral reaction — all in ways that text alone cannot. 

Better still, there’s lots of ways to use images on your cover page.

The simplest would be making a photograph the focal point of the page by centralizing or enlarging it, to take up 60-70% of the screen.

Another would be using a photo as the background and placing text over it. A word of warning though: make sure your text remains legible, by paying attention to the color and size.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template Design Presentation Cover Page to Grab Attention Big Photos

Whichever approach you choose, there are 5 key things to keep in mind:

  • The photo must be a high-resolution image — that means it won’t pixelate or go fuzzy, even when projected onto a big screen.
  • There should be a clear link between the photo and the message being conveyed in your presentation. Literal imagery is fine , but you should take time to consider what the best image for your presentation could be.
  • The photo mustn’t “crowd” the page — make sure to leave enough negative space, even if it’s just for your text to be legible
  • Avoid using complex, distracting or overwhelming photos.
  • Use photos with colors that match your brand and/or presentation’s color scheme. And if you can’t find any, try rendering the desired photo with color overlays.

In many cases, icons work just as well as imagery.

In fact, because they’re more minimalistic in their form, they might be better suited for audiences who favor eye-pleasing simplicity.

But it’s important to understand that “simplicity” doesn’t mean a lack of character. When used properly, icons can be a great way to communicate a whole range of metaphors, emotions and aesthetics.

For example, icons with square corners appear modern and communicate a feeling of sophistication. While icons that look hand-drawn convey something more laid-back and casual.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template Design Presentation Cover Page to Grab Attention Big Icons

But, as with choosing images for your presentation, there’s a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use only high-quality icons and avoid ClipArt at all costs . A great place to find some free, well-designed icons is The Noun Project .
  • The size, scale and positioning of your icons can alter their meaning. Icons placed off to the side, in an unusual position, will create intrigue — as will icons that only partly appear on the page. Big icons really deliver a punch, while smaller ones can feel more refined.
  • Consider the color palette you’re using, too. A little bit of contrast in your color scheme adds visual flair — and shows you’ve thought about what you’re doing. Aim for at least 2 colors, and use them to contrast the icon against the background, or use them in the icon itself.

Of all the basic design elements, color is the most powerful for evoking emotion. And the right combination of shapes and colors can really excite and draw your audience in.

Think about the mood or tone you’re trying to set in your presentation, and choose a color that matches it . You can either apply this color in one shape, or use it to create numerous, smaller graphics.

Or, if you’re feeling bold, you can try to imbalance your cover page. Imbalance means that, instead of trying to make all the elements on your page seem equally weighted in shape and color, you avoid uniformity — creating a design that’s both visually striking and leaves an audience wanting more.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template Design Presentation Cover Page to Grab Attention Strong Color Shape

Asymmetry and abstraction is another quick way to stimulate visual interest. Blow your shapes up, and place them slightly off center. Then, when you’re layering your text on top, don’t place your text inside the shape but over it. 

(Trying to squeeze a presentation title into a circle or oval graphic never really works anyway!)

You’d be amazed at just how effectively you can communicate emotion through type — the options are endless!

Tired of the font families stored in your computer? There are thousands of free, high-quality and easily accessible fonts available online.

Slides Carnival Google Slides and PowerPoint Template Design Presentation Cover Page to Grab Attention Type Only

Here’s a couple of tips on how to use them:

  • Use large fonts and don’t be afraid of scale.
  • Try using contrasting font combinations, like a bold and impactful font alongside a light and airy one. Color is a great way to add emotion, too
  • Keep it in the family by using a “ superfamily ” and limiting your choices to fonts from one typeface. But, don’t be afraid to vary the fonts by changing the size, weight, or slant.
  • Try not to go overboard — limit yourself to 2 or 3 fonts overall.

If your presentation is going to be emailed, make sure your cover page also works well as a thumbnail. When your audience encounters your presentation on a tiny scale first, you want to be happy with what they’re seeing. Big, bold images work well here. 

Or maybe you’d like a bit more help? Not everyone wants to go through the design process, but your cover page is just too important to overlook. Don’t risk mediocrity — explore the fantastic, free presentation templates available on SlideCarnival instead.

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How to Design a Great Presentation Cover Page

A cover page is a quick and easy way to add polish to your presentation. We'll cover a few tips for creating a great cover image, and we've got ten free PowerPoint cover image templates you can download at the bottom of the page.

The cover image sets the tone for your presentation—you don't want to dive right into the content—and is a great opportunity to start your deck off on the right foot.

What to include

Your cover image should include these basic facts:

  • Title Short and sweet.
  • Your contact information. Email or phone number
  • Your company logo. It's all about branding.

Bonus tips:

Cobranding. Presenting to a customer? Add their logo to personalize the presentation.

Conferences. Including your Twitter handle is a great idea—you might gain some followers, and it gives your audience someone to tag when they gush about your awesome presentation.

Know your Audience

Consider how your audience will view your presentation deck (projected, on their laptop, or printed like it's 1995), and make sure that the scale of your design is appropriate.

If you're presenting at a conference, your type needs to be big enough to read from the cheap seats, and make sure you have enough contrast that the text is legible even if there's poor projector quality. You don't want your audience squinting at the screen before your presentation even starts. And remember—the title page will be what's on screen when you're getting ready—walking up to the stage, fixing your microphone, or just swallowing back the sheer terror of public speaking.

If you're emailing the presentation, make sure your cover image works well as a thumbnail. That will be the first thing your reader sees when she receives the file—and, let's face it, a better image is going to drive more opens than a boring one.

group presentation cover page

Know your brand

If you have an established brand, your cover image needs to reflect it. One of the biggest problems we see with decks out in the wild is when the creator goes off-brand and uses the wrong colors or typeface. Imagine how surprising it would be to see a presentation from Coca-Cola without their trademark red, or Facebook without their blue.

Cover Image Techniques

Now that we have the basics down, here are some techniques you can use make a well-designed cover image.

Stock Photography

The workhorse of cover images is stock photography—an attractive photo with plenty of negative space, then place your text on top of it. The trick is to find the right photo and make it work for you. Pexels is a great place to find free images you can use anywhere. When you're looking for stock photos, keep these tips in mind to help you find the right image.

Sometimes you'll need to do a quick bit of editing to make the image work for you. The important thing is to find an image that works in the background —one that lets your reader focus on your message, not the photo. These images tend to look boring all by themselves—you need to use a bit of imagination to see how it will work once you layer text on it.

group presentation cover page

Once you have an image, you can desaturate and tint it to give it better contrast for your text, or manipulate the image to give it more negative space, as you see below.


Nice typography will take a you a long way, and it's something you can do in PowerPoint without any special tools. We're in a renaissance of great, free fonts. Take a look at this selection of the best Google Fonts from the always awesome TypeWolf for inspiration.

Using custom fonts can be tricky in PowerPoint. If you're having trouble getting your fonts to show up, take a look at this article . If you're sharing the PowerPoint with others, they'll need to have the fonts installed (we recommend always exporting your deck to PDF before sharing with customers to avoid font problems).

We all know PowerPoint isn't the greatest design tool—but it does the basics well enough, and you can use it to make a minimal design that works well.

Even though they're "easy" to do, with the right layout and sense of balance you can make a design that really sings with hardly any design elements.

Strong color combinations, simple shapes, and nice typography can yield a cover page that looks great without searching for stock images or opening Photoshop. Need a little help with color combinations? Check out Kuler from Adobe .

Free PowerPoint Cover Page Templates

We've made examples of the styles above for you to download and use. These are completely free—do whatever you like with them!

Coffee Cup PowerPoint Cover

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group presentation cover page

Enjoy! If you need some ideas to get you started, take a look at our portfolio of decks we've designed . Or if you'd like a little help on your next project, we're happy to help .

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6 Tips to Create an Eye-Catching Presentation Cover Page

6 Tips to Create an Eye-Catching Presentation Cover Page

Table of Contents

  • What Is a Presentation Cover Page? 

6 Tips to Create a Winning Presentation Cover Page

  • Key Takeaways 
  • Conclusion 

A good presentation cover page is just as important as the content inside it, but a great one will also draw attention and give your presentation an extra lift. By drawing attention to your presentation’s topic upfront, you can compel your audience to want to know more about what you have to say.

The cover page is one of the first things the audience will notice about your presentation. So, you must make a good first impression, and immediately. An effective PowerPoint cover page can set the tone for your entire presentation, and engage the audience from the get-go. And to get better at creating presentation cover page designs , you need to understand what an ideal presentation cover page is. 

group presentation cover page

What Is a Presentation Cover Page?

When it comes to presentations, don’t underestimate the value of a powerful and captivating title slide. It’s one of the easiest and quickest ways to get people’s attention. A sound presentation cover page design helps achieve two crucial goals. 

  • Clarity in terms of the topic
  • A strong introduction to your brand

In a nutshell, your PowerPoint cover page (or any other presentation cover page for that matter) exposes your viewers to the main points of your presentation. It should also pique their interest and make them want to hear more. Now, let’s move on and understand the steps involved in creating a stunning cover page .

The cover page of the presentation is often the first clue that people get about what you are going to speak about. Therefore, you need to make sure that it’s clear, concise, and compelling. To ensure this, we have put together a few easy tips for you. 

1. Come up with a catchy title

It’s ideal to come up with a title that’s plain, descriptive, and easy if you’re delivering a presentation to a bunch of people who don’t know much of what you’re going to say. If you’re having trouble cutting down a long title, you can include a subtitle underneath that explains what you’ll be delivering information on.

You can get away with anything more intriguing or artistic, depending on the topic of your presentation, but make sure your title is not too obscure or incomprehensible. For example, the title in the below-mentioned slide is easy to understand and captivating as well. Notice how the word “Conference” has been highlighted and is followed by supplementary text underneath. 

group presentation cover page

2. Check the overall tone

Why does the tone of your presentation, specifically the cover page, matter so much?  

The cover page paves the way for the rest of your presentation, and audiences are quick enough to decide whether they want to continue watching the presentation judging by its tone. But what do we mean by tone? In this context, tone means the overall style of the presentation.

A presentation cover page must dictate the objective in a professional yet quirky manner to attract and retain your audience’s attention. It should represent the worthiness and quality of your overall content. 

Apart from that, recently, aesthetics have become the topmost priority for many marketers. We, as humans, find aesthetics in everything, and easily get attracted to it. That’s why having an informative yet aesthetic cover page can set you apart from your competitors. 

Here’s an example of how tone and aesthetics should go together in a presentation cover page design. 

group presentation cover page

3. Humanize your cover page

Humans are emotional beings. A good presentation page can do more than just present the work; it can set an emotional tone for the rest of the site. 

You want to be able to wow people with your presentation, but that doesn’t mean you need to be flashy, unemotional, or insensitive. On the contrary, if you create a cover page that uses emotions to get people excited about your work, nothing like it. They will not only know what to expect but will also be able to connect with your presentation on a deeper level.

Let’s look at an example of an emotion-driven approach for presentation cover pages.

group presentation cover page

4. Shed some light on your brand

While it’s great to illustrate your objective on the cover page, it is also equally crucial to throw some light on your brand. In general, the opening page of your deck should convey what your company does. After all, it’s the first impression people will have of your company or project.

While you may be tempted to include your own photo and contact information on the cover page, it may be more appropriate to emphasize your team or brand instead. 

Here’s a brilliant example. 

group presentation cover page

5. Keep it simple

As a content creator, you must make presentation cover page designs that educate and inform your audiences. You can do so effectively by going minimalistic.

Having too many pictures and words can distract the audience and confuse them. That is why having a minimal background is extremely important. It also lends professional and clarity to your presentation.

Check out this example to get a sense of what a minimalistic cover page should look like. 

group presentation cover page

6. Use bold fonts

Last but not least, you should use bold fonts to display your ideas perfectly on the cover page. Strong fonts that include letters and numbers will attract eyeballs immediately.

Therefore, whenever you’re preparing a presentation cover page design, make sure you’re using bold and simple fonts, and not complex and thin fonts. 

Here’s an example of a presentation cover page that has a bold font. 

group presentation cover page

Key Takeaways

  • A presentation cover page is a basis on which your audience decides whether to give their attention to the rest of the deck. 
  • To create a stunning cover page for your presentation, you need to ensure it has a catchy and short title.
  • The cover page should go well with your brand’s tonality.
  • Ensure you add emotions to attract your readers.
  • Add a little about your brand/business as well. 
  • Follow a coherent tone for the cover page, which can be carried forward to the rest of the presentation.
  • Smartly use bold fonts to capture the audience’s attention.

The cover page of your presentation is the first thing your audience will see. So, it’s important to make a great first impression with it. A well-designed presentation cover page can highlight the topics of your presentation and pique the interest of your audience. You’ll want to keep the design simple and clean.

In order to create a stunning cover page for your presentation, there are certain things you need to take care of and implement. For starters, you can keep your title short, and if there’s something more you want to add to the title, you can insert it as a subhead. Next, you should add some emotion to your cover page to gain your viewer’s attention. Apart from this, you should try and experiment with bold fonts, as they catch the viewer’s attention immediately. 

You must also add a minimalistic background to your cover pages, as too much information and pictures can confuse the viewers. And lastly, do not forget to add information about your brand or business to get your viewers acquainted with it. Remember, a great cover page can win half of your viewer’s heart, so make sure to make it as stunning as possible. 

A presentation cover page is the first thing your viewer gets to see. Basically, it is the first slide that informs your viewers about the presentation and its objectives.

An ideal PowerPoint cover page should have a captivating title, engaging imagery, and details about the company.

For the cover page, you should use bold fonts to attract the viewer’s attention and make a lasting impact. 

Yes, infographics help give viewers a clearer picture of your message. They may make them proactive listeners as well as responders.

Numbers attract viewers. So if you have statistics to back your claims, and if they’re relevant or fit the title, you should definitely go ahead and use them. 

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How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

When you’re focused on creating a meaningful, persuasive presentation, it’s easy to overlook the cover page. But giving that first page of your deck a little more love can actually go a long way towards grabbing your audience’s attention early on and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation.

A stunning presentation cover page can intrigue your audience into wanting to know more and increase engagement with the information you’re presenting. On the other hand, a lackluster slide, or even the lack of one, can dampen audience enthusiasm for your presentation, and maybe even your own.

You’ve put so much work into your presentation — why waste that valuable real estate on the first slide of your deck?

In this post, we’ll cover the basics of creating a presentation cover page that’s informative and attention-grabbing. Let’s dive in.

What’s included in a presentation cover page?

A good presentation cover page accomplishes three simple things:

  • It introduces the topic with a straightforward title.
  • It introduces you (and your organization, if applicable)
  • It sets the tone of your presentation.

We probably don’t need to tell you this one, but your presentation cover page should be centered around a title. And ideally, a title that’s straightforward, descriptive, and simple. If you’re finding it hard to keep your title short, add a subtitle (in smaller print) to clarify what you’ll be speaking about.

group presentation cover page

Next, identify the person (or group) who will be giving the presentation. In some cases, this will be as simple as including your own name, and in others, you’ll want to include your company name, logo, department, or other identifying information. As a general guideline, you’ll need less identifying information if you’re giving an internal presentation.

If your audience is mainly folks outside of your company (or there are plans to distribute your deck externally) you’ll typically want to include more information to identify your company clearly.

group presentation cover page

A successful cover page sets the “tone” of your deck — but what does that really mean? The colors, imagery, fonts, and placements of different elements on your cover page all create a specific visual style that the rest of your deck should follow.

A well-designed page conveys a sense of professionalism and preparedness that a simple monochrome text slide simply cannot. Even if you’re not a design expert, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of your cover page. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to find free, professional-looking presentation templates without needing a degree in graphic design. Whatever you choose, it’s important to remain relevant to your presentation (and, if applicable, your company’s branding).

We’ll explore a few examples of cover pages below so you can see how different elements converge to set the tone for a variety of different presentations.

Presentation Cover Page Examples

Below, we’ve compiled a number of presentation cover pages that succeed in different areas. Remember: there’s no single perfect format for a presentation cover page, but hopefully, you get some inspiration from this list.

Setting An Emotional Tone

The right presentation page can set an emotional tone as well as a visual one. This presentation cover page for a nonprofit conveys a mission-driven approach to protecting nature, with a well-selected, relevant image, and a call-to-action directly in the subtitle. (Photo by Andy Køgl on Unsplash )

group presentation cover page

Focusing on a Photo

You don’t need to overcomplicate the format of your cover page, especially if you have a great photo to use as a full background image. A simple stock photo here provides a clean backdrop for this presentation on remote work. Just make sure your title text is legible over any background photo you decide to use. (Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash )

group presentation cover page

Leading With Your Brand

Even if you’re the central speaker for a presentation, it might make more sense to highlight your team or brand on your cover page, instead of including your own personal information (you can always include your own contact info at the end of your deck for follow-up questions). Context (if you’re speaking at a particular event or annual meeting) can be important to highlight as well on your cover page.

group presentation cover page

There’s a big difference between a cover slide you didn’t put much thought into and a slide that makes good use of whitespace and leans on strong copy. Sometimes, the best way to lead an audience into your presentation is to create space for a little mystery.

If you’re giving a more casual presentation or a pitch that doesn’t need to follow a particular format, consider going the minimal route and opening with a simple cover page slide that asks your audience a question (one that you of course plan to answer).

group presentation cover page

Set a Purpose

Many presentations include an agenda slide directly after your cover slide, but that doesn’t mean you can use your cover slide to set a clear purpose upfront. Consider using your subtitle to explain a more robust (but still simple!) description of what you’ll cover.

group presentation cover page

Presentation Cover Page Templates

Instead of creating your presentation cover page from scratch, using a template can take much of the work out of the process. Check out these websites for templates that you can use for your presentation or for inspiration to create your own designs.

A tried-and-true favorite of many marketing teams, Canva offers up a wide selection of modern, drag-and-drop presentation templates with truly unique cover pages. If you’re on the hunt for a cover page that looks like you hired a graphic designer to create it just for you, Canva is a good place to start your search. Canva offers both free and paid options.

group presentation cover page has an intuitive, highly-customizable presentation builder that allows you to import your own visual elements directly from your computer or a Dropbox folder. Like Canva, they offer a number of free and paid template options (with great cover pages). Their biggest differentiating feature is their (frankly, very cool) adaptive AI technology, which intuits how you’re trying to design a slide and makes changes automatically to suit the direction of your project.

group presentation cover page

For a completely free option with cover page starter template to suit a wide range of different projects across different formats, check out EDIT. Their online tool is specifically designed to create cover pages in a simple, easy-to-use interface.

group presentation cover page

Another highly-customizable template source is Visme, which gives users the ability to select a starting template from their (expansive) library and customize elements in a simple web editor.

group presentation cover page

VectorStock ®

VectorStock® has a massive selection of PowerPoint presentation cover page templates for purchase if you’re looking for something that’s ready to plug and go without the need for customization (beyond adding your own name and title, of course).

group presentation cover page

First Impressions Matter

For better or worse, audiences will judge a presentation by its cover page. Because of this, it’s vital that you give your cover page the care and attention that it deserves. Ultimately, a cover page isn’t simply a placeholder, it’s a vital component that can drum up interest for your presentation. The best part is that with the tools available online, you don’t have to be an artist to create a stunning presentation cover page.

The featured image on this post was created using a Canva template.

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  • Presentations

How to Make a Great PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Quickly (+ Video)

Andrew Childress

Want to avoid creating another boring presentation? Well-designed presentations make a great first impression. A PowerPoint title slide sets the stage for your subsequent slides!  

Intro PowerPoint title slide

Your PowerPoint title slide is critical for a successful slide deck.

Half the battle is building excitement with a PowerPoint title page. Invest extra time to add design polish to your cover slide PowerPoint design. Build a bold PowerPoint title slide that shows your audience that you're excited to share!        

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to build a PowerPoint title page. You'll see intro slide examples that spark success. Attention is everything, and presentation title pages help you get and keep it. It's quick, easy, and key to success in 2024! 

Learn How to Make Great Presentations Today: Grab our FREE eBook!

Before we take a closer look at PowerPoint cover slides, let's look at another great resource. We've got a helpful complement to this tutorial. Download our FREE eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . Grab it now before you read on .

free presentations ebook

How to Quickly Make Great PowerPoint Presentation Title Cover Slides (Video)

If you're making a PowerPoint title slide for your presentation, you need it to look good.  Learn how to make a visually appealing PowerPoint title page quickly in the video below:

group presentation cover page

To learn even more about cover slides for PowerPoint, study the rest of the tutorial. You'll see real world examples of PowerPoint title pages. These presentation title page designs are tried-and-true options for great design.

Jump to instructions for the type of PowerPoint cover slide you're interested in:

  • The Logo Slide
  • The Big Question Slide
  • The Introductory Slide
  • The Roadmap Slide
  • The Team Slide
  • The Quote Slide
  • The Challenge Slide

The Seven PowerPoint Cover Slides to Build

There's no limit to the directions that you can take your PowerPoint title slide. You can let your creativity run wild as you build title page in PPT designs.

But it's hard to disagree that the first slide is going to set the stage for the rest of your presentation. So, it's essential that your presentation gets off to a strong start. But what direction should you go with your presentation title page so that you grab and keep audience attention?

In this tutorial, you'll learn to build seven types of PowerPoint title slides. Here are the intro slide examples that I tend to think about when designing my PowerPoint title pages:

  • The Logo Slide. Focus on the branding and brand image of your group with this PowerPoint title page! Start off by putting your logo and tagline front and center.
  • The Big Question Slide. Most presentations work to inform. But it's also fun to flip the script and ask a question of your audience. It kickstarts the conversation.
  • The Introductory Slide. This slide focuses on showcasing your credentials and background to establish authority.
  • The Roadmap Slide. Chart the course for your presentation ahead by giving a sneak preview of the topics you'll cover.
  • The Team Slide. Does your presentation focus on a group's effort? It's a great idea to start your presentation by showcasing all the minds behind the project.
  • The Quote Slide. Sharing an inspirational or motivational quote is a fun way to engage your audience. 
  • The Challenge Slide. Many presentations strive to help solve problems. Set the stage by highlighting the big challenge immediately. 

In this tutorial, we're going to build an example of each of these PowerPoint cover slides. We'll use pre-built templates to create impactful slide designs with ease. Let's dive in!

How to Make PowerPoint Title Slides

We're going to use an impressive template called the BePro PowerPoint Business template. This is one of the top PowerPoint templates for Envato Elements subscribers.

BePro has a litany of cover slide PowerPoint designs that you can use to create the perfect PowerPoint title page! It also includes several color schemes to make it easy to reuse on multiple presentation title pages.

Explore the BePro Template

BePro PPT title slide ideas

Envato Elements includes over 25,000 premium PowerPoint themes! You have countless title page in PPT options. With these, you can build amazing intro slide examples of your own. Start with this collection for more great ideas:

group presentation cover page

Now, you can learn about each of the seven types of title slides:

1. The Logo Slide

The Logo Slide focuses on your brand image and showcasing the logo of your company. Branding takes center stage with this title page in PPT concept. It's ideal to use a logo slide to show your branding on the PowerPoint title page when you're building brand awareness.

A good starting point for this slide is slide design three that's built into the BePro template. It's perfect for just adding a logo and background image. In the example below, I dropped in the logo on the slide. I also took the same logo and faded it into the background image placeholder.

Logo PowerPoint cover slide

Make sure too that your version of the logo slide stays with the branding message. Adjust the colors of shapes and text to match the overall color scheme of your business. Presentation title pages should always fit with your overall brand style.

Building a logo slide as your title slide doesn't have to be complicated. A well-made logo slide shows your branding quickly. An alternate option for this slide is slide design 4, a simple slide with a dark color scheme. Just add your logo to that slide to create contrast.

2. The Big Question Slide

Your audience may be expecting you to impart knowledge on them. But you can flip the script by asking a question up front.

The "Big Question Slide" doesn't take much time to design. It helps you free up time that you can spend thinking about the rest of your content.

When you're writing a presentation, there should always be a goal or big idea. In the example below, I used the minimalist slide design 4 to ask a question of the audience. Over the course of the presentation, I'll answer this question for the audience. 

Question PPT title slide examples

If you aren't  answering a question or sharing an idea, it might be time to re-think the content. 

3. The Introductory Slide

There's nothing wrong with getting a bit personal in your presentation. Set the stage by building your authority and expertise, and the audience will trust and follow you through the presentation.

BePro has many slide designs that work well for this, but I opted for slide 25. It's a clean and straightforward slide design. It's easy to add points that explain your expertise to the audience. 

Introductory title page in PowerPoint

As you can see above, I also added a stock photo as the background image. Envato Elements features a ton of stock images as part of the subscription. They're ideal for sourcing a stock image for your presentation. 

In my example slide, I grabbed a great photo and faded it into the background. It's a great reminder that Elements is a total solution for building presentations—not just for the PowerPoint templates.

4. The Roadmap Slide

The roadmap style slide is used to tell the story of where your presentation is headed. I've sat through many presentations that seemed to wander through the agenda and would've benefitted from a roadmap slide. 

When you build a roadmap, you show the audience the direction that you'll take them on over the course of the presentation. 

Roadmap PPT title slide ideas

Slide design 41 might take a bit of customization, but I do think that it's the perfect choice for showcasing your roadmap for the presentation. Just update each of the four placeholder boxes with a key section of your presentation to architect the roadmap of your big speech.

5. The Team Slide

This type of slide is the perfect intro to showcasing a project that was a total team effort. If you're going to spend your presentation sharing how you built a big app, product, or project, it's only right that you share the credit with your team. 

Slide 22  in BePro is the perfect choice to build a team slide of your own. It's tailor-made to drop in images and descriptions of your team members and see it come to life. 

In my example below, I put a vital member of the project team in each of the image placeholders. Giving a brief background or description of their contribution to the project is a great way to set the stage. 

Team title slide

I think the Team Slide approach is perfect when multiple speakers are involved. Some of my favorite presentations are when several different presenters will each take a part of the presentation. If this is the style of your presentation, use a team slide that introduces everyone's role and contributions.

6. The Quote Slide

Starting off with a quote is a great way to build a PowerPoint cover slide. Share a signature quote and you can inspire and engage with your audience! Quotes provide motivation and inspiration. They can be key to helping you convey your message.

Let’s use slide #9 in the BePro template. Over on the left, you’ll see a text placeholder. Here, you can quickly keyboard in a quote to share with your audience. Optionally, up at the top, you can add a title. Using this layout as your title slide makes for a fun and inspiring opener.

Intro slide examples

As you can see, it’s easy to add a quote to your cover slide PowerPoint design. This is a good way if you’re motivating your audience to take action. Sharing the inspiring words of others helps you inspire confidence and drive your audiences to act on your message. 

7. The Challenge Slide

In PowerPoint, you’re often sharing the solution to a problem. Don’t waste time - address things head-on right away! To do that, consider PPT title slide examples that outline a challenge. After all, if you’re proposing solutions, you first must define the challenge.

PowerPoint title slide examples

Above, I’ve used slide #6 to create a challenge slide. Once again, the process is quick and easy. Simply swap out the placeholder content with your own words and numbers. When you use layouts like this, there will be no confusion on the part of your audience. You can clearly show the challenge that must be accepted. 

5 Quick PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Design Tips for 2024

We've looked at how to make a great PowerPoint cover slide. Soon, you can begin building amazing slides on your own.

Still need inspiration? These tips can serve as PPT title slide ideas. Let's check out five quick design tips that are sure to help you out:

Bold style is essential on your PowerPoint cover page. Remember, you've got one goal: capturing audience attention . Sharp, eye-catching design does exactly that on cover slide PowerPoint designs.

PowerPoint cover page

Premium templates built by creatives provide unmatched designs. They even help inspire you to do your very best work. I think of templates as a top source for PPT title slide ideas. And they're incredibly easy to customize, making you look like a PPT expert.

2. Create Your Own Layouts

PPT decks are really frameworks for your message. Inside the app, you've got the flexibility to customize every slide layout. That's never more important than on the first page of PPT presentations.

By adjusting layouts, you can show exactly what you want, where you want. It's the best way to create a memorable and unique PowerPoint cover page.

Ready to implement PPT title slide ideas of your own? Tweaking layouts helps you do just that. Learn how to customize PPT layouts with our quick tutorial:

group presentation cover page

3. Embrace Minimalism

Minimalism. It's a popular design aesthetic, and for good reason. It adds style without being overpowering or distracting. That's perfect for a PowerPoint cover page.

First page of PPT presentation

Try to build a cover showing only the essentials. These could be things like an image, the presentation title, a date, and your name. Be careful to avoid adding clutter: it's a quick way to lose your audience.

4. Add Kinetic Typography

You might not think of animated text. But it's actually a great way to grab attention and lock in audience focus on your title page in PPT. Thanks to PowerPoint, you can add these animations (called kinetic typography) easily.

Kinetic typography brings subtle, stylish text animation to any slide. It's ideal for the first page of PPT presentation layouts in need of a bit more energy.

Learn how to use kinetic typography in just 60 seconds here. It's yet another source of inspiration for PPT title slide ideas:

group presentation cover page

5. Use Industry-Specific PowerPoint Cover Slides

First impressions are key in a title page in PPT, and you'll make one with your PowerPoint cover page. So why use generic layouts if you can find something specifically suited to your needs?

My favorite PPT title slide ideas are situation specific. That means choosing PowerPoint title slides that match your purpose. Check out Pizzarena , for example. The designs are targeted at a pizza restaurant. That's far from the norm, but it will instantly resonate with your audience with eye-catching intro slide examples.

Business PowerPoint cover page

This might mean choosing a premium template built for your industry. Or, you might add your brand's colors, logos, and more. Either way, being specific and tailoring your cover slide to your needs is sure to impress.

5 Top PowerPoint Title Cover Slide Templates (For 2024 Presentations)

Premium templates from Envato Elements include stunning PowerPoint cover page designs. And remember, they're a top source for intro slide examples. Let's check out five of the very best PowerPoint templates with built-in PPT title slide examples:

1. VERA PowerPoint Template

Vera PowerPoint cover page

Bold colors abound in this visually stunning PPT deck. With 55 unique slides, you're sure to find the perfect PowerPoint cover page. Also, inside is a custom icon set that's easy to work with. This title page in PowerPoint template is perfect for almost any project.

2. STYLE - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template V50

Style PowerPoint cover page

Style: it's in the name of this template, and for good reason . This is a perfect example of a sleek, minimalist PowerPoint cover page. Customize it in seconds, and with 4,000 slides to choose from, your options are almost unlimited. You're sure to find outstanding options for title page in PowerPoint designs!

3. IPSUM - PowerPoint

Ipsum first page of PPT presentation

IPSUM offers a key part of a successful PowerPoint cover page. That's creative flexibility. Over 50 layouts are built into the pack. You can use those pre-built designs as PPT title slide examples! You'll also see custom infographics, icons, and more. Each slide element is completely editable.

4. Livy PowerPoint

Livy first page of PPT presentation

Searching for a timeless, retro inspired PPT cover page? Livy has you covered. With 50 slides and resizable graphics, it's easy to adapt to your project needs. The included gallery slide makes for a perfect mosaic cover layout. It's yet another great example with PowerPoint title slide examples.

5. Conference PowerPoint Presentation Template

Conference PowerPoint cover page

Last but not least is Conference, a modern PowerPoint cover page deck. Choose between multiple color themes and quickly add in your content. Plus, slides are pre-animated, saving you precious time as you build a title page in PowerPoint! Each slide is in full HD, helping them look great on large screens.

More Top PowerPoint Templates

PowerPoint templates give you a tremendous advantage when creating a presentation. Many of them even give you pre-built title page in PowerPoint designs. You've already seen options for PowerPoint cover pages in this tutorial, but these just scratch the surface.

Check out more of the top templates below. Many of these templates give you even more options for PowerPoint title slide examples:

group presentation cover page

Learn More About How to Use PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a fantastic app because it's easy to learn. But it also has many advanced features that you can use to build beautiful slides. The title slide designs and the template we used to build them are a great example of how easy it can be.

Still want to learn more about PowerPoint? One of the best resources for learning the app is our article,  Ultimate Guide to the Best PPT . That guide and the tutorials below will help you build competence and present confidently.

group presentation cover page

The Top Source for the Best PowerPoint Cover Slide Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

As we've shown, the title page of your PowerPoint presentation sets the tone.  But you need to make sure that the rest of your presentation looks good too.

The best way to build a presentation is to use pre-built templates from Envato Elements. Elements has a massive library of PowerPoint presentation designs you can use. Each template has starter slides that you can just drop your own content into! The PowerPoint cover slides we feature are the fastest way to design.

Find PowerPoint Templates

Title slide

The best part of Elements? It's an all-you-can-download creative buffet. With a single subscription, you've got access to all that Elements offers. It includes thousands of PowerPoint designs plus millions of total creative assets. That includes:

  • stock photos
  • so much more!

PowerPoint title slide

With Elements, finding the perfect assets is easier than ever. Use the tool to find PowerPoint title slide examples, and so much more with a bit of AI-assisted help. Elements now includes a powerful AI search tool ! With it, you can simply describe your own project needs.

With this prompt, Elements will deliver a curated list of assets from the vast library! It's an amazing way to save time and find the perfect content for your title page in PowerPoint. Join Elements and try it today!

Make Great Presentations ( Free PDF eBook Download )

We also have the perfect complement to this PowerPoint tutorial. It walks you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully.

Free PDF eBook Download

Download our new eBook: The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Start Using PowerPoint Cover Pages Today

In this tutorial, you saw some of the best options for PowerPoint cover pages inside of premium templates. These files set the tone with the help of the first page of PPT presentations, presented perfectly. Choose one of these templates and get started now.

When you use these PPT title slide examples, you’re sure to wow your audience. You’ll kick off every presentation with a strong start! You’ll capture attention and keep everyone engaged. Try it today!

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published in August of 2019.  It's been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special help from Andrew Childress .

Andrew Childress

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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  • For Small Business

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page That Captivates Your Audience

  • May 13, 2024
  • by Steven Austin

Your presentation cover page is the first impression your audience will have of your content – and it sets the tone for your entire talk. A striking, well-designed cover page immediately grabs attention, lends credibility to your message, and gets people excited to hear what you have to say.

In fact, research shows that audiences form an opinion about the quality of a presentation within the first 30-60 seconds – largely based on the cover slide. Presentations with engaging cover pages have 25% higher audience engagement scores and 40% higher information retention than those without, according to a study by Stanford University.

While most presenters spend hours honing their content, the cover page is often an afterthought. On average, people spend under 5 minutes designing their title slide. But top-rated TED Talks, Apple keynotes, and other legendary presentations invest 30-60+ minutes perfecting their openers. When you consider a cover page‘s outsized impact on your presentation‘s success, it‘s well worth putting in the time to get it right.

Whether you‘re presenting a high-stakes business proposal, groundbreaking research, or a creative sales pitch, follow these tips to craft a presentation cover page that immediately hooks your audience and positions your talk for success.

The Anatomy of an Attention-Grabbing Cover Page

At its core, a presentation cover page should include 4 key elements:

  • A descriptive title
  • Speaker name and affiliation
  • Presentation date and event/meeting name (if applicable)
  • Relevant visual imagery

Let‘s break down each of these elements and how to optimize them for maximum impact.

Write a Clear, Compelling Title

The most crucial component of your cover page is the presentation title. A strong title clearly and concisely communicates your topic and grabs attention. Aim for 5-10 words that capture the unique angle, benefit or outcome of your talk.

For example, "How Data Science Can Help Your Business Scale" is much more compelling than a generic title like "Data Science Presentation." If needed, add a short subtitle to provide additional context, such as "How Data Science Can Help Your Business Scale: 5 Strategies from Fortune 500 Companies."

Vague, wordy, or jargon-filled titles will lose your audience‘s interest from the start. If people don‘t immediately understand what your presentation is about and why it‘s valuable, they‘ll tune out before you even begin speaking.

Highlight Speaker Credentials

Including your name and affiliation on the cover page establishes your authority on the subject matter. List your full name, job title, company or organization, and any other relevant credentials that prove you‘re qualified to speak on this topic.

For academic or research presentations, include your department, lab or institution as well as key titles like Professor, PhD, or Principal Investigator. If you‘re presenting on behalf of a notable brand or organization, make sure to include the company logo.

When presenting to audiences outside your company or field, don‘t assume they know who you are. Highlighting your bio and credentials builds crucial trust and credibility. Even if you‘re presenting internally, reinforcing your expertise makes a strong impression.

Include Key Logistical Details

Depending on the context, you may need to include additional logistical information like:

  • Presentation date
  • Name of the meeting, conference or event
  • Session name or number
  • Presentation length or time slot
  • Contact information

If you‘re presenting at a specific event, including those details helps orient attendees and reminds them of the larger conference context. For standalone presentations, you can usually omit these specifics on the cover to minimize clutter. When in doubt, include the date as a helpful reference point.

Adding your contact information, like an email or social media handle, makes it easy for people to connect with you after the presentation. But if you‘d rather not have that visible for the entire talk, you can include it on an ending thank-you slide instead.

Choose Relevant, High-Quality Visuals

Compelling visual elements are the secret sauce that separates average presentation cover pages from exceptional ones. The imagery you choose – whether that‘s photos, graphics, illustrations or artistic text treatments – plays a huge role in attracting audience attention and setting the tone for your talk.

Research shows that people remember visual information 6x better than plain text and that even a single relevant image makes a presentation 43% more persuasive . In a separate study, 91% of people said a well-selected cover graphic was key for capturing their interest in a presentation .

The key is choosing high-resolution, professionally produced visual assets that are clearly connected to your subject matter. Generic stock photos and low-quality clip art can cheapen your cover page and create a poor impression.

If you have original photography or design assets, the cover page is the perfect place to showcase them. If you need to source stock imagery, look for non-cliché options on sites like Unsplash or iStock that evoke the right emotions and align with your brand.

Data visualizations or illustrations are great alternatives to photos, especially for data-heavy or abstract topics. Bold typography can also create visual interest in the absence of other imagery, when done well. The options are endless – it‘s about finding visuals that capture attention and communicate your topic memorably.

Design Best Practices for a Polished, Professional Look

Once you have the key elements of your cover page, the next step is arranging them into a cohesive, well-designed slide. Following these design best practices will ensure your cover page looks modern, professional and polished.

The way you visually arrange the different components on the page plays a big role in its overall impact. Aim for a clean, balanced layout with ample white space. Use a grid system to line up your text, images and graphic elements symmetrically.

A good rule of thumb is to divide the page into thirds horizontally and vertically and place key elements along those lines. Try several arrangements to find the most pleasing composition and visual flow.

Color Scheme

Your color palette is another opportunity to grab attention, communicate tone, and reinforce your brand on the cover page. Choose colors that complement your imagery and reflect the mood you want to convey – whether that‘s vibrant and energetic, sophisticated and professional, or soft and approachable.

If you‘re presenting on behalf of a company, make sure to use the exact brand colors. Tools like Adobe Color and Coolors can help you find pleasing color combos and ensure sufficient contrast for readability.

Limit your palette to 2-3 colors to keep the design clean and uncluttered. Use the 60-30-10 rule as a guideline: roughly 60% of the page in your primary color, 30% in a secondary color, and 10% in an accent shade. This creates a balanced, harmonious look.

Choosing the right fonts is crucial for both aesthetics and readability on your cover page. Look for modern, professional font pairings that are easy to read at a distance. Make sure to choose a font size that‘s large enough to be seen clearly from the back of the room – at least 44pt for titles and 28pt for secondary text.

For body copy, stick with classic sans serifs like Arial, Helvetica or Calibri. Pair them with a more distinctive font for titles and headers, but avoid overly scripted or decorative styles that are hard to read. Two fonts are usually plenty for a cover page – any more starts to look messy.

We‘ve already covered the importance of compelling visual imagery, but it‘s worth calling out a few technical best practices here. Most importantly, any images you use need to be high resolution so they look crisp and clear when projected.

Look for photos that are at least 2000px wide and illustrations that are vector files (EPS or AI) so they can scale up without appearing pixelated. PNG files with transparent backgrounds are ideal for placing logos and graphics over other imagery.

Test your cover design on a projector or large screen if possible to make sure the images look professional at presentation size. There‘s nothing more glaring than fuzzy, low-quality graphics on an oversized slide.

Tailor Your Cover Page to Different Presentation Types

With the core elements and design foundations in place, it‘s time to customize your cover page for different presentation scenarios. The specifics of your page should adapt whether you‘re presenting a boardroom business proposal, a creative sales pitch, or an academic research paper. Here are some key considerations for each format:

Business Presentations For a business presentation, your cover page should channel your company‘s established brand as much as possible. Prominently showcase the logo in the upper corners or center of the page. Use the exact brand fonts and Pantone colors.

Choose imagery that aligns with your company‘s aesthetic and the tone of the presentation – think sleek and aspirational for an upscale consulting firm vs. bright and friendly for an ecommerce retailer.

Stick with a clean, corporate layout that puts more focus on the text. A straightforward title and subtitle formula works well here. Make sure to include your name, job title and contact information so colleagues and clients can easily follow up.

Creative Presentations For a creative presentation – whether that‘s a design portfolio, entertainment pitch, or innovative product demo – you have more room to experiment with unexpected cover page designs. The tone should match the subject matter and your personal brand. An indie filmmaker might go for an avant garde, cinematic look while an app startup may opt for cutting-edge graphics and bold colors.

Don‘t be afraid to try asymmetrical layouts, full-bleed images and playful fonts. Animation can add excitement to creative cover pages, like subtle motion graphics or dynamic text. This is the time to showcase your distinct aesthetic point of view and hint at the fresh ideas to come.

Just be sure to balance innovative design with clarity and professionalism. You still want people to grasp the key details. Legibility is a must, even with artistic text treatments. When in doubt, have a few people outside your field take a look and make sure the topic is clear and the design is polished.

Research and Academic Presentations Cover pages for research and academic presentations tend to be more understated and information-dense. The title should clearly state the specific subject matter and any key details like the study sample size, date range or results. Aim for more of a descriptive headline than an attention-grabbing one.

In addition to your name and academic affiliation, include key credentials like degrees, relevant publications, grants and awards. The institution or department logo can lend additional credibility here. If you‘re presenting at a specific conference, include the full event and session name for context.

Opt for classic fonts and a straightforward layout that puts the focus on the text. Subtle pops of color or clean data visualizations and illustrations are great for adding visual interest. Photos are less common but can work if they‘re relevant to the research, like images from lab experiments or field sites.

Tools and Templates for Easy Cover Page Creation

Now that you have a solid framework for building engaging, memorable presentation cover pages, you may be wondering how to easily put it into practice. Luckily, there are tons of great tools and templates out there to streamline the design process, whether you‘re a total beginner or a seasoned pro.

Canva Canva is a hugely popular online design platform that‘s free to use (with paid upgrades available). They have an extensive library of pre-made presentation templates with eye-catching cover page designs for every theme imaginable. Most of the layouts are easy to customize with your own text, photos and branding using their simple drag-and-drop tools.

Visme Visme is another powerful tool for creating professional presentation decks and cover pages, no design skills needed. Their templates tend to be bold, modern and versatile with features like animated graphics and interactive charts. You can also create cover pages from scratch using their library of images, fonts and design assets.

Slidebean Slidebean takes a data-driven, AI-powered approach to presentation cover page design. Input your key content and branding and their smart templates will automatically generate unique cover page options to choose from and customize. It‘s a great solution if you‘re short on time but still want a modern, compelling opener slide.

PowerPoint Many people overlook the built-in cover page tools right in Microsoft PowerPoint. Their Designer feature will instantly create professional cover layout options anytime you add an image to a blank slide. You can also browse their gallery of free templates for every theme, style and business use case, with simple options for swapping in your own content.

Keynote For Mac users, Keynote has equally robust cover page creation tools built in. Their templates rival professional design apps in terms of modern, on-trend aesthetics. Customizing layouts, fonts and imagery is incredibly intuitive. They also have impressive animation options for adding excitement to your opener slide.

No matter which tool you choose, templates are the secret to quickly creating presentation cover pages that look like they were custom designed just for you. Start with a professional foundation and then customize it with your content and visual tweaks to make it your own.

Putting It All Together: Crafting Your Ideal Cover Page

We‘ve covered a lot of best practices and strategies for designing presentation cover pages that engage audiences and set a professional tone for your talk. As you sit down to craft your own opener, here are a few final tips to keep in mind:

  • Start with the right specs. Most presentation slides are 16:9 format (10" x 5.625" at 300dpi if you‘re creating it in a design program). Using the correct canvas size from the beginning will save you reformatting headaches later.
  • Write the title and subtitle first to clarify your main idea. Wordsmith it until you have the clearest, most compelling description before you start designing. Share it with others for feedback.
  • Find images and color palettes that enhance your theme. Browse your brand assets, stock photo sites and design inspiration collections to pinpoint visuals that fit your topic and tone. Focus on quality and relevance over quantity.
  • Rework the layout multiple times. Try out several different arrangements of images and text to find the most balanced, impactful composition. Use guidelines or a grid to keep things aligned.
  • Preview your cover page at presentation scale. Make sure text is large enough to read, colors have enough contrast, and visuals retain their resolution when enlarged. Get feedback from others on the overall impact.
  • Tie it into the rest of your presentation. Your cover page sets the tone – make sure the rest of your slides follow the same theme and style. Cohesion and consistency are key.

The most important thing to remember is that a presentation cover page isn‘t just a necessary formality – it‘s a valuable opportunity to capture audience attention, establish credibility, and preview the key themes of your talk. It‘s the difference between people leaning in with excitement or tuning out before you even reach the podium.

A well-crafted presentation cover is a powerful tool for influencing how an audience perceives your message. It‘s an investment in making the right impression, building your brand and authority, and creating an immediate positive connection with listeners.

So don‘t treat it as an afterthought. Pour as much intention and strategy into your cover page as you do your core content, and watch your presentation land with more power and resonance. Start your talk off strong and set yourself up for success from the very first slide.


How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

If your focus is on creating a meaningful and compelling presentation, it's easy to miss the cover page. However, giving a little extra love to that first page of your deck can go a long way in getting your audience's attention early on and setting the tone for the rest of your presentation.

A stunning cover sheet for presentations can get your audience to know more and be more engaging with the information you are presenting. On the flip side, a lackluster slide, or even the missing slide, can dampen the audience's enthusiasm for your presentation, and perhaps even your own.

You've put so much work into your presentation - why should you waste this precious real estate on the first slide of your deck?

This post covers the basics of creating a presentation cover sheet that is informative and attention grabbing. Let's dive in.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

What is in a presentation cover sheet?

A good presentation cover sheet does three simple things:

  • It introduces the subject with a simple title.
  • It introduces you (and your organization, if applicable).
  • It sets the tone of your presentation.

We probably don't need to tell you this, but your presentation cover page should be about a title. And ideally a title that is simple, descriptive, and simple. If you're having trouble keeping your title short, add a subtitle (in smaller print) to make it clear what you're talking about.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Next, identify the person (or group) who will be giving the presentation. In some cases, it's as easy as adding your own name. In other cases, you may want to include your company name, logo, department, or other identifying information. As a general guideline, you will need less identifying information when giving an internal presentation.

If your target audience is mostly people outside of your company (or there are plans to distribute your deck externally), you'll usually want to add more information to uniquely identify your company.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

A successful cover sheet sets the "tone" of your deck - but what does that really mean? The colors, images, fonts, and placements of various elements on your cover sheet create a certain visual style that the rest of your deck should follow.

A well-designed page conveys a sense of professionalism and willingness that a simple monochrome text slide simply cannot. Even if you're not a design expert, you need to pay attention to the aesthetics of your cover sheet. Fortunately, it's easier than ever to find free, professional-looking presentation templates without needing a graphic design degree. Regardless of your choice, it is important to stay relevant to your presentation (and your company branding, if applicable).

Below are some examples of cover sheets so you can see how different elements come together to set the tone for a variety of different presentations.

Examples of presentation cover sheets

Below we have compiled a number of presentation cover sheets that are successful in different areas. Remember: there is no perfect format for a presentation cover page, but hopefully this list will inspire you.

Set an emotional tone

The right presentation page can set both an emotional and a visual tone. This presentation cover sheet for a non-profit organization conveys a task-oriented approach to protecting nature with a selected, relevant image and a call to action right in the subtitle. (Photo by Andy Køgl on Unsplash)

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

A photo in focus

You don't have to overcomplicate the format of your cover page, especially when you can use a great photo as a full background image. A simple stock photo here provides a clean background for this remote work presentation. Just make sure your title text is legible over any background photo you plan to use. (Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash)

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Lead with your brand

Even if you are the key speaker for a presentation, it may make more sense to highlight your team or brand on your cover sheet rather than providing your own personal information (you can always include your own contact information at the end of your deck for follow-up questions). Context (if you're speaking at a specific event or annual meeting) can be important to make it stand out on your cover page as well.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

There's a big difference between a slide that you haven't thought about much and one that makes good use of spaces and relies on a strong copy. Sometimes the best way to get an audience into your presentation is to make room for a little puzzle.

If you're giving a more casual presentation or pitch that doesn't have to follow a specific format, go the minimal route and open it with a simple cover sheet slide that asks your audience a question (one that you naturally plan to answer).

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Establish a purpose

Many presentations include an agenda slide right after your cover slide. However, that doesn't mean you can use your cover slide to set a clear purpose in advance. Use your subtitle to explain a more robust (but still simple!) Description of what you will be covering.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Presentation cover sheet templates

Rather than creating your presentation cover page from scratch, using a template can take a lot of the work out of the process. You can find templates on these websites that you can use for your presentation or as inspiration for creating your own designs.

A time-honored favorite of many marketing teams, Canva offers a wide variety of modern drag and drop presentation templates with truly unique cover sheets. If you're looking for a cover page that looks like you hired a graphic designer to make it just for you, Canva is a good place to start. Canva offers both free and paid options.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples] has an intuitive, highly customizable presentation builder that allows you to import your own visuals directly from your computer or a Dropbox folder. Like Canva, they offer a range of free and paid template options (with great cover sheets). The biggest differentiator is the (honestly very cool) adaptive AI technology, which describes exactly how you're trying to design a slide and automatically makes changes based on the direction of your project.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

For a completely free option with a starter template for cover sheets for a variety of different projects in different formats, see EDIT. Their online tool is specially designed to create cover pages in a simple, easy to use interface.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

Another highly customizable template source is Visme, which allows users to choose a starting template from their (extensive) library and customize elements in a simple web editor.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]


VectorStock® has a wide variety of PowerPoint presentation cover sheet templates for purchase if you're looking for something that can be plugged in without any adjustments (without adding your own name and title, of course).

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

First impressions are important

For better or for worse, audience will Use the cover sheet to judge a presentation. Because of this, it is important that you give your cover sheet the care and attention it deserves. Ultimately, a cover page is not just a placeholder, but an important component that can generate interest in your presentation. Best of all, with the tools available online, you don't have to be an artist to create a stunning presentation cover page.

The image shown in this post was created using a Canva Template.

How to Create a Stunning Presentation Cover Page [+ Examples]

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How to Make a Cover Page in PowerPoint

In the first look, the outside view defines the interior. Similar is with the cover page. If you have an attractive cover page, it defines the entire presentation or the file. Here in this tutorial, we will check how to make a cover page in PowerPoint. There are other ways to create a cover page, such as using Google Docs and Canva.

How to Make a Cover Page in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a free tool provided by Microsoft and is compatible with MacBook and Windows PC. Creating a cover page using PowerPoint is more accessible, even if you have little knowledge of working with PowerPoint.

Five Must-Have PowerPoint Presentation Cover Slides

Where your PowerPoint title slide goes is entirely up to you. No one would argue with the fact that your first slide will set the tone for the whole presentation.

Having a solid introduction is crucial to the success of any presentation. But what path should you take to hook listeners and keep them engaged?

This guide will teach you how to create five distinct kinds of title slides for use in PowerPoint. When creating my title slides, I usually keep these things in mind:

  • The Logo Slide  Prioritize your organization’s branding by prominently displaying its logo and catchphrase.
  • The Big Question Slide . It’s a great discussion starter. The primary goal of most presentations is education. However, switching gears and turning the table on your audience may also be entertaining. 
  • The Introductory Slide . To build your credibility, this slide will highlight your experience and accomplishments.
  • The Roadmap Slide . To get your audience where you want them to go, you must provide them with a road map of your presentation.
  • The Team Slide . It’s a good idea to start your presentation by highlighting everyone who contributed to it. Is the group’s work the main emphasis of your presentation?

How to Create a Cover Page in PowerPoint

Open PowerPoint on your computer. It is by default available on all Windows PCs, but for MacBook, you must download it from App Store. Once you have opened it, click on the Design tab on the top menu list.

design powerpoint

Here you can see different design layouts below the Design tab. Choose what you like most and look according to your presentation.

powerpoint themes

Now you can edit the text written on the Design or add some extra things to the cover page, such as pictures, screenshots, shapes, graphs, tables, and other necessary tools. For this, go to the Insert tab and choose the option from the drop-down layout.

insert picture powerpoint

Along with all these, there are different features that you can add to your cover page to make it more attractive. You can add different design textures to the cover page and add extra text with the different designs. For cropping your cover page to a different design, go to Crop> Crop to shape. Here choose the shape you wish to make the cover page.

To make your cover page something like GIF or animated, you must dig some deeper. We have used this tool and find it useful for an adorable cover page. Follow some steps here.

Once you have created a cover page, we are now looking to add some extra effects. Go to the Animation tab, and from the view more icons, choose anything that looks good, but here we are choosing Fade animation.

powerpoint animation

Launch the Animation pane from the top, and it appears on the right side of the screen. Click on the area you wish to make animated. From the Custom Animation pane option, you can select the start preference.

custom animation powerpoint

Select the particular text box or image to make it movable on the covering page; from the top, choose the Fly-in option, and from the Effect options, choose to move the direction of the text or image.

animation in powerpoint

You can also choose the timing option from the Animation pane to set the duration of the moving object or text.

Note: The above screenshots are from PowerPoint 2007, you may be working on different, but the steps are almost the same for all.

So this was the tutorial to make a cover page in PowerPoint. I hope this helps you a lot. And if you are still getting any problems, let us know in the comment section. We will help you there!

For the latest tech tutorials and online deals, follow us on Facebook and  Twitter .

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I am the founder and author of MadeStuffEasy. I have more than 8 years of experience in website development. I am a tech and SEO enthusiast and early adopter. Besides, I love to understand how things work. My other passion is outdoor activities.

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Must-Have Project Cover Page Templates with Samples and Examples

Must-Have Project Cover Page Templates with Samples and Examples

Mohammed Sameer


Have you watched a movie or TV show that started with a gripping opening sequence, leaving you on the edge of your seat? One such example is the hit Netflix series "Stranger Things." The show's opening credits feature a neon-red title and eerie synth music that sets the tone for the entire series. But what does this have to do with business? Well, just like how a great opening sequence sets the tone for a show, a well-designed project cover page sets the tone for your business project.

Working hard on a project cover page might appear to be a waste of effort, but not making this a priority can cost businesses financially. Due to inefficient project management directly attributed to lack of clarity, businesses lose close to $40 billion each year. The biggest source to get this clarity is, of course, a project cover page. It helps to streamline communication and ensure everyone involved is on the same page by clearly outlining the project's purpose, goals, and timeline. 

Now that you know the importance of a project cover page, it's time to take action. That's why we've created a collection of  Project Cover Page PPT Templates  that are designed to make your project stand out.

The 100% customizable nature of the templates provides you with the desired flexibility to edit your presentations. The content-ready slides give you the much-needed structure.

Don't let inefficient project management cost you time and money. Download our templates today and start your project off on the right foot.

Template 1: Cover Letter Solar Power Project Proposal One-Pager Sample

Looking for a versatile and effective PowerPoint Template to showcase your solar power project proposal? Look no further than this innovative and dynamic option. With a range of insightful and visually engaging features, this template is sure to make your proposal stand out from the crowd. Designed with your needs in mind, this template includes a range of customizable slides that allow you to tailor your presentation to your unique goals and objectives. Whether you're looking to highlight the financial benefits of your solar project, showcase the technical details of your system, or simply provide a clear and concise overview of your proposal, this template has you covered. Get it now.

Cover Letter Solar Power Project Proposal One-Pager Sample

Download this template

Template 2: Project Dependency Single-Slide Cover Page

Efficient project management requires a clear understanding of dependencies and potential roadblocks. Our expertly-designed PPT Template offers valuable insights into project dependencies and their impact on its overall success. This PowerPoint Presentation with modern and organized slides is perfect for visually communicating project dependencies, identifying potential risks, and building more effective plans. Use it to highlight dependencies, plan resource allocation, and prioritize tasks. Get your hands on this template today and take your project management skills to the next level.

Project Dependency Single-Slide Cover Page

Remember when you were a kid, and your teacher always told you to put your name and date on your assignments? The reason for that wasn't just to ensure you got credit for your work but also to ensure that the assignment was organized and easy to understand. In the same way, a Project Cover Page serves as a simple and effective way to organize and clarify your project. Before diving headfirst into your next project, take a step back and consider the importance of clear communication and organization. And when you're ready to get started, remember to download our Project Cover Page PPT Templates to make your project shine.

FAQs on Project Cover Page Templates

What is a cover page for a project .

A cover page is the first page of a project report or presentation that provides information about it, such as title, author name, date, and sometimes other critical information. It is an essential element and serves to introduce the project to readers or viewers. A cover page provides the project with a professional and organized appearance and sets the tone for the rest of the document.

How do I make a project cover page? 

To create a project cover page, first, decide on the necessary information that should be included. Typically, this would be the project title, author name, and date. Other relevant information, such as the company logo, project description, or course abstract, can also be added. Next, select a design that reflects the project's style and tone, including appropriate colors and fonts. You can create a custom design from scratch or use a pre-designed template. Once you have finalized the layout and design, double-check for accuracy and consistency, and ensure all the information is legible and presented clearly. Finally, add the cover page to the front of the project report or presentation.

How do I make my project cover page attractive?

Here are some tips to make your project cover page attractive:

  • Choose a visually appealing background:  Select an appropriate background image or color scheme that complements the theme and purpose of your project. Make sure the background does not overpower the content on the page.
  • Use high-quality images:  Use high-resolution images that are relevant to your project. If possible, use original photographs or graphics that you have created.
  • Keep it simple and organized:  Avoid cluttering the cover page with too much text or design elements. Use a clear and legible font.
  • Add a catchy title:  Use a concise and catchy title that accurately reflects the topic or subject of your project. The title should be prominent and easy to read.
  • Include relevant information:  Include relevant information such as the name of the author or team, the date of submission, and the name of the institution or organization.
  • Add a creative touch:  Consider adding a unique design element, such as a logo, graphic, or illustration that relates to the topic of your project.s

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  • Cover Page Templates

55 Amazing Cover Page Templates (Word, PowerPoint + PSD)

In the academic and professional arenas, you often need to prepare reports or projects which need a cover page template. The cover page is the very first thing that the reader would see. Therefore, the cover page for project should be well-made.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Title Page Templates
  • 2 When do you use a cover page?
  • 3 The important elements of a cover page template
  • 4 Report Cover Page Templates
  • 5.1 Academic cover page
  • 5.2 Business cover page
  • 5.3 Report cover page
  • 6 Cover Sheet Examples
  • 7 How to make a cover page?
  • 8 Cover Page For Project
  • 9 How to create a title page?

Title Page Templates

Free Annual Report Cover Page Template

When do you use a cover page?

A cover page template is also known as a title page template, and you can use it in different kinds of projects such as:

  • academic essays
  • business plans
  • professional reports
  • white papers

However, this template differs from cover sheets and cover letters. A cover sheet is a type of document sent with fax which provides the recipient with additional information. On the other hand, a cover letter is usually attached to a resume when you apply for a job .

The important elements of a cover page template

Before making your portfolio cover page, you should know what elements to include in it. Simple as this page may seem, there are some things which you need to incorporate into it. These are:

  • The title or subtitle of the document
  • The name of the author
  • The title of the author
  • The cover image or cover photo
  • The completion or submission date
  • The description of the document

Also, the color spread, style, and layout of the report cover page should blend together with the rest of the document seamlessly. Also, you should follow any other requirements set by your instructor or the recipient of the document.

Report Cover Page Templates

Free Cover Page Template 7

Common types of cover page templates

When you look at different cover sheet examples online, you’ll discover that there are different types to choose from. Here are the most common ones:

Academic cover page

In the academic world, making a cover page template requires some rules. In fact, following these guidelines is just as essential as the content within the paper or the document. Also, the cover page should follow the proper format depending on the style set by the instructor. The most common format styles of academic cover pages are:

  • American Psychological Association or APA This format is now in its 6th Edition, and it’s commonly used in the field of social sciences. When following this format style, the cover page should include a title, a running header, the name of the author, the name of the institution, and any other notes the author wants to include.
  • Modern Language Association or MLA This format is now in its 8th Edition, and it’s commonly used in the fields of humanities and arts. Normally, this format doesn’t require a cover page, but some instructors still ask for it. If you’re required to make a cover page, follow the guidelines set by your instructor .
  • Chicago Manual of Style or CMS This format is now in its 16th Edition, and it’s also commonly used in the fields of humanities and arts. In such a format, you might need to make a standalone cover page, or you may add the title on the first page of your document.

Business cover page

This style is very common in the corporate world, and its design would depend on the nature of the company or the organization. Some cover pages require formality and professionalism while others may need more flair and creativity. For instance, some technical reports only show figures and facts which means that you would only need to use a conservative design for the template. But marketing and business plans might need more imagery and color to attract more readers.

Report cover page

There are different styles you can use when making a template for a cover page template for a report. You would use a different style when making a template for a marketing report compared to when making a template for a business proposal . Use your professionalism or creativity as you see fit to impress your target audience.

Cover Sheet Examples

Free Business Cover Page

How to make a cover page?

When you’re thinking about preparing a cover page template, remember that it’s all about the first impression. Your document might have a lot of good content, but without a well-made report cover page, your target audience might not even read it. There are many crucial things to keep in mind when creating your report’s cover page.

The cover page is at the very start of a document. From the beginning, the purpose of this page is to provide the reader with a good idea of what your document is all about. You communicate this information by including all the relevant information on this page. Here are some helpful steps to follow when making a cover page for the project in Microsoft Word:

  • First, open a new document in Microsoft Word.
  • Click on the Insert tab to find the drop-down menu for cover page templates. From there, you can choose which template you’d like to use for your project.
  • When you click on a template, it will appear as the first page of your document.
  • Click on the fields which have already been pre-formatted and start typing the information. First, the title of your document then the subtitle, the date, your name, and more.
  • If you don’t see a style you like in among the available templates, you can also customize one of the pre-formatted templates. For instance, you’d like to change the background image of the template, simply right-click on that picture then select “Click Picture” in the menu.
  • If in the middle of making your document, you’d like to change the cover page, you can do this too. Just go back to the first page then choose a new template from the menu. In doing this, the information you’ve added won’t get changed.
  • After you’ve added all the information on your cover page, don’t forget to save it in a location that’s easily accessible.

As we’ve said, making a cover page doesn’t require much effort. Even if you want to make your own customized template, you can do this in a matter of steps and in very quick time. The pre-formatted templates available in Microsoft Word will save you a lot of time and effort. However, using such a template would mean that you can’t make your own personality and style shine through. Here are some steps to follow if you plan to design your own portfolio cover page:

  • Choose one of the pre-formatted templates from the Insert tab then start editing the template. Change the colors, font styles, and all the other elements in the template.
  • You can get stock-free images online and use those for your cover page. Move the elements around and see which arrangement is the most aesthetically appealing.
  • When you’re happy with how you cover page, save your document to preserve your customized design.

No matter how you choose to make your cover page, make sure to add all of the important elements which we have discussed in the previous section.

Cover Page For Project

Free Final Exam Cover Page Template

How to create a title page?

Title pages are simple and easy to make. However, you need to follow some specific guidelines when making them. You can download our title page template if it fits into the style you’re instructed to follow. Since making such a template isn’t complicated, you can also make it yourself. Just follow these steps:

  • Space the title of the document about a third down the page. If your document has a long title or it has a colon somewhere in it, you can use two lines for the title.
  • Make use of “title case capitalization” wherein you use a capital letter at the beginning of the important words such as the verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
  • Add your name as the author of the document right below the title. Use your complete name and start with your first name, middle initial, then your surname. If more than one person wrote the document, include all of the full names.
  • Add the name of your institution, organization or university. This will tell the readers where you performed most of your research. If several authors from different institutions wrote the document, add the name of the institution right below the name of the author/s.
  • Now it’s time to format your template. Your title page should be double-spaced. To do this, highlight the text and choose the double space option in the line spacing drop-down menu.
  • Your title should have a horizontal center alignment.
  • Then add a running header which appears at the top of the page and continues throughout the document. But the header isn’t the title of the document, just a few keywords or about 50 characters.
  • The next thing to add is the page number which appears at the upper right-hand corner of the cover page and all the other pages in the document.

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5 Powerful Group Presentation Examples + Guide to Nail Your Next Talk

Leah Nguyen • 04 April, 2024 • 6 min read

A group presentation is a chance to combine your superpowers, brainstorm like mad geniuses, and deliver a presentation that'll have your audience begging for an encore.

That's the gist of it.

It can also be a disaster if it's not done right. Fortunately, we have awesome group presentation examples to help you get the hang of it💪.

Table of Contents

What is a good group presentation, #1. delivering a successful team presentation, #2. athletetrax team presentation, #3. bumble - 1st place - 2017 national business plan competition, #4. 2019 final round yonsei university, #5. 1st place | macy's case competition, bottom line, frequently asked questions, tips for audience engagement.

  • Manager your timing in presentation better
  • Learn to introduce team member now

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What is a good group presentation?Clear communication, convincing arguments, careful preparation, and the ability to adapt.
What are the benefits of group presentations?Collaborative effort, shared resources, and fresh concepts.

Group presentation example

Here are some key aspects of a good group presentation:

• Organisation - The presentation should follow a logical flow, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. An outline or roadmap shown upfront helps guide the audience.

• Visual aids – Use slides, videos, diagrams, etc. to enhance the presentation and keep it engaging. But avoid overly packed slides with too much text. For the sake of convenience of quickly sharing the content, you can attach a QR code directly in your presentation using slides QR code generator for this goal.

• Speaking skills - Speak clearly, at an appropriate pace and volume. Make eye contact with the audience. Limit filler words and verbal tics.

• Participation - All group members should contribute to the presentation in an active and balanced way. They should speak in an integrated, conversational manner. You can also gather attention from your audience by using different interactive features, including spinner wheel live word clouds , live Q&A , online quiz creator and survey tool , to maximize engagement.

🎉 Choose the best Q&A tool with AhaSlides

• Content - The material should be relevant, informative, and at an appropriate level for the audience. Good research and preparation ensure accuracy.

• Interaction - Involve the audience through questions, demonstrations, polls , or activities. This helps keep their attention and facilitates learning.

• Time management - Stay within the allotted time through careful planning and time checks. Have someone in the group monitor the clock.

• Audience focus - Consider the audience's needs and perspective. Frame the material in a way that is relevant and valuable to them.

• Conclusion - Provide a strong summary of the main points and takeaways. Leave the audience with key messages they'll remember from your presentation.

🎊 Tips: Icebreaker games | The secret weapon for connecting a new group

Present in powerful and creative visual

Engage your audience in real-time. Let them imprint your presentation in their head with revolutionising interactive slides!

Best Group Presentation Examples

To give you a good idea of what a good group presentation is, here are some specific examples for you to learn from.

The video provides helpful examples and recommendations to illustrate each of these tips for improving team presentations.

The speaker recommends preparing thoroughly as a team, assigning clear roles to each member, and rehearsing multiple times to deliver an effective team presentation that engages the audience.

They speak loudly and clearly, make eye contact with the audience, and avoid reading slides word for word.

The visuals are done properly, with limited text on slides, and relevant images and graphics are used to support key points.

The presentation follows a logical structure, covering the company overview, the problem they are solving, the proposed solution, business model, competition, marketing strategy, finances, and next steps. This makes it easy to follow.

The presenters speak clearly and confidently, make good eye contact with the audience, and avoid simply reading the slides. Their professional demeanor creates a good impression.

They provide a cogent and concise answer to the one question they receive at the end, demonstrating a good understanding of their business plan.

This group nails it with a positive attitude throughout the presentation . Smiles show warmness in opposition to blank stares.

The team cites relevant usage statistics and financial metrics to demonstrate Bumble's growth potential. This lends credibility to their pitch.

All points are elaborated well, and they switch between members harmoniously.

This group presentation shows that a little stutter initially doesn't mean it's the end of the world. They keep going with confidence and carry out the plan flawlessly, which impresses the judging panel.

The team provides clear, supported responses that demonstrate their knowledge and thoughtfulness.

When answering the questions from the judge, they exchange frequent eye contact with them, showing confident manners.

🎉 Tips: Divide your team into smaller groups for them to practice presenting better!

In this video , we can see instantly that each member of the group takes control of the stage they present naturally. They move around, exuding an aura of confidence in what they're saying.

For an intricate topic like diversity and inclusion, they made their points well-put by backing them up with figures and data.

🎊 Tips: Rate your presentation by effective rating scale tool , to make sure that everyone's satisfied with your presentation!

We hope these group presentation examples will help you and your team members achieve clear communication, organisation, and preparation, along with the ability to deliver the message in an engaging and compelling manner. These factors all contribute to a good group presentation that wow the audience.

More to read:

  • 💡 10 Interactive Presentation Techniques for Engagement
  • 💡 220++ Easy Topics for Presentation of all Ages
  • 💡 Complete Guide to Interactive Presentations

What is a group presentation?

A group presentation is a presentation given by multiple people, typically two or more, to an audience. Group presentations are common in academic, business, and organisational settings.

How do you make a group presentation?

To make an effective group presentation, clearly define the objective, assign roles among group members for researching, creating slides, and rehearsing, create an outline with an introduction, 3-5 key points, and a conclusion, and gather relevant facts and examples to support each point, include meaningful visual aids on slides while limiting text, practice your full presentation together and provide each other with feedback, conclude strongly by summarising key takeaways.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Cover Slides for Presentations with Shapes & Gradients

The title slide is inarguably one of the most important parts of any PowerPoint. It is the first impression for the rest of the presentation. If the audience loses interest from the beginning, the crux of the talk may have the same effect. Therefore, the title and design must perfectly reflect the contents of the entire presentation. The Cover Slides for Presentations with Shapes & Gradients is a collection of multi-purpose business cover templates. These aesthetic slides contain fully editable shapes to let users customize colors and design modifications.

The corporate cover slides of gradient PowerPoint offers a range of editable design for all-important first introductions. The audience will care about the presentation as much as the effort that has gone into creating it. A PPT cover page sets the tone of what comes afterward. The PowerPoint Title Slide starts with basic introductions such as name of presenter, purpose title, organization’s name, or affiliations. This is why an attractive layout design is necessary to build viewer’s interest from the beginning. With the use of visually appealing cover slides for PowerPoint, you can make your presentation standout from the start.

The Cover Slides for Presentations with Shapes & Gradients has seven PowerPoint background options with color and design variations. Each layout includes flat PowerPoint shapes with shadows and gradient colors. These slides give a modern and minimal look which could work with all types of presentations. Moreover, users can choose shapes to move, resize, or change color from the drawing format menu. You can download these banner slides deck to set the stage for your upcoming presentations.

Gradient Colors and Shapes in PoverPoint

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Free Cover Page templates

Create impressive cover pages for your assignments and projects online in just a click. choose from hundreds of free templates and customize them with

Create impressive cover pages in a few minutes with, and give your projects and assignments a professional and unique touch. A well-designed title page or project front page can positively impact your professor's opinion of your homework, which can improve your final grade!

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Create a personalized report cover page

After writing the whole report, dissertation, or paper, which is the hardest part, you should now create a cover page that suits the rest of the project. Part of the grade for your work depends on the first impression of the teacher who corrects it.

We know not everyone is a professional designer, and that's why wants to help you. Having a professional title page can give the impression you've put a great deal of time and effort into your assignment, as well as the impression you take the subject very seriously. Thanks to, everyone can become a professional designer. This way, you'll only have to worry about doing a great job on your assignment.

On the editor, you will also find free resume templates  and other educational and professional designs.

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Customize an essay cover page with

  • Go to formats on the home page and choose Cover pages.
  • Choose the template that best suits the project.
  • You can add your images or change the template background color.
  • Add your report information and change the font type and colors if needed.
  • Save and download it. The cover page is ready to make your work shine!

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Free editable templates for title pages

As you can see, it's simple to create cover pages for schoolwork and it won’t take much time. We recommend using the same colors on the cover as the ones you used for your essay titles to create a cohesive design. It’s also crucial to add the name and logo of the institution for which you are doing the essay. A visually attractive project is likely to be graded very well, so taking care of the small details will make your work look professional.

On, you can also reuse all your designs and adapt them to different projects. Thanks to the users' internal memory, you can access and edit old templates anytime and anywhere.

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Take a look at other options we propose on the site. helps design flyers, business cards, and other designs useful in the workplace. The platform was created so you don't need to have previous design knowledge to achieve a spectacular cover page! Start your cover page design now.

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You can enter our free graphic editor from your phone, tablet or computer. The process is 100% online, fun and intuitive. Just click on what you want to modify. Customize your cover page quickly and easily. You don't need any design skills. No Photoshop skills. Just choose a template from this article or from the final waterfall and customize it to your liking. Writing first and last names, numbers, additional information or texts will be as easy as writing in a Word document.

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How to Create an Amazing Report Cover Page Design [Plus Templates]

How to Create an Amazing Report Cover Page Design [Plus Templates]

Written by: Masooma Memon

report cover page - header

Unless you have a stunning report cover page to represent the hard work you’ve done and invite viewers to read it, you’re doomed.

That’s a big claim. Probably one that I shouldn’t be making, but we’ve all got biased brains that fall for looks anyway. So why should I lie to you?

See, in your imagination, you can write a stellar report that everyone in the office reads. Appreciates. And applauds for. 👏

But no matter how beautiful the different graphs in your report are. Or how well you’ve followed the ways to write a report so that it’s actually read .

Nothing matters. Unless you’ve created an amazing report cover page design to jacket all your content and circle graphs in.

Think of it like this – you’re walking into your favorite bookstore. And for the first time in your life, you don’t have anything on your to-read list. (Impossible, I know. But hear me out.) Now you need to pick a book.

Which one do you think you’ll pick from your favorite section?

At the risk of sounding cliché, it’d be the one with the most attractive cover. Perhaps the cover’s color catches your eye. Or its design.

It could be anything. But, really, the cover is the first step to picking the book up and skimming its summary.

A report cover page works the same way.

It catches your reader’s eye, welcoming him to turn the cover and read what you’ve worked tirelessly to put together.

Since reports are a staple in every quarter, every year, in short, every time, you simply can’t ignore their cover. So it’s time we talk design.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit report cover pages you can use when you edit, share and download your report with Visme. View more templates below:

group presentation cover page

In this post, we’ll roll through the essentials of designing a report cover page, what a report has on its front and the design elements that need your attention.

But First, Why Do you Need a Visually Stunning Report Cover Page?

Reports are believed to be dull, boring and bulky documents. Dull and boring because they talk numbers. And bulky because reports are text-heavy creatures.

At least that’s the belief, right?

It was. But not anymore.

More and more folks are recognizing that eye-catching visuals are the first step to ensuring that their reports make it into their readers’ hands.

In fact, your report’s chances of generating maximum readers get bleak if it doesn’t attract them. So who made the change in this long-standing belief about reports, you ask?


Along with their work on unearthing the impact that design plays in developing first impressions and gripping attention.

Consider this.

Design is the first step to leaving a remarkable impact.

We process visual content in about 13 milliseconds, according to the researchers at MIT .

That’s 13 milliseconds .

But have you wondered why we perceive visuals way faster than any other info bit?

The answer might amaze you – our brain is a sucker for beautiful things. It’s innately drawn to them. Put this way, you definitely need an attractive report cover page design.

Takeaway : Design a report cover page that counts. Carefully select the color, font and other design elements. These are secretly working in your favor to spark your target’s interest.

Good design is the way to making your document memorable.

Here’s another interesting discovery. We can remember over 2,000 pictures with roughly 90% accuracy . But we can’t remember words with a similar accuracy.

Put another way – design is much more memorable than written content.

Takeaway : An epic report cover page design makes your report memorable. So your boss will probably call out, “ get me that report with the great design. ”

Step one for getting your report recognized accomplished. ✔✔

Looking to create a stand-out visual report?

  • Choose from dozens of professionally designed templates
  • Create animated charts and creatively visualize stats and figures
  • Customize anything to fit your brand image and content needs

Good design makes your content persuasive.

This conclusion comes from an old but gold study with an important, worth-mentioning message. Researchers compared the impact of a time management presentation with and without visual support. The conclusion?

The presentation with visuals was found to be 43% more persuasive than the one sans visual aids. The group also said that the visually rich presentation was more interesting, professional and clearer than the visual-less presentation.

The takeaway : These findings can be easily applied to your report cover. A stunning report cover page design can make your report look professional, interesting and memorable.

In fact, adding visuals to your entire report, and not just its cover, can help you transform your report from dull to captivating.  

In short, a fabulously designed report cover works wonders. It makes your report memorable, encourages folks to pick it up and helps it stand out amidst a sea of mediocrity.

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group presentation cover page

Factors to Pay Attention to Before Designing a Report Cover Page

Now that you know how crucial a report cover page design is, let’s get down to business – designing an engaging report cover.  

Remember that the goal here is to make your report cover page design engaging, informative and unforgettable. All while staying professional.

You also need to ensure that the design is appropriate for your audience’s taste and suits the subject it’s covering. For instance, a report cover designed for a preschool principal is going to be much different from that of a hospital report.

To get to the heart of this, you need to pay attention to five key characteristics.

Know your audience.

A pop of color looks great on a report cover page designed for the fashion industry. But it wouldn’t suit the healthcare sector. This is the reason why the Mayo Clinic sticks with blue, a color that gains trust in its annual community report .

report cover page - know your audience

Image Source

Know your audience’s taste.

Not only do you need to know your audience, but their taste as well when you get to creating the perfect report cover page design.

For example, if your boss has a serious hatred for the color yellow, it’s best to steer clear from using it in your report cover.

This begs the question though – what if you pick a report cover page template that has a yellow theme? Such as in this template below.

report cover page - know your audience's taste

Customize this report template and make it your own! Edit and Download

In such a case, you don’t need to change all of your plans. Just change the color. This is incredibly easy to do thanks to the flexibility that Visme offers you.  

Know your subject.

Onto the third factor now. Be aware of your subject like the back of your hand.

So let’s say your report covers extinct animals. Do you think a report cover page with flowers will make sense in such a case? Absolutely not.

Imagine having a flower on this WWF 2018 Annual Report cover.

report cover page - know your subject

Know your report’s format.

Before you go about designing a report cover page, you need to be sure of the format you’re going to lay out all of your information in.

Is it a simple one-page report? This daily report template can be a great place to start.

report cover page - know your report's format

You could also opt for a weekly report format, which gives an overview of the week on its front page as in this template.

report cover page - know your report's format

Or, do you want to take a creative route and design an interactive infographic report ? (Psst! Here’s a pool of infographic templates from Visme to get you started.)

Not to forget, your report could also be a masterpiece with lots of data, discussing future plans and reflecting on the annual (or quarterly) happenings.

report cover page - know your report's format

If you’re putting together suggestions though, then you may find a proposal template suitable for your report cover page design.

Here’s a good one that I find particularly pretty.

report cover page - know your report's format

You see, the options are varied. You just need to determine what options are going to suit your report cover page best.

And while you decide on your format, here are more report examples that people actually want to read to jiggle your creative bells.

Pay attention to your branding.

Lastly, don’t forget your visual branding . This applies to you whether you are a service provider sharing reports with your client(s) or an employee in a company.

As you create your report cover page design, you need to take into account all the branding elements including color, font, brand personality and so on. Incorporate all these elements directly into your cover page.  

For instance, the Content Marketing Institute designs an orange-themed report cover page year on year. Why? Because orange is their brand color.

report cover page - use your branding

If you already have a brand style guide in place, you can take a shortcut to designing your cover by using a report cover page template.  

Say you like this report cover page template from Visme best.

report cover page - use your branding

Just tweak it to add your logo and brand colors with fonts and you’re all set.

What Goes On Your Report Cover Page

Here’s the thing – you can’t design anything unless you know the content that you need to add to it. Designing without planning content beforehand can be a serious design flaw requiring you to redo the process all over again.  

To this end, your report cover page should include:

  • Report Title
  • Author’s Job Title
  • Company Name/Logo
  • Date of Completion/Submission

report cover page - what goes on your report cover page

In case of a report cover page template, you don’t need to worry about all this though.

How to Create an Amazing Report Cover Page Design

Okay now that you know what to factor in as you head to the design board, let’s get to the meat of the matter.  

We’re going to be shedding light on the most important design elements such as color, fonts, whitespace and more for creating an epic report cover page design.

Just one small but significant tip here. Picking and including these elements in your report cover page won’t be a headache if you already have a brand style guide. Because you’ll need to stick to your branding rather than introduce anything new.

Now that this is out of the way, grab your cuppa and read on.

1. Choose your colors wisely.

Creating a report cover page may seem to be the best option to introduce all your favorite colors in one design. Alas, that’s not quite how design works.  

Like we discussed, and we’ll be quick about this, pick colors from your brand’s or company’s color palette if you have one.

If not, then get to work by understanding color psychology before finalizing your best picks.

Other tips to keep in mind here are:  

  • Use no more than 3 shades to prevent color overload and confusion for viewers.
  • Ensure the contrast between your background and text is high. This enhances readability. In English, black text on a white or light background makes it easy for readers to digest your content.
  • Pick contrasting colors or choose a single color and play with its shades and tints.

As far as your font color is concerned, you’re free to experiment with it. Make your headings pop with a bright color and differentiate your subtitles with another shade.

To be on the safe side though, stick with black or white color for your body font. These two colors have a knack for standing out. This helps deliver your message clearly.

And before we head on to the next design element for your report cover, here are 50 tried and true color combinations . Try your favorite ones to save time. Otherwise picking colors can be as tough as choosing an ice cream flavor as a kid.

2. Don’t rush with font selection.

Typography leaves an impact on various factors. It’s just as the founder of iA and iAWriter Oliver Reichenstein said , “Optimizing typography is optimizing readability, accessibility, usability [and] overall graphic balance.”

Not to forget, each font comes with its own personality. This could be playful, serious, clean or casual among other styles. So you really can’t neglect fonts at any cost.

Factor in each font aspect including its roundness, letter to letter flow, length and weight. These play a crucial role in instilling feeling in your viewer’s mind.

For example , script fonts are elegant. Serif fonts, on the other hand, have a serious, refined vibe. And sans serif fonts can help your content and design to feel more modern.  

report cover page - choose your fonts wisely

If you’re in a rush and your report cover page template needs to be done quickly, play it safe by picking from the top 5 best fonts .

Here are more tips to simplify font selection for you:

  • Always pick a font that’s readable and that stays so even if its size is altered.
  • Work with a web safe font , one that’s supported by multiple browsers
  • Similar to colors, don’t use more than 2-3 fonts in your report cover design page.

As you pair fonts together with each other, be sure to outline your objective first.

Do you want your fonts to flow and harmonize? Or do you want to play with contrasting typography? Decide according to your objective.

Here’s a video explaining this very process of pairing fonts for more clarity:

3. Select attention-grabbing visuals.

Data visualization and graphic organizers have a reputation for adding life to your report.

The icing on top is that these stunning visuals can work wonders in catching your reader’s attention. Not to forget, they can make your report cover page unforgettable.

But there’s ONE thing that you need to be absolutely sure about, and it’s that you’ll need high-quality images or illustrations for your report cover page design.

This holds true in all cases, whether your visual occupies a small portion on the front such as in this template.

report cover page - use attention-grabbing visuals

Or whether your image spreads out from top to bottom on your report cover page like in the Visme template below.

report cover page - use attention-grabbing visuals

In either case, you need quality. Without it, you run the risk of looking unprofessional.

The good news is that   report templates offered by Visme are easily customizable. So you only need to slide in your image and edit the text.

In addition to the quality, keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure your visuals are relevant to the subject covered in your report.
  • Keep the visual simple and unique so it can stand out.
  • Lastly, use an image with personality, conveying what you’re saying.

All of these three points are captured in   WCS Annual Report 2019 ’s cover page:

report cover page - use attention-grabbing visuals

Remember, you’re not to add visuals in your report cover page just for the sake of it. The real goal for visuals here is to reinforce your message.

4. Work on the hierarchy for your report cover page.

Hierarchy is the way you organize information on your report cover.   The aim is to offer visual clues or a navigation pathway to your readers so they know where to start reading.

Let’s pick an example from one of Visme’s report cover page templates to understand things better here, like this attention-grabbing CRO Proposal.

report cover page - visual hierarchy

Did you notice that your focus first landed on “CRO Proposal” rather than any other text? That’s because it was designed to catch your attention first. 

How? With its size and bold formatting.

Your eye will naturally concentrate on the subtitle “Conversion Rate Optimization” next.

That’s because its reduced size – smaller than the title but larger than the rest – lays out a navigation path for you.

Here are more tips for planning out your cover’s hierarchy:  

  • Use varying sizes to distribute focus and lay out a visual path. Remember, the biggest design element takes the spotlight.
  • Give your text ample breathing room. Space makes things readable.
  • Pay attention to the attributes of the typeface you choose. These include the width, weight and stroke of the font.
  • Let’s not forget color and tint here. Lighter tints leave a distant effect in contrast with darker ones. Whereas, bright colors are more outstanding than grayscale or muted shades. Choose wisely.

To add to your tips for this element, take a look this video from our Make Information Beautiful series on visual hierarchy design principles .

5. Factor in whitespace as you design.

The last design element on this list is whitespace . It’s the unmarked space in a design, also known as negative space.

But by no means does this space have to have a white background. In fact, whitespace could be of any color, image, pattern or texture.

The idea is just to add some breathing room around your design’s elements. Proper use of whitespace between paragraphs and margins can enhance understanding by up to 20% .  

So what you’ve got to do in this case is add proper unmarked space (aka breathing room) between the title, subtitle, and other report cover elements.

Here’s a very thoughtful use of whitespace in this report page template to give you an idea.

report cover page - use whitespace

As for your tips:

  • Add whitespace around the design elements that you want to highlight. Editor-in-chief of UX Planet, Nick Babich shares , “The more whitespace there is around an object, the more the eye is drawn to it.”
  • If you add elements like geometrical shapes to your report cover page design, add whitespace around them for clarity.
  • Add some negative space between your report cover’s title, subtitle and other text to make it easy to read.

Design an Epic Report Cover Page Today

You can start designing your report cover page from scratch. Or you could edit a report cover page template from Visme and design a fabulous cover within minutes.

For non-designers though, the design principles we detailed in this post can be a tricky territory to wade into. This is why report cover templates can be lifesavers.

So what are you waiting for? Get a head start designing your next report cover page by signing up for Visme for free.

Learn more in our quick 5-minute tutorial video.

Design beautiful visual content you can be proud of.

group presentation cover page

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About the Author

Masooma Memon is a pizza-loving freelance writer by day and a novel nerd by night. She crafts research-backed, actionable blog posts for SaaS and marketing brands who aim to employ quality content to educate and engage with their audience.

group presentation cover page


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