
Dr. vs. PhD: Was ist der Unterschied?

Fotomontage: Männerhand zeigt auf einen hervorgehobenen Button mit der Bezeichnung PhD.

Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick

  • Während in Deutschland am Ende eines Promotionsstudiums der Doktortitel verliehen wird, ist es in englischsprachigen Ländern meistens der PhD.
  • Beide Grade berechtigen zum Lehren an einer Universität und werden international anerkannt.
  • Die Systeme der beiden Titel haben jedoch einige Unterschiede.

Dr. oder PhD?

Wenn Du Deinen Bachelor und Master bereits hinter Dir hast, die Universität aber nicht verlassen möchtest, bietet es sich an, in der Forschung und Entwicklung zu arbeiten . Dazu benötigst Du einen Promotionsplatz – und von denen gibt es immer mehr. Das ist die Reaktion auf die Nachfrage der wachsenden Zahl an Studenten in Deutschland. Wissenschaft und Forschung werden aber auch international immer wichtiger . So bietet sich Dir vielleicht sogar die Chance, die Promotion mit einem Auslandsaufenthalt zu verknüpfen.

Was bringt ein Dr. oder PhD?

Wer denkt, der Doktortitel sorgt nur für Anerkennung oder schmückt den eigenen Namen, liegt falsch. Ein Doktortitel öffnet nicht nur Türen in Medizinberufen oder im naturwissenschaftlichen Sektor. Auch Juristen und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler verdienen mit einem Titel spürbar mehr oder bekommen sogar erst dadurch Zugang zu höheren Positionen . Für Geisteswissenschaftler bedeutet der Titel leider kaum Zuwachs beim Gehalt, dafür kannst Du in einem Sektor forschen, der Dich interessiert, oder auch am Lehrstuhl arbeiten.

Begriffliche Unterscheidung

Während der klassische Grad des Doktors in Deutschland verbreitet ist, wird in englischsprachigen Ländern vor allem vom PhD , also vom Philosophical doctorate, gesprochen. Das leitet sich vom lateinischen philosophiae doctor ab, der aus der antiken Wissenschaftstradition kommt, heute aber nichts mehr mit dem Fach Philosophie zu tun hat . Stattdessen berechtigt der Titel zum selbstständigen und alleinverantwortlichen Lehren an einer Universität. Gleichzustellen ist der PhD im Englischsprachigen jedoch nicht mit einer Promotion in medizinischen Fächern. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen MD-PhD, der nur an Schools of Medicine verliehen wird. Der PhD hat meistens noch den Zusatz ‚in’, der angibt, in welchem Fach man den Titel erlangt hat.

Die wichtigsten Unterschiede

Dr. vs. PhD

4–6 Jahre (ausgenommen Mediziner)

Viel Eigenarbeit


Starke Bindung an Professor und Lehrstuhl

Angestrebtes Karriereziel

Strukturiert; Vorlesungen & Kurse gehören zum Programm

Betreuung und Austausch; Keine feste Bindung an einen Lehrstuhl oder einen Professor

Der Hauptunterschied zwischen Dr. und PhD ist also, dass man beim PhD nicht an einen bestimmten Lehrstuhl gebunden ist. Damit kannst Du beim PhD auch leichter den Betreuer wechseln. Beim Dr. ist das in der Regel schwer bis gar nicht möglich. Zusätzlich musst Du beim PhD im Schnitt eine größere Anzahl an Kursen belegen - also im Endeffekt mehr ECTS Credits sammeln. Der Umfang und die erwartete Qualität Deiner Doktorarbeit bzw. Deiner PhD-Thesis unterscheiden sich jedoch nicht voneinander. In jedem Fall ist sehr viel Eigenarbeit gefragt.

Achtung: Dr. nicht in PhD übersetzen

Auch wenn der deutsche Doktortitel im Ausland genauso anerkannt wird wie der PhD, solltest Du ihn auf gar keinen Fall übersetzen. Das ist sogar illegal . Grund dafür ist der Unterschied der beiden Systeme – vor allem die wissenschaftliche Forschung in PhD-Programmen ist intensiver als im Promotionsstudium.

Weitere Artikel


PhD oder Doktortitel - Was passt zu Dir?

Auch wenn der PhD im Ausland für Arbeiten auf Augenhöhe mit den Professoren steht, darfst Du das natürlich nicht verallgemeinern. Es kann sowohl im Ausland als auch an deutschen Universitäten große Unterschiede im Promotionsstudium geben. Falls Du die Wahl zwischen beiden Optionen hast, ist es wichtig, dass Du Dir Gedanken über Deine Zukunft machst. Dazu gehört zum Beispiel auch die Frage danach, wo Du später arbeiten möchtest. Du solltest Dich außerdem fragen, ob Du für diese Zeit ins Ausland gehen willst .

Falls Du das mit Nein beantwortest, der PhD aber trotzdem besser zu Dir passt, kannst Du nach geeigneten Programmen in Deutschland suchen, die es mittlerweile auch schon gibt.

Wo finde ich Doktorandenstellen?

  • Finanzberatung
  • Investitionsmanagement
  • Risikomanagement
  • Aushilfs- & Vertretungslehrer
  • Beurteilung
  • Kindertagesstätte
  • Lehrassistenz
  • Schulleitung
  • Sekretariat
  • Berufsschule
  • Erwachsenenbildung
  • Kindergarten, KiTa, Vorschule
  • Sozialarbeit
  • Universität, Fachhochschule
  • Unterricht: Grundschule
  • Unterricht: Sekundarstufe
  • Weitere: Bildung und Soziales
  • Buchführung
  • Kreditkontrolle
  • Lohnabrechnung
  • Architektur
  • Fotografie, Video
  • Grafik- und Kommunikationsdesign
  • Medien-, Screen-, Webdesign
  • Modedesign, Schmuckdesign
  • Produktdesign, Industriedesign
  • Theater, Schauspiel, Musik, Tanz
  • Weitere: Design, Gestaltung und Architektur
  • Wohltätigkeit
  • Audiologie, Hörakustik, HNO
  • Ernährungswissenschaften
  • Gynäkologie
  • Hair & Beauty
  • Kardiologie
  • Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  • Medizinischer Vertrieb
  • Pflegepersonal
  • Psychische Gesundheit
  • Unfall- und Notfallmedizin
  • Filialleitung
  • Merchandising
  • Verkaufspersonal
  • Bestattungsdienst
  • Garten- und Landschaftsbau
  • Gartenarbeit
  • Hilfsarbeiten
  • Malerei und Dekoration
  • Montage und Bearbeitung
  • Schreinerei
  • Servicetechnik
  • Arbeitssicherheit
  • Bauwesen, Montage
  • Beauty, Wellness
  • Elektrik, Sanitär, Heizung, Klima
  • Kontrollsysteme
  • Lebensmittelindustrie
  • Qualität & Sicherheit
  • Abteilungsköche
  • Barista-Management
  • Barista-Personal
  • Catering Management
  • Eventmanagement
  • Eventpersonal
  • Freizeit- und Wellnessmanagement
  • Freizeit- und Wellnesspersonal
  • Hauswirtschafspersonal
  • Hauswirtschaftsleitung
  • Hotelleitung
  • Hotelpersonal
  • Kreuzfahrtmanagement
  • Küchenchefs
  • Küchenmanagement
  • Parkservice
  • Portierdienst
  • Restaurantleitung
  • Restaurantpersonal
  • Service- und Barmanagement
  • Service- und Barpersonal
  • Servicepersonal
  • Speisen und Getränke - Management
  • Speisen und Getränke - Personal
  • Holzhandwerk
  • Maler, Lackierer
  • Metallhandwerk
  • Nahrungsmittelherstellung, -verarbeitung
  • Raumgestaltung
  • Reiseverkehr, Touristik
  • Sicherheitsdienste, Schutzdienste
  • Weitere: Handwerk, Dienstleistung und Fertigung
  • Gebäudemanagement
  • Immobilienagentur
  • Immobilienverwaltung
  • Verhandlung
  • Vermietungen
  • Vermögensbewertung
  • Elektrotechnik
  • Luft- und Raumfahrt
  • Keine Disziplin
  • Glücksspiel
  • Kunstgewerbe
  • Museum und Bibliothek
  • Unterhaltung
  • Distributionslogistik
  • Packpersonal
  • Post, Paketdienste
  • Vendor Assurance
  • Versorgungskette
  • Assistant Management
  • Gebietsleitung
  • Geschäftsführung
  • Geschäftsleitung
  • Kaufmännische Leitung
  • Brand Management
  • Category Management
  • Channel Management
  • Marktforschung
  • Verlagswesen
  • (Bundes-)Polizei, Justizvollzug
  • Angestellte, Beamte auf Bundesebene
  • Angestellte, Beamte auf Landes-, kommunaler Ebene
  • Angestellte, Beamte im auswärtigen Dienst
  • Bundeswehr, Wehrverwaltung
  • Steuerverwaltung, Finanzverwaltung
  • Verbände, Vereine
  • Weitere: Öffentlicher Dienst
  • Lokalverwaltung
  • Sicherheitsüberprüfung
  • Zentralregierung
  • Anwaltschaft
  • Anwaltsgehilfen
  • Arbeitsrecht
  • Einwanderung
  • Geistiges Eigentum
  • Gerichtsverfahren
  • Handelsrecht
  • Justiziariat, Rechtsabteilung
  • Körperverletzung
  • Notar-, Justizfachangestellter, Anwaltsfachgehilfe
  • Privatrecht
  • Richter, Justizbeamte
  • Sachenrecht
  • Schlichtung/Schiedsgericht
  • Weitere: Recht
  • Fachreinigung
  • Gebäudereinigung
  • Geschäftsreisen
  • Reiseberatung
  • Reservation
  • Heim-, Hausleitung
  • Pflege, Betreung
  • Unterbringung
  • Fitness und Freizeit
  • Haustierpflege
  • Forderungen
  • Versicherungsgeschäft
  • Versicherungsmathematik
  • Account-Management
  • Angebotserstellung
  • Außendienst
  • Gebietsverkauf
  • Immobilienmakler
  • Innendienst, Sachbearbeitung
  • Abholservice
  • Call-Center
  • Front Office
  • Kundendienst
  • Reklamation
  • Leadgenerierung
  • Leitung, Teamleitung
  • Mittelbeschaffung
  • Pharmaberater, Pharmareferent
  • Tele-Marketing
  • Verkauf (Handel)
  • Verkaufsberatung
  • Vertriebsassistenz
  • Weitere: Vertrieb und Verkauf
  • Landwirtschaft
  • Data Science
  • Forschung und Entwicklung
  • Technologie
  • Affalterbach
  • Ahlden (Aller)
  • Ahrensfelde
  • Aichstetten
  • Albershausen
  • Alfeld (Leine)
  • Allershausen
  • Alsbach-Hähnlein
  • Alsenbrück-Langmeil
  • Altenkirchen
  • Altenmarkt an der Alz
  • Altentreptow
  • Althengstett
  • Altleiningen
  • Altstrimmig
  • Alzenau in Unterfranken
  • Annaberg-Buchholz
  • Annweiler am Trifels
  • Asbach-Bäumenheim
  • Aschaffenburg
  • Aschau am Inn
  • Aschersleben
  • Aschersleben Aschersleben
  • Aurich Haxtum
  • Australien/Neuseeland
  • Babenhausen
  • Bad Aibling
  • Bad Arolsen
  • Bad Bentheim
  • Bad Berleburg
  • Bad Berleburg Bad Berleburg
  • Bad Bevensen
  • Bad Bramstedt
  • Bad Brückenau
  • Bad Camberg
  • Bad Doberan
  • Bad Driburg
  • Bad Dürkheim
  • Bad Dürrenberg
  • Bad Dürrheim
  • Bad Feilnbach
  • Bad Frankenhausen
  • Bad Freienwalde
  • Bad Friedrichshall
  • Bad Füssing
  • Bad Harzburg
  • Bad Harzburg Bad Harzburg
  • Bad Hersfeld
  • Bad Homburg vor der Höhe
  • Bad Kissingen
  • Bad Kleinen
  • Bad Kreuznach
  • Bad Krozingen
  • Bad Laasphe
  • Bad Langensalza
  • Bad Lausick
  • Bad Mergentheim
  • Bad Münder am Deister
  • Bad Nauheim
  • Bad Nenndorf
  • Bad Nenndorf Bad Nenndorf
  • Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
  • Bad Neustadt an der Saale
  • Bad Oeynhausen
  • Bad Oldesloe
  • Bad Pyrmont
  • Bad Rappenau
  • Bad Reichenhall
  • Bad Saarow Bad Saarow
  • Bad Säckingen
  • Bad Salzuflen
  • Bad Salzungen
  • Bad Saulgau
  • Bad Schönborn
  • Bad Schussenried
  • Bad Schwalbach
  • Bad Schwartau
  • Bad Segeberg
  • Bad Sobernheim
  • Bad Soden am Taunus
  • Bad Soden-Salmünster
  • Bad Staffelstein
  • Bad Waldsee
  • Bad Wildungen
  • Bad Wörishofen
  • Bad Wünnenberg
  • Bad Wurzach
  • Bad Zwischenahn
  • Baden-Baden
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Bahlingen am Kaiserstuhl
  • Baiersbronn
  • Bargteheide
  • Barleben Barleben
  • Barsinghausen
  • Bayerischer Wald
  • Beetzendorf
  • Beindersheim
  • Bempflingen
  • Berchtesgaden
  • Berchtesgadener Land
  • Berg (Pfalz)
  • Bergisch Gladbach
  • Bergisches Land
  • Bergkirchen
  • Bergneustadt
  • Berka/Werra
  • Berlin Friedrichshain
  • Berlin Kreuzberg
  • Bernau am Chiemsee
  • Bernkastel-Kues
  • Bernstadt auf dem Eigen
  • Bersenbrück
  • Betzenstein
  • Beutelsbach
  • Biberach an der Riß
  • Biebesheim am Rhein
  • Bietigheim-Bissingen
  • Bingen am Rhein
  • Birkenwerder
  • Bischofsheim
  • Bischofswerda
  • Blankenburg
  • Blankenfelde
  • Blaubeuren Seißen
  • Bobenheim-Roxheim
  • Bodelshausen
  • Bodensee-Oberschwaben
  • Bodman-Ludwigshafen
  • Böhmenkirch
  • Borgholzhausen
  • Bosnien-Herzegowina
  • Brackenheim
  • Brandenburg
  • Brandenburg an der Havel
  • Braunfels Braunfels
  • Braunschweig
  • Breisach am Rhein
  • Breitenbach
  • Breitenfeld
  • Bremerhaven
  • Bremervörde
  • Bretzenheim
  • Bromskirchen
  • Brunsbüttel
  • Buchholz in der Nordheide
  • Bückeburg Bückeburg
  • Burg Stargard
  • Burgkunstadt
  • Büsingen am Hochrhein
  • Buttenwiesen
  • Castrop-Rauxel
  • Cloppenburg
  • Crimmitschau
  • Crossen an der Elster
  • Crottendorf
  • D-PLZ &*
  • D-PLZ &a
  • D-PLZ 1&
  • D-PLZ 3&
  • D-PLZ 6&
  • Dachsenhausen
  • Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten
  • Dallgow-Döberitz
  • Delmenhorst
  • Dettenhausen
  • Dettingen an der Erms
  • Dettingen unter Teck
  • Deutschland
  • Deutschland gesamt
  • Dietmannsried
  • Dietzenbach
  • Dillingen an der Donau
  • Dinkelsbühl
  • Dinkelscherben
  • Dippoldiswalde
  • Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
  • Doberlug-Kirchhain
  • Donaueschingen
  • Donnersdorf
  • Dorf Mecklenburg
  • Dörfles-Esbach
  • Drensteinfurt
  • Dresden Gompitz, Steinbach
  • Durchhausen
  • Durmersheim
  • Ebersbach/Sachsen
  • Ebsdorfergrund
  • Eckernförde
  • Edingen-Neckarhausen
  • Efringen-Kirchen
  • Eggenfelden
  • Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
  • Ehingen an der Donau
  • Ehringshausen
  • Eigeltingen
  • Eisenhüttenstadt
  • Eislingen/Fils
  • Ellwangen (Jagst)
  • Elmenhorst-Lichtenhagen
  • Elsterwerda
  • Eltville am Rhein
  • Emmelshausen
  • Emmendingen
  • Endingen am Kaiserstuhl
  • Engelskirchen
  • Eningen unter Achalm
  • Enkenbach-Alsenborn
  • Eppertshausen
  • Erbes-Büdesheim
  • Ergoldsbach
  • Erndtebrück
  • Essen (Oldenburg)
  • Esslingen am Neckar
  • Estorf Estorf
  • Eutingen im Gäu
  • Everswinkel
  • Falkenberg/Elster
  • Falkenstein/Vogtland
  • Fallingbostel
  • Feldkirchen
  • Feldkirchen-Westerham
  • Feuchtwangen
  • Filderstadt
  • Finsterwalde
  • Fischen im Allgäu
  • Flechtingen
  • Fluorn-Winzeln
  • Forchtenberg
  • Forstinning
  • Frammersbach
  • Frankenberg (Eder)
  • Frankenthal
  • Frankenthal (Pfalz)
  • Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Frankfurt am Main
  • Freiberg am Neckar
  • Freiburg (Elbe)
  • Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Freilassing
  • Freudenstadt
  • Frickenhausen
  • Fridingen an der Donau
  • Friedeburg Friedeburg
  • Friedrichsdorf
  • Friedrichshafen
  • Friesenhagen
  • Fröndenberg
  • Fürstenfeldbruck
  • Fürstenwalde/Spree
  • Furth im Wald
  • Furtwangen im Schwarzwald
  • Gaimersheim
  • Gammelshausen
  • Gammertingen
  • Ganderkesee
  • Garching bei München
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Gatersleben
  • Gau-Bischofsheim
  • Geilenkirchen
  • Geiselhöring
  • Geislingen an der Steige
  • Geislingen an der Steige Türkheim
  • Gelsenkirchen
  • Gemünden am Main
  • Georgensgmünd
  • Georgsmarienhütte
  • Germersheim
  • Geroldshausen
  • Gerolzhofen
  • Giebelstadt
  • Giengen an der Brenz
  • Ginsheim-Gustavsburg
  • Gmund am Tegernsee
  • Goldkronach
  • Gondelsheim
  • Gorleben Gorleben
  • Goslar Goslar
  • Gottmadingen
  • Graben-Neudorf
  • Grafenrheinfeld
  • Grafing bei München
  • Graitschen bei Bürgel
  • Grävenwiesbach
  • Greifenstein
  • Grenzach-Wyhlen
  • Greußenheim
  • Grevenbroich
  • Grevesmühlen
  • Griechenland
  • Gronau (Westfalen)
  • Groß Gaglow
  • Groß Kienitz
  • Groß-Bieberau
  • Groß-Umstadt
  • Großbritannien
  • Großenlüder
  • Großhansdorf
  • Großheide Berumerfehn
  • Großheide Großheide
  • Großkorbetha
  • Großkrotzenburg
  • Großmehring
  • Großmühlingen
  • Großostheim
  • Großschirma
  • Großthiemig
  • Großwallstadt
  • Großziethen
  • Grünheide (Mark)
  • Grünheide (Mark) Grünheide
  • Gummersbach
  • Gundremmingen
  • Gunzenhausen
  • Haag in Oberbayern
  • Hagen am Teutoburger Wald
  • Halberstadt
  • Haldensleben
  • Hall in Tirol
  • Hallbergmoos
  • Haltern am See
  • Hamburg Allermöhe
  • Hamburg Altenwerder
  • Hamburg Bahrenfeld
  • Hamburg Bergedorf
  • Hamburg Bergstedt
  • Hamburg Billbrook
  • Hamburg Billstedt
  • Hamburg Blankenese
  • Hamburg Bramfeld
  • Hamburg Eidelstedt
  • Hamburg Eilbek
  • Hamburg Eimsbüttel
  • Hamburg Eppendorf
  • Hamburg Finkenwerder
  • Hamburg Fuhlsbüttel
  • Hamburg Hamm-Mitte
  • Hamburg Hammerbrook
  • Hamburg Harburg
  • Hamburg Harvestehude
  • Hamburg Hausbruch
  • Hamburg Hoheluft-Ost
  • Hamburg Jenfeld
  • Hamburg Kleiner Grasbrook
  • Hamburg Klostertor
  • Hamburg Langenhorn
  • Hamburg Lokstedt
  • Hamburg Lurup
  • Hamburg Neustadt
  • Hamburg Niendorf
  • Hamburg Ohlsdorf
  • Hamburg Osdorf
  • Hamburg Othmarschen
  • Hamburg Rahlstedt
  • Hamburg Rotherbaum
  • Hamburg Sankt Georg
  • Hamburg Sankt Pauli
  • Hamburg Sasel
  • Hamburg Schnelsen
  • Hamburg Steinwerder
  • Hamburg Stellingen
  • Hamburg Tonndorf
  • Hamburg Volksdorf
  • Hamburg Waltershof
  • Hamburg Wandsbek
  • Hamburg Wilhelmsburg
  • Hammersbach
  • Hannoversch Münden
  • Harsewinkel
  • Hartenstein
  • Hartenstein Thierfeld
  • Harthausen (Igersheim)
  • Haslach im Kinzigtal
  • Haßmersheim
  • Hattersheim
  • Hausen (Wied)
  • Heidenheim an der Brenz
  • Heidesheim am Rhein
  • Heiligengrabe
  • Heimenkirch
  • Helpsen Helpsen
  • Hemmingstedt
  • Hengersberg
  • Hennigsdorf
  • Henstedt-Ulzburg
  • Heppenheim (Bergstraße)
  • Herbolzheim
  • Herbrechtingen
  • Herdwangen-Schönach
  • Hergensweiler
  • Heringen (Werra)
  • Heringsdorf
  • Herleshausen
  • Hermaringen
  • Heroldsberg
  • Herrsching am Ammersee
  • Herxheim bei Landau/Pfalz
  • Herzberg (Elster)
  • Herzberg am Harz
  • Herzebrock-Clarholz
  • Herzogenaurach
  • Herzogenrath
  • Hessisch Oldendorf
  • Heusenstamm
  • Hiddenhausen
  • Hilchenbach
  • Hildburghausen
  • Hilpoltstein
  • Hilter am Teutoburger Wald
  • Hirschberg an der Bergstraße
  • Hirschfelde
  • Hirschfelde Dittelsdorf
  • Hitzacker Hitzacker
  • Hochheim am Main
  • Höchst im Odenwald
  • Höchstadt an der Aisch
  • Hofheim am Taunus
  • Höheischweiler
  • Hohen Neuendorf
  • Hohenkammer
  • Hohenlinden
  • Hohenlockstedt
  • Hohenwarsleben
  • Hohenwestedt
  • Höhr-Grenzhausen
  • Holzgerlingen
  • Holzkirchen
  • Holzwickede
  • Homberg (Efze)
  • Homberg (Ohm)
  • Horb am Neckar
  • Horst (Holstein)
  • Hötensleben
  • Hoyerswerda
  • Hückelhoven
  • Ichtershausen
  • Idar-Oberstein
  • Illerkirchberg
  • Illertissen
  • Immenstadt im Allgäu
  • Ingelfingen
  • Ingelheim am Rhein
  • Inning am Ammersee
  • Isny im Allgäu
  • Jagsthausen
  • Jandelsbrunn
  • Jänschwalde
  • Jessen (Elster)
  • Jessen (Elster) Jessen (Elster)
  • Jettingen-Scheppach
  • Jever Jever
  • Kaisersbach
  • Kaiserslautern
  • Kaltenkirchen
  • Kammerstein
  • Kamp-Lintfort
  • Karlsdorf-Neuthard
  • Karlstein am Main
  • Katharinenberg
  • Kelkheim (Taunus)
  • Kelsterbach
  • Kernen im Remstal
  • Kiefersfelden
  • Kirchentellinsfurt
  • Kirchheim bei München
  • Kirchheim unter Teck
  • Kirchheimbolanden
  • Kirchlengern
  • Kirchweidach
  • Kirchzarten
  • Klein-Winternheim
  • Kleinaitingen
  • Kleinblittersdorf
  • Kleinheubach
  • Kleinmachnow
  • Kleinostheim
  • Kleinwallstadt
  • Kloster Lehnin
  • Klosterfelde
  • Knittlingen
  • Kölln-Reisiek
  • Königs Wusterhausen
  • Königsbach-Stein
  • Königsbrück
  • Königsbrunn
  • Königstein im Taunus
  • Königstein im Taunus Mammolshain
  • Königswinter
  • Korntal-Münchingen
  • Kornwestheim
  • Korschenbroich
  • Kottgeisering
  • Kranichfeld
  • Kressbronn am Bodensee
  • Kreuzlingen
  • Kronberg im Taunus
  • Krottelbach
  • Kusterdingen
  • Lahr/Schwarzwald
  • Laichingen Machtolsheim
  • Lampertheim
  • Lampertswalde
  • Landau in der Pfalz
  • Landesbergen
  • Landesbergen Landesbergen
  • Landsberg am Lech
  • Langelsheim
  • Langenhagen
  • Langenselbold
  • Langewiesen
  • Lappersdorf
  • Lauchhammer
  • Lauchringen
  • Lauda-Königshofen
  • Lauenburg/Elbe
  • Lauf an der Pegnitz
  • Lebus Lebus
  • Leer (Ostfriesland)
  • Leichlingen
  • Leinfelden-Echterdingen
  • Leopoldshagen
  • Leopoldshöhe
  • Leutkirch im Allgäu
  • Lichtenfels
  • Lichtenstein
  • Lichtenwald
  • Lichterfelde
  • Liebenwalde
  • Liechtenstein
  • Liederbach am Taunus
  • Limbach-Oberfrohna
  • Limburg an der Lahn
  • Limburgerhof
  • Lindau (Bodensee)
  • Lindhorst Lindhorst
  • Linz am Rhein
  • Lohne (Oldenburg)
  • Lohr am Main
  • Losheim am See
  • Lübbenau/Spreewald
  • Luckenwalde
  • Lüdenscheid
  • Lüdinghausen
  • Ludwigsburg
  • Ludwigsfelde
  • Ludwigshafen am Rhein
  • Ludwigslust
  • Lüneburger Heide
  • Lutherstadt Eisleben
  • Lutherstadt Wittenberg
  • Luxemburg (Land)
  • Mainaschaff
  • Markgröningen
  • Markkleeberg
  • Markranstädt
  • Markt Bibart
  • Markt Indersdorf
  • Markt Schwaben
  • Marktheidenfeld
  • Marktoberdorf
  • Marktredwitz
  • Maxhütte-Haidhof
  • Meckenbeuren
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
  • Meinerzhagen
  • Memmingerberg
  • Michelstadt
  • Mittel - und Südamerika
  • Mittelbiberach
  • Mitteldeutschland
  • Mittelfranken
  • Mittenwalde
  • Mönchengladbach
  • Monheim am Rhein
  • Monheim am Rhein Baumberg
  • Mörfelden-Walldorf
  • Muggensturm
  • Mühldorf am Inn
  • Mulda/Sachsen
  • Mülheim an der Ruhr
  • Mülheim-Kärlich
  • Münchhausen
  • Mundelsheim
  • Munderkingen
  • Münsterland
  • Münstermaifeld
  • Muri bei Bern
  • Murnau am Staffelsee
  • Müschenbach
  • Mutterschied
  • Mutterstadt
  • Nachterstedt
  • Naher Osten
  • Nebelschütz
  • Neckargemünd
  • Neckarwestheim
  • Neu Fahrland
  • Neu Wulmstorf
  • Neu-Anspach
  • Neu-Bamberg
  • Neu-Isenburg
  • Neubrandenburg
  • Neuburg an der Donau
  • Neuenburg am Rhein
  • Neuendettelsau
  • Neuenhagen bei Berlin
  • Neuenkirchen
  • Neuenkirchen-Vörden
  • Neuenstadt am Kocher
  • Neufahrn bei Freising
  • Neugersdorf
  • Neuhardenberg
  • Neuhardenberg Neuhardenberg
  • Neuhausen auf den Fildern
  • Neukieritzsch
  • Neukirchen-Vluyn
  • Neukirchen/Erzgebirge
  • Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
  • Neumarkt-Sankt Veit
  • Neundorf (bei Lobenstein)
  • Neunkirchen
  • Neunkirchen/Saar
  • Neustadt (Dosse)
  • Neustadt (Hessen)
  • Neustadt (Wied)
  • Neustadt am Rübenberge
  • Neustadt an der Aisch
  • Neustadt an der Donau
  • Neustadt an der Orla
  • Neustadt an der Waldnaab
  • Neustadt an der Weinstraße
  • Neustadt bei Coburg
  • Neustadt in Holstein
  • Neustadt in Sachsen
  • Neustadt, Bremen
  • Neustadt-Glewe
  • Neustrelitz
  • Neutraubling
  • Niederaichbach
  • Niederalteich
  • Niederbayern
  • Niederdorfelden
  • Niederdorla
  • Niederfischbach
  • Niederfrohna
  • Niederlande
  • Niederlehme
  • Niedernhall
  • Niederrhein
  • Niedersachsen
  • Niederstetten
  • Niederstotzingen
  • Niefern-Öschelbronn
  • Nienburg (Weser)
  • Nienburg (Weser) Holtorf
  • Nienburg (Weser) Nienburg (Weser)
  • Norddeutschland
  • Norden Norden
  • Norden Westermarsch II
  • Norderstedt
  • Nordkirchen
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Nörten-Hardenberg
  • Nörtershausen
  • Nuthe-Urstromtal
  • Ober-Ramstadt
  • Oberammergau
  • Oberderdingen
  • Oberfranken
  • Obergünzburg
  • Oberhaching
  • Oberleichtersbach
  • Oberlungwitz
  • Oberndorf am Neckar
  • Obernkirchen
  • Obernkirchen Obernkirchen
  • Oberroßbach
  • Oberschleißheim
  • Obersontheim
  • Obertraubling
  • Obertshausen
  • Oberviechtach
  • Ochsenhausen
  • Odelzhausen
  • Oer-Erkenschwick
  • Oerlinghausen
  • Oestrich-Winkel
  • Oettingen in Bayern
  • Offenbach an der Queich
  • Offenhausen
  • Ölbronn-Dürrn
  • Oldenburg (Oldenburg)
  • Oldenburg in Holstein
  • Oranienbaum
  • Oranienburg
  • Oschersleben
  • Ostdeutschland
  • Osterburken
  • Osterholz-Scharmbeck
  • Österreich gesamt
  • Osterrönfeld
  • Ostfriesland
  • Oststeinbek
  • Ostwestfalen-Lippe
  • Ottendorf-Okrilla
  • Ottenhöfen im Schwarzwald
  • Ottersweier
  • Oy-Mittelberg
  • Paaren im Glien
  • Petersaurach
  • Petershagen
  • Petershagen-Eggersdorf
  • Petershausen
  • Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
  • Pfarrkirchen
  • Pfullendorf
  • Philadelphia
  • Philippsburg
  • Plau am See
  • Pleckhausen
  • Pleidelsheim
  • Plettenberg
  • Pliezhausen
  • Plüderhausen
  • Porta Westfalica
  • Postbauer-Heng
  • Prichsenstadt
  • Prien am Chiemsee
  • Pullach im Isartal
  • Quakenbrück
  • Quedlinburg
  • Radevormwald
  • Radolfzell am Bodensee
  • Ramstein-Miesenbach
  • Rangendingen
  • Ransbach-Baumbach
  • Rechberghausen
  • Recklinghausen
  • Reichelsheim
  • Reichenbach an der Fils
  • Reichenschwand
  • Reichertshofen
  • Reinfeld (Holstein)
  • Reinhardshagen
  • Reit im Winkl
  • Remseck am Neckar
  • Rheda-Wiedenbrück
  • Rhein-Erft-Kreis
  • Rhein-Main-Gebiet
  • Rhein-Neckar
  • Rhein-Neckar-Kreis
  • Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis
  • Rheinböllen
  • Rheinbreitbach
  • Rheinfelden
  • Rheinhausen
  • Rheinland-Pfalz
  • Rheinmünster
  • Rheinstetten
  • Rheinzabern
  • Ribnitz-Damgarten
  • Rielasingen-Worblingen
  • Rinteln Rinteln
  • Rittersdorf
  • Rodenberg Rodenberg
  • Rödinghausen
  • Römerstein Donnstetten
  • Rommerskirchen
  • Rosbach vor der Höhe
  • Rosbach vor der Höhe Nieder-Rosbach
  • Rosengarten
  • Rot an der Rot
  • Rotenburg (Wümme)
  • Rotenburg an der Fulda
  • Röthenbach an der Pegnitz
  • Rothenburg ob der Tauber
  • Rothenstein
  • Rottach-Egern
  • Rottenburg am Neckar
  • Rottleberode
  • Rövershagen
  • Rückersdorf
  • Rüdesheim am Rhein
  • Rüsselsheim
  • Russische Föderation
  • Saalburg-Ebersdorf
  • Saalfeld/Saale
  • Saarbrücken
  • Saarwellingen
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Sachsenhausen
  • Sachsenheim
  • Salzgitter Barum
  • Salzgitter Calbecht
  • Salzgitter Engelnstedt
  • Salzgitter Engenrode
  • Salzgitter Gebhardshagen
  • Salzgitter Hallendorf
  • Salzgitter Heerte
  • Salzgitter Lebenstedt
  • Salzgitter Salder
  • Sandersdorf
  • Sandersdorf Sandersdorf
  • Sandesneben
  • Sangerhausen
  • Sankt Augustin
  • Sankt Blasien
  • Sankt Egidien
  • Sankt Georgen im Schwarzwald
  • Sankt Ingbert
  • Sankt Johann
  • Sankt Katharinen
  • Sankt Leon-Rot
  • Sankt Peter-Ording
  • Sankt Wendel
  • Sankt Wolfgang
  • Schaffhausen
  • Schalksmühle
  • Schauenburg
  • Schellerten
  • Schenkenberg
  • Schkopau Döllnitz
  • Schkopau Schkopau
  • Schlangenbad
  • Schleswig Holstein
  • Schleusingen
  • Schlierbach
  • Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
  • Schlüchtern
  • Schmalkalden
  • Schmidgaden
  • Schmiedefeld
  • Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig
  • Schnaittenbach
  • Schönau am Königssee
  • Schönberg (Holstein)
  • Schöneck/Vogtland
  • Schönerlinde
  • Schönkirchen
  • Schöppingen
  • Schortens Schortens
  • Schriesheim
  • Schrobenhausen
  • Schuttertal
  • Schutterwald
  • Schwäbisch Gmünd
  • Schwäbisch Hall
  • Schwabmünchen
  • Schwaikheim
  • Schwalbach am Taunus
  • Schwallungen
  • Schwalmstadt
  • Schwanewede
  • Schwarzenbach an der Saale
  • Schwarzenbek
  • Schwarzenbruck
  • Schwarzenfeld
  • Schwarzheide
  • Schwarzwald
  • Schwedt/Oder
  • Schweinfurt
  • Schweitenkirchen
  • Schweiz gesamt
  • Schwenningen
  • Schwentinental
  • Schwetzingen
  • Schwieberdingen
  • Schwielowsee
  • Seddiner See
  • Seeheim-Jugenheim
  • Seeon-Seebruck
  • Seeth-Ekholt
  • Seifhennersdorf
  • Seligenstadt
  • Senftenberg
  • Sigmaringen
  • Simbach am Inn
  • Sindelfingen
  • Sondershausen
  • Spittal an der Drau
  • Sprendlingen
  • Sprockhövel
  • Stadtallendorf
  • Stadthagen Stadthagen
  • Stadtlengsfeld
  • Steinau an der Straße
  • Steinbach (Taunus)
  • Steinheim an der Murr
  • Stephanskirchen
  • Stetten am kalten Markt
  • Stockstadt am Main
  • Stockstadt am Rhein
  • Stolberg (Rheinland)
  • Stollberg/Erzgebirge
  • Stolzenau Stolzenau
  • Storkow (Mark)
  • Storkow (Mark) Storkow
  • Straßkirchen
  • Straubenhardt
  • Stuttgart Bad Cannstatt
  • Stuttgart Birkach
  • Stuttgart Büsnau
  • Stuttgart Degerloch
  • Stuttgart Feuerbach
  • Stuttgart Hausen
  • Stuttgart Hedelfingen
  • Stuttgart Heumaden
  • Stuttgart Hohenheim
  • Stuttgart Möhringen
  • Stuttgart Plieningen
  • Stuttgart Stammheim
  • Stuttgart Stuttgart-Mitte
  • Stuttgart Stuttgart-Nord
  • Stuttgart Stuttgart-Ost
  • Stuttgart Stuttgart-Süd
  • Stuttgart Stuttgart-West
  • Stuttgart Untertürkheim
  • Stuttgart Vaihingen
  • Stuttgart Wangen
  • Stuttgart Weilimdorf
  • Stuttgart Zuffenhausen
  • Süddeutschland
  • Südwestdeutschland
  • Sulz am Neckar
  • Sulzbach-Laufen
  • Sulzbach-Rosenberg
  • Sulzbach/Saar
  • Tauberbischofsheim
  • Tauberrettersheim
  • Taufkirchen
  • Taufkirchen (Vils)
  • Taunusstein
  • Tennenbronn
  • Teutschenthal
  • Thalmässing
  • Thüringer Wald
  • Timmendorfer Strand
  • Titisee-Neustadt
  • Trebsen/Mulde
  • Treuchtlingen
  • Trochtelfingen
  • Trollenhagen
  • Tschechische Republik
  • Tümlauer Koog
  • Übach-Palenberg
  • Ubstadt-Weiher
  • Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
  • Ulm Jungingen
  • Unterdießen
  • Unterensingen
  • Unterföhring
  • Unterfranken
  • Untergruppenbach
  • Unterhaching
  • Untermerzbach
  • Unterschleißheim
  • Unterstadion
  • Ursensollen
  • Vaihingen an der Enz
  • Varel Varel
  • Vaterstetten
  • Veitshöchheim
  • Verden (Aller)
  • Vestenbergsgreuth
  • Vettelschoß
  • Vierkirchen
  • Villingen-Schwenningen
  • Visselhövede
  • Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl
  • Vohburg an der Donau
  • Volkenschwand
  • Wachtendonk
  • Wächtersbach
  • Waigandshain
  • Wakendorf II
  • Waldbreitbach
  • Waldkraiburg
  • Waldlaubersheim
  • Waldmünchen
  • Waldshut-Tiengen
  • Waldstetten
  • Wallersdorf
  • Waltenhofen
  • Walterschen
  • Waltershausen
  • Wangen im Allgäu
  • Wasserburg am Inn
  • Wasserlosen
  • Wefensleben
  • Weferlingen
  • Weikersheim
  • Weil am Rhein
  • Weil der Stadt
  • Weil im Schönbuch
  • Weilerswist
  • Weilheim an der Teck
  • Weilheim in Oberbayern
  • Weißenburg in Bayern
  • Weißensberg
  • Weißrussland
  • Weiterstadt
  • Weltweit (außer Europa)
  • Wendelstein
  • Wendlingen am Neckar
  • Wenningstedt
  • Wentorf bei Hamburg
  • Werder (Havel)
  • Wermelskirchen
  • Wernigerode
  • Westdeutschland
  • Westerkappeln
  • Westerstede
  • Westliches Europa
  • Wetter (Ruhr)
  • Wetterzeube
  • Wiefelstede
  • Wiemersdorf
  • Wiesengrund
  • Wiesentheid
  • Wiesmoor Wiesmoor
  • Wietmarschen
  • Wildenbruch
  • Wildenfels Wildenfels
  • Wildeshausen
  • Wildflecken
  • Wildpoldsried
  • Wilhelmsdorf
  • Wilhelmshaven
  • Wilmersdorf
  • Winsen (Aller)
  • Winsen (Luhe)
  • Wipperfürth
  • Wittenberge
  • Wittighausen
  • Wittislingen
  • Wittmund Wittmund
  • Wittstock/Dosse
  • Wolfenbüttel
  • Wolfratshausen
  • Wolfschlugen
  • Wolkenstein
  • Wolmirstedt
  • Woltersdorf
  • WorkingFromHome
  • Wörth am Rhein
  • Wörth an der Isar
  • Wyk auf Föhr
  • Zella-Mehlis
  • Zimmern ob Rottweil
  • Zschornewitz
  • Zusmarshausen
  • Zuzenhausen
  • Zweibrücken
  • Zwingenberg
  • [Die ganze Welt]
  • Agentur, Werbung, Marketing & PR
  • Armed Forces
  • Art, Culture, Entertainment & Sport
  • Auditing/Accounting
  • Automotive Industry
  • Banking, Financial Services & Insurance
  • Baugewerbe/-industrie
  • Bildung & Training
  • Building & Construction
  • Chemie- und Erdölverarbeitende Industrie
  • Conservation & Environment
  • Druck-, Papier- und Verpackungsindustrie
  • Elektrotechnik, Feinmechanik & Optik
  • Energie- und Wasserversorgung & Entsorgung
  • Fahrzeugbau/-zulieferer
  • Finanzdienstleister
  • Freizeit, Touristik, Kultur & Sport
  • Gesundheit & soziale Dienste
  • Glas-, Keramik-Herstellung & -verarbeitung
  • Groß- & Einzelhandel
  • Holz- und Möbelindustrie
  • Hotel, Gastronomie & Catering
  • IT & Internet
  • Konsumgüter/Gebrauchsgüter
  • Land-, Forst- und Fischwirtschaft, Gartenbau
  • Leisure & Tourism
  • Manufacture of chemical products
  • Manufacturing
  • Maschinen- und Anlagenbau
  • Medien (Film, Funk, TV, Verlage)
  • Medizintechnik
  • Metallindustrie
  • Nahrungs- & Genussmittel
  • Öffentlicher Dienst & Verbände
  • Personaldienstleistungen
  • Pharmaindustrie
  • Public Administration
  • Public Services
  • Sonstige Branchen
  • Sonstige Dienstleistungen
  • Sonstiges produzierendes Gewerbe
  • Telekommunikation
  • Textilien, Bekleidung & Lederwaren
  • Transport & Logistik
  • Unternehmensberatg., Wirtschaftsprüfg., Recht
  • Versicherungen
  • Wissenschaft & Forschung
  • Arbeitnehmerüberlassung
  • Ausbildung, Studium
  • Bachelor-/Master-/Diplom-Arbeiten
  • Befristeter Vertrag
  • Berufseinstieg/Trainee
  • Feste Anstellung
  • Freie Mitarbeit/Projektmitarbeit
  • Handelsvertreter
  • Promotion/Habilitation
  • Referendariat
  • Studentenjobs, Werkstudent
  • Mit Berufserfahrung
  • Mit Personalverantwortung
  • Ohne Berufserfahrung


Doktorand/in (w/m/d) - hochleistungs-keramikbeschichtungen zur elektrischen isolation im maschinenbau, doktorand – experimentelle forschung zur bewegungsanpassung in sich verdichtenden personenströmen (w/m/d), doktorand/in (w/m/d) im bereich pvd – hochleistungsschichten für die zerspanung, doktorand*in für miniaturisierte ortungs- und identifikationssysteme, doktorarbeit zum thema: hardware-security für rekonfigurierbare ki-hardware im bereich industrie 4.0, projektmanager & doktorand (m/w/d) im bereich digitale transformation, doktorand/in im maschinenbau (w/m/d) - innovative lösungen für hochtemperaturanwendungen im maschinenbau, doktorand/in (w/m/d) - fachrichtung physik / nanotechnologie, doktorand/in – wissenschaftliche/r mitarbeiter/in werkstoffmechanik / festigkeitsberechnung (m/w/d).

Medizin und Doktorarbeit – so wirst Du zum Dr. med.!

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Ph.D. in Deutschland machen Ph.D. oder Dr.? Unterschiede des internationalen und deutschen Doktortitels

Drei glückliche Doktoranden mit Doktorhut

Der Ph.D. ist das internationale Äquivalent des deutschen Doktortitels. © LumiNola / iStock

Der Ph.D. gewinnt in Deutschland neben dem klassischen Doktortitel immer mehr an Bedeutung. Doch was macht den Abschluss aus und wann ist der Ph.D. im Vergleich zum Doktortitel sinnvoll?

Veröffentlicht: 28.09.2023

Von: Bianca Sellnow, Anne Marx


Was ist ein Ph.D.? Bedeutung und Relevanz

Ph.D. ist die Abkürzung für den lateinischen Ausdruck „Philosophiae Doctor“. Damit bezeichnet der Titel wörtlich den Doktor der Philosophie. Faktisch handelt es sich beim Ph.D. jedoch um einen der höchsten allgemeinen akademischen Grade in verschiedensten Fachrichtungen , den beispielsweise US-amerikanische Universitäten vergeben. Die Erklärung für die Benennung liegt in der Geschichte begründet: Die Philosophie gilt als Mutter aller Wissenschaften.

Der Titel ist vor allem im englischsprachigen Raum sehr verbreitet . Inzwischen gibt es jedoch auch immer mehr Hochschulen in Deutschland, die den Ph.D. anbieten. Von Sprachwissenschaften über Biologie bis hin zum Ingenieurwesen: Promotionen mit dem Ziel Ph.D. gibt es hierzulande bereits in diversen Fachbereichen.

Aktuelle Doktorandenstellen

MPI for Solid State Research IMPRS-CMS - Logo

MPI for Solid State Research IMPRS-CMS

HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU) - Logo

HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU)

MUSEALOG | Die Museumsakademie - Logo

MUSEALOG | Die Museumsakademie

Dr. vs. Ph.D.: Welche Unterschiede gibt es?

Der Ph.D. ist prinzipiell vergleichbar mit dem deutschen Doktortitel . Jedoch unterscheiden sich die beiden akademischen Grade deutlich im Hinblick auf die spezifischen Voraussetzungen, den Prozess zum Erwerb des Titels sowie die Dauer. Einige der wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Abschlüssen zeigt die folgende Übersicht.

Ph.D. und Doktortitel: Unterschiede

Ph.D. (Philosophical Doctorate) Dr. (Doktor)

Diese deutlichen Unterschiede zeigen, dass sich Ph.D. und Doktortitel nicht unbedingt gleichsetzen lassen . Bei einer internationalen Bewerbung etwa ist es daher unzulässig, den Dr. mit Ph.D. zu übersetzen . Und wie ist es mit der Anerkennung des Ph.D. in Deutschland? In sehr vielen Fällen ist es erlaubt, einen im Ausland erworbenen Ph.D. in Deutschland als Dr. zu führen. Welche dies sind, definiert ein Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) .

Gibt es noch mehr Unterschiede? In den USA ist es üblicher als in Deutschland, dass ein Ph.D. bereits mit dem Abschluss eines Bachelorstudiums angestrebt werden kann. Das Programm umfasst in solchen Fällen häufig eine Kombination aus einem Master- und einem Ph.D.-Studium, das mit dem Abschluss Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) endet. In Deutschland ist diese sogenannte Fast-Track-Promotion herausragend guten Studierenden vorbehalten und somit selten. 

Die Voraussetzungen wie auch die Inhalte des Ph.D.-Studiums können sich allerdings nicht nur in den einzelnen Fachgebieten, sondern auch von Programm zu Programm deutlich unterscheiden. Eine Vereinheitlichung gibt es also weder in den USA noch in Deutschland.

Hat der Ph.D. Vorteile gegenüber dem Doktortitel?

Der Ph.D. ist als Abschluss internationaler als der deutsche Doktortitel . Wer plant, in einem internationalen Umfeld oder beispielsweise im englischsprachigen Ausland zu arbeiten , ist unter Umständen mit dem Ph.D. besser beraten.

Auch wer eine Stelle in der Forschung anstrebt, verfügt mit dem Ph.D. eventuell über Vorteile. Denn der Aufbau des Ph.D.-Studiums beinhaltet einen starken allgemeinen Forschungsansatz, während der deutsche Doktortitel eher die persönlichen wissenschaftlichen Ziele verfolg t.

In der Wirtschaft sowie in bestimmten Fachbereichen der Medizin kann dagegen der klassische Doktortitel hilfreicher sein. Gerade in Deutschland hat der Dr. für manche Berufe noch einen hohen Stellenwert. Allerdings lässt sich das unter Umständen umgehen, da Inhaber eines Ph.D. in vielen Fällen auch den Doktortitel verwenden dürfen.

Wer beides zur Wahl hat, sollte jedoch nicht nur auf den Titel selbst, sondern vor allem auf die Ausrichtung des jeweiligen Programms achten . Die Qualität von Ph.D. und Doktortitel kann sich je nach Lehrstuhl unterscheiden. Angehende Promovend:innen sollten daher die spezifischen Inhalte genau prüfen, bevor sie sich für eines der angebotenen Programme entscheiden.

Schon gewusst?

Sie sind noch unschlüssig, ob Sie promovieren sollten? Finden Sie es heraus! Als registrierte:r Nutzer:in können Sie kostenlos den Promotions-Test machen, den wir gemeinsam mit dem Psychologischen Institut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg entwickelt haben.

Zum Promotions-Test

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Ph.D.-Studium in Deutschland: Wo und wie?

Wer sich für einen Ph.D. entscheidet, für den gilt es, entsprechende Promotionsmöglichkeiten zu finden. Auch in Deutschland werden immer mehr Ph.D.-Programme angeboten.

Ph.D.-Programme in Deutschland

Entsprechende Programme mit dem Ziel Ph.D. gibt es in vielen großen deutschen Städten, unter anderem hier:

  • Graduate School Life Science Munich
  • Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich
  • Munich Business School
  • Max Planck School of Photonics (verschiedene Standorte: München, Erlangen, Jena, Karlsruhe, Göttingen, Aachen, Paderborn, Hamburg)
  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Berlin School of Business and Innovation
  • DIW Berlin – German Institute for Economic Research
  • Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (verschiedene Standorte: Düsseldorf, Köln, Jülich)
  • Hector Fellow Academy (Karlsruhe)
  • International Max Planck Research School on Cellular Biophysics (verschiedene Standorte: Frankfurt, Mainz)
  • Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung (Frankfurt)
  • European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Heidelberg)
  • Allensbach Hochschule (Konstanz)
  • Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Kempten

Für wen wird in Deutschland ein Ph.D. angeboten?

Die Zahl der Ph.D.-Programme in Deutschland steigt stetig an. Der klassische Doktortitel bekommt damit mehr und mehr Konkurrenz. Unter den Ph.D.-Programmen sind hierzulande bereits diverse Fachbereiche wie Naturwissenschaften oder auch Geisteswissenschaften vertreten. Absolvent:innen von Bachelor-, Master- und Magisterstudiengängen sowie Studienabgänger:innen mit vergleichbaren Abschlüssen finden passende Promotionsangebote unter anderen an Universitäten, privaten Hochschulen und Graduiertenschulen .

Unter den Studiengängen, in denen Graduierte den Ph.D. erwerben können, sind beispielsweise:

  • Agrarwissenschaft
  • Bildungsforschung
  • Computerwissenschaften
  • Elektrotechnik
  • Ingenieurwissenschaften
  • Maschinenbau
  • Philosophie
  • Politikwissenschaft
  • Psychologie
  • Public Management
  • Volkswirtschaft
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Eine Übersicht zu diesen und weiteren Ph.D.-Studiengängen in Deutschland und weltweit bietet etwa das Netzwerk .

Ph.D.-Abschluss in Deutschland: Ablauf und Dauer

Der genaue Ablauf der Promotionsprogramme ist individuell – ebenso wie deren dezidierte Inhalte. Meist wird zu Beginn ein Forschungsthema eingereicht, das in den Jahren des Studiums dann bearbeitet wird.

Viele Programme bieten ihren Studierenden folgende Möglichkeiten und Inhalte:

  • Seminare zu fachlichen Methodologien
  • ggf. internationale Module mit Partnerschulen
  • Vorbereitung auf eine Laufbahn als Akademikerin
  • Präsentationen
  • Doktorandenworkshops
  • Journal Clubs
  • Zugang zu Netzwerken (national wie international)
  • regelmäßige Kollegwochenenden
  • mündliche Prüfung(en)

Die Dauer des Ph.D.-Promotionsstudiums, dessen Unterrichtssprache meist Englisch ist, beträgt in Deutschland – ähnlich wie in vielen anderen Ländern auch – häufig drei bis fünf Jahre . Je nach Bundesland, Einrichtung und Fachgebiet kann der für den Ph.D. angesetzte Zeitraum jedoch ebenso davon abweichen. Im Vergleich zum Doktortitel ist der Ph.D. damit häufig schneller zu erreichen , denn ein klassisches Doktorat dauert in Deutschland in der Regel vier bis sechs Jahre.

Ph.D. in Deutschland: Voraussetzungen

Die Voraussetzungen für einen Ph.D. können sehr unterschiedlich ausfallen. Viele Einrichtungen vergeben Plätze für Ph.D.-Programme in Deutschland lediglich an Studienabgängerinnen, die ihren Master-, Diplom- oder Magisterabschluss mindestens mit der Note „gut“ erworben haben, in einigen Fällen ist sogar ein „sehr guter“ Abschluss erforderlich.

Es gibt jedoch auch Ausnahmen. Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen lassen Institutionen Absolvent:innen bereits mit einem Bachelorabschluss zu einem Ph.D.-Studium zu. Allerdings müssen diese in der Regel weitere Voraussetzungen erfüllen. Zum Beispiel können zusätzliches Engagement oder ein Abschluss mit besonderer Auszeichnung gefordert sein.

Promotion als Ph.D. berufsbegleitend oder im Fernstudium

Die meisten Ph.D.-Studiengänge sind campusgebundene Vollzeitprogramme . Heißt: Es wird vor Ort studiert – und zwar als Fulltime-Job. Einige wenige Angebote können auch in Teilzeit absolviert werden, richten sich dann aber meist an leitende Angestellte oder Manager:innen, die Job und Weiterbildung sowie Forschungsarbeit oder Job und Familie gern miteinander verbinden möchten. Präsenztermine gibt es in der Regel trotzdem. Darüber hinaus werden diese Programme in erster Linie von privaten Hochschulen angeboten. Die Kosten für eine nebenberufliche Ph.D.-Promotion sind daher vergleichsweise hoch und können sich auf etwa 20.000 bis 30.000 Euro belaufen.

Wer für einen Ph.D.-Titel nicht extra umziehen möchte oder gern von zuhause arbeitet, hat auch die Möglichkeit, ein Onlinestudium zu absolvieren. Vorteil: Der Ph.D. kann auch an einer ausländischen Institution erworben werden – an einer Universität in London, in Vancouver oder in der Schweiz beispielsweise. In Deutschland werden gelegentlich Kombinationen aus Campus- und Onlineprogrammen angeboten, reine Ph.D.-Onlinestudiengänge finden sich jedoch nicht. Für wen also nur ein Ph.D.-Fernstudium infrage kommt, sollte sich international orientieren.

Eine Doktorandin in der Bibliothek beim Schreiben der Doktorarbeit

Anforderungen an die Dissertation: Tipps zur Doktorarbeit

Mit der Dissertation muss ein Doktorand oder eine Doktorandin beweisen, dass er oder sie zu eigenständigem wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Lage ist.

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Promotion: Den passenden Doktorvater oder die passende Doktormutter finden

Wer promovieren möchte, braucht ein Dissertationsthema – und einen Doktorvater oder eine Doktormutter, der oder die das Vorhaben betreut.

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Was besagen die Zitierregeln nach APA, OSCOLA oder Harvard? Was bedeutet „et al“, und wie wird korrekt aus dem Internet zitiert? Alle Infos.

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  • Plan Your Studies
  • Study Programs
  • Universities
  • Health Insurance for International Students
  • German Blocked Account
  • Germany Student Visa
  • Accommodation in Germany
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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

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Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

[Infographic Below]

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2024, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €992 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,904 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account

  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €992 per month (€11,908 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany [Infographic]

How To Apply For A PHD in Germany

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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  • German Student Visa
  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
  • Cost of Living

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Must-know changes for students in germany in 2025, german universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics.

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The way to a doctorate

You would like to get a PhD in Germany? Here you will find attractive programmes for international doctoral students.

Structured PhDs: research in teamwork

Working in a team, following a clear programme and intensive mentoring by several scholars or scientists: if that sounds like a good idea, a structured PhD programme is the right choice for you. Two more pluses: such programmes usually offer an international environment and the language of teaching and working is often English.

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Research training group

In a research training group you are part of a team of doctoral students, post-docs, and scholars or scientists. You carry out research together on a subject, often interdisciplinary and focused on the specialty of the scholar or scientist who is supervising your doctorate.

International research training groups specifically promote scholarly and scientific exchange. During your doctorate work, you conduct research abroad for six months.

Some collaborative research centres of universities operate integrated research training groups . There you can do your PhD in a research-intensive environment in a structured PhD programme.

A survey of research training groups can be found on the DFG website. Applications must be sent to the head of the respective group.

Quick facts

Research schools.

In non-university research institutions, it is almost the rule to participate in structured, largely interdisciplinary doctoral programmes. The Max Planck Society , Helmholtz Association and Leibniz Association have set up research and graduate schools for their doctoral students, which are also open to international doctoral candidates.

Max Planck Schools

The new Max Planck Schools are something special. They are a joint project of universities and the major research organizations of the Max Planck Society, Helmholtz Association, Leibniz Association and Fraunhofer Society. In these international graduate schools, excellent graduates from all over the world work together in a structured doctoral programme with the best scholars and scientists in their fields.

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Doctoral programmes and courses of study

Many universities also run special international doctoral programmes that either target specific research topics or support doctoral students with interdisciplinary offerings. These programmes can be found in the DAAD database (in English).

More information and tips can be found at Research in Germany


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  • PhD Study in Germany – 2024

Germany’s historic and highly-ranked universities make it an excellent choice for studying abroad. Having offered the PhD since the nineteenth century, they know a thing or two about delivering innovative, high-quality postgraduate programmes. Best of all, most universities do not charge tuition fees.

Why study a PhD in Germany?

  • Globally ranked institutions – Germany is home to more globally-ranked institutions than any other country outside the USA and UK. Nine of them feature in the current top 100
  • Dedicated research institutes – Germany is also home to networks of dedicated research centres. These include the prestigious Max Planck Institutes , as well as specific collaborations between universities and research institutes.
  • Max Planck Schools – The Max Planck Schools is a network that brings together experts from different institutions to address joint research objectives. They bring together international PhD students with Germany's best scientists. Research takes place in three interdisciplinary fields: Cognition , Matter to Life and Photonics . The Schools offer fully financed PhD positions. Candidates benefit from unique expertise, infrastructure and training opportunities.
  • Affordability – Most German universities charge no tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality.
  • The home of the PhD – The PhD (in its modern form as a thesis-based research degree) was actually developed in Germany. Perhaps this ‘original contribution to knowledge’ can help inspire yours?

Structure of a PhD in Germany

The doctoral degree – based on independent research towards an extended thesis – was, in fact, a German innovation . This format is still offered at most universities, but some also offer more ‘structured’ programmes:

  • The traditional PhD – you will pursue a research project independently with the guidance of an expert supervisor (Doktorvater / Doktomutter). The candidate chooses the institution where they would like to conduct their research. This could be at a university or non-university organisation, or within a German company. It is a more flexible and independent PhD with no compulsory attendance or set curriculum.
  • Structured doctoral programmes – these are conducted largely in English and are internationally-oriented. You will complete additional training alongside your thesis. This might include collaborations and placements with external research institutes. It might include compulsory lectures, seminars and assessments. You’ll also have to attend skills training in research/scientific methods.

In general, both types of programmes will involve conducting a research project and writing a thesis. The majority of PhD candidates complete the traditional doctorate. However, a growing number are choosing structured programmes – especially in the natural sciences and mathematics.

How long does a PhD in Germany last?

A traditional PhD usually takes four years , compared to three years for a structured doctoral programme. The academic year in Germany is usually comprised of two semesters with the Wintersemester running from 1 October to 31 March and Sommersemester running from 1 April to 30 September.

Assessments during a PhD in Germany

The assessment procedure for a German PhD depends on the type of programme you pursue. Students following a traditional PhD will submit a doctoral thesis. They will also complete an oral presentation and examination of their work (Rigosorum) . This takes place in front of at least two professors in related fields.

If you choose a structured programme you will need to complete several compulsory units to attain the 180-240 ECTS credits required for PhD students. You will be assessed on your knowledge of course content delivered in lectures and seminars.

Think Germany could be your study abroad destination of choice? Check out more information on applications, fees, funding and visas below.

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This guide tells you all about everything you need to apply for a PhD programme in Germany.

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Want to study a PhD in Ireland? This guide gives a detailed introduction to the kind of visa you need to study in Ireland and how to apply for it.

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Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

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You can earn a doctorate after successfully completing a university degree (e.g. master's, Magister, Diplom, Staatsexamen). Special conditions apply, which are specified in the doctoral regulations, for applicants with a degree from a university of applied sciences, a first state examination for a teaching degree for primary schools, special-needs schools or secondary schools, or for those with a bachelor's degree.  

For all formal questions, the first point of contact is always the relevant dean's office or doctoral studies office of the related faculty. It is also recommended that you consult with the responsible academic advisor. The doctorate is awarded upon successful completion of the doctoral program.  

The prerequisite for enrollment is the certificate of acceptance as a doctoral candidate from the doctoral committee of the faculty.

Please note:  On the GRADE webpages, you will find a clear 3-step guide on how best to proceed in your search for a doctoral thesis. For a doctorate in a humanities or social-science field, contact the examination office for humanities, cultural and sport sciences ; for a doctorate in a field of the natural sciences, contact the doctoral studies office for the natural sciences ; and for a doctorate in a medical field, contact the doctoral studies office of the faculty of medicine . Further information on the doctoral procedure can be obtained from the doctoral committee of the respective faculty.

Supporting documents:  For doctoral studies, acceptance as a doctoral candidate must be submitted at the time of enrollment by the doctoral committee of the relevant faculty. 


The application is a two-step process. Please register first as a doctoral student via the Goethe-Campus portal and submit the required documents to the relevant dean's office or doctoral studies office. Upon successful acceptance as a doctoral student, you will receive an acceptance letter. If you would also like to enroll as a doctoral student, please submit once again an electronic application for doctoral studies via the Goethe-Campus portal. You should then submit the documents required for enrollment. Enrollment as a student is not always mandatory.

Exception: Medical students in Faculty 16 first go through a separate application procedure and only then register electronically as doctoral students via the Goethe-Campus portal. You can find more information on the Faculty 16 website .

Note for prospective international students

Application and enrollment for international doctoral students.

You can enroll as a doctoral student if you already have an official "acceptance as a doctoral student" (Annahme als Doktorand*in). The Enrollment is not mandatory. Those candidates working in German must present a certified DSH-2 certificate (or equivalent) upon enrollment (see German language skills ).

Enrollment deadlines: Summer semester: April 30 Winter semester: October 31

Enrollment is a two-step process:

1. Submission and review of documents by the “Studium Lehre Internationales” department (if not yet done). 

Please send the originals of the following documents as a PDF by e-mail to: [email protected] :

  • all transcripts with overview of subjects and grades entitling you to pursue a doctorate 
  • translations of the transcripts by a sworn translator (this is not necessary if the originals are in English)
  • notification of acceptance as a doctoral student
  • proof of language skills (if required)

Please note : If your transcripts have already been reviewed by the "Studium Lehre Internationales" department for doctoral studies via the respective faculty, you do not need to resubmit your transcripts. In this case, please follow only the second step.

2. Enrollment via online form 

Enrollment takes place via the online form for enrollment in a doctoral studies program

You will require the following documents:

  • signed application for enrollment
  • copy of passport/identity card
  • curriculum vitae (if applicable)

Please send these documents by e-mail after completing the online enrollment process: [email protected] Alternatively, you can send your documents by regular mail: Goethe-Universität Studium Lehre Internationales First-Level Support 60629 Frankfurt am Main

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Doctoral studies at HHU

There are several ways to earn a doctorate depending on the faculties, the individual research fields as well as on the type of doctorate. It can be completed within a structured programme or quite independently under the supervision of a professor. Over a period of about three to four years, doctoral students conduct independent research, write a dissertation and usually defend it through an oral examination. The starting date is not bound to the university semesters, but rather depends on the available funding options for the individual research projects.

At HHU, doctoral candidates are individually supervised and supported in order to advance their careers. The following applies to all faculties of HHU:

  • the regulations for doctoral studies stipulate that doctoral theses must be overseen by two supervisors; i.e. a second supervisor may be added to the PhD advisory committee
  • the course "Good Scientific Practice" is mandatory for all doctoral candidates
  • the doctoral research is conducted within a structured doctoral programme or, alternatively, can be completed within the framework of a structured curriculum at the respective faculties' graduate academies
  • international junior researchers receive advice and support from the Junior Scientist and International Research Center (JUNO) regarding their stay in Germany and at HHU
  • the faculties' graduate academies offer a broad qualification programme for doctoral students and a comprehensive counseling service
  • the  Heine Research Academies and the graduate academies of the  Faculty of Medicine (MedRSD) , the  Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences (iGRAD)  and the  Faculty of Arts and Humanities (PhilGRAD) provide a common framework of support and structured education for all doctoral researchers.

In Germany and at HHU, the most common PhD track is completing an individual doctorate under the supervision of a professor and thereby conducting research largely independently on one's own research topic. This offers a great deal of flexibility but also demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility. To start such a doctoral project, you first need to find a supervisor at HHU. The supervision of a doctoral thesis is an individual agreement between the doctoral researcher and the supervisor. In some faculties at HHU (e.g. Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences) an additional supervising professor is mandatory. 

Doctoral students conducting an indivual doctorate may be employed by the supervisor's institute, which often requires them to work on a specific project or to participate in the teaching requirements of the institute. Vacancies for this path to a doctorate are often advertised on the research institute's website or can be found at the HeRA job portal . Doctoral researchers who are not employed by the institute are advised to organise funding for their dissertation project , for example by a scholarship.

How long it takes to complete an individual doctorate depends mainly on one's own time schedule. Three to four years are within in the normal range.

Find further information on how to apply for an individual doctorate here .

In structured doctoral programmes, doctoral students and their research topics are integrated into a larger scientific framework in which the students work on a common research focus or methodology. These programmes are often interdisciplinary and/or have a strong international orientation with English as the team language. In general, they offer a subject-specific curriculum as well as opportunities to acquire transferable skills and additional qualifications. Doctoral students are generally supervised by a thesis advisory committee, i.e. in teams of several professors participating in the programme. 

At HHU you have a broad spectrum of structured doctoral programmes in research training groups and graduate schools funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Excellence Initiative, the federal state North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and HHU itself. Sometimes they include collaborations with other universities, non-university research institutes such as the Helmholtz Association or the International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) as well as other international partners.

Programme specific scholarships or job offers for doctoral candidates usually provide funding for at least three years. Find further information on available scholarships or job offers at the graduate programmes' websites or and the HeRA job portal . Click here  for details on how to apply for a graduate programme.

Steps to a doctorate


Re-Registration of doctoral students for a new semester

Events & dates, 16.09.2024 - 20.09.2024, 00:00 - 23:55 postdoc appreciation week, 16.09.2024, 16:30 - 17:30 good to know - the german social security system (juno online seminar), 18.09.2024, 13:00 - 14:00 info session – postdoc support at hhu, 26.09.2024, 17:00 - 19:00 urban walking tour for researchers, 01.10.2024, 15:00 - 16:30 unterstützung beim umgang mit digitaler gewalt.

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First steps to your PhD

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Before starting your doctoral studies in Germany, there are some important steps you have to follow:

  • Have your post-graduate degree recognised
  • Apply for a residence permit
  • Find a doctoral position
  • Finance your research stay

To find some practical advice on preparing your research stay - visit: > phd

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Young woman in a lab doing a PhD in Germany

by Leona Quigley

Updated on January 3, 2024

How to do a PhD in Germany 

phd in deutsch

Germany enjoys a distinguished international reputation for the quality of its higher-level education system . It’s for this reason that so many graduate students choose to pursue their doctoral studies in Germany, roughly 29,000 each year! That’s more than any other EU member state. Of the countries with the most PhD graduates in the world, Germany ranks third after the USA and China. It is also completely possible to do a PhD in Germany without speaking fluent German, though it does offer a great opportunity to learn ! 

Here’s a quick guide to what you need to know about pursuing your doctoral studies in Germany, including finding PhD programs and funding your studies.

Types of PhD programs in Germany

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As Germany is a part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), its educational qualifications follow the three-cycle format common in the region. Nevertheless, it has a distinctive approach to doctoral education and offers two different paths towards a PhD:

Individual doctorate

This is the traditional path to a doctorate in Germany and remains the most popular with doctoral students. To achieve an individual doctorate, you will pursue your own individual research, working towards a dissertation under the guidance of a doctoral adviser ( Betreuer*in ). This pathway provides a high degree of flexibility but also requires you to be able to take initiative and remain motivated without the same level of support offered by a structured program. You can pursue your doctorate through a state university, a private university, a University of Applied Sciences ( Fachhochschule ), a non-university research institute, such as the prestigious Max Planck Institute, or through industry sponsorship.

Structured doctoral programs

A structured doctoral program is similar to the model of doctoral education typical in the United States, though this model of study is not common in Germany. The PhD candidate will attend lectures, courses and seminars, and will work under the guidance of a team of supervisors. These programs are structured to provide candidates with required courses on hard and soft research skills as they progress through a fixed curriculum. They write their theses on a relevant topic within a team setting. Structured doctorates tend to have an international orientation, with English as the main working language. 

An individual doctorate generally takes about 4 years, whereas it normally takes only 3 years to complete a structured doctoral program. The academic year comprises two semesters: Wintersemester , running from October to the end of March with holidays at Christmas and Easter; and Sommersemester , running from April to the beginning of Wintersemester , with a holiday from July to September. The exact dates will vary slightly by institution and year.

If you want to pursue an individual doctorate, the first step you need to take is to search for a university that offers a program in your chosen field and someone who is willing to supervise your work. A good place to start your search is the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst , the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in order to find the right place. PhDGermany has a selection of programs specifically targeted at international students: and you can find funded doctoral programs at the German Research Foundation (DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). You can search the Higher Education Compass website to find out which university would be a good fit for your research proposal On this site, you’ll find links to faculties, potential research supervisors as well as other information. If you want to check the CHE university rankings it is best to search in your subject area.

There’s no central database of all the structured PhD programs in Germany but you can usually find them directly through universities, graduate schools or non-university research institutions. The DAAD database is also a good place to look. Here you will find many PhD programs that are specifically aimed at international doctoral students.

Most universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for PhD students, even if they’re international. You will, however, need to pay a “semester contribution” ( Semesterbeitrag ), which ranges between €100 and €400 per semester which is a contribution towards administrative costs and student services ( Studentenwerk ).

In addition to this, you’ll have to consider living costs, which vary based on where you’re studying and the type of accommodation you choose. As many of Germany’s major universities are located at the heart of its major cities, rent prices alone can be a significant burden on doctoral students. 

A variety of funding options are available to international PhD students:

  • Graduate assistantships (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*in) and fellowships from your university or government, 
  • Programs funded by the German government for international students and 
  • Programs funded by industry, business or independent research hubs such as the Max Planck Institute
  • Scholarships from the university or institute that offers you a place – make sure to investigate
  • Scholarships from the DAAD or industry or from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Community)
  • Scholarships from one of the 13 institutes that promote gifted students, including Konrad Adenauer Foundation , Heinrich-Böll-Foundation , Hans Böckler Foundation , Rosa Luxemburg Foundation , Friedrich Ebert Foundation or Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung .

The language requirements for your PhD program will vary depending on the institution. Most structured PhD programs in Germany are taught in English . If that isn’t your first language, you’ll be required to complete an English language proficiency test or submit other proof of adequate language ability. As an individual PhD student, however, you may be required to write your thesis in German, though this also depends on the institution. If German is required you will need to submit proof of your German language proficiency. Two main tests are available for this purpose: the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH, meaning “German language examination for university entrance”) and the Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache, or TestDaF (Test German as a Foreign Language).

One step closer to your Diplom

You are now one step closer to finding the PhD program of your dreams in Germany. So get ready to adapt to the German culture and language. Doing your doctorate in Germany is a wonderful way to further your academic ambitions and discover the distinctive German lifestyle and the many beautiful and historical sights the country offers.

Leona Quigley

Leona has her roots in the South of Ireland, where she grew up on her family farm. She went on to study World Politics at Leiden University College, The Hague and then completed her MPhil in International History at Trinity College Dublin. Leona has now settled in Berlin, having fallen in love with the city. In her spare time she is working on perfecting her German in anticipation of her doctoral studies, during which she plans to study modern German social history. Her hobbies include bouldering, dancing and reading a healthy mix of history books and corny fantasy fiction. You can find more info about her on LinkedIn .

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Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

You are here, phd program in german, requirements for the phd program in german, 1. course work: .

Students take 4 courses per term for 2 years, with a total of 16 courses required; 3 of those courses may be audited; GMAN 501, Methods of Teaching German as a World Language, is required for all students; at least one course must include pre-nineteenth-century topics. Students should consult with the Director of Graduate Study (DGS) regarding their course selection. In addition, one or two of the courses taken for credit may be Directed Readings under the supervision of a faculty member, with the approval of the DGS. 

Up to 2 credits may be awarded for prior graduate-level work, provided the student’s first-year record at Yale is good and the total number of courses taken for credit at Yale are not fewer than 12.

The German Literature Track: 4 courses may be taken outside the department. The German Studies Track: 7 courses may be taken outside the department. Students are asked to define an area of concentration and to meet with appropriate advisors from within and outside the department.

2. Languages:

In the third semester of study, students are required to give evidence of a reading knowledge of one language (other than their native language) that is highly relevant to the study of German literature and culture. The department strongly recommends French, but other languages may possibly be approved on consultation with the DGS. It is possible to fulfill this requirement by taking a language exam in the relevant department, by taking a reading course with a resulting grade of A, or by way of other measures of experience such as studying in another country.  

3. Teaching:

The faculty considers teaching to be essential to the professional preparation of graduate stduents. Four terms are required, but six is the norm. Teaching usually takes place in years three and four, but students may seek teaching in any term. Students typically begin by teaching the Elementary and Intermediate sequence (GMAN 110-120-130), followed by a Teaching Fellow position with a faculty member in the German Department. Students in combined programs typically split their teaching equally between German and Film. Teaching assignments should always be made in close consultation with the DGS, DUS and, if applicable, the dissertation advisor and Language Program Director. Teaching assignments are typically made in the late Spring for the upcoming academic year, but may not be fully finalized until the preregistration period for a given semester.

4. The Qualifying Examination (5th term):

The Qualifying Examination assesses the students’ knowledge of German literature and their skills across a broad range of related topics. The examination is divided into two parts, to be taken during reading period of the fifth term of study.

Part I. Written examination. In this portion of the comprehensive exam, the student will write a closed-book exam (four essays in six hours). Students may write in English or German; there will be a choice of questions. Sample questions are available.

FOUR SECTIONS of examination in German literature and film are intended to give students an overview of the field:

The exam is based on a departmental list, which is updated regularly.

Preparation of readings should begin well in advance of the fifth term. Students are encouraged to form study groups and meet with faculty. The department also regularly offers a seminar devoted to exam preparation.

Part II. One-hour oral examination, a week after the written examination. In this portion of the comprehensive exam, the student will discuss the written exam with three examiners to elaborate on answers and hear comments. Students who fail the written or the oral exam can repeat the respective part once within a timeframe of eight weeks. 

5. Study Abroad:

Year-long or semester-long study abroad typically occurs in the fifth and sixth years, in the context of the dissertation research, frequently with the support of external fellowships. Students may also participate in German Sommersemester courses (May-July) in the context of the Baden-Württemberg exchange. The department offers Max Kade summer travel stipends in support of eligible travel to Germany.

6. The Prospectus and Prospectus Defense (6th term):

The prospectus for the dissertation must be submitted at the end of the sixth term of study, typically in May. It should be approximately 15-20 pages in length. It should: 

1. provide an overview of the dissertation project, 2. situate the project within the relevant secondary literature, 3. describe the scholarly contribution that the dissertation is expected to make, 4. give an overview of each chapter’s focus, and 5. it must include a bibliography of relevant primary and secondary texts.

The prospectus should be written in close consultation with the dissertation advisor, who must approve it before it is submitted to the faculty. 

Shortly after the student has submitted the prospectus, the faculty will convene to discuss the prospectus with the student. If serious concerns are raised, the student will be expected to revise the prospectus.

Students should also compile a reading list of 20-30 works relevant to their proposed project, which will also be discussed during the defense.

7. The Dissertation and the Dissertation Fellowship:

The culmination of the student’s work is the dissertation. Each student will choose a dissertation committee of three people, one (sometimes two) of whom will serve as the student’s primary advisor(s). Drafts of each chapter must be submitted in a timely fashion to all members of the student’s committee: the first chapter should be submitted to the committee by February 1 of the fourth year; the second chapter by January 1 of the fifth year. A formal chapter review will be held for the first chapter, during which the student will discuss his or her work with the members of the dissertation committee and the DGS. The first chapter of the dissertation should be presented in the departmental colloquium not later than the first semester of the fifth year. The dissertation is submitted in March of the sixth year, prior to the Graduate School’s announced deadline. Following the submission, the DGS will convene a dissertation defense. After a brief presentation on the theme, claims, and method of the dissertation, the committee, adviser(s) and DGS will ask questions. This may lead to broader discussions which typically include publication plans and postdoctoral goals. The defense is typically a public event, with invitation list to be decided in consultation with the DGS. The defense will be concluded by a vote of the committee, the adviser(s), and the DGS. Official approval of the dissertation takes place in the form of written evaluations; hence the defense is primarily meant as a capstone event and opportunity for conversation. The dissertation is ideally 200-250 double-spaced pages in length.

Helpful Links:

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Programs & Policies webpage Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Programs & Policies handbook The Combined PhD Program in German Studies/Film and Media Studies

phd in deutsch

Applying and Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

phd in deutsch

If you are interested in enrolling in doctoral studies, you must first submit proof that your declaration of intent to pursue a doctorate has been accepted by the relevant faculty at Technische Universität Berlin. This means you must first submit the declaration of intent to the faculty service center of the relevant faculty. The faculty board will then inform you whether you have been admitted as a doctoral candidate and of any conditions of your admission. The TU Berlin Doctoral Regulations require all doctoral candidates not employed at TU Berlin to enroll as doctoral students.

When enrolling, please be sure to state the degree program offered by TU Berlin which most closely matches with your field of work.

How to enroll

To enroll you must have received the faculty board decision confirming the faculty’s acceptance of your declaration of intent to pursue a doctorate and stating whether you will be completing your doctorate in English or German.

You must register your declaration of intent to pursue a doctorate at the relevant faculty service center (see contact details below).

You can apply and enroll at any time. However, the first step in the enrolment process, registration in our portal, is only possible for the relevant semester in the following periods: for the summer semester from 15 January to 31 August and for the winter semester from 15 July to 28 February.

As a doctoral student, you are required to pay a semester fee each semester like all enrolled students. You will not be charged any late fees when enrolling. However, please note a late fee will be charged if you re-register after the required deadline.

You can find general information about doctoral studies on the Center for Junior Scholars (CJS) website.

Enrollment steps for doctoral candidates whose declaration of intent has been approved:

  • You need to first complete the online registration . This is also necessary if you are already an employee at the TU Berlin.
  • You will then receive an email with login details for your personal TU Berlin portal (tuPORT).
  • You will be able to see the app“Enrollment and re-registration requirements”, after initially passing the app "First steps". Click here to see which documents you are required to upload.
  • Refer to the following web page  to get an idea of which documents these are.
  • After you finish enrolling, you will receive an email with further information.
  • After enrolment, please have your student account linked to your staff account. Please contact the personnel team responsible for you.

Re-registration to the next semester for PhD student

Information regarding your re-registration to the following semester as a PhD student will be send by e-mail to your e-mail account of TU Berlin.

General information about re-registration is available here .

Termination of enrollment (exmatriculation)

PhD students are not exmatriculated ex officio due to their successful final examination or a final failed examination. If you have successfully completed your degree, please apply for Exmatriculation upon request via your TUB account ( tuPORT ).

Access to the registration portal

Registration is possible for the relevant semester in the following periods: for the summer semester from 15.01. - 31.08. for the winter semester from 15.07. - 28.02.

  • Faculty I declaration of intent (pdf, 277 kB)
  • Faculty II declaration of intent (pdf, 2.56 MB)
  • Faculty III declaration of intent (pdf, 169 kB)
  • Faculty IV declaration of intent (pdf, 1.31 MB)
  • Faculty V declaration of intent (pdf, 223 kB)
  • Faculty VI declaration of intent (pdf, 2.15 MB)
  • Faculty VII declaration of intent (pdf, 675 kB)

Current information of Office of Student Affairs

Here you will find current informationen.

Overview of TU Berlin points of contact

Information and advising on doctorates and the postdoc phase, Preparation of course offers and funding options
Faculty Service CenterClarification of formal questions, registration of the declaration of intent to pursue a doctorate, admission to the doctoral procedure
Office of Student Affairs - Graduate AdmissionsAdvising for prospective doctoral candidates about the enrollment
General information about stays, working, accommodation, visa services
Advising for prospective doctoral candidates with a foreign university degree
FacultyFaculty Service Center (FSC)Contact person in FSCDoctorate page of the facultyOmbudsperson for doctoral candidates
Faculty I - Humanities: Iwona Wieczorek
Faculty II – Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Anne Jenß + Lara Schäfer
Faculty III – Process Sciences: Beate Neumann
Faculty IV – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Jana Peich
Faculty V – Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems: Julia Stützer
Faculty VI – Planning Building Environment: Pia Jubin
Faculty VII – Economics and Management: Barbara Engel

Where to find points of contact

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The Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials ( MPGC-QM ) currently has an open call for multiple fully funded PhD student positions. Deadline for submission of your application is December 11 th 2024!

Six Max Planck Institutes (Dresden, Erlangen, Hamburg, Halle and Stuttgart) - all of them world-leading institutions in their respective fields - bring together their expertise in the research on quantum materials and thus offer a truly unique graduate program in this intriguing research area.

In addition, we offer a limited number of joint PhD projects with Oxford University. Students working on these projects will share their time between Oxford and one of the participating Max Planck Institutes, and will obtain their PhD degree from Oxford University.

  • Vibrant research environment with access to a large number of world-class research facilities and cutting-edge research projects
  • A modern, English-speaking structured PhD program
  • Fully funded positions, no tuition costs and additional funding for scientific meetings and trainings
  • Individual supervision and mentoring by research scientists who are leaders in their respective fields

Join our network

Becoming part of our interdisciplinary quantum materials community and our unique program will allow you to establish an international network that will last beyond your PhD. Connecting different research groups at six locations, MPGC-QM also connects diverse research topics with focus on quantum materials and fosters interdisciplinary collaborations.

More than 30 distinguished and internationally recognized group leaders actively participate in the PhD program and offer challenging and cutting-edge PhD projects.


Applicants should hold an MSc (or equivalent degree) with a strong background in physics, chemistry, mathematics or computer science, and have some knowledge of solid-state science, excellent English language skills and a drive to pursue their PhD in an international and multidisciplinary setting.

Outstanding candidates with a first-class four-year BSc degree (or equivalent degree) are eligible to apply for the fast-track option.

Your application

Are you interested? We invite highly motivated students with strong commitment to basic science from all over the world to apply to our international program centered on quantum materials.

Application deadline is December 11 th . Only applications submitted through our online application portal can be considered!

Details on the program, eligibility, and how to apply .

For further information, please browse the answers to Frequently Asked Questions and direct any further inquiries to the MPGC Coordination Office at [email protected]

The Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Mater as well as Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. The Max Planck Society strives for gender equality and diversity. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase the number of women in its workforce in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

Please start the survey at the end of your visit.

Structured PhD programmes

Three researchers are standing at a whiteboard and are looking towards the camera laughing. The one in the middle holds a pen in her hand holding it near the whiteboard as if she was interrupted in writing something on it.

DAAD/Volker Lannert

Structured doctoral programmes differ from traditional doctoral research. In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are  very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries , in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students.

Structured doctoral programmes often have a  strong international orientation  with English as the team language. Unlike the individual doctorate model that can be freely structured to suit the individual research project, here doctoral students and their research proposals have to fit in with an existing PhD programme.

The doctorate frequently entails a  clearly structured doctoral study   programme  with compulsory attendance at lectures or seminars and interim assessment (credit points). The programme frequently also covers  academic and scientific methods or soft skills , such as presentation techniques.

As a rule, PhD Students work steadily at realising their research project within the team and with intensive  support from a group of academic staff  (often referred to as the “thesis committee”).

The duration of your studies is generally   limited to three to five years, and there is usually a fixed curriculum within which you work toward your doctorate and write your thesis.


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  1. Dr. vs. PhD: Was ist der Unterschied?

    Dr. vs. PhD: Was ist der Unterschied?

  2. Ph.D. in Deutschland machen: Wo, wie, warum?

    Der Ph.D. ist als Abschluss internationaler als der deutsche Doktortitel. Wer plant, in einem internationalen Umfeld oder beispielsweise im englischsprachigen Ausland zu arbeiten, ist unter Umständen mit dem Ph.D. besser beraten. Auch wer eine Stelle in der Forschung anstrebt, verfügt mit dem Ph.D. eventuell über Vorteile.

  3. PhD Studies & Research

    PhD Studies & Research. Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers. Discover Germany's top-tier PhD programs and research scene ...

  4. Ph.D.

    Ph.D. Der Ph.D. [piː‿eɪtʃ diː] (auch PhD, englisch Doctor of Philosophy, neulateinisch philosophiae doctor) ist in englischsprachigen Ländern der wissenschaftliche Doktorgrad in fast allen Fächern und der höchste Abschluss des Postgraduiertenstudiums. In diesen Ländern ist der Ph.D.-Abschluss in der Regel mit der Berechtigung ...

  5. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Doing a PhD in Germany

  6. Find your PhD position

    Find your PhD position in Germany

  7. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding ...

  8. Get your PhD in Germany: Structured PhD programmes

    slide 2 of 5. 33,300 visiting students are taking part in the European funding programme Erasmus in Germany. 359,000 foreign students are enrolled at German universities. That's 12.8 per cent of all students. 46,000 foreign scientists are researching and teaching at German universities. 90 per cent of the international students want to ...

  9. How to apply for a PhD

    When you have found a suitable programme, submit an application to one of the professors in the PhD programme or to the appropriate selection committee - depending on the programme or call for proposals. Here are some useful tips that may help you succeed in your application: Invest a lot of time and effort in your search for the right programme.

  10. Ways To Your PhD

    An alternative route to your doctorate is via the structured PhD programme, similar to those in English-speaking countries. This model offers regular and intense supervision by a team of advisors. The programmes include a curriculum of courses, usually with an interdisciplinary focus. These programmes will advance your skills not only in ...

  11. PhD Study in Germany

    PhD Study in Germany - 2024. Germany's historic and highly-ranked universities make it an excellent choice for studying abroad. Having offered the PhD since the nineteenth century, they know a thing or two about delivering innovative, high-quality postgraduate programmes. Best of all, most universities do not charge tuition fees.

  12. Goethe-Universität

    Doctorate. You can earn a doctorate after successfully completing a university degree (e.g. master's, Magister, Diplom, Staatsexamen). Special conditions apply, which are specified in the doctoral regulations, for applicants with a degree from a university of applied sciences, a first state examination for a teaching degree for primary schools ...

  13. Research in Germany

    Germany is a top destination for PhD students, postdocs, and senior scientists. The website "Research in Germany" helps you to find your way to Germany, to seek for PhD positions, research jobs or funding opportunities. It describes the German research landscape and helps you plan your career and life in Germany.

  14. PhD at the University of Göttingen

    Search Deutsch Earning a doctoral degree at the University of Göttingen ... faculties at the University of Göttingen offer doctoral degrees either as individual doctoral studies or structured PhD programmes. On these pages, we have compiled all the information you need to make the right decision. It only takes three steps:

  15. Universität Düsseldorf: Doctoral studies at HHU

    The following applies to all faculties of HHU: the regulations for doctoral studies stipulate that doctoral theses must be overseen by two supervisors; i.e. a second supervisor may be added to the PhD advisory committee. the course "Good Scientific Practice" is mandatory for all doctoral candidates. the doctoral research is conducted within a ...

  16. First steps to your PhD

    Before starting your doctoral studies in Germany, there are some important steps you have to follow: Have your post-graduate degree recognised. Apply for a residence permit. Find a doctoral position. Finance your research stay. To find some practical advice on preparing your research stay - visit: > phd.

  17. How to do a PhD in Germany

    Funding your PhD in Germany. Most universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for PhD students, even if they're international. You will, however, need to pay a "semester contribution" (Semesterbeitrag), which ranges between €100 and €400 per semester which is a contribution towards administrative costs and student services (Studentenwerk).

  18. PhD

    Your goal. PhD. The German doctorate enjoys an outstanding reputation. Germany's universities, research institutions and companies welcome international researchers and offer excellent opportunities for doctoral students. Structured PhD programmes, for example, often have a strong international orientation with English as the team language.

  19. PhD Program in German

    Requirements for the PhD Program in German. 1. Course work: Students take 4 courses per term for 2 years, with a total of 16 courses required; 3 of those courses may be audited; GMAN 501, Methods of Teaching German as a World Language, is required for all students; at least one course must include pre-nineteenth-century topics.

  20. Applying & Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

    Applying & Enrolling for Doctoral Studies

  21. phd

    Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'phd' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

  22. Individual doctorate

    The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany.An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the supervision of one professor.. This form of PhD study offers a great deal of flexibility, but also demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility.A professor supervises a PhD student, who works on his or her ...

  23. Fully funded PhD positions (doctoral researcher) (f/m/d)

    Are you interested in working in the rapidly evolving research field of quantum materials?. The Max Planck Graduate Center for Quantum Materials currently has an open call for multiple fully funded PhD student positions.Deadline for submission of your application is December 11 th 2024!. Six Max Planck Institutes (Dresden, Erlangen, Hamburg, Halle and Stuttgart) - all of them world-leading ...

  24. Find your structured PhD programme

    Structured PhD programmes. Structured doctoral programmes differ from traditional doctoral research. In Germany, structured doctoral programmes are very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a team of supervisors look after a group of doctoral students. Structured doctoral programmes often have a strong ...