is sat essay cancelled 2022

College Board Updates on the SAT Essay and Subject Tests

Steve McGrath

On January 19th, College Board announced a few significant updates in regards to its SAT Suite of Assessments, including the elimination of the optional essay portion of the SAT and the discontinuance of the SAT Subject Tests (SAT II tests). Let’s take a look at these changes and how they might affect students’ plans for the spring of 2021 and beyond.


In the release, College Board announced that the optional essay will be discontinued from the SAT following the June 2021 test date, with the exception of school day administrations in states which require the essay for evaluative purposes. Students currently registered to take the exam with essay between now and June will have the option to cancel the essay portion via their online account with no change fees up until the test’s registration deadline. In their statement, College Board observed: “This decision recognizes that there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing. At the same time, writing remains essential to college readiness, and the SAT will continue to measure writing and editing skills.”

Although the vast majority of colleges no longer require (or even recommend, in many cases) students to submit SAT Essay scores, it is somewhat unclear what effect College Board’s announcement will have on the few schools that still utilize the essay portion of the exam in the admission process. Ultimately, the best advice for students and families is likely to check with any colleges they are interested in to see what they recommend, but it seems likely that the SAT essay will not play any role in college admissions for any students in the class of 2022 and beyond.

As a tutor aware of the pressures facing students preparing for the test, I see the announcement as a welcome change. The removal of the optional essay, which was only valued by a small number of schools and did not contribute to students’ overall composite score out of 1600, does offer many benefits to students preparing for the SAT. In addition to reducing the cost of the exam by $15, it shortens the already lengthy test by nearly an hour, which may allow students to devote more energy and focus to the four primary sections (Reading, Writing and Language, No-Calculator Math, and Calculator Math) which contribute to their overall score. Additionally, it allows students to allocate more study time towards other endeavors, whether those be further test prep, academic coursework, extracurricular activities, or even developing a stronger college admissions essay.

College Board Will No Longer Offer SAT Subject Tests

College Board also announced its discontinuation of the SAT Subject Tests, also known as SAT II tests, effective immediately in the U.S. and beginning June 2021 internationally. U.S students registered to take SAT Subject tests in this spring will have their registrations cancelled automatically and their registration fees refunded. Because the SAT Subject Tests are often used for a wider variety of purposes internationally, College Board will offer two final administrations of the exam to international students in May and June of 2021. As to how this might affect the applications of students who already took any SAT Subject Tests, College Board states:

We’ve reached out to our member colleges, and they’ll decide whether and how to consider students’ Subject Test scores. Students should check colleges’ websites for the most up-to-date information on their application policies.

Ultimately, this probably will not have a large role on the college admissions process for most schools . As of the time of the announcement, very few schools recommended students submit SAT Subject Test scores, and while each college is free to decide how to handle scores from previous administrations of the test and what effect this may have on its admission policies, it is rare for a college to alter its admissions policy in a way which penalizes a student for events that are beyond their control. 

College Board attributes its decision to discontinue the tests to the widespread availability of its AP testing, which they consider to render SAT Subject Tests as unnecessary in demonstrating students’ academic knowledge. Both AP exams and SAT Subject Tests are designed as content specific, supplemental exams which allow students to demonstrate their proficiency and interest in specific subjects, and both differ significantly from the standard SAT in their reliance on students’ prior knowledge and comprehension rather than on critical analysis and general problem solving ability. However, there are also some key differences students may wish to be aware of when deciding how to alter their test prep in absence of the SAT Subject Tests . Firstly, because AP exams offer students opportunities to earn valuable college credits, the level of rigor on the exams is closer to that of a first-year college course than to the high school curriculum covered on the SAT Subject Tests . Additionally, there are several key differences in the structure and scoring of the exams:


AP Exam Structure

SAT Subject Test Structure

Total Time of Test

3 hours

1 hour

Types of Questions

Mix of Multiple Choice and Written Response

Multiple Choice

Focus of Assessment

Questions focus not only on raw content but also students’ ability to make connections and draw conclusions based on their knowledge.

Questions focused on students’ ability to recall a large variety of information on a given topic.

Scoring Scale

Scored on a scale of 1-5

Scored on a scale of 200-800

While the long term effects that these changes might have on students currently preparing for the exams of spring 2021 and beyond remain to be seen, understanding their immediate effects can help students develop effective plans and ease concerns. Additionally, the cancellation of the SAT Subject tests will likely allow schools to offer a greater number of seats to students seeking to register for the SAT this spring.

 I would encourage any students or families with questions or concerns to reach out to their guidance counselor or a test prep professional to discuss how this impacts their current plans.

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College Board Ends SAT Subject Tests Program

A number of our contacts in admissions offices confirmed this past weekend what we’ve surmised for the past four years was inevitable: College Board is eliminating the SAT  Subject Tests program (and the SAT Essay) as part of a plan to reduce costs and push more students to take APs. The Subject Tests and Essay have been on a steady decline for more than a decade and became even less supportable during the pandemic. College Board is focusing resources on their popular AP program and on the race against ACT to move testing online in ways that are secure, equitable, and more efficient.

is sat essay cancelled 2022

Why is College Board making this decision now? The Subject Test and Essay eliminations are sure to be roundly celebrated by students and counselors who see the move for what it is on its face: a few less items to worry about. And those supportive cheers will play conveniently well into the College Board’s couching of this decision as a purely selfless, student-friendly act. 

But it’s not that simple. While the end of Subject Tests removes one discretionary concern from the minds of a narrow band of college applicants (about 10% of college-bound students took Subject Tests each year), it also frees up resources for the College Board to allocate elsewhere. After celebrating the public relations win of today’s news, College Board will continue doubling down on its efforts and investments to push AP further into the center of the industrial enterprise it so heavily influences: create more AP programs, sell more AP exams, and perhaps even encourage colleges to think of AP scores as de facto college admissions measurements.

So was this a compassionate act aimed at simplifying the lives of students? Or was this a pragmatic decision to cut one’s worst losses? It was both. Today’s news represents at once a move away from an unpopular underperformer and a step toward better nourishing a more tolerated product line with greater potential to thrive. Everybody wins, perhaps? It just feels like the College Board wins a little more.

Despite College Board’s claim of  “widespread availability” for APs, there is far from universal availability. The announcement will come as a shock to many students who expected to “showcase their knowledge and skills” — in the words of College Board — through the Subject Tests rather than through APs. Despite the current pivot, the APs were not designed to be admission tests. They remain behind a locked door for many. We have not yet seen any College Board announcement to address these concerns.

We will update this post regularly with further details and analysis. Below is an evolving set of Frequently Asked Questions:

Does this mean that my Subject Test registration is canceled? There will not be any future U.S. administrations of the Subject Tests. International students will have the opportunity to take Subject Tests in May and June 2021 before the program is sunset altogether. Students can work with College Board to change a Subject Test registration to an SAT registration or receive a refund.

When will colleges update their policies to reflect the cancelation of the Subject Tests and Essay? It may take time for colleges to react to January 19th’s news. Many colleges do not reevaluate testing requirements until after they complete the admission cycle in the spring. Students in the class of 2022 or later should be aware that language about Subject Tests and the Essay on college websites may be outdated for some time. Colleges that currently utilize the Subject Tests and/or the Essay will need to articulate whether those students who have already taken them are encouraged to submit them. 

Where does this leave homeschoolers? Many admission offices have, in the past, recommended that homeschooled students submit supplementary test scores such as APs or Subject Tests. The cancelation of Subject Tests leaves a void for these students, who cannot as easily point to grading standards or course rigor.

Why will there be a few more international administrations of Subject Tests? College Board’s member institutions likely lobbied to preserve — even temporarily — Subject Tests for international students. Colleges are more dependent on standardized test scores for students applying abroad.

What about U.S. students applying abroad? U.S. students applying to schools in the U.K. have often used Subject Tests to meet application requirements. Oxford and the University of Edinburgh, for example, each require students to submit APs, Subject Tests, or a combination of APs and Subject Tests. Cambridge notes that “strong performances in SAT Subject Tests will strengthen an application.” In Canada, McGill requires Subject Tests from U.S. students unless they submit an ACT instead of an SAT. It’s unclear what adjustments international colleges will make. Students may have few options beyond taking APs.

Will the elimination of Subject Tests mean more interest in AP exams? Yes, likely so, especially within certain niches. Even with zero U.S. colleges requiring Subject Tests, more than 400,000 were still taken by the class of 2020. This energy has to go somewhere. Some of it will flow to heightened interest in APs and more pressure on schools to make AP testing opportunities available to students. While more than 80% of US high schools offer AP classes, there are thousands of high schools that do not. Some of these schools lack the resources to do so, while others have such an abundance of resources that they do not feel the need to bother. The latter group — predominantly highly competitive independent schools — finds the AP framework constricting. Subject Tests served as an option for non-AP students to demonstrate knowledge to colleges. Without that outlet, schools may face renewed questions from parents about APs.

Can I take an AP instead of a Subject Test? Some colleges recommend that students provide standardized test scores such as Subject Tests or APs. However, the content and expectations on the AP test are different.  Students should consider whether an AP test — especially when unconnected from an AP course — makes sense.

Currently, students can search the AP ledger at to find local schools offering the exams that might be able to accommodate test-takers from other schools. The deadline to register for a May exam was pushed back to March 12th this year due to the pandemic. 

Is the SAT Essay eliminated entirely? The SAT Essay will still be available for students to add on to their SAT through the June 2021 administration. The Essay may survive beyond June for state-funded School Day testing. College Board is contracted to deliver the Essay as part of its SAT program in some states. As an admission tool, students should consider the Essay as canceled.

Do I need to send my Essay score if I took the SAT with Essay? College Board does not let students send partial scores from a test date. Our assumption is that colleges will drop consideration of the Essay. Students should no longer take the Essay on dates where it is optional, but some School Day testing still requires the Essay.

Will my March SAT w/ Essay registration be canceled? No, the Essay is still alive through the June 2021 test date. Students should contact College Board if they wish to have their reservations switched to the SAT w/o Essay and the difference in fees refunded.

Will colleges look at SAT Essay and ACT Writing scores that students have already taken? Admission offices have not yet said if they will ignore prior essay scores or scores that are part of state-mandated testing. Compass does not expect that essay scores will have a role to play for the class of 2022 and beyond.

Will ACT eliminate the Writing test? ACT may not want to be seen as immediately following College Board’s lead, but it faces the same reality — an essay test that was already struggling prior to the pandemic. ACT’s business is even more dependent on state-funded testing, so we expect that it will need time to consult with its partners before announcing a decision. Compass’s recommendation is for U.S. students to skip any optional Writing test.

Adam Ingersoll

About Adam Ingersoll

Adam began his career in test prep in 1993 while at the University of Southern California, where he was a student-athlete on the basketball team, worked in the admission office, and graduated magna cum laude . Over the last three decades he has guided thousands of families to successful experiences with standardized tests and has mentored hundreds of the industry's most sought-after tutors. Adam is known nationally as a leading expert on college admission testing and is a frequent presenter at higher ed conferences, faculty development workshops, and school seminars.


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Some UK Universities have dropped test requirements for 2021 entry in favour of accepting honors classes or similar.

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Excellent news with sound perspectives. Thanks Adam! By natural extension, one can only dare to dream that while the College Board continues to preen in the afterglow of these seismic, but altogether predictable shifts in their product line, that they channel new reserves into accelerated improvements in their supply chain of timely and correct information to their customers. Clearly still alive and kicking, the pandemic continues to bear on the SAT testing landscape in terms of space availabilities, test center closures and the potential for registration reassignments. The College Board simply MUST focus on their end-to-end communications and to do a better job! The high school class of 2022 is already steeling itself for SAT test scheduling and execution drama like last spring. Buckle up!

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Thank you Adam — you and your team are such an asset to students and counselors with your timely communications and insightful guidance. Compass is my ‘go to’ for college entrance exam information — a trusted voice in navigating these times.

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McGill requires the ACT “or” both SAT and Subject Tests, so if a student took the ACT path it’s a non-issue.

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Thanks, Mark. We’ve clarified that in the post.

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My son took the PSAT this year and I am wondering if he should bother taking the SAT. Will the SAT be used to determine finalists for the PSAT National Merit Scholarships this year?

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You can find the best answers to these types of questions in our National Merit post:

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I’m wondering if my son should add optional essay section for June ACT to apply to West Point. West Point website still has essay requirement for SAT and ACT at this moment. I assume it will change by the time he apply in this coming fall.

Schultz, It seems highly unlikely that West Point will maintain its requirement, but I wouldn’t want to risk jeopardizing your son’s appointment. I would reach out to USMA directly to see if they have made a decision yet.

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College Board announces end to SAT subject tests and optional essay

The College Board announced changes today to its SAT college admissions exam that will affect upcoming test takers, including ending subject testing and the optional essay.

These changes may reflect the College Board’s effort to remain both relevant and required in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has dramatically reduced the number of high school students sitting for the college admissions test.

Many private colleges and state systems suspended their admissions requirement for an ACT or SAT score, including the University System of Georgia, which cited the repeated cancellations of test dates after high schools declined to open their doors for testing amid a pandemic. USG waived its test score requirements for spring, summer and fall 2021 admission to its 26 campuses.

Bob Schaeffer, interim executive director of FairTest: National Center for Fair & Open Testing, said the College Board is essentially acknowledging the decline in campuses requiring the SAT essay or subject tests.

“At the same time, the College Board is circling its (promotional) wagons to protect its two top income-producers, the main SAT and Advanced Placement tests, both of which are facing strong attacks -- the SAT from ongoing administration challenges and the burgeoning test-optional movement -- more than half of all four-year schools have already announced they will not require SAT/ACT for fall 2022 applicants -- and Advanced Placement exams from an ongoing class action litigation seeking half a billion dollars in damages for the severely flawed at-home, on-line, mini-tests rushed into the marketplace in spring 2021,” said Schaeffer in an email response to the AJC.

For its part, the College Board said it’s discontinuing subject tests because most students now have access to AP courses. As with the subject tests, the standardized tests at the end of an AP course can earn a student college credit, if the scores are high enough. The College Board also runs the AP program.

SAT subject tests have historically been recommended by select colleges.

“The subject tests aren’t a big loss in that the very same people at College Board who often write the AP exams write the equivalent subjects’ subject tests, so it’s a bit duplicative, except for ones with no analogue like Math Level 1 & 2. And they were already very niche, where if you weren’t scoring 1450+ on the SAT /33+ on the ACT, the schools that still wanted them weren’t likely attainable and no need to take them,” said Brian Eufinger, co-founder of the Atlanta-based tutoring company Edison Prep .

“APs are a good replacement for these, but this presents a real problem in cases of independent schools where APs are not widely available, or some public schools that offer a limited range of APs,” said Hafeez Lakani, CEO of the New York-based Lakhani Coaching . “In these cases, more scrutiny will now be on grades, potentially increasing pressure on students and teachers from parents to give more As.”

The College Board added an essay to the SAT in 2005. “The reality is that although there was a lot of initial interest in the writing section, it didn’t live up to expectations and as the years went by, colleges became less enthusiastic about it, citing their existing ability to gauge applicants’ writing skills through their own application essays,” said Isaac Botier, executive director of college admissions programs for Kaplan.

Questions were being raised about the value of standardized admissions tests long before the pandemic, especially after the decision of the influential University of California system to suspend its SAT/ACT requirement at its nine prestigious campuses, including UCLA and UC Berkeley.

Here are the changes with explanations from the College Board.

Discontinuing SAT subject tests:

The expanded reach of AP and its widespread availability for low-income students and students of color means the Subject Tests are no longer necessary for students to show what they know.

We are no longer offering the Subject Tests in the U.S. Students in the U.S. will automatically have their registrations canceled and receive a refund. Because Subject Tests are used internationally for a wider variety of purposes, we will provide two more administrations in May and June of 2021 for students in international locations.

We've reached out to our member colleges, and they will decide whether and how to consider students' Subject Test scores. Students should check colleges' websites for the most up-to-date information on their application policies.

Discontinuing the optional SAT Essay:

This decision recognizes that there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing. At the same time, writing remains essential to college readiness, and the SAT will continue to measure writing and editing skills. The tasks on the SAT Reading and Writing and Language tests are among the most effective and predictive parts of the SAT. Students can take the SAT with Essay through the June 2021 SAT administration.

After June 2021, the Essay will only be available in states where it's required for SAT School Day administrations for accountability purposes. Students registered for the SAT with Essay this spring can cancel the Essay portion at any time, free of charge.

A more streamlined, digitally delivered test is coming:

There's still a clear demand from students to take the SAT to show their strengths to colleges. Most immediately, we're working to provide as many opportunities as possible for students in the class of 2022 to take the SAT this year, including by:

Allocating seats that would have gone to students taking Subject Tests to students who want to take the SAT.

Being prepared to expand capacity for existing administrations and add administrations in the fall if the pandemic continues to impact testing this spring.

All safety requirements that were in place last fall will remain at least through the spring 2021 administrations.

We'll reach out directly to students registered for SAT Subject Tests and the SAT with Essay to inform them of these changes in the coming days and provide support and resources for our K–12 and higher education members.

About the Author

Maureen Downey has written editorials and opinion pieces about local, state and federal education policy since the 1990s.

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Which Colleges Require SAT Essay in 2022-2023?

If you’re wondering which colleges require sat essay in 2022-2023, this guide has all you need to know — including how to decide whether to take the essay., what is the sat essay.

There was a time when an essay was a required portion of the test and everyone simply had to take it as part of sitting for their SATs. Because it was pretty much a required section of the SAT during that time, all colleges that required the SAT also required the SAT essay.

How is the SAT Essay Scored?

Essays are the same in every test. The only thing that will change is the passage or prompt you’ll be tasked to respond to.

Do Ivy League Schools Require the SAT Essay?

In recent years, no Ivy League schools have required applicants to submit their SAT scores with the essay. The same applies to other prestigious top-notch schools such as Caltech, Stanford, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, NYU, MIT, and more. 

Many Schools Have Been Dropping the SAT Requirement

To compensate for dropping the standardized testing requirement, colleges and universities have instead started placing more weight on the other factors comprising a student’s application. For example, to test a student’s writing ability, colleges will look more closely at the applicant’s personal statement or their grades in subjects like English.

College Board’s Massive Announcement in January 2021: No More SAT Essay

Students from certain states may still be required to sit for the essays if it is a part of their SAT School Day administrations . 

College Board advises that if you are scheduled to take your SATs on a school day, you should inquire with your school if the essay will be required.

Why Did College Board Discontinue the SAT Essay?

Should i take the sat essay how to decide.

For this reason, if you are scheduled to take your SAT on a school day, you may want to check with your school guidance office and find out whether the essay will be required. Doing so well ahead of time can help you prepare well for the SAT essays so you can up your chances of getting a good score.

Which Colleges Require SAT Essay in 2022?

Frequently asked questions, do any colleges require sat with essay, is the sat essay still required, does ucla require sat with essay, is sat essay required for harvard, does sat essay affect your score.

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SAT Discontinues Subject Tests And Optional Essay


Elissa Nadworny

Eda Uzunlar headshot

Eda Uzunlar

No more tests in order to enter.

Updated at 5:03 p.m. ET

The College Board announced on Tuesday that it will discontinue the optional essay component of the SAT and that it will no longer offer subject tests in U.S. history, languages and math, among other topics. The organization, which administers the college entrance exam in addition to several other tests, including Advanced Placement exams, will instead focus efforts on a new digital version of the SAT.

In the announcement, the organization cited the coronavirus pandemic for these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a process already underway at the College Board to reduce and simplify demands on students."

College entrance exams have had a hard go of it during the pandemic. Many in-person testing dates for the SAT were canceled because of social distancing needs and closed high school buildings; a previous digital version of the SAT was scrapped in June after technical difficulties; and hundreds of colleges have removed the exam from admissions requirements , in some cases permanently.

Few colleges require the optional writing portion of the SAT or the subject tests, though students can still submit them to supplement their college applications. The AP exams have become far more important in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit.

Colleges Are Backing Off SAT, ACT Scores — But The Exams Will Be Hard To Shake

The Coronavirus Crisis

Colleges are backing off sat, act scores — but the exams will be hard to shake.

"Removing the subject tests can remove a barrier for students," says Ashley L. Bennett, director of college counseling at KIPP Sunnyside High School in Houston. But, she adds, "I believe that standardized testing in general needs to be less emphasized in the college search process."

Elizabeth Heaton advises families about college admissions at College Coach in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could help put some students on a more level playing field. "For students who aren't getting great advising, it is nice to see that they haven't been eliminated from competition just by virtue of not having a test that they may not have known about."

But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to promote college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT subject tests will create more barriers for her students, rather than less.

"Hundreds of my students take the subject tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an opportunity to show their understanding of a second language," explains Cifuentes.

Many of her students speak a second language at home and would be the first in their family to go to college.

She says her college-bound students often enroll in the University of California and California State University systems, which both require two years of coursework in another language for admission. The SAT foreign-language tests sometimes filled that requirement, but the removal of these exams means Cifuentes will have to shift gears.

"We will need to work closely with our world language teachers to expand on ideas ... for students who already read, write and speak another language," she says.

Her job is all about helping school districts adapt to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Board, Cifuentes explains.

"Every decision they discuss — there's real repercussions. There's no right or wrong decision, but with everything they do, it should be students first."

Eda Uzunlar is an intern on NPR's Education Desk.

Correction Jan. 20, 2021

A previous version of this story misspelled Ashley L. Bennett's name.

Goodbye No. 2 pencils: What the SAT going digital means for college admissions

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The SAT is going fully digital. The standardized college admissions test will no longer be offered on paper starting Saturday, as part of a larger effort to make the test more accessible and fair. The change is renewing debate over the role the test should play in admissions. The 19th News education reporter Nadra Nittle joins Laura Barrón-López to discuss.

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Laura Barron-Lopez:

Starting today, the SAT, the Standardized College Admissions Test is going fully digital. The test once known for its number two pencils and fill in the bubble answer sheets will no longer be offered on paper. It's part of a larger redesign meant to make the test more accessible and fair, even as colleges and universities around the country have increasingly made the test optional for applicants.

The change is renewing debate over the role that tests should play and admissions. Nadra Nittle, Education reporter for the 19th News joins me to discuss. Nadra, thanks so much for talking to us. What exactly is changing for students who are taking the test today?

Nadra Nittle, The 19TH News: So as you mentioned, the SAT is going digital in the United States for the first time, it actually went digital internationally last year, but for U.S. students, this will be a new experience. The test will also be about an hour shorter than the pencil and paper version. And it will be adaptive meaning that the question students get answered, depend on how well they do at the outset.

Why did the College Board the nonprofit that runs sa t programs make this change?

Nadra Nittle:

Well, I think one of the reasons is just, you know, young people today, teenagers, they're digital natives. So this will be very familiar to a lot of them changing this format, and the paper version was considered outdated. Some of my sources told me that they also think this is a way to make the test more attractive as colleges and universities increasingly make it an optional admissions requirement.

So by making it shorter, making it digital, even making it adaptive, or always to make it more attractive to students.

Do these changes do anything to address some of the long standing complaints about the SAT that it plays into inequities, especially for girls, students of color and low income students?

So I've heard some mixed responses from my sources about this topic, there really is nothing necessarily in the test in terms of the questions you would get asked that would make it, I guess, easier or narrow the gaps for some students in terms of their performance, but some people think even just by making it shorter, that might help students with learning differences.

Even by making it adaptive, you know, some of my sources think that can make students less anxious, and that can improve their scores. In terms of gender, race, and you know, some of the other gaps, we just don't know, my expert sources are waiting to get data, which they probably won't have enough of until next year to really look at the subgroups and how subgroups performed on the test.

So overall, are your sources telling you that this digital tests may give some students a leg up or may be a disadvantage to others?

So some are saying, you know, especially with students for learning differences, just by making it shorter, just by having adaptive, you know, questions, instead of giving everyone the same questions that that could be helpful. But some of my other sources who have been long term critics of the SAT don't think this test is really going to do anything different. They think it's the same test, it's just a little shorter, and now it's digital instead of on paper.

Disadvantage, low income students may not be able to afford extracurriculars, or coaching on college essays, things that could help them overall boost their college admission applications.

And so is there a concern that with making the SAT optional, which some universities have done that that could hurt those low income students?

Some of the SAT supporters are arguing that, hey, if a student from an, you know, socio economically disadvantaged background happens to take the SATs, and does really well on it, that student might qualify for scholarships. They also might qualify for admission at an elite institution that maybe just by grades alone, they wouldn't have been admitted to.

So there's an attitude of, you know, why not just take the test, see if you do well on it, and if you do submit the scores. The other thing is during the pandemic, when the test optional movement really started to gain ground. A lot of students who were applying to Ivy League institutions and other elite institutions were still turning in their test scores anyway.

So by making it now a requirement again, some of my sources believe they actually are leveling the playing field.

The SAT as you know, used to be mandatory for first year applications. That number dropped during the pandemic and now schools are returning to that requirement. And but others aren't. So, is the SATs still an important part of college admissions?

I definitely think it's still an important part especially for those, you know, the top tier students who are really trying to get into the best schools in the country at the same time. According to one advocacy group called fair test, only 20 percent of colleges are requiring the SAT, so more than 80 percent of colleges and universities still do not have it as a requirement. It's test optional and they think that the test optional movement is here to stay.

Nadra Nittle of the 19th News. Thank you for joining.

Thanks for having me.

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Laura Barrón-López is the White House Correspondent for the PBS News Hour, where she covers the Biden administration for the nightly news broadcast. She is also a CNN political analyst.

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  • Jan 21, 2021

Cancelled Indefinitely: SAT Essay and Subject Tests

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

is sat essay cancelled 2022

The College Board has added to the list of things that were cancelled due to the pandemic. Although, in this case, students might be smiling.

The College Board has announced it will no longer offer SAT Subject Tests or the optional Essay. Important: This refers only to the SAT Subject Tests (sometimes called SAT 2) and the optional essay. The regular SAT test is still offered.

The College Board says that these plans had been in the works even before COVID , stating "the pandemic has accelerated a process already underway at the College Board to simplify our work and reduce demands on students.”

What does this mean for students?

Subject tests.

Students currently registered for an upcoming Subject Test will automatically have their registration cancelled and fees refunded.

The Optional Essay

Students who are currently registered, or plan to register, for an upcoming SAT with Essay will still be able to test through the June 2021 administration. Although I'm not sure why a student would want to because, even before the big College Board announcement, nearly all the colleges in the U.S. have indicated they do not require the essay.

Students can cancel the optional Essay portion of their SAT in their online account, with no change fees, until the registration deadline. Easy Peasy.

College Policies

Keep in mind, it may take the colleges some time to update their official policies and update their websites. Many colleges do not reevaluate testing requirements until after they complete the admission cycle in the spring, especially true this year as colleges reevaluate their test-optional policies as the pandemic continues and the availability of tests remains uncertain.

Some students may wonder if AP test scores will become a more important factor in college admissions now that the SAT subjects tests are thing of the past. The short answer for the class of 2022 is "No." Colleges rarely require AP Subject test scores for admission. Scores of 3 or above may provide college credit when a student enrolls. The value of taking AP courses comes from showing the colleges that the student is taking rigorous and challenging courses. Their grades in those courses reflect their mastery of the information. This article provides helpful information about the role AP Scores currently play in college admissions.

Time will tell if AP test scores become more important in the future. But it is important to note that due to the progressive nature of the way students are encouraged to take AP courses - beginning in tenth grade and peaking in 12th grade in terms of number and rigor - plus the fact that seniors will not be able to report their senior your AP scores in the application process, and that many schools do not even offer AP courses, their role will have to be limited.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no "magic number" when it comes to how many AP courses students should take. It is an individual decision. Students should aim to take the most challenging courses in which they can be successful.

What about the ACT Writing Test?

The ACT Writing Test is still available for students. Word on the street is that the ACT may not want to be seen as immediately following in the College Board’s footsteps. But the ACT faces the same reality — an essay test that few colleges even consider. Taking the ACT Writing Test currently provides no real benefit to students.

Can students who already registered for the ACT with Writing opt-out?

Yes! And here's how:

Canceling the Optional Essay

Log in to your ACT web account and select “Make changes to your registration” no later than the late registration deadline for your test date. Students who miss the late registration deadline date can tell the test coordinator at their test center that they want to change their Test Option before they are admitted to test.

More SAT Changes on the Horizon

The College Board will announce this spring its plans for a more flexible SAT—a streamlined, digitally delivered test. Stay tuned!

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January 20, 2021 3:06 PM

  • Elissa Nadworny and
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is sat essay cancelled 2022

Updated at 5:03 p.m. ET

The College Board announced on Tuesday that it will discontinue the optional essay component of the SAT and that it will no longer offer subject tests in U.S. history, languages and math, among other topics. The organization, which administers the college entrance exam in addition to several other tests, including Advanced Placement exams, will instead focus efforts on a new digital version of the SAT.

In the announcement, the organization cited the coronavirus pandemic for these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a process already underway at the College Board to reduce and simplify demands on students."

College entrance exams have had a hard go of it during the pandemic. Many in-person testing dates for the SAT were canceled because of social distancing needs and closed high school buildings; a previous digital version of the SAT was scrapped in June after technical difficulties; and hundreds of colleges have removed the exam from admissions requirements , in some cases permanently.

Few colleges require the optional writing portion of the SAT or the subject tests, though students can still submit them to supplement their college applications. The AP exams have become far more important in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit.

"Removing the subject tests can remove a barrier for students," says Ashley L. Bennett, director of college counseling at KIPP Sunnyside High School in Houston. But, she adds, "I believe that standardized testing in general needs to be less emphasized in the college search process."

Elizabeth Heaton advises families about college admissions at College Coach in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could help put some students on a more level playing field. "For students who aren't getting great advising, it is nice to see that they haven't been eliminated from competition just by virtue of not having a test that they may not have known about."

But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to promote college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT subject tests will create more barriers for her students, rather than less.

"Hundreds of my students take the subject tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an opportunity to show their understanding of a second language," explains Cifuentes.

Many of her students speak a second language at home and would be the first in their family to go to college.

She says her college-bound students often enroll in the University of California and California State University systems, which both require two years of coursework in another language for admission. The SAT foreign-language tests sometimes filled that requirement, but the removal of these exams means Cifuentes will have to shift gears.

"We will need to work closely with our world language teachers to expand on ideas ... for students who already read, write and speak another language," she says.

Her job is all about helping school districts adapt to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Board, Cifuentes explains.

"Every decision they discuss — there's real repercussions. There's no right or wrong decision, but with everything they do, it should be students first."

Eda Uzunlar is an intern on NPR's Education Desk.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit .

A previous version of this story misspelled Ashley L. Bennett's name.

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SAT Essay and SAT Subject Discontinued

SAT Essay and SAT Subjects Discontinued: Here’s What You Should Know!

  • February 17, 2021
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Covid-19 has created an impugning effect on the traditional test-taking standards for many high-school students. Due to the changes (social distancing) in the testing arrangements, the college board on 19th January 2021 announced that it would eliminate the optional essay section as well as the subject tests from SAT.  With SAT Essay and SAT Subjects Discontinued, let’s read more about this change and how it will impact the students.

As SAT subject tests are used internationally for a variety of purposes, they have mentioned providing two more administrations, around May and June 2021, for the international candidates. The mentor colleges will decide on how to consider the SAT subject test scores. Students are advised to check the college websites for getting first-hand information in respect to the applicable policies. 

Basic guidelines for existing students:

  • The students who have currently registered in the USA will automatically have their registrations canceled and fees reimbursed.
  • The students outside the USA who have registered for SAT exam or are planning to take it can still test through the 2021 administration. But the students who are no longer interested in taking the subject test can call customer service to cancel and receive a reimbursement.
  • Students who have currently applied or wish to apply for the SAT essay test can continue to give it by June 2021. However, the ones who wish to cancel the essay portion of the test can do it from their online accounts, with no change in fees, until the deadline date of registration.
  • By June 2021, the essay section will be a part of the SAT school day administrations. Students will have to check with the schools about it. 

P.S- Writing will always be essential for college readiness; therefore, SAT will remain to measure the writing and editing skills. But students will have to follow other ways to showcase their mastery of essay writing!

In addition to this, let us dive deeper into the common objections related to the news.

#faq1 – what is the 2021 administration schedule.

ANSWER: Registration by the international students can be done in the early booking and late booking slots. (Early registration dates: March 24, 2021 and April 21, 2021). (Late registration dates: April 8, 2021 and May 6, 2021) However, the final test dates are for May 8, 2021; and June 9, 2021. The international guidelines apply to anyone outside the USA and its territories. Deadlines will expire at 11:59 pm, ET, US. There is no late registration in case of international testing. But if you register through international registration, you need to submit papers with fees by the early registration date. For more information, click here .

#FAQ2- When will registration open for fall 2021 and by spring 2022?

ANSWER: Registration will open in June 2021. 

#FAQ3- The reason for discontinuation of SAT subject tests?

ANSWER: We are trying to reduce the demands on the students. The expanded reach of AP (Advanced Placements) and its availability means that subject tests are no longer necessary for students. 

#FAQ4- What should you do if you already registered for SAT test or are planning to take subject tests?

ANSWER: As specified above, students from the US will get their fees refunded. However, students from other countries can give the test till June 2021. Check with the colleges you want to take admission to. So, you can decide whether the SAT subject scores will be valuable for you or not. If you still do not wish to take the subject tests, call on customer service (+1-212-713-7789, 9 AM to 6 PM ET Monday-Friday) to cancel your registration.

#FAQ5- Why do international students are allowed to take the test by June 2021, but USA students do not?

ANSWER: Subject tests are used for a variety of reasons internationally, such as advanced placements, local credential equivalencies for entering college, and as credentials for international students planning to study overseas.

#FAQ6- If you are in the USA, should you travel abroad to give the SAT exam?

ANSWER: International administrations are only for students who reside in countries other than the USA.

#FAQ7- If you have already taken SAT subject tests, will colleges consider the scores?

ANSWER: Colleges will decide about this. So the students should check their websites to get primitive information.

#FAQ8- How to showcase the skills in specific subject areas without the opportunity to take subject tests?

ANSWER: College board has extended its reach to AP courses. This can be utilized by students to showcase their skills through challenging coursework. Along with this, colleges also have access to the student’s performance in the vital subject areas in their SAT scores, course selection, and other measures.

#FAQ9- Reason for discontinuation of SAT essay?

ANSWER: This response adapts to the changing needs of the students. It streamlines the process for students who have other valuable opportunities. You can write an essay as a part of the work you have opted for during college.

#FAQ10 Will colleges still consider the essay scores?

ANSWER: If you take SAT with an essay, the colleges might consider it a part of their holistic review process. Check the college website to get exact policies.

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The colleges are going to take time to make a lucrative plan for students for the SAT essay and SAT subjects discontinued. So do not worry! Talented students will always get supported.

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The Admissions Strategist

Sat subject tests are cancelled: what that means for you.

In January 2021, the College Board announced the cancellation of SAT Subject Tests and the optional essay section of the SAT for college-bound students in the United States. These tests will be discontinued internationally after June 2021. In the announcement, the College Board explained, “The pandemic accelerated a process already underway…to reduce and simplify demands on students.”

Reduced and simplified demands sound great, but what do all of these changes mean for you and your college applications? Keep reading to find out!

SAT Subject Tests Are Cancelled: What Should You Do?

Click above to watch a video on SAT Subject Tests.

What are the SAT Subject Tests?

SAT Subject Tests are college admissions exams focused on specific subjects. They allow students to showcase their strengths, especially in areas of interest. Each test is an hour long, and all questions are multiple choice. The tests are scored on a 200-800 scale.

The SAT Subject Tests include:

  • Math Level 1
  • Math Level 2
  • Biology E/M
  • U.S. History
  • World History
  • Spanish with Listening
  • French with Listening
  • Chinese with Listening
  • German with Listening
  • Modern Hebrew
  • Japanese with Listening
  • Korean with Listening

Prior to the College Board announcement, only a few schools required SAT Subject Tests. Some recommended that applicants take the SAT Subject Tests, while others were willing to consider them in admissions decisions.

Why were the SAT Subject Tests important?

If you were planning to take an SAT Subject Test(s) to strengthen your college applications, you might find this news stressful or worrisome. Take comfort in the fact that SAT Subject Tests were never one of the most significant parts of the application. Only a handful of schools required them, and very few schools even recommended them.

Of course, many schools were willing to consider SAT Subject Tests when reviewing applications. For some students, these tests were an important way to highlight areas of strength not adequately covered by the regular SAT. Other students used SAT Subject Tests to show off unique skills, like being fluent in Hebrew or Chinese.

Ultimately, the SAT Subject Tests provided an opportunity to differentiate yourself from other students and showcase your abilities. Fortunately, college applications present many other ways to accomplish these goals.

Why did the College Board cancel the SAT Subject Tests?

The College Board listed several reasons for cancelling the SAT Subject Tests.

Limiting Demands

As mentioned above, one reason was to limit the demands placed on high school students , especially during the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a result of the pandemic, test dates have been frequently postponed or cancelled, leaving students scrambling to complete required exams. Dropping the Subject Tests means students have fewer exams to worry about. The College Board also plans to allocate seats that would have gone to students taking the Subject Tests to students who still need to take the regular SAT.

Additionally, many colleges have taken measures to alleviate student stress by eliminating exam requirements and/or extending deadlines. It makes sense for the College Board to follow suit.

Other Ways to “Show What You Know”

Next, the College Board mentioned that the expanded availability of AP tests means Subject Tests “are no longer necessary for students to show what they know.” Similarly, the College Board stated, the optional Essay component of the SAT is unnecessary because “there are other ways for students to demonstrate their mastery of essay writing.”

In recent years, SAT Subject Tests have become less and less popular as more colleges have stopped requiring or recommending them. Schools are trying to make the college application process easier and more accessible, and many students don’t have the time, transportation, money, or family support to take an excessive number of exams. Colleges can get a solid understanding of a student’s academic ability based on transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and IB/AP exams.

With the popularity of SAT Subject Tests waning, it’s likely a smart business decision for the College Board to move forward without them.

Developing a More Flexible SAT

Finally, the College Board plans to invest more resources into developing a more flexible SAT , described as “a streamlined, digitally delivered test that meets the evolving needs of students and higher education.”

Moving forward, the College Board is focused on becoming more innovative and adaptive. Students still need the SAT as a way to show their strengths to colleges, but the College Board wants to find more flexible, student-centered ways of doing so. Reducing the number of College Board tests frees up more time and money for investing in this new endeavor.

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Will i get a refund for the sat subject tests that i registered for.

Yes. If you registered for an SAT Subject Test in the United States that is now cancelled, you don’t need to take any action. The College Board will automatically cancel your registration and send you a full refund.

If you’ve already spent time studying for the Subject Test, you may feel disappointed or frustrated. Keep in mind that you still sharpened your knowledge of a subject you’ll need in college. Plus, you had an opportunity to practice your study skills—something else you’ll definitely need in college.

When will the last SAT Subject Test be?

In the United States, no more SAT Subject Tests will be administered. For students in international locations, however, there will be two more administrations in May and June of 2021. This is because the Subject Tests are used for a wider range of purposes internationally.

If you are an international student who no longer wants to take the Subject Test, you may call College Board’s customer service and cancel your registration for a full refund.

Will colleges accept the SAT Subject Tests I already took?

Most likely. According to the College Board, member schools have been contacted. It’s up to the individual schools whether and how they will consider an applicant’s SAT Subject Test scores.

Schools don’t like to penalize you for circumstances beyond your control, and you took the Subject Test with no idea that it would later be cancelled. It’s likely that most colleges who previously considered Subject Test scores will still review and consider your scores this year. For more specific information, contact the schools you’re applying to and ask how they will handle SAT Subject Test scores.

What if a college I’m interested in requires/recommends SAT Subject Tests?

Very few colleges continue to require or recommend SAT Subject Tests. If a school you’re interested in applying to is an exception, don’t worry. They will have to drop the recommendation or requirement, since any student who hasn’t already taken an SAT Subject Test will be unable to complete it.

If you’ve already taken a Subject Test(s), they’re likely to still consider it, as mentioned above. The good news is that if you’re unhappy with your score, you no longer need to include it on any of your college applications. And if you are happy with your score, you may still be able to get a small boost out of it.

Will colleges accept the SAT Essay I already wrote?

Like the SAT Subject Tests, it will be up to individual schools how they want to handle the SAT Essay moving forward. Again, most schools will probably be willing to consider your score if you’ve already written the Essay. (Of course, this is not true for colleges who have never considered the Essay.)

Students can still take the SAT with Essay through June 2021. After that, it will only be available in states where it’s required for SAT School Day administrations. If you’re currently registered for the SAT with Essay, you can cancel the Essay portion free of charge at any time.

Does cancelling the SAT Subject Tests make the regular SAT more important?

Yes. With fewer exams to showcase your abilities, the exams you still have become more important. This is especially true of the SAT, which has always played a major role in the college admissions process.

With the SAT sure to carry more weight in the future, you may want to invest more time in studying and increasing your score as much as possible.

Does cancelling the SAT Subject Tests make AP classes and exams more important?

AP classes and exams will also become more important with the cancellation of the SAT Subject Tests. AP/IB exams are the closest alternative to Subject Tests, since they are also standardized exams focused on specific subject areas.

Many Subject Tests even have an AP/IB equivalent, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English Literature, U.S. History, and World History. There are also AP exams for most of the languages covered by the Subject Tests, with the exception of Korean and Modern Hebrew.

AP/IB exams have already become more important than SAT Subject Tests in recent years, so this trend will only continue. These exams are now your primary way to highlight specific strengths, especially those not tested by the regular SAT.

Does cancelling the SAT Essay make college application essays more important?

Yes, your college application essays are now more important too. They give colleges insight into your writing skills that may once have come from the SAT Essay.

Plus, now that colleges have fewer data points to consider, selective schools will likely place increased emphasis on the subjective parts of your application, primarily the essay. Take extra time and effort with your essays, and be sure to have a second, third, or even fourth pair of eyes review your work.

Who benefits from the cancellation of the SAT Subject Tests?

For some students, the cancellation of the SAT Subject Tests is highly beneficial. If you aren’t a strong test-taker, for example, this change is good news for you. Additionally, the cancellation benefits students who perform better on the regular SAT, which now becomes more important.

It’s also helpful if you’re on a college application time crunch and weren’t sure how you’d fit Subject Tests into your busy schedule.

Of course, some students may still feel disappointed or worry that these changes put them at a disadvantage. Below, we’ll highlight what you can do now if you’re a freshman , sophomore , or junior to offset the Subject Test cancellation.

What should freshmen do now that SAT Subject Tests are cancelled?

If you’re a freshman, you have plenty of time to take AP or IB classes and tests as alternatives to the SAT Subject Tests. Consider your strengths, then enroll in rigorous classes that will help you showcase them to colleges. As a freshman, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Take a couple of AP classes now and see how it goes, then enroll in more in the future if you’re ready. You should also use AP classes as a way to show that you’re well-rounded and have the ability to excel in multiple areas.

Next, begin strengthening the subjective portions of your college resume. Participate in extracurricular activities in your areas of strength and interest. Pursue leadership roles when possible. Similarly, work on honing your writing skills and building strong relationships with teachers at your school.

Eventually, you’ll need to prioritize studying for the SAT. For now, simply pay attention in your classes, take notes, and don’t be afraid to ask for extra help and support in subjects you find challenging.

What should sophomores do now that SAT Subject Tests are cancelled?

Like freshmen, you should take AP/IB classes and put significant effort into studying for your exams. Continue to pursue extracurricular activities and leadership roles. Build your writing skills and develop positive relationships with teachers.

Study for the PSAT 10 if it’s offered at your school, and use the information in your score report to start thinking about how you’ll approach studying for the SAT. Remember that these new changes mean your AP/IB classes, extracurricular involvement, essays, recommendation letters, and regular SAT have become more important.

What should juniors do now that SAT Subject Tests are cancelled?

Keep taking AP/IB classes, particularly in areas of strength you hoped to emphasize with SAT Subject Tests. Stick with the extracurriculars you’re already involved in, or add more if you haven’t been very involved up to this point. Seek leadership roles, which should be easier to obtain now that you have some level of seniority.

Focus on building positive relationships with your teachers. The teachers you have during junior year are the best choices to write your recommendation letters, since they’ve taught you most recently and for a full academic year (unlike your senior year teachers).

Start thinking about your college application essay, and consider enrolling in a college essay bootcamp. Similarly, study in earnest for the PSAT. Use the score report to create a personalized SAT study plan, and take your first official SAT as soon as you feel ready. It’s best to take your first SAT before the end of your fall semester junior year.

Plan to take the SAT two or three times total to get the highest score possible. Of course, it’s only useful to take the test again if you use your first experience to gain information about areas of weakness and make improvements. Get extra support from an SAT tutor or test preparation course if you’re unhappy with your initial score and unsure how to make significant gains.

Will the SAT Subject Tests ever come back?

The College Board has not indicated any plans to renew SAT Subject Tests in the future. Of course, things could change depending on how students and colleges adjust to the latest College Board updates.

With the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, it’s important to keep in mind that policy changes may come and go over the next several months. We’ll be here to make sure you stay informed about any future changes and how they impact you.

Final Thoughts: SAT Subject Tests Are Cancelled

The College Board will no longer administer SAT Subject Tests or the optional Essay portion of the regular SAT. Subject Tests are cancelled in the U.S. effective immediately, while international students will have until June 2021 to take them. The SAT with Essay is available until June 2021. After that, it will only be available in states where it’s required for SAT School Day administrations.

These changes were a response to changing needs due to the pandemic. The College Board wanted to reduce demands on students, and it also reasoned that AP exams provide another way for students to showcase their subject-specific strengths and skills.

If you’ve already registered for a Subject Test, your registration will be cancelled, and you’ll receive a refund. You can take the Essay portion of the SAT through June, but you’re also free to cancel it any time at no cost. If you’ve already taken the Subject Test or the Essay, colleges may still consider it this year. To be sure, you’ll need to contact the colleges you’re interested in and ask, since it will be up to each school individually.

Ultimately, these changes will add more weight to other portions of your application, including the SAT, AP/IB exams, and the college application essay. Study harder, get more support if you need it, and remember to put plenty of time and effort into these elements of the application.

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is sat essay cancelled 2022

What were SAT Subject Tests?

College Board

  • February 23, 2024

SAT Subject Tests ™  were standardized college admission tests in specific subjects. Students could choose to take these tests, in addition to the SAT, to showcase their strengths and interests. Previously called SAT II: Subject Tests, and before that Achievement Tests, e ach Subject Test examined students’ understanding of material taught in school. 

There were 20 available tests grouped into five main categories:  Math, Science, English, History, and Languages.

Some colleges used SAT Subject Tests for admission, course placement, and to advise students about course selection. Some colleges required students to submit scores from SAT Subject Tests for certain courses or programs.

College Board discontinued Subject Tests in 2021 . As students and colleges adapted to new realities and changes to the college admissions process, College Board stopped offering Subject Tests to reduce demands on students.

Students can still get and send Subject Test scores   from previous administrations, just as they do for the SAT. Students who didn’t get a chance to take Subject Tests can stand out on college applications by taking the SAT . And the expanded reach of AP and its widespread availability means that students have more ways to show what they know and what they’ve learned in specific subjects.

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The SAT Announces Cancellation Of Essay & Subject Tests

  • Last Updated On December 15, 2023
  • Published In SAT 👩‍🎓

sat essay cancelled

The results of the SAT, a standardised test, are essential for your entry to some of the most prestigious universities in the USA and Canada. It assesses an individual’s ability to solve mathematical equations and speak the English language. Over the years, the SAT has seen its fair share of alterations. Since the coronavirus hit our lives, we’ve been left to adapt to the realities of the world, especially students wanting to get admission into well-known universities.  The College Board, the organisation which administers the SAT test , is also ensuring the universities adapt to the times. That is why they’re making some changes to reduce the demands of students as well. One of the major changes from their end is cancelling the SAT Easy test. This decision by the Board was taken last year. In this blog, we’ll cover this new change, what it means for the students, and how the SAT Essay Cancelled affect college admissions.

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SAT Essay Cancelled

As per the notification by the College Board, they will no longer offer the SAT Essay to high school students. It means that school students will no longer be able to schedule to take the SAT Essay exam. However, there’s an exception to this rule. If a student is required to take the SAT Essay exam as part of the high school graduation requirements, they may take the test. Although, there’s a good chance that the states requiring this will drop the requirement in the future. As a student, you must be up to date with the latest updates by staying in touch with your guiding counsellors or high school administrators.

SAT Subject Test Discontinued

Like the SAT Essay, the College Board has also decided to cancel the SAT Subject Test. As per the Board, this test doesn’t offer the same value that it once did. The Board used to offer subject tests on topics like grammar, world history, Latin, modern Hebrew, and math.

Reasons For Discontinuing SAT Essay

As mentioned above, the Covid-19 pandemic has been hard for everyone. However, it was especially tough on high school students and the College Board. The SATs were cancelled repeatedly, while many institutes dropped the SAT requirement entirely in the 2020-2022 phase of admissions. The College Board felt that dropping the SAT essay would help reduce the demands for students for now and in the future. Many experts feel that this decision is also a timely and practical one because most universities don’t require SAT Essay scores as part of the admissions process. Many students had already started dropping the SAT Essay test before this notification. In 2020, hardly 57% of students took the essay section with the SAT exam. That is why it’s believed the College Board may have dropped the SAT essay for operational and financial reasons, as well. Getting rid of the essay portion makes the SAT test entirely multiple-choice, allowing automated grading to occur. As a result, the Board would not have to pay the essay scorers. Moreover, it would also pave the way for a level playing field. Many felt that SAT only catered to the privileged and affluent students. Getting rid of the SAT Essay and subject test requirements may enhance perceived accessibility in standardised testing. For similar reasons, the ACT might end up cancelling the ACT Essay, as well.

Reasons For Discontinuing SAT Subject Test

The main reason behind discontinuing the SAT Subject test is the expanded reach of AP exams. With each passing year, AP tests have become more widespread and cover a range of subjects. Moreover, eliminating the subject tests will open seats to students who need to take the SAT and haven’t had the chance to do so due to the coronavirus pandemic. The widespread availability of the AP exam had led to most universities eliminating the subject test requirements. Plus, the language subject tests were mainly being taken by native speakers. So, colleges were not getting vital information in making admission decisions through this test.

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Impact of cancellation on the students.

To put it simply, students wouldn’t be able to take the SAT Essay test unless it is a part of an SAT School Days Requirements. This notification is most impactful for students who had planned to use their essay scores to make their applications stand out from the crowd. For instance, there have been students in the past who’d hoped their essay scores would help overcome a low overall GPA or math score. However, that wouldn’t be an option for the students anymore.

Impact of Cancellation on Admission Process

If your college required the SAT essay in the past, there are going to be various changes that one may see in the admission process. While some universities or schools may drop the essay requirement, others may ask you to submit additional writing samples to fulfil that requirement. Something similar is also possible with departments that used the SAT Essay for the selection process. So, students applying to literature degrees or programmes that require lots of writing (rigorous writing skills) may have to submit additional college essays samples or take a department-specific placement test. However, this decision likely wouldn’t change anything for students applying to universities where the SAT Essay wasn’t a college admissions process requirement in the first place. The reason is that the admission process isn’t affected by the College Board’s policies.

Next Moves to be Made by the Students

Students should check with their potential universities and schools about the admission process. It’ll allow them to see how the new SAT Essay policies will affect their chances and college application. In such a scenario, admission counsellors can be a great help. Some colleges might ask for AP subject test scores or minimum grades in place of subject tests in specific courses from an applicant. SAT Exam For 2022

Encouraged by the coronavirus pandemic, the College Board has been making substantial investments in making the SAT more inclusive and relevant. That is why last year, the College Board announced to discontinue the SAT Essays and Subject Test. This decision was made by the board to reduce the demand on students for both the present and the future. Plus, they feel that these sections do not offer the same value that they once did. Many colleges had already removed SAT essays scores as a selection criterion some years back. Moreover, AP tests have become widely available and cover various subjects, making them a potent replacement for SAT subject tests. They are of greater importance than ever. While the SAT Essay was an optional essay, the decision of discontinuing it is a major one. For further info on the SAT, like the registration deadline and test date information, book a free counselling session on LeapScholar today.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Will colleges still consider Essay scores if I submit them? 

They might. It will vary from college to college. That is why it is best to check with the colleges that you are interested in studying about their application process. Some may consider or require an optional SAT essay as part of their holistic review process.

How can I show my skills in specific subject areas without the opportunity to take SAT subject tests? 

Many colleges use AP scores as an indicator of a student’s ability and interest in a particular subject area. Plus, colleges also have access to the performance of an applicant in specific subjects areas through SAT scores, ACT scores, and high school transcripts, amongst others. So, you can check directly with the colleges you will apply to for alternative ways to support your application.

How can I make my college application stand out now that the SAT Essay is discontinued? 

Some ways to make your college application or registration stand out are showcasing a potent GPA, strong test scores, extracurricular experience, work experience, compelling LORs, and volunteering experience.

Is the SAT Essay Cancelled? If yes, what is the main reason behind it?

As per the College Board, the primary reason for cancelling SAT Essay was to reduce the demand on students. However, reducing finances and making the SAT more accessible for students are also key reasons.

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SAT Dates and Deadlines

At this time, registration is open for all students for the entire 2024–25 testing year.

All deadlines expire at 11:59 p.m. ET, U.S.

August 2024–June 2025 Test Dates

These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the SAT:

SAT Test Date* Registration Deadline Deadline for Changes, Regular Cancellation,
and Late Registration**
Aug 24, 2024 Aug 9, 2024 Aug 13, 2024
Oct 5, 2024 Sept 20, 2024
Sept 24, 2024
Nov 2, 2024 Oct 18, 2024
Oct 22, 2024
Dec 7, 2024 Nov 22, 2024
Nov 26, 2024
Mar 8, 2025 Feb 21, 2025
Feb 25, 2025
May 3, 2025 Apr 18, 2025
April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025 May 22, 2025
May 27, 2025
*Students will need to register and request their device earlier than the registration deadline—at least 30 days before test day.

**Late registration is available worldwide.

Anticipated 2025–26 Test Dates

  • August 23, 2025
  • October 4, 2025
  • November 8, 2025
  • December 6, 2025
  • March 14, 2026
  • May 2, 2026
  • June 6, 2026

Review the latest registration fees and other charges for taking the SAT.

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My SAT Was Cancelled. What Do I Do Now?

The June SAT test date was recently canceled and June ACT test date is looking unlikely to go ahead. If your SAT was cancelled, you may be wondering whether you should still take either. This is especially the case for juniors who have not already taken the test, or considered taking it again. Now you find yourself faced with the question: to take or not to take? Is it even worth my time and effort if some colleges no longer require it? Can I juggle the work that I need to put in to prepare as well as the added pressure of studying online?

Let’s dive in, and answer all those questions and more.

Should I still take the SAT?

The cancellation of standardized tests affects all high school students applying for college admission next year. However, the impact is being felt to varying degrees. The choice to take or not take the test will differ for everyone as it depends on your set of circumstances. Let’s have a look at some of the factors to consider in deciding whether or not to take it.

Firstly, think about the colleges you would like to apply to.

While many colleges have suspended standardized testing, including Boston University, Case Western Reserve, and the University of California and California State University, many colleges are still requiring it. If you need to submit test scores in order to apply, then the question of whether or not to take it is answered for you.

If you have already done the prep work before the tests got canceled…

…then some quick revision before the test should have you prepared and ready to take it when the exam is eventually offered again.  Maintain your pre-pandemic position and be ready to sit the test when the new test dates go ahead. That way, all that work and preparation you put in won’t be wasted.

If you haven’t prepared, but have the time and resources to prepare (and taking it would enhance your application and show your competitiveness)…

…then taking it is probably your best bet. Is your course load not weighing you down, or do you expect to have free time in the summer? Then you could use that time to prepare! There are plenty of online resources available. For example, there are free SAT or ACT prep tests, study guides online, webinars, and online tutors.

That said…

Perhaps you think your strengths lie in the other components of your application . Therefore, skipping the SAT may not hurt your acceptance chances. It’s important to remember that testing is just one part of the application. There are many other components that make up a competitive application. Take stock of these components and consider whether you can stand on these alone. If you have a strong GPA, take full advantage of the AP courses your school offers, and held leadership roles, you’re doing well. Those alone may be sufficient to demonstrate your competitiveness.

Another factor to consider is scholarship funding.

If you are planning on applying to merit-based scholarships, test scores are often a requirement. Scholarships provided by test-optional colleges may not require them, but most will. So if you are relying on scholarships to help fund your education, then you need to bear this in mind.

Lastly, your mental well-being is important!

If you are struggling with the shift to online learning, feeling overwhelmed or anxious, then perhaps the stress of trying to prepare just isn’t worth it. It might be better to let the test go for now and focus on your high school coursework.  During this already stressful time, it’s important that you don’t overload yourself and put your own learning and well-being at risk. You can always re-assess in the summer.

What about SAT subject tests?

Again, it’s important to take stock and prioritize. SAT subject tests aren’t widely required by colleges, so you don’t need them to apply. If you haven’t taken the SAT I or want to sit it again, then you might want to reconsider whether taking subject tests is really crucial to your application. If your load is already full, then your efforts are better focused on the SAT I than the subject tests.

However, there are some circumstances, where take a subject test would benefit your application:

  • Some major or specialized programs recommend subject tests, for example, engineering or BS/MD programs.
  • To compensate for a course that has a fail/pass grade-if pass/fail is now only available for classes that are important for your choice in major, then taking a subject test might help demonstrate your competency.

How long will the onsite test be put on hold?

There are so many unknowns at this point in time, so it’s a bit difficult to speculate. But you can expect onsite testing will remain suspended for as long as schools are closed. The next SAT test date is scheduled for late August , but if it can’t be onsite, online options will probably be offered. Testing agencies understand that these are unprecedented times and consideration of these disruptive times needs to be made to ensure that testing remains fair and equitable.

If you’d like to book some time to chat with one of our enrollment experts to help you decide how to move forward given all these changes, book a free consult online now!

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SAT Exact Start Time and End Time


Timing is everything, especially when it comes to the SAT. Besides managing your time on each section of the test, you also have to plan your day around this long exam.

Since latecomers won't be admitted to the testing room, when should you plan to arrive on test day? For that matter, what time can you breathe a sigh of relief and, all finished with the exam, head back home? This guide will go over the exact start and end times of the SAT so you can plan your schedule for that special SAT-urday.

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What Time Do You Need to Arrive for the SAT?

The SAT is given on Saturday mornings (unless you request and are approved for an alternative testing date due to religious reasons). Doors close at 8:00AM, unless otherwise specified, so students should aim to be at the test center by 7:45AM at the latest.

Some test locations, including your high school, will be holding multiple exams, like the GRE for graduate school. There might be a line of people waiting, and it could take some time to find your name on a list and locate your room. To be especially safe and get ahead of any lines, you sould aim to be there even earlier , like by 7:30AM.

Apart from finding your assigned room and seat, you also may have to hang up your bag and/or coat somewhere outside of the testing room. What also takes time that morning is getting checked in with your admission ticket and ID.

[ Side note: make sure to hold onto your admission ticket, as you'll need it to fill out some personal information on your test!]

Once you find your room and assigned seat, your proctor will give instructions and pass out the tests. You'll spend some time filling out your personal details on the test. All of this settling in takes about 30 minutes to an hour, so you'll start taking the SAT between 8:30AM and 9:00AM.

Again, arrive by 7:45AM at the latest. No one will be admitted once testing has started. You'll be at your testing center for 45 minutes to an hour before you start in on your first section, which will be Reading on the redesigned test.

After you begin between 8:30AM and 9:00AM, what time will you be all finished with the SAT?


Will you look something like this?

When Will You Be Finished With the SAT?

The new SAT is 3 hours long, or 3 hours and 50 minutes with the optional essay.

Since you can decide whether or not to take the essay section on the redesigned SAT , your choice will determine your exact end time. Given this variation, let’s consider your end time on the SAT in two scenarios: first, without the essay, and second, with the essay.

SAT End Time Without the Essay

If you choose not to take the essay, then you’ll be finished about an hour earlier than students who elect to include this section. The SAT has a 65-minute Reading section, a 35-minute Writing and Language section, and two Math sections: 25 minutes (without calculator) and 55 minutes (with calculator).

The sections on the SAT will be given in this same order - Reading, Writing, Math (no calculator), and Math (with calculator). You should get two short breaks of about five minutes each, one after the Reading section and the other between the two Math sections.

While your total testing time will be 3 hours, your entire test-taking experience will look more like 3 hours and 10 minutes with the breaks. If you began your test between 8:30 and 9:00, then you'd be finished between 11:40AM and 12:10PM.

At this point, you’re all done with your SAT. Other students, though, may stay longer and move onto a fourth hour of testing if they're taking the essay.

SAT End Time With the Essay

Students who choose to take the SAT essay will get this section last, after Reading, Writing and Language, and both Math sections. The essay is 50 minutes long, and you’ll get a short break of five to ten minutes before you start writing. That means you can add 55 minutes to an hour to your end time.

If you start taking the SAT (with the essay) between 8:30AM and 9:00AM, then you can expect to be finished sometime between 12:35PM and 1:10PM. A good estimate for your end time is around 1:00PM

Apart from the amount of time it takes to get everyone checked in and ready to test, are there any variations in how long the SAT takes?


Does the SAT Always Take the Same Amount of Time?

Except for students with accommodations for extended time, the SAT should take the same amount of time in any testing center in the U.S. or internationally. The reality is that there can be some variation in terms of break time, with some proctors being more flexible and allowing between five and ten minutes. If there were any problems , such as distracting noise or a student being dismissed for cell phone use, this could also potentially cause a delay.

Some students have reported that proctors skipped their breaks entirely, which isn't helpful for your pacing or for fairness across the board. You have the right to two 5-minute breaks (and a third before the essay) , so you should speak up if you don't get your entitled break time.

One recent incident involving an issue with timing was on the June 6th 2015 administration of the current version of the SAT. There was a misprint in the test booklet , resulting in some students receiving an extra five minutes on what should have been a 20 minute section. This was a huge problem that caused a lot of controversy and complaints, as an extra five minutes is a full 25% increase in time for some students and not others. Ultimately, the College Board still provided scores for students, but omitted that particular section, claiming that it could still provide accurate scores without it.

Apart from this June 6th situation, which hopefully won’t repeat itself with the simplified format of the redesigned SAT, the SAT start and end time generally remain standard at around 3 (or 4) hours in all test centers. For the most part, you can be pretty confident about what your schedule will look like on test day. You can further take control of your morning by preparing everything you’ll need the day before. 


Armed and ready with No. 2 pencils.

Planning for SAT Test Day

Pack your bag with Number 2 pencils, a calculator, snacks, and a drink, and plan to arrive at your testing center between 7:30AM and 7:45 AM. You'll spend about an hour checking in, finding your room and assigned seat, and filling out personal details on the test before you actually begin taking it between 8:30AM and 9:00AM.

To sustain your focus and energy over this four-hour period of test-taking, make sure to take advantage of breaks to move around, drink water, and have a snack. Look around the room or out the window, as staring up close at a test for so long can strain your eyes. Just moving and doing something else, even if it's just for a few minutes, will help re-energize you, clear your mind, and collect yourself before the next section.

You'll be all finished with the SAT between 12:30PM and 1:00PM. Congratulate yourself for preparing for and taking this intense test, and enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

What's Next? 

What SAT score should you be aiming for? What's a good SAT score? Find out more in our detailed guide.

Feeling stressed about finishing all the questions in time? Learn and try out these best strategies to stop running out of time on Critical Reading and Math .

Have you registered for the SAT yet? If not, check out our step-by-step guide to SAT registration for everything you need to know.

Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?   We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must use to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT.

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My SAT exam was cancelled for no apparent reason

I had registered for the December 3rd SAT Without Essay. I had recently checked the collegeboard website and I had found out that my test was cancelled. I asked my friends who had registered for the same date at the same test center that i registered and they said their exams weren't cancelled. Can anyone tell me any reason why this would happen?

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  2. College Board cancels SAT Subject Tests and SAT optional essay

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  3. SAT Subject Tests and SAT Essay Cancelled!

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    The College Board No Longer Offers the SAT Essay. As of June 2021, the College Board will no longer offer the SAT Essay to high school students. That means high schoolers will no longer be able to schedule or take the SAT Essay exam after the 2021 June SAT date (June 5, 2021). There's one exception to the no-more-SAT-Essay rule.

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    Here are three things you should know about the 50-minute SAT essay as you decide whether to complete it: To excel on the SAT essay, you must be a trained reader. The SAT essay begs background ...

  4. College Board Ends SAT Subject Tests Program

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  5. College Board announces end to SAT subject tests and optional essay

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  7. SAT Discontinues Subject Tests And Optional Essay : NPR

    LA Johnson/NPR. Updated at 5:03 p.m. ET. The College Board announced on Tuesday that it will discontinue the optional essay component of the SAT and that it will no longer offer subject tests in U ...

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    Cancelled Indefinitely: SAT Essay and Subject Tests. Updated: Jan 21, 2021. The College Board has added to the list of things that were cancelled due to the pandemic. Although, in this case, students might be smiling. The College Board has announced it will no longer offer SAT Subject Tests or the optional Essay.

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  12. College Board is scrapping SAT's optional essay and subject tests

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    February 23, 2024. SAT Subject Tests™ were standardized college admission tests in specific subjects. Students could choose to take these tests, in addition to the SAT, to showcase their strengths and interests. Previously called SAT II: Subject Tests, and before that Achievement Tests, each Subject Test examined students' understanding of ...

  16. Which Colleges Require the SAT Essay? Complete List

    Currently, no Ivy League School requires students to take the SAT with Essay; the same is true for Stanford, Caltech, Duke, Georgetown, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, and UChicago. Many of these schools no longer even recommend students to take the SAT with Essay, which is a huge turnaround from just a couple of years ago.

  17. SAT Essay Prompts: The Complete List · PrepScholar

    Step By Step Guide on How to Practice Using the Article. #1: Understand how the SAT essay is graded. #2: Follow along as we write a high-scoring SAT essay, step by step. #3: Plan a set of features you'll look for in the SAT essay readings and practice writing about them fluidly.

  18. The SAT Announces Cancellation Of Essay & Subject Tests

    Reasons For Discontinuing SAT Essay. As mentioned above, the Covid-19 pandemic has been hard for everyone. However, it was especially tough on high school students and the College Board. The SATs were cancelled repeatedly, while many institutes dropped the SAT requirement entirely in the 2020-2022 phase of admissions.

  19. SAT Dates and Deadlines

    August 2024-June 2025 Test Dates. These test dates and deadlines apply to all students—U.S. and international—taking the SAT: SAT Test Date*. Registration Deadline. Deadline for Changes, Regular Cancellation, and Late Registration**. Aug 24, 2024. Aug 9, 2024. Aug 13, 2024.

  20. My SAT Was Cancelled. What Do I Do Now?

    April 27, 2020. Reading time: 4 min. Exams (ACT, AP, SAT) The June SAT test date was recently canceled and June ACT test date is looking unlikely to go ahead. If your SAT was cancelled, you may be wondering whether you should still take either. This is especially the case for juniors who have not already taken the test, or considered taking it ...

  21. SAT Exact Start Time and End Time · PrepScholar

    SAT End Time With the Essay. Students who choose to take the SAT essay will get this section last, after Reading, Writing and Language, and both Math sections. The essay is 50 minutes long, and you'll get a short break of five to ten minutes before you start writing. That means you can add 55 minutes to an hour to your end time.

  22. my digital sat in september got cancelled by collegeboard : r/Sat

    my digital sat in september got cancelled by collegeboard. I was going to take the digital sat (they offered me a spot in the digital sat study) but then i checked mysat in cb and it says status:cancelled does anyone knows why it is cancelled. (i was going to take the international exam) Could be a result of the test center closing down.

  23. My SAT exam was cancelled for no apparent reason : r/Sat

    My SAT exam was cancelled for no apparent reason. I had registered for the December 3rd SAT Without Essay. I had recently checked the collegeboard website and I had found out that my test was cancelled. I asked my friends who had registered for the same date at the same test center that i registered and they said their exams weren't cancelled.