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Should College Be Free? The Pros and Cons

essay why college should be free

Types of Publicly Funded College Tuition Programs

Pros: why college should be free, cons: why college should not be free, what the free college debate means for students, how to cut your college costs now, frequently asked questions (faqs).

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Americans have been debating the wisdom of free college for decades, and more than 30 states now offer some type of free college program. But it wasn't until 2021 that a nationwide free college program came close to becoming reality, re-energizing a longstanding debate over whether or not free college is a good idea. 

And despite a setback for the free-college advocates, the idea is still in play. The Biden administration's free community college proposal was scrapped from the American Families Plan . But close observers say that similar proposals promoting free community college have drawn solid bipartisan support in the past. "Community colleges are one of the relatively few areas where there's support from both Republicans and Democrats," said Tulane economics professor Douglas N. Harris, who has previously consulted with the Biden administration on free college, in an interview with The Balance. 

To get a sense of the various arguments for and against free college, as well as the potential impacts on U.S. students and taxpayers, The Balance combed through studies investigating the design and implementation of publicly funded free tuition programs and spoke with several higher education policy experts. Here's what we learned about the current debate over free college in the U.S.—and more about how you can cut your college costs or even get free tuition through existing programs.

Key Takeaways

  • Research shows free tuition programs encourage more students to attend college and increase graduation rates, which creates a better-educated workforce and higher-earning consumers who can help boost the economy. 
  • Some programs are criticized for not paying students’ non-tuition expenses, not benefiting students who need assistance most, or steering students toward community college instead of four-year programs.  
  • If you want to find out about free programs in your area, the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education has a searchable database. You’ll find the link further down in this article. 

Before diving into the weeds of the free college debate, it's important to note that not all free college programs are alike. Most publicly funded tuition assistance programs are restricted to the first two years of study, typically at community colleges. Free college programs also vary widely in the ways they’re designed, funded, and structured:

  • Last-dollar tuition-free programs : These programs cover any remaining tuition after a student has used up other financial aid , such as Pell Grants. Most state-run free college programs fall into this category. However, these programs don’t typically help with room and board or other expenses.
  • First-dollar tuition-free programs : These programs pay for students' tuition upfront, although they’re much rarer than last-dollar programs. Any remaining financial aid that a student receives can then be applied to other expenses, such as books and fees. The California College Promise Grant is a first-dollar program because it waives enrollment fees for eligible students.
  • Debt-free programs : These programs pay for all of a student's college expenses , including room and board, guaranteeing that they can graduate debt-free. But they’re also much less common, likely due to their expense.  

Proponents often argue that publicly funded college tuition programs eventually pay for themselves, in part by giving students the tools they need to find better jobs and earn higher incomes than they would with a high school education. The anticipated economic impact, they suggest, should help ease concerns about the costs of public financing education. Here’s a closer look at the arguments for free college programs.

A More Educated Workforce Benefits the Economy

Morley Winograd, President of the Campaign for Free College Tuition, points to the economic and tax benefits that result from the higher wages of college grads. "For government, it means more revenue," said Winograd in an interview with The Balance—the more a person earns, the more they will likely pay in taxes . In addition, "the country's economy gets better because the more skilled the workforce this country has, the better [it’s] able to compete globally." Similarly, local economies benefit from a more highly educated, better-paid workforce because higher earners have more to spend. "That's how the economy grows," Winograd explained, “by increasing disposable income."

According to Harris, the return on a government’s investment in free college can be substantial. "The additional finding of our analysis was that these things seem to consistently pass a cost-benefit analysis," he said. "The benefits seem to be at least double the cost in the long run when we look at the increased college attainment and the earnings that go along with that, relative to the cost and the additional funding and resources that go into them." 

Free College Programs Encourage More Students to Attend

Convincing students from underprivileged backgrounds to take a chance on college can be a challenge, particularly when students are worried about overextending themselves financially. But free college programs tend to have more success in persuading students to consider going, said Winograd, in part because they address students' fears that they can't afford higher education . "People who wouldn't otherwise think that they could go to college, or who think the reason they can't is [that] it's too expensive, [will] stop, pay attention, listen, decide it's an opportunity they want to take advantage of, and enroll," he said.

According to Harris, students also appear to like the certainty and simplicity of the free college message. "They didn't want to have to worry that next year they were not going to have enough money to pay their tuition bill," he said. "They don't know what their finances are going to look like a few months down the road, let alone next year, and it takes a while to get a degree. So that matters." 

Free college programs can also help send "a clear and tangible message" to students and their families that a college education is attainable for them, said Michelle Dimino, an Education Director with Third Way. This kind of messaging is especially important to first-generation and low-income students, she said. 

Free College Increases Graduation Rates and Financial Security

Free tuition programs appear to improve students’ chances of completing college. For example, Harris noted that his research found a meaningful link between free college tuition and higher graduation rates. "What we found is that it did increase college graduation at the two-year college level, so more students graduated than otherwise would have." 

Free college tuition programs also give people a better shot at living a richer, more comfortable life, say advocates. "It's almost an economic necessity to have some college education," noted Winograd. Similar to the way a high school diploma was viewed as crucial in the 20th century, employees are now learning that they need at least two years of college to compete in a global, information-driven economy. "Free community college is a way of making that happen quickly, effectively, and essentially," he explained. 

Free community college isn’t a universally popular idea. While many critics point to the potential costs of funding such programs, others identify issues with the effectiveness and fairness of current attempts to cover students’ college tuition. Here’s a closer look at the concerns about free college programs.

It Would Be Too Expensive

The idea of free community college has come under particular fire from critics who worry about the cost of social spending. Since community colleges aren't nearly as expensive as four-year colleges—often costing thousands of dollars a year—critics argue that individuals can often cover their costs using other forms of financial aid . But, they point out, community college costs would quickly add up when paid for in bulk through a free college program: Biden’s proposed free college plan would have cost $49.6 billion in its first year, according to an analysis from Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. Some opponents argue that the funds could be put to better use in other ways, particularly by helping students complete their degrees.

Free College Isn't Really Free

One of the most consistent concerns that people have voiced about free college programs is that they don’t go far enough. Even if a program offers free tuition, students will need to find a way to pay for other college-related expenses , such as books, room and board, transportation, high-speed internet, and, potentially, child care. "Messaging is such a key part of this," said Dimino. Students "may apply or enroll in college, understanding it's going to be free, but then face other unexpected charges along the way." 

It's important for policymakers to consider these factors when designing future free college programs. Otherwise, Dimino and other observers fear that students could potentially wind up worse off if they enroll and invest in attending college and then are forced to drop out due to financial pressures. 

Free College Programs Don’t Help the Students Who Need Them Most

Critics point out that many free college programs are limited by a variety of quirks and restrictions, which can unintentionally shut out deserving students or reward wealthier ones. Most state-funded free college programs are last-dollar programs, which don’t kick in until students have applied financial aid to their tuition. That means these programs offer less support to low-income students who qualify for need-based aid—and more support for higher-income students who don’t.

Community College May Not Be the Best Path for All Students

Some critics also worry that all students will be encouraged to attend community college when some would have been better off at a four-year institution. Four-year colleges tend to have more resources than community colleges and can therefore offer more support to high-need students. 

In addition, some research has shown that students at community colleges are less likely to be academically successful than students at four-year colleges, said Dimino. "Statistically, the data show that there are poorer outcomes for students at community colleges […] such as lower graduation rates and sometimes low transfer rates from two- to four-year schools." 

With Congress focused on other priorities, a nationwide free college program is unlikely to happen anytime soon. However, some states and municipalities offer free tuition programs, so students may be able to access some form of free college, depending on where they live. A good resource is the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education’s searchable database of Promise Programs , which lists more than 100 free community college programs, though the majority are limited to California residents.

In the meantime, school leaders and policymakers may shift their focus to other access and equity interventions for low-income students. For example, higher education experts Eileen Strempel and Stephen Handel published a book in 2021 titled "Beyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st Century Students." The book argues that policymakers should focus more strongly on college completion, not just college access. "There hasn't been enough laser-focus on how we actually get people to complete their degrees," noted Strempel in an interview with The Balance. 

Rather than just improving access for low-income college students, Strempel and Handel argue that decision-makers should instead look more closely at the social and economic issues that affect students , such as food and housing insecurity, child care, transportation, and personal technology. For example, "If you don't have a computer, you don't have access to your education anymore," said Strempel. "It's like today's pencil."

Saving money on college costs can be challenging, but you can take steps to reduce your cost of living. For example, if you're interested in a college but haven't yet enrolled, pay close attention to where it's located and how much residents typically pay for major expenses, such as housing, utilities, and food. If the college is located in a high-cost area, it could be tough to justify the living expenses you'll incur. Similarly, if you plan to commute, take the time to check gas or public transportation prices and calculate how much you'll likely have to spend per month to go to and from campus several times a week. 

Now that more colleges offer classes online, it may also be worth looking at lower-cost programs in areas that are farther from where you live, particularly if they allow you to graduate without setting foot on campus. Also, check out state and federal financial aid programs that can help you slim down your expenses, or, in some cases, pay for them completely. Finally, look into need-based and merit-based grants and scholarships that can help you cover even more of your expenses. Also, consider applying to no-loan colleges , which promise to help students graduate without going into debt.

Should community college be free?

It’s a big question with varying viewpoints. Supporters of free community college cite the economic contributions of a more educated workforce and the individual benefit of financial security, while critics caution against the potential expense and the inefficiency of last-dollar free college programs. 

What states offer free college?

More than 30 states offer some type of tuition-free college program, including Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington State. The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education lists over 100 last-dollar community college programs and 16 first-dollar community college programs, though the majority are limited to California residents.

Is there a free college?

There is no such thing as a truly free college education. But some colleges offer free tuition programs for students, and more than 30 states offer some type of tuition-free college program. In addition, students may also want to check out employer-based programs. A number of big employers now offer to pay for their employees' college tuition . Finally, some students may qualify for enough financial aid or scholarships to cover most of their college costs.

Scholarships360. " Which States Offer Tuition-Free Community College? "

The White House. “ Build Back Better Framework ,” see “Bringing Down Costs, Reducing Inflationary Pressures, and Strengthening the Middle Class.”

The White House. “ Fact Sheet: How the Build Back Better Plan Will Create a Better Future for Young Americans ,” see “Education and Workforce Opportunities.”

Coast Community College District. “ California College Promise Grant .”

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. “ The Dollars and Cents of Free College ,” see “Biden’s Free College Plan Would Pay for Itself Within 10 Years.”

Third Way. “ Why Free College Could Increase Inequality .”

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. “ The Dollars and Cents of Free College ,” see “Free-College Programs Have Different Effects on Race and Class Equity.”

University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. “ College Promise Programs: A Comprehensive Catalog of College Promise Programs in the United States .”

19+ Reasons College Should be Free (Pros and Cons)

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Imagine owing more money than you can even think of, right after you finish school. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn't it?

Well, for millions of people, this isn't just a bad dream—it's reality. In the United States, the total student loan debt has reached a mind-blowing $1.7 trillion! That's trillion, with a 'T'.

It's like buying about 340,000 really fancy houses or going on a lifetime supply of vacations but instead, it's money owed by students.

College is free in some places in the world, and even in some U.S. States. But most college costs tens or hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. 3 main reasons supporters think college should be free are: the rising cost of tuition, increasing equality, and the social benefits from a more educated populace.

Should college be free? You might think, "Sure, who doesn't like free stuff?" But it's not as simple as that. The price and experience of college is a social construct that can be really hard to change.

We'll explore how college got so expensive in the first place, what people are saying about making it free, and examples from places that have already tried it.

The Rising Cost of College Tuition

old college building

Once Upon a Time: A Glimpse of the Past

Believe it or not, attending college was once a much more affordable dream for many Americans. If we set our time-travel dials to the 1970s, the average annual tuition cost at a four-year public university was approximately $358—yes, you read that right!

When we adjust for inflation, that would be around $2,200 today. Now contrast this with the modern price tag: according to the Education Data Initiative , the average cost of tuition as of 2023 was $9,678 for in-state students and a whopping $27,091 for out-of-state students at public universities. For private universities, the annual average shot up to around $38,768.

Rocketing to New Heights: What's Driving the Cost?

The burning question is, why have these numbers skyrocketed? Multiple factors come into play.

First and foremost, colleges and universities have expanded their amenities and facilities. Students these days are often welcomed with state-of-the-art gyms, luxe dorms, and even gourmet dining options. While these add-ons certainly make college life more appealing, they also hike up the overall cost.

Another culprit is the administrative bloat. The number of non-teaching staff at many institutions has grown significantly. From 1975 to 2005, the number of administrators and managerial employees in higher education institutions more than doubled, according to the Department of Education. Their salaries, benefits, and offices add another layer of expense that is often passed on to students.

State funding—or rather, the lack of it—also shares the blame. For decades, state governments have been reducing their contributions to public higher education. A report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities revealed that between 2008 and 2018, state funding for two- and four-year colleges was slashed by nearly $7 billion after adjusting for inflation.

The Heavy Price of Loans: A Debt-Fueled Future

The rising costs inevitably lead students and families to the daunting world of student loans. It doesn't matter if you are a trained skillsperson or a white-collar businessman , college is expensive and loans don't pay themselves.

As of 2023, about 45.3 million Americans are shackled with student loan debt , which has crossed the staggering $1.77 trillion mark.

To give you a clearer picture: the average borrower from the Class of 2021 graduated with approximately $29,100 in student loan debt. And 54% of the 2021 Class held this debt.

But what does this debt mean in real-life terms? Imagine you're a 22-year-old fresh out of college with that average debt. Even if you manage to land a job right away, a good chunk of your paycheck will go to loan payments for years to come. For some, this means delaying major life milestones like buying a house, getting married, or starting a family.

So, clearly, something needs to be done. Let's get into the specific reasons some people believe college should be free. Later, we'll talk about the various debates around free college tuition.

Economic Reasons for Free College

  • Increased Access to Higher Education : Making college free would mean more people could go to college without the fear of financial burden, increasing accessibility for low and middle-income families.
  • Higher Earning Potential : College graduates, on average, earn more than those with just a high school diploma. This means they contribute more in taxes over their lifetimes.
  • Reduced Student Loan Debt : A large portion of the U.S. population is struggling with student loan debt, which has economic repercussions like delaying the ability to buy a home or start a family.
  • Boosts Economy : A better-educated workforce can contribute more effectively to the economy, leading to faster growth and increased innovation.
  • Less Reliance on Social Programs : People with higher education are less likely to rely on social programs like food stamps and unemployment benefits, saving the government money in the long run.
  • Global Competitiveness : To compete globally, a country needs a well-educated workforce. Free college could be a step toward that goal.
  • Reduced Unemployment : Higher education often leads to higher employability and can help in reducing overall unemployment rates.

Social Reasons for Free College

  • Social Mobility : Access to higher education is key for upward social mobility. Free college can level the playing field for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Increased Civic Engagement : Studies have shown that college graduates are more likely to vote, volunteer, and engage in civic activities.
  • Equality : Making college free can help close the racial, gender, and socio-economic gaps in higher education attendance and graduation rates.
  • Better Health : Higher education is correlated with better health outcomes, including longer life expectancy and better mental health.
  • Diversity : Free college can lead to a more diverse workforce, as more people from various backgrounds have the opportunity to attend college and enter fields they might otherwise not have considered.
  • Educational Freedom : Students might feel freer to pursue degrees in the humanities, arts, or social sciences, instead of opting for degrees that they perceive will "pay off" more quickly to cover their student loan debts.

Moral and Philosophical Reasons for Free College

  • Right to Education : Some argue that, like K-12 education, higher education is a right and should be available to all, irrespective of income.
  • Public Good : Education is often cited as a public good that benefits society as a whole, not just the individual receiving the education.
  • Human Capital : In the knowledge economy, human capital is one of the most valuable resources. Free college can be seen as an investment in a country's human capital.

Practical Reasons for Free College

  • Simplification of Financial Aid : A free college system could potentially simplify the complicated financial aid system, making it easier for students to apply and receive support.
  • Teacher Recruitment : If college is free, the teaching profession might attract more qualified candidates who are currently deterred by the prospect of low salaries combined with high student debt.
  • Encourages Lifelong Learning : Without the barrier of cost, adults and older citizens might be more inclined to return to school to upskill or change careers, fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

Debates Around Free College

stack of books with an apple

The idea of making college free has sparked passionate arguments, both for and against. On the one hand, proponents argue that free college can transform society, making it more equitable and prosperous. Detractors, however, counter that it's not as simple or as financially viable as it sounds.

The Pros: Where Supporters Stand

Equality and Access : Advocates often point out that free college would make higher education accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial background. Data from the Pell Institute shows that in 2016, only 11% of low-income students graduated with a bachelor's degree within six years, compared to 58% of their higher-income peers.

Economic Upliftment : Free college could be an investment in human capital, leading to a more skilled workforce. According to Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce, 65% of all jobs in the American economy will require education beyond high school by 2027.

Reducing the Debt Burden : With student loan debt surpassing $1.77 trillion, supporters argue that free college could alleviate this massive financial strain affecting millions of Americans.

The Cons: Where Critics Stand

Cost to Taxpayers : One of the most common arguments against free college is the cost. Critics point out that somebody has to pay for it, and that "somebody" is often the taxpayer. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, free public college would cost around $79 billion a year .

Quality Concerns : Some worry that making college free could lead to overcrowded classes and reduced educational quality. Already, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center , only about 60% of college students complete their bachelor's degrees within six years.

Fairness Question : Critics argue that free college could be seen as a subsidy for wealthier families who can already afford tuition, thereby increasing income inequality rather than reducing it.

The Middle Ground: Compromise Solutions

Some experts propose middle-ground solutions like income-based repayment plans or free community college as a stepping stone.

For instance, Tennessee's free community college program, Tennessee Promise , has seen considerable success since its inception in 2014. The program has increased college enrollment among high school graduates by 4.6%.

International Examples: What Can We Learn?

Several countries like Germany, Norway, and Finland offer free higher education and have seen positive societal impacts.

In Germany, where tuition is free for undergraduate students, the percentage of young people who attend university is higher than the U.S. However, critics note that these countries often have higher tax rates to fund such programs.

Public Opinion: What Do People Think?

Interestingly, public opinion is shifting in favor of free college. A 2023 poll from The Campaign for Free College Tuition showed that 70-81% of voters in the U.S. support making public colleges and universities tuition-free. The numbers are even higher among younger demographics, suggesting that the idea is gaining traction.

Economic Benefits of Free College

More money in your pocket: higher wages.

Let's start with something everyone can understand: money. If you graduate from college, you're likely to earn more money than someone who didn't.

In 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the average weekly earnings for someone with a bachelor's degree were about $1,334, while someone with just a high school diploma earned around $899. That's a big difference! Over a lifetime, college graduates could earn up to $1 million more than those who only finished high school.

Bye-Bye, Student Loans!

Imagine not having to worry about paying back a big student loan every month. Wouldn't that be great?

According to data, around 45 million Americans owe a massive $1.7 trillion in student loans. That's trillion with a "T"! These loans can stick around for years, making it hard for people to buy homes, start families, or even just enjoy life without a mountain of debt hanging over them. Free college would mean that students wouldn't start their adult lives deep in the hole.

A Bigger, Better Economy

When people earn more, they also spend more. And when they spend more, the whole economy gets a boost.

The more you earn, the more you pay in taxes, which means more money for public projects and services like roads, schools, and hospitals. Remember that study from Georgetown University's Center on Education and the Workforce says that by 2027, about 65% of all jobs will require some form of higher education? That means we need a workforce that's ready for those jobs.

Less Stress on Social Services

People with college degrees are less likely to need things like unemployment benefits or food stamps.

Only about 2% of people with a bachelor's degree rely on food stamps , compared to 12% of those with only a high school diploma. By making college free, we're actually saving money in the long run because fewer people would need to use these kinds of social services.

Businesses Love It, Too!

You might be surprised to hear this, but a lot of businesses actually like the idea of free college. Why? Because they want workers who are skilled and educated.

Companies often spend a lot of money on training new employees. If more people had access to college, businesses could save on these costs and get employees who are ready to hit the ground running.

A Snowball Effect: More Benefits Down the Road

Making college free could have a snowball effect. That means one good thing leads to another, and another.

For example, if more people can go to college, that could lead to more entrepreneurs starting new businesses. Those new businesses would create more jobs. And guess what? More jobs mean a stronger economy!

Investing in Our Future

In the end, free college isn't just a nice idea; it's a smart investment in our country's future. It's like planting a seed. You water it, take care of it, and watch it grow. Over time, that small seed turns into a tree that provides shade, fruit, and even cleaner air.

Just like that tree, the benefits of free college could grow and touch many parts of our lives, making the country a better place for everyone.

Social Benefits of Free College

More than just money: the bigger picture.

When we talk about free college, it's easy to focus on dollars and cents. But what about the stuff that's harder to put a price tag on? We're talking about the good things that can happen in our communities and society if more people could go to college without worrying about the cost. Let's dive in!

Leveling the Playing Field: Greater Equality

First up is equality. Right now, your chances of going to college often depend on how much money your family has. That's not fair, is it? Free college could be a game-changer. It would give everybody a fair shot at getting a higher education, no matter where they come from.

Breaking the Chain: Ending the Cycle of Poverty

Education is like a key that can unlock a better future. For many people, it's a way out of poverty. When you're educated, you're more likely to get a good job, which means you're less likely to struggle with money. And guess what? That goodness doesn't stop with you. When you do better, your kids are more likely to do better, too. It's a cycle, but a good one!

A Smarter Society: Better Decision-Making

When people are educated, they make better decisions. That includes everything from picking the right foods to eat to understanding complex issues like climate change or social justice. An educated public is better at making choices that benefit everyone. This is crucial, especially when it comes to voting for our leaders.

Healthier Lives: A Boost for Public Health

Did you know that people with higher levels of education tend to live healthier lives? Yep, it's true! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults with a bachelor's degree or higher are less likely to smoke and more likely to exercise compared to those with less education. If more people could go to college, we could end up with a healthier nation.

Strengthening Communities: More Civic Engagement

Here's another cool benefit: educated people are more likely to be involved in their communities. They're more likely to volunteer, attend public meetings, and even join local organizations. A study by the College Board Research found that 40% of adults with a bachelor's degree volunteered, compared to only 19% of high school graduates.

Happier Lives: Boosting Mental Health

Last but not least, let's talk about happiness. Education can lead to better mental health. When people have good jobs and stable lives, they're less likely to suffer from stress and anxiety. And who doesn't want to be happier?

A Society We All Want to Live In

Free college can do more than just help individuals; it can help all of us. From making society more equal and smarter to improving public health and even boosting our spirits, the social benefits of free college could make our country a better place to live for everyone.

Examples of Places Where College is Free or Subsidized

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First off, let's get something straight: free or very affordable college isn't just a pie-in-the-sky dream. It's real, and it's happening in different parts of the world. Some places even have it right here in the United States! Let's take a closer look at these examples to see what we can learn.

A Taste of Tennessee: Free Community College

Let's start close to home with Tennessee. Yup, you heard right! In Tennessee, they have a program called the Tennessee Promise. High school graduates can go to community college for two years without paying a cent in tuition.

Guess what? Since this program started in 2014, college enrollment shot up by 4.6%, according to a study in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.

New York's Excelsior Program

New York State offers the Excelsior Scholarship, a program that makes public colleges tuition-free for families earning less than $125,000 a year. However, there's a catch: after graduating, students must live and work in New York for the same number of years they received the scholarship. If not, the scholarship turns into a loan.

Across the Pond: Germany's Example

Let's hop over the ocean to Germany, where tuition for undergraduate students is free at public universities. That even goes for international students! And it's not like these are second-rate schools. Some German universities are ranked among the top in the world.

The Nordic Model: Sweden, Norway, and Finland

Heading north, countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland also offer free higher education. Students only pay a small administrative fee each semester, which is usually less than $100. These countries believe that everyone has the right to education, regardless of their bank balance.

The South American Surprise: Argentina and Brazil

Now, let's fly across the globe to South America. Countries like Argentina and Brazil offer free or very low-cost higher education. In Brazil, the best universities are actually the public ones, and they're free! However, it's super competitive to get in.

The Catch: Higher Taxes and Competitive Entry

Now, it's important to note that free college often comes with its own set of challenges. For example, countries that offer free tuition usually have higher taxes. Plus, getting into these colleges can be super tough because so many people want to go.

Lessons We Can Learn

So, what can we take away from all this? First, free or low-cost college is totally doable. Second, each place has its own way of making it work, whether it's through higher taxes, tough entrance exams, or special rules like staying in the state after graduation.

A World of Possibilities

As you can see, the idea of free or subsidized college isn't just a pipe dream; it's a reality in many places. These examples show that there are different paths to the same goal: making higher education accessible to everyone.

How Can College Education be Free?

We've talked a lot about why free college is a good idea. But now comes the million-dollar question: How do we actually make it happen? Don't worry; people have been thinking hard about this, and there are some pretty cool ideas out there.

Tax the Super Rich: A Popular Suggestion

One idea that's getting a lot of attention is taxing the super-rich. That means the government would take a little extra money from people who have a whole lot of it and use that to pay for free college.

For example, Senator Elizabeth Warren proposed a 2% annual tax on households with a net worth between $50 million and $1 billion. According to estimates, this could raise around $2.75 trillion over 10 years. That's more than enough to make public colleges free and even help with other things like healthcare!

Closing Tax Loopholes: Every Penny Counts

You might not know this, but there are all sorts of ways people and companies can avoid paying taxes. These are called "tax loopholes," and they can add up to a lot of money. Closing these loopholes could free up extra funds that could be used for education.

Cutting Wasteful Spending: Trim the Fat

Another idea is to look at where the government is already spending money and see if any of it could be better used for education. Maybe there are programs that aren't really working or areas where the government is spending more than it needs to. By "trimming the fat," we could find the money for free college without raising taxes.

Partnerships with Private Companies

What if businesses chipped in to help make college free? Some companies already offer scholarships or have programs to help their employees go back to school. Expanding these partnerships could be a win-win: companies get educated workers, and students get to go to college for free or at a lower cost.

State and Federal Programs

Making college free doesn't have to be something that only the federal government does. States can get in on the action too! In fact, some states like Tennessee and New York have already started their own programs. The federal government could help by matching the money states put in, making it easier for them to offer free or reduced tuition.

Sliding Scale Tuition: Pay What You Can

Here's another idea: what if the cost of college was based on how much your family can afford? Some colleges are already doing this. They look at your family's income and then decide how much you should pay. That way, people who can afford to pay more do, and those who can't, pay less or nothing at all.

Multiple Roads to the Same Destination

As you can see, there's no one-size-fits-all solution to making college free. But that's a good thing! It means we have lots of options to explore. The most important thing is to get started. After all, the best way to make free college a reality is to take the first step, no matter how small.

Whew! We've covered a lot of ground, haven't we? From the rising cost of college tuition to the debates and benefits, all the way to real-life examples and ways to make it happen—free college is a big topic! But when you connect all the dots, one thing becomes super clear: the time for free college is now.

Imagine a world where everybody has an equal shot at higher education. A world where your future isn't decided by the size of your bank account, but by your hard work, talent, and dreams. Sounds pretty great, right? And guess what? It's totally possible. Countries around the world are already doing it, and some places in the United States are giving it a shot, too.

And let's not forget the ripple effect of free college. It's not just good for students; it's good for everyone! From boosting the economy and leveling the social playing field to creating a smarter, healthier, and happier society—free college could be the key to solving a lot of our problems.

Of course, making college free won't be easy. There are challenges to face and questions to answer. How will we pay for it? How will it affect the quality of education? These are important questions, and we'll need smart, creative solutions to answer them. But the good news is, we've got options, lots of them!

Like any big journey, the road to free college starts with a single step. Maybe that step is talking to your friends and family about why it's a good idea. Or maybe it's writing to your local politicians to tell them why it's important. Whatever that first step is for you, now's the time to take it.

The idea of free college has been around for a while, but it's never been more important than it is today. With the cost of tuition soaring and the benefits clearer than ever, there's no reason to wait. So let's roll up our sleeves, put our heads together, and make free college a reality for everyone. Because the best investment we can make is in our future.

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Is free college a good idea? Increasingly, evidence says yes

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, douglas n. harris douglas n. harris nonresident senior fellow - governance studies , brown center on education policy , professor and chair, department of economics - tulane university.

May 10, 2021

  • 10 min read

In just a few short years, the idea of free college has moved from a radical idea to mainstream Democratic thinking. President Biden made free college one of his core campaign planks , and one that the first lady has been promoting for years. In his recent address to Congress, the president also signaled that he is ready for legislative action on a scaled-back version of the idea as part of his American Families Plan .

Two weeks ago, the nonprofit College Promise (CP)—led by Martha Kanter, who served as President Obama’s undersecretary for education—also released a proposal that will influence the free college debate. (Full disclosure: I previously advised the Biden campaign and presently advise CP, but have received no compensation for these efforts.)

In today’s polarized environment, the free college idea stands out for its bipartisan support. A majority of self-identified Republicans has supported the notion of free college in some polls. In fact, one of the first such statewide programs was put in place by Bill Haslam, the former Republican governor of Tennessee. While this could go the way of Obamacare, which faced strong GOP congressional opposition despite the law’s origins with Republican Mitt Romney, free college seems different. Biden’s latest plan only applies to community colleges, which focus on career and vocational education of the sort Republicans support, as opposed to universities, which many Republicans view as hostile battlegrounds in a culture war.

But I am less interested in the politics than the evidence of effectiveness. I have studied college access for many years and run two randomized control trials of financial aid , which produced some of the first causal evidence on free college in Milwaukee. Two years ago, Brookings released the first installment of the Milwaukee work, which I carried out with a team of researchers. Since then, we have collected more data and learned more about how students responded over time. Below, I summarize our just-released study (co-authored with Jonathan Mills), compare our results to other financial aid programs, and then discuss implications for the Biden and CP proposals. Consequently, I conclude that the evidence increasingly favors free college and “open access aid” more generally.

What Did We Learn in Milwaukee?

I developed The Degree Project (TDP) in 2009 as a demonstration program in partnership between the nonprofit Ascendium (then known as the Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation and Affiliates) and Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS). TDP offered all first-time 9 th graders in half of MPS high schools $12,000 for college as “last-dollar” aid. Students could use the funds for college if they graduated from high school on time with a GPA of 2.5 and a class attendance rate of 90%. Also, as is the norm with free college programs, students had to fill out the FAFSA and have at least one dollar of unmet need. The aid could be used to attend any of the 66 public, in-state, two- or four-year colleges in Wisconsin. Ascendium provided up to $31 million to fund the grant and, as the main program administrator, sent regular letters to remind students about the program and its requirements. The organization also worked with school counselors to support students becoming eligible for the funds and preparing for college.

TDP was announced to students in the fall of 2011. Using anonymized data, we then tracked students’ high school, college, and life outcomes for eight years, and we recently received data extending through when students were roughly 22 years old. As a rare randomized trial, we could estimate the effects by comparing the control and treatment group outcomes. Here is what we found:

  • For students who met the performance requirements, the program increased graduation from two-year colleges by 3 percentage points . This might seem small, but the denominator here is comprised of low-income 9 th graders. Half of the control group did not even graduate from high school, let alone college. The effect amounts to a 25% increase in two-year degrees.
  • The framing and design of the program as free two-year college changed student decisions in ways consistent with what free college advocates suggest. The $12,000 maximum award amount was selected because it was sufficient to cover tuition and fees for a two-year college degree. The fact that TDP made two-year college free, but only reduced the cost of four-year college, was clearly communicated to students. This appears to explain one of our main results: Student enrollments shifted from four-year to two-year colleges. This is noteworthy given that students could use the funds at either two- or four-year colleges. In fact, students likely would have been able to use more of the $12,000 if they had shifted to four-year colleges. The only plausible reason for shifting to two-year colleges is that they were really attracted to the idea of free college.
  • The “early commitment” nature of the program had some modest positive effects on some high school outcomes . Students learned about TDP in their 9 th grade year, giving them time to change their high school behaviors and college plans. Although it did not improve high school academic achievement, we find that TDP increased college expectations and the steps students took to prepare for college. TDP recipients also reported working harder because of the program (even though this did not show up in the academic measures). This highlights the fact that free college might also help address not only college-going rates, but the long-term stagnancy in high school outcomes.
  • The merit requirements undermined the program’s effectiveness . Though the 2.5 GPA and 90% attendance and other requirements were arguably modest, only 21% of eligible students ended up meeting them. So, they ended up excluding many students. We also tested the two main ways that the merit requirements could have been helpful: (a) merit requirements might provide incentives for students to work hard during high school and better prepare for college, and (b) merit requirements might target aid to students who respond to it most. We find no evidence of either benefit. While students did work harder (see point [3] above), this appears to be due to other elements of the program, not the merit requirements.

Overall, these results suggest that aid is most effective when it is “open access”—that is, aid with early commitment and free college framing, but no merit requirements.

What about the evidence beyond Milwaukee?

Our study also reviews other research on financial aid, including federal aid, state merit aid programs, and the newer “promise scholarship” programs that mimic free college. Our study is not alone in finding that financial aid improves student outcomes. In fact, the vast majority of the most rigorous studies find positive effects on college attendance and college graduation. Given the strong average benefits of college, we can expect follow-up studies to show effects on employment earnings, voting, and other outcomes.

What about the costs? Open access aid is more expensive to be sure. More students receive aid and the aid levels per students are larger than traditional financial aid. Is it worth it? Our analysis suggests it is. We carried out new cost-benefit analyses of multiple programs, including TDP, but also other actively studied programs in: Kalamazoo, Michigan; Knox County, Tennessee; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and one statewide program in Nebraska. We also used estimates of the average effects of aid taken from prior literature reviews. All of these programs pass a cost-benefit test. That is, the effects on college outcomes, and the effects of college outcomes on future earnings, is much larger than the cost to the government and society as a whole. Moreover, it appears that benefits-per-dollar-of-cost are at least as high with open access aid as with more restricted programs. This means that open access aid provides greater total benefits to the community as a whole.

Back to the Free College Proposals

What do these results mean for President Biden’s and CP’s proposals? The table below provides a side-by-side comparison. The main difference is the level of detail. This reflects that the CP plan was designed to align with, and flesh out, the Biden campaign proposal. Perhaps the only substantive difference is that the CP proposal (and the Milwaukee program) includes private colleges. The Biden campaign documents exclude private colleges, though the American Families Plan just says “free community college,” signaling alignment with the CP plan. Both proposals are clearly in the category of open access aid.

Biden Campaign Proposal College Promise
Student eligibility · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · 2y college: No income requirements · 4y college: Family AGI < $125,000 · Complete FAFSA · Part-time or full-time · Work requirements optional · State requirements on students “kept to a minimum”
College eligibility · Public only · Public and private · Title IV eligible · Meet accountability requirements based on College Scorecard
State-Federal Contributions · 67% of costs from the federal government · Public colleges: Federal govt contributes 75% of partnership funds; 25% from states · Private colleges: Partnership covers up to 50% of the cost per credit (capped at state avg cost per credit in public colleges); institutions cover remainder
Other · First-dollar (covers more than tuition and fees for some very-low-income students)

There are numerous similarities between these provisions and the Milwaukee program that my team and I studied. All three programs make two-year college free (or nearly so) for all students without income requirements and through early commitment of aid. All three require the FAFSA and high school graduation. Importantly, unlike both the Biden and CP proposals, the Milwaukee program had merit requirements, which undermined its success. This is partly why our evidence is so relevant to the current debate.

Some might wonder why the president has scaled back the proposal to just free community college. This reflects that the idea of free college—even the “scaled back” version—is such a marked departure from past policy, especially at the federal level. Free community college alone would still be arguably the largest shift in federal higher education policy in the past half-century.

Caveats and Concluding Thoughts

We cannot make policy from evidence alone, but it can and should play a key role. Sometimes, policy ideas have such limited evidence of effectiveness that it is difficult to make any plausible case for a large-scale, national program. In other cases, there is enough promise for pilot studies and competitive grants to establish efficacy. With free college, we seem to be well beyond that point. In addition to decades of results on general financial aid programs, we have a growing number of studies on state and local programs that all show positive evidence—the “laboratory of democracy” at work. The idea of a large, federal free-college program therefore has more and more credibility.

A decade ago, it was not at all obvious that this is what the evidence would show. There was really no evidence on free college programs when we started this project back in 2009. Also, there were good reasons to expect that such a large increase in aid would suffer from “diminishing returns”—the idea that the next dollar is less effective than the previous one. This could have made free college more costly than the benefits could justify. Now, we know better.

I do still worry a bit about other factors and challenges. For example, the above analyses can only capture the immediate effects of financial aid, yet a federal free college program is such a marked departure in policy that it could alter political and market forces operating on higher education in unpredictable ways, perhaps even lowering college spending and quality. Also, if the proposal remains focused on community colleges, then this will shift students out of four-year colleges and into colleges that currently have very low completion rates. There are also other ways to increase college affordability and access that do not require free college (e.g., increased Pell Grants and income-based loan repayment), some of which target funds more narrowly to the most disadvantaged students. And there are many details to be worked out as the president’s allies in Congress try to generate sufficient support without (a) sacrificing core principles, or (b) creating new problems that can arise when grafting new federal programs on to widely varying state contexts.

Still, it is not often that an idea comes around that addresses a widely acknowledged problem and has both research support and a fair degree of bipartisan political support. The stars seem aligned to make some form of national free college a reality. The more evidence we see, the more that would seem to be a step forward.

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7 Reasons Why College Should Be Free

essay why college should be free

By Eric Eng

a female high school student reading her book

The cost of higher education has skyrocketed in recent years, making college unaffordable for many aspiring students. In fact, numerous studies have shown that student loan debt is a pressing issue for millions of Americans, with many facing financial difficulties long after graduation. But what if college was free for everyone? In this article, we’ll explore 7 compelling reasons why college should be free, including economic benefits, social advantages, impacts on the job market, and long-term effects on individuals.

The Economic Benefits of Free College Education

Free college education has been a topic of debate for many years, with proponents arguing that it would have a significant impact on the economy. While some critics argue that it would be too expensive to implement, the potential benefits are numerous and far-reaching.

Reducing Student Loan Debt

The soaring cost of tuition fees has forced countless students to take out loans, which can sometimes take decades to repay. This burden of debt can be a major obstacle for graduates, preventing them from pursuing their dreams and achieving their full potential.

By eliminating tuition fees , free college education would make it possible for students to graduate without the burden of massive debt, freeing up funds that could be used for other purposes such as purchasing a home or starting a business. This, in turn, would stimulate economic growth and create new opportunities for individuals and communities.

Furthermore, reducing student loan debt would also have a positive impact on the overall economy. Graduates with significant debt are less likely to make major purchases such as homes and cars, which can slow down economic growth. By eliminating this burden, free college education would free up funds for graduates to invest in the economy, creating new jobs and opportunities for everyone.

Increasing Access to Higher Education

Here’s one of the reasons why college should be free. For many people, the high cost of college represents a major barrier to entry. This is particularly true for low-income students, who may be unable to attend college due to financial constraints.

Portrait of a cheerful young couple of students wearing backpacks, carrying textbooks standing isolated over blue background

Free college education would make it possible for students from all backgrounds to pursue higher education, regardless of their financial situation. This would benefit not only individual students but also society as a whole. A more educated population would lead to a more skilled and innovative workforce, which would in turn lead to economic growth and prosperity.

Furthermore, increasing access to higher education would also have a positive impact on social mobility. Students from low-income backgrounds often face significant barriers to achieving success in their careers. By providing a free college education, we would be leveling the playing field and giving everyone an equal opportunity to succeed.

Boosting the Economy Through a More Educated Workforce

Higher education is essential for creating a skilled workforce that can meet the needs of a rapidly changing economy. By providing free college education, we would be investing in the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs , which would in turn lead to economic growth and prosperity. A more educated workforce would be better equipped to meet the demands of the modern economy, which is increasingly focused on technology and innovation.

Furthermore, a free college education would also have a positive impact on the job market. As more students graduate with advanced degrees, there will be an increase in highly skilled workers, which will attract new businesses and industries to the area. This would create new jobs and opportunities for everyone, leading to economic growth and prosperity.

Overall, free college education has the potential to have a significant impact on the economy. By reducing student loan debt, increasing access to higher education, and boosting the economy through a more educated workforce, we can create new opportunities for individuals and communities. While there are certainly challenges to implementing such a program, the potential benefits are too great to ignore.

The Social Advantages of Free College

The idea of free college education has been a topic of debate for many years. While some argue that it is not feasible, others believe that it is a necessary step towards creating a more just and equitable society. Now that we have discussed the reasons why college should be free, we will now explore some of the social advantages of free college education.

Promoting Equality and Social Mobility

Higher education is often seen as a path to upward social mobility, allowing individuals to elevate themselves and their families out of poverty. However, the high cost of tuition fees has made this dream unattainable for many. By providing free college education, we would be promoting equality and creating a more just society.

When education is accessible to all, regardless of their financial background, it creates a level playing field. Students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds can now access the same opportunities as their more affluent peers. This not only promotes equality but also encourages social mobility, allowing individuals to break out of the cycle of poverty and create a better life for themselves and their families.

Encouraging Civic Engagement and Community Involvement

College campuses are often hotbeds of activism, where passionate and engaged students come together to discuss and advocate for issues that affect their communities. By making college education more accessible, we would be encouraging greater civic engagement and community involvement, which could lead to positive social change.

Concentrated african american woman doing paperwork, sitting in modern office on conference.

When students have access to higher education, they are more likely to engage with their communities and become active citizens. They are exposed to a diverse range of ideas and perspectives, which allows them to think critically about the world around them. This, in turn, can lead to greater civic engagement and community involvement, as students become more aware of the issues that affect their communities and are motivated to take action.

Reducing Crime Rates and Improving Public Safety

There is a well-established link between education and lower crime rates. Providing free college education would give more people the opportunity to improve their lives and their communities, which would in turn reduce crime rates and improve public safety for all.

When individuals have access to education, they are more likely to find meaningful employment and contribute positively to their communities. This reduces the likelihood of them turning to crime as a means of survival. Additionally, education provides individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions and become responsible citizens. This, in turn, can lead to a safer and more secure society for all.

In conclusion, free college education has the potential to create a more just and equitable society, promote civic engagement and community involvement, and improve public safety. These pretty much sum up the reasons why college should be free. While there may be challenges in implementing such a system, the potential benefits are clear. It is up to us to work towards creating a society where education is accessible to all.

The Impact on the Job Market

Meeting the demand for skilled workers.

As the economy continues to evolve, demand for highly skilled workers is increasing exponentially. This is particularly evident in the fields of technology, healthcare, and finance, where the pace of change is rapid and the need for specialized knowledge is high. By providing free college education, we would be helping to fill this demand and create a workforce that is equipped to meet the needs of the 21st century.

For example, in the field of healthcare, there is a growing need for nurses , doctors, and other healthcare professionals who are trained to work with new technologies and treatments. By offering free college education, we could encourage more people to pursue careers in healthcare and help to address the shortage of skilled workers in this field.

Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Higher education has long been a breeding ground for innovation and entrepreneurship . By making college education more accessible, we would be encouraging more people to pursue their dreams and create new businesses and ideas that could change the world.

a male student carrying a laptop while standing

For instance, many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, were college graduates who used their education to launch groundbreaking companies. By providing free college education, we could help create a new generation of innovators who have the skills and knowledge they need to turn their ideas into reality.

Improving Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention

College education equips individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers. By providing free college education, we would be creating a more skilled and satisfied workforce, which would lead to lower turnover and higher overall employee retention rates.

Studies have shown that employees who feel that they are being invested in by their employers are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. By offering free college education, we could demonstrate our commitment to our employees and help create a culture of learning and growth within our organization.

Furthermore, providing free college education could help address some of the challenges that employers face in recruiting and retaining top talent. This is one of the most compelling reasons why college should be free. By offering education as a benefit, we could differentiate ourselves from other employers and attract candidates who are looking for opportunities for personal and professional growth.

The Long-term Effects on Individuals

Providing free college education has several long-term benefits for individuals. In addition to the benefits mentioned in the previous paragraphs, there are several other ways in which free college education can positively impact individuals.

Opening Up Opportunities for Career Advancement

Higher education provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen careers. With free college education, individuals would have access to a wider range of courses and programs, allowing them to explore new career paths and find the right fit for their skills and interests. This, in turn, could lead to increased job satisfaction and opportunities for career advancement.

Building Stronger Communities

Free college education can also have a positive impact on communities as a whole. By providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed, we are investing in the future of our communities. College graduates are more likely to be engaged in their communities, volunteer their time, and give back in meaningful ways.

Promoting Innovation and Progress

Higher education is a key driver of innovation and progress. By providing free college education, we are investing in the future of our society and promoting the development of new ideas and technologies. This, in turn, can lead to economic growth and increased prosperity for all.

an AP class with students participating in a room discussion

In conclusion, free college education has numerous long-term benefits for individuals and society as a whole. By providing access to higher education, we are investing in the future and helping individuals reach their full potential. It is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come.

In conclusion, there are numerous compelling reasons why college should be free for everyone. From economic benefits to social advantages, impacts on the job market, and long-term effects on individuals, free college education has the potential to transform society for the better. It’s time for us to take action and make college education more accessible and affordable so that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their dreams and reach their full potential.

If you’re set on getting into a world-class college but aren’t sure how to make it happen, we can help! AdmissionSight is a leading college entrance expert with over a decade of experience helping students just like you get into the schools of their dreams.

At AdmissionSight, we focus on offering a wide range of services, all aimed at helping students perfect their applications to catch the attention of admissions officers. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to learn more about what we offer.


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The Argument for Tuition-Free College

Soaring tuitions and student loan debt are placing higher education beyond the reach of many American students. It’s time to make college free and accessible to all.

by Keith Ellison

April 14, 2016



In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Land Grant College Act into law, laying the groundwork for the largest system of publicly funded universities in the world. Some of America's greatest colleges, including the University of Minnesota, were created by federal land grants, and were known as "democracy's colleges" or "people's colleges."

But that vision of a "people's college" seems awfully remote to a growing number of American students crushed under soaring tuitions and mounting debt. One hundred and fifty years after Lincoln made his pledge, it's time to make public colleges and universities free for every American.

This idea is easier than it looks. For most of our nation's history, public colleges and universities have been much more affordable than they are today, with lower tuition, and financial aid that covered a much larger portion of the costs . The first step in making college accessible again, and returning to an education system that serves every American, is addressing the student loan debt crisis.

The cost of attending a four-year college has increased by 1,122 percent since 1978 . Galloping tuition hikes have made attending college more expensive today than at any point in U.S. history. At the same time, debt from student loans has become the largest form of personal debt in America-bigger than credit card debt and auto loans. Last year, 38 million American students owed more than $1.3 trillion in student loans.

Once, a degree used to mean a brighter future for college graduates, access to the middle class, and economic stability.

Today, student loan debt increases inequality and makes it harder for low-income graduates, particularly those of color , to buy a house, open a business, and start a family.

The solution lies in federal investments to states to lower the overall cost of public colleges and universities. In exchange, states would commit to reinvesting state funds in higher education. Any public college or university that benefited from the reinvestment program would be required to limit tuition increases. This federal-state partnership would help lower tuition for all students. Schools that lowered tuition would receive additional federal grants based on the degree to which costs are lowered.

Reinvesting in higher education programs like Pell Grants and work-study would ensure that Pell and other forms of financial aid that students don't need to pay back would cover a greater portion of tuition costs for low-income students. In addition, states that participate in this partnership would ensure that low-income students who attend state colleges and universities could afford non-tuition expenses like textbooks and housing fees . This proposal is one way to ensure that no student graduates with loans to pay back.

If the nation can provide hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to the oil and gas industry and billions of dollars more to Wall Street , we can afford to pay for public higher education. A tax on financial transactions like derivatives and stock trades would cover the cost. Building a truly affordable higher education system is an investment that would pay off economically.

Eliminating student loan debt is the first step, but it's not the last. Once we ensure that student loan debt isn't a barrier to going to college, we should reframe how we think about higher education. College shouldn't just be debt free-it should be free. Period.

We all help pay for our local high schools and kindergartens, whether or not we send our kids to them. And all parents have the option of choosing public schools, even if they can afford private institutions. Free primary and secondary schooling is good for our economy, strengthens our democracy, and most importantly, is critical for our children's health and future. Educating our kids is one of our community's most important responsibilities, and it's a right that every one of us enjoys. So why not extend public schooling to higher education as well?

Some might object that average Americans should not have to pay for students from wealthy families to go to school. But certain things should be guaranteed to all Americans, poor or rich. It's not a coincidence that some of the most important social programs in our government's history have applied to all citizens, and not just to those struggling to make ends meet.

Universal programs are usually stronger and more stable over the long term, and they're less frequently targeted by budget cuts and partisan attacks. Public schools have stood the test of time-let's make sure public colleges and universities do, too.

The United States has long been committed to educating all its people, not only its elites.

This country is also the wealthiest in the history of the world. We can afford to make college an option for every American family.

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Should Higher Education Be Free?

  • Vijay Govindarajan
  • Jatin Desai

Disruptive new models offer an alternative to expensive tuition.

In the United States, our higher education system is broken. Since 1980, we’ve seen a 400% increase in the cost of higher education, after adjustment for inflation — a higher cost escalation than any other industry, even health care. We have recently passed the trillion dollar mark in student loan debt in the United States.

  • Vijay Govindarajan is the Coxe Distinguished Professor at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, a Dartmouth-wide chair and the highest distinction awarded to Dartmouth faculty, a Faculty Partner in the Silicon Valley incubator Mach49 , and a Senior Advisor at the strategy consulting firm Acropolis Advisors . He is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. His latest book is   Fusion Strategy: How Real-Time Data and AI Will Power the Industrial Future .   His Harvard Business Review articles “ Engineering Reverse Innovations ” and “ Stop the Innovation Wars ” won McKinsey Awards for best article published in HBR. His HBR articles “ How GE Is Disrupting Itself ” and “ The CEO’s Role in Business Model Reinvention ” are HBR all-time top-50 bestsellers. Follow him on   LinkedIn . vgovindarajan
  • JD Jatin Desai is co-founder and chief executive officer of The Desai Group and the author of  Innovation Engine: Driving Execution for Breakthrough Results .

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15 Reasons Why College Should Be Free

15 Reasons Why College Should Be Free

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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free college pros and cons

This article will promote the argument that higher education should be available to everyone regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

The resource of university and college-level studies should be accessible to allow students to master topics they excel in, and ultimately, become more productive members of society.

The transition to a free college system will certainly be a challenge for society to undertake, but there are a number of reasons why college should be free.

Note that this article presents debate points that students can use for in-class debates so has an intentional bias – there are obvious debate points against this perspective as well, that I hope to outline in a future piece.

Reasons Why College Should Be Free

1. universal access to public education.

The first and most important reason that college should be a free resource that everyone can avail themselves of is that higher education is a right.

Historically, education has been used as a marker of class separation in society.

The same should not be true of the U.S., a country meant to be a bastion of equality. Equality means little if there’s no equality of opportunity, and there can be no equality of opportunity without equal access to education.

While there are currently resources in place to help students pay for college tuition, student loans can feel downright predatory and entirely discouraging to students who don’t want the average of $30,000 in debt when they enter the workforce.

Having universal access to public education would solve this problem in more ways than one. In fact, there’s quite the precedent for this success as well.

Schools that have opened up free elementary and middle school education are often correlated with a decrease in crime and an overall improved sense of wellbeing in their students.

This concept carries over to the universal access to college-level education and should be considered in the discussion.

2. Less Student Debt

On that same note, student debt is extremely high, about $30,000 per graduate, and can cripple budding adults who are just finding their place in the world and need to land a job with their degree, or risk being mired in debt for years—even decades.

That is an alarming prospect. Most families cannot afford college tuition outright, and making college free would be extremely helpful in reducing the overall student debt.

Student debt is a blight on American society—so much so that government initiatives and bills often promise to clear some student debt as a way of earning cheap political points over their opponents. This isn’t a healthy way to handle debt, especially given just how pervasive and widespread the student debt crisis is.

Over time, with a free education, student debt can be halved, and ultimately eradicated to allow society members to allocate more resources towards other major life expenses.

Finances are a significant part of life, and it’s fair to say that everyone could use an additional $30,000 in their pocket.

3. Better Education

Another important reason college should be free is that that all members of society can attain better education.

Those who are more educated are more capable of solving complex problems, whether it be in the fields of science, medicine, and technology.

Depriving the country of young, bright minds on the basis of cost is a detrimental approach in the long run. The more we invest in the education of the youth, the more effective the next generation will become in solving the problems that society faces.

To put it simply, learning should not be monetized, a principle which several other countries have recognized. Learning is a universal right and the detrimental effects of poorly educated citizenry are clear to see.

4. Economic Uplift

On average, college students rack up $30,000 in debt. Imagine an additional $30,000 by highly educated, intelligent students being pumped into a free market through investments like houses, business startups, and other ventures.

Even spending additional money on groceries and other products and services benefits a free market and provides a boost to the economy, rather than having it stagnate and exclusively go towards paying off debt.

Over time, this new influx of money into the market could help the economy to be less fragile and more robust in the long term.

5. Equality of Opportunity

One of the founding principles of liberal Western societies is supposed to be equality of opportunity. In other words, every member of society is, in principle, supposed to have the same opportunity to build themselves up; however, this has been a failing of society since college tuitions are so expensive.

Those who earn college degrees get higher-paying jobs.

Those who cannot get college degrees on the basis of expense do not have access to the same jobs, career advancement opportunities, or benefits offers for having a niche-specific, company-value skillset.

As such, until college becomes accessible for all, equal opportunity is not truly being espoused by college institutions.

6. A Stronger Workforce

In a similar vein, more widespread access to education allows students who excel to utilize their skills in different sectors of the workforce.

Whether it’s in business, technology, or finance, there’s a constant need for new young blood in the industry to keep it fresh; it’s just how the world works.

Providing universal access to education allows everyone to develop their skillset and, in time, strengthen the population to reflect a highly intelligent, skilled workforce.

7. Helps Students Focus on Studying

Finances are a major concern for many college students, so much so that they have to take on additional jobs and responsibilities besides their coursework to make ends meet and pay for the essentials.

Not only is this a stressful environment not conducive to learning, but it can also affect their performance.

Learning to live in the real world and deal with real-world expenses is one thing; it’s another entirely to expect students to excel while a $30,000 weight hangs over their head.

Removing this expense would reduce stress and vastly increase productivity.

8. Other Countries Demonstrate that it Works

One particularly compelling case for free college is that other countries have done it with great success.

These include:

The precedent of success in these countries that utilize free education should be inspiration enough to start making the shift sooner rather than later.

Making colleges for-profit institutions can muddy the true meaning of education, and these 5 countries that utilize free college education are a shining beacon of what higher education should look like.

9. Vocational Excellence

One particular important argument for free college is with regard to vocational skillsets.

As the world becomes more and more reliant on technology to grow businesses, analyze market trends, and solve problems, there’s an increasing need for a population with the skill to tackle these challenges.

College-educated young adults have the baseline skillset to tackle different vocational challenges in their field, helping to better society in the long run.

10. More Satisfaction

If colleges were free, everyone would have the same choice about whether to attend or not.

Those that want to carry their educational journey as far as they can do would be welcome to do so without needing to worry about cost.

That’s a remarkably satisfying prospect on its face: everyone can learn what they’re interested in and excel if they’re willing to put in the work.

Additional Arguments to Consider

  • Helps a nation to compete globally: In a globalized and interconnected world, the countries that will succeed are the ones with the most educated population. If college is free, more students will get a higher education, leading to a more educated population.
  • Upward social mobility : Free college education for the poor will help people to escape poverty and move up into the middle class.
  • Removal of Financial Incentives: Often, higher education institutions are more interested in the financial incentive of “more bums on seats” than student grades. This leads to fudging of grades to help the institution climb the higher education league tables and other dodgy practices.
  • Less expenses on advertising: In a competitive higher education marketplace, colleges are increasingly spending more and more money on advertising and marketing instead of putting students’ fees directly into their education.
  • Builds an educated and open-minded population: My views and values personally changed significantly after leaving my insular hometown and going to university. It was the first time in my life that I met people from different life experiences to mine – the first time I met someone who was wealthy, the first time I met new immigrants, and the first time I met people who didn’t fit into my society’s dominant heteronormative framework all occurred when I was at university. The chance to meet and get to know these people personally made me a more open-minded person. The more people who get this chance, the better.

There are a number of compelling arguments, from the improved workforce to the equality of opportunity, that demand a free college experience for all. Transitioning from for-profit institutions to a societal boon with education for all isn’t an easy step, to be sure, but it is one that the United States can and should undertake for the betterment of its citizens.

Learning should be free for learning’s sake, as well as the sake of the millions of youth who want to expand their skillset and expertise. Free college isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s both idealistic and pragmatic, something that can and should be incorporated into society.


  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 25 Number Games for Kids (Free and Easy)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 25 Word Games for Kids (Free and Easy)
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 25 Outdoor Games for Kids
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 50 Incentives to Give to Students

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Why College Should Be Free: Analysis of Arguments and Counterarguments

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Could College Be Free?

January-February 2020

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etting ahead— or getting by—is increasingly difficult in the United States without a college degree. The demand for college education is at an all-time high, but so is the price tag. David Deming—professor of public policy at the Kennedy School and professor of education and economics at the Graduate School of Education—wants to ease that tension by reallocating government spending on higher education to make public colleges tuition-free. 

Deming’s argument is elegant. Public spending on higher education is unique among social services: it is an investment that pays for itself many times over in higher tax revenue generated by future college graduates, a rare example of an economic “free lunch.” In 2016 (the most recent year for which data are available), the United States spent $91 billion subsidizing access to higher education. According to Deming, that spending isn’t as progressive or effective as it could be. The National Center for Education Statistics indicates that it would cost roughly $79 billion a year to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. So, Deming asks, why not redistribute current funds to make public colleges tuition-free, instead of subsidizing higher education in other, roundabout ways? 

Of the estimated $91 billion the nation spends annually on higher education, $37 billion go to tax credits and tax benefits. These tax programs ease the burden of paying for both public and private colleges, but disproportionately benefit middle-class children who are probably going to college anyway. Instead of lowering costs for those students, Deming points out, a progressive public-education assistance program should probably redirect funds to incentivize students to go to college who wouldn’t otherwise consider it. 

Another $13 billion in federal spending subsidize interest payments on student loans for currently enrolled undergraduates. And the remaining $41 billion go to programs that benefit low-income students and military veterans, including $28.4 billion for Pell Grants and similar programs. Pell Grants are demand-side subsidies: they provide cash directly to those who pay for a service, i.e., students; supply-side subsidies (see below) channel funds to suppliers, such as colleges. Deming asserts that Pell Grant money, which travels with students, voucher-style, is increasingly gobbled up by low-quality, for-profit colleges. These colleges are often better at marketing their services than at graduating students or improving their graduates’ prospects, despite being highly subsidized by taxpayers . “The rise of for-profit colleges has, in some ways, been caused by disinvestment in public higher education. Our public university systems were built for a time when 20 percent of young people attended college,” says Deming. “Now it’s more like 60 percent, and we haven’t responded by devoting more resources to ensuring that young people can afford college and succeed when they get there.” As a result, an expensive, for-profit market has filled the educational shortage that government divestment has caused.

The vast majority of states have continuously divested in public education in recent decades, pushing a higher percentage of the cost burden of schools onto students. Deming believes this state-level divestment is the main reason for the precipitous rise in college tuition, which has outpaced the rest of the Consumer Price Index for 30 consecutive years. (Compounding reasons include rising salaries despite a lack of gains in productivity—a feature of many human-service-focused industries such as education and healthcare.) Against this backdrop, Deming writes, “at least some—and perhaps all—of the cost of universal tuition-free public higher education could be defrayed by redeploying money that the government is already spending.” (The need for some funding programs would remain, however, given the cost of room, board, books, and other college supplies.) 

Redirecting current funding to provide tuition-free public-school degrees is only one part of Deming’s proposal. He knows that making public higher education free could hurt the quality of instruction by inciting a race to the bottom, stretching teacher-student ratios and pinching other academic resources. He therefore argues that any tuition-free plan would need to be paired with increased state and federal investment, and programs focused on getting more students to graduate. Because rates of degree completion strongly correlate with per-student spending, Deming proposes introducing a federal matching grant for the first $5,000 of net per-student spending in states that implement free college. “Luckily,” he says, “spending more money is a policy lever we know how to pull.” 

Deming argues that shifting public funding to supply-side subsidies, channeled directly to public institutions, could nudge states to reinvest in public higher education. Such reinvestment would dampen the demand for low-quality, for-profit schools; increase college attendance in low-income communities; and improve the quality of services that public colleges and universities could offer. Early evidence of these positive effects has surfaced in some of the areas that are piloting free college-tuition programs, including the state of Tennessee and the city of Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

Higher education is an odd market because buyers (students) often don’t have good information about school quality and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime decision. Creating a supply-side subsidy system would take some freedom of choice away from prospective undergraduates who want government funding for private, four-year degrees. But, for Deming, that’s a trade-off worth making, if the state is better able to measure the effectiveness of certain colleges and allocate subsidies accordingly. Education is more than the mere acquisition of facts—which anyone can access freely online—because minds, like markets, learn best through feedback. Quality feedback is difficult to scale well without hiring more teachers and ramping up student-support resources. That’s why Deming thinks it’s high time for the public higher-education market to get a serious injection of cash.

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essay why college should be free

12 Effective “Why This College?” Essay Examples

What’s covered.

  • Essay 1: UPenn Nursing
  • Essay 2: UPenn
  • Essay 3: UW Madison
  • Essay 4: Northwestern
  • Essay 5: NYU
  • Essay 6: NYU
  • Essay 7: Boston University
  • Essay 8: Boston University
  • Essay 9: Tufts
  • Essay 10: Tufts
  • Essay 11: Georgia Tech
  • Essay 12: Georgia Tech

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The “ Why This College?” essay is one of the most common supplemental prompts. These school-specific essays help colleges understand if you’re a good fit for them, and if they’re a good fit for you.

In this post, we’ll share 12 “Why This College?” essay examples from real students and explain what they did well, and what could be improved. Read these examples to understand how to write a strong supplemental essay that improves your chances of acceptance.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized.

Essay Example #1: UPenn Nursing

Prompt: How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given the specific undergraduate school to which you are applying (650 words).

Sister Simone Roach, a theorist of nursing ethics, said, “caring is the human mode of being.” I have long been inspired by Sister Roach’s Five C’s of Caring: commitment, conscience, competence, compassion, and confidence. Penn both embraces and fosters these values through a rigorous, interdisciplinary curriculum and unmatched access to service and volunteer opportunities.

COMMITMENT. Reading through the activities that Penn Quakers devote their time to (in addition to academics!) felt like drinking from a firehose in the best possible way. As a prospective nursing student with interests outside of my major, I value this level of flexibility. I plan to leverage Penn’s liberal arts curriculum to gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges LGBT people face, especially regarding healthcare access. Through courses like “Interactional Processes with LGBT Individuals” and volunteering at the Mazzoni Center for outreach, I hope to learn how to better support the Penn LGBT community as well as my family and friends, including my cousin, who came out as trans last year.

CONSCIENCE. As one of the first people in my family to attend a four-year university, I wanted a school that promoted a sense of moral responsibility among its students. At Penn, professors challenge their students to question and recreate their own set of morals by sparking thought- provoking, open-minded discussions. I can imagine myself advocating for universal healthcare in courses such as “Health Care Reform & Future of American Health System” and debating its merits with my peers. Studying in an environment where students confidently voice their opinions – conservative or liberal – will push me to question and strengthen my value system.

COMPETENCE. Two aspects that drew my attention to Penn’s BSN program were its high-quality research opportunities and hands-on nursing projects. Through its Office of Nursing Research, Penn connects students to faculty members who share similar research interests. As I volunteered at a nursing home in high school, I hope to work with Dr. Carthon to improve the quality of care for senior citizens. Seniors, especially minorities, face serious barriers to healthcare that I want to resolve. Additionally, Penn’s unique use of simulations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application impressed me. Using computerized manikins that mimic human responses, classes in Penn’s nursing program allow students to apply their emergency medical skills in a mass casualty simulation and monitor their actions afterward through a video system. Participating in this activity will help me identify my strengths and areas for improvement regarding crisis management and medical care in a controlled yet realistic setting. Research opportunities and simulations will develop my skills even before I interact with patients.

COMPASSION. I value giving back through community service, and I have a particular interest in Penn’s Community Champions and Nursing Students For Sexual & Reproductive Health (NSRH). As a four-year volunteer health educator, I hope to continue this work as a Community Champions member. I am excited to collaborate with medical students to teach fourth and fifth graders in the city about cardiology or lead a chair dance class for the elders at the LIFE Center. Furthermore, as a feminist who firmly believes in women’s abortion rights, I’d like to join NSRH in order to advocate for women’s health on campus. At Penn, I can work with like-minded people to make a meaningful difference.

CONFIDENCE. All of the Quakers that I have met possess one defining trait: confidence. Each student summarized their experiences at Penn as challenging but fulfilling. Although I expect my coursework to push me, from my conversations with current Quakers I know it will help me to be far more effective in my career.

The Five C’s of Caring are important heuristics for nursing, but they also provide insight into how I want to approach my time in college. I am eager to engage with these principles both as a nurse and as a Penn Quaker, and I can’t wait to start.

What the Essay Did Well

This essay has many positive aspects, but the most impressive one is the structure. Utilizing the Five C’s of Caring to discuss Penn’s offerings was a genius way of tying in this student’s passion for nursing while also making their essay exciting and easy to read. Beginning each paragraph with the respective adjective helped focus the paragraph and allowed the student to demonstrate how they exemplify each quality without explicitly stating it. The student wasn’t afraid to think outside the box and add creativity to their essay structure, which really paid off.

Another positive is how specific and specialized the Penn resources and opportunities the student mentions are. This essay did not fall into the trap of name-dropping professors or programs. In every paragraph, there was a connection to something the student wants to do at Penn to further themselves in the respective characteristic they were describing.

Not only did this student mention a resource at Penn—whether it was a professor, a class, or a club—in every paragraph, but they elaborated on what that resource was and how it would help them achieve their goal of becoming a nurse. The what and how is what sets this essay apart from other supplements that just name-drop resources for the sake of it. The amount of detail this essay went into about some of these resources makes it clear to the admissions officers reading the essay that this student has seriously looked into Penn and has a strong desire to come to campus and use these resources.

What Could Be Improved

One thing this essay could do to make it stronger is improve the first paragraph. The student does a good job of setting up Sister Roach and the Five C’s, but they don’t mention anything about their desire to study or pursue nursing. The first paragraph mentions both Sister Roach and Penn, but left out the student. This could be fixed by simply adding something along the lines of “I can’t wait to embody these values as a nursing student at Penn” to the paragraph.

Essay Example #2: UPenn

Prompt: Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania?  For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay. (300-450 words)

I always loved watching the worms when it rained. I used to put my little raincoat on, sit on the doorsteps, and watch them move toward the puddles. My younger brother, forever intent on destroying the world around him, would try to stomp on the worms, and I would run after him screaming. In my imagination, the brain looked like a pile of squiggly worms. However, my neuroscience curiosity has since grown beyond a worm’s habits.

For example, my mother thought that I was insane when I wanted to watch American Murder: The Family Next Door . To her immense relief, I was interested in the psychology of the criminal rather than the crime itself. Although neuroscience is my primary interest, I also hope to learn more about the intersection between law and medicine at the UPenn College of Arts and Sciences. I’ve been able to explore this topic through various projects at school such as presentations on juvenile crime and the death penalty.

At the University of Pennsylvania, I look forward to taking classes like Forensic Neuroscience (BIBB 050) as well as Neuroscience and Society (PSYC 247) both of which directly combine my two interests. Hopefully, the Take Your Professor to Dinner program resumes as I would make sure to talk to Dr. Daniel Langleben about his research on forensic functional brain imaging over a meal of Philly cheesesteaks.

I also hope to participate in the Race, Science, and Society Program where I can discover how race biases and neuroscience go hand-in-hand and contribute to the fight against racism. The Beyond Arrests: Re-Thinking Systematic-Oppression Group immediately caught my attention while looking at Penn’s opportunities to engage in relevant dialogue. My fascination with the criminal system began with reading Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment , and Penn will both fuel that curiosity as well as introduce new questions about the world of justice reform.

As an eight-year Latin scholar and a five-time reader of the Percy Jackson franchise, I would like to take classes in the Penn Classical Studies department where I can learn more about the impact of ancient cultures on society today. Classes such as Greek and Roman Medicine (CLST 271) would intersect my interests in medicine and classical civilizations.

Although I do harbor a deep love for Philly cheesesteaks and enjoyment of running in strange places like the Woodlands Cemetery, the range of programs to support my diverse interests and unmatched opportunities to put learning into action make me confident that the University of Pennsylvania is the best university for me to succeed.

The real strength in the essay lies in the sheer number of details this student is able to include in a short space, without sacrificing style and flow. The first two paragraphs really have nothing to do with Penn, but the inclusion of them makes this response feel like an essay, rather than a list of offerings at Penn. Striking the balance is important, and the anecdote at the beginning ultimately humanizes the writer.

From the three unique courses to the specific professor and his research to the race and criminal justice programs, this student has clearly done their homework on Penn! The key to this essay’s success isn’t just mentioning the offerings at Penn that excite the student, but the context that explains how each opportunity fits into the student’s academic interests.

Adding book titles like Crime and Punishment and Percy Jackson to support their passion for the criminal justice system and classics are extra details that help us learn more about how this student pursues their passions outside of the classroom. Finding little ways to humanize yourself throughout the essay can take it from good to great.

One area of improvement for this essay is the structure. It follows a very traditional “ Why This College? ” framework—start with an anecdote, then discuss classes, and then extracurriculars and programs—that gets old quickly for admissions officers.

A great way to add some spice to the format would be to use a sample schedule for the day. This essay mentions three different classes, two different groups, and a Take Your Professor to Dinner opportunity. Together, that’s the recipe for a full day at UPenn!

There are a few ways to play around with an essay that follows a typical day-in-the-life. Maybe each paragraph starts with a time and explains what they do during that hour. Maybe they narrate walking through campus on their way from one class to the next and what they just learned. However they choose to go about it, adding in a playful spin to the traditional essay structure is one of the best ways to instantly set an essay apart from the crowd. 

Essay Example #3: UW Madison

Prompt: Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, please include why you are interested in studying the major(s) you have selected. If you selected undecided, please describe your areas of possible academic interest. (650 words)

Essay – # Day 117

7:30 am… As I open my eyes, I look at the pinboard in front of my bed. Written in red block letters are two of the many goals of my life: “Make life better and more independent for the Visually impaired; Inspire kids to explore the field of STEM, making them the future problem solvers.“

Keeping these goals afresh in mind, I freshen up and prepare for the first class of the day, ​ECE 533 Image Processing. As the professor explains the Applications of Image Processing in Computer Vision, a light bulb sparks in my mind. I can modify the head contraption of PERIPHIS to identify objects in peripheral vision and alert the wearer via an earpiece using Text to Speech (TTS). 

After the class, I see Professor Mohit Gupta at the WISION Lab, where he shares his insights from the Block World Cameras system, which helps to geometrize 3D Man-made environments. We brainstorm ways we can implement this system on PERIPHIS.

Deep in the discussion and intrigued by my curiosity, he asked me where my interest in this niche field sparked during high school, and then I recount the incident from 9th grade: 

“In Hindi – Agar aaj mere paas paise hote to ye din na dekhna padta” (If I had money, I would not have had to see this day.) 

These were the words of Aadiya, a glaucoma patient, who couldn’t help but cry in despair as she injured herself in an accident just because she couldn’t sense the incoming traffic. During my visit to “Baroda Association for Blind (BAB)” for a survey, I saw and experienced firsthand how hard and inaccessible it is for an underprivileged visually impaired to locomote without anyone’s assistance. 

What happened next was my first adventure into the world of Computer Science and Engineering. I dedicated the next four years to find an affordable solution to a pressing problem. It was called PERIPHIS, a smart wearable that helps alert the visually impaired wearer of impending danger while locomoting.

When I finally presented this device to Aadiya, the smile on her face made me realize how big an impact technology can make in one’s life.

11:00 am… As I head to the Engineering Hall to complete my assignments of COMP SCI 570

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, I crossways with my roommate from the Chadbourne Residential College, who is also interested in researching applications of Computer Vision in real life. We fix a time to chat later. 

1:20pm… After a quick bite, I head to Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. I expand my knowledge on different applications of Computer Science to make human life better than I found. I get fascinated when I see a few students building a child-friendly humanoid robot to teach kids the principles of Coding and AI. I hop in and share insights from my experience of being the President at AiGoLearning and kindling interest in STEM for young children. I explain how crucial the UI is when it comes to technology for the young.

5:00pm… To blow off some steam and socialize, I meet up with my fellow countrymen and artists at the Indian Graduate Students’ Association. We discuss and plan the upcoming Diwali Night Music at Shannon Hall. I feel proud to share my national identity while bringing out my musical self by contributing as a Tabla player at the student organization. 

As I close my day, I reflect and think of the most unique resource at UW. It is not the labs, research facilities, classes, but the people, including the professors and students, all aligned to a single goal: “Solving problems to make society a better place.”

10:00pm… I find my way back to my dorm room and write with red block letters on my pinboard: “Meet with at least 1 Badger every day and gain new insight from them.”

This essay is a stellar example. The day in the life formatting is a common way to spice up your “Why This College?” essay, but the way this writer executes it is nearly flawless.

Opening with the vision board makes the student’s college goals clear from the very start, and this was cleverly done since vision boards are naturally one of the first things you see when you wake up.

The student then takes us to specific courses and labs and shares their thoughts on how they could improve their invention, PERIPHIS. The author seamlessly includes background information on PERIPHIS by including this hypothetical conversation with a professor who speaks their native language.

As we go through the day, we can see that this student will not only be involved academically, but also socially. We learn how important their culture is to them and how they plan to share it with the campus community.

This essay does everything a “Why This College?” essay should: it shares the student’s goals and motivations behind them, how the university can support those goals, and how the student will engage with the campus beyond academics.

There’s not much this essay could improve, besides a few formatting and wording issues. The first line of this essay—“ Essay – # Day 117”—is a great attention-grabber, but the placement of the # symbol is confusing and perhaps should’ve been in front of the number.

There are also a couple spots where wording is a bit awkward, such as these lines:

I crossways with my roommate from the Chadbourne Residential College, who is also interested in researching applications of Computer Vision in real life. We fix a time to chat later. 

It should instead say something like “I run into my roommate” and “We schedule a time”. This is likely due to English not being the student’s native language, but could’ve easily been caught by proofreading from a native speaker.

Essay Example #4: Northwestern

Prompt: While other parts of your application give us a sense of who you are, we are also excited to hear more about how you see yourself engaging with the larger Northwestern community.

In 300 words or less, help us understand how you might engage specific resources, opportunities, and/or communities here. We are curious about what these specifics are, as well as how they may enrich your time at Northwestern and beyond.

For as long as I can remember, I have seen my parents, both farmers, struggling to produce food because of the challenges presented by the environment. Joining Northwestern’s community, and majoring in Environmental Engineering, will allow me to understand what are the reasons behind climate change and learn how to stop them and/or prevent them from happening. 

Having witnessed how plant diseases affect crops, I would like to collaborate in the PLANT-Dx project and in its widespread application. I strongly believe that it will be able to help farmers to improve the quality and quantity of their production, and reduce famine around the world. At some point in my education, I want to take advantage of the study-abroad programs Northwestern has to offer and learn about farming practices in a different part of the world. In addition, I want to conduct research on sustainable alternative farming methods that adapt to the new environmental conditions and that can be practiced in countries with fewer resources.

Apart from having access to outstanding professors, rigorous academics, and cutting-edge research resources, I will be able to be part of a close-knit community genuinely curious about others’ activities, truly passionate about what they do, and not afraid to step out of their comfort zone to make of this world a better place. Being part of Engineers for a Sustainable World at Northwestern will allow me to get to know people that share one of my passions in addition to learning and teaching how to apply sustainable practices in daily life.  

I am already looking forward to marching through the Weber Arch.

This essay is extremely cohesive, as it focuses on the student’s agricultural background and desire to study environmental engineering. The student mentions a couple resources specific to Northwestern, such as the PLANT-Dx project and Engineers for a Sustainable World.

Because of the background information the student provided, their motivations for participating in these opportunities is also clear. We can see that Northwestern would be a school that would help them achieve their goals.

There are two main aspects of the essay that could be improved: the writing and its specificity.

To begin with, the intro paragraph is a bit clunky and vague.  The student should have specified the challenges the environment has presented to their parents’ farming with detailed imagery about droughts or torrential rain. The final sentence about climate change is also much too broad, and the student should’ve stated a goal in a smaller niche of environmentalism.

For example, here’s what a rewritten strong intro paragraph might look like:

The drought this year was bad, and the once-flourishing tomato crops on my family’s farm were afflicted with Southern Blight. As my family and our community struggled to put food on the table for the third year in a year, I resolved to major in Environmental Engineering at Northwestern to learn how to preserve our agriculture in the face of climate change.

Another writing error is the typo in the final paragraph, where they write “to make of this world a better place”. It’s important to proofread your essay and have others help you proofread as well!

Finally, while the essay mentions a couple specific Northwestern resources, the other resources they mention are too vague.  The student could’ve improved by mentioning a specific study abroad program and a current research project on sustainable alternative farming methods. Most colleges let you study abroad and conduct research, so you need to explain why Northwestern is the best place for your goals.

Essay Example #5: NYU

Prompt: We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand – Why NYU? (400 words)

“A futuristic way of looking at academics,” the student panelist said during a New York University virtual information session. I reflected on a conversation I had with my grandma; she couldn’t understand how her vegetarian granddaughter could build a career in the food industry. However much I tried convincing her that vegetarianism was the future, as it offers substantial benefits to the environment and can offer health benefits to a growing population with the same environmental resources, she insisted that tofu would never provide the same satiation as meat. She was raised in a community where meat consumption was embedded in the culture, and its production is a large part of the country’s economy. In contrast, I had the privilege of living a few steps from San Francisco, with many restaurants and grocery stores dedicated to plant-based meat alternatives. Trying innovative recipes and products eventually allowed me to develop my own recipes. Upon my move to Nicaragua, where my grandmother is from, I found my food options to be limited, expensive and hard to find. So I developed my own small-scale solutions that did not break the bank and satiated grandma.

An institution that implements forward-thinking is what I need to reach my goals of changing the future of plant-based diets and people’s views on vegetarianism. NYU’s Nutrition and Food Studies program offers multiple disciplines of food studies that I will apply to my aspirations as a vegetarian. I plan to study under Adjunct Faculty Kayleen St. John, whose success in the plant-based industry and her teaching of the ‘Foundations of Plant-Based Nutrition’ in The Vegetarian Times excites me. The variety of classes like Introduction to Food History, Food Photography, and Food Systems: Food & Agriculture will give me an overview of what is available in the food industry to be prepared for all fields. Not to be cliche, but NYU’s proximity to the city is essential for the rapidly changing vegetarian industry. The multiculturalism available in NYC and NYU will allow me to understand the food system and diets of various cultures, religions, and areas. I can explore the extremes of the food industry, from fancy restaurants to public school cafeterias. These juxtapositions, much like the one I experienced after my move to Nicaragua, will allow me to broaden my reach and demonstrate that the vegetarian diet is not something reserved for select groups but a diet attainable to all. 

A core strength of this essay is the fact it takes its time to provide the reader with ample background on why this student is interested in nutrition and food studies and how they have grappled with difficult questions and surrounding this topic in the past. It’s okay to not mention anything about NYU for a whole paragraph if you are using that space to bring depth to your interests and tell the reader the crucial backstory behind pursuing your intended degree.

Another positive aspect is the inclusion of New York City for a purposeful reason. NYU admissions officers read thousands of essays that just talk about living in NYC for the sake of NYC—this is not what they want to hear. In contrast, this essay focuses on the vast and lively food scene in New York that the student considers to be an invaluable asset to her NYU education. This is a time where including New York actually plays to the appeal of NYU, rather than making it seem like the student is simply applying for the city.

Finally, this student clearly demonstrates that they are someone who wants to change the world for the better, but through their personal niche. NYU is looking for people who express this desire to be a changemaker, but oftentimes sweeping statements like “I want to change the world” come across as vague and disingenuous. The essay does mention changing diets and looking to the future, but it is focused within the student’s specific area of interest, making the claim to change the world more determined and authentic.

This essay could be made stronger if there was a bit more personal reflection included. The first paragraph provides a lot of details on the student’s vegetarianism and how it conflicts with her grandmother and her heritage. What it doesn’t include very much of is how the student thinks and feels about her diet being at odds with that of her family. 

Does this student feel they are betraying their heritage by being vegetarian? What emotions do they feel when people criticize vegetarianism? Why did they go vegetarian in the first place? Probing questions like these that get to the emotional core behind the story in the first paragraph would really help to build out this student’s backstory. We want to understand what their emotional responses and reasoning processes look like, so finding ways to include those into an already expositive paragraph would further bolster this essay.

Essay Example #6: NYU

My mother never takes off her Cartier necklace that my father gave her 10 years ago on their anniversary. As a child, I didn’t fully understand this attachment. However, on my 15th birthday, my aunt gifted me a ring, which was uniquely designed and made up of three rings linked together. Wearing it every day and making sure I would never lose it, I didn’t treat it like my easily replaceable childhood necklaces; it was my piece of luxury. This sparked my deep curiosity for the luxury world. The niche strives to provide the finest and most memorable experiences, as equally as my Japanese attention to detail and my French appreciation towards aesthetic beauty. In a constantly shifting environment, I learned that luxury chases timeless excellence.

NYU Stern’s BS in business and a co-concentration in management and marketing will fully immerse me in the business side of luxury fashion that I aim to pursue a future career in. The luxury marketing track, offered only by NYU, will enable me to assemble the most suited classes to reflect my interests. Specifically, NYU Stern’s exciting electives such as The Dynamics of the Fashion Industry seminar and Brand Strategy & Planning will encourage me to develop the skills that I was introduced to and grew keen on when running a virtual sustainable fashion auction.

As someone who has moved around from Paris to Tokyo, to Chicago and now Athens, I thrive in meeting and collaborating with others from diverse backgrounds. The school’s strong global outlook, demonstrated through Stern’s International Business Exchange Program, further sets NYU apart for me, as it is crucial to building essential soft skills. This opportunity allows me to experience new cultural approaches to luxury business which I can bring back with me to New York, and therefore push me to become a well-rounded business student. Similarly, I am excited to take part in the array of student clubs offered, such as the Luxury and Retail Association (LARA), which I learned about after connecting with and talking to current students. Seeing past talks from employers of companies like Conde Nast, I am eager to learn outside of the classroom from future speakers. 

Finding myself in new situations constantly, I always seek new challenges and explorations – to me, it is clear that NYU Stern will push me to create the finest and most unique learning experiences of timeless excellence.

This essay has an amazing introduction paragraph. It doesn’t mention anything about NYU or what this student is planning on studying, which is what makes it so intriguing. The reader doesn’t know where this student is headed after making such a seemingly unrelated statement about jewelry, but we want to find out. 

Not only does this essay immediately capture the reader’s attention, it maintains a succinct and direct tone that helps the reader effortlessly flow from one paragraph to the next. The student chose to include three opportunities at NYU that excite them and fully elaborate on them. This serves as an excellent example of more is less. 

We aren’t bombarded with a laundry list of classes, professors, and clubs the student wants to take. Instead, the student took a focused approach and described why they were excited by each offering they highlighted. Going deeper into a smaller number of opportunities at the college still shows this student did their research, but it allows for their backstory and goals to be discussed in far greater detail.

While this student does a good job of elaborating, they also mention a few key aspects of their personality as throw-away lines, when it would have been great to elaborate further on them. For example, they mention running a virtual sustainable fashion auction (cool!), but don’t provide us with any details on what that actually entails, how they got involved with it, what they enjoyed about it, etc. They also mention moving around a lot in the context of developing a diverse perspective, but they don’t include any emotional insight into what that was like.

Although there are only 400 words available, and you don’t want to spend too much time discussing the past, it would be nice to see just a sentence or two that delves into the details of this student’s background. The fashion auction and moving around clearly had an impact on the student, so we want to know what that was. If they are choosing to include these details, they must be important in the student’s decision to pursue business at NYU, so they shouldn’t be afraid to divulge the emotional significance to the reader.

Essay Example #7: Boston University

Prompt: In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission.

Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) attracts me because of its support of interdisciplinary study among its wide array of majors. In fact, the CAS now offers a course that combines biology, chemistry, and neuroscience. As I hope to conduct medical research into brain disorders, I plan to pursue all three areas of study. These cross-disciplinary connections at BU will prepare me to do so.

CAS’s undergraduate research program would allow me to work with a mentor, such as Dr. Alice Cronin-Golomb or Dr. Robert M.G. Reinhart related to their research on neurological disorders. With them, I can advance the work I have already completed related to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In a summer class at our local university, my partner and I extracted data from fMRI and PET studies and inputted them into a coding program. We then created an indicator map, which we imported into another software program, AFNI, to display significant activity in the brain regions affected by DID. Seeing the representation of our data thrilled me because I knew it could eventually help people who live with DID. I want to experience that feeling again. Successfully analyzing these fMRI and PET studies and learning to code drives me to pursue more research opportunities, and this desire motivates me to study at a university that offers research opportunities to undergraduates. BU’s interdisciplinary approach to psychology and support for independent undergraduate research will optimally prepare me for a career as a neurological researcher.

This student clearly outlines BU-specific resources (the interdisciplinary course and undergrad research program), plus how these resources align with their professional goals (to become a neurological researcher). They do name professors, but since their work clearly relates to the student’s interests, it doesn’t look disingenuous, and shows that the student has done research on their fit with BU. The student also provides background on why they want to pursue research, and shows that they already have experience, which makes their interest in the undergrad research program more concrete.

The only thing missing from this essay is the student’s fit with BU in terms of extracurriculars and social life. “Why This College?” essays should also cover extracurriculars, as colleges are also interested in how you’ll contribute to their community. 

In general, these essays should be academic-leaning (especially if they’re under 250 words), but you should still address some social aspects of the college that appeal to you (we recommend about 70% academics, 30% social, with more or less focus on social aspects depending on the word count). 

Since the student probably already detailed their previous research in their Common App activities section, they could’ve just summarized their research background in one sentence (instead of 78 words, which is 31% of the total word count!), and used that valuable space to talk about a specific social aspect of BU that interests them. 

Essay Example #8: Boston University

Prompt: In no more than 250 words, please tell us why BU is a good fit for you and what specifically has led you to apply for admission. 

I am fascinated by research, though completely uninterested in the disciplines traditionally associated with it, such as STEM fields. I need to find a school that will balance my desire to conduct research with my interest in political science. 

While many schools boast in-depth student research programs for those looking to cure diseases or develop solutions to global warming, few tout their support for humanities research. Additionally, many universities that do allocate funding to social science research typically reserve these monies for graduate students or upperclassmen. BU, with the help of its Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, will allow me to conduct research on the topics that most intrigue me, such as gender disparity in politics, or the relationship between dominant parties in power and the country’s economy and involvement in foreign affairs. Furthermore, I can begin these studies as early as my first year. Not only can I take classes with professors like Sandra McEvoy or Dino Christenson to develop my interests in a classroom setting, but I could also work with one of them to develop new knowledge in the topics that we both enjoy learning about. With this knowledge base and experience conducting studies with top professors in a respected research institution, I will be well-prepared for my future law career. I want to learn in an environment that encourages independent study no matter one’s field of interest or experience, and BU’s support of intellectual curiosity for all of its students makes it a perfect fit for me.

This student knows exactly what they want, and they’re not afraid to state it bluntly. Their intro paragraph is totally honest about their interests (or lack of interest), and we immediately understand one of their main college goals: to conduct political science research.

The student mentions a specific resource, the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, as well as an alignment with BU’s value of encouraging independent study in all fields. Showing alignment with a specific value of the university is a great way to take your essay to the next level.

This essay shows us that the student would be a great fit for BU and would take advantage of its research opportunities.

The writer mentions some of their research interests, but doesn’t explain the motivation behind them. We don’t actually learn very much about the student themself, which is a common flaw of “Why This College?” essays. The essay would’ve been stronger if they’d explained why they’re interested in “gender disparity in politics, or the relationship between dominant parties in power and the country’s economy and involvement in foreign affairs.” For example, maybe they feel strongly about abortion rights and are upset about the way men have been legislating women’s rights.

The student also names two professors whose classes they’d like to take and with whom they’d like to do research, but we aren’t told which classes they’re interested in, or which topics they could cover together. You want to avoid “name-dropping” professors without context in your essay. If the student shared the names of specific classes or research topics and why they’re interested in them, that would’ve strengthened their essay.

Essay Example #9: Tufts

Prompt: Why Tufts? (100 words) 

When Deanne, Tufts’ admissions counselor, visited my school, she immediately caught my attention by emphasizing Tufts’ diverse yet unified campus. Tufts’ inclusive definition of diversity goes beyond merely recruiting students from a variety of backgrounds. Tufts seeks to integrate these categories of diversity and pushes its students to learn from one another. One such intersectional program that attracts me is CAFE (Conversation, Action, Faith, and Education). By joining CAFE, a community that promotes interfaith education, I will learn from my peers, become more understanding of other religious backgrounds, and apply this broader understanding to my academic work at Tufts.

It’s hard to write a “Why This College?” essay in 100 words. This essay does a good job sticking to one unique element of Tufts—its intersectionality. Since Tufts also cares about demonstrated interest, it’s great that the student also mentioned speaking with an admissions counselor. 

We unfortunately don’t learn very much about the student from this essay. Why do they care about diversity and interfaith programs? How does this relate to their academic and career goals? While the word count is super short, they could’ve cut these lines and jumped right into the specific resource they’re interested in: Tufts’ inclusive definition of diversity goes beyond merely recruiting students from a variety of backgrounds. Tufts seeks to integrate these categories of diversity and pushes its students to learn from one another.

Here’s an example of a stronger version of this essay:

When a Tufts admissions counselor visited my school, she immediately caught my attention by emphasizing Tufts’ diverse yet unified campus. As a Muslim hoping to go into International Relations, I want to attend a school that not only recruits diverse students, but pushes them to learn from one another. I hope to join intersectional programs such as CAFE (Conversation, Action, Faith, and Education). By joining this community that promotes interfaith education, I will gain the necessary perspective and compassion to become a human rights lawyer in countries with religious conflict, such as my homeland Azerbaijan.

Essay Example #10: Tufts

Prompt: Why Tufts? (100 words)

Someday I hope to conduct medical research in developing countries; Tufts attracts me because of its wide array of majors it offers and support for undergraduate research. To understand the human brain, I hope to study biology, neuroscience, and psychology. In addition to outstanding faculty in each of these areas, Tufts also organizes initiatives including the International Research Program. Through this program, I would work with other students and faculty members on an international project related to brain diseases. This opportunity will give me a taste of my future career and help me narrow the scope of my later studies.

This essay does a better job of sharing the student’s goals with us compared to the previous Tufts essay. We learn that the applicant is interested in medical research in developing countries on brain diseases, and that Tufts has a program to support international research.

The essay still mentions some resources that could apply to many schools, which is not an effective use of the tiny word count. For example, they say: “Tufts attracts me because of its wide array of majors it offers and support for undergraduate research” and they mention the “outstanding faculty” in the fields they plan to study.

They also don’t tell us their motivation behind studying brain diseases abroad, and it feels like there’s a significant story there. Giving some background would’ve further strengthened their essay.

Finally, they mention that they still need to narrow the scope of their studies; while it’s fine to be undecided on your career and majors, you don’t need to spend your precious word count saying that in your essay. They could’ve instead shared a couple potential avenues they’re considering.

Here’s what the student could’ve written instead:

Outcomes for schizophrenia patients are better in developing countries than in developed ones. I hope to research the reasons behind this and improve the treatment options in the US for the cousin I grew up with. In college, I want to study biology, neuroscience, and psychology. Tufts attracts me because of its unique interdisciplinary BS in Cognitive and Brain Science and its International Research Program. Through this program, I could do the research I’ve dreamt of doing with a faculty member and other students, preparing me for my future career as either a researcher or clinician.

Essay Example #11: Georgia Tech

Prompt: Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech? (300 words)

Climate change is a human rights issue.  

There the headline was, screaming on my phone screen. I think about those suffering from a lack of clean water. I think about those suffering from a lack of clean air. 

I often think back to that headline – it’s what drives my passion for environmental engineering. As an environmental engineer, I can mitigate air pollution and design water treatment systems that address the water injustices that people face. However, it’s not just about creating a technology that cleans water; it’s about changing people’s lives. New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech’s research on creating a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those in need of improved sanitation aligns perfectly with my interests.   

At Georgia Tech, through the student-led organization, Engineers for a Sustainable World and the InVenture Prize, I can translate the knowledge gained from my classes into a concrete vision. I can design and implement hands-on sustainability projects around Atlanta and invent a water sanitation system for the on-site acquisition of clean water. 

Georgia Tech can also provide me with ample research opportunities, such as the broad area of Healthy Communities in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I can further pursue my interest in developing solutions to deliver clean water while welcoming new areas of inquiry. An area I would like to explore would be the controlling of dangerous matter in the air to reduce health hazards; reducing the impact of climate change is of utmost importance to me. 

Studying environmental engineering at Georgia Tech would well prepare me to develop solutions to climate-related issues. With the countless opportunities that Georgia Tech has to offer, I know there is nowhere else where I can receive a better environmental engineering education.

What the Essay Did Well l

This essay begins with an attention-grabbing statement that leaves the reader wondering how this will relate to the student’s interest in Georgia Tech. They then transition seamlessly into how climate change and human rights motivate their desire to become an environmental engineer.

The student mentions several resources specific to Georgia Tech that would help them achieve their goals, such as the research on the toilet turning waste into water, Engineers for a Sustainable World, InVenture Prize, and Healthy Communities research. It’s clear that they did their research and have reflected on their fit with the campus community.

They end the essay explicitly stating that Georgia Tech is the best place for them to grow, and the reader is certainly convinced of this by the end.

This essay is quite strong, so there’s not much that the student could’ve improved. That said, there is one sentence that is a bit awkwardly worded: New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech’s research on creating a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those in need of improved sanitation aligns perfectly with my interests.

Instead, the student could’ve written:

New technologies can make a lasting difference in humanitarian issues worldwide; Georgia Tech aligns with this value of mine and is even developing a toilet that turns human waste into clean water for those who need improved sanitation.

Essay Example #12: Georgia Tech

From my first Java project, a somewhat primitive graphing calculator, I realized that CS unlocks a different way of thinking. My brain races at speeds it seldom touches with other subjects. Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve and affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application. 

“Progress and Service,” Georgia Tech’s motto, tells me there’s no better place to explore my curiosity and deepen my CS skills while simultaneously helping make the world a better place, my ultimate goal for a college education. 

In the classroom, I look forward to GT’s threads program, where I can tailor the curriculum to suit my career choice after exposing myself to all technical aspects of CS.

I’ll apply my specialized learning with Tech’s fascinating research opportunities. Professor Pandarinth’s brain-machine interfacing software means a lot to me. My uncle passed away from a freak accident after extensive paralysis because potential treatments were unaffordable. Exploring this revolutionary brain decoding software wouldn’t just involve me in cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology research, I’d be personally driven to ensure its success and accessibility. 

I’m at my best building towards tangible results. I learned this on my robotics team using design skills to create a technically complex robot that tackles anything from shooting balls to hanging on a balance beam. I’m excited to expand my skills on the RoboJackets team, applying my career interests to build ferocious BattleBots and autonomous race robots that compete on the Indy Speedway, two events that sound ridiculously fun. 

Of course, I can’t skip hackathons. These competitions molded my interest in coding so I want to give back to Georgia Tech’s Hack-Community by planning HackGT and the Catalyst Mentorship program as a member of the Hexlabs team. 

The student’s passion for CS shines through this essay. They explain what they love about the subject (the problem-solving aspect) and they share that they hope to make a difference through CS, demonstrating alignment with Tech’s motto of  “progress and service”.

It’s clear that this student has done their research, mentioning specific academic programs, research, and clubs. We can see that they’d be greatly engaged with the campus community.

Finally, this essay is also down-to-earth. The student doesn’t try to use impressive vocabulary or formal language. In fact, they even describe some extracurriculars as “ridiculously fun.” While you shouldn’t get too informal in your essays, this student’s casual tone in this context makes them feel more approachable and more excited about the prospect of going to Georgia Tech.

This essay has a couple sentences that are confusing to read:

Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve and affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application.

This sentence could’ve been broken up and rewritten as:

Every part of CS, from conceptualizing a plan to executing a solution, is another piece of a puzzle I’m eager to solve. For me, the field affords the most opportunities for creative problem-solving and application.

This sentence also uses incorrect grammar—the comma should be replaced with a semicolon:

Exploring this revolutionary brain decoding software wouldn’t just involve me in cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology research, I’d be personally driven to ensure its success and accessibility. 

These details would make the essay more readable.

The organization of the essay could also be reworked. The student mentions Tech’s motto of “progress and service,” but doesn’t follow up until later with an example of how they’d use CS for the greater good. Using CS for social good isn’t ultimately the theme of their essay, so this section would’ve been better placed at the end of the paragraph about AI technology research, or at the very end of the essay. The essay actually ends abruptly, so placing the section at the end might’ve tied it up nicely, if the student could’ve placed more emphasis on how they plan to use CS to improve society.

Do you want feedback on your “Why This College” essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Should College Be Free?

New Mexico unveiled a plan to make its public colleges and universities free. Should all states follow?

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By The Learning Network

Find all our Student Opinion questions here.

Do you plan to attend college?

How much will cost factor into your consideration and choice of school?

The average cost of tuition and fees at an in-state public college is over $10,000 per year — an increase of more than 200 percent since 1988 , when the average was $3,190; at a private college the cost in now over $36,000 per year; and at over 120 ranked private colleges the sticker price exceeds $50,000 per year.

Additionally, over 44 million Americans collectively hold more than $1.5 trillion in student debt , and last year’s college graduates borrowed an average of $29,200 for their bachelor’s degree.

On Sept 18, New Mexico announced a plan to make tuition at all state colleges free for students regardless of family income.

Should all states follow suit? Or is it an unrealistic plan at the expense of taxpayers?

In “ New Mexico Announces Plan for Free College for State Residents, ” Simon Romero and Dana Goldstein write:

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Published: Aug 1, 2024

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Expanding knowledge and critical thinking skills, enhancing career opportunities, earning potential, personal growth and development.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Student ambassadors can help you write your college admissions essays.

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Student ambassadors love their school and hope you will, too.

If you can’t visit campus, you can still get a feel for college life through virtual events—sometimes hosted by students who were in your shoes not long ago. Student ambassadors are current students who have volunteered to meet with applicants to share what they know and love about their school.

Many colleges ask applicants to write essays explaining exactly why they want to attend not just any college, but their school in particular. However, once you are up to your ears in essay writing, you may start to feel that schools are blurring together and you are having a hard time telling Haverford from Harvard.

Student ambassadors can help.

Student ambassadors will not write your application essays for you. But in listening to and talking with current students, you may find that you finally “get it”: you understand at last why Duke thinks it’s important for first-year undergraduates to live together on one campus, or why Brown’s Open Curriculum does not simply mean you can take whatever classes you want.

The personal insights student ambassadors share can help you craft college-specific supplemental essays that shine with detailed examples of why you believe you are a great fit for a particular school.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, who are student ambassadors.

Student ambassadors are usually current students who have volunteered to present information about their schools and share what they know about living and learning at their college. Occasionally they are paid, but they are always there because they love their school and would like to share their enthusiasm and their experience with prospective applicants.

How To Connect With A Student Ambassador

There are different ways to take advantage of the chance to talk with a current student. Some schools post a link you can use to send a question to a student ambassador at any time.

Some schools offer open Q&A sessions. New York University invites you to “hit our student ambassadors with your questions in a live Q&A.” Tufts University ’s “Jumbo Chats (for prospective students only) offer an opportunity to learn directly from student experiences at Tufts, and ask questions you may not want to ask in a larger forum.”

Later in the admissions cycle, some schools may host call-ins, which are times when students who are considering applying or accepting an offer of admission can call in and speak with a student ambassador.

The summer and early fall before application deadlines pick up is an especially valuable time to listen in on a webinar or Q&A session featuring student ambassadors. It’s a great time to ask current students, “Why did you choose this college?” You can ask what they expected of their school and whether that was in fact what they found. You might ask what they know now that they wish they understood as an applicant.

Just remember that student ambassadors are there to answer questions about their own experience. They cannot answer a technical question, such as, “Can I be admitted to Physics 1001 even though I got 3 in AP Calc BC?”

How Connecting With A Student Ambassador Can Help

If you’re having difficulty telling one college from another on the basis of the websites alone, talking to someone close to your own age can help bring the student experience to life. Listening to a student ambassador’s experience may assure you that a first-year writing seminar is in fact an exciting introduction to a new field of study, or clarify the meaning of a term like “collegewide requirements.”

Some colleges schedule virtual events with student ambassadors to give prospective students an overview of large topics. For example, student ambassadors from Cornell University’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences offered Zoom webinars on the following topics in July and August 2024:

  • Why I Chose Cornell
  • Innovative Curriculum
  • Beyond the Classroom

These could be excellent topics to cover in the school-specific essay required by Cornell. As Cornell’s virtual events page explains, “Students can articulate their fit and interest in the College of Arts & Sciences through the Cornell-specific supplemental essay in their application.”

That essay is unusually long: 650 words. Clearly, Cornell expects applicants to do their homework.

Of course, Cornell also offers webinars hosted by professional staff, including presentations by specific programs. Those people are prepared to answer your questions about academic or technical matters. If they don’t know the answer to a question, they can usually direct you to someone who does.

But talking with student ambassadors is different. You may find it easier to ask a student a question like, “How many people were really in your intro course on macroeconomics?” or even, “How’s the food?”

Back To Your Essays

Armed with a detailed and lively understanding of what it’s really like to be a student at a particular school, you might return to writing those supplement essays with much more to say. You should find yourself better prepared to document your newfound conviction that you would love to find yourself at that college next year.

Perhaps you will even volunteer to be a student ambassador one day.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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