Impact of Policy Implementation on Education Quality: A Case Study on Philippines’ Low Ranking in International and Local Assessment Programs

  • Updated as of 7:14 am April 3, 2023

Louie Benedict R. Ignacio The Department of Political Science Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas

Andrea Gaile A. Cristobal The Department of Political Science Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas

Paul Christian David The Department of Political Science Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas

Corresponding Author: Paul Christian David, The Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas, Espana, Manila Email :  [email protected]

Recommended Citation: Ignacio, L. B., Cristobal, A., David, P., (2022). Impact of Policy Implementation on Education Quality: A Case Study on Philippines’ Low Ranking in International and Local Assessment Programs. Asian Journal on Perspectives in Education, 3(1), 41-54

In the recent report released by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Philippines was ranked as one of the lowest in Mathematics, Science, and Reading Comprehension among 79 participating countries. The country also ranked low in other assessment programs, including TIMSS, SEA-PLM, and NAT. Despite the educational reforms established to improve the Philippine Education System, the Philippines remains low and significantly below its neighboring countries regarding quality education. Therefore, this study (1) describes how the Department of Education has undertaken the objectives of R.A. 10533, (2) determines the effect of policy implementation on the ranking of Philippine education quality in local and international assessment programs through the perspective of education experts, and (3) identifies the importance of local and international assessment programs in analyzing the current condition of education quality in the Philippines. This research has employed a qualitative approach using thematic analysis on narratives coming from (1) DepEd-OUCI, (2) DepEd-BEA, and (3) Education Policy experts, as well as documents used by the Department of Education and the Curriculum Consultative Committee. This study concludes that there are still challenges plaguing the implementation process. Hence, the need for further improvement in certain aspects is enumerated in this research. Moreover, considerable discrepancies in the disorganized and incoherent implementation system amongst and within the Department of Education, administrators, and other stakeholders, as well as confounded policy interpretation due to system instability, were all deduced.

Curriculum, policy implementation, PISA, assessment, Enhanced Basic Education


Due to the drastic changes in the educational system, online distance learning is one of the alternative modalities to sustain continuous educational programs during pandemics, which develops the new literacies in Information Communication Technology (ICT) necessary to improve 21st-century learning. The students practice 21st-century skills such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity in instructional technological tools (Bedir, 2019; Budiarti et al., 2021; Hendy, 2020; Pardede, 2020). In online learning, the learners collaborate with their classmates through virtual meetings, email, messenger, and google and Microsoft collaboration links in online applications. Internet access is used for communication between the teacher and students and students to their fellow students by using varied technological applications that exchange information between the messenger and the receiver. At the same time, the learners practice critical analysis on how to manipulate technical tools with the procedural steps on how to use the learning materials. Also, the students become independent learners who discover and search the lessons with creativity and productivity. Thus, the learners become creative in operating computer-based learning in the classes where the learner construct their learning designs. Therefore, reviewing the learners’ online education skills is crucial in new normal times.

The United Nations released its Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, which are set to be provided with a plan of action coordinated by all participating countries towards achieving it by 2030. One of its goals is to guarantee an inclusive and good quality of education that will instill lifelong learning applicable to one’s daily life (UN, 2015). In addition, the United Nations intends to solve the issue of the growing problem of maleducation due to the unclear reception of formal learning as a fundamental human right and the discrepancy between the standard of basic education from a local and global standpoint (Thaung, 2018). To combat this problem, states, through accountability, coordination, and regular monitoring, reviewing, and financing, must be able to resolve the low quality of primary education, inequitable access to higher and technical vocational education, and ingraining of skills that can be used for work, inequality in gender, and education on global citizenship.

The Philippines is no exemption among countries experiencing the effects of the growing global recession. According to the World Bank (2019), a growing learning crisis exists in relatively emerging economies like the Philippines, Kenya, Tanzania, South American countries, etc. Because of this, the World Bank posited that the lack of substantial and extensive monitoring in policy and curriculum implementation is the root cause of a persistent global learning crisis.

National agencies such as the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) continuously campaign towards awareness and resolving the issue (Roldan, 2018). The highlight of the government’s actions was the enactment of the Enhanced Basic Education Act, or Republic Act 10533 last 2013, which sought to reform and improve the existing curriculum by adjusting the standards and principles that educational institutions must uphold to improve the quality of education in the Philippines and compete in a global scale. The Department of Education, the central agency for implementing the enumerated standards, was mandated by the law to partner with agencies like Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education for Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Different local and international assessment programs were adopted to gauge the necessary actions, such as Programme for International Student Assessment, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics, and National Achievement Test (Elliott, Stankov, Lee, & Beckmann, 2019).

However, despite the actions by the government and seven years of implementation of the law, there is minimal to no progress in terms of the quality of education manifested by the Philippines’ low ranking (Roman, 2019). It is for this reason that this study aims to know the impact of administrative negligence in terms of implementing Republic Act 10533 in the Philippines’ low ranking and why the Philippines is heading on a downward trajectory.

With the condition of the Philippine education system, it is evident that an aspect of the system needs to be checked to get into the cause of this issue. Hence, this study aims to determine the impact of implementing state education policy in the Philippines on international and local assessment programs. Specifically, this study intends to evaluate whether the objectives of R.A. 10533 are being emphasized by the Department of Education, determine the effect of policy implementation on the ranking of Philippine education quality in local and international assessment programs, and identify the importance of local and international assessment programs in analyzing the condition of education quality in the Philippines.

The study intends to provide an understanding of the importance of global consciousness in the decline of quality education in the country. Existing literature provided various approaches to factors that affect the student’s academic performance and determinants of quality education. However, these studies focus only on the environmental factors that affect the student’s academic performance and their linkage to the teachers’ quality of teaching. The lacking discussion led this study to focus on the Philippines joining PISA and SEA-PLM. Hence, the Top-Down Approach of the Implementation Process of Public Policy theory manifests an avenue for disseminating curricular data from the macro-institutions to its micro-counterparts (Marsh & Huberman, 1984). Also, the premise of this theory will aid in understanding that the interventions of the institutions and administrators play a considerable role in fulfilling the objectives of RA 10533 through standard monitoring and implementing procedures for education quality improvement. Furthermore, this research may be presented to the Department of Education to develop better policies for educational reforms since the study evaluates the government agencies’ compliance with curriculum implementation and its development based on the standards presented in Republic Act No. 10533.

This research has utilized the Top-Down Approach of Implementation, co-authored by Paul Sabatier and Daniel Mazmanian in 1979 in their journal article entitled, “The Conditions of Effective Implementations: A Guide to Accomplishing Policy Objective.” This theory considers policy framers as the principal element of the implementing process of a policy and takes policy implementation as an administrative and managerial process more than a politically motivated procedure (Sabatier & Mazmanian, 1979). This theory was created to respond to the growing dispersion of comprehension of the limited extent of applicable programs and types of policymaking and implementing institutions.

The Top-Down approach posits that decisions by government officials are the starting point of the policy implementation process (Sabatier, 1986). The framing of policies is succeeded by raising specific questions revolving around the process of implementation itself, such as the extent of the implementing action in achieving the goal, the extent of the impact of policy, aspects affecting the implementation, and the reformation of the policy based on responses that are given after undergoing a process of evaluation. This theory also argues that there are six (6) necessary conditions for a successful and efficacious implementation: (a) Obvious and stable provision of objectives; (b) Sufficient justification of causation; (c) Legalization of the implementing process to enhance the urgency for compliance of the officials and target groups; (d) Officials’ commitment to an effective and productive implementation; (e) Maintained political support from interest groups and constituencies; and (f) Socio-economic factors that may have an impact on the support of people to the policy. The discourse on its merit continues today since its publication (Bardach, 1978; Berman and McLaughlin, 1976; Elmore, 1978; Jones, 1975; Lance, Lautenschlager, Sloan, & Varca, 1989; Murphy, 1973; Pressman and Wildavsky, 1973). The applicative properties of the theory were already being tested in different fields to know the limits and boundaries of its capabilities, such as its application in disseminating curricular data from the macro-institutions to their micro-counterparts (Marsh & Huberman, 1984).

The premises of the Top-Down theory aided this study in arguing that the burden of advancing the policy and evaluation is on the educational institutions, i.e., the Department of Education and the whole Curriculum Consultative Committee, affirming that the knowledge in the national-scale curriculum implementation is the lead determinant of practical curriculum reformation. Using the approach, this study argues that enhancing the focus and attention of the national agencies in implementing the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 can increase the ranking and rating of the Philippines in both local and international assessment programs.

Literature Review

Curriculum and Policy Implementation

The curriculum is a prime factor in enhancing students’ academic participation and performance (Yu & Mocan, 2019). It is a chosen, arranged, unified, and evaluative provision of experiences among students that will help them attain different learning objectives, resulting from development and maturation for its application in real-life situations (Mulenga, 2018). Thus, the educational system of the Philippines is no different from its neighboring countries because it also passed through phases of improvement due to the dramatic changes brought by educational evolution (Guzman, 2003). However, despite numerous educational reformations, it is still clear that any systematic change in the education system should be accompanied by a high level of pro-activity, which defines the system’s quality. It is a process that involves focusing on exceeding expectations, continuous development, and sharing responsibilities (Schargel, as cited in Guzman, 2003). Therefore, if the education system will firmly contribute to the improvement of a proper social order to fight social ills, then there should be a sustained re-examination of its retooling since it has become clear that reforms introduced at both national and local levels are geared toward the achievement of effectiveness, quality, responsiveness, and excellence (Guzman, 2003). Also, students who experience an improved curriculum have seen a significant improvement in interest and engagement in learning. It also manifested positive student development, resulting in better performance (Yu & Mocan, 2019). Therefore, in order for the Philippines to be as progressive as it can be and be globally competitive, the education curriculum shall adhere on a specific set of standards that the Department of Education, with its cooperation with Commission on Higher Education and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, which includes the following: (a) Student-centered, inclusive and development-focused curriculum; (b) Curriculum shall always remain relevant, responsive to national issues and Research-based; (c) Curriculum shall be careful and sensitive to other culture; (d) Curriculum shall be based on the Philippine context but can compete with the global arena; (e) Curriculum shall apply constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative form of pedagogies; (f) Curriculum shall impose a Mother-Tongue Based System of learning – starting from the language being used in their houses to a foreign language; (g) A spiral progression approach on the students mastery and skills of different lessons shall be applied in the curriculum; and (h) Different local areas shall be able to modify and bend the curriculum in accordance to their educational, social and cultural contexts (Enhance Basic Education Act of 2013). 

Policy implementation is a process of upholding the basic standards and principles of the curriculum and putting into practice a set of plans and programs that aims for a change to whom and where it will be applied (Fullan, 1982). Implementing the K to 12 program aims to improve the education system in the Philippines to advance and further the recognition of a globally competitive Filipino. In this goal, the students shall master the necessary skills to attain the demand of the global education system (Dizon et al., 2019). Under Rule II, Section 10 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education, in its purpose of developing the curriculum, shall be governed by the following:

10.1 The devising of the curriculum itself in fulfillment of Section 5 of the Act, the DepEd is responsible for the liaison with both the CHED and TESDA to make a coordinated educational curriculum concurrent with the basic, tertiary, and technical-vocational education in generating globally competitive Filipino students.

10.2 In developing the enhancement of the curriculum, the Department of Education shall be guided by the prescribed standards and principles listed under Section 5 of the law.

10.3 The production and development of materials, such as locally produced teaching and learning sources, shall be highly promoted to strengthen the learning resource development and distribution systems at the regional and divisional educational units.

10.5 The essentiality of stakeholder’s engagement and association, not directly on the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Act, but for the assessment of what is there to be addressed.

Furthermore, Rule II, Section 30 mandates the key role of the DepEd, CHED, and TESDA in creating a mechanism and tactical plans for the transition towards achieving an Enhanced Basic Education within a 10-year cycle that will end in 2021-2022; on the other hand, Rule VIII, Section 33 orders the establishment of a “Joint Congressional Oversight Committee for Enhanced Basic Education which serves as the evaluation and assessment committee of the reports, including budgetary, facilities and curricular summaries. It was also delegated the responsibility of evaluating the progress and deficiencies in aspects that greatly affects the performance of the students, teachers, and other stakeholders. The said law also imposes the necessity for establishing a “Curriculum Consultative Committee” that is delegated the power to oversee the implementation and evaluate whether the newly developed curriculum adheres to the provisions of the law.

In addition, curriculum development in enhancing basic education focuses on professional development since it is deemed necessary to improve the students. However, policies that aim to improve the teaching profession lack continuous follow-ups on reforms, making the changes look fragmented and insufficient (Miço, 2019).  Thus, in addressing such challenges, CHED coordinated with DepEd to establish a curriculum that is both research-based and globally competitive. TESDA also participates in the curriculum’s implementation by ensuring that students can apply the knowledge handed by the curriculum through work (Martin, Patacsil & Nieva, 2019). With the help of these macro-agencies, the evaluation of the effectiveness of policy implementation will be acquired. According to Swarnakar, Singh, & Tiwari (2019), assessing the effectiveness of the policy implementation is vital to the pursuit of improvement and contextualization by identifying the lacking and excess factors that impede the supposed positive contribution of the policy itself to take place. Furthermore, by assessing the implementation procedure, the government will also be able to put light on the current conditions of the subject and target groups which necessitates deeper and more contextual attention and response to better the relationship between the macro and micro agencies.

Assessment Programs

Assessment programs compare the educational attainment of students of different countries to provide a direct response to education reforms. It is one of the best ways to determine whether the Philippine education system, through engaging both locally and internationally, is improving (Balagtas et al., 2019; Martens, Niemann, & Teltemann, 2016). International assessments for education became a globally accepted standard because of their extensive and far-reaching inference and indication for reorganizing and restructuring national education systems. It establishes an international benchmark for the theoretical and applicable understanding which influenced and dominated the ideas of educational policymakers and even researchers since it provides two purposes: (1) the data gathered can be used to impact and influence policymakers; and (2) it focuses on a high-performing country to set as an example for other countries to understand and imitate its success (Schmidt & Burroughs, 2016).

According to Balagtas et al. (2019), one of the best ways to determine whether the Philippine education system is improving in the present is through its performance in Trends in Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS). Therefore, countries that performed well on the mathematics and science examinations given by TIMSS are most likely also performing well on the PISA assessment (i.e., Hong Kong-China, Singapore, and Japan).

The ​​Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics is another large-scale assessment program designed to fit the contextual problems in education within the region; that will provide an opportunity for each participating country to determine the growing issues and resolve these in a manner that will improve the country’s education system.

The results of large-scale international assessments are putting pressure on participating countries to reshape their curriculum to adhere to the standards imposed by the Program (Fischman, Topper, Goebel, & Holloway, 2019). However, the pressure being felt did not reflect nor manifest the reformation of education in all these countries; instead, it paved the way for large-scale comparisons from regional to global standards. The problem is that many countries are not deliberately qualifying education as a priority, which engenders their education security despite having adequate financial resources (Tatarinov, V. V., & Tatarinov, V. S., 2020).


This qualitative and exploratory paper is a case study focused on the government agencies’ engagement and participation in policy implementation and their adherence to the standards provided by Republic Act 10533. It analyzed documents about the transition from the Basic Education Curriculum to the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum, progress reports from agencies subjected to the same law to oversee the policy implementation, and narratives from the Department of Education and different Education Policy experts. These data cannot be quantified and calculated by mere numbers hence, requiring an in-depth understanding for the establishment of more conclusive interpretation, especially the statements gathered from interviews which necessitates a more composite, rich, and multi-faceted approach.

This research gathered data from the statements from educational policy experts in the Philippines and the Department of Education Bureau of Education Assessment and Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instructions. Furthermore, a semi-structured interview was applied to the department representatives and the experts. In addition, reports and documents from the Curriculum Consultative Committee, the transition report from the Basic Education Curriculum to the Enhanced Basic Education Program, the midterm report from the Joint Congressional Committee, and the government agencies comprising the Curriculum Consultative Committee were utilized. Furthermore, the study was conducted using documents from 2016 to 2020 only since these are the succeeding years after the mandatory midterm report of the Department of Education as presented in the Congress of the Philippines. The researchers have also gathered data from the latest results coming from international and local assessment programs, including the PISA, TIMSS, SEA-PLM, and NAT.

Experts on education policy and policy implementation have provided insights regarding the Philippines’ current education status and the Department of Education as the mandated spearhead for education policy implementation. The criteria for choosing the Department of Education as a respondent were embedded in Section 5 of RA 10533. As for the educational policy experts, they should at least attain a master’s degree in Educational Administration or Education Management and Leadership with 10-year experience in the field. In addition, the experts should also reach Level 7 or Level 8 of education following the Philippines Qualifications Framework, which is responsible for establishing the national standards for education and training outcomes (Resolution No. 2014-03, 2014).

Content analysis was used to simplify the data collected from statements and documents from government agencies and congressional committees. The researchers read through the documents collected from the various data sources to create a margin note in formulating initial codes using Microsoft Excel and a code book. This was applied for qualitative data analysis to help the researchers look for a thematic analysis of the study to have effective data management.

The data from the semi-structured interviews and document analysis were categorized according to variables. Hence, the data analysis concentrated on answering each research objective by focusing on the data collected from all methods of data collection.

The data gathered from the three education experts and the representatives of the Department of Education’s Bureau of Education Assessment and Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instructions have conveyed responses to the research objectives, classified as the following: (a) incoherent and disorganized system of implementations; (b) confound policy interpretation due to system instability; (c) assessment programs as performance indicators for policy improvement.

Incoherent and Disorganized System of Implementation

The experts have agreed upon the necessity of a holistic overview of implementing the education system, with Expert 1 mentioning that “It should be a chain. So, CHED’s teacher training should also be safeguarded there. The research skills, the critical analysis, should be focused and not memorization, the identification of frameworks, or memorization of valence or atomic number.” Expert 2 added, “My first issue is the language used for assessment. I think language plays a very vital role,” which emphasizes the factor of using the mother-tongue language in assessing the quality of education (Masaazi, Ssentanda, & Ngaka, 2018). While Expert 3 focused on the external factors that may have affected the student’s performance.

In response to the lack of a holistic education system, the Department of Education asserted its commitment to improving the implementation and the education system itself. The Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction (OUCI) stated that “…we are always mindful of the need to improve, so we have a very strong monitoring mechanism that allows us to continue to refine the existing programs and projects”, which is manifested on the “Sulong Edukalidad initiative which is our banner initiative to push for a higher attention to the need for quality education that is in the K to 12 program that was launched even before the release of the PISA results.”

The amount of emphasis that the Department of Education puts on the objectives of RA 10533 heavily affects the quality of education being imparted among students, resulting in difficulty maximizing capacity at the grassroots level (Barrot, 2018). Unfortunately, the Philippines is currently challenged by the disorganization and incoherence of the system of implementation of the Department of Education, manifested in many ways.

A gap between the intended curriculum and implementation of the national agencies based on their interpretation was raised by Expert 2, saying:

The curriculum is very beautiful. However, when it comes to the implementation, in the middle of the 3rd and 4th year, the expectation versus reality was far, that is one. I am saying that in that sense, there are quite some problems in terms of interpretation, even among regions and divisions; there are confusions in terms of interpretation, most especially in the classroom.

This has been seconded by Expert 3, who bureaucratized this interpretation system, pointing out the discretionary freedom of teachers within the classroom in interpreting the curriculum based on what they inferred as the best viable manner of teaching. 

The absence of an authentic assessment, as defined by Expert 2 as “the assessments that bring you into concretizing the knowledge into practical knowledge.” is also observable. This emphasizes the importance of veering away from the strictly theoretical focus of understanding into more applicative learning should be further enhanced by encouraging the students’ demonstration of higher-order thinking skills and better problem-solving skills (Koh, 2017).

However, amidst the vast agreement between the Department of Education and the Education experts, they have exhibited a certain level of a dispute regarding the cause and effect of frequent reformations in the education system. In defense of the DepEd, the OUCI has exclaimed the necessity of frequent reformations to cope with the dynamic system of education and cater to the rising needs of the department towards different aspects of education as time passes. They, therefore, see this as a necessity rather than an obstruction, with which Expert 1 disagreed. Expert 1 stated, “Because of so many reforms, is something happening? Yes, something is happening. However, I felt like it was just going to happen again and again that there will be a change once every six years.” This only means that the previous challenges were not used as a deterrent, causing the country to miss many opportunities. Expert 2 recommends having a road map to secure a more consistent and continuous implementation of the curriculum regardless of who is seated as the Department Secretary or the President. At large, the agreements still managed to outweigh the disagreements that occurred.

To further solidify the statements given, government documents have shown several points leading to the claims of the experts and the DepEd representatives regarding the aspects that need to be addressed. For example, the Transition Report on Enhanced Basic Education raised the need to strengthen the curriculum further regarding contextualization, learning opportunities, and inclusive participation. Moreover, the DepEd also ensures the actualization of the intended curriculum, as evident in the Curriculum Guides through a strong Curriculum Support System. Also, the Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation Framework presented key education objectives with the learner’s characteristics as the leading indicators of success.

Confound Policy Interpretation Due to System Instability

The quality of education, as manifested in different assessment programs, has been compromised due to the impact caused by problems plaguing the implementation process of DepEd and other agencies regarding policy interpretation. As stated, it is likely to face challenges regarding ensuring consistency in its delivery at the subnational level (Norris et al., 2014).

The data gathered shows that there are significant disagreements in some critical respects between the Department of Education and the experts since, according to the Department of Education, liaising between agencies is not a problem but more of a challenge “in terms of unifying the focus of everyone on the more essential aspects that will help to develop high performing teachers, highly committed and highly competent teachers.” Also, for the DepEd, it is necessary to intensify capacity-building, and “there is still room for improvement in terms of current efforts at coordinating and harmonizing the priorities of CHED, TESDA, and even the PRC.” As for the experts, the coordination between DepEd and CHED was seen as both a challenge and a problem because, as Expert 3 stated, even if “the DepEd restructures the system, and they fix the governance system to make sure there is cooperation among agencies. The communication between DepEd and CHED should still be strengthened”. After all, the expected knowledge, skills, and competencies that should develop in the students’ basic education deemed necessary for higher education are not adequately achieved.

Furthermore, to be as impactful as possible, educational policies should move beyond mere “paper compliance,” which only aims to meet the minimal requirements. The Department of Education acknowledged a problem regarding policy implementation, stating that implementation is their weakest point that needs to be addressed immediately.

Although the DepEd acknowledges the effort to change its ways, Expert 2 reiterated the focus of DepEd on paper compliance, stating that:

The government agencies are paper champions. They produce reports, but it is not validated on the ground. The problem is, there is a report, they were able to submit the reports, we can read the reports, some are quite acceptable, some are not so good, but the gap is what is happening? In the context of the ground.

With, Expert 1 further explained that it is not enough that we only look at the structures alone or the policies. We should also look at the policy actors since, as agents of policies, there should be an enhancement of leadership development to move away from the culture of mere compliance towards a culture of excellence and accountability. Also, according to Expert 2, “the only flaw is in terms of implementation, and there are qualified and good educators in the Philippines, the problem is in the learning transfer,” which can be seen in the lack of training in terms of usage which is a part of leadership management. Therefore, to have an effective educational reform, a strategic policy that is holistic and long-term is needed (Miço, 2019).

One factor that the experts also mentioned hinders the progress of the Philippines in terms of monitoring is the lack of necessary mechanisms that will monitor and categorize the data on a much larger scale. Fortunately, both the Experts and DepEd agreed that the country has not yet reached its limit in terms of implementation, therefore manifesting opportunities that will improve the implementing system.

Lastly, although the Midterm Report of the Department of Education and the Evaluation Report of the Curriculum Consultative Committee lean more toward supporting DepEd’s agenda towards compliance with RA 10533, House Resolution No. 473 generally backs up the experts toward a confounded policy implementation.

Performance Indicators for Policy Improvement

The Philippines’ participation in different international assessment programs, and the facilitation of the local ones, play an essential part in gauging the performance to determine the current and immediate condition of Philippine education quality.

Identifying the importance of local and international assessment programs with the current condition of education quality shows that as performance indicators for policy improvement, assessment programs are vital since they provide evidence that should be a part of the decision-making process in the government. However, the problem lies in the resistance of those in position to the results. According to Expert 2, “if you were given feedback, it means you have something to do,” and “they should not be threatened by a low score or a low ranking because it does not entirely reflect that you have failed, but simply that there is something that you need to address right now.” Therefore, for Expert 3, “you cannot start the learning process if you do not own up to the mistake or failure.” Moreover, even the Department of Education agreed that:

We have to continue providing benchmarks to determine whether what we are doing is slowly delivering the impact or the results that we want to accomplish. Otherwise, we would not have the basis to say that improvements are being recorded, although we would still have the national assessments as a mechanism to measure on my part, although the secretary’s open to the idea of resting for a while in terms of taking part in the PISA but my take is we must continue because the benchmark has to be there.

Moreover, assessment programs as a problem indicator are essential for policymakers because the results of assessments are “a good measurement in determining the immediate condition of our system, and it is also a predictor” as Expert 2. In addition, indicators have a significant role in policy monitoring by producing unbiased and objective observations on the progress toward policy objectives. Assessment programs as problem indicators are a quantitative presentation of the conditions in a policy field that can be used as an instrument to inspect further and delve into the effects of policies and provide information for policymakers to determine the effectiveness of policies and to make any adjustments where it is required (Schumann, 2016). Hence, for Expert 3, “for a reasonable and logical policy maker, all evidence should be part of the decision-making process, what to do, what not to do” since it shows the problem in the educational system and assessment programs also provide straightforward suggestions. Also, the Department of Education (DepEd) stated that “if those flaws are eliminated, potentially, the quality of education that we have might also improve.”

Also, assessment programs are necessary for evidence-based policymaking because they generate policy recommendations. For Expert 3, “we need to emphasize that when we talk about curriculum implementation, assessment, especially third-party assessments, these are part of the evidence-based policymaking and being a responsible policy maker. You should not omit evidence simply because it does not sit well on you on a personal level”. Therefore, assessment programs empowered the education system by providing evidence-based analysis of students’ academic performance to improve the country’s educational policies, as evidence-based policymaking has seen significant advancements even at the local levels. Even the DepEd recognizes the importance of both international and local assessment programs because:

These assessments, their objective, are external to the learning delivery, and they are external to the department. Besides they follow high-quality protocols, like, following the line of testing and measurement, have protocols that we follow, and they are fair because of their objective. They want to improve SDG 4, or sustainable development goal 4, which is quality education.

This study concludes that there are still numerous challenges afflicting the implementation process, hence a hindrance to achieving the objectives of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Despite the pieces of evidence provided by the documents, implying the commitment of the different agencies to achieving a good quality of education, the data coming from the experts have directed the root of the problems towards the misalignment and misinterpretation of the process of implementing and monitoring of the policies and not on the policy per se. The researchers have therefore navigated towards the role of the involved government agencies in the achievement of an enhanced basic education curriculum and a significant improvement of the Philippines in both international and local assessment programs since, per the premises of Top-Down theory, the weight of developing the policy and evaluation is on the educational institutions. Therefore, by enhancing the attention of national agencies in charge of the implementation process, the country’s ranking in assessment programs can significantly increase. This sheds light on a possible suggestion for the recalibration of the implementation and monitoring system to ensure that there is an existing universal understanding of the objectives and principles of both the Republic Act 10533 itself and other released orders from the Department of Education as an extension of their duty under the law. 

This study recommends that for subsequent research on educational policy, the gaps that the researchers identified in the literature should be addressed, which includes further research on the following: (1) the role of teachers in curriculum development and enhanced outcomes in assessment programs; (2) the gap between understanding the intended curriculum and implemented curriculum; (3) the detrimental effect of mere paper compliance about educational policies; and (4) future studies on other policies that focus on aspects that might affect the quality of education in the country. Also, as a recommendation to the Department of Education for the Improvement of the Policy Implementation Mechanisms, the following are being emphasized by the researchers: (a) creation of a roadmap for the implementation process of the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum to ensure its continuity despite the inevitable change of administrators; (b) formation of leadership development training on structural leadership; (c) strengthening of the communication and cooperation of DepEd and CHED to achieve the goals of RA 10533; and (d) continuation of the Philippines’ participation in international assessment programs. Furthermore, to highlight the development of a more inclusive learning system, the following are also recommended: (a) establishment of different learning action cells; (b) adjustments in terms of the manner of training these teachers; and (c) refocusing and rechecking of Assessments Tasks to go beyond the traditional and theoretical forms of assessments, including Pen and Paper Tests, and adopt Authentic Assessments as a significant part of the curriculum.

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Author’s Bionote

Louie Benedict R. Ignacio, PhD is the Chair and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, University of Santo Tomas. He also teaches in the Department of Political Science of the same University and is a former President of the Philippine Sociological Society.

Andrea Gaile A. Cristobal is currently taking the Juris Doctor program at the University of Santo Tomas with developing interests in the field of public law and educational policy. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the same University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and was awarded the Best Thesis.

Paul Christian David is currently taking the Juris Doctor program at the University of Santo Tomas with developing interests in the field of public law, and environmental and educational policy. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the same University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and was awarded the Best Thesis.

case study about education in the philippines


Far Eastern University Institute of Education FEU Campus, Nicanor Reyes Street, Sampaloc Manila, Philippines, 1015 Email:  [email protected]

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Transforming Education in Rural Philippines A Case Study Analysis Presented to

Profile image of Queennie Mae Carado

“Technology has become a tool to facilitate teacher professional development – enhancing content knowledge and teaching strategies to ensure effective learning, both for the teachers, and the most important person in the school – the pupil.” – Zenaida Ayop, School Head, MCES Bringing a world of education to Marilog While the small agricultural town of Marilog is only 50km from the country’s third-largest city, Davao, it was only partially electrified and its major primary school, Marilog Central Elementary School (MCES), had no electricity, so the students had no access to modern learning technology.

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In this descriptive study, a university in Central Visayas Philippines assessed the training needs of teaching and non-teaching staff in 2015. Respondents of the study were 279 employees of the school. Utilizing a 20-item likert scale researcher-made instrument, the researchers analyzed the training needs of two groups: teaching, and non-teaching staff. Focused-group interviews were also used to ascertain seminars and workshops that were not part of the researcher-made instrument. Data were analyzed using frequencies and simple percentage. The study revealed the training needs of the non-teaching staff which includes time and financial management (2.64), increasing team spirit and positive working relationship (2.62), developing assertiveness skills (2.58), enhancing the positive image and spiritual growth (2.55), and decision-making and problem-solving (2.53). During the focused-group interviews, other training needs of the staff include customer care, basic life support, life coaching, research, and advanced statistical techniques. On the other hand, the teaching staff requires these training needs: IMO 6.09 Training Course for Instructors (3.05), Preparation of Syllabus and Modules (2.94), Developing teaching materials and tools for instruction (2.85), Research, and other application of research methodologies (2.84), and time & financial management (2.83). When the researchers conducted the focused-group interviews, the group suggested for seminar-workshops on environmental management, K to 12, auditing, web development and curriculum revision. In conclusion, there is an immediate need to provide training to non-teaching staff. Comparatively, a remote need is manifested among teaching staff. It is highly recommended by the researchers to prioritize the provision of seminars and workshops for non-teaching staff. The researchers also suggest the inclusion of the most needed trainings in the annual plans of colleges and the Human Resource Department.

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— In an attempt to achieve innovative teaching and learning in provinces where an Internet connection is a challenge, a USB-based portable learning management system was developed. This paper is aimed at describing the experiences in implementing a USB-based learning management system in teacher education in the Philippines. Specifically, this article presents Silliman University's experiences in customizing a tool for innovative teaching and learning in teacher education. It describes the result of the pilot implementation of the tool among the select higher education institutions in Central Visayas, Philippines. This paper also presents the reflection and lessons learned by the teacher educators and students in the learning management system. The learning management system was customized using POODLE, a portable MOODLE. It can run on a USB flash drive without an internet connection. A total of 16 trained teacher educators in Central Visayas, Philippines were selected as pilot-teachers. The study reveals that the implementation varies among the pilot-teachers in terms of level, mode, and terminal usage which are all affected by many variables. It was discovered that there are more facilitating factors than hindering factors in implementing POODLE for mobile learning. The study found out that POODLE is a useful tool for mobile learning in areas where internet connection is limited.

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Village Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu was identified as the partner community of a university in Central Visayas, Philippines. The adoption in 2008 addresses one of the university's institutional goal: to develop among stakeholders social awareness, responsibility, and accountability anchored on instruction, research, and production. Determining the community profile is essential to strategically implement sustainable programs for the partner community. On its 8th year of implementing community extension activities, this university re-assesses the community profile of the village to ensure that the programs are timely and on par with the needs of community residents. Data collected in 2008 and 2016 were compared utilizing descriptive quantitative design. The analysis reveals concerns about educational attainment, unemployment, income, the number of children per household, food & drinking water storage, materials of housing construction, backyard gardening and livestock raising. Furthermore, respondents identified concerns on family planning, utilization of the health center and participation in community organizations. In 2008, community extension programs were focused on solid waste management, literacy, and livelihood programs. The survey in 2016 identified sustainable programs of the university which includes solid waste management, health education, literacy, livelihood, greening, livestock raising and community participation programs.

This study traced the graduates of University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue, Mandaue City, Cebu, the Philippines from 1997 to 2010. It ascertained the following: profile of the respondents; reasons for taking the course; employment status of the graduates; status of the employed; strategy used to find the first job; reasons for not being employed; number of graduates who were able to land in a job relevant to the curriculum they had in college; and academic competencies learned in college which were useful on the job. It also determined the relationship between the profile of the graduates and their employment status. Using purposive sampling, this descriptive-correlational design study utilized 281 graduates of the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue from 1997 to 2010. The standardized instrument crafted by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Philippines which consists of 34 questions was used. A Google form version of the survey instrument was made and sent to the alumni through their emails with the assistance of the alumni association office. The study revealed that majority of the respondents were single, female, residents of the city and from Region 7. Most have not taken any professional examination. The reason for taking the program was the prospect of immediate employment. Majority of the graduates were employed. Those who were employed belonged to the rank and file position in their first job and current job. They were receiving 5,000 to 10,000 Philippine pesos as monthly income. Most belonged to the service sector and working in the city. They landed on their first job through recommendations. The reason for accepting and staying on the first job was the pay and fringe benefits. The top reason for not being employed and never employed was the absence of a job opportunity. Most of the graduates claimed that they were able to land in a job that was relevant to the course that they took in college. The top three competencies learned in school which was useful on the job were communication skills, human relation skills and information technology skills. There was a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents in the aspect of the region of origin and their employment status. In conclusion, graduates were employable. The employability of UCLM graduates was influenced by their region of origin.

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Advancing the K-12 Reform from the Ground: A Case Study in the Philippines

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Advancing the K-12 Reform from the Ground: A Case Study in the Philippines

This paper describes the implementation of the Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership (CESL) in the Philippines as a professional development initiative delivered in a customized blended learning mode.


The design principles of this promising pilot leverage on the use of technology, activation of communities of practice, and planning and implementation of context-specific transformational action projects targeted at education leaders. The authors contend that CESL fits within the leadership development ecology of the Philippine Department of Education and the National Educators Academy of the Philippines for the 21st century. As a transformative development program, CESL can be one of the many ways to jumpstart and sustain authentic education reforms.

  • Introduction: The Philippine Context
  • K-12 Reform and Education Leadership
  • Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership
  • CESL: Professional Learning Development through Blended Learning
  • CESL: Relevance, Collaboration, and a Future Focus
  • Conclusion: Can CESL be Integrated into DepEd’s System

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case study about education in the philippines

Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines: Case Studies

case study about education in the philippines

As an archipelago consisting of more than 7,000 islands, the delivery of government services, such as education, remains challenging and sparse. In remote locations, classrooms practice multigrade teaching—where one teacher instructs students from different grade levels—to address issues of accessibility and teacher availability.

With a call to enhancing the state of Philippine education, we evaluate the effectiveness of multigrade teaching and try to understand the problems encountered by multigrade teachers in the Philippines.

SEAMEO INNOTECH’s study on multigrade teaching in the Philippines PDF acknowledges that the practice is an innovative solution to a challenge unique to the various regions in the country. However, new approaches to education and technology may point to novel ways in enhancing access to education throughout the nation.

Multigrade Education in the Philippines: Challenges and Questions

Since 1993, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) has considered multigrade education as a practical solution to bring education to school-age children located in geographically isolated, disadvantaged, conflict-affected and sparsely populated communities.

That being said, the Philippine Multigrade program provides opportunities for community schools with low enrolments and limited number of teachers in remote areas the ability to offer a complete cycle of elementary education.

Although it was imperfect, multigrade education has served as a sufficient solution to the issue of accessibility to education in parts of the Philippines. However, as the country developed, the multigrade teaching situation failed to improve significantly, leaving generations of Filipinos in need of quality education.

The issues and problems about multigrade classes in the Philippines encompass both teachers and students. Teachers are faced with a complex classroom requiring teaching and management styles outside of the traditional paradigm. Meanwhile, the challenges faced by multigrade teachers impact the students’ education.

With decades of practice and support from their communities, educators have developed strategies that fit their multigrade teaching situation, allowing them to maximize the time and budget allotted for each classroom.

The creativity and resourcefulness of multigrade teachers have proved to be a strength in maintaining the sustainability of multigrade education. However, this prompts the question: are their efforts sufficient to be at par with national and global standards. Furthermore, to what extent should the national government standardize multigrade teaching practices and what types of support should be prioritized to help multigrade schools achieve global competitiveness.

The situation of multigrade education in the Philippines is, indeed, diverse and complex. We attempt to paint a clear picture of the current situation through 11 case studies.

Multigrade Education Situation: Case Studies

The efforts to improve the quality of education in the Philippines calls for an evaluation of the state of multigrade education.

This volume of eleven (11) case studies is part of a suite of knowledge products emerging from the Technical Support to Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (TS-MPPE), a tripartite project between the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) from 2017 to 2019.

The case studies illustrate the predominant problems encountered by multigrade teachers in the Philippines. They show the limitations of the Philippine education system uniquely experienced by communities in remote locations.

The case studies also highlight the strengths of the multigrade program, particularly the teachers, administrators, and the community. The combined efforts of educators and community members have prompted improvements in the multigrade program, but the fact remains that there is greater room for improvement.

Learn More About the Multigrade Education Situation

Countless communities have relied on multigrade teaching to educate their young, but it is not without its challenges. INNOTECH’s Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines: Case Studies dives into the realities of education in remote areas of the nation.

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Technology in education: a case study on the Philippines

Global Education Monitoring Report Team , Philippine Normal University , Espinosa, Allen A. , Gomez, Ma Arsenia C. , Miranda, Praksis A. , David, Adonis P. , Abulon, Edna Luz R. , Hermosisima, Ma Victoria C , Quinosa Jr, Edwin A. , Soliman, Abegail A. , De Vera, Jayson L. , Claros, Ian Harvey A , Cruz, Hardie Gieben M. , Gonzales, Nepthalie Sj

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3 case studies: How ready are Philippine schools for distance learning?

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3 case studies: How ready are Philippine schools for distance learning?

Alejandro Edoria

As we approach school opening 2020, what is on everybody’s mind is how distance learning will be carried out in fact. 

Distance learning is completely new to all but a handful of private schools already attuned to online learning using the internet. Most schools and students, however, have connectivity and bandwidth limitations.  

Distance learning using school packets delivered and collected weekly will have to be the immediate solution because face-to-face contact carries with it the risk of spreading the coronavirus.  

The learning curve for distance learning will be steep.  

In development management, there is a principle of subsidiarity: Where a lower authority can handle a matter, a higher authority should not interfere. By driving authority as far down the decision-making chain as possible, this places decision-making closer to the people.  

In the case of education, this places decision-making at the level of the school.  

So, in this new normal, the drivers of distance education should not be the Department of Education (DepED) central office or the regions; rather, it should be the schools divisions and the schools themselves.  

Here are 3 cases to show how different levels are preparing for such.  

Bacjawan Sur ES (Concepcion, Iloilo)

In the 3rd class town of Concepcion, Iloilo, school principal Rogie Espulgar is working with his 14 teachers to figure out how to reorganize their small rural elementary school for distance learning this coming school year.

Bacjawan Sur Elementary School is located 3 kilometers from the town proper and is host to housing units of families displaced by Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in November 2013. It has 330 pupils from kindergarten to Grade 6.   

Five modalities for meeting students have been identified:  

  • Face-to-face (traditional, pre-Covid-19 modality)
  • Online classes (using web-based and digitized lesson resources [LRs])
  • Online-Offline modular (using web-based and digitized LRs )
  • Offline modular (using digitized LRs)
  • Modular (using printed LRs). 

With the DepED instruction of limited face-to-face contact, Principal Espulgar and his teachers have decided to meet their pupils in shifts.

Grades Kindergarten to Grade 2 will meet face-to-face . Kindergarten will meet daily for half the day, either in a morning or afternoon session. Grades 1 and 2 will be in shifts on alternate days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday).   

Grades 3 to 6 will have a modified modular schedule with some face-to-face time . Grade 3 classes will do face-to-face on either Monday-Tuesday, Wednesday-Thursday, or Thursday-Friday (4 classes of 13 or 14 students per class). The other days will be modular with students working on learning assignments from home. A similar type of schedule will be worked out for Grades 4, 5, and 6.

Classes will be divided into groups with no more than 15 or 16 learners per group (Kindergarten is smaller at 10 per group).  This will allow for proper physical distancing when the kids meet face-to-face.

The total number of classrooms in the school are 13, but only 11 classrooms will be used; the other two classrooms will be utilized for online classes and as an isolation room in case of sickness.

“The world is rapidly changing,” said Principal Espulgar, “and along with it comes new innovations and technologies.

“Education has to evolve to keep pace.  The teacher’s role is not to be the sole provider of learning.  She has to be a guide, a motivator, and facilitator of learning…. Compassion, dedication, and commitment are no longer enough.  The modern-day teacher should also make herself (1) innovative, (2) tech-savvy, and (3) open to change,” he added.

How ready are the teachers?

Of the 14 teachers:

  • 93% (13)  have smart phones
  • 43% (6) have laptops or desktops
  • 79% (11) have nternet connectivity
  • 50% (7) have ICT gadgets and internet access sufficiency –
  • 64% (9) have private space at home
  • 29% (4) are able to do ICT troubleshooting with competence
  • 79%-93% (11 to 13) are able to use web browser‘s, telecommunication platforms in messaging, social video platforms, video streaming platforms

To prepare for the new normal, the school went through the following types of training for the 14 teachers:

  • Mental health and psychosocial debriefing seminar
  • Walkthrough of the Minimum Education Learning Competencies (MELC) prescribed by DepED
  • Basic and advanced computer software programs (depending on the level of experience of teachers)
  • Different web-based platforms for communication, educational sites, learning approaches
  • Orientation on the school’s learning continuity plan (LCP)

A physical facilities plan following health protocols was prepared in May to June. The single school entrance and exit for all 330 students plus faculty was modified and improved. More than half, or 9 of the 14 classrooms are considered makeshift classrooms .  Five of 14 classrooms are standard classrooms. One classroom (makeshift) has been set aside as an isolation room in case there are any health incidents. One standard is room is set aside for online classes.  There are 4 handwashing stations distributed in the center areas of the school.

In  July, before the start of classes, the teachers worked on the following:

  • Learning resources plans
  • School leadership expectations
  • Parents participation and roles
  • Community linkages
  • School action plans
  • The school risk management plan
  • Health protocols and standards
  • Enrollment guidelines

Navotas Schools Division (National Capital Region)

The Navotas Schools Division in Metro Manila is a small sized division of 24 schools of which 7 are high schools.  It is a highly urbanized, heavily populated schools division. 

“The schools in the division will use a modified modular distance learning approach,” schools division head Alejandro Ibanez explained.

“Individualized instruction will allow learners to use self-learning modules in print and digital form. Teachers will use Messenger chat or text messaging to communicate with and monitor students’ progress,” he added.

The schools division has designed a NAVOSchool in-a-box kit for every pupil and student in the division funded by DepED and the city government. 

At the kindergarten level, each child will receive a plastic bin loaded with learning packets, story books, donated school supplies, a hygiene kits and a toy from a partner. The kit also includes a Parent’s guide that covers home learning activities and a guide to organizing the study environment at home.  

Similar kits will be given by the division to students of all grade levels. The learning resource packets will include textbooks and self-learning modules by DepED, modules/materials prepared by the division office and schools, workbooks prepared by teachers, lesson guides for parents and guardians, school supplies, a dictionary, and a hygiene kit.

There is a project in the Division called Project PANATA (PAtnubay kay NApay at TAtay) which is a virtual training using Messenger and Google Meet intended for parents.  

Since the program will be largely packet-based given the connectivity difficulties, the process flow of the school-based modular distance learning is a weekly or biweekly cycle of packet distribution and collection throughout the school year for as long as face-to-face learning is disrupted.

To help students who might fall behind, a “Tutor A Learning Child” program is being organized with para-teacher tutor volunteers being recruited. The Navotas National HS has began recruiting young alumni at the university level to volunteer to work with students in difficult circumstances.  

5 operational stages

Stage 1:  Planning (Identify MELCs for module development by Education Supervisors and teachers).

Stage 2:   Development (by development teams) of learning materials with orientation sessions to provide a standards template.  

Stage 3:   Quality Assurance (QA team in coordination with learning area supervisors)

Stage 4:  Production and reproduction (procurement of teaching/learning resources through the Local School Board using the SEF [Special Education Fund] and the school MOOE [Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses]).

Stage 5:  Distribution of kits and packets

Teachers prepare learning materials, weekly study guides, and other tools which will be distributed in one of three ways:  Pick up from school, Hatid-Aral delivery to homes, or through distribution to barangay or community learning centers.

Taytay Senior High School, Rizal

Recently an ad was flashed on FaceBook that reads: “Do you have a bicycle or motorbike? Do you have an internet connection? Do you own a sari-sari store? Or do you love teaching? Why not be a volunteer of Taytay Senior High School?”

Four modes of voluntarism were spelled out:

  • Learning Resource Mover (LR Mover) – Volunteer riders’ or bicycling group who will help deliver learning resources to homes or community kiosks of learners.
  • Connect-a-Learner – Volunteer households who will provide learning space in their homes for internet access in their neighborhood.
  • Learning Resources Pasabay/Kiosks – Sari-sari store and/or landmarks owners in far-flung communities to serve as pick-up centers for learning resources.
  • Community-based Tutorial – Volunteers who will be tutoring learners within his/her community.

As shown in the above cases, DepED schools and divisions have worked hard to design a system to address the new normal of distance learning.  The challenge: Moving from simulation to full implementation where large numbers weekly will put stress on the system.  

How will the system address backlogs, shortages, and bottlenecks in real time?  How will the system address slow learners, learners falling behind or even learners becoming absent and dropping out?   

There will be two things to look at immediately: System efficiency and system effectiveness.

System efficiency

How well do the different parts interact and deliver as planned? What will stress the system is when week-in-and-week-out packets are going back and forth.   If families or teachers fall behind, what kind of support can help them catch up?  If a teacher cannot cope with the demands of distance learning, is there a system for substitution or support?  How do you keep the education materials production flowing efficiently and within budget?

System effectiveness

How do you ensure that learning is actually happening?  For Grades 1 and 2, this would be the 3 Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic or Literacy and Numeracy). For other grade levels, it is reading and learning at Grade level indicators.  

How do you pick up slow learners or learners with specific difficulties? Recognizing learning difficulties from a distance will be a challenge. Divisions and schools will be totally consumed with implementation issues when the school year starts with distance learning as the new normal.  They might miss many concerns. This is where the regional office comes in:  Quality Assurance, oversight (ensuring that schools and divisions are not overlooking processes or taking shortcuts), and monitoring and evaluation.

The regional office should be doing random testing of students to check effectiveness of the distance education modality and study the efficiencies of this new modality.  

The new normal must be matched by a new imagination about education.

In a recent meeting discussing the education budgets, former DepED Undersecretary for Finance Rey Laguda said: “It’s not enough to just plan for the future based on what we need today.  We need to imagine what an education future will look like.  Because we’ve never had to address something like distance learning at scale before, we need to let our imaginations help draw a picture of what that might be.”

We need to think of new approaches to on how our schools will operate in this new normal, from Imagination (What are the best ways to deliver distance learning?) to a theory of learning about distance learning. Plans can then be drawn up for delivery with scale done.  Once the school year has started, periodic and robust monitoring and evaluation will help us answer the most important question of all:  Are our children learning in this new normal?

Experimentation with distance learning will have to be led by schools and teachers who are closest to students at home. The degree of innovation at this level is a good indication of an education system that is slowly maturing. –

Juan Miguel Luz is former Head, Zuellig School of Development Management at the Asian Institute of Management.  Former Undersecretary, Department of Education. 

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Overview of Education in the Philippines

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  • First Online: 24 December 2021

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case study about education in the philippines

  • Lorraine Pe Symaco 3 &
  • Marie Therese A. P. Bustos 4  

Part of the book series: Springer International Handbooks of Education ((SIHE))

252 Accesses

The Philippines has embarked on significant education reforms for the past three decades to raise the quality of education at all levels and address inclusion and equity issues. The country’s AmBisyon Natin 2040 or the national vision for a prosperous and healthy society by 2040 is premised on education’s role in developing human capital through quality lifelong learning opportunities. Education governance is handled by three government agencies overseeing the broad education sector of the country. At the same time, regional initiatives relating to ASEAN commitments are also witnessed in the sector. However, despite the mentioned education reforms and initiatives, the education system remains beset by challenges. This chapter will give readers an overview of the education system of the Philippines through an account of its historical context and its main providers and programs. Key reforms and issues within the sector are also discussed.

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Useful Websites

Ambisyon Natin 2040 .

Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

Department of Education (DepED).

ECCD Council of the Philippines (ECCD Council).

National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA).

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

UNESCO Institute for Statistics Philippines profile.

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College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Lorraine Pe Symaco

College of Education, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines

Marie Therese A. P. Bustos

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School of education, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia

Martin Hayden

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About this chapter

Symaco, L.P., Bustos, M.T.A.P. (2022). Overview of Education in the Philippines. In: Symaco, L.P., Hayden, M. (eds) International Handbook on Education in South East Asia. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Singapore.

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Received : 02 November 2021

Accepted : 02 November 2021

Published : 24 December 2021

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-16-8135-6

Online ISBN : 978-981-16-8136-3

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The Philippines’ Basic Education Crisis

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Out of the country’s 327,000-odd school buildings, less than a third are in good condition, according to government figures.

The Philippines’ Basic Education Crisis

Three Filipino schoolgirls walking home from school on a muddy road in Port Barton, Palawan, the Philippines.

Several recent studies have pointed out the alarming deterioration of the quality of learning in the Philippines, but this was officially confirmed in the basic education report delivered by Vice President Sara Duterte on January 30. Duterte is concurrently serving as secretary to the Department of Education.

Addressing stakeholders with President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in attendance, Duterte highlighted the key issues that plague the country’s basic education system before announcing her department’s agenda for reform .

She echoed what previous surveys have indicated about the low academic proficiency of Filipino students. She also identified her department’s biggest concern. “The lack of school infrastructure and resources to support the ideal teaching process is the most pressing issue pounding the Philippine basic education,” she said.

She presented the latest government inventory which shows that out of 327,851 school buildings in the country, only 104,536 are in good condition. There are 100,072 school buildings that need minor repairs, 89,252 that require major repairs, and 21,727 that are set for condemnation.

She added that the procurement practices in the agency “had red flags that demanded immediate actions.” She shared initial findings in the ongoing review of the K-12 curriculum that underscored the failure of the 10-year-old program to deliver satisfactory results.

“The K-12 curriculum promised to produce graduates that are employable. That promise remains a promise,” she said.

Duterte criticized the heavy workload assigned to teachers as she pressed for an immediate review of the current setup in public schools. “This is a system that burdens them with backbreaking and time-consuming administrative tasks, a system that provides no adequate support and robs them of the opportunity to professionally grow and professionally teach, assist, and guide our learners,” she said.

She unveiled her education agenda themed “Matatag: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa,” (Nation for children, children for the nation) and focused on curriculum reform, accelerated delivery of services, promoting the well-being of learners, and providing greater support to teachers.

Responding to the report, Marcos joined Duterte in acknowledging the government’s accountability to the nation’s young learners. “We have failed them,” he said. “We have to admit that. We have failed our children and let us not keep failing them anymore.” He promised to build better infrastructure by investing heavily in education.

He can cite as reference his government’s development plan , which was also released in January, about how the education crisis is linked to “decades of incapacity and suboptimal investment in education.”

Duterte’s admission about the dismal state of basic education was welcomed by some educators. Senators vowed to work with Marcos and Duterte in passing education reform measures. Opposition legislators urged Duterte to hear the views of school unions and student organizations whose appeals for better learning conditions are often dismissed by authorities as part of anti-government propaganda.

Meanwhile, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) noted that the report “failed to present today’s real extent and gravity of the learning crisis due to the lack of an evidence-based learning assessment conducted after the pandemic-induced school lockdowns.” The group was referring to the prolonged closure of schools under the government of President Rodrigo Duterte.

“Her father was president for six years and had not done any significant move to improve the lot of our mentors and of the education system. It is the government who have failed the teachers and our learners,” the group insisted.

It was also under the Duterte government when around 54 Lumad schools for indigenous peoples in Mindanao Island were either suspended or forced to shut down by authorities based on accusations that they were teaching rebellion.

The report also didn’t mention that some of the major questionable procurement transactions in the education department took place under the previous government.

The ACT criticized Duterte’s reform agenda because it features “general promises that lack specific action plans and definite targets.”

“No specific targets and timelines were presented to convincingly show that the agency will cut down the classroom shortage significantly,” it added.

Duterte said the agency will build 6,000 classrooms this year, which is quite small compared to the backlog identified in the report. There’s also no deadline for the electrification of around 1,562 schools that still do not have access to power.

Despite her impassioned plea to uplift the working conditions of educators, Duterte was castigated for being silent about the pending proposals to raise the salary grades of public school teachers.

ACT reminded officials to prove their political will in reversing the decline of Philippine education. “The call to reforming education should not be a grandstanding cry but a sincere pledge to rectify the mistakes and shortcomings of the past and the present,” it said.

This can be measured in at least two ways this year. First, Duterte’s willingness to file appropriate charges against erring officials involved in anomalous transactions under the previous administration. And second, Marcos’ commitment to substantially increase the funding for education.

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Philippine public schools lag in internet, computer access compared to Asian Peers

Public schools in the Philippines are among the education facilities in Asia with low internet and computer access, according to a study from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS).

In a research paper titled “School Infrastructure in the Philippines: Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be Heading?” PIDS Senior Research Fellow Adoracio M. Navarro noted that the country continues to lag behind its Asian neighbours went it came to information and communication technology infrastructures.

Using the Philippine Development Plan 2017 to 2022 edition, Navarro stated that annual targets were not met for the primary and junior high school levels on the proportion of public schools with compute packages. There was no report on the senior high school level.

“For primary schools, the accomplishment in 2017 was 78 percent of public primary schools with computer packages against a 95 percent target, 78 percent accomplishment against a 99 percent target in 2018, and 79 percent accomplishment against a 100 percent target in 2019,” the PIDS study noted.

“For junior high schools, the achievement in 2017 was 82 percent of public junior high schools with computer packages against a 95 percent target, 81 percent accomplishment against a 99 percent target in 2018, and 80 percent accomplishment against 100 percent target in 2019,” it added.

Several countries and territories across Eastern and South-Eastern Asia such as Vietnam, Singapore, the Republic of Korea, and Macao already providing computers to 100 percent of their primary and secondary schools, the PIDS said.

The PIDS study said that the non-achievement of computer package delivery in public schools may be attributed to public investment problems, which could be traced to the implementation of the Department of Education’s computerization program.

For internet access, the country had a 68.43 percent rate in lower secondary schools and 81.75 percent in upper secondary, in contrast with countries such as Vietnam and Singapore attaining universal access for all schools.

“Many contracts for the activation of Wi-Fi hotspots were partially terminated, suspended, or not yet implemented,” the PIDS said, citing procurement delays and bidding failures in the government’s internet project as few reasons.

The study cited that the country may invest in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects to ramp up school infrastructure investments while also contextualizing the financing mode based on needs and options.

It also suggested a geographic information system that will monitor the needs of local government units of the schools’ basic facilities.  


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  6. Facing the Philippines' education crisis


  1. Technology in education: a case study on the Philippines


  2. PDF Advancing the K-12 Reform from the Ground: A Case Study in the Philippines

    16 ABSTRACT. In response to the long-standing crisis faced by its education system, the Philippines has embarked on a major and comprehensive education reform known as K to 12 (K-12). School leaders closest to the ground are in a very good position to lead "bottom-up" initiatives which can make the K-12 Reform work.

  3. Impact of Policy Implementation on Education Quality: A Case Study on

    Despite the educational reforms established to improve the Philippine Education System, the Philippines remains low and significantly below its neighboring countries regarding quality education. Therefore, this study (1) describes how the Department of Education has undertaken the objectives of R.A. 10533, (2) determines the effect of policy ...

  4. Transforming Education in Rural Philippines A Case Study Analysis

    Transforming Education in Rural Philippines A Case Study Analysis Presented to Erlinda Castellano West Visayas State University Calinog Campus School of Graduate Studies Calinog, Iloilo In fulfillment of the Requirements In Values in Education By Queennie Mae C. Carado April 2018 West Visayas State University Calinog Campus School of Graduate ...

  5. Advancing the K-12 Reform from the Ground: A Case Study in the Philippines

    Advancing the K-12 Reform from the Ground: A Case Study in the Philippines. This paper describes the implementation of the Certificate in Educational Studies in Leadership (CESL) in the Philippines as a professional development initiative delivered in a customized blended learning mode. Download (Free: 701.92 KB )

  6. Behind the Science literacy of Filipino students at PISA 2018: A Case

    Purpose of the study: To find out the struggle to build students' Science literacy experienced by the Philippines in the PISA 2018 results. Methodology: the methodology used uses Case Study design.

  7. PDF Investigations into Using Data to Improve Learning

    the Philippine education system and details past and current data collection and management processes. Parts 2 and 3 review the Enhanced School Improve- ... PHILIPPINES CASE STUDY ...

  8. The Situation of Multigrade Teaching in the Philippines

    The efforts to improve the quality of education in the Philippines calls for an evaluation of the state of multigrade education. This volume of eleven (11) case studies is part of a suite of knowledge products emerging from the Technical Support to Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (TS-MPPE), a tripartite project between the Philippine ...

  9. Philippines: country case study

    The Philippines country case study Rhona B. Caoli-Rodriguez 2007 This profile was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2008 report. It has not been edited by the team. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author (s) and should not be ...

  10. Bringing Governance Back into Education Reforms: The Case of the

    Saguin and Ramesh's (2020) case study attributed the lackluster results of reforming the education system in the Philippines to the neglect by reform initiators of critical governance functions ...

  11. (PDF) Exploring Perspectives of Parents, Teachers, and ...

    Modular Instruction Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in the Philippine Basic Education. Magister - Journal of Educational Research , 3 (1), 55 -82.

  12. PDF Case Study on Youth Issues: Philippines

    Introduction. The Philippines has one of the largest populations of the ASEAN member states, with 105 million inhabitants, surpassed only by Indonesia. It also has a relatively a high population growth rate of 1.5 per cent. A total of 19.2 per cent of the population is classified as youth aged 15-24, a figure 25 per cent higher than that of the ...

  13. Technology in education: a case study on the Philippines

    Technology in education: a case study on the Philippines 2023 View Cite Add to list Share. philippines educational technology case studies computer literacy digital divide electronic learning educational policy access to education Authors. Global Education ...

  14. PDF Challenges and Indulgences behind Multigrade Teaching: A Case Study

    The use of a single case study is an appropriate design for certain circumstances, including when the case represents (a) a critical situation to test the theory, (b) an authentic case, (c) a regular case that can ... Key Word: Philippine Education, Multigrade Teaching, Challenges, Indulgences, Case Study,

  15. PDF Case Studies Catch On in the Philippines

    Case Studies Catch On in the Philippines The Philippines is home to more than 2,000 higher education institutions. However, educators at universities in the Philippines often have few tools to promote experiential learning — or "real-world" application of what is being taught. As a result, students are often unprepared for their

  16. Indigenous Peoples and the Right to Education: The Dumagat Experience

    By using the simple binary quantitative tool, the qualitative method of research, the application of Indigenous research methods, and critical pedagogy as analytical lens, the study found that (a) the implementation of the Philippine policies on the rights to Education as reflected on the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997 is more ...

  17. The financing of education in the Philippines

    Each case study intends to capture the allocation of education finances for each education sector - in relation to national spending, by households, as well as on a per- pupil and teacher salary basis where available - in order to support policy decisions relevant for national agendas, as well as the Education 2030 Agenda.

  18. 3 case studies: How ready are Philippine schools for distance ...

    The new normal in Philippines basic education Walkthrough of the Minimum Education Learning Competencies (MELC) prescribed by DepED Basic and advanced computer software programs (depending on the ...

  19. PDF Case Study of Inclusive Education Programme: Basis for Proactive and

    and services of the inclusive education programme of New Era University, a higher education institution in the Philippines. This descriptive-evaluative study utilised data-gathering methodologies, which include observation, interview, survey, and documentary analysis. This case study can serve as a prototype of inclusive education as it is

  20. Overview of Education in the Philippines

    The Philippines, an archipelago of 7641 islands located in Southeast Asia, had an estimated population of 106,651 million in 2018 (GovPH n.d.; UNESCO UIS 2021).It ranks 13th among the most populous nations globally and has a young population (Worldometer n.d.), 31% of whom are under 15 years old.Considered a lower-middle-income country, almost one of five families live below the poverty line.

  21. (PDF) Challenges in STEM Learning: A Case of Filipino ...

    This qualitative study employed a case research design which sought to investigate nature of the challenges in STEM learning among senior high school students in the Philippines. Semi-structured ...

  22. The Philippines' Basic Education Crisis

    Several recent studies have pointed out the alarming deterioration of the quality of learning in the Philippines, but this was officially confirmed in the basic education report delivered by Vice ...

  23. Philippine public schools lag in internet, computer access compared to

    Public schools in the Philippines are among the education facilities in Asia with low internet and computer access, according to a study from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). In a research paper titled "School Infrastructure in the Philippines: Where Are We Now and Where ...